X E Vk. 4 * 1 * Crrijbtna Block , nut U c , OXAHA. NEBRASKA ? l ' D. OF Trs ' aiCS-Soulhuwt Fifteenth j > jS'i / oirner Attoaied to.-J3 6ARTIETT , ttoinoyg-at-Law , ATTORNEY AT LAW. iKBACH CLOCK , 5051- DOUQI5TH STS. i. NEB. W. d. Connell , Attorney-at-Law. - - . S ff. . /SSS.-CK. uais. K. KSDIOK & REDICE , AUoruays-at-Law. - - . Ejv.Ul t.onti.mwill bo riven lo II mite ogln-t ' irporutoiu ul every doucrlption ; will pracitce ! „ a ] fiie Court * ol the Stit * and the Uul- < xluOos. . oaice. Farnham St. , oppotlte Court , loui . _ EDWABD W. SEVERAL. ATTOSA'EV VT LAW Eoon B Orcightcn Bloeic , llS'.h Mid nnnglin rtracts. nofldh 3. F. JSAHDERSOH , A lTtllilfSY AT LAW SIS Faraham Street Omaha Ifebrala. T. uicniRBS. O. J. 110 JIT BIGHAROS & HUHT , Attorneys-at-Law. - - . Omen 216 South Fourteenth Street. B V THE CJ.E OP ANKO'S PILE REMEDY. ; IHTERNAL , EXTERNAL , AHD SIGHING PILFR TM * nt once . . on tlie t > .fllrnUoa of D Tumor * , allaying the Intent _ _ WOT DELAY ' die drain on the vstem produce permr jient disability , bat bar It. TKY8T LOURED -r PRICE , 50 CENTS. ASK YOUR DRUGGIST FOR IT , . HMt when you can not obtain itoflilm , irlll pcnd If , ir\ \ prepaid , on receipt of price Or. ' Bownlo' * Trcntluc on Piles cnt irei MioppHcatlcin. Addrcu IE OR , 6QSANKQ MEDICINE GO. P1QPA.O. ' / & & $ / w % -WAr -C - * eniedy S .C1 - .t' .l/bi jTriME ON f py.t ? , . _ , , . , . . , vlc yt , , / - . ' . . ' .u : . \ . \-rr.w 45 : "i : - - * ' - - ' . 7 . - ' \sl - < J : \f , * t X * # . T . \ ' , - * g& . - . ' ti OX. / / * > . - . -si v fin f f f' * in a.-ici ! * a-l /I 9. -t' . 'C ; ; . - ff | * * fc. . - , ; j.i-i. j SI i.a . j . > y-ij . | S l- > t-rlin-f-W , vL * h * * - - i t - ier PTTE BATLT BEE. OMAHA PUBLISHING CO. . PROPRIETORS- -ParnAam , bet f A and 10th Street * TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTIOK , 1 Copy 1 rear , In advance ( po-tpald ) $3.00 fimonW " " tJOO Smoutbi " " 2.00 TIKE TABLES THE MAILS. 0 , * S. w , x. RMBS3a. m. , 5W : p. nC 0. B. & O S : iO a. m. , 2:10 p. m. 0. R. 1 & P. B. R. . 6:30 s , m. , 2:10 : p. tt C' fc'St. Joe 630 a. D. 8. City ft P. 630a.m. U. P. K.K. , 11:40 a. m. O. t B. V. to Lincoln , 10 a. n. B. AM. R.R,8:40a : m. 0. ftN. W. , 7:3 ? . B. C.K.W. R.R. , 11 * . n.v 11 p. m 0. B. It 6. , 11 k. n , e O p. m. 0. U. I. 4 P. , U a. m. . 11 p. m. C. fe. ft St. Joe.,11 a.m. , 11 p. m. U. t' . R. K. , 4 p m. O. & H. T. from LJrcoln , 12:10 p. tot S City 4P. , 11 a.m. R. &U. inr.cb.,4p. n. Local nulls for SUtei loin leare bnt onoe day , vis : i-JO a. m. OSes Open from 12 to 1 p. d. Bandars. T001LAS F. HALL. tTWmast r. Arrival And Departure of Trains DHIOK PACIFIC. UHAVI. AKIUVI. Dally Ktprtgs..12:16 p. m. gSSp.Ja. do illxM G.inp.0. 4:25 p. m. do rrclsjbt 5:80 a. in. 1:40 p. n > . do Jo 8:15 : a. m , 12:20 a. m. TIME CARD OF THE BURMKaTON. tUVB OK AHA. iMUVi OHitJA. Express X:40p : m. iprcp . . .i.leC3a.m ; , Mail 00 a. M. tall 10:00 p. m. Sundays Exccpt&tL Sundays Excepted. CH1CAOO.I.ROCK ISLAND i PACIFIC. Mall . B.-00 a. tn. I iTsil . lOCWp. m. Express . SiOp.m. | Esprm..lO&Oa.m. : CHI3APO KOfeTHWESTERN. HiJl . .fi0 ; a. m. I Hill . 750 p. m. Kiprtra . 8:40 p ; m. | Express .10:00 a. m. Saadaja excejitod. KAKSAS CITT , ST. JOE t COUNCIL BLUFFE LIAVl AKMTS. MjJl..8 iO a. n. I Erprea . T : < ° vm. Exprea8r..6MOp.m. | Uan . 7:2&i.in. The only line rnnnlnc Pclhnin Slotplnc Cars out of Omaha to Union Depot. OMAHA 4 NORTHWESTERS AND .SIOUX CITY 4 PACIFIC EAILROADS. Express . E:00a. : m. | Kxpress . 4JO : p m. Dally Except Sundijs. B. & M. B. R. In NEBRASKA. tUTZ. ARB TI. ITirouili ; Exp..8 : < 0am J Throoch Exp .4:00 pm Lincoln Exp..Cl5 : pm [ LlnoJi xp..9 3am BIOUI CITY 4 ST. P'.UL R. R. kfiJl . M..6:10 : m | 1 jqp 03 . 1040 am Erprora . 8.40pm IW . 720 p m WABA8H , ST. LOUIdft PACIFIC. UUTX * . IRKIVKS. EaU . _ 8a.m. I Hall , - 11 5 a.m 3xprea..8:40p. m. | Express . :25 p. m. BRIDGE DIVISION U. P. B R. < eaTe Omaha , < Mly. S a. m. , B a. m. , 10 a m. , 1 a. m. , 1 p. m. , S p. m. , 8 p. m , 5 p. m , , 6 p. a. Leave Council Blnffg ; 8:25 a. m. . 9:25 a. m , , 0.-25 a. m. , 11 5 a. m. , 1:26 p m. , 8:2S p. m. , :25 p. m. , K : 5 p. m. , 6 5 p. m. , "oar trips on Sunday , leaving Omkha at 9 and 11 .m. , Sand 6 p. m. ; Council Blulta at 8:25 , ava Omaha : 6 a. m. , 7 a , m. , 8SO . m. , 1 ' i. m. , 4iO p. m. , 7 5 p. an. , ave Council Bluffs : 6:15 a. m , , 9:48 : a. m. , 1.40 a , m. 635 p. m. , 7:00 p. m. , 720 p. m. tally except Sunday. OMAAA & REPUBLICAN VALLET R. . U1T * . JlKKITB. Can. . . . , 10 : a.m. , 4S5 : p. m. Dally except Sundavg. SANTA OLAUS FOUND. Greatest Discovery of the Age. ronutrtuldbicoveries In the world have been made mong other things where Santa Glaus stayed luldron oft ask U he mites goods or cot , ! really ho lives in a mountain ot enow , ntt year an excursion sailed clear to the Pole i , ndsuddenlydroppcdlntowhatscemodllkeLhoIe ' l r'here wonilnr ol wonders they found ancwland , rhile fairy-like beings appeared on each hand , here were mountains like ours , with more beautiful rrt n , nd far brighter skies than ever were teen , Irds with the hue * ot a rainbow were toood , rhile flowers of exquisite fragrance were grow In ? around. ot long ; were they left to wondtr in doubt belli ) ; teen came th / had heard much about , "was Santa Clans' self and th le they all fay , imctnrer c ' ee every d y. e drove up a team tKatTIookcd'vory queer , was a team rtrarahopperB instead of reindeer , e rode In a shell Instead of a sleigh , lit he took them on boird and drove them. away. e showed them all over his wonderful realm , nd factories making rood' for women and men irrlers were working on hats croit and small , > Bonce's they raid they were sending them all ril Kinclc , the Glove Maker , told them at once , 11 our Gloves vre are sending to Bunce , .nt showed them suspenders and man ; thln i more. ying I alie took those to friend Bonce's store , nta Claus then whlepcred a secret b 'd U'.l , i in Omaha etcry one knew Bunco well , 9 therefore should send his roods to his ore , . lowing his friends will pet their full share. > w remsmber ye dwellers In Omaha town , 1 who want prcscntt to Bunce'a go round , > r shirts , collars , or c ! < ves great and small , ' nd yoursieter or aunt one and all. Bunce , Champion Batter of the West. Dougla * . S K. A. S. PENDERY , ONSULTING PHYSICIAN IS PERMANENTLY LOCATED HI3 MEDICAL - ICAL OFFICE. ! Tenth Street , . OMAHA , NEBRASKA Offering his service * In all departments o illclne jn. ' surgery , both In general an ac xl l pmcil-e acute and chronic di eases Oa achi oouculted nljht and day , and will visit a hi rt ot the city * uA county on receipt of letU . ne . new and hitherto unknown remedy for all sa uesof the Kidneys , Bladder , and Urinary fa ; ha t will posiUvclv cure Diabetes , Gravel , Drop- talW Orient's Disease , inability to retain or expell W Urine , CaUrrb of the Bladder , high colored ncanty criue. Painful Urinating , LAHS an CK , Ucneral Weakness , and all Female Com- Ire. . . avoids internal medicines , Is certain in it cil cts and cures when nothlnz else can. ne or Bale by all Druggist * or sent by mail free n receipt of the jirice , $2.00. . ° ° Y NEY PAD CO. , PROP'RS , 'be ' Toledo , O. TS > t your address tar oar little book , i , w t was Saved. " I MRS K. IStl. Aeent lor Nebraska. opi THE BRINY METEOPOLK. Remarkably Steady Grov/th of Ogden in Wealth and influence. A Vast Tributary Tenitory. Corrctpendence ol TBe Bi > , UtaU.tvovcin'oer 4 1S80 To Ogden city the year 1880 liss been one of more than Unusual pros- pc-rily. More capital his Veen put in to good buildinqs linn during any year t * the city's history. Erery year ire eee better bus'nees houses going up ute supplant the old shells which have stood to long , and bf ca used until they have become too small and dilapidated fbf the pur- poiea 61 the occnpants. These are being torn out and good substantial brick blocks are rapidly taking theit plac ? The Z 0. M. I. , arc now completing a fine brick , located on the corner of Fourth and Main atreeta. It is a three atory brick , with an im posing frontage on both side ; ; and a basement is under ths entire struc ture ) giVini ; four floors for business and storage. It occupies a space 115x117 feet , and in the corner angled - gled by the two Btrecta , a roum has been placed in each story for counting rooms and land cffices. In each there id a substantial vault for storage and safety of books and valuables. This buildinp when completed will reach in cofct about § 30,000 , I am told. Many structures of less importatce are the result of this season's labors in way of buildings In nothing is Ogden'a progress better shown than in this single item of new buildings. The great improvement in dwelling houses has been very marked within the past three years. Up to that time , simply a placa of abode was about all that seemed required by the great mass of the people , but now the class of new dwellings will compare well with that of any city cf six thous and inhabitants. As the junction of so many railways , the cS'y ' possesses advantages of Icci tion superior to any place between Omaha and Sacramento on the over land railways , and this importance is daily growing as new roads and cx- lensious of old ones reach out into new territory. The business of the Union Pacific and the Central Pacific , 'radually increases , while thr.t of the Qtah Central , becomes greater more rapidly became of extension of con- loctmj lines south. But the most apid increase in railway busi- iess in seen in the listoryof the Utah & Northern rail- Taywhich is a three-feet guage. Dur- ng the past two years the road has jeen extended over 200 miles , and has low reached a point on the Beaver Elead river , nearly 100 miles beyond ; ho northern line of Idaho , and at a lisanca from Ogden of 348 miles , f his track of about 100 miles that is i . aid on Montana soil , is the iirst aud ' inly railway in that territory , oscept he Northern Pacific has withfn the last few days crossed the line in their regress from the cast. While the Jtah & Northern road has bsen puah ng north ward , the increa-o of popn ation and business in Montana ha . : ept pace vrith them , and to-day i * ' eqnircs more teams to haul their euo ilies from the end of tne track than i Id. three yeari ngoto takc _ tht irgo i rom Ooriune , the distance then being early 400 miles greater than daho has filled up still moro rapidly ecause of the rich ( silver field ? 01 i . , he Salmon nnd "Wood river countries ' 1.11 these help Ogden City in trade nd when early soring comes wo wll ci 39 another road added to our present nes of four important lines wind 0 ! antreand have a common junction P ere. I refer to the Ogden & Portf md railway , which will be B standard ( uago and roach from hare in an al- lost airline to the PacificatPorthnd , j1 'regonthcro to tap the China and l span trade aud divert a portion from a an Francisco. This a move to cut , ' B oortion of the trade for which tP' te Northern Pacific is being built P'T ' his line will pass near enough to the P'ai : eat falls and other wonders of Snake ai ver to make the road popular for tlio tl : mrist and lover of nature's grand mat orke. These fslls are vast in pro- at ) rtions , and possess many attractions tlira , iperior to those of Niagara , which ra tli is attracted citizens of the entire orld to come and look upon its grand 01or in. Besides these railway interests. or , , favor of this city , other interests , o growing in importance. , As the centre of a rich agricultural igion the affords fine shipping facil- ies for reaching a country comprising pe gbt or ten states and tarritorics , and hi .0 vast quantities of produce and hier todi thus cent out it an evidence that ft s facilities are duly appreciated. ftru Much hai been done this season to- roi irds developing the mines in the tu : lar neighborhood , and wo can now ap fely cay that the present outlook is thi r from being discouraging. What 01 IB been done shows that a little cap ! ' he I will develop good mines here , on hat manufacturing interest we have onai a reaping good returns for capital he rested and the increase of business hewii juires constant additions to the fa- wiitr ities ' for doing it. We are sadly in trma ed'of a lire newspaper that will not hif tied down to church and state , but independent and outspoken , and : such there is , right here , a good ening. Oar telephone exchange hai now in sration nfty-two instruments and' ' wh ar plications are on file for fifteen more. I fi.Me9 the exchange thnro is. in oper atiou two other lir BJ. This system of communication has bscome very popu ; ar with our citir ns , rind is very ex t-naively used in ordarirg goods and other classes rf basilicas. NYaterwol TO so far talked of that a company his secured certain rights and prcpose to fOonhs7 < 3 the sys em in operation. One thing strikes the dentacns of this valley ver forcibly t me * , and that is the grunt differenca in clitaat batwoen that with which we era bkssed and thai through the east RS we get it in newspapers and telegraphic reports. H ro it has been up to this tin- , very mild and pleasant , with only two or thres nights in which ice was fcriwcd , and now many of the trass and the grass arogrc&n , and there is none of that dreary weather such as you had a. taste of. No climate can be pleasahter than thigj iako the year round , mm yet wo lineatan elevation ot forty three hundred (43CO ( ) feet above soaj letel , nnd a few hours rida will t ko us up into perpetual snow which liss in sight of our beautiful city the year round. J. Sacdle Horsea. The American Slookman has some interesting cbdt abotit saddle iioraee , from which we qnoto as follows : To the nun , who travels over the face of the earth , migrating from country to cauntiy , nothing will appear as more extreme in themshnersof thediffereijt people ho comes in contact than their various motbcds of riding horses. While the Arab ia the ancient ideal of a perfect horseman , yet our own country probably furniahea as great vaiiety aud styles of horsemanship as all the nations of thi ) world put to- nether. Let us take a hasty glance at the different patterns our country affords : In Mexico , Texas and the extreme southern states the style of i ! riding is quite unique. On the ether side of the Mississippi river a suitable costume ia quite india- ponaab'o. The bridle is armed with ; a Surb bit of terriSc leverage The saddle bears an immense pommel to easa the strain of the lariat or the el bows of the sleepy ridtr. A common buckled girth would never do in Such scietltive ridirg. The broad Iw'r band . a tightened with a cunning twist from i losg loose strap that has been 'sprung" upon until the band ia M ; ight as wax. We are all , at least in jictures , familiar with the bread som- jrero , slashed breeches and large sit- ; : tr spurs with their attached "jin- ; les. " This rider , in his appointments . md horoemansbip , is certainly worthy > if much admiration , for he always ' . ooks "at home" and graceful , when he ' ries to be , ovonon the most veritable dug of n mustang. It is eel- IOID , however , that his charger calls ortti any thin ; but a feeling of pity rom the educated horseman. Tne lativc breeds of those sections ara a one ; way oil' from the ideal saddle lorso of the middle states. In Tenn- asee , Kentucky and Virginia we irobably see the art of horsemanship i ioth in its relations to horse aud ider carried to a higher standard han in any other part of the world , lera we find the horse bred for gen- ' ration1 : uudor the most enlightened ules for breeding , and with the sije iurposo in view of making him the arfection of a saddle hone. In hysicjl features he Is a model of the i rtist. In gtiita his variety is infinite -a rapid walk , fox-trot , rack , trof , ' > pe and run , dunging from ' ne motion to the other at practised signal from the rider ; i temper perfect , quick and compre- enstre. This is a point which no ne but the practised rider can nppre- iate. The bridle lines are actually seless to him. A slight bending ol 10 body forward inlorms him you ish the gait quickened ; settling firui- r back in the saddle intimates to him r lickon the gait ; a slight bending E tlio body in the saddle , with a little ressura of the opposite knee , nnd erhapa an unconscious motion of the -idle hand in the direction you wish > turn , ia all the management he oeds. The lines are never pulled to irn him right or left , but presied rainst the side of the neck opositc the direction you wish to irn. Leaning forward in the saddle nts him in a fait walk or fox-trot. o put him in a rack the bridle reins e pulled taut , while the heels bring te spur pressure to bis sides. To , ake him trot , the reins and heels' ' e let loose , the hands pressed upon 10 withers , and the body slightly ited in the saddle until he gets tot ed in hts gait. To make him cac tor lope settle in the saddle and wave IB hand in the air. These are not ie inventions of a single individual , it the universal custom among those bo train saddle horses in the states imod. "We now come to the rider of thii rfecttd saddle horse. He sits in s seat with an easy , comfortable ace that chows his familiarity with from earliest boyhood. The stir- ps are so long that hia toes barely st with ease in them , while his heels rn slightly outward , relieving the poaranco of extreme awkwardness at ia so often seen in ndars whose 33 point at right angles with the rse's sides. These horses are thor- ghly bitted when young , and thus AT ight to carry a high and stylish lad ad , so that when in full motion , lle\ th the favorite gait , a rack , and be- id by this superb rider , the whole P ikes a picture that challenges oar ; hcst admiration. "Wealth In Wool. r York Commercial Admtifer. Che United States census of 1810 , ich was the first one where ele- nients otaer than that of population we'o iitrnduced , allots twenty four woVn fa3t'iri s that spun yarn , and 9,2tJ { 209 ysr s dc woolen cloth woven in f.'ttnile ( > , va u-d , a * ; § 4,413,000 In I860 woo'en e tiujishinents hai tn- crea < ed to 2020 , inipl ying 46,000 worlr people cf various prndes , und producing goods va'ud ' at § 07 300 OCO annually , The Ground for blankets and ( Imhirig for * s .Iclkrj during the rebellion caused o general advance In prices , and R c * > rresp iiicin ! ( > increase in hctorJes , BO ihat m 1870 persons enployed in the niiniifactaia num bered 97 000t whd produced goods valued at § 177,003,900 The demand for woaleu fabrics naturally increase * TTt'i th-j population. Since 1873 this country has imported wool , either manufactured or in the raw , to the value of over $1,200,000,000 , and f/r the past four years , in the aggre gate , § 170,000,000 has been brought in ; nhi'e the export has been comptrativoly trifflmg. In 1875 the total duties on wool and woolen tax- turcs amounted to S3014,036"Which is the laricst anuual revenue the'gov ernment has received on thesearticles , with the exception of those of the four years previous to 1846. By this ex hibition it will be seen thit the irool grower ia the United States meets with A remunerative reward for his labor. In fact , it is another evidence that almost any legitimate occupation in this country "pays" when properly attended to. GEEATEST REMEDY KNOWN. Dr. King's New Discovery for Con sumption 's certainly the greatest medical remedy ever placed within the reach of suffering humanity. Thou sands of once hopeless tufferera , now loudly proclaim their praise for this wonderful Discovery to which they owe their lives. Not only does itposi * tinly cure Consumption , but Coughs , Colds , .Asthmn , Brorchits , Hay- Fever , Hnarsncsa and all affections of the Threat , Chest and Lungs yields * t Once to its wonderful curative pow- r ss if by magic. Wo do not ask you to buy n large bottle unless you know ivhat you are getting. We therefore tarncstiy request you to call on your Irupgist , Jt K. IBII , and gat a trial jottlts free of-cost which will convince .ho moat skeptical of its wonderful [ ueritp , and show you what a regular 1110 doilir fizo bottle will do. For alisby J , K. Isn. (4) ( ) > Tlie most sensible remedy , and tlio only gifo urc nnd permanent cure for all diseases of the v rbood ! and s'omacli , including bllllotls fevcra , ivsrsnd acuo , dumb nsue , faundice , ilyspepsh , .0 , is Prof. Qallmette'g J-rench Liver Tads , hlch cures by ab oiption. ASK jour drujwist r this noted cure , and take no other , and be Las uut got it or will nut get it for you , Bend l.jO to French Pad Co , Toledo , O. , acd they 'lllseod you one iiost-jml by return mail. An Jld Indy writrg : " 1 w\s cured of a com- Heated disease ot the kidneys bv the ue of vo of 1'rof. Oullinetto's French Kidcey Pad , Iter all o'ber remedies bad fal od. " ' ' 'e 1340 yards of laud bouzht en credit , k A driuklnjc eongl Because it ij "an aero on c. " Why In a man who breaks a window and then IJB the dam ge like Ur Thomas' Eclectris Oil cutlnj : Khcnmitisml Because it break * the tin and then makes it all rfcht. EucKiou'a arnica Salve The BEHT SALVE In the world for 'nta , Bruises , Sores , Ulcers , Salt thoum , Faver Sores , Tetter , Ohapp- d Hands , Chilblains , Corns , and all in da of Skin Eruptions. This Salve guaranteed to glvo perfect aatiafac- od in every caae or money re fandod 'rice 25 cants oer box. For sale by 'dlv J K. ISF1 Om-.ha. r lets the rqulrements of the rational medical laiwl illo.'ophy which at presant pravails U Is a wl rtcctly purs vegetable remedy , mbracinj : the rea Important properties of a prevntire , a QIC , and an ulteratuo I. fortifl a th b dy amstdisc'ie , inTieoratea and rc-v lal zsj the rpid atomsch and liver , and effects a most lutary chance in the entire ystem when ia norbld condilhn. iriale by all Diuggiats and Da > ! ors generally. PH03E TEBHIBLE HEtDACIIES OENEE- 'ED by objtruoted secretions , and to which Ie8ar8esp 3lallyiabjectcin always bo re- red , and their recurrence- prevented , by tha of mart's EmavEscETT SKLTZXR Arsmcrr d.l d.lhi PROCURABLE AT ALL DUUO STORES. ( hi hiJ THE DAILY BEE torI ru ; the Liteit Home and Tele- Ire ma Ire > tro. nhio-Nawgof the Day. prl 45Yearsl > efo ) ' THB-CgMUIME DH , C. McLANE'S LIYEETILLS are not recommended as n remedv "for all the ilia Shat flesh is heir to. " bnt in afiecltonc 9f the Liver , nnd in all Bilious Complaints. Dyspepsia , and Sick Head ache , or diseases of that character , they stand without a rival. AGUE AND FEVER. No bstlef cfttfaprtlc can be u ed pre paratory to , or after taking quinine. A ? a simple purgative they are unequalcd. BEWARE OF IMITATIONS , The genuine are never sugar-coated. Each box has a red-wax seal on the lid. with the imfafession.McLAHE'S LIVEK PILL. Each wrapper bears the signa tures of 0. McLAXE and FLEMING Bnos. y3F Insist nron having the genuine DR. C. McLANi : 6 LIVER PILLS , - prepared pared b" FLEMXG KIIO. * . , rMsbnrslir.i. , the market being full of imitations of the name J/c/rfinr , spoiled differently , but same pronunciation. UNLIKE PILLS AND THE USUAL PURGATIVES , IS PLEAS- AM TO TAKE , And nill proi eat onca the most potent and harmless bYSTEU UENOVATOR and CLEANSER th t has yet be-n brouzht to public notice. For CONSTIPATION. DILJOUS- NES3 , UEADACHE , PILE3 , and all dl'orders ar.ilnc from an obstructed itate cf the cyitem , it it incomparably the best ( .u-a'.ive citant. Avoid imltatloni ; Insist on gcttln ? the article called for. TUOF1C.FRU1T LAXATIVE is put op in bronzed Unboxes only. Fnce 60 cents. Ask yourdruiglst for Deicriptire Pamph'et ' , or ad- Jrets the proprietor , J. E. nEXaF.RIN-GTOX , Mew York or Sin Fntncigeo. Before Purchasing Ayr FORK of So-Called ELECTRIC BELT , Sand , or Appliance represented to cure Nervuus , 3lironlc and Spccia D'seoiei , gnd to the PUIj- k'EUMACHEROALVANICCO ,618MOJtgomery iireet , Pan Francisco , Cal. , for the-r Free Pamphlet and "The Electric ReTiew , " and you vi leave time , health and money. The P. O. 7o. are the only daalera in Gennine Electric Ap- liances on the Am-riran Contmer.t. TO CURE CONSUMPTION , COUGHS , Colds , Asthma , Croup , 111 diseases of the Throat , Lungs , and Pulmonary Organs. USE ACCOUDIJ < 0 TO DIRECTIONS \LLEN'S LUNG BALSAM. local Aseata everywhere to IB I Tea , Coda ? , Bakinff Powder. 'Uvorliiir Extracts , etc , by tample , to fimillci , 'roCt good. OntQt free. People's Tea Co. , EJX 020. St. Louis. Mo. THE COLOEADO BUSINESS COLLEGE Thla institution , located at Denver , Colorado , be Educational and Commercial center of the i"est , is pro-emintntly tha best and moit practl- al of Its kind for the MERCANTILE TRAINING OF Young Men and Ladies. O W FOSTER. President , D. W. CADY , Secretary. The moat extonshe , thorough and complete istitution of the kind in the world. Thousands accountants and Business men , la the prin- pal cities and towns ot the United States , owe icir success to cur cour.e cf traminjr. le Eieht Kind of Education for Young Men and Ladies , J Fine , new brick block , at Junction of three rect car lines E'ogantly fitted and furnished urtmcntg for the application of and carrying it of our novel and systematic methods oi Younsr men who contemplate a buiincss life , id parents having sons to educate , are parttcu- rly requested to fend for our new Circular , blch will give full information as to terms , inditlon of entrance , etc. f&Ksa a. W. FOSTEE , President , p6-3m Denver , Colorado. /BOUGHT / IRON FENCES. mm mm m Wire Fencing and Railing a Speciality , rheir beautr , permanence and economy lly workln ; the extinction of all f ncin # eap material. I _ Elegant in derfsm. indestructible I I Fences for Lawcs , Public C rounds and CemeI 7 Plats. I * Iron Vases , Lawn Sflttwj , cacnpld and of st'e patterns ; Chairs and erery description of in and Wire ornamental work desicned anil I Fi inufactured by E T. BAKNUM'S Wire and _ n Wnrk , 57 , 29 and SI Woodward Are. , DeI I Q\ \ JtMlcb. S D < ' i"l- idataejua ! anil | it c list. tepU PC Chicago 2,380 MILES -OF HSAD I It Is the SHORT , SUU5 and Saf HonU S twi COUNCIL BLUFFS CHICAGO , MILWAUKEE and all points EAST and NORTH. IT OFTF.RS THE TRAVELINa PUBLIC GREATER FACILITIES AND MORE ADVANTAGES THAN ANT OTHKR ROAD IN THE T7EST. Itli the ONLY ROAD between COUNCIL BLUFFS and CHICAGO Upon which Is run PULLMAN HOTEL OAES ! In addition to thews and to pleas * all claGdes of travelers , It gives FIRST-CLASS 1IEALS at its SATDJO STATIOUs at CO centi each. ITS TRACK IS STSEL2A11S ! ITS COACHES ARE T F TI if ! iq-Jivkarr FIRST CLASS If TOO wljh the B : Traveling Accommoda tions you Mill buy your ticket hy this Koutc WILL TAKE NONE OTHER. All Ticket AircnU can sell \on Through Tickets via this road and Check nsnal Ba . gaga Frflo of Chirgs OMAHA TICKET OFFICF.5 12M Farnham St. , Cor. 14th , and at Union Pacific Depot. DENVER OFFICK In CoTondo Central and Union Paciac Ticket Office. SAN FRANCISCO OF ICE-2 Now Montpom- cry Street. For Information , folders , mips , etc. , not ob tainable at Homo Ticket Office , address any agent of the Company , or K4RV1N HUCHITT , WH. . STEHHITT , Oen'l Manager , Gen1 ! Pass. AJect. CHICAGO , ILL. JAMES T. CURK , Oen'l Agt Omaha * Council Bluffs. THROUGH TO CHICAGO Without Change of Cars I TBCIE CHICAGO BURUHCTOH & QU1NGY With Smooth and Perfect Track , Elegant Paa- sender Ccachca , and PULLUAN SLE P1MC & DINING CARS _ It is acknowledged by tU3 tna , and all wkc travel UTur it , u > be tha Cc& Appointed ind Best Managed Rood In the Country. PASSENGERS GrOING EAST Should ocar In mind that this U the BEST ROUTE TO CHICAGO , And Points East , North and Northwest. Passengers by this Route have cholcs of FOUR DIFFEEENT EOUTES , Ind the Advantage of Six Daily IJnea ot FaUco Slcepin ; Cars from Chicago to tfew York CityWithout Change Ml Express Trains on this line are equipped with the Wcstiiuhouse Patent Air Brakes and Miller's Patent Sifety Platform and Couplers , the moat Perfect Pro tection jtinit Acci dents In the world. 'ULLMAN PALACESLEEPIKG AND DINING CAflB Are run on th Uunin ton Rout . Information conccrninj toutc.1 , Rates , lime 3onccctloiu , etc. , will ha cheerfully ti\en ; by tpp.jinif at tlio office of the turiLgton ftonto , > 1S Kourt entn Street , Omaha , Nebmaka. 3.E PEItKihS , D W. HITCHCOCK. Qen'l Mana/cr. Gen. West'u Pass A-f't. r. 0. PHILLIPPI , St. Joe. , Ho. General Agent , Omalia. H P DUEL , epE-dl licict Atrer.t Omaha 1SSO. i.C. , T.JOE&O.B.R.B.1 IB tha only Direct Line to JT. LOUIS AND THE EAST From OMAHA and the WEST. To change of cars between Omaha and St. Louis and but one botwcon Omaha and New Tork. j ( JIX DAILY PASSENGER TRAINS Bucnura ALL Eastern & Western Cities 7Ith less charges and tn advance of other linos. This entire Hue Is equipped with Pullman's Palace Sleeping Cars , Palace Day Coach- ra.MUler's Safety Platform and Coupler and the celebrated Westlnghouse Air-Brake. THAT TOUR TICKET READS1& jta-VIa Kansas Clty.St. Jowph 0-ConndlBIuff3lt.R. . Tlckata for sale at all coupon stations la the feat. . F. BARNARD , A. a DAWE3 , Qcn'l Supt. , Gcn'I Pan. & Ticket Agt St. Joseph , Mo St. Joseph , Mo , W. C. SEACHRIST , Ticket Agen. , 14 Fifteenth Street , between Farnhau and Douglas. Union Block , Omaha. OS. TEHON , A. B. BARNARD , Pass. Agent , OmMia. Oeu'rl Agent , Omaha. I Machine Works , - -ivr A tar A. _ . Hammond , Prop. & Manager. The mcxt thorough xppolnte-l and tomplcte achlne Bhops and Foundry In the elite. Castings of every description roanufactcd. Engines , Pumps and eray class of machinery ade to order. order.pedal attentlen giren to Fell Angurs , Pulleys , Hangers , ShaftinsMIridRc Irons , eer etc PUnstornewMachIneryMeacbanIeal Dracght- ? , Models , etc. , neatly executed. 56 Harnev St. , Bet. 14th and 16tb. JNDERTAKER , Oid-Tellowi' Block , empt attention eiven to orders by telezraph. 1C ffl ttJOd er dayjat home. Samples } wort 'J.tU ' kbZll free. Addrcas Stlajon & Coir " ir For COUGHS COI s RONCHITIS , ASTHMA , CONSUMf- TIOIT , find all D e ises of ths THRO AT'and LUNGS. The most accij U ! jr.p r tl. > i V : own w rM By ad.llnt : toTOI.U KOCKand RTE 1 1 tli Lemon Juire , h vr n c ! . Appetizer anil Tonic , f-rscn r l and fan-lly a e. The imiueweandi cri > - a a u-trouj t .iaicnUunci.i cd dai'y ar the tett of Us \ irtui J and r i U i Put up in Quart Size Bottles , giving More for the money th < n any article in the market. I _ _ POV T BE 1 > E < UED by unprlnclpta ) dealers who try to p Im off upon U lun.ratn Koc * anl Kyotu j > kico of onr TOLL' RCCK and RYE. which Is tat only MElJlCATi ; ! } ir-tcii. u tc , ti n OUXt'IVE navlnc a GOYEE jaT STAilP on each bottle. Extract from Raport of the Commissioner of Internal Revenue : TREASURY UEPARTJSENT , OFflCK OF INTERNAL RK7EXU 1 THisnisoios , I > . C. , J nuary 8.1SS0. J tfesws. LAWHE3CK A WAKTIW. 1IU U .l son St. , Chlcsso. 11's.i OB.TTLIKIIS : TM * corcpoun J. In the opinion of this office , onlJ have a rofficlent ( jnantlty i the BALSAM OF TOf.U to KIT * it all tli < ajranta s ascribed to this aril Je In pectoral coropLunH. while the nhuky art ! ths ynip fonituo ( ( an cmulfiion rendering It an agreeable reme < ly to t'o patient. Coripommei1 ic i r Into IV fornm'n. It may pmperly beclnatttl aaaMt'DlCI > AI , PREPARATION m Icr the provi i .r * of U. S. K vl d Stiti-tcs. anil when tn ktampnl , iray t sold by Dra-2ut , Ape 1-ecsrica wiJ Otfccr Persons nithoui. rtndcrinsr them liable to pcy tp tiU tax aa liqucr dealers Youra Ke-pectfally , C-Isne.1) ) GREEN. B. RA0M , Commissioner LAV/RENCE & MARTIN.Proprietors , Chicago , Ills. Sold by DRUGGISTS , GROOEES an-1 - DEALERS everywhere WHO IS UNACQUAINTED THE O OCRAPHV O < fHtS COUNTRY , WIV , SEE BY EXAMIN.NC THlb MAP , TrtAT THE . (1 ( CHICAGO. ROCK ISLAND & PACiFJC R. R. IS THE GIlEAl CIJNSECTINO I.TNTv ttETWEEN THE EAST &TIIE W IL ma'n lno ! run * f"m Chicaeo o Connell Bluff * , pouting throsizb ollct. Ottcrfn. I.a bMle. Uenciro. Molln , It. > c Din ! Davenpjrt , \ . ivt Liberty , lows City.M"iiju. . < : rooclyn. ! 'Irinacll. Desioine ( thp ( - " itul if If raj. Stuart. Atla.i- tlc , nn < t Arout ; with branches from Bur - u " " I'm 10 IVoi in Wilton Junction t" Mo cn- . .iic. WnjhlnTtjD i' ir'JcId. Elclyn. liclknap. Ccr.UpYill" trl""on. Truntijn. Gallnttn. tame- rait I.U.H.IK > rt XtoIibDn , onj K a n City ; U'n hint un u jisrutney , Oskaloo ft. and Knoi- Tillai hviAnlc to Firrainctnn , iionaparte. llcn- or. o < irt. Independent , rirton. Ottumwi. Kitdy- ilp.Oskalwi ! H. 1'elln.M nroe. aad D Motnes ; Newton to itonroe : Winleraet ; AtlantUto Lewis and Audubon : and A -oca M IlarlLn. This is po-ltlvelr the only Itallrond. which owns , and operate * a through line from ChlcHRO Into the State or Kansan. ' Throush Kipre-tn 1'a spnger lYalns. with rull- ana ualaco Lats attached , are run each way Ually telween CHICAGO and PKOIIIA. KANSAS Crrr. UOCSCIL ULVm. I.SAVENWOKTH anU ATCHI- io.v. Thrnnuh cars are also run between Mi'"ou- * ee And Knnjas City , via the "illlwautce and KocLliland She Wne. " Th " Ureit V.ck Island" Is maenlScentlr equipped. Its road bed Is simplr ' < > Xt , and its track Is laid with iteel rails. What will please yon moot will bo the ploainr * ) enjoying your meals , while passlus over tlio ; eautlful prairies of Illinois anil Iowa , In one of inrmaEnlHcent UlnlnK Care that nccompanj all fhronKU Gxprcvs Irilng. You set nn cntlru nea > . 05 food as In served In nnr first-class hotel. tor seventy-live ceuts. Appreciating the fact that a majority or tha icoplc prefer separate aptrtmenu forcllfferent > urposes ( and the Immense ) > .i9 enicr bustne's if this line warranting It ) , we nro pleased to nn- tounce that this Company runs I'ultman Palace ilttvlnu Cart forsleeplnic purposes , and Pilate I DMnyCart for catlncparpfen only. ( X6.t.k irre-U f'ntc/o of tu.Paluce Cars h SMC"C3S. I SALOON ffneroyoii cnn enjoy jour * } ! > " < I at nil hunre of the > < HT. 1 Maumtlccnt Inm llrfijjei ipan the M'jssftJ unil .Mlfsunrl rtTpr at all point * crosi X EX line. an > l trannfen are nroldad * t Counct Q. A > Kan ni City , Leavenwortn. and Alttt'ff r ncctlona betncmndu In Union Depou. TIIK PltlNtll'Al , It. 1C. CONNKX-n JK. VI THIS GltEAT T1IUUUUI1 1.LNK Alt' M At cniCAOo , vllh ail dlTerglrUnei i > Zasc nnil tjonth. . it. W.iC. K-IWi. AtWABn.\OTi'V Utiams , with If. U L. it. It. At LA SALLB. - r. i IIL Cnt. R. n. AtHKORH.wlth P. P. AJ.V.b.AS W ; III. MM. : am ! r. I' . A W. Ud . At KH K I-LA ii wltli "Mtlwaukea * .Tf\ bland j-.orj Llr.c. " anil Itock Inl'd A W atf. At IiArzMruuT. with the Uaviinport C..M.ASt-P t.lt. At WEWLlBCtlTT.wltntheB tMLA pk , vrLI. Tltti Central l waK.L JIOI.Nt-d with I ) JI.AK. 1 > 1L Cil. BLUFF ? , with Union Pacior At OMAHA , with B. A Mo. Itit. . it. m aer. At COLCMIICH JCNCTWJT.WIth 1I..C. IL % At OTTOHTA. witn Central lowaK. rt St. L. A 1'ao. and C. U. & Q. It. ltds. At KEOKCK.wlth Tou I'eo. * W r. : > T"4- . LouwAl'aa.anrtHt. Ji.Kco.AN.-W.M * P At CAMEmi.V , with II. Ht. J It , K. At ATCIlIso.V. wltb Atch. . TopoJcs Jtamtl Atclu & Neb. and Ccn. IJr. V. l1L Hds. At LEAVE.NWORin. with Kan. I'ac , , Cent. It. lids. At KANSAI Crrr , with all lines tor : < v w > and Southwest. PITtiT.VATr P > V .ACE C.U1H n n run through to PEURIA. BK % MOUT IQVfiCKL. IS1.TJFFS. Ii.AX.SAS C1TT , A TClIIHOflr. nnd LKA VK * WOKTJ1 , TlcUct * vlu thl Line. Unown i the "Oreut JCocU J4lund JIuutc. " are ) MtK M Ticket svirents In the United 8tate < md Cunadn. For Info -inallon not obtnlnuble at your home ticket office , nddra . ( V. IstIMB VX < r. . 32. SI' . JOHN , Oen'l S-jpcrintenaent- Uen'l Tit. ud Vats'irr W , Everything pertaining to the Furnitnre and Upholstery Trade. I COMPLETE ASSORTMENT OF HEW GOODS AT THE v v M mon th ut 1208 and 121 0 FsirnIiani Sf reet. \ S. HITCHCOCK , M. D. S. , rom New York has located in Onuha , and guarantees to do first cla.it work , gntal Rooms , over A Cruickshank A Co. ' * , Cor. 15th and Dou ba. sep9-m SHOW GASES MAHCrACTCRZD BT O. J" _ W ± X.IDE. , 131T CAS3 fcT. , OMAHA , NEB. tfb. Rood assortment always on hand.TEl 31. i : . KISDOX , General Insurance Ajcnt , REPRESENTS * ' PUCnXIX ASSURANCE CO. , o'f I/in- iloii , Oisli Acs : IS.10T,1 T .VESTCUE-tTnlt. N . V. , C.tplttl I.OSO.OOJ TnEMKRCIlANfS. of Newu .N. J.JWWX GIRAI'.n KIllK.I'hiladilpliU.CapItal. . l.OOn.OOO NOIITIIWESI KtiN XATIUNAUCap- IUI 900,000 FIREIIIS. FUND , California 8 < K'OOO UltniSa AMEKICA ASSl'K NCECo I.MO.OOO JJKWA ( K FIRE INS. CO Awets So .OCO AJIKKICAF CENTRAL , Auets 300,000 S < wt Cor nl FUtr-nth & Douzlwl St. , mc OMAHA. NV B. D Good Will Open in Kennedy's New Brick , Building 10th and Jones , on MONDAY MORNING , NOVEMBER IST , AT 9 O'CLOCK M WITH A LAEGE AND WELL SELECTED STOCK OP DRY G O NOTIONS 1 Which will Ksold at Boston Prices. EXTRAOBDINARY BARGAINS , direct from the Auction Booms of New York and Boston , WUL oe pffereq. to the JPiibH