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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 17, 1880)
THE DAILY BEE. ' "Wednesday Morning , Nov. 17. BSEYITi MMHBV Paterson sells coal. m ever , " ut FBEDEEICK , HATTEn. TCo city council to-night. Sec Polity's advertisement. -Isaac Xiekols , American remedy. P. rter is running tbe Omaha Ferry. Lubinsbulk'perfumo at Kuhn'e only , variety of clcst protectors a * gg-Scicnty-fourcarB of stock in jcstcrday from the-west. Jtut recelv eil at.Sale's . a fine lotjof Shoulder Braces. \Vhipnle , McMillan & Co. , tbe jewel- era , 112 * Douglas btrcct. o2Ctf -Just received at J. L M bo's & Co.'s , a supply of fre h butter , egg * and pon'try. Swiss aie fee , vvholcsal atd retail , at "Gammeniind&Mtytr's , 1107 east 13th St nlr-lm -T2B51' IN THE \vuiu , Go\e ! fitting ratlerna at Bushman's. The best of meats at Bath & V. ' jnmfcel , oiiposito the postoffice. 23-tf Bath & \Vliitc , opposite the po"t o ce. receive frchh fish every Thursday Uvt-tf - fT Forl-inils.Lol" , Houses and Farms \ ItJk uer Bcmis' new column on first \to5 A new niJc-track , 2.0CO feet long , i Ot in at the new government wrrnl * . folks. ivouinu who stole a babj' carriagi nt Cwincil ] 5 nils , and brought it over t Omaha with her , was yesterday let oJ ivKli a nnd e 8ts upon res'oring the P"op * L Ay Lot ? , Farms , llousoa and Lands. Lool ia' niw column of bargains on IE OfiH and get prices of a'l kinds of gro cericsr-prodncc , &c. Apples nnd potatoc at Jovv fisun3S G orj.'B UciuiroO , U. P Week. - nl2t5 A.n adjourned meeting of the Unio OAtJiolrc'Libraiy aasoLiation villbehcli atfthc librarjroauis Tuesday evening at All members are requested Trains were all late Tuesday , the Hot' T ? and an lumr.ind three quarters , the "Q one-hour , andU. P. No. 3 and the Lin rviln traiu tsvcnly niinutcH each. The lethe the latter came in with onlj rod , which accounted fo A collecllou of 510.17 was taken u Tilbnilay .it Uic Y. 3SI. C. A. meeting The Bubjcct of the meeting this evening i "luwstrgittioji if ihePathof Faith. " Hi jiiMting v ill 1x3 conducted l > y Dr. P. S lie 'seining. AH arc cordially invited. Tlievoun ; ladies of Trinity I'ari.-l jiuil others interested in the Mork for tin \ig\f ui tlic l > .irish and the mission arc in' viludit J meet fur Uicelection _ of otliccrs fo : Uic Aid Society at Uio Masonic Uall a < 2:80 o\JoU : p. iu. lo-J.iy. --luthe United Stalci court Moiidaj _ _ Charles Jficlmla and Georke Clark , o ! < 3rand Malawi , i\ero arraigned on an in > . lidtuiPnt.forjnaking andp-vsing counter- j-ilvci dollars. Tlry pleftded no1 " \V. 31. Itoad alias Kinraid , o ! jleil Olnudas arraigned on an iadict- Snunt for making and I assiug countcrfei K > iu , nnd piejvd'il not guilty. " \Vho IB tiiat remarkably tall g'ntle- jnjin v 5 tiiigyouf' asked an Lnglisli Eat Markcl , of the U. P. depot "That" vvas the SB Ixnoa Juhnson nud l > c is not in rcalitHO tilUi.she : ; looks , Imt siu > e Sandaj' night wlica lS i onud boy arrived at his house Jieliai , aiiarezttly | grown ECNeral inches tal er. He will resume his true t > Ui' ure in lime. ' ' PERSONAL Dr. Diuotuoro roturued yesterday ifS. BIcClary , of Norfolk , is iu the - Kcatcnant Governor Oarua and wife i ro in the city. Peter lingua and family left for PDrtjStede yi'stcrday. Cimmcoy * Willze , of Grand IE- land ia in the city. Will Doolittle left , for a business ; ti ip through the State yesterday. TJou. John D. Howe has gone to "Wc tPoint ; on legal business. J nines McMiirmy loft for the Gunnt- Don country yesterday , to be absent probably until spring. Mrs. General Frcdoiick and Mrr. fc iv. J. Burnham have returned from a Itip to Now York. Col. M. U. Sessions and. Fudge Bar- miod , of Lincoln , wcro In the city 3U onday attending D. S. court. ( . to. S. Doan , formerly chief on- flae-or ; of the B. it M. and oupcriu- in dent of construction , was in the city yt iterday. Air. Hobcrt Ilockoiiliull , a banker of JnckBonvillo , 111. , is in the city , we A'i'i ting his soil-in law , Rev. W. J. r ir MissLulu Blackburn , eisler of T. ° t " "W Bhckburn , of the Union Paciflc rainy , came up from York with her l > r < thor Jlondiy , and will apeud a JTexdays in the city. cc ccSc See Tdo Mute Journal. , ScSc See From the last issue of this inttt. ScSc Sc celsng publication wo learn tbat there See are at present iu Iho institute soveut- See tm. pupils all of whom are iu good See Diei.lth and progressing finely in their elu3i > 3. "Of the faculty Profofsors JTcJluro nnd lleid have been with it for cyht years. - * * - - _ * - As wo will move into our new quar- icrt about Thursday , November 18th , n we nrc offering every thing in our line n much lower than ever before. Come o and see us. ( nlG2t ) h WiirrrtE , BIclfiLtLK & Co. ann TU13 G.HEAT DI6PLA1 of Choice Groconca will take place Nth il ' . r.l which time Jioj' Wodnceday , my th frie'ida era cordially inritcl to call fast and jx.imino on ot the m > at choice st stocks of goojj ever brought to Oma sc ha , end remember that a pure , una- scbe jSnUjKiteil urticlo of food will cott beM j ° you toes , considering its otrcngth and M t , than an adulterated article. - - -Wiixis M. YATES. A Eiisravinssat IIosuc's , ail JF vsh Sweet Cider , at Tl ni52t PLEBHNG'8. . new ncni ni FUtSl JTI7BSJ ! FURSJ ! ! bill biwj JiiJifflaba . MaAufacturer , wj Ser ry G Sicbter , is to be found op tri posite the poBlofiice. o26-tf THE SAW-DUST ARENA. How Seth Thomas Made His Advent in the Sporting World. Mike Scullers Good 'Reason for Joining the Pro fession. Mike Iscully , who is now under taking a big feat at the Grand Cen- t-al billiard hall , was a blacksmith by trade , but having a little girl who w..s. a cripple and being unable to earn enough from his trade to have her treated by a physician - sician , he undertook his first walk to swell his purse for that object. He was so successful , and the profits so good , that he has been a pedes trian ever since by choice. He sent his child to the surgical institute et Indianapolis , nnd has been gratified to see her greitly improved by the care she received , Mr. Sculley will enter the BIX days go-as-you-please race , to occur in New York the last of next month for the O'Laary belt , and he thinks his prca out week will just put him in good training for such a contest. He is a powerfully built man and appears to hare an iron constitution. Selh Thoman , the Nebraska man who recently walked in Council Bluffs against an Iowa man , tbe two representing the adjoining states , is mid lo bo the man who , about three years sgo , walked against Bob Math owson , in Lincoln , when he was known as William Lan dakers. At that time time Lan dakers beat Mathcwson and it was believed lievod that it wai apnt-up jobasabou § 10,000 was lost by the belling men of tao Capital on Bob. The two wen away togctherto Landakera old homi iu Illinois , where the same garni was played except that Mathewson won in this instance , ajargo araoun of money changing hande as before A citizen of Humboldt , Nebraska from whom we learn these bits of his tory , * ay that Thomas came to Hum bjldt during the summer , nqd tha about the same time a man suppose < to be his partner settled at a einal town not far off , and the two snbse quently established extremely inti mate relations. Tho'Hnmbolt men who were backing Thomas felt tha perhaps they were slightly taken in in the * matter. HAVE YOU SEEN Dohltn ins at Kurtz's , Cloaks at Kurtz's , Dohlmana at Kurtz's , Cloaks at Kurtz's , Kurtz's Store , Creighlon Block , t-tl NOW IS YOUR TIME TO BUY OVEPvCOATS. MEN'S OVERCOATS , $2.50. LIEN'S ULSTERS , § 5.00 BOY'S ULSTEBS , ? 2.60. AT POLLOCKS. WHIFFLE , McMlIiEN & CO. will remove to their now store , in Croighton Block , Thursday , Nov. 18 consequently they are offering any thing in their line at cost. 10-2t The neatest etylo of gold pens anc pencil cases in the city , are to be found at Edholm & Ericksons. They have something iu this line which is ( specially attractive , novel , uniqne , handsome and useful. Alsoaspjendid line of gold tooth picks in elegant In laid cases. CAPS ALL. Bonner'a Stoves much the finest " in the Market " - - ie. 141G Douglas street. o22 tf A. P. & A. M. There will bo a stated communica- ion of St. John's Lodte ; , No. 25 , his ( Tuesday ) evening for work in the M. M , degree. Visiting brethren are cordially Invited. Master. New Engravings at Hospe's * B. & M. liand Department. As many know , the office of the B. M. land department in this city has been but an appendage of the general land office at Lincoln , and wo'learn that it is soon to bo removed to Lin coln entirely , whore it will be under the management of Mr. J. 0. Bonntl ) , formerly located at the headquarters Omaha. Do your ahopplng at Kurtz's , t-th REMOVED By Thursday , Nov. 18th C. i will be in our uow quarters and re olFcringEXTKA BAKOAINS in jewelry , < watches , etc. WnrrrLE , McMiLLKN & Co. > KINGERS DID IT. SosRinger's $1.00 Hats , worth § 1.50. Ringer's $2.00 Hats , worth § 3.00. ? Ringer's § 3,60 Hats , worth5.00 See Ringer's § 3.00 Hats , worth § 5 50. St Ringer's § 4 00 Hats , worth § 7.00. Ringer's § 5 00 Hats , worth § 8.50.V Ringer's § 6.00 Hats , worth § 10.00. Those are rare bargains. 115 north loth street. " ' A f leasant Party. x The social party "Riven Monday Schorb'e Hall was largely attended nd a complete success. Over thirty ouplcs were present. Dancing was ho programme until 10 o'clock , when excellent lunch was served. Dare- * ng was again resumed and kept up ill a late hour. The best fadilies cf North - Omaha were represented at this pirty , which was gotten up as a' farewell to Miss Mggie Latoy , who starts soon for Oscoola , Neb f to teach school. It was anevenl "which will looked back upon as moit en joyable and a Worthy compliment to Miss Latey. " THE CBEICHT05 , * firtt-claes hotel in every respect , is situated on the northwest corner tjf Thirteenth and Capitol avenue. This house is newly and elegantly fur nished throughout , and the table and of- fare will compare ' favorably wiib the beaUn the land. Give itib trial. No runner at the Depot. o 129-eod-tf A NOVEL PATENT. Shot to be Manufactured of Iron instead of Lead. The ] Woods are Full of Shot Towers. No eooner does Omaha make a move in some new enterprise than Council Bluffs follows suit , and the latest Is in the matter of a shot tower to be built on grounds already purchased - chased , near the government corral. Our suburban neighbor will not , however , manufacture ordinary Jead shot. By no means. She gets"up a a new and improved kind of her own. The Nonpareil of to-day states the situation as follows : The probabilities are that Council Bluffs will , at no far distant day' , be the headquarters for the manufacture of a shot tbat is calculrted to revolu- lionize the world in the shot business. For some time past , four industrious men , of whom two are citizens of Council Bluffs , Messrs. A. D. Walker and Geo. R. B'eardj have been quietly dxiterimenMog oh a shot dropped from irdn , and have made such fine i ir.igressfriththeir ex1 parimonts an1 cits that they have applied for at : ' received a p'atont for the manufact' to of "iron shot , " something new in the shot Had , The inventors claim that the advantages of the iron over the leaden shot are numerous and important , among which lire deeper penetration , non flattening , and they will not foul a gun. They also claim that the ma chinery necessary to the manufacture of this now style of shot is simple an3 incspansivo , and that in building a factory for their manufacture no tower is necessary. Already this indention has caused a great furore among shot makers ant iportsmen all over the country , anc the inventors are constantly in receipt ceipt of letters making inquiries re garding their invention and whether or not they are anxious to dispose o : the patent. But the two gentlemen living in this city are desirous of start ing an extensive factory in Council Bluffs , considering this as good a point as any. They are now ready to go to work , and dc- ire to raise a stock compiuy to build and engage extensively in the manu facture of the iron shot in this city. Mr. Walker is willing to invest § 2,000 in stock in addition to his being one oi the patentees , which is certainly guarantee that ho realizes that there is something in the . . invention thai work will bring out. LIST OF LSTTE&S remaining in the Omaha postoffice for the week ending Saturday , No vember 13 , 1880. aENTLhMEN. AumjinllerS Alwo d W T 2 AudrsoiiEA AndemmO Hcng-lson A Badolct A BaleyW BatlerW Brett 11 Btuh S M Burke Is" C Brown J II Oummius L H CIiristcnRon C ClappelJU O'abauphA ' Carlson O fonant H J Christie J Croft J T CumpJ C.lllisonJ M _ , , H l > uLauratis E J.meryP J.vingUT Field P IMktnsumoWG Frank-f cd W J I : ro wden E B 2 Gradtpji&t E ( .crbdrdt Galloway J G G ccne S C Hathaway C C Heinij J H yes P HeathS A Hutchison W H Hiekick J HolroJ U HamernickW Hanincton J C Hemicts J HannigEG Joy W H .InyceT .Tones TE Johnson K B King L D Krauz P Keefe T KeagyVC LeeS Leeman M J Levious M Loewenthal L Montgoinerie W Megragnr G McFaden C Moore E T Mate1 es T J Matheis T J McBlivIt M J McGo wen J H Moore JDS Murray II MtGui esy JC McBathJB Myres J Miller J- MillageLJ McCoffeyJ I achti allT Nichols E P Nickson T Neimeyer A J Patrick M PtereonP Patton J S Palmer Q Quealy J Ro e 5Ir llcynolds A KannieA S BeymannJ Ridon MB Be mann J Smith I. E Sellers C R 2 Scott C A Slocum H W Stephens H T .shepherd J W Shar J M Shawer S Sxveet R B Stew art R P Bundquist J G Sarli J t liurkn J Toiulinson J Taylor WII TuIIey T Tislotson R M Thibbles T We 5jftQWright T WycoffJE Wilson GR Wagner J W Welsh J TVoolworth W E Young D F FIKMS. Leiler & . Co. Shields & Bros - Scharf & Co ' LADIES. Allen Mrs Wra Brooks Miss R rid 3jorkman Misa C Balet Mrs Nettie' a Mrs JB Co\cyMrs L E . Kik ! rs M Cotter Mrs E Cotter Mrs W P Clark Mrs F L I Iwiflv Mrs M Clark Mri A or > r"Mis A " FretcherMrsK Jering Sarah Uilmore M ss C Jrautz Mrs W W Johnson Miss M Tones Mrs V Johnson Mrs C H hu < ; on Miss A Loj de Misi M , Jedin Miss H SIcNaughton Bell . tlcCoyMissM Moore Mrs SJ Myers M ss H Nilner Miss K ' * ewlon Mrs Wm O Brien Ellen .vltncr Miss E Reshen Mrs J P.itlee MisslUJJ Stauslin Misa M J. ScolfMiss M - - "Stuart Misa-F J : ude Miss E Scott Mi s M J FurjHii Ellen Womack Miss C : Wallace Belle Wilson Mrs L iTorkMrsM ai KEGISTCRED LETTERS. ' .tzgcrald J Loach G ilatnison N M Novotny J SJimitrM Stack F . WH1TNE _ ? is solo agent for lo celebrated "BURT SHOE. " Buy ycur SHOES at WHITNEY'S. Buy your BOOTS at WHITNEY'S. Buy your OVER-SHOES at WHIT- NEFS. - no6-4t & Do your trading at Kurtz's. t-th E. V. FT R F. - * * ' % " * " GOODS , FAIK PKICES , FLEsmro's , n Citron , Lemon and Orange Peel nt NEW Filbctti , Altnoidsand Peccans- NEW firaxls , Hickory and Walnuts , NEW Currant * , rattens and Jigs. NEW French and Turiisprunes. . NEW prunella , peachts and c/iemwT" Everything firat-clacs in our line of is FLEMING & Co. * , Grocers. IGt-w M. - - Coming' on Business. The Board of Public Lands and Buildings will visit Omaha to-morrow inspect the Dgaf and Dumb intti- ate. - - Vr * V'lf" ' * - - " " * * j i-w -iTi ffT t SjL1C ± in POLICE PICKINGS- : Riotous Female on tfie' Anxious Seat. 1 | In the. polica court matters were dull , aa they Iwvo been for week past and a look of settled , . gloom characterized the countenance of the judge and was reflected in the faces of the reporters and attorneys. After disposing of two plain drunks' at the usual figures and writing out the mittimus in the absence of liquida tion the judge took up a case of dis orderly conduct superinduced by ex cessive UBO of ardent spirits. t The defendant was a woman and her excuse for getting full was that her husband had set her the example. The two do not aqrce when ifl liquor and the testimony showed thai the woman' left her house and went to1 a neighbors to solicit shelter until thb conjugal storm wan passed. Being re fused she assailed the inmates with a volley , of tbe vilest insul'ta , Jhe result of which was that they could eland it no j longer and had the old lady _ pulled. Before hid Hffnof yesterday the defendant accused &io' bi iho witnesses against her of itoing "kept" by a young man , and receiving'S3 her monthly stipend therefor t the sum of $ tO. She was challenged to prove the charge , arid ultimately tha court shut her up with the information that she would have to pay him § 5.50 , TO TI1E GENTLEMEN OF 6'MAHA. In a quiat-way ffo arc celling lots of Hosiery , Underwoir , Handkerchiefs Collars and Cuffs. Call and examine tthKURTZ'S , Croighton Block. Hospc Has KcmoVed hb immense stcck of "AnrAijD Mir- BIO , " across the street , to the new brick building next door to Harris & Fisher's. ' nlO-Gt For Sale Six-horse power Baxter engine and boiler , iu good repitr. Apply at BEE often. no-ltf Commissioners' Proceedings. Board met pursuant tojidjourn- ment. The minutes of tbd last meeting were road and _ . 4. The following accounts were allowed from thegneral fund : John T. Clark , petit juror , October term.lSSO S 4200 Wm. Clark , work on road 1 53 J. C. Hoot , grading 51 Cy Geo. Frost , work on road 18 Oi ) J. H. Laccy , petit juror , Oct. 1SSJ 2(5 ( 00 J. Gi Knight , petit juror , October 1880. . . . . . . . . 44 SO J. W. Burgmann , grading v. . 73 53 Wm. Doll , petit juror 23 OJ Two persons , work on road 123 2j W. Wilson , grading 33 00 R. H. Pickard , work on road 1(1 ( 5'J C. A. Jensen , balance on grading. . 270 00 I'eter Goo * , meals for j urors 3 0 ( ! E. 1) . Titus , medicine for poor. . . . 33 65 Geo. Smith , county survevor. 32 00 T. . & Williams , matches 2 20 fluo. II. Guy , jailer and guard , Oc- tobar. ISSU 03 00. Wm. McGovvan , cauvas er 2 CO 11. Wj Ham * , canvasbcr 2 OU C. Lei e & Co. . goo Js Tor poor. . . . 4 25 .1. N. Kllingvvood. petit juror 13 48 J. I ) . Crook , work on r. ad 1C 5) S. N. Sisson , wood for poor. 1 CO A. Burmeister , goods for jiil . . . . 19 0 K. W. Corliss , county cDtir % Aug. 18 < 0 1C9 03 F W. Corliss , county court , Aug. 1880 1000 F. W. Corliss , county commission er , 18:0 21 OT J. l > . Conhling , extra services , October , 1SSO IT 00 F W. Coriibs.faRh cMiend-d 305 Fiio newspapers , pdvertisinfr 3j5 "S - Patterson coal for cout-ty. , , . 377 85 ' Jus McMichael , conveyance to poor housp 3 OD Neb. G s L'ght Co. , gas for Octob er , 1880 43 2J Two persons , work on road 22 50 E.T. Duke , Naiis , ete 10 Si Henry Bolln & Co , goods for poor. 3 50 J. B. French & . Co. , groceries for poor 4 40' J.J.Point.-,0 - ' " ' > 'r'Pub- liclnstruc 9300 HenryjGrel' tv < ti i I * t 100 J. JTNichol & Co , > , uou fur poor. 3 25 Chas. Childri , wood for poor. 8 00 Stump & Button , balance on grad ing 7 00 Chas. Eeiwe , coffins for popr 4 00 E , M. Captner , room for election. 4 OQ Henrv Grebe , bailiffs fees 56 CO MaxMeye & Co. , letterfi e < 100 Geo. H. Guy , b'd. and com. , pris oners , October , 1880 245 15 .Eitrht persons , tales jurors 42 CO Sixteen person" , witness fees 88 00 The following resolutions were adopted : * " " - Resolved , That the county treas urer bo"and hereby Is directed to draw from the general fund § 28 § 2 and apply - ply the same to the payment of the delinquent personal tnx of John N. Eilinwood for the years 187,7-78-79 , for services as juror. Resolved , Thal3tho _ * county treas urer bo and hereby is'directe'd to draw from the general fund § 18 22 and ap ply the same to the delinquent per sonal tax of Omaha Post and Charles Bankes for the years 1877-78-79 , for advertising. Resolved , That the county treasu rer b3 and hereby is directed to draw from the qenoral fund § 119.15 , and : apply the aimoTo the payment of the delinquent personal tax of Omahn Publishing company for the year 1879 , for advertising. Resolved , That the county treasu- , cr be and hereby is directed to draw from the goseul fund $18 , and apply ho came to the rjayment of the do- .icquent personal tax of CHas. Hoins ror Iho years 187G , ' 77 and part of 78 , for work on road. Resolved , That the ferry license of . R. Porter be and hereby is reducedt rom $25 to $2 per year. * " * * - The clerk was directed to request of he city council tbat they have 17th and 18th &treets , between Farnham aud-Harnoy streets put to csEabHsTufi grades. Ad journedJio or. _ 17th. ' MAKCHESTEU , County Clerk. s Real EstatO'Transfers. v of Ohas. H. Dewey and wife to Ira Van Camp ; w , d , lot 4 , block 33 , Omaha § 2,250. Parker P. Clark and wife to JPotoc. ' Glandt ; wj d , ae see. 22 ; 1.15 ; r. 11 , -2,250. Henry Pageleo and wife to James . Deere ; w , d , ni lot 4 , block-llE r - - . Smith's add. , Omaha § 700 , , - Do your shopping at Kurtz's.- - STEED-ENGRAVINGS. , x -Finest ever brought to Omaha , and. New York prices. Don't fail to see them at Jt < M * _ _ nGtf A Card of Tfcanks. FORT OiiAUA , Neb. The thanka of.a ibereaved. husband [ tendered to all friends , who during the illness of ray-wife ( tho. late Mra. . JKoberta ) have been instrumental inrelievingherTwntsbath.o inindand bodybnt more especially to Mrs. Gen.i King whose actions are prqverbial infer for deedl of charity ana" pure benefioajice. - * ' * * " W. W. ROBERTS. 'Sufferers Irrespective of Race or Religion to Have Their Needs Supplied. * V A Cause to be Carefully and ' Prayerfully Considered by All. . At tha last meeting of the Ladies' Relief society , there was adopted the following report of a committee to which had been referred tbe question of caiaftbhing a permanent "home" in the .city to aid them ire looking after the poor and destitute : We , your committee on permanent home , met at tbe appointed time and place. The many questions pertaining to the welfare and prosperity of the society were discussed at length , but especially that relating to the ei ab- ' " " in liah'ment of a permanent "home" Omaha. Wo recommend that the funds for this t : purpose be raised by personal solicitation , and t & each member of the society bo a commutes of one for that purpose. Thst a committee bo appoiiSted- solicit a donation of land from1 lAer city , the cotfnty and from individuals. That a statement 'of the intentions of the society in this regard be pub lished in the daily papers of the city a -week in advance of the solicitation for land and funda , and .tha ? each editor bo requested to write an ecTrto' rial endorsing the movement. Mrs. Dinsmore , Mrs. Brown , Mrs. Kimball ; Mrs. Webster , , com mittee. THE AFMfAi. To life Citizens of Omaha and DoUjIaa count } ! Thu Indies' Belief Society of Oma ha would address the following state ment and appeal , to the consideration of which they would invite their Bpe- We can no longer occupy oflr small and crowded buDding on Howard street , as it is considered unsafe and Cnstiitablo for our' increasing" labors ; and for this 'eftson wo ask yon to aid us iu procuring a pfacc oj ground in'- ficiently largo for a building to be de voted to. a "Homo. " Cannot our city authorities ? furnish us with sucii a lot , in i some healthy part of town , free of rddt and taxation , so long as it shall bo used solely for charitable purposes i _ JVo alsa require means for erecting a commodious building Buitablo lot those purples. The sum required will bo at least ten thousand dollars. But thia does not'appall us , its many of our moat influential citizens aaSuro na of their co-operation and support , if wo will undertake the labor of solicit- ting the funds and putting in opera tion this So much needed institution. Trustees will ba appointed to take charge of funds , whoso names will be found on all subscription papers offered to the public.'l THIS contemplated instlfafinn will bo governed on the broad principles which have always"chacacterizfed the doinga of this society , viz. , supplying the needs of sufferers , irrespective of race or religion. Every church in the city will give us its cordial support. Wilf not our city council discuss this matter of granting us a lot for our building ? We ask it for the sake of the children of drunken and poor parents ! Wobeg it far the , sake of iriondless , homeless yirlf , and for the aged sick who cannot be properly cared for at our county poor house. Wo hope all charitable societies of the city will unite with us in the un dertaking , believing that more good can be accomplished , with less labor , and the same expenditure of money , and that s'rongth will J > e given by thus uniting our efforts. ' Wo'aro no novice in this Vfprk ; we bring to it the experience of ton years' of earnest labor , under great disadvantages , for the lessening of 'poverty and faepging in our city , with what result we need not say. But wo are proud to add in this con nection that wo have the entire con fidence of our whole community. ( Wo implore you to aid us , fellow- citizens , each according to his or her means ) and we will have an inatution worthy our city of thirty thousand souls. > Weiope you-will-road this article with care , and talk , this matter over witu your neighbors , as we wish our solicitors for funds-which we shall send outintwo , _ weeks , to meet with great euccew. All contributions should be ad dressed , to Mrs. Kurtz , treasurer of the Ladies' Leliof Society. MES. KKLLOJI , President , MRS. CARrEii.JVice President , MRS. WEBSTER , Secretary , 3Jits. KURTZ , .Treasurer. . FOR COLD .WEATHER , , Spscial Bargains at Kurtz' . PJIO lot Child's Wool Hoods' 25cta " "Ono " " " " . 50 One " Ladies' " \ " ' 75 Ono' " " " " . SXJQO Gall and examine these goods as they _ are very cheap , j Ladies' Underwear.v " "Ladies' vesta at 40c , worth 75c , Ladies' vests ot 75c , worth § 100. Hosiery. Jjb Lots : "Throe pair for 50c , worth 2os a pair. One lot at 25c , worth 40c. , Immense Bargains In Cloaks and DohlmanV , Gill and see them , Call and see them , " CaL.and-see ] them.u Leggiua , Mils and Nubias , nt Kurtz's , Creighton Block. * * If you have tried everything else , withoufrcceiving any benefit , call at 230 Dodga street , north side , between 13th and 14th , and see the agent for Isaac Nichols * American . Jlomody. olGeodlm Found Dea < i.- % * * About two miles west of Chapman , Merrick : county , Neb. , the dead body a stranger , about-Go-yeara of..age , fivfl fcot ten inches high , weighed about 175 pounds , light completion , brown hair , blue eyes , heavy 'moustache- colored black" high-cheek bonesjiroaxl face 'and prominent fore * . head ; had on a navy blue woolen shirt , --with wide collar ; light blue silk neck of tie ; -light gray woolen , undershirt ; light , canimere pants , with dark stripe3 ; dark * rec socks , " with black too , sole and heel.'blue cord along the right side of foot ; nnnflfereieven , leather tongue , boots , sewed , Napoleon taps , nailed with round-headed nails , partly worn ; largo gold ring , with garnet or ame thyst seal , indented with figure of a man's head , worn on little finger of right hand ; upper front tooth on left aide gone'and one adjoining it much decayed. Information concerning his identity should be conveyed to DAN. HOPKIKS- , Sheriff , Central Uity , Merrick county , Neb. , i * - ' * * * * - ' Nov. 10ri880. It pays to trade at Kurtz' . California Psars , Tlsfee , Grapes , NOTICE Advertisements To Let For Sale' Lost , Found , WauU jRoardln ; Sc. , will be In * Sorted In these columns once for TEN CENTS per line ; each Bab8oqn.rotingertIonFIVE CENTS per line. The first Insertion never less than TWENTY-FIVE CEMTS. TO IDAM-MOKEY. 0 LOAN At8 per cent Inter cat , n sums ot $2000 and u p- ttarda for 1 to 6 years' tlmo on first classImprov ed city and firm property. Apply at BE1IIS Real Estate and Loan Agency , 15th and Douglas U > . 278-codtf nZT : SO IiOAN Call at Law Offlce Mo D. L. YHOilAa. Rooiz 8. Creighton Block ' TO IiOAN 11C9 Fambun street. M' Dr. Edw ftlB J * ) n Asor ay. nov-22-tl WAHTCD WANTED A number 1 pirl ccol , washer and ironer. to such coed -agcs will be paid. Apply II. E. corner ISIli uid Farnlum bts. 875-20 'ANTED A good house Keeper , by n wid over. Inquire at 1513 Dodge street. TTTANTEJ ) A IIT ! for gcneril hou oik. TT Mrs. Tfna It. , 2iC8 , Capital Arc nnc. 871-18 TXTANTED A ( rood meat and tegctable cook , V V at the St. Clmles Hole1. 877-Jl "ITTANTKD T o earpcnttr ? . Apply noxf YV door to BBS office. S7317" /"ANTED Cook and diulm ; room cirl nt the PaoJflcIJouse. QooU wagrg paid. 863 18 fED A perfect and sobsr New York WAN , nblu to nnhq all sorls of bread Aiiil oiko , wants i slttntjon in city or country Adilrcsu B kcr , rostoificc , On ia ; 87018 WANTED Girl for j ; iieral hou-oworlr , In saiAll/tnlly. 'He ; rcncc3 roiulrcd S. W. cornet of 22d and Webster. 801-10 A woman to ivasli anil iron , at WANTED Emmctt Itouvs. 8'1)-17 HOY WANTED In OnvUia Shirt Factory A Larondiy. StT-16 W ANTED A plrljto do ( 'oncial hoiiyenork , at 3U 17lliSt. bet. Daicapori ami ( bi capo. o o 11 TT7'ANTED AH Omaha ta know tlr.t , t'.a VV Koyal tt. Joan is the hivi < f oc. ini ; ' Machine ; ) , office on If Ih St. i' > Seek keeping Of coi > j IT lo il < WANThD Addrcsrf "Coi p' ! ' , _ 10 oilco. _ S4 * t' Smcntn work Irftiir ; i-t atd n. WANTED of IStli t II. AV. My. . . > 7 ' _ ( FORREHT-HOUSSS AMD IlENT 2 rooms fnntigtietl or nulir- FOB , 411 lOthtt , near Howard. K'J ff KENT That cxccllant dncllinir nniw > y. FOJl . corncrotTSM an-1 Cihfornn slrctl . Well , cJelcvn iml litre. Als > lor ralo tlic c-r- ncU etove ? , furniture , etc , fir wall or on Unto App'y ' to Joh'l Ou' ' " . ICPJ famhimSt. 833t KENT Cwullluji bou e S. E. corn' r of FOB otid Hurt &b. Excellent b.irn , i ntcr > i3 uidwell ; rentcbcap Also fir ale thcnp , carnets - nets futritnre. etc. , for cash or a time : Apply to a' A. Morrill. 1K)5 ( ) Farnbam St. 8 < 0-tt TTlORNIStlEl ) fo- rent , at Doran JL1 Jlouss , c. 302-tf EuqQiro hamFOR BENT Honio and lot I" FIi nil's 2ntf add.tieariicn-U. S. corwli. Boo > , Croighton Block. RENT 2 furnished rooraa over Mor- FOR Kxcnsngc , N. E. Cor. IGth and Poilco Rtrcets. FOH SALS. OFFFRS A SPLUNUiP LIST O BEJIIS in Iloose/t / , Lots , Fafn nd Lands , In his now column onJs T710R SALK Stcrcortican , fitted with Oxy _ U Hjdrojjcn nnd OfCa1cium Jots , and 500 choice views. Best irskc and asgooO J now. Address J. Ear-'er , III north Thiiteenti : street , Omaha. siM7 SALE A first-class hott/ and H aiiliuslncis , located in the baf port oj thO city and ' ° n ? a good bueincss. The proprietor I < cftllcil wrVn attend to mining interest , and mmtsell l' CMoffice. tcitt FOR SALE OR , Uousa. t Elm Cretk , biaska , sLxtccn ntllea west of Kcari.v on the line of th < j U. P. R. B. POTS-3ii. immediately. Good " " reasons for selling. pa-tlculata given on apphcttlin to Mrs. Pt-rry , on the premises. In person cr by mal' . 803-18 -i 60,000 choice tinct foe sato Apply to TaomM L Orecn & Sons , Council Klugj , ' . 793-1 f . . ItOUSKt And corner hair oi lot , southeast fy corner 14th and CassSis. , 7 roonn in each ; rent for $20 nd Jz5 ref mootli liEtiis' 1 RAL ESTATK AOEVCT , 15th and Douglas Sta. C70-H "ClOtt SALE Mitod piinls.atA llylmcs.ieth _ C ami California S > t3. CIS If 7 OT8. FABMB , HOUSES AN D LANDS. lee _ U over IJKlirb1 new column of birpilna on Is F R SALK Cntlonwcvxl Innuicr at all S. SMcenth-Rt. "ilB-t MISCELLANEOUS- \ TITATHEWfa' Dancln ? Academy WfTITATHEWfa' . W.L I'l bo opin c iryMomUy and triday , Poppleton's bloik , corner 10th and Farnham 873-20 T OST Saturday night , between Brash Hall ± J and the Emmet HOUFC , nno kid m tttn. ( the left ) ; please Icwc at this office. 872-18 T 01 S , FARMS. HOUSES AND LANDS Look fJJ oycrBUMIb1 now column of bargains on 1st T OST On 18th t , a pair of gold-iimmed ± J spec'acles In tin case Under wi'l ' nleasi Jeave then at Cbarlton Uros , , corner loth and 1 Divcnpjit. 865-10 H TO LUMBERMEN-A joung nun \ilitcs a po HTV sition in a lumber yard , city or countrr. TV He Is capable of keeping books and is n ilhng t o work at anythingconnectel with yanl. Address N C. A. R , Atladtic House , Atchison , Kansig. 1Hi 861-20 HiLa La LaLa Sr\ \ TKAIVARDTaxtadermMcomor LaR . \J , JtJ J3th and Howard st , Dcerlicad Hi a > specialty. HiHi l-SS-lm Hi HiRt Rt RtFi Fi FiHi Hi HiU IIIRe Re ReRe ReRe ReHe He HeJh JhRe Re ReHi Hi HiLa LaTn 1Do Ila Br SnHe He HeUn Un Fn Br HoNc Nc ReHe He HeHe He HeHo Ho IfoHu Hu Re Eli FIiRe Re ReRe Re ReRe Absolutely Pure. ReHo HoHe Made from Grape Cream Tartar. No othff HeHe preparation makes such I Wit , lliky hot bread * ) lie or luxurious pastry. Can bo eaten by ih peptic Tic without fear of the lla re ltinttom ; heavy ! NeRe digestible foodr " " Re Sold only In c by all Oroccra. ReRe ReHe Urn U POWDBR CO. N W Tfllk He Re He HeJ PROPOSALS FOR BONDS. 1He He Sealed ' prop'ogalu will be received bv the HeHe urtrfrrelgacdst hiJoUico until 3 o'clock p. m. featurdiy , 1 bo 4th day of December , 1SS ) , tor HeHe the purchase of one hundred nd twenty-five He thnuwnd dollar ! of Doubs county bords des La cribed as follows : Ono nundrcd and t-\cn-y Cvo LaHo bonds cf one thouoad (1000) ( do'Iars cacb , dated HiHe HoHi January 1st , 1SSI , and pnjablc twentjeara HeHe froia dato'with interest at fix per cent , per HeOc .annum , piyibb acml a-u.nalljr in the dtyof New OcRe " * " York. Re Slid bond * shall bir.dccmable at the option Re the boird of county commlmonfra of Bald ReRe county , af the expiration of ten jearg from the ReHo date of same , but no levy shall bj m ide to pay HoHo any part of the prlncipjl of sala bonds until HoHe after.tho expiration of ( aid ten jcars HeHe Inte-crt eliill be p'ld on ; afd boml only from HeHo and after the date < f the Palo of same , on any Hot part thereof , ard ! ! > c recM.t of the money there HeRe fora , fcald b nd < to bo d < * iveretl u follows : Re 825.000 oa the first da } . f January 18S1. E50,0"0 on the fint d > y of Inly. 1S3I. 850,000 on the first diy it January. J832 , Fropotals Till be receive * t the tnme time lor the purcba33 of said | Ui I CO of bonds , the entire amount to be delivered January lit , 1831. The board of ecu tty commls-loncrs reserre he rijht to reject any or all bidj da'cd ' Omaha Nov. 9th , 1889. - . .JOHN B. SIANCnESTEE , NovllH County Clcrg. J. H. FLIEGEL & GO ! Socccnors to J. H. TniELK , MERCHANT TAILORS , " No. 1220 Douglas Street , ONE MILLION ACRES CHEAP LAND EASTERN NEBRASKA , $2TOS5PERABeE. 20,000 Acres B8UGLAS COUNTY , 6 to 12 Miles from Omaha , $6 to $10 per Acre , on _ Long lime and Low Interest. Larp tracts suitable fcr jOciomes in all the best CouLtics ( in the State , SO.U'JO acres scattered through Iowa. A large number of Lnprovec Farms in Nebraska , many oi ti-em near Omaha , S12 to S4C per acre , An Immense List of OMAHA GoDsIstjng ' of Elegant Resi dences x'rom S3.00O to $20- OOO. Maii7 vacant lots in the additions to Ornalu _ Hundreds of lots scattered through the City. Houses and Lots , Business Houses and Lots , and all kinds of Ci y Real Estate. We also have Y TO LOAN on Improved Farms * . . % las County , on 5 years tu i 10 percent , interest to all > > can show good titles. Maps for Douglas and Sarpy Counties for &ac , beautiful Iota fronting woth in Isaac & bclden'g da. for S4EO half cash. House and lot , iffid and DO&JO . i..8 3000 Hou-eand lot near BrownclL flail . 2100 Two new houses and full lot , rents for SISOpcrjcar ! . i. . . . 4 nnn New ( brick house , 21x25. li story , with 3 10t 1 . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ffff o ( vjQ House aod lot Webster st . "II-ljEflo Large hou-e and corner lof . . gCOO Large house full lot , California st.v . 4,000 Ruidenco and 4 full lots , St. Mirj 'a a % e. . 5,600 House and small lot , south of depot . 050 House and Fmsll lot , toutti of depot . G35 Residence propeity , Kountze and Ruth's add . B600 Fine residence rropcrty . 10 * 000 House and lot , 22d and Harney . I'sOO House and lot , Nelson's addition . 2,700 House and Jot Shlnn's addition" . f 600 < sldence nnd corner lot. . 3005 * Residence ( cash ) . , . ? \m \ ' ' 'I < ! ' 'ce . _ . Residence. . . . . . . 5 $ g House and one-half lot . . j cjC Three houses and corner lot . I'lW Residence and corner hrt . 7500 House and 60 feet front , ICthstrcct . 3700 Lawe house nd corner lot . 6,500" Residence and three Iota . t . 5 500 Two house and 'borncr ' two-thirds of cor- ncrlot . . . . . Douse and small lot , Cajj street. . . . . ' . ' . " . ' * 2100 * Ilauso and lot , 27th aearFamham BOGOS&HIL. Brick ! house and comer lot . . . . 1-nn Brmll house and fullJot , CornlnM st . 'O House and lot. 23d street . . . . ajXX Uouso and full lot , worth 81,000 for . 6,500 MUdence . 15X0 Brick ] residence. . . . . . . 66 ; 0 House and corner lot _ . . . . . j JJQ New two-story house and corner lot. . . . . 4200 * Residence and full lot , Famhimst . 5500 * House and nnc acre , 18th street . s'ooo House and half lot , 18th street . 200 House and lot , Shlnn's addlfon. . . . . i eja Ifonse and half lot , Cass Rtrret . ] 'io ! ) House and half lot , CasiStrcet . 1450 * Residencelmd two Tots , Cipltol Hill . 7000 * Elcjjant brick residence 2 full Iota . IB'JOO nest residence In the city . leone Rcs'dcnco ' . * pr.ipcrty . 17COi ) Residen o propertj . J7'5CU G Residence . r. . 5500 House and lot , Sbinn'a addition . i' ° rn House aui lot , 5hfnn' addition . 1500 * ndlot,2ithand Farnham . i'oo House and lot. 27th and Douelas . SS75 House and full lot , Izardtt. . . . . ' $ ' % house and 1 } lot . " " oopX Residence property Rceidcnce proFerty , cry flno . . . . . Hoiueand lot , Horbach's ildition . i Residence , Farnham st . ' Horuw and-ilo - bloot-from'o rt House and J Jot 1 block from/ Court HoiiaC . . . . oorn Houfo and comer lot 2 blocks from Court. " House and 1 acre , Discs' aiihtton. House andlot , llihutrce : Larobuidin ! andsirlotji. i'n'iYc'out" ' * 4 CflO Al , House and lot on Daienport. . . 3' Home and 4 lot , near depot. . , . ] j ° ° ] ' - ' House and tlot , n ° ar depot J ar House and lot , South Aicnu * arT ' T ( oand ! < , t , Shinu'saddftlon. . " . * " " 1" , . , Residence , Koantzc and Unth'a sdtf. . " . " . " 'eoo Bcsidence property , Koantze rd Ruth's ' Hetldcncc addition property , south part f'tow'n.J 5000 iSCtL House and J lot , mimtcr tt " 2TW Hoiee and 5 acres at aIrack8 . " 'irn House and lot , Armstrong's addlfn.,1" ' 1.600 i " House and lot , ' Synth 12 it / - 50 Bouse and lot , Kountze and Ruth's ad altlon _ 3iM < j ii i Bpggs & Hill , od REAL ESTATE BROKERS odm b 1408 Para , St. thm ' W tTTJ PT1 -JL -Immense Stock for Fine Custoai-jladc Men's Suits , Boys' Suits Children's Suits. For Men , Boys , and Und r-Wcar , Slafs uiul Caps ; , Trnuk3 jnid Valises , at Prices to Suit All. m * l \i * Farnham Street , Near Fourteenth AGENT m & GO. , FARN1U3I STREET. MARHOFFS TRUNK FACTORY , T'ic IirgcsC tnd bc3 Mjortnicfit of Trunks and Valises in flic West. Telescopic Cases and Sample Trunks a SpeciaHy * H. iABHOFF , - - - PROP. , 117 14thSt. , : ; JJoorsEbrth of Dongla. * St. RCHARD& BEAN. JE&3 ? 2 05IAHA. OMAHA J.B.FRE.NCH&C GEOOEES , OM AH A. MAX "MEYER & CO , WHOLESALE I Cigars from $15.00 per lOOO upwards. . Tobacco , 23 mifs per pound upwards. Pipes from 23 cents per dozen upwards. lend for Price List , lWr : MAX 3IEYE11 & CO. , Omaha , Neb. J JUNS , AMMUNITIOIi , SPORTING G Fisliing Tackle , Base Balls and a full Hue ol * GAT ; CRACKER MANUFACTURERS , nd Wholesale Dealers in CIGAIIS and CONFECTIONERY. Dunns tho- all and Winter we will handle COUNSELllEN'S FUESli CYSTEIW3. which re now the best In the market. A largo assortment of CANDY and SUGAK , 'OYS for the Holiday trade. CATZ & FKEE3IAX , - > 10 lltli St. , Omnlia. cct5-c ! < xl-rm \ Has tha exclusive sale of the OOZ2ST The Gold Coin is this season the favorite of Chicago , is profer- /'I / above all other Stoves , comes both plain a.'d highly orna- lented , has the nevr patent grat e and flre-pot.t'hat win out wear dlf dozen of any other. Thw Jackson.'I tian any other Stove of its size in the market , acd ie , therefoie , 'Iit lore durable than any other Stove , is strictly warranted in every jspect , it requires no salesman to sail i * . aslcity reference sells it it rithout trouble. Cor. lO h and Jackson.