Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 17, 1880, Morning Edition, Image 3
1 a -8 t. - I His. . CHARLES POWELL , 'USTICE OF THE PEACE Corner IJth and FamhamSt * . , Omaha Keb. _ 3 ( & SIHERAL , TTORNEY AT LAW-Eoom 8 , Crtlehtan . Block. 1Mb 8t OMAHA , KKfil \ * 0. L. THOMAS , * TTORNKT AT LAW-Loant , money tnyi and sells real ortat * . Room I.Crefchton A. 0. TROUP , LAW-OSos In Hraotnt PrUchrtt , 1E06 OMAHA , UEXfcRLTKOMAS , S TTORNET iT LAW Crnickshank Bclld A. gUBMQ. COUJOnoiraif tni 0'H5.E & BARTLETT , Attorneys-at-Law - - , kFifteenth tai ? ATTORNEY AT LAW. P.RBACH BLOCK , COR. DODSft I5TH ITS. _ OMAIIA. SEB. W. J. . . Connell , CT Attorney-at-Law. Hanscom'i new K. W. corner Hftceath anc rarnham Sf BDIOK ; : & REDICK , Attorneys-at-Law. - - . Speottl attention will be given to all nlU gainst corpor tlon of every description ! will ia t Hho Courts of the BUto and the Oalo8 < FMnbj St. , oppotit * .EDWARD W. SiMERAL , TTOBJIET AT IAT7 Kooai 0 Ortlcktcn Dlosk. isth lad PongUa gtmtc. noMh C. F. WAKDERSOM , AT LAW-J4J Farnlusa BtrtM' . r. a. J. &GHAHDS & HUNT , Attorneys-at-Law. - - . Omcm 215 South Tonrteenth Street. DR. BOSANKO'S ' ILE REMEDY. IliTERNAL , EXTERNAL , AND SIGHING PILES ' * WMW VH the AppIICSiUOl Bo uiUo' B no Kemr + y , whlcW _ upon tliep itii ng . - " - m gta * m m * m + + Mnjm. m * + mt murmimt ibe Tomort , nllnylnr U lateaao iujj 01 ctticr remtx rf h TB tVli t. Tsy ft tmtff no oUi .r. n < l tell your Mal lti r J DO NOT DELAY the dmta an tb sjtt sst iiiisTtia i b t TRY IT LOURED PRICE , 50 CENTS. ASK YOUR DRUGGIST FOR IT , t * tf wfcea 700 < n notofctaln mill Bend It , prepaid , on rroalpt ofprlr * Or. BovtnVo" * Treatlae ott Pllo swtat ft i Add DR , BOSANKO MEDICINE GO. F1QUA. O. OfEONLYMEDICINEi That Acts at the SameJTime on THS LIVER , , THS BOWELS. and the KIDNEYS. TTh6 c ntorians sretho natural clean * . rrs of the sretem. If ttcy work well , health will be perfects If they become clOEftd , dreadful diseases are sure to follow with TERRIBLE SUFFERING , BKIouKncss , llculache , I > yspt > tla , JamB- dice , Constipation aad riles , orKIl- ncy r-On > , , UInt , Onrrl , DlftUtwT p-tioitnl lu the Urine , Milky/ er i5opy Urine ; or Hhou- * matic Tains and AchH , irtxlopcd liecanse'the blood Is poltoaid t . .li'i \ Lrrsors that tuonld c vab m o-piliwl ti j..w ally. f , KED EY-WORT bt trtUrcrloro the healthy action andallthMC Mro lns cUsBill 1 < e banlifted ; nttTltet ui-n hnd venn 111 live but to suSer. ' ) hont-aailshavebtencnrcd. Tryltaaflyou oncmoro to tlie number. Tak * U "nThj sufToroncorfromthttorm ! nt cf ; jn acting baou 7 \3tiy Ijoar cuohdlEtreBBfromOon- Kl ? 3tlcn nnd Hllca ? . \.hy be eo fearful bocausa of dl - arucrotfurino ? ItniyxT-'VVonTwIll rnre you. Try a pack" jottcurennJ be ratltncfl. / rj a dry trydatle con- round ant f 'r < An * it , cr teill pet tt fort uv . / . O. l/-- > u- / : t iyon taring it. JV/ C3. , Pr.-jfct t , ' ! xiLr. > IJnrftnctom , Tt. TWO DOLLARS WILL SECURE TIIE WEEKLY BEE ; v For One Tear. KE BAILr BEE. OMAHA PUBUSHIKD COPROPRIETORS. . tie JfcrnAam , bet. StA and 10th StrtOt TERMB OF SUBSCRIPTION , I Oopj 1 year , In adTanee ( postpaid ) . $8.03 Bmonthi " " 4.00 J month ! " ! .B TIME TABLES- THE MAILS , 0 , &X , W.B.B530a. m. , 2Wp. a * C. B. k Q.6 3fl a. m , , ! .40 p. m. C.K.I4P.K. R. . S30sm.iXOp.aJ 0kTBt. . Joe 630 a. m. B. CNy 4 F : 830a.m. U. P. B.K. , 11:40 a. m. 0. * R. V. to Lincoln , 10 a m. B. * M.R.E.,8tOa : n. affirm C. * H. W. R. K , 11 a. m U p. M. C.B.kQ. , 11a.m. 930 p. m. O.R.I. i P. , 11a.m. , llp.m. 0. B. ft Et , Joe.U a.m. , 11 p. m. U. F. K. B. , < p EL O. * R. V. from Lincoln , ISflO p. m B. City * r. , 11 a.m. . .ne. , . . Local raaUi for Btatci low * leave bnt onoe a dar , Tlsi 1 0 a. m. Omoe open from 12 to 1 p. m. Sondayi. TBOUAS F. HALL. FottmalUr , Arrival And Deparwre of Trains ttin. luun. Dally Ezpn . . . .IME'p.m. ' SA5p. . do lllzed . 6:10 p. m. iSip.m. do Froleht . 630a.m. l0p. w. do ' do _ . . . & 16a.ia. isa0a.m. HUB CARD OT THE BURLIKGTOK. LIAVI01UBA. AKIUTB OVAHl. Xxpren StOp.m. Exprea lO.-OOa. m , Hall 6.-CO a. a. Ilall 10:00 p. B. SumUyi Exccpted. Bondayi Sicepttd. CmCAOO.tROCK ISLAND t PACIFIC. Hail . . . .6:00 a. m. Hall . 10:00 : p. m. Ixpre * . JUO p. m. \ ExpreMlCSO . m. CHICAGO NORTHWESTERN. Mall . -.6.-OOa.m.1Maa . - 730 p. a. 8ttp : ) m. | Expreei . -.10:00 a. m. Sondayi excepted. KANSAS crrr , ST. JOE * COUNCIL BLurra HIT * ARMTI. UaU . .SM a.m. I Expre . 7:10 a. m. . tM p.m. | UiH . 7.-2S f. JD. The only line mnnlnic Pullman Sleeping Can oot of Oimaha to Union Depot. OMAHA A NORTHWESTERN AND ( SIOUX crrr * PACIFIC EAILROADS. ExprM - . .SAO a. m. | Frpre . . . .i30p I DaUy XxceptSondayf . B.X. B.B. in NEBRASKA. HiTI. 1K IT . Thronjh Ezp 8Mam : I Through Exp. . * Lincoln Ezp..6 : p m ( Lincoln Eip-.8 JO a m BIOUZ 01TT * ST. PAUL R JK. MU1 . . . .8:10 a m 1 1 l t * . . . . , . 10:00 a Erpnoi . . .8.40pm I Iu . TS20 p WABASQ , ST. UUTII. UaU . - 8a.m. 1 1001 - lUSa.B Kzpr B..Si : p. m. [ lxpr * -4U J.BJ. BRIDGE DITISION U. P. R. K. C * T Omaha , dally : 8 a , m. , 9 a. m. , 10 a a. , 11 a. L , 1 p. m. , 1 p. m. , I p. m , 5 p. 0 p. m. . Lear * Council Btaffi ; 8:15 a. m. , 8ii a. :0.-25 : a. m. , 11M a. m. , Irt5 p. m. , 1:11 p. . , tSS p. m. , 5 5 p. m. , tat p. m. , Ponr trip * on Sunday , leaving Omaha at I ami 11 a. m. , S and i p. m ; Council BIuBl at tZ6 , 11:11 am. . , and S35 and 6M p. m. risssxou TMin. Lwn Omaha : 4 a. m. , T - m. , 80 . B. , 1 p. B. , 4M p. m. , 1:11 p. m. , Jtar * Comndl Blufff. 6:16 a. a , , 6:40 : a. m. , U.M aBf:15p. : m. , 700 p. B. , 7 JO p. B. Daily ( xotpt Sunday. OKAAA k REPUBLICAN TALLBTK. . LXAVK , AUUTI. ICall . , . . . ' . . . . . 10:16 : a. a. , 4Up.m. : Daily except Sundays. 8A.NTA OLAUB FOUND. Greatest Discovery of th Ago. Wonderful dlagor rIe lntheworldbaTebe n mad * Among other thlngi where Santa Claui stay4 Jhlldren oft atk If he mate * eoodi or not , 1 really h llm in & monataln of now. Lait yar an > earslon wiled clear to th * Pol * Imd inddenly dropped into what t emdllke thole ( Thin wonder of wonders they found newland , While falry-likt barngt appeared on e eh hand. Zktr * ware mocntalni like curt , with uon bwutlful gn n , And far biighur ikie * than irer wtn Ken , 2rdi with the huM of a rainbow w r found , While flowen of squltlta fragranoe were grow ing around. Not long were they l ft to wonder in doubt A being teen cam * thehod heard much about , Twai Santa Clans' self and th is lh y all * ay , It leoked Ilk * tbe picture v eiee rrtry day. H droT * up a team that looked Terr queer , Twu a team f nvsaboppers instead of reindeer , I * rode in a shell instead of a sltlgb , Bat he took thtm on loud and drore them away. ! showed them an orer his wonderful realm , And faetorlei making goods for women and men rnrrien were working on hats great and small , fo Bnnoe' they ( aid they were tending thorn alL Kris Klngle , tbe Glore Maker , told them at ono * , All our Gloves we ar * fending to Bnnce , Santa showed them suipendera and many thlngi Bajing I alie took thes to triind Bonce's ttott. Santa Glaus then whispered a secret he'd toll. At in Omaha every one knew Bnnce well , He therefore should send his goods to his can , Knowing his friends will gtt their full sbara. Tow remember re dwellers in Omaha town , All who want presents to Bunco's go round , 'or ihlrti , collars , or gloves great and small , lend your sitter or aunt one and all. Bnnce , Champion Batter of tht West , Dongkl r et. Omaha " OK. A. S. PBNDERY , CONSULTING PHYSICIAN iAS PERMANENTLY LOCATED HIS MED ICAL OFFICE , STnthBtiett , - OMAHA , VEBR1KA OBrlnz hit tervices In all departments ' nedlclne anJ surgery , both in Mitral au pedal practb * acute and chronic diseases. Oa consulted uljht sad day , and will TtsiU art of the city and county on receipt of UtU PAD A new and hitherto unknown nmdy far all Iseaset ot th * Kidneys , Bladder , and Urinary jfrrans. It will pootivelv cure DiabeUt , Qravel , Drop- y , Brleht'sIHstase , Inability to retain or expll he Urine , Catarrh of the BlwWer , Ugh colored nd scanty urine. Painful Urinating , LAUB BACK , General IVaakness , and all retnal * Corn- It avoldt internal mediclnet , It ctrtsJn inlt ffectt and cures when nothing (1st oan. For Ml * by all Druggists or tent by mall frt * upon nctipt ot the price , tS.00. DAY KEYPAD CO. , PROP'18. Toledo , O. JTfl / / your addrtw lor our little book , How s wat Saved. " tfJC3K.EHAxatl Hbra lca. KILLED BT A MUSTANG. A TALE TOLD IN A TEXAS COW OAUP. - Otntinnatl Eaqalr r. It was a clear ttioanlight nip.h when , after a hard d.y'a "drive , " and the herd uf wiM liories had bseu penned , tha cow bars fetr'ppsd thei tired ponu-s of aadcl s i ud bridhs and itakcd thi-tn out to "rnza on the thick mesquit grasi wh'ch fringed th bank of the SJP. BariUrdo. After this duty hid been pttEndet to tbo cooking u'eusih ' vrere broupcb forth , and socn the coffee pot wa tinging a musical song , acd a ls. > o fresh calf ribs spluttering bef ( ro the fire. The repast , though rough , waa made enjoyable by an sppettte which only violent exercise and pura sir can give , and after the bojs bad aaton until itbecame _ neceisary to unbuckle their six ehooter belts , blankets were spread under the branches of a live oak , which seemed to atand guarc orer the broad eipensa of prairie , anc they settled down for a quiet smoke. "I ttll you what , boys , " Jaaid Ned Curtis , who was one of tbo hardest riders'and best poker pHycrs west oi the Brjtra , as he lit a cigarette , "we are going to handle eomo pretty rough mustangs to-morrow , and if any ol you want to show your fancy riding you had better be fixing your flank girts and rolls , because there are some unbranded four-ycar-olda in thai bunch , who are ? oiuy to make you hum Uk a churn-dasher , and you' ! have to fork 'em deep to etay in the saddle. There is one in the pen tbat Is a perfect picture of the mustang mare that sent Bill Hall to the angels. " "Wasn't he some galoot from the old atateil" inquired one of the boys , turning over on his blanket. "Yea , " replied Ned , "h. was a lomg , tow-headed chap , greener ttnn an August persimmon , with logs shaped like a pair of bames. " "How did he happen to get killed , Nadl" Did the mare flirt him lit tle too strongl" "T s , that was the way of it. see , he had just come from Georgy , and hadnerer been on the back of wild horae before In his life , but he was spunky with all of that , and wasn't scared of anything. One day , while driving out in Nueces county , we made % 'round up' of all the horses [ n the rang * , and after 'cutting ont' all that were in the 'diamond P' brand , the boys b g&n throwing some down and riding 'cm , just to aoo the wild devils 'buck. ' "Well , Bill Hall took a durn fool notion to ride ono himself , and he picked ont a little Roman nosed mus- ttng mare , pure Spanish , and wilder ; han o , jyote , and got some of the boys to help him throw her down , be- sause he didn't know any more about landling a lariat than he did ( bout running a prayer-meeting. "When the saddlehad been strapped on her and Bill forked it , she was : urned alooso , and the crowd stood sack to eee the fun. Well , sir , that plug raised her head , looked back , selbwed a couple of times , and then sh lit into the pro t tie. t bucking I Ter locked at. 'dtick to her , Bill ! ' I Fllod , but tha only thing ho could uiy was , 'Whoa ! stop her , boys ; daru iar old hide. ' "While he had hia knees gripped to isrsides Hk arise , nod hh hnir tUnding like a brush heap , the mua- .anf stretched herself out like a ladder put her head between her front legs , md then , bringing herself together Ike a rat-trap , she slammed Bill Hall tgainit the ground harder than I ever leard a fellow hit before. When we ) ! ck d hint up one 5 r was jammed ironnd to the back of bis neck , and , torn the look on his facewe knew that ia wasn't long for this world. Ho ingered for a day or two , and we did ill we could to ease his pain , but ono norrilng he motioned for us to como o him , and as I knelt beside the touch and took hiu hands in mine he aid : 'Boys , I'm going to pass in my : hecki , but I ain't going to shiver tbout it , even if I do die away out m a prairie , with 110 one but a few riends around met I'll have a big , ) road bed to rest in , and if some day rou ride by my grave won't you get [ own and think of me awhile ! ' "Well , sir , the boys the orinary uises were crying like children , and ! felt terribly shaken myself , bnt K e H promised that we would , and then IB raised himself a little , and in n aint Tolce said : ' .Ned I want you to rrite to my mother and tell her that . ' wasn't a very dutiful ion , but I oved htr just the same. ' " 'Ned'he muttered so faint I uld hardly hear him , 'don't tell my oiks when yon write that I was elid nto heaven by a d d mustang , " and rlth that hi * head fell back , his srasp in my hand relapsed , and Bill Hall ras on this earth no more , and when ! thought how his mother would grieva t made me feel weak in tbe knees. "We burled him , and Jack Jones , vho is something of a scholar because IB had a chance to go to school down n Bay Prairie , wrote on the head- ) oard of the grave : "WILLIAM HALL GOT A FALL , Silled Dead as s , Slnr BraTaxasPlur. BORN IN GEOEGY. " "It always nukes me feel bad when . ' think of that poor fellow , and how o-day he sleeps on the bank of the Unta Gertrudes with nothing but a > ig live oak to mark his last resting ilace in the bosom of the prairie. Do my of you fellows want a little draw- raker to-night ! " If yon an troubled with fever and asue , dumb rue , billions fever , Jaundice , dyspepsia , or > nv LlMMe of the liver , blood or stomach , and wish o ct it well , try the new remedy. Prof , dull * netto't French LlvtrPsd. Ask your druggist or It , and take no other , and if he has not tot t send H SO in a letter to the French Pad Co. , tohdo , O. , and rceiv * one by return man. AGBIOULTUBAL Poultry as a Farm Crop. As population iucretse * lands tba were before neglected and passed bj as too difficult to work ar utilizaf Lands which a half or even a quarter of a o ittury ago were passed by erne ne lected cro receiving attention now and baini ; utilised as tilling or Rrtzin ? hnds. There yet remains many rough rocky tracks , some of them mountain ous , which m y and cn b utilizes for sheep and pooltry husbandry. Large crops of wool and mnttou , egs , feathers ard dressed poultry can bo produced on lands now lying waste in a number of States Mac a of thii rough wasteland is witbiu a moderate distance and easy reach of the largest cities of our hemisphere. The people of these great cities consume immensa quanti ties of the products of the poultry yards and piy large sums of money for ttom. The probabilities are that the demand will not fall off , but rather increase for a long time to come. The question is where are the supplies to come from ! There is no better territory for turkey raising than the mountainous districts of Pennsylvania , New Jer aey and New York. Tha only draw back t In the shape of foxes , raccoons and tuch enemies. But somehow the turkeys manage to escape from these with a good degree of success , and large flocks may bo leen in many parts .f the statei. In New England the poultry crop is one which is regularly counted on , and ia always B large and profitable one. A strip of country along the coast from the mouth of th Connect icut river to Gape Oed ia famous for its turkey crop , and the surface is rough , rocky and sterile. It is not unjiiual for the farmers there to real ize from $100 to $300 for their tur keys. They are raised Sn considera ble numbers , carefully managed , nice ly fattened , and are sold from No vember to January , primciptlly from Thanksgiving to New Year'i. But those thrifty Yankees do not confine themiaives to turkeys in poultry pro- dnction. More money is r ali ed from the chickens than from the turkeys , and thii on land on which our middle states' farmers would starve in the first generation at least. Butsllof the crabbed , ateril * New England territory is given largely to poultry production , and more maney in the aggregate is derived Erom poultry than any othir farm crop in all that section of country. The wild and mountainous portions of Pennsylvania , New Jersey and New York , are well adapted to turkey raising aa the rugged shores of Oon- lecticut and lthod Iiland. Aa large a crop and of us good as a quality can be raised among the foot hill * In the Uiddlo states as along the < out of Now England. In this way then un- iroductivo lands may be made to equil in productiveness an equal area of territory anywhere. But in these oot hills , as in New lagland , the loultry crop need not be confined to urkeya. Chickens may alto be In cluded , which are even a > profitable under the right management as tur- : oys. Poultry should be considered a egular farm crop and highly cultiva ted on th best lands , end largtly enough ough lands not well adopUd to other roj.s. It is a crop worth looking after. [ Dr. DiekU. Draining Pralrl * County- In untilled prairie soil the eorn tr ends its roots until they ctrika the water , a short distance under the urface of the ground. When soil is illed at a depth of thlrty-dz inahei , he roots of the growing stalks extend > y numsrous fibers to the new water evel , thus drawing to the plant the oed found in the much greater depth of onrth. The ground in the untilled nnd cakes and bakes into a hard mats n dry weather , while that in the illed earth is loose and porouf. Capillary attraction in the Utter natanoe supplies moisture to the up- > er strata of earth. Fruits for Farmere. ' Ohio Farmer. To achieve success in fruit growing , all that is necessary is to do the rif at ; hing , in the right way , and at the iglit time. There are no subttantial easons why fa.mers should suffer this mportant matter to be disregarded. In an era like this , when improved machinery is doing BO much to miti gate the burdens and cares. of farm ife , it behooves us to devote more at * ention to the capacity of the farm to ninister to our comfort and happiness. .t is not only our special privilege , > ut iould be an agreeable duty to avail oursilves of the advantages that he farm offers for the promotion of our well-being and pleasure. If the arm lias its drawbacks , let us see to t that we utilise its blessings. Do you lay that fruit will not do well with you ! I reply that wherever he suocesiful farmer bestows the same thought , care and culture upon ils fruit that he does upon his f rsin and vegetable crops , there will not be he uiual complaint on the part of his amiy ! about the scant supply of fruit. Fo this end , the prevslent notion that .ho value of every farm product must > e measured by the few paltry dol- ars that it will bring in the market , hould give place to that better and ligher conception that the merits of many things the farm is capable of yielding depend more on the benefit md satisfaction which they might af- ord the family than on their mere value in dollars and cents. n week. | 12a day at heme tatlly anadtot $12 oatfit { xe.Add nU GBEATEST EEMEDY KNOWN. Dr. King's New Discorery for Con sumption ; s certainly the greates medical remedy over placed within the reach of suffering" humanity. Thou sands of once hopeless tufierers , now loudly proclaim their praise for this wonderful Discovery towhich * they owe their lives. Not only does itpori' fatly cure Consumption , but Coughs , Colds , Asthma , Brorchits , Hay- Ferer , Hoarsneis and all affections of th Throat , Cheat and Langs yields at once to its wonderful curative pow er cfl if by magic. We do not ask you to buy a largo bottle unless you know what you are getting. We therefore tarnatly r g f you to call on your druggist , j. K. ISH , and get a trial bottle free of cost which will convince the most skeptical of its wonderful merits , and "how you what a regular one dollar size bottla will do. For haleby J , K. ISH. (4) ( ) EucEien's Arnica Salve The BEST SALVE In the world of Oats , Bruises , Sores , Ulcers , Salt Rheum , Fever Sores , Tetter , Chapp ed Hands , Chilblains , Corns , and all kinds of Skin Eruptions. This Salve is guaranteed to glvo perfect satiafac- tlod in ovety case or money re ( undid. Price 25 cants per box , For sale by 8dly J. K. ISH Omaha. Special Ordinance No. 240. Tor letylnp a tptclal tax for the grading ot Pavtaport strett from llth to 15th street , in tbt tity of Omans , county * f Douglas , gto Vl of Nebraska. Be it oidalctd by tht tity tonnoil ol the tity of Omaha : SMTJOI I. Tbat tb * seTeral tons let oppo- t'.Hto the taVtwin * deicnbed premises , to wit : B. B. i nil J. B. Foliom , lot 6 , block IS , city Of Omaha , 111 011 Ed Hard Dark , lot 0 , block IS , dty of Omaha , 8116 * . Adolphut Slefkln , lot 7 , block 61 , dty of Omaha , $11 3. Sarah . Crelghton , lot 8 , blxk 63 , city * f Omaha , (11 K. Jamw Citlghton , lots 5 , 0,7 snd S , blok C9 , ttty of Oaths , $16 13. John ? Enhee. K. one-half of lot ] , block 74 , dty of Omaha , tll.CS BIDS. Rtcbubau , V. ontibilf of lot lblok 7 . tity of Omaha , fc.81. J. C. Weight. E. on * halt of lot ? , block71 , tity of Omaha , $5.82. Jno. Uoaell , Jr. , lot 3 , block 7 , dty of Omaha , 811.62. Byron Bed , lt 1 , bloik H , elty ot Omaha , 8. jL Tiylor , Ituet , lot 1 , Week 71 , tity * f Omaha , $ ! ! . . Mary Van Det Barf , Jot 9 , block 1i , elty of Omaha. $11.83. Ju > * B. Dot , lot I , block 76 , city ot Onata , $11.52. First Baptist thnrtb , lot * , block T5 , tity of emaba , $11.81. Total amonnt , $180.11. Beta ? ont-balf tha ooet and expenses , ap- proTed by th city council for the grading * f DsTMport strMt , from 13th to 15th street , in front of and adjainin ? the sam * , In pursuaM * of a contract entertd into by the city of Onutu , with P. ff tlth.on tha lith day of Au est , lisO , ba and th * same art hereby rttptctirely leTicd and ant e < l against nch of said lots , parts of lots , and premiits , bounding * ni abuttUe op- * n said portion cf Darenport street so iaiproTtd. pivablowtkedty treaiarcr within thirty ( W ) days ot this date. BM. II. Thii * rdinanae shall take tf e i and b * in frt * Irom and tt r III paesage. ( aijmea.l JAUES E. fiOTD , Prwldeut City CtuniU. Pai dNoTcmb r Sth.ltSO. Attest : J. F.M 3ARTNET , City Cltrk. ipprortd Novembtrlltb,1830. (8U ( * d. ) C.S.CHAtc , Uayor. Tht shore tazbtaomes i .ln.unt en the 10th day of Dtctmbtr , 130 , alter which d tt ttn(10) ( per tent , ptnalty and Interitt at tbe ratt ef ou * ; i ) per cent , per month , in adrancc , will b * kddtd : S. 0. MALLET-IE. City Trouwtr. Special Ordinance No. 247. 'or livylng a special Uz ( ortht gradlnc of 18th trt , ( IOM Farnham strstt to Capital av- nue , in th * cit of Om&fl/f , county of H stat * + it oniaintd by tnt city council ti the city of imaha : SCTI V I.7hat th * sevtral turns t t opp * . lite to tbe fo'Iowinz ' dMtrlbed premises , to-wlt : T. W. T. Richards , lot 8 , bl ik 116 , tltj of 0 JJ&ba , 52.T1. A. J Hansocn , lot 1 , bloik 115 , city of Oma- 6. F. Pavt ! , S. one-half of lot 8 , blotk 10 , Itv of Omaha , $ J0.85. J * . Murphy , N. one-half ot lot 8 , bl * ic 109 , lily uf Omaha , $28 85. F. Murphy. Jot 1 , block 1C * , lty * f Omaki , 12.71. EUsa P. MoCarmisk , lot I , block Si , * Uy ot Omaha , ItT.Bt mma Ctftaann , lot 1 , blotk Si , city Of tlm - b , MT.92 Trinity church lot i , block SI , city of Omaha , < 7.fl2. John WaCorm'ck ' , N. one-halt of lot I , blotk I , city of Omaha , $28.88. W. F Swetaey , 8. one-half of let 5 , block | 5 , * Uv of Omaha , $28.98. Saauil Bnms.lot i. blotk 108 , city of Omaha , 1271. MarthaS. Flit , lot 6 , bloclcIOS , el tv of Oma ha , $12.71 Alrtn Baundtrs. lot 4 , blotk HI , city of Oma- ks , $62.71. W.A.Paxton , lot 5 , block llfl , city of Om ba. $52.71 , ToUl amount , $018.85. Btlof one-half tbe eoit and ezparset , ap. rovtd by the city council for the yradlns ; of 8th street from Farnbam street to Capital venue , in front of and adjoining * tht tame , in mrsnanoo of a contrast * ntei d into by tk * ity ot Osaaha , with P. Gorman on the 87th day f July , 1ESO , b * and tbe same are hereby re spectively ltvid and ast'iscd szalnst each of rUd lou.pwug ot lots.and premiiM.boundine and buttlnc upon taid portltn ot lith itmt , to graded , payabl * to the dty treaturer wltcin hlrty (90) days from thlt date. SM. II. Thlt onlluantv shall ke effctt an > e in fore * froa and after its psssvt * . ( Signed. ) JAUES E , BOTD , Fres't City OountU. ritsedNov. 9tbA. D. , 1UO. Att t : J. T. UcCAWTXT , City Clerk. Approve * Nov. llth , A. D , 1S80 ( BifUtd. ) 0. B. CHAN.Mayor. Mayor. The above tx bttmesd ltnanenton th * 10th day ef uctembtr , 1880 , aftir which data ten (10) ( ) ier cent , penalty and Intermit at thr rat * of oia 1) per eiat. pr Month , in a-lv nc , will b * B. 0. JlAtLETTB , 10 > 5t City Treanuer. j. o. MERCHANT TAILOR Capitol Ave , , Opp. Masonio Hall , OMAHA - - - NBB. , - - . THE QEMUiME LITER PILLS are not recommended as a remedy "for all the ills that flesh is heir to. " bnt in affections of the Liver , and in all Bilious Complaints , Dyspspsia , and Bick Head ache. or diseases of tiist character , they stand without a rival. AGUE AND FEVER. Jfo better cathartic can be used pre paratory to , or after taking quinine. A ? a simple purgative they are uneqnaltd. BEWARE OF IMITATIONS. The genuine are never sn gar-coated. Each box has a red-wax seal on the lid. with tha irnpression.McLANE'S LIVER PILL. Each wrapper bears the signrv- tures of C. McLisE and TLSUIKO BROS. s ? Insist upon having the renuine DR. C. McLANE'S LIVER PILLS , pre- paredbr FLESnNG BROS.PItl bnrslira. , the market being full of imitations of the name JlfcfMiie , spoiled differently , but same i/ronunciation. UNLIKE PILLS AND THE USUAL PURGATIVES , IS PLEASANT - ANT TO TAKE , And will prore at once the most potent and harmleu SYSTEM RENOVATOR and CLEANSER that has yet bw brought to publlt notice. For CONSTIPATION. BILIOUS NESS , HEADACHE , PILES , and aU dliordcra arising from an obstructed state of the syitcm , it is incomparably the but curative extant. Avoid imitations ; insist on getting .the article called for. TROPIC-FRUIT 1AXAT1TE is put up in bronied tin boxes only. Price CO c nU. Aik yonrdruggUt for Ducriptiva Pamphlet , or ad. drsai th * proprietor , J. E. HETHERINGTOX , Naw York or Sin Franclte * . Before Purchasing An Pout of Ho-Called ELECTRIC BELT , Band , or Appliance represented to cure Nervous , Chronle and SpKlal DlieuN , send to the FUL VIUMACUCRQALTASIC CO , BIS Montgomery Streit , Ban Francisco , Cal. , for their Free Pamphlet and "Th * Electric Review , " and you will save time , health and money. The P. 0. Co. are th * only dealm ia Genuine Klectris Ap pliances on th * Amirican Continent. HOW TO CURE CONSUMPTION , COUGHS , Colds , Asthma , Croup , All dlteaaoB of tbe Throat , Lungs , and Pulmonary Oman * . USE ACCORDING TO DIRBCTION8 ALLEN'S LUNG BALSAM. THE COLORADO BUSINESS COLLEGE This institution , locatad at Denv r , CoUndo , th * Zdugatlonal and Comnnrciil oautar of th * IVtt , It pre-eminently tha best and most procU * Cl of Its kind for tha MERCANTILE TRAINING OF- Young Men and Ladies. G. W. FOSTER , Prejldsnt , D. W. CADY , Secretary. \ The most extensive , thorough and complete Bltitntlon of tha kind in tha world. Thousands of accountants and Business men , in th * prin cipal cities and towns of th * United States , owe heir SUCMM to our count of training. The Bteht KiriS of Education for Young Men and ladies. Fine , new brick block , at Junction of three strut car lines. Elegantly fltttd and furnished apartment * for th * application of aid carrying oat of our novel and systematic methods of BUSINESS TRAINING , Tonnfmtn who eontomplat * a butlnto life , and parents having tons to educate , are partlcu- arly requested to tend for our new Circular , which will giv * full information aa to terms , condition ot intranet , etc. A&rett GW , POSTEE , President , HpS-Sm Denver , Colorado. PROPOSALSPORGRADING. Omcx 07 Cm Ctnx , I OMASA , NSJ. , Nov. 10th , 1B 0. ) Stated proposals will be received by the un- dirsltntd until Fntfday , Nor. ltd , 1KO , for fllllni in the old creek , south of Lav < > nworth r.reet between lith a-d IBth streits Th * work will b * flllmaIn dirt to 3 t uled actordln ? to instructions fem the dty engineer cr Jts SUphenson , thalnnan cf lh oammlttt * on strcta and grades , and sail llllmif will b * on th * property owned by the tity k > wit. the streets and alltys in th * vicinity Bids Shalt specify tht pri : * p r nble yard for such asatuntot earth as mjy bo ordered hauled Imtrtctlv * of what that amount may b * . JEnvtlopts contain ! ! ! ? eald bldt thall b markrd "Bids for Oradltjt 02 Leavtnworth street" and b * dtllvtrtd to the undersigned at a time ntt later above speifid Th * right is retervcd ty the dty council to reject anv and all bids. J.F.MoCARTKKT , nltet City Clerk. EL . OOOK UNDERTAKER , OidTellowi'Blotk. Prompt atUatlon tir n ti orders y telegraph. 71A THS Chicago & Northwestern 2,380 MILES OF ROAD ! It it tha SHORT , SUF.E and S ! a Rout * Bttwtm COUNCIL BLUFFS iKB GSICAGOMILWATIEEE and all point * EAST and NORTH. IT OFJKR3 THK TRAVELING PUBTJO GREATER FACILITIES AND MORE ADVANTAGES THAH ANT OTIIEK ROAD Di THE WEST. It h the OKLT KOAO between OODNOIL BLUFFS and CHICAGO Upon which Is rnn PULLMAN HOTEL CARS ! In addition to tharaand to pleast all classea of tnrolera , it zives FIR3T-OLASS VSALS at its EATING STATIONS at M cents each. ITS TRACK IS STEEL RAILS I ITS COACHES AE TJKLElNgn . . . . . CLASS If yon wish the Best Travolta * Accommoda tions von will bur roar ticket by tbU Haale CTAND WILT , TAKE NONEOTHER. All Ticket Ajonla can rell YOU Through Tickets rla this road and Check nsoal Bag- gaga tfrea of Charge OMAHA TICKET OFFICES 124 Farnhaa St. , Cor. llth , and at Union Pacific Depot. DENVER OFFICE In Colondo Central and Union P&cllcTIcict Office. SAN FRANCISCO OFFICERS Nw Monttom- ery Street. For information , folders , mtpa , tto. , not ob tainable at Home Ticket Office , address any agent of the Company , or H4RYIH HUCKITT , ff- STEHNITT , Gca'l Hinder , Genl PUB. Acent , CHICAGO , ILL. JAHES T. CLARK , Gen'l Ae't Oouhi h Oonadl BlnffS. THROUGH TO CHICAGO Without Change of Cars I CHICAGO BURLINGTON & QU1NCY With Smooth acd Perfect Track , Eligant Pass - s ncr Ccacbco , and PULLMAN SLEEPING DININQ CARS It It acknowledged by tt Frwtal all wt ; traval nv r it , 10 bo the Bert Appointed and Best ilanaged Bold In the Country. PASSBNGERS GOING HAST Should oaar In mind that this it tbt BEST ROUTE TO CHICAGO ! And Points East , North and Korthwest. Passengers by this Route have choice of FOUE DUTEKENT ROUTES , And tbe Advantae of Six Dally Lines ot Palao * Bleeping Cars from Chicago U New York Pity Without Change. All Eiprces Trains on this line are equipped with the Westinghouse PaUnt Air Rrakii and Miller's Patent Stfoty Platform and Couplers , th * most Prfct Pro tection Against Acci dents in the world. PULLHAH PALACE SLEEPING AND DINING CARS Are run on th Burlington Rout * . Information concerning Boutes , Rata , llm * Comftctlons , stc. , will b cheerfully given by applyinj it the office of the Burlington Rat , BIS I'ourUentn Stre t , Omaha , Nebraska. 0. E. PERKCX3 , D. YT. HITCnCOCK. Qen'l Uanxi r. Gon. Weit'u Paas. Agt. J. 0. PUlLLim , It. J o. , H * . Geuiral Agent , Omaha. H. P. DUEL , lepl-dl llckit Agent , Omaha. LINE 1SSO. K.G.ST.JOE&G.B.n.R. , la the only Direct Lin * to BT. LOUIS AND THE EAST From OMAHA and VIA WEST. to change of cart bttwten Omaha and St. Lonil and but out b tweeii Omaha and New York. SEX DAILY PASSENGER TRAINS Eastern & Western Cities With less chargea and in advanca ot other lints. This tntlre line 13 equipped with Pullman' ! Palaoe Sleeping Cars , Palace Day Coack- eo.Mlller'i Sofaty Platform and Coupler and the celebrated Westmgbousa Air-Brake. THAT YOUR TICKET EIADg-ttt jt3"Vla Kanus City , St. Joseph andttt 7CouncilBlulTsK.B.vI BtTSJ tS"loe aniSt.Loul3.ia Tickata for uJt at all coupon stations la tht Wett. J. F. BARNARD , A. C. DAWKS , Gen'l Supt. , Cen'l Pass. & Ticket Azt St. Joseph , Mo. Bt. Jostph , Mo , W. 0. SEACHRIST , Ticket Ajen. , 21 * Fifteenth Street , btw en Farnhaal aid Donzlaa , Union Block , Omaha. JOS. TEUON , A , B. BARITAED , Pass. Afrent , Omaha. Oen'rl Aeent , Omina. To Nervous Sufferers-The Great European Eeme5y Dr. J. B. Simpson's Specific Medicine. It Is a positive cure forSpermatorrhta , Sesalat ] W akn < KS , Impotency , and ail dlseaias nsultlns ; from Self-Abuse , ax Mental Anxiety , I * < s * t Memory , Pains In ihe Back or glda. and diseases nsou. that laad to ConwmpMon Insanity and in early gr T Tha ypoalfle Uedicine is being n U with wondtr fnl tuccest. _ _ _ _ Pampblttt sent free to all. Wrlto for thtm and gt full particulars. Priee , Specific , Jl.OOpflrructurs.orslx pak- sges for $5.00. Address all orders to J.B SIMPSON'.JIEDICIN * C . , Kos. Mand 108 JI In St. , Buffalo , JT. T. Sold in m h ; bv C. F. Goodman , J. W. BH J. E. IA Ld all dnueista * verywhere. sep28-dhwly < n C C ft week In your own town , lirms aad QOQ outfit fres. Address H. Hallttt fc 0 onlaod. U KIDN E GEN is highly recommended and unsurpassed for Weaker or Foul Kidneys , Dropsy , Bright's Disease , Loss of Energy , Nervou ? nebility , or any Obstructions arisinu from Kidney or Bladder Ti east'S. Also for Yello-wr Fever , Blood and Kidney Poisoning , in infeotod malarial sections. Jt3T5y te ! .h li ! i . - > rf ItSST LIUF with JUNIPER BERRIM and BARLEY JIAtT dlJCOvereJK : - > N v. i en | ci9cnllrontheKidnrysandUrinaryOrsransmnovinsinarI ) < > tf drpo iu form' > > f . a H . ' . pr.\entlnt ; any otrilmnff , smarting sensation heat or IrrilaHon In tht incmi.r n t i 1 . - . It On ti > or wntcr p-vf as8. It excites a healthy action In tbe KWnfy * tivinr them strct' . , ; . n I n.orinjr thew orjnns to a boil thy ecndltfon , showia ; IU B tJ onhulh tha col r 11 d < . . > . un . It can bo taken at all time ? , in ill climates and andrr , ' circumstances I u n - - cijttcni. Unlike any other prepiration for Kidney dl0 ! ulti * it has a very pe ! .ai < an u ! c t .n'carnl fta\or. It lus beca difficult to mala a prtpartlno containing positlro HUH i , t'\ \ + ti which will not nauseate , but le acceptable to the BefortaklnanyLtreru-ili 1 1. irrabotile of KIDNKGKX to CLKANSK tb K1DNKT * frou foutmattsr. 1 ry It an y < ii > wiysuso It aa a family modicino. LaJIss Sf cially will Ilk * It and Gentlemen will Mi d KinwoK.V thobcst Kidney Tinicevariuedl NOTICE tach l t4 > Ksn 'n < iKnituro of LAWUENCK & MARTIN , alsoa Proprietary OoT m ment Stamp. ht ! - pormiu KUJNTGHNU bo sold ( without llconic ) by Urcjglits , Grocers * nd Othtr PersoLt < T rysLere. Put up in Quart size Bottles for General and Family Use. It not found at jeer Drugyisu orOrocerj , wo will send a bottla prepaid to the Bearcat tiftat oOntoyou LAV/RENCE & fylARTlN , Proprietors , Chicago , Ills. Sold by DRUGGISTS , GEOCEES and DEALEES everywhere Wholesale atnt Ia Cnuta , STEhLE , J01LNSOK & CO. , will supply tbe trad * at manufaolar pricea. XI WHO IS UNACQUAINTED WITH THE CFOCRAFHY Of CHIS COUNTRY. V5EE BY EXAMINING THIS MAP. THAT THE i CHICAGO , ROCK ISLAND & PACIFIC R. R. IS THE GREAT CONNECTOR LINK BETWEEN THE EAST & TIIE Wte fi Its main lln mns from ChloiKO Connell Blntti , panilnn through Jollet , Ottc- . La Billo. 3n ieo , Mollne. Ilocc If land. Davenport.ast Ubtny. Iowa Citr.Uarenira , Urooklyn. Urln Cil. Dtn Molncsj ( tha capital of Iowa ) . Stuart , Atlan tic , and Avocn ; with branches from Hnreaa Junction to Paorla ; Wilton Junction tn.Musca- tln * . Wuhlnrton. ralrfleld. Elflon , Bclknap. CnUTlil , Princeton. Trenton. Oallatln. Came- rnn. Lavnworth. Atchlson , and Kansas City ; VTathlnEton to tflRourner , Oskaloosa. and Knox- Vlll : KeokuE td FarmlnKton. Bonaparte , Ilen- tonioort. Independent , Eldon. Ottnmwtt. Eddy- Till , Oikalooia , l'ell , Monroe , and les Mntnes : N wton toilonroa : DmMolnoU > Incllanolaand TVtntenat : Atlantic to Lewis and Aurtubon ; and A'oca to Harlan. This U positively the only liallroad , which owns , and operates a throuch lln * from Chicago Into tha Stnto of Kansu. ThrouRh Eipr ss Pa83enKerTralnawlth Pull- nan Palaca Can attached , are run each way dally between CniCAdo and I'xoitu. KANSAS Crrr. CoraciL BLnrrs. LCAvaxwoRTn and ATCHI- So.v. Tnrnuch can are also run between MilTau- ie a.nd Kanias City , via tha " .Milwaukee and BockliUnd SlioLln . " Tha * * Great V.ock Iiland" la mairnlflcently oqulpped. It * road bed Is simply "Tdl ct , and lit track U laid with steal rails. Wnatirtll pleas * yon most will be the pleasnn of enjoying your m nl , while passing over the bsantUnlpnlrles of Illinois and Iowa. In ono of > nr msffnlrlctnt Dlnlne Cars tbat accompany all Thronsli Eipreis trains. Ton Ret an entlra meal , as coed as Is served In any flnt-clajs hotel , lortivtntyflv * cents. Appreciating tha fact tbat a majority nf the people prefer separata apartments for different mrtxwes ( and tha immenio passenger builness of this Una warranting It ) , we are pl ase < l to an nounce that this Company runs Pull'yan 1'nlacc an forsleiplnc purposes , nd Pilace IHninj Cart for atlntr purpoixn only. Ereat feature of cur Palace Can 1 * a 8 SAI.DON vmerayon can enjoy your " at all hears of the day. MaKnincent Iron UrKliM spaa the and Missouri riven at all polnu eroe line , and transfers are avoided at Coand. Kansas City , Leavenworth. and Ateh sai ncrtlnnn beinirmade In Union Depot * . THE PKINCIPAL R. JL coNrnsy niji us TI1IS ( JItKAT TUBOUUB 10NX jf A - iOLLOWS : At cnicAUo.wltb aU fflvarsln ! bMi = Eaxt and youth. AtK.NOLlwoou , wlUUcL.LJIH.BV It. W.AU.K.IUS. AtWARni.NQTpirDziaim , vitk F. . U At I.A SALLK. wr.a 111. Oint. p. p. Ati'EoniA.with P. P. A J.i P. b. & B. . a A < > W. : 111. Jlld. : and T. P. * W. Rds. At HOCK ISLAND with "Mllwauko * * Island S ort Line , " and Hock Isl'd A ' AtUAVE.vpotir.wlih the l > av nport aM.St.lMl.K. At WEST LiBsnTT. with th n C.K. AtUlUNNELI , Tlth Central Iowa K. 1C A t UEM JIoi.VK. with D 31. A F. D U. & . At COUNCIL ULDrra.wltb Union Pacux * , , At OMAHA , ti Sc AtCOtUMBOSjOKCTIO.VwflnB..l\ . V i fi , AtOTTUJtwx. wltn Central ' 9. , St. L. A 1-ao. and C. B. ± Q.Ut. Kda At KEOKUK. wltbToi Peo.War.t Louis A Vac. , and -St. JU. Keo. it N.-W. AtCAMCitu.v. wltnll.Ht-J. K.R. At ATcniio.v. with Atch. , Toek & itM" ; tl Atch. & .Neb. and Cen.Br. U. VUOkT At LCAVE.NWORTH , wltaXAn. Pa * . Cent. It. Ittls. At KANSAS Crrr. with all lines tot and Southwest. . ' , . P-AI.ACE , OAKS n-f > . rnn throuzh . to . . PfORIA.DEA . . COO.N'OL IIL.Hr7 JfJLNHAH CITT. A TU1IISO.V. i.n.1 J.KA VJEJJTVO Tl k t Tin tbl * 1,1 ne. known n * the "Orrat Jlocb. liland JUuot * , " are sOl Tlekat fczcnti In the Unite * Btate * imd Vanuila. Info rotation not obtainable at your home ticket offlee , Jdr w B VtiU , E. SO * . JOHN , Gen'l Superintendent- Uea'l Tit. aad Pus'sr AJa. CHAS. FURNITURE , BEDDiNO , FEATHERS And Everything pertaining to the Furniture and Upholstery Trade , A COMPLETE ASSORTMENT OF NEW GOODS AT THE P u month wt 1 08 and 1210 Fnrnlmm Street. T. S. HITOHOOOK , M. D. S. , Trees New Tork has located in Omaha , and guarantees to do flrst-clatu work. Dental Rooms , ovtr A. Crulckihank ft Co.'a , Cor. 1Mb and Doujbs. scp9-2m SHOW CASES BT OT _ W XXj 1117 CAS3 fcT. , OMAHA , NEB. tSfti iood asaortinent always on hand.S ) 31. K. KISDON. dcncrul Insurance Ajrcnl , UEPKE3EM3 : pnESIXA& < CRANCB CO. , of Lon. Jon , Cish As-ets | I,10T.lf ESTCIIEaTKK. N. Y. , CnpltO l.OOO.OOi THE MBRCIIANCS , of Newark.N. J. , l.OOO.OO OIRAItD FIUt PhiladelpIiUCapltal. . l.OOO.Wa NOIITHWBSTUKN NATIONAICsp- Ital 900,083 FIRSUUK'S FUND , California goo.QDj UltlTISU AMKKICA ASSUKANCECo leOOM3 NEW A tKFIREISS. CO. , AeMts. . . . So".W ) AMURICAF CENTRAL , Awets 800W 8 aat Cor. of Fifteenth 4 Doasrlas St. . OUAQA , 5KB. r The Cash Dry t/ Good tore Now Open in Kennedy's New Brick Building , 10th and Jones Streets. i T X 1ST I - Direct from the Auction Rooms of New York and Boston , will be offered in SILKS , VELVETS , DRESS GOODS , NOTIONS , BLANKETS , COMFORTS , TABLE EN HOSIERY , DOMESTICS AND MILLINERY. Call and examine our Stock. You can save to 20 per cent , by buying of us. German and Swedish clerks , " * & * " v ti'H HI1U UUFttS Ms