Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 16, 1880, Morning Edition, Image 4

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Tuesday Morning , Nov. 16. g
\ _ _ m
-"WisTHi Oil's , fifty siyl
lam ever , " f
" , | | -a ? rtor i tunning tin ; Omaha F rrj.
" 1-- -1"
- - - - "
-LulmiVlwlk { 1'crfHHK ' ! at
for decorating irt
'Sllf ifliler Drwcc * .
trainSunday uightafc 1 > 1
l ! a ,
f e w ing , Ht Ute
TX Tin :
- < 3 ll widget i ricK : f H kiwis rf gr-1
* , | troil < e , * < \l > l4 wi ix latw
> t tow i gH * . George Hciwrwl , U. 1' .
k , IcMill n & Co.xiti"ccni >
l\4t new atn re in Cragiiion
JT ige ilUwet jcs oofcy morning.
i , iTl retf& l a cw ) l
st tibe OhriMlim Ohur li
-AVI < YU * . tlw pi ocer , liafi ic < > vod
liw new
& > L Co. i
in their Vr < l we > 4.o { Uic U. T
ec of extra .
s6eVTJ' itli sfrect imroli'-iue ;
hi Uic < x.4tr. Ilii
ns&ad it tlitocl TOIT
iratu i'rovi J nue.
A large nil vnXl idled ] > uclGl ! > > >
WM jiickwl MI > oil tlio
, mty bo liail by the < iv/nei
he oimity
" * ! -Ifce lilfcaiy I WI B Tmttlny uveuing
AK iiiojiilwin me i < xjuii led lei
i uoxv one fwrf , Iiigliur by Uw
UMU Hi Uiii ! clo l ai JORI- . The
n-UiC eliaunoi , lm e\or. in wirsc
3te Jmsl y < .
uf diHiMtit repuUilioii.vlx
M Bt v r to Council JJIutT * i ? cnUy , tw !
R fire there to cnrry oil fi.-ji
\viioi ) ) was
.w lier JIMSCTBIHI Suud y. Slievan
in } it Mid \vHl W iritxl thin * rt iu < H > u.
, - < % mn > Jl4Ui > ii lToinlicij : < r
if r ni tiio UrunBWi ! : iS IJnlko
< iuf ( te. , abcantiful Ch.iniiioii ] Cue , iul.-vic
> wKh win 3 nf < liToreat ( uolors , wliicli lie
i > l ycr in Omaha , to
n eout-iM , uoc wct-k frnm In
s won f tlii < -i1y v ill i
i that Mrwre. GuiM & 3l un
'tfw ' te , in romul ) , arc alum I to remove
to Chicago. They -wore
rnnong " > nr nUuui Ii livmneeg
BJOB jtnil we nre so ry lo lie them. Tlicy
\v-ill not eel Hv.njnatil wine time Dc t
Q-Ou UK ) noun train yesterday were two
1r vder ! , " auil the HIM of t'o
rcHrler to ii < ] < iira uho p r -
wore. ' miey .vere tluwe < if tux
i wi ) . > died in IVmBuHietimesuiic ,
wow liesiig takeu tu their home in
L"nU cw fur intennont-n KiNlhi.f the
aWhoe MrmiHil the glob * Iwitis lraven ct
the w y t Uieit J
nome fniulisli mishap we were
tn .may on Saturday UiAt the tlaxeu
little roniiiulcr of the Vaterlam
IwuJ i i t cnino to the home of 1'ctcr
Tiglied Si li.nmilsilicrcas ii
12 | . AVe hasten to place our-
iceonl in tJiij matter , for \\ln
* \ r baanl of a J ( > cniian boy that didu'i
twU tire nceleedoivn for o\cr ten pounds ?
Tlic work of rcminins the old M-aic-
lntMe * L tljc"uorthca t comer of Fifteenth
swJ lr lmin , to make way for Uoyd's
HOUK , wn < boRtui actholy ihis
As it is < H > ntmclcd of limit ,
it is iwccgBary to entirely demolish it.
Although wit o old as many olhr Imild-
fnntt k unite n lani mark , ha\inpbocu
Inwl in JSRG. and run for mmiy vniro KKA
! * -dan * livery utaWc 1 > v Mr. Matt \Vil-
nir , ltr.rtl.eroir Pol. K.'ll. Wilbur. H
w H re recently xise < l at an implement
Wtdwute by ] jiuingor & Co. Tts romox al
be a great impi-o\cuicut upon the
trf wroer.
Just rocoivcil a liandaumo line of
' Uletor ? , llavoloclannd .lackota
in style , oxcaliont in < iauhty.
black oilk suits for $25
v vwrly inspection solicited.
-f , - 3 40S Karnhnm SI.
itepee Han * , and thitt
/fcsJi cuivd , at , ( ti5-2 < )
G & GO'S , ( Grocers.
$1.00 , worth ? 1.5U.
$2.0 ( ) , worth S3.01) ) .
P S.l.1'0 , worth 5 00.
] li cr' $3.00 , worth § 5 DO.
' 1.00 , orlh S7.00.
S 00 , worth S8.50.
1 5G 00 , worth § 10 00.
rmrobarg.xi us. IK ) north
u"y begins So shonr ign of
IR e "Hie irui token wilb emupi nt
2 loc'i Bun r y tHorniii ) ; ntul lasted
ui 1 ibi t ftch > ck he then got over
th . -uulftacmefTus well a ever. Tm
K : in , lib right fool began lo swell
r.n . < . > od htm ooBBiderable , but by
tb bi'ral UH of liniments and good
at ance hecoon got orcrit and is
a i m-11 JIB ever. Uu is determined
"kli i ho
, . Ani.str'i j ; A. C < . have pur-
el ! < ' the grtJC.Ty business formerly
orncd by J. 0 Statter , northeast cor-
rcr Sixleonlh and Oaltfornta etrcolF ,
nn' liafo-put in an cmlro new and
( rtah line > trf gooda , oonsisciiis of a
fill.line of Blaplo and fancy groceries ,
pr dues , & ; . , which will be sold at
thi 1 Mvoal possible cash figures. The
bo" * arc old handa at the buMncss and
pri posa to do&l on the equate. Give
tU ra * o ll ua ie ? rh&t they can do.
And Pare Thy Corns for
the Senatorial
Brogans ,
The Golden Slippers of Paddock
May Yet Cover Thy Aching
Judge Dandy Lingers on the Lee
Shore , Waiting a Micaw-
berian Event.
The Political Kangaroo of Ne-
maha Confronted by Nu
merous Opponents.
The Capital Section of the
Siamese Twins Figuring
for the Postoffice ,
While a Horde of Huugry Of-
fioe-Hunters are Bark
ing for a Bite.
Currosfwndencc o ! The Dee
Livoour , Kovombcr 13. The
quattir-n , "la Dundy a candidate ? '
having baen put first lo Daily am
then t-j eaoh of his lieutenants , and
titon lo Judge Hull , who trains with
tbotu , has ahvajB been answered by
thorn evMlroly. In ether words they
are ns complete a net of know-nothing
SB any ono erer met , and many mar
veled thereat , but the eccrel ii out
Oundy is in the hands of I is friends
particularly in the hands of V/illiam
! ) .uly , and W ilhani Daily is in th <
Imiide of Ilia friends , ; ii'd in his owi
-flippora , luiotiortlly epealir j. AVdli.ain
dues not Bltow whether Duud ,
is or is not , but if Dmidt
is W , then look out for " \Villiam
William is the biagesl littla politician
in thia stale , and ono of the very bea
fellowa lmt lives , and has hosts o
friends everywhere and morn coming
i id ha will make it "mighty in
tvroslm' " for tome of Ihoso olc
cocliics who arereljing on the railroads
ID make them U. S. senator and
J OS'TTOU ror.otr : IT.
I nndoraiand thai your corrtspon
dant Irolieves that Duudy still pen
di-rinj ; over th matter and if ho de
cirfos to try for o\Ir. \ 1'adJock'a brogaes
thunYilliams will be found for
Dandy Icoth and toe-nail ; bnt ,
Dundy hositatea , 3'ou can expects to
eo Uarfha1 Daily in the race for the
aonatowhip , if lie don't cast a shoo r-i
rhe ecuro.
are reaaonahly euro to bo for Dnndj
first and Daily next , excepting Churcl
Uoivc , MIO will ba for whoever the
li. railroad wants , or for whoever
n ill pay most ; and if Nclso Patrick is
not tip ho may bs forsomo rcpnblicai
who has money to squander "just to
pay the expenses of my election , you
know , " which are alwaya considers
The State Journal tails up after
The Republican in ill attack on Sana
( nr R.iuiiilere , btil inasmuch a3 eve ri
the editors of The Iv-jptibliciin was
compelled to ewalloirall he siidabou
the BBiiator'oncc' before , ho miy bi
ordered to do EO .ngain. ani
The Journal will ba left a'ono '
to f.ithor the cquall. The Globe
which has always been saucy , tells
Gere tint Mr. J'addock's proposition
to mal o him postmaster of Lincoli :
may sniscr.rrj' if he is iiol a little care
ful as Senator Saundera generally has
a good oal to any about appqinlmo * ts
huro in Nebraska. Gere isiiot so pop
ular hero as ma'.y supposed in fac
h'j ran belli od Major Pierce , ngams :
whom there wasq\ntoa fifjht waget
l y several energetic republicans who
hold some frud o against him , ye
they would like Ger ? to pot somethin
as his newspipBr is not making him
rich , very fast.
Till : OOATHST roil
is already boil ) ! , ' talked over , and if
diveslci of any senatorial bias could
ba supn settled , but if the senatorial
ijncstion is lo be dr.iircjed into cvcry-
thius , there is no tolling who weuld
be the successful man. The Union
Pacific dictated the speaker not only
for the last" legislature , but made np
the committees , and it is fair lo pre
sume they will do so asjain ; but there
seems to be i determination not to
llow Mr. Cams to jaw hawk every
thing in the senitd this winter , and
the probabilities are that a list of the
committees will bo made up by the
senate itself , and that Mr. Cr.rns will
not have much to say about it.
Among those mentioned for speaker
of the house your correspondent has
"cjird the names of Wyndham , of
isa , and Ivtley , of Webster. Both
are capable and talented , and would
lo thomsalvbs proud at the small end
< > f the g.ivel.
nil. HOOT , OF CAbS ,
ono of the members-elect , was Inter
viewed by a promiuaul 'Lincoln gen
tleman a few days ago on the senator
i il question , and with the view tc feel
how the doctor stood on
liul the doctor stated that Nanco once
promised to make him assistant su
perintendent of the inaano hosrital ,
but forget it EO soon that the doctor
was c.'KUollcd to believe that Albinus
was net quite ! \3 geed as his word oi
honor , and if the Lincoln gentleman
would excuse him EOUIO other more
truthful gentleman would receive thai
roinphmont. The Nance-Carns boom
saonin lo have gone glimmering since
the failure to mniinmto Castile in
Gage and the deftat of Claudius Jones
it l. in Seward , and it promises soon
to have passed frmneirlhaway , whilst
the election of Wells aud two of his
three C'llcagues in Saline has placed
! Hwoa upon n "better footing thin ho
hid list week. Mr. Dawes lias been
permitti'vl by Jsenalcr i'rddock to
niell of the gubernatorial cheese ,
which poes'to press tS the fall of 1882.
and whether it was the scent of
the chcoEo or the " blanducss
* f ( he tempter that turned Dawes
fn > m a rip-roaring "anti-Pad" iu 1878
to a "Tad" to-day ia the only scienti
fic aspect to t > 'o question , nnd
Although Mr. Puddock struck Ihe
nomination from Mr. Dawes' hande in
78. after the hitler had almost
clutched it , yet Dawes claims to have
c Mitidencj in Paddock now and ti
wrso. UntDawea is for Dawes for
sitmlor , if he neos "
g5 o t of n ohow , and wh } '
n 'U lie is aa capable as Pad
dock. ia four times as energetic , and
the cliauge might bo beneficial. The
sumo might ba said of Daily aud Yan
Wyok. Tha latter is the hoUest can
didate iu the field , and is not hunt-
iitg after railroad influence. In fact ,
Gen. Van \Vsck ia
but * il ! rely npon the friendship of
the "hoys" fcr strength. The Times
savs , this rooming , that Gen. Van
Vi'yck has chartered the Oriental ( the
oM Tichcnor House ) , and will open a
roUEiiiT ( * > 'd ' headquarters there , and
carry tliewr in o Africa without de
lay. At the present time ho is in
Kew York , but will be back eoon , and
thea "ctand from under , " for if
Dandy is notn candidate , nnd Daily
ehould not be able to make it for
himself , hefflll no doubt go to Van
Oh , yes ; the old cry of the fellow
who thinks he can win in that way
alone cornea up now.
and to that end all oi his political
strikers are operating. EvenVifqnaln ,
of The Democrat , wao is a small-sized
one , is talking for a caucus , and saya
that he shall use all of hla endeavors
to have the democratic members
choose from among the republicans
and vote for him instead of for a dem
ocrat who would have no possible show
to win , and all that kind of "soft sol-
der. "
THE BEE'S friend , Mr.B. D. Slaugh
ter is on deck again , and In company
n-ith Church Howe will worry the
grangers members in pairs. Charlie
Gould of Lincoln , is also talked of
and a * he hea been active in the < -am-
paignhe would be justly entitled to
the support of the Lancaster delega
tion and he , no doubt , would get it.
Bushman's Business Boom.
His Store Crowded.
with customers all pleased with the
genuine bargains offered them , and
satisfied that no where else could such
satisfactory prices bo found.
with fine good ) . Striped velvets at
§ 2.50 , sold.eleowhcra at $3 50. Bro
caded silk velvets at3 75 , cxha tciVc ,
sold elsewhere at § 1.50 to § 5.00.
with woolens , dresa flannels In wine ,
dark green and garnet at 25c , worth
35 to 40c. SEE THEM. Cloakings ,
baavera , waterproofs , ladieV cloths ,
cassimeres for men's and boys wear ,
ulster cloths , blankets and flannels , all
at the lowest possible cash prices.
with fine dresa good0 , brocades , silks ,
aatini , velvets , black cashmeres from
lOa to § 1.25 for goods sold elsewhere
at 45c and 50o to § 1.50. Our cold
cashmerei at 85s sell everywhere else
at $1.00. In low priced goods yon
cannot help but be pleased.
with ladies and gentlemen. Under
wear , hosiery , gloves , wool jackets ,
scarfs , nubias , ties. Something new
in rnchiugs , in old gold cardinal and
other colors. See them. Hamburg
edgings , woolen embroideries , collars ,
cuffs , gentlemen's laundrie * , shirts ,
tiao linen fronts , at $1.00 , sold else
where at from § 1.25 to § 1.50.
So much with goods wo can hardly
find room for cloaks and dolmans , but
wo are offering them at extremely
low prices. Savs money and examine
them at Bushman's.
In every department with new , choice
seasonable go < ds. We have added
several noir features to our business
thia year. Ladies' muslin underwear
and gentlemen's whitb shirts. It will
pr.y you to see them. Bazar glove
fitting Patterns , the best in the world ,
to be had only at Bushman's.
The largest and moat complete as
sortment west of Hew York , we deal
exclusively in ladi .s suits and cloaks
and handle a line of goods to be
found only with us , we guarantee bet
tor value in these goods than any
other house in the west.
Be convinced of this by inspecting
a choice assortment of the abovenamed
goods just received at
mon-wcd-fri 140S Farnam St.
Horace Ncivman went west yesterday ,
lion. Ezra Millard left for St Louis yes-
terdayjafternoon via the Wabash.
Sliss Lizzie Canfield returned from a
visit to Lincoln yesterday morning.
N. N. Vindquest has returned from a
sixteen days' absence in Chicago.
Mrs. C S. Chase , wife of the mayor of
Omaha , returned from Lincoln yestjrday.
Miss IdaL. Fleming has returned from
Chicago , where she has been attending the
Chicago Musical College.
Mr. Bertram Hanson , of the Union Pa
cific "depot land office , has gone to Sioux
City on business.
Ed. Smith , formerly in the office cf Col.
B. P. Smythe , has returned fromBlair and
will practice in this county.
General Hazsn came up from Fort
Leavemvorth yesterday , and took the
noon train for Fremont , en route to join
lis command at White River.
of Choice Groceries will take place
next Wednesday , at which time my
ricnds are cordially invited to call
and osamine ono of the most choice
stocks of goods over brought to Oma-
ia , and remember that a pure , una
dulterated article of food will cost
you less , considering its strength and
w eight , than an adulterated article.
California Pears , Plume , Grapes ,
etc. , at Ti'tw-rd'- > I O o21-tf
An Oriental Belle.
Considerable attention was attracted
on the streets Monday by a young lady
accompanied by two slaters ol Mercy.
L'Ho former was dressed Turkish fash-
on in loose , flowing garments of
while material and were a very co
quettish looking turban on her head ,
rler complexion is of more than nut
brown. She is decidedly Oriental in
nppo rance and dress.
FURS ! FURS ! ! FURS ! ! !
The P Omaha Fur Manufacturer ,
Henry G. Rtchter , ia to be found op
posite the postoflice. o26-tf
Hcsps Has Removed
his immense stock of "Asr AND Mu
sic , " across the street , to the new
brick building next door to Harris &
' nlO-6t
Fisher's. -
Death Record.
Mra. John Burns , died at 12 oclock
p. m. , Novembsr 14th , at her r si-
donee on 14th street , between Cali
fornia and Webster. The funeral
took place at 4:30 p. m. to day.
The infant child of ex-policenwn
C'is.- . Mansfield , died November 14th ,
ced 4 months. Funeral took place at
3 p. m. to-day.
Prospects for a General ) /Var /
on Passenger Rates.
Railway News a d Notes of In
It is intimated In railroad circles
that the O.s B. & Q road is quietly
taking a hand in the war between the
Wabash and Chicago and Alton roads
by enabling the latter to sell through
tickets to Council Bluffs at the same
figures as the Wabaeh and carry her
passengers there by the K. 0. , St. Joe
& G. B. , which is controlled by the
"Q. " Aa thia is in one sense a diver
sion of travel from the pool lines , the
Rock Island and Northwestern , of
coarse , take exceptions and it ia likely
that if the alliance continues there
will be a general cutting of rates be
tween Omaha and Chicago as well ad
from cities south of us. As the Alton
toad gives the C.B. & Q. its most
oonvecient connection from Kansas
City to St. Louis , which taken away
would leave it at the mere } of the
Gotild reads , It would appear that it
would not te eay to destroy the pres
ent arrangaments. Unless an amica
ble Bettlament is arrived at their is no
telling how soon the pool maybe con
siderably agitated.
The last rail on the Omaha division
of the St. Paul and Omaha railway ,
wfta laid on Friday , and he junction
with the north end made about the
center of the Oitiaha Indian reserva
tion. The telegraph line along the
road is nearly completed , and the
work of moving freight will begin
this week. Only IccU freight that
cannot be held back will be handled
at present and passenger trains will
not be put on before January 1st.
The Pullman Palace-car company is
constructing thefollowing equipments :
One hotel car for the Chicago and
Northwestern. This car is of unusual
length and comfortable arrangements.
Two Pullman sleepers with smoking
compartment and all the new features
for the Chicago , Burlington and
One Pullman sleeper , same as the
above , for the Chicago , Rock Island
and Pacific.
Five Pullman sleepers of the most
comfortable arrangements for the Chicago
cage and Northwestern.
One official car , continuing every
requisite of a business office , with
sleeping accommodations , etc. , for the
0 , B. & Q.
Two chair cars for the .Wabash.
They are intended for the Horton re
clining chairs. They are of improved
construction and exceedingly beautiful
in appearance , both inside and out.
The interior is finished in Cuba mano-
gany , with beveled mirrors between
the windows. The marqucterie
work is in blank , and the ceilings are
of wood embellished in what is con
veniently known as Queen Anne pat
terns. The cars run on the Wabash
standard trucks so as to retain the uni
formity of all the company's cars. All
these cars will run to tho. Omaha
transfer. "
The railroad conductors of the Hall
way Conductors' Insurance Associa
tion will meet in annual convention
at the Grand Pacific Hotel in Chicago
on Wednesday next , and after a two
days' session will take a big excursion
trip. The Chicago and Northwestern
and Union Pacific companies have
placed at the disposal of these lucky
fellows , who will bo fully two hun
dred strong , a special train of five
Pullman coaches , which will run from
Chicago to Omaha over the 0. & N.
W. road , and through from this city
to San Francisco over the Union and
Central Pacific roads. The train will
run through without change , leaving
Chicago on next Friday morning and
arriving at the Transfer the following
morning in time for breakfast at the
Union Pacific hotel. This train is
to bo run to the Pacific coast and
back free. The conductors will be
absent two weeks or eighteen days ,
and will stop at all points of interest
between Omaha and San Franciaco.
Omaha and the Union Pacific rail
road company will be represented on
this excursion by the following knghta ?
of the punch : Jim Cruickshanks ,
Jim McHugh and , Jim Kernahan.
The latter , Johnny Moore eays , is go
ing to take another lock at the Salt
Lake tabernacle.
The enormous earnings of some of
the great lines of railway may be been
that of , the Wabash for October , which
amounted to $1,226,571. The last
report of the U. P , for August , shows
tne total earnings to have been
2,174,422,22. Deducting the ope
rating expenses $1,005,317.02 , the
net gain ia § 1,169,105 20.
The iron posts for the shed over the
platform of the Northwestern company
at the U. P. transfer are now all up
and work on the roof will be com
menced this week.
Two or three cars per week of can
ned and tierce beef and pork will be
shipped to'England during the winter
by Harris & Fisher.
An advance of five cents per hnn-
dred pounds on eastern freight rates ,
has been ordered at a meeting of the
general freight agents of eastern lines ,
to take place Nov. 22.
The report that the Union Pacific
and Central Pacific railway companies
are to be consolidated at an early day
obtains a good deal of credence.
Those bast informed say that most
probably the Central Pacific will be
put in at 100 and the Union Pacific at
For Sale Sir-horso power Baxter
engine and boiler , in good repair.
Apply at BEE'ofRca. no4tf
Real Estate Transfers.
Mary C. and Nathan J. Burnham
toCol.'Burnham , w. d.lot 75 , Nel
son's add. , Omaha § 2500.
Augustus Kountzo et al , to the
Omaha Foundry and Machine Co. , w.
d. , 150-100 acres on 17th street in
Keuntzo & Ruth's add. , Omaha
M. L. Gilmore to J. A. Horbach ,
w. d. , lotS.block 156,0maha S35 6P.
Wm. F. Heins , county treasurer , to
Goo. C. Bobbie , t. d. , out ec % , swj
ace. 3 , t. 15 , r. 13 e SI.
Good Enough.
The office in the building with S.
T. Ferguson's drug More , corner
Twelfth and Douglai streets , formerly
occupied by Dr. J. F. Oaks , has been
secured by the well known practi
tioner Dr. H. W. Hyde , who moved
into It on Saturday last. The move
is a good one , both for the doctor ,
who Is a rising young physician , and
also for the store and community in
that ward generally.
Finest ever brought to Omaha , and
at New York prices. Don't fail to see
them at JSW nGjf
Hymeneal Sips.
Mr. Carlos "Woodworth , of the
Omaha Merchants Express Co , , re
tamed yesterday from Peru , IHs. ,
binging with him a bride , in the per-
aon of Miss Rose Kuna , formerly of
: hU city. They were married on
Thursday last and have already settled
down to housekeeping in a cosy home
prepared for their reception , on llth
and Jackson streets.
Oscar Sharpless , conductor on the
Cheyenne and Laramie Division of the
U. P. , came in from tha east this
morning , returning from his wedding
tour with Mra. Sharpless. The hap
py couple proceeded homeward on the
the noon twin.
If you have trie' ! every thing else ,
without receiving any benefit , call at
230 Dodge street , north aide , between
13th and 14th , and see the cgent for
leaac Nichols' American Remedy.
ol Gcodlm
JtOTICE Advcrtlssnwiils To L-ji ? or SaV
Loet , Found , War.ta , Bosrdln &e. , Trill be In
serted In th so columas once for TElf CENTS
per line ; each scbseqndntlnaertlon.FrVE CENTS
par lias. TSio flirt Insertion nerer lew than
TO LOP3-Og ! Y
OHSY XO LOAH Call ai t w OQca
M D. L. VJlOilAa.KoomS.Ciroiglitou Vwck
OKKY TO IiOAH 1103 Fnrnbua Btreot.
M Dr. E-Jnardn lava Agency.
" ? " \7'ANTED Coo' < Mid dining room eitl at Hi
> \ Pacific House. Good u ages paid , SG3-JC
\\l ANTED Gocd5 ftir sewers. Only Itrst
yt cUMhandinssd apply. Henry Q.Hyylisr
"ITfANTED A perfect and sobir New Tori
\V baVcr , aDlo to maVo all sorts of brcai
sncl die. wants a situation in city or country
Ail ! rc a Baker , Postofflcc , Omalia ; 870-cO
Gitl for general baucworl' , 5)
WANTKD in ily. References required S.W
coriut ol 2"d and Webster. 801-18
"tTTANlED a cman lo wash a-id Jroa , a
VVFrnmett " 8'9-l
_ , -Frnmett Itou-c. -
BOY WASTEP-In Omahft Shirt Factory
A launJiy 857-1
- eirljtodo coiieral . . . . .
WANTKD-A St , bjt. D.iycnccrt and CM
S5S 1C
WANTED The "Prophet's Chamber" 2
Kings 4:10. As nirtpajnicnt , instruction
cheerfully | .ivcn Tirtt-flaas rcf rcnccj .Ad-
drc 3 immediately REV. JAYC BI < K , Post-
office. . 851.15
WANrEP All Omnh * tit know Uut the
Hey 1 > t. Jotm ia ths m.Noef Sett
ainchlnes , ollice on 1-th St. S43 f
WASTED A first-class girl for general
housework. Gootl wnjis ami tteaily era-
l > loox.nt , Lortheast ( .oniirUed.-eanil 24tlSts. .
WANTKD rooi keeping or copjiii jto do
ociil'iji Aililrt.a "Compitcnt , " Vco
olHcc. 8I1-H
"TTrANTED 2m n to w ,
_ V V no-th 'nj ot ISthH. K W. PAIL , Si7-tf !
T\7 A TED Ells -"C33 man with from 3 to 5
> V thtu-ar.dd lars , Young or mddlc-aicd !
l > cfcrreO. ap'ondi I opening for right mar.
For | > ! uticultra ddrc3iU E.G. , P. O. CoxSlU.
Oimlia. Xob ! k.- > 823-15
FOR IinST DCS ! : rjo i iii well fucnis icd of-
flcj , OTner DoJ o and 14th St9. Cost of
references required. A gcnt'cman with whom
a-i ar/angement cou'd be made to attiiid to pre
sent occupinl's coiTisrondon e durin ; hjs ab.
Beiicc , prtfertd. Apply atomic to
03m-w-I A. P TCKEY.
OK REST 2 nxjros famished or unfur-
F n'shcd. 4 lC'.h tt , niarltoaard. 853-15
TTlOrt RENT * plovant furnished front room.
JU Farnham St , south ? ide , hctwenn 16th and
17th ; a fe v diy boarders can be accommodated ,
No. S03. 813-15
FOR RENT Thai excellent dwelliue house S.
E. corner o ! 22d ami Cilifornia streets.
> V ell , cistern * nd barn. Alai for sale the cir-
] wts. stove * , furniture etc , f < r cash or on time.
Apply to John Guild , IOCS Farnham St. 839f
FOR RENT Swelling houfc S. E. cormr of
23J and Curt Stj. Excellent barn , ditcrns
indwell ; rsntcheap. Also f jr silc cheap , car
pets , fuirituM. etc. , for cash or 0,1 , timu : Apply
to C. A. Mnrrill. lfK)5 ) Farnbam St. Mv'-tf
"T7IOR REST IJoora and boarl.BUl'aWe for two
JC persojr , h ctcd by rc is'er , ut 275 Capitol
Avci-u"- .
- 8291
j Rooms for rent , at Bonn
House , opposite Bee i fn.-e. 802-tf
FOR RENT-Cottase , on 5th and Pine Sta ,
now house , eight rooras.on ? 3d a dl'assSta
Enquire J. i. l.oe , S. E. Cor. ISth and Parn-
ham. c36-tf
T7IOR UENT Homo and lot in Shull's 2nd
C add. , near new U. S. corrall. Enquire at
Room C , Crcie'htoT IJlock. CCI-tf
FOR RENT 2 furnished rooms otot Mer-
chantt Exchange , N. E. Cor. 13th and
Dodee streets. 289-tf
T71OP. SALE Stereoptican , fit oil wi'.h Oxy
JL Hydrogen and Osy-Ca'ciuni jjts , and 500
cbo'ce views. Best make and as good as new.
Addrc'3 J. Pargcr , 414 north Thittecnth street ,
Omahv c'-1
T710RSALS I wish to rent my f rm o ! 160
t. acres , ihie-iw | tccaof a mi e from Ame *
s'aiion , en the U. f railroad , to a roiiahle party -
ty fura tcimoSycart- ; will accordingly G\J. \
Tse of tin ttock on therlice , 33 fol'ows ' : A'oout
176 Heifers ( graded s'ocli ' ) 2 and 3 years old ,
( * Hh calf , by blooded 3 otl ) 5 Bulls , VO Cafs ,
7iowsarl Shoa s , 43 acre * of Corn , aUo one
fjnn of MuU * , 2 spins of Here ? , Hrnes ? ,
2 Wagons , 2 Cultivators , 1 ding Plow , Uairows ,
etc. , all in good order and nearly ntw. There
arc upon the pi co two dwelling hcu ? > 3 , two
barns , a corral for winter fcoilng , for 230 he-id ,
with 250 tons < f hny stacked arcund It ; ehcds ,
ttc. There is a 20-are lot feiic d , 20 acres of
limhor _ , and all the Iwlinco is impro ed. The
dwelling houte hai all ho modern imnrovc-
ments , even to a liath-roo-n. It is one of the
bistap uniitcd farms in this scctun , and will
be disposed of at a h-jrjain forcish or pirt cash ,
tojuit purchaser. Apply to H. 3 ST. JOHN , , r QEO. IJAXWELL , Freuiowt.
FOR SAL1 Three bulding * . cor0tli and
Farnuam. Enquire Ba'dwin & Bchm , 15th
and JakFon SCO-tf
riOR SALE-A ftrtt-clws hotil and restaur-
J } ant business , located in the bea : put of the
city , and lo'neagoodbu-incsa. The proprietor
is called west to a'tcnd to mining interest , snd
must sell. Ipqn're at Bit : ofllcj. iGltf
T OR S\LK on BE T-BMlroad Citing
J House , At Elm Creek , DnHilo Countv , Nc-
biftEka , sixteen miles west of Kearney Junction ,
on H'C lins of fis U. P. K. R. Pews-ion given
imm-diatel ) . Good rciBoni for BeIliiv _ Full
particulais given on applicitn.ii to .MrsCTwry.
on the premises , in person f r by rnai'i"rR03-18
60,000 choice bnck f or sale Apply tu Tnoma ?
T Oreen & Sunn. Cou-icil niugja. . 795-if
HOXJSE-5 And corner half of lot , southeast
corner 14th and Can Sts. , 7 room * in each ;
rent for $23 and S:5 re- month tirais' IBM.
ESTATE ACEMTT , 15th and Dougla * Sts. C70-tf
E OR SALrt Mixed p. mtsatA Uolmes.lCth
and California SU. G15-tf
FR SALI ! Cottonwood lumber of all sirc3nt
REDMOND'S. Slxtecnth-st. 516-t
T OST On 18th t , .1 pair of go'd-'immid
Ji spec'ac'ei in tin case. Under nil please
leave tfce-n at Charlton I'roa. , corner JGth and
D-ucnpjjt. S55-1G
TO LDJIREr.HF.K' young man wijtcn a po
filtion in a lumhrr jan' , ci'-v or country
He is CJpablcof kccpingliooks anil ij willing to
work at anytliingcnnnected with yar. ' . Address
C. A. U , At'adtic ' Uoutc , Atchison , Kans s.
QTRAYED Ono darkbayhorse , about f ixttcn
O hands high , 5 \ oirs old , bridle atd flat awl-
die on. Kinder will be rewarded bv leaving the
horse O'any informiti'ii Icidin. ; to its recovery ,
at Goodman's drug ttore , 67-15
TjlOUND- red Irish setter. Owner can call
JJ atStein'a B rber ahop , ISthst. SC6-16
S/ 1 T > nAIVARDTai'.vlerm ? tcornor
. \J. JD 13th and Howard st. , D-erhead
a opecialty.
Machine Works ,
J. Hammond , Prop , & Manager ,
The most thorough sppolntei and complete
Machine Shops and Foundry In the sUto.
Costings of every description manufacted.
Engines , Pumpd and every class of machinery
made to order.
order.pccial attention given to
Well Augars , Pulleys , Ilanscrs ,
ffc Irons,6cer
g , etc
PUnstcr new Machlnery.Meachanlcal Dr nht
ngUo el * , etc. , ceatiy eiecuted.
56Harnev St. . Bet. 14th and 15tb.
For One Year.
TO ppH10i3 |
a U © O ralSSaS ,
20,000 Acres
6 to 12 Miles from Omaha ,
556 to $10 per Acre , ou
Long Time and
Low Interest ,
Large tracts suitable fc
Colonies in all the VQ I
Counties in the Stat- . '
80,000 acres tt.-itt.rc :
through lov/a.
A large number of i ? : fove j
Farms in MebrAsaa.ny t :
them near' Omaha , Sii-v tc10
per acre , VAn
An Immense List of
Consisting of Elegant Kesi-
dencos iroin 853,000 to $20-
000. Many vacant lots ill
the additions to Omaha.
Hundreds of lots scattered
through the City. Houses and
Lots , Business Houses and
Lots , and all kinds of Ci y
Real Estate.
We also have
on Improved Farms in Doug
las County , on 5 years time , at
10 per cent , interest to all who
cp.n ehovr good titles.
HEapsfor Dou Ius and Swrpy
Comities for .si.Jy : ,
4 beautiful lots fronting sooth in Isaac &
Sclc'en'i ddd. for 8150 half cwli.
House and lot , 'J d and Doilcu . ? 3000
llou'candlotiica'llrjwnell Hall . 2HH )
Two now hou c3 unJ full lot , rants for
810pcrycar . 4 000
Ktw brick huuse , 21x25 , 1 } story , willi 3
Iota . 2oio )
Hoti-cacd lot Webster it . . . . 1,500
Tane hou e and conic riot . 0,000
Largo house full lot , C'liforniast . .1,000
Residence. ancl4 full lots , St. Marj a a e. . 6CiK )
House and small lot , Bouth of depot . 050
House and Ermll lot , south of dejiot . GS5
Kesileiiceprofeity , Kountzcaiui Uuth's
aiU . 5,500
Fine residence property . 10,000
House and lot , 2il and Ilarney . 1SW
Houtcanil lot , Nelson's addition . . . . 2,700
House and lot Shinn'd addition . 1,000
Residence ami corner lot . 3,00" >
RcsUcnco ( caali ) . 7CoO
Realdcdcc . o.COO
Kcsidtnce . 5tOO
House and or.n-half lot . 1.G5C"
Three hou-ca and corner lot . 7KK )
Residence and co'ncr lot . 7SOO
House and CO 'cot front , ICtii street . 3,700
Lar.e hou'o nd corner lot . 0,500
Residence and three lots . 0,500
Two house and corner tw o-thirda ot cor
ner lot . 1,100
Ioti33 and email lot , Casj street . 2,100
Ilauso and lot , 27th near Farnrnm . lOW
Brick house and comer lot . ] , see
Small house and full lot , earnings st . 2,3 < > 0
House and lot , 23d Eirect . 3'JOO
House and full lot , worth 4,000 for. . . . fi.COO
Fins rcidcnco . l.COO
Brick residence . 5iEO (
Ilousa and corner lot . lD50
New two-story house and corner lot . 4,200
Residence and full lot , Farnluma ; . 5 TOO
, HoU30 and one acre , ISth Etrect . 3,001)
House and half lot , ISlb. street . . . . . 2,200
House and lot. Shinn's ad Jit'oi . 1 COO
House and half lot , Ci = 3 strfet . J OD
House and half lot , Casj btroct . 1.J50
Residence and iwo lota , Capitol Hill . 7,000
Elcrant hricl : residents 2 full lots . 15/.00
Finest residence in the citj" . 16,000
Rcsdenco property. . . . . . . . 17COO
Rcsiden e property . 17500
Residence . 6COO
House and lot , Sblnn's addition . 1,200
House and lot , ihhm'ssdditlun . 1,000
HOUJO &nd lot , and . J,40Q
ilouso and lot , 27th and'Douglaa . 37.-
House and full lot , Ird fct . 1,7 ° o
Hew house and 1 } lei . 2,200
Residence property . 7,500
Residence proj-crty , rcrv flno . 13,500
Houscand lot , Horbacli's ddltlon . . . 1,500
Rcsidcnca , Farnham st _ . 6,000
Iloiiso and llot 1 blue ) ; from Court
House and } lol 1 block from Court
House . 2.250
House and comer lot 2 Wools from Court
House . 2,400
Housoandl t , UIchoKv , street . 1,000
Hocee anj 1 acre , GiscV ajdition . 140
Houaaaiidlot , llihbtrucl . 000
Lare building and feiv lots 1 mile out. . . 4.COO
House and lot on Datcnport . 3,600
Home and } lot , near ( it cot . 1,500
House and J lot , near depot . DCO
House and 1 > t , South Aicmie . lf-CN3
Hou cand lot , Sbinu's addition . 1 , < ? 00
Residence , Kountzo and Ituth'a add . 2COo
Residence property , Kounue and Ruth's
addition . 5,000
Residence prrpcrty , south part if town , . 2.5CO
House and J lot , Wcbstr ft . . . . . 2,7CO
Horse and ft acres at barracks . 7CO
Houioandlot , Armstrong's addit'n . 1,000
House and lot , South IS et . C50
Hou e and lot , Eountze and Ruth's ad
ditlon . 3,500
Residence and j lot . 2,7(0
Honw and lot , ICth at . 3,500
Boggs & Hill ,
1408 Farn. Sfe , , Omaha , deb ,
T. .
An Opportunity is Now Offered to all Ladies West of New York City
to Make Their Purchases from the Finest Line of
E Iver shown ia a retail store ; purchased for cash direct from Prench manu
facturers , aud especially made and finished for the retail trade.
In all numbers and all widths , commencing in 21 inch Cashmere finished
at $1,25 , up to the finest production of the celebrated
These Goods We Offer at
n inspection will well repay intending purchasers.
. 21 inch Brocades in bronze , garnet , navy , brown , $1.00 a yard , worth
21 Fine Black Brocade at $1.25 , worth $1.75.
24 inch , all Silk Brocades , at $2,00 , $2.25 , $3.00.
16 iucb Silk Velvets at $1.00.
19 inch Silk Velvets , at $1.50 , $1.75 , S&GO , $2.25 , $2 50 , $3.00.
28 iucli Silk Velvets from $4 00 to $9.OO a yard-
Silk Plushes in all Colors , all Shades.
In Garnet , Itfavy , Green , Prune , Gendarine , Etc.
Black and Colored Cashmeres , all Wool , 45 cents.
Our 40 inch. Colored Cashmeres , 70 , worth 90 cents.
Our 40 inch , Colored Cashmeres , 80 , worth ' $1.00.
Our 40 inch glmdda Cashmeres , 75 , worth $1.00.
AH Retailed at ffcw York Prices.
Qualities equal , we are to-day selling goods cheapen than any house in
the west ,
One price marked in plain figures.
La fciis xpi ii7 of Fall and Winter Clothing for Hen's Tenths' Boys' and
Children's Wear.
1001 Fariihiiiii Strcct. . t ,
the requirements of Everybody.
Poppleton Block. the most varied and elegant ever displayed in- the
our large display of Dress and Business Suits , Fall
Grand Weight Overcoats , Novelties in Furnishing Goods ,
Stylish Hats and Caps , Trunks , Valises , Califorfornia
Blankets and Overalls , &c. . So.
buy one dollar's worth of Clothing until he has seen our
immense Stock and learned our Prices.
Absolutely Pure ,
Maila from Grape Craun Tartar. No othff
preparation m.ikcsuch lizht , flaky hot breads ]
or luturiou t ptntry. Can ho eaten by dypeplic
witl out fcir o [ the 113 rcsultins from heavy 1 _
diietihlofo ; Hl. '
bold only in c by all Grocery
tin * PowD a Co. . K w York
Composed larg'ly of powdered mica and Uinjlia )
is the bet ani cheap tf 'r.Lricator inthe world
t is thebstbecause it dors notscm , but forma
ahishly polkhed snrfa o orer the axle , dolru
aw > Kh a large amount of friction. It is the
cheapest bccansa ton need me but half the
quantity In greis'iis your wa on thatjou woold
of any otter axle grcaso marie , and then run
your wazon twice as lonj. 1C .iniwera cq-allr
as well for Mill Gearin- , Threshing [ Machine
inrr es. < tc.a.q for widens Sender Pocket
Cjdopodliof Thing * Wortn Cno inc. Mailed
free to sty mlrcss
Your Dealer For It I
r ilar a' boice. Samples wort
tree. AddrcEB Stlazcn & CO
The largest and beet assortment of
Trunks and Valises in the West. Telescopic Cases
and Sample Trunks a Specialty.
H. H. MABHOFF , - - - PROP. ,
117 lithSt. , 3 Doors North of Douglas St. M
Propose for the next ninety (90) ( ) days to sell then
entire stock of
Diamonds , Watches ,
Jewelry , Clocks ,
Si Iver- Ware ,
Pianos A Organ
At Manufacturing Prices , Wnich is from 15 to 20 per
cent , below any Eastern Wholesale House ,
preparatory to moving into their
weN Store , Cor. llth & Farnham
We Mean Business. Come and be Convinced