Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 18, 1880, Morning Edition, Image 3
ATJSRHEYJS-AT-IM : CRALES POV/ELL / , TTUSTICE OF7HEE CE-r < ) nicr J5th and ( J gtrnh-vn g-j. , Omaha Kab. BiaERAL , TTOHEKY ATLAW noamOCrelght n B'.oct. ISth St. OMAHA. SEE. D. L THOMAS , i TTOKNK.7 AT LAWLoansrcotey. . beye f\ , and sells real eutale. Roaro--S1Crcghton ! Clock. Clock.'A. 'A. S.-TROUP , A XTORNK7 AT LAW Offlc * ' IB Uac com' a ' " ' - - , friOi George E. FriUbvtt , ISM farnhara St. nr A TT A . vn > . AT.tAW Crei ( * S A. M. CHACWICK , TTOl 2Y AT LAW Office J504 Famham Str et. _ X'H.LPEABODY . , f AWyra-Offl98 - In Crclghton Elosk , next U OIABY PPBUO. O'BRIEN & 6ARTIETT , fi-ttorneys-at-Law , OFFICE-tJnlan BlocfcJVtecnth xnf Farnham * ATTORNEY AT LAW , ARBACH BICCK. COR. DOUO. & 15TH STS. OMAHA. W.'d. OorineH . . , Attorney- -La w. Office : Front roomi , "op " stain , in Haasccu't new brick buiidin ; , N. W. corner Fifteenth and "tunham Streeto. . RIDIOK. CH1S. K. KECIOC llEDICK tt'REOiCK , Attorneys-at-Law , 9ped I ttloction will bs given to all rally against .corporations ot-every detcrlptlon ; will practlos in al ltle Courts o ! the 6t&te and the united Static. Office. Famham St , cppoElU Cotirt Honfie. EDWARD W. SIMERAL , J TTORNEY AT LAW Room 6 Orrigbtcn A. Bloelr , Itth and Ponging Etroete. po9 lb C. F. MAKDERSQN , TTOKNST AT LAW S Famham. f\ . Omaha NsbrasLa. w. T. RICHARDS. .U-J. . RlCHAiiDS & * HUHT , Attorneys-at-Law. Omcii 21B South Fourteenth Btreet. BT THE C.SE OP DR. BOSANKO'S PILE REMEDY. IHTERNAL. EXTERNAL , AND 5TCH1NG PILES mt onr > on the nppllcmtlon of Df teo'a l He Iterocrty. Tfhtrh nrt U. _ rtetly npon the part * affecl < t , nhaorblai Tumor * , allaying the Intenae Itcto all etlier reinr Uc h TC failed. Try II , Bd tell your nglghboraoi jiaairrlta. DO NOT DELAY tb drain on tbe myatem prodneo icBt dlaabllltj- , bat bay It , TRY IT LOURED PRICE , 50 CENTS. - " " ASK YOUR DRUGGIST FOB IT , § * when you can not obtain ItofUm , W ) - rtit It , prepaid , on'reeclptofprlcc nko'c Tratl e on Plica cnt frc , ( application. AddrcM DR , BOSANKQ MEDICINE GO. P1DDA.O. TLat Acts at ibo Same Tims ; c THE UVER , S BOWELS , and the ECBDNEYS. , rrtor tijo y wm. will i > perfect : If they become d rcodrul vllswiscs r.i o Runs to loliow vritli "cSHiDLSL SUFFERING. r.liionsnefS , Iltsdachc ; IfSp Ds5a , tU.-c , Corj-lij.iUcn xti Tiles , < > rKIi3- iipf Campli'nt' : , Orurrt , Dit'.ctcs , f < bNIi2. ! it IH tha tVinc , Milky i _ .jor .BitfT. Itrlac ; orUhca - \ iaatr 1'nlns and ACI ! < H , 'i ro d-vcloacd ' - caiife thcblooillspolsonf ? / . -ifa tlic hrn. iJ that thould have IH-KI k > : u-ii tuHii v 'y. , * ' * P.I.ttort " action an ! all lliev . - . . , . .cr.ioreBlaaflenj-onrhein iriy suifar lon'-orficn-stho tormjr- : ifI'lic'iJi : * b : uk ? Vr l- > -\r riscl tilctrccs frcm Ccr- ir ' i On i. r-iies ? ' \ . ; f ital : > ocaueo of Sir urixtMf ' < * ? r.T.Vsrr ; TWO DOLLARS WILL SECURE , . . -THE WFEKTAT BEE V ' ' * For 'One'Tea ? . ' ' ' ' ' " THE- DAttYBEE , ' PUBUSH1HC PRGPEIETORS- - 916 Famham , let. 9th and Mh Strctti TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION. 1 Copy 1 jear , In advance ( postpaid ) S3.0C eminlln" - * " i * -W Smootlu " " .J..S.OC _ JjHE IKE MAILS. C , &K. W.K. E SSO * . m. , S:40p. : m. C. B. & Q.5 SO a. m. , 2:40 p. m. C.P. . IfcP.R. B30am.S:40p.m : 0fSt Joe E:30 a. m S.Clty4P.B30a.m. , C. P.B.B. , llWam. ; ' O. & E. T. to ttacoln , 10 a. m. . * , B. &M. R-E.,6tO : m. O.fcW.W. , 738a.m. OffXUtQ C.4H.W.B.K. , 11a.m. , 11 p. m C. R & 0. , 11 a. m , 030 p. m. aR : I. &P. , 11 a.-m. , 41 p. m. a B. & St , ; oe.U a.m. , U p. m. U. P. B. R. , 4 p m. O. & R. V. from Lincoln. U:10 p. m , B. < Hty&P.-ll . Jn , .B. kM. lnhtb. , pm. Local malls for St\e Iowa leave bnt onoe day.ris : 1 0 a. m. _ . f - Office open from 12 to 1 p. BV. Srmdayi. THOMAS F. IIALC. PostmssUf. Arrival And Wcparture ; of Trains. - - UNION PACIFIC. tKAVB. " iREIVt Dally Erpn . . . .I2I5 > m. ' SSBp.m. do Mired eao p. m. 4:25 : p. m do Freight 6:30 : a. m. 1:10 p.m. do do 8:15 a. m. 12SOa. ra. TIME CARD'OF TUE BURLINQTOH. LUTI OKAEa. A&HIVI OMAHA. Express 8:40 : p. m. _ , > rea 10 0 a. m. Mall 6M a. m. Mall 10:00 : p. m. SundayB.Exceptcd. CHICAOOBOC"KISLAKD ( & PACIFIC. Hail _ .6OOa.m.ltfaU 10:00 p. xa. Express. 8:40 p. m.J Express..10:60 a. m. CHiCAGO NORTHWESTERN.- \ Mall _ . .60 a. m/l Matt' . . , ' 7SO p.m. * K'prees B:40p ! m. | Express . . . .10:00 : a. m. Eundaye excepted. KANSAS CITY , ST. JOE t COUNCIL BLUFFS. LUTI * 1KRTFE. _ _ _ Main.8:00a. rn : | Krproggr. 1:401. m. Express 6:00 p.m. | Man 738 V- - Tneon'.yltne rnnnlne Pnllman Sleeping Oara oat ol Onaha to Union Depot. OMAHA & KOKTHWE8TERK AND : SIOUX CITY & PACIFIC EA1LROAD3. Kxprtffl SKWa.m. | Fxpreaj i' Op m. DaiivExceptSnndayi. ' . B. ftM. B-klnNEBRABKA. . - LI1TB. AMltTl. ThroughEip.8:40 : m I Through Exp . * * 0 pm Lincoln Erp..KlB p m ( "Liiiccln Exp..9M a m SIOUX CITY & BT. T .TJL R. B. IIJ1 . . . . .BttOMnlFxp - * , VSM m ETprees 8 , pm fii 720 p m WABASH , &T. LOUIS S PACIFIC. U1TII. AKR1V18. < if fl _ 8a.m.Hall ) _ _ . llifi * m Kxpreu 3:40 : p. m. | Express ( SS p. m. BBIDOE DIVISION' 0. P.'Rl R. Leave Omaha , dally. S a. m. , 9 a. m , , 10 a m. , _ 11 a. m. 1 p. m. , 2 p. m. , 3p . m , 6 p. m , , 6 p. m. , Leave Coundl BluCs ; S:25ta. m.,9 5 a. m , , . IO.-26 , m. , 11 S B. m , 1SS p ° , 228 P. m- 3:25 p. m , 6:25 p. m. , 6:26 p. m. , Fear trips on Sunday , Icaring Omaha jt 9 tnd 11 a. m. , 2 and 6 p. m. ; Council Bluffs at' 925 , 11:25 a m , and 2:25 and 5 5 p. m. FASStSOIP. TIUUKS f * Leave Omaha : 0 n. m. , 7 a. m. , :30 : . m. , I p. m. , t 0 p. m. . 7:25 p. m. , taave Council Blnffj : 6:15 a. in , , 9:40 : a. m , 11:40'a , m,5:25 p. m. , ISA p. m. ; 7:60 p. m. ' > 0ailr except Sunday. - > OMAAA It REPUBLICAN -VAL1 Y R. . - , Mail.-- . 10:45 : sim. 4 5 p. m. Eaily except Sundays ' ' 8AIITA OLAUS FOUND. Greatest Discovery ortdeAge. - ff onuerf nl dlaccverlca In thi world haVoljOTn made Amont > iUirahlnifi ! wlujre Sante lUsus stayecl' Children oft ask If te makcsaooiipr cot , . . U reaDyio lives in mounUla-of , snow. - * \az\ \ year in cxtnrsion s-Mlc3 clear to the Pole AnS suddenly dropped into whit eeemcdllkc sJiole Whwc wonder ofwoaders ticyfound anewland , While falry-lik beuiR * appearoJ on each hand. There vere mountains like onrj , vpth more beautiful green , And far brighter Mas than evsr Ts-cre seen , Birds .with the lines .of , n rainbow , wero.fonnd While flower ! rf'tutqulilte fragrance were grow Ing aronnd. Not long were they left to wiodsr In donbi A beluc boon came th y badbeonl much about , Twas Santa Cl > us * sct ! and this they all say , 3cJsdkcd liUotic picture r e ee cvsrydiy He drove up a tcainilist-lnoked-very queer- ' Twas a team Icras8hoppo instead of ' rclnrteer , He roilc In a shell Instead ofa JcIsh , Hut ho .toni them on Loird ami drava them away. Ho showed them all over hi wonderful rcilm , \.nd factoriea maklr.j ; goods/or women and men Farriers were wortine on hats great and small , To Bunce's they IU they wetostndiDg them afl. Kris Kinric , tie Qlove llakcrloldth m at once , All our Gloves we are sending to Bunce , Santa showed them suspenders and many things moro. Sayine I alse took those to friendEticco's E'.OIJ. ianta Glaus then trhkpercd a secret be'il t X 4s In Omaha every one knew Bunce well , lie therefore ehotud send hi ) goods to his care , Knowing his friends will pet their full share. 7ow remember ye dweller ? In Omaha town , 111 who want prtacnU to Bunco's go round , Tor shirts.collars , or.glovc * great and email , iend your BleUr or aunt one and all. Bonce , Champion Hatter of the IVfat , Donslvs Tfttt. Omh UK. A. S. PENDEKY , CONSULTING PHYSICIAN liAS PERMANENTLY LOCATED'HIS MED ICAL OFFICE , M.S . Tenth Street , - OMAlt A , NEBRASKA OCerlnj his Bcrrlccs In all departments o medicine am' ' eurgcry , both In general au pedal pracll-e acute and chronic diseases C be consulted night and day , and will visit * - > art of the city nrt rrnnty an-rnralDt nf lettn A new an-1 hitherto unknown remcdj tlor all diseases of the Kidneys , Bladder , ano Utlnary Organ ? . . t I It will postivelv cure Diabetes , Gravel , Drop sy , Briffht's Dlscas , inability to retain or expell the Urine , Catarrh of the Bladeer , hljh colored and scanty orine. Painful Urinatlnf , LAilt UACK , General Weakness , and all Female C m- It avoid ! Internal medicines , Is certain in it effects and cures when nothing else can. t For tale by all DruggtsU or ent by mall free upon receipt ottho , pry , $2.CQ. . f . DAY NEY PAD CO. , PROFRS , j Toledo , O. ' - tUTSir youraddreea. . lort our , little book , .How < in * Saved.f ' _ t / , A ' lS K. 1STI. kmi for-Tfdh . . AGRICULTUEAL , * * Wintering fcweet Potatoes. The keeping "of" sweet pofatcca in the hands of the dealer or couscmer Ja .usually difficult aijdco Jly because o'f ; trTe&dUposition- dppr.feiit pre- dispojifibn to decay. The reasons arejfirst , too much rough handling before they reach theao parties , and , second ; want of acquaintance with .their.natxy-e. The. sweet potato la a semi-tropical product , and the rules that apply to northern or round pota toes are not applicable to them. la thefirBt placeaxil roogh , handling 'must , fe avoided. Bruises and'gishea are dangerous , and even unnecessary -handling is nnsafe\for \ long .keeping When dug they should be in the sun long enough to dry off nicely , and .then , if designed.for the spring mar ket , be removed to a warm and dry room or cellar ahe stored in boxes , barrr-b , bins or cribs. Here , at first , they will "sweat , " a d this ia their moat critical period * Trie room .should be kept warmj .or . .even : hot until they are through- with the sweating pr.icess , which will notlast more than a couple "of week * or thereabouts , depending somewhat on the addition ! made to the pile from day to day and the de gree of heat kept up. Under no cir cumstances should they be allowed t6 become chilled st this time. When once dry-a very little heat , just "enough to maintain n temper vuro of from 50 to 70 degrees , is enough. When a large number are atorwl toi gether aomeTpirt of the room must b ? warmer than ia actually necessary , in order that the older parti shall not bo , too cold. T Chis , of course , relates to 'rooms ' 'warmed b'y stoves or furnaces * Where the heat can be conducted through all the lower parts of the room by means of pipes a more equ able temperature can be secured. Good , dry cellars are easiest man aged because not liable to sud den changes of 'temperature , but they must be dry. jCemonted floors add to their safety a'n'd convenience. ' The bibs or , , , crib's , if .such are used , should , be raised a few inches from the noorsnd , they should also re so ur- ranged that ttGpotatoes | d > not touch the wall. * 'Kolangular boxes or cratts , with slatted sides , are excellent in storing better.than. . barrels , though neither are desirable whereIwge 'quantities' are to be kept , cs.thor waste'too much ilrAce ? * Hundreds or oven'"tbousffida of'biHliols may oe' stored in n single crib , but it is siifdr and moro convenient thu crib should be long Mid narrow say rot over four * Ieet wide The crib tnny bo sir or seven feet deep though BOUIJ growers think it as fur t'nat in such-a case there should bo a rtttiun about ht'f ' way UD 'to relieve thosa in the bottom of too much pressure. In my own practica T-havohbt tound this'essential. 3ho ? qreat pain's arqfo "handle with care , " to get themiW.ell dried off soon after s'totiiig , and. . then to maintain an oven temperature moderately low. In very" 'warm room thsy will sprout. This shows they arj in goad health as rtgarda propagation , bnc , it dettrio rates the tjuslity. In packing "for market 'allHhese sprouts sh uld ba. robtied off. A , bruised or gnashed potato will ldam root if placed soon where the , wound can dry ; and n potato1 which , has st'irted to rji ; oiu often ba siroJ by cutting out the rot and placing ; it near a hot stove. . A pciato with a gash in it will bo liko'y , to rot ualeas cut or broken -in- two so that tha wound can dry. If the ret appears in thu pile or crib7 and the totting spee- imcita em bo reached without dis turbing the res'tit is Well to lake them out , but it ia Tery unsafe 'to ' overhaul a large quantity merely to get out a few that are decaying. I Tlie disease , fortunately , is not contagious : I have occasionally found'in' the'1 spring potatoes completely imbedded , , in rotten specimen ? , a : < d yet sound us the beat. If left undisturbed a lung time the rottan cnpa will dry up. An overhauling or assorting of the pile will only aggravate the tronble. Housekeepers buying a few bushels. , or barrels at a time , .for hcme con- aumptiori "shoulcUkeep jiem in n wann place say behind tnjfljcitcnen stove or near it and never'"in a moist cellar. If they do not keep well in > a warm kitchen or in a wa-m , dry cellar it is because of too much rough usage in the transit from the grower to thu consumer. - ThU is tKS reason why it will uevor ba a safe investment fir northern dealers to buy in large quan tities in the fall with a view t > winter storage- theyr do-withj-rouiii or "Jriih" potatoes. SomeTgrowera are cireleeB , whilft railroad.freightt hands , expressmen , carmen , ttc. , are .pretty muchalwayaBoand the koepini ; quali ties of a sweet potatco after they get through'Trith'it 'are nbt Tnuolrto bjast of. - - - PHILIP SSYDEU. . , Jine > ndi KovembeV , 1880. . i\ * ; - Nut-Bearlns Trees. Few things that can bo obtained at a comparatively small expense , ad'd inbre to the pleasures and prpC.ts of a farm\thak $ , goodassortment of nut- bearing' itrees.- - Nearly 'all persons , old aa well as young , likff o gather nuts in.theall.and all enjny cracking and gating them before a blazing fire in winter. " "Many of ourVstiya nuts are the equal " 5T thcmo' , that are im ported if they are properly cured , and- the pecan , which can be 'cultivated further n3rth than it is , found in its wild slate , is _ np"Qri6r ( in the opinion of most persons ) to any-variety of foreign nuts. Hogs are very fond of eating , nuU and will wander long distances ' tances in'the woods aftVr' : . them | Thousands pf hogs are fattehed-'every Tear on the mast found in Uh river bottoms in the 'southern and If , ' V- . and southwestern states. When farmers have a plenty 'of mast they are saved tha trouble -raising crop. Moat nut-bearing trees ware orna mental.B8.Trell.8a useful. The pecan , shellbirk and common hickory are very stately wh'en ful ly grown , and tra very beautiful -when young. The butternut and black walnut are shape ly trees , at. all stages of their growth , ' and present a 'fine appearance 'when ' tht-ybe'cora'e large. It ia not advisa ble to plant the black walnut in gar dens or..cul ivated fields , or in any place where thenroots will extend in soil that is under cultivation. It is bolter to plint them along the sides 'of roads ] in"pasturo3 "or on broken ground that is 'of little or no value for qrdjnary farm crojw. They may be groVn to excellent advantage in lanes leading to pastures , or on the banks ' of streams and layines. Walnut andb'ut- Urnut thrive-well and produce abun dantly when crown on bottom land that has good drainage. It is very .difficult to transplant nut- bearing trees , even when th y are auite young , on account of their long i/ip-rcos. ! If this root ij cut off and the tree removed with' ' a ball -frozen earth adhering to it , it may live Eevc- years , but the chances are that it will never make a very thrifty or pro- ducsivo tree. It is a : ordingly better to plant the nuts inthe _ place where the trees era desired. They may be planted in the fall , but their is some danger of their being dug up and eaten by small animals.If planting is de layed till spring the nut should be placed nearly as soon as they are gathered in shallow boxes of rand or light soil and left in an exposed condi tion where they will freeze. It Is best to excavate a hole-several feet and fill it with maMMroor decayed leaves and loose soil and place the nuts crithin a few inches of the surface. Tin's will insure a vigorous growth. Beans.fbr Stock F Mr. Partridge , an Orleans county , N. Y. , farmer , sends to The RUFA ! Home tii following particulars con cerning beans as food : "During the winter season Mr. P. keeps , from fif teen to' twerily-five families picking bean ? , and the damaged ouespickod out , together with the plit beans screened out before pickingraro sold1 tp our farmers for feeding sheepiand awine , buL.mostly.for sheep. Some are fed to oowa , and with good results. I have in mind one farmer , formerly from thts/cbuiity , but now living pc'jr Spancerpoit , who has purcfcated , a seed ; inuny heuns > f us for feeding his cows , end ho etatud that , if" when feeding meal he would change to feed ing beana , there would be an inc-easo of from oie t-j two quarts per 'day , in the amount of milk , aud when changed from beans to ineal a corresponding decrease. They rnpccally ridapted to 'the ' feeding of sheep , .not only Iisv ihgthe fattening pr ° DErt'e3 of corn , bu1. alao containing someingrediejit which enters largely into 4ho productiun of wolThsy are moro valuable lor feed wheri wool is the object .sought. for than corn.As to .fsoding.swinp , > hay .hiivo t-jjKaru tocatihura hyda- jrees , and then by co' kin : ; and mixing bran or ratal with them they amwer vtvywojl to facd young pigs or , abre hogs , aad.mllglTd thEm-a goud start ; but pork nTifdo mainly frtmi fucdlug buaiiB is not considered by yjnr farm ers worth moru than tl.o salt it takes Ea It always -produci's soft , epongf "pork , in ' coqking fries , .away to ' almost nothing , aha the- lard from the1 aamo'-wjll not .harden , but remains of a soft , oily nature. Where awitso ate fad bn jeans the l-ut eight week bS- ! "oro Eluughteriag , thea j-change'djto corn , the resn'tTaro niuoli-hetttr , the corn i coming , to harden tha meat. Mr P. sold quite a good many tube of poor beans for feeding shtep one. 'oar ago at $8 per Inn ; they nro nqw selling them at § 11 per ton , o.rSf ) cents per bushtl , .tfc.crjs being a steady d aia-d for them for feeding shee'p. A large number qf , _ our farmers hayo joen " feedin'g' 'sheep for market the wt.winter , and imvo been- well paid n every instance : " ' " , " " . ? How to Treat a "Watch. - " j * ' Journal. - . > Having obtained a real' neiTiccsble article , you should , in , order. , io - produce duce satisfactoryresult' , " -fallow ' 'tint1 : hese rules : Wind up your watch , e'very day at the same . .hourThis is jenerally dono'at ttie hour'wo r'e'tire' ,6 rest , or erhap ? , . better 'jslill , trie lour wu rise. Avoid putting at watch on a mnsble slib or near anythlngei- sesMTely cold. " Tte sudden tranaiticii. : rom heat to cold , contractittg 'trie ' metal , nuy somotiraea''caiwe hd'-iuain ipring tbr"Mk , I idteadj' the'cold' ' coagulatea he oil- , arid fhs ' "wheel- work and'pivots , working Ipes" freely , , affect thu ragulariiy . .of-.o.'tbe iimekeopo'r. Vheu we lay , ou'r wa'.ch aside'we'ought ' tok slope".it .on a watch-case' ' o as to keep it. iearj.y ; in : he same position as it" socket. In layingaiido 'your watch aq sur < 5 tbat'it'roots onit&casej as by Bnspendingjt frep ; K9..aotion of the balance may'cause oscillation , which jnay considerably interfere Tvith/its noiog. If you would keep your ivatch cban , 'you must be quite -sur6 tliat the case fits firmly , and never put-it intp.any ppckdt .but pno.made of 16\ll er , ynosc pockets which. Kre lined with cloth , cottod br .9slfcffglve ] by the constant friction , a 'certain qtiintity of fluff , " which enters mo4 watchesj _ eypii "thoaes , thov cassa " 611S wbicn" shut firmly. If , ilha watch is not a "keyloaa" one , the kty should ba small , in order that wo may1 feel the resistance of tho. clop workj then we csn stop in time without forcl ing anything. It is also neceiaary that.tho.tquare of the key shduldrcor-j retpmd wiih-that ofthe watch. If it be too large , it may in a short tim ? cause the wind-up square to suffer from undue wearand tear , the recti fying of which * ia rather expensive The lunds. of an ordinary watch cm be turned , backward without much riak. It i , howevnr , always better to move the hands forward to adjust your vat oh to correct time. A skilful watchmaker one dy thus reasoned with a customer who complained of hta watch "You plained : com- plahied , ' ' said hej ' "that your watch gaiiis-a minute a month. Well , then , you. will congiatula'e yourself when you have heard rce. You are awafe that in yourwutcb thebnlanca. which is regulator , mikes five Delations every second , which is 432,005 a day , so that your watch , exposed to nil the vicissitudes which heat and cold oc casion 'it , ( he varying weight of the air and the shaking to which to which it is subjected , has not varied more than a rntnnte a month or two seconds a d iy. ' It has only acquired with each'vibration of the baluic.'i a * varia tion of the 21GOCOth part of a second , . . muat. ba the ex treme perfection of the mechanism of this watch' " A watch : cannot go tor an indefinite period- without being repaired or cleaned. . At the expiration of a cer- tiin time the oil dries up , dust accu mulates , a'n'd "wear and tear ere inevit able results to-tho whole machinery the functions becoming- irregular and frequently ceasing to act altogether. A person possessing a watch of good 'quality , nhd desirous" preserving it as such should have it-cleaned' every tflfQ.yearj at least. Bat care should be taken to , confide , this cleaning or repairing to careful hands ; an incap able workman may do great injury tea a watch oven otthe simplest construc tion. < A WONDERFUL DISCOVERY. For the speedy cure of Consump tion and all diseases that lead to it , such as stubborn coughs , neglected ' ColdsBronchitis ( , Hay Fever , Asth- 'ma , pain in the side and chest , dry- hacking cough , tickling in the throat , Hoarseness , Sere Throat , and all chronic or lingering diseases of the throat and lungs , Dr. King's New Dis co very has no equal and has established for itself a world-wide "reputation. Many leading physicians recommend and use it in their practice. The form ula from which it K prepared ia high ly recommended 'by all medical jour nals. The clergy and the press havo. complimented the moat glowing terms. ( ? o to ypur.drugtnst and get'a trlaf bottle free of cost , or a regular aizo for 51.00. For sale by d(5) ( ) - - J ; K. ISHOmaha. . If yon a-o troubla-l with f over and asuc , d umb Apue , billloaa ftyerf Jnun'JloeJ dyspepsia , or ny dis-a'e ot ilia liver , t < lo < xl or tomicli , and Irish to-Rct it well , try the'new re-ne-Iy. Prof. Quil- mfitp's French Liver P d.A8V _ your dru glit for It and tkke m'olheri anil if he has not jrot t scud J1.50 in & letter to the French Pad Co. , , O. , and receive jno by return mail. efc'a 'Oiraica * r } : I.CST SALV , ' . 'in the world for Onts ; ' Uralow } 'Soroa , JDlcera. Salt Rheum , Fever "SoresT'Tfittar , Cliapp- QiJ Han'da , ObJlb'kahs , Corns , 'and ail kiad of Skin Eruptions.'Thla S : ' > vo i guaranteed to glvo perfect satiaffic- tlod in avery casenjrmonoy re htndj-di I'ricb SS'cauts ' nor' box. P'or salibj 8-i ly .1. 1C. ISil Omaha. CT. Ot ( ViERGKANT TAILOR Capitol AfroJVOp'p. Masonic 'Hall- , - - - N1SB. r/ a week. J12a day at hcmc eafilynnic ! ; i a $ 4- n-'v Cures and dl - - nys never ap- loints. . The world's-groat Paln- Ktiiovor for Kan and. . Boast. Clioap , quick and rolin ble. PITCHER , CASTOB1A is uot 3farcoc. : . Children grow fat upon , Mothers like , , nu l Physician recommend = resuIatestIie Bowels , cures > Vind .Colic , allays "Feverishriess , and de stroys "Worms. c "WEI X E MEYER'S CA TARRH Core , a Constitutional Antidote for this terrible mala- tly , b"y Absorption. The most Important Discovery since Vac cination. Other remedies may relieve Catarrf ; , this cures at any stage before Consumption sets in. -tS'Years ' befor THE GENUINE gR.O.JgeLANgS LIVEE PILLS are not recommended as a remedy "for all the ills that flesh 5s heir to. " but in atTectiona of the Liver , and in all Bilious Complaints.-Dyspepsia , and Sick Head ache , or diseases of that character , they stand without a rival. AGUE AND FEVER. No. better cathartic can be used pre paratory to , or after taking quinine. A. 11 simple purgative thty are unequalcd. BEWARE OF IMITATIONS , The genuine are neror sugar-coated. Each box has a red-wax seal on the lid with the impression.McLANE'S LIVK1I PILL. Each wrapper bears the sign tnres of 0. McLxNE and FLKMINO Buoa $ ? Insist upon bavin ? the genuiiu Dr. . C. McLANE'S LIVEIl PILLS , pre pared br : FLEMING BRQS.Pittaburffli , Pa. , the market being full of Imitations of the name JfcZane , speled"diiTerentJv ! bnt same pronunciation. UNLIKE PILLS AND THE USUAL PURGATIVES , IS PLEAS ANT TO TAKE , And will prove atoncoth most potent and harmless SYSTEM RENOVATOR and CLEANSER that ban yet be-n Vonjhtto public notice. For CONSTIPATION , BILIOUS- NESS. HEADACHE , PILE'S ' , and aU dl-ordera arising from au obstructed state of tbe system , it is incomparably the beit curative extant. Avoid imitations ; insiit on gating the article called for. . TROFIC-FRUIT LAIAT1TE is put np in bronzed tin boxes only. Price 60 centi. Ask your druggist f or Descriptive Pamphlet , or ad- drres the proprietor , J. E. HETnERINOTO ! * , New York or Sin Francilto. , Befora Purchasing AST FORM of i'o-Called ELECTRIC BELT , Band , or Appliance represented to cure Nervotu , Chroaii : and Spccia D'souoi , send to the PUL VEKUACIIEROALVANlCCO,613Moat2omery Street , ftin Francisco , Cat. , for theT IFree Pamphlet and "The Electric itevlew , " and. you wiU ave time , health and mmey. lha P. G. Co. are tbe only dalor < In Genuine E'ectrit ' Ap- p'.ianccs on the Amorjcan Continent. nr.v TO CURE CONSUMPTION , COUGHS , Colds , Asthma , Group , All diseases of the Throat , ttmgs , and Pulmon ry Omans. CSE CCOIiniNG TO DIRECTIONS ALLEN'S LUNG BALSA'M. ! THE COLORADO BUSINESS COLLEGE Thii Institution , located at Denver , Co'orado , the Edustiionil and CommereUl 'coator of.tho West , is pre-eminently tha best and most practi cal of 1U klmi for the MERCANTILE TRAINING . . Young Men and Ladies. G.W. . FOSTER , President , j D. W. CADY , Sccrelary. The moat extensive , thorough and complete nstitulion of the bind la the world. Thousands of accountants and Euslotts met ) , la the prin cipal dtlea and towns of the United States , ewe their tucccss to our course c.f tralclmr. The . Eight Kind of Education for , - * * ' Young Men and Ladies , i - - Fine , new brick block , at junction fd three street car lines. Elegantly fitted and furnished apartments for the application of and carrying out of our novel and systematic methods of i BUSINESS TEADOTGi Yonag man who contemplate a btuincss Ufa , and parents having eons to educate , are. particu larly requDeicd to ( end for our new which will give { nil information as to terms ; condition ot entrance , etc. Address ' " ' G , W. FOSTEB , President , 8 'p8-3m. 'Denver , Colorado : PEOPOSALSFORG-BADING. ; . - t Omra or Crrr CLEEK , ) I OHAIU , Nil. , Nov. lOlh , 1880. f I ' Ecilc-J proposals will be received by the un- dersigncd until Tnetday , Nov. i3d , 1880 , for filling la the old creek , south r.f Leaveaworth elreet bttween I4tli ad 15th str eU The work will bo filling In Olrt to fci n uled accordlnqr to instructions. , , irom'the city engineer dr J s Stephongon , tbatrman- the committee cngtre'ts and'gndes , and said flllins w.ll be on th property owned by the dty : to lt , the streets and a'loys in the vieinity ! Bids shall specify the pri v per cibc ! yard , for such anonnt of earth as m y be .ordered hauled Irrespective of .what that amount may be. Envelopes' containing taid bids shall bo marknd "BidjforQradlngo.i Ltavenworth street" and be delivered to the nnderclgned at a time not later above specified The right It reserved oyi the city ccun&l to reject aiv ' and all Mdi. i " ' ' 3. F. MOCARTOKY , ' n26t _ i CltyClerfc- UNDERTAKER , Odd Fellows' Block. Prompt attention given t or iers by telezraph ? GO EAST -WA Chicago & Norfhnestarn 2,380 MILES OF 30AD I It la tha SHORT , SURE and Safe Conu Betvift. COUNCIL BLUFFS iia CHICAGO , MILWAUKEE " and all pOUit * SA if sd NOHTH IT OFFKR.1 7IL . IR-.V3LINO OHEATER "ACJLIT1E3 AND MORE 1DVANTAC-KS TDAV AJfT "t-THEK RVA.V IK " ' THE WEST. H ! tliOSIiT ROAD l tvti LCT5rFS Rial OHlCAGis cii ta rns PULLMAN HOTEL OAES ! In addition la Ihanand ta pliaro ! 1 clasws of traveleri. It ! TM ? iRST = CLASH-MSCAl3 st lt KiTINO STATIONS at. SO canU A.ich ITS TRACK I3STEELRAI18I ITS COACHES ARE THf FINEST ) ITS EQUIPMEHT FIRST CIAS3 U Ton wlah the Belt Traveling Accommoda tions you will buy your ticket by thb Bonte WILL TAKE NONBOTHEB. "AU Ticket Agents can toll von Through Tickets Yia thu road and Check raoal &ic > { age fte ot Charge OMAHA TICKET OFFICES 12U Farnham St. , Cor. Kth. and at Colon Pacific Depot. DENVER OFFICE In Colondo Central and Union Pacific Ticket Office. SAN FRANCISCO omcE t Haw Montgom ery Street. For Information , folders , maps , ete.r not ob tainable at Home Ticket Office , adtlieea any agent of the Company , or MARVIN Hucurrr , tr. STEKJIITT , Genl M nafr , Ctanl Pan. A ant , CHICAGO , ILL. JAMES T. CLARX , flen'l Ae-t Omaha t Conocll Elaffj. THROUGH TO CHICAGO Without Change of Cars ! .CHICAGO QURL1NCTOH & QUIMOY Wlt'a Smocth ud Perfect fru-V , DcMt PM- senior CM. aches , aut ! PULLMAN SlEcPHCa DIKiHC CAR ? travel u6r it , ia be Ice Cod Best Managed r.nvi In tna Ciau'.r/ . PASSENGERS GOING EAST Should ocar In mlnJ thai thlj U t' ' . BEST ROUTE TO CHICAGO , And Points Cast 'Xorth ' nd Passengers by this Boats have choice of FOUR DIFFERENT ROUTES , And the' Advantage ot Six Daily llnej M 1'cl cc Sleeping Can from CMcv ; " to New York GityWithout Change ill Eipross Trains ou thb line are tqnlppcd with the Wcstlntbouse Patent Air Unk i and Hitler's Patent Safety Haforni anJ Coupler ; , the most Perfect > n > tcctlon Against Ace- .dents In the world. PULLMAN PALACE SLEEPING AND D'NIKC ' CA32 Are run on lh Burlington Route. Information ccntcir.c ? j ? elites. Rates , tin- : Connections , etc. , will bs cheerfully g'nan by applying at the office or tha Kurllr yton Konte , CIS Fourteentn Streat , Omaha , Nebraska O.E.PBnKlN3 , ' D. W. HITCHCOCK. Oen'l Mana/cr. Ocn. Wost'n Pacs. Ajj't J. 0. PHILLIPPI. St. Joe. , Vo _ General Acnt , Omaha. H. P. DUEL , fcpi'dl ll.-ketAecut Omaha K. JOE & G. 8 R. 8. . G , , 8T , . , . . , Ia the only IXroet Line to ST. LOOS AMD THE EAST From OMAHA icd the WEST. No change of CMS between Omaha and St. fxjnis and but one between Omaha and New York. SIX DAILY PASSENGER TRAINS Eastern & Western Cities With less charges and in advance of other linen Thb entire line b equipped with Pullman's Polac * ) S'eepins Cars , Pal&co Day Coach- en.MUlcr's Safety PlaUorm and Coupler and the celebrated Wcatlnghouae Air-Brake. -SEE THAT YOUR TICKET HKAD3T4 tS" Via Kansas City , St. Joseph ' Tickets for sale at all coupon gtatlons in the West. J. F. BARHAHD , A. C. DAWE3 , Oen'l Supt. . Oenl P&cs. & Ticket A t St. Joseph , Mo Et. Joseph , ilo , W. 0. 8EACIIRIST , Ticket Ajjen. , 14 Fifteenth Btreet , bttwoen Farnhau and Donzlag , Union Block , Omaha. JOS. TEHON , A. B. BARNARD , Paaa. Agent , Omaha. Qen'rl Aeent , Omaha. To Nervous Sufferers The Great European Kemady Dr. J. E. Simpsoii's Speoifio Medicine It is a positive cure for Spermatorrhea , Seminal Weakness , Impotency , and ail dlsea ; * resulting from Self-Abuse , as Mental Anxiety Io = s ot Memory , Pains In the Back or Side , and dUerges that lead to BXTOBB. . / 4ITZB. Comumptlbn Iruahlty and anearlygrave The Spedflc Uedlcino U being 'used wit't.wonder ful success. PamphleU sent free to all. Write for them anil get full particular ! . " " - Price , Specific , 91. QO per package , or six pack ages for &J.OO. Address all orders to J.B. SIMPSON MEDICINE CO. . Nos. Mand 108 Main St. , Buffalo , N.Y. Sold in mihabr ? 0. F. Goo-lman , J. W. Bell J , E. 1 Jh nd all druzgls'j everywhere. " _ sep28-d&wlj a week m your own town , lerms arf outfit free. Address H. Hallett.ft C onlaml. M KIDNEGBN is highly recommended and unsurpassed for We ? k or Foul Kidneys , Dropsy , Bright's Disease , Loss of Enerf : > . Nervous Debility , or any Obstructions arising from Kidne < r Bladder THseases. Also for Tello-w Fever , Blood and Poisoning , in infected malarial sections. tS-By the distillation of a FOREST LEAF with JUNIPER BERR1KS and BARLET MALT we hit. discovercUKIDNEOEX.which acts specifically on the Kidneys and Urinary Organs , removin ? mjurt u , dcpoiita formed in the bladder and prtventlnsr any stritnlDif. smarting sensation heat ot Irrttati"n in the membranout 11 In of the ducts or water p-.ssaso. It excite * a healthy action In tb Kldn-v glvinr them strength , vijor ; and rcstorinjr these organs to a heilthy condition , showing It * BM.U on both the color and easy flow of urine. It can bo taken at alt time * , In all climates and under circumstances without Injury to the system. Unlike any other preparation for Kidney dlfflcnlHv- . It nu a rerpea. ! . ant ana aireeible tisu and flavor. It h a beea difflcuiv to make a prepraf f containing positive diuretic properties which will not nauseate , nut te acceptable to the stonia-.l- Before taking any Uver medleino , try a botUe of KIDXEQGN to CLJTANSrX th KIDNEYS frun foul mitter Try It and you will always us ! t aa a family medicine. Ladies especially will like , t and Gentlemen will find KIDNEGKK the be t Kidney Tonic ever nstdt * NO-TICE Bach bottle -Jears the signature of LAWRKNCE & MARTIN , also > Proprietary Cove , n ment Stamp , which permits KIBSEOEN U tosold ( without license ) ! > ? Drnziist * . Croc r - . Oth r Persons ererywhers. Put up in Quart size Bottles for General and Family Use. It not found at your DrugirfjH or Grocer * , wo will send a bottle prepaid to ie nearest exr'r office to you LAWRENCE & MARTIN Ills. , Proprietors , Chicago , . Sold by DKTJGGISTS , GROOEE8 and DEALEKS everywher- Wholesale agents la Onuha , STEELE. JOHNSON & CO. , will supply the , rad at taanuhe n prices. WHO IS UNACQUAINTED WITH THE GEOGRAPHY Of fHIS COUNTRY. SEE BY EXAMINING THIS MAP. THAT THE CHICAGO , ROCK ISLAND & PACIFIC R , B. IS Tire GREAT COXXECTIXO LINK .BETWEEN THE EAST & TIIE Iu main Una runs from Chicago Council BluXi. passing through Jotlot , Ottc-ra. I.aSille. uenereo , Mollno. Hoc * island. Davenport , W t Libert ? , IowaCity.M ren2o , ISrookljn. Orinncll. at all hears of the day. lies lU.inos ( the capital ot lows ) . Stuart. Atlan Mnimlncent Iron Urfditei span the tic , and Avoca ; with branches from Uurtou and Mir sonri rivers at all polnu crossed H - * Junction to I'eurla : Wilton Junction toMusca- line , and transfers are avoided at CounoC 91 tlto , Washington. KaltflcM. Eldon , Beiknap. Kansas City. Leavenworth , and Atctlitn- Centroville. Princeton. Trenton , Uallatln. Came- nectlnns balncmade In Union Dnpou. mn. Leaveaworth. Atcnlson. and Kansas City : THB PKINCIFAL , It. It. CONNBCTrUn : , Washington to SIcournRy. Oskaloosa , and Knox- T11IS OHEAT TUKOCun JJNK A $ ? V vllle ; KfiotaK to Karalnzton , Bonaparte , Bcn- tonsourt. Independent. Kltlon. Ottumwa. Bddy- At CniCAUO. trtth aUmversta-r Bnoi te. .a vlllp.Oskalonsa. I'ella.AImiroe. and Ues Molnes : Ba t and Houtn , Newton to Monroe ; Dc Aluinea to Indlanolaand AtKsai.rwoou , wlthtn L.8.4iL8. * * WlDterset : AtlaatKi to I wii and Aadubon ; and Ft. W. 4U.ll.Hdi. A'oca to Harlan. This Is posltlvalr the only At WAflHIJJOTOH HllOltlX with f , V . Uallroad. which owns , and operates a throned L. It. 1C. line Irom Chicago Into tha State of Kansas. At IA SALLK. w 1. 1 nu C nt. B. R. Through Express I'aesenirer Trains , wltn PiH- AtPEonrA.with v. p. AJ. : r.b.ts. , f . man Valaco Cars attached , are ran each way dally SV. : III. Mid. : anJT.P.4 W. Rds. wtweon CniCAdO and PEOUIJL. KANSAS Crrr , At ItotK ISLAND with "MllwankM * Cocscir. liLurrs. I.SAVKKWOKTH and ATCHI- Island 3uOrt Line , " and Itock Infd A i > rx . .V SON. Tnronzh cars are aiso rnn between JtliTaa- AUIAV-KNPORT , with the Davenport < Hnt > . 33 ffnd Kansas City , via tbe "illlirookee and C.JI.ASt.P.Jt.K. Hock island Sh . Line' . " At WEST LIUCRTT. with the B..CR. & } . < , The -Ureat Uock Island" ta magnificently At UrciNNXLl.rith Central Iowa K. K. eonlpped. Its road bed Is slmplrTjctond Its AtUESMOI.X\.4.wIthD JI.AF. 1) K.ik track Is laid with steel rails. At COONCII. UMTFW. with Union I'acif Wnat will ploaae yon most will be the pleasnn At OMAHA , with B. A yto. R. K. n. Ui of enjoylni ; your menii , while pruclng over the beautiful prairies of Illinois ana Iowa. In one nf At OTTOJIWA , wltn Central lowc.ll nnrmacnlHcent DlnlnKCars that accompany all 6 L L. A Foe , and C.U. & QMt. KdK. Through Express Trains. Von get an entire At KEOKUK. with Toi. . l' o-i W . ; < r. . - meai. as good as Is served In nny nrst-class hotel , LounJtPac. , nn < l Ht. 1 , Keo. 4 N.-W i V ' forseventy-tlve cents. At CAMERO.V , with U. He. J. It. R. Appreclatlnir the fact that a majority of the At ATCinso.v. wltn Awh. . Topeka _ _ people prefer saporato apartments for different Atch. & Neb. and Cen. llr. U. I' . 1C. Ibis. purposes ( and the Immense pfinzcr business At LEAVKNwoKTlf , with Kan. Pao. < & * of this line warranting it ) , no urn pleased to an Cent. It. ltds. nounce that this Company runs Pu/m / > m I'alace AtKA.xsA Crrr with all lines for : v - , Slccrtng Cars for ilecpinn purposes , and I'llact and SouttiwceL I > tTIl < KAX PALACE CARS n rnu thrwnzh to 1'EOniA , IJES MU4 , t COIIXCAI. ItLUFF.S. &ANSAN CITY , A TCIIISOJT , nnd LKAVKNIVOKTII Tlftketivlu lhl > Ilnr , known i the "Urrut JCock Island Jtoate. " nr TO * J. . & 11 Ticket 4zent In the United Htuttm nnd Canada. for Info -motion not abtnlouble at your homo ticket offle , ddre < . A. . KIIvrB-AJOr , , E. ST. JOHN. Genl Superintendent Uen'l Tkt. u < l Prr v ATHERS And Everything pertaiaing to the Furniture ftK : upholstery Trade. A COMPLETE ASSORTrVJEHT GF HEW GOODS AT THIi 1208 and J21W Furniiam Street p II tr.on th lit T. S. HITCHCOCK , M. D. S. , From New York hag1 located In Omaha , and guarantees to do flrst-cU-cworfc. Dental Room ? , over A. Cruickshink & Co.'a , Cor. 15th and Dou.'Iaj. tcpO-2m SHOW GASES O. CT. W JLHIIDIE. , 1317 CA8S ! > T.OJIAHANEB. CTA , ( food assortment always on haixLTSl K. UIS3)ON , Insuriiuce A ent , * PHffiXU ASStm - * , , _ . , f Lou- don , Cash Asset * . 15,107,171 .VE3TCHK3TKK. N. Y. , Gipitil . 1,000 OJ.i TUE JIEKCIIANrS , of Newirt.N. J. , 1,000,0 OIRAKD FIKEPhlladeIplilaCapltat. . l.OOO.Oeu NOKTHWESTT-ruy IfATIO.VAL.Cap- Ital . BOOtOj FIREHiai'S FUSD , CalifornU . 800,00 UltlTISO AMERICA ASSURANCE Co 1,200,000 SKWA IK FIRE INS. CO , . Assets. . . . SoO.OCO AMERICAF CENTRAIi , Asset * . 300,000 S Mt Cor. nf PUtaonth & Donzla * St. < . OMAUA. NSB. BricK ; 3nildiiig , 10th\and ; Jones Streets. , Direct from the uctioa Booms ; of New York and--Boston , will : be offered in SILKS , VELVETS , , COMFORTS , TABLE LINENS , AND MILLINERY. Call -and examine our Stock. You can sa e ; : x ton20 . per cent , , toy _ buying of us. German and Swedi ; , , * ' if---- i/ / - - - O- S'l - - 7 - . ; t . ' \ -H\T . < K\\i - -i , _ . _ 1 . # - - * - . , . aunts