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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 16, 1880)
STTOSKEYS-AT-lAW CHARLES POWELL , / TUB PEACE Comer J6th JUBTICr/OF . , OmahaNet. * M. SIMERAL , A TTOBJJEY AT LAW Room 6 , dels ! A Block. ISth St. , OMAHA. KEB. D. L. THOMAS , * TTORKET AT LAW Loam money , 1 .ti. and sclla real estate. Boom 8 , Crtltl Block. A. C. TROUP , * TTOR > T.Y AT LAW Office In Hacace u Block , with Qeorg * E. Prttchett , 1 1 ' OUAHA. KE1 DEXTER L.TKQKA8 , * TTORNET AT LAW Crnlckenank t Bi J& . Ins. _ * ? < & * A. CHADWHft , t TTORKET AT LAW Office 15M Farol A Stret. _ * . . L. PEABCDY , V" ATTTEB Office In Crcljfhton Block , nexl JLl Post OSes , OaAHA. KEBRAHKA. rustic. oomonoire HAI . D. &SGLAUCHUH. 6 TTORSEY AT LAW AKD JUSTICE I .ii. THE PEACE Southeast comer FUtea D jus las St. ryCollectloos Promptly Attended O'BRIEM & BARTLETT , Attorneys-at-Lav omcE-Unloa BoetLrift ; tnth anf Fumha ATTORNEY AT LAW. MBACH BLOCK , COR. DOUG15TH ST _ OMAHA. NEB. a _ W. d. Gonneii , Attorney- - Law Office- Front rooms , np italn , In Hanscom nw brick building , N. W. Conor TUteontb ai rarahsm Streets. _ . KEOIPS. CaiS B. KIDIO KEBECZC d BEBICK , Attorueys-at-Law Srcdsl attention will b Riven to mil tnil nsMnst corporation ol every description ; wU practice ic 1 Jtho Oourteol tbo 8taU and tb "r-ItsJ fltaUM. Office , Ftrnuam St. , oppoilt Qncrt Ho-igo. W. SJaERAL , A T"B'27 ? AT LAW Room 6 Cr Isttc XI. . al'jck , 15th tad Ponglmrtreetg. no8d C. F. KAMDERSQK , A TTOENEY AT LAW Si ! FambAffl BtrMl f . Omaha Kcbraska. W. T. BlCBARDS. U. J. HCK RICHARDS & HUKT , Attorneys-a t-L aw , Omcs 215 South Fourteenth Street. PILE REMEDY. INTERNAL , EXTERNAL , AND KICKING PILES rtrttf nt t > nre on llio application of Pi UoannUo ? 1'lle ltcmc lj. whtcta art * dl fecily upon tlicimrta nllfrlr < I. ohaorbltt tee Tumorm. nllajlnc the lnt n e lift Ml ottirr ffinpdlra haTC fnllod. Try li taltc no otlnT. nnd tell your n lgbfcor a JU I P TllS. TllS.DO DO NOT DELAY Mil lite drain on the yitera prcktacc permanent ll lability , fent fcoy It. TRYiT LOURED PRICE , 50 CENTS. ASK YOUR DRUGGIST FOR IT , Mti vrbeu you ran not obtain It ofMni , W | rill wnd It , prepaid. o n rrrelp t orprl < < c Dr. Bonnnho-a Tronlts * on IMlem cnt iYei MI application. JLddrcu TIE OR , BQSANKO MEDICINE GO. That Acts at tire Same Time on THE LIVER , ' * TH2 BOWELS , and the KIDNEYS. are the natnral clean- rr ot tic Fj-stcm. H they ywH "well. heUUj will be perfect : If they ti-co-ns Socced. - drcadfaldlseatcsaresnretolollowTlUi .TERNSLE Biliousness , Hcsdache , IhkfDtU , Jann. dice , Constipation Sad I'ilec , or Eli- * ncy Complaints , Grarri , Iiihf U , SwHment in the Urine , Ellty V or Itopjr Brine ; or Klicn- ' matte Faint and .Vclicx , j are developed because the Wood 5 * poisoned I v. llli tbo lirmnrs that ebouM liav * txen expelled naturally. KiOKEY-WORT will restore tliohealtnr aj-Uon ted all these ucrtrojlnc oils * HI ' ' lianlt'i 4lntslect tbi-si mityoa will 11c but 10 II < TI r. TliOUKicdslmvobccururrxl. Iryltanayon . TaKe It umnbcr. Till add one more to the and health will once more slai'dcn jronr heart. Why suffer lonserfromtJia torment t of anocIiiriK l > ncK ? Con- Why Dear such ctietreoa Vrom and Piles ? I etlpotion of disordered i V/liy be no fearful bocauce ordered urine ? KiDrr'TrtOEr will cure you. Try " " ( tt once an J It Kitlsfleil rfyelable comr < rt i& anS Ik /S c dry > er J'f77. t Aci it , or W get tt Jar . 7'W * w ; ' ( > .Asinj . m C , SKSiSBSW i CO. , fcsto sto , Tt. \ 'j T THE DAILY BE OMAHA PUBLISHING CO. , PROPRIETOR Sit Panikam , let. 9th. and lOtK Street * TEEMS OF SUBSCRIPTION , 1 Copy 1 year , in adranc * ( postpaid ) I Bmontl.i " " S months " " TIME TABLES- THE MAILS. C , * N , W. B.B-B30a. m. , O.B.&QS 30a.m. , 2:10 p. m C.R-ltP.R. E. . 5SO 0' & ! St. Joe 30 a , D. B. City * P. 630a.m. U. P. E.B. , 11:40 a. m. O. & R. T. to Lincoln , 10 a. m. B. &H.B.R. , S:40a.m. 0. fcN. W. , T Ca-ra. omasa C. * K. W. R.R. , 11 a. m. , II p. m. C. B. & O. , 11 a. m , 8.SO p. m. C. R. I. i P. , 11 a. m. , 11 p. m. 0. B. & St , Joe.,11 a.m. , U rvn. TJ. P. B , B , , t p m. O. t R. V. from Lincoln , lldO p. cu B City 4P. , 11 a.m. B. &H. injiel' . , ! p. in. Local mail * for State * Iowa Itare but oni dar , vis : 4.80 a. m. Office open from 12 to 1 p. m. Sundays. .T0O1IAS F. HALL. Postmastti Departure < Trains TJHIOK PACIFIC. tBAV . ARWTl. . . . . . .Etlfrp-m. 325p.m. do Mixed 6jnp.m. 4:25 p. m. do Frcl5ht . . .6JS9a.m. l : 0p. n . do do ii.t.&lS fcm. 1250a.m. TIME OAKEUOl THK BUBLIHQTOir. " " tXlTlOriBiT Exprcag. . . } AM p. to. Expresi 100 a. : kUll 6:00 x m. Mill 10:00 p. i Sundayg Excepted. Sunday * Excepted. CHICAQO.'ROCK ISLAND & PACinC. Uall _ .6.-00 a. in. I Hull 10:00 : p. i SW : p.m. | Exprai. . . . 10:80 a. i CHICAGO NORTHWESTERN. . . . .S : 0 pi m. | Express Bnndayi exctpted. EAKBA8 CITY , ST. JOE t COUNCIL BLUJT MATM AK&ITl. f Jl . 8OOa.m.EiproBi | - .7:10 a. i fprass . 8:00 p.m. | Man . 7.-2a 1. 1 Tht only line running Pullman Sleeping Ca nt ot Omaha to Union Depot. ISIAHA & SORTHWESTERN AND 5SIOD CITT & PACIFIC EAILEOAD3. ' xpnts . .80 a. m. | Fxpreu. . .i 0 p n Dally ExceptSnndiys. B.&U. R.B. in NEBRASKA. IIATK. All TB , hrough Exp..g:4Qam : ] Through Exp..i:09 p i ilncoln Cxp..ClS : p m { Lincoln Exp..B JO a i BIOUI CITY tt ST. PAUL R. R. a < * ! * - . . 8,40pm & . . 720 p i WABASH , ST. LODI3& PACIFIC. MATH. AXKITU. 'aU . _ _ 8a.rn.IUaU _ 11 6 a n xpraai..3UOp. m. ( Exprcta . . .i:25 p. n BRIDGE DIVISION U. P. R. B. ear * Omaha , dally. 8 a. m , 9 a. m. , 10 a m. I a. m. . 1 p. m. , p. m. , S p. m , C p. m , , 0 1 Leave Conndl Hut ! * ; SS5 a. m. , 9:26 a. m , > 5 a. m. , 1135 a. m. , 1SS p m. , 2:26 p. m , 25 p. m. , E25 p. m. , 6.25 p. m. , Dar tripe on Sunday , leaving Omaha at B and 1 m. , 3 and 6 p. m. ; Council BlnQi at 8.2 ! . :26 a m. , and 235 and 6A5 p. m. save Omatj. : a. m. , 7 a. m. , S30 . m. , m 1 0 p. m. , 7:25 p. m. , are Council Bluffs : 6:15 : a. m , , 9:40 a. m. -.40 a , m. 535 p. m. , 7KX ) p. m. , 7 0 p. a tlly exccpU-iunday. OMAAA b EEFUBLICAN YALIET R. . LSAVK , all . 10:45 a. n. , 4 5 p.m Dally except Sunday * . SANTA OIjADS TOUND. Greatest Discovery of the Age. oncxertuldlflcorerlealn the world bavebeenmadi nong other things whore Santa Glaus etsj ed iildren ott ask it he maVce coodi or not , really b < Urn in a monntain of enoir. itt year an excursion Balled clear to the Pole id suddenly dropped into what teemed like uh eli here -wonder of wonden teeyfound anewland hlle f airy-Ilk beings appeared on each hand. icrowore mocntalni like oura , with mon heautlfnl preen , id tar brighter iklou than ever were aeen , rds with the hnea of a rainbow were found , hile flower * of exqulalU fragrance wen trow \ng around. > t lon were they lett to wonder In donb ( beluc teen came the ; had heard much about vat Santa ants' self and th IB they all gay , B looked like the picture ecoe every diy. ) drove up a team that looked very queer , was a team f grasshopper ! Instead of reindeer , > rode in a ihcll Instead ot a elelgh , tt ho took them on board aud droTt them away. > Ehond them all over hlg wonderful realm , id factories making goodf for omen and men irrleri were working on haU cro t and imall. Bonoc' * they said they were sending them alL 1 ? KIncle , the Glove UakerUldtb ) m at once , I our Gloves we are tending to Dunce , ata showed them suipcnders and many thlngi ring more. I alio took th s to friend Eunce'i etort. nta Claua then whispered a secret be'd teU. In Omaha every one knew Bnnce well , i therefore vliotud send hU Roods to hu ctra , towing hli friends will get their full char * . iw remember ye dwellers In Omaha town , I who waat prewnte to Eunce'a go round , r shirts , collars , or glovce great and ( mall , nd your sister or aunt one and all. Sonce , Champion Hitter of the West , Douglal Mt. Om h _ 1 > K. A. S. PENDEUY , ONSULTIHG PHYSICIAN IB FE11MANKNTLY LOCATED HIS LIED- ICAL OFFICE , S Tenth SU eat , c OUAHA , NEBRASKA DBerlnz Us Mnrlcsa In all dtputmcnts both in general u idldne ani surgery , icial practice acute and chronic diseases Ca consulted night and day , and will visit * and oonntv oa receipt ot litt * ( t o ( the city Jl Lnewan" ! hitherto unknown remedy for all ea eotthe Kldneji , Bladder , and TJrinarj ncj. t will positively cur Ulabetci , Orarel , Drop- Brljht'B Disease , inability to retain or expel ! ! Urine , Catarrh ot the Bladder , high colored i Fcanty urine , Painful Urinating , LAME all Female Com- .CK.ycneril WeakneM , and " .Inta. _ . t avoids internal medicines , la certain In it cctB and curea when nothing eln can. rot talc by all DruggltU or lent by mall f rM on receipt ot the price , $2.00. VY NEY PAD CO. , PROP'RS , Toledo , O. addrea ( or onr little book , ITS Ji yonr " iral Bared. ow > UK3 K. ISH , Acent for Kebracka. THH BIQGEST STEAMSHIPS DztcRirrios or inn MON T ai THE OCBAN NEW hll-iMShU. . 1O BUILT. N w Toik JouraU cf Cotncerct. The Great Enttro , 18,916 to 2GCO-horao , rowr , IVRX built at Li doa , begun ia 1854 ' . : . - : firJh'd > 1858 , by J * Sj .tt Ru-s ll & ( Lsngth , 679 fecs C i : cat s ; breath beam , 45 feet 2 incV-s : nvrn d bv ; Great Eastern Sr-&in iiip Cinp < Lndon and Liverpool. It is duri.- to state her precise cost , since \ company eugsged in kir construct ! failed soon after shs - KB launched a before she was ntced up , and sold \ hull , ( ifwe remenibor rightly ) , ; 160,000 , much les- than it had co that she li We once aw a statement cost , when read ? for sea , 53,880,0 ( but ire hare no means of verify ! the figures. Tba total loss ot mon on this stuarner no to 1875 was < timated at 1,000,000. Ariiona , 6,147 tonr , 1,200 hoi power , built on the Clyde : n 1S7D 1 J. Helder A Oo. Length , 450 feet inches ; breadth of beam , 45 feet inches ; depth of hold , 35 feetTinchi City of Pekiu , 5,070 tons , l,0i nominal horse power ( effectire , 4,50 ( built by Delaware ship building coi psny , of Chester , Pa. , In 187 Length , 420 feet ; breadth of beat 47 feet ; depth of hold , 38 fret5 inche Owned by Pacific Mail ateamsh company , New York. Ci'y of Tokio , 5,07 tons , 1,0 ( nominal horse power ( effective 4,501 butltby J. Roach & Son , Cheater , Pa in 1874. Length , 402 feet 8 inche breadth of beam , 47 feet , 9 incho iepth 'of hold , 36 feet 6 incho [ ) yned by Pacific Mail steamsh : " jompany , "New York. Germanic , 5.008 tons , 7CO nomin iiorae power ( effective 3,500) ) , bui 3y Harland & Wolf at Belfast it 187' Length , 45G feet ; breadth of beam , - eet 2 inches ; depth of hold 33 feet nches. White Star Line. Hooper , 4,935 tons , 400 nomin lorse power ; built on the Tyno in IS ] ) y C. Mitchell & Co. Length , 3J eat 2 inches ; breadth of beam , eet , depth of hold , 34 feet G inche ) wned by Hooper telegraph work jondon. Faraday , 4,908 toms , 500 nomin IOKC power ; built on the Tyno i 874 by 0. Mitchell & Co. Lenitfl iCO feet 4 inches ; breadth of beam , i eet 3 inches ; depth of hold , 34. feet aches. Owned by Liemens & Co jondon. There are also forty or fifty othi cean steamers ranging between 400 nd 5000 tons. The Hooper an 'araday were both built for cable ln > tig , but are now employed in genori " reighting business. The "Furnessir mnohed at Barroir 20th instant , i tie largest steamer now afloat nest t 110 Great Eastern , but the cable tel gram announcing her launch docs nc Ive her dimensions. She is an An her Line boat. The steamur Alaska ow building on the Clyde for th luion Line , is to be 6500 tons. He wntra eay that "her dimension vril e : Ertreme length , M)0feotbreadtl ) E beam , 50 feet , and deptl f hold from main douV , 3 ! ; et. There will bo 150 state room i the first cabin , and the saloon wit ncoromodate 359 passengers. Tlv icond cabin will contsin bertna fo : fty ptrtons , and on the after end o IB main deck will be quarters foe 121 peerage passengers. The Alaska veil ave a capacity for carrying 20CJ eerage patsengers if necessary. Iffij igines will have a greater power ihar lose of any vessel now sailing tht tlantic. She vill be a great im- rorement on the Arizona , of tht ime line , which is the fastest 0-ssan eamship adoat. Her boilers will bt sated by fifty-four diffeuen : irnaces. The Alaska will , irSi > od weather , bo able h OBS the Atlantic in six and one-'Aali ITS. No expense will be spare it ying to make her the finest , as TVO ! the swiftest , Bteamship plyjiifgbe - reen Europe and NeWj Eplk. Sht 111 carry four mast * , and wilTberpro ded with two smoke funnels ? * Besides the above , there ate nov ; lilding the City of Rome , for tht iman line , to be 8500 tons , the ; rvia , for the Canard line , to bo > 00 tons , and the Cataloni , § or the me line , to be the sima to&atge. " tie White Star line have also a" new earner building , to ba named the lajeatic , to bo larger than any of teir shipa now afloat. Catching * Burglar. ooklyB Eagla. "Say , my dear , " ejaculated Mr. poopendyke , sitting bolt upright in sd with a sudden jerk ; "say , mj : ar , wake np ! Xhosr burglars in iUc JM6. " "Whal what burglars ? " demanded [ rs. Spoopendyke , as she nopped upside "Who's in the ? side her husband. ausel" "Hush ! Quiet , will yet I don't low which burglar , but I hear somu le moving around. " [ 'Ohl my ! What shall we do ? " in- lired Mrs. Spoopendyke. "Let's iver up our heads. " "Why don't you get up and light 10 gas ! " propounded Mr. Spoopen- rke in a hoarse whisper. "S'pose m can see who it is in the dark ? ; rlke a light , can't ye ? If you had > ur way we'd both bo murdered in id. Going to light up before we're lledt" "I'm afraid , " whispered Mrs. poopendyke , sticking one foot out of > d and hauling it in as if she bad , ught a fish with it. "Going to sit there like a bhot- wer nnd have our throats cut ? " in- rrogated Mr. Spookendyke. "How'm going to find a burglar without a light ? Find a match and light tl in-ssly ga > - , HUT ? , quick ! ' [ ? ilra irpooptucirke crawled out b d and hunted around for a s'urt. "Whafa the matter with you ? Ca you find a match ? Why dcn't j move ? " hissed Mr. Spoopendyke "I am as fast ae I can , " replied 1 wife , her teeth chattering. " 1 locking fern pin. " "Oh ! you're moving like arailroi ain't ye ? 1 never saw anything like 3 on do. All you want is to done up in white and blue pipsrs be a tetdlitz powder. TVhat d'ye y want of a piu ? Going to stick a j in the barqjlar ! Why don't you lif that ; gas ? " Mrj. Spoopendyke broke half dozen matches and finally got a ligc "Tint's something like it , " conri uedMr. Spoopendyke , "Now ha me my pantaloons. " " ou won't go down where th are , will you ? " anxiously inquin Mrs. Spoopendyka , handing ov the garment. Mr. Spojpendyka vouchaaed no i ply , but donned the habiliments. " "Now , you opsn the door , sa he , "and go to the head of the stai and fitk who's there , while I find n stick. Hurry up , or they'll get away "Sunpose they are there. What IdotKen ? " "Toll 'em I'm coming. Go at ea , will ye ? What's the matter wil you ? ' "Mrs. Spoopendyke opened tl door about an ipch , squealed 'Who there ? ' slammed/ the door again at pepped into bed7 "Whatails ye ? " demanded her "hu band. "What d'ye think you arej at way , a connicnl shot ? Get up , can ye , and look out. Where's my b stick ? What have you done with i Send it to school , haven't ye ? Go 01 and ask who's there , will ye , befo : they come up and slaughter us. " Onca more Mrs. Spooptindyke ai pro&ched the door and tremulous' demanded what was going on thei vras no response , to her incidculab relief , and she went to the head ' the staiw. "See 'anybody ? " whispered M 5poopendyko ; looking over her shou "Wfipilhere ? " equealedMra. Spoi pemlykevfj'Go right away , becau : my husband is here. " "Oh , you've done it , now ! " e : claimed Mr. Spoopendyke , as r hauled her back into th room. "No how d'ye's spose I'm going to catc em away for ? What'd you say anj thing about me for ? Think this Is nominating convention ? What mad rou leave th house open ? Come o 3own with me , and I'll ahow you ho to lock up. Down they went and a careful scru liny demonstrated * that every thin vas fast. " 3 * j "I don't believe there was anybod ; here , " said Mrs. Spoopendyke , a hey leturned to their chamber. "It wasn't your fault , " retort ei Hr. Spooperdyke. "If you'd got U ] i-hoii I told you and kept you south shut/wa'd have got "em. " "But you said""fop me " "Didn't say Snjpta 'pf the iort , ' iov.led Mr. Spo'bpendyk'o "neve mentioned your name. Wo migh ; ave bsen killed , the way you wen 0 tYork. " "I think we'd caught them if they'c ecu there , " said Mrs. Spoopondyke iking down her hair and proceedinj 1 put it up again. " 0 , you'd caught 'oral" sneered Mr Ipoopondyko. "All you want is eomi hlotide of lime and your account ! hort to be a penitentiary. Anothei Tme a burglar gets in the house yet bay abed , and don't you wake me U ] gain. I won't have any dod gasfee oman routine me out this time eight ight , ye hear ! " "Yes , dear , " and Mrs. Spoopendyk < ouud her band in the collar of hei ego lord's night shirt and went tc ecp secure in hit protection. Ask Your druggists for Prof Guilmotte' * rcnch Kidney Pad , and take no other , PS tlili the only pad guaranteed to cmr * pr monej re ndecl. 3BEATEST REMEDY KNOWN. Dr. King's New Discovery for Con- imption ' certainly the greatest ledical remedy ever placed within the sach of suffering humanity. Thou- inds of once hopeless tufferen , non mdly proclaim their praise for this onderful Discovery to which they pro their lives. Not only does itjwii- vely cure Consumption , but Coughs , olds , Asthma , Bronthita , Hay- ever , Hoarsnesa and all affections oi le Throat , Chtst and Lungs yieldi ; once to its wonderful curative pow- r as if by magio. We do not ask you i buy a largo bottle unleu you know hat you ar getting. We therefore irnestly requttt you to call on your ruggist , J. EL IBH , and get a trial jttle frc-o of coat which will convince fe n kegtieaU of its wonderful erits , aridahow'yonvrhafc A regular IB dolla"f size bottle will do. Foi Jeby J , K. IBH. _ (4) ( ) BucEien's Arnica salve The BEST SALVE In the world f 01 ats , Bruises , Sores , Ulcers , Salt honm , Fever Sores , Tetter , Chapp- I Hands , Chilblains , Corns , and all nds of Skin Eruptions. This Salve guaranteed to give perfect satlafac- 3d in every case or money re landed , rice 25 cents per box. "For sale by idly J. K. TSH Omaha. Htja week. $12a day at Vcme eapilj madccni ; If outfit Iron Add rct § True 1 1 o.PcitlMl.M cr. c. AERGHANT TAILOR Capitol Ave , , Opp. Masonic Hall , " MAHANEB , ORDINANCE NO. 444. An ordinance to estab Mi the grade rf Hat 'reci from tbe east Hso of lot air(6) ) Caj rddtlon to tha cty of Omaha , westwar F lrvld * itreet , , . . . Beit ordained by tbe City Counill of the i EOIlot 1. That the enri I Hainertt from -he eist "no oi lot slJ ( t ) in i apitpl a tlonto the aty of Omaha west to Pain strast , bo and the same U bereby eaaWUbe fo'laws , to-wit : , . . . B.gimln , at the Inienwition o : the n < curb tf Hamjy ttre.t xrith the laid east oflotfixo ) In Capitol sddltion to the dt ; Om ha wl h an eleratlcn of one hundred evenly tnree an * six y four oie hundre (1T184-100) f set aboTO tte datum H-e of kre adopted for the city of ( hniha and estab'la . In 1S7T , thtnce along the mrta curb we.w with an ascending grade of about 8S-10 ! . 100 f t to an evatlon f ore hun-ired nin ty-onc (191) at the east curb f Conv street ; thence across Con-rent street loan tli tlon of one hundred and mnety-lwj and f tenth feet ( ' 92 6-10) at the west curbof Cent strs-t , thence wi h anase-ndlnstfrade of ab 4 5-10 feet per 100 ft , a distant ot ooohumd and fifty and pix tenths feetrnore or less to west line of Tho.ueU'a addition to the el j Omaha to an e'.cvat'on ' ot one bunored i ninety.nine feet (191) ) , thww with an aicend grade of about 115-109 ffrt per 100 feet t ; > eaacurbnfWcajant rtreetat an elevatloB two hundr d and two and five-tenths feet ( 5-10) ) fest , thence across Pleasant street to el T ionoftwo hundred and four feet (204 ( ] the west curb of Ple ant str et , thence with ascending Cr de of 4 8-100 ft. per 100 ft. to election of two hundred and fifteen (215) ) fte the lift each of Falrvlew street. The eUvat of the south curb of this sild Harney tr ehtll be the same and correBpti d to all points the north curb rljht tnjls acroM the Etreet a ihall be on a lerel vrtih same. Sie. II. This ordinance shall take effect > t In foreo from and atterlli passaje. ( Signea. ) JAMES E. BOYD , President City Counill Fused Korembir Itb , 1SSO. Atteit : J. F.ilcJAHTNET , City Cltrk. apprarej November llth , 1SSO. ( Signed. ) C. S. CHA8B , ORDINANCE NO. 445. Anordlnancs permlttmjS.E. Locke or ! aailrns , contractors with tha city _ of Om : for the ere'tlonand Maintenance of wa works and snpplyi-fr said city Ith water : public use , to locate the reservoirs of i : waterworks upon Kesanotr Addition to t dtp of Omaha , insteal ot near Uan'r Parh. I'o it ordrined by tbe city ccuncl ! of Omab Scttioc I. that whereas under the Ur : mi couditlonacf ordinanoa No. 423 passed Ju llth 1830 , entitled , "an ordinance to author : ind procure the construction and maintenar if waterworks in the city of Omaha , s'ate S'ebrasta , " and of ordinance No. 433 , posj Ju'y ' 15th 1SS1 , amendatory thereof , d. Locke being tbelonest and best bldOer , v iwardod the contract for furnithid ; th city 3maha with water forffre prote'tlon and pub o , an 1 did , upon tbe 2oth of July AD. . 18 : inter i to contract with said city of Omaha , 'utnleb to it Buch water supply , and did acce .lie term ; and conditions of Bald ordiuane fo'f . 423 and 430 , and did cnterlnto bonds wi : hesad ! city for tin faithful performance : aid contract. And whereas it was provided ! ; b * report ot J. U Cook , engineer , filed U ! 5th IJiO , and tbe apr ecdix thereto , fl'od Ui ( at 1S1) , wcieh were duly made a part of 83 irdlnances , and ncre accepted as the plan nld waterworks by the said S. E Locke , th he tile of the reservoir should he near "Ha om Park. " And whereas on the 6-h day ) ctober A. D. 1S 0 , the said 3 E. Locke , or h jslgns , filed with the citv clerk cf the city ) nuha , the report of J D. Cook , consulting ei Meer , aatcd Sptomber20tn 1830 , recommen i < thit the site of such reservoirs he chanici rom nanscom Park to a track of land adjoinlr ha western limits cf tbe city of Omnha , boum d north and south by Htmilton and Camli tre'ts , and we t by the countv road ne r tl ortb and south c > ntcr line of eectl > n ' 7 , tow : hip 15iange 13. ea < t of tbe Oth prlndp icrldlanwhich said track of land has since l > c < latttd by Itj pioprietore , Samu l K Major.&o dd Nftthan She' ton , as an addition to the cil f Omaha , and is now a part ot tali city knoic J 'Jloicrrnir Addition to the cityo : Oraali ; ad whereat the said i. E. Locke , orblsusizn ave made pttltioi and request to the city coui iunill of the citv cf Omaha , to change tl cation of said reservoirs from aaid i > atk t ildlant dtscrlbed Und : ind w hetois then ) mm ndalicn ot mlJ J. O. Cook , ( oniultin i iue r , U concurred in by Henry Bohwe ty engineer of Omiba. There ore , tha said i . Locke , or hi ) assigns , is hereby authorize ad permitted to locate said reservoirs cf tt lid water works UPOD said trick of land now irt of th * city of Omabn , known as II esc r TO ] ddltlon to the cltr of Omaha ; , ai sarvef et latt d , approved by the xuyir and city counc id of record In the office ot the county clerk < oujlas ejnnty , NobruLa. Provided , howeve : id this ch igo of tite t < aid reservoir is pei ittedtobemadeupontnefollowin eondittoni i : There aha1 ! be no change of hydrants , an : the location thereof , as f rev dad in eft'cl 01 .uinceg No's. 423 and 480 , and the accompany i < plans , unless such change shall be by th ty ctunnt as rrovlded fcr in eatd ordinance' i"re hill be no extension of tha time provide i lection 13 of ordinanr * N'o. 423 , from sue langt uf ito of raserveifi ; end said water work taU be couaVratteil und completed within on ill of tue 20lh day cf Julv A D. 1SSO. Thei lall be no lessening of the sizes otinains an pes from thrslzes fixed in sal 1 reports of J . Ooak , engineer , filed liar 2ith 15iO , an iy ZUt 18bO. jsnd any new locations o lanjelu mainland plpta necessitated by th tango of tbo tite of the rcso voir , shall b bjoot te the inspection , approval and allom ic of the city council of Omiba. Si I > . The change of at * of said reservoirs c id waterworks tont-mplatod by the flr-t see 3n of tbU ordinance shall not beauthorUo- : rmiltca until there shall he filed In the cfflc th > city clerkcf tht city of Onuhi.tlio wiitte ceptnnce and consent o this ordinance ot sail . Locke and his assigns , and aio me writ a consent to this ordinance and the conten ttcd change of location of ra'eivolrs ot all o esnrtles upon the bond otMkld B. E. Lo ki ed July 20th , 1580 and tbe aireement ' sal ntlea with the city of Omaha that nothln rein contauisd shall be considered us releasln e laid Ur Uca from their obligation upon sad nd. SEC. Ill * This ordlnanm shall ako effect an in force from and after Its passage. ( Signal. ) JAMES E.EOTD , Prt a't City Council , -ved Nov. 9tb , A. D. , 1ESO. Attoat : J. F. MeCAiavsT , City Clerk. aproved Nov. lltb , A. D , 1880 C. B. CHABH , OEDINANOE No. 443. An rdlnanoe establishing stands for lioenie hicl * , fur the conveyanca of baegago.Iuggag merchandise while waiting for employment. it ordained by tbe city council of the cit ; Oinaha , as follows : do I. That section one of ordinance nnmbe 3 , being "an crdlnance to provide for tbe et bllehment of stands for hacks and oth * Mclec , " ruased August 20tb , 1873 , be amendei as to read as follows : It flhill be the duty c o mayor to dpslt m'9 by an inatmment 1 : itlng , signed by him and filed with the tit ; > rk , proper places upon the streets of tbe cit ; Omaha , north line of Dodgostreet , and soutl the sonth line of Barney stree * , a stands fo en d express wagons , carts or other vehicle r tbe conveyance of baggage , luggage or mei andise while waiting for employment. Si . II. That said fecfionono of saldordinane itntcr $83 , be und is hereby repealed. SEC. III. That all parts rfan ordinance i , 'ed "aii ordinance to regulate the use of ei ess wagons and other vehlclej in the publl recti , passed Julv 6tb , 1875 , conflicting hen th and all ordinances or parts of ordinance nfllctmg herewith be and tbe lime are hereb pealed. Sio. IUI. Tbitthls ordinance shall take ffe < d be iu force from and after its passage , ( ijned. ) JAMES . BOTD , jg f , fres't C.ty Council. awdtfrr. 9.b , 1830. Attest : f J. F. llCCiMJIT , City Clerk. iprovedKor. lltb , 1880. Signtd ) 0.3. CHASE , Major. &o Yearsbefore thePiibl\ \ THE CENUgfiSE DB-OHoIiANE9 LITER PILLS are not recommended as a remedy " all the ills that flesh is heir to" but affections of the Liver , and in all Bilii Complaints. Dyspepsia , and Sick Hei ache , or diseases of that character , tl stand without a rival. AGUE AND FEVER. No better cathartic can be used p paratory to , or after taking quinine , a simple purgative they are unequalei BEWARE OF IMITATIONS. The genuine are never sugar-coated Each box hag a red-wax seal on the 1 with the impressionMcLAKE'S LIV1 PILL. Each wrapper bears the sigi tures of 0. MCLANE and FLEMIJTO BE < 3S" Insist upon having the genui DR. C. McLANE'S LIVER PILLS , p pared b" FLEMING BnOS.PittsbnrgliPa the market being full of imitations the name JfrTMiie , spoiled different but same pronunciation. UNLIKE PILL : AND THE USUAL PDRdATTVES , IS PLEJ ANT TO TAKE , And will ptove atoncathemi potent and harmless SYSTEM RENOVATI and CLEANSER that has yet betn broncht public notice. For CONSTIPATION , BlUot NESS , HEADACHE , PILES , and all dl'ordi arising from an obstructed state of the syste it is incomparably tbe beat curative extai Avoid imitations ; insist on gcttlngithe artli called for. TROPIC-FRUIT LAXATIVE Is put tip bronzed tin boxes only. Price CO centi. A yourdniirgist for Descriptive Pamphlet , or < drcea the proprietor , J. E. HETnnRINQTOlf , New York or Sin Fnnciieo Before Purchasing AM Fo&tt ot S-Called ELECTRIC BELT Band , or Appliance represented to curaNervoi : Chronic and Specla * Dlseuei , send to the PU VERUACHERGALVANIC CO , § lSMontgome Street , San Francisco , Ca' ' . , for their Fr Pamphlet and "The Electric Review , " and y < irlll save time , health and money. The P. t do. are the only dealers In Qenutni Eltctric A ilianccs on the American Continent. H1W TO CURE CONSUMPTION , COUGHS Colds , Asthma , Croup , ill diseases of the Throat , Lungs , an Pulmonary Organs. USE ACCORDING TO DIRECTIONS ALLEN'S LUNG BALSAM THE COLORADO BUSINESS COILEGI This institution , located at Denver , Coloradi he Educational and Commercial center of th ITest , ii pre-eminently the best andmott pract il ot Its kind for the MERCANTILE TRAINING OF Young Men and Ladies. G. W. FOSTER , President , D. W. CADY , Secretary The most extensive , thorough and complet istltution of the kind in the world. Thousand ! accountants and Business men , in the prii 'pal cities and towns of the United States , ow leir success to our coursa cf training. le Eight End of Education fo : Yonng Men and Ladies , Fine , new brick block , at Junction ot thrt re t car lines. Elegantly fitUd and turnlshei partmtntB for the application of and oarryio ; at ot our novel and systematic mithodi ol 5TJSDSESS TRAIKEN Young men who contemplate a businou lift ud parinta having song to edacat * , are parties irly requested to send for our n > w Cirtulai hieh will give foil information as to ternu jadltloa of entrante , ttc. Jfflfeas G , W. POSTEE , President , Denver , Colorado > EOPOSALSFOEGRADING O/nci oi Cm CLMI , 1 OiUBA , Nn , Nov. 10th , 1880. j Etaltd proposals will bo reoelv d by tha un oruljned until Cne'day , NOT. lid , 1880 , fo iling in tbe old creek , south nf Leavenwortl rcet between litli aid 15th streets The worl I'l ' be tiling In iJlrt to * 9 naule < reordlnj to instructions from th : ty engineer or Ju Slephenson , tbahrman o 10 committee on streets and grades , and sai llinv will be on tha property owned by the cit > nit the streets and alltys in the vidnlt } Ida shall fpeclfy the pri e per cnhlc yard to ich amount of earth as may be ordered baulc Testpitlvo of what that amount may be. Envelopes containing eaid bids shall b markr Bidi for OradiBK oa Leavenworth street" an e delivered to the undersigned at a tbr * n iter above specified The right I reserved c He city council to reject any and all bids. J.F. MCCARTNEY , IMt _ City Clerk. E. IF. OOOIEl , UNDERTAKER Odd Fellows' Block. 'rorapt atUntion civen to orders try telejrap Y1A - * Chi&tgo & .Northwestei 2,380 MILES OF ROAE It Is the SHORT , SURE &nd Safa Route S twi COUNCIL BLUFFS CHIOAGO.MILWAirrlE . and all points EAST aad NORTH. IT OFFKR3 THK TRAVEIJNa PUBI QRKATER FACILITIES AND MORE ADVANTAGES THAN ANY ' OTHER KOAD IK THE WEST. It 13 the ONLT KOAD between OOUNOIL BLUFFS and OHIOAC Upon which Is ran PULLMAN HOTEL CAEE In addition to these and to nleaM all classea travelers , It elves J1E3T-CLAS3 HEALS at EATING STATIONS at CO oonU each. ITS TRACK \ * STEEL RAILS ! ITS COACHES ARE THE FIHEfTI ITS EQUIPMErTr FIRST CLA If you wish the E t Traveling Acconane- tlonsyou will buy your ticket by this Cot X2TAND WILL TAKE NONE OTHER. All Ticket AnnU can sell voa Through Tlcki via this road and Choct cnal Eag > ; age Free of Charge OUAHA TICKET OFFICES 12M Farnham 8 Cor. lith , and at Union Faclflc Depot. DENVER OFFICE In Colorrdo Central a Union Pacific Ticket Office. SAN FRANCISCO OSnCE 2 N w Montgo try Street. For information , folders , maps , etc. , not ( talnable at Home Ticket Office , address a agent of the Company , or HARVIN HUCH1TT , W. H. STEKHITT , Gen'l Usnacr , Q a1 Pasa. Age ; CHICAGO , ILL. JAMES T. CLAHK , Genl Ast Omaha ft Council Bluffs , THROUGH TO CHICAGO Without Change of Cars TIBCIE ! CHICAGO BURLINGTON & QUINC [ Vllh Smooth and Perfect Track , EltgNit Ps senger Coacbca , and PULLMAH SLSEPINCft DINING CAR _ It la acknowledged by tbo fnsa , anl all wi travel nv r it , u > bo tha Best Appointed and Best Managed Roxd In the Country. PASSBNGBRS QOINQ BAS' Should oear In mind that this It the BEST ROUTE TO CHICAGO And Points East , North and Northwest. Passengers by this Route have choice of ? OUE DEETEEENT EOUTES Lnd the Advantage ot Six Dally Linvi ot Fake Sleeping Cars from Chicago to Jew York City Without Change ill Exprees Trains on this line are equipped wit the WoaUnjhouso PaUnt Air Brakes and Miller's Patent S.ifaty Platform and Couplers , the moat Perfect Protection - tection Against Acci dents In the world. UUHAN PAUCESLEEPIHQ AND DINING CAR Ar run on th Burlington Route. Information concernln ? Routes , Ratet , 11m 'onnectlons ' , etc. , will bt cheerfully given b pplyin at the o3 .ce of the Burlington Rout < 13 Fourteentn Streat , Omaha , Nebraska. . E. PERKINS , D. W. HITCHCOCK. Qen'l Manajar. Gen. West'n Pass. Ag/t. . 0. PHILLIPPI , St. Joe. , lo. General Agent , Omahx H. P. DUEL , spC-dl llcket Agent. Omaha. HORT LINE 1SSO. [ , G.ST.JOE&G.B.R.R. Is the only Direct Line to IT. LOUIS AND THE EASl From OUAHA and the WEST. 'o change of cars between Omaha and St. Lomi and but one between Omaha and New York. 1TX DAILY PASSENGER TRAINS MAcmsa in , Eastern & Western Cities nth l a charges and In advance ol other lines ThU entire Una to equipped with Pullman's Palace Sleeping Cars , Jalaca Day Coach- c , MllIer's Saf ty Platform and Coupler and the celebrated WutlnKhouse Air-Brake. TSEE THAT TOUR TICKET READS' * ! YlaKantai City , St. Joseph and"SJi O > CounouBluff3K.B.vU 8fM < ? Jo * and3t.Loals.--ca TlckaU for lalo at all coupon station * la tin Test. . , F. BARNARD , A. C. DAWKS , Gen'l Supt. . GenlFaM.&TlckitAz't 8t. Joseph , Mo , 8L Joseph , Mo , W. C. 8EACHRIST , Ticket Agen. , li Fifteenth Street , betwuen Famhaiu ant Donrlaa , Union Block , Omaha. OS. TEHON , A. B. BARNARD , Paw. Agent , Omaha. Gon'rl Acini , Omaha ! o Fervous Sufferers The Greal European Eemedy Dr. J. B , Simpson's Specific Medicine , It Is a positive cure f or Spermatorrhia , Bemlna r aknfss , Impotancy , and ail dlseasM raeultlnj om Self-Abuie , ai Mental Anxiety , lo-i o emory. Pains in the Back or Side , and disease ATTER. ' that lead t Consnmptioi Insanity an anearlygrav | 1 The Bpedfl Hedldno i being rat' ' with wondu ful success. _ Pamphlet ent free to all. Write for them anil get fu artlculars. Price , Specific , | 1.00 per package , or six pact gtl for $5.00. Address all orders to J. B. SIMPSON MEDICINE CO. . Kos. Wand IOC Main St. , Buffalo , X T. Sold in mthajby 0. F. Goodman , J. W. Bel ' . K. I h nd all drazgia'a everywhere. PCC a week in your own town , 'lermi aad DUU outntfroo. Addreea H. HalUtt .ft 0 inland. M For COUGHS , COLDS , BRONCHITIS , ASTHMA , CONSUMf- TI' > N , r.nd all Di-oases of the THROA.T and LUNGS. Tha most ucc t. If pr . ; > r tl j < h the known wcr'd. By addln ? toTOLU ROCK and RYE Ittls Lemon jul o , v ni-nc oexellent Appetizer and Tonic , for cencral and family nt . Tb ImmeoFC and i , c la * , -j - J the numerous testimonial ; received dally ara the best evident * * of it * virtues ai.j i i-la I t Put up in Quart Size Bottles , giving More for the money than r.y article in the market. who tr" to palm off nron a ROCK and RTF.hlch is thi .SME > T STAIU- each bottle. Extract from Report of the Commissioner of Internal Revenue : TI.KAMISY DEPARTMEM1. OFFICE OF IXTERXAL REVENU > WAsnuaio.-r , U. C. , January 28 , 1SSO. / Hcnra. LAWRENCE & MARTIN , 11U Madison St. , Chlcaso. ' . : QErriiiMu : TliU compcci J. in the opinion of this ofUce , would have a sufficient quantity > the BALSAM OF TOLL' to kite it ell the advantages ascribed to this article in pectoral complaint * , while the whUkyand tl > 2ini , > cof'.ltntenn emulsion rendering It an agreeable remedy to the patient. CorrpotinJed ccur in to the formula , It miy properly to clasped aa a. MEDICINAL PREPARATION under th Jin Lims of U. S.R-viMd Statptts. and when so stamped , cay to sold by Dru.Tutti , AiMihociries : ml Other Parsons xltnout renderln. ; them liable to pay iptcUI tax ai liquor dealers Yours Ke pectf ully , ( Sljned ) GREEN. B. KAUM , Commissioner LAWRENCE & MARTIN.Proprietors , Chicago , Ills. Sold by DRUGGISTS. &EOOEES and DEALERS everywhere WHO IS UfiACQUAINTSD V/1TH THE CFOCRAFHV O < " fHIS COUNTRY. SEE OY EXAMINING TH > & MAP , THAT THE ' 4 CHICAGO , ROCK ISLAND & PACIFIC R. R , S THE GUEA.T CONTiECTCfO LIXK BETWEEN THE EAST * THE Itimaln Una runs from Chicago . * > Conncll . iluffi. paaMtne throuch Jolot ] , Ottn < ra. Ln halle. creat fentcro of cur Paluco Can Is a 8M leneieo Mollne. Huck Island. Durenport'nt SALOON jrnerayon can vnjur your ilbirtr , Iowa City.MnreiKO. lirookt n. Grinnril. at all boon or the ( lar- ) eaMomea ( the capital ot Iowa ) , Stuart. Atlaj- Maenldcent Iron lirtdze * spaa tfia Ic , and Areca : with branches from Iturena nd illtnourt rlvursat all points crossed ancxlon tol'eorln : Wilton Junction to.Viifcii- line , nnd transfers art * avoided at Coun U luc , Weiblnfton. Kalrnoia. KMon , iie'knap , Kansos Cltr. Ltavenworth. and AtchlsoK ! entro7illi , Princeton. Trcntan > OHllatln. C'nmt nectlons bpincmada In Union Depnts. tn. Lcivanworth. Atchlson , and Kansas Cltr ; TUB 1'UUNCIPAI * K. It. CONNBCTI' Vajhlngton to bitocrner , Oakoloosa. and Knox- THIS OKEAT TUItOUUU 1JNB llle ; Keoiot to Farmluxton , Itonaparte. Oen- onsoort. Independent. Kldon. Ottnmir.x Ertdr- At CniCKJO , with all dlvarztnT Bnw llloO8kuloo 3.1'ellt.Monroe , and Dei Homes : EiJt nnd South. Tiinon toMonroa ; DetMnlncs to Indlanolannd At KM , I IIVOOD. with th L. S. * It. 8 flnteraet : AtlantUtoI ewtaandAudabon : aixl Ft. W. & C. It. Ud . L"oca to II rlan. This In posltlyelj the only At WAifii.NQTov HHQHTJ , wlti F. , Railroad , which owns , and operates iv throush n * from Chicago Into the State of Kanug. Ati-A B\LLK.-nr.ini. Cent. K.R. Through Express Pasnonzer Trains , with Pull- Atl'KOBIA.wlth f. H. Jt J : P.U.4B. : lan Palace earn attocheil. are ran ench nay dally W. ; III. Mid. : andT.P. * W. Kda , etween CHICAHO and I'toniA. KANSAS Crrv. At KotK ISLAXIwith "Mllwaukio ot on cir. BLOFrs. l.rATB-JwoitTii nnd ATCIII- Island SMort Lluc. " and Uock , I l d * OX. 1 hrnngh cnrs ara ttiso run between Mi"au- A 1. 1) A v IN POUT , with , the Davunport te and Kansas Cltr. Tla th * "MllwauSoo and . ' .ocklaland Sho-MIne. " At WEST LIIIEBTT. with the B. . C. It. A > cvUJ Tbo * * Great .ock Island" la macnlQcentlr AtUlUSNElJ , Tlth Central Iowa K. It. quipped. lt road bed Is almplr * * sXt , and Its AtDK.S Moi.N d.wlthU Jl.AK D U-Jt. rack Is laid with iteel ralla. AtCou > ciL lLU rs. with Union Paci What will ploana you mo t will be tha pleasure At , OMAHA , with B. i Mo. It. It. IU In f enloylnc your mca ! > . while ptuslng oyerthft AtCOLDiiurjs JUNCTlov.wrthlJ C eantUul prairies of Illinois and Iowa , In one of At OTTUMWA. wltn Central Io nrmaznlflcent Ulnlnf Car * that accompany all Bt. L. A Paa. and O. U. i y St. lids. hTOUKli Expreaa Tratna. Ton eet an entlro At KcoKCK.wtth lot. Peo. * War.t leal , as good aa Is tarred In nny flrat-claas hotal , Louts & I'na. nnd St. J * . N.-W. irseTenty-flT * cents. AtCAMEitov. wltbill.St.J. K.K. Appreclatlnc the ( net that a majority nf tha At ATCHISOX. witn A tch. , Topezs & SaB.'X far eople prefer separate apartments lor different Atch. & Neb. and Cerulir. U. P. K. 1UU. urpoaes ( and the Immense pai cnxer bualnesa At I.CAVENiTuiiTH. with Kan. Pao , lOniSS * * r this line wnrrantlnK It ) , we are pleated to an- Cent. It. lids. onnce that this Company runs Pullman Palace At KAN3A CITT , With all lines lac tO6 < ' t Can foralaeplne purports , and Pilace and Southwest. _ _ _ run tbronzh to 1'EOKIA , I > K OONCKI. BLUFFS. K USSAfl CITT , A TCIHHO.H , nnd LEAVfcwVO Ticket * vl this JLlne. knonrn as the " ( Irrut ICock. lilund Suat . " are > & ( 4 11 Tlckvt &eent In the Vnltect Mtntes < < nd Canada. For Info rmatlOB not obtulauliln at j-onr borne ticket office , i. . KUVIB Iarj , E. ST. I Qen'l S-aperlnHnlent- Uen'I Tit. aad Pass'gr A GHAS. ATHERS Lnd Everything pertaining to the Famiture and Upholstery Trade , i COMPLETE ASSORTMENT OF HEW C08DS AT THE LOWEST ap Si mon th tat 1208 aiid 1210 Farnli am Street. ill. K. KISUON , cucru1 Insurance ? . S. HITCHOOOK , M. D. S. , P.EPSESENT3 : rom New York baa located In Omaha , and guarantees to do first-claw work , PIKES1X ASdOKANCE CO. , ot London - lentil Rooms , over A. Crnlckstunk & Co.'a , Cor. don , CashAwets ,10T,12T 15th and Oonzlaa. ecpO-2in .VE3TCHBaTElt. K. T. , Capital 1.000.09J THE lIEKCnAN fS , of Sovrirlt. N. J. , l.OOO.OW OIItARD KlU > : .PhlIaIcIphaCapltaI. ! . 1,000,000 NORTHWK3TKRN NATIONAL.Cap- SHOW GASES Ital 900,000 ? IRKMKN'3 FUND , California 800,00.1 liKITlSH AMSKICA-ASSUKANCECo 1,200,000 " NEW A tK FIRE INS. CO , Assets. . . . SflO.OCO O. J" . AMKKICAF CENTRAL , Assets 300.000 1317 CAS3 ST. , OMAHA , NEB. 3 aat Cor. nf Fifteenth ft Douzlxs St. . S3TA. ( oed assortment always on ban . vjiaiia. nfro. T D Good Now Open in Kennedy's New Brick Building , 10th and Jones Streets. ixiTii oiiiDiisr .E.'sr : BA.iR(3--Axisr T Direct from the Auction Rooms of New York and Boston , will be offered in SILKS , VELVETS , DRESS GOODS , JOTIONS , BLANKETS , COMFORTS , TABLE LINENS , HOSIER1 , DOMESTICS AND MILLINERY. - , . , Of * ' - - . " Call and examine our Stock. You can save to 20 per cent , by buying of us. German and Swedish clerks. * I"