Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 11, 1880, Morning Edition, Image 4

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Tliurodap Mo rump , Nov 11 J
Paterson sells coaL
Big Ifour niiii trcls to-nislsl.
Fruitful Lcavtiny HaUiro 3'1 *
P rtA isruuuitJEtlio Omaha Ferry.
Lutrin'sbaliTiicrfunio at Kubn's on'y.
_ "Articles for dccoratJn at Kuhife. "
The coudiliou ol Tenth street is Cic-
crAle , I
The 'I.eavitt Vaudeville company h
tJC liOK.
Just re civ cd at Saie'eafine Kt tf
Safluluer Braces.
Thc rbms IB u i for the iie\v St , 1'ai 1
Md Omaha depot.
Vesta Glister f-otial patty rriiln }
night at Masonic llnlL
Tha entertainment at lrorl Omaha U-
vigfel will be a bij ; affair.
f " \Vhipple , McMillan & . Co. , the jewt
a > . U21 l > ouglas t-lrcct. o2titf
ff ve hlting Patterns at BushmftnV. tf
The best of meats at { Bath & White' .
HiM-hef , otpivoVite the posloflice. 2"-tf
A creditable church edifice is t > 1 c
bait by the A. 3L E. Church f thifc iity
A special car of Wabash and C. , 15 &
Q , < licia1e , arrived at the tran&fer Tuenl&y
ts/enmsatTo'clo k.
Bath I& White , 'opposite the i > l
o3icc , receive fresh fifch etery Thursday.
The Union P.ic - t Arrived -
. rived 3 IJOUIB late. The Rock If-lard w a
the on'y one that vvaittd its arrival.
Two little pirla , aged fix siiidsevfn
yjarp , have mysteriously disappeared from
Ihsir hotncs'on South Thirteenth Street.
The quarterly meeting of the Uiron
Cathulic Library association liPbbeen j o t-
p Kiod'lo SunOfty nest , at 3 p. to.
The T3fe 4 came in froai Liuculn on
the 0:30 B. & .il. train yestcrdav , to * hon-
m at the Academy yesterd-v crrnin ?
and In-night.
The board of education have ni lt
physical geography anil bookkeeping elect
ire rtudies in the course of the eighth
grade. ? -
Call and get prices of all kind * of gro-
canes , produce. &c. Apples and potatoes
at low figures. George Heimrod , V. P
block. , "
* t
The laying of the cornei btose of the
now South Tenth fctreet M K. diurch has
he < 5n postponed ti I Thursday. 2toi crater
1 th , at 3p.m.
- Cho"ce bultr , fre lcgss , , ejiifes ,
find a full line of fancy nn < l Ftapla
' , jua&recehcd at King , Armst-ong &
< ' . ' , Sixteenth and California Street
-Jtul iqctitod at , King , ' Aiiustron ? &
( * ! > . ' * > , judcsxqrg tc J. O.'Slattcr , IClh an-1
.Jiforuia "Street , ONK GAR LOAD < , f
apples. Call and get
o noticed to-day in Ifoipc's nindnn-
lh l cautifully gilded in gold leaf. Mr.
Jlwpo gilds * hocs and slippers-- parties
nnd balls. "Work done in gold or silver
The private liop , which was announced
f u "Wednesday's issue as hav ng liecn piM-
t ni l to Thursday evening , ha * been still
fartiisr iKtetpnncd to Monday evening ,
Kov-enib.r 15th , in Schcrb's h.ill.
-rjhero will be a s ccial communication
. , _ _ , _ _
iT5t. .loliU STxmgu , ji. i- -
ihw ( Thursday , ) ] cveuing , fur v\or < in
tfce'll A. dogroff. Vis ting brothers .in.
i-nriUoMy invilcQ to attend. By order
< 3 mf 11. Bruncr. waster.
S-KBUUI PIBH every Thurslay sud Kri.
Aafl all kinds of fresh ; nd salt meitb. The
1iqjt f German iwus ges , a socially , al-
w y on hand , at the Palace Market cf
B * i MlngcdJrn , 511 south FiftecnUi
"tct. . wod&sat-tf
At the last regular meeting of Ungiue
r . JfoS , the following gentlemen v\ ere
to make an-angeuicnte for a
giveu Ke\v Year's cv c : S.
N MejQn , j } S. ' Malcolm , Gus. Gran-
H.J1. Wiley , John Roach and
A grand ball will be Riven bv the Iron
tjlcra Union No. 19D , of Omaha ,
ng eve , at Crcighton Hall. The
noted for Laving the bc t
' > H of the season. The committee of ar-
r aroment ? consists of Wm. Tarrell ,
George Jones , Vance Crcssnold , Tlioma *
BMnn'd a.d . Henry Tranky.
The attention of sto k men is called tel
l e fact that the-c h to ba a union SJG of
SiorthoniB and Jersey cattle to be held al
Lincoln , November 1'th and 12th , at
which time mty-seven head of thorough-
1'wds aiia a large number of high-grades
are to bs sold at auction. Also a larg Jot at
3T thoroughbred Berkshire , Poland and
Jersey red jiigg. Reduced rates are to be
jfiveaby , railroads and hotels.
- An exciting foot race took place
T > T the Seventh ward , below the Bluffs , be-
$ veea Julm Bailey , of Pottawaltatnie
foounty. Iowa , and Seth Tliomas. of Jfum-
tbolt , this state. Notwithstanding the h-
clstnent weather the race was run in "fig
jcaf" attire , and 5 said to have been pn > In
Jtnuneed by judges the prettiest and finest
ever seen in the west , the two men flyinc
* V > K the conr-e a * swiftlv and straiKht as
jn. arrow from a bow. The distance was
-T y.rds , and tha race was won by Bailey
with ftW > awnt ease , he co-rung out fullt
6 feet head. The contest wat , for "a
? mrM of oJ bring S25D a side. Over
WOW changed hands on the result , the bet-
W s beinir spnrtinsnien from Nebraska und
Oonaoil IHuffs , the latter betting on Bailey
ww the former on Tiicmas.
Frederick , Leadtug Hatter , has just
received some splendid hats at 2 CO ,
and S2 50 s vo a dollar. Winter tive
Gaps 50e , 75 ; aud Sl.OO. s-in-w tral
A KEW > IRM. feet
Ivin , Armalrong ; & Co. hae pur-
iasoil tlie grocery business formerly
owned by J. 0 Slaticr , northeast cor
ner Sixteenth and California ttrect * .
tttttf. Lnvo put in an cncirc new aud I more
froth line of goods , consisting of a
Nltlino of staple cud fancy groceries , tar
produce , & 2. , which will bo eold at truck
l lowest possible cash figure * . Tlie
b ya arc old hendi at the business and
propose to deal ou the square. Give 1,000
theinn oull and -c. > w1 ! jf i v eau do. apolis
novitt w-ih-in Tcrre
The Eploot U1A11
ffno'dr n'fu'pizootic has brokt-n unh
"lit ibid in the city and the preernl mile
T athorjinalios it worse. Kumeri us in Gi
are reported end the disease IMS hours
Miackcd BO many horses cf the ttree ! hours
K line that it it feared uonic wf the hour
00 veil ! hsve to be taken ofl. hour
Banner's Stores much the Imwt
fntho Market. K > - " ' const
2' i las street. . " Tcro
over faroushl to Omaha , and sRgintTr
ork prices. Don't
fail to see juarter :
Hosts of Prosoectors from
the East Arrive in Ne
braska ,
To Bo-Journ a Few Days With
Theeventof yesterday was thcarrml
of tha excursionists from the
east who come to look at and ex-
a-nine the rich plains and va'leys of
our state , and then go homo and ac-1
companied by their wive ? , sisters ,
cousins aud aunts , return , buy a farm
and settle down in the Garden State
of the Union.
The dispatches received at B. &
M. headquarters this in rning early
announced she fact that the C. , B. &
Q. train was coining in with thirljsix
coaches , in three sections , all leaded
down. Owing to this immense lofd ,
a large portion of nhich was to crcrs
the river at Plaltsmouth , the trains en
that line were ever three hours late ,
arriving at the Blufh about noon.
The first train in was the Wabaeh
with H good load , about 123 paescn-
ge"6. At 11 o'clock the Rock Inland
tram came in , ia two sections , brine- '
ing two hundred excursionists for
C ilumbus alone , fifty for Linco'n
and many others for acatteiintj
points along the U. P. and B. & M.
lines It was foil jwed a few moments
luer by the Northwestern , with nine
coaches crowded to the utmost , rnd
bringing at a. low estimate three linn
dred excuraioniet * .
The immente throng poured from
the trains , through the depot and to
wards Nebraska "a human
tide. " There were fully Eix
hundred excursionist E , with hundreds
of the regular passengers , and the {
platforms uere black
literally with L
poop'e. The great waiting rooms of f
the U. P hotel were crowded and the
trains standing at the west aide of the
Transfer house were the ob
ject f R general rush and
were soon packed with a living freight.
The land clice (
was beeeiged by pei-
sons desiring extension ticket ? , end
after crdcrhig two- hundred by tele
phone a messenger was dispatched fc r
five hundred more. It was immense ,
and the sight could not .fail to
impress one with the fact that
His catt has people enough who are
to come west to fill all Ne-
braka's broad acres , if they uld only
bs made acquainted with their rich
ness and fertility. Probably not leas ,
than 3000 people have entered the
sUte to-day to ece if it ia a
place such HP they wish to make
their .future home. These \isitors are
of every class and calling , and.tho re
sult of their trip of inspection will
bo of untold importance to our growth
in the next fixe years. They will
verbally , and through the local preta
in the stales , tell a hundred thousand
parsons who did not come what No-
Itraska if , and iKxt epring the tide of
emigration will ect westward in earn- ,
It is to be re rctt-'d that the weath
or was not more favorable , and that
it is the worst that has been Been at
this season for years.
Th y will however find plenty who
can show them evidences o"f our
prosperity and toll them our advanta
ges , and after all they will Ii.-uo taiuo
enough to know a good thing when
they see it , even seem. ; it under diffi-
Our reporter stood and watched the
Jandingof the pilgrirasoveronthoother
shore this morning , aud ho observed
that it was a well-balanced communi
ty. There were mon of apparent
wealth , farmers who had just left their
work at home and tradesmen and me
chanics of all kinds. Thcio
were old iceji and women
young men and children , strong nun
and discrepit ones andj in fact , e\oiy
kind and age of the human race waV
well rrpresented. " They were all in
tent on business , too , and seeing that
we cannot but believe that they "will
make it their business on arching of
home to get bag and baggage to
gether , and , with the opening of
spring , come out and grow wealthy
with the country.
Very few of the excursionists stop
ped t ver in Omaha , the majority go
ing in to their destination. A special
train was sent to L'ncoln about 1
o'clock by both the U. P. and B. &
roads , and the overland train left ISIC
two sectirns n couple of hours late.
Quite a noted pedestrian , 3Ll > e ,
Sculley , has arrived in the city , aud , .
made arrangements to give an ex
hibition of his endurance by walking
4,000 quarter miles in 4,000 consecu
quarter hours at the Grand Cen
billiard hall , beginning at nine
o'clock this evening. A track sixty jje
long has been laid in the
for him. This will require. pea
eleven laps to the Barter-mile. " The
will cover forty-ono days , end
during this peric-d ha cannot have
than eight or nine niinutrs coi -
tiuuous sleep or rest during any quai-
of an hour , as he must bo on the
at the beginning of every fifteen .n
minulw. 13r < record Is asfolloni : "
Uolumbus , Ohio , l.OOD miles , In * . -
coiuecatixo hours ; Indian- '
, 1,200 miles in 1,200 hourt ; by
Haute , 1,0 7 inilfBt by ,
* * * v with
uinnyconsscutive houre ; Sandnskv.of 0 Wlrr
in 500 hours ; Evar.sville , 500 , .
in 500 hour ? ; Toledo , COO miua his /
GOO hours ; Tiffin , 500 miles in SCO acting
hoursYherliug ; , 150 miles in 48 A
; Cincinnati , 000 miles in fiCO J mains
; Chicago. 1,000 miles in 1,000 _ being
, and also 4,000 quarter „ , .
in 4.000 consecutive quarter ,
; and also 3,000 quarter miles in . ,
sonsecutive periods of ten minutes ;
Fcronto. trxlkpd against two > men 618 -
inartermilesjDetroit , 5,000 qnsrter \
in 5,000 quarter ho'irs ; East i
, 2,000 quarter miles In 2,000 j Fcr
hours ; and Milwsulej , 1 OCOj mjino
I Narrow Escape of a Business
Block from Destruction.
About 1:30 : jcslerday smoke
was seen pouring from the upper win-
diws end roof of the building occu
pied by Mr. E. B. Catter , the jewel
er , corner of Thirloenlh and Fainam
street. Mr. Carter xras soon apprized
of his dauber , and rushing up sta'ic
f jund the back room full of smoke ,
and one corner all in flames. It hap
pened , fortuna'ely , that eomo washing
hai been dons during the day , and a
cauple of tuba of water and a bucket
were left standing in the
midst of the fire. Mr. Caner sst to
work like an old fireman and
very coon conquered the fl unas. B ut
for ; this fortunate circumstance and
the timely discov .whole side
-A the block , including eeveral frame
ba must have been destroyed.
As it was the damage was
slight. How the fire originated
is not known 0.3 Mr. C'.rttr
who was tha last ono in the room ,
dois not smoke and there had been no
firoiilhere frr days. An armful of
picking taken from about aorna French
elects h-.d just been deposited in the
corner whole thi fire originated and
it is believed that Home combustible
substance t > a3 contained in tha pack
You will be sirry if you ever buy a
Sowing Machine before you have seen
the Royal St. Joan , office near Ma
sonic block , Sixteenth street.
THE ROYAL ST. Joii.v ia the only
machine in the world that SEWS tx1
as FOKWAEDS , and j'et is the simplest
machine ; made.
Our new Dulmana arrived yester
day , at greitly reduced pricss. We
can now ssll you a Dolman at $8 50 ,
you cannot buy eleewhera at less
than 810 At 810.50 a Dolman worth
§ 15. Equally cheap garments in
higher prices. You can cave fifty per
cent , at Bushman's.
The fineit lina of solid gold and
rustic sleeve buttons ever brought to
Or have just been unpacked and
an now on exhibition at Edholm iv
Erickson'a Jewelry Store , opposite
the postofiicc.
Price Reduced. I
Men's , ' Ladies' , Miese ? ' , Boys' ,
Youths' aud Children's Boots and j
Shois |
at way down figures.
We arc in receipt of a larga stock
of every gradi , direc * from the mfin-
ufactnrer. I
The bo l and moat C"mplele stock
ever brought to Omaha.
. .
Guarantee satisfaction.
We refund the money , or give you
a new i pa-r , if goods don't wear as
re ] . II DoiiLE&Co. ,
Central Bl ck , Linding Shoe Store. |
To LLT Toe < Ilicu 1-itcly oc.upiod
by Dr. J. T. Oal. , corner of 12th and
js streets. Suitable for a gocd
physician. no\f)2 ) :
Having spverett my connection with
Mr. C. J. Taylor , I liavo removed my
fire insuranceng ucy from the corner
of 14th and Douglas to roomC , Crcigh-
ton block , and I would inform my old
friends and patrons that I will attend
ai heretofore to their interests rs a
fire nudernriter. I offer the very
best indemnity and will see to it ,
personally ( fire insurance being i-iy
escu ivo business ) that their interests
wi'l bo fully protected both as regards
security egiinst less , aud cs regards
assistance as may bo required to rcn
der the indemnify promptly available.
Respectfully , - *
nlOSt SiJi'L J. EOWELL. .
jivinssatilospc's. |
Dolmans and Cloaks. I
The most complete assortment west I
New York , just received at
> , 8-cod-3t
Solid Silver Tea Spoon ? , in large
virioly , at
The Jewelers , opposita the postofiice.
- II oj-pa Has Removed In
his immense stock of "ART AND Mu
sic , " across the street , to the new
bck : building next door to Harris &
Fisher's. : nlO-Gt
We have received another largo in
voice of Dolmans , Cloaks , Ulsters and
Jackets , all of which arc of the most Mi
desirable pattern. An early iutpcc cfii
tion solicited. ciB
8-eod-3t on
j mo
FURSI FURS' ' ! FURS ! ! ! | fra
lha Oaiaha fur Manufacturer , ate
Henry G. Richter , is to be found op old
posite the pnstofficp. . o2G-tf liv
E. Slaurer has opened his now long
saloon and lunch room 1214 Farnham two
street , Into Elgu * - ' " > " " " 1m gat
Laid to Best. Ky
The funeral of the late John Byrne , Ju3d
old and respected member of the CJH
police force , took place at2 p. ID. tbai
to-day. Tno remains arrived from tor
Lincoln yesterday , and were reciivcd ly ii
a detail of policemen , commandeH af
Marshal Westerdahl , the latter wen
* Deputy MarshalBen Westerdahl , " the
Policemen German and Jacobson , cere
old companions on thopo'ice force , Chu
as pall-bearers. and
large concourse followed the re
to their last resting place.mass give
celobrat at the Cathedral of resit
Philomona. lirge
Thejdeceased leaves Tnany friends lOa" ) !
wiio'sinceKly.mburn his loss andsyjc- ern
' wUh his family in their bt- terday
_ "We
-vr Ensrraviiiss at Hospc's , . .
Sale Six-ljcrso power B tcr save
and boiler , in goo repair made
Brr. office , no
A Recreant Lover Returns tothe
Woo the Maid He Ruined - '
ed and Deserted.
Having Meantime Closed tbo
Eyes of Another Wife. |
Many are thu strange stories picked
up by the reportnr , who watches the
tnnconlincntal trains for his daily
portion of newa. and the following
concerning two passengers , who came
in over the Union Pacific Saturday
evening from the west , as related to a
repreaantative- The Davenport Dem
ocrat , is among the most interesting
wo have yet red.
On the Rock Island train which.
breakfasted fat Davenport Sunday
morning wore two men who were trav
eling together in seeming friendliness ,
yet under circumstances more strange ,
and to ono of them distressing , than
are often known. They were en route
to Niagara county , Now York , wl.ero
ono of them was to right a wrong. A
genthmau of this city who was a
schoolmate of the elder of the pirty ,
happened to spy his old acquaintancs ,
It appears that fifteen years ago , the
D-wenpDrtcr'a acquaintance was a
clerk in a store at Lockport , N. Y. ,
and while thus employed became engaged
gaged to the daughter of a wealthy
farmerwho lived in the town oflloyal-
town. The niarriBga day was appointed -
ed but three weeks before
the set time , the clerk
eloped with a cousin of hia who had
_ .
several thousand dollars of her own ii
her possession. The psrSdy of the
false lover was not fully uaders'tood
until the young woman he had deserted
became a mother.
The poor victim had an only brother
then in hia teeus , who vowed vengeance
geanco on the villain who had ruiuoil
his : sutor , and went in pursuit of hin
bu never oven struck his trail , BO
buwe i * f
well did the Jelldw Shulor conceal hn
tracks. " *
Now , then , after the family had
given up all hopea of ever seeing
Shuler'again , and the betrayed womaii
nnd her child had long lived with an
uncle in Ohio , where her shame was
unknown , the villain of fifteen years
ageS \ on his way to become her bus
band. Ho told his Davenport ac-
quaintinco that-his lifo hai been a
. * I
torment all the years "sinco hia perfidy
was accomplished. jUc and his couth :
went from Llckport to the island of
> -ir
Nassau , where they lived three ycare ,
and then to Marseilles , France , where
he secured employment , and where
his ( wife died. Then he journeyed to
Cuba , to Mexico and soon to Califor
nii . When the Leadville excitement
a3' ' in lie was in Denver , and so weut
to Leadville , Ho made two fortu
into strikes , and added to hia wealth.
bat he wan miserable. Ono day he
ptsed the brother of iho young wothe
man he had bntraved on the ftreQt in
Loadvillf , hut the brother did not
him , ho had changed so
mjch. The young man was DOOK-
keeper in a store , aud Shulor accurud
an introduction o him , and the two
became quite intimate. Gradually
the man Shulor let it bo known th < t
ho had mot onn Shuler in his travels
i'i Europe , and how he scorned like a
man that WAS burdened with misery ,
The young man told him of Shuier'a
betrayal of his eistor , and declared
that he would shoot him should ho
ever meet him. Ono evening Shuler
told his young friend who ho was , and of
thro'w himself upon his nicrry ; ho
told of the awfully wretched life lie A
had led , how ho had suffered inura ly
than a thousand deaths for hia ciiine od
and was ready to die if the _ brother ci
wished it. The jmeu talked together
all night , aud the brother became concor
viuccd 4 that Shuler was indebd pcnihai
tent as mortal could be. Then a corbes
resDondenco with thor wronged woman
ensued , and the result is thaftho con- tie
science-burdened villain of fifteen
years ago is to moot the womaii ho so Me
foully ! wronged , marry her , and no boFa
come a father in truth to his child. do
The utter aatonishraentoF the Daytr
enport acquaintance of the men at nlc
seeing them together , knowing , as ho
did , the facts in their history , brought fin
out the reasons of their companionship ass
journovirfi. c °
It was Our Fault.
.THE BEE was the cause of harrying
one young couple into matrimonial felicity at
licity , and is euro that it must redound
the pleasure both of itself and
A few d < ys ago it" announced that '
Mr. Don A. Judcl , tbo obliging and
efficient chief clerk of the Union Pa
cific land office at this terminus of the
road , had gene to Kentucky , where the
oranga blossoms grow , aud that if ru
mor wiw correct , ho would boar their
fragrance back with him. Mr. Jucld
stopped on his way to Ashland , hin call
home , at Fail Sold , Illinoj ? , where
lived < Miss Nellie Sepherd'who had ft
ego found favor in hia eyes. The
made a pleasant trip o , "
gather to Cincinnati , and afterwards 230
visited Mr. Judd's father at Ashland , 13th
. On their return to FairSeld Mr. Isaac
received a copy of TfiE BEE.aud. ,
concluded that it was a'good hint and j
after all it was best for mm not A
remain too long alone. According ,
in the evening of Sunday , Nov. 7th
8 o'clock , the happy coupls-i
united in nurrage at nished
M. E. Church in Faitfield. The bill
* L
ceremony was that "of the Episcopal with
Church , with the rins ; . The bride trial
groom each had * two attendants. 4.
the ceremony a reception THIS
the newly united pair at the
residence of Mra. Samuel Staley , u
concoursa of friends attending.
Monday Ihey leftfor , thett ; west
home 1 , arriving at the B'.nfFi yes
via the Wabash route.T * *
have nfadcT'cansideraWe-
in ail onr oluff sulk. You can *
money by purchasing them ready
at McDoSiU ) < t IfAESISOx'S. 31
m _ _
Dr. S. G. Glover , rf UeJo Cro k , is ia
the city.
Joe S.Ccok , clerk of Washington coun
ty , is iu the city.
N. W. Wells , of Schuyler , is at the
Withnell Hou-c. *
J. . T. HiWcbr.-.nJ , of The Blooming-
tou Argus is in the tity.
John F. C'oad , the cattle man from the
west , went out on the U. P. yesterd y.
II. J. Mojnihan , of Chicago , is visiting
his brother , Andy Moynihan. of this city.
Hon. T. D. Shiek , representative-elect
from Nem.ilia county , was ia the city yes. '
51. B. Iloxic , of the 'Grand Isbni land
office , went west over the Union Pacific
J. S. Gibson left for Lincoln this morn
ing to attend a meeting tf the Capitol
C. W. Kyle , p-oprictor of Tlie 0-Jceola
Kecunlj in the city tn husinesa connected
with his Howe , the political rustler flora
Nemaha county , registered at the With-
uell yesterday tnornirfr.
Harry Hall , of St. Joseph , Mo.genera
western uassener agent of the Vandalia
lin ? , was in town Tuesday. i
M. F. Po t , delcnte elect to congress '
from Wyoming , has been at the AVithnell
for two diih pnst , . .uidcnt we-t to PJnui
Creek yesterday.
James O'B.ien , the driver o'fha Hool.a ,
r.tunicd fr in Davenport WedLCs'aj ,
where he arrived just in lime to attend
his inntheV in her dying moments. He
only waited to pay the last tribute of filial
respc-t t3 the dci > nrted and returned home
W. II ( Juiik , superintendent TJuited
Stites c\pres ° , Io\v. jr.d Missouri divis
ions , an I uue of the most popular mea in
the Ijii'iue , tame in from the
day ,
JIi s l mrc-a Jordan , of St. Louis , .1
channihfr youiglftily and a gifted elocu
tionist , ntiivtd in tliio tity this iniiroing
to * a sibt ilr ? . Gen. Crook in the enter *
tainineiitnt Fort Oiuili.ithis evaninj.
Jny Gould's Dog
Tj the Editor tf Tut UFK
The tditor of the other .morning |
railroad paper , The Herald , is again
apparently happy. Like the animal
sp-jken of in Jhe Bible , ho has re
turned ti his natural element thaf
of-using a so called "democratic" or
gan to abuse and villify dercoirati.
The Herald claims to bo a democratic
paper , and account thereof it receives
a lirgo support from democrats ,
whereas , iu trulh and in fact , it ia
not. It is only a personal thing ,
rmi for the benefit of its editor. The
collar around Us neck shows its
owner. Perhaps TilK I > EE can tell
whether the reading on tint collar is
is follows : " 1 am Jay Gould's D''g , "
AS for instnnca it waa so interpreted
when the nght r f ownership waa as
serted at the time of the pendency of
the question of voting for or against
the narrow paugo railroad bonds a
few years ago.
November 10th , 1880.
California Pears , rlun's , Grapea ,
etc. , at Titta.1-- > .Un o21-tf
An Attractive Entertainment.
MM. Gen. Go" . Crook , who haa
taken jircat interest in the pupils of
the Florence Mission School , oatab-
bj' licrsolf anj Plinploiii TSiijj-
laud list summer , hai do'criuincJ up
on doing something to prevent its
, .ioolcmout winter
tor season IIOW'EO near at hand.
To j this olid it ia necessary that eomc
of the childrou , whoau pircnts are
not able tu fit them out to bravo every
ory storm , ba fuinishcd with warm
clothing- and good cohering for their
fee . Aory excellent plan was aJop1-
od , that of giving an entertainment at
the Fort , which should not only bo a
source of great pleasure to the at- b
tondanta but of revenue to the cause
the mission , the latter teing of ,
course the priine object of the effort. I T
Ai splendid programme has according
been 1 prepared which will bo render
by the lines talent- from the
ciy and furt
, as well as
aomo from abroad. The
conceit will take placj in Thoitre
hall , Fort Omaha , to-morrow evening ,
beginning at 8 o'clock and will in
clude literary well
ai as muaicnl per
tions. The ndmis ion ia only fifty LI
cents and tickets can be had at Ijh &
McMahrn's drug store ouupper
Farnham street , or at the
door of Theatre Hall. Wo
trust that thoao i > f our citizens and
members of city orgiuizationg who
hive | ] been 30 liberally pafrinized by
our military frii nda will jump at this
fine , opportunity to reciprocate aud
assure them tliat a worthier cnuso
could not bo aided.
The Latcb-Strmg Out
The Board of
Trade rooms , located
the corner of Fifteenth and Fara-
ham streets , in Union block , ai o al
ways opou for the reception of visit
to Omaha. A full file of Nebraska
'psponsT together with scientific end
agricultural journals , statistical re
ports , maps , etc. , are kept for refer
ence , aria" writing material for the ac
commodation of slranuora in the city.
Lind buyers or cipitlista wishing in
formation concerning the resources or
commerce of the west fire invited to
and nnko themselves and their
wants known ,
Ifyouhavo tried everything else ,
without receiving any benefit , call at
Dodge street , north aide , between
I !
and 14th , and sue the isgent for
Nichols" American Remedy.
THE C'HEIOHTONjf ' ° rla
firtt-claas hotel in every respect , is dis
situated , on the northwest corner of
Thirteenth and Capitol avenue. This
nowjhoasca newly and elegantly fur
throughout , and the table and
"of 'fare will compare favorably
the best in the land. Give it a
. No runner at the Depot.
" jt29-cod tf
int urat PLSUE WKEHt roll
can fiml a food araortment ol
At 3. LOWER FIGURE thin at
any olhjr shoa honEe tn tha dty ,
LADIES' < < „ . ,
3 si , PiiV5rr ! sioni
NOTICE Advertisements To L t For Gale1
Lost , Found , Wants , Botrdln ; Ac. , will be In-
eortod tathcio columns once ( or TEN GENTS
per line ; each subsoquentlnaertlon.FlVE CENTS
per lino. The ( list Insertion cover lisa than
QKf * AArtTO LOAN At8 percent Inter
< Vt'0UUU cat , n srinu of 52000 an J u I-
nard.s for 1 tu 6 years' time on Drat class Improv
ed city and ( arm property. Apply at DEM1S
Kcil Kita'.oauJ Loan Agency. 15th and DouzLu
"ta. 278co.1tf
OKZY SO T.OAH-Cill at I w Office
M1 D. L. THOUAS , Roiin 8 , Crclghton Block
TO I.OAH 1109 Kumliam atrecl ,
Dr. Kdward * Loan Agency. nor-2-t <
" \"V7"AN1 ED Good barber to go to"c mntiy.
> V Address * . W. Wclna , West Point , Neb
'ANTED A Url to do general housework
Apply at St John Senlnc HacMno
office , 16th St. 8K "
- ' assn'tuman IT BioCcC
WANTtD-SHtti'ion : Itcfercrlce Riven if
nqulrcd. L. POEiCH , fltti St , Ibt door north
" ' Felix grocery ttorj. 320-10
WANTED Intelligent lady dC ? ntcrnan ! to
take orders for our Standaf.f Works
L ba al commissions guaranteed. Addrca < K
W. Tansiiey , 28C Douglas , cor. 16th St. 851-11
, VANTED-S E. cor. Dodge and 20tb.
GIKf QOtibSMITH. 837-11
T - to do housawnrk In m ll
family : inu't be good washer ird'roncr ;
no other need apply. Call at SIS Soutb ISth St.
BUILDLNO cirs ) refcrcd. Stito price and
location Addresi A. , 419 K. 18tht. . 830 12
2 mm tovorV in rarlictt rd n.
WANTED of 181hct. II W. BAK. , SiT-K
"TTTANTfiD Bus rcss man wl'h ( mm 3 to 5
\V ihiU'andd lira , Yonnji or middle n cd
p tierrcJ. aplendll orcninr for rlijlit mm.
i'crpaitIculrraaiidre3 > B E. 0. , I' . O. Box2' .
Omaha. Nebr-slta. 8M-IS
YOUNG LADY Wishes to obtti IIP if
piano , le'spussn en inocal tni In ' "i
muital nusic irextha"C" ( or ro > m nr I l rrt
AdtlrcsiL'atfficc. s"t-ll
_ _
\LADY In tbo c'.ty who h B onir f nltne
_ would like to raako nrranpo in'wih i
p-i-tvc ( fcntlcmer. t' > boird .i"it loU IIHIII
Address T. 1C. , this Office. _ S.V-11
\\rATCiniAKER WANTED-Tn u cmi ( isi cnt
\V aril thnroairh mrkcan t ! > V" "l
Btejdycmploynieatgiien. WIIHTLE. .t.Mh-
IiAM & CO. 8 > M
WANl'iiO Situation by a coin eV'.t.MU g
ladvas book-Iteeper or cl'ik in tb > re.
Apply at this office. b'OK
WAXTEO \ dining rtom girl and a dish-
' A9her , at Atlantic Hotel. 816-19
WANTfiO A woman cook , at the Emmett
Hoii 0 8211
/ OOK WANTEDE. . co18th and Dodes
\J 707-13
WANTED A InUM-keeper. Apply cor. loth
and [ Iafne > Stp. 80S-13
WANTED A good house-keeper , ut 1100
Farnbam street , ap Etiirs. 634 tf
TTTOB RENT That excellent dwelling house p.
t ) E. corner of 221 and ; llfornia streets.
Well , cistern-md barn. Alja for sale the cir-
peta. btovc ? , ( umituro etc , fur cash or on time.
App'y to John Guild , 1C15 FamhSmSt. S33- ' (
FOR KENT Ewellnig hoiuti S. E. cornf r o (
Sidandliurt Sta. Excellent burn , diterns
indwell ; rentchcap. Also for sale cheap , car
pets ( uiri'urj ' , etc. , for cash or on time : Applv
to C. A. Mornll , 1COS Farnham St. 40-tf
T OR RENT Good home afid barn , 15th arc !
.T Many streets. Inquire o ( Bildvin and
" | 7 < OU RIJNT Rocn and boirdsut'able for two
Jt ? pcrsoj" , h'atcd by fc.jiaer ! , at 275 Capitol
Axcmi 8291
TTIOlt HhNT A new hnu e , 3 rooms , with
J good well , cittern and cellar on IDih and
llamoy. Jnijulro on prem BCS. 8C8 U
TjlL'RVISHKP Rooms ( o' rent , at Doran
J.1 House , opposite Bee cffi , o. S02-U
EORREVT Plaro bj the month.
at tha ilctropolitan hotel. 7 tf
T710R RENT A furnished ro"m , suilabfe ( or
Jj ono or two gentlemen , S. W. cor. 16th and
nonard Sta. 731-tt
fTlOIl Ri\t : Cottaec , on Bth and Pine 8ts
. . . . „ . . , - . - - . . - . - _ - , - _ - ,
I-nquiie J. I. Hoc. 1K. . Cor. lith and Farn-
liaa. 696-tf
FOR HEN'T House ari3 lot in Shull'8 2nd
add. , near nctr U. S. corrall. Eutjuiie at
Uuum 0 , Crciglitoii Kloclc. C61-tf
POK RCNT 2 furnished rooms o\o Mer-
tbaiita Exchange , N. E. Cor. 16th and
Dodee BtrreK ZSH-tf
GRIST MILL FOR SALE Cheap , 2 run cf
E tones , runfjer , ic PIent > water at low.
tet-tagc. ti30 Jontlon for gnsting-or mer-
rlantworlc. $25 CO cash dona , biUncc on long
time. Address P. O. Eox 2 G , toward Neb
T710II S\LE < > K BENT Railroad Eiting
C Houau , at Elm Creek , Buffalo Counly , Ne-
aska , dxtccn miles west of Keuncj-Junction ,
on tlo line of the U. P. R. R. Poss-8 < Ion gtvn
iram d'atcl ) . Good reasons ( or Bollinj. Full
pi-lloulais given on application to Sirs. Perry ,
on the premises , in person f r by rani' . 803 18
1 60,000 choice brick for sale Apply to Tnomas
Green A. Sona. Council Blufl > . 'a. 7P5-if
O HOUSE'S And corner half of lot , southeast
fy corner Hth ind Cass Sts. , 7 room * In each ;
rent for 20 and 25 I or month I'lEJiis' I EAL
ESTATE ACESCT , 15th and Dougl-n Sts. 670-tf
TTIOKhALS Mixed painta.atA Uolmes.lfith
JL1 and California Sts. 615-tf
TJ1 It bALK C'ottonwood lumtier of all
I ? KKDMOXD'S. Slxteenth-nt. filfl-- .
rOOD \ BOARD AN'D LODOING-J3 73 a week
VJT or 315.1 moatb , at 41413th St , west side
tie " street , 2d hoiifc tontn of Cats bt. 823-10
. will rpcn November 35th , cor. Farnliam
ami Tsnth Sts Poppletnn's Block. 14-13
llth and Jackson h s A [
reduced tlio of board from SI 09
to S3 75 , and dvr board from $3.59
to ? 3 CO. The boose la newly farniihcl
anJ splendid boirJ triven. S18-13
SlKAYftU Liglit r < an ciw , straignt norns.
' Ion ; tail and rell on SoOOrewa.d will be
rai'd for her return to J. Traverse , 615 11th Kt. , oth M
between KjrnKim and l > m'sla R 7 in 3n
Absolutely Pure , rest
Made from Grape Creim TarUr. No oth f and Tt
prcrontion makes sach liht , flaky hot breaflsj one
Itnnrimu poetry. Can bo eaten by dypeptic fagr
witfoat lest of the IIs resnltinz from heavy i- eft
tiblefopd. -
bold only ' iu c by all Grocers.
> Co . W or Vnrlc
FRIDAY ' Offlc
, , 80 ,
thoIDlatingulshod Actress , Miss fy A
IVIARY ANDERSON pert Cliff ever
, har
Sapporfcd b > the EterUn ? Actor ' I did
Hamilton : GritBn.Sole Manager. didI
in Her Faaions Character of
Reserved Scits on silo at Max Meyer 4 Ire ,
, No.ejnljer qth. Tleij ! ? , Jl.O'-
An Opportunity is tfoiv Offered to all Ladies West of Xeiv York City
to Make Their Purchases from the Finest Line of
Ever shown in a retail store ; purchased for cash direct from French , manu
facturers , and especially made and finished for the retail trade-
In all numbers and all widths , commencing in 21 inch Cashmere finished
at $1,25 , tip-to the finest production ofthe eelebrated
These Goods We Offer at .
n inspection will well repay intending purchasers.
21 inch Brocades in bronze , garnet navy , brown , $1. < Q9 ayardWv , 'th
2 1 Fine Black Brocade at $1.25 , worth $1,75.
24 inch , all Silk Brocades , at $2,00 , $2.25 , $3.00.
16 inch Silk Velvets at $1.00.
19 inch Silk Velvets , at $1.50 , $1.754.00 , $2.25 , $2 50 , $3.00.
28 inch Silk Velvets from $4 00 to $9.OO a yard
Silk Plushes in al ! Colors , all Shades.
In Garnet , Wavy , Green , Prune , Gendarme , Etc ,
Black and Colored Cashmeres , all Wool , 45 cents.
Our 40 inch , Colored Cashmeres , 70 , worth 90 cents ,
Our 40 inch , Colored Cashmeres , 80 , worth $1.00 , - +
Our 40-inch Shudda Cashmeres , 75 , worth $1.00. ' - - f
AH Retailed at New York Prices.
Qualities equal , we are to-day selling goods cheaper than any house in
the west.
One price marked in plain figures.
&c GO. ,
f * H fit , B 5 TT'S1 * S ° % 8
of Fall and Winter ' ' '
Clothing for Men's Youths' Boys' and
Children's Wear.
1001 Farnliam Street.
the .
requirements of Everybody.
Block. the most varied and elegant ever displayed in the
our large display of Dress and Business Suite , Fall
Grand Weight Overcoats , Novel fiea in Furnishing Geode ,
Stylish Hats and Capa , Trucks , Valises. Califorfornia
Blankets and Overalls , &c. . &c.
buy one dollar's worth of Clothing until ho has seen our
immense Stock and learned our Price ; .
Bryan , Texai , Jane 11,1870 ,
< T. C. Rlchardion , St. ionM-DeorSIr- :
fy boy , 3 yean old , had feyer every
ther day , or every third < loy , fornbout
months. Insfu no mncli a * 12 eraini
f Quinine during the day , bat TTIth no
ITect ; tried Clnchonla ( nlkalold ) Sulpb.
Inchonldla , Salaclne.ctc. , ctc.bntihe
oy Kotirone nil the time. I reluctantly
int down to my drug utore for your
* brlf l iiftr.nnd I write j ait to say that he
ever had a nymptom of fever after com-
lenclne Febrifnge ; , to dnte , being now
reramonthngo. Ifeel ( hnt I ought to
ythlimufhln behalf of Tourmedlclne-
.m a retralar M. I ) . , bnt retired from
raotlce 3 year * npo and devotlngr my
me to drug biulne * * .
Very respectfully ,
J. W.
Stockton , Bio. , Avg. 25(1 ] , 1870.
it. O. TCIchnrd on , St. Zouli-Dear Sirs
llfford'i Febrtfago U the belt thin ; for
Ull * and Ferer that we hare erer
tndled. There never ha been a caie
lat ira NOT cored by it that was taken
cordlng to direction * in this part ol
country. Tours trnly ,
Chffllcothe , Mo. , Jnly301870.
. O. Richardson , St. toul My Deal
r-Herels something : reliable ; It yon
inmakeanyxueoritple i doio. TTe
ire ( old hundreds of bottlei with lik
suit * , lour trionds ,
I3ojce & Of trander.
rhls Is to certify that I had the Ferer
Agtto this lamrner and the me of
le-thlrtl ol a. bottle of Clifford' * Febrl-
gn promptly cared it. It to the p dl-
core X hoTe known of.
Bee of tT. B. NoTelry Mf g. Co. ,
New York City , August 2,1878 ,
Dear Sirs For orer two year * I have
Ferer and Ague , and after trylnc
ery thlnjr I took one-half bottle or
Ifford'i Febrlfaze , and It cored me
rmanently. Ib ll Te my cn e would
< been f till had I not found this aa
Id. Yours trnly ,
U.S. N.
CHARDSOH feCO.-St.Loul8.
Oval Brand
. f ' ° "lers h "owlontslrlppeil II others. You cet tnnre Ojtters lil
WEIOHT AND MEASUKE Iu oiu cf tills brrnd than any otirr. I > . K. KKEJIf K.
m General Western Agent , Omilia.
Eaflfti n VJ a SUB a a baa n VH BZsvfl At
_ _ i
Propose for the next ninety (90) ( ) days to sell then ,
entire stock of
Diamonds , -Watches ,
Si I ver-Ware ,
Pianos & Organ
At Manufacturing Prices , Which is from 15 to 20 per
cent , "below any Eastern Wholesale House ,
preparatory to moving into their
weN StoreGor. . Hth & Farnham
Wo Jleau Business Come w $ CouvUiced ,