Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 06, 1880, Morning Edition, Image 1

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Established 1871. MORNING EDITION. Price Five Cents
Partial Returns fromManj
Doubtful Quarters ,
Bonanza Mackey Attributes the
Loss of Nevada to the Chi
nese Latter.
Ben Butler Causes a Momen-
- - "tanSensation in Wash-
- - ington.
Ooxupleto List of House Ap
- ; pointments Already
Made Up.
The Gussedness of Yazoo
Politics Revealed in
New Form.
BpooUl dispatch to TDK Bci
MILWAUKEE , November G 1 a. m.
The republican majority in this
alate will not be lees than 25,000 at
the lowest , and probably nearer to
28.000. The congressional delegation
will stand thus : Republicans , 6 ; dem
ocrats , 2 Deuster and Bragg a re
publican gain of 1. The legislature
will stand thaa : Republicans , 75 ;
democrats , 23 ; hidepont-republicans ,
2. Senate Republicins , 24 ; demo
crats , 9. Hazvlton's majority for
congress in the Third district trill
rsach 3000 ; and OuBwoU's , in the Second
end , 2000.
Specl'j Dispatch to Tns B .
CHICAGO , November G 1 a. m.
SofarGG of the 102 counties in llli-
nois have been fully reported , aud
give 37,102 republican , a net gain of
20,007 over the vote of 187G. If the
remaining counties show the same
ratio , Garfield's majority will be
about 50,000 in the entire state.
Si'KiNCiriELn , November 6 1 a. m
The republican majority in this
etato , cslirer.ted on the bass of the
latest returns , will bo in the neigh
borhood of 40,000. The Illinois del
egation in congress will be 14 rt pub-
'licaus and 5 democrats. The legisla
ture will stand thus : Sanatc Repub
licans , 33 ; democrats , 17 ; sochlisl , 1.
House Republicans , 53 ; democrats ,
70. Republican majority on joint
ballot is 28. , -
ALRANY , November G _ 1 f. m. Of
ficial returns aud careful o itimates of
majority ir roa ia dl 10,4-19. Thei
official return * ure reni rsJ"
the estimates iwbiished.
Special Dispatch to The Bee
VicKbBUHQ , November G 1 a m.
Five countipa up the river are hold
ing back their returns. It seema ai
though they wanted to get the oxict
vote of the other countiei no they can
tell how many votes Chalmers needs.
They will have to change the ballots ol
several thnimnd voters to show him
elected. The republicans chim the
ticket. The dodge here is creating
quite a furore , and all denounce the
fraud bitterly. By it Warren county
has been returned 959 majority for
Chalmers , instead of 1072 majority
for Lynch , as the vote was cut
Bpoc'al Dispatch to Tin Oat.
SAJ-- FRANCISCO , November6 , la.
to. Small cams in revised returns
from several counties in favor of Gar-
-field. Eldorado gave a gain of four ,
two in San Die o , thirty-three m San
Bernandia , and two in Nnpu. We
will send full-figures to morw * above
all on hand.
'SAN FRANCISCO , November 6,1 a.
xn. Complete returns from farty-six
counties , and partial return * from the
other six give Garfield 202 plurality.
Special Dispatch to Tbe Bw
UABUVILLE , Tenn. , November 6,1
A. m. Returns from * ov nty-aix out
of ninety-four counties in Tjtiu-s ee ,
flivo Hawkins , republican , 82,104 ;
Wi iaht , democrat , GG.G41. The coun
ties to be hoard from gave Hnyes a
majority of 2,000 over Tilde i in 187G.
The legislature if , as far aa heard
from , asfollows : Senateteuublicans ,
7 ; democrats , G ; repudiationis's-dpm-
.acrnts , 4. The hou e will M nd re
publicans , 28 ; democrats , 1C ; repudia
tion-democrats , 10.
Spec 1 Dispatch to The Bes.
LOUISVILLE , November 6. 1 a. m.
-Tho democrats now concede the
election ol John D. White , republi
can , over Thomas Turner , democrat ,
in tbe-Ninth Kcntocky district , by a
maj arlty of 1500. The democrats here
refuse in many instances to give up
their beta , hoping that the Vcbeme to
recount New York it their favor may
be successful.
r RALEIGH , November 6 , 1 a. m.
Collector Young telej.raphed'ester -
day aa follows : Jarvia , demcorat ,
js , elected governor by nearly 5,000
majority. Hubbs , in the Second dis
trict , is elected to congress , a repub
lican g inof 8,000 en the vote of87G.
New YOKE , November G , 1 a. m.
The only members of the republican
national committee visible at the
rooms yesterday morning were Gov.
McCormick , and ox-Goy. Smithers.
Marahal Jewell left for his homo last
Special dispatch to The lice.
NEW YORK , November G 1 a. m.
The following dUpstch , sent by John
H. Mackey , the Nevada bonanzi king ,
was received at th ? national republi
can headquarters yesterday forenoon :
ViKorsiA Cmr , Net , November 4.
Bon. . W. Donep
Fall returns cannot come in until
to-morrow. Indications are that Han
cock carries the etate by a small ma
jority. The legislature , congressmen
and supreme court judge are demo
cratic. The causes are local issues and
the Chinese letter.
( Signed ) JOHN H. MACKEY.
l&l Ti j-atch to The Bee.
WASHINGTON , November G , 1 a. ro.
-Something of a sensation was cre-
' -1 at thecaphal yesterday by
port that Gen , B. F. Butler , while at
the supreme couit had said the re
vised and corrected vote In New York
would show a majority for ILmcock.
Two employes of the house stated th 1
they had heard Gen. Bullcr'make the
assertion , and also that the General
said be had jnat bet BIX hundred dollars
lars that Hancok would be the ucit
president The eiollement was in
creased by a report th t John Kelly
had telegraphed John E. Norris not
to give up bets on New York , aa the
result was nndecided. Investigation
by a reporter made it probible that
the rumor had grown out of a state *
ment made by Gen. Butler to the ef
fect that if -fraudulent votes in
New Yortk were thrown out , Hancock
would h'ave a majority.
Special Dispatch to The Bo * .
WASHINGTON , November 6. 1 a.
m. The Star Bays : Secretary Me-
Pherson , of the republican congres
sional committee , yesterday claimed
that the next house will have 150 re
publican mcmberi against a united
opposition of 143 , making a majority
of seven over all. This is based on
the gains made as follows : Virginia ,
North Carolina , Louisiana , Maine ,
Wisconsin , Missouri , West Virginia ,
Kentucky and Illinois , one each ; Ten
nessee , and Iowa , two each ; Penn
sylvania 3. This makes a net repub
lican gain of sixteen members. From
this is to be deducted the republican
losses , as follows : New York , 4 ;
Nevada and California one each , 1 av-
ing a republican gain of ten'mem
bers , which added to 140 , makes 150.
These figures , while doubtless good
guesses , need confirmation. In Penn
sylvania Harry White is not yet out
of the woods , neither is It entirely
saf to claim the gain In West Vir
ginia , although the latest reports in
dicate that Wilson , democrat , is de
bated. The gain claimed in North
Carolina needs confirmation , although
the chances seem to be that Ketchum ,
democrat , is defeated. * .Assuming ,
however , that these claims are
rroneous , and that the republicans
iave none of the districts in doabt ,
; he figures will stand republican ,
L47 ; united opposition , 146 ; a clear
najority of ono over all opposition ,
.f Congressman Frye , of Maine , IB
lot elected to succeed Senator Ham-
in , his chances for the speakership of
: he house will be excellent. Mr.
&unon , of Iowa , is also mentioned
or the spoakewhip Mr. Edward
HcPherson , the late clerk of the
louse , it Is said-is again willing to ac
cept that trust The position of sor-
geant-at-arms is open for a scrub-
race. Frank Sherwood , a one-legged
inion veteran , who was assistant
ioor-keeper of tha house when un-
ier republican control , will be a for
midable candidate for the door-keep *
er'a place. Mr. Baxton , the old in
cumbent , is dead. Ex Senator Dor-
ey , It is said , would like to succeed
Secretary Birch as secretary of the
cnaio. _ TK t. jen u will ju uba-
fclconsist of thirty-nine democrats
and'thirty-seven republicans. This
includes both Mahone and David Da
vis as democrats. Either of them ,
if they act with the republicans , can
give that party control "of its organi
zation and the commissions pa
tronage. The republicans claim that
Mahone will act with them in con
sideration of his having at his dis
posal the fedcrd patronage. As to
the committees of the next houeo the
more prominent will probably have
the following chairmen : Elections ,
Keifer , of Ohio ; ways and means ,
Conger , of Michigan ; appropriations ,
Hubbel , of Michigan ; banking and
currency , Crepe , of Massachusetts ;
Pacific railroads , Harmer , of Penn
sylvania ; public lands , Washburn , of
Minneiota ; post offices and post roads ,
Ketchem , of New York ; District of
Columbia , Neal , of Ohio ; judiciary ,
Reed , of Maine ; Indian affairs ,
Pcand , of Wisconsin ; military af
fairs , Harris , of Massachusetts ; for
eign affairs , Rico , of Massachusetts ;
patents , Ward , of Pennsylvania. The
belief among republicans is that Pres
ident-elect Garfiuld will call the house
and the senate in extra session the
5th of next March for reorganization ,
as is always the custom , to confirm
his cabinet and such other nomina
tions as he may have to make. Ma
jor Swayne , judge advocate of the
army , is put down to succeed Mr.
R > dgers as private secretary. Ho
haf attended to the personal corres
pondence of Gen. Garta'eld at Mentor
during the campaign. Col. W. B.
Hazen , according to gossip , Is likely
to receive the appointment as chief
signal officer of the army.
President-Elect Garfleld.
Spodia Dispatch to Tbe Bee.
CLEVELAND , November G , 1 a. m.
Yesterday was a qnietono at Mentor ,
"Jen. Garfield and his wife being in
Cleveland during the greater part of
; he day , attending to personal mat
ters. There were a few callers at
Lawnfield. To-morrow the youn ?
ladies of Lake Erie seminary pay their
re pacts to the president elect'
Another Cut in Railroad Bates.
ipecial Dispatch to Tn Bn.
CHICAGO , November 6. 1 a. m ,
The Chicago , Rock Island & Pacific
ailroad yesterdayjnadp its rate from
Chicago to Kansas City Sip instead
> f $14,80. It claims that in making
his reduction it is only meeting
ho rates of the Chicago & Alton ,
rhich , although selling direct to Kan-
as City for 814.80 , makes a rate to
5t. Louis of $5 to meet the $5 rate
if the Illinois Central , and then tells
rom St Louis to Kansas City for $5.
Another general break in prices is
ISuperannuatlDB Soldiers.
Ipedtl ditpatch to The Bee.
WASHINGTON , D. 0. , November 6
I a. m. It Is understood that be-
.ween now and the meeting of con-
jrets the president will retire all the
jfficera of the army and navy who are
eligible for retirement. Ccl. Thos.
P. Barr , now on duty in the office of
secretary of war , will be appointed
to the position of judge advocate ,
general of the army , vice Dnnn , to
bo retired. Col. Chas. EL Crane , as
sistant surgeon general , will be promoted
meted to be surgeon general. Col.
Crane was born in Rhode Island and
appointed to the army from M&ssa-
: husetts. Col. Barr was born fn
Massachusetts and appointed from
there. The story telegraphed from
here about the retirement of Gen.
Sherman is regarded in army circles
u perfectly absurd. The act pro
viding for the retirement of officers
of the army does not apply to Gens.
Sherman and Sheridan. The former
Is in splendid health and very fond of
bis position , and it II not a' all prob
able that ho will ask to be pliced on
the retired list for many years to
: ome.
Leaders of the Lane
League Pail to Obey
the Court Sum
mons *
Jhe Work of Expelling the Jes
uits from France Nearly
v -
An Alliance of Germany , Rus-
1 sia and Austria Likely to
be Effected.
Patriotic Address of the Land
"League to the Lovers of
Special Dispatch to The B .
DuuiitN , November 6. 1 a. m.
At West Port Thursday there was a
meeting of ( he league at that place ,
at which chairman John Li villa said :
"The people should now be more de
termined than ever in asserting their
rights. Ireland , England , Scotland
and America will no doubt convince
the government by their prompt pa
triotic action that the cause of freedom ,
the banner of which is now raised in
Ireland , will not be put down without
a gigantic Btrupglo. " The land league
in tiougciCas has issued an address
concluding as f jllowa : "The solemn
hour strikes upon the dial of time.
Tfie'teafblatten history of your long
suflbrim ; country flies often before
you. Upon its glorious page ia writ
ten the imperishable word of freedom ,
'God Save Ireland. ' " Meetings are
now belag held daily throughout the
country. Twelve will bo held on next
Snnday. Parnell will attend at
Athlone , Dillon at "Killalve , county
Special Dispatch to Tni Bn
PARIS , November G 1 a. m. The
expulsion of all the non-authorized
congregations throughout Franco will
be completed by Saturday. The Pre-
monatrationisis fathers at Fulogato ,
near Tariscan , dependent of Bauches
du Rhone , barricaded their establish
ment with lay supporters , and the
authorities in beaeiging were reluct
ant to force doors in the execution of
the decree ? . At Bologne sevearl Eng
lish ladies were arrested for inciting
the crowd to resistance.
DUBLIN , November G , 1 a. m.
There waa considerable excitement in
Dublin yeaterday morning , concernIng -
Ing the approaching trlala of the land
all the lind leagues to bo legally represented * -
resented by counsel. The leagues
have decided not to make a demon
stration , but to allow the lawyers to
lodge their appearances in the usuil
legal and formal manner. In the af
ternoon the courts closed with
out the land leaguers entering their
appearances , either at the crown of
fice or at the queen's bench. The
traverse's ' still have four days in
which to enter an appearance , audit
is possible that they will not do so un
til next week. When the four courts
closed there was but little excitement ,
and the court of the queen's bench
was as quiet aa during one of its or
dinary BOBSiollB.
VIENNA , November G , 1 a. m. In
the Austrian dolsgattons Baron Hub-
ner , formerly ambassador to France ,
urged a revival of the alliance of the
three emperors as a means of defer
ring the eastern question. The min
ister of foreign affairs replied the ob
ject would more likely bo attained in
the way tried by the government ,
namely , the maintenance of concert
of the powers.
Special Dispatch to The Bee
PARIS , November 6 1 a. m. The
Paris journals yesterday morning
commented on the presidential elec
tion In the United States. Rappel
rejoices at the election of Garfield. It
says though Hancock is one of the
men who put down the rebellion , his
success would eventually have led to
the return to office of many compro
mised politicians , and have made the
south predominant.
Golos corrects French fallacy , and
says that Garfield Is a nobody , mid
calls him amodcat Gambetta.
Figaro , with its habitual flippancy ,
styles the new president a nonintity
a sort of trans-Atlantic Grevey.
Special Dispatches to Th Bee.-
Barring accidents , it is almost cor-
bain that Rowell will win the interna
tional pedestrian championship now
being contested for iu London.
Lord Rosonberry , rector of Aber
deen University , in delivering the
rectoral acdresi yesterday recom
mended study of medical and modern
The expulsion of Jesuits on recog
nized orders continue. In proceas of
Bxecuting the degrees yestereay , the
Sapheura , or hook and ladder firemen ,
in connection with Pompeers , broke
3own a door and entered by force.
Many persons in sympathy with the
Jesuits obstructed the officers and
several arrests were made. The re
fusal of the tribunal of justice to de-
dare the mislster ot justice disquali
fied from the presiding of the last
sitting , auguers unfavorable the
iclions brought by the Jesuits before
that tribunal fur restoration of their
At H meeting of 3,000 tenant farm
era at Port Adown yesterday , resolu
tions were passed calling upon the
government to repress outlaws and
The channel rqnadron of the Brit
ish navy has been ordered to | Trel.ind.
A St. Pcterabn a diipitch eays Per
sia has asked Russia's assistance
against the Kurds.
M. Rochefort has returned to Paris.
He says that Gen. Garibaldi is very
ill , and the worst la feared.
The international regatta has been
fixed to take place on the 18th , 19th
and 20th instants. Seventeen oara-
men will row. All of the oarsmen
were out yesterday. Lavcock was run
down by a bargp , but was not injured.
Hia boat , lowever , was somewhat
Iu the walking match for the Astley-
bel. , at Agricultural hall , Rowell at
i 4 o'clock yesterday had made 4GG
j miles ; Littld Wood , 412 ; aud Dobler
I 399. Dobler'u condition is improv
Aa lo the single ecull race to be
rowed to-day at Newcastle-on-Tyne ,
the betting on Lycock is maintained
steadily. The backers of Riley ex
press great confidence in his ability to
wit ) , aud are betting largo sums on
A telegraphic game of chesa is in
progress" between the Liverpool and
Calcutta chess clubs.
" " "
New York Money and Stocks. . ,
WALL STRUT , Ko > emb r6.
MONEY-4 par cnt ; exchange steadyat
84 SQ 6J.
U S.6V81 1 Oil U.S.4's 1051
U.S. 5V 1 oej Curreacyffa 1 S6
U.S. 4jg 110J
Moderately ftclhc : decline i@'lc , rccoverlrg
Chicago Produce Market.
CHICAGO , November 6.
Wheat Was active but irregular ,
but closed pretty steady and @ § c
higher than 24 hours ago. No. 2
sprinc closed at § 1 01 | for November ;
31 03 for December ; § 1 04J for Jan
uary.Corn c higher. No. 2 closing at
39jJc for cash for November ; 40J ®
40c for December ; 45Jc for May.
Oats | @jjc better ; No. 2 closing at
29o for cash or November ; 30Jc for
December ; 34fcjor May.
Rye Unchanged at 87c.
Barley No. 2 closed at 85Jc for
November or December.
Whisky 8111.
Hog Product firmer.
Meas Pork Closed at137514 for
cash ; § 11 90@1200 for November
811 95@12 00 for December ; § 13 32i
© 13 35 for January.
Lard Closed at 88 05 for cash ,
and 58 00 for November ; § 7 92J ®
8 CO for December ; and § 7 72J@7 75
for year.
Chicago Live Stock Market.
CHICAGO , November 5.
Hogs. Were in large supply and
firm and active with salea at
$4 G5g4 ( 75 for light packing ; and
shipping lots ; . 44o@4 75 for \heavy \
picking , and § 4 60@4 90 for good to
choice extra smooth , heavy shipping
eps , ogB-- > - r
Cattle There wai" moderately ac
tive inquiry" ' for choice to extra
grades of shipping steers * Among
s. lcs to-day was a lot of 14 head of 2
and 3 year' old steera , averaging 1675
llba. iit six dollars , the highest fig
ures paid for the past eighteen months ,
raised and fed by A. Rodefer Lewiston -
ton , LawU county , Missouri ; sold by
Keenan & Hancock to J. H. Truman
for the London market. Prices
ranged frcm 82 70@3 25 for fair to
good cows , and from § 2 70@3 35 for
fair to good cows , and from $4 65@
5 40 for choice to extra ateers. There
was nothing done in Texas grades
up to 11 o'clock. Fresh receipts were
6,760 head.-
St. Produce Market.
ST. . Louis , November 5.
Flour Quiet and unchanged.-
Wheat Fairly active and lower ;
stiffened at close. No. , § 1 013
@ 1 Oli@l 00 | for cash ; 81 OH
for November ; S104J@1 04@1 04 ?
for December ; § 1 07g@l 08J@1 C0 |
for January $ lv08i@l 09 for Feb
ruary ; No. 3 do 94g95c ; No. 4 do
Corn Firmer and slow ; 39 @ 3'Jgc
for cash ; 39ic bid for November and
December ; 3939Jc for January ;
43J@43c | for May.
Oats Higher at 29c for cash ; 29 |
(530 ( for November ; 30jc bidjfor De
Rye Firm at 85c.
Barley Unchanged.
Butter Unchanged.
y ? Eggs Unchanged.
Whisky Steady at $110.
Pork Quiet at 814 00 cash ; $13-
25 for January.
Dry Salt Meats Nominal.
Bacon Nothing doing ; no stock.
Lard Quiet at 8c bid.
Receipts Flour 7,000 bbls , wheat
57,000 bu , corn 54,000 , bu , oats 9,000
bu , rye 1,000 bu , barley 15,000.
' Shipments Flour 12,000 bbls ,
wheat 23,000 Jbu , fibrn none , oats
1,000 bu , rye 1,000 , barley 2,000
St. Louis Live Stock Market.
ST. Louis , November 5.
Hoga Lower ; Yorkers and Baltl-
mores , § 4 25@4 40 ; mixed -packing ,
St 40@4 CO ; butchers' to fancy ,
54 C0@4 75 ; receipts , 1200 ; ship
ments , 800.
New York Produce Market.
NEW YORK , November 5
Flour Slightly in buyers favor.
N ery moderate export and home
demand receipts , 19,672 bbls. ;
round hoop Ohio at $4 705 00 ;
choice do $5 10@6 00 ; superfine wes
tern , 83 8534 35 ; common to good ex-
trado455@475choicedo ; , do , 8480
SG 50 ; choice white wheat , do $4 75 ®
Butter Steady and quiet ; Ohio ,
Eggs Firm at 20@23ic for fair to
Wheat Irregular ; Chicago § 116 ®
ri7Milwaukee ; , $118@119 ; No. 2 red
winter , § 117i@L 17 | for December ;
SI 10 § .
Corn Quiet and firm ; No. 2 , 57c.
Oats Quiet.
Whisky Quiet.
Provisions Pork , 812 60313 80 ;
seller the year. 815 00 cash ; § 14 85
asked forNovember.
iard88 63 bid cash ; § 8 50 ®
8 55 for November ; 88 378 43.1
for December : $8 408 42J for Jan"
uary ; 88 45@8 50 for Febru ry ;
$8 47 $ < § 8 50 for March ; 88 37i@
8 42i " seller year ; $8 57i bulyer
The commissioner of internal reve
nue receivei I a telegram yesterday
morning announcing the seizure , by
Deputy Taylor , of an illicit distillery ,
in Oglithorpe county , GoorgK Two
copper still * , caps and worms , and 150
gallons of beer , were captured in the
A Choice Collection of Poli
tical Notes from Battle
field and Boneyard ,
The Greenback Congressmen Be
lieved to Hold the Balance
WLi'e ' Vice Preside !
Y/ill / Dissolve the $ m in
the Upper House ,
A Disgusted Brigadier Ad
vises His Brethren to
Make it Unanimous.
Mickey Mahone , the Virginia
Giant , Refuses to Show
His Colors.
Colorado and California Rais
ing a Solid Column of Re
publican Vot'ea.
The Situation To-Day.
Special dispatch to The Bee.
NEW YORK , Novembsr 5 , 4 p. m.
The World ( dem. ) says : The situation
in the country is not materially chang <
ed this morning. The democrats have
secured the Tennessee legislature ,
which makes the senate safe , even
without California. The house ia very
cloEC and the greenbackers may possi
bly hold the balance of power between
the republicans and democrats. Gar-
field's majority will be about 14,000
The Sun ( Ind ) says thai , congress
IB still in doubt , the two parties being
about evenly divided in both houses.
The greenbackers hold the balance of
power in the house , and there is a pos
sibility that they may hold it In the
senate. If the republicans succeed in
organizing the house they will speed
ily increase their majority by
ousting members from the south
ern states 7hose seats may
be estimated. The house of rep
resentative * is composed of 293 mem
bers. The roll is made up by the
clerk bf the preceding house who
holds over until his successor ij elect
ed. A majority consists of 146 mem
bers. Returns so far received foot np
14G democrat * ) , counting Ladd and
March , of Maine and Smith , of New
York , and 146 republicans. Fiyodia-
trictu vhi h are Riveii tothrtclemocrws
are yet in doubt , witlr\'ie chances
in favor of the demccrath candidatea.
Should that bo the result , Mnrch ,
Ladd and Smith will hold the balance
of power in the next house. The
senate also is close , although UB
chances favor the return by the dem
ocrats of a majority. Thirty demo
cratic senators from the southern
states and seven democratic senators
from the .northern states hold
over , viz : McPherson , of New Jersey ;
Pendleton , of Ohio ; Voorhees , of
Indiana ; Davis , of Illinois ; Farley ,
of California ; Slater , of Indiana ;
and Grover , of Oregon. The Nevada
legislature will elect Fair ( dem. ) to
succead Sharon. If the democrats
carried the California legislature as
reported they will have a majority of
two senators , exclusive of Mahono.
If the California legislature ia repub
lican , and Mahone acts with them , the
senate wi > l be a tie , and Arthur will
have a casting vote. Senator Grover ,
at Oregon , has been in poor health
for a long time. His death would de-
troy the democrat majority.
The Herald ( Ind. ) says Garfield's
majority in the electoral college is 34 ,
claiming California for the republi
cs. On the popular vote it says
Hincock probably leads Garfield by
26,000. The honae of representatives
will certainly be republican by a ma
jority inside of 12. The senate is
The Tribune ( rep. ) si > ys Garfield has
219 electoral votes , including Califor
nia , and claims the next president will
have a working republican majority
in the house to sustain him.
The Times ( rep. ) also gives Garfield
219 electoral voles , including Califor
nia. It says Nevada ia in doubt , but
jongress will be controlled by repub-
Democrat or Republican ?
Special Dispatches to Tin Bit
RICHMOND , Va. , November 5. 4
3. m. Senator elect Win. Mahone.
) f this state , was shown a telegram ,
taking him to state whether he would
ict with the democrats or republi-
: ana , and waa requested to give an
mswer. He replied , "I won't do
jither. I mean , I will neither reply
; o the telegram nor answer the
juestlon. "
Too Thin.
Ipedal dispatch to The Use.
CHICAGO , November 5 4 p. m.
i. New York special to The Daily
Sews says the democratic claim of
'raud is too visionary and unstable
'or reputable democrats to place any
lependance upon.
California Sato.
Ipccial Dlspatch to The Bee
SAN FRANCISCO , November 5 4 p.
n. Typographical errors in the proof
rom which my figures were compiled
; ave a hundred and eighteen too many
rotes for Hancock. Corrected foot-
ihowa Hancock 3 votes ahead. The
Elecord Union s ya , however , Gar-
ield's majority will not be leas thin a
Reduced MajorHlea.
ipedal dispatch to The Bee.
ATLANTA , Ga. , November 5 4 p.
n. Georgia baa gone democratic by a
ionslderably reduced majority. The
najority in 187G was 80,000 , whereas
Elancock's majority is about 25,000.
The congressmen are all democrats.
Colorado's Column.
ip cUl Dkrpitcb to The I5 e-
DENVER , November 5 4 p. m.
[ It p iris from the mountain section
md the interior towns' indicate that
the republican majority for the entire
ticket , excepting Gov. Pitkin , will
be from 3000 to 3500. From private
> nd special dispatches his own major
ity is estimated at from 500 to 2000
ihcad of the state ticket.
Special Dlxpitch toTte E e.
CHJCACO. November .5. A Wasji-
fngion special says : There is &iroilg
conviction among politicians of both
parties that the defeat of Hancock
means the breaking up of the solid
south in the ctuly future. One of
the moat popuUr of southern demo
crats now in this city enya :
"If I had my own way I
would cast the 138 electoral
Votes of the south for Garfield
and make the thing unanimous" This
idea takes like wildfire in Chicago ,
and prominent geutldmu : ) of both
parties say thit if'the south would
iiow come up and * cast their entire
electoral vote for Garfield it would do
more to inspire friendly feelings be
tween the north and south and do
awp with sectional solidity than any
thing else that -could possibly ba
The Banner Utato. 63
SpoctM Dteatch to Tbi Baa.
DBS MOINES , la. , November 6. i
p. m. The republican state commit
tee still estimate Iowa at 80,000 ma
jority for Garfield and Arthur. The
following are the returns of majorities
for Garfield by congressional districts
First district , 5,000 ; second , 6,200
third , 3,402 ; fourth , 10,000 , which
claims to be the largest majority
given by any congressional district in
the union ; fifth , 8,000 ; sixth , 7,000
seventh , 8,000 ; eighth , 10,000 ; ninth ,
12,000. Four of the congressional
districts are solid for Garfield. Every
county in them giving him a major
ity. Only four counties of the ninety-
nine in the state give Hancock a
majority over Garfield.
The Forgery Case.
Jpedil Dispatch to Iho Bee.
NEW YORK , November 5 , 4 p. m
Iho Fhilp Ciso was resumed this
morning. Carvalho , an expert , testi-
Sed that the elope of the letters in the
Morey and Jewell letters were similar ,
but the loops in the first portion of
the former wore larger than tnose in
the latter , and in the Jewell letter
there was an evident de
parture from the characteristics
in the Morey letter. Mr. Howe for
the defense asked for an adjournment
because of the non arrival of witness
es from Lawrence , Mass , , bv whom ho
expected to prove Morey's existence.
Objection made and the trial was re
sumed. Daniel T. Amos , the expert ,
was recalled for the prosecution and
exhibited a transparency showing the
slope of the Morey and Jewell letters.
of seven degrees between the two.
The council for the defence handed to
; ho court affidavits in support of his
motion to adjourn. The prosecucion
objected , but Judge Davis said iu or
der to give both sides all the oppor-
; unity possible to produce testimony ,
le would grant the request and adjourn
'mm ' to-day till next Tuesday.
Kate SpragueSuos for Divorce ,
peclal Dispatch to the Bee.
NEW YORK , November 5 4 p. m.
Winchester Brittpo , * T < mairicl at"
torney of Kings county , has baen re
tained to bring an action for divorce
for Mrs. Kate Sprague against ex-
Qov. Sprajjue , of Rhcde Island. He
Will have the papers ready for service
in a few days. Britton , on his visit
to Providence last week , framed re
plevin papers for a piano and a portion
tion of Mrs. Spraguo's wardrobe , and
placed them in the hands of the sher
iff , who , Britton saya , has served
Fatal Collision.
Special Dispatch to The Bee.
NEW YOKE , November 4 4 p. m.
A. collision that resulted in the leas of
two lives and endangered many others
occurred this morning on the New
STork , Lake Erie and Western road at
the west end. A train on the N. Y.
&N. J. road , duo in Jersey City at
3:30 : , was ncaring Penhorn , when tbo
engineer discovered a mile in advance
if him slowly moving a freight
[ rain on the same track. He
signalled to the train in advance ,
md the freight train was run
jff on a siding to allow the passenger
to enter the Bergen tunnel first. The
mitchman neglected to replace the
iwitch after the freight train had
passed into the turn out , and ignorant
} f the state of affairs , the engineer of
the passenger train put on a full head
] f steam and dashed ahead , turned
into the siding and collided with the
: aboosa in the rear of the freight train.
David Quackenbnsh , engineer of the
passenger trainwaskilled , Jaa. DeBoil ,
i brakeman who was in the caboose ,
ittached to freight at the time of the
jollfsion also killed. G. Yorhoes , the
: reman , was badly injured and his
recovery is doubtful.m. . Ballaight
ivas cut on the head , but not dan cr-
jusly. The other passengers escaped
ivith alight injuries. Clarke Bogart ,
: he switchman , after opening the
iwitch to allow the freight
irain to pass" from the main track ,
iront to sleep and failed to replace the
iwitch so that the N. J. train could
Immediately after the collision oc-
: urred , Bogart disappeared. All
learch for him has been fruitless. The
police expect to have him before
light. One thousand two hundred
lollars will repair the damage to the
railroad company.
A Sick Actress ,
ipedil Dispatch to Tint Bis.
NEW YOEK , November G , 1 a. m.
Fhnrsday nisht Miss Clara Morris
iraa unable to finish her portion of the
? lay , "Article 47 , " at the Park thea-
; re , and the audience were dismissed
it 9:30. : Miss Morris showed signs of
illness the moment she appeared on
: hestage. At times nheseemed dazed
md unable to catch her cues , as if she
iras under the influence of some nar-
: otio , such aa morphine. Toward the
> nd of the first act her inability to fol-
, ow the play became apparent to ev-
; ry one. and , after hesitating a mo-
nent , like a person in a dream , she
laid , "Excuse me , " to the audience ,
md walked off the stage.
Cheap Labor.
PAITEKSOW , N. J. , November 6,1
i. m. The Barbour flax apinnlng
: ompany have set half a dozen China-
nen to work in one of their depart-
nents to the great indignation of the
white men employed there. The firm
lay they are set at work which white
nen will not do. The employes
tell different stories , and have an idea
that this is the commencement of gan-
ral employment of Chinese labor.
There is no trouble or any threatened
disturbance , but it is reported several
lilk manufacturers are contemplating
the introduction of Chinese labor , and
ia the cause of much excitement among
wnrkingmen here. There is a
good deal of talk over IL Whether
It will amount to anything ia not cer
tain , though it appears that there is
an intention among ome manufac
turers to employ Chinese.
French-American Commission.
Special Dispatch to The Gee.
WASHINGTON , November 6 1 a. m.
1'ho mixed commission to settle tha
claims of French citizens in the Unit
ed States and American citizens in
France respectively , growing out of
losaea occasioned by the rebellion and
the Franco-Prtlislan war , was organ
ized at the departmi nt of state yester
day. The amount of claim j the
French have against the United
State * approximate 55,000,000 , about
one-half of which will be allowed.
The claims of our citizens against
Franco are also large. Most of the
French claims are for cotton destroy
ed nnd confiacated along the lower
Considerable Unimportant
Business Transacted.
A Move Favorable to .Relocat
ing the Reservoir Site.
An adjonrned regular meeting of
the city council was held last even
ing. Present President Boyd and
Councilman Blackmore , Dailey ,
Dodge , Hornberger , Jones , Kaufman ,
Labagh , Boddis , Stephenson and
From the mayor , appointing J.
Warden in psctor of water pipes at
St. Louis. Confirmed.
From J. M. Thurston , resigning
bis membership in the library board.
From Engineer Rohwer , transmit
ting Hie estimate on grading Harney
stroat , from Tenth to Fifteenth
Also from the ci y engineer , esti
mating the coat of approaches to
Eighteenth street from the alley north
of Farnam.
From Chief Gallagher , that the cis
tern at Twentieth and Casa streets
lias been covered up in the grading.
From Chief Gallagher , that he has
suspended Chas. Sanlter , engineer of
Mo. 3 , for improper language and in
subordination , and recommending to
stop his pay for twenty days. Ro-
From Frank Murphy , that the Gas
Company has 475 consumers , and tnat
the- company is charging $3.BO per
thousand feet for gai. Filed.
From C. H. Stephens , in behalf of
the Christian church , for the cancel
lation of taxes , the county having can
celled its taxes against the property.
From the South Tenth Street M.
E. church , proposing to fill earth in
the streets in liquidation of taxes.
The proposition was accepted with the
condition that only ten cents per yard
Tnatead ot 15 centa would b $ charged.
from liuko MeDermott , . .iogracU
The city marshal's report , showing
L54 liquor dealers and 17 draggwti.
Mr. Stephenson inquired of tha
narahal if Harry Lucas ia still selling
The marshal reported that he be-
ievea Lucaa is , although lie shut him
np once.
Mr. Stephenson denounced Lucas
aa setting the city authorities at de
The marshal explained that Lucas
tad taken an appeal from the last con
viction , and was running nnder pro-
ection of that injunction. The re
tort was placed on file.
From residents near Twenty-cecond
> etween Farnham and Harney streets
or the filling up of pond. Referred
o committee on finance.
From the city marshal calling at-
ontion to the dengerouajconditiou of
he cut at Tu enty-aecond and Casa
treets. Filed.
From the city attorney , transmit-
Ing the cost of Guy A. Brown in the
aae of Goodrich agaiuet Omaha. Ra-
From the city physician , the reporter
or October , showing 30 deaths and
2 births. Filed.
By Mr. Kaufman , to grade Spruce
treat between Second and Third
treets. Adopted.
By Mr. Thieman , to apply the
money received for selling a certain
ot to bj ttfingfcrosswalks. Lost.
Bv A Hornberger , that the mayor
tave T Fer to appoint as many special
> oHce aVhe may deem necessary , with-
> nt expense to the city. Adopted.
By Mr. Hornberger , to advertise
or proposal for furnishing the city
with coal. Adopted.
By Mr. Dailey , to build a sidewalk
along the east side of Jefferson square.
By Mr. Stephenaon , to advertise
or proposals for curbing and gutter-
ng Harney street between Tenth and
Tif teenth streets. At the suggestion
of Mr. Boyd , Mr. Stephenaon amend
ed to provide for guttering also.
Adopted with the amendment.
Upon motion of Mr. Jones , the
council elected members of the pub
ic library board to fill vacancies.
Prof. J. H. Kellom and Mrs. 0. N.
lamsey were elected.
By the committee , to accept the
> roposal of Joseph Rsdmau to furnish
tiling for the snwer. Adopted.
By Mr. Jones , to make passable tJ > e
alley at Eighteenth street north of
Tarnham , and graded at a cost not to
xceed 18 centa per yard.
The resolution was amended to roaka
ho alloy passable , and the expense
not exceeding $160. Adopted.
Lyes Daily , Dodge , Jonet , Roddis ,
Stephenaon , Thieman , Boyd.
fays Blackmore , Hornbergor , Kauf
man , Labagb.
By Mr. Montgomery , to employ
wo teams to repair Douglas street ,
> etween Sixth and Seventh.
By Mr. Boyd , to put In a crossing
on the west side of Sixteenth and
/aaa. Referred.
The special ordinance was then in-
rodnced , permitting 8. L. Locke ,
ontractor for the water works , to
change the site of the reservoir from
n > ar Hanecom Park to * " reservoir ed
Mr. Boyd asked If the ordinances
were now subject to amendment.
Mr. Dodge moved to reftr the or-
iinance to be reported n'pon at the
text meeting , the reason being that
t is not safe to pa > s an important or
dinance at the same meeting in which
t is introduced.
Mr. Boyd said that he believed he
would offer an amendment that any
new locttiuna orchacgea in pipe ne-
cesjitated by the change of reservoir
Wholesale and Retail .Tl
tiold siml Silver Watches
and Jnvc'ry in the
Gome and See Our Stock
as We Will Be Pleased
to Show Goods.
liHh & Dndifp. OppovtD Postotti a *
Irorf and Wagon Stock ,
At Chicago Trices.
120J ) and 1211 Harncy Street , Omaha.
The largest and be l assortment of
Trunks and Valises in I he West. Telescopic Cases
and Sample Trunks a Specialty.
H.H. . MABHQFF , - - - . . PBOP. ,
117 I4th St. . : $ Peers i\orth of I nnslus St.
J. O. RICHARDSON , Prop. ,
ba subject to Iho approval of the cily
council. This would not delay the
work , fpr the council has already
pledged itaelf to accept the new loca
tion if the waterworks company com
plies with the proper requirements.
The ordinance was referred.
BMr. . Jones , to have the stone
crossings taken up and put down
again. Adopted.
By Mr. Jones , to fcnco C < ias and
Twenty-second streets to protect the
embankment ; alto a fence at Nftie-
teenth and Douglas. Adopted.
By Mr. Thierrun , to use the city
force ono week to construct a road at
Poppleton avenue and Twentieth
streets , as the old road is private prop
By Mr. Stephonaon , to employ a
detective for the city for two months ,
at a * salary not to excaed $75 per
month , it being deemed necessary for
reason" that are apparent. Adopted.
The appropriation ordinance for
October expense ! was passed.
A new special ordinance was re
ported by the waterworks committee ,
embodying the description of the new
location. The report was ad opted.
The council adjourned.
Bpedal Dispatches to Tha'Boe.
The report published hero concern
ing the outrage by Chilian officials on
the American steam launch "Irabel , "
in the harbor of Peyta , Peru , ia cor
roborated by information received at
department of state.
The following revenue appoint
ments were made to-day : T. M.
Wade , store keeper Second dstric' ,
West Virginia ; J. S. Smith , Eighth
district , Kentucky ; N. F. Wilaoldt ,
ganger of the district of Nebraska.
The conaul of the United States at
Gothenburg , informs the department
of state that he ia told by the manag
ing director of the Lloyd line that the
company contemplates haying ita
steamers call at Gothenburg regularly
on their outward voyage , and on the
return trips as often as circnmslanc. s
may require. This will insure direct
monthly steam communication from
Gothenburg to New York , and can
not fail to have a beneficial effect UD-
on the trade relations batween tha
two ports.
The grand jury presented throe
indictments ogamat Sheriff Desmond
of S n Francisco , for felony , ia p r-
mitting the eicapo of a forger from
the county jail.
Major Kalloch is summoned to ap
pear for contempt ot court for attack
ing the grand jury from the pulpit
while the jury wai in session. .
The American society of mechanic
al engineers held thu second day'a
sosaion of their annnal meeting In
Union Square theatre , New York , yes
Louis Kanlr.n , of Sin Franci co ,
formerly registrar , waa indfcted by
the grand jury and their report wu
purpoaely delayed till after election
to relieve the jury of the imputation
ot making the Indijtmur.r , in orde to
have an effect on the election.
It was repirted yesterday that Mr.
Henry Prcbuco , of Cincinnati , in
tends giving ? 3CO,000 to the proponed
art mmeum if the location auits him.
At Madison , Ind. , George GIus
waa shot dead Thursday night by
George Watson or Fred French. It
is alleged that Glass hurrahed for Jeff
Davis , and in the altercation which
followed , Glass shot Watson in tha
leg , and Watson returned the fire ,
killing Glaas.
Bishop P. H. Feehan , of Naahville ,
will arrive in Chicago November 20th ,
and on Sunday , the 21at , will be in
stalled archbishop of Illinois.
The Chicago penaion office dla-
buraed in pensions the put ye r near
ly five million del ars , which is the
hrgest amount paid by any cffico In
t e country.
Weekly Line of Steamships
i New York E ery Thunfaj t 2 p. m ,
England , France and Germany.
For Passage pp'y ' to
u. /
JoaiZM \awsy.MbW