Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 11, 1880, Morning Edition, Image 1

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    > * i
Established 1871. MORNING EDITION. Price Five Cer ts
O , OflMO
1422 and 1424 Dod-e Street.
Off = r One Case (40 ( Pieces )
at 35c per yard , Worth 50o ,
62 Pieces All-Wool Filling
at 15c per yard , Wo th 30c.
Job Lot
Every Sjiade andOolor ,
at IQc , Worth Double.
Rk-Ii Tartan Wool Plaids ,
nt < (5 ( Cents *
Tartan Plaid Dress Goods ,
: it IS Cents.
Lupins Prench Cashmeres ,
JVcw Colors , from 30c to 75c
3' Blue , Wine andD rk
Dress Bannels & Cheviots ,
Also Black and Colored
at85,31.00 , 1.25 per yard.
The mosti remarkable offering of
SILK PABBIC ever made
in this city.
Extensive assortment ot Cloth
for Ladies , Children's nnd
Men's Wear ,
The Most Pomplete Line of thesa
GtoodR in the ci'y , which we
* offer at popul r Prices ,
We are constantly replenish
ing our Back Goods Stock
with JPeandard Goods of "best
make/ , . Our Stock is tbe most
extonsivoaudvaned in the city ,
and being direct importations
wo offer thorn at such prices as
to preclude competition on
similar Goods.
. -Special Attractions in ovoiy
Cor. 15th and Dodge Sts. ,
" Wry CTaorts Dealers. "
A. HOSPE , JR. ,
Piauos and Organs Fir t Class
on Easy Monthly Payments ,
Sheet lilusic and Musi
cal lustrnmills. .
O I Filming * , Enprauncs an rwnioi at great
lr redacnl prices.
TBxlO Frames , 1 liicliV limt . . . lEc
J0xl2 I " . SO
10x1 * i 1 " . 20
J2xl " 1 } " " . 60
12M8 " It " " . C5
10x20 " 1J . 75
Jtustle SslO frimc . . . IS
Chromes franocd , enull , 26c ,
Chromojfrarncd , larR * , 1 T8 ,
l.'iijri\liiR from r > 0c upwarJs ,
I'liotnpraiib fnmcs from 15c upnurds ,
" \Vlndo.v Cor.iccs 7C a liulow and npwardji
Lanibrcyulrj 3 00 per window and upwards ,
Coniico'lVJcsS 60) ) > cr in lo and tipnardj ,
Vch at Irani e 2.r < o cadi I < i5 00
Vlolm Stnnja Itic ,
Vion l l 75 , 2 CO , 3 and unuAn ,
< ! ulUre5 00 , C 00 , " 00 and upwards.
lianjos 1 CO , 3 00 , 6 00 , and Upwards ,
Acconlcons from 1 00 up , cheapest in city
Snid for umplcs and citalnruo of mouldings
nnd zbcsl mole. A.UOSPE.JB. ,
liTO Dodro Su. Omxa Sob.
Wednesday and Thursday ,
November 10th and llth
Greatest llinstcl Cc
World. Iras3 Fand para-la dally
Uo-cnjd Scats at VUx Hoy. ! &
' . noa"
AVcdncsJay at 9 o'clock.
J C.
Capitol Ave , , Opp. Masonic Hall ,
OMAHA. - - - NEB.
Successors to J.
No. 1220 Douglas Street ,
The French Calinet Ee-
considering Its Bes-
A Eegiment of Eoyal Grenadiers
Eendezvous at Balihrode ,
And Will March to the Battle
field on Baycolt's Farm.
The Sultan Favors a Recon
struction Policy for
BpecUl Dispatch to'The Bee.
PARIS , November 10 , IQp.'ra It is
given out thai the cabinet will hold a
meeting to-niqht to decide upon the
question of their resignation. It is
now believed the "ministry will with
draw the notification pUccd in the
hands of President Grevy , and c
tinue in office at least temporarily.
Reasons for this , it is understood , in
elude the urgent request of President
Grevy. It is certain that Gimbetta
will not accept an office. A feeling
exists that a vote will bo taken in the
chambers canable of an explanation
consistent with the relation of power
between M. Ferry aad hh coadjutor * .
The republiian press consider the vote
in the chamber yesterday duo to a
misunderstanding , and that the min
istry aolei with inconsiderate haste in
construing it as a want of confidence.
The conservatives maintain that th
cabinet fell from a want of cohesion ,
and accuse it of having pursued a hes
itating and incongruous policy thai
was csrlain to end in destruction. The
radicals ara loud in demanding a dis
solution ol tae chambers and & forma
tion of a new cabinet , and the opinion
is gaining ground that the crisis will
end as the radicals pray that it may.
Specal Dispatch to The Bee.
PARIS. November 11 1 a. m. M.
Deves eaidihat M.- Ferry had.inform
ed him tbat the ministers might not
withdraw their resignations if the or
der of the expression of confidence in
government was passsd by a majority
of at least 200. The left decided to
co-operate with the republican union
on the subject. It is believed that
President Grevy is inclined to the
disiulution of the cabinet , as a.nniou
of the different republican sections is
probable , and the members are vacil
Special dispatch to the Bee.
LONDON , November 10,10 p. m * .
A Constantinople dispatch Ertjs the
sultan in an interview of nn hour and
a nalf's duration with John Pondnr ,
a leading English capitalist and hold
er of Turkish bonds , discussed- * *
condition of the country fully , and
left the impression on Mr. Pendei'a
mind , that the sultan honestly dEar3S\ !
to do what ho can to settle the pssc-
ing questions and advance the ma
terial and individual'development of
Turkey. It is understood that Fen
der's talk had no official significance ,
but was in the interest of those who ,
like himfielf.aro interested personally ,
in view of Turkish securities.
Special dlgpatch to The Boo.
DOBLIN , November 11 , 1 a. m.
TheBaycolt relief expedition , consist
ing of fifty stalwart Ulster agricultural
laborers , under eix leaders , will ren
dezvous at Blullingar this morning ,
and start immediately under a strong
escort. The Earl of Kenmore has re
ceived a threatening letter , and his
tenants will hold an indignation
Nine hundred soldiers ara encamp
ed at Ballinrode and moro are to ar >
Special Dispatches to Th Bee.
The English cabinet held a council
at the Earl of Granville's residence tc-
It In given out scmi-officlally In
Paris tliat the amount of capital to be
issued by the Panama cnal syndicate ,
will probably be fixed on the Gih of
It was rumored in Paris yesterday
mornini ; that Mr. Jules Ferry and his
colleague- have been induced to with
draw their resignations ordered last
The Pope yesterday received &
number of Irish Bishops.
Tha czir's illness la somi-olh'cially
Elliot has arrived at Putney , and Is
in i oed condition , except haying a
slight cold. Blackman is" seriously
ill. Hanlon has a sore tnrcat. Han-
Ion , Trickott and Laycock were only
out once Tussday , all of the other
oarsmen worked very hard.
A dispitch from Athens says bri
gandage is rampant in Epirus and
Ihessaly , and many notables are held
captive awaiting ransom.
Slight shocks of earthquake continue
at Agram , Austria. The damage done
to private property by the earthquake
Tuesday is * estimated at 3OQO,000
Russia has remonstrated with Ger
many regarding the quantity of arms
and ammunition supplied to China
from Germany.
Bismarck health is excellent , and
he rides out daily.
Prince Podowitz had a long confer
ence with Bismarck yesterday. He
will proceed to Athens shortly.
It is etated that Dervish Pasha has
persuaded the notables at Dulcigno to
consent to it surrender. Several sol
diers and officers have been arrested ,
being accused with insulting Mr.
Goschen , the British ambassador.
The ports insists the Roumeltaa
prstofflces ih\\\ \ use Turkish stamps.
gpedal Dispatches to Th Beo.
Burglars robbed the residence of
Charles Johnson , No. 50 West Twen
ty-first street , New Yotk , Monday
night , of articles estimated to be
worth § 15,000. Lost evening Phillip
Seltenrich , aged 16 , Gen. W. Selton-
rich , aged 21 , Geo. Evans , aged 16
and James Hohen , the men who had
committed theburglarywcre arrested.
The board of supervisors of New
York ctly , met yesterday to
the votes cist iu the , bto election.
A protest waa handed In on behalf of
Nicholas Miller , candidate for con-
Ktesf , in the Hf h district , against
Ben \Vood. It was referred to com
mitted on protests. The nrotest tola
f rth that Ben Wood's ballots -were
Ulc Ally printed and not endorsed aa
icq nred by law.
Tne Srni'hsonian instituta of Wash
ington has been informed by Prtif.
Swift , of Rochester , that the comet
announced as discovered by Lohse , ia
that which he d-scovered himself on
the 10th of October , 1880.
The steamship , "City1 of Alexan
dria , " airivc3 in New York yesterday
fromVera Cruzby way rf Sivannsh ,
and brought the crewn of four brigan-
tinea , which which were driven ashore
in the Gulf of Mexico , early las :
Last night in Indianapolis a frai :
JIT. urthe town quarrelled with her
Friend , and in .a fit of desperation she
BWallo'wed four grains of morphine
and afterwards ten cents' worth ol
strychnine , obtained at a neighburinti
drug store.
Tha report circulated in Providence
yesterday that ex-Senator Spragun'fi
son Willie had been arrested on thu
charge of shooting at Mr. Thompson ,
one of his father's trnsteesis } not true ,
A warrant has been issued for him ,
but Jup ta yesterday evening it had
aotbeon eorvod.
At New Biltimoro , Michigm , last
night , two misked burglars enter.-d
J. P. S. Hathaway's store and stole
81,000 in cash. They intimidated the
clerk and locked him up.
R. W. Taylor , deputy collector of
internal revenue , of the Third district
of Georgia , ciptured two illicit distil
leries in Oglethorpa county.
The official vote cf California is
nearly complete , and gives Hancock
124 plurality.
Judge Tuley , of the Chicago dis
trict court , yesterday modified the in
junction of the Lake Shore railroad
against the Western Indiana railroad ,
restraining the litter from crossing its
tracks , and now the Western Indiana
in other words the Wabash & Grand
Trunk has free access to put down
tracks to Us proposed depot terminus
in Chicago.
Brigadier General B. D. Sutterlee ,
U. S. A. , late purveyor of the army ,
is lying dangerously ill at his residence
in New York city. His death is
hourly expected.
August Willsen , a stock dealer from
Clinton , la. , wasamsted in Chicago
yesterday for einbezr.ling S18COO be
longing to his business pirtnor.
'Sale ot Tro.iing Colts.
Special Dixnatch to The Bee.
NEW YORK , November 11,1 a. m.
Eleven head of thoroughbred colts
and fillies , all in training , the late
property of Col. D. M. McDaniel ,
irere sold at auction yesterday , The
ots comprised "Governcur1878 , by
Harry Basaott , sold for § 2000 ; § 4000
WES refused baforo the enle ; "King
Nero , " 1878 , by Harry Basactt , for
51050 ; "Col. Wagner" sold for ? 410.
L'ho attendance was largo , but thu bid
ding was not briik.
Fire in Chicago.
Special dispatch to Tup Bis
CHICAGO , November 11 , 1 a. m.
Afire broke out at 10:20 : last night in
Jammons , Clark & ( Jo.'a picture frame
'actory ' on Randolph street , adjoining
; ho Briggs house. The building was
completely burned out and the stock
destroyed. DwightBros. , paper deal-
; rj , who occupied the first story , also
.cat nearly their entire stock by fire and
water. A high wind was blowing ,
and the fire department had all it
could do to confine the flames to
.ha building where they originated.
The building was owned by William
31air. The entire loss is estimated
at § 40,000 to $50,000 , and is well in
A Lover'a Fatil Quarrel.
Special Dispatch to The Boo.
NEW YOKE November 11. 1 a. m.
Another cold-blooded murder was
ast evening added to the long lit > t of
ragedies which have taken place in
his city during the past few days.
Andrew Gillen , a young lawyer , 25
'cars of age , has for some tiino past
teen paying his attentions to Mies
klarySigeraon , a prepossessing lady ,
hree years his senior , who resided at
38 Lawis street. Everything went on
smoothly until a few daya ago , when
a slight quarrel occurred between the
overs and Gillen loft the house out
of temper. List evening , shortly be-
ere G o'clock , Gillen called at the
IOUSQ of Miss Sigorson , and aeked to
> e granted an Interview. Mias Sigor
son told him that she desired nothing
nrther to do with him , and requested
lim to leave the house. A brief nl-
ercation ensued , during which Gillen
Irew a revolver and shot the unfortu
nate woman through the head. She
jave one shriek and tell dead on the
Ipor. Gillen , after committing the
ieed , fled from the house , and al-
hough a general nlirm was sent out
3y the police , the murderer escaped ,
xnd had not been arrested up to a late
lour last night. M sa Sigerson's peo-
ilo are in very comfortable circum-
tancea. Her brother , Michael , is a
prominent democrat , and member of
jf Tammany hall
Permanent River Commission.
3p3clal Dispatch to The Bee.
Sr. Louis , November 11,1 a. m.
Che river commi-sion met here yes-
erday morning. The committee on
mainess submitted a report favoring
jorrnanent organization , consisting ot
> resident , vice-president , treasurer
.nd secretary , and the establishment
of headquarters at St. Louie , with the
oflico of secretary In the Merchants'
exchange building. The appoint
ment of an executive committee to
, ake general charge of matters per-
aining to state nnd national legisla-
ion , and the holding of annual meet-
nga at St. Louis , on the first week in
November , was adopted.
Undoubtedly the best shirt In the
United States is manufactured at the
Omaha Shirt Factory. The superiority
of Material and workmanship , corn-
nincd with their great Improvements ,
: hnt is Reinforced fronts , Reinforced
backs and Reinforced slcovea , makes
their shirt the moat durable and best
fitting garment of the kind , ever
manufactured at the moderate price of
51.50. Every shirt of our make is
guaranteed first-class and will refund
the money if found otherwise.
Wo make a specialty of all wool ,
Shaker , and Canton flannel , also
chemois underwear , made up with .1
view to comfort , warmth and durabil
ity. To invalids end weak-lunged
persons .wo offer special inducements
in the manner these goods arc made
for their protection.
The Propeller Zealand"
- Lost on Lake Ontario.
* * " *
Gen. G-arfio'd Eesiglls His Seat
in the House of Kepre-
Hancock Thinks Garfield
Was Elected and Should
be Inaugurated.
A Pair of BafifiUm's Heathens
Plead 'Guilty to the
Charge of Perjury.
A Forjuror Confesses.
Fpcdal Dispatch to The Bee ,
NEW YOHK , November 10 i p
in. Justice Morc n , who yesterday
began an exaniinaiion in the distritf
attorney's oflice in reference to the
Morey Chinese latter , entered the
dialrlet attorney's office to-day , fol
lowed by John A. Davenport , Geo.
Bliss and Assistant District Attorney
Doll. Subsequently Sergeant Growl -
l y appeared , having iu his custody
Simuel S. Moray , and Dateclivo
Field , with 11 LimUay , who were
arrested yisfeuUy for perjury. The
first witness called was John W.
Morey , who has been connected with
the Boston police forca for thirty-one
year * . He testified hat Samuel S.
Morey never had an uncle ii.imed H.
L. Morey. The next witness called
waa the perjurer , Rjbett Lindsey.
He staled that bis nnmo was James
O'Brieii , that ho was thirty-
one years old , was born in Wash-
[ ngtou , D , 0. , nnd employed
in a gas house in Georgetown , N. Y.
state. The doors of the examination
room were closed and the prisoner
made a statement to Jndgo Morgan
which , it is understood , is n confess
ion. The prisoner testified yesterday
that he was a detective emp'oyed by a
secret organization of workiagmen in
illeghany county , Maryland , and that
ho knew H. L. Morey , who
find shown him the * Chinese
letlor. The ' statement made
; o-Jay by O'Brien , as well as that
made by Morey , the other prisoner ,
will be presented to the grand juty.
Both men were committed to the
The Morey Conspiracy.
Special dispatch to The Ike.
NETT YORK , November 11,1 a. m.
Yesterday morning Justice fiaukson
5. Morgan , who on Tuesday began an
ixaraination in the district attgmey's
iffice in relation to the Morey letter ,
intered the oflice of Mr. Phelpssh > rt-
y before 11 o'clock. He wns followed
> y John I Davenport , George W.
Jliss and Assistant District Attorney
jell. Afterward Sergeant Cro.vloy
nadc hia appearance , having incus- ,
ody SamuelS. Morey , rid'a defoc-
ive with Robert Lindsey , who wore
irrosted Tuesday on the charge of
> erjury. Justice Morgan , when he
)3gan the exam in t ion of the case ,
lirectod that the room should be
ileared. The first witness called was
Mr. John Morov. who has been con-
lectcd with the Boston police force for
hirty-ono yeaw , und who is a brother
> f Joseph Morey , better known as
'Yankee Joe , " a stage driver of this
: ity. Ho testified that Samuel S.
ttorry never had an uncle S. L.
Moray. The next person called was
ho alleged perjurer , Robert Lindaey.
3e * ; xid his _ name was Jarces
D'Brien ; that ho" was a laborer , em-
iloved in a gas house in Georgetown ,
? J. Y. He took the alias of Moroy ,
ind registered from CumberlandMd. , ,
it this point. The witness was asked
rhnt ho had to say in relation to the
: liar. o made against him. He rc-
> lied : "I wish to make an explann-
ion. " Judge Morgan thereupon or-
lerijd the reporters to retire , and
) 'Brion's statement was taken in full.
L'he nature of it is not allowed to be
undo public at this stage of the caeo.
t Is understood that it will be snb-
uitted to the grand jury. In convnr-
ation with Henry J. Johnston , who
s postmaster at Cumberland nnd cdi-
jr of The Daily Witness , that gent'e-
nen said that O'Brien la known to
io a member of Council's band , and
a supposed to have bean with Con-
lell at the time ho shot at Paymas-
crFawcett on tboChesapeike & Ohio
anal. Conuell was arrested for the
'flense ' and sent to the penitentiary
or a term of years. Samuel S.
lorey waa examined , nnd it is nndor-
teed made a lull confession , but hi ]
tatement was nlso kept from the ro-
lorters. Justice Morgan , in convar-
ation with a reporter in City Hall
lark , yesterday , remarked that the in-
eslig.UIon thus far in the Lindsoy-
ilorey matter was strictly secret , and
hat the stenographer had been in
truded to observe unbroken silence
n reference to it should ho bo np
iroached by reporters or othara. The
iroceedinga have not yet reaoliod that
tagelhat it admits of publicity , but
a they are to proceed without delay ,
t is probable that the public inipa-
ienca will soon be satisfied. Justice
ilorgan eaid that it would be prcma-
ure to make any etatomonla relative
o the result.
Columbia's Complaint.
pecW Dispatch to The Bee.
SAN FRANCISCO , November 11 1 a.
a. A Victoria , B. C. , dispatch aays :
i. large public meeting was held hera
Fuesd y night to consider Canada's
lofanlt in the matter of an ialand rail-
vay. The resolutions recite the
esses which this province has suitnin
d through the reservation for sever * !
; e rs of the island cial and agricnltu-
al lands by Iha homo government ,
ind expressed the belief that the prov-
nee would he better off as a crown
solony if the railway obligations of the
lominicn ar * not fulfilled. Speeches
ivcra gent-ra 1 ; distinguished for iheir
jutet and friendly tone toward Cana-
Ja and Sir John McDonald's govern-
nent. s
Another Lake Disaster ,
peehl Dispatch to The Be.
TORONTO , November 11 1 a. m.
rhe grouted fears are entertained re-
jirding the sifety of the propeller
Z-eland , " of Hamilton , and her
zrow. She has not been beard o !
since her departure from this port at
3:30 : o'clock Saturday evening. Parts
af her cargo and a yawl , marked "Zee-
land , " have been found floating 01
the hko. The "Z-eland" was
six hundred tons burthen , and
ffR3 ormcd and commended by Qapt ,
Edatd Zetland , of UaraiUon.
wai built four years ago , and clisssd
as the best , and thoroughly seaworthy.
Her cargo was well within her cipic-
ity. Tne Crew numbered in all 1C
men. Her cargo was valued at § 15- ,
500 , ud is insured for 814,003 iu
New York.
A dispatch from Hani'lton , Ont. ,
says : Ttlegraras have been received
from all points on the lake , and the
propeller "Zselcnd" ha neither
Culled or been sighted. Twenty per-
eons are supposed to have been on
The Hailroatt War.
Special Dispatch to Tna BHS.
OUICAOO , NoYemrer 11 1 am. .
There is more travel ovsr the south
westaru roads QH- than there rra
during the braak four weeks ago. Thi
afternoon the Ohicl jro & Alton roat
placaded the { ullowiugi Hannibal
82 ; Quincy , S2f l eoknk , ? 3 ; Deca
tun § 210 ; Perlria , $ J.BOj Jpnria hnd
and return , § 250. The Wabash of
fera tickets to Pontiac for § 1 ; Bloom
IHglon , $1 ; Lincoln , § 1 ; Springfield ,
SI ; Jacksonville , § 1 ; Alton , § 1 G5
3t Louis , 51 ; Kaiiias Oityj $ i. B.
F. Tichenor , general passenger agent
of the Wnbasb , says the fithton ; rate *
will probably continue until a meeting
of the presidents is held in New York
None of the roads are accepting tick-
eta to Kansas City issued by the Wa-
bash. The R'ck Island's bulletins
put tha fare at § 7 to Kansas City.
Garflold Resigns His Seat in the
Special DIsp-Uch to TiB ! Bra.
CCLDMBUS , 0. , November 10 , 10 p.
m Guy. Foster to-day received the
resignation of James A. Garfield as
member of congress from the Nine
teenth Ohio district. The Nineteenth
district , at the time of Gen. Garfield's
election to congress , was not composed
wholly of the same territory'of which
it is now constituted. A writ for an
clo.tion to fill the vacancy will ho is-
Eued to-day , to bo held November
30th , and be sent to those counties
which composed the Nineteenth dis
trict at the time Gen. Garfield was
elected , it being hold that the terri
tory composing that district has vest
ed rights which cannot be abrogated
by an act of the general assembly.
Spedil Dispatch to Tun Bia.
D 1 a. m.
For upper Mississippi and lower
Missouri valleys : Clear or partly
cloudy weather , preceded in the first
pait by rain or snow ; northwesterly
winds and rapidly rising barometer ,
with decidedly lower temperature.
Cattle Grazing Growing to
Immense Proportions in
Western Nebraska.
Many Herds Will be Wintered
in the Cornfields of
- * - the Platte.
Correspondence of The l > eo.
SID > KY , Nob. , November 8. Wea-
tsrn Nebraska is to-day one immense
cattle field , and the business of cattle
grazing is prosecuted with greaf profit.
The cattle are wintered with very lit
tle expense and the freight charges
for transporting them to market are
much leas than from moro western
fields. At this season of the year cattle
tlo are being shipped as fast as cars can
be found to carry them away. North
Platte , Ogalalla and Sidney , are the
great shipping points on the U. P , in
Nebraska. The midsummer was very
dry and the grass very short and scant ,
till-fall set hi. In consequence many
cattle are too thin for shipment and
will be kept over for another year.
In a wet season cattle find surface
water on the high land , which , with
the aid of small streamlets running
from the hill country to the rivers ,
supply water for the stock several
iveeks in summer , but this year the
small stiearns and surface ponds were
dry and the cattle have been pastured
along the rivers nnd larger streams all
the season. Now the best grass is
found on the high land and the bottom
tom landsare almost hire. There are
eery few first-class shippers , the cat
tle men Bay , and there was never
much better prospects for good winter
Feel. Some stockmen are not ship
ping any this year , and some are driv
ing their saleable cattle to the corn
: ountry to be fed. The shippers from
North Platte this year nra M. C.
Keith , D. W. Walker. H. P. Nichols ,
A. . Richie , Barton & Dillon and Laing
Bros. , from Ogalalla , BoslerBrcs. ,
Sheidley , E. W. Omsby , and Paxton
& Ware ; from Sidney , Tuslor Bros. ,
John Adams , Pratt & Ferris , D.
Sheedy , D. B.Jowers , D. B. Linch ,
3ode , Cain , and Judge Carrigin. A
Colorado branch of the U. P. has been
juilt from Julesburg , sixty miles up
; ho South Plato , to Riverside , Color-
ido. nnd two herds are being loaded
it Riverside , Brush & Johnson , of
Sreeley , Colorado , aad the Iliff cattle.
bE. . Kennedy , of Kearney , Nebras
ka , is driving his thipping cattle to
Hirvard , Nebraska , where they will
be fed this winter. His ranch Is forty
m'lea north from Sidney
The politicians of western Nebras
ka have been working very energet-
icilly this year , for their pjlitical fel-
Iowa in some cases , but more ofier for
local pbtd. The canvass was divested
of party strictures and party lines cut
no figure at the p ills. Democrats
worked for republicins and rbpubli-
cans worked for democrats , where
they thousht it better suited their
purpose. The Sidney Telegraph , a
democratic paper , worked for Snyder ,
a republican candidate , and the North
Platta Republican worked for Samuel
Watts , a democrat. Church , tha op
ponent of Watts , was detested by sev
enty-one votes , though the electoral
ticket showed his district to be repub
lican by 110 votes. Railroad men
tooka great deal of interest in the
cinvas , but it was a ksing game fnr
them. Watts , the Lincoln county
representative-elect , ia one of Nebras
ka's pioneers who enjoya the full con
fidence of hia neighbors and ia per
sonally very popular. Henry Snj der ,
U. P. a eut at Sidney , is thought to
be elected to the Nebraska asnate
from this district , though it is not an.
ftbioliito coiiiiinty.
These iowni are all holding their
own , an3 North Plalte ia very much
improving. Two fine brick blocks
hive been built this year , besides a
number of dwellings. Tno stock yards
at North PLtte are kept very busy
All stock shipped from ro'ius west tf
Sidnpva'e < Ijidedand fed thereb
sides beicg aoty popular shipping
point. JAY.
New Yortt Money and Stocks.
WALL SrRsrr Xovcraber 10.
Money-Jexclianj ; steady at $1 S2j@4 h3j.
U.P 6V81 1 01J U.S. i'f 110
U. S. 6'i 1 Oil Canencytfg i'0
V. S. 4V 1 11J
Astl e ; declinsJ J to $ ; sines openid
W U 17 U 0
N. Y. a 1061 Lackaw nna 1)5
Krlo. . } J HiuIsonCdtul 87
PiCfcrrcd 73J N J C . : 75
R:1 121 AI & E lit
ItfS. . . . . . . . .114. . Hcsdin ; ; 5
iJorthwejtcrn llij I M < 6
Prefcrrid 117 N P 2S
PM 40 Pre'crred 53
Ohio 34 I.&N 171
Preferred 7oJ N&C . - .60
St. Paul 102 Oat&W 25 ;
Preferred TIT SJD Frftfi 10
fat. Joe 3 ! C P i 85
Preferred 57 A&PTcl 41
Wthish 41 AlUn J3.1
Prefered 74J CO C & 1 70
Omshi 43 Cm Southern. . . f(3 (
Prefe-rcd SlJ US Ex 5ii
Union Pacific 92i Amer , Ex 03
C. C. &I.C 19
IATIH M. & E. 115 ; L S. ll'30hlo.3f ; ( ; A
! c P. Tel. , 43J. Other stjcks o3 in proportion
There tteroffr proposal * to sell bonds , ajf ieca-
tiny only 8381.COO ; bolder ! not carirg to.cllat
prices fixe ! by Sesreta'y Sherman ,
Chicago Produce Market.
CHICAGO , November 10.
Wheat No 2 sprin ? advanced J
No. 2 spring sold at SI 04 J1 05 | tor
December , closing at § 1 04J@1 04g
for cash or November ; SI 05g@l 05J
for December ; $1 OG for January.
Corn Advanced © § 2 ; Bales of No.
2 were at 41i@42c for November ; 42
@ 42 : for December , closing at 42c
'or cash or November ; 42io for De
cember ; 42o for January ; 4Gc for
( Ms Firm ; No. 2 sold at303Dc
'or November ; 31J@31c for Decem-
jer , closing at 30c for November ;
31c for December ; 31o for January.
Rye Firm ; No. 2 SDld at 82 ,0 for
cash or November.
Barley Advanced lie ; No. 2 sold
at 87c for cash cr December.
Whisky-Si 11.
Pork Jless , sold at 812 35@12 37 *
for November ; 313 65@13 80 for
January.cloaing at § 13 R014 25 for
cash ; 812 35@12 17A for November
or December ; § 13 77 © 13 80 for
Lard Sold at § 8 12J@815 " for No
vember ; 8 10@8 17 for January ,
closing at § 8 17i for cash ; 8815@8 17
: or November ; 18 10 for December ;
58 16@8 17J for January.
Chicago Live StocK.
. CHICAGO , November 10.
Hogs In and active at
abont thefignreacurrentfln yesterday ;
sales at § 4 65@4 75 for-Cllftht packing
ing and shipping ; . $4CO1 76 for
he ivy packing , and 84 6034 ; 05 for
jood to extra smooth faii vy shipping
ots ; recepls.l44850ho3d.t
CatffSThere was an an active
market' for choice to extra prime
stoa for exportation to fill orders on
account of Da vies , Atkinson & Co.
and other shippers , and for extra
) rime grades § 5 7oSo 80 wai paid ,
ind § 4 55@500 for good to choice
shipping steers ; the market was dull
and weak for other qualities of stock ;
city butchers were not purchasing up
o the time our reporter left the yards ;
wo therefore quote the market entirely
nominal for this class of stock ; fresh
receipts G3 head.
SC Louis Produce Mar sot.
ST. LOUJS , November 10.
Flour Active and a shade higher ;
XX , $3 65@3 90 ; XXX , § 4 30@4 35 ;
araily , § 4 75@4 90 ; choice , § 500 ®
5.20 ; fancy , § 5 3035 Go.
Wheat Active and higher ; No. 2
red , § 1033103 for cash ; § 1 03 for
November ; SI 05J@1 05 @J 06 for
December ; 81 07gl G61 08 for
January ; 8110&1 OOJ110J111J
or Febuary ; Wo. 3 do , 99 < 399gc ;
November do , 94i@94Jc.
Corn Firm and higher at 42J@43jc
or " cash43c ; forNovember ; 4l42Jo
or "December ; 41g@42 J@42c for Jan
uary ; 42 o for February ; 4o45Jc |
or May.
Oats Higher and slow at 33c for
ash ; 32f of or November.
Eye Pirm at 87c.
Barley Firm and alow at G0@95c.
Buttar Unchanged.
Eggs Unchanged.
Whisky Steady at § 1 10.
Pork Nominal for jash ; § 13 47
or January.
Dry Salt Meats Lower at § 4 60 ®
207 40.
Bacon Lower nt 85 40@8 25@8 50.
Lard Firm at § 812k asked , § 8 00
Receipts Flour 5,000 bu , wheat ,
3,000 bu ; corn 51,000 bu ; oats ,
0,000 bu ; rye , 2,000 bu ; barley , 21-
DOO bu.
Shipments Flour , 10,000 bu ;
wheat , 23,000 bu ; corn , 3,000 bu ;
oats , 2,000 buryo ; , 1,000 ; barley ,
S" . Louis LiveStocs Market.
ST. Louis , Noveinbr 10.
Hogs Active and higher ; Yorkers
and Baltimores , 84 35@4 45 ; mixed
packing4 35@4 55 ; butchers' to
aucy , S4 6034 75 ; receipts 10,800 ;
hipmcnta , 700.
New York Produce Market.
NEW YOKK , November 10.
Flour Steady , tinner and fairly
ctive ; receipts , 31.126 ; round
loop Ohio , § 4 75g5 00 ; choice do ,
5 10@G 00 ; puparfino western § 3 90 ®
: 35common ; to 'cod extra do , § 4 GO ©
4 85 ; choice , do , do , 84 90@b' 50 ;
hoica white wheat , do , § 4 75@4 05.
Wheat Closing irregular ; Chicgo ,
SI 17J119fc ; Milaukee119@121 ;
No. 2 red winter , S120J5 aales , 400-
000 bu.
Corn Quiet ; No. 2 at 60c ; sale * ,
Oats Quiet.
Butter Unchanged ; fair inquiry
for choice grades ; Ohio , 14i@25c.
Egtjs Western firm at 2ig25c for
fair to choice.
Provisions Porit at ? 15 00 bid for
cash ; 15 CO asked for Novembfr ,
§ 15 00 bid for November.
L rd § 870(18 ( 75 forciih ; § 857 $
@ 8 60 forNovember ; $8 50 for Decem
ber ; § 8 50(38 ( 55 for January : § 8 55 ®
8 57 for February ; § 8 60@8 65 for
Mjirch ; § 8 478 50 for seller for the
year ; § 8 67 fe8 67J@3 72J for buyer
for tha year.
James Doluvan , of Cleveland , an
Irish cailor , was found last night in a
tertibly wounded condition , having
been stabbed nmy times He claims
to have been eet upon by foot pads
A Vast and Powerful Ad
dition to Gould's ' Iron
The Union and Central Pacifi
Consolidate lherr Power
and Plunder.
Victoria's Best and Bloodies
Bucks Still Alive and
Special dlapatd : io The Bee.
NEW YOKK , November 10. There
was a special meeting of the Centia
Pacific aild Union Pacific directors
and the I.irgest stock holdara of both
loads held hero last night at the resi
dence of President Huntington , of
the Central Pacific road , for the pur
pose of arranging for a consolidation
: md amalgamation of the two roads
and their branches. Jay Gould was
present , and it was rumored late laat
night that a basis had been arrnrged
and the consolidation scheme decided
upon , the details of which were to be
submitted to the stockholders cf 11n
roads. It is thought that the ship
ment of 30,000 shares of Central Pa
cific stock to London last week shows
that the managers expect to float the
stock in Europe.
Tennessee's Senator.
Special Dispatch to The Beo.
NASHVILLE , November 10. The
returns np to thin morning show thai
there will be 37 democrats in the
lionse , 38 republicans and one green-
backer , who , it is thought , will vote
ivith the democrats. The republicans
boast they will secure votes enough to
alect a United States senator. Harri
son , chairman of the republican execu
tive committee , will contest with
Maynard lor the United States senate
if the republicans are found able to
make it. Both the democrats and re
publicans are sanguine they will be
ible to elect the United States senator.
False Alarn.
3p chl Dispatch to the Ere.
SAN A.NTONIA , Tex. , Nov. 10. Ifc is
reported that Col. Terrassas did not
? et any of Victoria's warriors , all of
whom were on the war pith at the
time this Mexican colonel won his
irent battle. Victoria being old and
Jecrepit , was killed in camp with a
lot'of old backs , squaws and children.
Uho warriors who have done all the
lamage are still operating-in Chihua-
Fierce Fianws. " " "
Jpedi'gDapatcliJto TJl9 Bv i
WICHITA , Ear. , November 10 4 p.
in. Frakora steam flour raill and , alao Stewart's pork house ,
i livery * stable and office building ,
( Tore "burned yesterday. TotijLLoKicay
ibout Slfi,000 " TnTho'sfaBleVere two
necos of artillery belonging to the
United States government , sent to be
jaod at the veteran rennl&nT" Both
vore burned.
Alabama's Legislature.
> pecialDlspatcbto | ] The'jBee.
MONTGOMEKT , Ala. , November 10.
The legislature convened to-day.
Elon. J. D. Eotter , of Tuscumbia , was
jlectod president of the senate , and
3ol. Dawion , of Selma , speaker of the
IOUBO. A United States senator will
> o elected next week in place of Gov.
Houston , deceased. The prominent
; andidatos are D. P. Walker , J. L.
Pugh , Gov. Watts and Paul Brad-
ford. All are good men and conserva
tive democrats.
; pedal Dispatch to Tnn Ens.
WASHINGTON , D. 0. , November 11
L a. m. A loiter from Gen. Hancock
ivas received here yesterday by Gen.
\lvord , who was formerly on his staff
[ n the letter Hancock says emphatic-
Ically that he has no lot or pait in the
imitation in regard ( o throwing oat
Sew York , nor will he have any. " He
a opposed to tbo agitation. Ha says
10 believes Gen. Garfield was elected ,
ind should bo inaugurated without
tny fnss.
There ii considerable inquiry touch-
ng the heallh of Senator Grover , of
Dregon.jastnow. Some tlmo ago Mr.
Srover was at Wilmington exceeding-
y ill , and there were doubts of his
ocovery , sufficienly to take his seat
n the senate.
The question has been raised how
: an President-elect Garfield resign the
lenatorship , inasmuch as he will not
Jo ft senator until he is sworn in. The
3hio legislature has elected Gen , Gar-
ield to succeed Senator Thurman af-
ler the fourth of March next , and his
: redontials are on file in the tenato.
[ t is claimed that it will not be nec-
jesary to resign , but he will , through
3ov. Foster , notify the legislature at
t * next meeting in January , that he
leclines the senatorial office , and this
nill create a prospective vasancy ,
which will be filled by a new election ,
with the chances strongly in favor of
Secretary Sherman. Gov. Foster
bas , however , announced that ho is a
: andidate.
Gen. Garfield has decided to make
Dne visii to Washington to look after
prlvato business. Thi * done , ha will
return to Mentor and there pass the
w nter.
A New Line.
ipeclal Dispatch to The Bee
NEW YOBK , November 10,10 p. m.
The new line of freight steamers
between New York and Stettin will
begin running on the llth inst. It
tvill be called tho'Stettin Lloyd's line ,
ind is owned in Germany. The
jteamer "Katie" will be the first boat
to leave this city.
Black Bills Fire.
Special Dtapatih to Tna Kit.
DEADWOOD , November 10. A Era
at Central last evening completely de
jtroycd the American House and con
tents , including the effects of its
an&at * . Loss , § 6000 ; no insurance.
Lincoln Journal.
Among the many hard cases now
confined iu the Nebruka state pepi-
Wholesale &Bd Ketal ! JHaiml
fact&riBg ;
Cold ami Silver Watches
mid Jt ivcry ! in the
Come and See Our Stock
as We Will Be Pleased
to Show Goods. !
loth & Dndge. OppoaUq Poitoffice.
Iron and Wagon Stock , *
At Chicago Prices.
120 ! ) Jind 1811 Harncy Street ,
lha largest and beat assortment ol _ , „ - *
Trunks and Valises in the West. Telescepic Cases
ami-Sample * Trunks a ; Specialty.
H. fc-MARHOFF , - *
117 14th St * * Doors North of Benglas St.
antiary , none possesses the inventive
; enina and daring boldnesa < if Ross , '
he road agent , who is undergoing a'
on years' sentence at our prison from
Vyoming territory , nis ingenious
ontrivances to cscapo would baillo a
horoughbrcd locksmith , and pat
lim at hb wits' end to make the same
coys even irith tools made fur the
A History of his contrivances for es
cape previous to his arrival in Lincoln
may not be uninteresting to our read
ers :
ROBS , the road acut : , now serving
a tea years' sentence in the Nebraska
tate prison , at Lincoln , IB a criminal
of more than ordinary boldness and
cunning. The ingenious contrivances
or escaping from prison which were
recently captured in hia possession ,
; ive evidence of remarkable mechani-
al skill and inventive rosonrco. Sher-
ffDraperand Dof5uty Martin noticed a
teculisr move on the part of some of
he prisoners when locking them up
or the nu > ht. Determined oa learn-
ng the canao of the strange conduct ,
Sheriff Draper went into the cage to
examine the cells. He then discovered
hat Wellajtraj in Ross' cell.contrary to
orders , and several other changes had
> een made. An investigation was
hen made , and a wooden key was
ound in the lining of Ross' coat tall ,
which had been made rf a piece of
iroom handle by a small , dull knife
) lade , and ti aavr which had been fash-
oned out of the stcul skanLs in Roas *
> oots. Two one-inch bars of the cage
were found to have been sawed almost
hrough and the cracks filled up with
oap. In the cell , concealed among
he bed clothing , was a rope twelve
eat long , which had been made of
he bandages placed on the wounds of
a prisoner named Pnco. The rope is
a marvel -workmanship ; a perfect
rope and very strong. Thn prisoners
afterwards told the nhcnlF that thay
lad perfected their platu to escape
hat very uiglit on which their plot
was discovered When a thorough
earch had been completed tto sheriff
and deputy changed thu locks on their
cells. Rosa and Wells made no fur-
her attempt to brei't ' jail. But Ross
lid not give up the idea of escaping ,
'or ' , after bis sentoncc , bo laid anoth
er plan , which almost succeeded. He
made a cair of keys out of the brass
> ack of a comb , which would unlock
iis InndcafFi like a charm. He
iad also sawed nearly through the
rons en hii ankles and filled up the
caps with snap. Snwed up In the
) ottom of the boson of hii flinnel
hirt were found the twu brasa keys
mentioned abov > > , a saw made cf a
> iuce of steel an inch long , which was
aatened in a piece of wood , and a nail
and some string. RI.SA' plan of es
cape was completely spoiled by chang-
ng the shackled and handcuffs , and
aking from him the kejs and saw.
lenceRosj Is safely c mi red.
Ross' crowning work waa the wood
en key already alluded to. It was
ma < ? e of iho top of a brr > rim handle ,
and unlocked the big jitl lock as nicu-
y as ha proper key. How he over
; ot the richtgrofViia and buvels is a
mystery ; butp rhspiho to * k an im-
iresilon with a piece of snap There
s also seen an ingenious lamp , made
much like the "witch" of our boy-
lood days. It in nothing moro than a
lollow vessel filled with tat and grease
which the prisoners partd fJom their
meat and butter , and a wick made of
a rag. ThiR wa ? osed by tha culprits
at night. L'ghu of nil kinds in jail
are positively prohibited by the fiber
s' . The "witch" is n inganious con
trivance to avoid this prohibition.
All disputes connected with the
Emma mniii litigation have been amj-
cably settled.
OmcB or Cm Ciior. \
O * UA. NOT. fftb , 1830. 1
Healed prcpo-als wilt b roceKtd by th uc-
denlicnrd nntll 13 o'clock noon , on TaewUr ,
November 15th , A. D. 1880 , forfarntahhur h rd
and suit ejal for me la tha city offlcea and fl-
department from ibis d tfl nn'll th > 0th ot
Jane , A. D. 1E81.
Said bids or propoeals llull fUta ths price for
tmch coal delivered wher * ordered , and shall
name laid price without levptct to any 0nlto
mount ot coal. Tbo light U fatrrfl to reject
any and all b'd ' § .
Knvelopes conUlnlug1 said pripocall tbali be
marked "Proposals for Coal , " vrf addrened to
underslened. J. F. HcCABTBEY ,
City Clerk i
Omc or Cm Clinic , ? ,
OxaDl , NOT. Bib. 188P. I
Soiled proposals will be recelTtd by tba un-
12 o'clock noon , oa tie 16 Ih
day of November , JL D. 18SO. for grtdlnjr Hr-
noystrcot to the eatabllihed nade from the
west side of 15th itreet to the et ! da of I0th
street. P'arf and peclfl' atlorn for raid work ,
as well is all other Information can ba obtain. < l
at offlco of city engineer , InCreightcn Block.
Said bid * shall state the price per cubic yard
for dolDt ( fald Jtiadlnir , and half ipedry wheth
er bid U tor earth removed or earth placed on
BalditttotasnlllDjt ,
En % elopes containing Said bldl ( ball ba mark
ed "Proporalg for Oradinz Harney St. " and ta
dellvore-l to ondenlzned at a data not later thin
aboio speclQcd The name of a propowd sure
ty undtr the nsnal conditions iball accompany
eich bid. The right Is reserred to reject any
and all bids. J. McOABT > KT ,
nogdflt City Clerk.
_ _ _
Omn or Crrr CLHK. )
OMAIU , Nor. 6th , 1880. JT
8o > Ied proposals wilt be received by > nn-
derelered until 12 o'clock n on , an tba lEIh diy
of November , 1880 , for curbing aad rattan-it
Ilarney Btrect from the wwt doe el nth itreet
to the east iid of 10th strtet. Plant and rptl-
flcatlocs nmlrr which laid work shall be oono
can bo wen at office of c tr engineer. In Crokn.
ton Block. Tue nald work will be paid tor In
sjHcbl warrari'ii drawn upon a fund to be let led
upon tbo property abultlnf npon 'd Improve-
Wdi'ahall "pcci'y ' the price In detail and ahall
bo accompani.d by the nime of propo d u elr
under th n uil ondltlong The clly coui.dl
re nrc the rUlit I" reject any and all bid * .
En eli pc containing s l I proposali ihall I.
mtrktil "Proposahfor Curbing and Onttrrln *
HameySt.-aud bcdollrtred to the nnderlifn-
ed not laier than the time above fjwdflrf
noSlflt City Clerk.
Is prepared lomikePanta , " 5uit and overcoats
to order. Prlcej.fltand workmanjhpzcar nt d
to > ult.
One Door Went of OmlcJcabanJE'a.
HER & CO. ,
OMAHA , N > 1 .