TliE DAILY E. KOSEWATHR : EDITOH THANKSGIVING A PROCLAMATION. Ey ll.e. president < f the United States of t = no pennd in th-ir history since the "United States became a nstbn has this people hal at n < lant acd w > universal rea sons for joy nn.l . pr. tilnde tv the favor of Almighty G d , or 1 con eul.ject to PO p.o- founfcn oUferifon to give thanks to H s vim' ? . nd Lumblyto implore His c nt ued cara and protection. Health , we. Mi and prosperity rwiphMtjOl onr bo'd n ; peace , honor and fiiencUmp with Srt&SrW ; finned foitl-M adhetwce by the Rteat Ixxiy of our population io the nni < . ! f libwly and justice vliich Lai nade our greatness as a nat.on and 10 the wi e institufons and etroi-R fwmo of Co eminent and cietr. which will ' erpotua e it Tor ill the clet the llia-ks of n Ljppv , TiDile-l po plo with one vo'ce ascecd in de vout liomasa to the giver of a'J good. 1 fur ' ' more recommend ihn on imir-dsy , ti. ' " . 'th ' of N vember next , the people m I at their respective pl-cea of worship ' of His loun- to iiipe th'e scTcoowledgBient tic imd His protects n an ! to ofLr to H'm prsrtr fo their continuance. Jn ivitiieM v"Wof I Lave hereunto set _ roy han < ' an 1 caused the K nl of the Ut ited .Statf to 1 e affixed. Done at the ci y of \Vs Hngt'jii. tir's thirty firht dnyof cto- bcr. i the year of our Lord o.fhou jud -igh huiXicduBcI eighty , aiidof the lude- P'rdjura.of the United States the one huinlreil and fifth. f -el.J R. B. HAYES. IJv'be President : "Wiu fc. EVAUTS Secretary of State. Tin : show isclosed. [ V. H. BarS - . * ? * s num. , f * f Sv ; JKKSET still persists in being out of the Union. S. HAKCOCK ehowed rare foresight in not resigning that com mission. WaOTllAjirTO- now have nn opportunity to cha'longo General GarGeld. His address , after March 4'h , Till bo White House , Washing- injj.-.n , D. 0. A * FACETIOUS ewtern exchange re- m-.rks < h&t the diflerenco between Snra Dernhardt and American women is t , at whereas eh * has eomany child ren anu no husband , American ladies , ES nrulc , have many husbands and no children. JAEh'ELL still yells deGanco atEng land , and 'dares her to arrest him after ho.tnkcs a seat in the house of com mons. Mr. Pnrnell w doing the Irish pc pie no good by his inflammatory cpcichcs and is doing himself and hisxniluonco much harm. THE people of Nebraska will hold their representatives and senators in the next legislature to a ttrict acsount- abi'ity for their action on the railroad question. .The itBue has in moat in- Btances been made so plain 'and predominant dominant , that there can be no dispute as to popular will. NOT even the excil imont of a na tional election could interfere with tin etcady current of trade. During October , statistics thow a slight in crease of intrnal revenue receipts and rcniaikibly heavy cuttom receipts. Compircd with the first four months of Hie year the trade of the last four months shows a decided increase. TIIE national democratic committee sxra'certatn that enormous frauds were perp. troled in New York during tint rccJMit election . and indicate a desire to > t "bring the matter before congress. It vv jn't do. If General Garfield's ma- jortty wore smaller the counting out Imiinoss rniqhtbe attempted , but with 219 elcctoral votes it won't work. TJIK Northern Pacific is steadily piuhing its way across the continent and is making its surveys in the jndyntnina between Montana and "NV I.ington Territojy. When the Ifojjthern Pacificfis completed , China at ) 3 Japan wiil bejbrought by rai ? over n thousand mileslncaror the east than they now aro. * THE annual coifTof suitaining tbe city guvernmtsnt of New York is thirty-oticvtoillioni five hunarcd then naml dullats , all of which sum is . city taxes and revenues. . millions are In fhonaturc oT fixed charge * , being fievjtratotho * city's quota of state t a:10n"snd to psymont of interest till the redemption of the principal of the city debt. Eighteen millions of nunicipal taxation ara controlled i ireoly by the cily officials. Of this luya , nearly a million is appropriated i > th j deptrtment of p rks , $3,600- tjto the board of education , and < v r a million to asylum and charita- lo ! inititutions. CIUCUSMEN oftea give elaborate c l- c ilitioas of how'much it costs a meal , t feci'tlioelepiant ' , ciraffa and kan- fL n.0 , often letungthe public co fur i iLj their conGdence as to provide fiiure. btating the amount of edibles c Jiismnod by the fat man and the Cir- c an giant. All these figures , how- t r , pale into insignificance when is ivpared with the amount which it c r-t tbe Middlesex Club to proparly t toriain General Grant at the recent li n iuet in Boston. From a state ti/-Jt Utoly published , it appears thst i r i > c stogie dinner , participated In b / 1'40 persons , including eight rep - p rer * , the bill of the proprietor of t .Jiotol was § 3,54Gt78 , not includ in' a number of incidentals , which I ir : ho total up to a much larger um. THE late election in Omaha showed t 3.crj in ? necessity cf an imtrcdiato iit-vsi in tha polling pnjch a's ' tf tl * city. Over three hundred citi- z s w ere practically d"srr < inchi8ed be- c * & $ of their inaTjililylo deposit their bgMsin-thefcoxes. Atthetimethe p ' s closed in the Sixth ward , fully hundred and fifty voters were still n o or waiting for an opportunity . The same in a less marked r'c may be said of the Firt and i > wrdB. The , grost majority of tl -e who failed to vote vrao work- In 'men whosejjtimo"durins : the dcy j&V ot ftheirown. "This matter Bhi ' U at onse be attended to. With m re voting precincts there would be le. a delay in counting the ballots and re eiving the return and lew opppr- ty oily for mani- "pte. A W3W TRUST. It has been well said that ihero are alw ys"two parties concerned in any disp'ay of public confidence , the truttois aud the trusted. No party has LCO.I to earnestly and implicitly trusted by the people of tha "United States as the republican party. Since the fall of I860 , when their lirst can didate , In the peraoa of Abraham Line 'n , was elevated to the presi dency , ta last Tuesday , when the kttlligenzc , the wealth , the labor and industry of tnelsna unit -d in elect ng General Garfield to the White Hesse , ths people cf ib.3 United States hare in fire successive instances confided their interests , personal and political , to tbe republican leaders. It is neither th | imenor place to re view how well or how poorly that pop- coiiEdsnce has been repaid. For the t.cxt four years republicans will bo responsible for the policy of the gov ernment and the prosperity of the coantry. The interests of forty mil- 1 ons of people are in their hands and tha country will hold them responM- jle for the manner in winch the tru t is r.(3sn mistered. New issues will doubtless * risa requiring impartial patria - tria ism , kwen f9resight and judicial in their disposition. O'd son s ore to be healed wounds receut- ly given tnd received must be closed end not permittoi to re-open. , The country demands and expects an earn- rst , united endeavor for the common goo i ia which all sections will partici pate and ia the beneficent effoots of which all shall share. There are many mersjres which the republican party will bo called upon to con- sidor/and tvhich will require prompt attention. The question of burden some national tnxation , the gradual redemption of the national debt in a manner that will bear as lightly as possible on all classes of the people , must be considered. The revision of the tariff will a'eo claim attention , and wilt require in its discussion a calm and earnest determination on the part of the government to legislate for the best interests of all parts of the coun try. The commercial interests of the nation , the decay of the American merchant marine , the mining and ag- ricul ural progress of the west , will fibo become legitimate objects of in vestigation acd legislation , while the improvement of the waterways of the continent and other internal imr provcments must be dealt with in the interest of the producers and shippers of the interior. Uut the mcst important question which will arise and force itself as an htua on the republicsn party within the next four years is that of the regu > lalion of internal commerce. This is the one great topic in which the pro ducers of the west are most inter ested. It is a question which cons ceins vitally the -whole country , pro- dnccrs and consumers. The arrogant insolence of corporate monopolies has become unbearable. The people are Buffering under extortiocsand discrim inations which are draining the earn ings of the poor into the pociclo cf capitalists end stock gimblers. The necessities of the more fiinly settled portions cf the country ra being token advantage of to inflate TJilue * , increase { peculation and cre ate vast quantities of fictitious capital. On all this the people are compelled to pay dividends to the aggran dizement of monopolies and the im poverishment of the country. An element of corruption is entering national as well a's local politics , which , irretpsctivo of party , threatens the rights , liberties nud purses of the .nation. Great corporations are essay ing to-wield legislative control In their own interests not only ia the states but in congress , and the protests of the piopla are met -with the query of the strong to the weaV , "What are you going to do about itl'J The republican party has now se- cared a new lease of power. It has control of all branches of the national government , executive , legislative , willba appealed to by the people ot the country to enact lairs regulating inter state commerce to protect fie interests of the producers and to prevent discrimination and eX' tortion rgainst the people by railroad monopolies. Wo confidently predict that unless some decided change takes placa in the policy of American railway management , unless these corporation consult the interests of the people tt the came time that they consult their own , their will bo revulsion of feeling which will force tha government to act speedily and emphatically on the matter or-yield their'powcr to others better fitted to rule. rule.Tho The republican party will be aff- o-dodagreat nnd noble oppsrtunity to increase the debt of gratitude B to them. Let them again show that they are friends of the poor and the oppressed. Lst them agcin oppose right to might , and justice to injus tice , and the people , irrespective of party afiliation , will heartily endorse tbe vote , which on tha 2nd of No vember , again entrusted to their hands the destiny of the nation. SOUTHERN DAKOTA is being rapidly opened to settlement by the various r-iilroad extensions in that territory. S3 far tha belt of settlement has foT- lowed the course of the Northern Pacific - cific and the Missouri to the detriment - ment of the fine agricultural lands further in the interior of the state. From latest reports it appears that nest year will witness a surprising emigration to the territory , which -will open up new and untried eections of the country. OCCIDENTAL JOTTINGS. r' California. A daring safe robbery was perpetra ted last week by highwaymen at Ar- bnckle. Welts fc Fargo were the lo ers in the sum of 52000. The station agent was bsaten insensible with sand bajs. bajs.Tho The mining outlook in California never \rss better than it is at present. Steady development ia being made In the old mining counties , and the long despised qoartz ledges are growing steadily [ in favor for mining invest ments. The troublesome bir which has formed at the mouth of Feather river known as the Fremont bar has been considerably ; improved by the build ing | of over 1009 feet of wing-dam at that place. Caudelaria has four , faro pames , a gcoi poker game , inatquarade balls and a barber shop where a otanding sign ia displayed "washing fifty cents a week in advance. " Lodging is very dear , and all impecunious people who intend to set out for the camp , are ad- vieed to bring their own bed and blankets. - \fn-mv * Oregon- A dcatruciivo fire took place it Marion last week , destroying the leading hotel and much adjacent property. Heavy rains have fallen through the state The weather heretofore has been so dry that farmers have been unable to put in their fall crops. The Sunday school convention of Oregon and Washington territory , which held its Iste sstsion at Port land , was larpely attended by dtle- gvcs from the variou ? churches and Sunday schools of the state and ter ritory. Idaho. Challisis growingstoadily and every houss is occupied. A larce shingle mill is being crcct- ei on Yankee Fork. Quantities cf flax seed are raised in county. Three catamounts were killed near Boisa City last week. The Q'lartzburgh ' mines are shown - ! n < { large bodies of high grade ore ; The Yankee Fork mines ara said : o be looking better than ever before. A large and rich gold bearing ledgO ias been discovered at Stanley Bssin. Operations have ceased in the prin cipal mines at Shaw's mountain on ac- c.uut of pending lavr suits. A drive of 3,500,000 feet of logs i3Csod down the Columbia river a week ago. The Sub HOBS mine in th * Gam- biitius district ia one of the bonanzas of the territory. Ouster is organizing a bear hunting club. One member boasts of having killed no Issa than seven grizzlies in single conflict. Washlneton. Two mountain peaks near Seattle have been namsd after Hayes and Ramsey. A murderer under sentence of death broke jail list week at Port Townsend and escaped. The Goldendalo Sentinel says a great deal of improvement is coing on in that place and Klickitat valley. The survey for the Northern Pacific road , from Wilkeson to Mud Mountain is completed. At Mud Mountain the survey connects with the lines brought down over the Natchez Pass. From Port Townsend , seventy-five or one hundred soldiers have been taken up the Ska it river , and prompt measures adopted in regard to the In dians that have bean making the dis turbance there. - The iron industry near P rt Townsend - send is fts assuming S'JAJ e , and gives prrmiso I of success. Over one hun dred men are employed in building wharves , houses , etc. , for the purposes necessary. There ii ore enough in sifjlit to keep'the works busy for at least ten years. Montana. Butto's Presbyterian church is nfarly completed. Farming during the past year has increased 33 per cent. The new bridge spanning Silver Bow creek is completed. Twenty school house * ara now in courte of erection in ihe territory. Gracu M. E. church , in Yirjinia City , is to have A 550 pound church btll. btll.A A large portion of the crops on the Madison has been threshed and the yieldes two hfths short of an average. A gentleman who recently came up from Sun river crossing says he met about 10,000 sheep between that point and Helena. The Alice mine at Butte , which was considered exhausted , bas'struck a large body of fine ore , assaying § 240 per ton. The Utah Northern road trill not make its winter terminus at Camp Creek , but will build thirty-five miles farther north. j Real estate is lively in Helena. About one hundred and fifty town lots have changed hands during the ptst week. Sportsmen complain of the short ness of game this season , both in the famous Nevada creek and Big Blackfoot - foot valleys. Coal has been discovered on tbe Touchett river in Oregon , by ho men grading on the Oregon River at.1' Nav igation company's railroad. \ A very Important strike of goldvoro r , .assaying from SCO to § 300 per ton , was made several days ago in the Mantle mine in the Boulder district. A very important strike of gold ore , assaying from $60 to $300 per ton , was mnco seveial days ago in the Mantle mine , in the Boulder district , Montana. A number of Madison county emi grants who arrived from the cast last spring have returned for their fami lies. They will also bring with them , on their return , tools , mining machin ery , fine stock. t The citizens of Barker mines are circulating a petition for a mail route from Benton to Hughes City. There about 125 men in the Barker mines who will remain , during the winter , as they have built houses and are deve loping their mines. The assessment of Ohoteau county this year amounts to $1,644,300 , nn Increase over last year of $364,662. The establishment of the Meagher couiitr line has caused the loss of ? 150COO to Ohoteau county , as the cattle ranges of upper Belt , Arrow creek anS the greater portion of the Judith basin has been added to the Meagher county list. Madioc county has 47 , CSS acres of land in cultivation , on which wui . raned during the past year 104.905 bushels of wheat , 140,595'bushels of oats , , S5C9 tons of hay , besides barley , potatoes and other vegetables m sufficient quantities to , subsist a large army in a state of protracted eeige , 800 cows were milked that produced 60,150 pounds of butter and 9900 pouudjof cheese ; 5555 cheep were shorn , yielding 29,860 pounds of wool. Twelve quartz milts and five arastras turned out § 125,979. Placer claims denied up § 166,149. She has two grist mills , five saw mills and two agon fact01 ! . Nevada. Several murders among thePJntes are reported. Several new strikes are reported in the Bodie district , The railroad to Candelaria is not to be built thw winter. Prospecting in the Tnscarora difl- tnct still goes on with favorable re- ants. ants.Tie Tie Consolidate- d ' § 226,000 worth of ore last week and California § 328,000 worth. A fntil acc'dent ' occurred at the Wardell mine , near Austin last week , the timbering in the shaft catching fire. Three miners were suffocated. Piocho boasts that recently a poker garao was running in the town , during which amounts varying from § 3000 to § 5000 were on the table. Pots ranged ua high § 1600. Arizona. Tucson capitalists get drunk and eirry 510,000 loosa ia their pockets now-s-days. Muonic and Odd Fellows societies are now forming at several towna in tha territory. Six car loads of native copper were shipped east last week from mines near Yuma , Arizona. Governor Fremont h visiting Southern Arizona for the first time since his appointment. He will be treated to a scries of receptions. A Tombstone company claims the title to all lots , occupied and unoccu pied , andaresbont to "institute legal ; e to enforce their cliini. A military reservation , sir milea equate , has been Inid out at Yf ileox Forts Bovrie and Grant will be aban doned. Troops and aupplita will bo moved to this new po-t. ; Thn Sondra highwaymen , who vij. latcd the international treaty lwj , between tha United States and Max- fto , were tried , by Judge French in JUCJOH , on the 23rd , nnd found guilty. The first prisoner put in the now jiil at Globe , Arizona Territory , fras thackled , the iron being pUced out side his boot. He pulled off his boot and walked off , leaving the authorities to ruminate on the matter. Utah. The temple at Mante is nearly com pleted. Moody and Sankey meetings nt Salt Lake drew immense audiences. The Horn silver mine is njw befnc worked by a force of now men , all the old miners having It ft Track laying is progressing finely on the Utah Eastern railroad , and Park City will bo reached by the middle of December. The Salt Lake Tribune figures that the average yearly bullion out-put In Utah for the past four years was a lit tle more than § 6,000,000. The Buckeye mine , at Silver Reef , has made a strike of an enormous body of high grauO ore. The strike is said to be the most important yet made in the district. The Utah and Pleasant Valley rail road is now completed to Provo , the locomotive having run into the depot for the first time on Thursday night , with several car Icadb pf coal. Fountain , Green , Moroni and Mount Pleasant have raised splendid crops , but Spring City and Ephrnim have only half crops , the grasshop pers having made sad hivoo among the rett. Dakota. Navigation on the Red river cqn- tinues good. The new flouring mill at Fargo will be in operetton by December 1. Work on the new Fnrgo public school building is progressing rapidly. Three Inrgo two story buildings aru to be erected in Alexandria at once A singing school , composed of sixty pupils , has been organized at Calliope. The new round house at Milbank , completed will liuvo twelve Judge Fisher has about completed arrangements to build a grist mill in Spink county. A new round house , shops and oth er railroad buildings will soon be erected in Fargo. Union county has appropriated seven hundred dollars toward building a bridge acrors the Sioux at Calliope. The loss of1 stock in Hutchison county during the storm is estimated to have been to the amount of § 6000 or § 8000. The many new buildings being built at Kransburg , Codington county , give the town a more settled and finished appearance. Schools have been established in every community in Brooking county , and church services and Sunday schools are held each week. A large colony from Iowa have late ly settled in Barnes county , aud are making preparations to do some ex tensive farming in the spring. The engineers of the St. Paul road are surveying a line up the river from Mitchell , to intersect the line from Big Stone lake to the Jim river. The stock yards at Bismarck are so arranged as to bo able to load six cars simultaneously. Three cars were load ed with cattle in ten minutes one day last week. There are eight lakes in Brookings county with hard , gravelly bottoms , , cl"ar waters and high banks. The waters are filled with nah , great quan tities being taken out with hooks , sncars and nets at all times of the The hunting party of Sioux Indians from Standing Rock agency , reached homo Wednesday night last They were remarkably successful , killini ; hundreds of buffalo ? , securing enough meat for the winter , and richer by hundreds of dollars in robes. Wyoming. Laramie's road to North Park has been greatly improved. Liramie has two hundred and six ty-one school children. j The Ute are again stealing horses and c&ttle from the settlers. Reports from the various ranges show that the cattle are in good con dition to stand the winter. Ibo Wyoming cattle" shipments are BO heavy that the Union Pacific road has been compelled to borrow stock cars from other roads to supnly the demand. The Camming City excitement Btill continues and the prospects of the camp is said to be flattering Many of the miners will remain all | winter. ( A list of the old pioneers who came to Cheyenne in ' 67 , and who have been residents of the city since that , date , shows a total of erghty three ' names. | ' Colorado- Silver Cliff will have gas. Proprietors and miners are busy on Chalk mountain. The Chinese population of Denver is rapidly increasing. The high grade" mineral on Gold Hill is attracting the attention of miners. A fine strike of ruby sliver has been made In the Crown Point mine , on Sheep'a mountain. Inexhaustible beds of coal I ? * with in fifteen miles of the North Park mines. The Union dipot at Denver will be 5DO feet long. It will bo built of btone , and will cost $350,000. Leadville capitalists have bonded the Pauline lode for ninety days , and think they have struck a bonanza. The best North Park mines are located on Jack creek on the west | fide of the Babbit range. They are connected with L ramie City , Wyom ing by a good wagon roadr A military guard accompanies every train on the Mexico and Vera Croz railroad , and at every aialion a guard is drawn up under arms on the arrival of every train. v v The Julesburg branch would have been completed to the Junction with the D. P. had net the supplies been exbaurted. Trains are running to a point fifty miles southwest of Jules- burg. burg.Z'ho , Z'ho Denver rifle club and the New 0/ rifle club she > a match on Sunday , each club shooting on their local raniio. Word --came from New Orleans that the score there was 580. As the Denver boys"scored G12 , they won the novel match by 32 points. The countty along tha Ten Mila valley frrm Kokomo to Wheeler and below is destined , within the coming months . , to become very prominent. Dining the pail oummcr some very desirable mining properly has been dovclopsd showing rich veins. Ti > a man tlio miners oe tKis section are trB' a-inguino of success and certainly the amount rf mineral shown up juttifis aiijcn'iro belief of their Jigh antici pations. Singularly as it may eeem , F ' the , v.liolu vallav < 1f'ihi Ten Mile , with its adj ui"jt mosMtni'ie , shows more m'iiHiul t5rn docs Leadvillo , at the " same deptl ) . f Xl.-ojraphlcally and by "tho internal aigus'inndo evidently the mines of our uutrlct must increase i" the'r popularity and rhhness. [ mlt County Times. AN TNTEIICSTINO LETTER. A spirit of 'grahtudo prornpla mo to address a brief note oC thanks. Tlireo months ago I toturncd from Mobilt ? , Ala. , and was immediately attacked with what ia kubwn as Sciatic .Rheumatism. I gm- oloyed three physicians in succession , givincr each one ample time ( o nll'crd relief if it had been iu his power. I was not materially beneSttOd by their arrvices and was beginning to despair , when a frioml who had experienced the effects of St. Jacobs Oil advised me to glvo it A tria1. I refused , be cause I did noj , think itheumatithi could bo cured byoutwprd application , Insisting upon a trial.of it he sent me two bottles. Uuablo to moot his kind- naaa by furlbor refus.ii , ! had the rem , edy applied io the parts affected. My case was so severe thntaftera few appli cations I scarcely accrued to be bone- fitted. But before the lirst bottle had b ou used up , I began to bo relieved of the patiiful lameness in my hip and knee , and when the second bottle was out , I cnuld dress myvelfand walk about. I continued tj use it , and am now able to go down to my office and attend to buaiiiois. Should persons afflicted as I was desire a stronger testimonial , I shall tell them i ! they call upou me , to ivo St. Jacobs Oil a fair trial ; and I now feel as though I could assure them the same giateful and speedy relief that I have ex perienced. WESLKT SISSON , Atty. at Law , 1G9 Washington St. , Chicago. GREAT DISTRESS ia often suddenly experienced from an attack of cramp in the stomach , colic or other pr.inful aflections , for the re lief of which nothing is superior to Dr. Pierce's Compound Extract of Smart-Weed , or Watter-Pepper , com pounded from the best French bran dy , Jamacia Ginger , Smart Weed , or Wa'er-Pepper , und Anodyne Gums. Eor | diarrhoea , dysentery , bloody flux- , clioleramorbus , ; ts warming , soothing astiinnont nnd heating properties render - dor it a perfect specific , umnrpaened as au anodyne andalimultting onibro- aHnn nrjiniment. Should ha kept in every farniljC Sold by druggists nt fifty cents. ' * " ffeura/gi'a , Sciatica , Lumbago , Backache , Soreness of the Chest , Gout , Quinsy , Sore Throat , Swell ings and Sprains , Burns and Scalds , General Bodily t'/y Pains , Tooth , Ear and Headache , Frosted Feet and Ears , and all other Pains and Aches. No Preparation on earth equals ST. JACOM OIL as a safe , sure , simple and cheap External 'Remedy. A trial entails but the comparatively trifling outlay or CO C ns , and every one suffer ing with pain can have cheap and positive proof of its claims. , Direction ! in Eleven Languages. .BOLDBYALLDBUGGIBTSAHDDEALEBa . IH MEDICINE. I A. VOGELER & CO. , i Baltimore * 3TcL * V. 3 , A , ] > | J n3ways Cores and never dl ap 'points. Tlio world's great Pain- Rfaliover for Kc.n and Boasts 'Cheap , qnlcfc and reliaWo. PITCHEK'S CASTOK1A is * not Narcotic. Children fat upon , Motliers like , Pliysicians recommend CASTORIA. It regulates the Bowels , cures "Wind Colic , allays Fevqrislmess , nnd de stroys Worms. WEI DE METER'S CA TARRH Cure , a Constitutional Antidote for this terrible mala dy , -Tiy Absorption. The most Important Disoovp/r since Vac- cination. * Oilier remedies may relieve Catarrh , thim euros at any stage before Consnmptio& cots in > SHEELY BROS. PACKING CO. , Wholesale and Retail in fEESHMEATS&PHOTISIOKS , ASj : , POULTRY. FISH , ETC. _ CITY AND COUNTY ORDERS SOLICITED. OFFICE CITY MARKET 1416 Douglas St. Packing House , Opposite Omaha Stock Yards , U. P. R. R. Successors to Jas. K. Ish , Dealers in Fine Imported Extracts , ToiH Waters , Colognes , Soaps , Toilet Powders , * &c. A full hue ol Suniical Instruments , Pocket Caaei , Truss's nnd SuprxnUn. AbsoIuUlr Pur Prugsand Chemical * u > cd in UispenJlnj. Prcscrii tioni filled at any hour of the night. Jas. JEJ. Ish. Lawrence UlcWahon. MORE POPULAR THAN EVER. The Genuine NEW IV SEWING iAGHS E 93. B wgavlslau ! aVSIaUiBaSVizai The popular demand for ' the GENUINE SINGER in 1879 exc ded thit of any prttiou" > ear c'uriug tlie Quarter of a Cen ury in which this "Old Ueliable" Jlacliice has fce n before the public. In 1878 we sold 356,422 Machines. In 1879-we sold 431,167 Macbinee. Excess over any previous year 74,735 Machines. Our sales last year vrere at the rate of over 1400 Sewing Machines a Day ! For i very business dsy in the year , Tbe "Old EoliabV That REAL Every Singer is the Strongest , Singer Sewing Machine i'ie ' Simplest the Most , chine hs this Trade Mark cast into the Durable Sewing Ma Iron Stand and em chine ever yet Con bedded in the Arm of structed. the Machine. Principal Office : 34 Union Square , New York. 1,500 Subordinate Offices , in the United States and Canada , and 3,000 Offices inthaOld World and South America. EeplC-dS.-vvtf HOTELS. THE ORIGINAL. Cor. Randolph St. & 5th Ave. , OH10AGO ILL. PRICES REDUCED TO $2.00 AND $2.50 PER DAY Located in tlio business centre , convenient io placK * of amit < y 7nentEl canly fnrn fihoJ , containing all modern tlmproTcmentg , pftMcn er eUvMor , &c J. II. CU1IMINOS , tropriotor. otietf Cor. MARKET ST. & BROADWAY Council mutts. Iowa. On line o Street Itallwiy , Omnllim otndfrom all trams. RATES Parlor flur $3.00 per da > ; second floor. 32.60 perdiy : third fli'or , it CO. The best furnished and mo < vomxnlloiu lionse In tbe citv. OKO. T. PHELPS Prop OMAHA , NEB. IRA WILSON PROPRIETOR. The Metropolitan is centrally 'located , and first c'aea in every respect , having recently been entirely rcnova'cd ' Tlio public v.i 1 finil it a comfortalilo mid homelike house. nurStf. UPTON Schuyler , Neb. House , Good Veals , Good Beds Airy Room" , and kind and accommodating treatment. Tw i good sample roonn. Spccia attention paid to commercial travelers. S , MTLLEE , Prop. , alS-tf Schayler , IJeb. FHONTIER HOTEL , Laramie , Wyoming. The miner's resort , good accommodations , arge earn pie room , charges reasonable. Special Attention git en to traveling men. 11-tf H. C UILLUKD Proprietor. INTER-OCEAN HOTEL , Cheyenne , Wyoming. First-cl sg , Fine argo Sample Kooma , one block from depot. Trains step from 20 minutes to 2 hours for dinner. Free Bns to and from Depot. Hates 82.00 , 2.60 and $3.00 , according to room ; a ngie meal 75 cents. A. D. BALCOJI , Proprietor. ANDUF.W ROUDKW. Cnief Clerk. mlO-t EAST INDIA. ILER & CO. , SOLE MANUPAOTUESRS OMAHA. To Nervous Sufferers-The Great European Eemedy Dr. J. B , Simpson's Specific Medicine It is a positive cure forSpermntcrrbei , Seminal AVsakni-ss , Impotency , and ail disea'-ei reiultin ? from Stlf-Abnge , as Mental Anxiety lo-n ot Memory. Pain * li the Back or Side , and difeages [ that Jel to Comnmption Insanity acd anearlygrave The StpedSe Medicine Is being used wits vronJer- Ful sacce 3. i , 1 Pamphlets saut free to alL Wrte for them anJ set full pmicnlirs Price Spelflff , $1.00 par package , or six pick- ages for $5.00. Ai'drcts all orders to J. B SIMPSON MEDICINE CO. , Kos-101 and 108 Main Et. , Eu3alo , N. T. Sold in Omaha b C. F. Ooofimin , J. W. Bell J. K. I.'h and all drazgis's eveiywhere. HAMBURG AMERICAN PACKET CO.'S Weekly Line of Steamships Leaving Kew York Every Thundaj- 2 p. m. For England , France and Germany. For Passage apply to C. B. RICHARD & CO. , 1 I a * I York J THE OLDEST ESTABLISHED. HOUSE IN NEBRASKA. CALDVVELLHA1VIILTONICO Bmlnesa transacted gune as that o an Inccr- pcrated Bank. Accounts kept In Currency or golJ enfcject to light check without notice. Certificates of ilrpoait Usuod parable In three , Six and twelve months , bearing Interest , or on demand without interest. Advances made to cnstomors on approved Be- cnrltlM at market rates of Istcrcat Bny and sell zold. bills of exchange Govern ment , State , County anil City Bonds. Draw Elht Drafta on FnjUnd , Ireland , Scot land , ind all parts of Europe. Sell Ejropean Famee Tickets. RQLIECTIONS PROMPTLY MADE. augldtf U. S DEPOSITOET , FIRST RATIONAL BANK OF OMAHA. . Cor. 13th and Farntmm Streets , OLDEST BANKIHG ESTABLISHMENT IN OMAHA. ( STJCCKSSORS TO KOUUTZE BR01 , ) ISTABUanSD IN ISM. Organized 03 a National Bank , August 20,1S63 CapitalandProfits Over$300,000 Specially authorized by the Secretary or Treasury to receive Subscription to tha U.S.4 PER CENT. FUNDED LOAN. OFFICERS AND DIRECTORS Hraif AN KotrariB. President. AUGUSTUS KOUSTZK. Vice President. H.W.TAWB. Cashier. A. J. POITLKTOS , Attorney. Jens A. CR IOIITOS. 7 H. DATIS , Ass't Cashlei Thla bank receives deposit without regard to amounts. Issuce time cfrtiflcates bearing Interest. Draws drafts on San Francisco and prlnclpa cities of the United States , alj London , Dublin Edinburgh and the principal citlea ot the contl nent of Europe. Sells pass igo tickets f or Emigrants in tha In man tic. mayldtf REAL ESTATE BROKER Geo. P. Bern is' REAL ESTATE AGENCY 15th & Douglas Stt.t Omaha , Neb. This agency doee STRICTLT a broking bed neaa. Does not speculate , and therefore any bar gains on its bookg are insured to Itu patrons , In stead ot being gobbl d up by th e acnt BOG03 & HILL , REAL ESTATE BROKERS No 1408 Farnham Street OMAHA - NEBRASKA Office Worth Plde opp. Grand Central HoW. Nebraska Land Agency , DAVIS & SNYDER , 1605 Farnham St. Omaha , Nebr. 100,000 ACRES carefully selected land In Eastern Nebraska for Bale. Great Bargains In Improved farms , and Omaha , dty property. 0. F. DAV13. WEBSTER SOTDEK , Late land Com'r C. P. B. B 4p-leb7tf ITROM BXED. LmS U1D. BTon Reed & Co , , OLDEST E8TABU8ZD EEAL ESTATE AGENCY IN NEBRASKA. Keep a complete abstract of title to all Bea Ealata In Omaha and Donas County , mavlt S * > fa ) week. | 12a day at fcrme eaeil > mailec ; s ' 'ontflt tren Arldrrm lrr t-fn Irilli. * PASSENGER ACCOMMODATION LINE BETWEEN OMAHAAND FORTOMAHA Connects IVith Street Cars Comer cf SAUNDERS and nAJIILTON STREETS. ( End of Red Line MfoUuws : LEAVE OMAHA : 630 , 8:17andll:19a m .3:03.6:37snd7S3p.m. LEAVE FORT OMAHA : 7:15 a m. , 9:15 . m. , and 12:45 : p. m , 4:00,6:15 and 8:15 p. m. The 8:17 : a. m ran , leaving omaha , and th 4:00 p. m run , leaving Fort Omaha , are usnally loaded to full capacity with reeulir pas'cnycrs. The 6:17 a. m. mi will bo made from the post- office , corner of Dodjo and Hth nmehta. Tickets can be procured from itreet oardrlv en , or from driven of hatVs. FAKE. SSCKNTS. ISOLUDINO 8TRE CAR HARTIGAN & DODGE , Sheet Iron Workers AKD BOILEE IVIAKEES Cor. 12th and CMS street ! . Please Give TJs a Cal. . UNO. Q. JACOBS , ( Formerly of OUh ft JieobJ ) No. 1117 Farnhjim fit. , Old Stand cf Jicob Oil OZDKR3 BF TXISBRAPO. SOLICITS K03-IJ J "We call the attention of Bayers to Our Eitensive Stock of 3 WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. . "We carry the Largest and BEST SELECTED STOCK OF GOODS IN OMAR. . Whioa "We are Selling al OUR MERCHANT TAILORING Is in charge of Mr. THOMAS TAILOH" , whose well-estabHshq reputation has been fairly earned , "We also Keep an Immense Stack of HATS , GAPS , TRUNKS AN ! VMJSES' ' REMEMBER WE ARE THE ONE PRICE .STORED M. HELLMAN & CO. , 1301 & ISO ! ? Farnliam Stretxt. "ZRIG-IBIT , AGENT FOR And Sole Agent for Hallet Davis & Co. , James & Holmstf om , and J0. . Fischer's Pianos , also Sole Agent for the Estey , Burdett , and the Fort Wayne Organ Go's , Organs , I deal in Pianoa n.nrL OGaaaox.GibisivvrrvHavo hadL-pfio - V- experience ia the Business , and handle o&y"GQ.o Best. M IGth Street , City Hall Building Oiiuihi , Neb. PALSEY V. FITOH. Tunor. DOCJDLE AlfD SESGLE AOTINO AOTINOMRS Steam Pumps , Engine TrimmingH , Mining Machinery , BELTING HOSE , BRASS AND IRQH FIHIHCS , PIPE , STEAM PACKING , AT WHOLESALE AND BETAIL. HALLADAY WINDMILLS , CHURCH AND SCHOOL BELLS A. L STBANG , 205 Farnrmm Straat Omahq , JJeb BEER ! In Kegs and Bottles , Special Figures to the Trade. Families Supplied at Reasonable Prices. ORlre. i SP Dongl - sr of Omnba TO THE LADIES AND GENTLEMEN : FRENCH KIDNEY PAD I A Positive and Permanent Cure Guaranteed. ( n alt caxes nf Gravel , DIabcte * , Dropsy. Bright' * PfseaM of tb KMno. , Incontinence and Kctentioii of Urice , Inrtam lon o the Kiiineys , Catarrh of the Eladdcr , llljh Colored Urine , Fila iu I o Klolc. 'de or Lions , Kervous Weakness , and in fact a 1 ils. ! > ider < of the Bladder and Urinary Organs , whcth-r contract * cd by private diseases or otheawlso. This frcat remedy has been WR v. il.'i uncctBS for nearly ten yean In Krance , with the moat ( > > . ful curative effects. 1C cural > 'ialitorptlon'.aotia.aseora Ms t medicines bcin ? required. Vie have hundreds of t tl * mo of cures by this Pd when ail else had tu'ed- IVI ' 'S , if yon am suffering from Female Weakness , Leneoc- rLcc.o > disecses peculiar to femaln , or in fact any disease , aik your dni irfst for Prof. Oullmette's French Kidney t ad , and lake no ether. If be has not eot It. lend $2.PO and you wt recei > ctuePail * f retnrn mail. AddrsssO.a. Clinch , FRENCH PAD CO. , Toledo , Ohio1 PROF. GUILMETTPS FRENCH LIVER PAD Will positively cnre Fever ana Ague , Dumb Ague , Azno Cake , BUlloua Fever. Jaundice , Dyspepsia , ane all discves of the Liver , Stomach and Ulood. 1 he pad cures by absorption , and is ptrmano.t. Ask 3 our druzjpst for this pad and take DO other If he doevnoc keeplt , send $1-0 t < - tne FKEKOn PAD CO. , ( U. a. Branch ) , Toledo , Ohio , and receive U by re um mall " " N & CO. , aha. Xeb. SIOUX CITY & PACIFIC AITD St , Pan ! & Sioux City RAILROADS. The Old Ediallc Sioux Cily Route I 100 MILES SHORTEST EOUTE I From COMCIL BLUFFS to ST. PAUL , MINNEAPOLIS DULUTH , or BISMARCK , And all pomUIn Xorlbern Iowa , Mlnociiota and Dakota. This Una la equipped with tha Im proved Wfsttnjhotwi Automatic Air Brakes and Idler Platform Coupler and Buffer. And for SPEED , SAFETY AND COMFORT Iinnforpaned. Elegant Drawing Bconi snd BIe pin ? Canownsd and controlled by the com. pany , ran Through With nt Changs between Union Padfle Transfer Depot , Conccil BIuJTg , and St. Paul. Trams leava the Union .Pacific Transfer Depot at Council Bloffi , at 6:16 p m. , rea hln * Slotu dry at 10:20 p. m. , and at. Pan ! at 113)5 ) a. m , making HOURS' IK ADTASCE OT ANT OTHZB Bonra. Returning , leave St. Pan ! at S30 n. m. , ar- rlvtiy at Slonx City at 4:15 a. m. . acd Union Pacific Transfer Depot , Council BIu3 * . staaiO . m. Be sure that your tickets read via " 3. C. ft P. B. B. " F. C. HILLS , Superintendent. Hbeonrl Valley , Iowa. P. E , BOBUfSOK. Asrt Oen'I Para. Agent. / . H. O'BBTAN , Eoatbwestern Frettht and PauenTer A cnr my20-tf ConsdlBoffs : CHARLES RIEWE , UNDERTAK Uetalle Ca o , Coffins , CukeU , Shroud * , etc. Farnham Eiitd . 10th and llta , Onuhs , Xeb. Oiileri SKayOr Attested To. MAKE NO MISTAKE ! MICA AXLE GREASE Competed ir ? . lyof powdered micnandlsmzlMI is tbe be't tn J cheapuic lubricator in tht world. Jt bthobtst because it doe * notifim , bat forma a hlsbly polished iurf re over the axle , dolnz aw.jr I'-h ' a. luti amount of friction. 11 b tba chcap t txjcaaw Ton ned use but half tb * < ] o nilty In gte\xluz JOnr waon that you woold cf njr other axfe greara mvle , and then ran your " zen twice Mlonjf. It unnren tqnUv M wefl fir JIU1 Ceann.ThreViins Qlu-tilu * , ' Bnzy'es. Sc-.a * for wagons-Send for Pocket Cyclopedia of Thlii J Vfona Knjwinf. MaUed d'reM MICA MASUFA2TU5IHC CO. , 31 MICHIGAN AVENUE , CHICAGO. Your Dealer For It I SUBSCRIBE FOR FORBEE , " " ' the"iniadh"iUtei' the foot of the rera- <