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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 18, 1880)
II I i ] 1 ME DAILY BEE. v 'rjrbursday Morning , Nov. 18. BREVHIES. Paterson Bella coaL "t _ VU.-TEB CAI-S , fifty "Cheap " ' r , t.anever"atFKEnCT' Dolls at the 99 tntato.-e It _ Party Fan * a jLtk. . Dim's . s P.-rter if mini the Omaha Ferrj- . - Lubin'sbuih. t rfume at Kulm's only Inrge varitty of clest protectors Kihn's. A. 0. IL ball to-night at Crcigliton Hall. Piush in , all the new shade * s ATKDsSOXS' . "Territory cattle" is the latest nam for long horns. The Linseed Oil Warehouse will no be rebuilt this winter. The ball anl banquet of the OmaL Operatois will be a bij thing , ATKIXSOXS discount any adver- tfad price list in tlie millinerj" busita b. Whipple , McMillan & Co. , the jewel era. W22 l onglas fctreet. oSCtf Just received at J , I. Ni. hos ! & Co.'s a supply of fre h butter , egg * and pou' try Swiss Che'sa , wholesal and rebul , n Caminenzind & Mtytr's , 207 cast 13lh St BEST IN THE "WORLD Basar G love fitting Patterns at Bushman's. t The best of meats at Bath & Tiito' market , opposite the postoffice. 2Mf Tha supply of coal has given out a several small stations along the Union Pa ciGc read. Bath & White , opposite tho. post oifice , receive fresh fish every Thursday twt-tf Xew Btoct of Toilet Soaps and Per fumcrics jus. received at Saxc's , coruc Thirteenth andF rnham. FBESII FIS1I every Thursday an Friday at the Palace Market , 31 South Fifteenth S're.t. w a-tf Union Thanksgiving services will b hold at the Congregational Church , anc lliv. jDr. Baugher Jwill preach the ser mon. Call and get priceo of aU kinds of gro cerics , produce , & ; . Apples and potatoc at low figures. George Heimrod , U. P block. n2ta The foundation for the new St. Pau nnd'Omaha round house , which will ac commodate four engines , is being put in - The ladies of Trinity mission have made final preparations for their grand en tcrtainment at Masonic Hall on Thanks giving evening. Gulick fc Blaisdell's Arabian Kight will appear in this city Christmas Ere. Christmas Night and Christinas afternoon in a matinee. Contractor Kuthetford arrived from St. Joe Tuesday , and he indicates that he will commence active operations ini midiately on the port'on of tile water works of which he is to have charge of construction. It is not probable now tlmt much c n be done before wann weather returns. In the police court yesterday Chas. Farrar , a young bootblack , was sent up f or * 3) days for hitting one of the same frater nity over the head with a box and cutting a terrible g h about the right eye. James Berry received SO days , the limit of the law , for stealing an overcoat from Brash's ivhilf orra spree. A n'ght school has been organized in connection wKh the bootblack brother hood , who have their quarters at 2S > . 1403 Harney utrctft. This ch ol is under the maaagement o.r Frof. Meek It opened laat STening with' f"1 ' corP ° * teacher * , and will b * open e\'e evening from 7 to 9 ' clotcs at 9:3lU1 o'clock. The room.1' : - - ! the scll ° o1 can -ish .jon poor boys whoish to . do s j free of charre. ' c to meet htr -Mary Anderson is about lo be dpsarts , if The Lincoln JpEKV , Mary relied Tipoa. It Bays : "Peerlesb , a Anderson is engaged to be married U. Kentucky stock breeder named Dobbin ? , n very excellent man , but one whom we [ fear regards hsr fine face and form vvith the same sort of favor thithe exercises in julging a filly. If Dobbins is a lar e , hsahhy man , what splendid children they will havel John Barnes , aliad Jones , was arrested 3'ostcrdny on the charge of forgf ry corn- niitled in Washington cuunty. He was a pirtner of Alfred Ha'1 , who was run down ' and arrested by Sheriff Guy the other aight after firing several shotn at him. Birnes forged the note , and Bay sold it to Vic. Lantry for 5150 , only 5100 of which was ever called for. An attempt was made to reloaeo Barnes on a writ of habeas corp us , but Judg ? Bartholomew , before whom the ca 3 was brought , remanded the pris oner to the custody of Slieriff Uoggs , who to-day look him back to Burt county for trial. ULSTERSl ULSTERS ! ! Jnst received a handsome line of > ladies' Ulsters , H&volocks and J.icketi elegant in style , excellent in quality. Handsome black silk suits for $25. An early inspection solicited. ItfcDoNALD & HARRISON. , loavw-f 1408FarnhamSr. St IF YOU NEED A STOVE inq' q' ' Of any de3criptionheating or cooking , tJi tJioi if you need anything in the hardware oi line , if you need anything in the way tliy y : of tinware , go and eca Sullivan ! t di Sons , opposite the old Grand Central , diP on Faruham street. n7 2t to BARGAINS IX Bargain * in BARGAINS IN Bargains in GENTS. & LADIES UNDERWEAR i Gent * . cm * Ladies Undervxar GENTS. & LADIES UNDERWEAR Gents , and Ladies UWcrtrear AT L. B. WILLIAMS & SONS. SONS.It. L It. CI Men's and children's Arctics at Full- riods , Douglas street near Thirteenth. n WIRE FLOWER STANDS at Evans' , Fourteenth and Dodge n7 3t FURS ! FDRS ! ! FDRS1 ! ! The Omaha .Fur Manufacturer , Henry G. R.chtcr , is to bo found op posite the poatofficn. o2G-tf cs at Ilospe's. RKMOTED By Thuwdar , Nov. 18th we will be in our new quarters and : offorinfjEXTBA BABOAIKS in jetrelry , Batches , etc. A 2fc WHITTLE , SrcyiLLEK & Co. ' ' atFulI- Men'sand children's Arctics - iied , DoDglas street near Thirteenth. tl ; . .CAPS _ CLUSTER OF CEIMES. A Bold , Daylight Robbery in South Omaha. A Stranger -who Carries Nug gets of Ore. A Brilliant Conversationalist and His Game. A bold robbery was committed this morning at the place kept by Mr. John Leakstrom , on Pacific and Sixth streets. As wo heard the story , Mr. L. had opened oat hia saloon , ard during the morning went across the street to his breakfast , or went into an adjoining room , and when hereturned , ha fonnd that some ono had entered the room and etoleu a valuable watch , a pair of new pants fand a pair of boots , with some other article * of less yaluo. Mr. L. does not care ao par ticularly for anything except the w atch and ho is very anxious cot to lose that. The man who committed the theft is known by fii/nt but not by name. Ho has a dark complexion , black hair aud smooth face. An effort is being made to find him though the police had not , up to noon , been called in to assist. IN TROUBLE AGAIN. A man who came up from Kansas city a few days ago reports having seen a man in jail there whom he Gills "Whiskey" Brown , and says he is from Omaha. Healco s'atcs that his offense consisted in robbing a party of men while drunk of § 120 , in gold and then getting away with $20 , more which was given him in ono piece to buy some "refreshments" for them. The police got their hands on him before ho made his escape. His trial was fixed for last week and ho is by this time either acquitted or behind the bars for some length of time. Ho thinks it is the same Brown who figured so conspicuously in the mock marriage last summer between May Leonard and old man Bennett , which cauEed such a sensation at the time. "We give the story only for what it may be worth. WORTH STEALING. Among the passengers from the ut yesterday was T portly , well- dressed Frenchman , whoso home is in San Francisco , to which place he is hurrying , utterly disgusted with the east and everything connected with it. This man went to Now York city about two or three months ago aud put up at ono of the first-class hotels. He was wealthy and carried considerable of the tempting yellow lucre about him , preferring to keep it about his person rather than to put it in the hotel safe. One night ho awoke | uat in time to see a man slipping ont of his room and it took him but a few minutes to learn that with him had departed forever 810,000 in cash , a gold watch tnd chain , nnd other valuables. The matter waaplaced in the hands of detectives , who spant another § 1,000 for him and then gave up the search , aud the victim concluded to return home. The Frenchman's story sounded pretty big but when ho exhibited to several parties with whom h was in conversation , a gold nagget worth $100 , a specimen of silver ore worth § 50 and a pair of cuff buttons made from $20 gold pieces , it went fat down without the slightest inti mation of incredulity. The party \rried slung across his back a flask of * " 'ognac brandy and in his valise mo u. f fragrant Havanas , which rereabollcu-11 * 0 0 115011 to his veracity. A CHEEKY COSVEEflA * . The Lincoln Journal tells fu , j" ti ho boldest attempts at lobbcry w las occurred in that city in mcny 'eats , which took place yesterday uorning at the agricultural implement lopot of Henry Keefer. Mr. K. , ye riih ono of his clerks , was overhaul- COla nc some papers and sorting qot notes lue and past due , preparatory to pre c nting them for pay ment , when a s tran la ; ter entered the office , and after pass- er' ng the usual salutation , was request- id to take R seat. Ha did so , and at CO ince entered into conversation with th ho proprietor , duelling largely upon ho beauties of Nebraska , our fertile and hospitable tei ; ioil and our generous eople in fact ho was glvlnR T' vii voefer a very nice game of wind n" afly mixed. During a lull in the ; lonversation , aud while Mr. Keefcr's lack was turned , a largo envelope con- ev < aining notes to the amount of $1,500 ] ras picked up by the smooth talker , tai nd in the uext instant the genial pai tranger had departed with the mies- to ng notes. The matter was kept very niet , nnd Fcirch was made for the Kief without avail. In the afternoon ofriv ne of Mr. Keefcr's men discovered riv ho envelope and notes in the back oiwe L ard of the depot. The thief had no we loubt made an examination of the lacksge and finding i : to bo worthless him , dropped it. " at t .foi > CLOAKS AND DOLMANS. The largest and most complete as- ottment west of Now York , we deal relatively in ladies suits and cloaks te md handle a line of goods to be ound only with us , we guarantee bet- m er value in these goods than any ar ither house in the west. Be convinced of this by inspecting choice assortment of the abovenamcd le roods just received at lene MCDONALD & HARKISON'S. to toFi non-wed-fn 1408 Farnam St. Fi PAMPAS GHASS PLDSIES , 3rop of 1880. Very fine and largo cl Svans' , Kth and Dod o Sts. n7-2t 0 SCULLEY IS WALKING FLOWER POT BRACKETS in peat variety at Evans' , Fourteenth ie md Dodge streets. ul7-3t Uled. ? SHIKK On Tuesday evening , of roup , at the residence of her grand Father , T. T. Webb , Libbie , daughter- Elder Shinn , aged 3 years and 11 months. W. I . WHITNEY is sole agent for he celebrated "BURT SHOE" Buy jour SHOES at WHITNEY'S. TEE GOAL FAMINE , ! Mercury Congealed at Laramie - mie This Morning. The B. & M. Crossing the U. P. * The storm fiend has again turned himself loose out west , and trains are laid out in consequence. The over- laud train doe hero ai 3:25 p. m. to day is repotted ten honra late , and all other trains out Treat are laid out bad ly. For some days a severe storm has been raging be tween Laramie amd Green River , the EHOW drifting badly at the latter point. Yesterday the track spread In ono place and ditched a freight train , but without very serious consequence quence , except adding to the general confusion. Tuesday the weather turned very cold , and at 5 o'clock this morning the mercury fell to 34 ° below zero at Lara mie and congealed. ' The weather report received at the UnionPacificheadquarterayesterdayat noon showed the atmosphere from Oinalia west to Cheyenne to be quite cold , ranging from 14 ° above at the former to 10 ° balow at the latter , with a sky parti : 11.clouded. . . From Chey enne to 0- : i it Is clear and calm , the mercui y falling to 15 ° below at Ogden. No fresh snow is reported anywhere along the line. c THE COAL FAMINE. Delayed trains have resulted in a scarcity of fuel , especially coal , all along the U. P. line and it is impos sible lo get coal or wood in the city. Ono man who went to order a load of coal yeaierday was told that there were 100 orders ahead of his and he would not likely get his coal for a week to come. On the B. & M. the trains from the west Tuesday encountered a terrific snou storm between Harvard and Sutton. For two miles the train passed through almost a solid mass o blinding snow. After passing throng it was all sunshine , with fair , balmy spring-like weather. MAKING CONNECTION. The ties are all laid and gangs o men at work connecting the B. & M aud 0. & St. P. roads by the rive bottom ronte which was contested si hotly by the U , P. Trains will ru over it in a few days , and it will form a continuous line from St. Paul St. Joe and the south , via Omaha am Lincoln. Those who know say that the story told The Herald by the officials of th new St. Paul Ijne , is quite fishy am either was purposely intended to de ceive , or else there is aomothln , behind that the public ought to know , The policy o : lined by The Heral wocld be directly contrary to the in tercsts of the road , its owners and al common sense views of railroad buai ness. BRIEFS Twenty-three caia of stock in yester day from the west J. W. Deal , ( general baggage agent of the K. P. division , U. P. railroad , is in the city. PERSONAL 3J ASAGRAPHS. Sirs. A. P. Nicholas has gone east. IIou. Algernon h. Taidock is in the city. Jacklloach left yesterday to visit his folks in Chicago. Hon. O. A. Abbott , of Grand Island , is in the city. Hon. N. W. TVella ratce in from Schuy- ler Tuesday. Henry D. Kjed left to-dayfor a business trip to Columbus. Commodore Shufeldt , U. S. N. , was an jest bound passenger Tuesday. Sir. atrd Sirs. John B. Furay have re turned fro.'n Hamilton county. Mrs. S. R. Johnson and Sirs. Seybolt nie up from . "Lincoln Tuesday. Mr. flndJIrs. Prank Walter * returned estcrday from \risit to the South Platte ountry. "Wiley Dhcontha depot policeman , is yitfi ; cfiL a few days to enjoy hia broth- 's visit. Sheriff J. W. Boggs , of Washington ounty , and JJ I" . Hilton , of Blair , are in 10 city. Senator and Mr * . Saunders , and her B'S- r , MM. Wolf , left last evening for ft isitin eastern Iowa. General Manager Potter and Treasurer a att , of the C. , B. & Q. , we. t south last ren us' in their special car. E. D. Ingei ? ° M general railroad'secre - ry for the United States and Canada , issed throujh the city last night en ron-te J St. Louis. A. M. VanDn ? en , general western agent the A. & P. Telegraph company , ar- ved in the city yesterday , with a view A. establishing some new offices in the est. , 11. B. Bates , for many years the man- ( " jer of the Western Union telegraph office Oakland/was in thecityandteftyeterday r Denver , where her takes the position of lanager of the Union Pacific telegraph Ece. Ece.As As we will move into our new quar- 3H about Thursday , November 18th , ) e are offering every thing in our line luch lower than ever before. Come ndseous. ( nlG2t ) WHIPPLE , MoMiLLUN & Co. ; ATKINSON'S , the acknowledged jading Millinery establishment , corer - er of Douglas and Thirteenth sts. , ook the first premium at the State : 'air , and don't yea forget it. S WALKING. NOW IS YOUB TIME TO BUY rVERCOATS. MEN'S OVERCOATS. . S2.50. MEN'S ULSTERS , § 5CP : BOY'S-ULSTERS , $2.50. 4t AT POLLOCKS. F. P. P. % ETE GOODS , FAIR PEICES , . FLEMING'S. New Citron , Ltmon and Orange Pee { NEW Filberts , Almonds and Peccans. NEW Brasds , Hickory and Walnuts , tl NEW Currant * , raisens and Jigs. NEW French and Turlisprunes. . NKW prundles , peaches and cherries. } Everything first-clats in. oac ine of _ EXCELSIOR , Our Forthcoming Annual " Illustrated Review. Splendid' Engravings , Excel lent Typography and Be- liable Statistics. Arrangements have been completed for bringing out the forthcoming An nual Illustrated Review of THE OMAHA BDE , which will be distri buted to our sdbscribeftf cm New Year's Day. AU the illustrations itf this annual review are to be litho graphed by a first class artist. One of the most important features will be the sketches of the prominent private residences in the city , which last year were * crowded ont by other buildings. The statisti cal work , which ia the most laborious part of this undertaking will be more complete in detail and more thorough If anything , than in any previous Review. In order that no omissions shall oc * cur in. this branch , we would urge up on our citizens who have made any building improvements during the year to furnish us the desired informa tion , either a this office or through the postofSce as early as possible. We wa'nt the name of the owner of the improvement or structure , dhcrlption of the improvement or building location and costof same. In view of ot the fact that the out lay for such an undertaking is very large , amounting to nearly § 1,600. we have to eecure a reasonable amount of advertising patronage from our merchants and manufacturers Mr. J. H. Pierce baa been employee as solicitor for advcrtiements in the illustrated annual review. He wil call npon business men ant furnish them further particulars concerning the style of the work ra es of advertising , etc. The edition will contain 16,000 copies , and wil therefore be a most valuable medium for advertising. Parties who desire to have their reiidenccs or any buildings illustrate * : had better apply at this office at an early day. INTERESTING TO HORSEMEN All parties interested in , or owners of , horse flesh will be , no donbt , grati Bed to laarn that Omaha is assured o having a competent veterinary sur- gaon , Doctor Chambers , who has per manently located in the city and Is thoroughly acquainted with every dis ease known to the equine race , ' anc will , on short notice attend to any thing connected with his profession , either day or night. Doctor Chambers : has a number ci years post been a member of the firm of Ayers and Chambers , veterinary surgeons , of this city , and has during that time won for himself an enviable reputation. Since diesolution of the above firm , Doctor Chambers has opened an office at the Blue Barn on Sixteenth street , where he can be found at any time during the day or at his residence , 45812th street be tween Harncy and Howard , at night. CLOCKS ! CLOCKS ! CLOCKS ! At EDHOLM & ERICKSOH'S , op poalte the postoffic ? A BEW CLUB , Reorganization ot the Garfleld and Arthur Glee Olub. Ameci.u.o. ili. , , .ld Garfield and Arthur glee club was held last evening in the office of the county clerk , at which some important business was transacted. The popularity of this organization during the recent campaign was unbonndedand thn jollification meet ing on the evening of the 4th inst. WAS tinged with regret for many at the thought that this was perhaps the last appearance in public of its favor ite singers , as the object for which they organized was accomplished. The subsequent announcement that they would give a concert , was hailed with delight , and now we have the pleasure of stating that the club at its meeting last evening , reorganized on basis calulated to make it permanent and one of the institutions of our city. city.In In reorganizing the name of the club was changed to "The Omaha ee Club" and all the old officers retO re-elected to the same positions hey had previously held. A com- aitteoo.insisting of Lewis S. Reed , J. . Smith. T. J. Pennell and John R. lanchester , were appointed to draft constitution and bylaws and Messrs. "rank Smith and J. R. Manchester rare authorized tc > secure the services f an accompanist for the organha- lon. lon.A A full set of the Boylston club col- ostion of German and English , four art songs for male voices hava been purchased and preparations are being mde to give a grand concert at an sarly day. Wo wish the new organiza- lon abundant success. Auction trade sale to-night at M. Ctamlnga' Auction Rooms , , corner 14th ind Douglas strpet , A fine lot of lo thing to be sold to the- trade for , . just what it will bring. Sale at 7:30 : a'clock. D. S. M. FBETJIEM , , Auctioneer. CLOCKSL CLOCKS ! CLOCKS ! At EDHOLM & BRICKS.ON' . & op posite the postoffice. ' ' f SOUELEY IS WALKING ? " Men's and children's Arctics at Full- . ? ds , Douglas street near Thirteenth. SEA SHELLS A beautiful line at Svans' , 14th gnd Dodge Sts. . n7-2t STEEL ENGRAVINGS. Finest ever brought t ? Omaha , and - it New YorVprlces. Don't " fail to see y ' 3 * e ihem fltlEaton's Callfoi ? ta Pears , Pluips , Grapes , tc. . at Tizard's ' Palace. o21-tf - * * - ' ; - - For Sale % K > G power Baxter - - \ ' n -Iq-jgpad , repaln THEIIEDIBEGT. A Tilt Between Opposing Counsel in the United States Court. The Judge's Reprimand. The case of Engineer O'Donnell VB. the Union Pacific Railroad , for personal - sonal injuries received from a railroad accident , was before the United States circuit court Tuesday and was given to the jury that evening. In the ar gument of the case a personal alter cation took place between the oppos ing counsel , which created no amal sensation. Hon. A. J. Poppleto-n , attor'noy for the Union fPacific , the defendarit , having in his address to the lury in timated that the testimony of counsel for the opposite side , Sf essra. Eedick and Red'ck ' , should be taken with a grain of allowance , the senior mem ber of the firm , Mr. John I. Redicd , in closing the case , referred in terras of regret to the remarks of Mr. Pop pletoDj and said that he and his son had lived in this city for twenty-five years , had growh op side bj * side with her other citizens and that their charac ters were well-known in the comma nlty. Whatever had been charged to them he could say that they had never yet been the subjaot of investigation before a Grand Jury on the charge oi Biirglary. - Upon this Mr. Poppleton rose to his feet and with considerable excite ment exclaimed , "If you mean that j have been you are a I'dr , and I cal npon the court to compel you to si jlwn , as yon have already exhaufltec the time allotted to yon. " He then went on to say that if counsel put themselves on the attitude of witnesses they must expect to be treated an witnesses. Mr. Kedick said that he didn't pro pose to submit to * personal assaults on his or his eon's character and woulc resent the imputation that they were not to bo believed under oath. Ha admitted that he had exhausted his time and took his seat without further remarks. The judge , in charging the jury re ferred to this little outbreak with con * siderablo warmth , stating to the jury that demonstrations of this character were not so unusual in his court as they should be and that counsel shoulc have better control of their feelings than to give away to such exhibitions CLOCKS ! CLOCKS 1 CLUCKS ! At EDHOLM & ERIOKSON'S op poiito the poatoffice. DOWN THE EIVEE , The Tempestuous Voyage of the O. K. Peck. The steamer 0. K. Peck , one of the largest of the up-river boats and be longing to the northwestern transfer tation company , arrived ia this city at 11 o'clock to-day from Sioux City , en ronte to St. .Louis. She left Sioux City Sunday about noon and was consequently sequontly three full days in making the trip. The condition of the river ta report el as very bad. About 60 milea above this city , the ice gorge broke her rudders several times , andshe was compelled to lie up twice for repairs. She ia going down " " "light , that is without any freight , but brought five passengers to Omaha. Here she will remain only long enough to have some rudder irons made and then leave at once for St. Louis and in a short time proceed to the Red river country to go into the cotton carrying trade for the winter. Capt. Gillam is the commander of the C. K. Peck and L. L. Curtis , her dark. The officers anticipate con siderable trouble from ice and the bad condition of the channel on the down ; rip. rip.The The Peck will como north again in , he spring. She is now lying at the bet of Dodge street. New Engravings at Hospe's , Freeh Sweet Cider , at n52t FLEMING'S. The State Board. Hon. G. M. Bartiett , state treasurer - rer , Hon. S. J. Alexander , secretary of state , and Hon. F. M. Dan's , land commissioner , came up from Lincoln last evening. Mesars. Bartiett , Alex ander and Davis compose the state board of public buildings , and are row making their.annual tour of in- pection of slate institutions. They visited the Deaf and Dumb institute to-day in order to ascertain the amount of the appropriation required from the legislature. They will visit the penitentiary and insane asylnm , at Lincoln , and the reform school build ing , at Kearney. Special Ordinance No 248. For levying a spechl tax for the construction of tidcvalk * . th8 ° "y Conncjl of lhB cltT . ! .SlfT s V ! ? the Mvcri1 mnursctoppo- EitetothofollowincrdojcTibcd premises to wit : 3' Holbeck > Iot6 > block ZI < " ° Total amount , 817.03. city conndt for the ronwIS on d wifkBta .Jront of and unjoining tald premise * by Theo- r n r ! tesen > ' pnnratnco of a contract en- . teredlnto by tt.e city of Omaha , witn him , and alter the failure of the owner thereof to flo the Mine , after due notice , b ' and the game are hereby respectively levied and assessed against Si , . ? i JU ? > parts ot 'ot ' n < l pr mlse . pay- from tbi d tr < aursr wihlu thirty (3 ° ) y SM. H- That thfs ordinance shall tako'tffect and be j , , f orce frt.m , u p gg. ( signed. ) JAUKSE BOTD , , . rreaft City Conndl. n j T Passed Nov. 9 h , 1880 Attest : X. F. . City Clerk. ApproredNov. llth. 1880. ( Signed ) 0.8. CHASE , . The above tax becomesdeltnqcent on the Kth dayol December , 1BSO , Rer which date , ten Op ) per cent , penalty nd Interest at the rtte of one ( lpercent.lnadv ) ncetwinbe dde < J. 8. Q. UALLETFE , CItyTre > tUTer. PARTIGAN ct DODGE , Sheet Iran Workers AND BOILEE MAKERS Cor. 12lh and Can strret * . LADIES' CHENILLE SCARFS. Ladies' Chenille Scarfs. LADIES' CHENILLE SCARFS. Ladies' Chenille Scarfs. SOLID COLORS. SOLID COLORS . Solid Colon. ONLY S1.00. Only $1.00. ONLY § 1.00. Only 81.00. LESS TBAN WHOLES ALE PRICE. Less Than Wholesale Price. LESS THAN WHOLES ALE PRICE. Lass Than Wholesale Prica. L. B. WILLIANS & SON. L. B. Willums & Son. L B. WILLIAMS & SON. L. B. Williams & Son. WHIPMB , MOMILLKH & Co. will remove to their new store , in Crelghton Block , Thursday , Nov. 18 , consequently t'cy are offering any thing in their line at cost. 10-2t llospe HKS Removed nis immonsa. stock of sic,1' across the street , to" tfie new brick building next door to Harris & ' nlO-6t Fisher's. - Attention , Hooks. All members of the Hosk and Lid- der company 6e requested lo > attend a speciar.aneeliog November at 7:30 : p. m , , sharp. JUIJDS TREITSCHKB , Sec'y- SPECIAL H9TO 3. - t r NOTICE Advertisement ! To Let f r a. . - j Lost , Found , Wants , Boarding k' , . . u 5 sorted In those columna ones for tfX Mn'tr i per Iln ; each snbfl qn < aitlnserto' ! riV ca ! "fJn per Uno. The flist Insertion n- > ' ioiii TWKNTT-FIVK CEMTS. onar ' so IIOAH-CMI ' i * w M' D. I. . SHOHA3. B.KDI a. t . " ' J'J ON7.Y TO irfAlJ HOT Dr. Edward loan Apoccy. ! itt HELP WANTED A number 1 piri c.-ok , washer WANTED . to such teed wages will be paid. Apply tt.E. corner IStb and Farnham Sts. 875-29 A good houao-keepSr , by a wid- WAiJTED Inqtfre at 1513 Dodge Btrtet. A klrl lor general house woik. WANTEP K. BJWC& , 23C8 , Capital ATO- nce. 871'18 FED A coed meat and vegetable cook , WAN the St. Ch.wles Hotel. 377-tt Two carpenifrj. Apply neit WANTED to CB office. 578-17 -tTTANTED A woman to naeh aud Iron , at W Emmett Home. H tTTANTED All Omaha t3 know that th. . VV Roy l Ft. .totiu Is the Hisocf Sewing Machlnca , office on 1' th St. 8J9-U " \TTANTED Book-keep Inp or copyln' to do VV tvenlncs Address "Competent , " Fee office. 844-1T 2men to work In marketearden , WANTED ' ot 18th ct H W. BAIL. 827-tl FORREHT-HQUSES AHD LAND. 10R RENT 2 rooms fornuhed or unfor- F nlehed , 411 16th et , near Howard. 876-18 REST That excellent dwelling hotrae S. FOB . corner or 22d and California streets. Well , cistern : .nd barn. Also for sale the cir- peta. stores , fnmitnre. etc , for cash or on time. Apply to John Guild. 1005 Farnbam St. 839-tf REST Dwelling horco S. E. cornrr of FOR and Burt Sit. Excellent barn , ( iitcnis indwell' - ' 'tchcap. Also for role cheap , car pets , fu nlta > . etc for cash or oa tinw : Appl\ to C. A. Moirll. 1C05 Farnham St. 840-t T11URNISHBD Rooms for rent , at Dorm J } llouse , opposite Bee c fflce. 802-t ITIOa REST CottaRC , on 6th nnd Pine Hta. r new house , eight roomson 53d a' d Tass Sts Enquire J. V. Koe , 5 ? . E. Cor , 12th and Farn ham. 696-tl RENT 2 furnished roorag over Mer chants Exchange , N. E. Cor. 16th and Dodire streets. 2S9-tf FOR SALE. RENT Dost room la well furnished of FOR , cjrnerDoJge and 14th Sts. Bent o references required. A gent'eman with whom ai arrangement i ou d be ma'Je to att'nd to.pre- sent i ccup mi's currsrondenco during hs ; ab sence , prtfered. Apply at oaco to Eflj-m-w-t' A.P TCKEY. FOR SALE Stcreoptican , fitted with Oxy Hydrogen and Oxy-Calcium jets , and 500 choice views. Best irake and as good ta new. Address J. Earger , 414 north Thirteenth strfet , Omaha. g6M7 EOR SALE A first-clan hotel and resianr- ant business , located In the bM" put of the city , and Jolng a good business. The proprietor Is called west to a'tcnd to mining interest , and Inquire at BBS office. tOUf FOR SALE OR RENT Railroad Biting House , at Elm Creek , Buffalo County , Ne braska , sixteen miles west of Kearney Junction , on the Una of the U. P. R. R. Possession given Immedtstelj. Good reasons for selline. Full particular given on appllcAtixn to Mrs. Ptrry , on the premises , In pernon or by mai' ' . 803-18 I 60,000 choice Mick for sale. Apply to Tnomas L Green & Sons , Council Blntfa , 'a. 795-tf HOUSES And corner halt ot lot , southeast Al corner 14th and Cass Sts. , 7 rooms in each ; rent for $20 and $25 10 : month IJXMIS' l.Rib EsrATK AOEKCT , JSth and Donclai Sts. 070-tf TOR 8ALK Mixed paints , at A. Ilolmes.ieth _ C and California Sts. 615-tf K SALK Cottonwood lumber of all F RKPMOND'S. Sbrtflenth-iit. 618-1. MISCELLANEOUS- WfT ATHEWS' Dancing Academy . \J. LTJL will bo open eiery Monday and friday , Popplcton'fl block , corner 10th and Farnham 875-2C rilO LUMBERMEN A yoang man wishes a po- L sltlon In a lumber yard , city or country. Ho U capable of keeping bookg and U willing to work at anythingconncctcJ with yard. Address C. A. E. , AtladtTc House , Atchlson , Kang.8. 884-20 Sf TJIlAIVAKD.Tax'adcrraht.comor . \J. JD 13th and Howard St. , I.'eerheAd a tpeciaity. f5'-lm ' Absolutely Pure , Made from Grape Cream Tartar. No otbif preparation makes anch lizht , flaky hot breadtl or luxurious paztry. Can bo eaten by dypeptic1 wlthontfearof the llsresulUnff from heavy l _ digestible food. Sold only In c by all Grocers. " * n . POWDIR Co. N r Tork J. H. FLIEOEL & GO. Successor * to J. IT. MERCHANT TAILORS , D No. f220 Douglas Street , QTVT AT = T A H ? ! S. P. MORSE & CO. , GASH JOBBERS AND RETAILERS OF DRY 0 OODS. ST. . An Opportunity is Now Offered to all Ladies West of New Yo rl ; City to Make Their Purchases from the Finest Lineof BLACK SILKS ! BLACK SILKS ! Ever shown in a retail store ; purchased for cash direct from French inanu.- facturers , and especially made and finished for the retail trade. "CASHMERE GRIFFON SILKS , " "CASHMERE ALEXANDRE SILKS , " "CASHMERE PRINGESSE SILKS , " "SANS NOM SILKS , " In all numbers and all widths , commencing in 21 inch Cashmere finished at $1,25 , up to thejinest production of the celebrated These Goods We Offer at LESS THAN COST OF IMPORTATION. n inspection v/ill well repay intending purchasers. ! , 21 inch-Brocades in bronze , garneti navy , brown , $1-00 a yard , worth 81.25. 21 Kn&Black Brocade at $1.25 , worth $1,75 * 24 inch , all Silk Brocades , at $2,00 , $2,25 , $3.00. VELVETS , PLUSHES'SURAH' SILKS. 16 inch Silk Velvets at $1.00. 19 inch Silk Velveta , at $1.50 , $1.75 , $2.00 , $2.25 , $2 5O , $3.0O. 28 inch Silk Velvets from $4 00 to $9.OO a yard. I Silk Plushes in alF Colors , all Shades. In Garnet , Wavy , Greetf , Prune , Gendarine , Etc. CASHMERES I CASHMERES 1 Black and Colored Cashmeres , all Wool , 45 cents. Our 40 inch. Colored Cashmeres , 70 , worth 90 cents. Our 40 inch , Colored Cashmeres , 80 , worth $1.00. Our 40 inch Shudda Cashmeres , 75 , worth $1,00. V All Retailed at New York Prices. Qualities equal , we are to-day selling goods" cheaper than any house in the west. One price marked in plain figures. s. IP. nvccmsiEi < fe ocx C I fa 11TTC D B EAS mw OPENED FOE INSPECTION HIS NEW STOCK t L ii U I I C , It of Fall and Winter Clothing for Men > Tenths' Boys' and Children's Wear. _ _ _ , . SPECIAL ATTTENTION HAS BEEN GIVEN TO MEET M Farnham Street. 1001 the requirements of Everybody. OUR ASSORTMENT OF STYLES AND PATTERNS IS POD piston BlOCk. the most varied and elegant ever displayed in the city. CITIZENS ARE CORDIALLY'INVITED TO EXAMINE our large display of Dress and Business Suits , Fall Grand Weight Overcoats , Novelties in Furnishing Goods , Stylish Hats and Caps , Trunks , Valises , Califorfornia Blankets and Overalls , &c. . 4c. NO ONE IF HE CONSULTS HIS OWN INTERESTS WILL OPENING buy one dollar's worth of Clothing until he has seen our immense Stock and learned our Prices * Machine Works , r. Hammond , Prop. & Manager. The moat thorough appointed and complete Jachlne Shops and Foundry In the sUto. Caitlng3 oi every description nanufacted. Engines , Pumps and eveiy class of machinery nade to order. order.pedal attention given to If ell Anenrs , Pnlleys , Hangers , Shafting , Bridge IronsGeer batting , etc Flans tor new M chlnerylleachinc ! l Drttrsht- ng , Models , etc. , neatly executed. 66Harnev St. , Bet. 14th and 16th. THE OMLY PLAGE WHERE YOU can nnd a gocd assortment of BOOTS AND SHOES At a LOWER FIGURE than at any other shoo house In tha cltr , P. LANG'S , . ] 238 FARHHAM ST. LADIES' & GENTS , SHOES MADE TO ORDER nl iats'actionguar [ > nt eJ. Prices very reason blc. 'ASSENCER ACCOMMODATION LINE BETWEEN 3MAHAAND FORTOMAHA Connects With Street Cars lorner of SAUNDERS and HAMILTON BTRFETS. ( End of Bed Line M follows : LEAVE OJTAHA : 30 , 8:17andll:19 m ,3:03.6:37and739p.m. LEAVE FORT OMAHA : 7:15 a m. , 9:15 a. o. , and 12:45 p. m. 4:00 : , OllS and 8:15 PL m. The 8:17 a. m run , leatln.gmaha , and the :00 p. m. ran , leaving Fort Omaha , are usnally jaded to full opacity with regnUr passengers. The 8:17 a. m. run will be made from the poet , fflce , corner of Dodge and 15th snrehta. Tickets csn l-c procured from street cardrtv- n , or from drivers of tutlti. 'ABE. 25CENTS ? . I.VCLOWSa ETRE CAB W.ff JNO. G. JACOBS , fTcrmerlj of abb. ft JKoba ) lo. 1417 Faroham St. , Old Stand of Jacob Oil IRDKRS Br TRLKORAPB SOL1C1TB THE CELEBRATED ) val Steel Tooth Harrow Minnfictnrad by IA GROOT. Jk 0BDB1SGS , Fondu Lee , Wit. F. D COOPER , Write"for ptleei Agent , Omaha , Kob. Mwtl lfCUTG WASTED to eell Dr. CHASES lUCn I O 2COO RECIFE BOOK. Stilt at ght. Yon doable your money. Address Dr. base's Printing House , Ann Arbor , Mich l * > clAgenU everywhere to iai Tea. Coffee , BHnK Powder. lavorins Extracts , etc , by larnnle , to fimIH , roflt good. Ontfit freo. People1 ! Tea Co. , EJS 190 , alt LOOlj , alt ] . AGENTS [ FOB DEVLIN & CO. , BOSTONLOTHiN LOTHiN LOTHiNJOUSE , FARMIAU STREET. MARHOFFS TRUNK FACTORY. The largest and best assortment of Trunks and Valises in the West. Telescopic Cases . and Sample Trunks a Specialty. H. H. MARHOFF , - - - PROP. , 117 14th St. , Doors North of Douglas St. 5O3OOO CHEAP ! CHEAPER ! CHEAPEST ! MAX MEYER & BR0. Propose for the next ninety (90) ( ) days to sell then , entire stock of Diamonds , Watches , Jewelry , Clocks. Silver-Ware , Pianos & Organ GENERAL MUSICAL MERCHANDISE At Manufacturing ; Prices , WMch is from 15 to 20 per cent , below any Eastern Wholesale House , preparatory to moving into their weN Store , Cor. llth & Farnham We Mean Business * Come and be Convinced ,