THE DAILY BEE. LCorning , Nov. 12. BEEVTTIES , i'aterson ' sells coal Eatlcr , o23-lf t -Frederict Lcadinp tXSee ! Polack'e advertisement. - > v * . . . . / Tenth street is a holy terror now. , . --Vesta Ciai ter party -Isiac JTickots , American remedy. , 'jrjjJLp.-rter is running the Omaha Ferry. ' perfume at Kuhn's onV. % "Articlea for decorating a' Kuhns. " , -Just reeved at Saie'aafiDC kt of VSbouldcr Braces. t \ . "VVhipple , McMillan & Co. , the jewel- f en. U22 Douglas Etrect. o2Cf "i-BESr-IN THE "WORLD Baiar Vlove fitting Pattern ? at Bushman's. tf The best of meats at Bath & "White's market , opposite the postoffice. 29-tf 1BathVhite , opposite the po t- receive fresh fish every Thursday , twt-lf 1'orlAnds , Lot" , Houses ani Farms , over Bcmis'new column on flret page. FIICSH FISH every Thursday and Fvi.lay at the Palace Market , 314 Sautb Fifteenth S'.rc.t. 6'lf -Tils-fair at Crcighton Ii ll is slill ranuing with good bucccsa and -will not pious until Saturday ni ht. / Lots , Farms , Houses and Lands. Look overBeinia' nw column of bargains on lot , " Cho'ce butter , fresh eggs , teas , spices , nad a line of fancy and stapla grcccr- Jse * , just reccned at King , Armst-ong & GJ. ' , Sixteenth and California Street The telegraph poles are being put up on the Omaha & Sious City line from both Vl . About twenty-two miles of > he n"rih end are now up. It is hoped to ha\ the wire st.ung next we.k. The d ily issue ot The Omaha Tele graph has temporarily suspended unti1 a material canbeob- pies * and additional tmuod Chicago , when it will be re- feumcd. In the meantime a very large i weekly edi lion will be publish- . ' One plain drunk was pullcJWcd eidny and wentup in default of S3 and costs thu > morning. Another individual paid $3 and costs for disturbing the peace. A ca e of nssault and battery was also on hand , but had not been heard from when last re ported. . Just received at King , Armstrong & Go.'s , successors to J. O. Slatter , IGtli and California Street , . OXE CAR J.OAU of choice Michigan apples. Call and get p rices. ' - t is expected that the two ends rf the Omaha & St. Paalline will be brought to gether to-day , as a good supply of iron was. &ccivcd this week , and trjck laying has been going on lively. Through tnvns will probably be put on about thjlst of Dec- tjraber. _ _ The hotels were all fnllWcdn eJay.but ihat-yras no excnse fur the one \ihjcli turced a number of excursionists ont and would not 'even let them sit up in the waiting room. T e crowd went t > the fiYtltntic Hotel , where they were allowed tuTet by the fire all the night , the * beds ) > oing every one taken. * Attention h B frequently been called to the dangerous condition of the mad leading up Prospect Hill , which as ihe wm- iter comes on , with slippery snow aud ice , becomes worse. Mr. George Med ock has fixed the real from the cemetery gate to the foot of the fir t hill , and the city should pnt its force at work on their p rt at onte 4iud avoid serious accidents. , , From Mr. J. S. Gibson , who came urffrom the state capifcJThursday , where he attended a mee ing of ths capitol building 'b jard. we learn that the new wing will not ' probably be completed by January 1st , nl 4l jtst not represeota'ives' hall , and con e- quently the legislature will have to put up for another session with le s cotnfotable : . and com enient quarters. The estimate for . the past month amounted to S4000. The nsit meeting of the Iward will be held De- cmbcr 1st. * The locomotive which brought the "WcJncs laj e train up from Lincoln came into Omaha with its xiilot cover several . inchcb deep with snow. Inquiry developed the fact that the train had passed through nom6 pretty heavy drift on its way up. There was more snow snuth of us than in this city , and it drifted corsiderably. 31s- pccially was this the case on the line be tween "Wahoo and " \Veston , and Engineer IE J. Miktbis informed a BEE reporter that the ran through eevcral drifts that were f mrfeet deep. One of these drifts was several car lengths Ions , and an extra head of st ° am was nece sary to pull through. flThe platforms were all covered with snow. The train came in right on time. 2 Sconew Dolmans at Kuril's. Board § 3.50 at the Hudson Ilivcr House. - ll-2t ' " -Now Stock , Now Styles , Low Prices. AtH. DOULE & Co.'s , Loading Shoo Stcro. PERSONAL , PARAGRAPHS. Bal'ou ' went westycstsrday. S j'B J. S. Gibson returned from Lincoln yes- ' 'terJay. J. C. Rosenfcld left Wednesday for Dem cr. Herbert Thaycr , of Eock Creek , is in the cify. ] llou. J. H. McCall , of Plum Creek , is iu the city. Major J. If. Da\is , of Wahoo , was in the city Wcdnerday. O. W. IL Darsay , of Fremont , icturn- ed home yesterday. be Vralik Lehmer left for Alamosa , Color- ; \Vcdne8day. . co > 5Hon. Lewis Ley , of Stanton , came up ? from the capital yesterday. t CD Mr. C. A. Servoss , of the Isew York i ff Graphic , is in the city. \ Sen Kimball , traveling agent of the ati 'Canada Southern railway , is in the city. cit Captain C. B. VTeston , Fourteenth In- fantrj't arrived from the west Wednesday. C. S. Dilworth , attorney general-elect of Nebraska registered ut tie Withnell AVcdnesday. .T. C. Bonnell. cf the Burlington & Missouri land department , vas in the city H M. Baitlett'nd wife vcreamong tlie liassengers who c-me in ou the Lincoln train yesterday. eel Sir. 1C , B. Falconer , of .V. Crui.-ksluuk &Co.t left yesterday for New York to lof : be , abacnt two or three weeks. Itpec i Frank Hanlon came up from Lincoln pec Vcstcrday . _ , and reports . . _ _ _ . the excursionists are 5 t 't * i ! had worktj keep there so. having ' .from freezing. t 3tl. X. Sherwood , one of the most pop bui ular and widely known travelling men on. ate tiie road , and a genial and talented gentle- man. is iu the city. sell I CauUinl. S. Hodsdon , of Chicago ; ; J. goo > F. Aglar , of St. ) < mis , and ictor By- lander , of eastern Iowa , were among the prominent railway ajent * > 5 tbo pity yes- LIFE'S DEAMA , The Curtain Rung Down on the Last Act for Poor Kitty Mathews. Mourning Among the Theatri cal People. . The fraternal feeling and etpril du corps whicb exists among theatrical people has been long recognized and is immortalized in the story and song of the "Little Church i'Round the Corner. " It ia cecn also in a case which has occurred in our city , in tbo care taken of a sick actress of the St. Elmo theatre duiing a long illness and the respcclo paid ta her last remains. Miss Kitty Matthews , who was born twinty-fonr years ago in sunny England , like , many another girl , te- came enamored of the stags , aud coming to America , played several engagements , her role being that of serio-comi : singer. She c&ma to Omaha on April 20th to plsy a four weeks' engagement for Manager Jnk Nugent , tf Ihe St. Emo ! , but r.t the end of the second week was taken ill , and died Widaesday alMercyhcspita1. During her illness her.trienda . among the professional ? , and especially Jack JSugent , who has a big , warm heart , saw that she wanted for nothing , aud her last moments vrcro made lighter by their kindness. Wednesday , -when her death was announced , the stage of the theatre was appropriately decorated \rilh the inaignia of grief , the chair which had been occupied by tbo dead artiste was draped in mourning , over which wire placed floral tributes. The ladies of the company wore black ssahcs and the gentlemen roiottca of the came sombre hue. When the cnrtain was rung up it disclosed "the vacant chair" in the centre of the stage , and Harry Par ker , the stage manager , advancing from the eomi-circlc , spoke as fol lows : "LADIES AND GENTLEMEN : It is my painful duty this evening to an nounce the death of one of our sister professionals , who this morning de parted to that bourne whence no trav eller return ; . Miss Matthews played * limited engagement at this theatre , but was unfortunately taken sick , and although during her lingering illness sbchid every care and attention that could ba bastowed upon her by kind friends , it was of no avail. Mr. Nugent , the manager , with his usual generosity , provided both phy- s-.chn and nurae , but her lifo was be yond the power of man to save. Death knocked at her door and she answer ed the call. She quietly passed away. We who are left can only look upon her vacant chair and think of the de parted one who has played her part in the great Drama of Life. That drama is ended , her role fs accom plished , the curtain has been rung down. We can say lie more. We have done our duty. Lot the ctead aid the beautiful rest. " Those who think that variety people bare no hearts would think so no moro if they had witnessed this trib ute of respect and seen the effect this speech had upon all present , for there was net one unmoved person in the house. The song , "Ljt the Dead and the Beautiful llest , " was then sung by Ms ; < Minnie Lttnout , and this cloeed the sadly affecting scene. At 2 o'clock yesterday the fa- neral of Miss Matthews took pbco from Undertaker Hiovre's , and was largely attended , a long line of car riages folio icing the remains to their last resting place , in Souther's ceme tery. The funeral was made moro impressive by tbo presence of the Cornet band of the Big Four Min strels , whoso services were kindly vol unteered for the occasion. Visit Kurtz's store. Eeal Estate Transfers. Goo H. Guy , sheriff * , to Samuel A. Orchard , B. d. , largo number of"lota in Wilcox'u add , Omaha ? CC9 40. Theodore F. Lycn to Henry Gib son , w. d. , part loti 5 , C , 7 and 8 , Kountza ! t Ruth's add. , Om&ha 81,300. David Daley and wife to Andrew & . Parsons , w. d. , o i nw Jeeo.-9 , tp. 1C , r 9 e 040. Geo. E. Barker and wife to Eliza P. Barnacle , w. d.lot , 49 , Gio'sadd. , Omaha § 240. Thos. Gibson and wife io the city Df Omahaq. c d. , part lot C , Capitol idd. , Omaha § 1. Do yoor shopping at Kurtz's. I iMed. Wednesday craning , ° > November 10 , at 6:20 : , Carrie Bertha , roundest child of Geo. A. and Dovio loa lacd , agnd two years. Services from the house Saturday aorning nt 10 o'clock. Attention , Company G. There will bo a special meeting "of he company at the armory this eren- : g at 8 o'clock , sharp. All members 8 ( ro requested to b3 present. J. W. KIEO , w First Llont. , Commanding. wh Court House Bonds. . Elscwtcro in to-day's paper will found the advertisement of the unty commissioners to receive pro 3sals for the § 125,000 six per cent lurt-hoase bonds , which were voted x election day. Business bcglnt omptly aud wo shall scon have a ruciura that will ba the prideof the G Do your shopping a * ; Kurtz's. Hand sowed Shoes. New stock just 101 received at H. DOHLE&CO. , Leading Shoe Store. an Only 2 out of a lot of 25 of thcso lobrated Gold Coin Heating Slovrs t , and the second lot jmt arrived , is no trouble to sell these beauties ; onleara so-m - convinced that they the bett and cheapest in the mr.r- , and will furnish more best in rning 2 tons of coal than any othrr ioar ! ar : ve will in burning 3 tons. I will them on monthly with CL vuu - j payments Tlikll ' d Bocurity. W. F. STOTZEL , * 10th and Jackson Sta. i OOKB AT EDBOLJP& EWCKSO.V'S , pB ; NATIONAL GUASDS. Results of the Convention at the Capital Wednesday. The meeting of the militia officers e ! the state at Lincoln Wednssdty WEB an interesting ono , and one that promises much good to the militia of the state. The following named offi cers responded to roll call and reported ready for business : Capt Scott and Lieut. Adamson , of Co. D , York. Capt. Crager , Co. G , Omaha. Prtvato Smith , of Co. H , Omaha. Capt. Copp and Lieut Mumford , Wahoo Forag rs. Uapt. Murdock , Co A , Fiwt Light Artillery , Blue Springs. Capt. A. V. Cole and Sargt. Watkins - kins , Juniata Independents. Capt Keller , 1st Lieut. LeHew. 2 J Leut ! Young , Co. E , Button. Lieut. Etrly , Co. I , Columbus. Capt. F. Sweet , Lieut. W. W. Wal- cott , MerrickRifles , Central City. Capt Rittcrbnih , Lieut. Shord , Alexander Guards. Capt Derby , Bennot llifles. Capt. Harrison , Capital Guards , Lincoln. After some preliminary buniness of no particular interest to the general public , the committee on laws reported the general features of a bill , which [ - -f - j Mnw JMHMWn were adopted. A commission authorised by tto governor , was appointed to draw up these laws and to present them to the next legislature as a bill. The com mittee consists of Capt. Scott , Lieut. Lo Hew and Liout. Short. The main points of this bill arc liability to aud exemption from military service. Se cond , active furcc. . Third , organiza tion. Fourth , arms , armory and uni form. Fifth , officers and their dutieu. Sixth , parade and encampment. Seventh , piy. Eighth , fines and courlmarshal. Ninth , appropriations. The most important was the adoption of a rosol tion expressing the sentiment ment of the convention that field and staff officers should bo chosen from active service. THE BEST la the cheapest , you will say when you have eaten bread made from the Gold en Eagle Flour , only S3 25 per 100 pounds. Remember this ia the bett Winter Wheat Flour. Flour.WILLIS WILLIS M. YATES. SCULLEY IS WALKING. I.NEW GOODS AT KURTZ'S FOR FALL AND WINTER OPEN TO-DAY. 100 dozen Hosiery. 100 dozan Hosiery. These goods ate special bargains and nra worthy of an early inspec tion. CLOVKS AND DOLMANS. The best line in the city at p"3pul-t prices. BOODS AND WOOLEN GOODS. This stock is now complete and you are invited to call and examine. BARGAINS IN UNDERWEAR. See Ladies' Vests at 50 cents. See Lidiea' vests at 75 cuits. See Ladies' vests at § 1.00. Thee goods are worth more money. BUTTONS A1SD TRIMMINGS. The largest assortment and some choice new tliincat KURTZ'S Store , Creighton D ock. It HICKMAN hns c'anged ' front , and is RETAILING MILLINERY AT WHOLESALE PJJICES. Sec his CLOCKS AT EDHOLM & EIUCKSON'S. New Citrons , New Lemon Peel , Fresh Sicect Cider. At FLEMUINO'S. BARGAINS , BARGAINS. As Whipplo , McMillcn & Co. will remove to the brick store in Creighton block on the Ib'ih of this month , they are offering anything in their lice below cost , in order to make room for a largo invoice of jewelry , clocks , watches , &c , , &c. Parties needing anything in this line will do well to call. SCULLEY IS WALKING. EDHOLM & ERICSON bavo received to-day another new and : ompleto assortment of clocks. .Ladies , JD to H. Dohlo & Co.'a for nice fil ing shoes. New stock of fine shoes f every description just in , at H. DOHLE& Co.'s w Loading Shoo Store. Slate of Nebraska , B ? . Douglas Co. We , the undersigned , scorers and ! inio keepers for Michael Scully in ; tis walk of 4,000 quarter miles in ,000 consecutive quarter hours , do : oleninly swear that wo will keep cor- cct time and assist him in.all his rants pertaining to said walk , and if : e fails to perform his walk to report immediately. H. S. RHOADES , R. GRAM DALTON. Subscribed in my presence and Torn to before me this llth day of iovomber , A. D. 1880. LUTHER R. WRIGHT , Justice of the Peace. ENTS' BURNISHING GOODS , ' at L. B. Williams & Son'o. Linen collars and cutYs in latest yles. - . , , clO Everything New in Neckwear- O ! ry , Suflponders , White and Cojored m mai lirts. ai UNDERWEAR in every OHADE , STYLE fr id TRICE. fa NEW DESIGNS in SCARF PINS. L. B/WILLIAMT& Soi.s , th Dodga and FifteentlNstrcets , be nllthur&"at FBESH NEW GOODS. Wo ate receiving almost daily , and i present , a fall , fine stock suitable the sea'cn. Call and get pariicu- 3. FlEMSffifO & Co. ou ouwe lOCKS AT EDIIOLM & ERICSSON'S. we : . BICKJIAN has changed front , and Is at atcai TAILING DIlLZXKEUY AT WHOLESALE cai WHIRL OF BUIN. The Reign'of Terror Expe'ct- 1edin 1881 , When We Shall All Look for the Crack of Doom , A well-known scientific gentleman of this city who has wide reputation for his learning as well as forthesound- ness of his views , has prepared a lec ture to be delivered before a society of which lie is a motnber , upon the sub ject of "The End of the World. " Wo have baen permitted to read it and by a great deal of perauatton obtained , leave to make one or two extracts from the introductory and closing portions which are well worth psnising. The author siys ; "If it were possible to weigh the causes of human misery ono against the other , it would probably ba found that from no other single source has sprung moro agony than from nppre- hention of the day of judgment or the end of the world , as it is com monly termed. It is a terror peculiar to Christendom. The Bible is the sole authority for a great and terrible diy of wrath , when the esrth shall pass away and mankind bo called to judg ment. Hence doomsday is the exclu sive property of the favored posscs = era of Holy Writ. The fear of its com ing has been constant during the whole Christian era. Its threatening was indirectly tha origin of that re markable series of expeditions called the. Crusades ; its approach . . . times alarmed whole continents and cast a eloom over periods of greater or loss duration ; and dread of it has continually caused the most terrible mental suffering wherever Christianity prevailed. The signs of the times indicate that wo shall witnesj sopn another of thosu reat doomsday scares. The remark able conjunction of the san and plan ets in opposition to the earth which will take place in June , 1881 , is mi occurrence portentous of the dirot calamities to many intelligent minds oveu ; and "whatever may be licking in that circumstance to arouse the Igncr- ant to a state of panic is being supplied by the press in the shape of a Mother Shipton prophecy , foretelling the end of the world atthatide/itical diteand , will be supplemented by fanatical alarmists whom the occasion h sure to Cill forth. Tnat the coming year will bo a reign of terror in this respect seems as certain as it is possible to predict any human event " The author then goes on to review the subject of Judgment Day panics , showing how seuseUss they have baen .ind how much miseiy has been caused by them. He gives tha testimony of the Scriptures in regard to the event , describes the stampede to Jerusalem , Luther's Reformation and i's scare , iho Millerito folly and that of the Second Advenlists , dissects Mother Shiptou's prophecy and gives a brief account of miscellaneous scares and side-shows. Tha conclusion ho arrives at is that "Tho prophecies of Holy Writ upon winch1" the lugubrious belief is founded have proved BO untrustworthy or so inscrutable hitherto that it appea-s idle to attach any importance to them. Co the rational mind they afford no iubatantial basis for tiny hope or fear , and the sooner they are aslined ; their proper classification with other supar- stitiona traditions iho better for the welfare and tranquillity of the human race. race."The "The likelihood of any catastrophe to the earth is so infinitesimal that it eludes tha rules of computation. Comets have been always the great celestial bugbears. Prof. Proctor states that the chances ef the earth colliding with any of them are not more than ono in a million. Ha might as well say ono in a hundred million , for aught that can be demonstrated to the contrary. And even if there sh' u'd bo a collision , it is by no means certain that any harm woula result from it. It is supposed that the earth has already passed through the tails of several of them without iny pLi'Ctptible evil befalling us ; and the comet that got tangled up for months among the moons of Jupiter apparently did no mischief to the satellites , and seemed only too gli d when it effected an escape. The sug gestion of mounta'ns being suddenly upheaved or continents submerged is an extravagant piece of grim humor. Geologists havoeffectually subordi- nxtod the old theory of cataclysms as agencies in moulding the earth's con formation to that of the gradual ac tion of persistent forces and through out long periods of timo. "So far as it is possible for the hu man mind to foresee the c6urse of na ture , it is probable that the earth will continue to sweep onward in its orbit , unharmed , and beautiful aa'now , for untold millions of yoars. It ia ques tionable if it has yet attamed ita full est development of loveliness or its greatest capacity for sustaining a high order of beings. But bo , this as it may , there must come a time when through the operation of changeless ' natural laws it will fall into "de cline , and at last , by the extinction of the sun's boat and light , become a dead wor'd. Remote as is tbo inev itable event , its contemplation ia sad dening to allwhojovo their dsar old mother earth. Happily , they will have boon hushed to sleep in her kind Lap millions of years before the beauty and freshness they so admired shall have passed away. The certainty of chat long sleep that comes banificent- y to all should render us dike indifferent to suparsli- ious terror and actual calamity , [ f it come to the whirl of universal uin or in the quiet lull of exhausted rital forces , it will bo sweet and un- lif turbed when once it lias possessed is. Lot us fortify our souls with this :3utemplation that when alarmists ihall proclaim again impending doom ind death and judgment , wo may say dth Hamlol : We defy angury. If it be now ; 'tis not to come ; If it he not to come , it w i 1 be now ; If it be not r.ow , yet it will come ; The readiness is all. HICKMAN has changed front , and ia el IETAILINO MILLINERY AT WHOLESALE 'BICES. Sec hitwindoics. . A NEW FIRM. : King , Armstrong & Co. have pur- hased the. grocery business formerly wned by J. 0. Slatter , northeaster- n cr Sixteenth and California street ? , ad bavo put in an entire new .and esh line of goods , consisting of a ill line of staple and fancy groceries , reduce , &c. , which will be sold at Lelowest.possiblo cash figures. The 3vs tiro'old-handj at the business and roposa to deal on the Equaro. Give lema call and see what they can do. novlO-w-th-m - - - The Epizoot. The dreadful epizootic has broken it bad in the city and the present To ; ather makes it worse. Numerous sea are reported and the disease his r g a tacked so man ? horses of the street r line that it is feared some of the on rs vill bavo to be taken off. THE GANTT MONUMENT , No Immediate Danger of its Being Struck by Light ning. The Nebraska S'a'.e Bar association mot Wednesday in chambers at the U. S. court houjo. The meeting was called to order at 8 o'clock by General Mandereon , president. Hon. T. M. Marquette , of Lincoln , waa elected orator for 1880 , and the secretary waa instructed to notify him thereof and ask his acceptance thereof. On report of the committee on ad mission , the following gentlemen weta elected members of the association : J. Jeuaon , Geneva ; John D. Hayec , Harvard ; A. J. Sawyer , Lincoln ; E F. Sinythp , Omaha ; F. G. Hamer , Kearnty ; Geo. W. Doane , Omaha ; B E. B. Kennedy , Omaha. Mr. Seymour , from the committee on the Gantfc monument , reported aa follows : To tha State Pir Assoo n : Your committee , appoinfod on the Gantt monument fund , beg leave to report that the following named aunu of money have been collected for that purpose by your Oommittde , and that Guy E Brown , the custodian of said fund now has the same , subjpct to the order of the association : Fremont , § 20 23 ; Blair , S3Sutfon ; , § 13 ; North Platte , 813 ; York , § 8 50 ; Omaha , $10 ; Whittier. § 1. All of which is moat respectfully submitted. November 10,1880. C. W. i-eymour , S. H. Calhonn , Guy A. Brown , G. W. Covell , com mittee. The report waa received and the committee granted until January to nwko ita final report. Mr. Ho wo oflered the folio wing : Resolved , That the committee on legal education be directed to investi gate the practical workings of the rule adopted by Hon. Geo. W. P st , judge of the fourth distr ct , in regard to admission to the bar , and to repoit to this association in January what legislation , if any , is necofsary to mike the rule uniform throughout the state. Adopted , and fie secretary in structed to aend a copy to the chair man of the committee on legal oducition. AdjournedD. . G. HULL , Secretary. ThePoJeatrian At 2:30 : p. m. to-day , Mike Scu- ! ley , who is undertaking his immense walking feat at the Grand Central Bil liard Hall , had completed his 72nd quarter mile. The shortest time made was 2:55 : minute ? , the longest 4:33. : The walking is attracting a great deal < > f interest. SCULLEY IS WALKING. CLOCKS AT EDHOLJI & ERICKSON'S. HICKMAN has chang'd front , and is RETAILING MILLINERY AT WHOLESALE PKIOES. See his icindoivs. If you have tried everything else , without receiving any benefit , call at 330 Dodge street , north side , between 13ih and 14th , aud see the agent for Isaic Nichols' American Remedy. olGeodlm TUB CKE10HTON , A first-class hotel iu every respect , is situatdd on the northwest cornoi of Thirteenth and Capitol avenue. This now house ia newly and elfgintly fur nished throughout , and the table and bill of faro will compare favorably with the bast in the land. Give it a trial. No runner at the Dapot. CAPS ALL Bonner'a Stoves much the finest in the Markot.i 11 - J -i 1410 Douglas street. 022 tf HICKMAN lies chanrjcl front , and is RETAILING MILLINEUY AT WHOLESALE Paiccs. Set his windows. lias item d his immensa stock of "Am AND Mu sic , " acre ° a the street , to the new brick building next door to Harris & Fisher's. nlO-Gt ) FURS ! FURS ! ! FURS ! ! ! Tha Omaha Fur Manufacturer , > Henry Gt Richter , ia to bo found opposite - posite the postofficB. o2G-tf A TO THE PUBLIC. Having severed my connection with Mr. C. J. Taylor , tl have removed my . ire insurance agency from the corner > f 14th and Douglas to room 6 , Creigh- on block , and I would inform my old 'riends and patrons that I will attend ti heretofore to their interests as a ire underwriter. I offer the very lest indemnity and will aeo to it , [ icrsonally ( fire insaranca being my ixclusivo business ) that their interest a rill be fully protected both as regards ecurity sgitnst less , and as regards aaistance aa may bo required to ron- lor the indemnity promptly available. Respectfully , n03t SAM'L J. HOWELL. New Engravings at Hospc's. E. Maurer has opened his new aloon and lunch room 1214 Farnham troet , late Elgut < " - ' - ° 'nr" 1m Engravings at Hos re's , Fcr SMe Six-horso power Baxter ingine ai.d boiler , in good repair. BEE ofli no4tf California Pears , Plums , Grapes , tc. , at T.VawJ'rvioo. . o21-tf LOADEMT OF MUSIC ! RIDAY , November 12th , ' 80 , tholDlatlngulshed Actress , Miss AARY ANDERSON , Sjpportcl by the Stcning Actor MR ? MILNES - LBVIOK , prt or ] AND HEE OWN COMPANY. wit Hamilton Griffln.Sole Manager. ell ? il [ ISS MARY ANDERSON - Ia Her Pamou3 Character of 9 K TIIB Q HEAT TUIT 01 * &ZIO , THE ITALIAN WIFE. J werved Eeits on silo at Max Mryer & Bro. , ssctay. NottmberOlh. Tickets , 31.00. no t A. W. NASON. 3D E 3ST Tl S r. Si ncx : Jacob's Binck , corner Cipitol Avej ; cd i litb , SPECIAL NOTICES. NOTICE Advertisements To Let For Sale' Lost , Found , Wants. Boirdln ? ic. , will bo In- wrted In theaa colmnna once in TEN CENTS perlln ; each suba qn < nttn ! rtlonFI7E CENTS per line. The flist Insertion never less than TWEJJTT.FIVi : CEHTS. TO IOAK-KOHEY. 0 LOAS AtS percent intoi eat , n sums of 2000and u p- wards for.l to C years' time onflrst class Improv ed city and farm property. A poly at BEM1S Real KsUto and I oan Agency , 15th and Douglas ta. 278-eodU 'OUZT SO MAN Cill t Iw Office M P. I. 7HQ1IAS. Rtv > m 8 , Cretihton Block MONKY TO LOAN 1103 Farnhun street. 13r. Edwardd Isnu Asrency. HEtP KAJJIED WANTED A peed practical /arnituro lalcs- niaj. CUAS. SHlVKtl'K. 842-11 A latortrand carpenter. next door to ce ottici ) . 810-11 W ASTRO A first-class gill for general housBworlr. doril agis and stpsdyem- - ' ' ind 21tn St . MS-IS "ITrANTKD An Cipcticncc.l book deliverer YV and collector. The best of reference will be require 1 ; a middle * srid min p-cfcrcil. Ap ply to U. A. 1 onls , Ore ghton House th.s eien- ui , ' S4T-I1 ! ED Good barber to RO to c untry. WAN t. W. Wclua , West foiiit , Kcb 83J-2 fiool keepirg orcopjin- do WANThD Addfvts "Uomptlcnt , " Too offlce. 8U-U -\TTANTEU-in office bo * . ' Th < Bnu'strcct VV Co " 8.5-12 WANTED lntIli rt laly or pcntlcman to take orders for our StaadarJ IVorls L be al commtsiions guirantcjd. Aililrcs- W. Taiynej. 2iO Uun Ias , cor. 10th St. 8 1-11 IRI. VAXTKD S K. C9r. Dodge and 20th. G Mill GOLDSMITH. 17-11 Girl to do In smMI WANTKD ; mu-t bo good washer nod 'nmcr ; no other Deed apply. C'a'l ' at SIS South 15th St. 53M2 L' T WASTED f r line BUILDING cars rrcfcrcd. Stito r1' * nlll ! luca'ion. Ad reusA. , 419N. Ifath t fa'O 11 2m n to vor'c ' in m r"t-a' i il , WANTED ni of 18th "t. II V U 1 , S 7- Bus rcsi man wi ! > < riin 3'o WANTED lira. You } o in . .ullii. . p efcrred. pIpndtl orenuiv tir n-lit inFer For particuUM address U 0. , I * U l'uJ Omaha , Nebraska. S t- IiACT Wishes It oh M n i piano , lessons nhen Inoe l ml In tr mental nu ic in Cfih.vir for room arJ bir " K .this fflce. t l- A LADY In the city who h B romp f r it n would like to mike arrinpe i cn' < ni h pnitynt gentlemen to board ard lodoilien Address T. K. , this cffle ; . 822-1 Situation by a comretcnt ycun WANTKO lady aa bunk-keeper cr cbrk in a store Apply nt this rffleo. 8101 \TTANTEU A diulntf rrom girl and a duh YV wa-hcr , at Atlantic Hotel. 815-1 W ANTED A woman cook , at the Emmol IIcu e 81-1 riOOK WANIED-N. E. co18th and Dodse \J 707-J W AVTI'D A 1 ouiu-kcepar. Applycor. 15t ! and Hsrnej SIP. BC6-1 FOR RtOT-HOUEES flHD UXD. FOit RENT V pleasant furnished front room Farnham St , touth pide , bttnctn 16th an 17th ; a fe d < y hoarders can bo accommo 'atcr ' No. Mi. 813 1 F I Oil KENT A nice furnished room , at. 103 Farnhasn St. , abe < -o )9lb. ) 841-1 T7IOK REST That excellent dwelling house S L1 E. corncrot 221 California streets \Vcll , cistern-nd barn. A\33 \ for fale the c r peta. stove" , furniture etc , fi r cash or on time App'y to John Gudd , 1H5 KambamSt. 833 FOH KENT Cwellhi ? home S. E. cormr o 23d and Burt Sfcj. Excellent barn , < uteni indwell ; rentcheap. Abe f it silo cheap , car pets , fuirl'ore. etc. , for cish or oa time : Appl W a A. JlorrilL , 1C05 Farnham St. 840-t TTIOR RENT Good hou'e and barn , 15'h ape 1 ? JIarcy streets , liiqu'ro if Bildnin ant. tsehm. j TTIOnKENT Rocni and boirJ.surablc for twi 1J person ? , hrated by register , at 2 < 5 Capilo VP""J 82D FUHMslIBIJ Kootas fo- rent , at Doran House , opposite lice ( in.o. 832-t | 7IORUE < T Pia o br the month. 1. at the Metropolitan totcl. FOR KENT A furnished icfta , auitablo fo one or two gentlemen , S. W. cor. 15th and Howard Sis. 731-t FOR REST Cottage , on 5th and Pine Hts new house , eight roomson'3da d fa > 3SU Enquire J. Jhoe. . tf. E. Cor. 12th and Farn ham. 690-t H10R LEST House aud lot In Shull'S 2nd C add. , near new U. S. coirall. Knquiio a Etoom 0 , Crciphton hlock. 664-t ni OK RbNT 2 furnished rooms over Mer 0OK 0 cl.aiiU Exchange , N. E. Cor. 16th an ! re streets. 2SO tf FOR SALE. LOTS.TARM8 , HOUSES AN D LANDS. Lee ocr BEMIS * new column of bnrralns on la aRlhT ace SIHjL * < R SALE Chca , . , 2 run o stonesurifjer ) , 4c Plenty wxterat low at tago. Fl 10 location for pns lag or mcr shant worK. $2fi 00 cash down , b < lucc oulong ime. Addrcsj F. O. Box 2 0 , Scwanl l\eb 835-12 E10R S1LE OR E\T Killroad Eating House , at Elm Creek , flu ( Mo County , No asks , elxteen milrs west of Keirnty Junction , in the line of the U. P. 11. R. Poss ° S'ion given mm-diitelj. Good reasons for Bellins. Full aticulai8 given on applicatitn to Mrs. Ptrry in the premises , In person or by mal' ' . 803-1 ! 60,000 choice hnck for sale Apply to Thomas L Green 4 , Sons. Council Clufft , 'a. 795-if ( ilOUSKs And corner liall ot lot , southcasi w corner 14th ind Cass Sts. , 7 room * in each ent for $20 and $25 ror month CEMIS' 1 RAI &TATB Aor > CT. ISth and Douglas SU. 679-1 BEMIS OrFfcRS A SI'LENUItf LIST O Bargains in Houses , Lots , Farms and .an'Is , In his new column on 1st pice fi Mixed p-Jints , at A. Holmes,16th and California bte. C15-1 ! fTI K aALK Cottonwood Inmucr of all D r.KnMONI'S.Sxteenth- ! [ MISCELLMIEOUS. L. ' is , taiDisnuubKa AMLANUS Look . oycrBKJIIs1 new column of bargains onlBt TT O. MATilEWS' UANOINO AC DEMY VV . w ill f pen Nouraber 15th , cor. Farnham rm T < nth Sla Poppleton'a Ulock. M4-13 CIUE BOARDING HOUSE On northwist 14th and Jackson ha rcdaced the of board from $100 to ? 3 75 , and diy board from $ .3.50 to (3 00. The House is newly furnishcl Mid splendid board civtn. 8113 ' . . [ ! ' ' ' ! ' i H RiK K ( n < Pure nHi Absolutely , IIIHi IfaJc from Grape Cream Tartar. No othcf HiHi eparation makes snchlteht , flaky hot breads , HiHi Inxnriona . Can be eaten Hi paptry. hy dypcptfc HiI tLont fear of tlis llaresultin ; ; from heavy i _ HiR I testlble food. R laid only in c by all Grocers. H ( " - " POWPKB Co. . V w Tort * THE ONLY PUCE WHERE YOD can find a good i3sorucar > t ot BOOTS AND SHOES At a LOWER FIQURZ than tt any other ehoe hooje In the dty , P. LANG'S , 238 FAR'NKAH ST. LADIES' & GENTS , HOES ADE TO ORDER iaUV ctIon gtnnnttei , n C , - 5 ONE MILLION ACRES CHEAP LAND EASTERN NEBRASKA , $2 TO $5 PER ACRE. 20,000 Acres DOUGLAS COUNTY , 6 to 12 Miles from Omaha , $6 to $10 per Acre , on - Long Time and Low Interest. Large tracts suitable fcr 3cionies in all the best Counties in the State. 80,000 acres scattered through Iowa. A large number of Improved Farni ; ? in Nebraska , many 01 them near Omaha , $12 to $40 per acre. An Immense List of OMAHA CITY PROPERTY , Consisting of Elegant Eesi- dences from $3,000 to $20- 000.Many vacant lots in the additions to Omaha. Hundreds of lots scattered through the City. Houses and Lots , Business Houses and Lots , and all kinds of Ci y Real Estpte. We also have MONEY TO LOAN on Improved Farms in Doug las County , on 5 years time , at 10 percent , interest to all who show good titles. Maps for Douglas and Sarpy Counties for sale , 4 beautiful Iota fronting south Ia Isaac & Selden's ado. for $160 half ca h. Homo and lot , 22d and Dcxluo 9 3000 HOUJO and lot near Brownell Hall 2,100 Two new houses and full lot , rents for SlSOpcrjear 4,000 New bnck house , 21x25.1J story , with 3 lots „ 2,000 Hou-eandlot Webster st 1,600 Lar ehou'e and corner lot 6,000 LarL'o house full lot , California st 4,000 Htjidcnco and 4 full lots , St. Mary's ave. . 6,000 House and small lot , couth of depot 050 House and Bmill lot , foutn of depot 63o Besidcnce propel ty , Kountze and Kutb'a add 6,500 Fine residence property 10,000 House an J lot , 22d and Uarner 1800 Homo and lot , Nelson's addition 2,700 Uouso and lot Shinn's addition 1,000 Residence and corner lot 3,005 Residence ( cash ) 7COO Rcsldcdco 6,000 Residence 5,500 Moose and one-hill lot l.GSC rhreo bou'es and corner lot 7tOO Residence and corner lot 7,600 louse and CO feet front , ICth street 3,700 lareobouEO andcorner lot 0,500 Rtidence and thrco lota * 6,500 hro house and corner two-thirds ofcor- nerlot l00 3ous2 and small lot , Casj street 2,100 Hauso and lot , 27th near Farnham I.OOT BOGQS&HILS. I 3rlck house and corner lot 1,300 Small home and full lot , earnings st 2.3JO T'.uso and lot , 23d street 3,200 louse and full lot , worth $4,000 for 5,500 finebrck rciidence 1,600 3ric > c residence 6,6 0 louse and correr lot 1,650 lew two-story house and corner lot 4,200 legiJcnco anil fall lot , Farnham s : 5.600 louse and one acre , ISth street 3 000 louse and half lot , ISth street 2,200 louse and lot , Shinn'aaddlt 01. . . , 1,000 louse and half lot , Cass street 1,100 louse and bait lot , Cusj Street 1,450 tcsidcnce and two lots , Cipitol Hill 7,000 llegant brick residence 2 full lots 16,500 'inest residence in the city 16,000 lea'denco prtpcrty 17,000 .csiilen o property 17,600 .esMencc - „ . . 5,500 louse anil lot , Shinn's addition 1,200 ouse ana lot , Shinn'sidditlon 1,500 louse and lot , 2 * > th and Farnhim 1.400 fouse and lot. 27th and Douglas $375 ouseand fnlllot , Izordst l,7 o 'ew house and 1J lot 2,200 csidence property 7,600 idence property , vcrv fine 13,500 ou cand lot , Horhach'8 addition 1,500 csidence , Farnham ut 6,000 onso and } lot 1 b'oct from Court House and i lot 1 block from Court House 2,250 ou cand comer lot 2blocls from Court House 2,400 'ouse and I t , Nicholas street r. l.OX ) 'ocsa and 1 acre , OIscs' addition . ' [ 40 ouse and lot , llth street 000 ar.c building and BIX lots. 1 nille out. . . 4.COO ousaandloton Davenport .1 3,000 ou eand \ lot , near depot 1,500 'ousoand i lot , near depot. . . . 9 < 0 ouse and lot , South Avcnu * . . . 1,000 ou e and lot , Shinn's addition 1,900 esfdcnce , Kountze and Ruth's add 2GOo esidcnce property , Kountio rd Ruth's addition 5,000 efiJcnce property , south part if town. . 2,5CO ouseandjlot , Webster tt 2,7W ortte and 5 acrea at oamcks 7fQ ouse and lot , Armstrong's addit'n 1,000 owe and lot. South 12 st 650 oiise and lot , Kountze and Ruth's ad ditlon 3,600 evidence and } lot 2,700 ou and lot , 16th St. . 3,500 Boggs & Hill , ! IEAL ESTATE BROKERS , 1408 Fara , St. , Omaha , tfeb , Immense Stock for f ULL I ftUII Fine Custom-Made Men's Suits , Boys' Suits Children's Suits- ff k m i ! v * * rse rf \ n BttPjF R OVtRGuATS For Men , Boys , and UiidcMYcar , Milts ami ijS ? , Trunks and Valises , ut Prices to Suit AIL _ la < Farnham Street , Near Fourteenth FiRNIIAX STREET. Oval Brand rp .JL The Biles of this "brand" of 0\f tcrs have nowjoatatrfiipcd all others. Yon srct more Ojittrif 1H WEI01IT AMD MEASUEE In CM of ll-is bi ud than i any other. D. B. Hi. Z-1" . m Genera ! Western Agent , Omaha. V > - ORCHARD & SEAM. DEWEY & STONE , J.B.FREHCH&C GEOCEKS , OMAHA. OMAHA OMAHA. MAX MEYER & CO. , WHOLESALE Cigars from $15.00 per 1000 upwards. Tobacco , 25 cents per pound upwards. Pipes from 25 cents per dozen upwards. Send for Price List. m-WI MAX MEYER & CO. , Omalia , i\el > . MAX 3 GUNS , Ai\H \ ! UNiTOH ! , SPORTiNG OOODS , .FisliingTacIdc , 15ase Bulls and a full line of 3STOTIOITS G-OO3DS F : A CRACKER MANUFACTURERS , \nd Wholesale Dealers in CIGARS and CONFECTIONERY. During tha Fall aud Winter we will handle COUNSELMEN'S FRESEl OYSTERS , which kre now the beat in the market. A lirgo asjortiten * of CANL Y acd SUGAR , COYS for the Hrlilay trade. ATZ & FEEE : IAX , 510 nth St. , omaisn. octl5--- * l-Cni IIP. T Has tha exclusive ealo of the G-OLIE ) OOXZtsT HEAT Ti The Gold Coin is this season the favorite of Chicago , is prefer- dabve all other Stoves comes both plain a d hiJghly orna- nented , has the new patent gra.e and flre-potthat will out-wear lalf dozen of any other. Th Qo.d Coin weighs n. ore by fifty Ibs. han any other Stove of its size in the market , acd ie , therefore , nore durable Than any other Stove , is strictly warranted in everv requires no salesman to s alii fc asjcity reference sells it/ / Tithout trouble. Cor. 10th and Jackson ,