If " ' If ' VOL. * . OMAHA. NEBRASKA , TUESDAY. NOVEMBER 16 , 1880. Established 1871. MORNING EDITION , Price Five Cents I S ! Dodge and Fifteenth Sts. We are Shn ? Displaying an Ele gaatlhfe of Indies' CO STVJ . , Oi A Good 0 : OclVir , . . „ . „ „ tASooa j * ! ? * A > Xiccly Trimr.ieif V-icah $ i,5fi An Alyool i AMcc One forte to $ i CLOAKS and DOLMAJffS , CLOAKS and DOLMANS. SEE THEM , SEE TEEM , SES TEEM. AT CIIIL9H GX'S COATS. CiSZL&REX'S OWATS. for a Child 2 yearo aud upwards. MISSES' & ULSTERS ai , Pk&ssi ! ! < r i'rk'es. " This is the Best Line of Children's and Misses' Cloaks to be found in the city , and /our Prices arc always ihe Lowest. "LADIES' AND CHILDREN'S MOODS , LADIES' AED CHILDREN'S SACQOES , LADIES' AMI ) CH OHEKiLLESOABFS , All e at Stock of While d rolorwi/iJ jgGrey Blankets from SI.50 Jo S8.00 per pair. ' White Blankels from S2.00 < \ io SS2.00 per pair. Oar 2.00 WMlo Blanke's are a Wo. der at the Price , CLXTS , E.&UIES * AW3 CH1JL. BKSV& rSttE'trtVE Vi ? . L. It. WILLIAMS & SONS , Cor. 15th aiidDodEG Sta. , SIGN GF THE COLDF/d PIANO a FRAME , A. HOSPE JR. . , . , Ranos and Organs Fir t Class on Easy Monthly Payments , Sheet Music aud Musi cal Instrnnit ' * , riSlMS.oCK OK O TT 3L D IIST GS . OI FalnUnCT , Kncraviiies HII rrwwM ui ( .Trot ty rcdjrcd prices. ExlOFrames , 1 incli , U'nlmii , . . lEc JOxli I " 20 lOxlJ " 1 " " 20" 12\16 " 1J " " W 12x18 " It " " 05 IGxSO " Ij " 75 IliuticSxlOfnmc 15 Chromoatrarrol , erna.11.2Sc , ClininiOEtramcd , laixe , 1 " 6. tnpravlnsr ? from 50e np - nl , pU fnnicii from Itxmnranl * , Ou .ices 75ca vrtntlowimil jfiu 00 per wimlon snd up arii , Coraito foios SOl \vinJo * and tiin-ardj ) , Velvet frames 2t-c neb 1o5 00 Violin Strmn ll > c , Violin 1 76. S 50 , 3 and Gnltars S CO , C 00 , " CO and upward" . J5inji > s 1 00. 3 00 , 6 00. and upnuni' , Acconlcois from 1 00 up , chetptisl in city Soinl fo * tniiitiUe ami citiloctio of and elicit WQtic A.HOSniJR. , l..7f ( ( fit'i-o St _ Oun.a Kcl ) . PBOPOSALS FOR BONDS. proposal * will be ioc : \ il i < \ the rip cilthli onicecnul S V > < k p. ui. eavu.Jo * 'he 4th 0 \ - > f D srmh-r , lss , tor theparclwc ot ovc lu-rfrc-1 und twcitti-flic cribeo as foJon K O nnndred and twcu'Si e bonds of oue th nsiml f 10001 do I rs e ch , d ted January Jrt ISSsl , slid payaWe twenty j rs from date vntU interc-l at MX pc"- coat , rcr annum , pajablshCtU iuiUmll } inlhcdtj vf > vw S id l otiils sli\ll hs r decmable ct the opthni of the hsard of c-tintj ponuubMon it it sud couitv , at the cimrati "i ol ten jews 'r an i' Uitc o'l tame , hut uolcATrtiaUlu m rte to p j aaypitt of the p'Inei" I ) ts l < l IwudsI" sftcrths cxpiriiioni > ft J'n > o rs Into cat * h ll be p id t.u wud U > d nlv frati nnd after the iUto < l Uicwlei-I me , on _ * > part tberoef , aud MIC rccui t rf Uwnkonc ; ! lore fa ! < lb Jidt to he do ivcrrd ns r3lo ! s t25.COO oa tl-o first day cf Januir , ISM. 850 00 on the first dtj of July , lisS : . * )0CCO on tbe Crst diy of Januarj. 1 i * . Prop saUGill be r-oel o4 at the ' mo. time lorthoparciasof8Ud 5.0CO of bonds U-e entire amount to l ddl ycd Juratrj 1st , lest. Tnc board of eou.itv cornrals loners reno he rUht to rrjcct orallbUjda'ed Omaha Kov. 9th , 1SSJ. 1SSJ.JOHN R. MASCOESTEU. Jfo lltf Count j ClerK. J. H. FLIEQEL Sacecwors to J. U TIHEI.F MERCHANT TAILORS , No. 1220 Douglas Street , AT = T A ocl * ? DOMESTIC DOINGS , Gcnerel Sherman's Annual Hepori SpuUl Dispatch" to Tna Ba. WASHINGTON , D C. , November 1G The annual report of Gancral Sher man to t'no Secretary of War is givr i to iha public to-day. After cllin , atttntiou to the several subcrdiuat roporls , General Sherman asya , th organization of the army providt-s fc eleven goncril oflicora , 555 officer and l,2feG enlisted men for the eea 1,989 officers and 24,214 enlisted mer for tha line of the latter ; 094 are ds- tai cd CB clerks or recruits unaiaignec to n-gimnnts , reducing the possible force for military cervica to 24,52 ( eclizted men. The actual force nius at all iimenbo kept below that figure and tbo must slvrays ba allosfod fo : B-clr , detained service and other un avoidablecausss , at least ten per c ° it ) " eEilstcsi men. I , therefore agrca with General Sheridan that Ihi prray is too small in enlisted men ti fulfill the heavy duties now impoacc upon it , and it is overworked. ] therefore renew my recommendation : of lait ye.ir that congress bo asked U { jive 25.000 enlisted men specifically to troops or iho lina of the army am to make seperato' provisions for the 'detachment of advance men , cngineoi detachments , hospital stewards , corn- in isary ecrgeants , West Point detach- mente , detailed clerks , etc. , in the s-une manner as his already baeu done for the stj'nal corps. lu this connection Iwill venture to call your attention to the fac4 ihat the revised statute ? , edition of 1S78 , section 1115 , chapter 1 , defining thu organization of the army limits , the atretgth to ic not more than 80,003 enlisted men , but subsequent appropriation bills by provisions have limited espenditions to 25,000 enlisted men. Still the le gal strength ia 30.U.OO enlisted men , and that number is the lowest possi ble number at Wliich we can maintain the i resent organization tf forty rpg- imentB in anything lika peed order , dircipline , etc. , and I infer this end can be reached by economy , eimply omitting the provisos in _ the next ap propriation bill. The' combatant force remains the same as it was last year composed cf ten regiments oi cavalry , Cvo artillery and twenty-five of jnfantry. But under the provi sional limit , 25,000 enlisted men , the companies are too unall for proper dtecipilino or economical service , jmd I urn convinced that the proposed in crease of enii3 ed men will double the olliciency of the army and hardly be "oh in annual expenditures. In this connection 1 submit the report of Inspector specter General Morey , whoso loti" servica atul czparienca entitle iis recommendations to meet With respect. The prosperous .iniu and uasy iiuancial condition of .ho treasury may now enable congress to provide armaments for the forts which guard the chief harbors of the country. Gen. Shermin call * atten- ion to the reports of Gens. Shcridin , Jancock , McDo ellt snd the subor dinate report of the de'pirhueat and Is commanders. Speakjng ot the Pa- cifu railcoad , Gen. Sherman saye , htso railroads have completely revo- uliouizid our country in the past few years and impose on the military an entire change of policy. Hitherto wo have been compelled to maintain small posts along wagon and ttago routes of travel. These arc no longer needed , because no longer uoed , and the settlements which grow up speed ily along thesa railroads afford the security necessary. In regard to our sea coast forces Gen. Sherman says they are superfluous , wo now have fifty millions of people , and the idea of any hostile forces landing on our coast is timply preposterous. Yet our sjreat commerce should bo made EO s-fe that even an apprehension of danger would not bo felt. Portland , Hojton , Newport , New York , Phila delphia , Hampton Road.JPort Royal , Key West , Pensicola , Sin Diego , San Francisco and Port Towreend should be properly fortified and gar- rieonecl. All minor forts ehould be Buld or abandoned. In reference to the prejudice on account ot color among c.idcts , ho says the prejudice of color is thu most difficult thin < to contend against. There _ is no more auch prejudice at West point than in the community at large , and the prac tice of equality at West Point ia in advance of the rest of the country. To discriminate in favor of a colored cadet , by reason of hie color , is as much a violation of the 14th amend ment as to discriminate sgaiust Mm. The officers of the military academy have authority to Ira impartial. _ _ Gen. Sherman saya , In his opinion , the rctjuiicuients of all enlisted men of the 9th and 10th cavalry and 24th n.nl 5h : infantry should bo colored moh , ' wbila the officers is white , n not BOHjistcHt with the amendments re ferred. All men should bo enlisted ' and assigned to - Sfui'arc qualified reg- btaents rcgardlcsi of color or previous fogditiMi. Such has been the law iliw ag § in the navy for years , and the imny would soon grow accus tomed to it. The annual rcporls of Quartermas- tcr-Goneral Itteigs , Inspector-General Stafcy , Commissary-General Mac- Judga Advocate iGoneral ymaster-Gene al Brown , Barnea and Colonel go of the publication of of tbo rebellion , have been submitted to ll.o secretary ol gave a detailed .minute of work during Hie last BscSTjoar , but contain no recommendations - . dations of general interest other than thoyihave raado iu previous reports. indications. Special Dispatch to The Boa WasiiiXGToXjTIovember 16 1. a. m. For the upper Mississippi _ and lower Misiouri valleys occasional light snow , followed by clearing weather , colder northwesterly winds rising barometer. Woodward's Oofalc tlon illspilch to Tex BEE . BOSTOS , November 1C , 1 a. m The committee on city trea ury de partment reported to the board of al dermen to-day on the defalcation of city clerk , John A. Woodward. To tal amount of defalcation will amount to nearly $90,000. Eutlced Atvay. Special Di atdi to Tux BIK. NEW YOKK , November 16 , 1 a. m. ilr. Durin ; : , a German surgeon living in Willtamsburg , reported at pilice headquartars t d y that" his wife andfive | children had disappeared unaccountably immedUroly pan their arrival In this country. Mrs During hai- with her neatly $7,000 , and her hHsbndj3e3ieves she had been enlicai awuy by a maa who hiL accomp&niei her as a frjtni. Mr. During left Ger many , and hiving eataHished himsel . in baaincts hc.v , si-nt for hia family She suld liar property and arnvec hera on Septemb r 2d , accompamec by a in a named Herman B.rber , i . friend cf the family , but During die not know of thuir arrival until twc weeks ago. He has employed a de tectivo. Wood's Reception , Special dispatch to Tlid" Ike. .KETV YOHK , Noombsr 1C , 1 a. m This eveuingjninrloTr Weed waa tell' dered a reception by the press club. All literary men of uoto in the citj vrera either present or Eert their re grets. Thd room ? were elegantly dec- orcted. Mr. Weed waa introduced by Mr. J. Y r. Simontnu. The vener- abls gentleman esprcEsed hia thanks < &na > es'tcenrwer6 ! * dciivercd by several members of the club. The reception concluded with a banquet. The Clilcago Espocition , Special Diepatch to Tlio Beo. GnicAuo , Novomhor 1C la. rn. There is a line display of fat cattle , horses , sheep and heirs at tha Expo- si' ion and fat stock tlnw. It will re main o'3un until Saturday evening. Premiums for short-horn steers be tween three and four yeirs old were awarded this afternoon , the first prize beiug to William Sanduaky , of Callin , ill. , for his steer "P.ooth of Vermillion - lion , " weishuig 2,350 pounds ; thonoc- end to Colonel J. A. Gillette , of Elk- hart , 111. , for his steci "Gallom , " weighing 2,21o pounds. Gratified Hanlon Special DiSjralcIi 14) Tile Eco LOMIIK , November 1C 1 a. m. H-tnlon is much gratified at the re ceipt of numerous telegrams from America and Canada , including one from the Marquis of Lome. The people ple of Adelaide. Sydney and Mel bourne sat up until the result of tha race reached Australia , which was at midnight. The anti podoans were mcch disappointed and lost heavily , as they though't Truckett iras certain to win. Garfleld's Plurality m Oregon , Spoil- ! Dispatch to lD BE.I. SAN Fit \NCISCO , November 15. Garfield's plurality in Oregon is G41. Thomas Brcit has boon elected dele gate from Washington Territory. Shot into Eternity. SpccUI Jiutcli | toTlic Btc. ST. LODJS , November 15 James T , FJannigan , a saloon keeper , corner of Monlgomery and Broadway , last night about midnight shot two broth ers named David H. and Daniel McLaughlin. The two last named did not bear a very good reputation , and entered Ffannigan's with a parly of friends. It appears they bad some beer and the barkeeper turned around to fill another order when he claims Iho party started to- w&rd the door. Fiaunipan , the own er of the taloon , called iVm back , md ho claims that MeLu hlitt turaed iround with a knife in his hand , and io , fearing for his life , pulled a re volver. He iired and the hsll en- ered the left breast , and McLaughlin ell over o 3 the floor dead. Dan Me- [ jiuchlm turned nround to assist his Brother and was shot in the back near ho spine. The pilice in searching , ho McLiughlins could find uo knives. ? linnigan was at once arrested. He jears a very oderous reputation , hav- ng been the proprietor cf several ow dnco houses Ho came here rom Cincinnati about six yean ago. Jan'McLiughlin , the wounded man , was taken to the city hospital and died htra this morning The sister of he dead men was horrified to learn of the death of both her brothers , icr only relatives. Flannigan does lot deny the shooting. An inquest will be held on the bodies to-morrow. Gcod an Ills Word. S ] > cchl Dispatc'n toTlie lice DETKOIT , November 1C 1 a. m. lenry Boara , a prominent young man of Grand Hapids , sent n note to his athor Saturday sajiiig that ho pro- > osed to kill himself , and that his > ody would be found iu the Fuller Street Cemetery. Ho was as good as lis word and shot himself through he heart. St. Louis Census poclal ( Hep-itch to 1 lie Die. ST. Louis , November 1C 1 a. m. Jho special census taking of this city s nearly concluded , and will probably ive a populition of ySO.OOO. The egular census as it now stands credits 5t. Louis with a population of about 333,000. Citizens do not feel repaid for the extra trouble and heavy ex pense of thu now census. At it Jt. gain Special Dispatch to Tl.o IJcc. CUIOAOO , November 10 1 a. m. To-day both the Wabaeh and Alton ofliccs were 'crowded with people. The Alton rates were , to St. Louis 52 ; Omaha , § 7 ; Kansas City , § 4 , No change from last week's rates to intermediate points. In the w indow of the Alton ticket office is n cartoon , representing five men. One of the men is .a whale ; he is marked "Chi cage & Alton. " Another has one leg , and is labelled "C. B. &Q" Anotherjias one log and one arm , and is labelled "Illinois Central. " An other has two ariin and one leg , and is labeled "RockWand. " Tbo Wabash - bash is represented by n much used up personage with no lissbs what ever. The Wabisli road continued eellinc St. Lsuistickfts at SI ; Omaha , ? G ; Kansas City , 81. It continues the caricature of the race in which the \Vabash is ahead , and the Alton blown and distanced away behind. To-morrow She general managers meetazatn , but no one predicts what they will do.- Gen Gai-fleld's 49ili Blrtndav , Spc-nal Dispatch U > The Ucc. CLKVKLANU. Novembor-JG la. m. There- were no callers of note at Mentor to-day , aside from iho promi nent Pennsylvania railroad officers. In the forenoon of Thursday Presi dent elect Garfield will take lea with the pupiU of Lake Eric Female Sem- incry at Psinesvillc. Friday he will celubiaie Lis 49th birthday anniver sary and the birthday of his uncle , ThomsGarfield , by ptyinga visit to the latter in the 18-h ward of Cleve land , and within & week or ten days he will go to Washington to ssttle up hia personal r-fla'rs , attending to noth ing but private business. Invasion of Cannaa. Kjwclal Dispatch to Tba Ue QCEBEC , November 1G 1 a. m. The military authorities are receiving 10,030 stand of arms here. There IB now more than 2,000,000 rounds o ammunition in the citadel magazine It wai rumored here to-day that thi is owing to the inflammatory speechai made at the late land league in Ber lin , where it was stated tht the firs : blow struck by the British govern ment in Ireland wou'd ' be followed bj the invasion of Canada. Bier Money. Special dispatch to The Bee. TOKONTO , Ont , November 16 1 a in Is is estimated that the Canadians have made a "quarter million dollan on Hanlon's success. Congratulatory mossjgos were sent by the Marquie of Lome , Mayor of Toronto and a host cf others. Railroad Officials. Special Dispatch to the Bee. CHICAGO , November 16 1 a. m.- Weather moderated and snow falling. rMostpof the ground'ia nicBly coverea The officials of the Pennsylvania rail road , on their tour of .general inspec tion , will arrive here to morrow morn ing and stop at tlie Grand Pacific hotel. A special object of their visit here will be the inspection of the new Fort Wayne and Union depot. The } CO from here to Indianapolis ant St. Louis , thence to Cincinnati. A Denver Blaze. Special Dispatch to TDK BKS. DENVER , November 16 1 a. m. A fire in the Windscr hotel this morn ing caused the loss of $25,000 before it was extinguished. Much of the damage was by water. Origiu of the the fire is unknown. Coinage Regulation. Special Dispatch to The B e. WASHINGTON , November 16,1 a. m. One of the first bills to bo introduc ? cd into Congress after it meets is a bill abolishing what is known as the mint furnace of the treasury department , and the transfer of the statistical portion tion thereof to the bureau of statis tics , and that which pertains to coin age to the treasury of the United States. This action , besides causing a large saving to the government , will put the regulation of the coinage of the government where it properly be longs. A bill looking to thii end has already been prepared , and it ia said to have received the sanction of the treasury-officials. Tno Wheat Crop. Special Dispatch to The Bee. WASHINGTON , D. 0. November 15 p. m. The returns of Novemmber 1st to this department , show an increase in'lhe wheat crop of tHe United States of 31,000,000 bushels since 1879. The yield per acre is somewhat less , but the increase in Arizona more than counterbalanced the loss of the yield in the states of Minnesota and California. The yield per acre as well aa the acerage shows an increase. Small-Fox's Snare. Special Dispatch to The Bee. QUDBKC , November 15 4 p. m. Small-pox is committing dreadful rav ages among the Canadian Indian * , who people the scanty and widely separated settlements on the north shore'of the Gulf of St. LVwretice. Information just received by the gov ernment reports that they are dying by hundredo , A panic has seized the survivors , and they flee from the dead and dying , leaving the former unbnr- ied and the latter uncared for , to seek refuge in the woods , where the trails are lined with corpses. A Western Blizzard. Special dispatch to The Bee. CHICAGO , November 16 4 p. m. After two or three days ot very bard freezing weather , a regular blizzard set iu this morning. It is snowing and drifting , but the snow is not heavy enough yet to do much damage. Far mers have suffered greatly by freezing of their potatoes , apples , turnips , etc. , that were not jet-housed for the win ter. An Old Project Revived. Special Dispatch to The Bee. CHICAGO , November 16 4 p. m. It is given out that the time-honored project of connecting the great lakes and the Mississippi river by means of a ship canal , will be renewed in the next congress. It Is estimated that some $15,000,000 will be necessary to complete the plan. Deadly Dlptheria. Epoclal Dispatch to The Hoe. BROOKLXN , N. Y. November 16 4 p. m. There wore one hundred and thirty-nine esses of diptheria in this city last week , making 248 that have been reported this month. Eighteen ' new case's were reported yesterday , and of the 17 reported on Friday , six were fatal. Suicide. Special Dispatch to The Bee. BURLINGTON , Iowa. , Nov. 15 4p. m. Miss Jennie Spencer , aged 23 , a well known brigh and fascinating young lady , hanged herself yesterday in her father's cellar. Uning a slender piece of rope from a bale of hay. Backed His Opinion. Special Dispatch to'The Bee. CHICAGO , November 15 4 p. m. R. Cnmmings , a well known railway man from Chicago , is said to have won $50,000 on the election , and has given his sister , Mrs. Hallsy , of Pekin , Illinois , a check for half tte amount. Inter-Ocean" Bureau. Mr. J. W. Bobbins , of The Chicago cage Inter-Ocean editorial staff , ar rived in this oUy Saturday. Ho comes for the purpose of opening at this pcint a general western bureau , for correspondence , etc. , in the Interest of his paper. He has not yet located his office. We welcome him to the gateway of the great west. CAPS ALL. Bonner's Stoves much the finest in the Market.n" " * TO. 1416 Douglas street ' o22-tf Undoubtedly the best ahlrt In the United States is manufactured at the Omaha Shirt Factory. The superiority of Material and workmanship , com- oined with their great improvements , that is Reinforced fronts , Reinforced backs and Reinforced sleeves , makes their shirt the most durable and best fitting garment of the kind , ever manufactured at the moderate price of $1.50. Every shirt of our make is guaranteed first-class and will refund the money if found otherwise. We make a specialty of all wool , Shaker , and Canton flannel , also chemois underwear , made up with a view to comfort , warmth and durabil ity. To invalids and weak-lunged persons wo offer special inducements in the manner these goods are made for their protection. Pn. GOTTHEIMEE , itroet. THE CHAMPION ROWEll The Australian Amateur tfadlj Beatea on the Thames /.Course. Hanlan's Skull Crownec With the Final Wreath of t Victory. Triokett's Backers Suddenlj * Reduced to a Poverty , ; Point 15 4 p. m. Hanlan anc THckett , for 200 and the champion ship , was rowed on time this morning and resulted in aa easy victory foi Hanlan. The morning opened inaua picionsly , the weather being murk ] and showery , which kept many people away who would have otherwise lincc the river bank. The water was smooth , however , and no accident occurred to mar or dalay the pro gramme. The excitement of bottinp men all through the forenoon was in tense , and odds on Hanlou jumped from the 6 to 7 of the night before tc 7 to 5 , or at most 2 to 1 Despite the cold weather , there were large crowds at both , starting and finishing points , and at all the available shelter along the course. London had gotten itself quite excited over the event , and Saturday and yesterday scarcely anything else was talked about in public places. Among the Thames water men , the fueling in the city was with Manlon , and his easy triumph was accepted al most as a matter of course. The atart was made from the Star and Garter pier just above Putney bridge. Han lan , as ho sat in the boat , had that air of self-satisfaction and confidence which a long series of victories , has impressed jipon his countenance , while Trickett was evidently nervous , and , although he sat well and handled the oars cleverly enough , a certain hollowness about the eyes and the tightly-drawn lipa , told the story of an anxious and probably a sleepless uight. His backers and a few of the crowd cheered him , and when the word to go was given he had recovered his old-time determined look , and pulled away with his peculiar shash- ing stroke. Hanlon's appearance on the water was the signal for cheers both loud and deep , which , however , did not seem to affect him. He pro ceeded to business with the most ad mirable coolness , and calmly awaited the starter's signal When the signal came , both men caught water on the instant and went abreast for the entire first mile. When that point had lean passed the prow of Hanlan's boat began to project ahead of Trickett's. The difference was not noticeable for almost two thirds of the next mile and only when Ham- mersmUh Urldga had been reached w a it clear that Hanlan had obtained a good lead. A grand cheer greeted trim , then , and as an acknowledge ment he pnt a little extra force into ils strokes and Trickett was left be- lind. The race was now practically decided and Trickett lost courage. Ban Ian then increased * his ead steadily and' after he iad completed hli second mile , he had a mere walk over. The distance be tween him and Trickett widened more and more , and at the three mile point 10 stopped his oars and waved his landerchief overiis head in a spirit of bravado. The # reat single scull match had been lost and won , and rowing over the fourth mile was a matter of amusement. Hanlan was ; tie favorite until last week when Trickett shot ahead owing it is said to his Australian friends pooling ; o give him this preliminary encour agement. On Saturday night , how- iver , the odde given changed , it ba ng reported that Hanlan's Canadian lackers had drawn heavily on a To ronto bank to sunport his reputation. The amount of money said to have changed bands hero in consequence of .ho . result , is something unprecedented n the sporting world. Millions an talked of quite freely. Special dlapatcb. to The Bee. NEW YORK , November 15 1 a. m. Pools on the Hanlon-Th'ckett race mowed a remarkable evenness up to the close of bolting , in Twenty-eghth ind Barclay streets Saturday night nd yesterday morning , just before he announcement of the result , the pagers stood about 100 on Hanlon to 30 on Tricket. On Tuesday , when .ho pools were opened , Hanlon was .ho . favorite at two to one , but on the innonncement of the arrival in Lon- Ion of half a million dollars from iuatralia toback Trickett , betting hen turned , and wagers were about wen. .This was on Friday , and on Saturday $25,000 was sent to Toronto o back Hanlon , and this turned the ide in his favor. This position was ran maintafned in the pools in Lon- [ on and New York until the decision ) f the race. All betting men agree hat there never was a boat race on ffhich so much money changed hands n this city , in piols and private bets , is on this contest Mr. Lovett , of his city , an old Australian , alone leld bets to the amount of § 300,000 id himself backed Trickett to a arge amount. A few weeks ago Englishmen arriued here represent- tig gentlemen who accompanied FrlcketlTfrom Australia to London. They left 825,000 in Mr. Lovett's lands- and large amounts in Pitts- > urg , Philadelphia and Montreal. Private bets , the extent of which can only be guessed at , reaches a very arge amount , altogether , at the very oweat estimate , the wagers in this : ity and Brooklyn are estimated to each a quarter of a million dollars. Some of authorities declare their be- ief that it will exceed a million dollars. HAIO-OH'S VICTORY. LONDON , November 16 , Newspa- > era this morning consider Hanlon's rictory as a triumph of skill over strength , and pra se his grace and sprightlinees. Hanlon declares he will participate in the international race unless he is ill. MARKETS BY TELEGRAPH. Cnlcago Produce Market. CHICAGO , November 15. Wheat No. 2 spring advanced | @ 1 md sold at $1 061 C6 December , closing at $1 Oof cash nr November ; 81 06 | December ; $1 08J January. Corn Advaeced j@J with sales at 41i@42j November , nd 42jj@42 De cember ; closing at 42J@42 | cash ; 42J November ; 4242 | December ; 42g < § 42 | January ; 47@47J May. Oats Were j@J butter , and No. 2 closed at 31 cash or November ; 31 | December ; 31f January and 30 M.iy. Rye Quiet. No 2 sold a * 84 nd was saleabla rt 85 for December. Barley Was quiet. No. 2 sold at 87A@88 cish * nd 88 December. Whisky Firm , ateady. Mesa Pork Sold at $12 15 ® 12 30 November and § 13 52J13 67i Janu ary ; § 13 50@14 25 c ih ; 812 20@12 25 November ; § 3 G0@13 G2 January. Inrd Sold at $8 07 $ November and ? S07J@8 12 Jt " January j closing at § 8 05@S 07 | own"or Novcmb-.r ; § 8 05 December ; § 8 OG8 10 January. and Stocks. WALII SruBKT November 15. Money 1 ; exchange weakat8 81J@483 } . OOVKRNXEflTS. Steady. * U.S ffa-Sl . 104J U.S. 4'g . I 10J U. S. 6'a . I Oil Currencyffs . i S7 V. a 4 } ' * . 112 } STOCKS. Moderately active and advanced | @ 1J per cent. , Reading J to j. W U . 9JO Omaha . 43 N. T. a . 137J Preferred . 83 Erie . 2J Union Paafls . 90 Erefem-J . 73 Am Express . Gl R.1 . 1 'J ' O.C.&I.C - 2 L.3. . 114 M C . US Northwestern . 112 } Lacka wanna . OS Preferred . 1S7J Hudson C n * ) . . . . 8 Pll . 47 NJC . 791 OHIO . 35 L * E . 116 } Preferred . 7i Kraidlnff , . 47J BUPanl . 103 } III . 4 Preferred . 117 * N P . 3U St. Joe . 40 } Preferred . 67 } Preferred . S9 L& N . 172 , Wahash . 41 ? K. &T . 40 Prcfered . 75J I ) & Uio 0 . 80 } OntftW . 25 } Alton . 1S31 B&Q . 158 A&PTel . 40 Chicago Live Scock Market. CaicAooNovomber 15. Hogs Moderately active and un changed. Sales were at § 4 574 75 for light packing and shipping , § 4 50 @ 4 80 for heavy packing and § 4 Go ® 4 87 $ fir good to extra smooth heavy shipping. Lots received , 43,500. Cattle Shipping steers sold at § 4154GO for fair to choice lots ; there was a large supply of calves from different eastern points , but bulk will be spippod wool on owners ac count. City butcher * were not pur chasing up to 11 o'clock. First re ceipts were 3,520 head , St. Louis Produce MarKet. ST. LOUJS , November 15. Flour Better for best grades ; choice $5@5 20 ; fancy 5 355 GO ; Wheat Higher. No. 2 red , § 1 04 © 1 04 J cash ; S10GJ , $1 OGg@10G De cember ; $1 08al 08 * ' January ; 81 11J HlJallOf Febrna'ry ; No. 3 red , $1 00al 00 | November. Corn Higher at 31a31g cash ; 31g a31 & November ; 31 $ December. Bye Quiet at 8Gc. Barley Firm and slow at G0@95c. Butter Steady. Dairy 20a2G. Eggs Higher at 22o. Whisky Steady at $1 09. Pork Dull ; jobbing at S14 00. Dry Salt Meats Lower at § 4 55@ 6 90 , 7 05@7 20. Bacon Lower. Clear ribs at $8 15 @ 820 ; sides $8 35@8 40. Lard Quiet at $8 00. Receipts Flour 1,000 brls , wheat , 99,000 bu ; corn 94,000 bu ; oats , 2,000 bu ; rye , 1,000 bu ; barley , 31,000 bu. . Shipments Flour , 2,000 brls ; wheat , 10,000 bu ; corn , 4,000 bu ; oats , 2,000 bu ; rye , 1,000 bu ; barley none. St. Louis Live Stocz Market. ST. Louis , Novembr 16. Hogs Active and better ; Yorkers Baltimores , $4 404 55 ; mixed pack ing , $4 40@4 GO ; butcher'a to fancy , $4 G5@4 80. Eeceipts , 11,200 ; ship ments , 6,000. New York Produce Market. NEW YORK , November 15 , Flour Moderate. Export and iocte trade inquiry receipts 40 qrbbla ; round hoop Ohio 85 10a5 50 ; choice do $5 GOaG 25 ; superfine n cstera , ? 3 90a4 35 ; common to good extra , ? 4 80a5 10 ; choice , $5 15iG 50 ; choice white wheat , $4 75a4 95. Butter Steady and quiet ; Ohio , Esters Western quiet and firm at 222Go. Wheat Quiet ; Chicago , Si 17 ® 1 19 ; Milwaukee , 1 20 ; No. 2 red winter , $1 20 ; Sales 40,000 bus. Corn Quiet ; No. 2 at o8c. Sales 175,000 bus. Oats Quiet. Whisky Nominal. Pork $1450 bid cash ; 14 75 asked November ; 814 55al4 G5 De cember. I Lard 88 628 59J November. Sales ot ? 8 45 December ; $8 474a8 50 Sanuary ; § 8 52js857i February ; S3 57a8 GO seller March ; 88 54a8 47 i seller year ; 88 70 asked buyer the year. _ _ _ Weekly Market Review. OMAHA , November 10 , 1880. Owing to the unsettled condition of the weather the market the past week iaa been unsteady ; however at he opening of this week we quote prices which can be relied upon for the next few days. The following are the prices paid by retailers : PKODUCE Cabbage good sound leads per hundred , 85.00. Onions per bbl. $3 75@4 00 ; potatoes , car load lota , 50@GOc ; cider 87 50 per cask ; butter , poor , 18o , common 20c , choice 24c ; cheese , Nebraska , 14c ; eggs are scarce at 22c ; lard , 80 per Ib. POULTRY Live chickens per doz. , $2 2582 50 ; dressed per Ib. 8c ; dncka , dressed , 7@8c ; turkeys , 10 © lie. FBUIT Good winter apples are plenty and selling at $2 25@2 50 per bbl. ; lemons , 86 00 per case. HIDES AND TALLOW Green hides , 77i ; green ealt hides , 9 < g9J ; green saltcaif. 10@14 ; dry flin , 15. Dam aged stock two-thirds regular price ; 10 per cent , off for brands. Tallow , 1524jc. WOOD Hard wood sells readily from ? G 25S87 00 ; soft , $4 0085 00 per cord. HAT Bailed , 810 00 per ton ; in bulk , 86 757 25. BRICK In kiln , scarce ; common , $8 00@8900 ; pressed , 820 00. NAILS S3 15. 'GRAIN Wheat , No. 2 , 8Gc : No. 3 , 77c ; rejected , 58c. Corn , western mixed , 27c. Oats , 2527c. Barley , No. 2 , 60 ; extra No. 3 , 40 ; rejected , 30. . Rye , No. 2 , 72. LIVE STOCK Fat steers are bring ing 83 503 75 ; fat cows and heif ers , $275 ® J2 85 ; she p , 83 75. Hogs are DOW in good demand and bring from 84 00@S4 30. LEATHER ; Shoemaker's Stock Sole leather , oak tanned , 40@43j : per Ib. ; hemlock tanned , 30@3G ; upper , com mon , 24@28 ; uoper , doraestc ra'f , 81 CO@1 30 ; French cjlf , $1 50 © § 2 10 ; domestic k p , 80S1 10 ; French kip , § 1 10 ? l 50. HAIWI&S STUCK Ko 1 ' : ik tabued , 43@45 ; No. 2 o k Sinned , 4I&I3 ; No. 1 hemlock t.um. . . . iS lO ; N J. 2 homlcck tanned , ! ! 7fei9. ! TOE WOOli MAtSKET. PuiLiDELl'HIA , Nov. 11 , 1SSO. Daring the past two months the mercantile community ha bcn "real ly exercised o\cr 'lu c'cctlon just passed , as it was fear d the result might bring about a clun o in tliu financial and commercial policy of the government , ttij uncei Unity had a tendency to chuck business opera tions , as consumers yont.ruly ] pre ferred to "InoviT cautiously unTrTtho" question of chingo or no chnugo was settled. The decision is in favor of no change , and the coiiEcqucnco has been to give a now impjtna to trade. Values are hardening , ami there ia no doubt but a fair ptlvnncc on mist arti cles will bosecnrcd , but wo doa'tlook for a great chingu in pricey , as the country at largo has bjen taught the lesson that "booina" do not pay , and prudent merchants wili bo s Uislieil to keep their goods moving , and not hold for large profits which they may nccr obtain. Wool , which would probably have been affected moat uy n change in the tariff shows a marked improvement and prices of most grades are from 2c. to 3c. per pound highur than a month ago. Fine lloccca ! iuo ; ad vanced most , and choice XX is sell ing at 47c. and 48c. X at 4Jc. ( to 47c. Medium combing and deUino has been nominally advanced to 5Dc and 54c , but buyers are reluctant to pay these figures , and so for sales have not boon made at over . " > 2Jc. Medium " clothing is in more "itqnes" , ana choice parcels are now held at 49c and 50c. Fine delaino 1m said freely at 48c. , but the best lota are now firmly held at49c. . and 50c. Low combing and quarter-blood nre in somewhat better demand , but prices do not chow any very material change. Choice unwashed is becoming scarce , and now that prices arc ad vancing it will receive more attention from manufacturers ; for when the market is declining preference ia s un to be given to washed wool , but when the tendency is upward nioru comM eration is given to cheaper stock , hence at such times Biles of unwashed are frequently made at figures beyond its relative valus. The transactions in tub washed have been light , as most of tliu wool offering is of too wide a grade io suit buyers at present. They are willing to pay 50 and olc. for uniform lots , but pass by average parcels. Pulled has been in better request , and can be quoted at 2 to 3c. nor pound higher than a month og < > , the better grades being in. moat demand. Colorado fleeces have received more attention , but sales have been re stricted by the small stocks oilering The medium grades have sold beat , and wo quote choice at from 32 to 33c. , according to condition. Kov Mexico wool which Ima been neglected - glected for so long a period has cold very freely during the pjst two weeks , and stocks are greatly reduced Prices do not show any material change , but it is highly satisfactory that buyers have commenced to tal.c hold , and if the general market con tinues as strong as it ha * been during the post few days some improvement can bo safely counted on. Fall wools are commencing to r.rrivoinn small way , and wo quote : Average , part improved , at from 21 to .2:5.- : . ; all improved , 25 to oOc , according to condition. Ohio , Penn. and West Virgin ! ; XX and above , 47l8c. ; X , 4 < © 17c. ; medium , 4U@50c. ; quarter blood , 42@44c. ; common , cots and nnriy , 3032c. ; medium combing and clo- lalne , 52i@53c. ; line delaine , 49 ® 50c. ; low combing , 43Q45a. New York , Michigan , Wisconsin , Indiana and \Veatcrn : XX , 43 ® I5c. ; X , 4243s. ; medium , 4i@13c ( , ; quar ter blood , 42@43c ; common , cots and hurry , G0@32c. ; medium combing and delaine , 51@52c. ; line delaino , 4648c. ; low combing 42@43c. Tub Washed : Choice medium , 4851c. ; average 4G17c. ; low and inferior , 3540c. Choice Unwashed : Fine , 27@30o. ; medium , 35@38c. ; quarter blood , 31 ® 33c. ; common , cots and burry , 22 ® 24c. ; medium combing , SC jOS ; . ; low , 32a34cr Average Unwashed : Fine , 22a 25c ; medidm , 3ia35c. ; quarter blood , 30a32c. ; common , cots and burry , 20a22c. ; medium combing , 31 a3Go. ; low , 31a32c. Kansas and Far Western wools from 2 to 5c lower than average unv/aalicd , according to condition. Pulled : Extra , 3.Ta40c. ; fiuo super , 42a45c. ; super , 30 35c. ; coarse , 20a21c. ; black , 20a30c. Black from 5 to lOc. below the above quotations. Colorado and Western TCinsaa : Medium and fine choice , 32a.3c ; av erage , 28a30j. ; quarter blood , 5j.i ! ( 27c. : 24a25c. ; common , 22a23c. ; 20a 21c. ; black , 21a22c. ; 19j20c. SIOUX CITY & PACIFIC API ) St. Paul & Siouz Gity RAILROADS. The Old Reliable Kiou * City Route I 100 MILES SHORTEST P.ODTE 1 Prom COUNCIL BLUETS to ST. PAUL , MINNEAPOLIS DULUTH , or BISMA.ROK , And ill points In Northern Juwz , Jllncrrota and IHkota. Ihl * line la erpilpivsl mtli ti < rlm- proTed Weatlnzbonse Automatic Air Erabciard Miller Platform Conoler zed Duffer. And I ? i 8PEED.SAFETY PHD U nraorpiwed. . Elc int Drerfn ? luxim s.io Sleeplnz Caraowncd and controlled by the cart piny , ran Throazh Without Chinee t > ctncen Unio Pacific Transfer Depot , Council , and St. Paul. Trains leave ths Union I'.vdflc Transfer Depot at Council ElufTd , at 6:1B p m. , reaching Slonz City at 10:20 p. m. , and t. Paul at 11SJ5 . ta , making * -TEN HOURS in ADTAMCK or ART OTHEE Rotrra. Returning , leave St. Paul at 327 p. m , ar. rivli ? at Slonx City at 1:15 s m. . and Union Pacific Trunfer Depot , Conncll Binffi.it 3U50 a. m. Be sure that your tickets read vii "U , C. * P.B.R. " F.C.HILI5 , Superintendent , IHavrart Vailfcv , IOTIS , P. E. BOBINSON , Aw't Oen I Para. Asctt. J. H. O-nRYAX , an4 Pa-cn r Ascnt. C'onr.cil Blcffg U/AMTCn l * > c lAzents everywhere to eei U nil I CU Tea , Coffee , Katie ? Powder. Flavorinff Extracts , etc , by timpte , to f tnIU } < . Profit good. Outfit free. People's T * Co. , Has 6020 , St. Lonla , Mo. EBHOLM "R1"R fffTSTROW . LJ JUkllrUJLa . .Kjj JL1 sUc ami Kctnil IHnui ; EWE -KAHUEST STOCK Or ftoltinud Silver V juid tJmc'ry in the lily. Coine and Sec Our Stock as We Will Be Pleased to Show Goods. EDHGIFYJ & ERIGKSOH , I" * h ADoflr'p Opposite I'tistolSce * Iron and V/agon Stock , M Chit'tiijo Trices. .UK ! ISII llimwy Street , Omaha. octll-7mn I'llOUATK NOTICE. in the matter of the < r l3le"f CrcicnUi Thick , ilcccafnl : Nutico Is IiiTcln zivur.tii.it tlic cre < Iit > M r Silil ilccca t J. \ itl iiir't the fYC < ifnr of gaitl estate , l f re me. Cuiintv Ju < ! ! ; o Of Dim , . ! i rnfct -t tin * < ' Kni in CountyNet > > i , Onintv nrt - ni gsul Comifj.on tlieOfh .lay if Deti-mh r , 1 0i > i > f.1io 'Mi ilav tf Febtiu > , ISJI."iil oci tli Olli iHv ot April , 1381 , at 10 < ! h , .1. m. , < r i.li iHy , for the firp1 * * of prwentm. ; llmr iliirm for cxanuii-vtioii , mijinl ITK.-M' anil ili ! > wiiR.e. bLTniontlfj jrc alluwed for cieJitr.ru to jre-cnt their chimj , ami one year for the e citnr tu Settle sahl etbtte , from tiio ! h ilav of Octolier. ISiO.tlnnnri < v wilt lie iMiMniittl iu the Ow * WrrKijt BRK , fur four weeks U' ccti e ! > prior la the IXIi ilai of l > e-omli r. 'S--0 WM.O. UAii'nroionKxv , ocSQnrlt County Jikli ; ' ) Tl'K CBLSBRATED Oval StcoJ To tli ! ! rrou 1 by Ufri ( SR001 ii GklUflMrf1 , 1'on.ilu Aar , IFw. F. D COOI'EK , Write for pii"T Aren't. ' QUIII.I , Neb. bUU _ _ PROPOSALS von COAL. Orncic nr I'ttr rrRK , ) osuHt , Sov. sth , tbao. f Scaled pr.p'isaU ill ! receiv > l by the un dcr&unul until 12 'tlnch noon , on Tiics-lay , Novctnhcr ISIb , A. l > ! > , forfori whiiii bird and soft c > R ! fur n e in the ! * > nd fl-o iloi'i'tiJior.t from th date on'il tbe 3Cth of Juii , A. D. lcat. SM bH > w p' > i x k hirtl t t the price fur ssch coil dclivcre-1 vihera ordered , and b ll mnnaii'1 price without refpect toany ' 'eKnltw amount ( f coal. J ha right h ) rworvrl to reject an } n J all t/Nls. . . . . Knvelope ) ujritaiuun ; mi'l i 'j | > 3 t mail be marked I'r.ipiiiah for r * l , ' mil aildre-mcil t undcM'sned. J. F. XtUAHT KY , no > fiO "City Clerk prorosALS FOK GUADINO. r mem or Cirr Cuaat , > ( AIM , Nov. Cili , i iO. t fcilc' propo- will heiecdvoa b/ the ui" ( Jersi , nt'l ui.iil.IJ o'rl'xk noon , on the lj rt day of Xovcmbtr , A. 1 > . 18 . for ijr dins ll r ncy street tu the eouMkbui sra e from tt a wetslieof ISthrtres. to t > - BM gi'la uf 10th street. rainanrt i > e < iiV atio'u * tor § aW work , Z3 wo 1 < s 11 otr.er inf rrmtnu can te obtain , d tt fffle f eit > em. inter. IT Creighton Klock. Said bidi sbill 9 ate the i - ' < ! per ' tic Japl for ( Jntng ( - W i3t.\ne \ , ana hal specify he > h- cr Lid It tor earth remottd or rth p.acetl on Bit ! e'.rtot at till at ; Er.veloiHM coitworrt ; ! ! M U hall be imtk- ed "Profwal * lot' rwlhiz Ha ne/st. . wl re dclivere i t.i "iiUcntinvni M a dtivnncbter than aboro ep.ciHtd Thentroout a mvp-neil aj/r- ty uml rthcumMcuDtHiioiaahalt acnrutiinv tvchbd Tnc li bt B reaervnl ti r j < xt i ) snd a'.l h ih J. f. McCARTs KY , jufito _ _ C ty Ctaik. _ pKMJS OYVKHa A SPLKKDID LIST O JU ! ' > > rzalnj in UaaaK , " Lotn , fttmt mJ Lan h , in hia new eel torn an lt mce rnAKKM IT 2 .l rk a.lto.nno 1 jesr old X n ro mi-1 one - > ear old bi > t - < , I , J rail s cortli on Jlfcwouii bottom CoT I M K > llf.'i K. LOruvcr nEtllS' new column of baririp * - > n \ age _ LOAS Ata per cent fntei , , n ardj for 1 ti > G years' time on Ont eUftiraf eucitau.l farm property. Apply at RSillS It-si Kttaie ami Loan Agency , 15 tk and Dou < t * 'j. . VSmHt T OJ8. KAR 8HOCKAfcOLVNftS IvA B W etdnnn ef , r.a.7-.ii on l t Cures nnil Jtovor jjniiits. TlioworlilNcrontPiiiii ; R * > liovcr for BSiiu ami Ciioup , quick niitl PITCH Kit * \STOISI * is not If.irefl c. Children gruw Cab upon , ! rother * like , ai-il PIij.siciJi.ii rccotiitiKMiil CASTOKIA. It -jitlntosl Jic lioxvuls , cures Wind Colic , allays Fcvcri.slmess , and. tle- . * lrojs AVomrs. DE MEYER'S CA- TARI1H Cnco. n. Cnnstltnthm-il Ajitidoto lur thti torrlblo zunln- ily , "by Ahsorptiou. The inn * * , Jjnportnnt Diicovevy sincfj Vnr- ti-s.itioit * Othrr romcilloi msty relieve Catnrrli. thi cnro n * any stage before Consumption in. WAXTKDto K' ' ' Pr CJM ! AGENTS H'E f OlIK YMidouM-ywtr m.jnrAdJrcii Printing Iluude , Ann Arbor , 1 ! . h PKOPOSALS VOll CUUBIM , AND GUTCERIKa. OiWKOrCir. I OXAIM.ov. . 8tb , 1 , will IM. rccisf I 1 v t > i hi aotil J2 cfe nek ' r i t s I 1- , f > uramb > r , ] tMf < rci > r ne . Ifamoy mre < r fr w the w s s t r | 1 to trw t * of l < Hh st-f f i K av' Mratimiandtr whieb - I < ! i E 1 ton F'oefc ' T f M v fr' i c rs-1 i jp < - ( - > I w rr nls drawn anD a 'in : ! < ' - apou the prorertjr abutting n ion o u Ir [ menta. Uklt 9l ! ! spca.fy the pnc In detail i. taacm | nit. < l tn the n.oioof proposed ju andcrihjji-ailiouditioux T o t.'v < re < er ji th riuht to rejean' < - j " bl I nuHrad ProrxwalB for Curbinr ; "and Cartel ffira ; t . "and IM diP.itr-f ! t- the nder.l ) d THf l ter tlwn Mi t r < b < J r.ilcCArtTNEV , | Cltyctr/ ! /