Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 17, 1880, Morning Edition, Image 1

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p *
Established 1871. MORNING . * f c - . i EDIfON , Price Five Cents
Annual Tour of Inspection
of Railroads of Officials
A Large Arrival of Emigrants
at Castle Garden.
The Grand Jury Will'Today
Hear the Evidence in
the Phjlp Case.
"OaSfm-SaSen B One ReptiBIi ?
can to the Electoral
OaylGouId Secures the Con
trolling Interest in the
New York World.
More Arrests Contemplated in
the Mor y Letter Business.
The Fhllp
Qpedal Dispatch to Tun 1JEE.
NEW YOUK , November 17 , 1 a. m.
Tlie grand jury will to-day Hear the
cvidcDCQ iu the case of Konward
Philp , who was held to await their ac
tion by Justice Noah Davis on the
charge o ! criminal libel Subpoenas
for witnesses were issued yesterday
and to-day , and moat of them have
been served , but it is underotocd thol
considerable evidence will be offered
that was uot nubniitted in the court
room at the examination. The grand
jury convened at 11 o'clock yestsrday
morning and 6t until 1 o'clock , when
a number of indictments in minor
criminal cases , were prciontcd. It ap
pears from the statement of Assistant
District Attorney Bell that no attempt
is being made by the prosecuting attor
ney to secure evidence against aiy of
the persons aa yet involved iu the
case , and beyond facts alrsady ascer
tained nothing will be presented to
the consideration of the jury. Tlu
most important rjuaHioi , at the prc -
ont time rotates tu tliu bondsmen of
the accusotl , one of w-'ioiu , J.inies Fay.
Ahad not qunliGed in the necessary
amount of $10,001) ) up to i ! o'clock
Monday fcfrpronon. The bond
which awaitB hit LUjnaturo iu the dis
trict attorneys ollics ii siuitkr to the
one signed by him when hu went bail
for Mr. Philp p-n3inghis eXKniinmion.
Jt certifies tint lwmvtM property in
this cily to the valtu < V . § 15,000Gon. . -
Bplnola , wio qualified rs boiuemau ,
Monday , eaya thi ho oan property to
the extent < > F § 40,000. llumor Rays
Gen Spinolc.V bond was to be chal
lenged on lie ground that he wfti not
Worth .xcfcjxV ho _
lebuvU appeara t > bo Uufouuded , :
at thy district attorney informed ii re
porter this mi-rain tint no steps in
opposition wuuld be taken.
A'T. Fny , in consultation at the
eherifFs oflioo : aaid that ho was willing
to qualify as builds/nan , and would
probibly do so , was annoyed at
the tenements th\ ; appear 'd in some
c ! the morning papers tu Iho
ffcct toil he had al-eady
qualified , that being aa ho termed it
on Auumption of fsct ; he said that
before be qualified ho desired to see
mn intimate friund , providing an in
dictment is found. It is interesting
to know -before whom Mr. Philp will
bo tried. It is understood that the
trial will ba pushed forward as soon
as possible , nlthouqh the district at
torney will have hh hands full for the
next month tocome. . No little
excitement was raised around
tfco court house by rumore pro
eentod in the morning papers to the
effect that Mr. Philp , having ceased [
ilo be in the employ of The Truth ,
tad made revelations to the district
attorney having direct bearing on the
alleged Garfield-Chinosa letter. The
Tumor was generally discredit , and
by those most reliably iufum.uti was
characterized RS absurd.
Judge Davis declined to ha inter >
viewed and said ho had nothing to :
ay , and when ho had ho usna'ly ' pre
pared his own stati'incnls The re
porter met Mr. Phiip in ttio city hall t
park , and he nude the following
statement ; _ I have had mco this
wretchod'triii commenced a ijreat deal
to do besides having been embarrass
ed by BifcknosB in my family Duiing :
the trAal I have been obliged lo sus .
pend writing for The Tru'h , Chic and :
other papers with wlii h I am
connected. There is no truth in the ;
statement that I have been discharged
from Truth or any other paper * , and
I know no reason why I nhouldbe .
other than in 'conseanenca of the vex
ation of this business. 1 hai-o been
unable to do my reaular amount of
work. g0 far ag i know there is
Ofiu feeling between my as-
on Truth and myself , and so
Car as the Morey letter is concerned I ,
know nothing about it. I * , cannot )
have anything to do with the matter.
I went to BOO Mr. Bell with tha special
purpose of talking to htm about my :
Bail. Ono of my bondamou being
engaged on Governor's Island I said
to Mr. Bell that this gentleman was
a stranger to mo and it was quite pos-
alble that I might not be able to se
cure his attendance at the moment I
cskod , therefore , whether I would be :
granted the opportunity to obtain
another bondsman ; and was told that
I would , that is all. The time for
renawing Mr. Philp'a beil has been
extended to We3m > adaynoon.
Gone by tlio Board.
Special Dispatch to The Bee.
CHICAGO , November 17 1 a. m.
An ELrin , DL , dispatch from Lead-
yille , Col. , says Stephen S. Taylor ,
of thii place , diedthoro of pneumonia
Ihii morning. He was editor of The
Elgin Advocate and secretary of the
.Eigin Mining and Smelting company ,
of Deadrille. He had been there
looking after his Interests about a
week. 1
Railroad Magnates.
Special Dlip&tch to The Bee.
CHICAGO , November 17 1 a. m.
The officers of the Pennsylvania rail
road company , who are making the an
nual tour of their lines , arrived in
this city thia morning , and are stop
ping at the Pacific hotel. The party
consists of Geo. B. Roberts.prosident ;
J. N. McCullough , first vice presi
dent ; Wm. Shaw , second vice presi
dent ; J. D. Liynd , fcenerU manager ,
and the following directors : Edmuid
Smith , W. J. Stokoly , A. L. Fox , D.
B. Cumminss , S. M. Felton , W. T.
Elkins , A. L. Dsnnis , W. Dennis , N.
Parker , J. Shortridce , J. P. Wethcr-
flE.T. ? Townsaud , W. Mml H.
Houston , John P. Green , T. it Hard-
Ing , T. D. Messier , \V. Sutherland. .
Still Coming.
Sr ctal dispatch to The Bee.
NEW YOEK , November 17 1 a. to.
Castle Garden was crowded this af
ternoon with steerage passengers from
three vessels a larger number of emi
grants than have been in the garden
during any day of the present month.
The newly arrived emigrants wore
from Germany , Ireland Jin'd France.
Among thorn were about one hundred ,
silk weavers from Lyons , France , and
a number of artisans from Alsace ,
Gcraanyi The former were for Co-
hoes , in this state , while the latter are
for Springfield , HL
He Denies It ,
Dl pat h to The Bcc *
inrsRttno , November 17 1 a.
m. Henry Rambergor , who was ar
rested Monday for the murder of the
farmer , Daniel Trwmanj near Union-
town , on Sunday night , admitted to
day that he was implicated iu the bur-
salary , but denied the shooting. He ,
has , however , given such information
us will lead to the arrest of his com
panions in the crime.
Out in tno Cold.
SptcUl Dispatch to TUB Bu.
SAN F&ANxAsco , November 17
1 a m. Full official returns of the
state show that Henry Edsjerton , re
publican elector , recjives 607 votes
more than Judge Terry , the lowest on
the democratic ticket , and is electcdc
The other democratic electors have
majorities ranging from 87 to 143.
An M. D. in Trouble.
Special Dispatch to the Bee.
CHICAGO , November 17 1 a. m.
Dr. Thomas Cream , late of London ,
Ganida , accused of causing the death
by abortion of Miss Mary A. J.
Faulkner , a younR woman from New
Hampshire , hero last summer , was
put upon trial in the criminal court
to-day. Mrs. Hattie Mack , ooloredj
who nursed Miss Faulkner and was
indicted with Dr. Groam For complicity
in the crime , was present to bo used
as a witness by the prosecution. Dr.
Cream and Mrs. Mack were docketed
for joint trial , but his counsel moved
for a separate trial , which was grant
ed , and his case taken up first , it ia
said the defense will Undertake to
prove that the girl committed abortion
upon herself. .
Election Echoes.
Special DIapatch to TUB Bis.
DETROIT , November IV 1 a. m.
Full returns front Michigan give Garfield -
field & plurality over Hancock of near
ly 1)4,000. Jerome's plurality for
governor is 41,000. 8f 8c
Special Dispatch to Tnc BES. f
JEFFEHSON CITY , Mo. , November 1 ? i\
1 a. m. Complete tctnfnB of the
state give Hancock 20.5S9 ; Qarfield ,
153,587 ; Weaver , 35,135 ; Hancock's
plurality , 55,002. Hancock's major
ity over all , 19,867. As compared
with 1870 the democratic vote shows a )
of 15,902. Republican gtla ,
> ,189. Greenback gain of 10,640.
indications. :
Spedal Dispatch to The Bee
WaSHlNGTONHovemberl7 , a. m.
For the upper Mississippi and
lower MJssoutl Valleys rising , fol
lowed oy stationery or falling barom-
eler , Tiorthcrly winds , stationary or
mgber temperature and clear or partly
cloudy weather. ;
Mora Chinamen. ;
Special Dispatch to The Bo.
NEW YORK , November 17,1 a. m
Seven Chiiiiincn hvo been pat to
work in the Victoria silk mill , Union
Hill , N. J. , to learn the silk weaving
trade. If they show an aptitude for
the work it is the intention of the
mill owners to put others to work. g
judge McKenna'a-Opjnlon.
Special dispatch to The Bee. ,
PrrrsBUKO , PR : , November 17 1 a.
tn. Judge McKenna rendered bis
ipinlon on the application of the
Western Union far
telegraph company C ;
in injunction to compel the Baliti-
Bore & Ohio railroad to restore to the .
telegraph company ofliceson the road j.j
between Pittaburg and Cumberland ,
ivhich were taken charge of by the
American Union telegraph company
n October 31. Judge McKenna de-
ided that the Western Union mast be
reinstated in the came condition as
Before October 31 , on the ground that
was not competent for the railroad
o take the law in its own hands , and
jy force spbstitute the American Un-
on for the Western Union. The
SVestern Union was working under a
ontrnct made in 1804. and to rescind m
.his contract the intervention of the B
oarts is necessary. A preliminary P'
njunction was ordered , directing a tt
omplete restoration of the Western ttw
Jnlon connections and privileges , and
snjoining the defendants from any in- D
.erforence whatever with its rights un-
ler the contract of 1864.
Found Dead , bi
Ipecial dispatch to The Bee. tl
PHILADELPHIA , November 17,1 a. hit
n. Horace Morrell was found dead hiP
n his room at the St Cloud Hotel P
o-day. Ho was formerly a merchant F
f Oakland , OaL , and his spent tev- i
jral years in traveling over the conti-
icnt. lie was very wealthy , and the ,
oroncr took possession of a Marge
imount of government bonds.
Jay Gould Buys tno World.
IpocUl Dispatch to The Bee.
_ _ _ >
YOUK , November 17 , l.a. m. : U
It Is stated that Jay Gould has se- UCl
ured the controlling inter st In The ClA
World , and ho will nt once endeavor
to improve its present condition. An
entire new building 'is projected , 'to
be situated on the corner opp site its
present quarters. It will have a front
on Park Row of 150 feet and will extend - "
tend back to the alley and take in the
whole block on Bookman streotT" The'
building will not only be occupied by
The World , but abe by telegraph ;
and other companies. The property
for the new structure is secured.
Special dbpatch to The Bee. [
WASHINGTON , D. C. , November 17 ,
a. m , Hon. J. D. C. Atkins , chair jf
man of the house committee , on - appropriations
propriations , has directed Col. Robt. ;
J. Stevens , clerk of" the committee ,
to issue notices convening the sub
committee on the following bil's , in
session , in this city on the 2Gh : Pen
sions , District of Columbia , military , "
ac demy and a fortification bill. It g
is the desire of Chairman Atkins to l
have all three bills disposed of before
the holiday recess.
Coming to a Focus.
Special Dispatch to The Bee.
NEW YOEK , November 17,1 a. m.
Some important developments are
expected to take place to-morrow in
connection with tha Morey letter.
Officials in the diairict B '
offi.-e to dav stated that there was
n ( thir-gnew in the case.bnt , remarl-
ed one man who ia well r.o .ted , conm
la to-morrow aud'TVO 'wilMiavo some-
ihint ? for yon. It is rumored that the
jr and jury has ordered several ln-
d ctments are 10 be drawn up against
several perai'D , | Jiargina thjin with
crjarjr in pr curljg witnesses to
awear 'to ' the existence of Hunry L.
Mo.rey and the genuiuenc 3 of the
1 tier in question. Ono of the Mo-
rt-y family from Lawrence , MBS * . ,
waviti'tho 'district'-attorney's oftico
today , but no .information as to what
ho cahio on for ; would bo lo give ftut
that some arrests are contemplated 06
an early day ia certain. , ,
Another Victim.
Spedal 4lfpatch to TDK Bss. '
CHICAGO , Novoraber IV , 1 a. m.
' Geor o . .Howard , clerk in
Keith & Co.'s wholesale millinery
house , was arrested to-day for stealIng -
Ing goods amounting to $200 or § 300.
A portion of- the goods was recovered
from him and pirt in possession of
U > B .woman named Lulu Howard1. It
Is thought his speculations amount to.
soveral-tb/KisaDd dollars.
Coming West.
Spedal Dlepatchcs * 9 Tim BUB.
NEW Yoit'tt , NovemberlT. 1 a. m" .
President Sherman , bf th'o Mechan
ics Club'of.this city , has jraceived the
following dispatch from -Quaker who
has been active in ccefciiig to relieve
the colored pjople of the south :
3VESTPlllLADRI.rHIA''Pa.NoV. ' 15.
Can theo find Gen. Conway.1 ? IMVO
just eomo from Louisiana < -nd Ala
bama. Thousands of colored 'pcopie '
are leaving pell-moll , and rip * ir.iiu-
oiica but his can prevail lo guide them
Kansas has all it ought to havoaiul hu
ought to distribute them thr.iugh the
west. ( Signed ) J. C. BROWNE.
Gen. Coiiway , .when quealluntid
about this dispatch said the southern
negroes are bouh'd'to leave the south
ern suites. Over a year ago ho ad
vised them to wait and see if their
treatment would -not bo unproved.
The Intimidation and proscription
shown during the late campiign have
only increased their determination lo IB
find homes ehewhero.
There ar3 iCO.OOO nc-roos in diflur-
ent'BOutli rn states organizedjiu ban's ,
and having money to buy laud \ > ith.
It is a mistake to suppose that all
southern negroes are ( junuiicaa , when
it is remejrribsSred tilafin seven yoirs
they aCcifmulated more than § 5,000-
000 in the Frecdmeu's Sivin-4 bank.
1d They cannot be accused of impru
dence. Since that bank failed they
hao hidden their savingn in the
ground , in their hbuscs ahd in their
clothes , and if they had been fairly
paid fet their labor they would bo in
\ still better condition than BOIDO
northern men who want to ! est the
question of the negroes' capabilities.
A company has been formed , of which
L M. Woodward , of New llochelle , [
is president , and have purchased 700-
)00 acres of land in New Mexico on
saey tcrmi to colored emigrants. Poor
ivhito inert have gone west niul l > u- ,
orao proeperoua. Now it is proposed
to see if the poor black /
men can't. do the sains.
When asked what ho should
io in regard to Mr. Browne's dis
patch , Gen. Conway jaid he .would
make further inquiries an jo the ex
tent of the presens movements , going
louth himself if necessary , and turn
he exodus westward. Ho thinks
hat southern land owners make tle ; ;
jreatnst possible mistake in not treat-
ng the negro so as to retain their
services , as negro labor ia the only
abor that be profitably uacd on
ho plantations. ;
Ipecial , Dispatch to the 15oc.
The Belgian senate have resolved
o abstain from attending , iu their
sorporato capacity , any religious cere-
A hurricane prevails off the French
? ; ast. !
A Cape town dispatch saya the Trans-
do militia had repulsed the robots ,
cilling ton of them.
A dispatch from Constantinople
lays the Dervish Pasha troops have
urrounded.Dulcigno , and that decls-
vo action Is. imminent.
Forty thousand redifs ate no-.r
kvailable for service in Greece.
Mr. John Bright , of. London , dc-
ivered a great speech at Birmingham ,
ast night , in thu course of which ho
aid he considered that Ireland ro-
juired immediate remedial measures
nero than force , which was useless.
Ic hinted that the government would
mrchaso ' and make a distribution of
he waste lands. It would be the only
ray to settle the difficulty.
At a meeting of the land league .at
ublin to-day'the expedition of the ;
joogh Mask tenantry to Lord Erne
ras disapproved of and1 it- has since
teen abandoned. A resolution of .
hanks was voted to Mr. lied path for
lis f erviccs , and ho was appointed to
uceced Sir. Davilt -America. . Mr.
Darnell will shortly visit , tha south -of
franco. It is believed that his health
{ impaired. "
The troops at Mayo have been f ur-
her .roinforcedj The cavalry has
icon ordered lo Gal way.
It is reported in London/that < SCOO sl
ifles have been shipped from TtaliaF
ort5-ostens5bly for Greeeco , but iu1' '
ended for Ireland. .They were pur- °
shased ' , in Switzerland by an Irishsl
c :
JKew Senator. ciis cib ;
IpocUl Dispatch to The Ucc. is
ATLANTA , November 1C. 4p. m. si
"u the election of United-Stiles sena a !
or jo-day , the vote stood in the senu
JfeTTJrowrr2S , Liwton 16. In the tl ;
ipuse , Brown 118 , Lawton 48. This o
ives Brown 82 majority on joint balb
ot , which will bo declared to morrow ; s >
Undoubtedly the best shirt in. the t ;
Jnited States is manufactured at the [ .
Jniaha Shirt Factory. The superiority y
Material and workmanship , comn
ained with their great improvements , al
hat Is Reinforced fronts , Reinforced
backs and Reinforced sleeves , makes
their shirt the most durable and best 3 ]
fitting garment of the kind , ever
manufactured at the moderate price of I
1 50. Every shirt of our make is S
guaranteed tint-class and will refund d
the money if found otherwise. b
Wo make a specially of all wool , ji
Shaker , and Canton flannel , also
cbemoia underwear , made up with a
view to comfort , warmth and durabilo
ity. ' To invalids and wtak-lnnged tl
persons wo offer special inducements
in the manner these , goods arc made
for their protection. a
, V
- * . trtf\f + Y * . . _ _ _ i I ,
i j The Baltimore and Ohio
Gonnested With the
I Oominereial Me
tropolis ,
Philp , * the Forger , About jp
Pe3ch on Hisluiqoitous
Partners ,
Causing Sieac ; Gonsternation
Among Bill Barnum's .
Mules. - _
Items from- Various ( Quarters.
A Now Trunk Line. -
S | > echl Dispatch to The Bcc.
NKW YORK , November 16 4 p. mi
The contract tor a mutual arrange
ment between the Baltimore1 and
Ohio , the Philadelphia and Reading
and the Now Jersey Central , has been
agreed up"ori and sighed by the preai-
donfa ot Iho roads. By the. terms of
the agreement , the Baltimore and
Ohio will usa tha roadway of the
Reading to and through .tho. city of
Philadelphia and northerly to a point
where a conucction will be formed
wi-li the Bound Brook branch of the'
Central mil road to Jersey City.
The Reading company is to receive
compensation for .two-thirds of the
truckage and the Central rail road of
New Jersey for one-third : The lat
ter will als-j receive extra compensa
tion ( fur the use of its valuable terminal
facilities f in Jersey citjf. The new-
pasjenger 1 arrangement will begin on
December 1st , and the freight traffic
s little late' . All throe of the roads
exnect to bj benefited by the traffic
contract and it is claimed that the
routd to Chicago and the west will be
as short and as expeditions as by PCV-
eiral of the other trunk lines' '
Stand From TJuder.
Spocbl DbixiUh to TnBll. .
Nuw YOUK , November 1C , 4 p. in.
It is rumon-d that Kenward Philp ,
the alleged forger of the Morey Chi
nese letter , Having been dismissed
from his position on "Truth , " [ news [
paper ] , has determined to make revo
lutions in regard to the authorship
of the Ict'or , that would implicate
othois besides himself , and had , late ,
pcstrrday afternoon , visltedDistrict-
Attorney Bell's office with that object ,
t. ia known that Philp had a long and
apparently confidential conversation
n-ith "Uho district-attorney yesterday >
xftorucon at the attorneys office , but
liu subject of it is kept a secret.
Chore is much epcculation regarding
/ho earning developments in the case. B
The M. K. &T. Kailroad
Dispatch lo the r.BK.
WASHINGTON , November 1C , 4 p. m.
In the nutter of the MissouriKan gj
& Texas railroad . the
sas vs. trustee- 01
ihip , Justice Miller , of the supreme 01re
jonrt , before whom the case was ar > _ rete
ued , has rendered a decision to the
jffect that the M. K. & T. comrany isal
s entitled to the possession of their alfr
road , on the payment of coupons for frB
interest which in their bill
, cross ,
lioy hnvo nflered to pay. This do- irc
ision takca the road out of the hands
jf the tiiutoes and places it in those
c :
jf the stockholders.
ARlcli Dividend. '
ipcUl Dispatch to The Bcc. ;
NEW YOUK , November 1C 4 p. m ;
Louisville : iud Nashville quoted to-
lay a stock dividend of 100 per cent. . ;
ij ch holder of the old stock , which ;
selling at 172i yesterday , recclv- ;
3d for each share , one share recclv's
itock aa a dividend. . „
\ Wing of theMinnesota Insane :
sane Hospital Destroyed
byrFire. ;
Conflicting Reports of the Loss
of Life. , .
Ipccfcd DlSMtch to The Be ? .
-ST.-PAOI , , November 16 4 p. m.
Dho news.latelast night thut the cle- Cf
ant state hospital for the-inoano was Cfti
lestroyedby"fire , spread conaterna titl
ion through the city. Dispatches to tlC
.he latest , editions of the morning r a- le
jera indlcaio that the fire in the St. leC ]
Peter's insane a&ylum was not as so- ir
riousjaTfoarod last night. Only one irc : :
wing of the building was destroyed. c : <
Hie whole , structure , which was ten
fears hfcourse oT erection , was only
fmished-fcen-ye'ara'ago , and cost over
raOOjQOO. The loss by the fire
urill be frqm ? 100,000 to ? 150,000 , :
l slli tj > j ljero'jiajio insurance , the
itato havins ; neglsctciihia-prccautfdn.
rhty-Otigifl f tntilftreDis unknown .
hough , it isjocated in tha basement
tho. north \nng , wfitch was de
stroyed. Reports of ihe loss of life
ire indoGnite and conflicting. Differ-
mt rumors place the number of vic- :
ims from two or three to fifty , but no
Dodics have been found and not one
surply identified as missinp. The
superintendent ordered the release of
ill patients as soon as danger became
miuinent , and it is probable that in
ho confusion of the night , some were
jverlocked and burned. This proba if
bility is increased by the fact that
ioiuu of Iho rooms were quickly tilled .
with smoke , and could not be entered :
ay the rescuers. There wereG50 na- :
Jentaiuthe hospital last year. The ;
smites were cared for last night by
ho citizen : . Some provision will be .
nado for them to day by the"alata
Special Dispatches to TOT Bir. 'YC
CHICAGO , November 16 4 p. m.- : C
Ciitest despatches from St. Peter , n <
St. Paul and Minneapolis , givefuli 5 !
details of the burning.of the asylum ,
but fail to disclose more than the con >
jectured loss of life. One despatch w
jays five to seven lives were losV y
Another puts the number at 40 lo 60
Dccupants of the north .wing where [
the fire orignated. Annther
csiimates less of iue at 150 to 200 ,
while etill another donbta whether
any lives were loaf. One ssys there
worn over GOO people , who .were quar
tered in the open field by citizens a
durme the c.ohihgratioil. Thla mOrning -
ing a majority , of the patlenta'-wcfe
bken .to. St atil and Minneapolis
.and provided"wilK iGnipOrarjr Quar
ter. ! . -v >
Sr. PiutjHinn. , November lrl
a. m. The origin of the fire in tb'e
Stale insatip tisylum at St. Paul , j
still in doubtloetwsen escaping gcsjaa
tobacco smoking in the laundi y. Xh
whda north , wing of threosecliorB
and'twb returns are burned out , ex-
co'pt n "put of the floor In the uectUn
next to the ifaato building , leaving 'fcfc
outer walla Intact , but the Inner wall
sprung. The damage'can berapauei
for § 100,000. ThoUubtirnod portirn
of the tmildiog ate rsocciipiodijonyiifi
only about one hundred and fiflyjpz
tients to bo temporarily provided for
No female patients ore missing'a
Utest accounts. - The missing nial
patients were being brought In si
the fiafrounHrdpT bountryf.ane onr
thirly-siiTenhined Unaccounted for
It ia believed that most of those arc
concealed in the country or sheltered
at farmhouses'and ' that .not mori
thtn seven perished in the fUrae ?
Only'one body has-been recoverei'
Those who uefishSd rere lauatici
who could not be controlled and per
stated In staying in tha building
Until the building be restored twenty
insane patients Ttill bo quartered at
fhe nsylum for feeblb , minded in
Rochester , and thirty each in the
county poor houses at St. Paul and
Minneapolis. The remainder of two
hundred will be quartered in other
parts of the asylum and in the old
asylum building iu St. Peter-village
Of the urge number of .mala patiouts
who flow from the asylum ground ? ,
few more thiiu half clad , and some
almoat'nakcd , nearly all sought and
found shelter. Two who did not
were brought iu to-day with their
hands and feet partly frozsn.
Western Nebraska Clumsily Enacts -
, * acts , the Mississippi
. Triok.
. *
Ballot Boxes Stuffed and the
j Certificates Altered ,
A Senatorial Trick or Two.
Jorrcspendencc of Tim CUB.
Noimi PLATTB , Neb. , November
2. The voto-of 2G.h senatorial dis-
irict 'has been canvassed hero to-day ,
ind has developed the bipgeat fr.xud
hat was over enacted outside of Mia-
lissippi. There WHS a paper which
jurported to bo the abstract of the
rotes of Cheyenne county befoto the
qard of canvassers which certified
hat Snyder received in Cheyenne
lounty 853 votes , Crutchcr 22 , and
Ballantine G vctes , making 881 votes ,
foa will see by The Sidney Plain-
lealer an article which is copied by
The Omaha Republican of llth inst. ,
living Snydor'a majority in Choy-
inne county 43G over Ballentino who
eccived G votes- which would make a
ottd of 443 votes tor Snyder. . There
no doubt that this Cheyenne county
ibstract is fraudulent. Through this
raud the certificate has been given to
I. Snyder in this senatorial district
nstead of D. C. JBallentine , who resolved -
solved < a majority of the legal votes.
Ind I suppose the same fraud will be
arried out in the 49th representative
listrict of which Cheyenne connty
'orm a part , and certificate awarded
b P. Carrigan , a democrat , instead of
a. B. Daley , of Red Willow county ,
slip was duly elected , "When the con-
esi is made it will be claimed
hat over 400 of the votes
hat Is counted for Obey-
mno connty was cast in
Sioux-connty , which is , attached to
Dheyenne county for judicial revenue
m'd election purposes , and that Sioux
ounty was really a partition of Chey-
snno county , notwithstanding [ the
fact that the constitution places Sioux
ounty in the twelfth senatorial dis-
rict. Of course the legislature will
insoat Snyder and scat Ballahtlne ,
Dut before that can be accomplished
ho United States Senator will prob-
tbly bo elected , and perhaps by the
rote of this man who obtains his cer
tificate by fraud. Nebraska has no
Ight to point the finger of scorn at
Mississippi , when such frauds are
mac ted with impunity within her
ordera. . * J. B.
P. S. The votes'in ' the district as
ianvassed gave Snyder 1,807 ; Ballen-
ine , 1,389 ; Crutcher , democrat , 781 ;
hrbwing out the fraudulent veto from
Cheyenne connty it would leave Bal-
entine elerted. W J. Connell ,
linton Brfggs and E. Wakely concur
n a written opinion that the vote
ast in Sioux connty could not be
ountcd in this senatorial district.
NOUTII PI.ATTB , Neb. , November
13. I wrolo yon particulars of the
aiivass of the 2Glh senatorial district
yesterday. The vote of the 49hr'p- ; t.
oscutative district was c-tuvassud yes-
.erday at Sidney , and developed a
itato of ( facts which would make a
ifazoo county bulldozer blush.
The contest was between E B.
Daley , of Indianola , Red Willow
ounty , a republican , and D. Garri-
sail , of Sidney , a democrat. Daley
vas fairly elected by 100 majority iu
he district , but it was decreed that
Jarrigan should have the certificate.
The facts as related to me by Judge.
3aley are as follows :
Ho arrived in Sidney the early part
the week to witness the canvass.
Jnon arrival he made enquiry as to
.he number of votca that his oppon *
nt , Carrigan , had received in Choy
nne county , but no one , not even
he clerk , could tell him anything
ibout it In the meantime he found out
.hat emissaries had been sent to the
ither counties in the district to find
jut the exact veto , and canvass was
lebycd until they made the report.
iVhen they had reported the clerk of
Cheyenne connty told Daley that
Cheyenne and Skux ( which latter is
iqtinthe dis'rics ) had given Carrigan'
i20 votes. Daley told the
ilerk th t he bjlieved that
eat him , and thought be
vss beat ; aa ha'eupposed Keith coun-
had cast 100 votes , instead of. 79.
However , he waited for the canvas ? ,
vhlch took , place yesterday , after-
ioon. When'the ' abstracts of the dif
ferent counties were opened , and the
result footed up , Daley was 15 votes
xbead of Carrigan. One of the can-
as crs proposed to throw out Chase
and Hayes counties , but that would
not have changed 'the result enough
to beat Dali-y. The proposition waa
made to throw ou > Bed Willow , which
had glvftn Dalef 400 votes' and Carri
gan nonS , fin tHb-ptetext that the ab
stract had been certified to by the-
deputy instead , of the cjorfc , but one'
of the canvassers said h ? did not
think that Would do. The moifou
then was'madc to sdjonrtl to stlpper.
After supper the canvassers met ,
but the paper that they had fooled up
the vote on wan missing , so they had
to begin over again , and the difFeroDt
eountii * ffer ? sailed orcr again , A-id
when Cheyenne arid SlonX vrcfoeillcd
there was an abstract there certifying
to 540 votes for Carrigni ! . with the
ink on It harJly dry , and the abstract
that had Heen-ojpvaasftt just boforp
supper , certifyingto ; 520 vo'tea for Car"-
rigan in Cheyenne and Sioux coun
ties , waa'gone" , This "changed the reNew -
Now , what are tbo good people
of the state of Nebraska going to do
about ii ? Judge Daley will make a but it ia a contest of the weak
against the strong .13 the power of ti.o
U. P. R. R. will be used to thwart
him , the eamatfitb : D. C. Ballantinc ,
the contestant in the 2Gth senatorial
district. J. B.
How 'S'orlc Money arid Stocks.
WALL STRE T , November 1C.
MONEY 5a5j pjr.ctnt ; exchange \vc k at
? 4 S1Q3 50.
U.SiO-831 . 1 01 * U.S.l'fl . 1 11
U.S. 63 . 1 Oil Currency 6'3. . I 27
U.S. 41s . 112 '
W U . 95 | C C * I C . 21
NJC . : .1371 Jt 0 . 107 }
Biio . .12 | Lack . 9ti
K 1 . 121 IlnJsoii CjtiJ . S7i
LS . H3i NYO . 7S $
NW . u ; | M&E . lit !
Trcfetfcd . 138 Heading - . 423
PM . 461 1 " . * "i
Ohio . 34J N P . SO }
St P . .101J Preferred . WJ
Preferred. ' . 117 Louisville . Hij
St Joe . 39 } Cliailano ga . : CO
St.Joofd | ) . S3i Am U . B'3 }
Wabash . 4H B & Q . 15j
Profaned . 75 $ O&W . 2j |
Omslia . 42j Alton . 13S
Preferred . Si OUC&I. . 7S }
U P . 95 Cana-a S . C 4
CtncaRO ProUuce Market.
CiuuAoo , November 111.
Grain markets opened steady and
ilgher , but closed weaker and lower
; han 24 hours ago.
Wheat No. 2 spring sold at § 1 CGJ
® 1 08 } for January , and closed at
§ 1 0301 05J for November ; $1 05 ?
@ 1 06 for December : § 1 00 < ? ! 07
'or January.
Corn No. 2 sold at42d@42g for
November : 42j42jj' for December ;
closing , at 42@42 for cash ; 42J for
November ; 42 @ 42 | for December ;
4C47 for May.
Oata No. 2 sold at 30 @ 31c for
cash ; 31J@30c for January ; clos-
ng at 30c for cash or November ;
31 jo for December ; 31J for January.
Hye No. 2 sold at 84 c for casher
or November ; 87c for January.
Barley Higher ; No. 2 selling at
)0c ) for 'cash' , 'Novemberor Docem-
ler.Meas Pork Closed at $13 CO ®
13 50 for cash ; $12 1012 12 $ for
November , December or seller the
year ; and $13 42A@13 45j for Jan
uary.Lird Closed at § 8 05 for cash ;
8 OOS8 02i for November ; $8 02i@
i 05 for January.
Whisky $111.
Chicago Live Stock Market.
CHICAGO , November 16.
Hogs Were active and a shade
higher. Sales , $4 G0@4 80 for light
lacking ; $4 5o@4 45 for common to
extra heavy packing ; $4 G0@4 90 for
good to extra smooth heavy shipping
ots. Receipts , 48COO. ,
Cattle To-day's receipts were egan
iberal and there is good demand for
ohoico to extra shipping steers , bat
owing to the supply of this descrlp-
ion being light and not equal to requirements
quirements , buyers have eomo diffi
culty in filling orders. There were
only two saloa of shipping steers re
ported up to 11 o'clock. Trains bo
ng late In arriving jvith cattle. Sales
ranged from $4 30@5 25 from good
to choice grades. City batchers wore
not operating up to the hour our re
porter left the yards. Fresh receipts ,
were 5,200 head. _
St. Louis Produce Market.
ST. LOUIB , November 16.
Flonr Unchanged.
Wheat Opened higher " but de
clined ; No. 2 " red $1 04"J@1 04g for
cash ; $1 04g"for November ; . $1 063
@ 1 06 for December ; $1'08gal 08 }
for January ; $ l" iOal lOjal 10J for
February ; .No. 3 do , $1 Olj ; No. 4
do , 94Aa94 | .
Com Lojver ; 43Ja43c for cash ;
I3a43 } for .November . ; 42 a42 for
December ; 42a42 } for January ;
45 a45 | for May.
Oats Lower at 30Ja41 } for cash ;
30f o bid .for November ; 31 § f jr De
cember ; 32a33 for January , .
Rye 82c. ,
Barley Oqchariged. .
Butter Unchanged.
Eggs Higher'at 23c. r
Whisky Higher at $1 10.
. Provisiohfi l\jrk dull'jobbing ; at
We. / / . . 80.
D'ry.Salt , Meats $4 50a4 55a7 OOa
7 10a7 ? 0 7 25 , according to a e.
' '
Bacon' Dull ; § 8' 15 8 20 ; $8 35a
8 40.
fct. Louis .Live iitock Market.
Sr. Louis , November 16.
, Hogs Fairly active ; Yorkers and
Ballimores $4350)4 ) ' 15mixed ; packing ,
? 4 504 ' 65 ; butchers' to fancy ,
? 4 70@4'80 ; receiiita , 9,900 ; ship
ments , 2000.
N6W YorbLProduce Market ; .
NEW YOU'K , November 16
Flour Without decided change ;
receipts , 34,057 ; round hoop Ohio
at $5 10@5 50 ; choice do $5 606 25 ;
superfine western , $3 800435 ; com
mon to good extra do , $1 80@5 10 ;
choicedo , , do , 85 20@6 50 ; choice
white wheat , do $4 75@4 95.
Butter Firm on choice grades.
Ohio , 14i@263.
Eggs Firm at 22@26c for fair to
Wheat Steady ; Chicago , $1 17a
1'19-Milwaukee , $120121 ; No. 2 red
winter , $1 20J ; sales 300,000 bu.
Corn Quiet and firm ; No. 2 , 59'
aales , 100,000 bu.
O'atr Firm.
Whisky Quiet.
Provisions Tork ,512 65Q13 50
seller the -yeir ; $14 50 bid forcaeh ;
J15 00 asked for November ; § 13 50 _
@ 14 90jfor Decombef. .
Lirrl$8 C7j'Fid"fof caahj $8 52 }
a8 GO for 'November ; S3 45 for Dc-
rnmborrVS 42faS 47j for Jnnuaiy ;
$3 & 08 i52i for February ; § 8 62ia
8 oTifcrV&farch ; ? 8 42ii3 45 sollo
the yoarjLSS COaS 80" buyer the
year. " V
Special Dispatch t < > the Beet
LosnoN , November 1C , 4 r > ni.-
The Q-ieen will probably rottirn to
Windsor on Saturday wiiC3 a
cotrncil will bs held to consider ' * ' °
proposal of conroning parliament ,
which has been prorogued from th ( iust. , the limo originally fixed
fOr iho meeting. The cabinet is not
considering , nny cocrcine Irish policy ,
It is understood that conciliation ia
> np.w the programme. | § ' < 3fpuf
BERLIN , Noverioar 1G * 4 p. m.
Tliorois considerable agitation among
the Hebrews in Germany on account
of adverse popular demonstration
toward them. They claim that in
every city in the empire they are ub <
jected to a certain class of porarcil
lion , not oniy socially but financially
and politically. They contemplate
making a united appeal for justice
through their press.
Special Ubpitcli to TSS fisit.
DUBLIN , November 10 4 p. ni.
The Cork land leaguera have ordered
the /armors / to pofsiu the fox covers ,
preventing hunting ( luring the com
ing seasoii.
Special Dispatch foTItoBce
LONDON" , November 1C 10 p. m.
A dfspatch from Candahar to-day saya
that Ameer Abdur Rahmen Khan
pays the troops regularly , and that
quiet and good feeling prevailed.
A cur'onB and somewhat comical
explanation is now givou at the origin
of the report of the Ameer's death
two weeks ago. It seems that the
Aiueur paid a much longer visit than to iho house of a lady to whom
ho is engaged to marry , and his non-
return at the tlmo he specified before
leaving the place , lead some of his offi
cers td report that ho bad been mur-
durcd by emissaries of Ameer Khan.
The explanation , when first made ,
cr.usod much merriment.
Severe gales and Hoods are reported
from the highland counties and on
the west coast of England. Storm
bulletins have been issued by the me
teorological office to the southern and
northwest cca t. The weather is still
threatening , and R further disturbance
is anticipated. The air is cold , with a
prospect of snow iu the north.
The report Is renewed that Mr.
Bright , who holds a cabinet position
as chancellor of the duchy of Lancaa-
shire , and Mr. Chamberlain , president
of the board of trade , are abcut to
retire. The atory is believed lo take
its rise in the proposed visit of Mr.
Gladstone to Lord Derby , at Knowlen-
lyPark , the Jattor'a country seat. It
is affirmed by quidnuncs at the clubs
that this curious proceeding on the
put of the premier can have no other
legitimate interpretation than a pur
pose to indues Loid Derby to accept
some- position in the administration ,
and the course of events in Ireland
leads to the inference that he will be
tendered the lord lieutenacy in the
place of Kjrl Cowper , the present In
cumbent , and will become an active
ally of the liberals. Lord Derby is
an extensive landholder iu Ireland ,
and ia ono of the most popular land
lords among hn own tenantry , and the
Irish people generally. Evictions have
boon almost or qnilo unknown on his
estate , and this fact , combined with
his established reputation aa a man of
affairs , without whims , hobbies , or
any tendency toward being doctrinal ,
will , it is bolioved.render the appoint
ment good in its result upon the exist
ing feeling in Ireland. Nevertheless ,
the rumored exchange excites much
excitement in both liberal and con
servative circles , whore It is spoken of
,38 indicating n line of retreat in Mr.
Gladstone's announced policy of the
enforcement of law in Ireland.
Special Dispatches to Th Bco.
ST. PETERSBURG , November 17 1
a. in. The nihilists who were con
demned , to death at the recent trials
were banged to day in the fortress of
St. Peter and St.Paul. . They met
ther death with perfect calmness and
indifference. The scene was sombre
in the extreme.
MADRID , November 1C. The co
operative trade association held a
meeting yesterday in the opera house
in favor of reform in the tariff ays
tem , not only in Spain , but In her
colonies , to promote the development
of her trade with England and South
America , and to preserve her Wfst
India , cCloniea by only ono policy that
can dovulopo the prosperity of Cuba
and free her from thu condition of
monopoly the nnvkct for Spinith
imports to which iho has been "ro-
duced. Four thousand persons were
present at the meeting , and several
democratic and liberal deputies made
speeches. Other meetings will be
held this winter. Reform in tariff
will bo advocated in the cartes lie.xt
session by Spanish opposition. An
interview of Ualix A. Garci wish the
prime minfotcr if the government
.vas telegraphed to thu authorities at
Barcelona , and Centa-fouzrua , Nonca-
da and tun otherCubtui chiefd have
been liberated. Alfonzo was colonel
in Iho army and nlsoccretary of
foretell s fl'-iira under Gen. Calix to
Spedal Dispatch to The Bee.
LONDON , November .16. A Con
at'antinople dispatch says that at a
protracted interview the sultan as
sured the ambassadors that the sur
render of Dulcrgnp wpuld be speedily
accomplished , and all further trouble
in that direction ended. News from
Bazuts-land is enchanted. The in
telligence from { jriqiialand ia cheer
ing. , .It is thought there will be no
further extensforTof the rebellion.
Bpedal Dispatches ( o'Tbe Bee.
'DUBLIN , NovemborlC , 10p. m. A
dispatch fronrLough Ma-k says that
tKc Orangerabn who went to Mayo
under gfiv roment escort , to assitt
TMr.Bo _ cott ia galfccrinz- crops ,
ara feetting heartily sick of the work
and expre38.3 3e8re ! to return horco
aa eovjn as possible.
Cor. Douglas and 13th Sts
Gives Great J"gains in Ladies' and Gents
\ll Kiutla Of
We Guarantee The Best Goods F' ( ? * Tlie Least
Having just opcm < .l an entirely new line of
We would ask : he HorcH-il" of Nebraska to inspect onr Stock-
feeling confldem wocniniicet the wants cf all in good Goods and
Low Prices
k'T3 ? t.lVt ? K1I11L5 f' ' k
nsaj.iJ'j ' * 5'j jAvi ! ia tt W , ,
< * or. litiin ! < lj
: ® IHO MAIIfi
; . . --j f iiiJ iiniLiWj
Iron and Wagon Stock ,
and 12 y S.rc-et , Omaha.
Gives universal Satisfaction and that it is stead
ily and rapidly increasing in public lavor.
The White Machine justly claims to be the
best made , the easiest running , the simplest in
construction and the most perfect Machine in
the market.
The White Co. employ aa agents men of in
tegrity , and purchaoora are always satisfied ,
because they flnd everything just as repres
Everybody should net ) thiu Machine. The
sales so far this year are inoro than double
the corresponding time last year.
All orders addressed to the Oinaha Office
will be promptly filled.
or. IJav f. ami I.IUi Sts. Oinabi.
Composed tartly of p-j
u the belt jnd cheap , nt Jnbricatur in tbt world
It Uthebestbecsnsu It dot" not ( . m , hut formx
x highly polished over the axle , dotiw
awjy v. Hh e lanre amrm-.t. if friction , -th the
ciraptst lxcias : von neyl use In" half ile
qaantit r In graving your wapon ; that you wid !
of any otber xle gn axn ma.Ic , and tht n inn
jour % ion twice long. I * . AIIJW. rj ciMi |
iswrllfur Hill Oeanii- ; , TJires-.iriij'JIw ' tilut ? ,
Eufrcics. & for wa < on Senl for i'oekw
' 'jclopcd ) ofThinics Worth Cnunii'ff. ifailed
Free to any addref a *
i"Ask Your Dealer For It I
< fj > tr
Qtncx : Jarob' < "B'I'comrCji' ' | " A Mil'
15th , Oin h , Ni * .
St. Paul & Sioux City
The Old
An- * * li InU ) , ) .Vorlluirn low * . Mlnncwta mid
j JMk" ' - 1hi Km 14 f ) Jpp.-l with the IPI-
I MillerFtoltoiro O'liirfcrnixl BalTcr. Aad fcr
! Dnsurpa s l. tl nnt Drawlnir Boom * nd
Ele pIi'C C.irw.oTTr.c-t ami controlled by the com
f ny , in-i Tlifnigh Wllh'ut Chnnsro between
ITnton J'MlDc Trai rf r D pct , Coancll Bluffy
Paal. Trains Iw.w the Union Pidflc
fcr Ccpot at C nr ( . Elnfls , at 8:14 p m. ,
PI > SIoiinty Rt 10 : _ ' 3 p. m. . and St. P nl
it ! ! ? ' & u. ci , luaklnif
Retnrncc , learo St. P ul at 3:30 p. m. , f.r-
irsri-if at Smni City at 4:15 a , m. , and Dnl .n
f'aclffc Transler Depot , C..ur.cI ! Bluffj , at 9-J.t )
a.m. D 8nre ( bat youitkheln read vb " 3. C
* P.R.R. " r.c. niLiB ,
SMiperliitMi'Jent , itlanii Y&Ifey lo > ii ) "
P. E. ROMN80N % Avrt Gnrl Paa * . Ajfent.
Ccnrtrll Plnf