Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 06, 1880, Morning Edition, Image 4

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    I 'A
[ Saturday Morning , Nov. 6. |
K Patorecn sell * . coaL
ff-rralnicl Leading Uaticr. o23-tf
-ThoUig4 is coming , nest week.
-P rtcr is running the Omaha Ferry.
' -Lubuitlulk perfume at Kulm'a only.
-Anews'.ock of fme.hacdkerchief ex
| raeU at Saxes.
fc | YJhipple , McMillan & Co. , the jewel
lerH22 0 > otiglas tired. o Ctf
' In the police court , IY < day morning
| two chunks paid S5.80 each.
' Glove fitting Pattern-i at Bushman's , tf
- The best of meats at .Bath & White"
iSktKflfopixtoite the postoflice. 2-tf
* i. choice variety of Winter AvpUf
j'ust rccchea at J.I. NICHOLS & CO.'S.
- * A benefit concert is being arrangea
for the Gaifield and Arthur Glee Club.
Good enough.
, The internal revenue collet tion * of
Kciratka for the month of October
alnoanted to 891,959.39.
The trial of Liddy and Fenton , ac-
Jjjitoil of the burglary of Eiley's liquor
ptorc has been taken up by the district
oo art.
' Yofiy-two commissioned officers haie
rof-ortcd that they trill be in attendance at
the forthcoming militia convention , to be
held in Lincoln on Tuesday next.
, The vote of Douglas county is being
c- > , bnt a the returns are not
uuuiiuele. the full vote \\ill probably not
be announced before this e\ening.
"Will you and your son occupy oce
room ? " asked a Withnell Hou&e clerk of a
nornanof 33. who arrived with a boy of
1C. "This is not my son , " she said , with
emphasis , "int my husband. We are on
our bridal tour.
Every membsr and friend of the
Clirjbtian.Church ib urged , by the pastor ,
to atteicHhe Second Annhereary Ser\ice ,
"tt > I * held a their place of worship , next
Sunday , at 10:30 a. in.
Among the contributors yesterday to
the Bo tblacLb'Home were : Nave , Bra-
< ly & McCord , Milton Kogere & Sons , J.
B. Detwilcr , Sirs. P. L. Perrine , Mrs. A.
V. Wood , Mrs. M. G. McK"on , Mrs. Ed.
llaney and Mrs. G. W. Ambrose.
DANCING. T.cmieni.8 select soci-
Rule , Brash's hall , Twelfth and Faruham ,
e\ery Saturday evening. All the latest
waltzes and quadrilles , including the Prai
rie Queen. Strict order an ! decorum
inaiuta'ned. Introduct'on gixen , making
it pleasant for all those present.
Ihe third annual ball of the Pioneer
Hook and Tadrer company , No. 1 , will
take place Thanksgiving ete , November
21 , fit Masonic hall. We hope to ! public
vill he'p the leys along. The committee
of nrransements cons'sts of J. B. Kocster ,
J. W. Jardine , Louis Steiner , A. H. San
ders and E.G. Hyley.
At the regular monthly mseting of the
X S. P. C. A. , Thtudiy , the society
c'.ettcd three delegates to the fourth annual
meeting of the American Hum me ns'oci-
atiou , to be held at Philadelphia on the
17th iiibtant. The delegates a e Dr. Geo.
f * Miller , Hon. James Stephenson and
Ak-x-S. Streitz.
Another game of foot ball is fixed for
'to-day ' if the weather is favorable. At
n meeting of the club last evening B. S.
0)eG ot was elected vice-captain to Capt.
Stewaft's team. C. B. DeGroat was elect-
o 1 assistant and acting secretary. Election
of ncti\e mo ulicts was as follows : Mr.
'Smith ' , of the B. & M. ; Mr. K. hakeshaft ,
Kansa .
f "A new way to really enjoy a kiss has
j-e-entlybcendiseotcred clo o your eyes
nail imagine it is Mary Anderson , " Bays
jJTbo > nx > arcil. To carry out the illusion
plncq a fitep-ladder against a telegraph
* pol . climb to the top round and place a
* IMOCC of ioa against your lips.
" - -Leaxitt'EGigantieSpccialily Company
atlv rtii cd for this city Tuesday night
iii\t , mel with one of those calls for a sad
i.iloliich Providence sometimes averts
while fcorww comes to others. The New
Yurk Mercury says : "It was by mere
Tuik thitrLevitt's Specialty Company did
u t embark at Muskcg ° n , Michigan , on
thelH-fatcd steamer 'Alpena , ' The com
pany and baggage were on the dock al
liia&y to go aboard , bnt the prevailing high
M-ind prevented the Alpena from getting
in , and Lsavitt's party went to Chicago by
special train and sa\ed their lives.
* Fill. J. McShane deserves to be sum
moned before Pat O'Hawes for trj'inp tt
bulldoze the cloctioa returns of theSeconc |
r.wanl. Fill , was one of the judges of elec
ibn nnd delayed the count in order tha
Ills boy baby might be counted in. Jt wa
jjfnly starvation that prevented him from
nutfceoding. The other judges and clerk
could not hold out Never mind Fill
< Mint him in the next time. Democrats
tvill never be dead and I'll tell you th <
i 'am why : "Young ones grow up as fas
ni the old ones die.
Do not fail to visit
7t _ held
rKovembar 5th , Gth , 8th , 9th , 10th ,
and 12th.
compacies aud iho Fire
jiirtmentwill visit the Fair during
UJt ) week. JEverybody will be there.
13 Maurcr has opened his new
and lunch room 3214 Farnham
UtroCt ,
Attention , Hooks.
All members of the Hook and Lad-
< 1 r company aret requested to attend
il o regular meeting Friday , Nov. 5 ,
u 7.UO p. m. , sharp.
* " -Attention Sir Knights.
- There * will be a regular monthly
oticlav'e of ML Calvary Commandery
$ 1 , K T. , this ( Friday ) evening ,
n' their Asylum.
BVROK SrANBcnv , Commander.
Otnaha Temple of Hcnrr No. 26 ,
meet this evening at 231 Capitol
Avenue , for instalntiou of offj < rs and
other important business. Every
itiv niber requested to bo present.
O. G. DrrKEK , W. C. T.
Cellar room for rent , cr wilt take a
few car loads'of apples on storage.
5 at AVHITNKV. CH.EK & Co. -
Wanted Three tinners , cornice
Jt'akera preferred. Apply at John
3E oneter , 307 Broadway , Council
Jihiffj , Iowa.
Council Blufis * Celebration.
The repulicans ot Council Bluffs
celebrate the victories of last
this evening. A special
trill leave hero at G o'clock to
c nvcy Ell desiring to participate in
/he jollification.
Exoert Thieves Go Through
Six Rooms of the St.
James Hotel ,
But the Harvest is Not Heavy.
A pit ce of work" dona by the "deft
hauded gang in this city Thursday ,
howe not only that they are experts
i * the business of lock picking , but
that thej can make very quck ! time
when it is necessary to do EO.
The robbery occurred at the St.
Jmea hotel , of which Mr. A. Dasmon
is the proprietor , between the Lours
two and threo. o'clock this
The time is accurately located , because
Mr. Daemon was up until mid-
ui bt tendirg his bar , and
when the twelve o'clock whutlo blew
sot his clock and clcecd up. The
night clerk kept the ollice cpcn until
2 o'clock when ho too went to bed. A
few minutes after 3 o'clock , the house
was aroused by the news that some
of the roomers bad been robbed. It was
then discovered that the door of the
hall in the second story was stand
ing wide open , although it had been
locked and bolted a few hours before ,
and the doors to six of the rooms were
f juud open , all of which the lodgeis
claimed to have locked on retiring.
An examination resulted in the dis
covery of the fact that three watches ,
two silver and ono of orcoide , gold-
plated , and about § 19 in money had
been itolen. The money taken was
in sums of ? 1 to $7 , and was abstract
ed from the pocktts of clothing hung
on the walls , and the watches were
taken from beneath the pillows. How
the doora could all have been opened
and so many men robbed without
their awakening , is a mystery. One
man , however , claims that he awoke ,
and , hearing some one in the room ,
atked what was wanted. Jleceiving
no reply he exclaimed , "Get out of
It eeeins from all the facto in the
case that the robbery must have be < > n
perpetrated by the aid of some one in
the heuso , who , as soon as everyone
had retired arose and unlocked the
hall door up stairs , from which a stair
way leads to the alley and through
this admitted a confederatewhen the
two did the work quietly , quicklv and
throughly as "A-B-C. " The officers of
the police force who were notified and
made a thorough investigation of the
matter are confident that they can spot
the guilty parties. It would seem
that the party who was really the object
of the r aid is a gentleman who has
been stopping at the house for several
days and carries quite a sum of money ,
several thousand dollars in a belt
which had carelessly been exhibited
For some reason he became uneasy
list night and gave the -noney to Mr.
Djamon to lock up in the safe which
was probably its salvation , ui he was
one of those plundered. There was
ao a well to-do cattle man from
OgalaUa stopping there , bat he , toOj
hid deposited his money. A ri.ilroad
official had 84 85 and several railroad
passes stolen from him.
Whils the amounts arc all small thi
circumstance is a good lesson to trav1
elers and others * as well , to carry no
money about their persons when it can
bo so easily put away in a safe , as in
this instance.
For ONE WEEK , ONLY wo T\ill offer
our large line of Clcaka at the follow
ing figures :
AS40Cloak for 830.00
A § 35 Cloak for 20.25
A S30 Cloak for 22.50
A § 25 Cloak for 18.75
A $20 Cloak for 1 15.00
A $15 Cloak for 11.25
A10Cloakfor 7.50
A § 5 Cloak for 3.75
A § 3.50 Cloak for 2.65
Positively but one iccck. All goods
marked in PLAIN FIGURES.
1408 Douglas street.
The Canvass.
The canvass of the returns frcrc the
various \otiug precincts of Douglas
county , WAS begun at the office of the
county clerk yesterday morning. The
revised count of the First , Second and
Fourth wards changed the figures
omewhat , and there-is now not
a doubt but both Doane and Howe
are elected to the senate , with Myers
for iloat senator. Corliss is elected
county commissioner by a large ma
The legislative ticket gets three
fntiou , anti-monopoly representatives.
Messrs. McShano , Broalch and Paxton -
ton , while the U. P. succeeds in send
ing Bollu , Bartlett , Jackson , Kyner
and Mullen to the lower house.
California , Plums , Grapes ,
etc. , at Tizard's Palace. o21-tf
Bonner's Stoves much the finest
in the Market n-u * . JL41G
Douglas street. o22-tf
JE WELBY Latest d esigns "and a
full tock at boUom prices.
Ladies' Hood ? ,
Child's Hoods ,
Ladies' Underwear ,
Ladies' Hosiery ,
at Kurtz's , Creighton Block.
uvinRS at Ilospe's.
At 1205 Douglas street , will be
offered for sale , at public auction ,
Saturday , November Cth , at 10 o'clock
A. M. , all the stock and fixtures be
longing to the Gymnasium , including
a bowling alley , pins , tails , ono bil
liard tuble , lifting machine , a com
plete leno outfit ; also two bath tubs
with fixtures , tables and chairs with
other articles too numerous to men i
tion. uor4-2t
The Adjutant General's No
tice Concerning the G.
A. R. Reunion.
It Goes to the Highest Bidder ,
Those who attended the recent re
union at Central City , know by ex
perience and observation , and these
who did not know by hearsay , that
it was a grand success and that such a
meeting would be of incalculable ) ben
efit to any locality in which it might
be held , both in a financial respect
and by the acquaintance visitors
would necessarily make with such
locality. Held in the comparative
ly remote region about Central
city it had an immonto attendance and
what might be expected if held in
Omaha with all its facilities in the
way of access by rail and in other re
gards ? The success of the recent
s'ato fair is a good example of what
the advantages of Omaha over any
othr place in the state are.for whereas
at Lincoln the board was continually
getting deeper and deeper in debt , the
first fair at Omaha netted them over
§ 0000. In view of this fact wo call
especial attention to the following no
tice of Gen. Alexander , as chairman
of the committee on locating the place
for holding "the next reunion of ex-
soldiera and sailors , inviting bids from
those localities of the state that are
daslrous of securing the reunion for
next year at their town or city :
LJNCOIX , Neb. , Nov. D , 18SO.
Sealed proposals will be received at
my office fa Lincoln , Neb. , until three
o'clock p. in. , of January 1 , 1881 ,
from cities or towns in this state , who
arc desirous of securing the location
of the nuxt soldiers' ' reunion , which
reunion will be held during the year
1881 , under the auspices of the Grand
Encampment of the Grand Army of
the Republic for Nebraska , at such
time as will be hereafter designated.
All propositions must bo accompa
nied by a written guarantee , the sign
ers thereto to be responsible persons
Certifying that their particular lo-
caliry will furnish gratis to the
use of the encampment , for a period
of one week , a tract of land of
not less taan forty (40) ( ) acres in ex
tent , with such -water supply thereon
as will accommodate an attendance of
not less than twenty thousand per
sons dilly for one week , and
Furthermore , That their locality
will give , in addition to the above ,
a certain sum of money as a cash
donation for th < ? purpose of securing
the location of the Encampment at
their point.
All bids in nt ! > j endorsed on the
cover "Proposals for securing the
Iccu'ioa of the annual reunion of
1881 , " and addressed to the under
All posts of the Grand Army of the
Republic of Nebraska are requested to
bring the csme to the attention of the
public in their respective localities.
Chairman Cora , Lincon , Neb.
It seems to us th\t it would bo
well for our citizens to act upon
this matter at once. We have
t x > good posts of the Grand Army
here , Ouster and Ktsirney , and cer
tainly so far as surroundings are con
cerned , there is no pi ice in the state
that can come up to Omaha's advan
tages. This would be a big boom for
the city , and with , the State Fair
would give our merchants and busi
ness men a rush next fall _ that would
bo immense.
See cloaks at Kurtz's.
Jiwf received a car load of PRIME
Michigan Winter Apples , thrcc.-bushel
barrels , "BESSIKQS" first grade. Now
is the time to put in supply for tbe.sea-
son , ihcy arc lildy to oc50c HIGHER in
a fc 10 days. FLE MING & CO. ,
nov3-3t Grocers.
New Engravings at Hospc's ,
Fcr Sale Six-horse power Baxter
engine and boiler , in good repair.
Apply at BEE office. no4tf
A Brilliant Affair.
Ono of the most brilliant affairs that
has occurred in society circles , in
Conncil Bluffs for some time , was the
marriage , Thursdzy , of Kittie , the
youngest daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
G. P. Oblinger , to Marshall Treynor ,
of the Rock Island freight office , of
that city. The bride , who is a sister
of Mrs. Dr. McKune , at whose house
the wedding took place , will bo re
membered by many of our citizens as
aformermembcr of Mrs. Latey'a sing
ing class , in whoso concerts she has
frequently delighted the people of
Omaha with her pure well trained
At 8 o'clock a wedding march play
ed by Mleff Carrie Atkins , brought the
bridal party into thejparlor. Laad-
ing Mr. A. B. Cralle , groomsman ,
and Miss Sue Badolette , bridesmaid ,
Mr. Treynor ( the groom ) and Mrs.
Oblii.ger , the bride and her father.
The guests , numbering some seven
ty-five , were here assembled to wit
ness the happy event. Rey. F. T.
Webb , Episcopalian minister of Coun
cil Bluffi , performed the ceremony ,
and Mr. and Mrs. Treynor then com
menced receiving the congratulations
of their many friends.
A large dining table was loaded
with presents varying from neatness "
to magnificence. A bountiful supper
was served and a most delightful
time was enjoyed throught the even
Quite a number were present from
Omaha including Mrs. Litey , who
sang two of her pretty sons , "The
Flower Girl" and "Edinboro-town , "
Misses Isaacs and Knights , Fred Mason
and Frank Stout.
To Mr. and Mrs. Treynor their
many friends can only express them
selves in part by sayinghealth , happi
ness and 80 years.
Do'your trading at Kurtz's.
FURS ! FURS ! ! FURS ! ! !
The Omaha Fur Manufacturer ,
Henry G. Richter , is to be found op
posite the poitoffice. o26-tf
\ - * - _
Barbara ILarsten Avenged by
the Courts. ,
Our readers vrill remember the par.
ticnlara of the arrest about four
weeks ago , at Lincoln , of John
Olcson , charged with a rape on the
person of Barbara Ksraten , the un
happy-and unfortunate wife of the
man sent down to the penitentiary
from this city for stealing silver
drippTnga'and a silver brick from the
Smelting "Works some months ago.
From a gentleman who came
up on the 0. & R. V. train
at noon yesterday we learn that
01 Eon'B trial , which began on Wed
nesday morning In the district court
of Lancaster county , was concluded
yesterday and a verdict of guilty was
returned by the jury after less than
fifteen minutes deliberation. The
story is too jrevolting and outrageous
In its details for repetition , but as toll
by the nrpsecnting witness -yettsrdav/
it did not differ from hur first * state
mcnt. The defendant testified in hi
own behalf. Be declared that he ha
in ncnray assaulted the woman , thongl
repeatedly she had made advances t
him. His wife and other witnesse
gave corroborative testimony ; hi
view of the case was ably put to th
jury by Col. M. F. Sessions and Mr
Scott , who argued that under the cir
curnslailces described by the prosecution
tion the commission of the crim
charged was absolutely impossible.
The judge reserved his sentence un
til this morning , but by the time thi
paper is issued Oleson will be on hi
way to the same prison in which i
confined the husband of his victim
and the poor woman who has beet
tliep'rincipalsufferer from the onmeso
both will be left alone once more witl
he : child to buffet the cruel adversi
ties the world seema to hold in sue'
heavy store for her. We underalan
that she Is in a very straitened condi
tion and with winter staring her in th
face , she has reason to feel that he
lot has not been a happy one.
It pays to trade at Kurtz' .
District Court.
The following proceedings were ha <
yesterday before His .Honor Judgi
James W. Savage : ,
Sexaurvs. Griffon ot al. ; Eubmittci
to the jury.
State vs. Lyddy & Fenton ; jury
trial in progrejs.
Court adjourned until to-day at 9:31 :
JTew Stcck
Hand-made Shoes ,
in endless variety ,
just received ,
4 2t Leading Shoe Store.
Dean Millspaugh ha ? returned fromNew
3J. C. Carn , lieutenant-covernor elect o :
Nebraska , is in the city.
J. G. Elackman , U. P. agent at Fre
mont , wasin the city yesterday.
Joe Gibbs , traveling agent of the
hash line , is in the city.
Hon. P. M. Davis , of Lincoln , left for
home Friday moining.
Hon. Geor0e F. B'jncharJ , of Fremont ,
came in at noon yesterday.
Hon. Lorenzo Crounseleftfor New York
yesterday , to be absent three weeks.
Mrs. Lieut. Leary and Lieut. C. P.
Miller and wifeU. | S. A. , went west Fri
day cu route to San Francisco.
3 dney Smith , state agent for the Wheel
er & Wi'son Sewing Machine company ,
e.une.infrQm PapU'ion yesterday.
Dave Peyser , the dramatic agent , is in
the city arranging for the appearance ol
Leavitt's Specialty company , on Tuesday
Judge Jesse T. Davis , Hon. J. B. Bailey ,
representative elect , and Newton Clark , nil
from Washington county , were in the city
Friday morning.
Miss Gu3 ie Simmonds , formerly of this
city , and now residing at Fort Worth ,
Teias , is wiuning collegiate honors there.
She is the daughter of Captain . Bim-
mends , formerly of Co. H , N. N. G.
Selects . . . . . .l. & . .
Standard ' . . . . .35
Medium , . \
At Little & Williams , 1413 Douglas
street. 5fV-d2t
WANTED Immediately , a PAINTER ;
one that understands paper-hanging
and kalsomining. Steady employ
ment , with good wages , to * the right
kind ofa _ man. C. H. STONEK ,
5 2t Fremont , Neb.
The Coach Whip Band is called upon
to introduce the "Prairie Queen" and
other new dances , at Brash's Hall , to
morrow evening , being the only band
that can call and play these dances.
On the 25th this band is called upon
to go to Plattsmouth to play for the
Pleasant Hours club there.
Army Orders.
A board of officers to-consist of
First Lieutenant Earl D. Thomas ,
assisted by Mr. William Chambers ,
quartermaster's agent , will convene
on the 2d of November , 1880f or as
soon thereafter as practicable , to in
spect one hundred (100) ( ) horses to be
presented for purchase under contract
with Mr. Peterson Stewart.
Leut. Col. John E. Summers , Sur
geon , U. S. medical director of the
Platte , is appointed a special inspect
or , to inspect at Fort Omaha , Nebras
ka , such medical and hospital proper
ty , for which Major "Wm. H. For-
wood , U. S. A. , pose surgeon , ia ac
countable , ae are now reported to re-
"reqnire the action of an inspector.
A board of survey , to consist of
Gapt. McElderry , assistant surgeon
U. S. army , Capt. Gerhard L. Luhn ,
Fourth infantry , and Fiist Lieuten
ant Henry E. Eobaon , Fourth infan
try , will convene at Foit Bridger ,
W. T. , on the 9th day of November , (
1880 , or as soon thereafter as practi
cable , to examine into , report "upon
and fix the responsibility for , the loss
of one hundred and eight (108) ( ) Ibs. of
tobacco , for which Second Lieutenant
Silas A. Wolf , Fourth infantry , late
commissary of subsistence at Raw-
lings , W. T. , Is responsible.
Miss Mattie Rothschild , sister of
Mrs. A. Polack , will give piano les
sons , commencing the 10th instant , i
at the residence. 403 Cass street , bec
tweeu Twentieth and Twenty-first. (
Those desiring instruction will please E
call at once , jjov4tf J
An Army of Prospectors Com
ing West Next Week.
A Little Railway Waif From
Omaha ?
On Tuesday next the cheap land-ex
cursion from all points east to and
over the land grant roads of the west
will start , and the time is now uesr
enough at hand for our citifisns to
awake to the importance of the event
and make some preparations for the
reception of the viailora and for duly
impressing tnem with the advantages
of this city and its tributary regicn.
Mr. R. R. Randall , of the
B. & M. , says that on Wednes
day next the largest body
of men that over came into Nebraska
at one time will cross the Missouri.
The 13. & M. alone has distributed
320,000 circulars , and Mr. B/mdall
returned on Tuesday from a week's
trip through the east , taken to ascer
tain the effect of their advertise
ments. He visited PHtsburg , Wheel
ing , Marietta , Cincinnati and Indi
anapolis , with other less important
places and ho says that on Tuesday
night and Wednesday , fully 2000 people
ple will cross the river at Plattsmouth
and take the B. & M. trains f jr Lin
coln and the west. Of this number
400 will come from Indianapolis. Mr.
Rmdall goes to Lincoln to-morrow
morning to attend a meeting of the
Board of TradO and citizens to be held
there to-morrow night , to make prepa
rations for entertaining the army
of guests shortly to pour in upon
them. It is proposed to appoint
committees representing each branch
of trade and business , to feed and
care for all and to give them a general
big send off.
Now Omaha is also to receive A
portion of this exodus from the
cast , and the Wabash , Rock
Island and Northwestern trains
of Wednesday morning will
it Is estimated , bring at least 500
people into Omaha , many of whom will
remain over a day or so in the city.
Would it not be well to begin to pre
pare to give them a hospitable recep
tion ? The excursionist are men of
means , who come to see the country
and perhaps invest largely here. Le
our business Trion and others show
that they have the best wishes of ou
city at heart.
A few days since we noted th >
assage of two fine new eight wheele :
engines , through this city for th
Southern P'aciGo rdad , the Sonora
branch. On Tuesday the train in
which they vere drawn broke in tw
on a grade near Percy station and the
detached portion run into the firs
part , ditching several cars and ruin
ing the handsome new engines com
pletely. Passenger Trains both ways
were delayed , the train not arriving
until .9:50 : o'clock. The C. , B. &Q
waited her arrival.
Work on the iron sheds at the Union
Pacific transfer depot for the Rrck
Island company is now progressing in
earnest , and the sheds will be up be
fore the snow flies.
Wheu heard from on Tuesday there
was bul seven miles of track to lay
on the Omaha line. The track laying
from the south had been delayed for
the lack of iron until Tuesday , bat is
now supplied , and the track is going
down again.
The train that arrived at Ashland ,
from the east Thursday afternoon , had
on board a young and preposessing
woman with a female child , about six
weeks old in her arms. During the
time that , the train stopped at that
point , the heartless mother left the
little one comfortably packed np in
shawl in the water closet , and then
took the east bound train , which was
just pulling out. Who the woman is
no one seems to know , but it is gener
ally supposed that she is either from
Omaha or Council Bluffs. [ Lincoln
Forty-one cars of stock arrived by
the U. P. yesterday.
TheTJ. P. depot policeman , Wiley
Dlxon , was taken fquite ill Thursday
soon f ter going home at the close of
the day's work.
The Northwestern train was an hour
and a half .late 'yesterday morning.
Talk about a rush of business , you
should just look in at Atkinson's , the
acknowledged leading millinery estab
lishment , corner of Douglas1 and Thir
teenth streets. The ladies all seem
to understand that to secure a really
stylish hat or bonnet , at reasonable
figures , they must go to Atkinson's ,
the only fhst-class exclusive millinery
establishment in the city.
The very latest thing in Sewing
Machines , and we dare say the best ,
s now on sale and exhibition at the ,
nicely-furriished office of Dow B. Col-
> y' 208 Sixteenth street , near Capitol
It has some decidedly now and 'de-
irable features , and from what we
lave seen of It wo believe no one can
afford to buy a sewing machine before
eeing the Royal St. John. n3w&f
Will open in Kennedy's new brick
mildfng on Tenth , street , between
ackson and Joneson Monday , No
vember 1st , with a new , fresh , well
assorted stock of goods , which have
been purchased at recent trade sales
in Boston and New York for caan , and
rill bo offered at prices heretofore un
known in Omaha. Our aim shall
xlways be to * cater , for the popular
trade , and'leave others to look after
the high toned.
Remember November 1st ,
Boston One Price Store ,
10th St. , bet Jackson and Jones ,
oct27 tf
MRS. SPEORT , Masonic block , is
now prepireJ to furnish oysters In
every style , hot coffee , tea , chocolate ,
cold lunch , pies and caker. Especial
attention is given to parties and .balls
held in the bnl' ' g - ttl
Commlsslonera' .proceedings.
SATURDAY , October 30th , 1880.
Board ' met pursuant to adjourn
Present Commissioners Knight
and Drexel.
The minutes of the last meeting
were read and aporoved.
The following was adopted :
Rcsohed , That the Nebraska School
of Medicine ia hereby authorized to
furnish medicine and appliance ? _ to
needy poor for five months tnding
May 1st , 1881 , to the amount of § 50
at the county expense , as prescribed ,
at their school , 3A atory , Hellman's
The following accounts were al
lowed from ( he geuernl lund :
Six per < ons , work on road SH5" 23
Lo is Thomas , gradirg = 000
Ankubt Wittee , itaraagis fcr riglit
of way . . 20 00
.tnhn Fisher , work on road 21 OJ
II. Hazmuisen , serxice aa 0. of H. 5 00
Hays Gunderson , work ou r nd . . 47 50
E. Hi hel. damages for right of
way 23 ° °
J. A. Griffin , f lej juror * j > 2
D. P. Redman , work on road 33 < o
D. P. Shipley , work on road. . . . -13 09
Wffl. Johnson , on account grading. 40 00
Edward Phalen , gr..ding 33 02
R. G. Tiyloheiding rattle , etc. . 25 00
11. C. Taylor , damages for right of
way 12 oO
Oaoar Brown , grading 5J CO
\V. B. r.ishel , grading 2J 00
John Itohwer , work on road 31 50
Andrew Dauble , repairing bridges. 19 t'O
J. W. DurRman , grading 10 03
Frank E. M'jore * , agent , ticket for
paup r 12 50
U P U R Co , ticket for padper . . . 27 0
Iowa Coal Co. coal fur jail , poor
houce and poor 21315
J R Manchester , cash expended. . . 4 0
C A Jens > n , grading 3000
J A Howe , grading SCO
Dennis Shanahan , goods for poor. . 2 00
A L Uranjr , sewer pipe " M
J A Wakefield , lumber -'SO
Irwin & Ellis , night latch 13
C. Lsi-g } & ( _ ! o , goods for poor. . . . 10
H J.icobson , fees in state cases. . . . S 20
IISTPierce , eal ry . - superintendent
po rfarm , &s H U >
Mrs I N Pierce , salary as matron . 2i 00
Eight persons , work at poor farm . * 8 13
Three persona , tales jurors 3 CO
Twelve persons , ttitne s fees. . . . 4' ' ) 10
Adjourned to Nov. Cth.
JOHN R. MANcursruc ,
Count ) Cloik.
Do your shopping at Kur'z' .
NOTICE Advertisements To Let For Sale
Lost , Found , Wnnta. Boinl'nz &o. , will he In
serted In these columns one * fcr TEN CENTS
per line ; oich 8ubgequentliiwrtlonriYE CENTS
per line. The first Insertion iiuver letM than
OUST ' fO T.OAN-dll at Law Offlca
M' D. IA. THOMAS , Koom8.tirelliton Block
i\/f / ONKY TO I.OAH 1109 Fftn.hini street
1Y1 _ Dr. Edwardn Lo u Aircncy. nor-22-U
Immedia'clr , at Jlrs. Kendall ,
WANTED St , two first tewing girls and
one apprentice 709 D
TtTANTED A practical printer , thoroughly
W acquainted with book an 1 Job work , d *
eires a situation aa forcmin , or to take charg
of an rffico. Has h d ten years experience i
an eastern city. No objection ! azalust goin
in the country. Address K. L. J. , Bee office.
\MK \ ( WANIED-N. E. cor. 18th and Dodge
WANTED Situa1 ion by mm cf six year
experience in grocery store , or to urive
team. Good references given. Address J. U.
Ee c 0 ffi c 7CG b
A stout boy ; Herman
WANTED , to take care of horse and cow
and work in store. Addieja with reference
"Merchant , " Po tofHca 791-5
TTrANTKD A comretdnt Man , who is thor
YV oughljr acquainted in Kel'rask * and cat
give best of references ; want a eitu 'lon as
travelling salesman. Address "D " Postoffice
793 tl
Aoratn cook , at the Smmetl
house. 792 6
TTTANTED By ajoung wido1 , situation as
VV house-Seeper. Good home more an ob
ject than wig ( B. Addrc33 K. B , care B B
Johnson , Dm ha , Neb. 732-6
fTTANTED Girl to take cire of children , at
YV 7COH. 19 h street. 734-8
WANTED * kitchen sir ! , at the Doran
House , op ositc the Dee Office. 779 tf
WANTED Immediately , to rent a dn elling
housa or suit of rooms ; mu-t bo in otd
locality ; good tcnlants prompt pay. Inquire at
this office. 741-tf
WANTED A Rood house-keeper , at 1103
Farnham street , up st irs. 634 tf
TjlUKMSUKD Rooms for rent , at Doran
JD House , opposite Iicecflic. 802-tf
TTIOtt REST New cottage , 5 rooms , c'osetg ,
Jj bay-window , folding doors , large celUr ,
with pump in kitchen , coil anl woou house ;
everything ccmpltte ; full coTier lot , on Hamil
ton St. , Shinn'8 AdJitun , 3 blocks west street
car line. Iquiro next door cast 793 6
EORRENT Pia-o bj the month. Apply
at the Metropolitan hotel. 7 tf
THOR RENT A furnished room , suitable for
_ C ono or two gentlemen , S. TV. cor. 16th and
110 ward Sts. 731-tf
FOR REST Cottage , on 5th and Pine Sta ,
new house , eight roomson23dacd CasaSta
Enquire J. P. Hoe. t } . E. Cor. 12th and Farn
ham. 636-tf
BENT House and lot in Shnll's 2nd
FOR . , near new U. S. cornll. Enquire at
Room 6 , Creighton Block. 604-tf
RENT Finely furnished rooms at 1310
Davenport street , bet. 13th and 14th St.SCOtf
RENT 2 furnished rooms over Mer
chant Exchange , N. E. Cor. 16th and
Dodee streets. 289-tf
FOR S4LE OR REST-Kailroad Biting
Housa , at Elm Creek , Buffalo County , Ne
braska , sixteen miles west of Keirney Junction ,
on tbo line of the U. P. R. R. Possession given
immediate ! } . Good reasons'for selling. Full
paniculate plven on applicatitn to Mrs , Ptrry ,
on the premises , in person or by mail. 803-18
OR SALE Ilora ; , IjUfrpy and harness com
F plete , cheap lor cash , at053 19th St.
774fittti (
I 0,000 choice brick for sale Apply to Thomas
L Green & Sons , Council BluDa , > a. 795-lf
"T710R SALE Rhnbaro Boots. 300 hills for
JJ eale ulCharlton Eroi , Ififli nd Davencort.
O HOUSES Ami corner half ol lot , sontbeaat
/it corner 14th ind Casa Stg. , 7 room * in each ;
rent for $23 snd $25 per month CKIIIS' 1 EAL
ESTATE AOESCT , lEth and Douglas Sts. 670-tf
FOR SAL2 Mixed paints , at A Holmcs.lBth
and California SU. 615-tf
T71 B SALK Cottonwood lumber of all
T RTOMONTTS. Sixtcenth-st. 516-t
QTBAYED OB STOLEN On sorrel mare , 5
) O yeara ol J , white face and saddle marc on
Bide. Finder return to J. L. II11 ! , between
Firaham and Barney Sts. , Omaha. 801-tf
TAMES FBEVKN Keeps a short horn bull ,
el at 7th and Farnham streets , for services ;
charges. 81 00. 7891
ILER & CO. ,
OMAHA. ypl > .
nTAKEM UP OU 1st , cna ay mare , one o y
JL colt , three months old , white star in fore
head , and one bay over yeiroliwiths'arin '
forehead. Owner can hire same ry calling and
naylng chargre. W. WOLES ENSKT , J mile X.
E. of itiaer'a brick yard , North Omaha.
Ail Opportunity is Now Offered to all Ladies West of A'eiv York City
to Make Their Purchases from the Finest Line of
Ever shown in a retail store ; purchased for cash direct from French manu
facturers , and especially made and finished for the retail trade- .
* * f OJP w mma
" *
In all numbers and all widths , commencing in 21 inch Cashmere finished
at $1,25 , up to the finest production of the celebrated
These Goods We Offer at
An inspection will well repay intending purchasers.
21 inch Brocades in hronze , garnetj navy , brown , SLOO a yard , worth
21 Fine Black Brocade at $1.25 , worth $1,75.
24 inch , all Silk Brocades , at $2,00 , $2,25 , S3.00 ,
16 inch Silk Velvets at $1.00.
19 inch Silk Velvets , at $1.50 , $1.75 , S .oO , $2.25 , $2 50 , $3.00.
28 inch Silk Velvets from $4 00 to $9.OO a yard
Silk Plushes in all Colors , all Shades.
In Garnet , Navy , Green , Frune , Gendarine , Etc.
Black and Colored Cashmeres , all Wool , 45 cents.
Our 40 inch , Colored Cashmeres , 70 , worth 90 cents.
Our 40 inch , Colored Cashmeres , 80 , worth $1.00.
Our 40 inch Shudda Cashmeres , 75 , worth $1.00 , - ? -
AH Retailed at New York Prices.
Qualities equal , we are to-day selling goods cheaper than any house in
the west.
One price marked in plain figures.
ELGOTTER of Fall and "Winter Clothing for Men's Yonths' Boys' ano ?
Children's Wear.
1001 Farnham Street. the requirements of Everybody.
Poppleton Block. the most varied and elegant ever displayed in the
our large display -of Dress and Business Suits , Pall
Grand ' Weight'Overcoats , Novelties in Furnishing Goods ,
Stylish Hats and Caps , Trunks , Valises , Califorfornia
Blankets and Overalls , &C.&G.
OPENING buy one dollar's worth of Clothing until he has seen our
immense Stock and learned our Prices.
Made from Grape Creim Tartar. No othcf
preparation makes such Hiht , flaky hot bread * ,
or luxurious pastry. Can be eaten by dvpcptid
without fear of the lls resulting from heaty i.
digestiblsfood. " "
Hold only in c by all Grocers.
MO u TOWDIR Co. . N w Tork
Successors to X. II. THIELK ,
No. 1220 Douglas Street ,
IPCC a week in yonr own town , lerma ind
& > DO outfit fre . AddreMB. Hallettlft C
can find a good Msortmcct ot
At a LOWZB. FIGURE than at
an ; other shoa bonta in the dty ,
in I Mrf'et fit gnsranfed. Prlcet very reason ,
ible. declt-ly
3D IE ! 3ST T Z S T . ,
Orncz : Jacob's Block corner Caoitol Are. and
liOUSE ,
Oval Brand
crz STE3RS- :
The sales of this "brand" cf Ojftera hire nowoatstripp d til others. . Too Ret . mor . Ojit * , IS
"WEIGHT AND MEASURE ID tins of this brand than i any other. D. B. BEEMEB .
m General Western Agent , Omahs.
Propose for the next ninety (90) ( ) days to sell then
entire stock of
Diamonds , Watches ,
Jewelry , Clocks ,
.Silver- Ware ,
* < / L.
Pianos & Organ
At Manufactnrme ; Prices , Which is from 15 to 20 per
cent , helow any Eastern Wholesale House ,
preparatory to moving into their
weN Store , Cor. 1 1th & Farnham
We Jlean Business , Conie and be Convinced.
may teacL .
a the middla states , the foot of the