VOL. X. OMAHA , NEBRASKA , EKIDAY , NOVEMBER 12 , 1880. 125. MORNING EDITION. Price Five Cents Established 1871 ft REMARKABLE LETTER FROM I CELEBRATED PHYSICIAN. Bryan , Term , Jnae 11,1579 , J.C. Richardson , 8t. Z.ouli-Dear Sln- Siy bor , 3 jean old , had tercr even other day. or every third day , for about Cinchonldia , halaclnc , etc. , etc. , but the boy mt worse nil the time. I reluctant ! ] . < " t > my dniK store for youi crifuKc.and 1 write Juit to f ay that h iiovor had . Rymptom of fever after com- inenolnK KebriruKe , to date , being Don tnorn month ago. I feel that loneht to - uch In behalf of Toormedlclne. Am regular at . , but retired from practice 3 years ago and devoUnc mj time to drus : bH lne . Very respectfully , J. W. HOWTLL. iS THE BEST. StoeWoa.'Wo. , Ace. tsth , 18TO. .T. O. Rlchanlson , St. I-onU-Dear Bin- Clifford. ' * Febrifuge is the bolt thlnf fez Chills and Fever that Tre taam err I Siandlcd. There never hu b en a cut that wo * XOT cannl by it that woi taken according to direction * in thl part ol tto country. Your * trnlv , 3XACC & 3UTCHELI , , < FROIfi A PROMINENT DRUG FIRM. Chilli cothc , 3Io. , July 30,11879. T. O. Richardson , St. LouU My Deal Sir : Here 1 * somothlnR reliable ; It Ton can make any use ot it pleat * Uo * o. We 3iavn sold hundreds of Dottles Kith Ilka TCSBlta. Your friends. Boyco Ostrander. ThU Is to certify that I hafl the Fever nnu Acme this summer find the use ol one-thlnl of n bottln ot Clifford' * Febri fuge promptly cured It. It U the speedi est core I luvvo knqtro of. of.CEO. CEO. 8AZLOB. HE STILL LIVES ! 7. S. Novelty Mf gr. Co. , Ken- York City , August Jf , 1878. My Dear glr : roroverttroj-earmlhaTe pnrmitnmtlr. I believe my cane would 1m v been fntnl hnd I not found thli as 1 did. Your * truly , ii. TV. root. Manager " U. 8. N. XUf Co. " t GEXERAL AGEKTS : RICHARDSON & CO. , - St.LouIfi. FOR SAIS EVERYWHERE. PKOPOSALS FOR COAL. OPT CR OK CITT CLERK. 1 OMtllA. Jfov. Cb , 18 0.f jirc ] > r al ) will rccth.il l > y Uie'un- Uri < Un < l untJI 12 ii'dock nion. on Tuesday. lMli , A. 1 > 1680. f..rfiiri > i hinir bard -iil-Sr mo in the cl y offices and fl-B il | a"mcnt Iron tl'is date uu'il tlio SUh ot Jnn . "a. P. ngl. Said hirts or ji-oposals hall ftato the price for nun c > tl iKIivtJol ulcro nnicred , aud i-hill n mw.id pure IthoLt n * ] > : ' to nny 'cSnlta anuuni rf ro \ , 1 lie tl ht IB rcscncj to reject K any xiui a't n < Us. pM ( .jnUInlns s.H iir'posa'i ehali be Prjiio all for t'l ' ! , > nii iidre-ged to e i J. r. HcCART > EY. " "S" ' . _ c-ltv Clerk. Pi ! OrOSALS FOR U11AU1NG. 'IIT CLERK , 1 > \j AtlA , Nov. Gth , IbSO. | Fc1 J proposals wl 1 bo neohcd by the un- tTu-duiicu until 32 nMock noon , on the 16th 3 r J > oM.lubir , A. ll. list , for erkdlnc H r- nr Ditto * , iu the cH' b ii-livd rraio from the ckl siJc of 15tli lrcct to ti-e east aide of JOth btrvct. I' apsand hpedl .it ion 8 for Eild ork , ' as > v j 1 xiLiili oil cr Infonuation can bo obtain d ? ' t Tifll otif citj cntintcr , in Crc'Khtpn Plock. , SaUMdiBhnll slate ilto price per cubic > rd TorOo i c mid naJintr. anil shall specify whcili- crtidtjtorcarlbremoMdur carih placed on eiiil B'rcct a niln Cmclopcs contn'iilrp aid bids sball bo marked - ed "Proposal" fet t i-adini Ilatney St. , " and be tlclhoro > to iijcrli cd at * . da.t e not li'er thin aboro fpeclO'd 1 he Hume < f a orcposed surc- t/ under the usual conditions vball accompiny ch b'd. 'lC6iil tlbrc8frvr < l ti reject any andaUbMs J. F. lIlCAnT KT. CtyClett. ITvOl'OSALS bOll CUKBIKG AND GDTrEHING. Ctn CLURK , \ CNAII i. N jv. 6ib , 1680. f So lea proioials ] lllbe recrlml by tto un- OetclcTcd until < 2 o'clock n un , < > n tbe 15th day of hocmbtr , lt 0 , for curtinc i d cuttenng Ilarnry ptrcct from I lit ) wisuiuf Ittlntreot to the east lid of 10th M.r < ct TU b and rpjci * flcatioi Bitndir wli'ci raid vmrV oliail be done can be si en at pfiic : ul v U cn iucer , in CrcKn- ton Block. T cHaid work 1 b- paid for in Bpecial warran'8 dr n up in a un < ) to be lei icd vpnn tVo jircpertj abntt'ii ? upon sa'd Improve- mentR. Vids eball specify U c rrirr 1 1 < li lilt and still "bo atcorapanl.d bi the ntnio i > p ! > od m-cty under the U'UaUonditi.'ns Tfo civ council rcscncs the rijut to reje" any and all bids. En\olopci conUlnln. fit j mpi ali ehall bo marked "Proposal * for Cnrbt . ' nnd Ontterinz Hartley H. . " and b ? dcllrct ? t ha cndemgn- od uot later than the fine abmc nv-ciflfd J F. Vc'TXEY. . _ City Clerk. HAMBUHC AMERICAN 1'AtKtT CO.S Weekly Line of Sieamships Lcartn ; Jlcvr Toi k EcrjThumdij at 2p.m. For England , France and Germany. For Paawgc apply to G. B. RICHARD & CO. , Passcnpii ApcnU , nn ! l ulway. 'MAKE ivo MISTAKE : M MICA AXLE GREASE powdered mica and wnKlMi Composedlarj : lyof ts the b t and cheapo lubricator in * e/ ; ; but forms Jt Utbebcst because it d < H not m , polished surface orcrtho axle , dolns ihlphlv ol 'friction ' , it U the w.y iUi a larco amount tut haW tie need uw cheapest beciuso YOU d . quantity in growlus your wa n tbatyou wou and theu run 2f any other axle crease made , ; / your acon tniccaslonff. It RnswT 'J ? iv " * as well for Mill Ccarin ? , Threshing til1,4 ; Busies , tc.a for waponScnd for rpckel CjclopcdUot Thine * Wonto Knoiriitff. Mauea free to any tddrces MICA MANUFACTU5IIJC CO. , SI MICHIGAN AVENUE , CHICAGO. Your Dealer For It I CHARLES RIEWE , UNDERTAKER ! MctaUc Cases , Coffins , Caskets , Shrouds , etc. faro mStrce .10th and Uth , Omaha , Neb. " Promptly Alt ? ERIN IN ARMS. The Patiiotic Yeomanry o Ireland Obey the Tocsin of Liberty. Prompt at the Sigml of Alarms , Each Son of Erin Enshed to Arms , Each Valley , Each Seques tered Glen , Mustered Its Little Horde of Men , Till at the Rendezvous Thej Stood by Thousands , Prompt For and Blood. OF THE CLANS. Special Dispatch to TUB Ert. DUBLIN , November 12 , 1 a. m. The tenants of Longford county , it province of Leiuiter , have threatened their landlords and their agents \ritb death If they are required to p j rents above Griffith's valuation. The peasantry are gathering in great num bera at Ballinrode. The Monaghau and Colons , contingents of the expe dition which is procccdingto thereliel of Mr. Baycolt , at Loughmarsh , have formed a junction , and will proceed immediately to Cliremorrts. The force of 150 infautty , with two rifled cannon , and 150 ot the royal Irish constabulary , acting as an escort foi the Orangemen , arrived at Claremor- ris yesterday afternoonand , proceeded at once to march to Mr. Baycolt'e residence at Loughmarsh. At Tallin- rode a large detachment of police had previouely been detailed to protect the road the entire distance of twenty miles , which was to be tramped by the troops. The officers , under the di rection of the government , had tried in vain to procure conveyances to save the men. the long and weary march , but all the car owners refused poai lively all inducements to hire ont their vehicles , paying it would be aa much as their lives wero.worth to assist the government in anyway. The Eighty- fourth regiment and & detachment of cavalry are expected to join the army of protection nt Dollymouut , on the Olaremorris road. The Ircal officers wer busily engaged yesterday in pre paring the workhouse as an infirmary for the reception of the wounded , but the government has strictly cautioned officers and troops to exercise the greatest possible forbearance , and not by any means to fire upon the people except under the moat critical circum- stences. When the troons left Castle Bar to reinforce the Claremorris con tingent , tremendous excitement pre vailed among the multitude , which had assembled to witness their depar ture. The inhabitants hooted 'at the soldiers and police , and teeing tome Orangemen among them , they shout ed , "Down with the Orangemen , " and it was only by strenuous exertions of the officers in command , in hastening the movements of the troops , that a serious collision on the spot was pre vented. Owing to the great excite ment and the departure of a thousand of the peasantry for Claremorris , the nationalists have issued notices urging the people to stay at home , and let ihe government displiv its despotism unheeded and unreaisted. More than 3000 troops aud police are now sta- ; ioned to protect the road between Ballinrode and Olaremorris. The fear s indulged iu in Dublin that the trouble has only begun. After a long argument the court of the queen's bench yesterday granted the application of the land _ leaguers' counsel demanding full particulars of he acts alleged to have been commit- ; ed by the traversers The particu lars will be furnished on Monday. The excitement throughout Ireland ia intense , and it b feared that blood shed is inevitable. Over 7000 troops are now in the west. Over thirty Orangemen arrived at Ballinrode last evening , escorted by bodies of infantry and cavalry. Thousands of people are „ ar riving almost hourly , and are very de- iant. The Orangemen will attempt lo gather Baycolt'a crops to day. A later dispatch from Ballinrodo says : There are now sixty Orangemen hero. Their inarch from .Claromorris was unmolested. Each Orangeman carried a revolver in his pocket , but otherwise they were unarmed , except their spades , etc. , to bo used In their work at Biycolt's farm. The militia behaved very well. As they marched along cries were raised by crowds at different placos"They will never como jack. " The whole route is patrolled jy police and military. A public meeting was hold at Cork featerdayana asubscriptlon was open- id for the defense of Mr. ? arnell and other land leaguers. The ord lieutenadt of Ireland yesterday received a deputation of Orangemen , [ n addressing them ho said that he d precated the stirring up of religious animosities , as the country was al ready in a bad enough condition. AGGRAVATING THE mASAKTKT. DDBLIN , November 12 1 a. m. The action of the government in nid- ng Mr. Baycolt , the agent of Lord Ernet , against tbo land leaguers and ; heir sympathizers , has still further embittered the quarrel between him and them. It is said that some..of the more violent or thoughtless o ! the peasantry openly threaten that Bay colt will not live until spring. In structions have been given the com manders of the forces which are now passing into Ireland , that if the people ple resort to arms , the military are to ict as if in actual warfare. This adds to the bitterness of the people , who rcmemb- the terrible interpretation that toi.iier English generals gave to similar orders. It is hoped that no collision will occur between the people ple and the military sent to protect Mr. Baycolt , but if the Orangemen who have volunteered to assist him Are permitted to interfere , It is scarce ly possible that bloodshed will be avoided. THE TOTE'S PACIFIC CODSSEL. HOME , November 12,1 a. m. The pope in receiving the Irish bishops yesterday , said he sympithized with and praised Ireland's fidelity to the Roman church , and asked that the priesfs and the people act nnitadly to avoid a revolution. One of the bish ops tcld the pope that the present movement was not revoluttorary. That the Irishmen were loyal , acd wera merely fight ng out the great question cons'itutUnally. FOREIGN EVENTS. An Obstinate Hembar Causes a Breeze in the French : Assembly. Great Interest Manifested in the Coming Interna tional Regatta. DEPOSITING FOKFKITS. Special aispitch to The Ike. LoMMMf , November 11,10 p. m. The final deposit of 200 m the inter national cinglo tcull Yico between Hanhm and TricUtt was posted yes terday at the Star and Garter hotel , jmen'sNeffa holds the stakes , 400 , Iso the oportsmen'd champion ihal- lenge cup , which Hanlamieposited to await the result of the race , which ia to ba at 10 a m. on the 15th. A num ber of prominent oarsmen uero pres ent , among them Robert Watson , James Riley , Joseph Go'lar and E. Liycock. Hanlan and Trickett were both present. James Ireland will act as referee. CABINET COMPROMISE. Special Dispatch to The Beo. PARIS , November 12,1 a. m The cabinet crisis hen resulted in the sort of oJmpromisa that wna most gener ally anticipated. The Ferry ministry , after a long and somewhat strong con sultation with Pres'dent ' Grevy anil M. Gambetta , have agreed to remain in office , on condition that the cham bers pass a vote of confidence. It is regarded as more than probable that the chambers will acquiesce , although the vote of confidence must be per functory , and its essential weakness as an endorsement of the ministry is ap parent. No better arrangement , how ever , seems practicable , as the only ministry which could succeed that of M. Ferry would be one formed by M. Gambetta , whose time has not , in his own opinion , yet come. M. Blauqul , the veteran agitator and revolutionist , whose life has been spent in rapid alternations between imprisonment and liberty , has pub lished his new pamphlet against standing armies. It contains nothing whateVer now upon the subject. A later dispatch saya : The chamber of deputies has , by a vote of 207 against 131 , pissed the order of the day expressing confidence in the min istry. This terminates the crisis. KOW IN TUB yilKNCH CUAMHKUS. Special Dispatch to The Bee. PARIS , November 12 1 a. m. M. Baudray D'Asson , the Vendean legit imist , although suspended on Tues day for fifteen days , took his seat in the chamber of deputies yesterday. M. Gambetta , the president of the chambers , requested him to withdraw , bat M. D'Asson refused. The legit imist members , encouraging and sur rounding him , prepared to defend him. After much uproar , M. Gam betta summoned the military , and Col. Piu , with twenty soldiers , fought their way through the legitimists , and ciptured and carried out M. D'Asjon" The soldiers were badly mauled by the legitimist members , and the sit ting was temporarily suspended. CABLEGRAMS. Special Dispatches to Th Beo. If , through her marriage , Lady Ccutts loses her interest in the Coutta bank , her income will not exceed 10,000 per annum. She has spant nearly all the interest received upon her money and in dividends from the bank , There was a great demonstration of Orangemen in Belfast list night , but the meeting passed off quietly. active anti-Jewish feeling There is an - ing now existing in many sections of Germany , and it threatens to break uut iu Berlin with increased bitter ness. ness.The The citizens of Bremen have pro nounced against the incorporation of the German customs union. It is stated that the Albanian ; hiefs have consented to the surren- 3er of Dulcigno , and that' delegates have arrived at Scutari to negotiate terms. Kelley , Iho bushranger , was hanged it Melbourne , Australia , yesterday. A dispatch from Simla confirms ; ho previous repoit that Ayonb Khan s organizing an army at Herat. Movements of tne Presldent-Eloct. pedal dispatch to Tha Bee. CLEVELAND , O. , November 12 , 1 a. m. Geu. Garfield and wife had in- ended having a gathering of friends tt Mentor yesterday , on acconut of its > eingthe twenty-second anniversary of their marriage. Various matters irevented it , however , and in the ivening they attended , on Euclid av- anue , In this city , the wedding of the laughter of Mr. D. P. Ellis , a promi nent railroad man and broker , to Mr. Arthur Newberry , son of Prof. J. S. Dewberry of the Columbia School of Hines. The affair was a brilliant one , ind besides the president-elect and wife , Gov. Foster , Mrs. Foster and laughter and members of the govern or's sta'ff were present. Gen. Gar- 5old , after consulting with Gov. Fos- er yesterday decided that the old Nineteenth district , including Ma- noning inalcid of Portage county , hould elect the successor of Garfield n the housa of representatives for the anexpired term. indications. Sperltl Dispatch to Tut BEB WASHiNaTONNovember 12 la. m. For the Missouri valley clear cr air weather , colder northwest winds , jtcady or higher barometer. Pianttnsr a Celestial. Spec al Dispatch to The Ba : . CHICAGO , November 12 1 a. m. Yee Men ? , the Chinaman who was shot Sunday while pursuing two men who had robbed his lanndrv , was buried yesterday with Christian cer emonies , from the Fourth Biptist church , and the remains were interred ia Rose Hill cemetery. He was a member ol the Farwell hall Chinese Sunday-school , but had not embraced the Christian faith. About a dozen Mongolians attended the funeral. Yee Mong is one of tha very few Chi namen whose countrymen have per mitted to be buried according to the American custom His bones will probably not be taken back to China , Tthere be leaves anfe and DOMESTIC DOINGS. A Complete Exposure oj the Chinese Letter Scheme. Gen. Hancock Denies That H ( Txf ressed an Opinioa on the New York Vote. Detectives Drop on a Crook ed Mint and a Blind Whisky.Stilh Garfleld Vindicated. SpaciM Dispatch to TUB BSB. r-JXEW YORWN"n\britbcr 12 la. m. ' Thc sworn statements of Samuel S Slorerand Samea O'Brien alias Llnd say , alias Berry , Lhe perjurers in the -Qarfiold Chinese lettoi PhilpMoteyQarfiold . - caie were raadopltbllc lazt oVenlng. Samuel S. Morey states that he resides iu Lawrence,4 Mas ? . ; was in straight ened circumstancesj ha'd for three years been trying to got his ponbion restored. Last winl or be suffered EO- Vctoly because he had no overcoataud scarcely any shoes ; nothing in the house to t.at. The overseer of the poor for the city of Liwrenco granted him § 20. Ho suffered from epileptic fits. g.Q. Who is 3Vtr. Glaikt A A. G. Olark. Q. What's his business ? A. He was with me yesterday ; keeps a pool room in Lawrence. When this thing came up he asked mo if I knew of anybody by the name of Hi L. Morey. I said I thought I did , and that ho was an uncle of mine , bora in Andover , N. H. Later Mr. Olark asked me if I would go on to Now York ; and said that ho had received a telegram. Finally I went up to Mr. Sanborn's of fice , a lawyer in Lawrence. I told them I did not want to got into any scrape. They said there was no dan ger of any scrape , and if I went my expenses would ba mot , and I would Le well paid. Mr. Clark urged me , and I said , "I will go for your sake. " 1 came on hero , and only la regard to H. L. Mercy was my testimony false ; , uLo when I stated that I hud been of fered glCOby a republican neb to come on here and testify. My family record H true , except in relation to H. L Mcreywhom I don't know and never Knew , and I know at the time it was a f.iUo statement. I served through the war in different capacities , until August , 1805. Witness hero recount ed his different experiences of the army , and stated that he lost his pen sion because of his absence in South America ; that he was in stnvghtened circumstances , and not wanting to see bis wife suffer during thocoming win- let , ho made the statement he did. He dad been at The Trutn office a num ber of times ; had seen and conversed with Joseph Hart ; went with a man there to the national democratic head quarters , but it was late at night and could not get in ; went next day , and saw a mm whom he supposed was the secretary , who gva him a check for 51000 ; took a carriage that day , which wan Sunday , and went to Staten Is- iixnd ; returned to this city , took super - ? or and went to the democratic head- inarters , where bo remained all night. Next morning ho went 'to The Truth office , and from there to ti.e court louse ; saw a lawyer ther ? , supposed to ba Abe Hummel , Mr. flovre'a part ner. Met Joseph Hart and told him lie had a brother iu South America , [ lart said he thought ho was here now , itid that ho wrote this letter ; ho show ed him a letter which ho thought was written by his brother Frank. He thought the name of the man who give him the check was Smalley ; went home to Lawrence week before plcction , and Smalley gave him $100 for expanses. On Friday before elec tion hu returned to Now York , and was taken to a holel where be was shown the register containing the en try of H. L. Morey , and Hart asked iiim what aort.of handwriting H. L. Moroy's was. He said said that he wrote a very bold hand , and that the iama on the register was in his hand writing. But as a matter of fact that was not the handwriting of H. L. Uorey. Jnuies O'Brien , alias Robert Lind say , says in h'a ' statement , that he in a resident of Georgetown , D. 0. On election day he went up to Baltimore n the interest of the republican par- ; yto stop repeaters from Washington ? when ho returned home in the eve- ring ho received word from a man in Dambarland that he had a job for him ; , \ ent to Cumberland and was informed ; hat a man named Birmingham , a loliccmai ) , had promised to get him a j > b ; saw Birmingham in the evening. Was offered SIOO by another man to impersonate Robert Lindsey , whom ho snid the democrats were hunting for. [ hesitated a while and told them that [ did net want to get into a scrape. Finally after they offered me the money in advance , I contested. ' Birmingham took me up to the depot , irhero ho introduced mo to a man named Walton as Lindsey. I asked Birnvngham privately if this man Walton understood that my name was not Lindaey , and ho said he did. Wai ; Ion handed me a round trip ticket to New York and § 10 , and gave me a jopy of The Truth , so I could study the Garfield letter. When I got to New York I went to The Troth office , ivhero I was introduced to Hart , as Lhidsey. Ho told me The Truth would pay mo through Birmingham it Cumberland. Hart told mo to make up a atory about the working- men's union so I could testify abcut the mines. Hart said to mo next day that he knew my name was not Lind- ; ey , and that he knew all about me. Ho" and Post then cave me instructions liow to testify about Ljun , and when I was asked about the secret organ- izition to sayl was bound by othnot to divul o any secrets. They gave mo a general plan of testimony , which I tried to follow out on the witness stand. The ten dollars Walton gave me in Cumberland and the ten dollars Hart gave mo in this city ii all the money I have received. I never was in Ljnn , Mass , never saw a man named H. L Mory , nor the Morey 1-tter until it was shown me in court. Never hearJ of the Morey-Garfield loiter until I saw a printed copy of it after I left Cumberland on the road to New York. The EaUroad War. Special Diipatch to Tns liix. CHICAGO , November 11 10 a. m. Ruinora prevailed this morning of a general cut in passenger ratej { o the east. But a visit to the .ticket office faila.to confirm it. Agenti maintain that their lowest rale i * 515. The report port probably grew out of St. LjuL , di patch , stating that eastern lines from that city had determined upon low rates to the east to counteract the effect of the Chicago & Southwestern cut. The Burlington road joined the soutwestern rate war this morning , selling to Kansas City for § 7.50. Hancock's Dentil. Special Dispatch to The fiec. NEW YOKE , November 12 , 1 a. m In an interview with Gdn. Hancock On Governor's Island yesterday morn- iug , tiie general doiiled tlirtt iho lettei purporting to have been written by him to an armv r fiber at Washington touching the Hew York vote wsa written - ten by himj and sairt that Ho was one Of a few persons who could notdiacilia the presidential electirn without indo' liency. Ha also said if there was a letter of that tenor in extence. per- porting to bo from himjtjojjilht tbbi : produced. Crooked Vinegar Special DBpatcl\ The B o. CtKCunnfrt , November ll 10 p. m Collector Amos Smith > last night made a raid on the establishment oi \V. Wilke , on Front street , this cltyj purporting to be a vinegar factory. Tlioy captured two stills , and the hlen weru iu the cdt of making crook ed whiekey when they seized the es tablishment. Thojconcern was turn ing out about $500 worth a day. The property seized was valued at ? 3000. Murder Trials. fipecUl dispatch to TUB Bn INDIANAPOLIS , November 12 1 a. m. The suprbme court yesteriay af ternoon reversed the decision of the lower courts in the case of Mary A. Brown vs. the state , convicted of the mitrder of her husband , and the case was remanded for new trial. Mrs. Brown is confined to her bed at the jail , and her attendants think she grows weaker daily. In the case of James Wade , convicted of the mur der of his employer , the supreme court has affirmed the decision of the lower courts. Wade takes the matter very coolly , sayin ? , "I can meet death like a man , and will. " The Sherman Letter. Special dispatch to The Bee. CALDWELL , 0. , November 11 10 p. m. Hon. J. | M. Dalzall , having been shown the press comments of yesterday on the publication of the Sherman letter , said : "They are very unfair to him. " Ho wrote Secretary Sherman for a letter that should de fine his position on the senatorial question , adding that his friends in Ohio desired to know just whore he stood on the question. The secretary replied very cordially in a note the next day , which was published for the information of his friends as a mani festo of the intention of both parties , and there was no bad faith about it. Capturing Counterfeiters. Special Dispatch to The Bee. PHILADELPHIA , November 11 1 a. m. Secret Service Agent Calkson , who , with hii.assistants , acting' under ho uidera of Chief Brouks , madu a descent on a * saloon at No. 12508 Salmon street yesterday morning , and iroke up a counterfeit coin mill which they found in full operation. Two well known counterfeiters , An- SrcwJ. Squibb and Wm. Welt , were seen in the act of making counter- 'elt half and quarter dollars. They ( rere held in § 5000 bail to appear for ELECTRIC BRIEFS. Special Dispatches to The Bee. Brevet Brig. Gen. Bichard S. Sat- : erlee , U. S. A. , died in New York Wednesday evening , aged 80. Epizootic prevails in Dallas , Texas , ind in several other cities adjacent. ( Dallas has already lost seventy horses , with two hundred cases sick. The report of the commissioner of iustoms from the last fiscal year shows .ho total collections from customs to have been § 188,378,611 55 , and the jxpense ? from collecting the same , 56,023,253.53. The total loss by the burn ing of the Blair building on Randolph street , Wednesday night , occupied byDwight Bros & Co. and Satnmons , Clark & 3o. , was § 112,000 Insured for 74,000. The Brings house was dam- iged about § 1 000 , and the guests greatly frightened. Dp to a late hour yesterday after noon no news was received indicating hat Gillon , the Lewis street , New York murderer , had been captured. ! t is believed that he jumped into the river. river.Henry Henry Freeman , of New York , : hief clerk iu the bureau of United States steamboat inspectors , who was irrested Wednesday , charged with em- jozziitig some § 5730 of government unda , was arraigned before United States Commissioner Shield ] yesterday md held in § 5,000 bonds. A new station on the Chicago , Mil waukee & St. Paul railroad , between Slgiu aud Genoa , has been named jlarfield , in honor of the president elect. elect.The The official canvais of the city vote if San Francisco gives Garfield , .9,059 ; Hancock , 21,477 , which makes lancock's plurality in the state 122. ilosecrans beats Davis for congress .509 votes. Judge Terry runs behind JIB ticket 205. Under the law passed by the last lession of congress , the first consular report has just been published , con- mining a series of systematic corres- rc'pondenca from the Uuited States consuls all over the world. Tbera is a great demand for them , and hereaf ter thpy will be issued monthly. A telegram from Kingston , Ont. , says the steamer "Kingsford , " a small passenger boat , which left Oawepjo Saturday for Bay Quint port , has not since been heard of , and it is conclud ed that she , too , has perished in the lata terrible gale. _ Undoubtedly the best shirt In the United States is manufactured at the Omaha Shirt Factory. The superiority of Material and workmanship , corn- Dined with their great improvements , that is Reinforced fronts , Reinforced backs and Reinforced sleeve1 * , makes their shirt the most durable and best fitting garment of the kind , ever manufactured at the moderate price of § 1.50. Every shirt of our make is guaranteed firsf-class and will refnnd the money if found otherwise. Wo make a specialty of all wool , Shaker , and Canton flannel , also chemois underwear , made up with a view to comfort , warmth and durabil ity. To invalids and weak-lunged persons we offer special inducements in the manner these goods are made for their protection. PH. GOTTHEUIEK , IRON HIGHWAYS. The Basis sf the Proposed Consolidation Private ly Discussed. The War of Western Eailroads Believed to be Over. Enormous Io crease in the Cost and Volume of the Postal Serv'ea. A Wabasn Special fllsratoh.to thfe Bee. * * ' - INDIANAPOLIS , November' 11 , 4 p. m. The Terra Haute Express says It is now a settled fact that Terra Halite iaio-Wje nether railroad , to " be knownla ffiiAttica , C/ovington"A 'Southern. Starting at Attics , it wil follow the tow path of the old Wabaah and Erie canal to this city , and wil lie a branch and under the manage ment of the Wnbash railroad. Forty miles of the lines will be completec within a few weeks. Preliminaries. Sp'dal biapalch W the Boo NEW YORK , November ll 4 D. m. A meeting of those * principally in terested in the Union and Central Pacific railways , was held horn Tues day evening , and the subject of con solidation of the ( two companies dis cussed. A proposition was submitted that the CeutralPacific railroad should issue scrip to thejamount to 20 or 30 par cent , to the stockholders of the U. Pi and that both companies should then uniteon equal basis. No definite action beyond this was taken. It is understood another meeting will soon be held. A Big Depot. Special Dispatch to The Bea CHICAGO , November 11 1 p. m A conference was held yesterday be tween representatives of the Illinois Central , Michigan Central , C. , B. & Q. railroads and the city officials rela tive to the purchase by the roads ot a strip of property on the lake front , between Randolph and Monroe streets , on which it is proposed to erect one of the finest depot buildings in the world. It is understood that § 1.000- 000 was offered for the ground , but the city did not give a positive an swer. Gould's LatestlQrab. "pedal Dispatch to the Bee. NEW YOBK , November 11 4 p. m. Jay Gould has bought the South Park and Pacific road , and it will probably be included in his system of roads. This road extends from Den ver to Buena Vista , a distance of 135 miles and has a nine mile braucn from Bear Creek Junction to Morrison. The War Ended. Special Dispatch to Turn Bu. NEW YOKE , November 11 , 4 p. m. Private telegrams wore received hero last night fraui Chiiago , announ- itng tliat a hiuifi Viarl hopn ruarlied tnr the satisfactory settlement of the troubles of the Southwestern , and it nras stated that passenger rates would probably be restored at once. Postal Figures , pedal Dispatch to The Bee. WASHINGTON , November 11. The innual report of the Second Assistant Postmaster-General Brady has been lubmitted to the postmaster-general , [ t shows that the total cost for inland transportation for the year ending lune last.aggregates $18,607,706. The railroud route shows nn increase of 59 in number and of 5329 miles in length. The Star line routes have been in creased 628 In number and 19,768 in miles and $919,669 in cath. The total : est of the Star servica aggregates 51,3'1,449. Gen. Brady , at length , lives the causes for the increase in this service. They were in jonaequenco of what maybe bo called bard time estimates. That is to say , the expense upon irhichthoy were based had been that } f a time of depresssion in all branches of industry and traffic , and : onsequently an era of that rigid economy enemy in all directions of public ex penditnres , but the beginning of the pear 1879 , subsequent to the subtnis- iion of these estimates , was marked by an unexampled improvement in jvery branch of business , and a great low of emigration to the western and louthwestern states and territories. From this General Brady says the increased service became necessary. Fhe report has a chapter devoted to the fast mail service to Havana. Gen. Brady recommends1 the following ad ditional clerical force : Six clerks of the Ihird class , four of the second , ind seven of the first. Four at 51000 each and one laborer. He esti mated for the Star service for the ensuing - suing year , $826,000 , which is twelve per .cent over the appropriation for 1881. For mill bags , he estimates $20,000 $ and $50,000 for mail locks and keys. A Female Thief. Special-Dispatch to Tbe Beo. NEW YORK , November 11 4 p. n. It is stated to day that Mrs. M. E. Warren , the head of a ladies' min ing and stock exchange up town , has iisappeared. Many persons claim to have been victimized by the absentee. The ksseg of depositors , nearly all female ? , are said to vary from $2,000 to $25.00 , some Of the hapless invest ors being poor and hard working ( Tomen. 5 he Indiana Campaign. 3 cl l dispatch to The Bee. INDIANAPOLIS , November 11 4 p. m. It is rumored that E. B. Martin- dale &Co. , who recently sold The Journal to John C. New & Son for $85,000 , have'oflered $100,000 for it. The News want $110,000 for it. Were It not for the senatorial contest the sale could be effected , but New wants The Journal to make his senatorial campaign with , and unless Martindale can get it in time to take part in the race , his offer will not be pressed. Political Thumpers. Special Dispatch to The.Bee. NEW YORK , November 11,4 p. m. In Brooklyn , last evening , Deputy Coroner James- Dunne , ex prize fighter , attacked ex-District Attorney Samuel D. Morris in a restaurant , and after knocking him down severely kicked him in the face and about the shoulders. Morris had offended Donne in a political circular this falL St. Louis Live Stocz Market. ST. Louis , Novemb.r 11. Hogs Slow and lower ; Yorkers and Baltimores , $4 304 40 ; mixec packing , $425@4 45 ; butchers' to fancy , $445@4 70 ; receipts , 8,400 heid ; shipment ! ) , 2,300 head. PEN AND PISTOLS. James Kedpath lampoons a Notorious Iiish Straddler. O'Donnell , M. P. , Thirsting for the Blood of the Fa mous Scribe. Additional Quantities of Arms end Men Shipped to Ireland. TUB NOBLEST BOyAN IK THE LEAGUE. Special Dispatch to The Bee. CHICAGO. 'November ' 11 , 4p.m. The Daily News' London special say : Amoti" tha latest rumora la one that Mr. James Itodpath , correspondent in . has'been challenged to fign't O'Donnell. Ifierabor of "parliament for Dangarvan. The cause of the diffi culty ia as follows : A few weeks ago , Mr. O'Donnell , with Mr. Justin Mc Carthy and others , made application for admission to membership in the land league. At yesterday's meeting a letter was read from O'Donnell withdrawing - drawing his application. The reasons which prompted him to take this atcp are said to bo that at a recent meeting of the League , Mr. Redpath used language insulting or uncomplimentary to the Queen. Mr. O'Donnell is one of that class of Irish politicians who endeavor to ride two horses at the aatflo time. He wants to be friendly with the govern ment , and also keep pace with the public sentiment at home. But the government being the strongest and likely to be of most benefit to him , ho naturally clings to it and drops the people when It becomes a question between the two Mr. Redpath , filled with the belief that Mr. Parnell and his cause are in the right , contributed an article to a Dublin paper , in which he very ef fectually exposed Mr. O'Donnell'a course , and lampooned that honorable gentleman in true American style. The result is said to bo a challenge. Those who have known Redpath , be lieves that he will give O'Donnell all the satisfaction desired. AFFAIBS UT IRELAND. 3p chl Dispatch to the BEX. LONDON , November 11 4 p. m. Late advices from Dublin say that in tense feeling prevails in Clare Morris isainst the Orangemen , and that in- : endiary placards are numerously posted. SUPPRESSING THE LEAGUE. Special Dlupatch to Tai CJE. NEW YORK , November 11. 4. p. rn. A special cablegram says : Mr. Foster , chief secretary of Ireland , bad an interview in London , with Mr. Childers , secretary of war , yea- [ t is said the sending of a large force of troops to Ireland to immediately silence the Land League trouble baa been agreed upon at the cabinet meeting yesterday. Foreign affairs * nd the Irish question was discussed. The conclusion arrived at was con- Furmable to Gladstone's speech of Tuesday night at the lord mayor's banquet. FRENCH POLITICS. Special Dispatch to The Boa. LONDON , November 11 4 p m. A Paris special says there is much ex citement in the city over the proceed ings in the chambersj and the end of : he present complications cannot be foreseen. Numerous prominent men , ivho have heretofore acted with Gam- setta , predict that the radical influence ivill demand his co-operation in in cased clerical aggressions. They ilso believe that should the opposition ihreaten the existence of Gambetta'a nfluence , he is prepared to utter sinis ter expressions advocating the main- enance of tha unity of French power n event of war with Germany , which d ways unifies Frenchmen. Jules Simon md others confirm this view. OARKETS BY TELEGRAPH. New Yor Money and Stocks. WALL STRUT November II. Money 4a5 ; exchange steady at SI 81j@4 83 } . Steaty J. S e's-Sl . 1 04i U.S. 4'g . 1 10J J. S. 6'a . 1 01 | CurrencyffB . 126 J. STOCKS. Dull ; advanced J to 1J p r cent. y o . o-i M c . ica ST. Y. C. . 1ST Lackawanna . 07 $ Srle . < 3 ] Hudson Canil . S8j Picfcncd . 73J N J C . 76 | 8.1. . 120 M 4 E . 110 t/.S- . Ill KcadlnjT , . 61 tforthweaUm . H2J I M . 47g Preferred . 1S6J N P . 2SJ M . 47 Preferred . 57J 3hlo 35 L&N 173 Preferred 77 } Ni.C it. Paul l(3i Ont k W. Preferred 117 $ Sin Fran 40 5t. Joe 39 ; 0 P 85 Preferred 87 $ A&PTel 41 kYabuh 413 Alton ) ! 6f Prefercd 75 CO C& 1 79 ? 9n ha 43 Cm Southern CC ( Preferred 834 BftQ 155 } Union Pacific 94 } 1C 117 } 3L C. 4 ; I. C 19 | K. &T S3 Panama * . . 210 Chicago Produce Market. CIIICAGO , November 1L Wheat Opened 4c higher , and closed with the advance lost ; No. 2 spring sold at § 105 © 1 OG | for Do- somber , closing at § 1 04J for cash or November ; § 1 051 05for Decem ber ; $1 061 06 | for January. Corn No 2 sold at 42J@42 | for December , closing at 41gcr for casher or November ; 42J@42c for Decem ber ; 42c for January ; 47c for May. Oats No. 2 sold at 30JS@31Jc for cash31 ; @ 31fc for December , closing at 30-jc for cash or November ; 3l c For December ; 31jjc for January ; 36c for May. Rye Ic higher at 83 @ 84c for ciab ; 860 for January. Barley Firm bui quiet ; No. 2 sold at 83c fez caab , and 880 was bid fcr December. Whisky-8111. Pork Mess , sold at $12 45@12 GOfer for December ; $13 8514 02 for January.closing at $13 nO@14 25 for cash ; § 12 46@12 50 for November ; S1240@1245 for December ; S1382A @ 13 85 for January. Lard Cloned at 28 17A for cssh ; $8 12 < g8 15 for December ; § 8 15 ® 8 17J for January. CnlcaRO Live Stocfc. CHICAGO , November 11. Hogs Active , and price * on heavy grades 5c higher per 100 pounds ; sales at $4 G0@4 75 for light pack ing and shipping ; 84 55@4.90 foi heavy packing , and $4 G0@4 90 foi good to extra smooth heavy shipping lots ; recepts , 43,000 he id. Cattle The receipts were again lib. A a SLER , Cor. Douglas and I3th Sts. " Gives Swat Bargains in Ladies' and Gents SILVER VVATCES All Kinds Of JEWKLRY , SILVER WARE AND DIAMONDS. We Guarantee The Best Goods For The Least Money. HO AND NAILS , Iron and'V/agon Stock , At Chicago Prices. 120 unil 1211 Ilaruey Street , Omnhn. ottllro MARHOFFS TRUNK FACTORY. . The br.cjl anil beat : swrtment of Fnmks and Valises in the West. Telescopic Cases and Sample Trunks a Specialty. H. H. MABHOFF , - - - PROP. , _ 117 14th SU Doors North of Douglas St. IT IS A GRATIFYING FACT THAT THE WHITE SEWING MACHINE Gives universal Satisfaction and that it is stead ily and rapidly increasing in public lavor. The White Machine justly claims to be the best made , the easiest running , the simplest in construction and the most perfect Machine in the market. The White Co. employ as agents men of In tegrity , and purchasers are always satisfied , because they find everything just as repres ented. Everybody should use this Machine. The sales so far thia year are more than double the corresponding time last year. All orders addressed to the .Omaha Office will be promptly filled. JOHN ZEHRUNO , Cor. Davenport and I.lth Sts. " Omaha. _ TO THE TRADE. Having just opened an entirely new line of MEN'S FURNISHING GOODS , NQ would ask the Merchants of Nebraska to inspect our 'Stock eeling confident we can meet the wants of all in good Goods and Jew Prices SIIREVE , JAIIYIS & CO. , Cor. 14th and'DodgclSts. snzl9-eod3 eral , bat owing to aome of the trains arriving late and the stock not being ed and watered , buyers did not leave be building and a limited business tras transacted ; up to 11 o'clock tha only sales reported were nt § 8 40 ® S 45 for choice smooth shipping steers. Tnere was nothing done in any other stock ; fresh receipts , 6,200 lead. St. Loul3 Produce Market. ST. Lou.'S , November 11 Flour Firm and about 5c higher ; XX , S370S305 ; XXX , § 4 3504 40 ; family , S-i 80@4 95 ; choice , 55 03 ® 5 25 ; fancy , § 5 35Q5 70. Wheat Opened higher ; bat de clined ; No. 2 red , § 1 03J for cash ; $104@1 03i for November ; SI OOJ ® 1 054 for December ; SI 07JJ01 03J for January ; SI llg@l 10 $ for Fob- uary" ; No. 3 do , 99j@07jc ; No. 4 do , 94S@943c. Corn Lawer at43jc for cash ; 43J@ 42f c for November ; 4241 c for De cember ; 42j@41.Jc for January ; 42g @ 4lc for February ; 45g@45.jc for May. May.Oats Low r at 33J32c for cash ; Slcbid for November ; 3Uc bid for December ; 3Gc for May. BBye Easier at 87c. Bjrley Firm aud slow at G0 < 39oc. Batter Unchanged. Ezgs Unchanged. Whisky Steady at $1 10. Bacon Doll at S3 40 < § 8 25(38 ( 50. Pork Quiet at 814 00green ; hams , averaging 14 Ibi , 7c ; green clear ribs salted on cars at K.inpaa City , Cjc. Dry Salt Meats Quiet at § 4 CO ® 7 207 40. Lard Quiet at $8 00 bid. Receipts Flour 5,000 brls , wheat , 61,000 bu ; corn f 3,000 bu ; oats , 12,000 bu ; rye , 2,000 bu ; barley , 13- 000 bu. Shipments Flour , 14,000 brls ; wheat , 35,000 bu ; corn. 1,000 bu ; New York Produce Mar ec. NEW YORK , November 11. Hour Without important change ; moderate in the export and jobbing trade ; receipts , 2,680 brh ; round hoop Ohio , ? 4 10@5 50 ; choice do , S5 606 23 ; . uparfine western $3 90@ 4 35common ; to good extr * do , § 4 65 © 5 00 ; choice , do , do , S3 10 < 3G 50 ; choica white wheat , do , § 4 75@4 95. Butter Firm for choice grades ; fair demand for Ohio at 14J@26c. Egtjs Western firm at 22@25ic. Wheat Closing easier for winter ; Chicago , ? 1 18@1 20 ; Milwaukee , SI 21 ; No. 2 red winter , $1 20 for Novembar ; $1 20 for December ; $1 21& for January ; sales , 600,000 bu , Corn Quiet ; No. 2 at 60c ; ealei , 100,000. Oats Firm. Whisky Nominal. Provisions Pork at 814 50 asked for seller the jear ; 815 00 bid for cash ; 15 00 asked for November , $13 0015 75 for December. Lard S8 20 bid for cosh ; | 3 65V J 8 70 November ; $8 55 Dbfember ; 88 55Q8 5 i January ; 88 C08 65 February ; § 3 65 M > rch ; ? 8 55 seller for the year. cr. c. MERCHANT TAILOR Capitol Ave , , Opp. Masonic Hall , OMAHA. - - - NBK. . - - . J.H.FL1EGEL&GO. Successors to J. II TII1EI.I1 ! . MERCHANT TAILORS , No. 1220 Douglas Street , A T = r A oclfc * PROPOSALS FOR BONDS. proposal * will be iecelr J br th-i eJst hlj office until S o'clock p. a. . -atuidiy , the tth day of December , 133' , lot the pnnhanc of one buidred ml twentj-H i thniranil dollar * of UouslM eoantr bond * lift- cnbed u fc/lowj : On nan Jrwl and tw n J Ev bomb of one Ihauzarul (1000) ( do bra e cb , it td January 1st , 1881 , ami pajabla twent/ an f rum date with Interest at ill pf cant , icr annum , puy-iblj tetcl aano.lljr In too dty f N < * Yo K. S 'M bomli dtull be redeemable at the opt ! > n ol the bnrd if chanty commlislon'rn t r-d ! ecu .ty , at tnc exnirttl m nt ten j afrom 10 data of nme , bnmo levy iliall be m de tt i 7 ay pait of tin prlnci | 1 of nla bondj n 1 after tha txpintfoii i > * ta ! < l ten jeais. Inte eat < ilull be | "i I "D raid hontl * only fr a ad alter the il tc f the r\h of same , on < iy part the-e-jf , and fherecvi t ot tbetnoreythe 3 fore ralilb ndtto bcdo IvcreJ M fallo . 125,000 on the first day it Januar , 1831. JSO.O o on tiie flrat d y of July , 1831. f 0,000 on tno first dty of January. 1882 , ProponU will be fceive-l at the mme tl ta for th-i pnrcbaM of gild J1J5.0CO of bomls. ii entire amount to be deJlrere j Jinu-ry nt. If sU Tnc boirJ of couity con-mis loners tvet the rUht to rtject any or ul bidi da'e l Oma.it Nor. tttb , 133v. JOHN R. MANCHESTER. County dorr. week in y ar own town , lersi and vn i * . . M >