Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 18, 1880, Morning Edition, Image 2

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By the president of the United States of
A *
Atn"j riod in their history since the
United States became a nation has ibis
people had abundant and so unh-eraal rea-
BOM for joy and gratitude for the favor tf
Almighty. God , or been jrabject to > o profound -
found an obligation to give thanla to H ;
loving kindnets nd humblyto implore ffis
continued care and protection. Health ,
health andproeperity throughout aU jnr
and fnendshipwith
boraere : peace , _
all the world ; firm and faithM adherence
by the great body of our population lo the
principles -f liberty and justice v.hich
have made our greatness as a nation.
und lo ' the " wve 'institutjons and
trong frame of government and
lociety , which wDl uerpetnaJe it
For all these let the thanks of a happy ,
united people with one voice ascend in de
vout homage to the giver of aU good. I
furthermore recommend thst on Thursday ,
the 25th of November next , the people
meet at their respective .places of worship
to mate the ftcknowledgment of His boun
ties -and His protection and to offer to
continuance. In
P-TTI prayer for their
witness whereof I have hereunto set my
hand and caused the Real of the United
States to be affixed. Done at the city of
Washington , thia thirty first day of Octo
ber , -in the year of our Jxird one thousand
eight Tiundred and eighty and of the " inde
pendence of the United SUtcs "the one
hundred and fifth. _ _ , , ,
By the President :
SVic. "K. EVABTH. Secretary of State.
The mention of Senator Hitchcock Hi
.a ' * * poprible jnember of GaVfield'e cabinet , a
interior , ha _ becn cbm
rpon faTorabiyiy a large nuube
Nebraska newspapers. Isebraskai
etalwart republicanism , together with hei
direct interest in the affairs of the iuterioi
department , should entitle her to a repre
tentative in the cabinet of the new proii
dent , and Mr. Garfield will doubtless lopl
at the matter ia this same light. [ Beatrice
General Garfield will not build hi :
cabinet of such rotten timber. I
General Gar field desires 'to honor Ne
braaka with an appointment in hli
caDiriet he will choose a man whose
public record is unimpeachable , anc
whose skirts do'not reek with cor
. We had been in hope that Phineae
W.Hitchcock , whose public car eel
closed so ignominously four yeare
ago , would ' have the decency am
good aense to retire into the shades o
private life , where his crimes against
this utafx3 and nation would have re
remained covered by the
broad mantle of charity
BnVMrPHrtchcock7whohaa : : so ofter
played political ostrich , has the au
'HacUy'to' thrust "himself into the. po
litical arena san. . eminent statesman
wflStn"fiie p'eople of this state -woul <
"it * ft fl r fe * d
'delight .to honor. ' Taking advantage
of the fact that more than one-thirc
of our voting -population have come
into Nebraska since his retiremen
from public life , Mr. Hitchcocl
atsnm s the role of stalwart republi
cm leader whom the party can irn
plicidy sarastHn Tall emergencies.
Uirler Thesa circnmatauoes our Qutj
is-imparative. . W are compelled , ip
.Juitico to the respectable element o :
the roRubTioan . party in Nebraska.
i * l = * r *
to cite some of the blackest
pages of ouc political history
.which must forever bar PhineisV
HitChoookf rom" any position honor
or . 'trust. Mr. Hitchcock's advent
intojinblic life began in. 1801 as
United' * States marshall of .Nebraska
and while half a million stalwarts
were shedding their blood on the bat
tle fields of the south for $17 a month ,
this patriot-was shedding rod
home f ° f 83,000 a-year. In 18G4 he
resigned the "jnarshallship after 'he
was elected , aelegato to congress.
> In that position he laid the founda
tion for his subsequent senatorial ca
reer 'as * giver and taker of bribes
, and reckless pnblic .plunderer. As
'Nebraska's ' representative , Mr. Hitchcock -
cock ; was- inVited by SecretaryStan-
tdnid amea young man from Ne-
braakal or appointment to the , West
Pdint Jnilltary academy. The follow-
ing"ektract"f rom thoyrar 'department
Jeoords shows how Mr. Hitchcock dig-
. /JihargedHhat responsible truet :
-4MiJi i(0fficial ( eopyO
- "HOust'idr IlrpnESESiATrvES , 1 ,
WASHINGTON , J anuary 2G , 1867. )
CEJlnM. aUnton , Secretary of War :
hereby Jiojiinate Thom&i M.
Woodruff , oJmaha , in the county ol
Douglaa. and Territory of Nebraska , to
611 the cadetahip .vacancy in the congres.
woniil-distnct of that territory.
His ace is eighteen years.
Yours Very respectfully ,
P. W. HrrcHoccK ,
I Del. Congress ; Neb.
Will the SecretaJy please cau-e the
I ; Appointment , to bo sent to my addresi ,
'HottM of Represeutativea.1
OMAHA , NEB. , June 19 , 1867.
Hon. M. Etanton , Secretary of War , Washing.
ton , D 0. :
SIB It appear * that Thomas M.
Woodruff was nominated the 12th of
February last by the . delegate .from Ne
braska , u * cadet to the West Point
Academy. His father's acceptance ia
; dated the 26th of tbe same month. After
most diligent inquiry I am unable to learn
that such party ever resided ia this state.
or rather I am satisfied that he nevrr did
h reside in Nebraska. Ihe father , J. G.
Woodruff , is a ma ] or in the army engin
eering cores , whose residence has long been
in Washington. It be presum d that
the domical of the son is the , same.
As we have matiy young .men' in this
state who would be glad of the -place and
who are fully qualified , I feel found to
protest anuost the said Thomas Wood
ruff entering the academy aa from this
district. * * * * '
Jo ll iake affidavits in „ support my
Very respectfully ,
- tSigrted ( , YoUr , Obedient servant ,
' ' ' M. C.
"Z. „ - ( Telegram. )
- * WAR iETAHTJifcxT. )
. * WASHINGTON ; .Tun ? 23 , 1SG7 , . f
Gtnml Pitcher , fupHtuendect Military Acad
emy , Tfe'tPolnt. ? . Y _ :
Ascertain and report the actual residence
tii Thomas ' if Woodruff , appointed aca-
detfrom'Nebraska. It U claimed that he
haa never bee t a resident of "that.fetate.
Bv " order of the secretary of vr\r.
( Signed ) L < H. PELOUZK
Ant Adjutant Oeneral.
"T'me 10 a. m. \ ,
Office TJ. S. Military Telegraph. (
( Telegrams received at the Department. ) (
JFrom.WesttPciint New York ; 1867. ] J
To fUretGenernliL. M. vv i.un. A 'A O.i <
' ' 'homas 5L Woodruff i the son of an the arm- ; residence has usually
b-th he trtitioi < > f his father ; ara he has
resiled about ten year * in Washington ,
which -eras hi last plase of resident.
[ SignedT."G. . ttlCHEK ,
"U.S. MlLtTART AOADEUT.'June 26 * C7. J
C4 e Ot "Thomak 5L Woodruff , of Om -
ha. " appoint- det frm Kehr ska.
Hon. Mr. Taffe , M. C. , protests against
nu appointment on the ground that he ia
not a resident , of JCehra bi and never even ,
ha .b enr The law jwsitively requirwr the
appo ntee to Iw a i-'actual resident" of the
eonOT'sional dist ict he It to represent.
Yobnff.W oodruffJstates himself toliave
befin'd resident of Warfnngtpi for the past
.ten years. . .Mr. Hitohosclc , who nominated
.him.railed him a Te-ident ofN"ehra ka.
Signed ) , * En. SCHB.ERER ,
" ' ' , Inspector.
' '
T ? Secretary pf' Wat ; order * th
Appointtnentto be cancelled.-
( Signed ) , . ED. SCHBEVEB ,
, v " - Inspector GeneraL
, Wb"itt'.iori of a cabinet officer would
Hitchcock make with aucb a reoTdt
But trading In cadetahips was one of
his mildesi offenses. Hitchcock's sen
atorial career , baginningwith the pur
chase of hia eeat Tri h money and oth
er bribes , was a perfect reign of job
bery and pilfering. His associates
and appointees were for the most part
unprincipled rogues and public
thieves. Dick Adams , his private
secretary , was a notorious defaulter
when Hitchcock made him his confi
dential agent. Upon Hitchcock's ur
gent solicitation Adams was appointed
postmaster of De&dwood and
now he is in the penitentiary , where
Johnny Moore , another of Hitch
cock's pets , is , 'also .languishing.
Hitchcock's surveyor general , Boss
Ounningharn , resigned when he found
that his rascally jobbery was about to
be ventilated by congressional inves
tigation. The Omaha' postoffice scan
dal , the smuggling of Jspmesa goods
through the IT. S. mails , and other
rascalities , are still fresh within the
memory of most of our citizens.
Hitchcock' * sell out to Jay Gould , hie
subserviency to the U. P. monopoly , hie
voting for back pay and refusing to
disgorge-Are a matter of record. Last
but not least the infamous means re
sorted to by htm to secure "re-election
by circulating forged letters purport
ing to bo .signed by- Alvin Blunders ,
Clinton -iiigp ; - ondM3. 35. Porkins.
Compare ; ! with this infamous forgery
which or st Hitchcock a round $1,000 ,
the forged Morey letter psles into
ineigmfiisnce. This transaction was
a subj ct of legislative investi
gation and Is also ofrecord. .
ThH fsitit outline of Hitckcock's
infamous public career might be sup
plemented with the rcordc of the Mis
souri rip-rap jobbery which is malodorous
dorous enough to send any ordinary
politician -into retirement. Hitch
cock's Bu-cnlled italwartism is of the
samemHterial as his public conscience-
In 1867 he was an ally of copperheads
an and avowed Johnsonite. In 1871 he
was elected to the U. S. senate
by the aolid democratic
vote'in the legislature , and a dozen
mongrel republicans whcT bolUid the
republican caucus. In 1876 Hitch
cock sought re-election by an alliance
with Sam Tilden. Mule Barnmnjohair-
man of the national democratic com
mittee , wrote a letter to the demo
cratic leaders in Nebraska , urging
democrats in the 'legislature to vote
for Hitchcock , * rho was to .return thia
favor by uupporting Mr. Tildon'a
claim. Fortunately , the elec
toral commission" made" Hitchcock's
support unnecessary to the democrats
and the in famous bargain was not
oonsumited. This is literally true
and we can cite prominent democrats
in Omaha that read Barnnm's letter.
And this is the eminent statesman ,
the trusted stalwart 'whom Garfield
is asked to elevate to a position in the
cabinet that is naw Slled by Carl
-Schurz. 4.
THE Omaha Republican is now
busily engaged in reading the editor
of THE BEE out of the republican
partp. This .is very appropriate and
fitting from such a source. In 1867
when the editor of THE BEE was
writing campaign documents against
parly .traitors , Phineaa W. Hitchcock
and Casper Yost , proprietor and
manager of The Republican , were
rampant Johnson men , and Algernion
Paddock was running .for congress on
the democratic ticket with Sterling
Morton. From 18.67 when Yost and .
Hitchoock'we're kicked out of office
by General Grant tHeyjiever spoke of
the general except in words of vulgar
profanity and a filiated closely with th'o '
democrats-They only rejoined the old
.party whona fat office was held out ava
3 > ait for patriotism and. loyaltj.In 1872
the present assistant editor of The
Republican was piping his childish
treble for Horace Greeley and de
nouncing rcpubltcansas'CpTTUptionists
and pariahs : 'This is a sweet
lot of hmirpins to read any republican
out of-tho party.
THE telegraph announces that t
Louisville' & Nashville rxiiro
company have declared a. stock div
idend of 103 per cent , oh thair present
stock , and that each sh > re holder
will be paid share per share. . A few
years since the Rock Island" road
fount ? .their surplus earnings so'heavy
that as a matter of policy arioT as ) a
blinit to the general public a like dividend
idond of 103 per cent payable in
stock waa declared. A few.more instances -
stances of the tame nature will-con
vince fho tr.riff. ridden shippers -and
merchants that theory of railroad man
agers to he lot alone , when their roads
are earning from 25 to 30 per cent. Cn
highly watered stocks , should not be
contidcred. j .
INGRATITUDE is the most monstrous
of Pins , which even ambng roliticrans
is regarded ai the basest trait of. char
acter. The most unpardonable'blun
der committed by Alvin Saunders in
hi * career as United States senatpr
was his endorsement of Phinoas W. >
Hitchcock for the position of consul
general to Paris , when that position *
was worth its thousands , during the
ris exposition. And now Phineas ,
the ingratc , is repaying .Mr. Saunderff
for his generosity by bushwhacking
him with malicious libels from behini
the editorial chair of the Omaha
.Republican. THE BEE inclines td.the'
position that it servei SenatorISann-
-ders rigbt for trying io warm -that-
snake in his b.isom.
THE Retold quotes tne N t York
2eic * as saying that a new mnaging
eiitor i BOI n to invade Dr. Miller's
editorial sanctum. If the- great
American sunflower could get some
one to inansge his political conscience
bis editorial columns might ditplky a
little more consistency.
JAY GOULD te said tolwo purchased
, he Wotld newspaper. Editors
Broots and Hurlburt will now stick
heir iongue in their cheeks and
hske hands.
YALESTIXE'S majority for congress
was 20,935 The majorities on the
tste ticket were u follows : Nance
23,172 , Cam * 22,696 , Alexander
22,071 , W-illichs 23,114 , Bartlett
22,644 , Ditworth 23,766 , Kendall
24,077 , Jones 23,142. This is ettdo'rse-
ment with a vengeance. '
, y.ix.EKTiXE's-29,000 majority dwn- ;
dla Sown to 20,000 , according to the
official returns. The Republican is
respectfully requested to keep these
; all-ta1e figures before the people.
GENERAL GAKFIELD won't construct
bis cabinet of rotten timber. The
stalwart ? may be sure of this.
_ _ _ PIONEEBffRTP. _ _
Battling With Frontier Hard
ships to Establish
Homes , -
* -
Ravages of the .Drought.
Correspondence of the Deo.
INDIANOLA , RedliVUlow Co. , Neb. ,
November 15. Homestead land is
still ' found in the upper ' part
ol the Republican valley ,
and notwithstanding the severe ex
perience of nianyEettlerB in this portion
tion of the frontiermost of the brave ,
sturdy men who have ventured ao far
In the wild pi aim , hang witt true pa
triotic grit to their new hoiuea. For
the progress and development of this
fast growing commonwealth , as much
credit Is due the indomitable pluck o :
and courage of her pioneers aa to any
other agency.
The eastern papera have
misrepresented the conditionof the set
tiers in the Republican valley. That
pestilence and ataravation have taken
possession is a malicious falsehood.
There is not even a shadow of ex
cuse for such a-report ; for most of the
people will pass their first winter-here
almost.ifnot , quite , as comfortably as
have in-other years their predecessors.
Very scant is.tho.first crop of every
-settler , and the' drought .of thia .year
has done more injury to this country
by-impeding eetUcment. and scaring
immigrants into worse , sections , that
by any immediate , damage , to actna
settlers. A. light .crop of corn waa
raised and aJittle wheat , and plenty p
hay for .tho ponies . .and. stable stock
grew .inthe valleys. Cattle grazing
engages .the attention of. a. large ele .this section , and thegrass-ia
usually good and the.cattle are doing
well. As is hlways the casa . .when t
railroad pierces the old buffalo range
the settlers ara furnished a now m
'dustry , "which" lasts dlio year ; that'o
gathering" the' bones 'of" th'e' animals
'which1'4 lie' bleaching on tHe plains
The frbtfei'arVpicked'tip by'the wagon
load a nd hanle'd tv'town'for ialej'jns
Hid same aa" any product "of the'soil
0. D.'Cfamer , of Indianola , has pur
chased eight hundred tons of these
bones'this fall'at an average cost tof $
* 4" "
Grading on the"R. V. railroad" i
still progfdising'towards Denver. W
understand the gride stakes ard'se
nearly through , and the sub-contract *
are let for grading to Gulbertson
The work is , .being . done by home , in
stead of transported , laborers ? , ,
Teams are .still moving wesiwan
laden with" immigrants eager for'com ,
"bat'wlth tie"triah } and hardships o
"frontier life , invited , hither'byta rich
"soil'and'.salutary climate. X. few
Buffalo have been killed on He rahgi
we t and the moat is .on sale at thi
meat markels sido'wlth beef.
Many Her s of cattle are. being ibldin [
'suiall bunclies , sqma of whiIi"finc
theirway , _ eastward towards the corn :
1 Gelds. Tfip'cattle men are sumewha <
dissatisfied'with tHe encroachment'o !
settlement ' upon tho' ranges , and tall
of 'finding more spacious quarter !
farther west. The county of Furnas
is giving some attention to wool-grow
ing and a'j\Vool-Qrowers Bsa'ociailo'n is
, BIr. 'CUfk's * new'brick * . mill'al
Arrapahba is completed and tfie old
"one'is expected to'be , converted into a
woolen millTfiis : . . will fnrnlsh a
much needed factory" to tne Republi
can Valley an'd lend encouragement to
one.of the 'most"profitable enterprises
of the country , ' '
The coiiutry' ' south .of 'this in flip
edge "of Kansas has been less , fortun
ate. , but Is 'not at all destitute. ' On
the upper part of tile TJeaver , in
'Kansas , is a Gdrrinn-'Hungarian set-
-tlemeht , called Peslh. " They 'had
spent nobat of the means at' their
"command" ' in gettiriglo this' coontry ,
and'their section suSered vory.mucli
from ihe drought Rav. C. Drifter ,
Tf tha Lutheran Church , at Blue
Hill , .Nebraska , collected a"car" load
of wheat from his parishioners' in
Washington and 'Marshall countitS ,
Kansas , forthvir relief , and "the wheat
was shipped by-tha'B. & M. R."R.
gratis from the eastern * te > minus qi
the B , V. branch to In'dianola. ' TKe
wheat is being ground at Pifckle'a
mill , and a dozen sturdy foreigners
from Pestlr are in attendanca waiting
for the flour. . -v '
The plow is-tho most pote'nt' instra-
ment of- relief fram drouth , "as the
rnoro hiid ploughed the moro moist
ure falling hero will bo retained in the
country , As in all other countries ,
drouths may periodically -visit 'thta
country , but after any considerable
portion x > f iho land is reclaimed by
the plow there need bo no fear of gen
eral devastation. . > ,
The-towns cf he.valley arejsteadily
but slowly growing. . Indianol * has
beeu having her boom since stirred
by the 6rat engine whistle in May la .
Over 400 cars .ot-qattle hava been
shipped from here already , and the
shipping season has not closed.
The B. & . .M. have just completed
a round liouee .with one stall in In
dianola. They have.ako built.ono in
Red Cloud with three , and one in
Hastings with six stalls.Thest ) indicate
whatpo nts answer the present needs
of the poinpany , but are-not ' regarded
as settling the division'termlni of ; the
road. ,
, Conjidcrablo.Tcc l political antagon
ism hss ariten between this part of the
"Republican "Valley an V that gart of
the Platte Valley immediately
norih. The Platte Valley , men
wore , determined to ' - name
Platte valley men in convention ,
whether acceptable or not. "Republi
can valley men dp. not care to intrust
Iho tjereman.dering. of _ the Tfestern
psrt sf the slate wholly in the hands
of U. P. politicians of the Platte yal- .
ley , sr. they feared an attempt would
ba made to cut the western part of
Nebraska in north and south slices ,
-whose central parls would fnirupon
the Umnn Paadc railway , where pbli-
ticiana are likely to.b'o nni'er railroad
control.for a long time to come. They
don't care to have the republican val
ley furnish the .tail .ends of several
17. P. seuatorial and representative
dtsfncU , but prefer to be blocked by
themselves. JAT.
Hear 3Iahonethe senatorial sphynr
of YirginiaVwho declines to'becora-
on his future course : I weigh only
100 pound * , and yet I am told that I
am to t > 6 the balance of power in the
senate. If so , there will be a very
great .change , at leait'in the weight of
the , important individual who la to
play see. saw before that body , as Lam
told that ihe senator who formerly
filled this position , Judge Davis , of '
Illinois , weighs over 300 pounds.
The Beatrice Maltese Surround
ed Witli a Horde" Mewr
tinous JPriendsj _
" *
, - -
- - - t r"-
With Bristling Backs and
Elevated Candals , They
Await the Slaughter'
Signal ,
While Their Eyes Flash Fire
and Murderous Ire.Be -
grirns Their Visage. > ,
* - ' -
> i
Latest Developments. in the
Senatorial Scrimmage. *
Correjpond nc of Tni EM.- . -
n LINCOLN , Ndvembtr 16. The read'
era of THE BEE may finally come to
the , conclusion that your Lincoln cor
respondent has a _ _ veryiuncertain idea
of the senatorial-fight from ihe manj
different views he' ' gives.of-the field
and the movements of tho'ae who1 an
most activein , the fighi'but the fael
it that new points ariaa. almost daily
and that it takes a great many quiet
tarns to keep track of the facts as thej
appear. As I have aU along said , , tu <
blustering statesman from- , Beatrice i :
the'm'ost deluded'politiciaii that 'evei
existed if 'he ' thinks that' 'ancoMa' no
alive and kicking for thoeo sanatoria
brogans now slashed around by "Oui
" ' " ' ' " l ' "
Pad. " , > .
-Paddock.still refuses to believe tha' '
Nanco'iB playing doublelon < him ? anc
' ' ' ' * " ' '
cannot'be convinced thai'th'e'
but a man with two eyes.that are "kepi
open can very soon satisfy himself ol
that fact. If Senator " "P addcck wil
een.d his most confidential frieifd wi
on't inaan JOB ilcpowell , but edm <
inau who is not ; so wi'doly k'nown" as t
henchman , up along Ihe Uiitdh Pa
cific , ha will find that 'Albinus1 "piirsi
and John M. Thurttou'a footprint ;
are , or have bee'rtj'at tlie'door of overj
republican membsT-elect. If ho" Tvil
ask thoBiTBsmB'nfembers-who'thoy fa
vor for" ebnaCor , theywill say that thsj
favbr'Paddock ' first and'Nilncef second'
if'1ho"will ifjqmre at itheright ptin
shopalolig'thd Ul. P.'he will tirid' err
that Nailco loaned its editor' § 300' o-e
ceritly , arid'that the next ; s3 eof tha
paper 'contained * n yery'-pnffjr'articli '
"favoring' ' Nance ' for " ° U.-- S.'S
'T6 * be sure , JthoJ'mbrtgagi
given ? to Fred Nyej-'was'1 a perfeetl ]
, le'gUimate loan * and had no ptilit'cii
bearing , but the Jfact"-that John-fM
Thuriton'was'in that vicinity , but i
" 'daj'or' two before election , dispensing
§ 10 bills"ttf whoever would' vote -'foi
'the1' bolting 'candidate - against "thi
'regular { republican nominee ; whom'tii
succeeded 'in : olectingv-and iwlro is'foi
Nanca for senatoti 'looKs'slightly--a
though PadddckTras' not -tt > sncceot
'himself if ; Nance , Cams and-the U. P
'coUfa prevent it. " It-has been lon'j
known that tho'U : P. favored -Nanci
for the reason that they can uo hin
fully as well asthey could Paddock
and by the election of. ISanca as-sena
.tor.-they .would\jnj\ko Oarns gpvernor
and thua control .both , officea. l ha
, this is the programme nfj onoj familial
with pqlitici here .doubt , 1andth' ' } 6nlj
question now discussed is : Will tin
B. & 1 > L permit this scheme to b <
consuuimated | ? " Cftri' that corporation
afford to have Nance made sehBtor'anc
Oarns lofcated 'In'to 'tho' 'gubcrnatoria
6haif by its" great opponent the UhfoT
" " " '
trhat * stron'g'efforts will be. made'u
this t "bncl thdrq can bb no'doubt arid
your correspondent'simply asks Jhdac
wh'p believe that'X M.1 Th'nratonTa
not for , Narico' for senator , ' ° o just
keep" their"eyespoljled and.s'ee"'liow
the o3 ! "fhing worki It is a'sure
thing. The i'-maha Republican with
the view to aid-Hitchcock , in883 ,
significantly says to-day that the " leg
islature ' 'may .do _ sometbinp. "for
Governor .Nance , 'tKii winter. "
That , Hitchcock , " has \ 'rib
lovefor , Paddock everybody tuows ,
) d as Paddock dfd not trouble hirrj-
If very muchabout , Hifchcock''s re-
" '
"eleqtio'n , at is natural thai , "HitcK"
should taSe the "fiNt 9pprlunity'rt'o
stab "Pad" unctrtho rib , and has
held The Repnbacan'quietly by the
tojg-knpt all these years waiting for
the tim9'wHcu Paddook's tutn would
come , and now he .proposes * o aid'fn
chpr8ng { some man Vrho wiH'roturh
the favor Ijro years later. ' " '
Tho'skirmish for ( he speakerahip Is
still in its incipiency with a constant
addition of1 candidates.Among the
latest is Slocumb , of Jeffer. < on-and
Barllett , of , Douglas. , , .
Slocumb , who is reaUf considera-
ble'of a fellow.was noniin e'daa an
anti-Paddook candidate , , and.after
m < ny vain endeavp.ra ; to .win him'p.y.e.r , '
the Paddock cohorts in. that .county , !
Jieaded by QbaUant and.Joe.fcppw -
ell , whospent . _ seek , there.trie.d'
very hard to defeat , hirn 'by voting
nd working for Hubbell , democrajU
who was all 0 K for Pad. , bnij
Slocumb was'T'e-elfecte'd by a small'
majority-and then a-change of pro
ijrimne was necgssiry'tocipturo the
yolo'of Slocumb ana the' idea of ifis
being speaker TV B hatched up , aHcl
1 whether it will catch him ! remains tr
09 seen. Ha tells 3 our coVrespondenl
tha' he rather thinks He is wideu-walu
and aolie eeems ttf ba. Tt ia' believee
here'thal Vah Wyck will develop more
st'rengih' than ho ia 'given 'credit for ,
and'his'frionSs claim'.twenty-five' ic
thirty votes to start with. Oso thini
certain he-is tin-old-h nd-at the bcai
ness and will gather in votes from 2
'great ' many * nnexpeclqd.quariers.
Dnndy is quiet and- working awt }
under , ai are all the candid.-ttea , .ex
; cept jaddock , .and ho "relies 'YCIX
largely ontho Onion tPaciBc a'.torneyj
-wha.will.quietly .gather in the. Iv.otc
and turn tnem over to N.inco. : 1'ho
superintendency of the asylum , th
wardenship of the prison , and thi
speakerahip of the house , as well o :
the chairmanship of the rfgnat
will be : quite a stockin -tradi
, ' for the Nanc2.-Caifas IT. JP. slatean , (
it is believed th t _ Ghurch Howe jrill
be their candidate if they think thai ,
his record will , not be too odious for
the granger element to swallow. j
We are going to make our "Gadj1
clerk of house and "don't yon fbrgt
it. " He is an'origital N < ince man
and is siid to have first discovered
hiuj. over in Polk , county. j
William Daily is mt sleeping very
much , nnd ho will bo found on deck
at the time and so will his adherents
and they are- not to - bacountaa on
ope's fingers either. I
The olecUon in the twenty-sixth
senatorial district between Sny'der
and Ballantine waa veiy close , ; but the
former has been * granted the certitij-
catB and a contest ' is.probablej'
Judge Martin Maginnis has "been
re-elected "delegate from Slontana by
an increased majority. <
Marshall -Jewell has withdrawn
from the senatorial race ia Oonnecll-
cnt , which makes Hawley's election
certain * *
Barnum , Hewitt & Oo. have iaaned
their own obituary notios. Died of
C/hineso boomerang. Didn't know it
Kaa loaded.
: The official vote of Pennsylvania ia
fl ollowa : GarSeldJ' 444,704 ; Han
cock , 407,428 ; Weaver , 20,028 ; Dow ,
1939Phelpa , 44. - . , . ' "
pongreasraan Clark , of Missouri ,
sayfc the four greenbackers elected
froaa his state will act w'th the repub
licans in organizing tno house.
It is said that only a combination
between Boas EJeyes and the demo
crats can defeat Philetua Sawyer's at-
JeniptBquthe Wisconsin senatorahip.
jThe candidate for
* republican gover
nor of New Jersey is holding under
advisement a proposition to contest
the seat of hh opponent before the
legislature , which niaeta early in Jan
uary. . .
The'latesvaSp'iranti ' to the Indiana'
seiiat'o7 rship are President Burgess , of
Butler university , Gen. 'A D. Straight ;
Congressman Tom BrownHonv John
Cpburni'an'd ; J. MJ Shecklelord.
Tt wilXnot b'e safe for rentibltcans to
reckon any longer on the election of
a. republican United States senator in
Tenneases. The If gislaturo wiH'Kava
a democratic majo'rity of five on joint
" ' " "
Atthe t e election in Nevada the
voters were expected , ' tkeir
views by Ballot on the question of
Chioese imtnigratibn. Storey county
returns 13 in faror'to' 5,114 against
the presenca of Celestials.- , '
* 'TH'e-'dfEcial ' election1 returns from
Misspuri 'showa a 'fearfjil ' : falling-off
for tha contemplation of. demosracy.
Hancock's -majoirjiy b recorded' ' at
19j8G7 ; Tildon's-njajority was ' 54791 ;
iti'1876/ > ' ' '
" Alsxander-H. Stephens , of Georgia ,
been1rc-elected . to congro : * by
ll,34t yoiiei against' 16 'scattering ;
Th'epraaldential vote in" his 'district
was'lbJ386'for ' Hancock and 4600 for
GarfiL-ld.\ In wb counties'Garfield
' ' '
did not re'ceive a vote !
_ . ' ' V1 = ' " , "i ' . % rtl "
, Tne.democrats have gamed a mem ;
ber-oipongress \ > y a later , count , , but
unfortunately his vote will ( iiot aid
them in the organiaition of the house.
The latest returns from the Territory
of Wyoraing'show'that the democratic
candidate for delegate u elected by a
majority of 150 , ; votes. | , ,
'St. ' * Louis has ! bacome more of'a
republican' city- than Boston. The
democratic candidate for .governor
barely carried the municipality in the
late * election ; while-fa "republican
sheriff , -circuit' attorney and < coronei
were elec'edover - their -lernocratic
compytitors. Jii Boston .the demo
cratic majority was about,2000.
There is ijood reason to believe that
John Ai IvKsaon , at .nreson ; , luiniator
to.Austrin,4 will be supported foe the
speaketship of tha next house by .sub
stantially .the whcle northwestern
vote. . The west has not.hada speakez
( except , for-the-abort , service , of.Mr. ,
-K > jrr ) sinceaSchuyler > Colfax filledithai
pluco , now more than twelve yearaago.
" " 'Gem Keiforand'othergood lawyers
and politicians'in Ohio have hold that
ihe newsenator to snccead Thurman
could1 nuc1 be-'tlected uhtil after ihe
' 4throf-.Mirch ; next ; bechuae-no vacancy
"nowlexists nor can exist- > till then.
Jiidg'e Granger , of Zauesville- being
consulted 'on thiAipoiut > by'a' newapa
per-.6 rrcspondent' , cave a.contrary
opinion.-r He held that , as congroat
has failed ; regard to the
time and ttionnor' ' of electing .United
'States senators when < a senator-elect
delinee,4he authority of the legisla-
tiiro is "supremo1 in that event. Jn
his judgment Gen. Garfield will not
bo called upon to resign , as he is not
yet a senator , , decline. The
point is perhaps not avery important
ojio , but it lias jnot , arisen .before , and
gives th'e " " ' a.wyera ' a ' 'chance' to split
hairs. .
of the great jGJerman
Hemedy , , H4mburg , Dropa- ' you can
maintain 'good dipeation.
FOR > '
Neuralgia , Sciatica , Lumbago ,
Backache , Soreness of the Chest ,
Gout , Quinsy , Sore T/iroatSwell-
- ' ings"ahd Sprains , Burns- and
Scafc/s , General Bbdify - -
ToothEar and. Headache , Frosted
, - Feet and Ears , and all other.
Paint and Aches. - .
i No Preparation on earth equals ST. JACOBS OIL
i u. sfife , sure , simple and cheap "External
.Kcmedy. A trial.entails but thecomparatirely
trifling ontlay of CO Ce'ntl , and suffering -
ing- with pain can have cheap and [ pciUlre.proof
of It claims. , , f/ .
\ ' Directions in Heven Lacgnagef.T ,
' " * * " " " . v
. Baltimore * McL * U.S'.ji.
. . - > . i . i
ATED.hy objtnreteJ tocrttions- to which
adlca are csp : iailj t abject , can ilcajs "be re-
lered , rhd their recnrrence prertnted , by tb
_ j _
i ri
c w J
Wre Fendng and RaiJinz a Erc.-iality.
Their l iutv , penninonce and economy
dilly workin the extinction of all fenin-
h ap miterlal.
. EJc ant In detiin. Indctruetlble
Fences for Lairos , Public OroUDd and Ceme-
t ry Pitts. ;
Iron-Vase ? , Lawn Settee ? , canopUd- of
nstc pittera ; Chain anj every deaoiptinn of
ron and Wira xirnamaatal work desisned anl
rcannfactur.-d by E T. BABNUMy Wire and
rrn W .rk , 17,29 and 31 Woodward Ave. , De
troit , Mich. Seni" ii'1n mw " -ataloju * ami
Prica lift. ep2 |
- Wholesale and Retail in
OFFICE CITY MARKET-1415 Douglas St. Packing House ,
Opposite Omaha Stock Yards , TJ. P. B. R.
Successors to Jas. K. Ish
Dealers in Fine Imported
ExtoptsrToilet Waters , ; Colognes , Soaps , Toilet Powders , &o.
A fun line of SurzicallnstruraBnts.'Pocket Cases , Trass-sand SupmrtsrB. A T
Drugs and Chemlcali uied In Ulspenjlnsr. Prescriptions filled at any hour of iho nigh ?
Jast K. Ish. ' Lawrence
The Genuine '
The popular demand for the GENUINE SINGER in 1879 exceeded tint of"
any previous year during the Quarter pf a Century ia which this-VOld
Iteliable" Machine has been before the public. ' "
InJ8T ? we ? ld 356-422 Machines. In 1879 we sold 431167
Machines. Excess over any previous year 74,735 Machines.
Our sales last year were at the rate of over
1400 Sewing Machines Day I
For every business day In the year , a ;
* Tbe "Old Reliable"
Every > . Singer 3's the Strongest ,
Buiger Sewing
the Simplest , the Most
chine h.B this Trade
Mark cast into the Durable Sewing Ma
Iron t Stand and embedded - chine ever yet Coi-
bedded in the Arm of
straoted ,
the Machine.
. Principal Office : 34 Union Square , New York. :
-1,500 Subordinate Offices , in the United States and Canada ) and 3 , < m Officeinth < 0
World and South A mnrinri . dalxl flil Jt rirf f
Cor , Randolph St. & 5th Avo. ,
' ' * " CHICAGO ILL- . '
Jit-a-H. z.frTLtatXMiiiweAJMX-
L'i - . . " . \ ? . < jri'S iHaxi t jf
Located ) In , tha business , centre , , convenient
to places ol amusement. Klcianly furnished ,
containing nil modern improvomcnta , pasaensrcr
fJofi At J. II. OUilMINOS , proprietor.
ccl6t (
3 is i1'tiy ' ELj
" ' Council Illnfls , lotvac
Ohllrioo Street Rsilway , Omnibus'o And from
all trains. RATES Parlor floor 33.00 per day ;
second , floor. $2. DO , per. tUy ; third .flogr , 8i.OO.
The best furnished and moat ( .omniodio'ua hon'a
In the city. . OKO.'T.'PHELPS Prop
The Metropolitan Is centrelly Ie < at d , n
first 'c'ass ' 'In 'every respecti havinf ; recently bee
entirely renovated. The public vIJ find it
comtorUbltt an J liomeliko hoaso. mar5tf.
Laramie , Wyoming ,
, The miner's rcaort , good sccoramodatisno
arjfo Saiiiple room , charges reasonable. Sptcla
attention ciTcn to traveling meiV
11-tf n. 0 HlLtlKRD Proprietor.
Crieyenne , "Wyoming.
FirBl-cl365 , Kino argo Sample Rooms , on
lilock'frorn depot. Trains step from 20 rainntc
to 2 hours for dinner. Frw Bus to and from
Depot. JKatcs . $2.00. J2.DQ and ? 3.00 , accorJlng
to room : s'nRle meal 75 cents.
' * A.'l > . BALCOM , Proprietor.
, W BORDKNi Cuief Clerk. mlO-
I L ,
i Scliuyler , Neb.
t Flist-c.lasaHouse , Cecil Meals , Gwd Beds
Airy Rooms , 'and kind "add nccommo'datln
treatment. 'Jirigood cample rooms. ' Specii
attention commercial , trar.elers.
S , MTT.T.EB . , Prop , ,
al5-tf Sohnyler , Neb ,
EfiNST KBEBSTifanagep. "
.Manufacturer of all ki-ids of
; v i isrIE Gj .tt.
Jittt St. Ett. 9th anrl Wtk'OMA.BA. ; ; XRB
Is prepared to make Panta , Suits and OTcrcoata
to order. Prices ; fit and workmanship gnirafatcw
, . .
to BUU.I . - . .
One Door-Went of nrnlckshank'a.
_ slOly
2 i W : § 03 §
TT > - *
z . * * * S c
o 30 o v.
- d a- -3
Q. o t sl 3 Wfc
* K--\W \ 5 „ s. J ?
S §
J =
§ ? cq g
- . , H c
/ /
g B
fl'BS ff-
- - -a S-l
- - -
-iv \ ' -
l fr" S
SBT S (5-5 ( k-
ILEB & 6fl . ,
Weekly Line ol Steamships
Leaving XewYork Every Thursday 'at 2p , m
England-France and Germany.
For Pas3 5 < s.appy : to
Metallc Case * , Coffins , Caakctt , Slirpad * , etc" . '
too. m Strut .Kth ndlltbOmih , Jfob.
d * Promptly At
C-SHKISC ; > a3S2
* * j - *
BiMlit < * 3 : rans > icted same W thil o ait t
porateil Bank. ' . . , , .
Accounts kept In .Currency or sol
tifiht chBci wUhcut notlca
Ccrtiflcatea cf doposlt iauvid ,
elx and twelve months , bsarinj Interest , 'cr' on
demand \rithout Interest. . ; i
Advuiccs made to ctutomorj on .Appjoycil so-
cnritie ? at market rates of Istcrtat ,
. Buy and sell ? ol < l. hills oi e chaL-ge Oovern-
'nient ; State , 'CiuntyanU City Bdiuls ; '
Draw Sight Drafts en England , Ireland , S"cnl.
land , and alt parts of Europe.
Sell EuropeanPaE8aiq.Ticieiif ,
augldtf - - ' ( . . ' !
. - 'U.6 DEPOSITOR . -
Cor. 13th and Farabara Streets.
( socci sons TO Kousrzp niips.,1. . , .
zsa us A XailonM Bank , , Atj st 20 , I C > .
Capital and Profits QverffiSOOjOOO ,
Specially authorized by tha Secretary o r Trsaaury' '
to rcccivq Subaorjptlgn to tlia
HiKrfAN KeL-KT.PrejUent. ! . . . . - „ ]
AUOCSTCS KOVNTZB. Vice Prcsldeut. . '
'A ' , J. l'oPLBTOs'Attoncr. ' . - ,
JoasA. CR Tamos. - , ]
' -
Tnla bank rtcelrcs deposit without regard to
amounts. , . ,
Isdues tlmocjrtlficatosbearlnjr 'Interest. * '
Dravg draf U oa San Francisco and principal
cities of the United Btatca , al * > London , Dublin , !
KdlnburRh and the prlnclpiil cities of the conti
nent of Enropo.
Sells paasapo tlcketa for foilgraf tj In thn In
tntn ue. ' ' '
Geo. P : Bern i a ,
S - TfATr > '
EsTal t.
16th d : JDouylat Sts. , 'Otndw , Xeb. (
Thl ? agency does siRicr&T i bMk n5 r'ja'il- '
ness. Does not speculate , nd therefore any bar-i
3ln9onlt8t > ooksaiB'Insnredtott pitrods , In '
ead of heln ? obbl-
No 1 # > 8 JFambam Street . " I
Office North 8fde opp. ( Gran j .Centrril''rfc'jl'
Nebraska , Land. Agency. ;
1605 Fnrnham St. Omaha , Ntbr.
400 000 ACRES carefully sclacfcd land In Ea ern
Nebraska for gale.
Great Bargains In ImproVeS famur , and Omaha.
dty property. ' ' - . j--i
.tatoLand-Corn'rU. f.It..B > '
Byron Reed & Co. ,
St. Paul4& , Sfoui'Gift
CM Xdubk S > w
: From COUNOILBIrUrrS ; to ' ,
jcnsurJ. .
Sleoplnj Cara.o
ny. n raroiiu anso tasrcn !
Union 1'idflo Transfer Depoi , CoSacH B'nifi
ind St. I'ul. Trains '
leave tb.3 Unlra Padfe
fraraf r Depot at Cormcil BluO , , at B 1S p m" '
eachin , : Sloui City at 10:20 p. , = ! . s ? ? ] J
, tll 5 . m , niakins r
Retnrmn ? , Scava St. paf zr 3 )
Ivtiir at Sioux City at 4:15 am. . ; aoJba i
acUeTran-fer Depot , Cccndl Eluffsat ; 9:50
V E ? ro that y 11 ckets nad vi * " 9. C. ' ,
' r. R. R. " y Q j/yxig \
and Pa enjer Aent ,
We call the attention of Bnyers to Onr Extensive Stock of
| 1
* '
. - . . / ! ! * * i V
We carry the Largestaud
Whio'h We are Sellin at : ' ' '
Is'in-oharge of Mr. THOMASi TALLOS" , whosa wall-establishes
, . . . . . . . . reputation has been fairly earned. - - - \ \
We also Keep an Immense. Sfioclc of
' '
* . . . v . ,
* * * " < ' j. V §
. HELL AN . & Ca , - -
4 ' .
_ \ . 189t' & 1303 5- ' vn-f-K ? S $
-ov's : '
AGENT . m | > ' * . ft Kl V
1 FOR ' U H
And Sole A ciit r j
i * i
Hallet Davis & Co , , James & Holmstrom , a-.dJ.&O.
Fischer's Pianos , also Sole Agent for the Estey"r
_ . . . . - .Bur.dett , and the fort Wayne Organ
' '
Go's , Organs.
I djial in .iPianoa , and"Orgacs , exclusively. Kava harl
experience in the Business , andhandlsordj tha . , ,
u21816th Street , City Mall iBuildii , Ouiah 9 AT
. HALLET v. PITCH. Tu.-er
- , . * Stsam Pttjajps , Eflgfn'0 Tiimiuiiigs. Mi-it.- xluaery ,
A. STBASTq 2Q5 Fq . - - ' - . ? o , } , r.
- " ' ng aftS's i ? 'j ?
: . . : lflii
' * * In Kflgffdid Bottles ,
Erpscial Figures to the Trrtdfj'
Prices. Ofilce. .rat QT
A Positive and Permanent" Chire
Guaranteed ,
In * U CMOS t'l Orvvel , Dialelea , lop < y. C-l ht'i Disease
KidneyIncontl ni ard t ntou : ofl'rt-io. Intlamatlon
thdTOdhfcji , Catarrh of the rimiiler , Hi , M.t > Iorcd Urine. Pad ,
In the Kick , Vd < r r Lloi i Nerv. > 'j > Veakn < , and'In fact al
disorders oftilt CUdder ami Uiinury Or an" , whether contract *
ed by private diseases or otheawise. This irreat remedy ha ) t > een
nscd with sncccgs for nearly ten yeais 'n 'rmc' , with the most
wonderful curative effects. JC et-.rnbtl abitorption ; no DaiiKOns
Internal medicines to.'n ; reqnlrp.l. Vliivo hundrerla of tejll-
monlala of cures \y this Pailv h n a'l l-e lud til cd- ,
. iL-\DIE3 , Uyou are suffering fr rn ' "tmulo Weaknem , ttuf-jt-
rbcco , or disecses peculiar to females , or a fact any disease k
your dracrfjt for Prof. Gtiilmette's Fre-tch Kidney 1'ad 'an l
tai no othtr. If ha hxa Dot zot it. fond $ i.CO and yon !
receive the Pod by return mail. Addn f I'1. . Blanch ,
i FIlEi\C3f PAD C0i
Toledo , Ohio
Will positively cere Fever and Agu , Dumb Ague , Xctia Cake , bllllous Fever Jaundice Dysrxp * ! * .
ane all diseases of the Liver , f tonjch and Blood. 1 ho pad cures by absorption , and U permjn-i.t.
Ask for this pad'and tito noDther If he dcxsnot It , .
j our drnfpjt keep send $1 0 It tnoFRK.Vcil
PAD GO.,1U\.1f. Branch ) , T61eao01iIoraBd-rec lve ! ' ' N4CO
aha , 7
Conipcsedlarsftlyof powdered micaducl ramzlw
ts the best and eh arw9t.crJriet ! r.lathe world.
It lYihebcqtbecause it 661 noCKboi , but form ?
a highly pojishtd gurfao over" the axfc , dolnsr
awaywitha'lzrze amount of friction. t-i Ifce
chape < t because TOO .need nae but. titlt- tee
rjuarr titf reulu ; yoor wajon ttaijflu-wotild
'of any "other axle rea taiSe , &nd then ran
'yonr-wakon twice01 lony. It > a wcn equally
a * Tell fur.Mill CFearinj , Thrw'-Ing ijlaehiai * .
Cuirsn'es. fas , M for w eons Send lor Pocket
Cjtlopedia of Thlii r Wprttt Knowing. Mailed
free to4ny.olre"S \ . i ,
Your Dealer For It !
ID E 3ST 0 ? Z S T . ,
, corner Cipitot AT * , and
16th , Omalu , K b.
.x * % * $ ? "is m"i * ' * 5S * * * .
x " * ! ' * 3 & " 5
2sS ' " - ' ivX
f - - , ?
- ' -s-JSiij-- ; ' J . ; 'TC
t. > & . . - . * -fr -
; * wi.7-323jj , „ . . .V V.kj _ '
3- ' * & . ' - -Wkr'
T'qnir irc ia ol k r-tinual medical
pnCo-ppljy whichat , oresnt pnyaili. , . It i
perfectly jmr vejeUWa rtmrily , > mbraciiii.tbo
three important prop rj of a pievinr > e.
tonic , and an alti > r tiva I tit b dy
aitalnudlsctio , Invlgtrzteri jml rt-v lal zaj' ihe
torpid Btemich and liver , > nrt ffct amen
salutary chan In the entirj y t m when In
a morb'd condi'i in.
fvt ia ! br all Oinss'uA * w > d Do I n generally.
r day athcuso. uaplct wort
frr. . Address Btlawa & Co