.1 . CHARLES POWELL , -f CSTlCF.OFTUEl'EACE Jionier J6th ant tj Famhamiitt. , Omaha Keb. _ A TTORKEr AT LAW Boom 6. Crtijthto A Elofk , lEth St . OMAHA. SEB. _ D. L THOMAS. 1 TTORKT.T AT LAW Loing wocer. beyi jJV apd sells rc l csUte. Booai 8 , Crtighto Block. A. C. TROUP , AT LAW Offic la nanij.om'i AI70RKET George E. Prltehett , 1K4 r rahBinEt. OMAHA , HKB. DHXFER L THOMAS. ATTOHNET AT LAW CrnlcXahx = k 3n5l A. tt. CHADWICK , ft TTORXEY AT LAW Office ISM rarnhan A K'J rt. . L. PEABOQY , = ATfnrca OSBco In Crelzhtoa Block , next U gj P Olee , OUAHA , HEBRASEA , OOII.EOIIOSB MADK E. D. MCLAUGHLIN. AT LAW AJO ) JUSTICE OF 'HE PEACE Southeast corner Fifteenth ; ngU 3t. rarColIectious Frcmptlr Attended Vo.Ta O'ERSSK & SASTLETT. Attorneys-at-Law , .rnham' . ATTORNEY AT LAW. ARBACK BICCK , COS. DDOOI6TH STS. A. ran. 1 W. ; J. Oonnell , A'ttornoy-at-Law. - - . ! \ Office : Front rooetnp ttalrs , In Hanscom's new brlct b latujr , N. W. corner TOteonth and 8'reel * . . IlSDKK. R. iUIUCS. & REDICK , Att.orneys-at-Law. . - - . attmtton will be given to all tnlU < ; lngt corporcions of every descriptloa : will practice la al he Courts of the Bt&te and the Ur.ttwl Statos. Office. Farnham St. , oppoelt * Dn-irt Ilonse. " , " EUWARD W. SIMERAL , - t fc TTORNEY AT LAW-Boom 6 Orelgktcn ,2Blodc , 15th md DongUs utreeU. no9db C. F. MAKDERSQN , ft TTORSST AT LAW SiZ ramluM BtMtt ' rx Omaha Kebruka. W. T. RlCHAHDli. O. J. UUKT RICHARDS & HUNT , Attorneys-at-Law. OrricB 21B South Fourteenth Street. KY T1IE C.SE OF DR. BOSANKO'S 1LE REMEDY. I1.TERNAL EXTERNAL , AND SIGHING PILES onry on tlip application of P Uo nUo' l'ilo itcmpriy. whlcta dl upon thennrtn utfrcipd. Tunmr * . nltaylnc the ) Int J1 otlipirrmcdlo have tollad. Try fi tsAe PC otber. onrt tell yoor nglgbbora S ItM merit * . - DO NOT DELAY ? gg ? * * drain on tbo vutfra preface Pfynuureat dUabllltjr , bat boy It , TRY IT AONED CURED \ PRICE , 50 CENTS. ASK YOUR DRUGGIST FOR IT , " * wt > ca you can not obtain HoriUm.'w , irlll acnd It , prepaid , on receipt ofprin BQSANKO MEDICINE CO. P1QUA.O. vi MEDICINE ! That Acts at the SameJTimo on THE UVER , , Ttf BOWELS , and the KIDNEYS. . aretlie natural clean- o or tbo ej-stcm. IfthcyxrorlcTClLhealUi rill ho pprfoct : If they become clouted. iul diseases are sure to f ilowxrtth SUFFERING , : cjtn , I > r p t ) Ia , Jann- .lro , Cou'-iUpallonisd I'llt * , or Kid- acy CaraiiJ nts , OraTcI , Disbetet , F KotU'Irat in the Vriav , Milky/ Ft - ' * cr Uopy Urlnp ; or Jlheu- L uailc Talus and AchN , .f r. ioppil l ddupo the blood In poisoned i tir ! l.i-T.on mat should Lave been - iollcna.urally. ) . " " - t' f More thr hcal < bT hctlon and all these imit'KrOsll ! > 2 hanl hpd ; neclect i nr lymvrKIIiv * Imt to suffer. 1 ' KM IS : svelice.ari.n-d. Tryltandyon .l nM ese more to 1'ic unmber : Take It idhi-uliliiiiiloiircjnoivglaiiijcnrourheart. V.f h , ' eurfcr lonporfronk wie torment . " "Iact-Ins back ? _ _ \ --v briar such dlrtross from Con- 9S'-\t 5n nnd Fltec ? \-i l > e no frarful because of dl - cc-5--cU urine ? -r-i.V.'onrwllI cnrcjwi. . Trrapaef > , -tcnocanj licMtlsflcd H u a ttry rrrt i.V coiiK > un < t an * v JH ksrcnia\s . .lx niirt'iof Medicine. . ur r i afjlKt Kcs tt , pr ir/H ffet It for t * . "rtvjo.-itor/npiJ. l iff , tl.00. r ma , rrsincci ; s co. , pfcjfctet , - i.-It-tTO " ) Bortlnctom.Tt. P1TE DAILT THEE OMAHA PUBLISHING CO. . PROPRIETORS. 916 FarnhaM , bit. S * and lOi Street TERMS OF 8UBSORIPTIOK , 1 Copy 1 year. In advance ( postpaid ) tS.OO BmontU " " 4.00 S months " " 2.0 TIME TABLES THE MAILS. 0 , AN. W. E. R E d * . m. , 5:18p. nw 0. B. & Q 6 20 a. m. , 2:40 p. m. O.R.1&P.R. R. . fiOam.,2tQp.m * 0 * & ! St Joe 5:80 a. m. S. City & P. 630 a. m. U. P.R.alltOa.jn. O. & R. V. to Lincoln , 10 v m. B. & M. R. R , 8iO a m. OITKIEQ aN.W. R.R. , 11 . m. , H p. m 0. B. & O. , 11 a. m , S M p. tn. O.K I. iP. , 11 a. ra. . 11 p.m. C. B. & St , Joe.,11 a.m. , 11 p. m. U. P. R. R. , 4 p m. O. & B. V. trcm Lincoln. 12:10 : p. m , S.City 4P. , 11 a.m. B. &M. In Neb. , 4 p. m. Local mills for States Iowa leare bnt onoo day , vis : 430 a. m. Office open from 12 to 1 p. m. Sundays. THOMAS F. HALL. PostroatM. Arrivsl And Departure of Trains TJKION PACTJia LtATI. AWUTI. Dally Express..H:15 p. to. 8 5p.m. do Mixed 6.10p.m. 458p.m. do Freight 5:80 a. m. 1:40 p. Jf. do do 8:15a.m. l&SOa.m. TIMK CARD OF THE BURLINGTON. LX1VI OKAHa. KxnresB 8:10 p. m. Expreea 10:00 : a. m. Hall .HM a. m. Mall lOrtJOp. m. Sundays Exceptcd. Scndays Exceptcd. CHlCAGO.tROCK ISLAND & PACIFia Hall . fct a. a. I Osil . 100 p. ra. Erpresa . S:10 : p. m. | Exprcw , . . .10:60 : a. m. CHICAGO NORTHWESTERN. XaU . e.-0 a. m. I Mall . - 7:20 : p.m. Sandaj s exccpted. KANSAS CITT , ST. JOE & COUNCIL BLUFFa HATS JLUUVI. Mail . .S Xa. m. I Erpre s . 7:40 a , m. Exprea . 60 p. m. | Mafl . 7:20 { . m. The only Itn * rnnnlna ; PuBman Sleeping Ozra oat of Omaha to Union Depot. OMAHA & NORTHWESTERN AND ISIOUX CITT & PACIFIC EAILROAD3. .EOa. m. | Fiprest..4 0p m. Dally Except Eandiyi. B. & U. B , R. In NEBRASKA. HATS. AKX. TX. TbrouhExp..8:40am | Tlirongh Erp. .4:00ptn Lincoln xp..6l p m ( Ltucsln Exp..B30 a ni SIOUX CITT & ST. PAUL R. B. MJ1 . _ . .6:10ara : | Jjcpva . 100 am ErpresB . 8.40pm | l . 720 p m W ABASH , ST. LOUIS 4 PACIFIC. ULATBS. AKMVM. KaU . - 8a.m. I Hall - 11:55 a. m Xxpnsi..S:40 : p. m. | Exprcea . 425 p. m. BRIDGE DIVISION U. P. R. R. L * T Omaha , dally ; S a. m. , 9 a. m. , 10 a m. , 11 a. m. . 1 p. m. , 2 p. m. , 3 p. m , 6 p , m , , 6 p. m. . Lear * Conndl BlnSs ; Si5 a. m. , Bt5 a. m , , 10:25 a. m. , 1125 a. m. , 1:15 p m. , S25 p. m. , 135 p. m. , 6.-2S p. m. , C.-25 p. m. , Fear trips on Sunday , leaving Omaha at B and 11 a , m. , 2 and 6 p. m. ; Council Bluffs at B 11:25 m. m. , and 2:2i and 625 p. m. Leare Omaha : . m.,7 a. m.8 0 . m. , 1 p. m. , 4SO p. m. , 735 p. m. , Leave Council Blntls : 6:15 a.m , , 8:40 a. m. , UrfO a.m. 6:25 p. m. , 700 p. m. , 7iO p. m. Dally except Sunday. OMAAA & REPUBLICAN VALLEY R. LEAVE , Han . 10:45 a. m. , Dally txccpt Sondayi. SA.NTA CLAXJ3 FOUND. Greatest Discovery of the Atra. Wonu rfnldUcoTerles In thCTrorldhaVe been made Among other thlnrs whom Einta Caus ! stayed Children oft k 1J he makes troods or not , U really he UTOS In a mountain of snow [ ait year an excnrdon called dear to the Pole And imddenly dropped Infco what Becmedlike thole Where wosder of wonders they found anewland , tfhllo f lry-Uk belnrs appeared on each hand. There were mountains like ours , with more beautiful preen. And tar brighter skies th&n erer Tnrs ecen , Birds with the hncs of a nlbbow were found , While flowers c ! diqultlto fragrance wen grow Ing around. Sot long were they left to wonder In donbi \ . belmr Boon came they had heard much about , Twas fiinto Claus' self and thUthey alt cay , 3e leoked like the picture Mee every d-y. le drorenp a teun that looked vcryqneer , Twas a team f ( rrasshoppers Instead of reindeer , le rode in a shell Instead of eltlib , 3at he took thorn On toud and drove them away. le showed them all over his wonderful realm , , Ind factories maldnc goods for trc ien and metj Curlers were working on Ii ta great and Email , ro Bunce's ther cdd they were tending them all. Kris Klnglc , the Glove Makertoldth m at once , Ul our Glores we are sending to Bonce , Santa showed them suspenders and many things more. Saying I * lse took those to friend Bunco1 ! store. Santa Clans then whispered a secret berd tell. I * in Omaha every one knew Bnnce well , Ie therefore should send his { roods to his can , Snowing his friends will get their toll share. Now remember ye dwellers In Omaha town , All who waat prorate to Bunoe's go round , ror ihlrts , collars , or gltves great and small , Send your sister or aunt one and all. Bnnce , Champion Hatter of the West , Douglas 1 K. A. S. PENDERY , CONSULTING PHYSICIAN HAS PERMANENTLY LOCATED HIS MEDICAL - ICAL OFFICE , ' i 3 Tenth Street , - OMAHA , NEBRASKA OSerinj his servloes in all departments o mcdldne anJ surgery , both in gencial au pedal practice acute and chronle discescs. Ca be consulted nlfht and day , and will visita tart of the city and county on receipt of lett * A new anH hitherto-unknown remedy for all Iseoocs of the Kidneys , Bladder , ana Urinary reans. U will positively cure DiabeUs , Gravel , Drop- y , Brichl's Disease , inability to retain or expell Je Urine. Catarrh of the BUdfcr , high colored nd scanty urine. Painful Drinstlni ; , LAME. BACK , General Weakness , and all Female Com- Uintv It avoids Internal medicines , is certain in it fleets and cures when nothing else can. For tale by all DnifrsUts or tent by mall free pen receipt of the price , $2.00. DAY KEYPAD CO. , PROP'RS , Toledo , O. tfB > t your address for our little book , low was Saved. " MES E. ISH , Arent for Nebraska. A BAUI.OON ACCIDENT. VERT THRILLTXG , BCTIH3H fT rL.iTOr.EI WITH FEESCH SACOE 2 > w Tork Time : . A frightful b llosu accident at P r'i is reported by cable. August Navert < was porfrruiing n tripiza eus penderl fio.n ihe jlontgoltier baHoor YidouuilLits * , when , at he height o ! 1000 Mirds , tr o\er lia'f a m K > , hi missed , h s upld. The shocked tnscta' ' tora , it ia eaiu , could clrary folloVthc poor felloe's torfy in its Sc-oant , and when n le.gh i : struck the tatth i ! made a hole tvro feet deep , nnd ie- bounded twice thu bfght of a man's he d. Freed from his weight , the balloon shot npward uutililbarst , end then it , tea fell Deaths from balloc accidents are free uant eaongh , bit sheer fall from uch a height has , per hap ? , never before been recorded Thus in 1870 a balloon took fire when 2006 feat high In the air , anc its occupant was killed , butt as is usu flly the case , ho stuck to h.a air-shi till it groundddi A fearful dive ia however , fat from being the only dan ger "balloonists have to dread. Tha it is quite as dangerous to go too big' ' as to come down too fast is shown b the voyaga of Tissandier , Sivei , and Oroce-Spmnelli , which is , perhaps the most remarkable oa-tecord. Tht ; started on April 15 , 1875 , to rival th highest altitude ever reached by man At 8000 yards Tissandier fell in a fain just as his companions , who wore in a scarcsly better condition , tossed ou some ballaat in a last desperate cffor to surpass Glaisber'a record of ll.GOl yards. The balloon flew up , how high it is impossible to say , but when Tis sandier cam < > to himself his compan ions lay dead beside him with black faces and bloody nostrils. They hac been suffocated by the rarefaction o the atmosphere. Glaisher's record is therefore , discredited , for it scema be yond dispute that human life cannot be sustained much above 8000 yards. M. Godard's perilous experience h 1878 which happily resulted rather amusingly than otherwise illustrates another danger which should not bo forgotten by those who take passen gers sailini ? in the air. At 1000 , at 2000 , at 3000 feet high he successively asked hii companion how he felt , anc was as often amazed that the amateur declared bis feelings to be quite as us ual. Finally Godard declared that de would go no higher , when sudden ly his ctmpanion grasped his throat and demanded at least ono emotion in return for his lOOOf. fare. The man was clearly o lunatic. At the fearful height he clambered out of the basket and around the swaying globa with the skill r.nd cnreleosness i f a monkey. Then he clasped God- dard by Ihe body and declerad ho would throw him over. Finally , h * drew a knife and said he wo'uld seek his "emotion * " by a fall , jay of half a nile. But Goddard did nut looao his uad. H declared himself charmed 5th the Idea , , and rendered that it isd never befora occurred to him. Bat he pointed cut that , however pleasing the fall might be , it would bo disagreeable to be mutilated , and ho suggested going 2000 or 3000 feet hiRher in order that when his com panion cut the pavbag their deaths night.be certain. They were then both at a mind , as Goddnrd threw out the jallast the balloon darted still further nbove the clouds. His cheerful com panion's spirits rose with the balloon , md once more he climbing out on the bellying sphere , but this time with a rope about him , in order , ns jodard explained , that Lo might not umble before he was high enough for i thoroughly good fall. At length ho torched himself just over the escape- i-alye , then Godard pulled the cord vhich opened it , the escaping gas tnpeficd the madman , and the : ruis is over. Lest any one should loubt the story , wo hasten to add that t comes from France. Feeding for Profit , 'rairit Farmir. It is an undoubted fact that animals cilled fat from flush pastures are more uicy and consequently more palatable han animals fed fat on grain , but nch animals will not do to ship , tinco hey lose the juices of the meat first if all and so become dry and hard. ? or this reason cattle intended for hipment east , and especially those ntended for European markets must ) e made fat on grain and those weighing from 1400 to 1700 pounds ire the most profitable. With good ) reediog and good feeding from calf- lood up this may easily be obtained nt hree years in steers. Hence the best seders force their steers from the ime they are calves until ready for narket. They are never allowed to ese flesh , but are kept constantly go ng ahead. Feed for marketis yet un- ierstpod in the United States by com- jaratively few feeders ; It really costs ess to make an animal that will weigh .400 at three yeara old , in the west , hnn to attain the same weight by passing in summer and starving in rinter. The careful feeder finds hat it is to his advantage to eod in summer , except , per- aps , when feed is most lush ; in fact , some of nur boot feed- rs feed grain every day in the year , intil the animal is sold , and find pro- it therein. _ The man who believes te can learn nothing from reading ails to get the experience of others nd seldom makes money. Such aen do not know that a difference of ne or two cents par ponnd in .in an'- ' aal is just where the profit comes in. t should be borne in mind that if an nimal gota thin the whole fleshy tructuro must be rebuilt nnd that -isto goes on all the time. On the ther hand , the animal kept con- tantly growing qives oil leas daily -aste than that which is thin. It is good feeding and good sho'.tor tha make * money in stock. TheWuoun Who Wears the Breeche ; The woman who always answer whin her hueband is spoken to , am consider ? herself the "bettor three quarters" of the household arrange meat. Tha xronnn who buys Ml the pro visions snd clothing , even her hu ? bud'scli , thing , and always buys then at a bargain. Sha never thi&ks him of any consa quenco in the family , but regards bin as a boarder who eats a great deal ant p&ya nothing , while the farcilv is sup ported by her ofrn shoulders and fore sight , including the "bargains" ehe li 8 jnst antly eecuring. The woman who always pins on hei husband's cellar and cravat waahei his neck nnd ear ? , trims hia hair and pulls it , too , if he is at all refrac tory who Contradictshim before theii cbildrun , not allowing him to oxpresi nil opinion without immediately vol : unteerinc one in an oppositedirectiou. The woman who always demands the money on "pay day , " and if hot huaband ventures to ask for a dollar looks at him pharply and asks what he wants it for ; says "there is no nesd for a man to have money when his wife needs it all to clothe her family. " As soon as there is a hundred dollars lars ahead she takes it , and , deposit ing it in the bank in her own name , announces to her husband thegratifj- ing intelligence that she has eaVed a hundred dollars , but does not con sider it important to mention where she has deposited the same. The woman who wears the breeches" is almost sure to lay by something for a "rainy day , " as she never allows her husband a day of recreation , althocgk on holidays she Usually takea him out \vih ? the other children for a little en joyment. Her husband always has a quiet , suddued air , autl speaks in a very nervous , haety manner , and looks around quickly from under his eye brows , as if expecting to hear some voice in contradiction. Ho has the habit of smoothing the top of his head gently and soothing ly , as if the hair had been recently pulled. The woman who wears the breeches is usually called "smart" by the men , and a "tyrant" by the women. She speaks of the homestead as "my plac ? , " or "my farm , " and considers her husband as of no account in the buying or gelling of cattle. She knows juit how much pigs will weigh and the market value of everything - thing the farm produces for sala. She is. close at a bargain , and has been tuowu to go so far as to drive the team and help to load the wood. She always manages the children , and if ono of them should turn out poorly she says : 'That ' child Is more like hU father , haa all the rest. " Nobody has much love for her , and as she has proved eminently able to ako care of herself by taking care of he whole family , no one cares much : or her. Tlio woman who wears the breeches always puts her husband to bed first , .hc.t ho may warm the right side , and then rolls him over to ihu wall when she gets in , and would make nimget up and kindle the fire of a morning , only that she thinks he does not know enough. Stiu understands politics , and her lushaud votes for the man she tells lim to. I'll tell you more about her some other time. Opened thoBarrel at the WrongrEnd Selves ) OB Neirs. Gilhooly got come up with yester day. Be had bought a barrel of np- ) les from Dr Smith's grocery which did not give satisfaction. "Whet's the reason , " said Gilhooly ndignantly , "that the further down ! go in the apples the worse they getl' "Tho reason for that ia that you lidn't open the barrel at the other end. If you had only dene that , the apples would be getting belter all the imo. " Settling : a Bet. KEOKUK , Iowa , November 8. An ilcctlon wager , made some time since , bstween 0. Limburg and John Nagle , of this city , by the terms of which .ho . loser was to wheel the other in a > arrow from Fourteenth and Main treats to the postoffica and ratnrn , a Listance of a mile and a quarter , was paid this afternoon. The performance came otf at 2 o'clock , and was wit nessed by hundreds of people. The victorious .Naple was seated high np n the barrow , with a flag floating on ithor side of him , while Limbnrg urnished the motive power. The novel procession was greeted with beers along the road. The Fastest Ml'es on Record- pirit of the Times. When horses trot as fast as St. 'ulien and Maud S. , they need to be ip to concert pitch to do their level best , and when in the slightest de- reo off , their supreme efforts are im- ossible. In view of the fact that it. Jnlion has been suffering with the pidemic for several weeks , his re- Dent trials , especially his 2:12J : ati 'rospect Park , on the 15th lost. , are ery noteworthy and creditable. Be- ore this , those who visited him in his tall , and caw the epizootic fluid airly streaming from his nostrils , did ot expect from him a mile better han 2:15 : , and his driver coincided in tat view. He would not run the risk r urging so sick a horse , and yet he rotted in 2:13j : , absolutely on. his ourage ! It was a tremendous per- ormance. For the. present his career In the eist is ended , and his Belraon pirk etg gemaut w.ll net be keut owing to the o-mibiccd illness of St Ju'i n and UiskoU. Since he lef California he IHS traveled over , 10,001 miles in railroad cars , has undo gem i umerous changes of climate , ye never ha he failed to give a fini ixhil-i.ion of sfeed , nnd nevorhashi mada a brak. A brief summary o hii brilliant cimp ign will be inter eating : Juno 10. rgiiust time , n Detroit , best time 2:17 : 1-4 ; June 24 against tim ? , fet Ionia , ilich. , faea time2:18 : 1 2 ; July o , against time nt Detroit , best time 2:16 : 1-5 ; Julj 22 , at Chicago , free for all , best tims 2:16 : 1-2 ; July 26 , at Clevt-Und , fre for all , best time 2:15 : 3 4 ; Augusi 6 , at Buffdloj fr ? " for all , best time 2:16 1-4 ; August 12 , at Rohester against time , 2:11 : 3 4 ; August 19 , ai Springfield , free for all , best tirm 2:15 : ; August 27 , at Hartford - ford , against time , 2:11 1-4 ; September 10 , at Minneapolis , againit time , 2:13 ; Sept. 25 , at Bos ton , against time , 2:13 : 1-4 ; Oct. 8 , at Washington , against time , 2:13 : 1 4 ; Oct. 15 , at Prospect part , a ainst time , 2il2 3-4. This far surpasses any trotting campaign ever made by an- 'her horsa , and speaks no leas for the astonishing speed of St. Jullen , than for his aplendid constitution and in- dimitable courage. The Olay blood decs not seem to make him quit. Ho will soon ba shipped to California , and in that genial clime may astonish the trotting community again before the year closes. He Couldn't Hole Laugh. Cmdetts. "I had my misgivings , boss , " the waiter said to the landlord who was questioning him about bis conduct to ward the tall gentleman in blue clothes , who eat at the door. "I had my auspicious when he eat down dat hu was carrying moah whisky dan was good for ( nn , but ho W38 puffectly qniet and behaved himself well enuugli , au' 1 didn't pay no attention to it eutwell he picked up a baked potatoe and hole it car'fulJy over the eig glats wid his left haud , and begun to hit the end of ilia potato wid his spoon. He hit it right hard three or four times , an' den he whack it once or twice on the aige of do plate , and lookin' solemn as a owl all de time , he call nio up to him and nay nn p'Hto and dignified as a president , 'wattah , ' he tay , 'I wish you would jest fix dis biled aig for me , if you please ; 1'so lorae a good deal of sleep las' ' night , and I'm a little uarvous dia morning. An' I know I hadn't done oUht to laugh , bos ; , but I hope to die if I could help it. " The landlord did hot discharge him under the circumstan ces. It you are troubled with fever iridwrue.dumb agile , billions ferer , jaundice , dyspepsia , or i > ny dtsm e of cho lircr , blood or stomach , and wish to get it well , try the new remedy. Viol. Gull- motto's FrenchLUer Pd. Ask your dra glst for it , and take no other , and if he has not got it send SI 50 In letter to the French Pad Co. , ToKdo , O. , and receive ono by return null. GEEATEST EEMEDY KNOWN. Dr. King's Now Discovery for Con sumption ' certainly the greatest medical remedy ever placed within the reach of suffering humanity. Thou sands of once hopeless tufferers , now loudly proclaim their praise for this wonderful Discovery to which they owe their lires. Not only does itposi' lively cure Consumption , but Coughs , Colds , Asthma , Bror-chits , Hay- Fever , Hoarsnesa and all affections of the Throat , Chest and Lungs yields at once to its wonderful curative pow er as if by magic. We do not ask yon to buy a largo bottle unless you know what you are getting. Wo therefore tarneslly reguest you to calf on your druggist , J. K. I&n , and get a trial bottle free of cost which will convince * the most skeptical of its wonderful merits , and show you what a regular one dolhr size bottle will do. For baleby J , K. ] HH. (4) ( ) If Ton are troubled w.th deranged kidneys , delay not , but cot one of Prof. OullcteUe's French KUcev Pads , and you T 11 be cure ' 1 EucEien'B Arnica Salve The BEST SALVF. in the world for Cuts , Bruises , Sores , Ulcers , Salt Rheum , Fever Sores , Tetter , Chapp ed Hands , Chilblains , Corns , and all kinds of Skin Eruptions. 0Thls Salve is guaranteed to give perfect satiafac- tlod in every case "or money re Eanded. Price 25 cents per bor. For sale by 8dly J. K. ISH Omaha FEVER AND AGUE. Meats the requirement * of the ntiotnl medical pnllo ophy which at present prevails. It is a perfectly pure vegetable remedy , embracing the three important properties of a prerentite , a tonic , and an alterative. I : Jortifl'W the b.dy against disease , invlpontes and re-vHalljoj the torpid stomach and liver , > nd effects a moat salutary change in the entire system , when in a morbid condition. For sale by sll Druggists and DeUors generally. 4o Tears before tJiePuWte THE CENUiNE DR.C.HcLAK'E'S MVERPILLS are not recommended as a remedy "fo nil the ills that flesh is heir to. " but Ji affections of the Liver , and in all Biliou Complaints , Dyspepsia , and Sick Head ache , or diseases of that character , thei stand without a rival. AGUE AND FEVER. No better cathartic can be used preparatory paratory to , or after taking quinine. A : a simple purgative they are uneqnaled. BEWARE OF IMITATIONS , The genuine are never sugar-coated. Each box has a rod-wax seal on the lid with the impression , McLANE'S LIVE ! PILL. Each wrapper bears the signa tures of 0. McLAKE and FLEMIXO BKOS JZ&F Insist upon having the genuini DR. C. McLANE'S LIVER PILLS , pre pared b" FLEMISH UROS. , Pttfslmrglt , Tn. , the market being full of imitations of the name JfcXnnc , spoiled differently but same pronunciation. LA UNLIKE PILLS AND THE USUAL PUfiaATIVES , . IS PLEAS ANT TO TAKE , And 111 prove at once the m sl potent and lurmlew STSTE1I RENOVATOH and CLEANSER that has yet he-n b'oushtU public notice. For CONSTIPATION. BILIOUS NES3 , HEADACHE , PILE ? , and all dleorden arising from an obstructed slate cf the system , it I * incomp raby : the bait cuiatire extant. Avoid Imitations ] Insist on getting tthe article called for. TROP1C-FRU1T LAXATIVE is put up in bronzed tin boxes only. Pr'ce 60 cent ? . Ai your dtugist for Descriptive Pamphlet , or ad- dries the proprietor , J. E. HETHERINOTOIT , New Tork or Sin FranciMO. Baforo Purchasing AnT FORK of go-Culled ELECTRIC BELT , Band , or Apnllsnce represented to cnro Nervous , Chfoalc andSpecIa Dlseue f nd to the PUL- VEllMACHEROALVANICCO.BlSiroutEomeo- Street , Pan Franclwo , Cal. , for the'r ' Free Pamphlet and "The Electric Review , " and you will save time , health and money. The P. O. Co. are the only dsalors in Genuine Electriz Ap- illances on the Am'.rlran Continent. HOW TO CURE CONSUMPTION , COUGHS , Colds , Asthma , Croup , All diseases of tbe THroat , Lunga , ana Pulmonary Organs. USE ACCORDINd TO DIRECTIONS ALLEN'S T-UNG BALSAM. JJAMTCn IxxalAttnts every where lose I. WAN I tU Tea , Cofte * , Baking Powder , ilavorin ; Extracts , etc , by nmple , to famllbs , 'roflt good. Outfit tree. People's Tea Co. , Eox iOZO , St. Louis. Mo. THE COLORADO BUSINESS COLLEGE Tblslnstltution , located at Denver , Colorado , he Educational and Commercial center of the West , Is pre-eminently the best and most practi cal of Its kind for the MERCANTILE TRAINING OF Young Men and Ladies. G. W. FOSTER , President , D. W. CADY , Secretary. The most extensive , thorough and complete nstUntion of the kind In the world. Thousands of accountants and Business men , in the prln- Ipal cities and towns of the United States , owe heir suctees to cur course cf training. The fiteht Kind of Education for Young Men and Ladies. Fine , new briclc block , at junction of three street car llnei Elegantly fitted and furnished partments for the application of and carrying at of our novel and systematic methods of BUSINESS TEAHOTa , Tonn ; men who contemplate a business life , and parents having sons to educate , are partlcu- arly requested to lend for our n w Circular , which will give full intcrmit i as t terms , onditlon of entrance , etc. AjlBren G. W , FOSTEK , President , ep6-3m Denver , Colorado. WROUGHT IRON FENCES. t Wire Fencing and Ratlin ; a Speciality. Their beautr , permanence and economy ally working the extinction of alt findng heap material. Elegant in deiism , Indtstrnstlble Fences for lawns , Public Grounds and Oemo- Ury Plsts. Iron Vases , Lawn Setteel , canopied and of Uitle pattern * ; Chairs and eyery description of ron and Wire ornamental work designed accl manufactured by E T. BABNDM'rf Wire and rcn W.irk , 57 , 29 and 81 Woodward Are. , De- troitMich. Bend' - t'io * i t - taojuo ! anil price Ust. sep21 CO EAST VIA THB Chicago & Northwestern 2,330 MILES OF ROAD ! It Is the SHORT , SURE and Sate Bonta C twiui COUNCIL BLUFFS ISO OEEOAGOMILWATOEE sad U pofctt EAST nd KORTH. IT OFFEBS THE TBAVEUNO PUBLIC GREATER FACILITIES AM ) MORE ADVASTAOKd THAJT AST OTHER BOAD D ? TH2 WEST. Ills tbs ONLY ROAD between COUNCIL BLUFFS and OHIOAGO Upon which Is run PULLMAN HOTEL CAJIS1 In addition to theaaaad to pleva all classes of travelers , It gives FIRST-CLASS HEALS at Its EATINO STATIONS at W cenU each. ITSTBftCIC IS STEEl PAILS I ITS COACHES ARE THE FINEST ! ITS EQ'JIPMEHT FIRST CLASS U you T7i > h tha Be l Traveling Accommoda tions yon 1U bay yonr ticket by this Koutr JZSTAND WILL TAKE NOSE OTHER. All Ticket Atrents an sell yon Through Ticket * Via this road and Check usual Bag. gage Free of Charge OMAHA TICKET OFFICES 1214 Famham St. , Oor. 14th , and at Union Pacific Depot. DENVER OFFICE In Colorrdo Central and Union Pactlc Ticket Offlco. SAN FRANCISCO OFHCE 2 M w Montgom- eryStttet. For Information , foUore , mips , etc. , not oh. Ulnabla at Home Ticket Office , addles * any agent of the Company , or SARV1H HUCHITT , W- 8TEMMITT , Oehl Mafiwer. Oenl Pass. Aeent CHICAGO , ILL JAMES T- CLARK , Oenl At Omaha ft Conndl Bloffs. THROUGH TO CHICAGO Without Change of Cars I CHICAGO BURLINGTON & QU1NGY With Smooth and Perfect Track , Elegant Pax- linger Ccacbcs , and PULLMAH SLEEPIKG& DININC CAR ? It Is acknowledged by ti JDS * , ud aU wh : travel nv r It , 10 be the Best Appointed and Best Managed Road In the Country. PASSENGERS GOtNG BAST Should Dear In mind that this li tha BEST ROUTE TO CHICAGO , And Points Eut. North and Northwest. Passengers by thla Rcilte hive choice of FOUB DIFFERENT EOUTES , And the Advantage of Six Dally LIneJ ot Palace Sleeping Cars from Chicago to New York City Without Change All Express Trains on this Una are equipped with the WestlniihousePaUnt Air Brakn and Miller's Patent Safety Platform and Couplers , the moot Perfect fro- tection Against Acci dents In the world. PULLMAH PALACE SLEEPING AND D'KINC ' GA33 Are run on th Burlington Route. Information concerning Boutes , Rates , Connection ! , etc. , will b > cheerfully given by appljine tt the officn of the Punli.gtoa Roato , 613 Fourtecntn Street , Omaha , Nebraska. C.E. PERK.NS. D W. HITCHCOCK. Qen'l Manager. Gen. Wtst'u Paei. Azt. J. O. PHILLIPPI. St. Joe Vo. General Airnt , Omaha. H. P. DUEL , fepG-dl 11ci ! tAent Omaha SHORT LINE ± sso. KC.ST.J3E&C.B.R.R. , Is the only Direct Line to ST. LOUIS AND THE EAST From OMAHA and the WEST. No change of cars between Omaha and St. Louis and hut one between Omaha and New Tork. SIX DAILY PASSENGER TRAINS Eastern & Western Cities With legs charges and in advance of other lines. This entire line la equipped with Pullman's Palace Sleeping- Cars , Palace Day Coach- et.MUler's Safety Platform and Couplet and the celebrated Westlnghouse Air-Brake. * T8EE THAT YOUR TICKET READS' < 9VlaEaniaa City , Et. Joseph OCoundlBlnfls K.R. , via S O"Joo andSt.Loula.1Si Tickets for sale at all coupon stations la tha West. J. F. BARNARD , A. 0. DAWES , Oen'ISupt. , Oeul Paga. & Ticket Aet St. Joseph , Mo EL Joseph , Ho. W. C. BEAOHRIST. Ticket ARen. , 21 * Fifteenth Street , between Farnhasj and Donzlaa , Union Block , Omaha. JOS. TEHON , A. B. BARNARD , Pass. Ajrent , Onuha. Oen'rl Arent , Omaha. Machine Works , J. Hammond , Prop. & Manager. The meat thorough appoints 1 and somplete Uachine Shop * and Foundry In the state. Castings of every description manufacted. Enfrlnes , Pumpa and eveiy class of machinery made to order. order.pedal attention given to ITell Angnrs , Pulleys , Hangers , Sbaf ting.Bridge IronsGccr etc Plansfornew Uachlnery.Meschanlcal DraQght- ug , Models , etc. , neatlv executed. 66 Harnev St. , Bet. 14tb and 10th. E _ F. co OB : , UNDERTAKER , Oid Fellows' Block. Prompt attention trlven tn orJers by telegraph. Oft : in ffjOn r'ay at home. Samples wort 1011,111OL \ \ \ fr e. Address Stlneon & Co For COUGHS POL S , BRONCHITIS. ASTHMA , CONSUMf- TI N , : md a',1 D oases of the THROAT and LUNGS. The n-st urc t ' r [ r i- 11 the known worM Ey iddlnc toTOLU ROCKand KYB ttlto Lemon j'll e. > a - < : if. e ent Appetizer and Tonic , f'-r ' - > . n < nl and Jan llj u-e. Tfce liimieui-e > > n.li . > - . i : c uuuurua tc Imoniaw T..CUT * i Jiiir ar , the lett"e kUu l of Its > iri i J | > . li I t Put up in Quiirt Size Bottles , giving More for the money than any article in the market. _ POS'T DECEIVED by unprincipled df ! r who try to rnlm off npon TO * lumun Knelt ami Rjeln p'aoecf ourTOLU KOCKand KYK nhJch Uth only MEDlCAl hl > ar ! 'a made , t .r GENUINE navln * a COVEKXMEVT STAili on each bott.o. Extract from Report of the Commissioner of Internal Revenue : IKEA1URY DSrAUTMENT. OFFICE OF INTERNAL RKVZNTJ > WAdULioio.f , 1) . C. , J.ntury SB , 18SO. J tfcUTS. LAWUiNCK 4 MAKT1N. 1111 iT d ! on St. , Chicago , ll'i. . GsTrLxyKX : This campourd. in the opinion of this oQce. vonld hare a su 3clcnt quantity ) the BALSAM OF 7OLU to the it all tha advantages ascribnl to this article IB pectoral compUl.iU. while the whi'kv ard the -yrnp oipjthnto an emulsion rcndcrinp it an ajtreeable remedy to th * patient. C. np"unJo lae..r Ir.ic to tha formnl * , it may properly becl * * e < l a UEDlCIvAIi PREPARATION nnJtrr tl.e pr.ni lurs of U. 8.1V T bed SUtv tea. aud when so ktamprd , icay t soldliyPr-i pislc , ApoiL cjnt-.5iiJ Other Persons itaoat renJertn'them liable to pay fpe il xas ' " 'ia"ry .crecjllly , , > ( Slsne.1) GREEN. B. RAUM , Commissioner LAWRENCE & MARTlN.Proprietors , Chicago , Ills. Sold by DRUGGISTS , GROOEES and DEALERS everywhere WHO 15 UNACQUAINTED WITH THE OPOCRAPHV OF THIS COUNTRY. SEE BY EXAMINING THIS MAP. THAT THE CHICAGO , ROCK ISLAND & PACIFIC R. B. [ S THE GREAT COSSECTISfl LINK BETWEEN THE EAST & THE Its main line runs from Chicago jo Council Dininq Can for eating purposes nly. Llluffj , paMlnic throueh Jollet , Olte a , La ry\le ! , grcrt fnnUire of tur Palace Cars U B * 8 3on oG. Mollne. Itncf leland. Davenport , We l AI.OO.N * nen , you CUD anor jour Liberty , Iowa City.Marenco , Urookl > n. Orinacll , at all hours of Uie IUT. Des Moines ( the capltnl of Iowa ) , fc'.anrt , Atlau- Uc , and ATocn : nlth branches from Ilnrxxa lnnttontoPoorla : Wilton Junction toMnncn- Una. tlLO. Washington. FalrHeld. Eluon. Ueiknap , ' CentroTllIe. 1'rlnceton. Trenton. Oollstln. Cnme- ncctl < 7n l > cncmade In bnio'n IMp rnn. LeaTcnnorth , Atchlson , ana Kun..is Cltr- nilf J Washlnxton to Slzourney. Oskaloosa. and Knox- tlllKAT TllItOCUB U rlllo : KeoiuK to Fanalneton. lionaparto , Uon- tOLLOWS. _ w J tonnoort. Independent. Eldoci , Ottnmw.v Eildj- At CnrcAOO.trtth oU Cttrorzlnj Bnat < rr rlllp.OskitlooM. reIla.Minroc. and Ucs Moines ; Ea t ana Knutru . . Nflvrton to Monroe : DesMolnn u > Inrtlnnolaana At Kxatrwoou.with UM 1 - * M. 8. Wlnterset : AtlantKitoI wtsandAndubon : and A'oca to llarlan. This Is posltlrelr the onlr At WASHING-COW UnaH-ra. with f. . U A15- Railroad , which oims. and operates a through L. It. it. Una from Chicago Into the State of Kansas. AtliA bAUJ : . Ttl.a IlLC < rat.R.fl. Through Express Pse'oncer Train * , irlth Pnil- Ati'EORM.wlth I' . P. * J. : P.I.4B. . 4 4f nan "aluca Cats attached , are rnii nach war daily W111. . Mld.r anil T. H. A W. IWSL totwsen cnicAno and PIORIA. KAXSAB Crrr. At Hottt iHUiyn wtUl "Mllwiinkea jn KQCI.CII. BLtJFra. L3AvrxwoRTn ana ATCHI- Island Jl.ort Lice. " and Kock Ijl'd A 1-eO SON. Through can art ) also run between Jli'Taa- At I > Ari.vpoitT. with the Ihitenport ee f/id Kansas Cltr. via the "Wllvtaukce and C.M. A8t-P.tt.lt. liock island Bh - * Lln " AtWEsrlinJsnTT.withthen C.R.4 . * t/r The "Great Wxk Island" Is masnlflcently At ( inlNNELT , Ylttl Central Iowa K. IL equipped. Its road bed U Unptr f 3d. and Its A t Dis JIOLWi with D M. A K. I > U. iv track U laid with Heel rails. AtCoc.Ncit. Utunrs. with Union Pacinf/-- What will plcaae you most will be the pleasure AtOMinA.wlthB.AMo.R-K.lt. r It DjojlDK Tour meaU , wnllo pawlnc overtho . . . . lenntlf al prairies or Illinois and Iowa. In ono of At OTTCUWA. witn Central lowaB-B W jar maznltlccnt DlnjnK Cars that accompany nil St-I-Araa. nnd IMJ.iy.lt. ltd * . mronsh Express Trains. Tou eet an en t Ira At KEOKUK.wtth Tot. Peo. A War. ; * f > * , neat , as food as Is served In any flnt-cluas hotel , Loura A Paa. anl St. u'.Keo. A N.-W. R tlfr- tor seventy-Ore cents. At CAUino.v. with IL tit. J. It. It. J ppreclatlne the fact that a majority of the At ATCIIIso.v. wtthAtch..Top ka&S > UV > > ti people prefer separate apartment * for different Atch. A Neb. and On. Br. U. P. K. ltd * . purposes ( and the Immense pa < < cnter business At I.EAVZNWUUTO. with Kan. Psc , j . < 4 it this line warranting It ) , we are pleased to an- Cent. IU lids. inunce that this Company runs Pullman. I'atace At KAMSA CTTT , with all line * tor t * rfl yttplng Can for sleeping purposes , and Pilact and Southwest. I-nr.I.KAJf PAT.ACE CAKH nrr run thi-oimh to fEOTKAmTtYM MOftt COUNCX1. KL.TJFFS , JC.V.XMAS C1TV. A TCHISU2V. nntl l KA vfc > i1VOK.Tlt Ticket * Till thU Line. Unoxvn n the "tirrnt J ecU Iiluntl Haul * , " are toV ill Ticket .eent In the United Btate * > .nd Canada. For Info "nation not abtnlnalile at jronr homo ticket otSo , ddr . A. . 'KXOifiBA.Ti'Lt , E. ST. JOHN" , Qen'l Superintendent- Uen'l Tit. sod I'ass'irr jV ) VERICK. FURNITURE , BEDD3NO , FEATHERS \ JLjDT3IO"W STT A I3BS- nd Everything pertaining to the Purnitnre and Upholstery Trade. A COMPLETE ASSGRTMEHT OF HEW GOODS AT THE JLO WhJST ap SI mon th lit 1208 and 1210 FaniLam Street , Gciicml Insurance Agent . I. S. HITCHCOCK , M. D. S. , , REPRESENTS : from Kew York has located in Ora&ha , and Euaranteesto do Qrst-elat * work. PIKESIX ASSONANCE CO. , of Lon- Dental Roonu , over A. Cruickshink & Co. ' , Cor. ilon. Cash Assets J5.107.127 16th and Douglas. ep9-2m WESIClIiSTElt. V. Y. , Capital l.OCO.OOJ T11E MKIICUA.S fS. of Ke % - rk. N. J. , 1,000,001 O1KAIID r'IUil-bll3dOpIi1aCapItaI. : . 1,000,000 K011THWK3TKEN NATlO.S'AtC p- SHOW GASES 1U1 800,001 FIREUKN'3 FUSD , C lifornla B0" . ( UKITISU AilKRICA ASSUIUNOECo l.SOO.OCO NK A tK FIRE 1SS. CO. , AFzeta. . . . W.Wt O- < JW ± AMEK1CAF CENTRAL , Awetn 300,000 1817 CAS3 IT. , OMAHA , NEB. 3 tut Cor. nf Fifteontb d DotulM Hi. . hand/TEl ra4 OMAHA , N > 3. ffk. good assortment always on 4 * * - . Th Cash Good ; Now Open in Kennedy's New Brick Building , 10th and Jones Streets. ul > - . ' A / * \ I > I \ T TXTTi yy i > v j ' t * \ t > JrC - LJ _ bt _ LJ _ L J > T _ . _ < / 2L IO A _ IB Gr iDirect. from the. Auction Booms of New York and Boston , will be offered in SILKS , VELVETS , DRESS GOODS , NOTIONS , BLANKETS , COMFORTS , TABLE EN HOSIERY , DOMESTICS AND MILLINERY. Call and examine our Stock. You can save to 20 per cent , by buying of us. German and Swedish clerks , ' * - v'yif iiw