Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 05, 1880, Morning Edition, Image 1

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\J \
Established 1871. ' MORNING EDITION. Price hive Gents
Both uml Elouglas Street.
. r O3.W irtr iJencolctsforsaleby thlgigen-
pr at jHleMriuunwr irom S2s to JiSOO each , and
loateillqc Lri , , _ ft . , [ ( hocito , and in e\cry
iUrocU m from me I'ottoffioe. north , erst , south
or went , a J varying in distance from one
iMockU > < tac. > rtHorailc3lrum game. Gallant !
cxxoimc our i-u'a
Bet * &l clioioi li.ig In Griffin & hues' adll
-t on , v t , , f win out , betu ten 8t. Slary'e avcn
e n4 t - cW to SSOO.
SO wanes } u t wt of Inrracks ou Blunders St. ,
tlim to choice Iftt.tlauJu ill l > o eoli ] very cheap-
lor c ! > in i , 10 or a auo low ; now Is your time
' . - nrga'ii.
. Ci j < w ) t t end of street car tracka on Sann-
rdeni ' .wt f > rR76.
Choi. a ltd , IVubun and 21th utrocta , 90x132
cet f. r SlBOOwu iliv.'de It.
* * ; ' ' ° K In Cicdlt Fondsr addition. south ol
t ° o ! \ ols < > n Park Avenue and Georgia street ,
ou r wi to park , atid near head of St. Mary1 *
enac , alfromSlss to $300 each. Seven years
time at Uclit p r cent interest to thoac who will
put up coed substantial buildings. Fjr further
- ' yto.
O. P. BEUIS.Arcnt ,
Fifteenth i id Doaglis Streets.
' A nice " - . lot oa Ilarno ) and Twenty-first streets ,
TntMJioica lot ) on 'Olh. near St. Mary's aven-
UC , SOI.1G& feet mch , for $ SSO nnd f > 00.
"t o rfirlco lots near 23d and Clark streets in
E. V. S 1thV aiUitl n-WOand 350.
"IVty lots In Stimn'A fir.t. second and third a-1-
- dilicni for51001 $ < WO each
IX > t near Ifrtli .11,1 Hi rcc , f 450.
Ulutatm Harm v near ? 4th St. , 8000 each. 1
lot on llh n ar Ilouml strcot , S7oO.
4D lulu in Grand View adtHtloii , sonth ol U. P
Vridjo and flepot from 15 to 8 00 each"
One ncro , 117xWO f t , on 15th strast. sontb
nl I'optilDtoi'H nc r iiil"ncc , for 55,000 , or 111
- " - inu > rlty Hied iotsui fnia J3JO to $500
LHrcenamh r o' 1iaaral rcsiJonce lots , Io-
jatwl juthliiiiw.fVllti'TO '
V on Uap'.lol Hill , be
t e iitb two.i'hcpsst , 2Cthon the west
DotUi blrccloa li" 'i > rtU snd Famham street
oil tin MKU , tonn.Ti ouncd by CL n Down
and Hsotv r tf i ! t t. Kmnxt the IVrfcinsti acres.
OnlyS rMi luvothtvcfar l > oen plotted 14 on
ZTarnluuiMUI ] Son Itaaelaa streot. These lots
nro frO to fjtlw : in T.ldtasnJ 153uidcpt1i. $1,000
fortictnl ) ! . i > Ycir < tlncat 8 per cent in-
tercfAin tliiwe vliosiri'l Luild peed euhstantlal
lioiiw tliere-n. Call vid cxatnlne plat and pot
full inform itimi ai
in HI and Donu'l'S streets.
OitfrSft1 * li 'iisesnnd loUaro offcroJ for svle
liy this < > 9i TIICJ arc se.iU.c-o.1 al ) over the
ttAuj lo if ! . .i } . . nlo.irc. I'riccs varjlnff
iron J3W t.i ? I1,0 K wih
lull .ui.l i i Iij plioa ! rear Jackson
lia BOM imm-oti * clv. Core s jn t a ii trier of a
WooL. Call .n J vi-iijilm ; this vlthaut any ilcla ) .
OEO P. BEMIS , Aeent ,
loth and Uou Un Su
A < * < Ifalil j tot i > car Cumlug and Sauiidrra
Blreeie , fl.COO
Tua rtie | c t sere lota In tba city of Om .h ,
re tliouc ofierol f r-uo ! by UiU agency In Paik
Place and I , . nV . .x > iicl a'jji.lou , an Cumin ; : ,
Burl nwlCallfunila utroeu ; jou can reako no
mistak < itra > M.1ncti | > thteo bar > rxtiM while Jtiu
-Jia\oUi "l nee. 'n'JFpl ! < iutroinoroth' n equal
In sino ty 4 rulI-8'-o < ( i-i'.y loU < r a half block
n-id U will IwliUtaer > bhort tlmel > eforo one-
littli p l ironc .t th o acre k ts will sell for as
ninth M wcodcr r fa 1 sere to-day. Tlicy are
located a vcr rfio.t Hauiie ct f Cr iihton
Cftll < 5o. IVIVM muciiip from Jlf > 0 to $300 per
acrolot. Cull iumeiliaU'ly , and don't Inge your
tt ( tlat nn < l full particulars of
ClKO. 1 * BKIIIS , Ai jnt ,
15th and Douglas Streets.
i Slisnuan Ai ciuuc nurthof Kicholal
Blree * . * UO .
Half lot on GwJ.letw ccn J31U and 14 Ih street s
$1,0011 ,
2 nice loll in Itarlnnn'a addition , ? JOO to 9600.
lanrc uumlicrvf ttuic lota in Giso's addition la
Kuril umatia , 81i > to &QO aji.
Olioitx' corner lot nrar 22ud and C Tifornla
troote , 81.EOQ.
Pe\erslcw > not3inKcU > > n'8 addition , 150 to
33 ! > 0 eacli.
Clioige lot in Tliornr.ra ndillUun , $760.
Sceral latx-e Iota in Itartlntfa addition , 1J
rods iiiidSJ acris jaJi. Trieuj $700 to ? i,000
Several chuiro lo's in Kcol'e first a Id lion ,
f27S to Ss50 c ch.
Acre lot on Slicniannv nue , ( IClh street ) ,
BOUlli of lViileton4 | ] new rfsidci > i-o , ' or tl.TOO.
2 larju ] " .i ) Ibth an J Clark Btrcjls.COt
330 foct Oonicr , 81.800 ; iu-ldc , ? tiK)0 )
S Ur o 1U on Mio in n ruetiuc , ( IGUi > > treet ) ,
dark Sticvt. ft ) K ) cai b
22 nicoaud cn an lota , very near to the bnti-
ncMiiartbOt'ho oi'j , locitcda vorj ( eivetcpe
south otjtln Coincnt an ! SI ' .
lust ou\li i faml utl joining the sr uud < if .Utuca
M. WVil TnU n"U WJ. . Connrll In o are
cheap ttidxcrx dc irabic , bein u hundi tobus-
Inctb "Aft "I < ltjlti > iie rii > virniiio I depot , nail
work * . , wliiin lend uoiK , V. P. U co' , stock
y idf , | rfMk .i ; IKIIISCH. etc Cll n' ; ct plat
atiil 'HH iwrficnliirs. l' < i < xi t > t i * r ) nd e sy
crui ? to ilmsc nbo t < uild
OKO P. r.EMIS , Accnt.
lntlian-1 Iron la'Sts.
Scli.ncc rpsliU'ii"c lots en 2Jtb Bt cvt. lieleon
Poiieli-'aiiil I ) < Hli-cplrc t9 ; l.IOi ) to ? li Ocacn
and Icnc timu U < linfo ulio mil build
Sclipuc conicrloH near 2 tlmni IV nhau
rtnwu , (1.1x121 f cot , $1,150 and si.-eOJ. nd very
c eylcnn lo purriiaicrd who \\1 1 linprov c.
Altf > 4 lj' on 2Kb , ! > ct coa Karnhain and
Doncli" B nccte , 050 to f 1WM ) each ami long
2T260 of tlio 1 > 3t ba"inr < 3 lnt in rot
Oirjiha fornatc. l. > oU > l c < uc\trybu < i nr street ,
t > i-n valuaVle store i crtiai in al
most CVCQ Vm inosj block .5 000 to 15,000
40 clio ce rcs'dcnco lots In atxne addition , im *
MoJmtoiy north of and wljoinln : Po ( > pletoii'a
beautiful re ! dtnce and nmniln , and located on
IStli lOHl nnd SOth streets , ? 30 to $350 each and
\cry caig- terms to those vim will build C.U1 and
examine jdi > t and cct lull partlr l r .
OKO. P. BEM1S , Accnt ,
Pcauliful bnildin ; nit' im Shrrman avenue ,
loth B roetVot" n r pplcton and the Pudley-
1 lauis prorc tv ; 203 feet cast frontase oa the
arcnnn , t'.v S U fret in dcptK A\lll dliido ltmak-
InplSjfiWtli. vt > . Call anJ ? t full particulars ,
An > a > ! ! * ' > Pt.c'1 , lot feet cast frontage
by o7-i foot do'p. Thts i' jtu > t tsoutli of the Kliza-
l > ctli ( IVi'ple- ! ' * < - Til s la stit-cdee , call and
rot price and -t-rms f BCMIS , Arcnt.
IS coed loU. juat nortli t.f and arljoinmc E V.
Smith's addiuuii. and locaU-d bc'wrcn 20th and
Saundcrs strcor" , at rcax'nab'e prices ind long
time So but or no improve DHU1S. Agent.
C3l t < 1n Tlorbach'e first and second ad ition
on l Ui , IStli , 3th and SOth streets , between
Klcliolks , I'jul , She-man and Clark street * , very
hand ) to U. C. Shops , smeltlnj : works , etc. ,
ranptij ; in pnccs roai from $200 to 11:100 each ,
iwiuirins only emill ] < ijraent down and long
tima at 7 tr cent Interest to the * o who will Im
prove , GEO. P. BEJilS ,
15th and Uouslas SlrcwU
SS nice lot * in IVirker'i ) addition , between
Stun.tors and Picrco. Kintf and CUmpbcU'a Sts. .
on Bloiwo street ; 19 lots with nnith fronts and
16 with north fronUie , only Tblo .k north of
the tura-talile J .trect-car track ) on Sanudcrs
BtrceU Vcrj Itwprices ; $175 casli , or $200 on
Ions time nt S per n-nt interest to Uose who
' KTI& } Kood linn for < ale in Douglas , Sarpy ,
M'MhFkgtDn. IJutt , Dodp ; , Saundcrs and f tern
Icrof counties.
/taTSW.Offl ) acret ticgt ccleclvd lands in the
tate for s lci > thlt agency , dill and Mt maps ,
Ireulart and fu.l paiticaUn.
ll mU'ucwm.pof Oniaba , COc and & .BO.
3 Uemi1 ! new pinipldet ( and imp of the
tate cotitlJd "the out x > k , if Xcbraska" for
r cb JUtribnttpa.
Geo. P. '
. . Benis'
Mlh & Doii Ias St. ,
From the Towpath to the
White House by Slow ,
But Certain Steps ,
WbileJMillions of Happy Hearts
Eespond in Joyful
California Closes Up the Gap
in the Northern Solid
Leaving Only Two Benighted
States to Wallow in the
The Catholics of New York City
Most Effectively Snubbed
by Their Democratic
Oregon Endorses Radical
Rule and the Mentor
Statesman ,
While the Bourbons Succeed
in Capturing the Silver
State by a Small
Slate Makers Busy at Work
Fixing Up Gen. Gar-
field's Cabinet.
Hancock's Tariff Viewa the
Cause of His Ruination in
New England States.
Additional Election Returns
Continue to'lncrease Re
publican Majorities.
Train WrecKOrs.
Special diipatchcl to The Bee.
HEADINO , 1'a. , November 5 1 a m.
Aa the markut train of the Phila
delphia & Reading railroad , which
leaves Philadelphia at 1 o'clock p. in. ,
and ia duo hero at 4:30 p. m. , was
about a taile boloir this city yesterday ,
an attempt was niacio by three young
man t * / . - tW--i ' " ? * * . ryiwu > .r
by obstructing it with railroad tics and
iron. Fortunately , the engineer saw
the obstructions in tiaio to prevunt B
fearful disaster. Ono nf the scoun
drels , George. Leaven , was arrcs'ed by
one of the iron and coal pol ce , nnd
was brought to this city and commit
ted to prison. The other two made
their escape , and are still at large.
The Tariff Trump.
Special dlspauli to The Hoc.
NEW YouKjNovember 5. 1 a. m.
The impression is vcty prjvalont
among leading manufacturers nnd bus
iness men in this citj that the tariff
question , more than any olhor , caused
the national election to go republican.
The scare raised about the tariff before -
fore election did the work in Connec
ticut nj'.u Now York and reduced the
dotr.ocr.itic majority in New Jersey.
A reporter yesterday visited a number
of manufacturers and business men ,
both republicans and democrats , aid ;
nil agreed that the tariff question had .
wonderful effect upon the working-
inou'a vote. A talk with some of Uie
employes in the various establishments
confirmed what the employers said.
Matters at Mentor.
Special dispatch to Till ! )
COLUMBCS. November 3 1 a. m.
President H yes , Sirs. Hayes and
Webb Hayes left Fremont yesterday
morning , traveling in A special car ,
and rr. dc a call on"Presdont elect
Garfield at Mentor in the afternoon.
The visit was informal. President
Hayes returned to Cleveland in the
evening to be present at the republi
can jollification. Gen. Garfield receiv
ed a few other visitors during the day ,
the weather being very stormy.
Among the callers were Father T. 1' .
Thorp * * , and three "associate clergy
men , of the Catholic church , bearing
an elegant cane which had been voted
to Garfield nt a f ir in Cleveland. ;
Father Thorpe made a speech , to
which Gen. Garfield responded in a >
speech of thanks , in the courto of
which ho said :
"I accept this all the more gladly
because it comes across one of the
lines that dividei us religiously , for in
our domain conscience is free. A man
may adopt whatever religion ho
chooses , * or no religion if he prefers.
The rrligion of our people is left to
their voluntary choice , and not to the
control of human law. I thank you ,
especially , Father Thorpe , for the kind
terms in which you have addressed
roe , and I ask yon to bear back my
grateful thanks to the doiurj. "
Premature Predictions.
Special Dispatch to Tns liix
CHICAGO , November 5 1 a. m. -
The rumor was set afloat herd yester
day that Hon. Emery A. Storrs would
be tendered the attorney generalship
in Garfield's cabinet. Another sup r
position of the cabinet makers was v
that Gen. Grant would either be given fi
a secretaryship or the St. James mis
Bion. - - \l \
The Banner State. lv lo
Special Dispatch to Ihe Bee. V
DE MOINES , November 6. 1 a. m. v
Latest returns indicate that Gar-
field's plurality over Hncosk in Iowa
will be ne rly 80,000.
Meeting of the Cabinet.
Special Dlepttch to The Bee.
WASUINCTOK , November 5 1 a. m.
It ia understood that-soon after his
return to Washington , the president
irill make an appointment to fill the
vacancy in the sign * ! service caused
by the death of Gen. Myers. All the
members of the cabinet will be in the
city next Saturday. This will bo the
first time that the president and his
advisers have been In Washington at
the same time sinca the president's
departure on the 2Cth of September.
A special meeting of the cabinet mil
held next Saturday afternoon. There
is a good deal of routine business that
will require the cabinet's action , but
none of special importance. During
the president' * Absence ho has been Ju
daily telegraphic correspondence with
the heads of the different departments ,
and business of importance liaa been
transacted m that way without
Doctor insr the Figures.
Spedal Dispatch to The Bee.
VICKSBUKO , November J 1 a. m.
Returns from thirty-two counties
out of seventy-live in the state give a
democratic majority of 21 000 The
counties to hear from are republican ,
and will decrease tae majority. Six
counties in this district are not in yet.
In 1872 thay gave a republican major
ity of 4,000. Ghalmern , dcmocnt , in
six counties of the Lvolve , ia ahead
about 703 votes , and the other six
will oat up this majority and elect
Lynch , republican. It 1 * siningo that
these counties are so 1. to in return" )
and it is thought they nro held luck
till the democrats nnd out how much
they noed. The returns do nut siow
the official vote , only the majorities.
Beaten by a Small Mc-jo' Ity.
Special Dispatch to The Hes.
SnuNOFiCLD , 111 , Not-ember 5 1
a. m. A grand jolliGcition meeting
was held here last night by the re
publicans over their national snd
state victory. Other towns in Illi
nois also enthusi'stically r.itiGed the
work of tha election. Both rnpubli *
cans and democrats arc purzlei over
the defeat of Casper M. Sangei , re
publican candidate- for congress in
this district He is nf the same na
tionality and religion ai his opponent ,
Deustfr , and for anything knofrn , was
as popular a man with all claesci , and
yet Deuster is elected by a imill ma
jority. Sanger having run 2000 behind
his ticket.
California ( Joes Republican
Special Dispatch to Tan lixx.
SAN FRANCISCO , November 5 1 a.
m California is now claimed by
2500 for the republicans ; GarGtld ,
70,137 ; Hancock , 07,100 votes re
ported. Democrats still dins ; leha-
cionsly to tha hope that Hancock will
still have a majority , but without
any basis to build upon.
Some beta were m do last night
that New York had given 5,000 ma
jority for Hancock , and press dis
patches were rejected a ? republican
invention and thu claim ttcs f hen sat
up for California. Returns from the
interior of the state hava b'en care
fully compiled , and figures sent yustoc-
day morning were actual results , bir
ring errors in rettirns which nro some
times hastily forwarded. Figures received -
coived to-day do not aller the com
plexion , but tend to inccotso the nu-
jority for Garfield. The Bn'letin '
clainu 2500ropubliCAna d thia a-Kea ,
with annonllccments made in front ot
Tbo Chronlclo and Alia oflictS. The
bulletin publishes a tible of
voti-s in tha fi/utch congressional dis
trict , showing 14,073 votes for I'a
choco , republican , and 14,401 for
Loach , giving Pachcco a plurality < if
oa ± j-wlllim > * "III DCTIlb.iil * 0- , '
Uerry'a plurality over Kuight , ropub-
licin , is 922. P gc , republican , has
100D over Glwcock. Itosoticnt s ,
di'-npcrat ) has 100 ! ) over Davis. The
republicans have 38 members of the
assembly , with 25 hold-over senators
and cno independent ( Warren Chast )
who will vote with the ropuli cans ,
pining a mijority of folir on joint billet - "
lot for United States senator. As 10-
turns come in from clcsu ci'iiiitiu * . it
is ascertained that it is the pt p il.uiiy
} f the candidates alnno thut has gain-
ad them scats , vrhilo the county has
jone for Hancock. At Brat it appojr-
sd that not moro than 32 republicans
iad boeu elected to the assembly the
Dnly branch of the legislature voted on
indcr the operations nf the
lew constitution , but latter returns
ihow gains in Amador , Butte , Snttrr ,
Sol.iuo , YubiLoa Angelas. It may
low bo safcly that J > lin
F. Milltr ivill receive a majori y < f
.ho votes of the next legislature for
CTniicd States senator.
Nevada' is democratic throughout
'or president , congressmen and the
egialaturo. Castidy , democrat , has
jeatcn Dag ett , and Col. James G.
Fair will undoubtedly succeed Wm.
Sharon as eonator'froai Nevada.
Latest returns from Oregon claim
> 00 republican majority ; west of the
Cascade mountains the majority is ono
housand ; live counties east of the
facades cinnot give over 700 dem-
icratic , and probably not over 500.
ipecial Dispatch to Tbo Bee.
SAN FRANCISCO , November 4 The
epnblicans cliim Oregon by five liun-
Ired , and trill not admit the possibility
if lose than three hundred. Califor-
ita shows a small majority for Oar-
eld , which will probably not be dei
roased by later returns. Kopnblicans i j
ain two assemblymen by latest rej j
arns , which will give necessary num-
er to elect a senator to succeed
l > cdal dUpaich to The Dee.
NEW YOHK , November 4 , 4 p. m.
'he Tribune , ( rep. ) says : "Garfield
as a sure electoral votes of 210 ,
rith the probability ihat Oregon's
ctes will raise it to 213. That will
ivo him 28 more votes than enough
o elect. New Jer ey , Nevada and
ossibly California and Delaware are i
oubtful states. The democrats probf
bly have a small majority in tha son- <
te. The new house will ba rcpubli- I
an by a majority ranging trom 13 to <
5. I
The Times ( rep. ) pives Gariicld 213
lectoral votes and Hancock 15I > , and
2ures congressmen , 149 republicans ,
30 democrats , 4groeubackera. . Seni i
to not mentioned. <
The Heraldindcpandent ( ) says the 1
epublican ticket has 210 doctoral
otca and Oregon still to bo heard j ;
rom. This is moro that ! a majority. I 1
'he next house of representatives will
ontain 152 republicans and 141 dem-
crats. The senate will be tied , the
ice-presioTent casting the deciding
ote with the republicans.
DENVER , November 4 Latest re
ams indicate a republican majority
a this sta'e , on the general ticket , of
,100 ; on governor , 4,200. Denver i
opublican by 500 carrying every pic
inct in the city except the Second.
pedal Dispatch to be
NEW YOKE , November 4. The Sun
Ind. ) says the newa received from the
? acibc coast states make it reasonably
lertaln that California and Nevada
iavo chosen Hancock electors. Thus ? ,
rith New Jersey tnd tha southern
itates will give Hancock 152 votes in
ho electoral college , while Garfield
vill hava 217. Both parties claim
Jregan. From latest returns it sconis
irobablo that the next congress will
)0 evenly divided as between
: ho demtcraU and republicans ,
ind that the nationals and
: greonbackers will hold the balance of
power. % They ar * mostly , if not all ,
of t'om-cratic proclivities. Kentucky
elcc.eci a democratic delegation and
pOEatbly Missouri did also. In thpao
states .he republicans have cliiined
four congressmen. The democrats
held theil own in _ Wisconnin where
the republicans cl.'imcd ' a gain of 0110 ,
electing three of the eight conj -
j grcsamen. In Tennesseti attd
North Carolina the republican
claims of a gain of four members are
not well founded. The democrats
gain ivfj and possibly three in Cali
fornia , olio in Nevada , Und throe in
New York ; while the republicans gain
one in Indian * , ono in Iowa , one in
Minnesota , sts in Ohio , and ono i
Viigtma. Giving them their Jillegei
g.iir.s of tvoiu Missouri i ont in Noirt !
Carol inr , r.tid two in Stinnesota , an
tl ey s'illfall short of a majority
Special Dispatch to TUB EBB.
WASHIISGTON , D. C. , Nov. ! i p
in. T-o PoSt editorially Bay ? : Gi-n ,
Gnri old's an inlellectml man and i.
man of personal culture , strong in
argument : \nd brilliant in coiiverea
ti Hi. Hi , is also a gentleman by in
etiuct nnd habit. Such a man with
the varied experience he has had it
public all'aira , ought to bo able to re
pay the great honor conferred on bin :
by giving the u.-.oplo a wise , beileficia
tird holiest and able administration
SprM DivpatUi to Tlie Ben
CicviiANjNovDmbor4 : , 4 p. m.
Tlire > era comparatively few callers
at Mentor yesterday till 4 p. m.when
five hundred students and citiftana o
Obcrlin arrived on A sJJacial train
Prosii'ont ' r.iirchild , of Oberlin col
legs , made a few remarks , concludin
with , "Wo come with congratulation
and greeting , not so much to your
f elf , fir having been so highly hoU'
ored while young , but to ourselves
and to the country for having chosen
you ai olir ruten This auspicious
day but properly expresses the idea
that your administration may bo
br'i ; it and prosperous one. "
( Teneral Garfield replied as follows :
Isneous viaifc is so much ihoro dgreea-
bo ! than a prepared ona , that 1 feel its
S'gfiificfiice deeply. It is so much
more directly from the heart of the
peop'o that it is much more valuable.
While I do not wish to be deemed su-
parfiUth is , fro have a rifiht to think
of s "tie things as omenst and I take as
a moit fav table omen that the first
ri lit liid of congratulation has
b-.en extended to me from your ven
erable institution. The thought has
been extant in certnin directions tint
scb lir hip di-nild bo divorced from
politic" . Oberlin , I believe , doesn't fa
vur such divorce. I am glad to greet
Obcilt't. Nowhere fans scholarship
touched upon the nerve center
of the great political questions of the
age .11 nl your itist tution. The lesson
\rstord.iyhna the more significance
. , .
xv > .4 .Ji.uujor iziits Bi/jiiKmauuB OA'
wiwai.m fi-i.iA yotlr college. I am
{ | Ud to nrctyou hero through the In
troduction of your venerable presi
dent , end I cx'cnd ' to you all a wel
S fvtat I'HpalLii ' tu thr Ike.
WASHISOTOX , November4 At the
ni > ublic2ti I.eadquar.'i-rs the following
ia loured aa the republican gains and
li s-es in congressmen :
HcpubMcan gains Massachusetts 1 ,
Mora ; Virginia 1 , Coode ; North Car
olin-il , K-jtchum ; Tennessee 3 , Tay
lor , \ \ ; Alabama 2 , 22d
and 4tli districts ; Louisiana 1 , Dar
roll ; Imva 2 , Gillette and Weaver ;
M nueinia , L ; Wisconsin 1 , Bouck ;
Missouri 2 ; Perm ylvania 3 , Scranton ,
Br.ini.utn and Dec imp ; West Virgin
ia 1 ; Kentucky 2 , OJi and 10th dis
tricts Illinois 1. Total , 22.
New Yo K , .1 ; Nevada , I. Ihe fol-
lnwii g are the figures in the senate :
In th uxsc-it senate the republicans
have IK > . They lost Bruce in Missis
sippi , but gained ono each in Connec
ticut , Pennsylvania , New York , In-
cliaiu , Ohi-i , Tenneasea and New
Jersfiy Total , 39. The republican *
have appir/uitly lost ono in Nevada
and California which , if true , will
nuLe the total 37. The democrats
huvo 39 , but in the event of Mahone
acting with the republicans there will
be n tie , w Inch gives the vice presi
dent the casting vote. At the
democratic headquarters they have
not figured up the gains and loss.
ALUVSY , November 4 The re-
tun.s from the assembly districts
tlm ughotit the state give thr republi
cs s a majority of 40. They have a
majority in the senate of 18 , making
ii lepublicaii majority of 58 on joint
ballot , which insures the election of a
republican successor to Francis Ker-
SpecUl Dnnch toThe Bee.
NEW Y 'iK ' : , November 4 The to
tal votp uf this city was : Hancock ,
117,0(59 ( ; Garfield , 78,858 ; Hancock's
majority , 38,811. 'thete are twenty-
iglit election districts musing , which ,
licwever , will effect the majority not
ruoro than 200. it is estimated by
politicians hero thnt Garfiold's majori
ty in the sta'o will not vary little from
25 COO Tildon's majority in 1876
iv is 32,742. The excitement over the
iniyoral y contest in this city his
somewhat subsided , now that it is
lelinitely settled who is elected. All
the figures are in except 'ono election
listnct , and John Kelly's candidate
iias a majerity of 3,201. "
How Hancock Takes It. DbfxUch to Tiic Bco
NEW YOUK , November 5 1. a.
in. A number of visitors went to
Sovernor's Island yesterday to pay
their respect to Gen. Hancock. He"
received them cordially , but the sub
ject of the late election vas not
brcaJift' , as the general seems ass'd-
aoualy to avoid any conversation in
recard to it. The officers , sentries
MU ! other inhabitants of the island ,
? ay they have not seen the slightest
evidence of disappointmentcrosa ttio
r.cral's features since election.
Undoubtedly the best shirt In the
United Slates is manufactured at the
Omaha Shirt Factory. The superiority
of Material nnd
workmanship , com-
oincd with their great Improvements ,
that ia Reinforced fronts , Reinforced
backs and Reinforced sleeves , makes
their shirt the moat durable and best
fitting garment of the kind , ever
manufactured at the moderate price oc
$1.50. Every shirt of our make is
guaranteed first-class and will refund
thu tr.uney if found otherwise. '
We make a specialty of all.wool ,
Sinker and Canton flannel , also
chcmois underwear , made up with a
view to coicforr , warmth and durabil
ity. To invalids and weak-lunged
persons we offer special inducements
in the manner theeo goods are made
for their protection.
. . uu atreet.
Dpcclal bbpatch to this Uco.
DOBLIN , November 4. The Irish
Times , in articles upon the situation
in Ireland , with speciiil reference to
the indicted land loafiiiera , says all the
chat-go amounts to is that the league
fs engaged in on unlawful secret con
spiracy there and abroad. The
Times thinks the struggle against
the land league as a piece of
Socialistic movement will challenge
the aid of friendly public opinion ev
erywhere. The Times concludes that
if in the pending contest , whether it
comes to bo a question of force or is
managed by existing laws or new leg-
islntioiij t.'id ' govorhtntmt finds the
more influential class of Irishmen
alienated , the government will have
only themsnlves to blame , and can
ctedit the defection , of .
the fact that the ministry yielded to
the pressure of the English landlords ,
Letter From Mr. Parnoll.
Special Dispatch _ o the But. _
liosfON , November 5. The Globe
will publish this morning th
following special dispatch by cabl
from Charles Stewart Parnall , the
famous Irish agitator.
DDBLI.V , November 4.
The land lords and tepautsoflre
land stand.fnco tb facb for { his , the
fire ! ; time in hhlory. The former
fear to strike , and the latter e.xhibi
the ancient confidence and determin
ation of their rape. The next two
months will tell whether the conduct
of the landlords Is deatined'to deprive
them of all claim of the sympathy of
the country , or whether thay will see
that their best hope of saving some
thing from the fire. Undoubtedly if
the landlords press the cliams sanc
tioned by law againai ; the tenants ; the
latter liiust again starve or be again
evicted. All attempts at eviction are
made on a largo scale , and it will take
10,000 armed men to enforce the
landlords' claim. The government
prosecutions ace.condemned as inade
quate by the. tory party , which com
pelled the authorities to further exas
perate the people. If the prosecu
tions should be successful , and the
leaders of the movement should be
incarcerated , the tehantry , deaparing
df redress by constitutional action ,
It is feired , will once moro seek to re
venge their.wronga. The jury for the
trials ij to ba struck under the old
system which secured the conviction
of O'Connell , and pprnvta packing
The government desires delay , and
wishes the trials postponed till the
moating of parliament , in order to se
euro my absence and that of others
from parliament. The tr.weraers , on
the contrary , are for immediate tiiil
The government hai bought ip } all
the legal talent. Wo hope that all
lovers of freedom will come to the as
sistance of the aifitatiuii which will ao-
curonradictl settlement
question by an action of p.irhamei.t.
The chief fear of the government is
that parliament will not ratify the
statement thus consummated.
Pacific Coast Notes.
Special Dispatch to The Icc.
SAN FitANt'lsco , November 5 1 a
m. The supreme court has denied the
petition of I. M. K-illoch to be releas
ed from custody on the ground that
lie lould not be tried on information ,
us the complaint is dr.iwi under the
provisons of the practice act. Other
grounds were urged and a 1 denied.
Mayor Kalloch had counted on the re
lease of his son by the technical points
raised on his trial for the murder of
Clnrles DeYoung.
Nicholas 1'onif.ico killed his wife ,
irho had left him , and then killed
Mount Hood is emitting smoke
from its crater after : i small aliuck.of
earthquake. It U bulioved "that a
[ argo eruption will follow.
A number of cases of smallpox are
reported in San Francisco. Health
3ficcrs ( have ordered vaccination.
Special Dispatches to Th Bee.
A dispatch from Raguaa says Der-
. 'ishPrtsha is marching on Dulclgno
.vith eighteen battalions of troop * .
Another dispatch says three battalions
> f Dervish Pasha's force id within six
lours'march -Dulcigno. .
A dispatch from Cape Town says
bat Mr. WaUh , a magistrate In Basu-
.Land , who was reported as having
jcen murdered by Baiutoo , has ar-
ived at Unitala.
Gen. Clark has burned the Matet-
lanes village. The colonial troops
nade n raid on Masora end captured
brty horses and severely punished the
mo.ny. The wivej and families of the
St. John's river colonists had fled to
he steamers.
A Bucharest dispatch says Rou-
nania will shortly fl at a five per cent
The expulsion of provincial congre-
atioua continues throughout France.
rhero is a passive resistance every
An excited universal suffrage meot-
ng was held in Milan , Italy , yesterday ,
t which Menotti Garibaldi was presi-
One hundred and twenty socialists
tavo been expelled from Hamburg , in-
luding Deputies Hartmau and Auer.
The Russo-Chinosonegotiations are
troceeding. The treaty of Lividia
tas been renewed for Temarths.
Mr Parnell says if his trial is not
tnished by the time of the meeting of
nrliament , he will take his seat at
he usual time , and defy the govern-
nent to take the responsibility of ar-
estiug him.
Sitting Bull.
pcclil dispatch to The Bee.
WASHINGTON , November 3. 4 p.
n. The following dispatches have
> een forwarded to the war department
> y Gen. Terry :
October 27 , 1880. (
Ireret M.jor li. A. Miles. Fort Keo h :
Have only partly succeeded. Sit
ing Bull will not give a decided an-
iwer until hq hears from Major
iValah. The Indians were saucy
md independent. Was kept a
uhoncr two days. A division
ixista in camp , part wanted to go back
vith me. The greater portion under
Sitting Bull are hostile. Sitting Bull
irays that you make no move until
10 hears from Major Walsh. Both
nyself and. horse are thoroughly
) laycd out. Have been in the saddle
; wenty-one days and twenty nights.
( Signed , ) W. E EVERETT ,
Government Scon'- .
For several months it has been stat-
sd that Major Walsh was to return
November lOih and lead them to some
faVotablo coUutfy. AU the Induns
corroborate the story , PS ho was the
representative of the Canadian gov
ernment. I request that there be no
delay beyond that date. If ho is not
to return ami can not fulfil
the promise ? , tlioy should boinformed
at once by authority , and I request
that amp'o arrangement may bo made
to arrest any ono that may cross the
line before our troops reach camp.
The Indiana al'd SO reduced that this
can ba done. Captain Hughitts ar
rived to-day with the camps of Spot
ted Eagle and Rain-in-the-Fdce , about
550 Indians. ( Signed )
MILES , Commanding.
Special Dispatches to ThoJBcu.
Members of the Chicago board of
trade held a meeting yesterday after
noon , and made arragemehU to srade
303 strong on horseback with torches
and-uniforms , Saturday night , in cel
ebration of the rfeaults of the election.
All republican clubs will bs otl , and
a big blow out is assured.
The acting chief signal officer will ,
jn H few days , issue an order establish
ing an additional signal station On the
lakes , which will not only inform
shipmasters of dangerous winds , but
alko enable them to tell from which
direction they may be expected.
Mr. Philip Armour of Chicago ,
who engineered the recent pork deal ,
has finished gathering in his profits
and finds they foot up in round num
bers $4,000,000. Last year ho clear
ed S .OOO.COfy making a unug total of
5f5COO,0JO ( which Mr. Mr. Armour
bai cleared in two yean by "corner
ing" hogs.
MoW "tforfc Money and stocks.
WALL STREIT , November 4.
MONEY--1 iUr ctrit ; exchange eteady at
* 482@t60. .
U. S. O's , " 81 1 OtJ U.S.4'9 1 09
U.S. 6'a 1 02 | Currency O's 1 S5
U.S. 4Js 1 10
Actlvd and declined i ( ll sir Co tbd openlntr ,
Wrft-rn UnlcJn leading tha Hit.
W U 97 } Wabarti 4lJ
Ene 43j Preferred 5SJ
LS 116i NJO
PM 471 KtT
OtM 30 | M U 10s
St P 105 I M 51 }
St Joe 42 SiPM&O 44 }
D L & W 033 Pri-feriol 84 }
E& Q 148
Otiicacco Produce Market.
Cuic'Aoo , November 4.
Wheat The markets wetd weaker
and declined J@2cSl ; 00@10lA for cash ;
§ 1 Olg for November ; SI 02 $ for
December ; § 1 03 | for January.
Corn EellJ@icj closing at 30jcfor |
cash or November ; 30j for Decem
ber ; 40.Jc for January ; 44c for May.
Odts Fell c ; No. 2 clo od at 28c
for cash or November ; 39c for December -
cembor ; 3\c ! ) \ for January.
Kye VYas nt uitunl nt 82 .
Barley % Was stronger ; No. 2 closed
87c for cash or November.
Whisky ? 111.
Pork Mesa , 35@50c per bbl. high
er ; closing at 513 7514 00 for cash ;
§ 11 n7i@12 00 fur November ; 11 97
for December.
tnrd Declined lo@20 per 100 ;
closed at ? 8 COS8 02J for cash ; g ? 07
@ 8 00 for November ; § 7 07S8 55
for December.
Chicago Live Stock Market.
CHICAGO , November 4.
Hogs. Were in largo supply and
weak at a decline of 5@10 > j per 103 ;
sales were at § 4 G0@4 70 for heavy
packing ; § 4 G0@490 for heavy smooth
shipping lots ; receipts , 30,720.
Cattle Receipts were liberal with
a fair number nf steers of better qual
ity amonp arrivals ; there was more
disposition on the part of buyers to
purchase , n tow sales were made at
prices ranging at from § 4 65@5 30 ,
but as the bulk of the stock wai not
fed and watered up to 11 o'clock , the
prospect is good that a largo num
ber will change hands before the
close. Local buyers had not put in
an appearance , the market was entirely -
ly nominal when the reporter left the
yards. Fresh receipts are 5,039.
New Yorfc Produce Market.
NEW YortK , November 4.
Flour Moderate export and home
trade ; round hoop Ohio at $4 705 00 ;
choice do $5 10@G 00 ; superfine wes
tern , $3 75@4 25 ; common to good ex-
trado$4G5@475choicedodo ; , $480
@G 50 ; choice white wheat , do $4 G5@
Wheat Irregular ; Chicago § 116 ®
117 ; Milwaukee , § 1 18 ; No. 2 red
winter , § 1 17@t 18 for December ;
SI 19@119j'for January ; seller 8120 ;
sales 3,000 ba.
Corn Quiet ; No. 2 , GGj(35GJc ( ;
sales , ICO.000 bu.
Oats Quier.
Whisky Qufet.
Provisions Pork , nominal ; § 11 95
for November ; $11 96 for December ;
new , $13 75 ; old , $14 50 for cash ;
$13 27 $ bid for January.
Lard 57 97A for November ; $7 95
Butter Firm and quiet ; Ohio ,
Eggs Firm at 21@23c for fair to
St. Louis Produce Market.
ST. Louis , November 4.
Flour Firnier and unchanged.
Wheat Higher and unsettled ;
No. 2 red , 1 011 Ol for cash ;
fl 02 < ? 1 01J for November ; $105 ®
L 04J@1 tG fur December ;
§ 1 07J@1 05jJ for January ;
5109i@109J@l 085 for February ;
No. 3 do 9G96c ; No. 4 , do,92ic.
Corn Lower and al-w ; 39jj@3'Jic
For cash ; 39 c for November ; and
December ; 39c@39 @ 43 § for May.
Oata Dull at 29Hor caah29jc ;
bid for November30 ; | bidjfor Decem
Barley Steady , medium to fancy ,
Butter Steady Dairy , 20 < g2G.
Eggs Quiet at 20c.
Whisky Steady at $110.
Rye Higher at 85c bid.
Pork Higher ; jobbing at $14 CO.
Dry Salt Meats Nominal.
Bacon Scarce at $5 12i@8 75@900
@ 9 10.
Lard Firmer at $8 00.
Receipts Flour 7,000 bbls , whea
86,000 bu , corn 48,000 , bu , oats 1,000
bu , rye 1,000 bu , barley 20,000.
Shipments Flour 13,000 bbls ,
wheat 17,000 bu.corri 15 000 bo , oats
20,000 bu , rye 2,000 , barley none.
St. Louis Live Stock Market
CHICAGO , Novembfa 4.
Ho2S Active and lower ; Yorkers
and Baltimores. $4 45(34 ( 55 ; mixed
packing. $4 35@4 55 ; buichera1 to
fancy , $4 G0 < § 4 Go ; receipts , 4900 ;
shipments , 1COO.
Brooklyn Eaglo.
Gen Sheridan has put in evidence
his written statement in lieu of the
testimony which ho volunteered at the
beginning of the investigation , and
which cost him the good-will of the
soldiers of the Fifth ccrpa , whom ho
berated roundly and accused , in so
tunny words , of having been dercl-ct-
to duty. The sttUoment is a long and
cirefully prepared document , but it
lacks In one eisential point ; it fails ic
demonstrate that any change was real
ly nec'essary , and the treatment War
ren recoii'td seems as unjustifiable
now aa it has done since the facts were
made known to the public. Gen.
Grant ha ? indorsed what Gon. Sheri
dan has said , but ho carefully abstains
from giving any other reason for the
removal of Warren tbafl thnt he was
slow in his movements and failed fo
get his troota in the line of batilo
H hon ordered to do so. Gon. V/ar
ren , in the beginning Ot tha inquiry
established the fact by the testimony
of many federal and confederate offi
con who took part in the operations
before Dintviddio Court House , that
the exceptional condition of the rend
it having rained heavily and the
streams being all swollen , caused a
delay which no human foresight could
prevent. The" Fifth corps had march
ed and fought with bat little intermis
sion for several days previous to the
battle at Five Forks , and they were ut
terly fatigued when ordered to move
forward on thd day of battle. A
bridge over which they were to pass
had been washed away , and a part of
the command had to await the arrival
of engineers and a construction force ,
and when the bridge had been built
and the word of command given to
move on , several hours had been lost.
Gen. Sheridan was , naturally enough ,
out of humor at the delay , but Gen.
Warren was not responsible for his ill-
humor any moro than ho was for the
destruction of the bridge over which
a part of his command was expected
to cross , or for the falling of the win
that caused the freshet in the stream
spanned by the bridge.
The coipi was Behind time ; Gen.
Shoridinwas angry , and in the after
noon , when there was a delay In get
ting the line of battle formed , it was
the unfortunate Fifth corps that came
in for Gen. Sheridan's condemnation.
The latter , in his formal statement ,
presented to the court after he had tea
tided at ample Irngth , and which is
expected to take the plica of hia earli
er testimony , fays Mint the rcrsou he
romovol Gen. Warren r.r < s-j from the
non-Arrival of his command with
promptness. Gun. Grant wu willing
that Warren should - ba ironiuv l if"
such a step would improve the effi
ciency of the corps , and Sheridan ,
acting on the authority given him ,
removed Warren and put the com
mand in other hands. The battle
wns fought and won , and the hidtory
of the campaign wai writ'rn , It wns
found necessary to explain Gen. Sher-
ioan's action in removing Gen. War
ren. The appeal of the littnrtotho
country for a verdict regarding hb
case led to an inquiry which for some
months has occupied the attention < f
the coutitiy. It was at first conduct-
el by Gen. Hancock , and was after
ward , at his request , put into differ
ent hands. Gen. Warren has beetl
unfortunate in tha proceedings thus
far , because they were commenced
at a time when the question of a pres
idential canvass was coming on , and
when the two opposing parties were
looking about for candidates. The
nomination of Gen. Hancock followed
and since that time a political com
plexion has been given to the matter.
Guns. Grant and Sheridan have been
before the court to cast reflections
upon the Fifth corps , and because of
the influence they exert in the army
it haa been difficult to get those who
took part in the battle to testify in
Warren's behalf. Ho has to rely
upon the evidence < > f the confederate
generals who were arrayed against
him , and for doing this lie is injured
before the country. He is charged
with being an admirer of the late Gen.
Leo because of the careless remark
made to Gen. Sheridan to the effect
that "Bobby" Leo was not easy to
beat , and his record as a federal sol
dier is buried cut of sight in order
that his ha'sty ' removal by Gun. Sher
idan may be endorsed. But the pub
lic ia too far from the excitements
and ambitions of that battle to be in
fluenced by any unjust emphasis that
may have been attached to a remark ,
or to bo induced to accept the state
ment that the Fifth corps failed in its
doty , while is remembered the dra
matic answer of a witness in the early
days of the inquiry , who , when asked
what became of the corps , said it was
in its grave. Gen. Warren is placed
in a position where he is called upon
to defend himself , but to sustain the
fame of a portion of the army which
went to _ its death in de
fense of its country , and which
is to-day , in the heat of political an
imosity and the livalry of personal
ambitions , shadowed under the cloud
that has been persistently thrown
over every man who has given testi
mony thnt reflected praise uoon the
valor of his enemy , or that licked in
the quality of hero worship of the
present lieutenant-general of the
Successors to J. II. THIELR ,
No. 122O Douglas Street ,
QT\/r AT = TA
ATED by obstructed jecrctions , and to which
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lieved , andtheir recurrence prevented , by the
Sheet Iron Workers
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itieltr.iit en ! 1' s-t'm iit of
Trunks anil YUJJMN in the Wo ( . Telescopic Cases
: ui < l Sampt ! < "S'ruiiks ; i Specialty.
H. H. MARHOFF , - - - PROP. ,
Gives universal Saticiacticu and that it is stead
ily and rapidJy increasing ; in public lavor.
The White Machine justly claims to be the
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the market.
Tbo White Co. oujploy as agents men of in
tegrity , and. purchasers are always satisfied ,
because they find everything just as repres
Everybody should use thio Machine. The
sales so far thio year ar more than doublw
the corresponding tim * last year.
All orders addres-8 d to the Omaha OlHco
will bo promptly filled.
< 'or. ttntvnport and ! 5Ji ! St. . * Omalin *
can Qnil i ffX'i vw > r > Hwt '
At LOWK" "WCRK ihatt it
ny other sli > tM in th ; ttv ,
S * & GEMT3 ,
EK VST KREBS , Manager. iifac'-iircr of all kinds of
. Eit. 'Jlh avi 10th , OHAUA ,
( Formcrlr of Ot h & Jacob ? )
; < x 1 117 r rnham St. , OM StanJ of Jacob Ols
oRt > , tia isr suiicnr.
cr. c.
Capitol Avc , , Opp. Masonic Hall ,
nn-iflHA. - - - - - NBB.