'iiitE-DAILY BEE. Friday Morning/SNbv. 5. BREVITIES , Paterenn hells coal. 1'rttla id. Leading llaitcr. o23-lf Sea Polack's advertisement. Isaac Kicko * . American remedy. 1 * rtcr if running the Omaha Ferry. - Luhinsbulk i-erfumeat Kuhn's only. - Fiie King Engine Co. meets to-night. - A newB'o.k of fine hacdkerchief es tr u tat Saxe b. Twelve care of block came iu to-day from the west. County court u in ses'.ion with Sfty- four crises ou the dotket. lor all the excitement of AVedtcsday n A iuerc wa * > not a tingle cabe of am hi * -\\'liH > ple , McMillan & Co. , the jewel er , 1 ' 2J ! Douglas i-treet. 0J6tf ShSl * IX THE "WORLD BaTar Gli-ve fittin. Patterns l Bushinau'b. tf ' 1 he best uf ir-caU : it 'Bath & "White's uiai lei , oiipoate the iwstolnce. 29-tf V-sth S : White , opposite the iwst- cti o. eoive Lfreah fihh even * Thutbday. twt-tf For 1 xidn , Lots Houses and Parnis , 1 , .k < re i Beiuis' new column on flrtt page. 'Jlie Garfield and Atthur Glee Club v 1 _ ' > to Council Bluffs to-iislit to help .l . if V. V.A A glance at the mortality report for la 11 nmtii will show that it was a pretty tn iie in every resp'ct. - St. Jnlm's lodge , 1C" . 25 , A. F. & A. M. , ra U instated commit ication this , Tn rby , evening. lyi t . Farms. Houseiand Lands. I/wk . . _ ! _ iv IBBM M.B.H m > - oi i JJemis' u-w column of bargains on Ihl 'J'hs tbridge near the Korth Omaha i - ion has' been repaired in accordance w i i the nusgeitionof THE BUE. iJiaaud Joiio Morris , with the "Mir- " r H f frelaiul , " at llio > c 0,1 1 'riilny aiid Salurilay evenings. ESIntbcdi' > trictcourlWcdncs.laylIio 3i < X ! i f Sextmcr vs. Grifiii , et al. , was on trial hoi "renju y. Tuerewere no olbcr pro ceed mgb. -The news of the election of Garficld , hr storied the business lx ouu There was i -I ible nuinbcr of real estate trausfcre InSarpy county T. P. Joue , republican - can , * ! elected county commissioner by a im it iniijerity , and Gates , deinocr.itic , \v , vlectad representative by about ICO eon tty. B , - 1 he Union Pacific Weduoday w.-t-Jtwo ' „ aii'l n half bourn behind time. The Nbrlh- \vi.iernwastlo only train lliat waited ils ni 11 tU The same train was reported [ four A. regular meeting of the city cot ncil 'v.isWld last night. PrcHent 1'renident ' ! . . < . I an ! Councilmau Dailey , Dodge , JM , JloJdisandTliieman. Upon mo- . , ii u < if Atr. UoJgi the council adjourned toil , it Monday evening. ' 't. ' liiruabas church has purchased a 'i on V < SKIIII , which is quite as large as any - inha city. ! l'Jio price paid ivas fl 00. 1 or nu is elegantly flnished ; in front is ' * ! ' r tucmoriul i > lat9 , with the nams of 2,1 , L Hue \VooJm in , wlio for so long 1 i lior deatti M as organist of St. Barnabas. luwday evening last Mr. and Mrs. " \ \ u. itnnvii celebrated their silver wed- J i .A their rcbiilcm-c jn Sliinn'ssd tition. T i Iimuo v.-asTilled witligue tsvliog : mutot many useful aud co-illy presents , D i utg ua' indulged in after sujiper and a ; -Mfal good I'mchad by all. r-hftiles Whitaej' , James \Vhiln jand Slo " .3Colan , Taylor , Devlin a'nl Dolan. t ' > vo fonuer cx-mcinboro of thu Omaba Vf" - < < iioiinl ba c lull team , and the latter f.i"i us uhenhere in thei-ame line , came in Jioin tlw co.tet Tuesday and remained over Jn the olty until Wednesday. They aic jo- iu In/me fo. the winter , and all expect to liLiy agaia ne\tJ > easou. \ocMr < 1iug to the following the I\o- sc'jiuibinatiou ' has gone to pieces. The GIiiu ti'tovv.i { ) H md of Moud y 8ays of . tr wpe : "Trie com any disbanded here iV n + i'liu tSU Louix , where they M ill it. rr Bize in about two weeks. The tour lJiroju Iov\a wan a pecuniary failure for , , tl man Cement , the gifted star having / % ' ! eViileutly throngh sheer lackofce- 1 tto bccure a remunerative i atron- --Uov. Dr. II. D. lisher , formerly of til Firat L E. church of this city , aad iu < o ivceiitly in charge of a congregation at U Lake Cit- , has been appointed eu- Jicn'itondeut of the American Bible a Bo- i > u for the territories embracing Utah , Jtl - , Montana and New Mexlcn. Mr. toi11 , hoaccompamedMe3sr. . Moodj r 'v < - tukey out to Salt Lake , has been np li i IJ ti Kiiccjed the doctor , whose prv- u iu4i\Uho ! a source of ptide tohismany iniUiu Omaha. Do not fail to visit TIIE LADIKS' FAIIU e at CUEIGUTOS HALL , held K < n enihsr 5Ui , Gth , Sth , 9lh , 10th , f 1 t ry companies and the Fire irituont will visit the Fair during v < ; k. Everybody will bo there. 4-3t w iiKrnings at IIospc's. J Maurcr has opoucd his new Bt ' a aud lunch room 1214 jFarnham El , lf.tcElguM' - ' " ' " " 1m Pears , Plums , Grapes , 01 -ii Tizird's Palace. o21 If ' BK6ONAL I'ARAGKAPHS. ' ' . J. W. Love , ol Xlattsuionlli , is in < & > . If. Jcvvett left on the noon train yt t i ' .lyforSidney. y1 VwH Uylandcr came in from the eai-t -layMrilhaiiartyof nine laud bujcib Io i . Slaughter , of Kane couutyns In , } "Wednesd-y night and returned lie \ > utorday. i. Melville C. Day. of St. LouY , I ni'icitor ' of the Missouri Pacific iv , vr f in the city Wednesday. T F. M. Soionon and wife * . o { Den- vc uH eMu Mr. Al SoreDNjnis city cd ' -if The ltepuolcan poiued through th ' - ywl erday.i etui umc home from the ca 1. H. Tanduzen , a prominent tcle- jrn > r , many years manager of the IV" < TB Union Tclegiaph Office , at Cleve- IAL II 1 now connected witB" the Atlantic . ! fic lines , is io the city. . os Gatub'e , general euperiuteadent ol \Vontera Union "telegraph lines on th . citic coastjisin the city. Mr. Gam- < * at the oldest telesratihers in the co -tiy.Tia ing coiislru.tcd the pioneer lie 'f California. The late Edward lieOr Or 'iion and _ Col. dowry constructed the" T'E fcilflROl'i fwm the ML-souri river ! t Tke City , and Mr. Gamble built th- nff from Salt J-olu ; io TEE'KOGUEAT WOEK * , Trying to Count Out the Legally Elected Members of the Legislature. Doctoricg the Eeturns by the Mott Brazen Fraud and Chicanery. When the election closed on TUBE- cUy tvemng tlio TJ. P. gargwith thor r jpuUican brand , claimed to have car- rledihocounty by the most overwhelm- ij uwjorityfortheirwholeticketThey averted boldly that they had carried every ward except the Second and Fifth by largo majorities. T.icy c'airued over 400 raijority f r Coutant and the rest of the ticket iu the sixth alciia. Yhcn the returns b-gui to coaie in yesterday afternoon and the countingm the different wards was drawing tj close , there was great exittinout iu the Union Pacific ctmip. Frank Walters , Windmill Baldwin , jiiUnt and tliu hangers on and strik ers u ere rushing about at afearfulwte , g to and fro with very ling farvs. A hr e concourse of U. P. atnlc'a assembled in the First ward and tricl to bulldoze the judges there into cutting down the mijurityagaintt tic Union Pacific candidates. There was liaulin and tugging and pulling at the second ward , and Has- Cill was very badly out of humor. By 2 o'clock at night itvas pretty well u dorctcod among the Union Pacific men and at the Republican office that at Je.iat live o-f their ticket was beaten , Cunlaut , Locke , and the three lowest men on the leg islative ticut. This morning the U. P. sinkers went to work with the de termination to upset the result of the legitimate election. A new count waste to bo Lad iu the First ward , with a view no doubt to cutting down the anti-monopoly majority. Ruht ; hire let us say that in the first ward the most infamous frauds were perpetrated upon ignorant voters by this gat-jj of ssoundrols. In the can vas of the vote it was found that over one hundred and fifty bogus demo cratic tickets had been smuggl" ! in by tie U. P. clan. Eich of these brgus tickets had the entire republican Icg- t.ckct printed in amoug the democratic candidates without any distinguishing mark. A largo majori ty if these tickets were doubtKss vo.ted by unsuspecting democriU who supposed they were voting for the democratic candidates. The most infamous attempt to de fraud tbo voters of this county is , however , being perpetrated wUh the returns from Chicago precinct. A tnsu by the name of Rohlfs , who was one of the judges , cameii'jWedmsday morning and brought the repc rt that the fusion anti-monopoly ticket had a small majority in that precinct ivhcro over 150 voles hid been cast. The relnrns from that precinct , were not handed in to the couuty clerk unt 1 12:30 to-day , and -fcWa miwe artflifturmrt ! , It wTw only the ballots , without uny accompany ing documents. An hour previous to this the U. P. c n < li < lairs were report ing on the strc.ts tint Coutant and the other U. P. candidates had 2i ) major ity in Chicago precinct. Dovr c-uno that change in the l&st twiiity-four hours ? To a tuau up a tree it looks very much as if the vote in Chicago precinct had b en tampered with and the rutuius doctored to suit the emergency. The returns thus far received show that the anli monppolv republicans liavo polled over 100C Aoics in llita county , and while GM- ed ! carries the county by' 1200 majority , the U. P. republican leg- iblativo ticket isbiatcn f < .r the most part , if there is an honest count and thn returns arc nol tampered with. If it hadn't been for the bogus tickets and the 300 or 400 democrats bought up with money , every one of the candidates on the. anti-monopoly ticket would ba clecled. WANTED. Five dry goods Falesmen. Capable men with references from past em- plo3-crs can obtain permanent places. S. P. MOENE&CO. LOST. Surgical Pocket Case Finder vill please return to" Dr. Parker , Tttolfthand Hamoy and get reward. CAPS ALL. Bonner's Stores much the finest in the Market. " ' " J e. 1410 Douslas street. . o22-tf AUCTION SALE. At 1205 Douglas street , will be offered for sale , at public auction , Saturday , November Cth , at 10 o'clock A. jr. , all the stock and fixtures bc- onging to the Gymnasium , including abouhng alloy , pins , balls , ono nil- tard table , lifting machine , a com- ileto Lcno outfit ; also two bath tubs with fixtures , tables and chairs with other articles too numerous to , men- u. iiov4-2t Israel Loomis. T' ' i funeral of the late Israel J" la . ° .Jacfl yesterday jt ' "lo'O a. m. , from the residence on Cal- fornia and Kineteenth streets , and ho remains were taken to Vesta , Tohr.son ccunty , his former homo , on the 9 o'clock B. & M. train , for in- tsrment. Sir. Liomls was the father of Mies Loornis , of Brownell Hall , and came to Omaha but a few weeks ego , after the death of his wi e , which occurred on Sept 22d. . The deceased came to Nebraska twenty-four years ago from Michigan and made his home in Johnson coun ty , where he owned a farm and al ways took a prominent part jn politi cal affairs , lie said to a reporter of this piptr , who was introduced to him a fosr days ago on the street and had a long and interesting conversa tion with him , that ho should never have come to the city but for the loss of his wife , that everything Igoked strapgo to him hcra * wand' ho did not know that ho would over get accuttomcd to the cn'aage/'althouijn / it seemed a pleasant one under the circumstances. Ho was then apparently in the " "enjoyment of excellent health , notwithstanding the weight of sixty-seven years. Satur day moruin" ho was seized with an apoplectic attack which resulted in a complete paralys's ot the left s'.do , and In a half comatose and Insensible con dition from which ho never rallied. Mr. Loomis has many friends throughout the state * ho will learn , with regret , of his sudden demise. 7 t { received a car load of TEIME MicJtiyan Winter Apples , llircc-luslid &JHTC/S / , "HEN-RIOTS" jtrit nradc. Now is the i'rnc io put In supply for ihc sea- ton , Ihcy arc lilcly io be SOc maumi in a few days. FLEMING & CO , uov3 Ut Grocers. Sirs. M. Cox , Fushionablo Dress Maker , S17 Fifteenth street , between Davenport and Chicago. Xew Encravings at HoSDc's , Bootblacks' Brotherhood. Among the contributors to the Oma ha Bootblacks' Brotherhood yesterday were Judge Sivage , Georga Patto eon and Beard Brothers. The former is especially interested in this * effoit to help forward the enterprise. The people living in the vicinity of 1405 Harney street , the building occupied by the association , have expressed fears that the quint and safety of their neighborhood will be disturbed , but the boys siy they will prove a false alarm , their predictions in that re- jard. Fresh Fish at Molz's Market. For S.ile Six-horso power Baxter engine Brd boiler , iu good repair. Apply at BKE office. no-ttf Attention , Company H. All active members of tins company arc requested to meet at Armory hall , corner of Tenth and Farnham streets , Thursday evening , November 4th , as matters of special importance are to bs presented. J. N. VALCNTINE , Capt. The Weatber. The weather reports yi s'erday show that it is cloudy , with a strong north west wini from Omaha to Cheyenne , with the thermometer ranging from 33" at the former to 12 ° above at the latter place. From Liramio to Eranston It ia clear and calm , and a quarter of an inch f.ill of snow is reported. At Liramio the thermometer was 5 ° be low at 5 o'clock this morning. NEW STYLES , - New Stcck Hand-made Hhncs , in endless variety , just received , atDohlcifcCo.'s 4-2t ' - . - LsadiiiitShopS'o-e. Mortality Eoport for October. Trta city physician's report for the mouth of October shows the following figures : To'al ' deaths from all causes .30 to 37 for the month of. Sapt. Of thia ruiuber there viorouLiii the lot ward ; G m the 2d , 2 in the 314 in I ho 4th ; 2 in the 5th ; 7 iu the 0 h2 ; in the hos pital. pital.Threo Three were urd r h < 3 ago of eco year ; 4 , between 1 and 2 , 2 , between 2 and 3 ; 2 , between 1 and 5 ; 2 , be tween 5and 10 ; 1 , be'Uuen lOand 20 ; 4 , between 20 and 30 , 4 , between 30 and 40 ; 3 , between -40 anil 50 ; 1 , be tween 50 and CO ; 2 , between GO and 70 , and 2 over 70 years of age. There was ono death each from d plherin , croup , diarrhwa , dysentery , cancer , marasmup , hydrocuphialus , meningitis , gastritis , larangitis , con gestive chills , consumption of the bowels , old ago and btarvation , con gestion of the brain , paralysis , soft- enintj of the brain , .injury , ono not reported. Five from malarial fevers , three from phthisis , two from pneu monia , and two from convulsions. Sex Male , 15 ; female , 15. Col ored" , 'none ; married , toff ; single , twenty. Places of Interment Holy Sep- nlchre , three ; Prospect Hill , twelve ; Cassady'a , ono ; County , one ; German C.vtholic , 1 ; Sautha-'s , seven ; ramoved from city , five. Births 22. White , 21 ; colored , 1. Malr , 11 ; female , 11 ; still born , 1. Annual death rate per 1,000 , twelve. The Nebraska State Bar Aescciation. The adjourned"July meeting of the association will take place at the Uni ted States court room , Omaha , Wed nesday evening , Nov. 10,1880. There will bo an election of ah orator tor for 1881 , balloting for new mem- bars , reports of committees , and other business of importance transacted. C. F. MANDERbON , Pres. D. G. HDLL , Sec'y. v Hay -by the bale , ton or carload ; also * the 'best Winter and 'Spring Wheat Flour , Oats , corn , BrantFeed , Vegetables , etc. B. B. WILEY & Co. , 550 IGth St. , bot..Capttol avenue and Dodge. l/ " \29Gt t v < - 'Talk about a rush , ofbusiness , you ohould jnst look in at Atkinson's , the acknowledged leading millinery cstab- ishtneut. corner of DouglaF'and Thir- ecnth streets. The ladies all seem to understand that to sccuro'a really lylish hat or bonnet , at reasonable igurcs , they must go to Atkinson's , the o'lilylhst class4ixclnsivo < inillinery establishment in the city. - SUITSSUITS ! ! ! SUITS ! ! ! , Wo manufacture black cashmere suits on short notice ; a large variety of the beUxbrands to select from. Black silk suits to order from the cel ebrated "Guinet" and "Bonel"- brands. Stuff suits ready made from § 5 00 upwards. We have made a re duction of-twenty-five per cent , in these goods. Hundreds to select From and a perfect fit guaranteed in every instance. 29 f-m-fh McDoxALD & HAKIUSON. FURS ! FURS 1 ! FURS 11 ! Omahn Fur Manufacturer , Henry G. Richter , ia to be found op posite the postoffico o2G-t SHOUTING FOR GAEFIEED , The City Ablaze With Light andthe _ _ Citizens Fired With Patriotic Fervor. f A Memorable Nighb in the Gateway to the West. Probably there never before was an occasion of such general and enthusi astic rejoicing over any event in Omaha asWecnesd.-y witnessed in co- . sequence of the successful iisuo of the presidential campaign. It was like Fourth of July , Washington's birth day , St. Patrick's day , Christmas and Thanksgiving combined , and republi cans , without regard to age , sex , race , color or previous condition , were per fectly wild with enthusiasm and joy. At 7 o'clock the clans begun assem bling in front , of the Academy of Mu sic , where torches were to bo served out. Huge bonfires were built at the intersection of 13th and 1-lth streets v wijh.Douglas and beyond those a die- play of fireworks was made by private partft-3. The band of the Ninth regi ment came down in full force and the old reliable Union Pacific band graced the occasion with their presence. At 7:20 : o'clock theprocession was formed four deep along Douglas , right resting on Fourteenth , the firat division commanded by Col. E. F. Smytho and headed by the Military Baud ; the second division commanded by Maj. Geo. S. Doane and led by the Union Pacific band. All the torches belonging to both parties were eerved out and there not being lia.lt enough , men fell into the ranks without them , until fully two thousand people wore in line , when the march begun. Al ihis time the street ; ] were densely thronged with people , it was imposBi4 hie to press along the side-walks , and the city had the aspect of having sev eral Moody and Sankey congregations turned loose on each block at ono time. Ono continual cheer resounded from ono end to the other of the line of march , whilothe horrible noise of tin horns almost drowned out the magnificent music played by the bauds. The Academy had been thrown open in the meantime and before 8 o'clock there was not a seat left unoccupied and every inch of standing room was taken. The procession marched and countermarched ter-marched throngh all the principal streets , making an Imposing spectacle aud ono calculated to arouse all the patriotism possessed by the average American citizen. New bonfires werr kindled along the route until the city was ono blaze of light , her streets a flowing strei.m of fire and the heart of every repnblicin an altar on wfc ch burned such patriotism aa is always an acceptable sacrifice totho , godof bat tles and the prince of peace. It is impossible to describe the joy mani fested by all and ivhichf.ia evinced by every one according to his or her inclination. At length the procession hailedam3 _ _ a aina wnn a complement of speakers was left at the Academy after which a grand "overfl w'1 meet iiii ; nas held r.t the democratic stnnd on 14th street , kindly lo.im-d for the occasion , in front and around which no lesa than five thousand poisons as sembled to Lear addrersis from vir- iona prominent men from Omaha and the state at large. At the Academy the exercises of the evening were exceedingly inter- ojting. The Garfield and Arthur Glee club was present and sung its most in spiring songs , and tlie meeting was a regular love feast , or "camp fire , " would bo more appropriate to call it. Five minute speeches were made by Senator Saunders , Generals Mander- son an J. Co win , Col. Smythe , Hon. JohnL. Webster , Judges Hawes and Peabody , Messrs. Kynor , Bartlctt , Cliase , Moores and others , and the crowded galleries and auditorium re mained in deepest attention to the end of the meeting , except wlion'tho roof was fairly raise'd bysomj remark orpoint made which was considered especially good. The names of Lincoln , Grant , .Hayes and Garfield were cheered to echo , but , especially , that of. the silent hero of Appomattox and the New York campaign elicited a storm ef ap plause every time. . * . , THE OVEKFLOW MEETING on Fourtsenth street was a very en thusiastic affair. The meeting was called to order by W. H. H. Llewel lyn , who called on Ool. Smytho to pre. side. Five minute speeches we e made by Col. Smythe , J. M. Taurs- ton , C. A. Baldwin , C. J. Greene , Hon. J. L. Webster , and D. G. Hull , -Esq. , of Lincoln. It was not nntil 11 o'clock that the largest aud beat pleased audience that ever gathered in the Academy , ad journed to dream of future republican victories. The Swedish library will bo opened Ftiday evening , at 8 o'clock , at their rooms over Jacobs' clothing store , Farnham street. N.'S. P. C. A. A regular meeting of the Nebraska Society for tbo Prevention of Cruelty to Animals , will be held thia evening at 7:30 : o'clcck. at thebjard of trade rooms. The public are invited. GKO L.-MILLER , President. * WATSOX B. SMITH. Secretary : GOOD NEWS FOR THE MASSES , THE BOSTON ONE PRICE CASH DRY GOODS STORE Will open in Kennedy's new brick building on Tenth street , between Jackson and Jones , on Monday , NoVember - Vember 1st , with a new , fresh , well assorted stock of goods , which have been purchased at recent trade sales in Boston and New York for coin , and will be offered at prices heretofore un known in Omaha. Our aim shall always'be'to , cater , for the popular trade , and leave others to look after the high toned. - * Remember November 1st , Boston One Price Store , 10th St. , bet. Jackson and Jones , ' oct27 tf * BY JEBKS. The Way the-Returns of the Voting Preciucts are Coming in. Since our report of yesterday , addi- ditional returns have been received though not yat by any means full and complete. A revised count is in pro gress in the First and Fourth wards and a pHrtial recount In the Second end is deaired by one of the candi dates , . Mr. George Shields , who saya ha has 21 votes more there than are accorded him by the returns. For this reason only the additional returns received are given , and the statement Jif the correct county vote will bo given when it shall be ac curately reported. The present status of things can bo seen by refer ence to another column. Real Estate Transfers. Fredk. B. Lowe to Wm. fienr.es- seyi w. d. , lot 9 , blk. 4. Park Place , Omaha $300. Thos. Bryant and wife to John A. Cuppy : q. c. d. , e. A se. } stc 21 , tp. 1C , r. 11 , e. , $100. Neils C. Neilson and wife to .Paul Nehon : w. d. , s. i lot 4 , blk. 207 , Omaha § 350. Mary Ann Elliott et al. to Kathari- na Knollmuller : w. d. , lot 12 , blk. 5 , ShuU's2ndadd. . Omaha-8500. C.Y. . Hamilton , trustee , to Smith S. Caldwell : w. d. lots 1 , 2 , 3 , block 0 ; lots 1 , iJ , 3 , fi , block 5 ; lotsG , 7 , 8 , block 4 ; lots 7 , 8 , 9 , lj. { block 3 ; lots 9,10,11,12 , block 2 , Lake's addition to Omaha SI. Julius Rudowsky and wife to Fritz Wohlers : w. d. n. i , a i , no. L etc. 30 , t. 15 , r. 12 e.-82400 ! W. J. Connell and wife to Clinton Igss : w. d. lots ! , 2 , 3 and 4 , "Oak Knoll" addition , Omaln : § 5UCO. .benjamin E. Folsom , et al. , to An drew J. Banscom : w. d. , lot 5 and west i lot 6 , bl. 109 , Omalia § 5,000. Joseph Barker , ot al. , to Andrew Sorensen : w. d , , pirt s. o. j and s A , n. e. sec. 10.1.15 , r. 12 o. § 5,105. Sainuel E Rogers to Eli l > . Wat son : w. d. , lot 1 , " b11 \ , Improve ment Association add. , Om.iha § 250.Nelson Nelson P. Johnson to Bans Peter Blomburg : w. d. , lot 5 , bl. 8 , E. V. Smith's addition , Omaha 300. The plat of Reservoir Addition to the city of Omaha was filed. Miss JMattio Rothschild , sister of Mrs. A. 1'oldck , will give piano lea- sons , commencing the 10th instant , at the residence. 403 Cass street , bo- twecn IVentiulb and Twenty-first. Those desiring instruction will please call at onco. nov4tf TUB CKC1G11TON , A first-class hotel in every respect , is situated on the northwest corner of Thirteenth and Capitol avenue. This new house is newly and elrgntly fur- nishtd throughout , and the table and bill of faro will compare favorably with the' bittt in the land. Give it a trial. No runner at the Dopot. oct2D-eod-tf CHILDREN'S SUITS AND CLOAKS FOR ALL AGES , at MoDoNAin & oc29-f-m-th - - - CLOAKS AND DOLMANS ! Just rcceivad thia morning another largo im-oiso of the choicest novelt'ea in Uolunn , Cloaks , Jackels , Ulstera , Paletots and Hanolocks , ranging in price to suit every class of purchai ers. Call and see for yourslf. . f-m-th McDos'AU ) & HAKUIS . v If you have tried everything i-1-e , without receiving any benefit , call at 230 Dodge street , north side , between 13th and 14th , and see the agent for Isaac Nichols' American Remedy , ol Geodlm THE ROYAL ST. JOHN. The very latest thing Jn Sewing Machines , and wo dare say the b st , h now on sale and exhibition at th'e nicely furnished oilice of Dow B. Col by' 208 Sixteenth street , near Capitol avonue. It has some decidedly new and de sirable features , and from what we have seen of it wo believe no ono can afford to buy a sowing machine before seeing tlie Royal St. John. nSw&f Irish American Republican Club of Omaha. You are personally called on to meet at the board of trade rooms this evening , to endorse and ratify the election of our next president and vice president , James A. Garfield and Chester A. Arthur , to whom-we offer support andlifo if necessary in the ex ecution of ch il law and liberty to all men of whatever race or crto I they hold. Fully aware of our own satis fied condition , we implore and be seech the continuation of the gre t American fathers to remember our suffering people In Ireland. There fore we call on our countrymen to be present that with a unanimous vo'ce we may send forth an earnest appeal to the throne where wo are confident .of success. success.P P R. SULLIVAN , President. CIIAS. HANLEY , Secretary. Council Bluffs' Celebration. The ropulicans ot Council Bluffa will celebrate the victories of last Tuesday this evening. A special train will leave here at 6 o'clock , to convey all desiring to participate in the jollification. A New Paper. Saturday , November G , at noon , the first'.n.uniber of the NationaWVoik- man , will be issued in this city , price five cents. The now paper is edited by Samuel Sault , late editor of the Cohoea Regulator. It will bo in the truest and best sense a family paper. Tfon'l fail tp read It. Eor sale by all news dealers and at the office No. 316 12th street , between Farnham and Harney street. Twenty boys wanted to peddle it. Apply at the office. npv2-2i. A NE\V ENTERPRISE. Mr. HVH. Marhoff , late of Chica go , has established a trunk factory at 117 North Fourteenth street. Tele scopic case , sample , heavy traveling trunks a specialty. The largest and best assortment of trunks , bags and hand satchels iu the city. Re pairing in all ils branches promptly attended to. Goods delivered to any part of the city free of charge. oc30 B-tu-th - OJCC a wees in roar own totvu. " Icnm ad lOUU outfit Ires. AddrewE. Htlletttft 0 cniapd. M SPECIALNOTICES. . NOTICE Advertisements To Let For Bale * Lost , Found , Wants , Uoiniln ? Ac. , will bo hi- sorted lifthesa columns once for TEN CENTS jerlln ; each ffubswjacntlnKrtlou.FIVS CENTS per Una. The dm Insertion never lesa than TWENTY-FIVE CEMTS. TO IOAH-HONEY. K AAATO LOAN At8 per cent intei lUUUU cat , n sums of SJOOOand upwards - wards for 1 to S years' time on first claaaimprov ed city and ( arm property. Apuly at IJKMIS Real Estate anil Loan Agency , 15th and Donglaa ts. 278-codtf OltST XO LOAH ( fall At bw O3co D. L. VHOMA8. KoomS. TcUhton Block TO IiOAil 1109 Farnham street. MONKY Dr. EJnarAj Txxin Aifcncy. nov-22-U HELP WAHTEO \VASrED-N. E. co13th -d Podse. COOKVASrEDN. 707-13 Silin lo-i Iiy nun < f six jcarg WANTED [ iu gr corj store , or to url o team. liJCHlnfertiicca giicn. Aililro s J. U. , Eee Ofl'o. . 7f 0 0 WAK'TKD AslotltboJ ; Oermali orSwe < le preferred , to t kc care of ho-se and cow ni'l ' work in" store AiMiaja with refvrtn'e. "ile'chint , " Pwtoilice T91-S A comt ctcnt man , ho is tlior- WANTKD acquainted ill Kelratkk anil can gucKsl of rilcrtnccj ; viuit sitna ion 03 travelling safeimsn AddK s " 0 " Toatolli c 793-lf 'ANTcD A rtomtn cook , at the Hmraitt house. 732 6 WTANTED Some ladi to en cr Into business W Uli n respectable lady. AiMrcts E. P , Posloffuo , ( Itf. 7S7-4 By a jo ins widow , situttlim as WANTED . Good liomo more an ob ject than will's. AddreSJ J ! . C , care 15 I ! Johnson , Ora ha , Neb. 782 fi : ANT D Girl to take tire of children , at W 7CO s < . 10 h street. 734-1 V Ulclicn clrl , nt the Jlonitl WANTED op-oaitc the Uee Oflicc. 77lMf To contrict fur from 3 to 0 Ion' WANTED 1 straw pot nloath fm ono vcir. 7C9 4 J. H. jfc3ilAITF , Orrsln Iinmedia'cly ' , to rent d . < t 111 ' WAKTED liouso r suit of rooms ; mu-t bo i.i . a | .icalll\i'ood ; ttutaatspromiit pay. Ji'ij-iirf .t .41 > f WANTED A Rood Iionse-keepir. .it Ilirt 1'irulutnsireet , upsUliB , Gil if FOR RENT-HOUSES AND W.ft. FJH IinXT New cottage , 5 room , c o ct , I'ay-window , foldins doora , largo oil r , ivuhiiuinpiu kitchen , coal nnl woou litu c , ev rj Ih n , ' c-mpli-tc ; full corner lot , t n Hamil ton St. , Shlnn't ) AilJition , 3 blocks nest vtreet car lino. Fquiro next door cast. 79--G 10RKE"r Pii o bj the montli.ply at tin Metropolitan rotel. 790 If POK KEtTT a n > era . furnished or unfur- dished , 1 Sout'i ' IGtli street. 77i-4 EOR RE.NT A fnriiiahcd room , suitable for one or Ino gentleman , ti. W. ccr. 16th and Howard Sis. 731-tl FOR KEXT-Cottasc , on Sth and Pine SU , noiv house , eight rooms.oiiiSda d TajsSts Knquiro J. F. Hoc , f. E. Cor. litll and Farn FOR liEMT Il.raoo and lot in Shrill's 2nd add. , near now U. S. comll. Enquire at Uoom C , Crelghton IJIock. 664-tf T7OU KENT Finely furnished rooms at 1310 J } Davenport street , bet. 13th and llth St. 350 tf FOR RENT 2 furnished rooms o > er Mer chants Exchange , N. E. Cor. IGth and Dodie etreets. 289 If FOR SALE. L OTS , FAKM8. HOUSES AN D LANDS. Lee ovtr I ! Ell IS' new column of bargains on la I CO.OOO choice brick for sale Apply to Thomas L Green & Sons , Council Eluffi ) , 'a. 795-lf OK SATA' Rhubarb Boots. 300 hills for " pate at Chailton l > roj. , ICtli nd Davcui.on. ( \ HOUSES And cornsr hair ot lot , southeast ni corner lltlnnd CasaSts. , 7 roomin eaeh ; rent for $20 and S25 i or month HtMIs' 1 n t ESTATB AOEMT , 15th and Doughs Sts. 679-tf FOR SALS JIhcd p.ilnt3 , at A Holmca.lGth and California - ' tits. 015-tf O Ell IS UFFKRS A SPLENDID LIST O JLJ IViritaiiia In HovHC'L K fcALE CottonwotKl lumDcr of all sizesat KKPWKWS. SIxtwnth.it. 510-t. KlaCELLAHfOUS. LOIS , FARMS , HOUSES AND LAN1-S Look < ncr I'.KIUS new column of bargains on 1st I'a.c. fllAKIJN IH'-Uat 1st , ono ay marc , oae Day 1 c > lt , three mo'itha ol , % \lute fctar In fore- brail , nnl n.ic biy oier joirnli with s ar in forclie id Owiicr 0.111 h vo samp i y calli g an 1 IUJIH , ' charx.H.y. . WOLESbhSKY , 1 mile N. K. or ittncr's biick j.irl , North Onixha. 617-etlif.t TAMES PLEVEN Keeps a short horn lull , tl at Hh and Farnhiin streets , fjr services ; chargig , Jl 00. ISO K Absolutely-Pure , Made from Grape Cream Tartar. No otbef preparation makes such lizht , flaky hot bread' , or luxurious paetry. Can be eaten by ilypeptkE without fear of the Ils resulting from he.i\y i dlRMtlhlefopd. Sold only in c by all Orocera. w PASSENGER ACCOMMODATION LINE -IlETVV LKN OMAHAAND FORTOMAHA C'ouuccfs With Street Jsirs Corner of SAUNDEKS and HAMILTON STREETS ( End of Red Line aa follows : LEAVE OJJAUA : 820 , * S:17andl1:19a : m ,3:03.5:37and7S9p.m. : LEAVE FORT OMAHA : 7:15 a in. . 9:15 a. m , and 12:45 p. m. 1.00 , 6:15 : and 8:15 p. m The 8:17 : a. m run , leaita * omMia , and the 4:00 : p. m rnn , leaving Fort Omaha , are usnally loaded to full capatitv with rcpilar passengers. The 6:17 : a. m. run will he made from the post- office , corner of Dod e and 15th anrchto. Tickcta c n be procured from street cardrlr- ers , or from drliera of hackn. FAKE. 25 QF.NT3. INOLUDIKO STRE CAR 9B.W FEVER AND A DE. llcctj the requirement ? nf the ritioail medical phiioopby which at prcsznt pmails It Is a perfectly purs vegetable remedy , tm'iracin ; the three important properties of a prcv niivc , a tonic , an < l in alM > r t\c. ! I : fortin-S the b-dy againfadrscnc , invigorates an-1 re-v lal zsj tlie torpid stomach and liver , nd effects a most salutary chanee in the entire system , when in a morbid condition. fcr sale by all Drujjiitaand Deilera generally. ONE MILLION ACRES CHEAP LAND xzsr EASTERN NEBRASKA , $2 TO $5 PER AGUE. 20,000 Acres DOUGLAS COUNTY , 6 to 12 Miles from Omaha , $6 to $10Iper Acre , on Long Time and Low Interest , Large tracts suitable fcr Colonies in all the best Counties in the State , * 80,000 acres scattered through Iowa. A forgo number of Improved Farms in Nebraska , many 01 them iiear Omaha , $12 to S40 per acre , An Immense List of OMAHA GITY PROPERTY , Consisting of Elegant Resi dences from $3,000 to $20- 000. Many vacant lots in the additions to Omaha. Hundreds of lots scattered through the City. Houses and Lots , Business Houses and Lots , and all kinds of Oily Heal Estate. We also have MONEY TO LOAN on Improved Farms in Doug las County , on 5 years time , at 10 percent , interest to all who can show good titles. Haps for Douglas and Sarpy Counties for saJe , 4 beautiful Iota fronting contli In Isaac & Sddcn'a add. for $1(0 half cash. House and lot , ' 2d and Di lie ; $ 3000 Hou-o and lot near Br iwnell Hall 2,100 Two DOW houjca and full lot , rentg for $ l0pcrvcar 4 nee New brick house , 21x25,1 $ story , with 3 lots _ 2,000 House andlot Websterjt . . 1,500 Large hou.earn ! corner lot 0,000 Large house full lot , California st 4,000 Residence and 4 full lots , St. Mary's are. . 5,000 House and email lot , south of depot 950 House and small lot , south of depot Oi5 HeaiJcnco property , Kountzo and Ruth's add 5,600 Fins residence property 10,000 House and lot , 22d and Uarnor 1800 Hou'enncl lot , Nelson's addition 2,700 House and lot Shinn's add.tlon. . . . . ] , COO lUflldtnce and corner lot 3,00.1 Residence ( cart ) ) 7COO K ide lco 6,000 Residence 5,500 House and one-half lot l.WC Three hou > ca and corner lot 7,500 Residence and comer lot 7,500 House and CO ( cct front , IGth street 3,7 < X Lar e house ndcorner lot 0,500 Rtideucoand tbreelots e,500 Two house and corner two-thirds of cor ner lot 1,100 Hotisa and small lot , Casi street 2,100 Hauseandlot , 27th near Farnham 1,001 coaos&niLL. Brick house and comer lot 1,300 Small hou > cand fulllot , Cumingsst 2 fO House and lot , 23d street 3,200 House and full lot , worth 11,000 for 5,5oO Finebr.ck residence 1,500 Brick residence 6,020 House and corner lot 1,550 New tno-story honse and coiner lot 4,100 Residence ana full lot , Farnham se 5 f.00 House and one acre , ISth street 3JOOO Houio and half lot , 18th street 2,200 House and lot , Shinn's addlt ox 1 COO Home and half lot , Cass strrct ijino House and half lot , Casi Street 1,450 Residence and mo low , Capitol Hill 7,000 Elegant brick residercv 2 full lots 15,600 Finest residence in the city 16,000 Kcsilencc property 17,000 Kcsidcn o property 17,600 Residence 5,600 House and lot , Shinn's addition 1,200 House and lot , Fhhm's > dditlon 1,500 Home Mid tot , 2.th and Firnham 1,400 llocse and lot. 27th and Douglas $375 Honee and fnli lot , Izard et 1,70 New house and 1 } lot 2,200 Residence property 7,500 Residence properly , cr fine 13,500 H ou e and lot , Horbach's addition 1,500 Residence , Kirnham et 6,000 Ifonse and } lot 1 block from Court House and i lot. 1 block from Court Honao 2,250 Uoui-c and corner lot 2 blocks from Conrt _ House. . ' . „ 2,400 House and I t , Nicholas street i.rjoo Hooscand 1 acreGlees' addition 60 ! House and lot , llth street 9oo Lar.c buildinand six lota. 1 nilleont. . . 4COO House and lot on Divcnport 3CW ) Houteand tlot , near depot 1,500 House and k lot , near depot 900 House and lot , South Avenue. . . . ' 1,000 Hou e and lot , Shinn's addition. . . . . . . . . . 1,900 Residence , Kountzo and llnth's add 2,600 Residence property , Kounuo rd Ruth'a addition 6,000 Re idence prcpertv , south part if totrn. . 2,500 Houfcand J lot , Webster tt 2,700 Horse and 5 acres at tarracks 7CO House and lot , Armstrong's addlt'n 1,000 Home and lot , South 12 st 650 Hou'eandlot , Eonntzo and Rnth'a ad dltlon 3 00 Residence and \ \o\.i \ . - . 2.700 ITousa and lot , 16th st 3 tOO Boggs & Hill , REAL ESTATE BROKERS , 1408 Farn , St. , Omaha , tfeb , JL- Immense Stock for HI I BIB BfiaSTf" ! ALL AriD WsriltH Tine GnstomOIadc Men's Suits , Boys' Suits Children's Suits. 35131 a slta I For Men , Boys , and UntU'r-Wcar , Huts and Caps. TninK'5 and Yalisi1 ? , at Frifcs to Suit All. _ - * Farnham Street , Near Fourteenth CO. ; iiLD 1 lil * PARNKA3I STREET. Oval Brand The snlcsof this "brand" of Ovtters him rtowjo itstrlnpe , ! all others. Yon pet rn > rc 0 > rt rs WEIGHT AND 11-\SUKE In cia of tbi3 brand-tlian . any othf r. D. D. ISlchl'r' ' . . m General Western Agent , Cmana. i ORCHARD & BEAN. DEWEY & STOHL J.B.FREKGH& & GROGEKS , . OMAHA. . OMAHA OMAil A. MAX MEYER & CO. , KOLESALE TO B Cigars IVoni $15. 0 per 1000 upwards. Tobacco , 25 ITHISwr \ pound upiranls. Pipes from &J rents per do/en upwards. Send for Price List. mwf MAX MEl'IKS & CO. , Omalia , Neb. iC j l s GUNS , AMMUNITiON , SPORTING GOODS , Fishing Tackle , 1 ase Balls and a full line of G-OODDS GATZ CRACKER MANUFACTURERS , And Wholesale Dealers in CIGARS and CONFEOTIONEf'.y. Durirth Fall and Winter we will handle CODNSELMEN'S FRESCO ySTEHS. hjeh are now the beat In the market. A largo assortment of CANDY ai.d SIOAH , TOYS for the Holiday trade. fi.VTZ & FRES3IAX , .110 llth St. , Omnlia. I Has tha exclusive sale of the GOLD GOT13 HEATI The Gold Coin is this season the favorite of Chicago , is prefor- cdab-ve all other Stoves comes both plain a-d hjlghly ornamented - , ' and flre-poti hat win out-wear mented , has the new patent gra'e - half dozen of any other. The Goid Com weighs n-ora by fifty ibs. than any other Stove of its size in the market , and is , thei eforo , more durable than any other Stove , is strictly -warranted in every lespect , iorequiresno salesman to sell > tH " ' * T'TeCwA > n'JO sells it without trouble. Cor. 10th and Jac * - "hoae 1 xnu = " > " toacli ate ; may d the mlddla the foot of the he reru-