Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 15, 1880, Morning Edition, Image 1

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Established 1871 , MORNING EDITION. Price Five Cents
& 5th aud Douglas Street
Over 8.000 rcdilcnc * lola for ! e \ > y thlg tgta prlccbi niinij tram U > to $ i00 each , mot
-m aU ! < Un every T > irt of thedto. and in erer
d.rectlon from Iho rostoffice , north , ctat , eontl
or wwt , and ratyinR In dlsUnce from oni
o ock to one or two uulca * rccx sime. Cull am
ciamlnooiir lists
8eTr&l cbotce Jotaln Griffin & Isaacs1 add
tlon , u-ogt of cmittnt. between St. Mary's avei
uo n J lUrncy itrect-J 00 to S800.
, , ? CTC3 I"2"1 " CaEt ol t"arrack on Sanndcrs St.
Uils Ucholcp land and will be sold very cheap
or c h in 5 , 10 or 20 acre Iota : now la your tlmi
.OBecur > a bargain.
Cho ) .M lot at en.l of etreet car traclu on Sann
Jem gtro t for $ S75.
< Tuoioa lot. Fkrnhun and 21th street * . 90ilS !
-t-et for ei.500 will divide It.
Cheap lots in Credit Fondjr addition. Bouth o
TJ. P. Ucpot-JlOO to ? SOO.
Forty lota on Park Aye : n * aid Georgia street
o > road to park , and neai nead of St. Miry1/ /
avonueatfrcmJ125to SSOOeach. Seven rean
time at eicht par cent Interest to those ho wll
put up coed subrtauUil balldliun. For furthei
fjrUoulars apply to.
O. P. TJEMIS , Aeent ,
Fifteenth and Douglas Streets ,
A. nice lot on Karac ) and Twenty-flrst streets ,
for f 05.
To cho'.c6lot3 on 20th. ntvr St. Mary's aven
no. 60x1/3 feet each , for S50 nd JSM.
n . ? 'J.f nolcc lots near 23d and Clark Btrects In
. . . > mlth > B addition S300 and 350.
, , " " 'J' 'ota ' ln ShSnnV flr > t. second and third al' '
Oll' ns for100 to $600 each.
but near 15th anJ 1'lerca , ( ISO.
2tnt8 < m ILtriiw near EUh St. , f 600 each. ]
"I jt on S4lh ii-ir Honard Kreet , (7o9.
lots in Qraud View addition. m nlh of U. f
bridge and depot , from $15 to $ 00 each-
One acre , U"v370 foct , on ISth street , eoulh
o ! Pnnplcton's new rrnIJcnec , for $2,000 , or wll !
diriVo Into city sized loll Hi from 8560 toJDOi
\arge nmnbr ot 1x uUful rosWenc * wts , lo
cated in this uo ' < Ult < on on Cifl'cl mil , be
tweoti S < th Etrcot in the cut , Sfith on the west
Uoitze street ou the north * < id Famham trect
oa the south , forraoriy owned by 0. U Down
.nd mpro recn tly known sthe PvricbulE acres.
0n If 'It Iota hivotansfif been pl ttl 11 ot
1'Arnham and 8 ou T > iorlas street. T § e lot >
tare 60 loSOfootu < ridti illS01ndeplk. J1.00C
forthochoico. D yotn time , at 8por cent In
terest to thoM who will Imildjood substantial
] " 5 ? ? ° ? tb're n. C ! l and examine plat and ret
full lnfr.rm tion at
15"i and Doiglis UrcctS.
Over COT li US33 and lot * a-e oltored t0r ( ila
bythiaoffio * Tnsy arc icitto-ed ia over the
If11- Any losVilon y ado-ire. Prices varjlug
tront33tt ( 3l5.0M nth "
2 coed lots and 2 chain hoa9)i near Jackson
und ' 2lh etreeti at n sreat sacrirtce. Hero is a
prre t uirRaln for oima iico. Tim projtrty mint
Jis sold inimxil ilely. Core s | iut a quirUr of a
block. CU11 aud czonilira thU without any dcUy.
GEO I . BKMIS , Arcnt ,
1Mb and D. los Su
A desirable lot uoor Cuming and Eaundcrt
Streets , 51 , 00
Tlie cheapest acre lota Inths city of Omaha ,
re thee oBcr d fdrtule by tills accnijy in Paik
rucoand LowcV nccoinl a.MHt > n , on Cuming ,
Burtnnd California strecti ; you can make ro
mistake inou.ktn ? up tht e bargains htl you
htvntlin chance. Tlicsc lots are morethAft equal
U ( tin to 4 Iull-Mic-,1 city lot * rt . half block
nnditwlllboliitta very short time before one-
fifth pirt of ono ol these aero lota will sell for as
much as wootlcr a full aero to-day. They are
located a very short du uioo west of Cr.ljhton
College. Prices ranphiff from $150 to $300 per
acre lot. Cull immediately , and don't lose your
chance , a j get plat and lull port ! culm of
GEO. P. BESUS. Acent ,
16th and Douglas Streets.
lilce lot on Sherman Avenue north of Nicholas
trect , 81 , 00.
Ualf lot on Cass.bctwccn 13th and Hlh streets
nice loti In Hartman'g addition. $400 to $600.
Large number of acre lots in Glee's addition in
North Omaha , SlzS to ( ZOO each.
Choice corner lot near 22nd and California
trooU , $1,600.
Several good lota In Melsou'i addition , 150 <
Choice lot in Thorneirj addition , $750.
Several largo lota in Birtlctf * addition , 1 ]
rods andSJ acrceeach. iTiees $700 to $2,000
Several choice lorB In Rcod's first addition ,
Acre lot on jlimnan avenue , ( ICth street ) ,
south of Popp'cten'a urw realJcniX ! , ' or $1,100.
2 larcel" a neir 13th anJ C'ark ' reels , 00 1
830 feet Comer. 81,200 ; in-lile , SI , < > JO
3 larr d lots on She m n avenue , ( ,10th street ) ,
QlarkStiutt. 8900 KU h
W * i-y H2 nice and cheap lots , \ cry near to the bus
V- oettg part ot the dty , looted a \ cry few step
nouth of the Convent and t Mary'a aen jeand
just noiitti ct and a.ljo nine t o cruund of Janes
.M. Wuol worth a d W * J. Counell * he e are
cheap and % crr tlailrable , belli j a haiicly to bus
iness pan ot city , to new g > n ' rnino t depot , nail
works , white lead works , U. r.di | t , stock
yaids , packlnz houses , etc Otll nJ c t pl t
and full iiariirnlare. 1'Heo 8i < 4 t > > fW and easy
ermi to Uiose who buil 1
GEO. P. BEM1S , Agent ,
151li yHou las SU.
S choice residence lots < .n 24(1nrect ( , between
PaugUiiand Dodcostreels. l.tiito jl.i. OdCh
and Ions time to thofe who will b tild
S. choice corner lots near 2 th ml Fafnham
Xrc3U , GSxlZI feet , 81,150 ami # 1,200. and very
euy terrar to purchawru w Im i 1 improve.
Also 4 lot * on 24th , bclnoni Kurnham and
Douglaa B reeU , 050 to $1O each and long
3250 of the best buiiness lot ? In rot
Omaha for sale , located on cwry him ne street ,
$500 to $6,000 each.
2TAlao > cry valuable store crtles In al
most cvcrj * business block i5 000 to $15,000
40cno ce rcrdcnce lota in above addition , 1m.
rnoliately north of and jkdjolning Poppleton's
beautiful revidcnceund grounds , and located on
ISth 19th and 20th streets , $300 to $ SW ) each and
very easy terms to those who will build Cell and
examine plat and tret full particulars.
OEO. P. BKMIS , Agent.
Beautiful building rite on Sherman avenue ,
16t h 8treetbttwccn Popplcton and the Dudley-
llan nroi > crtv : C3 feet east frontage on the
averSe. by SS9 W In depth. Will divide itmak.
InelSSfestbySSa. Call and get full particulars.
An acre u 18th street , lOifect east frontage
br y38 toot deep. Tliis is Just south of the Kllza-
beth ( Popplelon place. This b gilt-edge , call and
ell f rice ind tcrW of BEMIS , Agent ,
of and K. V.
15 C ° od lota , Jest north adjoining
Smith' " addition , and located between 20th and
Saundvi * streets , at reasonable piiccaand long
time to barer who improv * BEUIS , Agent.
i Horbach's tlr < t and second ad Itlon
ES lots *
nnlflth. ISth , l th and 20th str U , between
Kichoiks. T ul. Sho-uian aud CUrk eticcta , rery
hi V to UT - Shops , smeltln- works , etc. ,
( w tl:10 ° oath'
ranging W P ° ° rom * rom 8IO(1 : '
small payment down and long
ProTe- 15th and Douglas Slrc-t ,
Parker's addition , between
ft. Dodge , Saaadera nd t tern
lerot . tHist telccted I"1 * tn the
-lythtejccncy. Call and ct mips ,
. .
" * * -"l "
( and map of the
"tho outlook cf Xebrastak" foi
in ,
i. P. Ben is1
Douglas St. ,
The Intercession of the
Land League Prevents
a Collision ,
Particulars of the Death o ;
Agent Wheeler in Limerick.
Rumors of Serious Disserv
sions. in the British
A Project Proposed to Buy Ire
land of the Landlords for
the Tenantry.
Spedil Dispatch to The" Boo ,
DUBLIN , NorelJiber 14 10 p , m.
The datails of the asaasalnation ol
Mr. Wheeler , near Limerick , a few
days ago , have been received here.
While crossing a field , accompanied
by a Mr. Moore , slugs were fired at
him from a doable-barreled ptm. &
was struck in the mouth , and three oi
his teeth from the upper and twc
from the lower jaw wers knocked out.
The victim groaned and fell , but af
terward attempted to rise. The assassin -
sassin , who had followed him , then
ahot him again. Moore heard two
more shots , and then fled. Ho in
formed Ihe military at Gala barracks ,
and the police BXJOII arrived at the
Bcene of the tragedy. Wheeler's body
was in a bloody pool , and atill warm.
His hands were clutching the earth ,
and there were eleven wocnds in hia
skull. Fifty policemen have searched
tha district for the assassin , but no ar
rest has yet been made. Wheeler had
taken a farm from which the tenant
had been evicted. His father is now
in Limerick.
Mr. Bay colt a laborers are gather-
intj his crops. The work hny bo de
layed , owing to the unsettled weather ,
but so long as the military guard is in
attendance , no interference from the
populace ia anticipated.
Mr. James Badpath was entertained
ata _ banquet at Cork Saturday , r.nd
sailed for America Sunday.
A land meeting was held at Thurles
yesterday , at which Mr. Dillon stated
that the land league would finish the
landlords if the government attempted
A meeting of 5,000 psople at
Knockenroae , Ireland , Sunday threat
ened the landlords and laud agents.
Six hundred men are at Lauch , re
building a house for an evicted widow.
Four hundred of them are reported
armed and prepared to resist any in
Special Dispatch to Tus UIB
LONDON , November 15 1 a. m.
Sews from Ireland comes slowly and
ate. That there has not been a con-
lict seems due solely to the leaders of
tha land league , who have foresight
enough to avoid ono just now. Their
orders to the peasants to permit the
relief expedition to piss unharmed ,
and the fact that these orders have
) cen implicitly carried out , shows its
vast power over the people. Parlia
ment will be summoned early in Jan
Special Digp&tch to The lice.
NEW YOUK , November 15 1 a. m.
A London correspondent of The
World telegraps the following : Pol
itical circles are full of rumors more
or lees circumstantial , to the effect
that serious dissensions exist in the
ministry concerning the conno to betaken
taken in Irish land. I hear , though not
positively authenticated , that the res
ignations of Lord Selborne , lord high
chancellor , and of the Erl of Cork ,
and Avery , master of the buck hounds ,
are likely to be tendered soon if , in
deed , they have not\ already baen
placed in Mr. Gladstone's hands.
These officials are in favor of more
vigorous measures for the restoration
of Ireland , and a suspens'on of the
habeas corpus in Ireland is still de
manded. A large and influential sec
tion ot the liberal party take the
ground that no course of action less
radical will prove effectual to the end
desired. The spectacle of a small
army of 900 men , with three pieces of
artillery , going to break the blockade
of a land agent's dwelling , is regarded
cs a scandal to the whole nation.
Matters grow in the sister island
every day , no individual landlord be
ing now exempt from the stern war
fare declared on the whole landlord
class by the land league. Even Lord
Cepmore , though a RomanCatholic ,
resident landlord , and one of the few
supporters in the house cf lords' last
session cf the compensation for dis
turbance bill , has recently received
threatening letters , in spite of which ,
inwever , he returned to his seat of
Evillirnoy house. There is very good
reason for believing that the question
is now under the consideration of the
government whether it is not , after all ,
possible to carry out this programme
u a radical cure for Irish discontent
[ t is deemed quite possible to buy out
all the landlords in Ireland for an ex-
ceedincly modest sum , and to present
the land to the tenantry on fixed con
ditions. The landlords , it hardly
need be § aid , are very willing to sell.
Special Dispatches to Th B e.
A special from Toronto. Canada ,
wya : Banian's friends still profess
their confidence in their favorite in
winning tha race which will bo rowed
at Putney , England , on the Thames
course , Monday at 10 a. m. The bet
ting-Saturday , in England , showed
Trickett to be the favorite at 6 to 5.
There has been largo sums of money
cabled over from hero to back Han-
A mutiny broke out among the
prisoners in the jail at Dartmoor , in
the county of Devon , England , Sat
urday , but was finally suppressed after
two of the prisoners had been killed.
Germany , Austria and France arc
entering upon negotiations in the hope
of effecting a peaceful sottlemsnt of
the Greek question.
A cable special reports that Baycolt ,
the earl of Ernes' Longmask agent ,
announces his intention of giving np
the lease of his farm near Loughmask ,
and returning to England.
Bordeaux , France , was greatly ex
cited Saturday over the revelation of
a frightful scandal in wlrch a colonel
of the line and a forger , of Chef d
Escadrt.n , ao said lo ba irnp'Jctled
The accused is charged with outran
ous assaults on several children. S ; :
poisons have been arrested in connec
tion with the affair.
Goldeubcrg , ono of the condemns
nihilists recently on trinl in Rutsia
has just confessed that nine person
were concerned in the Moscow plot li
blosr up the imperial irainj ixmoci
thsm Hartmsnn and Scbieroyalf.
A dispatch from P.irls says Henr
Cachin has been sentenced to om
month's imprisonment for particp& :
ting in the affair o ! November 5 Via
counts Lucons and Amclot nnd Liar
quis Da Bohhebort h .vo bcu sou
tcacod to fifteen d'ya' imprisonment
charged with seditious cries.
_ Mn Gladstone will shortly pay :
visit to Lord Derby. *
The popj warmly received a inir o
embroidered shoos from tno ladies o
San Franciio , and promised to wor.
them on next Easter ,
. M. Buffet , the French .politician
will raisn a discussion with M. D
Freycinot on the crisis.
Some women wore arresbd in Mad
rid yesterday for using offensive hn
guige to the king and queen.
A uispatch from Comtantinopl
says Sheik Mizlam has authorized co
crcion against the Albanians. Thrc <
thousand inhabitants have left Dtil
Cigno owing to the scarcity of provis
A dispatch from Capo Colnny.Soutl
Africa , says affaiis in Basutolani
have somewhat improved. Genera
Clarke has captured Makwassburg
and Mr. Welah and other Europeans
at Tsalo , have been relieved. Thi
colonial troops are moving against th' '
Mr. Goschen , the British ambassa
dor , proposes the creation of nn inter
national financial commission for Tur
Over 2000 was invested on Hanlai
Saturday. Tne latest betting is 100 !
io 800 on Haulau. Both Hanhti am
Trickott are in splendid condition
Hanlan weighs cloven stone ant
Trickett twelve stone and two pounds
The bank of Lisbon , Portugal , wa :
destroyed by fire Sunday.
Special to The Bcc
Nicolai Gedolia , a minirg stocl
broker of Now York , commuted sill
cido Saturday morning : it his resi
dence , by shooting lumsulf througl
the head. Gedolia is the son of i
mm prominent in Danish financial
circles. Financial rovereO ) arc sup
posed to have been the cause.
Captain Payne has returned tc
Wichita , Kansas , from Mulvano , and
has been dangerously ill for ten days
past , but is convalescent , and will be
ible to head the pending movement
to the Indian Territory. The colony
trill muster several thousand strong.
The police Saturday arrested two
: rcoks named Edward Harrington and
John Peti won , and found on thum a
olegrara from a Detroit pn fessional ,
i lying , "The town is ell right ; come
lown immediately. "
H. Enders , a book dealer from Chi-
iago , and formerly Swiss vice-consul
.here . , WAS found unconscious in his
oo m at ihe St. Charles hotel , Mil-
vaukeo , Saturday morr'ng. The gas
lad been blown out , an < it is supposed
le took poison aud lei. the gas ej-
aping to divert suspicion from his
iuicidal intent. He was still alive at
atest reports.
The college championship game of
botbill , Harvard vs. Princeton , was
ron by the latter. Princeton 2 goals ,
larvards 1.
Russell Hart , the Buffalo merchant
fho shot Emil Seifert , the violinist ,
ras on Saturday admitted to bail in
he sum of § 5,000. The wounded
ntn is in a critical condition
A Bohemian woman of Milwaukee ,
tamed Franzick Potrasch , went ont
o work on Saturday , looking her two
ihildren , aged 3 and G years , in the
louse , taking the youngest with her.
Lt dark the oldest child , in attempting
o strike a light , set the house on fire ,
, nd was fatally burned , while the
rounger companion was burned to
A man , supposed to be Andrew J.
Hllen , of New York , the murderer of
lisa SigorEon , has been captured in
Sussex county , N. J. , nnd lodged in
The Carlis'e battery , of Williams-
nrg , N. Y. , went on their annual ex-
ursion to Newburg Saturday nfter-
loon , on the steamboat "Black Bird. "
? hey passed the day in pleasure , and
, t 8 o'clock embarked for homo.
Soon after starting , whou all were
; athered on the deck , the boat struck
in Fisher's rock , and a terrible panic
insDc3 , and several pirtics were
atally Injured , and many hurt. After
ho boat had remained on the rock
ercral hours , her distress signals
vero sighted by the "Daniel Drew , "
, nd the luckless excusionists wore
aken aboard and conveyed home.
Charles Herzbzrger , a printer 19
roars of age , hailing from Washing-
on , D. C. , Started to run a foot-race
Sunday morning in Louisville , Ky. ,
md after going about twenty yards ,
) Ufst a large blood vessel in the region
> f the heart , and fell to the ground
The Gazette office , pcntodice , and
Jturgis * building , at West Union ,
Cowa , wera burned Saturday.
Alice Dates disbanded her company
n Now Orleans Saturday night , be-
; ause , she says , Chas. R. Gardner ,
icr manager , has taken all the money ,
srhile she has done all the work. She
s billed for Sehna , Macon , Montgom-
jry and Augusta , which engagements
ire off.
Gov. Smith of Wisconsin , 1m sn-
lounced himself as a candidate fr
the United Stites sanstorship in op
position to Messrs. Keycs and Sawyer.
Ssna'or Carpenter is a champion of
Mr. Keyes , and Judge Cassidy ia
tvorking for Gov. Sm th.
Atoned His Crime ,
spec al Dispatch to The Bo' * .
SPRIKOFIELD , 111. , Novemb2r 14
10 p. m. Dr. E. C. Grffney , a young
phyiiinu , who some months ago , was
\rrested at the instance of a young
woman named Nettie Burgess , who
sharged him with ceduction and abor
tion , bnt when she went before the
grand jury sec told a different story ,
having in the meantime been undei
Saffrey's influence , bat he waa indict-
d yesterday. A genuine sensation
was caused by Gzffrov's marrying the
girl. The suit will doubtless be
[ Jropptd , as there will ba no prosecu
Search for the Bodies of thi
Ford Pit Mice Accident
Bernhsrdt a Privati
Eoception at the New York
Union League ,
Central Park Agreed Upon a ;
the Site for the World's
Fair of 1883 ,
at tne Union
Special Dispatch to The Bco.
NEW YORK , November 14 1 p. m
Sara Bemhard's private reccptioi
took place Saturday evening at th
theatre of the .Union - Leagao club
The theatre vrna gaily decorated atu
crowdedi Bernhardt'a twenty work
of art ill ol : , and her works in sculp
lUro. four in marble and two n
bronza , wore displayed and much ad
mired. Bernhardt appeared on thi
stage at 9 o'clock , amid strains of th
"Mirscllaiso" march and was groetei
with an outburst of applause whicl
lasted for aomo time. She remainei
in the theatre about an hoUn
tfhe Mine Horror.
Special Diepitch to The Bee.
HALIFAX , November 14 10 p. m
A sad feelicg pervades the commu
mnuity of Sttllarton over the dread
ful disaster at Ford pit. The great
neaa of thu calamity cannot yet bi
roal'zeJ , but in jpoint of loss of lifi
has only baen surpass d by the memo
rab'o ' disaster at the Drummond mini
iu 1873 An exploration party won
down the mine Saturday , and anic
that at the bottom of the shift the ]
found that the air had greatly chang
ad since the night before They ex
amiued the mine for seventy yaidi
and found a dcor blown open and aii
rushing along the southern pasaagi
instead" toward the shaft. The )
found a larqo volume of emoke , auc
then realized that the works were or
fire , and that a terriiic explosion
might occur at any moment. It is
impossible to ascertain iho extent ol
( lie fire , but as far as can bo surmised ,
it ia thought to extend about half a
mile from the sbui't. All hands were
ordered away from the vicinity of the
plnfr , and watchmen stationed to
prevent the paoplc from approaching
it. A c instillation was held with the
old miner * , who .knew the pit well.
It was decided that there was no pos-
silrlity of recoverinjt.any more of the
bodies , as the fire might spread and
cause damage to the surface It waa
decided to flood that part of the pit
where- the Tfiro was. Mr. Dunbar , an
old man who was badly burnt , but got
out a'ive ' , is not expected to recover.
IVo bodies wuro got up List nieht ,
one terribly burned , but the other
was recognized. The inquest will been
on Monday. It is now estimated that
about fifty men were killed , and about
150 widows and orphans left destitute.
J3y tfio flooding of the pit work will be
flopped about a month , throwing 200
men out of employment.
Refugee Convicts.
Spur III Dispatch to Tun Bun
LAS VEGAS , N. M. , November 14
10 p. m. A * week ago three murder
ers , two train robbers and a horse
tlieif escaped from jail hero. A posse
started in pursuit and overtook and
attacked them on Thursday. James
Allen and Davidson , murderers , were
ii'led ' outtight , and another is said to
: iavo been wounded/but escaped with
i's comrades. The posse is still in
pursuit , and hope to capture the
whole pasty.
The World's Fair.
Sj-fcml Dispatch to The Bco.
NEW YOKK , Novembsr 14 10 p.
u. It is considered certain that the
committee on the site of the world's
air of 18S3 has selected Central park.
Che commission , which meets on Jan
uary 18 , will probably endorse the
action of the committee. About
550,000 baa been subscribed up to
Report of the "Corwln's" Voyage.
Special Dispatch to the FEK.
W wiNOTONjNovoraber 15 1 o. m.
Capt. C. L. Hooper , commanding
the United States steamer "Corwin , "
which as sent to tlie Arctic regions
in search of the missing whalers , and
nlao tn leatn , if possible , the fate of
the "Jeannetto , " has submitted his
report to the secretary of the treasury.
Tne report covers 250 pages of manu
script , and is simply a narrative of the
cruise , description ot the country , na
ture , etc. Tffo vessels were found
trading in fire-arms. iu violation of
law , with the natives of Alaska , and
were seized and sent to San Francisco.
Capt. Hooper says Strongland is not
inhabited , and that if the "Jeannette"
was fortunate enough to reach that
land , she was the first vessel that ever
did , and should bave credit for it/
Kallocb Summoned for Contempt.
Special DisDitch to The Bee.
SAN FRANCISCO , November 8 10
p. m. The presiding judge of the
superior court declined to convene the
court in bane to try Mayor Kalloch on
the charge of contempt of court , and
Jud-jo Freeman said that , while seek
ing no responsibility , ho should shirk
nope. Therefore citations were issued
to Mayor Kalloch to appear before the
court on the 27th.
Mortgaging Booth's Tnoatro.
Special Dispatch to Tin Bui.
NcwYoKKNov ember 14,10 p. m.
Oliver and Oakes A. Ames , said to be
sons of Oliver and Oakes Ames , of
credit mohilicr fame , and their wives ,
of North Eiston , Mass. , have mort
gaged the property known as Booth's
theatre for $16,000 , the mortgage to
run three years with interest at' the
rate of 5 per cent per annum.
Spotted Fever.
Special Dispatch to The Bee.
SAMUEL'S DEPOT , Ky. , Nov. 13.
People just in from the vicinity ol
Willisburg , Washington county , re
port the spotted fever prevailing
there , several persons being afflicted.
The disease is spreading and is sup
posed to be malignantly fatal.
Whore Is the Box ?
SpfcU ! DispMch to The Bee.
FKASKFOBT , Ky. , November 13 4
p. in. The county of Galloway , in
the late election , gave 1,137 votes for
Hancock and not one for Garfield.
Fares to Florida.
Special Dispatch to The Bee.
CIIATTANOOOA , Tenn. , November
13 i p. ra. The Southern pasnen-
gsr agents' rate convention adjourned
after a two days' seision. Bates to
Florida from all northern points ware
m dc b"th round tiip and straight.
The rates adop'cd range from 10 to
15 yer cent , belo * former rates. The
reduction applies to rates west of the
Allegheniea , and are the same overall
competing lines. Tourists will bo
given fifteen days to reach their des
tination , with stop-over privileges.
The Illinois Senate.
Spd > l Dispatch to The Set.
SRiNcmiip. November , ! lij. The
next senate will have SS republicans ,
IS democrats and socialist . , civing
the republicans a majority 13 ovet
alh _ 0f the members li republican
and 0 democrats hold over and will
participate in the election of the Suc
cessor to Unite 1 States Senator Davis
( n 1883. The lOpliblieaai start ID
t'lo next organizition withTa majorltj
of e'ght ' senators , jo. that the joinl
mxjority of the two honses plainlj
f recasts the retirement of Davis.
Texas Tricks. *
Special Dispatch to Tn BBS. f
SAKTA FivN. M.Notiber 13.
"Joseph" A.Thomas , deputy" sheriff
was shot and killed last night at Snco
rio , N. M. , by a gambler named Gtor-
don. During the day Deputy Shorifi
Thomas had disarmed Gordon , takmj.
a Colt's pistol from him. During thi
evening Gordon and a Mexican enter
ed a saloon where Thomas playim
poker. Gordon threw Thomas dowr
and shot him nine times , killing hirr
Instantly. Thomas was formerly chiel
of police of Trinidad , Colorado. H <
leaves a wife and children.
New Yorfe Money and Stocks.
i WALL STRKST November 13.
Money 3 } ; exchange dull at $1 81J@4 83J.
U. S 6V81 1045 U.S. 4'a 110 ?
U. 3. 6's 1 OlJ CurrencyC'0 127
U. fcUj'j 1 12
Actlro and advanced J@3J per cant , since
the opining ; latter In Reading.
W O 97 } 0. C.&I.C 2 {
N. Y. C 137 M C 1(8
Erie 43 Lackawanna. . . . . . 93
ErefcrrrJ 73 Hudson Caiul SSI
R.I. 129 N JO 77j
I.S. 114 M4E 114
Northwestern 112 } Rcidlnjr , 513
Preferred 1S7 III 473
PM 4.J ( N P 30
Ohio ? 5 Preferred 55
Preferred 1i L&N 1713
St. Paul 102 K. &T 4PJ
Preferred 117 D&lUoO 801
St. Joe 40 Oat AW 2SJ
Preferred S3 B&O 157J
Wabash 41 Alton 1S6J
Prefored. . 75 A&PTcl 40
Omaha 44JJ COC&J 79
Piefc'rcd S3 CP 813
Union Pacific 06 § 1C H7j
Am Express
Chicago Produce Market.
CUICAOO , November 13.
Wheat Market from l@lc higher
than 24 hours ago. No. 2 spring sold
at gl 04g@l 04f for car lots ; for cash
sailer Nov. SI 04@1 03 ; December
ranged at § 1 04g@l 06 ; January at
§ 1051 07 ; February , S106g@108 ,
closing at SI 04c cash for car lots ;
810451 05 seller November ; $105 j
1 CG December ; SIOGJ ® ! 07 January ;
No. Ssprine , at 93t@94Jc ; rejected ,
7478&No. | ; 2 Minnesota , $1055 ®
1 OG ; winter wheat , No. 2 led in store
sold at SI 03i@l 04 ; No. 3 winttr ,
D4j@94c ; No. 2 red , § 1 04 on track ;
rejected , 92ic.
Corn Stronger and fairly actico in
local speculation and shipping way ,
and prices improved ( sjjc ; No. 2 and
high mixed cash , 4142c ; the bulk
at 41c42c ; Enller , November at 41i
® 42c ; December4 l42jc ; January ,
42J@42cMay | ; , 4647cclo8inat ; { 42c
cash aud Novemoer ; 4242gc De-
cenibcr ; 42gc January ; rejected in
store sold at 40X@403c ; on track , 41J
342chich ; mixed , 41c.
Oats No. 2 sold 30i@30c cash ;
J0i@30fc November ; 30314 DP-
: ember31J@3Uc ; January ; 35i@35jc
May ; closing at 30 < f@303c cash" ; 30gc
November ; 31Jc December ; 31 0 Jan-
lary ; 35Jc May.
Rye No. 2 aold at 84c cash or No-
retnber ; 85 c December ; SG c Janu-
Barley No. 2 sold at 89o for cash ;
58@88ic for December ; No. 3 in store
J2No7 4 in store , 51c.
St. Louis Produce Marsot.
ST. Lou-'S , November 13
Flour Firm and about 5c higher ;
XX , S3 703 ( 95 ; XXX , $4 354 40 ;
iamily , g4 80@4 95 ; choice , § 505 ®
> 25 ; fancy , 85 355 70.
Wheat Higher , No. 2 redl 031 ®
L 03J'cash ; 8103J bid November ;
31 05J@105J December ; SI 07g108
Tanuary ; § 1101 10J Febnary ; No.
Jdo , 99J@1 00 ; No. 4 do , 93ic.
Corn Cash nominal ; futures bet-
: er44Jobid ; cash ; 42J@42gc Novom-
aer ; 41ffi414c for IJcember ; 41 c
'or January ; 42o for February ; 45 §
"or May.
Oats Dull at 3131a cash ; 31c
aid November ; 31c bid December.
Rye Steady at 8Gc.
Barley Firm and slow at G0@95c.
Butter Unchanged.
Egs Firm at 21c.
Whisky Steady at $1 09-
Pork Dull : jobbing at 814 00.
Dry Salt- Meats Quiet at $1 55 ®
1157 30.
Bacon Lqwer at 85 50@820@8 50.
Lard QuioVat S8"0M (
Receipts Flouf.7,000 brls , wheat ,
49,000 bu ; corn 50,000 bu ; oats ,
16,000 burye ; , 1,000 bu ; barley ,
31,000 bn.
Shipments Flour , 17,000 brls ;
wheat , ! 25,000 bu ; corn , lO.OOOjbu ;
oats , 2,000 bu ; rye none bu ; barley
St. Louis Live Stocs Market.
ST. Louis , November 13.
Hogs Better ; Yorkers and Balll
mores , § 4 554 GO ; mixed packing ,
84 504 55 ; butchers' to fancy , § 4 GC
@ 4 80 ; receipts , 4100 head ; ship
ments , 1800 head.
New York Produce Market.
NEW YORK , November 13.
Flour Quiet ; scarcely so firm ; re
receipts , 19,238 brls ; round hooj :
Ohio , $5 10@5 50 ; choice do , 55 4C
® G 25 ; J superfine western 83 80S
4 30coaimoii ; to Rood extra do , § 4 65 < c
5 10 ; choice , do , do , $5 15G 50 ;
choica white wheat , do , § 4 75@4 95.
Butter Steady and quiet ; Ohio ,
s Western quiet and firm at
2225jc ,
Wheat Strong ; Chicago , 81 17 ®
1 19 ; Milwaukee , 1 20 ; No.2 red
winter , $1 191.
Corn Dull ] No. 2at58Jc.
Oats Firmer ; white No. 1,47@47 $ ,
No. 2 ; 43Jc@43 c ; No. 3 , 41 ; mixed -
ed No. 1 , 42c ; No. 2 42o. No. 3 , 40i@
Whisky Nominal.
Pork 812 90@14 25 seller the year ;
814 50 bid cash ; $15 00 sked Novem
ber ; $16 00 asked December.
Lard $8 60 < § 8 G2 November.
The Foul Philp Dropped
Into the Clutches of
the Grand Jury ,
Judge Day s Ventilates the COL-
Bciracy p.nrl "Vi .dicates
the Law.
Abraham Hev/itt Arraignec
as an Abettor and In-
dorser of the
The National Committee' Lia-
b"o to Arrest.
Spcdil Dlnpitcli to TUK Cs < .
NEW YonK , November I ? ! p. in
Chief Justice Dnvia , of the K iprci'i
court , this inorniiu. , ri'ndcre < l hi1 * de
cision ia the case of Kenward Ph I { >
charged with the libel of Gen. Gar
field , In connection with the Morev
Chinese loHer. Ilts decision in tin
case is , in substance , as follows. Ni
newspaper ! had } Iho rijjht to pu' ' >
lish as genuine any foryrd or falsu tn
strument. TheMoroy letter is a for
gery and the editorial calling Garlioli
a liar , is liboloii" . TL-c olFundar undi-i
the codecould only bo reached throu l
prosecution for Ihe offense. The en
velope bore evidence of er iurca ant'
was also a forgery. The evidence dir
not prove the existcnco of an orgam
zition called the Libor Union nor o1
such a man as U. L. Mfiroy. Thi
existence of such a person na John A.
Goodall , alleged to have forwarded
the letter to Mr. Hart , publisher o !
The Truth was not proven , nor Ilia' '
such a man wna appointed u ucut'T ' < >
the estate of IT. L. Mor-y ,
who , Judge Divis EsM , nas a inyili
Men who professed to 'know ' him hail
confessed themselvc.1" perjurers. I'hilj
asserted in his article that the Ictti r
was genuine , and ho must held ' <
answer , unless he- proved it. If tin
letter wai genulno , ifc waa lAwful t >
publish it , if not , it v.-aa uiil.twfu
Even the entriei f f "II. L Morey'1
on the Lynn hotel roaster uerc
forgeries. Judge Divis said tins evidence
denco of cx-Congrt'swiiui ' A. S. Ilew
itt astoiiiuhcd him. UP. ncccrdine to
Hart's testimony , induced thu pubh
cacion of the forged letter , pronounc
ing it genuine , llewitt'a opinion and
motives wore a subjact for cousider
ition. His connection with tbr
letter and procnedings ware of an nx-
traordinsiry char.iittr. It was
astonishing'5' ! ! tint a person
sf hi experience should , under uc ! >
juspicious circumstanced pronounce
this letter genuine. Upon Mr. IJuwiti
must fall a largo share of the rcsrpon
libllity for the piibltuauatioii as it
went out to the country imo'cr thu
lanction of his endorsement. Philp
was guilty of criminal lib-si , fire put-
ishing a libellous article , knowing the
etter to bo a forgerr.
Judge Davis conclu-Jed ni follows :
"Tho evidence adduced in the case ,
ilao tends to establish n great con-
ipiracy concerted , or at least abetted
jy men In high station in life. Tin1
location of their actual guilt will bt-
eft to a jury of their cnm.tryineu ti >
lecido. " Philp waa hold to bail to
inswer the charge.
\ Vein of Flowing Oil Found
in Dixon County.
& . Rich Strike by Coal Miners.
Ipoclal Dispatch to the Icc. !
PoNCA , Nub. , November 13. The
nest intcnao excilcincut prevails
ier j Petroleum waa struct by a
inmpany of Ponca coal miners , at a
lepth of 550 feet 11 inches. Gushes
if oil ruah to the surfscc at intervals
f three minute ? , preceded by n How
if gas. The well n owned exclusively
> y Dixon county per pie.
Companies are fermiii" , and by
ipritjg a acoro or uioro of wells will
> 3 sunk. A ( lowing oil well ia rsti-
nited to bo worth fully ono million
lollar ? .
The Omaha and St. L'.uil will con-
leot us with jour cily in a few days.
Bad Moral Generates Bad
Special Dispatch to The Ike
NEW YOKK , Novembar J.,4 p. in
Wm. Urover of lied Dank , N. J. , whc
ia fifty years old aix month : ) sg" > , mar
ried Jeinia Chambers , aged 115. Thcj
lived unhappily together until Satur
day last , when Grover'a abuo cauati
her io leave him. On Thursday nighi
she returned to the house for tlio pur
pose of getting some clothing. Grovti
refused to let her have thoclothing.
She insisted upon tikioit , where
upon Grover uhot her in the head She
is reported in a dying condition to-Jay. .
Grover had lost two wivt- ? , pistons
Jemia's mother ia siid tohavofavorci
the child's maniaiio to Grovewh >
had been Jemia's f.ither'a comrafle ii
the war. Tlu nn ther is r. widow
who had remnr : ! : < ] , and w..g Mrs
Aumack. Grower h respccW ly con
nected at Tljd I. ml : , ii s s > , .lame
Groyer , formerly H member of tin
legi lturo from Monmuiith , ihh !
he was not of sound tinut. ilf > w.i-
sergeant in the Fourth Sew .Terse }
volunteers during the war Wl.t" h
married Jetnii he had a Itit'n ' f > < mna\ \
Cranberry.and twelve hundred d.'lbr :
back pension money. 'Tl.o clcrsytnei
who performed tliu retihir * bto ujar
riage of a child under 11 wlw canno !
lawfully bennrricd , WJB H--V. J. Mar
shal of Bapfiat church , of Eaton-
Jemia was r.t thp head of t'o ' stain
when Grover shot her jn-t b ! ' y h
left eye. She fell head ! \\j J tin
bottom of the stairs , and Grover u > i. < ]
again , the ball crSshinj ; through the
back of the skull , msknjj .1 fata :
wound. Grover , nftor } > 'n arrest1 eaid ,
"I did it in fun , its -.11 rght. "
Grover was ditchsrged from thi
army after the battle of PcnensuU foi
physical disability , by reason of aick-
ness , and his rnir.d was affected. His
first two wives were supported by his
fcihar. If lemia had lived aha wou'd
Iiave been 13 nest week.
Academy of Science.
Ths regular moathly meeting of the
Nebraska Acidcmy of Sciences waa
held Ftheir rjoms , in Williams'
block , Friday evening , the president ,
Prof. Aughey , presiding.
The president announced aa a com
mittee to arraii2O for Hie presentation
f pa ; c'i cf rcientiGc snbjecta at each
, -j | r iM eMr.- , Lion J.V. . Savage ,
Loiv tt Djra'am and MM. II. S.
Hie corresponding secretary read a
latter from Jlon. H. M. Atkinson ,
-urvryi r general of New Mexico , in
slucli ho esp u 3 d an earnest assur-
.tnro of ; > ! ! t'iy ' ai < l in his power.
IV f. IV.lmor , of Lincoln , promised
i c tiitiibu'.icn to the scientific work of
iho scidemy.
U "v W. E C. peand ) mada some
Dr. Ur.ift'gave is pereonal experience
in vutli.ig a remnant of a triba of these
people on the Colorado river , a few
years .110. His description was list
ened tovth much interest.
Prof. Anghoy related iomo of the
experiences of his last trip to the
mountains and in the Yellowstone
country. The professor added to the
museum a collection of fossils D
very valu.ible acquisition.
liiliin Meyer , Prof. Palmer , of
L'noln , and Mr. and Mrs. K. K.
1'jft , of Omaha , were elected -mem
bers.Dr. . Childs , cf Plattsmouth , called
the attention of the Academy to the
.ippmranca of meteors which may be
l < ukcd for to-night aa a recurrence
since 1833.
The next meeting of the Academy
will bo held 0:1 the second Friday of
Kent Estate Transfers.
' V. Votes and wife to A. Richard
son , .v. d. , lot 4 , Rogers' add. , Oma-
11,4 8125.
P. Vnn Wmdheim and wife to
John U , Creighton , w. d. , mid. 22 ft.
lot y , block 137 , Omaha § 13,200
M.oy Aim Elliott et al. io Peder
Johnson , \v. d. , lot 11 , block 6
Shull'a 2d atl.l , Omaha § 400.
Augustus Kountze and wife to Jo3.
U. Originf. . d. , lot 5 , block 1 ,
Ivonul o'H , ' i < \ add. , Omaha § 285.
G -o. Clayt-s and wife to Jos. Meyer ,
w. cl. J , t a. block 12 , Omiha § 1500.
August Schiporeit to Mary Baant ,
w. d. i loc 2 , block 2 , block 254 ,
Omah.t S150.
\V. F. Sapp and wife to P. W.
llitchi-cek , w. il. und. A of s A of ne
i ami ne [ of ne , and so jof nw J ,
ind n | tm ] , s < .c. 5 , t. 15 , r. 11 e.
Also ne" } . ne \ , sec. 12 , t. 10 , r. 11 e ,
and - ' . 1 ! ) t. 1C . 11
n w j , nvsee. , , r.
e ? 1.
G. W. and Josppbino Crawford to
L. 13. Lindenb ruer , w. d. , o. $ iw. \
se. \ ate. 12. tp. 15 , r. 10 , o. § 80.
C ! . C IIufji l ami wife to Geo. Red-
tn ? ! ' ! - - ' 1 . part nw. 400. . sec , 15 ,
tp. llf/r. iy'e. § 100.
E. E. J5. Kennedy and wife to C.
FJ , 1) Oat tor , w. d. , lots 5 , G , 7 , 8 ,
0 , 10,1) 12 , blk. 5 , Wilcox'a ad
dition , Omaha § 700.
Chicago Live Stock Market.
CiiiCAOoNovembor 13.
Cattle Receipts were lighter again
for Saturday , but consisted principal
ly of Texan and western steers , but
with limited number of shipping
calvea frcm Ohio , Michigan and other
eastern points , continue to arrive up
fo the hour our reporter left the yards.
Thtiio was nothing whatever done in
any gnulo of stock , and we quote the
nitrkct entirely nominal. Receipts ,
3300 head.
ilo s There was a dull market for
hoqs : md prices declined 5@10o per
100 on hevy packing and shipping
grades ; light packing weak and shade
easier. Sales tanged from $4135 ®
175 for light shipping and packing ;
3if'15@4 85 for common to choice ,
smooth hcivy packing , and from § 460
3180 for good to cuoico heavy smooth
shipping ; nifarior grades sold at $4 15
w-1 25 fur small lots. Receipts , 33- ,
G : re mo n trial and see if I do nc t
jell the lint and cheapest flour in the
market. WILLIS M. YATES.
Clocks from SI 00 and upward at
EJholm & Erickaou's , opposite the
ciii'4 school every Tuesday evon-
inc , in tha Omaha Turner Hall.
13-11 * 0. HOFFMANN.
Omen or CITY CI.KRK , 1
OM UIA , Nov. Ctb , 1880. f
jirbposals uill Le received by the un-
inilil 12 o'clock noon , on Tuesday.
IStli , A. D. 1880 , fur furnishing hsrd
-iTi'l tutt e jel fcr U3n la tlie city offices and fl-e
depa'tmcat from i"'i3 date un'il the SCtli ol
J.nii > , A. O. Ji81.
& itl bills or proposals shall state the price foi
sutli c i > I ilelncrcH.l wlicro ordered , and shsll
mnij said price without respect to any definite
amount i f coal. Ibs tight is reserve- to reject
11v ami ail tMs.
Knvcl | ta4 cjtitiinin ? s id pDposa'a shali be
niitked Tr < > [ u-aN for foal , " ind addreieed to
u-ulerj-'cnc'l. .1. F. JIcCAKTflEY ,
n * jfl _ City Clerltt
C mcs or Crrr CLERK , )
CIM , Nov. Ctb , ISSP. f
cjlc < i t'rop > > .alg will bo received by the un-
ileraiviK'l in til 12 o'clock noon , on the 15th
il y Ol tt > itm&cr , A. 1 > . US1. for gr dlni { Har
ncys'ifct t tie rst-il > Witd cra e from the
nest v-lvfl 15th.tnet tot'C east side of )0tl
street Vnnimi ! iujccifl aticmi for gaid work ,
ng c Is I 11 ru ericforratlion can be obtain , d
it off ) c < > f 11) } t-iiviuecr , in Creixhton Block.
Said Imlm al ! state the price per c-.bic y rd
for u" rir ui'"laiin ? , andehal specify whctli'
cr ( .id u Inr irar'.l : removed ur earth p'aced on
aaMM r.ciUil n
K > , veln { < < f cuata.niC ! ; tiil bid ] shall be mirk-
td Pn > als 'orradin. . ' H * net. . . nd te
ilelive -nder'teii'il at a Jatt-nntHter than
ifo > c * p ci' d The naruu , ( a oropottd sure-
t Hud ( the urail toii'liliona shill accompany
eh hd I c li ht Is rcszrted to reject any
H.I .i.l I. tg ! J. Y. Ml C ART > KY ,
' n--dS- _ _ C ty Clerk.
OrriCB or Cirr CLFXK , >
OM.MU. Nov. 6b : , IfcSO. j"
? c 1 'I pfoposals "I1 ! be received by tie irn-
dciftefcd inlit2 o't-'ocV n < on , on the 15th day
of Noicm'Mr ' , Jf sO , for ctirtins ard jrattetiog
lljrnrj firctt from the wcsts'de of lith ttrtet
> Iie ct Mof Ittli strr et. Plins and fpsci-
ficatiui a under which Ei'd work eh-vl ] be done
un t > c * en at ( .Rice of ctr encioctr , in Crri < h-
inri nirck. The sjiu work wiil bo paid lor In
i u rtal warran's drawn upon a fund to be levied
i . MI ll-o property aiottlnj upon sa'd Improve.
i id 8lial snccify t e price la detail and shall
tc atconpaiii < l by the nme of p opOKd m etr
TiinTer tir u uil ( onditi.-na. Tne cily councu
re jrv th riieht u > reject any and Jit bids.
Keli cimmuiIn , ' M ijrop < * al hall be
m rkd "t'rorMrfihfor Curbli , and Oattcrinz
Kartcy t . " aid bj delivered to th undtniia-
al riot Uter than tlie time above ipecified
City Clerk.
'B ' ,
Cor. Douglas and 13th Sts. "
Gives Great Bargains in ladies' and'Gents
All Eonda Of
We Guarantee The Best Goods For The Least Money.
Iron and V/agon Stock ,
.H Chicago Prices.
120J ) nd r > li Hanicy Street , Omaha.
Gives universal Satisfaction and that it is stead
ily and rapidly increasing in public lavor.
The White Machine justly claims to be the
best made , the easiest running , the simplest in
construction and the most perfect Machine in
the market.
The White Co. employ as agents men of in
tegrity , 'and purchasers are always satisfied ,
because they find everything just as reprea "
Everybody should use this Machine. The
sales so far this year are more than double
the corresponding tune hist year.
All orders addressed to the .Omaha Office
will be promptly filled.
or. Davenport and 15th St .a Omaha.
T ISF * "F * 1
TfHfc B SsiS EwB 9 t"
y iHE i r
Having just opened an entirely new line of
We would ask the Merchants of Nebraska to inspect our Stockt
'eeling confident we can meet the wants of all in good Goods and
Low Prices
Cor. 14th antl DodgeJSts.
anzlD-e < x3 !
can find a good uaortmeft o !
any other shoe honso in the city ,
an * satisfaction guarmteed. Price ! very reason
Sealed proposals will bo received br the
undersigned at his nlTicc until 5 o'cluik p. m.
-atuid.y , the 4th day of December , ISSr , tor
the parchaac ot one huidred > ml t ent.flic
thousand dollar ! of Uouijlia toiinly bonds Jcs-
cribcii as fo'lowa : On nandrcd and twcnyve
bonds of one thcctand ( tOUO ) do lars each , dated
January 1st , 1531 , and pajalilo twenty y.ars
from date witii interest at tix pe' cnt. per
annum , payable tcmi-aaLU-illy in the city of New
S > id bond * Bhali be redeemable at the option
ot the board ot county commi > sionra of e.iid
county , at the expiruttim of ten jeaia from the
date of name , but no levy shall bo imJo to pav
any part of the princip-1 ot tuin bunds until
after the expiration of ( aid ten JBJTH
Intoic3t ehall bo p id < > n eaid bon > l < only fro-n
and after the date 'f the ala of ramo , on any
part thereof , and the rccei ( tot the morey there
fore , taid fa nd to bo do'ivcred an fallow .
S25.000 on th ? first day of Janiur , 18 1.
SSO.O'O on Hie flrnt d-.y of July , 1831.
> 0WO on th-j first diy of Jinnary. 183J ,
Proposals will he received at the nmc time
for the purcliasj of mid flSS.OOO of bonds , the
entire amount to be delivered January 1st , 188U
The board of county commU loners reserve
he rUnt to reject any or all bidj da'ed Omah *
Nov. 8th , 1880.
Novlltf County ClcrK.
Competed laj ir ly of powdered miciand Hinvlas-
U the belt and cheap K. lubricator in the world
it I * the best because it do-s nots' m , but fotm
ft hijhly polished rarfo o over the axle , doin ;
w y with a l rze airount of f rictioi. 11 b tht
c&tapest because TOU nec < l uwj tut half the
quantl tr In greisins your waon that you woild
of my otter aile grease ma < le. and then ron
yonr aton twice M lonj. It niwwcr * tq tsllr
u well for Mill Gearing , Tbreshing | M linrt ,
Bnjr5iea.&cag for wagons-Send for Pocke
Cyclopedia of Things Worth Knuitin ? . Mallei !
free to any ad < 'reM
Your Dealer For It I
Star Wind Mill ,
Corre3ponJcPCfl8olidt il
reliable Wind Mill t n < I I-IT otrcu'ir ' 1 prirrt
and any information l-i reird to the Mill wilt b
cheerfully tnrnislwl.
lit. It U more Mfe Ia irzio ot wind , an-l < n
ho most su < Jd n c ilnije4of Iho wind from injr
direction , because tlm whel ijiiic fttt IHI the
tower is a' ay re ! wxih Its eJ < e t the m'l ,
and allows tl u vme tc Kl > ; c fir area id , with
out 'urnini ; or utriklc ? tM whrel
'JniL Hi ari.-id wVtHlijv.n no roVe
joii-ts to wear ont , ru , ' or irra in the n I.
3rd. leu nor l-f t hM BO ifcct on it.
lift. It liwta lelM nriwerlfroni fncioo t'a
other UI1U. <
5th. Rwill rua with IcsJw'nl ' tlan ot tr
Mil's '
oth Itiaewily r 4nJated * > It wJI pcrf. > ni
any amount of work rc < inire > l l * tttan ! ' capi -
ity.7th. . It has no pulInH , spilng oo Iidio ! : b I
to reczo up In winter
8th. Itwi'lnbtrumpith B0 ofgear.
Dih It w well an.1 hea Hr pi ted with tbr
en' ul the Lest naint the mirkK cin nBorii.
10th. It M a pe feet cL'-rcsula ! < r * nd lllt.lo
care of llwlf In heivych n/ible iJnd to ms
lltli Itujymetricalfonnraapei'/'t
12th. Ac n beard of any W wn do n .n
v t when propcrlr t up with arrsii Unir - > .
n' < r ever danvw-U 1 1 the leaat by tr wind.
13tt. Th-y arj of good raalerbl aoJ
14tb. All haf.g tnrn l , bores babhed D I ill
douhlo nutted.
nce airy part *
Uth. It U morj jimj'U , more co-nput In C.K > .
( traction and t ' < " " * ' " * " "wr UUs
rr BtAw ?
J. li. FLIEGEL & CO.
SacccRtors to'J II
No. 122O Douglas Street ,
r > i\/r A T = r A