Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 18, 1880, Morning Edition, Image 1

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    VOL.X. OMAHA , NEBRASKA , THURSDAY. NOVEMBER 18 , 1880. ] NT0 130.
Established 1871. MORNING ! EDITION , Price Five' ei:4ts :
Dodge and Pitteenth Sts.
We are Now Displaying an Be
gant line of Ladies'
of the
A Good Clunk for . $2.CC
A Good Cloak for - - $3.0
A Nicely Trimmed Cloak $4.50
An Alt-Wool Cloak - - $5.Ofl
A Nice fine for - - - $7.50
SomcftiinK Fine at $1O.OO and
up to $40.QO.
for a Child 2 years and
Jit Pleasing Trices.
This is the Best Line of
Children's and Misses' Cloaks
to be found in the city , and
our Prices are always the
All c at
Immense Etock'of
While & Colored Blankets
JSGrey Blankets from $1.60
to $8.00 per pair.
White Blankets from $2.00
to S',2.00 per pair.
Dur $2.00 White Blankets
are a Wonder at the Price.
Cor. 15th and Dodge Sts. ,
Eealod proposal * will bo received bv the
undWBigncd at his office until 3 o'clock p. m.
SRtaTd y , tbe 4th d v of December , ISSU , tor
the purchase oi ono hundred nd twenty-Ore
thousand dollars ot Doming counlv bonds described -
cribed as fo'Jows : One hundred a.ndtvemy-fhe
bonds of one ikcurand (1000) do lira etch , dated
January 1st , 1831 , and payable twenty yean
from date with interest t Mr per cent , per
annum , pajablo t < raU4ui.u lly in the city oINcj-
S id bond 8hpilbcr.deanaWeat the onfion
of the board > ; county conuni sion r of eald
county , atthf , eviration Of ten jci-s fron the
dito of name , but no lev } shall h. m de Jo pay
* ? ypj ? lh9 Pri P I < 'IIu bonds untU
after the
txplrallon cltald tcnyear 7
* M tst ) ghall bo p H on mid h-nJ omv from
an" After the date < t tbe sali f came , on any
I Vt there > f , and the rcccli t of tl.cmooc ) there
1 urn. hald b nd < to be tie ivcrod nj follows :
t25.000 on the first day iJanuit , 1SS1.
aM.0'0 on the first d.v of Julj. 1WI.
* : > 0,000 on the first d > y if JanuMy. J8S2 ,
Proposals will be received at the > nme time
Tor the purchase of sild $125.000 Of bonds , the
entire amount to be dell\rred J miTy l > t , 1SSL
The bo r4 of couoty coiumla iouera rwerre
I : be ri ht to reject any or all bids da'ed Omaha
Nov. 8th. 1SSO.JOHN
J ovIUt County Clerk.
Special Ordinance No. 240.
Tor le\lnj ; a epecial tax for the grading of
Davenpo t street from ISt i to 15th street.
In tbe c'.ty of Omaha , county of Douglas ,
B'aU of.\tbrasta
B It o'dalced by the city council of the dty of
Imaha :
Sccnox I. Ttat the scrcn.1 sums set oppo-
t tt to the folio A in t described premises , to-wit :
B. K. rni J. B. Fotam , lot t , block 63 , city
ot Oroaba , * ll 04 3
Kdirard Bavit , lot 6 , block 58 , dty of Omaha ,
$11 t&4
Adolphui SicfUn. lot 7 , bw ! * M , city of
Omaha , Cll G3.
Sarah E. Crelghton , lot 8 , blxk 63 , city of
Omaha , Jll G. .
James Crcighton , lots S , 6 , T and 8 , block 59 ,
city of Om-ha , $ < 0 SJ.
JohnF KuhccN one-halt oflotlblok7i.
city of Omaha , S1LC3
r > -m. Reechcubcri , W. onclhalf of lot Sblock
74. dty of Omaha , & .S2.
J O. Welcht. E.oichalf of lot 2 , Mode 7 * .
dtr of OirahJ , $5.82.
JDO. Moieli , Jr. , lot 3 , block 71 , dty ot
Omahk , $ ll.CS.
Byron Itccd , lot I. block 74 , dty ot Omaha ,
8. A.T jlorlessee , lotl , block 75 , city of
Oraiha , ? U.GJ.
M.ry Taa Dee Burp , lot 2 , block 73 , dty of
Omi ! a. $11CS.
J uo U Doct , lot 3 , block 75 , dty ot Cmnta ,
$11 C3.
First Biptlst churth.loV 4 , block 76 , dty of
Omaha , (11 63.
Total amount , $186.11.
Being one-half the cost and expenses , ap-
nro ed by the dty coundi for the grading of
Davenport street , from 18th to 16th street , In
front ot and ad } ilnlnc the same , ia punnsnc :
of a contr ct entered lntby the dty of Ornah * .
with P. * elsh.on the 14th day of Anerst , If 80.
b and the tame are hcret reepectjvtly levlid
and M8 id against e ca of nid 1 < ts , prts of
lots , and premises , bounulne and abnttiag up
on said portion cf Davenport street eo loproved.
payableto the c'ly treasurer within thirty (30) ( )
days ot this date.
SEC. II Thii ordinance M all take effect and
> ) In force from and after its passage.
( Slgnea.l JAMES E. BOYD.
Prerideut City Council.
Paued Kovember 9th , 1880.
Attest :
City Clerk.
Approved Kovembtrllthlfi30.
( Signed. ) c.S CHAStv ,
Tbe above tax becomes de inqnent on tbe 10th
d r ot Ds-mber , 1ES . ftet trhichd > te ten ( US )
r cent , pemlty nod Interest at the rate ot one
rer cent , per month , in advance , via be
ded :
Citr Trcssnra.
TO LOAN At 8 per cent inter
. crt. Bunaof < 2000andup-
wardj for 1 to S years' time en first cuca impror
d city and txrm property. Apply at BE1US
Beol ate and Ian ifesrju th and
A Policy ot Kbn-Associatioi
Inaugurated Throughout
The International Regatta
Commences To-day.
No Decision-on any Measure ;
for Ireland.
Special Dlfr tch to Tbe Bee.
PARIS , November 17 , 10 p. to.
Tlrf bett-posted politicians tere pre
dict a closely contested and hardly
fought political battle resulting from
the present complications on govern
mental affairs. A policy of non-as-
ocUtion has been inaugurated
throughout the country towards those
who participated in the execution of
the decrees for the expulsion ol the
Jesuits. They are aeverely debarred
from society and denied social recog
Special Dispatches to Th Bee.
LONDON , November 17,10 p. m.
A St. Petersburg correspondent tele *
graphs that immediately after the ex
ecution of the Nihilists this morning ,
six suspected women fonnd in the
crowd here were taken into custody.
Upon iearching them there were
found concealed in their clothing
charts of the principal Russisn pris
ons and a chart and full description
of the Czir'a new yacht "Linda. "
The prison plans were done by Ger
man artists and the sketches of the
yaoht by Englishmen. Tha arrests
< rere kept a profound secret.
Special Dispatch to THB BIB.
LONDON , November 17,10 p. m.
All members of the English cabinet
were present this afternoon at the
council to consider the state of affairs
In Ireland. Lord Derby is in this
city ,
A dispatch from Dublin says that
great satisfaction is felt in that city
over the abandonment of the expe
dition of tenants of the Lough Mask
estate headed by Father O'AIalloy ,
which it was proposed should visit the
Earl of Ern and agree to pay the full
rant on condition of the dismissal of
OapL Boycott.
Special Dispatch to the Bed.
LONDON , November 17,10 p. m.
Tha international regatta will begin
to-morrow with the first trial heats ,
according to the programme arranged.
The first heat will be contested by
Liycoek , Elliott , Hawdon and Tow-
ger. In the second heat the contest
ants will be Hiley , Cass , Largan and
Felix. The third heat will ba con
tested by Smith , Hosmer , Gibson and
Anderson. The fourth heat by
Trickett , Nicholson and Olospen.
The other entrees , Blackman and
Hanlon , have been scratched.
Special Dispatch to The Bee.
LONDON , November 18 , 1 a. m.
The cabinet is again separated wlthont
deciding upon any measures for Ire
land. The ministers are divided as
to what policy to pursue.
Special Dispatch to The Bee.
A Constantinople dispatch siys that
some Albanian chiefs have agreed that
Derviih Pasha shall me force against
the 3000 Albanians now occupying
Dulcigno ,
8pey l DIspatcho toTniBit
ABIS , "November 18 , 1 a. m.
Sdwland Bonaparte was married yes
terday to Mile. Blanc.
! pedal Dispatch to the Bee.
AGRAU , Noveoabar 18 , 1 a. m.
Fhere have been , several shocks cf
aarthqnako , and the people hero are
panic stricken.
BERLIN , November 18 , 1 a. m.
Germany will shortly increase her
diplomatic and consular corps.
ATHLNS , November 18 , 1 a. m.
A.n angry discnision over government
policy continues in Greek chambers.
LONDON , November 18 , 1 a. m.
All the oarsmen were out yesterday.
Banlon says that he thinks he is en
titled to a rest Hecanghta slight
sold in his loins on Monday
A number of Fenian leaders are re
ported as being In Paris. Stevens ,
the head center of the Fenians , is ex
pected to arrive here early in Decem
DUBLIN , November 18 , 1 a. m.
It a meeting of Catholics _ at Belfast
to-day they expressed their sympa
thies for the land leaguers.
STOCKHOLM , November 18,1 a. m.
Princes Ejgono of Sweden In dan
gerously QL j
Special Dispatch to Tbe Bee.
MADRID , November 18. The agi
tation among the Spanish bondhold
ers and capitalists in favor of a con
version ot the Spanish debt is receiv
ing serious consideration at ( he hands
of the government The plans ex
amined by the minister of finance em
brace the conversion into a three per
cant stock , with interest paid in full ,
of tha whole debr , which exceeds
2,000,000,000and also the conversion
into sale stock of about $180,000,000
of privileged treasury bonds , issued
since 1875 , at present interest , at the
ameliorizitlon of the aboretwo debts.
The demand is about $60,000,000 per
annum. A coniersion intn one sort
of paper and into consols without
ameliorization , would , according to
Spanish statesmen and finaucicrs.real-
ize an annual economy of 815,000,000
in the budget The converstan would
oblige holders of bonds to sacrifice
f torn 50 to 75 per cent of their value
in old issues. The conversion must be
made in 1881 or the canvass cabinet
must resort to increased taxation , and
thus impair the popularity of the
A dispatch from Capetown * * ? :
T3 BaptisttniuicBarief , named OQ <
nilter and Hartland , who went out ir
cpanection with the Congo expeu !
tioi , have been attacked by natives
and so bndly injured that their live :
were at first disra'rad of.
Special Dispatch to the Btc.
Parliament will meet eirly in Jan
uary to take action with reference to
the state of Ireland.
Notwithstanding the prevaling enow
storm , more than ona hundred fami
lies of the strikers at the Southein
Colliery , in Durham , have been
evicted , and great Buffdrin ? must re
Mr. Mark Firth , a well-known and
extensive dealer in refined steel at
Sheffield , is suffering from a paralytic
A large unknown steamer baa been
lost with all hands off St. Gowan's
Head , on the south coast of Walej.
New York Money and Stocfcs.
WALL ETRKIT , No * ember 3 7.
MONEY ia5 lur cent ; exchange lower at
91 81Q1 83.
0.8.6-8 , ' 81 . 1 0 U.S.4's. . . . : . 1 10J
U.S. 6's . I 018 Currency O's. . 1 8
U.S.41S . lOlJ
W U . BC1 CC&IC . Jli
NJC . fl-I JI o . 1C8J
Ene . 43 ! Lack . f8l
R 1 . 121 llndson CanO . Si
LS . 1131 NYO . . „ . 13j
W . ns | M4E . 110
Prcfoired . 1384 Heading - . 41
PM . 47 1 JI . „ . 48 !
Ohio . SPI NPu . SH
St P . , > 1C3 Preferred . 6Cg
Preferred. : . " 7 Louiillc . 0
St Joe . 40 } ChV.t&oo ga . (3i
St. Joepfd . 894 Am U . C i
Wahash . 424 B& Q . 10 ! }
Prtferted. . 77 0V . 2 < i
Om ha . 47J Alton . 1SOJ
Preferred . 83 * CP. . . . . . 834
DP . 9Si
Thera were three proposals to tell bonJs to
1li8 government to-day , aggregating $221,000.
Cnicagr ) Produce Market.
CHICAGO , November 17.
Wheat No. 2 spring advanced J ©
lc and closed at SI 00 J for cash ;
81 061 for November ; § 1 071@1 07i
for December ; § 1 08J@1 08J for Oan-
uary ; $1 09 J for February.
Corn No. 2 advanced jj@ic end
closed at 42 @ 42 c for cash or No
vember : 42gc for December ; 47f@
@ 47icfor May.
Oats No. 2 improved c and
closed at 3l c for cash ; 31c for De
cember ; 32 Jo for January ; SGjjc for
May.Rye No. 2 sold at 85c for casher
or November ; 8Gc for December
Barley 4o higher ; No. 2 sailing f t
Olio for cash or December , closed at
Whisky $1 11.
Mess Pork Closed at $13 CO ©
13 50 for cash ; $12 151S 20 for
November or December ; $12 10 ©
12 15 for seller for the year ; $13 67
@ 13 70 for January ; $13 77J@13 80
for February.
Lard O'oaed ' at $8 108 12i for
cash ; S8 07 * ® 8 01 for November ;
88 05@8 07 for December or seller
for the year ; $ S 12i@815 for January ;
$8 22J@8 25 foi February.
Chicago Live Stock Market.
CHICAGO , November 17.
Hogs Opened dull and weak , ow *
ing to the large arrivals , but Liter a
good demand sprang up , and yester
day's range of prices were obtained ;
sales were at $4 G04 75 for light
packing ; $4 5034 00 for common to
extra heavy packing ; $4 60(34 ( 05 for
good to extra smooth heavy chipping
lots. Receipts , 55,000.
Cattle Owing to the late arrival of
the cattle train , buyers had not com
menced buying except to a limited ex
tent up to 11 o'clock , and only a few
sales were reported consisting of Col
orado natives and fair steers at $3 05
@ 4 25 ; receipts were again large , and
theprospect is that prices will bo lower
for all grades except choice to extra
qualities for exportation ; the fresh re-
oaipta were 6,600 head.
New Tork Produce Market.
NEW YORK , November 17.
Flour Without decided change ;
receipts , 25,712 ; round hoop Ohio
at $5 00@5 50 ; choice do $5 COG 25 ;
superfine western , 83 80@4 25 ; com
mon to good extra do , $4 75@5 00 ;
: hoicedo , do , $5 05@G 50 ; choice
white wheat , do $4 754 95.
Butter Firm on choica grades ;
Ohio , 1426c. (
Eggs Strong at 23@2Cc for fair to
Wheat Firm ; Chicago , $1 18 ®
L 20Milwaukeo ; , $1 21@1 5J2 ; No. 2 red
ffinterl 21 $ < § 1 21s ; les 350,000 bu.
Corn Quiet aud h'rm ; No. 2 , 58 o ;
Bales , 100,000 bu.
Oats Quiet.
Whisky Nominal *
Pork $12 30 for November ; $12 30
lor December ; $12 2012 25 for seller
for the year ; $13 67i for January ;
$13 80 for February.
Lard $8 10 for November ; $8 12
@ 8 16 for January ; $3 22 < g8 25 for
St. Loala Produce Market.
ST. LOUIE , November 17.
Flour Unchanged.
Wheat Higher ; No. 2 red , $1 04fc "
L 04 $ forcish ; 1 06J1 OOf for De"
sembwr ; $1 OS1 09 for January ;
? 1 lli@l llg for February ; No. 3
lo , $1 02@1 02J ; No. 4 do , 95 * .
Corn Higher ; 43 for cash ;
I344i for November ; 42J@43f for
December : 42 * < § 43 for January ;
13jo for Febiuary ; 45 | < g46ic for May.
Oats Higher at 31ic for cash ;
Jl c bid for November ; 32c far De-
jetnber ; 3Gio for May.
By e Bett < r at 86 Jc.
Barley Medium to prime , G5@85c ;
jhoice to fancy , 90c < 3jl ° 5-
Butter Steady ; dairy , 20@26s.
Eggs Higher at 24@25c.
Whisky Better at $1 10.
Provisions Pork dull ; jobbing at
Lard Fairly active at $3 "D0@8 03.
Dry Salt Meats $4 40450 < g6 95 ®
T 057 15@7 25 , according to age.
Bcon Dull ; $5 50@8 108 2l ®
3 30@8 3t > .
Receipts Flour 8,000 brls , wheat ,
48,000 bn ; corn 47,000 bu ; oats ,
14.000 bu ; rye , none ; barley ,
3,000 bu.
Shipments Flour , 15,000 brls ;
wheat , a * 000 bu ; corn , 167,000 bu ;
oats , 23,000 bu ; rye. none ; barley
St. Louis Live fatock Market.
ST. Louis , November 17.
Hogs Fairly actire ; Yorkers and
Baltimores $4 454 55 ; mixed packing , *
$4 60(54 ( 75 ; bu chers * to f mcy ,
$4 75@4 85 ; receipts , 11COO ; shipments - ,
ments , 700.
_ _
Gen. Sherman 1 al gone to Harrit"
burg to attend the marriage of Sent. *
tor Cameron's daughter.
Signer Blitz Accidentally
Kills Himself Wlrile
' Sitting bull and his Warriors
j Surrender to General
! Miles.
The Bondsmen of Philo Ac
cepted by4idge Davis.
Hancock's Majority- New
York City 3,583.
Gen. Pope Will Succeed Gen.
Schofield at West
His Last Performance.
Special Dispatch to The Bee.
HACKENSICK , N. J. , November 17.
Eugene Harding , known generally
as Signor Blifz , a slight of hand per
former , was accidentally killed to-day
while duck hunting on Backensack
river , near Little Ferry , Bergin
county. He was in the act of step
ping from the boat when the trigger
of his gun ctught in the bow and was
discharged , the contents entering his
Is-ft eide. He fell back and exclaimed ,
"I am dying , " and immediately ex
Sitting Bull Heard From. Dif pitch to Turn Bra.
WASHINGTON , November 17 , 10 p.
m. Tbe following dispatch has been
forwarded to the war department from
St. Paul , Minnesota.
BDFORD , D. T. , November 9,1880.
Allison has just returned and I have
heard all he bad to say , and , I be
lieve beyond a shadow of a doubt , he
will be able and successful in bring
ing in Sitting Bull if not interfered
with , and permitted him to go out
again so as to reach the Indian camp
by the 20th inst There will be some
900 Indians ; therefore , if they do
come , there will have to be some pro
visions made to feed tnem , if it is
intended they shall remain here dur
ing tbe winter.
[ Signed , ] BROTHEHTON ,
Special Dispatch to Tns Has.
Lowdry and party , the murderers of
the stage driver. Fries , on July 1st ,
are with the Indian camp. The 1,000
surrendered Indians hero are .doing
well and are under good control.
[ Signed , ] MILES ,
Brevet General Commanding.
Phllps Bondsmen Accepted.
Special Dispatch to the Bee.
NEW YORK , November 17,10 p. m.
Judge Davis , in the supreme court
to-day , accepted deputy sheriff James
Fay and Francis B. Spinola as bonds
men for Kenward Philp , who was
held in $5,000 bail on charge oi crim
inal libel in having written an edito
rial commenting on the Morby letter.
Both men proceeded to the district at
torney's office where the bond was
drawn up and signed.
It is said that a movement is on
foot to have the case brought before
the United States circuit court in New
York , which , it is understood , can
tike the matter in hand , because an
alleged Lindsay affidavit was procured
to influence the case there on trial.
Davenport's epecial work will be , if
possible , to work up a case of
subornation of perjury against W. W.
Pric > 5 , chairman of the Allegheny
county commit'ea , and a presidential
elector , who , according to the belief
of the chief supervisor of election ,
wes the central actor in the preparing
of Lindsay's affidavit. He had pre
pared it betore he had the witness to
swear to it Mr. Bliss was seen in the
postoffico this moruing with a bundle
of documents under his arm , and it
ivm at once presumed that be was
working up further testimony in con
nection with tbo Morey envelope. The
report that Mr. Philp had been oblig
ed to pevor bis connection with The
Truth , and that In consequence he
hud determined to make revelations of
a startling nature , is generally char
acterized as absurd.
The grand jury went Into session
at 11 o'clock this morning , and imme
diately summoned before them three
of the witnesses who are to offer evi
dence as a basis on which indictments
against Kenward Philp will be found ,
if found at all. These witnesses were
Col. Rock will , of Washington , who
testifud to his intimate relation with
Gen , Garneld at examinations. Dan
iel and Amos , all experts in hand
writing , and Samuel S. Morey , who
in ado a confession in which he ad
mitted himself to bo a perjurer. They
offered in substance the same testi
mony as at the examination , but the
grand jury had either not the time cr
patience to go into minute detail * , as
nonocf th'e gentlemen vero cloaited
with themfor , more than ten minutes.
Tbe Railroad Conductors.
Special Dispatch to TUB BKS.
CHICAGO , November 18 , 1 a. m.
The mutual aid and benefit associa
tion of the railroad conductors of the
United States assembled in annual
convention at the Grand Pacific hotel
this morning. About one hundred
were.present. Prtsident J. T. Sher
man , of the Michigan Central road ,
presided. The annual address was
made by L. D. Latham , of Blooming-
ton. Tnis evening the association
will attend the theater in a body end
Friday will start in a special car for
San Francisco for a three weeks'
visit. Officers for the ensuing year
will be elcted to morrow.
Official Canvaes.
Special Dispatch to Till Bn
NEW YORK , November 17,1 a. m.
The board of canvassers mot to
day. The committee on protest , to
whom waa referred tbe protests of
Nicholas Miller and W. S. Wolff , re
ported. They were convinced , and
nave been so , from their appointment.
The duties expected of them were
unmistakably beyond their power to
perform. The report .was adopted and
the committed discharged. After
Eome unimportant business had been
transacted , consisting of discharging
of the different committees , the cierk
of tbe board read the total votes cast
11 this city for the different candidates
ifii : < > as follows : For president ,
Jancocir , 123,000 ; Garfitld , 82,686 ;
"Wearer , 6,720 , and twenty iix votes
lor the prohibition candidate. Thi
{ til vote cast for presidential elec'r |
was 205,337 ; for judge of court oi
appeals , 201,830.Of these Charles
A , Rappallo- received 113,013 ; Chas
'J. Folker , 88,360JThonm ; W. Arn
strong , 330 ; defective , 09 ; blank , 68.
For constitutional amendment , whole
number of votes call was 68,273. 01
th'ae 66,653 were for , and 1,710
against it ; defective , 7 ; blank , 3.
For Myor Total number votes cast
202,302. Wm. B. Grace received
101,760 ; Wm. Dowd , 98,725 ; Gaoix-e
Blair , 245 ; John B. Johnson , 728.
Defective , 321 ; blank , 413.
Not to be Censured.
Special Dispatch to Tbe'Bw ,
WASHINGTON , D h , November 18 ,
1 a. m. The stgties telegraphed
from here rtpnt thejjemoval jof. Gen.
Schofield from
Point have no foun
as stated ir > these dispatches during
the Whitta'er investigation , when
the same statement was published ,
Gen. ScoGeld irilll be returned from
his present command when his term
of service expires. It is not contem
plated to remove or censure him for
anything that occurred during the
Wtiilt-iker investigation , nor anything
written in his report of the case. It
is understood that Gen. Pope will
succeed Gen. Schofield in command at
West Point.
Illinois Odd FelldTa.
Special dispatch to The Bee.
DAI VILLE , 111. , November 18 , 1 a ,
m. The grand lodge of I. 0. 0. F.
of Illli ois convened here last evening
in annual session , and this morning
elected James S. Tickner , of Freeport -
port , grand master. There are be
tween six hundred and seven hundred
delegates In attendance. The session
will continue three days.
Parnell's Reply.
Special dispatch to The Bee.
BOSTON , November 18 1 a m.
The Globe has received a special cable
gram from Charles Stewart Parnell ,
wEich it will publish this morning :
DUBLIN , November 18 To the Edi
tor of The' Boston Globe SIR : The
result of the new infamdus Mayo in
vasion by Iandlor4 hirelings , with
those always constant allies , the
Orangemen , shows the impossibility
of defeating the patriotic and power-
fnl combination that is now organfzed
all over Ireland against the tyranni-
ol away of unjust landlords
and ' their agents. Seven thousand
troops mil be occupied probably for
the next fourteen days In securing the
crops on Baycolt's farm. At Lough
Mask all are protecting their own
from it. In the rear of this one land
lord agent , Baycolt , in-the job on
hand coats the British tax payers
§ 15,000 per day , and pcesibly the ex
pense miy not fall abort of $25,000
Annual Report.
Special Dispatch to The Bee. .
NEW YORK , November 18 , la. m.
The annual report of the light house
board for the last fiscal year will not
be ready for publication for some
time. Tbe report promises to 'con
tain considerable valuable informa
tion , with regard to the progress in
the electric light during the past year
by Professor Morton , the scientific
expert of the board , with a view _ to
placing the light in houses and doing
away with the cil lights which hie
now In use , in order to give tbe elec
tric light a proper test before adopting
It for general use.
The Coal Trade.
Special dispatch to The Bee.
NEW YORK , November 18,1 a. m.
George W. Newton , general sales
agent of the Lehigb Valley coal com
pany , said to-day that he thought the
prices would remain as they are at
.present all winter. They could not
afford to give coal away as they did
last season. Ho stated also that tbe
amount of stock on hand to consu
mer was at present smaller than it
had been for years. Tbe amount of
coal on hand at the mine was large
and there is no possible chance of a
famine. Representatives of other
companies conceded with Mr. New
ton's versions. All the anthracite
companies seem to stand in the same
position , and it is evident that they
effected some consolidation , so that
they would not run on each other as
they did last year.
A Bonanza.
Special Dispatch to The Bee
NEW YORK , November 17 10 p.
m. The Game Ridge consolidated
mining company was formed yester
day , and among the trustees elected
are Daniel Torrane' , Messrs. Good-
sell , of The Graphic , and ex-Senator
McDonald. Capital stock , § 10,000-
000 , in shares of par value of $25.
The property comprises six claims ,
covorinc the greater part of the cele-
b atedGame Ridge , situated at Rosi-
ta , Col. , in the immediate vicinity of
the well known Pocahontas , Lucille ,
Hnmboldt , Basick , Bull , Doningo ,
Silver Cliff and Plate Verd mlnesand
coverd moro than 140 acres. More
than twenty shafts have been sunk on
the property , and all of them are in
ono , A report was read at the meet
ing stating that already sufficient has
been uncovered to npply a forty
stamp mill for an indefinite period.
Tbe company has ample development
funds , aud will continue operations ac
tively through the winter. In ipring ,
a forty stamp mill will be erected.
Served Him Bight.
Bp > cial Dispatch to Tbe Bee
ST. Louis , November 18 1 a. m.
About 8:30 : thin morning , George
Bates , a colored deck hand on the
steamer "City of Providence , " while
drunk , went to tbe house of Mary
Burns , with whom he formerly lived ,
and tried to prevail upon her to leave
her husband and live with him again.
She refused , ard he threatened to kill
her. She attempted to escape from
the house. He pursued and seiz
ed her , when she plunged a knife into
him , and he died in a few minutes.
His body is now at the morgue , end
Mary aud her husband are in cala-
Only a Question of Time.
Special dispatch to Tbe Bes.
NEW YORK , November 18 1 a. ia
Frederick J. Musebarry , who has
been on trial in the court of oyer and
torminer for the murder of Lindbam ,
in July last , was last evening found
guilty of murder ia tbe second degree
and sentenced to the state prison for
All foriiove.
Spodal Dispatches to TUB Bn.
LEBANON , Maes. , November 18 1
a. m. Wm. J. Martin , a murderer
under sentence of death , confined in
the jail be e , has bean released by'the
ehenff * n ic ? , a girl 15 year.4't'old ,
with whom he has eloped. The girl
has been the prisoner's principal cm.
I tcdian .of late. Their flight was rot
discovered tlllTueaday nigbt. It took
phce during the dv , as everything
was all right when the sheriff was
called away on bnsinecs in the morn
ing. The pair have been traced to a
point on the Tutcumbia road , a few
miles distant. It is thought probab'e
t .at Martin will not be captured altvrj'
ft he is a desperate character and I
armed with a Spsncer line which Lo
took from jail.
Ballot Box Stufflinff.
Special dispatch to The Bee.
CINCINNATI , November 18 1 a. m.
All the evidence for the government
baa been taken in the case of Charles
S. Fisher , secretary of the Lincoln
club who is charged with stuffing bal
lot boxes at the October election.
New Hotel at N.llgh.
Neb. . NovemberiS. The
Atlantic House opened lost night with
a grand ball and supper. It is one of
the best hotels in the west , and is un
der the management of 0. Jurgicgs.
Died from a Snake Bite
Special dispatch to TtU BIB
LOUISVILLE , Ky. , November 18 1
a. m. A dispatch from Mudison says :
Jacob Francisco , who was bitten by a
copperhead snake while on the Ken
tucky river improvements , has died
from the effects.
He Gets It.
Special dlapatch to The Bee.
BOSTON , Mass. , November 18 1 a.
m. Mayor Frederick 0. Prince was
unanimously renominated last night
by tbe democratic city convention for
mayor of this city.
Lost at Sea.
Special Dispatch to The Bee
NEW YORK , November 18 1 a. m.
Tne new steamship "Assyrian Mon
arch , " the firat of the Monarch line
between this city and London , ia now
eight days overdue , and considerable
apprehension is felt as to ner safely.
Tbe steamer on her trhl trip mace
thirteen miles an hour in a heavy sea ,
and was expected to make the trip be
tween Londtn and this port in ten
days at tbe lowest. It ia said at the
agent's office that she has probably
broken her machinery. This would
necessitate the use of sails , and ac
count for the delay. Steamers have
left England and arrived here since
the departure oi the "Assyrian Mon
arch , " butnoue of them have spoken
her. She is one of the fleet ot four
steamers of the same build , all steel ,
and especially adapted to the grain
trade. Unless she is under sail and
has been drawn out of the track of
Trans-Atlantic steamers , the probabil
ities are that she ia lost.
Special Dispatch to The Bee.
WASHINGTON , D. 0. , November 18
1 a. m. For the appor Mississippi
and lower Missouri valleys , falling
barometer , south to west winds aud
partly cloudy weather.
Inauguration Ceremonies
Special Dispatch to The Eooi
WASHINGTON , November 18 , 1 a. m.
A meeting of citizens waa held last
night to arrange for appointing a com
mittee to take charge of the inaugura
tion ceremonies. Consideaable sharp
debate was indulged in , and after a
moat inharmonious session , a com-
mitte was appointed to meet with a
similar committee to be appointed at
another meeting to-morrow night ,
when a joint committee will have the
power to arrange preliminaries.
Another Consolidation.
Special Dispatch to The Bee.
NEW YOKE , November 14 4 p.
m. It is acknowledged by parties In
interest that efforts are being made
for the consolidation of the Missouri ,
Kansas & Texas , Missouri Pacibo and
Texas Pacific railroads and their
various branches. It is proposed to
carry the consolidated _ line to the
Gulf of Mexico and the Rio Grande
on the eouth and the Pacific Ocean on
the west , and to perfect connection
with Chicago. Jay Gould declines to
talk on the subject. The report that
Gen. Grant has been offered the pres
idency 'of the consolidated com
panies is Jenlod by Mr. Honora.
An EJDbezzlera Fate.
Special Dispatch to The Bee.
NEW YOP.K , November 16 4 p. m.
Benj. Meyer , ofhe defunct firm of
Hirach & Meyerwot.'len goods dealers
of this city , who failed for § 181,000 in
April , 1876 , committed suicide by
hanging in the Sing Sin ' prison. He
was convicted of false pretense in
February last and sentenced to two
years and six months imprisonment
and a fine of 86,500.
Fierce Flames.
Spec al Dispatch to The Bee.
CINCINNATI , November 17 4 p. m.
A destructive fire visited Goahen ,
Indiana , yesterday , which , despite
the efforts of the fire department ,
spread rapidly. The office and wareroom -
room of the Goshen Jt'omp Co. , the
largo business blocks of Mrs. Henry
Hatt , tbe tenement house of Joseph
Dougherty , six barns and numcer of
warehouses , were burned. The lees is
estimated at from $40,000 to $50,000.
A Cow Catcher.
Special Dispatch tofTm Bn.
CINCINNATI , November 17 4 p. m.
A passenger train on the Louisville
Snort Line railroad struck a cow la At
night , at Bagdad station , Ky. , throw
ing two passenger coaches from the
track and totally wrecking them. Sev
eral passengers were slightly , but not
seriously , hurt.
New York's Vote.
Bpeclil Dispatch to The Bee
NEW YOKK , November 17 4 p. m.
The following is the official vote of
the city : Haucock , 123.017 ; Garfield ,
81,686 ; Weaver , 610 ; Dow , 26.
Tne Sttatlnz BlnJc.
The skating season ia at hand , and
the many lovers and patrons of-this
delightful exercise in Omaha will be
gratified to learn that a rink will be in
operation for Ihe 'amnsement in a
very few days. 1-
The B. & M. railroad embankment
which now divides thejake at the foot
of Farnham etreot/.enhances , rather
than diminishes , as many supposed it
would , the 'natural advantages the
lake posaessedlfsr a skating rink , as
ifcompletea 'one tide of a high wall
surrounding the entire lake and pro
tecting its'surface from the winds.
Mr. John Philbin , a well-known
andenterpruing young man has
the matter in charge and will
spare no pains or ex { erne to make it
a success. 'Mr.Philbin is one of the
firm of'Nash , & Philbin , wbo con-
ductfd , tb * rink , so successfully last
season , He expects Jo throw the
, gates opeo.tojhe public on Saturday ,
Frightful Scenes at the
Burning of the Min
nesota Insane
Hospital ,
Madmen Knsh From Door to
Door to Escapa a Terrible
Whije Shrieks , Groans and
'Maniacal Yells Rend
Several Unfortunates Face the
Lurid Flames With Calm ,
Impassioned Faces ,
And Forcibly Resist all At
tempts at Rescue.
SpecZU Dispatch to Tin In.
ST. PETEB , Minn. , November 17.
4 p. m. The theory grenorally ac
cepted is that the asylum fire
started in the basement , in the north
west corner of the buildLig. Some
hold that it commenced from the atub
of a cigar or fire from the pipe of an
attendant. Others from the bursting
of a gasoline pipe , and others still
from a coil of steam pipe. It must
have burned some time before the
discovery , which , took place before
eight o'clockwhen one of the attend
ants observed smoke coming through
thp registers. .The investigation that
that the basement of the whole north
wing was in flames. First and moat
important is the'central building , four
stories , 60x120 feet. From this north
and east wings extended each with
returns and sub-wings. The north
wing , where the fire started ia three
stories in height , 165 feet long , with
two returns 40x70 and 30x60. This
wing was used for male patients > in
which were confined at the time of
the fire 270 patients. Through the
wings and returns the names spread
rapidly and a scene of
ensued beyond the power of pen to
adequately describe. Blinding smoke ,
shriekx , maledictions and maniacal
laughter of the frightened inmates ,
clatter and turmoil without , a pressing
crowd of people and a thousand and
ono thino.3 incident to such an occa
sion , made the scene as of hell turned
loose on earth , in the presence of
which the officers and help of the in
stitution were for a time powerless.
One of the citizens of St. Peter , among
the firat to reachtho burning building ,
said : "Oh , I cannot describe the horrible
rible scene. There were men at the
windows in the third story , son\e
Others making grimaces at us. The
groans and screams of the dying were
terrible. I went in with , an attend
ant and wo got ona mar. . Just as we
were leaving I saw Another and was
about to grab him when he rnahed
back in the midst of the flames and
smoke and to his doom. I was al
most suffocated. I then went around
with the attendant to another room ,
and we got one man. out half dead
and another dead , suffocated. I
went around to the north side of the
building and saw five or six jumping
up before the wind.ona of the bui id-
ing. Two of Dennis men and I. got
an axe , thin was in ( the first story , and
wo succeeded in. "breaking Cn'rough
two sets of ba-/s and rescued two
moro men. I then 8 ascended the
ladder to the second story ,
and after working twenty min
utes got a Jjole through. Thia room
contained a. Frenchman. Ho worked
like a gian.tin helping me to break thn
windows open. I got him out and
then myself and two or three others
went into tfco hall and fonnd ono man
dead. We lieard a man groan and
went through considerable- smoke and
dust and i'a a room about 10 by 12 we
found a crib on which lay a man , his
hands v.nd feet nere tied whom wo
reacaea him. It was scenes like thb
tat wo encountered everywhere.
Groans , ahdekaand demoniac laughter
are ringing in my ears yet. "
This man's story ia but the reflex of
Tiundreds of others. The efforts to
remove patients , especially the violent
lent , were thwarted by mad obstinacy
and tbe lives lost were mainly due to
this. A few , in their removal suc
ceeded in escaping , carrying conster
nation to the people of the town but
most were safely housed in barns and
other vacant buildings. Of those
who escaped it ia believed , all have
been recaptured. Several were found
badly frozen , amputation of limbs
baing necessary in one or two cases.
who was literally roasted alive , fairly
illustrated the terror of the scene.
He occupied a room in the third story
of the wing where the fire started.
As the flames crept up to his living
grave , he stood peering through t he
bars of his window with the seeming
coolness and fortitude of a martyr.
Shafts of fire datted upward and .iL
most licked bis face. Still he waa un-
irapasjioned , merely dodging the
flames as they leaped toward him , as if
anxious to wrap him in their fiery em
brace , At last his cell w s filled with
fUmea , transforming it inn a vciy
firey furnace , and he waa seen no
The total population of the asylum
was 583 , of whom 243 were male * ,
and 340 females. The portion of tbe
building destroyed was occupied ex
clurively by males , and the portion
saved included the domestic depart
ment , heating apparatus , etc. With
the excantion of a few patients , who
will be returned to their conoty poor
houses and ten who will be sent to
Rochester , the patient * w'ill all be
cared for here by a system of crowd
ing. The loss on tbe building is
about $100.000 , upon which there is
no insurance.
A True BUL. *
Epcdal dispatch WTni En.
NEVT YORK , November 18,1 n. m.
An indictment against Ken ward
Philn , for criminal libel on Can. Ga -
field , was ' to-day ordered - by the grand
Juty. '
' .e ami Retail
Colt ! and Silver WatcbeS
and Jcwc'ry in the
City. * - * < ;
Come and See Our Stock * .
as We Will Be Healed
to Show Goods.
loth & Podge. Opposite FosM.ffice ,
H .
" * 0
Iron and Wagon Stock ,
At } [ liicago Prices.
1209 and 1211 Harney Street , Omaha.
Bpedal Dispatches to Tha Boa.
Tha Catholic church at Galesbnrg ,
HI.was robbed of all the altar furni
ture , including two chalices and the
veanels containing sacraments. The
priest's robes were also stolen.
Captain Young , who commanded the
"Narragansett" at the time of the
collision with the "StonSngton , " has
been held to answer chaws of mis
conduct by the Hartferd , Conn , ,
The business portions of Mammoth
City , near Bodie , Gal. , wai yesterday
destroyed by fire. LOES 8500,000.
The New York board of state can
vassers met to-day , at 10 o'clock. Tbe
secretary reported that returns from
New York and Richmond counties
were not yet received. Thoboard ad
journed till 11 a. m. to-morrow , hav
ing been in session about 10 minutes.
The president to-day appointed
Mark D. Flower to bo supervising in-
"Doctor of eteamboata of the Fifth
New York district.
Mary White , of Chicago , obtained
82,000 damages from John Kanz , con-
fectionerj , for injuries received by the
explosion of a soda water fountain in
hii establishment.
Hon. Peter Zinn , a well known at
torney and railroad capitalist , of Cin
cinnati , died at noon to-day , aged 70
Hon. Peter Scirm , of Cincinnati ,
a prominent lawyer and dealer in real
estate and railroad atockdied at noon
to-day , aged 70.
The board of trustees of the
Syracuse university , in vision at the
hill of l nguagea , thia afternoon ,
elected Rev. H. Sims , D. D. , pastor
of Summertield JI. E. church , of
Biooklyn , to the office of chancp1 * . , . "
of the university , which wi >
vacant by the elevation o
Eraatus 0. Haven to tne
bcat 8hlrt ln 8
United bute * u - manufactured at the
Umaha Shirt Factory. Tha superiority
of Material nd
? workmanship , coin-
Dined with their
at Improvement
! ,
thatisPveinforcrxI fronfc , Reinforced
backs and Reinforced .fcovw , makes
their shirt the moat durable and beat
fatting garment of the kind , e er
man ° fac'.ured at the moderate price of
51.50. Every shirt of our make is
Sua'.anteed first-class and will refund
t > e money if found otherwise.
We make a specialty of all wool ,
Shaker , and Canton flannel , also
cbemoia underwear , made up with a
view to comforr , warmth and durabil
ity. To invalids and weak-lunged
persons we offer specfal inducements
in the manner these goods are made
for their protection.
Special Ordinance No. * U7i " "V _ ,
For levying a special tax for the gnMag of likh
street , from Farnham street to Capital art-
nua , In tha dtv ot Omaha , county of IfcjBfW ,
slate ot JJebraaka. *
Be It ordained by tbe city council ol & cMr of
Omaha :
Ercnojj T. That the several sums set oppo
site to tbe following described premise * , toH :
T. W.T. Richards , lot 8 , blok 115 , cKrot
Omahn , W2.71.
A.J Kanacoro , toll , block 115 , city of Oma
ha , J52.7L *
O. F. I > av.'a , S. one-halt ot lot 8. bleuk JM ,
cltv of Omaha , 3:6.35. f ,
F.Murphy. N. one-half ot lota , btoeYTW ,
dty of Omaha. $28 35.
K. Murphy , Jot 1 , block 1CD , cltyofO hi ,
* *
ElzaP.McCormkkIot8 ! , block 81. city of
Omaha , $47.92
Emma foffmanu , lot 1 , block 81 , city of Om -
b > . 317.92
Tnnity church lot -I , block 35 , dty { Omsbm ,
John WcCorm'ct , N. one-bait of lot I , b'ock
85 , city of Omaha , $23 96.
W. F Sweettv. 3. one-half of lot 5 , block 85 ,
dtv of Omaha , 23 36.
Famucl tinrna.lot I. block IC8 , city of Omaha ,
Martha 3. VIA , lot S 'ilocx. 10S , dtr of Cnn-
ha , 52.71. l
Alrm S un J rj. lot 4. block 110 , city of Om -
hi. 352.71.
W.A-Paxton , lot 5. block UC , city of Om
ha , J52.71 ,
Total amount. 8613.M.
Bdn ? one-half the cost mndezMaWR ka.
rrored by the city council for the mitou of
lath .trect from F.rnbam re.t to CallUI
avenue , la front ofnd adjotej Dfr lb itoe In
pursuance of a contract entered iQJoby th
dty of Omaha , with P. Oorxan on the Kti
of July. J83'be and the a ,
apectiTely leviel and aai-Med
) . ,
abuttinnpon aidpDrtlon of *
Krato-J. payable t tha ds % * ttrM. < n
thirty M ) days from thin ' < wltoJn
Pas'ed Nov. ' . . nIWt City Council
Atteit : n.A. P. , 1880.
- . .
City Cleric.
ApproTtd Nor. llth , A. D. , 1830.
tSi.oiod. ) c. 8. CHASE.
Th ave e tvt b comejdelInnontoB tbe ICth
day * f i/ecember , I830y after which date tan (1C )
per cent , penalty and interxt at thp rate ff ona
(1) ( per cent , per month , fnadranco , will be
laid :
S.O.JfAllrnfe ,
15-51 city Trearorer
State of Nebmka , DOU IM County , a :
At a County Court held at tbe County Court-
Boom.fn and for said County , Nor. IHb A
i . , isso. Pieeent.wiLc. BARTHOLOMEW ;
County Judge.
In thr matter of tlie estate of Anna r. Krriss.
minn. deceutd :
On readin ? and filing the petition of Edward
Kreissiiunprujlcf * that adm nUtraHon ot
tohimamrtmlDi * ° " 1 * ? " trator. * ' * * * > * * n T be fracte. !
ORBIKID. that December 9tn , A. D. , isso "
m Clock ; * - m"ismed for heariBK said p"
JUon , when all persons interested in said mat-
* r nwy appear at a County Court to be h W , fa
ind for said County , and show cause WDT the
xrajrerof petitioner should .not be gnaud : n.P
'EiVnoHcoo.ltt8edenc3rot WW petition I'
. ? ? D <
.hehearinsr thereof , be riren to an penoaa In- ,
Crested In said rar tter/by p
.his order In the Oxia/W
wper printed la said County , fotthrte isc
ire weeks , prior to sold day of heartnz.
IA tfoo copy. ] WM. O.BABTHOLOMEW ,
mints si