Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 19, 1880, Morning Edition, Image 1

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    VOL. X. OMAHA , NEBRASKA , ERClfAT. NOVEMBER , 19 , 1880. 131 ?
Established 1871. IVIQRNING I EDITION. Price Five Cents
The Work of liming the
Peasantry Secretly Pro
gressing Through
out Ireland ,
Parnell Advises the Tenantry to
Adhere to the Land League
Eent Schedule.
The International Regatta
Opened With Several Un
important Races.
Twenty-two English Miners'
Families Evicted in a
The Victor bus Chilians Pur
sue Their March of De
struction in Peru.
Spedal Dispatch to Tni UKK.
LONDON , November IS , 10 p. m.
The interualional regatta on the
Thames opened to-day with prelimin
ary trial heats , The weather WBB cold
aud foggy. The first tras contested
by Laycock , Elliett , Hawaon and
Timer , and was iron by Laycock by
300 yards , with Hawdon eecond and
Tarrior did not finish the courao , re
tiring from the TKO at the concrete
vail , beltig unable to maintai i the
pace. The eecond heat was contested
by Rocs , Riley , Lingua and Foley.
At the start Ross jumped to the front
aad Hammersmith bridge had se
cured a deciJud lead. He maintained
'the adrantago to the finish , and won
tvth ridiculous ea o. The third heat
between Watron , Smnh , Hosmer ,
Gibson aud Andewui , was wou easily
by Floainer , with Anderson eecond.
The fourth he-it wai groitly impeded ,
owing to tlm rtin , which hegin to fall ,
and tlio ho.tvy , fog prevailing The
contesting were Trickott , Michaelson ,
end Claspar. The hoit wai wn by
Triczellby five lengths , i Uh Michael-
flon second. I : was rowed mi the ebb
tido. In tin ; e cind ti l heat to-day
ROB * eauio in lirst ; Ili'oy , of Saratoga ,
second Tiio coarse r-twed by the
cantota.-iti in t > io ht > ats to-day was
from 1'utney to CiiUrticIc , two and a
half iiii'cs.
.Special Dicpatcn to tlic Bte
DUBLIN , November 18 , 10 p. m.
"Mr. L'aniell has isiuod a circular to
the U-n-i.itry , saying that , in order to
avoid the rflfect of error of Htatemeuts
by any ono professing to represent
him , ho wishes the tenantry to under
stand th > it , in hifl opinion henceforth ,
until tne Und question is noitlod , the
bmiiof iln principle nQoptel by the
Uad league , that no tenants should be
asked to py a luster rent than Grif
fith's valuation , should ho strictly ad-
licreJ to.
l .nr ) icl , to The Hot.
November 10 , 1 a. m.
ewa from Ireland continues to be
* laruiing. Tha condiiijn of that un
happy hnd , inetoid of improving ,
seems to be growing worse every day.
It is now feared % u all sides tnat the
poajantry throughout the country are
arming , and ara only waiting for a "fa-
Torable opportunity to defy the au
thorities of the government. Alarm
ing rumors nre continually pouring in
from all parts of Ireland. A dispatch
from Oroughwcll states tnat a box con
taining B'IJC nflts , belonging to a mer
chant of Looghrea , which arrived
from Limerick , -was robbed Tuesday
night. On the same night , according
to a dispatch from Traloe , a party of
men , with blackened faces and long
beards , visitodseveral h > u 3j at Car
dinal , nott Castle IslauJ , taking gune
whorwror found. Additional troops
kavo boon ordered to Ballinrobe.
Some of those there havj been direct
ed to be in readiness to proceed by
farced marches to G-ilway. These or
ders , it is suppieod , have been pursued -
sued in consequence of recent impor
tations of arms to Ireland.
The Truth says : ' 'Newspapers
howl for the suspension of the ordi
nary laws in favor of oxcealional co
ercion. It may poaVtbly become neces
sary to govern Irehnd i this faihion ,
but resorts could not bo had thereto
until every other means has been tried
and failed , and until tbo grievous
wrongs of the Irish have baeii met by
legislation. "
Special Dispatch to The Doe.
PANAMA , November 18 10 p. m.
Advices from Emudder state that the
government of that republic is thor
oughly alarmed over the pronuncia-
xnontos at Esmoraldas. Lfaders cf
the movement at that place have ad
vanced into the interior , probably
with the intention of uniting with
Dlontatoo , who is ba well sup
plied with arms. Revolutionary
movements are also reported in
other parts of the republic , and in
Borne instances troops cent to sup
press the movement have joined the
insurgents. The port of Esmeraldas
has been declared closed to com *
merce by Vientointlla , the dictator.
The South Pacific Timss , of Octo
ber 23 , contains a brief account of the
more r cent operation of the Chilian
forces in the north of Peru. At Eten
the Chilians seized the launches and
eacked aud destroyed the town. In
Ghiclarzo , they have burned the pre
fects , Biib-piefecture treasury and a
nnmbei if private houses ; also the
house of the municipality. Prisoners
confined in the jail wore set free.
Eiteloo , of Pinto Vista , and Eclombs ,
have been burned , and many ravages
committed in other places. An ex
peditionary foice of 12,000 men will ,
it is tatd , bo sent against Arequipa
before the march on Lima is begun.
A dispatch from 'Valparaiso says a
Chilian expedition has sailed from
EpocUI Dtroatch to Tni E i.
LOXDOK , November 19 , 1 a. m
A case of wholeea'e eviction has oc
curred at South Moor cclliery , Dur
ham , because cf the refusal of the
miners to accept a reduction of a
shilling a week. Twenty-two families ,
with their household effects , were
turned into the street amid a driving
sleet , and when there was six inches
of anew on tha ground. Fifty fam
ilies are etill to be evic'ed ,
Bnedtl Dtopatches to Th Bee.
The Etienne sugar refineries ol
Nantes , France , were burned yester
day. The damage is estimated al
more than 1,000,000 franc ? .
Tha miners of Oldham , England ,
are contemplating a strike on recount
of employers refusing to pay their
wages weekly.
The Russian fleet now in the Pa
cific , has been ordered to winter at
A dispatch from Constantinople uys
Dervish Paaha hss moved a largo
force to Biella Heights.
A Scutari dispatch says heavy firing
kas been heard thera proceeding from
the Dulcigno district.
The city of Waterford , Irelandwill
present Mr. Parnell with the freadom
of the city on his arrival.
The Paris Gaulois says the British
government is tracking out a gigantic
Fenian conspiracy.
fipodal KanatchcB to Tbo Boo.
II has been decided to appoint Gen.
Nelson A. Miles , of the department
of Dakota , to be chief signal officer.
Gen. Miles is now on his way to Wash
The steamer "Assyrian Monarch , "
from Hull , October28 , for New York ,
and overdue at the latter porthas been
spoken at sea , disabled , having lost
three blades of her propeller.
Government revenue receipts yes
terday were § 428.072 ; customs ,
The Indiana grand lodge of Odd
Fellows is in session at Indianapolis.
Bertie Gardner , ( colored ) of Nash
ville , was sentenced to imprisonment
For life in the penitentiary in the
criminal court yesterday , for the mur
der of Mary Williams , a colored girl ,
August 28 , 1879. The murder was
accomplished by meaas of poison.
Gen. Miles , of the department of
Dakota , complains , in a recent report ,
of extensive smuggling of arms and
ammunition to frontier points , where
they are sold to hostile Indians , and
recommends efforts be made to slop
he same.
John 0. Howard , the medical stu
dent , of Chicago , who , in 1878 , shot
James McMahon , and waa sentenced
to the state's prison for life , has been
jranted a new trial on the ground that
he murder was committed in self-do-
L. F. Lockwood & Op. , of Chicago ,
lealeri ' in woolens , hosiery , etc. , have
'ailed for about $70,000 ; assets , $50-
KX ) . Their creditors are in that city ,
and the cast , bn3 In Baltimore and
one In Dundee , Scotland. The failure
was caused by the loss of $11,600 by
the failure of J. H. Harwood & Co. ,
of Minneapolis.
A dispatch from Candataka , Nov. ,
ssys John C. Oalhoun , nephew of the
amous South Garolina senator of the
ame name , is insane. He imagines
limsolf Jesus Christ.A wound re-
reived in the war is the cause of his
The Oakland , ( Cal. ) Tribune pub-
ishes aj dispatch announcing the death
at Philadelphia , of Horace Morrcll ,
mpposed to be a wealthy resident of
Dakland , and aays no auch person is
mown In that city.
At Warren , Ohio , yesterday , Judge
E. B. Taylor was nominated by the
republicans of the Nineteenth Ohio
congressional district to fill out Gen.
Qaifiold'i unexpired term. Judge
Taylor waa elected to congress in the
Nineteenth district at the October
election ,
A merting waa held in Washington
yesterday evening by a committee , of
of which City Postmaster Singer is
chairman , to make arrangements for
Lhe inaugral ceremonies on the 4th of
The old first Congregational church
) f Boston celebrated its quarter mil
lennial yesterday by appropriate exer
cises. Many addresses were deliver
ST. PETER , November 18 4 p. m.
Twenty - eight patients of the
burnt insane asylum are missing
and of this number ten are probably
PITTSBURGH , November 18. A
disastrous fire broke out at a
quarter to three this morning in the
irmory and machine shops of Jamea
Brown & Sons , on Wood street. The
ire quickly communicated to the
adjoining buildings and a secondjalarm
was sounded. The flames were final
ly subdued after consuming $20,000
worth of property.
CHICAGO , November 18 The
3ody of an unknown man , frozen
to death , was found among some box *
CB and barrels on Market street this
DALLAS , Tex. , November 18. A
train on the Dallas & Wichita railroad
went through a bridge * over Hickory
creek last night. Three men were
dlled and , two mortally , and eight
others wounded.
Military Matters.
The latest army orders issued from
Fort Omaha , dated November IGth ,
are as follows :
Captain Daniel G. Caldwell , med
ical department , U. S. A. , First Lieu
tenant Charles A. H. McAuley , 3d
cavalry , Second Lieutenant Leonard
A. Levering , 4th infantry , and Second
[ lieutenant George L. Converse , jr. ,
3d cavalry , are detailed as members of
the general court martial convened at
Fort Fred Steele , W. T. , by para
graph 2 , Special orders No. 72 , cur
rent series , from these headquarters.
By authority from the adjutant gen
eral's office ; dated November 9,1880 ,
a furlough for four months ( ti take
effect upon re enlistment ) with per
mission to go beyond sea , is granted
Private John Fischer , company F ,
Third cavalry.
Undoubtedly the best shirt In the
United States is manufactured at the
Omaha Shirt Factory. The superiority
of Material and workmanship , conj
oined with their great Improvements ,
that is Reinforced fronts , Reinforced !
backs and Reinforced sleeves , makes
their shirt the most durable and best
Btting garment of the kind , ever
manufactured at the moderate price of
$1.50. Every shirt of our make ia
guaranteed first-class and will refund
the money if found otherwise.
We make a specialty of all wool ,
Shaker , and Canton flannel , also
chemois underwear , made up with a
view to comfort , warmth and durabil
ity. To invalids and weak-lunged
persons we offer special inducements
in the manner these goods are made
for their protection.
/ *
The Business Boom Has Struck
the Queen City of the
Valle ? Endways.
Damaging Charges Against
the U. P. Brass-Collar
The People of Antelope County
Assert Their Rights as
In the Election of a Legislator
Possessed of Honesty
and Backbone.
OorrMpondoaca'ol the
- OAKDALE , Neb. , j November 18.
Oakdalo , the county seat of Antelope
county , situated as it virtually is at
the head of the Elkhorn Valley , is
experiencing a "boom" both in trade
and immigration unprecedented in the
history of any town in the valley.
Within the past year our town has
more than quadrupled in size , and
there ia at present as much building
going on as at any time during the
year. Builders and carpenters have
been compelled to work day and night )
and the supply of this class of me
chanics has'not equaled the demand.
Among our most prominent improve
ments h the store building of Mra.
S. J. Palmer , 30x60 , which ia an or
nament to any place. Mrs. P. has
SHed the lower story with a fine stock
of general merchandisojaud the second
story is to be fitted up for a public
iall , of which our towa now possesses
twoi * J. A , Taylor has commenced
tbo erection of a fine two-story brick
lotel of large dimensions , and the M.
E3. church folks are pushing their
church enterprise through with that
energy which Methodism" has shown
; he world oVer. Twenty-five thousand
lead of Tiattle Tieie shipped from the
Dakdale stock yatda last week , and
the F. , E. & M. V. R. R. finds that
they have not sufficient motive power
at present to carry on their business.
Antelope county his just passed
through ono of the moat exciting po-
itical campaigns in her history , and
; he victory won at our election was
due to * the great number of
THE WEEKLY BEES taken in the coun-
; y. The repcblicans nominated for
; he office of representative a man of
inblemishod character , and a man who
is the tool of no ring or railroad cor
poration. The democrats , with the
lelp of a few of the "brass-collared"
Taternity , nominated a democrat who
pledged hlrasalf to vote for Paddock
'or the United States senate. But ba
t said , to the credit of the voters of
Antelope county , that the republican
nominee , W. W. Putney , waa elected
} y a handsome majority in the face
of a desperate fisln. I do not believe
.hero was a crime in the who's cata
logue of crimes of which Mr. Putney
was not accused by the Valentine
ring of this county , and Valentino
limself , who came hero to epeak but
a few days before election , had not the
rentlemanliness to even speak of our
county ticket during the long drizzle
of his political harangue. He found
he people here very enthusiastic
Judging from his audience , which
numberad about twenty-five ) The
cheers came from a few boys and thoeo
of the "ring" who were present. The
"ring" enthused to such an extent
; hat the "Valorous" was continually
surrounded by a few men ( his tools ,
of course ) who drooled like dogs in a
meat market. This ring is headed by
men who to-day hold places of trust in
this county , and they owe those
places to the republican voters of this
iounty. How well they have perform
ed that trust appears by the records
of our county which say that ono of
those men is a defaulter to the tune
of $300. This is not the first imposer -
: er which they have thrust upon the
people. It has just come to light , after
) ur records have been clouded by the
mista of years and the guilty thought ,
the secret was his own. It baa just
come to light that a former treasurer
of this county has stolen of the pee
ple's money nearly § 400. We , of An
telope county , believe the time is past
when a ring of corrupt men , without
conscience or principle , can forca in
convention a man who is obnoxious to
the people , and not one of their choice
upon them , and then with the party
whiplash them into line , and if they
will not help to draw their load of
corruption , term them "kickera. "
Under such circumstances I prefer to
be a "kicker" rather than a republi-
cin. In facf , 1 think that name of
"kicker , " if used a little longer by
The Omaha Republican , will yet be
the name of a party which will reform
the political atmosphere of Nebraska.
A majority of the rotora in thin
county look upon the election of W.
W. Putney to the legislature from
this district aa the vindication by the
people of a man who has the boldness
and the backbone to stand up for
principle and defy those corrupt pow
ers which to-day seem to carry every
thing before them. We think a new
era is dawning , and that the time is
not far distant either when men who
ask the suffrages of the people will be
man who must and will represent the
people , or , in other words , the poo-
pie's servants , not the tools of mon-
led rings and corporations.
We recognize in THE OMAHA BEE a
loader in this great reform , and i we
say God speed yon in your gcod work.
We pledge the littla influence which
Antelope county may have , either in
the legislature or at the ballot box , in
the support of true principles , and
an honest government in the bring
ing of thieves to justice and the oust
ing of carpet-baggers and political
shystera. C.
Ana tne VI lalnu Still Pursued Him.
cpcdil Diipatcbe to Tni E -
CHICAGO , November 19 , 1 a. m.
The chief of cl y detectives hacl an
application yesterday for protection
from a tall , haggard and pale-faced
man , who said he wag an unhappy
drygoods clerk , who was pursued
by a gang of men from New York ,
who insisted upon putting various _
deadly poisons' in his food. He had'
been a clock in a large Brozd street
house , and quarreled with a "brother t
clerk named Zaimer , who strcre he !
would have his life. A gang wan '
organized , including the victim's own
wife. They regularly put arsenic
aloes , corrosiva sublimate , and othe
unpleasant drups into his food. H
fled to Jersey City and Philadelphia
bat their agents followed him. H
went to Ban Franciacobut the villain
still pursued. Ho returned to Chica
go , and the gang came also , following
him from one boarding house and res
taurant to another , doping him wit !
. the above poisousto counteract whicl
ha was obliged to usa antidotes. He
could stand thia state of things no
longer , and demanded pro test ion
which was promised the deluded man
Synopsis of the Report o :
the Bureau of Agricul
ture for"1880.
Philp Proposes Stottly to-
r it Warm for Somebody ;
Generous Contributions Be
Ing Forwarded to the St.
Ellarton Sufferers.
The Corn , Potato and Tobacco Crop
of 1880.
Siwclil Dispatch to Tus Bn.
WASHINGTON , November 18 , 10 p.
m. The department of agriculture
hsued to day the following bulletin
relative to the crop ? of corn , potatoes
and tobacco : '
Reports of the corn crop show no
increase over that of last year , but
rather a slicht dealino for the whole
country. The Atlantic states all show
an increase , particularly the states of
New York , Now Jersay , Pennsylva
nia and Virginia. The gulf states
suffered from dearth in the spring and
too much rain during the summer , ex
cept the state of Texas , which almost
doubles her products. In the states
north of the Ohio river , Ohio end
Michigan increased their yield , while
Indiana and Illinois decreused. West
of the Mississippi Iowa alone haa an
increased yield. Oil the Pacific slope ,
California shows an increase.
The area planted in potatoes was
this year about equal to that plau'ced
in 1870 , but in the total crop there is
quite a decline. The yield per acre
is rcpirtod this year is to be on an
ayorage of ninety-one bushels , against
ninety-eight in 1979 , and sixty-nine
in 1878" Only three states , viz. :
Texas , Arkansas and California , re
port an increase in yield. All the
others report a decline of more or less.
Injuries from insects are not of gen
eral complaint , but drought is almost
universally mentioned.
There waa less planted in tobacco
thia year than last. The decrease
WAB principally in the states of Mary
land and Virginia. In Ohio , Penn
sylvania and Wisconsin there was a
decided increase early in the season.
The weather wa * not prosperous , but
in August and September it was very
favorablo. . The average yield per
aero ss reported November 1st ia 740
pounds against 795 last year.
Sentenced for Life.
Special Dispatch to Tha Bee.
DES MOINES , November 19. 1 a.
m. The jury in the case of Henry
Osborne , convicted of the murder of
his wife on the 18th of February last ,
brought in a verdict of guilty of mur
der in the first degree , ard fixed the
penalty at imprisonment for life. The
jury at first stood eight for hanging to
four against , but after twenty-four
hours agreed to the above verdict. He
will bo sentenced on the 30th inst.
Osborne had been separated from his
wife several months , and meeting her
on the street on the evening of the
murder , seized a large stone , followed
and knocked her down and crushed
her head with it , two little boys being
SperM Dlapatch to Tni Bra.
- WASHINGTON , D. C. , November 19
1 a. m. For the upper Mississippi
aud lower Missouri valleys , lower
barometer , steady or higher tempera
ture , 'south to west winds and clear
er or partly cloudy weather.
The House Clerkship.
Special Dlspitcli to The Bo.
WASHINGTON , ! ) . C. , November 19
1 a. m. A letter received here yes
terday says that Gen. Harry Whiteof
Pennsylvania , will make an active
canvass for the c'orkship of the house
of representatives. This will mak'e
three Pennsylvania applicants for tbo
place ex-Clerk McPherson , Gen.
White and D. 0. Forney.
Attempted Elopement.
Special Dispatch to The Doe.
NEW YORK , November 18,10 p. m.
There was some excitement among
certain circles in the city to-day over
the arrest last evening by the police ,
upon a telegram'from Philadelphia ,
of a beautiful young woman who ar
rived on the evening train. The po >
lice refused to give anv names , and
the young woman is carefully guarded ,
no one being allowed to speak to her.
A private detective , who claimed to
be in search of her , was refused ad
mittance. Relations of the lady arriv
ed to-day , but the police refuted to
deliver the prisoner until her husband
should arrive , and a telegram was
sent him , bringing on two physicians
who would testify to her alleged in
sanity. The fair prisoner is but 17 ,
and is said to bo connected with some
of the highest families in the Quaker
City , and to be married to a weitlthy
gentleman. She has an Independent
income of $7000 a year , with a pros
pect of a near increase to $20,000. It
is alleged that ahe is enamored of a
handsoma young Spaniard , and that
her infatuation has led her to attempt
Penalty for Horse-Stealing.
Special Dispatch to The lice.
SnEEVEroaT , La. , November 19 1
a. m. Ntsws has just reached here
that two men , named Thornhill and
Fields , accused of horse-stealing , were
taken from the Sabine parish jail by a
body of. armed moo , and shot to
death. They had been in jail only a
few houra. The coroner's inquest
failed to develop who did the killing.
Tne Inveterate Small Boy.
Special Dlscitch to lha Bee ,
ROCHESTZE , N. Y. , November 19
1 a. m. A terrible explosion occurred
in Palmer Sons' fire works manufar.-
tory yesterday evening , by which five
persons were zerionsly injured. It
appears that a biv went inside a
guard rail about a steve in the work
room to warm himtelf. He opened
the stove and put hi ) feet beneath the
grate. After warming he went to a
table and put his foot"on it to fix i
loosa button on his shoe. A coal o
fire had become fastened to the eolo
of hia shoa , which firedsome powder
The puwder immediately fla hed nlonj
the table and soriously.burned five o
the workmen who were at work. The
burns are not considered fatal.
Special Dispatch to Iha Bos. ]
NEW YOBK , November 19 , 1 a. m ,
Ken ward Philp waa seen by report
er leaving the district attorney's office
yesterday afternoon , and thd follow
ing conversation took place :
Repsrter Well , Mr. Philp , h
there anything new in your case , to
day ?
Philp No , nothing "spaoial that I
know oft *
R Rumor is afloat that you are to
be indicted by the grand jury for for
gery as well ai criminalilibalf
P. The fromor is without founda
tion , aud has boon circulated by ene
mies to hurt my case. " | .latn _ .positive
that the subject of "fol'gerfT'aa ' far as
concerns me , haa not boon submitted
to the grand jury. What is more , 1
left Judge Davis only a few minutes
ago , an 1 he assured me no charge of
forgery would be made against me.
R. What new developments , if
any , do you anticipate in the case ?
P. As regards me , none. But be
fore a week yeti may ( look for some
spicy and startling developments in
the ca-se from The Truth , with proba
bly some arrests of parties for conspi
racy against that paper. The matter
is being- kept very quiet and will not
be made public for some days.
St. Ellerton Belief Fund.
Special Dispatch to The Bee.
ST. ELLKKTON , N. S.TSTovemberl9 ,
la. m. The danger at Ford Pit is
now over , bat the works have been
looded. Work cannot be resumed
this winter and St. Ellerton is quite
ruined. All trades are dependent on
the mines , and a large exodus haa al
ready commenced. The inquest on
the bodies which were found is still
going on. As yet nothing has come
out in any way reflecting upon the
management. At a public meeting
leld in Halifax , Thursday , for the
relief of the St. Ellerton sufferer ? ,
S1300 was subscribed and collectors
appointed. St. Johns subscribed $1000
at its public meeting. Similar mcet-
ngs are being held throughout the
lomlnion , and it is hoped the gener
osity of the republic will also bearous-
d. There is the most dire distress
lere aheady.
Good Shootlnp.
psdal Dispatch to The Bee.
BOSTON , November 18 4 p. m.
it Walnut Hill yesterday , in a
eng rangs rifle match , 800 , 900 and
000 yards out of a possible 225 , the
ollowinir score waa made : Wm.
Guirsh,222J. ; P. Brown , 220 ; M.
ackson , 219 ; J. S. Summer , 215
'he three first named gentlemen
ra members of the American team.
New Yortc Money and Stocks.
WALL ETBBIT , November 18.
HONEY i .pr cent ; exchange fteaCy t
M 81@4 83.
D.S.6'881 1 C8t U.S.4'0 1 11J
U.S.b'a 1 01 § Currency6'a. 1 30
U.S. 45 1 lit
STOCKS Active ; aiivnced 81 00 } to 3 W ;
reaching 21 C4 to 91 Oil.
W 0 97J NYO 79J
MJC 141 | M & E 118 43 | Heading 45 |
Preferred 74 * 1 M 484
R 1 122J NP SlJ
LS IICJ LouUvillo 87
Preferred 141 Cba'.Uno ga CM
PM 47 $ N. P. 8l |
Ohio / Si Preferred t8jj
Preferred 87i B& 6 165
St F 103 111. ! 0 118 |
Preferred. 11B O4W 27'
3t Joe 41 K. & T 83i
St. Jootifd 90 } Denver 7a :
W ha h 424 Alton 18S :
Preferred 77 a a 0 & 1 81
Omihi 4H Pinama. . . . ) ZOS
Preferred 83V Canada So 69 }
UP 96 } A A P. 40
C 0 k I C 2C | U S Ex 62
U U 110 $ Amer CO
Lack (9 Houa&Ter. 791
Hudson CanJ 88 } CP 831
Cnicacco Produce Market.
OHIOAOO , November 18.
Wheat Markets were stronger and
No. 2 spring advanced | @lc better ,
closing at 01 07 ® 1 08J December
and 81 08g@l 09J January , closing at
81 07@1 07 ca h , 81 08 December ,
? 1 09J January , and $110J@110 } for
February ,
Corn No. 2 advanced | @ o and
sold at 52g@43 December ; 4343Jo
January ; cl-jaing at42fj@42o cash or
November ; 42 a December ; ? 4343g
January , and 4748c May.
Oits $ @Jc higher ; No. 2 aelling
at 313lf 34December ; 32a32jjo Janu
ary , closiug at 31c cash31ja32o ; De
cember ; 3232gc January ; 36go for
May.Bye Was strong ; No. 2 selling at
at 85o for ca h.
Barley Was excited ; No. 2 ad
vanced 9 cents per bushel and sold at
98c@Sl 04 cash ; § 1 00@1 03 Decem
ber , closing with seller at $1 03 casher
or December.
Whisky $1 H.
Mess Pork Advanced 1215o
per barrel and sold at $13 62 © 13 80
January , closing at $13 0013 50 for
cash ; $12 3512 37 $ November ;
$12 3512 40 December ; 812 30 ®
13 35 seller year ; $13 77i@13 30 for
Lard Advanced 7Jc per hundred ,
with sales at § 8 15@8 25 for Janua
ry , closing at $8178 20 cash or No
vember ; 58 15S8 17c December ;
58 21J January ; $8 32i February.
New York Produce Marked
NEW YOKK , November 18.
Flour Bother moro active ; moder
ate export and home-trade inquiry ;
receipts , 21,376 ; round hoop Ohio
at $5 005 56 ; choice do'$5 606 25 ;
superfine western , S3 80@4 30 ; com
mon to good extra do , $4 755 00 ;
choicedo , do , $5 45 < g6 50 ; choice
white wheat , do $4 754 95.
Butter Firm on choics grades ;
Ohio , I4@26c.
Eggs Strong at 2326c for fair to
Wheat Irregular ; Chicago , $118 ®
120Milwaukee ; , 8121@122 ; No. 2 red 2 ® 1 22 } ; DecemberjSl 23j { ;
January , 81 25g ; sjles 450,000bu.
Corn Quiet and firm ; No. 2 , 58J@
58c ; sales , 160,000 bu.
Oats Quiet.
Whisky Nominal.
Pork Nominal at § 12 35 for No
vember ; § 12 35 for DecemberSl2 ; 77
for January ; $13 90 February.
Lwd $817J for November ; $822
asked for January ; $8 30@8 32 for
Chicago Live Stock Market
CUICA'OO , November 18.
Hogs Were In large supply and
qnut at a phede lower in prices ; sales
were made &t § 4 604 65 for light
packing ) $4 60 < § 4 80 for common fo
extra heavy packing } $4 504 9 < ) for
good to extra etnooth heavy shipping
lOta. Receipts , 60,000.
Cattle The receipts of cattle Tre-o
estimated at 7600 head , but as the
buyers had not put in an appearance
up to 11 o'clock , no sales were made
up to that time , we quote the market
namlnal. Yesterday afternoon the
market was active for cattle and price !
steady at previous days' quotation anc
ranged from $2 25 < § 3 20 for common to
good cows , § 2 25 3 00 for stackers
$3 604 50 for common to good steers
and from 84&05 07 for choice to ex
tra choice shipping t > o eveS.
St. Lou s Produce Mariset.
ST. LOOTS , November 18.
Wheat Active and higherj.No. 2
rr t $ ( § 1 04J@1 0-iJ for cash ; 105 for
November ; 1 OCJ1 COf for Decem
bop ) § 1 09j@l 09 | for January
for f ebruarpf No. > 5
Corn Bettor ; 44c cash.
Oats Higher at 3232jo for cash ;
33Jc December ; 32 year.
Kye Advanced to 88c.
Barley Firm at 65c@i 05.
Butter Unchanged.
Egs Unchanged.
Whisky Bitter at 81 10.
Pork More doing ; 813 25 bid cash ;
$13 37 J November ; 813 35 December.
Lard Steady st § 8 05.
Dry Salt Meats $4 40@4 506 85 ®
Bacon Dull ; § 5 508 10@8
8 30@8 36.
Receipts Flour 2,000 brls , wheat ,
57,000 bu ; corn 37,000 bu ; oats ,
7,000 bu ; rye , 4000' ; barley ,
8,000 bu.
Shipments Flour , 19,000 brls ;
wheat , 6,000 bu ; corn , . , 5,000 bu ;
oats , 3,000 bu ; rye , none ; barley
St. Louis Live block Market.
Sr. Louis , November 17.
Hogs Fairly active ; Yorkers and
3altimoresS4 40@4 50 ; mixed packing ,
J4 604 75 ; butchers' to fancy ,
$4 $ 754 85 ; receipts , 15,000 ; ship
ments , 1200.
Conductors' Excursion.
Ipeciol Dljpitch to TUB BEE.
CiiiCAoo , November 19 , 1 n. m.
Many of the conductors who have
) eon attending the annual meeting of
he National Conductors' association ,
n this city duriug the past few days ,
will start for California this morning
at 9 o'clock. It is tendered by the of-
icers of the Chicago & Northwestern ,
Jnion Pacific and Central Pacific
railroads. They will have a special
ra'n , and willbb absent sixteen days ,
aking in Salt Like City and Denver
3n their return. They stop at the
'alaco hotel in San Francisco. It is
axpecied that about 200 will go.
The Fight Continues. rte
to the Editor of TUB" BEE :
CHICAGO , November 19 1 a. m.
[ 'he ' cutting railroads still adhere to
; heir low fares. Since the present cut
legan the Alton haa sold 3000 St. ,
jonis rebate tickets ; the Wabash
2400 single trip , 330 round trip and
190 laborers' tickets , on which no re-
> ate was required ; the Illinois Gen-
; ral over 2000 ainglo trip rebate
The President's Audience to the
Special .Dispatch to The Beoi
WASHINGTON , November 19,1 a. m.
Tha president yesterday received in
in'officlal audience Col. S. Volnesco ,
who presented the jotters of credence
le brings as envoy extraordinary of
lis royal highness and sovereign , the
? rinca of Roumanian The president
also gave a like audinece to SanorDon
jadieslas Cabrero , as envoy extraor
dinary and minister plenipotentiary
of the republic of Bolivia. The asual
ceremonies and addresses were made.
This is the first time in several years
hat Bolivia haa been represented at
iVashiugton by a minister of the first
Eeal Estate Transfers.
Geo. H. Guy , sheriff , to JUewis P.
tfcLean , s. d. 50 a. in sec. 17 , tp , 16 ,
1 ohn I. Rodick and wife to William
tlergen , w. d. part lot 9 , Capitol add. ,
Omaha$650. .
Mortimer Scanlan to Thos. Gibson ,
q. c. d. , interest in n 40roada lot 2 , in
sec. 35 , tp. 15 , T. 13 , o. , also ir Oma-
laRenderingand Dryingworks $400.
Mrs. Eliza Scanlan to Thos. Gibson ,
q. c. d. , n. 40 rods of lot 2 in sec. 35 ,
t. 15 , r. 13 e $1.
Gao. Warren Smith to Jeannette
Chamber , w. d. , lots 1 and 2 , Glso's
add. , Omah $1000.
E. Wakely and wife to H. Konntze ,
w. d. , part lot 4 , block 0 , Omaha
Wm. F. Heins , county treasurer , to
M. Goldsmith , t. d. , lots 3 and 4 ,
block 164 , Omaha $100.59.
Come ; A gain.
Some generous person haa for the
past year been sending cash donations
at different times to the Ladies Relief
society until the total amount is now
849. Not knowing what to think , we
take this means of assuring the giver
that the money was thankfully re
ceived and has been carefully used to
relieve suffering. We would also sug
gest that this is an example worthy of
imitation. Send money with your
nameato the treasurer ,
Omaha , Neb.
Special Ordinance No 248.
For levying a special tax for the construction
of sidewalks.
Be it ordained by the City Council of tha City
of Omaha.
SEcricrl. lhat the seven 1 gums set oppo-
s'.te to the fo'lowinz described premises to wit :
113,03. Ilolbeck , lotO , block 27 , city of Omaha ,
W. V. Uaxwell , lot 8 , block "C , " eily of Oma
ha , $23.8 ! .
Total amount , $17.03.
Being the cost and expense * , approved by the
city council for the construction of s'uewsUsin
front of and adjoining said premises hy Theo
dore Betcsnen , In pursuance of a contract en-
Ured into by U o city cf Omaha , with him , and
afterthe failure of the owner tbe eof to do the
tune , after due nntice , be aLd the sane are
hereby r * prctiTclr levied and assessed igatnit
tarhof Bildlof , parts of lotaand pnmvo * . pay
able to the city trcjtursr wiihlu thirty ( JO ) days
from thU date.
SEC. K. Tha' this ordinance shall take ( fleet
and be in force from and after its passage.
( Signed. ) JAllKSK BOYD ,
Pres't City Council.
Passed Nov. 9 h.lSSO.
Attest :
J. K. SlcClBT-BT ,
City Clerk.
Approved Nov. llth , 1880.
( Signed ) C.S. CHASE ,
The above tar becomes delinquent on the Hh
day of December , 1884 , afler which date , ten
(10) per cent , penalty and interest at the rate
cf ooe (1) ( per cent , in advince , will te idded.
? . a. iiAtLvrrE ,
CityTreJitucr ,
Bail-Makers' Jubilant Over
the Demand for Their
Products ,
Mills Banning Night and Day
to Fill Enormous Orders.
The Heathen Hegira Placed
Under Government
The | Proposed Production of
"Passion Flay" Bouses
Religious Wrath.
- * -
Fatal-Snooting Scrapes.- -
A Texar&ana Tragedy ,
dpcdal Dlapatch to The Bee.
TEXAKKANA , Ark. , November 18
4 p. m. Aa Dr. Caldwell , a promi
nent country physician , waa return
ing home from this pi ice last night ,
he iraa shot off his horse and instant
ly killed by an assassin accreted in the
bru'h at the road aide. The fiend
was seen and recognized by one or tire
men , aa he sat , guu In hand , waiting
for his victim. His name ia Ford ,
and he had some trouble with the doc
tor in regard to a horse trade. The
sheriff and a posse are in pursuit ,
with but little hope of the capture of
the man , who , after shooting , fled to
the ( roods.
Shot In a Quarrel.
Special Dispatch to The Bee.
NEW YORK , November 18. 4. p.
m. Alfred Holbrook and Jamea A
McCagney quarreled together hat
night in the former's cigar store , on
Ninth Avenue , regarding a woman
with whom both were intimate. They
fought but were separated by a police
man , who waa attracted by the screams
of the woman. Later in the evening
the > two men met in a liquor store
and the quarrel was renewed. Me-
3agney struck Helbrook , when the
latter pulled a self-cocking revolver
and fired twice. The first shot lodged
n a bay , containing silver coin in Mc-
I/agney's pocket , but the second
entered hia-face below the left eye ,
jasaing into the brain and killing him
dmost instantly. The murderer waa
Iron Boomlnsr.
Special Dispatch to The Bee. .
| | NEw YORK , November 18 , 4 p. m.
L'he Northern Paciho Railroad com-
iany has retired over $500.000 of its
referred stock as payment in full for
he lands sold. This company haa <
ust contracted for 33,000 tons c f steel
ails on favorable terms , deliverable
n 1881. The Atchison , Topeka and
3anta Fe company haa bought of the
Joliet rolling mills 150,000 tons of
steel rails , deliverable in 1881 at $60
cish per ton at the mills. A sale of
3000 tons haa also been made to a pri
vate party at the same figures. The
Edgar Thomson rolling mills at Fittn-
burg have aold their full capacity for
production in 1881 of steel rails , ag
gregating lOO.OOO tona.
Chinese Immigration !
Special Dispatch to The Bee.
NEW YORK , November 18 4 p. m.
A cable special from Shanghai , of
November 18th , states that a treaty
was concluded yesterday between the
U. S. commissioners and the govern
ment of Fekin , thoroughly controlling
; he question of Chinese immigration.
A Sacreligious Exhibition.
Special Dispatch to The Bee.
NEW YORK , November 18 , 4 p. m.
Protests against the proposed
production of the Passion Play
in thia city have been prepared and
[ eft at various public places of Pro
testant and Catholic resort for tbe
signatures of citizens , The protests
request the mayor and common coun
cil to prohibit the play ,
Special Ordinance No. 217.
For levying a special tax for the grading of 18th
street , fiom Farnham street to Capital ave
nue , in the city of Omaha , county of Douglas ,
state of Nebraska.
Be it ordained by the city council of the city of
Omaha :
EECTIOV T. TJiat the several sums set oppo
site to tbefo'lowln ' * described premises , to-wit :
T. W. T. Richards , lot 8 , blode 115 , city of
Omaha , S52.71.
A.J Hangcom , lot 1 , block 116 , city of Oma
ha , $52.71.
O. F. Davis , a. one-half of lot 8 , block 109 ,
citv of Omaha , 320.35.
F. Murr.hy , N. one-half of lot 8 , bloc * 109 ,
city of Omaha , 826 35.
K. Murphy , lot 1 , block 100 , city of Omah ) ,
ElizP.JtcCormiclciol8bIock 8 , city of
Omaha , $47.92
Emma Coffinannlot 1 , block 81 , city of Oma
ha , 17.02.
Trinity church lot 4 , block SS , city of Omaha ,
John McCormlck , N. one-half of lot S , block
85 , city of Omaha , 823 96.
W. F Swecsev , 3. one-half of lot 6 , block 86 ,
citv of Omaha , 823.93.
Samuel L'urca.lot 4. block 108 , city of Omaha ,
Martha S. Fwk , lot 6 block 108 , dtr of Oma
ha , $52.71.
Alvln SaundeH.lot i , block 116 , city of Oma
ha , 852.71.
W.A. P-ixton , lot 5 , Wo.k 110 , city of Oma
ba. * 52.71 ,
Total amount , { 613.15.
Being one-half the cost and expenses , ap-
rrovcd by the city council for tbe grading o !
IStn street from Farnham street to Capital
avenne , in front of and adjoining tbo tame , in
pursuance of a contract entered into by the
city of Omaha , with I' . Qorxan on the 27th day
of July , ) 83 J , be ami the same are hereby re
spectively levlcJ and aas'wed each ol
Slid Iot < , parta of lots.and premuef .bounding am
abuttin ; upon said portion of 18th ttreet. o
graded , pavable t the city trcaiurer witt > in
thirty (3u ( ) days from thia date.
Sic. IL ThU ordinance shall ako effect and
be In tone from and after Its passage.
( Signed. ) JAMKS E. EOYD ,
Prfs't City Council. 4
Pawed Nov. 9th , A. D. , 1SSO.
Attest :
Approved Nor. llth , A. D. , 1S80.
( Si neJ. ) C. S. CIIASE ,
The above tax b comes dclinjoenton tbe irth
day < if irtcember , 1880. after which date ten (10)
per cent , penalty and Interest at thr rtte cf one
( t ) per cent , per month , in advance. Kill be
° ddtd :
B. 0. MAtLETTE ,
16-jt City Treasurer.
( formerly of Qlsh ft Jacobl )
No. 1417 Ftrnliim St. , Old Stand of Jacob Qte
Oval Steel Tooth Harrow
Macufactoied by
Vt , GR002 & GEBBIJGS , Fan du Lae , Wit.
Write for price * i gent , Omaha , K eb.
Cor. Douglas and 13th Sts/
Gives Great Bargains in Ladies' and Gents'
All Kinds Of
We Guarantee Tfce Best Goods For The Least Money.
Qivs mivrisaf Satisfaction and that it is stead
ily and r pid'-y ' inc-ens'iut in public lavor.
'iheWjite Machine justly claims to be the
best made , tiio eas'ost running , the simplest in
construction and the most perfect Machine in
the market.
Tbe White Co. employ as agents men of in
tegrity , and purchasers nro always satisfied ,
because they find everything just as repres
Everybody should use this Machine The
sales so far thia year are moro tban double
the corresponding time last year.
All orders addressed to tu0Qmaha OfHce
will be promptly filled.
Cor. Davenport and J.ini St.V ftmnhn.
n % f BIS a c S § - i fc
Saving just opened an entirely new line of
We would ask the Merchants of Nebraska to inspect onr Stocb
feeling confident we can meet the wants of all in good Go-ds and
Low rrices
Cor. I-ith nnd 2)oil2rS ] ( ! < ,
Iron and V/agon Stock ,
At Chicago Prices.
1209 and 1211 Ilarncy Street , Omaha.
Scaled propoesl * will be received br the
undtrslsned at blj office until 3 o'clock p. m.
Saturdiy. the 4th day of December. 183 } , lor
the purchase of one hundred n < l twenty-Hie
tbon aml dollar ; of Dou'Iaa county bonds ilea-
crlbrd aa follows : Gnn nandred and twenty-fire
bonds of one Ihcurand (1000) ( dollars each , dated
January 1st , 1831 , and payable twenty yjara
fromilato with interest at fix par cent , per
annum , payable semi-ant , tully ha the city cf New
Said bondtBballbor.decmablcat the option
of tbe board of county comml sion'r of nld
coauty , at the expiration of ten j tn from the
date of Mm c , but no levy shall ba mide to pay
auy part of the principal of sala bonds until
after the expiration of laid ten jcarg.
Into'ejt aliall be piM on caid bonds only from
and after the date cf the sals of ramo , on any
part thereof , and tbe rectit t of the money there
fore fald b nd < to be de'irercd aa follows :
125,000 on tbe first day cf Janoar , 1831.
gSO.O-O on the flnt d > y of July , 1831.
JiO.OOO on tbe first diy of January. 1S32 ,
Propoiolj will be received at the nme time
for the purchase of laid 1125.000 of bonds , tbe
entire amount to be delivered Januiry lit. 1881.
Tne board of county cooiraU loners re ? erf e
the rUht to reject any or all bull.
iJa'ed , Omana'Nov. Bth , 18 > .
Novlltf County Cleric.
Connects With Street Cars
Corner of 8AUNDEB3 and HAMILTON
STREETS. ( End of Red Line follows :
630 , 8:17andll:10a m ,3:03.8:37and723p.m.
7:15 a. m. , 9:15 a. m. , and 12:45 p. m.
M.-00,6:15and8:15p.ra. :
The 8:17 a. m run , I caviar Qmaha , and the
4:00 p. m , run , leaving Fort Omaha , are usually
loaded to fu'I ' capacity with regular passengers.
The 6:17 a. m. rua will be made from the poat-
oOee , corner of Dode and 15th Bcrehta.
Tickets can be procured from itreet cardrlT-
ert , or from driven of hack * .
33 :
Machine Works ,
J. Hammond , Prop. & Manager.
The rnmt thorocgh appointed and complete
ilichlne Shops and Foundry In the lUto.
Castings of every dntcrlptlon manufacted.
K > i < ( in ( * , Pumps and eve y daw of machinery
nude to ordor.
ordor.peclal attention given to
Well A iisars , Pulleys , HanRcrs ,
IIridgc IroDsCccjr
Cutting , etc
Plans tor new MaehlneryMeachanlcal Draught.
BUodelj , etc. , neatly nxecnted.
66 Home v St. , Bet. 14tb and 16ttJ.
can Duel a trocd laaortment of
At a UOfKR. FIQURE than U
any other ahoe home In the cltr ,
anl atl action > uar > at H. PrJcafTeryrrw B-
A. W.
* ' ' 1
ID IE IDT 0 ? I S T ,
Ornoc Jacob's B < ndr , comtrCjplto ! Are il
Kith. Om hy > > . .
. >
( PC fn ( POfl r ar at bom * , isamploi woil
ibD.lUlb/U fr . .AdUruw Stliaoo * 9 _ >