Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 08, 1880, Morning Edition, Image 1

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Established 1871 : MORNING EDITION , Price Five Cents
15th : i l Douglas Slrcet.
Qicr SOCO , rcsldrrn-e loll for sale by this agen-
cat prljxsraniitr from Jib to $2,500 each , and
l 3txeil m cierj put of the clto , and in every
d'rectlon from the Po'loffice , ncrth , erst , south
r west , and varilnc m distance from one
b'oc" * to one or t o miles trom name. Call and
c ( online ourlists
Several choice tote In Griffin & Imacs" ad < il
tl on , vest fit content , between St. Mary'a aron
uc and Uirney strcttjOO U > $ SOO.
Sd acres just cast ot bi'racka ou Saunden St. ,
this Is choice land and will be Bold very cheap-
for cash In 6,10 or X ) acre lots ; now is your time
U secure a liarram.
Choice lot at end of etreet cat tracki on Eann-
der * etreet for $576.
Choice lot , Farnhum and 2tth BtroeU , 90x13
ct for 81,500-will divide it.
Cheap Iota In Credit Fondtir addition , south o
V. P. depot-IOO to { 300.
hVrty lots on Park Ate ma aid Georgia street ,
on road to park , and nea. ueid ot St. U vy *
ai cnuc , nt from S125 to ? 3IW each. Seven year
time at eight per cent Interest to those who wil
put up treed substantial buiMlus > . Fur farther
partloulars appb to.
G. P. BEMTS , Acent ,
Fittconth and Douglas Streets.
A nice lot on Uarccy and Twenty-first streets ,
To chnica Iota on 20th. ne r St. liar } ' 8 aven
tie. WKIC5 < cot cch , for ? 850 and * " 00.
Two ih jleo lot * near 23 < 1 ard Clark streets In
BV. . Sir.Uh'n addition $300 and J.tSO.
1'ift } lota In SlilnV * firtt. second and third a-J-
ait'ous for$100 V > $600 each.
Ix > t near 16th and ll-ros , H50.
2 103 on Uanwv near : Uh St. , tOOO each.
lot tm-2Uh n ar Howard 'treet , $7oO.
O lots in Grand View addition , south of U. P
bridge and depot , f rum iV > to 9 00 each *
Ono acre , 117x170 ft-ct , on 13th street , Bouth
wt Popplcton's now residence , for 72,000 , or
4ivnlo into city olzed lots at from 3X50 to $500
L.VX3 number of baauttful rrgldance lots , lo
cat * ] in this new addition nn Capitol Hill , be
t we en .2 Uh street on the east , 28th on the wcat
Dodso street ou the north and Famham ( trret
on the outh. formerly owned bj 0. H Dora
ami nioro recent > kno n > s the Perkins IS acica.
Only 22 lots Imcthwfar been platted 11 on
far 11 ham anil Son IXraglu street. Thine Iota
ore 50 tofiOfcetln v.dtnatidl50indeptli. 81,000
lor tlic Choice , n years time , at 8 per cent in
terest tn these who will ImllJ cool gulistanllal
Jlioiuiu therein. Call anil examine plat and get
hill inform * ' ! ' " !
, " and DotijlM streets.
\ cr 201 Inn KCT mid lei -e offered for sal *
5 > y.this nic Thuy arc FciKoJ all over the
ttty. AnyloMtiou jutn'c lr . Prices varyine
f ron * 30 1 to # 15,000 cn.h
2 irnoj Ii t and 2 clieip homi rear Jackeoe *
knd ' 2thirecto t a treat tacnice. Here U a
fre t bar t , i foi * * > mo ore The . .roi rty mu t
ba sold tmintdiiteiy.Covers | nst a qiurter of a
bloik. Call and rzuuino thU without any delay.
* "
. .
15ih and D nulag Su
A dceirablr lot nmr Cumin t : and Saunderi
Streets , J1.WO
The chraiwist ncrcTols In Ihe cllyot Omah * ,
mistake iiiDi'Uinr up thesa bargains while > ou
liat o the chance. These lotw are more than equal
In sirg to 4 f iill-siipj city lots or ah ltblock-
and It will be bur a cry short time betoro one-
flftb pirt of DOB of these acre lots will sell for as
much as wee- Her afn'l acre to-day. They are
located a rr ry thort ilis'Mioi ) ctof Cr Ighton
College. Vnccs ranping from $150 to 8300 per
crelot. Call immediately , and don't lose your
cuaucr. , and get plat and full particulars ot
OEO. P BEMIS , Affont ,
15th and Douglas Streets.
Nice lot on Sherman AN enuo north of Nicholas
Atrcet , $1,409.
Halt lot on Cuabctween 13th and llth streets
, 2 nice lots in nartman's addition , $400 lo WOO.
Lar o numl-er ot acre lots In Gtse's addition in
North Omaha , ? lr5 to 300 each.
Choice tamer lot near 22iid and California
trcett" , 81,500.
SON eraleood lots In Kelson's addition , 150 to
83EO each.
Choice lot In Thorncll's addition , $750.
Setoral largo lots in Rirtlctt'a addition , 1 ]
rods andti acres each. I'ricca 8700 to $2.000
Several choice ID'S in KccJ'n fir t addition.
I27F. to $ s50 oacli.
Acre lot on Sherman avenue , ( ICth street ) ,
uouth of Poppleton's new reel 1enue , ( or f 1,100.
2 large Ints neirlSlh and Clark strcoln , 00 1
330 feet Corner , fl.200 ; Inxidc , $1 , < 0.
3 largo Iota on She m n a\cuuu , (10th street ) ,
Clark Sticcl.
2 nice and cneip lots , ver > near to the butl
tacts part of the city , located a % cry few steps
outh of the Coin cnt and nt M o'n vvcnje.and
jiut outti < t and ruljominir t' c LTnui ; < l of James
M. XVoolworth aid WJ. . Council hese arc
rheap and % ery < le.irable , licini ; s luiuli 1obus-
incus pan of ? lty , to new gov'rume t depot , nail
wnrkn , white lead works , U. P. ileiwt , stock
3 aids , packing houses , etc C > 1 nd cct plat
> uid full particulars. V'ice $35 1 1 * ViO and cafy
onus to those ho Imlld
QUO P. HEHIS , Agent.
15th and Di Kla < tSt8.
3 choice residence lota on 24th sticct , UcU-ocn
Douglas and DixU-e street H.f l.ICK ) to tl.-tO cicb
and long time to thofe who will 1 > iil I
2choi-e conicrlo's near 2't'iain Fatnham
Blroots , C5xl24 fctt , ? I,160 and Sl/JM. and rcry
e y tenni" to purchaser * who i I imprtn e.
AIsj t lots ou 21th , lielwce'j T-irnham and
Oougla ; s rreU , 050 to $1GOO c ch and long
3T250 ot the best buslucgs lots in T of
Omaha for sale , located on cwrj buunf street ,
$500 to $0.000 each.
JTAlso % ery vahuble store > crlles in al
most cvcrj buslncsa block s5 000 to $16,000
40 c ho co rcs'dcnce lots in above addition , Ira-
eneliatcly north of and luljulning Poppletou's
beautiful residence and grousing , and located on
ISlh 19th and 20th streets , 3300 to ? J50 each and
cry cey terms to th < y e ho w ill liuild Call and
examine flat and get full particular * .
GKO. P. HEM IS , Agent.
Bean1 if ul building Kite on Sherman avenue ,
16th strpctl > ctirccn Popplcton and the Dudley-
I jams proicrtj283 feet east frontage on the
axcnuc. hy 3SU ( ret in depth. Will divide ltm , k.
ingl12fectb > S39. Call and tret full particulars.
An acru * < n IStl ) street , lOi fret east frontage
by 378 feet deep. Thi is just south of the Kllza-
bcth ( Ponpleton place. ThU ia gilt-edce , call and
CCt price and terms of KBMIS , Acent.
18 eoi l 1 U , Just mirth of and aJ joining B V.
Smith's addition , and locaUj between 20th and
Saundrr * stroctK , at reafon.ib'e prices and long
time to bu > er who Improve BEMIS , Ajcnt.
55 lots in Horbach's first and second ad Itlon
on 16th , 18th , 19th and 20th Mrcctn , l > etccn
Nlcholts , P ul , ShcTiian and Clark st eets , nri
handy to U. P. Shops , smelting works , etc. ,
ranging in prices rom from $2W to $1:100 each ,
requiring tmall payment down and long
tim * at 7 ptr cent interest to those who will jm-
F 15th and Douglas Stre t
3S nice lot * In Parker's addition , between
S'undersund Pierce. King and Campbell' * Sts. .
on Blonostrert191ots ; with south fr-.nts and
18 nilh north frontage , only C blocks north of
the turn-table fend btreet-car track ) on Svmders
treet. Very lew prices ; S175 cash , or SiOO on
long time -nd S per cent interest to taose who
will build.
C3T150 Kood tamH for sale In Donglat , Sarpy ,
Washington najt , Dodc , Saundcrs and Eastern
lerot couutiS ) .
SZTS 10,000 aeret wst selected lands in the
tate for sale by thl * azcncj- . Call and get maps ,
irculan and tall paiticnlars.
XSTBcnuV new m > p uf Omaha , COc and 1.50.
fSTBemlf new pamphlet ( and map of the
tatc cntitlsl "the outtock of Kebraska" for
ce distribution.
Geo. P.
loth & Douglas St , ,
Diplomatic Euffle BetweeB
England and Germany.
Great Scarcity of Grain in
Russia Causes Dreary
Bismarck Enforcing the Iron
Eule oa the German
Special dispatch to The Bee.
WASIIIMITOK , D. O. , Novembers
1 a. m The minister of the United
States at St. Petersburg , in a recent
dispatch to the department of state ,
draws a gloomy picture of the prpsen'
econcnvc and nodal condition of 'Rus
sia. The grain crop of the past sea
son has proven a failure , and Ameri
csn wheat is imported even now at St.
Petersbuig. It is also entering at
Odessa aud other Russian ports , but a
largo market for this American serial
cannot bo predicted , as very ItttU
bread made of wheat is made in Rcs-
eia. The mass of the people must
have a cheaper and coarser article ,
such as rice or Indian corn. The
scarcity of Rra'n throughout the em
pire is BO great that it was cunently
reported and generally believed that
the imperial government was consid
ering the propriety of prohibiting the
exportation of rye. There will be
much suffering among the poorer
claries. Mr. Foster , the minister , in
hisdi8patchquoles from TheGolos , of
St. Petersburg , as follows : "From all
sides come news of tno harvest being
below the average ; of want and han
ger , from which will spring disease ,
and very likely death. Beetles ,
worms and locusts are eating up the
com ; the diminuiion of cattle sur
passes all belief ; diphtheria is taking
off the present generation ; breadstuffa
have already reached five kopecks pi
p and , and everyone feels that Rius
does not subsist by the produce of its
own land , but is wasting its cipitai in
cutting wood , selling surplus cattle ,
pulling straw from its roofs and de
priving itself of its very clothes and
shoes. "
Sperhi Diertcri to Tni Bui
LOKDON , November 7 10 p m.
The single scull race which was rowed
on the Thames Saturday between
Ltycock , the Australian , and Riley ,
of Saratoga , resulted in an ea y vie
tory for Lvvcock. In the first mile
both -contestants rowed for all they
were worth for the lead , but before
they-h d finished the tccond , it w s
apparent the Australian had the
American at Jus mercy. Laycnck
slightly quickened his stroke at the
beginning of the third mile , and grad
ually drew away from his competitor ,
winning by two lengths. From the
start Laycock rawed in better form
than Riley. Time , 25:4.
pecUl Diipatcb to tbr life
LONDON , November 8 1 a. m A
cabinet council is to be held this week
md will be of very great importance.
Prince Bismarck , U is understood ,
iesires to see the enforcement of the
will of Europe on the Turkish ques
tion deferred until Austria shall have
been put into a condition to defend
her newly acquired responsibility and
Frontiers under the treaty of Berlin.
Bar ! Granville refused his assent to
the request of the German chancellor ,
md a sharp exchange of diplomatic
notes is new going on. The relations
between England and Germany are
most decidedly strained , and are cause
for alarm , in view of the approaching
implications all over Europe.
JpecUl Dispatch to The Bee.
BERLIN , November 8 1 a. m.
Fhe German government is preparing
\ new and stringent liw against Ihe
locialists , who have been showing ft
bolder front than usual of late , eepe-
jially in eastern Germany. The pen-
ilties just announced against socialist
ipeakers and writers are much more
levere than before.
> jclal Dltp&tcti to The Bee.
PARIS , November 8 1 a. m. The
liege of the Proosontie fathers' mon-
istry still continues. The monks are
ibstinate and have plenty of provis-
ons. The Trappists , at Jami , were
iispersed Saturday. Their place was
itrongly barricaded , but an entrance
* as effected by the authorities after
lours of work. The monks were
nuch excited and excommunicated
; he officials. At a meetiug at the
demands circus in Paris Sunday res-
ilotions were passed demanding the
luppression of the pabljc worships
mdget , and the separation of church
md state.
ipcdil Dispatches to Th Bee.
A dispatch from Scutari says Der-
rish Pash addressed a meeting of Al-
janian chiefs at that place and exhort-
ji a speedy surrender. The chiefs
smphatically rofcsed.
A dispatch from Teheran says 800
Surds have renewed the tiege of Uri-
The czar's physicians have advised
lis return to St. PetersbuCf within a
ireek. It is rumored in the city that
ictive movents of the nihilists are im-
Sixty thousand Chinese troops are
jncamped at Schwang , on the Russian
L ycock , the Auetralian oarsman ,
tias challenged Elliott and Boy to row
i race
A St. Petersburg dispatch s ys it is
reported that Prince Gortschakoff if
The Edinburgh Philosopical institu-
tu n Rave a grand banquet to "Mr.
Lowell , the American minister , on
Sunday. Lord Roseberry aud otlier
: elebrities were present
Special Dltpactcsto The Bee.
J bn T. Gjtdon , a carriage-miler ,
of Quincy , .llius. , was fatally shot by
\ burglar Saturday night. He and his
room-mate occupied apartments iu the
lecond stt.ry of a boarding hruip , and
hearing a noiee below nbout 3 o'clock
in the morningg t ugand weutdo n
it&irs. When i ewly at the foot of
Lho stairs he aw a man approaching
in : * along the hallway toward
the front door. When the burglar
5 a opposite him Gordon sprang on
h m , bawing him to the floor. Gor-
d n g t his hand on his throat and
v as choking him , and at the same time
calling for atehUnce. But before his
r cm-mate arrived the burglar shot
Tor I > n in the abdomen , ai.d made hia
ijaarles Carpsnter , the largest straw
goods manufacturer in the United
States , died Friday in New "Sork.
Hon. John A. Ka on leaves Des-
Moines this evening for Wafhington.
Thence ho will return to Vienna , and
remain until February , returning then
to Washington.
Forty-five counties heard from in
Kentucky indicate that Hancock's
nisjority in the state-Bill fill 25,000
short of Tilden'B.
The republican state central com-
mit'ee of Indiana , arrivrd in Cleve
land Saturday forenoon , and wont io
.Mentor in the afternoon. They \vor
cordially received by Gen. 'Garfield ,
and passed a short life with him mott
pleasantly. In the party were Uon.
JohnC. New , Oliver Morton , son of
the late senator , and WV. . Dudley ,
of Indianapolis. The committee laft
for Indianapolla last night
As a passenger train on the Cincin
nati Southern was coming north Sun
day morning , a rail broke at a point
throe miles south of Williamstown ,
0. , and two sleepers and one coach
vrero thrown from the irack , and turn
ed over several times and al
most entirely demolished. Several
passengers , among whom wai Mr.
Jones , Secretary of Thomas Hughes ,
were badly injured , but no ona was
killed. The train at the time of the
accident was bnhind time , and was
running at a rapid rate.
Shortly after 1 o'clock Sundiy , as
Gertrude Verona , a sister of metcy at
tached to St. John's Home , a charita
ble institution of the Bjiccopal
church , N sw York city , wai rcturninsi
trom Sunday school , and when about
to enter the home , a strange man ap
peared , who without uttering a word ,
rew a large revolver and fired at her ,
the shot taking effect a little aboviitlie
left knee. Before awistsuco could ar
rive the villain fired threa more shots
at her , the last one taking effect in
her thigh. The assassin was then
overpowered and taken to the polire
station. When asVed why lie a'tack-
ed the woman , ho said eho had be
witched him. It is thought ho was
Dr. Thoroai preached hia first , ser
mon on the "People's Church , " ( inde
pendent Methodisss ) Sunday morning ,
in Hooley's theatre , which was filled
to overflowing.
MINNEAPOLIS , Minn. , November C.
The extensive dry goods housB of
N. B. Harwood was yesterday taken
possession of by the sheriff at the in
stance of the First Natioml bank t >
which it was indebted § 78,559 70
The entire entire debts of the house
are-383,83128 , a m jority of which
was held by New York rjfirtiesv The
es blishmentdidabusiiH-rsoinnvllioi !
dollars a year. Soma 400 employes"
are thrown oat.
Tne Second Presbyterian church of
Chicago is about to recall Rev Dr. J
Morris Gibson , Its Into pastor , from
St. John's Woods church , L iiiunn.
It is said that Dr. Gibson is anxious
to return to America.
A regular freight train on the
Northwestern railway was run into by
a wild freight between Chicago and
Winetka , this mornir g. One engine
and about twenty cars were wrecked ,
and several railway men were injured ,
none seriously.
Deputy Sheriff Ben H. Saligman ,
has run away with 51950 , which he
collected on an execution.
Wreck of the Steamer ilhola Island
Speciiil Dispatch to Th * Bee.
PROVIDENCE , R. I. , November 8
The steamer "Rtiode Island , " coming
from Newport to this city , went
ashore on Rocky Beach , just this
side of Narragnnsett tpiei , rbout
half-past 3 o'clock Sunday morning.
She had on board about 120 passen
gers , twenty of them young ladies.
The passengers wore exceedingly
frightened for a few minutes , but
after that they fought nobly. Cap
tain Mott took all precautions possi
ble to save the lives of the pissen-
Kers in putting on life preservers ,
and assured them that there was no
danger. At daylight boats were low
ered and the passengers quickly land
ed. The steamer had about 17,000
tons of freight aboard. She belonged
to the same line as the ill-fated "Ston-
Ington" and "Narraganaott"
A special from Narragansott
Pier gives the following particulars
of the wrecked "Rhode Island : " The
iteamer is a total wreck and all that
was left of her at sunset Sunday
was her engines , paddlq. wheels and
the part half of her hull aft of the
paddle box. Captain Mott , Second
Pilot Thompson and tl o mates with a
few men stayed by her last night un
til 9 o'clock and boarded the dory
belonging to the same company which
arrived an hoar earlier. The iea is
so high and the "Rhode Island"
breaking up so fait that further eff > rt *
t9 board her were useless The
freight wa * nea-ly all out of her. She
lies on sunken rocks at the foot of a
blufi sixty feet high , and not over
fifty yards from land. Crowds of
spectators have occupied the bluffs all
3ay , and a large fleet of steamers and
smaller crafts were engaged in.wreck
ing. There was no loss of life nor
serious accidents. Even the pisscn-
sjpr * ' baggaeo is all saved. Captain
Mott furnishes a statement to The
Star correspondent in which ho eays :
"We passed Point Judeth in eight
fathoms of water , and hoard the fog
horn all right Wo then ran our
usual twenty-three minutes to Beaver
Tail and stopped until we heard tie
horn of our privata signal map , and
ciught the flwh of his red fire in the
sky. The fog wai too dense to see
the red fire. Wo have a man to burn
red fire and blow a fee horn for us , be
cause the government signal is um re
liable and rarely heard until abreast
of it. The regular course to Bonnet
Point is six minutes. We ran the
six minutes listening all along for the
echo from the Huffs. At Bo&net
Point wo suddenly heard it and saw
the land loom up at the same mo
ment. I gave the orders to pull the
helm hard aport , but we struck be
fore the steamer could stuni ; off.
Three rods further east would have
carried us clear. I supposed we were
in onr usual position when we took
our departure trom Beaver Tail. The
result seems to show we were
dr Yen in the sc and , and were really
a trifle furth r west than we sup
posed. Have Mil the same course
under the same circumstances many
times , and always in the same way.
I can't explain why I struck this
time. "
Latest Advices Put ( jar-
field's Majority in Cali
fornia at 80 ,
The Contest So Close That a Fe
Votes Will Turn the
The Energetic Anti's Capture
a Portion of the Ticket in
Saline County.
Hancock Puts a Quietus 'on the
Scheme to Recount the
Vot3 of New York
Conjectures as to the * Men
- Garfield Will Choose as
His Counsellors.
Victorious Antl'a.
Spdal Dispatch to The Bac.
CEETE , November 5 The national
and state ticket has several hundred
mijority. The election of Wells for
senator is claimed Vy 4 votes , but
the official count may show that
Jones { selected. The anti's elected
010 representative and county com
A Close Vote.
Sprcial Dispatch to The Bee
CHICAGO , November C. A San
Francisco special says : Batting men
are greatly oxcitcd over the closeness
of the vote tn this stale. Inrge anma
were wa cred on the result , and bets ,
riS usual , were that Hancock would
carry the state , or vice ver a. It is
now remembered that one of the dein-
ocrat'C electors , ttantcl S. Derry , is
the man who killed Broderick in a
n duel , was badly scratched in this
city. Ho ran behind here , 191 , about
47 in Alemeda , or perhaps 100 in the
entire state. This insures one of the
republican electors , even > f the demo
crats secure the remaining five , be-
cauaa the leading man onoither ticket
will- not have more than ono hun
dred majority. Tne latest count
nude by the Chronicle , after correcting
its tables by the official returns from
several counties , makes Garfield 47 , pnn the republican state cen-
tia' ' ct'inmitten now think that their
icket will pull through by a very
hfn.t.ru8Joriry ( , so slight thatjt will
require rue official count to "deter
mine to whom the state belongs. The
democrats are receiving no dispatches ,
in ! spm to be rather apathetic about
the matter. The republicans are novr
sure of a majority of nine on joint
ballot in the state legislature.
The Latest Count
Special Disnatch to The Boo.
SAN FiiA > cibCO , November 5 12 m.
G-ufisld's plurality is "now 145 ,
which \\'ll bo reduced by returns
f om Deluorte , and possibly by a small
per cent , iu other counties not yet re
ported at the county seats. Agents
have been sent to the isolated places
to see that the returns are not tamper
ed with on the way. It is believed the
vote will bo slightly in favor of Garfield -
field ; cer'ainly ' one republican elector
will be choen in Ilia place of Terbv.
Tha legislature is about 40 republic
ans nnd 39 democrats in the assembly ,
with one doubtful as to election , he
having tird with his competitor in So-
Uno county. Republicans will have
the organization of the assembly.
Pacheco seems to have fallen behind
by the last returns received , but they
wore imperfectly gathered , most of
tlio telegrams giving only the vote for
elector. Leach is about eighty-seven
ahead. Nothing new from Oregon.
Latest From California.
Special DI patch to The Beo.
SAN FHANCISCO , November 8 1
a. in Del Norto elects a republican
issoniblyman nnd gives , nine majority
For Gar Held , increasing his chances
tor the present plurality in the slate ,
the small precincts heard from not
having sufficient uuretiuued vote to
ivii o out Garfield'a majority.
LATEK. The mail brings different
Igurcs from Mendocino county , Con
tra Costa and Los Angele i .which in-
: reascs Hancock's vote 350"and Gar-
iield's 185 , leaving Hancock about
twenty aheid.
LATKU The canvassers in Mendo-
: inn mode a mistake of one hundred in
iddition Garfield has the state by
30 majority.
Loyal Michigan.
Special Dispatch to The Bee.
LANSIKO , Mich. , November 8 1 a.
m. The honor may be c'aimed for
Michigan of first organizing the re
publican party in 1854 ; of circling
every state officer as a republican ;
of controlling both branches of the
legislature since that time ; of giving
her electoral vote to every republican
candidate for president ; of keeping
her delegition in congress more near
ly unbroken than any other state , and
of piling up a this year a majority un-
BiirDwed by only ouo etile ( Iowa ) ,
which is an offspring of Michigan. It
Is believed from returns and estimates
that GarfielcVa majority over Hancock
will be 45,000 , and Jerome's over
Halloway will bo 33,000. For the
seventh time Michigan has chosen a
solid delegation to congress.
Garfleld'a Cabinet.
Spociil Dlgpatchto The Bee.
\VASHIXQION , November 8 1 a. m.
Tae Sunday Chronicle
appeared yes
terday morning with a Ion ? double-
Isaaed editorial , which contained the
following : Gen. Garfield will neither
offend his party nor the country in
the construction of his cabinet. '
While he appreciates the hopes cf hi
friends that his administration will be
aetslwartone , he will m no sense per
mit abuse to render it so. As to who
will compose his cabinet , the question
of individuals has barely enterud his
mind , and just as soon as it does , he
will call around him the ablest men of
the party fur consultation. His letter
rf acceptance is very clear and decid
ed on this point The only two points
siid to be settled is first , provision
for SecreUiy Shtrman and re
cognition of some kind for Gcv-
ernor Foiter , who psrhaps hoi' ! *
closer relations with Gen. Garfield
than any man in the country. Secre
tary Sherm in goes bpck to the senate
by his own choice. Gov. Foster will
ba offered a cabinet pDiitio : . if h
wants Itj on a grade like secretary of
the interior. There is no donbt about
the definite conclusion on thesa two
points. But beyond this nothing hss
been talked of , excepting when the
proper time arriveFj to'bold a consulta
tion with prominent members of the
party , aa stated. Gen. Girfield will
not set himseif against the judgment
of his friends nor the value ot their
advice. 'At the same time ho will be
president , and ready to aMtlmo all the
responsibilities of hia administration
in constructing his cabinet. New
England will not be overlooked
through the counsel of ft leader like
Blaine. New York will bo duly con
sidered by the advice of Snator
Conkling , and if he wants a gentle
man like Hon. Levi P. Morton put at
tna head bf the treasury department
it will be done. Mr. Morton is his
life long Menu1 ; of undoubted ability ,
and has the confidence of the moneyed
men of the country. Pennsylvania
will also be tairly considered throug"
Senator Cameron , and the wei
lirough Generals Grant aud Logan
The former could easily hav
he war depirtment if h
wanted it , which is hardly
1 kely. The latter , his friends say
would like the interior dopartmen
offered to him , but this is doubtful
The south will not ba ignored , bu
there will ba no further wasting o :
of cabinet positions on it by this
administration at least. As already
stated there is no definite line of se
cction yet determined upon. Bui
what wo have herein stated corres
ponds in a general way to the pro-
gramma of the future on as good an
authority as any outside the limits of
Hancock's Disclaimer.
Special dferratch to 1 he Bee.
CUICAQO , November 8 1 a. m ,
The Times' New York npecinl says : It
's stated on most relhblo authority
.bat Gen. Hancock on Saturday ad
dressed a letter 'd Chairman Birnum ,
"n whloh ho fi id he lUd been consult-
id by several committees with refer-
; nce to a proposed revi'ionof the v
33at last Tuesday , with a view to con-
esting the cluction in New York state
n his interest. He had aho s een the
ame course commended in 'certain
democratic papers He wished to siy
hat thu movement did not meet hi- *
appro ? > 1 , as it appeared to bo bwed
upon improvable assertions and in dc-
iuate grounds ; and , further , because
ho movement , so far as it concerned
him personally , was open to the insu
perable objection that under no cir
cumstances would ho consent to be
come a technical pre ident Mr. Bar-
num left town for Connecticut early
Saturday afternoon , and the letter
c mid not bo obtained , but a gentle-
imn who has just returned from Gov
ernor's Island says there is no doubt
that the letter is in his possession , and
that the above summary gives its pur
port correctly.
New Railroad Lines.
Swclol Ditpa'ch to Tan mi * .
CniCAOoNevember 6. Tlie ground
was white with BIIOW in Chicarzo this
morning for the first time this season.
The Sinux City , Chicago , Milwau
kee and St. Paul will finish the track
of the Black Hills line this season
only forty eight miles west of Mitch
ell , leaving twenty miles to the Miss -
s > uri to complete in the spring. The
'company have laid out a town on the
Missouri at the mouth of American
creek , where the crossing will be made.
The Chicago and Northwestern com
pany have ordered a survey from
Watertown , Dakota , to Fargo , and
from Fargo along the Red river of tha
north to Grand Fork , and thence to
the Pembina mountains , on the boun
dary between the United States and
Minitoba. This will make a road 275
miles in Isncth.
Spcx 111 Dispatch to Tim Bis.
WASHINGTON , Novembers la.m.
For upper Mississippi and lower
Missouri valleys clear or pattly cloudy
weather , winds shifting to warmer
southerly winds and stotionary barom
The Chinese Most do.
Special Dispatch to The Bee
SAN FHANCISCO , November 6 10 p.
m. The last outgoing steamer took
GOO Ch'inamen bound for home. It
is stated that more are going , intend
ing to remain permanently in the
Flowery Kingdom. This Mongolian
hegira gives much satisfaction , but
whether it is caused by the unfriendli
ness of the American people or by
tempting offers of employment to
those who have become skilled in
American manufactures , can only be
St. Louis "Produce Market.
ST. Louis , November 6.
Flour Lower to sell.
Wheat Opened better , but de
clined. No. 2 red , $1 Ol@l 01 for
cash and November ; $1 04@1' 042 ®
1 04 for December ; § 1 061 064 ®
1CG | for January ; 81 08J1 09 | @
1 09 for February ; No. 3 do 94g@
95JcJNovemberdo ; | 90@1 0) .
t.orn Higher ; 39J@40.for cash
3940c forNovembei * ; 39 @ 39J for
December ; 40c for January ; 44@44J
for May.
Oats Higher at29g@30jc for cash ;
30c for November ; 31c tor Decem
Rye Firm at 85c.
Barley Unchanged.
Butter Unchanged.
< Egi-e Unchanged.
Whisky Steady at $110.
Provisions Pork quiet at § 14 00
Dry Salt Meat-j Nominnl.
Bacon Dull at 5J@8f@8gc.
Lurd Quiet at 8c bid.
Receipts Flour 5.000 bbls , whent ;
57,000 bn , corn 51 000 , bu , oats Iff 000
bu , rye 2,000 bu , barley 20,000.
Shipments Flour 11,000 bbls ,
wheat 100 000 bu , corn 64,00 bn ,
oatr6pOp bu , rye 25,000 , bu , barley
Undoubtedly the best shirt In the ;
United States is manufactured at th * i
Omaha Shirt Factory. The superiority i
of Material and workmanship , com-
'nined with their great Improvements ,
that is Reinforced fronts , Reinforced
backs and Reinforced sleeves , makes
their shirt the most durable and best ,
tilting garment of the kind , ever
manufactured at the moderate price of
81.50. Every shirt of our make is
guaranteed first-class and will refund
the money if found otherwise.
We make a specialty of all wool ,
Shaker , and Canton" flannel , also
chemoia underwear , made np with a
view to comfort , warmth and durabil
ity. To Invalids and weak-lunged
persons we offer special inducements
in the manuer these goods are made
for their protection.
Pfl. GoTTHEIirEK ,
atroflt ,
Southweste n Eoada Violate the
Truce and an Extensive War
is Imminent.
Another Act in the Sprague
Family Extravaganza.
Fatal Ending -of a Family
Quarrel Precipitated by a
Meddlesome Sister-
Sentenced to Hanar.
Special Dispatch to fin lilt
NEWARK , N. J. , November 8 1 a.
m. Margaiet Meirhofer and Frank
Lammons were sentenced Saturday to
bo hanged on January 6 for the mur
der of the woman's hilabnnd in West
Orange , n yeir ago. She seemed par
alyzed , while 1/iramona was unaffect
ed. Each claim to bo Innocent- , and
charge the crime upon each other SB
during the trial. Lammons was
workman on Meirholer's farm , am
was induced by the woman to shoo
her husband , nith whom she lived
unhappily ,
Kallach in Limbo.
Special Dispatch to Til a Sdi.
SAK FRANCISCO , November 8 10 p ,
to. Mayor Kulloch was arrested yea
terday on charges of misdemeanor In
office for having accepted bribe ? , in
violation of the new constitution , and
for Having sold appointments to offices
in his gift , and was released on bail
A Young1 Assassin.
Special Dispatch to The Bee
PROviDKNOEj II I. , November 8 1
a. m. Sunday forenoon , as Mr. Rob
ert Thompson , trustee of Mw. Kate
Chase Sprague , wife of ex-Senator
Spraguef of Rhode Island , drove over
to the beach to see the wreck of the
steamer "Rhodn Island , " and when
neat to the bluff overlooking the
wreck , he met two boys , one of whom
ho recognized as Master Willie
Sprdgue , ann of the governor. Thomp
son had not passed them more than
kwerity feet , when yo 'tig Sprague
pullsd a revclver and shot at hi ID. The
dm was not good and the bullet mL-aed
its mark. The boy jumped on a horse
ind made his escape. Thompson eay
this is the second time the boy hap
tried to kill him , and ho now intends
to prosecute the ex-senator ,
A Family Tragedy.
Special Dispatch to THE DIE.
RICHMOND , November 8 1 a. m.
Cioudon county , Virginia , has been
the scone of one of the bloodiest trag-
3dles known to Virginia. It seems
hit on Saturday Merrell North , a
tmall farmer in London county , had
i quarrel with his sister-in-law. It
s thought that he had previously
quarreled witii his wife , and tint hi ;
liater in lw took her patt. He wm
L man of ctrong temper , and finally
lorrying from his siater-in law , ho
vent into the yard , and getting a large
aiife which was used for cn'tingcorn ,
iame back and assaulted her with it.
She ran into the yard and he pursued
ler , and stabbed her until he thought
ho was dead. After this he returned
o thehousa , and taking down his gun
lischarged it in the air , and coolly re-
oaded it. Ho then went to the spot
rhcre the woman lay , and putting the
nuzzle of the gun undec his chin ,
irod , the whole load passing through
iis mouth , tearing out the tongue
nd lodging in his head. He fell to
he ground , but while in the throes of
leath he saw some signs of returning
ife in the woman , and dragged hi&
tody to wht ra she lay. Reaching for
ward he seized a big stone , and dealt
ter a blow in the face. As he was
aising himself to repeat the blow , his
rife entered the yard , and taking in
he situation at a glance , she herself
eized another large rock , and stand-
ng over the prostrate form of her
lusband , put an end to his straggles ,
ler sister died a few minutes after.
Renewal of the Railroad War.
pedal dispatch to Tm Bn
CHICAGO , November 8 1 a. m.
is predicted , the southwestern pas-
enger rate war broke out afresh tiat-
irdiy among the railroads leading in
hat direction. By some mistake the
llinois Central was not included in
he recent compromise arrangement
aade in New York by the presidents
if the roads. It made a rate of its
iwnto St. Louis of § 5 , while the
ither lines went back to the old price
if $8 40. After a time the Chicago &
Uton met the Central with a $5 rate
o St. Louis , and sold tickets at ? 5
rom St. Louia to Kansas City. Thus
liople were nble to make the trip
rom Chicago to Kansas City for $10 ,
md take in the city of St. Louis en
onte. The fare direct by all roads
erasing $14.80. The Rock Island
oad" could not long endure to be cir-
iumvented by the Alton , and so Sat
irday sanf out a dodger inviting reo-
lie to come and buy tickets direct t >
Kinsas City for 810. Saturday after-
ioon the generil break came. The
( Vabash renewed its previous declara
tion that it would sell tickets one del
ar lower than any other road , and
Immediately dropped to S4 to St'
Li mis , and $9 to Kansas City. The
Alton at once met this rate , and then
the Wabash hung out the following
itinouncement : "The Wabash , St.
Louis & Pacific is now selling tickets
From Chicago to St. Louis , Kansas
Orty , Council Blufla , St. Joseph , Pe-
Dria , Hannibal , Keokuk , Sprinefield ,
Jacksonville , Washington , Pontiac ,
Lincoln aud M.ieon City , at $1 less
than on any other line. " During the
afternoon the Wabash , Alton , Rock
[ aliiid , and Central kept dropping ,
until the business of the day cksjci
with a gl rate to St. L mis and § 0 to
Kansas Ci y. The C. , E & Q. did
not join in the fight It is btlieved
ihis passenger war will result in a per-
nanent reduction of rates.
Fhe Illinois Central has per-
nanently rfduced the rate fr < > m
Chicago toNerfr Orleans from $23.60
: o $20. Great interest is felt m tf e
neeting rf the general managers tn-
lay to adjuil tne southvre t rn pajsen
jer rates. There is a bitter feeling
bgainst the Wabash because it
slaims more than the other lines con-
lider it entitled to. The Wabash
: laimi that President lilackitonu , of
; he Alton , agreed to give it half the
5t. Louis business. Mr. B'a kstone
leuusthK It would be leaving the
jther St. Louis roads and the Illinois
Central entirely oat of the questijiu
Ehe Altcn in nit willing to yield one-
third to the Wabash , as with fair com
petition it does more of the passenger
traffic to St. Louis than both the Wa
bash and Illinois Central. There is
no expectation that an agreement en
any of this western buaineas will to
reached by the managers Tor sever 1
days , and in the meantime thelivelieat
war in rates over kno vn is looked for ,
Fre'ght rates are also threatened.
New Yorfe Money and Stocks.
WALL SJRSIT , Novembers.
llfiNEy 4 poc.nt ; c&change steady at
U.B.6V31 1 0 U.S.4' * 1 09 |
U.S 5's 1 Oli Carreacyffa. 1 8
C.S.4i Ill . i
Active ; advanced JQ3c , reacted 1Q1J
W 0 DSJ Lack KS
NJC 136 } llcdson C nO 8-'i
Eiw NYO 76-
K 1 121 M & E 11
L3 U4 | 1M 4v
aVf U3j Readintr 5.V
Preferred 139 NP 9
P11 47i Prefrtred. S."J
Ohio 35i Louhvilia 171j
St f 104 , tba.tauooga 0
P ferred.-.117 K&T I7J
it Joe 43 B& Q 150
St. Jocpfd Si „ '
W ba < h 4 * | Alton 14J
Preferred . , 76. CUC&I. 81
Omaha 43 111. Cviitr.1 117
Preferred & < C P _ SS
N P 93 Canada S tC
CC&IC 18 } M C 101
uffo Produce Market.
CHICAGO , November 7.
Wheat Waa fairly active within
narrow range and closed at same fig
ures as those current 24 hours aco.
No. 2 spring sold at § 1 02f @ 1 0 w
for December ; § 1 01 j for November ;
81 03 | for December and § 1 04 | for
Corn Advanced J and | c ; No. 2
sold 40@40 | for December ; closing
At 4' o for November ; 40gc for De
cember ; 40 § for January ; 45c for
0's JJc better ; No. 2 sold at
29@3930i | for December ; closing at
J'J for cash or November ; HO } tor
Dicumber ; ; 30o for Jnnuary.
Rye Was very quiet at 82c.
gJBarley Ruled steidy at 802 for
cash , November or December.
Whisky § 111.
Provusons Pork advanced 16 ©
25o par brl , and closed at § 13 75@14
for cash ; § 12 12i@12 15 for Novem
ber ; $12 20@li5 25 for December ;
S13 4013 42J for January.
Lard Advanced 21J@25c per 100
Iba. , nnrt c'osed ' at 58 07 < § 8 10 for
cash ; S8 02A8 ( 05 for November ;
38 00 for December ; and § 8 00(38 ( 02
for teller the year.
Chicago Lire Stock Market.
CHICAGO , November 7.
Hogs Were active and sold at a
shade beJtor prices than on yesterday
84 65@4 75 for light packing ; and
shipping lots ; 4 50@4 90 for com
mon to choice heavy picking , and
54 65@5 00 for common to extra
choice smooth heavy shipping grades.
At the present writing there are in
dications of an eauor fueling. Re
ceipts , hogs , 2,350.
Th receipts of oattle were ; for Satur
day umUr n moderately active in
quiry for medium to choice fihipoing
steers ; prices ruled steady at yester
day's figures. Common and inferior
itock entirely neglected , with large
number in pens unsold. "Prfcej
ranged from $3 15 for Colorado ;
Fesans $3 76(33 ( 90 for medium ship-
sing , and from ? 4 30@4 80 for geode
; o choice shipping steers ; the fresh
receipts wore 2,853 head.
New Torfc Produce Market ; .
NEW YORK , November 7.
Flour Dull and price * without de-
sided change ; receipts 1G.972 brls.
round ] hoop Ohio at $4 75@5 00 ;
ihoice do $5 10@G 00 ; superfine wes
tern , $3 85 ® 4 35 ; common to good ex-
; rado455@485choicedo ; , do , § 480
3G 50 ; choice white wheat , do § 4 75 ©
Butter Firm on choice grades.
Ohio , 15@26c.
Wheat Steady ; Chicago § 1 1C ®
L 17Milwaukee ; , 81 18@119 ; No. 2 red
winter , $118 : sales 500,000 bu.
Corn Quiet and firm ; No. 2 , 57 | .
358c ; sales , 150,000 bu.
Oats Steady ; No. 1 white 46 Jc ;
tfo. 2 , 42j@43j ; No. 3 , 40@40ic ;
nixed , No. 1 , 41c ; No. 2 , 41c ; No. 3 ,
Provisions Pork , $12 30@13 90
idler the year , $15 00 cash ; $13 GO
isked for November.
Lard $8 67fc for November ; $8 40
§ 8 45 for December$8 42 for Jan-
lary ; S8 45@8 50 for Febru-ry ;
J8 50@8 55 for March ; § 8 40 ©
J 45 seller year ; $8 70@8 90 buy-
sr year.
St. Louis Live Stock Market.
ST. Louis , November 7.
Hogs Quiet ; Yorkers and Bait' *
nores , = $4 254 40 ; mixed packing"
54 35@4 55 ; butchers' to fancy ,
54 55@4 75 ; receipts , 7000 ; sht'i-
ments , 2000.
By the president of the United States of
America :
At mi period in their history since the
United States became a nntiun has this
people had abundant and so universal rea
sons for joy and gratitude for the favor of
A'mighty God , or teen subject to KO pro
found an obligation to give thanks to HA
loving kindness nd humbly to implore His
c ntinued care and protection. Health ,
weilth and prosperity thronghontall onr
borders ; p ace , honor and friendship with
all the world ; firm and faithful aiihe eace
by _ the ( treat body of nr population 10 the
principles f liberty and justice hich
have made our reatnefls aa nation ,
and to the wt e institutions and
strong frame of government and
society , which will erpetnate it.
For all these let the tha ks of a hippy ,
united pc pie with one vo ce ascend : n de
vout homage to the giver of all good. I
fnrthe mnre recommend th ton Thursday ,
the 2jth of N vember next , the people
meet at their respective pieces of worship
to make the cknowledgment of His boun
ties and His protecti u ami to off-r to
H.'m prajer fo their continuance. In
witness whereof I iiave hereunto set my
hand ami caused the Real of the Ur ited
.Mates to be affixed. Done at the city of
Washington , this thirty first day of Octo
ber , i" the year of our Lord one thousand
eight hundred and eighty , and of the inde
nt ndence of the United States the one
Hundred and fifth.
fSeal.J E. B. HAYES.
By the President :
WM. K EVARTS. Secretary of State.
S CP Ost. l t , one ay mare , one Day
X. cslt , three months ol < i , white itar In fore
bead , and one bay over jear old with s'ar In
forehead Owner can hive fame y callir.y arrl
najinz chargrg. W. WOLEShNSKT , \ mileN.
E. of i liner's brick yarJ , Nonh Omihx637eth5
Metalic CK , Cofllna , Cvketa , Shrouds , cto.
Farnham Street10th , DjllhOrnubaKeh.
Telegraphic Ord Promptly Attended To ,
z 33
' . > !
Cor. Douglas and 13th Sts. :
IT *
Gives Great Bargains in Ladies' and Gents
All Kinds Of
We Guarantee The Best Goods For The Least Money.
iron and Wagon Stock ,
M Chicao Prices.
1 1211 Hiirncy Street , Omaha.
i ho largest and best rs'ortracnt of
Trunks and Valises in the West. Telescopic Cases
awl Sample Trunks a Specialty.
H. H. MARHOFF , - - - PROP. ,
117 14th St. . S Doors Sortli of DouglasiSt.
Having just opened an entirely new line of
We would ask the Merchants of Nebraska to inspect our Stock , *
feeling confident we can meet the wants of all in good Goods and !
Low rrices
S1IREYE , JARYIS & CO. , ii i
Cor. 14th and Dortze Sts ,
Gives universal Satisfaction and that it is stead
ily and rapidly increasing in public lavor.
The White Machine justly claims to be tha
best made , the easiest running , the simplest in
construction and the most perfect Machine in
the market.
The White Co. employ as agents men of in
tegrity , and purchasers are always satisfied ,
because they find everything just as repres
Everybody should use this Machine. The
sales so far this year are more than double
the corresponding time last year.
All orders addressed to the Omaha Office
will be promptly filled.
Cor. Itavcnport and 15th StsV Omaha.
Cor. Randolph St. & 5th Ave. ,
_ .jH iVilTJ ! r , _ i > iU ! > i"P _ tfM f v V - . _
$2.0fl AND $2.50 PER DAY
Located In the hnaineas cent-e , convenient
to plac-s ot amnaement Elo.-an ly fum < tbed.
containing all modern Improvements , pamenjcr
elevator , &e J. n. CUMMI.VoS , tropriotor.
Council Hinds , Iowa *
On line o Street Rallwtr , Omnlbm otndfrom
ail trams. KATES Parlor floor , 83.00 per day ;
second flor 82. SO perdiy ; third fl r. 35.00
The best furnished and mo-t com 'xllom hens *
in the city. aEO.T.PHELrS Prop
The Metropolitan li centrally located , and
first c'agg ' In every regpect , having recently been
entirely renova'ed The pnblic wi I find it a
comfortable and homelike home. marStf.
Laramie , Wyoming.
The miner's resort , gotxl accommodations ,
arse aam pie room , charzes reamnable. feptciaj
attention given V > traveling men.
11-tf H. C niLLIVUD Proprietor.
Cheyenne , Wyoming.
First-cl't" , Tine ar e Simple Koomv , one
block from depot. TraUx itop from 20 minutes
to 2 hears for dinner. Free Bui to and from
Depot. Kat s J2.00. J2.50 and 23.00 , according
A. U. BALCOM , Proprietor.
ANDREW EORDEf. Cnief Clerk.
EB & DO , ,
OlIARA. % > b.
St. Paul & Sioux City
The Old Reliable Sioux City RuHt * t
And all polntiln Northern Iowa , Mmnesota and
DfthotA. This lint Is equipped with the 1m *
proved Westin house Aatomatic Air Brake * and
Miller Platform Coupler and Buffer. And for
la nnsurpspocd. Elazant Drawing Room sad
Sleeping CaK.ovnol and controlled by the t < m-
pany , ran Thronzh With at Changs beturm
Union Pacific Tranafer Depot , Conndl Bl' Us ,
and St. Paul. Trains leave the Union Pa ; fl3
Trarmfer Depot at Conrcll BloOs , at 6:15 p n. .
reaching ? iooz City at 10:20 p. m. , and St. I' nl
at 11W a. m , maklnz
Retaining , leave St. Paul at 330 p. m. , w
rlvLi ; at Sloax City at < :45 a. m. . and Union
PadflcTrarufer Depot , CouncU Bufl ! , at9'40
a.m. Bo saio that your tickets read Yla " 8. C.
k P. R. R. " F. C. HOLS.
Superintendent. Hiaonri Valley. Iow .
P. E. ROBINSOW. AaA Ocn'1 Pas. . As&rt.
J. B. 0-BRTAN ,
aonthwestern Freight and Paasengsr Agent ,
Cornell Bit *
OmCK Jtcob's Block ccro C AT