Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 19, 1880, Morning Edition, Image 4

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'Cheap < r
ning the Omaha Ferry.
k perfume at Kuhn'B only ,
weather moderated considerably
' aud don't yonior-
iS&lley s'Jll valkB ,
iLiise variety of clest protectors at
> Cff . c
Pinsb in all the new shades st
lATKISSONS discount any adver-
liadprice list in the millinery buske.s.
.Vhlppltf . , McMillan & Co. , the jewel-
wai-i JJonglas btrect. o2Gt
-j -Swiss Che. 85 , wholesal ard retail , at
JOnmiaBnand&MtytrX 207 east 13th St.
Bath & "While's
7 Bath & White , opposite the .
- - . < * < > See , receive fresh fish every TtnrScUy ,
i fc.
_ j f T _ yor lands , Lots llouses and Farms ,
" Jjook over Bcmis' new column on first page.
" . The farmers of Dowlas county are
V ttiffiiliing garden and vegetable teed * to
> -Kew ? York seedsmen.
Tbc corner stone of the new M. E.
church , Tenth and Tierce streets , wai laid
- with appropriate ceremonies yesterday.jgj
Lot4 Farms , House ? and Lands. Look
over Semis' niw column of bargains on l t
Tin contents of the pockoi book re
cently found acd left at the county clerk's
foUico will Ixj invested in court house bonds
uf not claimed shortly.
i . AVc learn that one caubeof the coal
'ffamicc noW.existicg , is the faci that men
* caunol L-e Cttained to wcrk the Wyoming
so Uwt little more than enough fo
llic rai'road is taken out.
7he hook and ladder truck -with i
.gniftcent . team of grayswas brought ou
Jim O'Brien yesterday and drive
tlie Bee Hive photograph gallery
? bore a picture of the turnout wai taken
, ' In Judge Haweb' court yesterdaj
George AViteon was sent np for 15 days fo
stealing an overcoat from the Tremon
house on Tuesday. A score of simila
thefts are reported as a result of the col
map. Two drunks were sent up in defau
' -of S3 and costs each.
Companies G and 11 have joined fcanc
aud will work together hereafter for the !
mutual interest. Company G has aband
oned the armory in Brash's block , and vtl
occupy that of company H hereafter i
coaimon with that organization. This i
'a goo J jitep for all concerned.
AtaWeting of the ConcordiaWcdnet
day was decided' to hold a gram
subscription coccrt and ball Deccmbc
. 25th , Christmas night. The following
committee of arrangements was appointed
It. ttaapke , W. Bot-hl , George E. Strat
maun , George Hcitnrod , II. Meyer , H
llaannan and W. Sievcre. Prof. Augut
Walther waS't-lecleGrieader and other im
portant business transacted.
F. P. F.
' Citron , Lemon and Orange Pee
'ttbeiti'Almonds and PccCaiii
iv Jiraxfs , Hickory and JFaZnub
w Curranls , raiscns and figs.
ICK\v FrcncJt and TnrHs'i prunes.
NKW jirutidlcs , jycachcs and cJicrrics
Erorything firet-claes in our line o
t Roods. FLEMING & Co. , Grocer * .
_ 1Gt"w
SouEiiuravliiss at IIosj'c's ,
.ATKINSON'S , the acknowledged
leading Millinery establishment , corner
nor of Donglas and Thlrtoantn. sts. ,
took the first premium at the State
Fair , and don't you forget t.
MEN'S ULSTERS , ? 5.00
BOY'S ULSTERS , 52.50.
Do your shopping
The Still , Small Voico.
Following ia the snhjoct for the
mooting at the Y. M. C. A.'rooma this
evening : "A youag man who oLojed
the voice of Christ. " Luke 7:11 1C ;
J3ph. 5:14. : The funeral accretary % rili
conduct the service. Mr. Doah , of
Iowa , is cspocted thla evening to as
sist through the remaining part of the
weak. All arc invited.
Crop of 1880. Very fine and largo ot
Evans' , 14th and Dodge Sts. t > 17-2t
'and shoes and
Bcaucr Boots.
New ttock- just
received. Largest ,
boat and cheapest
etock in the city ,
every pair war
ranted , at H.
- ' .
ing Shoo Store ,
Central Block.
'Imriis 'Supcrl-atite awarded the pro
inium at State FairlSSO.
-For uala by VM. FLEMING &
CO. , Grocers. It
A. P. & M.
There will bo a special communica
tion of St. John's Lsd-o , No. 25 ,
this ( Thursday ) ovoiing for work in
< ho-M. M , degree. Vi ; tttg brethren
.are cordially inv'iod.
jA.tcK t. RIWKCU , Master.
Our llsiple Sugar direct from the
inakcre , epring of 1880 make , at
Just received a handsome line of
ladies' DIster H&velocksand Jackets
Hickok Takes His Horse St ,
Julian Through to the -
From Which He Will Take [ a
Fresh Start Next
Season ,
And Offers to Beat Any Horse
that Wears Hair , lor
Attached to the noon train going
wast yesterday wcBaNorthwesterrbag |
gigo car containing the celebrated
trotter , St Julien , in charge of her
owner and driver , Mr. 0. A. Hickok.
There were two other horses in the
c ir , one a saddle horsa and the other
an old trotting mare , "Jennie , " all ot
them going through to California to
spend the winter season.
Mr. Hickok kindly giving our re
porter a few minutes talk , the first
inquiry naturally wjs after the
hoilth of the "King of the Turf , " and
it was learned that he had not escaped
tha epidemic prevailing among the
equine race but had had an attack
of the epizootic , from which
he recovered s'nce leaving
Now York , which was on the 1st.
Mr. Hickok in answer to interroga
tions put by the reporter , eald that he
was fullyEatisfied tilth the result of the
ist season , which had netted him
? 28,090 , much more than ho had an
ticipated or hoped for.
The loweat time made was 2:11 | , at
Hartford , Conn. Maud S.'s lowest
titno was made at Chicago , 2:10 : | .
The latter is now in Cincinnati where
she will pa s the winter.
St Julian ia owned jointly by Mr.
Hickok ani R. F. Morrow , csq. , of
San Francisco , and is valued at § 60- ,
000. An offer of $45,000 was made
for him in Springfield and 850,000 at
New York , the latter it is thought by
an agent of Bonner.
St Julien was foaled in 18G9 , and
was bred by Mr. Benj. T. Dunning ,
of Orange county , New York. Ho is
by Volunteer dam , by Savre'a Henry
Clay. He is n rich bay , with a long ,
slim maue and a long , flowing tail
touching the ground. His head is
largo and long ; nose of the Roman
type ; nostrils large ; neck long , and
throat and windpipe largo. He is
deep through the chest and lungs , and
of unusual girth ; loins broad end
strong ; his quarters are large and
wcll-muEclcd , and legs and feet are all
good ; he has great length from point
of hip to point of hock ; ho baa a star
on his forehead , and his ankles behind
are white. He wear * a twelve-ounce
shoo forward ard a five-ounce shoe
behind ; quarter , hind , shin ,
pis tern boots and high scalpers. He
stands 15-3 hand , and weighs at pres
ent OG5 pounds. Ho bagau his turf
career in 1875 , and ot once gave
promise of the wonderful horse he is.
St. Julion in his first year on the
turf won six races , aud these with only
a few weeks * lilting. Hin remarkable
promise attracted the attention of Mr.
Hickok , among other ? , who purchased
him in January , 1876 , when ho waa
juat turned seven years of a o ind had
a record of 2t22 | , from Mr. James
Galway , cf New York. The price
paid rns $20,000 , end the new owners
wera Mr. Hickok , Mr. Morrow and
Mr. Robert Graves , tha latter owned a
half interest , the other two a quarter
each. Ho nas taken to California j&
once but dd ; not do well for three of
four months on account of being at
tacked with the influenza. After con-
aiderablo trouble with him he
waa , in - 1879 entered in
the ( free fur all races
at Sacramento , Stockton and San
Jose , and from tha day of the Stock
ton race his owner felt that ho could .
beat RaruB with him. His Bubso-
quent record is well known.
"I don't think St. Julien will over 8
boat Maud S. , " said Mr. H. , "for I
don't believe they will ever lot her [
run against him , but I think ho can
beat any horse that wears hair. )
I am willing to back , him next
season against any horse in the world ,
for money. My challango last spring .
shows whether I have confidence in
.iim or not. Ho has made a record
that no other horse ever has or can
make , and has never broke with me
since the race at Stockton in 1870.
Ho is the fastest trotter in the o :
world and ono Chicago man wants to
bat § 50,000 that ho can beat Maud S. "
Mr. Hickok left Now York on the e ;
first , and Chicago , where ho rested for h.
several days , on the 17th , yesterday.
Another stop over will be made at vibl
Cheyonno. Ho said ho had expected blBt
to stop over in Omaha , but found the Btai .
arrangements could.not bo made un 01
til it was too late in the season. He 01bl
will go through the season next year blSi
with the famous trotter , and will Si
probably take in Omaha on his way to
the cat t.
Special Bargains at Kurtz * . w
Ono lot Child's Wocl Hoods 25cta a ,
Ono " " " "
DO in
Qao " Ladies' " 75 inPi
Ono " " § 100 B
Call and examine these goods as la
they are very cheap. tl
Ladies' Underwear.
Ladies' vesta at 40c , worth 75c ,
Ladies' vests at 75c , worti § 100. >
if f
Jab Lois : iflii
Three pair for 50c , worth 25 : a pair. liiof f
One lot at 25c , worth 40c. ofSi
Immense Bargains 01
In Cloaks and Dohlman'e ,
Call and eee tbcm ,
Call and ace them , E
Call and ECO them. Bt
Leggius , Mits and Nubias ,
at Kurtz's , Creighton Block.
Fre h roll butter
25 c.nts per
pound at FLEMING & CO. , Gro
cers. -4 gi
_ _
FURS 1 FURS l.'FimS 11 ! '
The Omaha - Far Pi
A Young Man With Bright
Prospects Fails to Im
prove His Chances ,
And Ultimately Deserts His
Wife and Home.
About three years ago & young man
cimo west from Harrisburg , Pa. , to
aottlo in the thrifty ycung state of Ne
braska , and shortly after his arrival
hero won the affections.and the hand
of the daughter of a well-to-do Ger
man widow , who owned and managed
a good farm , left her by her husband ,
in Donglas county. As the fortunate
young fellow was entirely without
means of his ownhis mother-in-law let
him have a good team and put him on
the farm , allowing him and her own
son tha privilege ot working the
place , and in consideration of tneir
paying off a Email mortgage on the
same promised to turn the placa over
to them , which , considering the value
of the property , was a most generous
The young man , however , while in-
dualrioua and wi'licg , proved to bean
Incompetent -iisger , and failing to
do his pirt i the bargain lest the
share of the ' " -son that had baen of
fered him. lia worked along , never
theless , from that time un
til last summer forvarious farm-
era in the viciuity , using the
team in the meanwhile. At the
time of getting possession of the team
ho gave his mother-in-law a mortgage
for § 200 to secure the payment , but
never made any payment , either on the
principal or interest Last summer
ho moved with his wife to thii city
and since then has been teaming
about town.
Last Saturday ho bade his wife good
bye , saying faat he was going to drive
out to the houee cf a former neighbor
a few miles from the city , and that ho
would return the next day. This is
the last that has been seen of him by
his wife or relatives , for instead of
driving to the countty bo took the
team , Saturday afternoon , to an auc
tion sale in this city , where he dis
posed of the whole outfit , pocketed
the proceeds and on Monday night
took the train for the cast.
On hearing.of hla disappearance
and investigating the matter with the
result stated above , a warrant waa is
sued by Judge Hawss for his arrest , on
the charge of Belling mortgaged
property *
It ia but justice to'say that his wife
refuses to believe that he has voluntary
deserted her or done anything but
what he can explain satisfactorily.
She fays they bave always lived most
happily ] together and that thrro was
no , cause whatever for any such action
ou his pir1At the earnest request
of the friends of the young man , who
feel extremely humilatid by the aff ir ,
all names are fcf the present sup
It pays to trade at Kurtz' .
Pattl Bosil at ine Academy.
Criticism Blanc's ' aghast at the an
tics of tbo roguish PattiRosa ! This
clover little lady ! usde her second ap
pearance to an Oouha audieuca Wednes
day et the Ac-ck-rny , under quite
unfavorable auspices. Like Roahollo ,
she came unhcra'.Jc' ' ! , without the
prestige of a na-cjp , aud deserving
of mojt liberal patronage , she like
Rohecl'o , played to empty seats.
So unique , merry and pictnresqe. is
MIES R > sa that it is impossible to con
sider her from a serious standpoint
As to her talent there can ba no ques
tion. She is eo thoroughly clover , so
graceful and chatmiug , and at the
same time endowed with such an in
exhaustible spirit oi true humor that
one is almost surprised to eee her con
tented in a burlesque drama of eo
little merit Her Voitia ia a sweet
mezo-soprano , aud her natural stop a
waltzjpo : . Sentiment or pathos are
strangers to her , and her voice and
lotions are only harmonious when the
3 "cutting up. " Every turn teems
amo unless rounded off vrith a kick
r a wink. Rosa's capers and caprices
were apparently endless , and her ver-
iatility presented a new turn or a new
.wist at the most unexpected moment.
3cr banjo solos , songs and dancoa
rero among the chief features of the
ivening. Such is Patti Rosathe imp *
ah mischief-maker a veritable Lotta.
The play presented both evenings ,
intitled "Chance , " was written ex- ,
iresslyfor the leading actors. The
Iramatiat has done his work poorly ,
ianuh ; ; , although he was probably
tampered by the necessity of "pro-
iding" tbe parts , always a disagreea-
t'o task to a playwright As the play -
tarts out one is dazed at the varied
.nd incongruous features , but when
nee the combinations are percepli-
ile , it is lively and amusing. At any
ate , it servos the purposes of the
Miss Rosa is very fortunate In her
npport , which ia of unusual excel-
encu. fFor the past seven months
losa has been on the Pacific coast ,
rhero she ia a great favorite. She is
native of England , and is now mak-
ag the circuit of the globe , having
ilajcd in all the principal cities in
iritish India , Australia and New Zsa-
md , and is now touring America for
tie first time.
f any dc criptionheatlng or cooking ,
you need anything in the hardware
ino , if you need anything in the way
tinware , go and see Sullivan &
ions , opposite the old Grand Central ,
n Famham street n7 2t.
Ivans' , Fourteenth and Dodge
treeta. n7-3t
Jfcw Engravings at Hospe's.
A gold and silver goblet will be
iven next Saturday night to the best
mateur pool player * at D. L.
IcGuckm'H,315Bouth JOuH StAlt
layers known to pocket all tf * * a
.out p | C5 ° _ _
i to thU country" byforI I Abe
'i ia not a wholesome j ployed
- B
warms is MEMOBT OF oim DABLIKG.
Alas that one so fair should die ,
And yet why do we monrn ?
Her spirit now from Borrow frea ,
To sunless climes is borne.
Shs came and saw , and quickly Bid ,
Earth has redeemed ita dust
God in hia savins m.rcy has
Reclaimed a lawful t.ust.
With angels now she live * and sings
Sacrifice songa of praise ,
While cherubs mingle their sweet notes
With all her heavenly lay * .
Wo will rot then bemoto her loss.
But say heaven's will be done.
God Rrant we yet may meet her
When our race below i * nw/
Improvements at the Shops.
Tha Union Pacific has just put up
an additional foundry building 24x173
feet which ia partially occupied by tte
moulders. Ic stands west of the main
foundry and is built an that it can be
taken down and replaced with brisk
The new brass founday of brick , 14x40
feet , has been provided with lour nev
furnaces and ia in full blast Theri
ia talk of erecting a paint shop for the
car department.
New stock ot hand-
sowed Boots and
Shoes just received.
Best assortment in
the city. Pricea
way down. Ev
ery pair warrant
ed , at HENRY
DOHLE & ' Co.'s ,
.Leading Shoo Store ,
in Central Block.
In a quiet way we are selling lots o
'Hosiery , Underwear , Handkerchiefs
Collars and Cuffa. Call and examine
t-th KURTZ'S , Croighton Block.
Wo call especial attention in this
issue of TUB BEG to the card of Dr
L. B. Graddy , oculist , aurist am
laryngist The Doctor baa just re
turned from Europe , where a long
and thorough course of training has
been added to experience , and perma
nently located m Omaha.
I have for sale a lot of heating stoves
suitable for stores , offices or churches ,
which will be sold low.
Enquire of E. F. Cook , Odd Fel
lows' block. n8t2
HC. II. Deweyjleft yesterday for a trip
to Hastings.
Mrs. D. G. Hu'l arrived last evening
from Lincoln.
Dr. A. S. Fendery is the latest report
ed on the sick list
Mrs. C. C. Crowcll and daughter , of
Blair , are in the city.
Chas. Atkins , formerly of the North
western , went west yesterday. B
Prof ess : r August Waltherhaabeen elect
ed leader of t eConcordia Society.
Hun. J. H. Mickey , the Osceola banker
and membor-elecfc of the legislature , is in
the city.
Hussell C. VanKnran , city treasurer ol
Clinton , Iowa , cams in from the east yifc-
Mr. and Mrs. Theron Nye , of Fremont ,
passed through the city yestcrdiy return
ing home from a trip cast
J. J. Burns , assistant superintendent of
the Union Pacific telegraph terviCe , with
headquarters at Kansas City , is in town.
President Pect , of the Oinaha YM. . C.
A. , left yesterday for Kansas City to at
tend ihe Missouri etate convention. Rob
ert Swayne and E. L. Ware , delegates , fol
lowed to-day.
Eev. J. W. Ingram has been very ill
sinca Wednesday of last week , and Tues
day nbcrnt } ' . ' > " ' ' 'c * ii < ! .x hard congestive
chill. SiV illjti . -.3 imillion has been
somewhat critical.
Hon. B. K. Smith , state senator elect
from the eleventh diitrictaoo 'apanied by
M. J. Thompson , Esq. , of St Edwards , is
hi attendance upon the United States
coart m this city.
Assistant Adjutant General Benjamin
and family were among the west bound
passengers to-day , en ronto to Arizona ,
Ool. Benjamin having been assigned for
duty to the department of New Mexico.
If you .want a self-feeding stove ,
ono that keeps fire day and night , for
from § 7.00 upwards , call soon and
examine my stock. It. Trosin , 1111
Douglas street. 183t
Fresh Buck Wheat Flour and a fine
Maple Syrnpa special article at
FLEMING & Co.'s.
I will sell , for the next fifteen
lays , 16 Invincibles and 9 Argands ,
it cash. These are loft from 110
sought at the commencement of the
leaaon. Now is your opportunity to
ret one of tbe best base-burning heat-
ng stoves in the market , at a very low
igure. Call in time and secure a bar-
jaln. * R. Tnossxtr ,
u8-3t 1111 Douglas Street.
Dohlmans at Kurtz's ,
Cloaks at Kurtz's ,
-Dohlmans at Kurtz's ,
Cloaks at Kurtz's ,
Kurtz's Store , Creighlon Block , t-th
jraat variety at Evans' , Fourteenth
md Dodge streets. n7-3t
Haag Boldt , Tuesday , November
the 1C at the parsonage by the Rev
Christ Bruegget , Mr. Thomas Haag to
Miss Clara W. Boldt.
The Danish society's first ball of this
season will take place Saturday night
November 27th at Turner Hall ,
ricktta 75 cents , secured from the
mcm'ccrs. t-a t-t-s
Finest over brought to Omaha , and
at New York pricea. Don't fail to see
them atfEaton'a n6tf
California Pears , Plums , Grapes ,
Btc , at lizard's Palace. o21-tf
For Sale Six-horse power Baxter
engine and boiler , in good repair.
Apply at BEE office. no4tf
Bonnet's Stoves much the finest
in the " tet. gall an.d see. 1416
- * mthexi , . _ "
, 022-tl
ut two hundred
are em-1
1-in the vicinity of Penningtcn
Aorthireatera aad Homestake I
Our Forthcoming Annual
Illustrated Review.
Splendid Engravings , Excel
lent Typography and-Ke-
liable Statistics.
Arrangomenta have been completed
for bringing out the forthcoming An
nual Illustrated Review of THE
OMAHA BEE , which will ba distri
buted to our subscribers on New
Year's Day. All the illustrations in
tiiiu annual review are to ba litho
graphed by a first class artist.
Oder o ( the most important
features wltfBe the sketches of the
prominent private residences in
the c.which fatfc year wore crowded
ontbyttherbaildteK3' T&e 3tati8ii'
cal work 7hich " th ( * ESOBt laboriou8
11 be more
mJteWa *
part of this
complete ID dotai. ' and moro
if anything , than > " *
Review. . . .
" " ° ' *
In order that fid ttnbsW" f
cur in this brano'h , tfe * onH v *
on car citizens whd haftf oioo-
building inapfoveinenfjJ during w ng
year to f arnfohU the di Sired informa
tion , either at this olBeo or through
the postoffice as early as possible. Wo
want the name of the owner of the ,
improvement or structure , description
of the improvement or building ;
location and costof same.
In view ot at the fact that the out
lay for such an undertaking is very
large , amounting to nearly 81,500 ,
we have to tocuro a reasonable
amount of advertising patronage from
our merchants and manufacturers. .
Mr. J. H. Pierce has been employed
as solicitor for advertienx.ents m the
illustrated annual review. He will
call upon business men and
furnish them further particulars.
concerning the style of the work ,
rates of advertising , eto. The edition
will contain 16,000 copies , and will
therefore bo a most valuable medium
for advertising.
Parties who desire to have their
residences or any buildings H'ualrated
had btttor apply at this office at an
early day.
Ifyouhavo tried everything else ,
without receiving any benefit , call at
230 Dodge street , north side , between
13th and 14th , and see the agent for
Isaac Nichols * American .Remedy.
Do your tradincrat Kurtz's. t-th
A Bret-class hotel in every respect , is
situated on the northwest cor no * of
Thirteenth and Capitol avenue. This
new house is newly and elegantly fur
nished throughout , and the table and
bill of faro will compare favorably
with the * best in the land. Give it
trial. No runner at the Depot.
W. N. WHITNEY is sole agent for
the celebrated "BURT SHOE. "
Buy your SHOES at WHITNEY'S.
Buy your BOOTS at WHITNEY'S.
NEY'S. no6-4t
SEA SHELLS A beautiful line at
Evans' , 14ih and Dodge Sts. n7-2t
The Tireless Tramp.
Sculley is still tramping at the
Grand Centra' . Bill Hall. An noon to
day he had 733 quarter miles to his
credit and ho took ? .strong and deter
mined enough to finish the great task.
His diet consists of plain substantial
food , very" little potatoes , plenty of
boiled mutton chops , dry bread cr
toaat , tea without milk or sugar , no
butter or fat of any kind or swee's or
meats. He is in perfect health and
looks as fresh as a rose.
The reason why the people .buy
Rush's Golden Eagh Mills Flour is
beciuso it ia tha cheapest and best
winter wheat flour in the market.
Only § 3.35 per 100 pounds. Fresh
butter 25 cents per pound.
Do your shopping at Kurtz's , t-th
Prizes donated by the citizens of
Omaha to the Sportsmen's club , will
be shot for on Thanksgiving Day ,
Programme and names of donors will
will be published in Tuesday's papers.
By order of committee.
TJ. S. Court.
In the casa cf O'Donnell v > . tha
Jnion Pacific , ( o recover damages for
) orsonal injuries , the jury , who re
tired Tuesday afternoon , were dis-
yesterday having failed to
ind a verdict.
The jury in the cans. of the United
States vs. Emil Hoya , indicted for
> ersonating a revenue officer , returned
a verdict of' guilty in just five min
utes Wednerday evening.
The rase of Abraham Kightliuger
s on trial by jury this afternoon.
County Coart Decision , November.
Valentine Lipp vs. Lewis Shields ;
udgraent for dependent.
Eleonora Koenig vs. John Black ;
uagment for plaintiff for § 163.75.
W. H. Whitney VB. Bernard Lang ;
udgment for plaintiff for § 45.
John 0. Morrow vs. E. R. Overall
et & 1 ; judgment against defendants and
uretiea , § 120.10.
W. B. H. Llewellyn vs. city of
Omahajudgmdnt ; for plaintiff203.05.
Wm. M. Foster vs Lawis K.
Hoyer ; judgment for plaintiff ,
§ J 84.67.
Scammon et al. vs. Nebraska .Mo- and Commercial company , et
aL ; judgment for plaintiff. § 293.94.
Mary Toner vs. Johnlffoner ; judg
ment for plaintiff , § 499. .
P. E Her et al. vs. M. J. McKelli-
goa ; judgment for plaintiff , § 213.40.
Geo. R. Cofroth vs. SphrockJ judgment -
ment fur plaintiff , § 218 69.
Fair at Standard Hill next Friday
and Saturday , November 19th isnd
20th , promises to be a very enjoyable ;
affiair. The celebrated Syran singing
ociety and the Hetzal and Irvine mu
sical caterers will be present at the
occauion. Tickets good for both
[ ays including free refreshments Fri.
day. Only 50c , children 25c. AIT
are cordially invited.
§ 10,000 , SlooOO , § 10,000.
Ten Thousand Dollars worth of
ine Bractleti will be opened at Max
Meyer & Bros , to-day. Call early and
avoid the rush.MAX (
Tiffany's of the West ,
Ask Your DeaFef ! For inrrn /
- '
NOTICE Advertisements To 'Let For Silo'
Lost , Found , Wants , Bo inline Ac. , will ba in-
Bortod In these columns once for TEH CENTS
per lint ; each 8nbfeqtwntku > ertionFIVE CENTS
per line. The first insertion never less than
TO LOAN At8 per cent Inter
cst , n BUBS of 82000 and u p-
wards for 1 to G years' time on first class Improv
ed city and farm property. Apply at BEM1S
Heal Estate and Loan Agency , 15th and Douglas
"te. 278-eodU
OH5T ( 20 JXAH-O U at 17 Office
M JJ. L. VHOHAS. Room 8. Crelzhton Block
' ONKY TO IX3A1I 1109 F mhim Btreat.
M' Dr. R'.v.-ardo Loan Agency. nov-22-tl
llRLSforlurscwin ? , at Htmry 0. Blchttr ,
\JT opposite p at rBea. 830-10
WANTED A largo room and table board
wanted with a it Catholic family. Family
wnero there are no other boarde's prefercd.
AOdrcss C. M. , Bea offict. SS213
WANTED A peed eeeond-hand da.k with
drawers and compartments. A cylinder
lid dcsc preferred Address stating price , X. ,
Dee office. 685-79
A COMPETES ! Younar nan desires a placa
_ Ci _ as assistant book-keeper cr to help In of <
licj. Addr'83 P. S. , Bee oQSco. S79-19
TT7"ANTED A number 1 cirl wok , washer
YV nndlroner , to Buch coed wages will be
paid. coruer ISlb and Faniham
Bta. 875-20
W 'ANTED A good house-keep ar , byawid
ower. Inquire at 1613 Dodge street. .
WANrKD A sif. for general house walk.
Mrs. TVm. K. liwcn , 2S08 , Capital Ave
nue. ' 871-18
TANTED A Rood mea.tan(1 vegetable cook ,
at the St. Charles Un. ' - 877-tf
Eu All Omaha tht tno
Jonn to
* ° n 1'th St'
RENT 2 rooms famished .or n f-ir. .
FOB . Jll ICth tt. , n.rHoward. _ ! > . . .
TT OB REST Thas excellent dweJUnv hi-t' a K.
[ ? E. corner of 22d and CJilbw'A street ? .
Well , cistern nd barn. AJOO for falc 11 o c.r-
pets. sloven , furniture , etc , for caa.ron M.TIC.
Apply to John Guild , 1005 fnrchaci St. b39t
RENT Dwelling house 3. R. corji r ot
FOB 1 and Curt SU. ExcelleKt ham. . incris
indwell : rentcbeap. Also for sa.-J ' chssp , mr-
pets. fmritura.etc , forcashoroii tuner --.pplv
to ( j. A. jlorrill. IfiOS FarnhMn St. M'- : >
Rooms for rent , nt n.wan
Ilouse , opposite BcocC5.e. Stf
RENT Cottage , on 6th and Pk' * * > ts. ,
POw iouse eight rooms.on ? 2dari ! f'av * < 't ?
Enquire J. . * " Eoe , g. E. Cor. 12ti imel Fa."i-
ham. . _ > '
OK KENT 2 fumij'ed rooms ovc * ifcr-
cbants Exchange , B" . ECor. . 16th ; ajid
Dodeo streets. - .SB.M
-poll SALE AND RENT-F r rent , a v ry de-
Jj sirable comer store , at No. 804 lOih St.
Also for sale a lot 33x132 feet artjnlpnff } thcU.
P. track , on Jones strtct , between Etfrand Wtft
Inquire ot OOP. H. Pouuaon. _ ° ? .Vtt'
Barjrains In Houses , Lots , Fanna nJ
Lati'lg , In hja new column oulst page
hotel and reslanr.
SALK-A firtt-class
FOR business , located la I ho be part of the
city , and doing a good business. The proprieto-
Is called west to attend tonilalnjj interest , and
must sell. Irqu'.ro at Bgaofflcj _ 6ttf
OR SALE OR RENT R llroad Biting
House , at Elm Creek , Bnflhto County , J.c-
btaska , sixteen miles west of Kearney Junction ,
on the line of the U. P. R. R. Possession given
immediate ! ) . Good reasons for acUine. Full
particulaiB given on applioitlcn to Mrs. Ytrtj ,
on the Dremlscs , In person of by mil' . 803-18
. choice hrick for salo. Apply to Thomas
T60.000 & Sons , Council Elafla , 'a. ' 795-lt
n HOUSES And coiner halt ol lot , southeast
& corner 14th and Casa Sts. , 7 rooraa ia each ;
rent for $20 and 925 per monthtons' I.'KAI
ESTATE Aasscr , 15th and Dooatw Sts. 678-tf
TTlOlt SALri Jlixcd paints , at A BolmC9.16th
JJ and California St3. 615-U
JLj over CEMIS' new column of bargains on la
' '
age' _
EK J5ALE Cottonwood lamoer ot all Blics.av
RKDMONDS. Sbrteanth-st 16-t
over llrllHS' new column of bargains on 1st
Paie.Wf \ TirATHEWS' L'ancing Academy
. \ J.XJL \ wl'l ' bo opsn ettry Monday
and tridij , Poppleton'e block , corner 10th and
Farnham 873-2 {
fnO LUMBERMEN A yonnjr mm wisfcea a po
L Bition In a lumltr j-ard , city or countrv.
He is capable of keeping books and Ii willing to
work at anything connected with yarJ. Address
C. A. R , Atladtic Houtc , Atchlsun , KansjB.
s. ERAI.S'ARD , Tax'adermlttcomor
. p. 13th and Howard st. , Dcerhead
a special- .
. Absolutely Pure ,
Made from Grape Cream Tartar. No othcf "
preparation makes such Hjrht , flaky hot brenttj
or luxurious pastry. Can be eaten by dypeptic
without fear ol the lls resulting from hoary I. .
diRtstlble food.
old only in c by all Grocers.
un ; FOWBIB CO. N w York
Special Ordinance No. 240. H Fi
For levying & special tax for the grading of ftHi
Dareipoit street from 13th to 15th street , HiHi
in the city of Omah * , county of Douglas , HiHi [
sata : of Nebraska. HiHi
Ba it ordalcod by the city council of the city of HiR
Cmaba : HiEl :
? El ;
L ElFi
HiEcnox I. That the several sums Bef'oppo- FiBe
s'.U to the follolntr described premises , to wit : Be :
B. K. and J. B. Fobjom , lot 6 , block 68 , city IfcR
cf Omaha , 811.C4. j IfcH
Edwanl Davif , lot 6 , block 53 , city of Omaha , H <
1163. 3iHi
. \dolphU3 Slcfkin , lot 7 , block 53 , city of Hifl [
Omaha , 811 03. fl [ (
Baiah E. Creighton , lot 8 , block 63 , city of HNe [ <
OmahV , Sll.Ci. NeBe
Jatnei.1 Crcishf on , lota 5 , 0 , 7 and 8 , block 69 , Be
city of Oi.i'ha , $16 53. EtcH
JohnF ifnhee. N one-half of lot J , block 74 , H (
dty ofOmahn , S1LC3. BeIc
Bum. Heeclwmbcru , W. oueibalf ot lot 2block Ic !
74. city of Oma-ha , 85.82.
J. C. Weight , E.oso-half of lot 2 , block 71.
city of Omah.1 , $5.82.
JDO. Jlonell , Jr. , lot S , block 74 , city of '
Omaha , $11.63. H ' (
Byron Heed , lot 4 , block 74 , city of Omaha , H (
8. AlT ylor , lessee , lot I , Mock 75 , city of IiHr !
Omaha , 11.63. HrHi
Mary Van Dee Burg , lot 2 , block 75 , dty of HiH
OmAJ-a , $11.63. H (
Jane B. Doet , lot 3 , block 75 , city of Omaha , HeH
211.63. H (
First Baptist church , lot 4 , block 75 , city Cf ReBe
Omaba , 811.63. BeI
Total amount , )1 6.11. BeB I
B <
Beta ? one-half the cost and expenasa , ap- HeHe
proTed by the city coundi for tha grading of HeHe
DaTeaport etrcet , from 13th to 15th street , in HeHe
front of and adjoining the eame , ia pursuance HeH
of a contract entered into by the city of Omah < , H (
with P. ffelsh.onthi lithoSy o' Auc t , 1683. iRe
be and the same are usreby respectively levied ReH
and assessed agiinst oich of aid l-.t * , parts cf H <
lotg , and premises , bet tulnz nd abutting up
on said portion cf Daven ort street so Improved ,
payable to the city treasurer within thirty (30)
days of tbla date.
tec. II. This ordinance ( ball take effect and
be in force from and after its passage.
( Slgned.1 JAMES B. BOYD ,
Freddciit City Council.
Failed November 9th , U < SO.
Attest :
City Clerk.
Approved NoTcmbtrlltb.lSjO.
( Signed. ) C.S.CHASe ,
The above tax becomes delinquent on the 10th
day ot December , 183J , aftcr-wblch d-tc ten (10)
per cent , pena'ty and interest at the rate of one
(1) per cent , per njonth , in advance , will be
' "
City Treasurer.
* <
mStree . . .
ox *
$2 TO $5 PER ACRE.
20,000 Acres
6 to 12 Miles from Omaha ,
$6 to $10 per Acre , on
Long Time and
Low Interest.
Large tracts Editable for
Odonies in all the host
in the State ,
80,000 acres scattered
through Iowa.
A Jarge number of Improved
Farms in Nebraska , many 01
tiiem near Omaha , $12 to , $40
per acre.
An Immense XJst of
Consisting of Elegau't Besi-
dencea from $3OOO to $20-
OOO , Many vacant lota in
fche additions to * Omaha.
Hundreds of lots scattered
fchrongh the City. I louses and
Lots , Business Houses and
Lots , and all kinds' of OFy
Real Estate.
We also have
on Improved Fa"3ins .in Doug
las County , on 5 y ars time , at
IO percent , interest to jail who
can show good titles.
Ulapsfor Donslas and
Counties for sale *
beautiful lots fronting couth Ia Isaac &
Seldcn'g Ado. for $150 half cash.
louse and lot'J2d and Dodge $ 3000
Rouse and lot nearJ3rowneIl ilill 2,100
rwo new houses nd full lot , rents for
84SOperj ar 4000
Sew brick house , 21x25 , Ii Btory , with 3
lots _ 2,000
louse and lot Webster at 1,500
Jarge hou < e and comer lot 0,000
arge house , full lot. California st 4,000
Residence and 4 full loti , St. Mary's ave. . 6COO
louse and small lot , south of depot 950
louse and small lot.soatn of depot 033
tesidonce propeity , Koantze and lloth's
, . .
Ine residence property 10,000
louse and lot , 22d and Harner 1800
Ioua and lot , Nelson's addition 2,700
louse and lot Shlnn's addition 1,600
teeldenceand corner lot , . . . 3005
teaidenco ( cash ) 7500
6 > 000
louse and one-half lot l,65C
'hroo houses and corner lot 7,100
tesldence and comer lot 7500
luuso and 60 feet front , letn street 3,700
ATM house nd corner lot 8,500
toldence and three lots 5500
"wo house and corner two-thirds of cor
ner lot. i100
louse and small lot , Casa street 2,100
lauseandlot , 27th nearFarnhim l.OOT
Srlck house and corner lot 1,300
mall honno and full lot , Comings st 2,350
louse nd lot. 23d street 3200
louse and foil lot , worth$4,000 for 6,500
'ine brick reildcnce 1,500
Irick residence e.CJO
louse and corner lot j 550
few two-story house and corner lot 4200 *
lesUence and full lot , Farnh mst 5 600
louse and one acre , 18th street 3 000
ousa and half lot. 18th street 2,200
louse and lot , Shlnn's addition i coo
louse and half lot , Caaa etrtct.- . . ijoo
touso and half lot , Casj Street 1450
esldence and two lots , Capitol Hill 7,000
iegant brick residence 2 full lota 15,600
inest residence In thedty. 16,000
esfdence property 17,000
.eslden e property. 17,500
louse and lot , Sbinn's addKioc 1,200
rousoandlotEhinn'aidditlon rsoo
OUM and lot , 2th and Farnhim 1,400
onse and lot. 27th and Donglas $375
onse and full lot , Jzardst. . l,7rO
ew house and 1J lot 2,200
csldenceproperty 7 , 00
ddcnce property , rcrv fine _ 13,500
ouseand lot , Horbach'a addition 1.500
esidcnce , Farnham st 6.000
onso and Jlot 1 block from Court
House and i lot 1 block from Court
Houis 2,250
louse and corner lot 2 blocks from Court
House 2,400
'ousa and lit , Nicholas street. . . . 1,000
'onse and 1 acre , uiscs' addition MO
ouse and lot , lllh Blreel ooo
arse building and six Iota. 1 ratio out. . . 4,000
ousoandloton Davenport 3,600
lorue and J lot , near depot 1,500 ,
'ouse and lot , near depot _ . . . . . 900
louse and let , South Arenu-1. . 1,000 ?
'on eand lot , Sbinn's addition 1,900
csldence , Kountze and Ruth's add 2 COO
eeidence property , Kountze srd Ruth's '
addition 5,000
etidencc prcperty , south part i f town. . 2.5CO
'ouso and } lot , Webster ( t 2,700
buse and 5 acres at barracks 700
otuo and lot , Armstrong's addit'n 1,000
ousa and lotSouth U st C50
onse and lot , Koantze and Ruth's ad
dition 8,500
eeidence and } lot. . . . . 2,700
lousa and lot , 16th st 3,500
Boggs & Hill ,
1408 Fara. St. , Omaha , rleb ,
Immense Stock for K >
Fine Cnstom-Made
Men's Suite ,
Boys' Suits'
Children'sSuits. . .
For Men ,
Boys , and
Under-Wcar , Ifats and
Trunks and Valises , at
Prices to Salt All.
Farnham Street , Near Fourteenth
E ,
The largest and lx > assortment of
Trunks ami Valises in the West. Telescopic Cases
ami Sample Trunks a Specialty.
H. H. IY3ARHOFF , - - - PBOP. ,
117 lith St. , 3 l > oors North of Douglas St.
Cigars from $15.00 per 1000 upwards.
Tobacco , 25 cents per pound upwards.
Pipes from 25 cents per dozen up'wards.
3end for Price List.
MAX aiEYER & CO. , Omaha , Neb.
Fishing Tackle , Base Balls and a full line of
Ind Wholesale Dealers in CIGARS nnd CONFECTIONERY. During the
rail and WinScr we will handle COUNSELMES'S FRESH OYSTERS , which
ro now the best in the market. A largo assortment of OANDY and SUGAR ,
OYS for the Holiday twde.
GATZ & FUEEHAN 7 510 Ilth St. , Omalia.
Has tha exclusive sale of the
The Gold Coin is this season the favorite of Chicago , is prefer-
d SN above * 4 A 3 L al _ ! _ _ other J-T _ _ Stoves - _ A fc . , * comes wwn n. n both w * JO plain f. _ . . ard * . T _ _ . . hiJghly i Tl t A < - orna- ff < n *
han any other Stove oi its aizam me marKet , acu itf , i/uoi oi < - o ,
nore durable than any other Stove , is strictly -warranted in every
aspect , it requires no salesman to sell i * aslcity reference sella j _ $
Titnout trouble. Cor. 10th and Jackson ,