Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 03, 1880, Morning Edition, Image 1

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Established 1871 , MORNING EDITION. Price Five Cents
I5lh iiurt Douglas Street.
Ovcr 3.000 residence lot" forsa'e ' by thU agen-
cat prlce r aiuinz from * iS to $2,500 each , and
ted m every part of Miecito , and In every
1 reel Inn from the Poatomee , north , eist , couth
Hint , and varying in distance from one
h uck to nuv or twu miles from came. Call and
examine our lists
ScTcral choice loUtln Griffin & I aac > * addl
tl on , west of content , between St. Mary's avon
ue und lUrncy if.rcet ? 300 to $300.
FO acre * just oaol of barracks on Saunders St. ,
this is choice land and wil ! be sold very cheap-
tor cash In 5,10 or 20 acre Iota ; now is your time
tucocurcA bargain.
Chotao lot at end of street car track ! on Saun-
decstreat for f 575.
Clioico lot , Farnhun and 21th streets , 60x132
eot for fl,500 will divide It.
Cheap loto in Credit Fnnclsr addition , south of
V. P. depot jlOO to SSOO.
Forty lota on Park Avenue and Georgia street ,
ji road to nark , and near head of St. Jlary * *
nvcnue , at from $125 to $300 each. Seven years
time at cUht per cent interest to those who will
pnt up CIKX ! siilMtantial buildings. F > r farther
I > arlloala.rii apply to.
O. P. BE1IIS , Agent.
Fifteenth and Douglas Streota.
A nice lot on Barney and Twenty-first streets ,
Two choice lota on 90th. ne rSt. Mary's avcn.
ue , MxlCS feel each , fnr $350 nd t-00.
Two choice lots near 2 U and lark streets , in
E V. Smith's 'Mition-tt"0nd 150.
I'lfty lot ? in Shlnn'n fin > t second and third ad-
< ltUon for$100 la SOOO each ,
Urt near 1Mb and Pierce , (460.
2 lots on Harnuv near 24th St. , $609 each. 1
lot on 24th n iar Howard ttrcet , 7oO.
O lot * in Qniuil Vie * adilltlon , south of U. P
bridge and depot , from < ? IS to $ 00 each1
One acre , 117x370 feet , on ISth street , loath
of Popplcton'g new residence , for f2,000 , or will
divide into city sized lot * at from $350 to 1500
ea h-
l. rgs nnmbar of beautiful residence lots , lo
cated In VhU new addition on Capitol Hill , be
twcen tilth Blreet on thu mt , Srtlh on the west
DoJ.-e el reel on the north and raraham street
onthewMith formerly on nod by C. U Down
and mure recently ktionn * ! ithe Perkins 15 acres.
Only " 2 lots haw thus far been platt d U on
Fnr n ham ami 8 on Douglas "treet. Ta < uo lots
nrcSOtnftijfoctlnnidt latidlSOIndcptli. (1,000
fortbe clmcc. Syeirs time , at 8 per cent In-
tcrastt those who will build good subrtantlal
h > ntc theron. Call and examine plat and ( ret
full Information at
IRtn and DoacUs rtrceta
Over J0 < ) h > ute * and lot. a-e offcrod for 8 1
liy this riffles TiwyuroBCittored all ever the
city. Auylontlnn joude lr . Prices vanluc
fron WW to 15,000 each.
2 irotvl lots nnd 2 Rhetpho 83i near Jackson
nd 2th rt recU t n treat sacri 1 cc. Here is a
jrro t bi"Kiln for Roma one The pmi crty must
ho gold liumcdl tsly. Cove s fiHtaquirtcrof a
block. C-ill and examine this without any dcl y.
OSO R. BKMISAccnt. *
16th and Douglag 3t *
A desirable lot near Cumlrf and Saunucra
Streets , 11,100.
Tlie cbc.apeFt aero lots In the city of Omaha ,
re those oiTcrad for sale by this agency In Paik
IMaceand Lowe's uccorid addition , or. Cumlnp ,
Bart and California etrect < ; you can make no
mistake lupl'.Wn ? up these bargains while JOU
have the chance. Tbc-'o loU are more than equal
In size to 4 full-tiled city lota or a half block
an d it will be but a very chort time before one-
fifth part of one of these acre lota will sell for as
much as we offer a full aero to-day. They are
located a very "liort dis'ancc west of Cr > ichto
College. Prices ranging from $160 to $300 per He
acrelot. Call immediately , and don't lose your
chance , and ret plat and full particular * of
GKO. P BEMIS , Agent ,
16th and Douglas Streets.
Nice lot on Sherman Avenue north of Nicholas
troct , 1,400.
Half lot on Ciss.tctwecn ISth and 14th streets
2 nice loti In Hartnuu's addition , $400 to $600. Ne
Largo nanilter of ncrc lots In Otoe'B addition In Nei
North Omaha , $15 to $300 each.
Choice onicr lot near Kind and California
tracts. 81.600. '
Several coed lots In Kelson' * addition , 150 to
Clioico lot In Thornoll > nddltlon. * 760.
Several larce lota In IUrtctf ! addition , li
rods andSj acres each. Prices 700 to $2,000
o&ch *
Several choice lo's In Tice.l > nr.-t addition ,
f276 to S50 ouch.
Acre lot ou Sherman avcnnc , ( IGth street ) ,
south of Popplcton's new twiitcn , ( or (1,100.
2 larce I U noir 18th and Clark gtrcels , CO a
830 feet Corner , 81,200 ; in IdelOtK , , ) . jor
3 largo lot * on She-m n avuuuc , (10th street ) ,
Clark Stteet. $930 ur.h
ZS nice and cneip loin , very near to the bnsl-
ne part of the city , located \ cry few steps mai
iwuth of the Convent and At JUry's avenie.and
) u < t poutn of and aJjomlnt ; t tfrn < 1 of James 73
JJ. Wool worth ft'id IVJ. . Ronnnll"hcse are .
cheap and very ilosirablc , beings ) Imndv to bus-
tneiw p irt of cits' , to new K. VI runic t depot , nail pie
works , HhlU ) lead works. U P. depot , stock
y At d , packing hniucx , etc 011 and get plat der
md fall pariicuiarn. P Ice S-Sfr to $350 and easy
cnnj to thoiio who build
giv [
GEO P. HKMIS , Agent ,
15th a-id I'ouJ jSts.
Scholce r.ldonr lot * < .n 24lh sU-wt , between fieL
Douglas and DodfORtreets.fl.lOO t < t ; 1.2 > .0each fieLA
and long time to thofc who will b ill 1
2 choke corner lots near 2lth n > l Fainham cou
etreou , GSxl24 fevt , 81,150 and f 1.V09 , and very
ei y Wrmi' to puichawn who wi I improve. gre
Also 4 los on Slth , l > et\\pea r'iriibam and coH
Douglas s rreU , 9M to $1,000 caUi and lone 200
time.t3T250 200I
t3T250 of the l > e t bntlnen lots in V of
Omaha for * ac , located on cnrj ba n t street , fielc
$ SOO to 8,000 each. fielcT
jHTAlno verj valuiW * store > rrtles In al
most every bu > inrM block ; 5 000 to 1E,000 con
40cnO ce rrn deuce lots In nbo\ addition , lm > joriI
maJiatclr north of aud adjolnlne Popp'etou's
beauttful residence mid crounav , and locaUd on fielt
ISth 19th and 20th iitrcoU$300to & 50 each and fieltr
t cry easy terras to thov who u 111 Lull J Call and
examine plat and get full particular * . Poi
CEO. P. BEMIS , Agent.
Beau Itul building it < m Shcnnan avenue ,
16th * trpet,1 > ct ccn Popplotnn and the Dudley-
1 J m pro-c ty ; iC5 feet e < < ft frontage on the rocj
avonno. hy SS3 < evl in depth. Will ditidc it nak.
IttZlSSfnotb ) S3 * . Ctll and get full particulars. by
An cro tn IStli st > cet , 101 fret cast frontage B VI
by 378 feet d ep. This in jiiKt couth of the K.Ira VII
te th ( Poppleton placo. This { 5 gllt-edn , oil and
t t price and terms nf BCMIS , Asrent. From
IS i.00-l loU , Jmt north of and aJJuining E V. repi
Smith's addition , and located beiwecn 0th and repif
Fannder * streets , at rcasonab'e prices and long
time to barer who improve BEUlS. Agent. cod
Allots In llorbach's first and second ad ition
onlctb , 18th , 19th and 20th streets , between 35Gth
Nicholas , Paul , She-man and Clark st ects , very Gth
bandy to U. P. Shops , smelting works , etc. , Hoi
ranging in pncea rom from SiOn to $1:100 each , Mel
requiring ouly tmall payment down and long
tlm at 7 ps-r cent interec to those who will im jori [
prove. QEO. P. BEMIS , 5th
15th and Doujlas Street. '
S8 nice loU In ' JS'ic
Parker's addition , between JS'icWo
B nder * and Piene. Klne and Campbell' * Sts. . WoI
" ' " " " n"
tfi-t 18 lota with south fronts and I
frontage , only 6 blocks north of Abi
) on Sinuilers
on b7
wil who can
lings E !
jt TBemlb' new mip of Omthj , 60e and SL60 130'a
SlTBemtf new pamphlet ( and m p of the a
tate entitled "the outlook Vof Nebisfal"
lot Tom
ce distribution.
Geo. P. Ben is' IndiK
ia [ c
' " . 15th tfc Douglas St. , nin
: ratic
40 OMAHA , . NSF Coc
Wjich Swept the Bourbons
From the Field.
A Solid North Confronts the
Sold South I
And Hurls Back the Slanders
on James A. Garfield.
New York , Connecticut , Maine
and Indiana Wheel
Into Line
And Swell the Columns of Be-
publican Victories.
The Fmpire State Leads With
45,000 Majority for
Garfleld and Arthur
While the Great West Echoes
the Song of the Atlantic -
lantic Coast.
The Country Wild With Joyous
Exultation Over the Glo-
rious Eesult ,
While Barnum and Cipher Sam
Retire in Gloom a u d
Despair. I an
A. Bepuhlican President , Senate ,
and House of .Represen 17
tatives Assured. I j0"
Heavy Republican Gains in dei
Every Section of the toe
Nebraska Gives 20,000 Major SinJ
ity i for the National Ticket. pro
Details of the Contest. guv
PouGHKEErsin , November 2. The 20
city complete gives Garfield 807 ma Gai
jority. 83
SARATOGA , November 2. The city
complete gives Garfield , 1412 ; Han 2Glia
cock , 10SG ; republican gain 177. Glia
SYRACUSE , November 2 Garfield'i Dec
majority in this cjty ia 17GO. licai
DUNKIUK , November 2. Garfield , byi
Hancock , 901.
TJncA , November 2. Utica com
plete gives Hancock 125 majority , 131 [
democratic gaiu 23. foil
ATTBOKX , November 2. Auburn Fur
jives , Garfield about 835 majority. Doa
OGDKKSBURO , November 2. Gar- Job
1725 majority. Bro
ALBANY , November 2. Albany Kin
jounty elects Nolan , democrat , to con- Jacl
jrew by about 3000 majority ; Han- 150
o'k'B majority in the county in about 82 ! ,
ROCHESTER , November 2 Gar- Kru
3eld's majority in this city 1200. Can
TROY , November 2. City of Troy bon
omp1ete gives Hancock 923 majoriry. J
OGDENBtJRO , November 2 O don- BS ;
complete gives Garfield 179 ma tine
ROCHESTER , November 2. Gar-
Seld'e nj j. rity in this city 1200. n
POCGHKEEPSIE , Nor mber 2.
Pouahkeepsie city gives Garfield 1989 niij
msjurity KUE
November 2. Cor jorii
rected returns givea city to Garfield taut
221 . ity ;
majority. Broom cunty
ives a reoublicau majority of 1100.
BUFFALO , November 2. Returns ms
59 out 94 elective diitricts show Bar
republicans gaius of 2195. nrity
NEW YORK , November 2 Han- 24
oek' ru j irity in this city as esti- ner
mtted i * t 10 p. m. will not exceed 35- ority
. The son
Cjnsressional districta
follows : Sunset Cox , democrat are , niity
district , 7000 majority ; Abrams
Hewitt , 10th district , 4000 ; Gen. orLy
McCook , ropublicin , 8th diatr.ct iyock
, ma-
ority not stated ; Benjamin Wood , C7Vol
district , probable \Vol
plurality over
Nicholas Muller 4000 ; Fernando ority
Wood , 9th district , 300 majority. mot
In the Tenth congressional district joril
ibram S. Hewitt democrat , is elected 54 ;
a , large majority , Astor , republi-
, in iao Seventh district is proba- bom >
defeated. Hancock's majority in
county will be ab mt 10,000. 8 pod
ELMIRA , November 2 Hanecck's podC
majority in Chemung county Is about rhen
L30.NEW layer
NEW YORE , November 2. Returns tob *
New York City and 241 towns ed ,
ndicate republican gains of 4000. lice ,
NEW YORK CITY , November 2. all
. TL Grace , democratic candidate , houi
elected mayor by about 7000 tua- houiC
. Out of twenty-four memb-ta rom
the assembly the democrats elect Chic
nineteen. A majority of the demo- cain
aldermen are elected. A. T. ; iin
Cochardi , democratic candidate , ia
e'ectei over Jacob Hess , republican ,
for registrar ; Fred Smythe is elected
over Daniel G. Rollins for recorder ;
Horace Russell , republican , is elected
over Charles F. Truax , democrat , for
j fJe ; of supreme coutt.
NEW YOEK , November 2 Tie a
county complete gives Garncld 1200
msj irily.
Chairman Jewell has sent congratulations -
lations to the republicans of the slate
claiming a majority for Garfield of
WEST CHESTER , N. Y. , November 2
Gives Hancock 304 majority. In
Now Rochelle , Hutchings , democrat ,
isolected to congress by 153 majority.
Yates county nearlycomplo'o 1,350
majority for Garfisld ; Genewo county
14 toTns a complete ain for Garfield ;
1,388 majority.
The .Sun concedes Connecticut te
GartieM by 3,000 , and claims Arkan
sas for Hancock by 30,000 majority.
It concedes New York Elate to the re
publicans by 40,000 majority.
2 a m. Returns indicate that New
York has given GarSeld 40,000 major
ity. In this city Hancock's niijon'y
"s about 40,000 , and in Brooklyn
9,030 , mating a total detn cratic L-SJ
of 21.000 in these two cities as corn-
fared with the results of 187C. Nine
democrats are elected ( o congress
Robinson , Second district ; Smith ,
Tliird , Biiss , Fourth ; Wood , Fifth }
Cox , Sixth ; Duero , probably , StvI
onth ; Fernando Wood , Ninth ; Hew
itt , Tenth ; Nolan , Sixteenth. Chit-
'enden has baen defeated In the Thir
tieth district by a democratic cnmbi-
nttion with independent republicans.
SriiACDdB , November 2. The full
vote of the city gives Garncld 6GSO ,
Hancock 6013 , a ranjori'y of 1G67.
I'he couuty will probably give a -
plj f f lit w M A--J- |
publican majority of 4600. , ,
Special Dispatch to TJIK Bun.
SCHUYLER , November 2 This pre
cinct casts 283 votes ; Garfield's majority -
jority , 125 ; Valentino but a few votes
behind ,
FnEMoNT , November 2. Repablijj
can electors have 118 majority in F > e-
oaT . The majority in 1870 was 28.
Tie republican couuty ticket is un-
doubt oily elected.
Dodge county gives a republican
majority of 300 for electors and gov-
rnor. The whole legislative ticket ia
PLUM CUBES , November 2.
republican electors , 140 ; demo
cratic , 41) ) . Nanco , 130 ; Tioton , 60 ;
Dilwcrth , 140 ; Snyder , 14G ; Valen
tine , 9 ; Cutchee , 20 ; Baldwin 149 ;
Long , 35.
WILLOW ISLAND , November 2
Sixty-nine : votes cast ; Gntfieli , 40 ;
Hancock , 23. State officers the same.
Snyder , for senator , 52 ; Balk-ntine , G.
CLKAR CBEKK , November 2 Onion
precinct , S.tunders couuty , give Gir-
8htea 98 , Weave. 25 , Hancock 14. The
state ticket wcs.tho same.
TKKAJIAU , November 2. About
250 votts polled. Garfi"ld , 125 ;
cuck ( estimated ) 125.
OGALLALA , November 2. Republican
oar presidential elector * , flGjttem
cratic , 42. Nance , 2G ; Tipton. 29 ;
Valentine , 26 ; North , 4
FAIRFIELD , November 2 Fairfi-ld
and < Edgar gives republicin majorities
national , stito , judicial and legis
lative tickets of 235. i „
RicnLAND , NEB , November 2
Serouty-seven votes cast ; Garfield , '
majority ; precinct vote : Welsh ,
democrat. Fifty-first district , 27 ma re
jority ; Hughie , dem.crat , Thirty ,
saventh district , 15 majority ; Higgins ,
democrat , county commissioner , 13
majority ; Turner , republican , Four- P
toenth senatorial district , 7 majoity. ; I i
PAriLLiON , November 2 Precinct , i Cfll
nation * ! and * state , republican , 130 ;
demcc-at , 99 ; legislature , G > ttes , 113 ; Be
Smith , 116. h
ELM CREEK , November 2 This ! :
precinct civos the dsmocraticticlcet Kn
electors 35 ; for governor , Tiptnn 35 ; ulei
republican ticket electors 27 , for
governor' Nance 27 ; greenback ticket
electors 3 , for governor , \Villiims3.
DAVID CITT , Boone county ! November Me
vember 2. Hancock and Tipton eight a
majority. Boone precinct , Garfield , has
; Tipton , 4. Eeaver prscincr ,
Garfield , 83f Hancock , 39 ; Nance , KtvVl
; Tipton , 39
- Garfield , 1G3 ; Hancock , 82. Sto
Jhapman precinct , total vote 99. larr
Democrat vote for electois 31 ; repub-
, 68. All precinct goes repubh-
from 30 to 50.
Douglas County. wit
Valley , precinct Republican vote
, , democrat 98 , greenback 1. The
'ollowiug is the vote : Burnham 128 , i Spec
urguson 108 , Coutant 70 , Locke " 74 , SpecE
Doane 125 , Howe 124 , filyers 01 , com :
Fohnson U3 , Burr 46 , Vanuycock 92 , dist
Broach 152 , Bolln 103 , Fox 80 , fror
liner 98 , Mullen 101 , Bartlett 1DO , cpiv
lackson 101 , Paxton 118. MoSharo whc
, Sbield 116 , Link 84 , Burgdorf
McKinnlr 81 mijU
, Swartzlandcr 11C ,
J.rber 97 , Bloom 43Walcott 42 , will
irmo 39 , Pat McCardle 7 , James Mc-
Jardle 24 , T. W. Corliss 183. For
ends 34 , against bonds 145.
MILLARD ] , November 2 Garfield , Sped
Hincock , 25 ; Weaver , 4 ; Valen- SpedC
, 19 ; majorities , 27. North , 40 ; ion
4 ; contingent inajontica 22 all
25 majority ; Htmilton , 20 licai
jority ; Alexander , 19 majirity ; same
iVallsck , 19 m jority ; Birtlett , 19 hav
mjority ; Uiliwi.rih , 19 maj > rity ; The
vendall , 19 majority ; Jones , 19 ma- ton
ority ; Fergus'in , 23 majority ; Cou- ion
, 24 majority ; Locke , 29 nwjor- crat
Dane , 64 majority ; Howe , GS ma-
; Cowan , 4 majority ; .Myers , 23
uajority ; Johnson , 25 maj irity ; ipecial
, 46 majjrity ; Brnatch , 54 mi-
! ; Birber , 23 n j > rity ; B llan , : ity
tuaj'irity i ; Fox , 15 majority ; Hy- ( ,
, 22 raaj irtty ; Mullen , 25 mi-
; Banlett , 26 majority ; Jack- [ ivea
, 23 majority ; Paxton , G4 ma-
: 3IcShane , 68 majority ;
Shields , CG majority ; Link , 62 ma- ired
; Bergdorf , 25 majority ; Von > ver
, 16 majority ; Sirarlzlandtr ,
majjrity ; Bloom , 63 majiriy ;
Volcoit 4G majority ; Gruie , 45 ma- o
; White , 4 majority ; McDer-
, 4 majorsty ; Vanetten , 2 ina- 1500
; Murphy , 4 majority ; Oarliss ,
James , McArdle , 1C ; Patrick
IcArdle , 27. For bouda 14 , against
onds76. Total rotes cast 97. . ; ame
Dlfpatcb to Tai Bin.
: arry
CHICAGO ] , November2 At 6 p. m. ,
the polls should have closed ,
Harrison ciused new judges to SpecS
elected , new box- to be provid- S
and i under the direction of the po- A
proceeded to take ballots from has
persons offering them up to that hasC
. tb 8
CHICAGO : , November 2. Returns
85 towns outside of the city of
/h'cago show a net republican ipecUl
of 917. The republicans claim a SpecH
of ono congressman in the state. Hoc ;
R.'turns from
sixty-nine precincts are
j out of one-hundred and thirty in the
j , city of Chicago , give a republican
> majority of 5,506.
] CHICAGO , November 2 Forty city
precincts give Garfield 13,301 ; Hancock -
cock , 90G1. Scattering returns , con-1
tinua to show republican gains in
every part of the west and east.
Ono hundred and two towns in
Illinois , outside of Chicago , show a
not republican gain cf 1,257. ThU
rate with the heavy changes in
Chicago indicates a majority of over
30,000 in the state.
EAbT ST. Louis , November 2
Win. It. Morrison , democrat , iS rfl-
elected to congress by a large majority
in the Seventeenth distsict.
Special dispatch to TUB BH.
KANSAsCrrr , November 2. Count
ing proceeds very slowly with many
scratched tickets. In the E'ghth ' con-
sjrossioaal district , as far as counted ,
V.m" Home , republican , lead * both
candidates in nearly every precinct.
Indications are that Van Horn , ra
publican , is elected to congress in tbo
Eight district.
ST Louis , Novambir 2. In the
Third congressional district , this
city , SessinghauBo's , republican , ma
jority is abjut 1300 over Frost , demo-
I Spoclxi Dispatch to Tlio Bee.
DESMOINES , November 2. Kasson ,
republican candidate for coiigroismtui
and candidate for speaker of the elected by 5000 m jority. The
must sanguine republicans only
claimed three thousind majority.
MINNESOTA. Dlgpsich in Thfe Bi > ei '
t. I'AUL , November 2. Twenty
three towns give Garfield 883 major
ity. The Third district gives Wash-
burne , republican , 138 majority. The
Second rhatfict rfives a straight repub
lican rn j arity of 105.
Minnesota giv&s Garfield 25,000
republican majority. Dnnnol , repub
lican , in the First district , 5000 ma-
j -rityj ; S rxightj republican } in the
Secoiid district , 3000majority ; Wnsh-
burne i , republican , in the Third dis
trict , 8000 majority. The legislature
j3 overwhelmingly republican.
Special Dispatch to Tns Hxz.
ATLANTA , November 2. Spear , In
dependent candidate for congress , is
elected in thn Oth district.
Special Dispatch to The Bee.
SAN FRANCISCO , November 2 ;
A largo vote was polled In the city ,
reaching forty thousand , it indicates
tbo city is republican by at least a
thousand plurality. Returns from
the interior indicate the state is five
thousand republican. Nothing is yet }
heard from Nevada or Oregon.
SAN FKAKCISCO , November 2.
The republicans claim the state and
all four congressmen.
SAN FRANCISCO , November 2
The fetal vota of this cily. is 41,298
No returns yet from the country. Re a
publicans claim the cit/by 2,500.
Returns from the interior of the a
gtato continue to show republican ma
jorities , the southern counties
giving an increased republican rate
One hundred and seven towna show
Garfield , seven thousand , Hancock ,
sixty-nine hundred , with the large
republican { counties not in yot. Ale
meda will give twenty five hundred ,
Sacramento , fifteen hundred.
One ( hundred and seven towns and
precincts give ( jarfield 135 majority.
Thu ettte ia claimed by the republi
cans by 5,000 majority.
Knight's ] district in California shows
Barry 3 slightly Icadincr in Solano ,
luvingdisappointedrepublican calcula nil
tions. : Huinboldt's vote may bring sec
Knisjht ahead. P.icheo la piobably "
elected , but very close.
" for
Dispatch to theBec. * net
SAN FRANCISCO , Novembar 2. gocJ
Meagre returns from Nevada indicate
clopo voto. In Carsnn City Garfield fro
561 ; Hancock , 381. Elko has ma1
veil thirty majority for Hancock. as
White Pine has goco democratic by a we
considerable majority. Lincoln county nor
gives seventy-five democratic and
Story county is expected to give a
largo democratic vote. Virginia City So
a small republican majority.
A dispatch received at midnight tnit
Nevada is democratic , tho-jgh don
without ! the figures to go on. 362I
COLORADO. inditl
Special Dispatch to TUK Bzs.
DENVER , November 2. Returns ,
ome in very slowly owing to the1
listanco of many of the mining campa e
the . News far is
telegraph. so re-
leived is favorable to the republicans ,
claim the state by nn increased peel
DENVEB , 3 a. m. The republicans vetr
carry the state probably by an in- 25J
sreased majority. 827.
Ipeclal dispatch to The Bee. 225.E }
CoLtJjiBus , November 2. The elec- 25.E !
827 !
progressed with quietness. In
four wards of this c < tv the repub- ity
icans'made a fight , but the democrats
out far ahead , the republicans Speci
liivini no state ticket in the Held. SpeciK
democratic majority in Charles- tun
county is 2500 , assuring the elec- sate
of O'Connor and a solid demo- c ; m
iratic delegation < n o" " resb. dst :
Dispatch . ind
to Tne Beo. I
PORTL'AND. Me.November 2.---The , ty
gives Gwfio d 2 pub
3,7 , Hancock dist
,288 , Weaver 78
this ,
LrwisTox , November 2 , This city rail
Garfield 1,646 , Hancock 1,404 ,
iVeiver-14 a ,
PORTLAND , November 2. Two hun-
towns givea republican net cain pres
the September election of 3722 ,
mditis estimated that the republican
najority in the at at o will bo from 3000 IpecUl
Indications are that Garfield has
maj irity in this stace.
PORTLAND , November 2. Two aboiK
mndred towns give GarfieJd
, :
lancoclt , 42.726 ; Weaver , 1782. The urns ain
towns in September
gave the re-
mblican 51,042 fusionista givi ;
; , 45,992 ;
icittering-159. The republicans will Ha
thu state by 4000.
Dispatch to The Ike , pub ,
SAN JFRAacisco , Novemcer 2. 1876.
Portland dispatch says Oregon mot
probably gone 500 republican.
: even
Oregon is very clote , with not 300 dial
spare nn either side.
Di'patcb to Taa Tee.
RALEIOU , November 2. The elec- is c
passed off qu'etly. ' The returna , towns
scattering and incomplete. Aa rep
i fur u heard from the democrata make
, 1 light gains on the vote of 1876.1
Shackelford , democrat , is thought to
be elected in the Third district and
Cox , democrat , in the .Fourth. No
returns have been received from other -
er dntricta. The legislature is domoP
SpscUI Dispatches to Th Bee.
TALLAHASEE , November 2 G p. in.
The colored Vote appears to be di
vided on the sta'te , national and
county ticki ts more than ever be
fore. Indications are that the state
has gone democratic by about 2000.
Republicans admit the election of
Davidson , democrat , over Whather-
apoon ia the first district , but are in
clined to elaim the election of Biahee ,
republican , in tha secotid district.
LAKE dry , November 2. Indica
tions favor the election of Bloihain ,
democrat , for go.veruor , anJ David
son for congress in the first district.
The second district in close.
.cpsc > I Dispatch to The Bee.
MONTGOMERY , November2 6p. m.
Returns indicate Herbert s election
to congress in iho Second district
overStrobach , republictn , by at least
4,000 majority. In the Third district
I O.Us' majority over Mabson , republi
can , is es imated at over 3,000 , and
there are democratic gains. Herndon ,
democrat , in the First district , is
elected by increased majorities. Gillette -
letto and Treat ( colored ) are receiving
a very small vote.
The returns indicate the election of
the democratic candidates in the First ,
Second , Third and Fourth districts by
increased maj on tits.
MOBILE , November 2. This city
gives a democratic majority of about
Indications are that Alabamd Sends
giiii to Congress a solid democratic
Returns received up to 1 o'clock
warrant the belief that the democratic
majority in the state will be over
JJeraden , the present democratic
member of congress , is re-elected over
Glletf. The state has gone over-
wnelmingly for Hancock and English.
MOBILE , November 3. Returns
ndicate the election of all
the democratic conare.'smen. The
democratic majority in the state is
over 40.0CO.
Spodal dispatch to Tm BM
JACKSON , November 2. The prin
cipal fight was in Cbalmer's district ,
where Lynch , republican , made a vig
orous contest. O'-almcrs is elected by
L good majority. The democratic ma-
ority in the st its will be 60,000.
CINCINNATI , November 2. One
hundred and seventy-one precincts ,
or about one-eighth of the state ,
show a not republican gain of 3334.
CINCINNATI , November 2. Fifty
precincts of Hamilton county gives
net republican gam of 1700 over the
October ejection ; 357 precincts give
net republican gain of 4925 , indi
cating that Garfioid's majority in the is
state is 35,000 ,
CLEVELAND , November 2. Returns
from Cleveland and other towns in i
this district continue to come in rap of
idly and indicate republican gains of
2000 or 3000 over the October ma
jority. The majority in the 20h con
gressional district will likely be near
A telegram from Senator J. G.
Blaine to Garfield said. "Maine haa 20
given you n handsome majority over
other opposing tickets. I will
send details later. " Ex senator Dor-
soy telegraphed from Now. York. con
"This city gives about 45,000 majority
Hancock- . Indications point to a 10
majority of 40,000 foryou in the state , jori
news from Maine and New Jersey are Til
good. " 76.
After reading several more bulletins
from : the empire state Gnrfield
, re- Spec
inarkect. "If wo have got Now York , SpecI
the I indications are that we hav ,
can give the democrats several cod
northern states and win.
RICHMOND , Va. , November 2 Two-
knirds of the city gives the regular 135.
lomocratlc ticket 4,887 , readjusters
, republicans 2,168.
Returns from one third of the state
ndiciti the defeat of the readjustee ; '
tha Hincock ticket.
NORFOLK , November 2 Geode ,
lemocrat , is elected to congress. Des-
mdorf , republican , in the 2d district Sp
elected. A rbpublicin g in 'of 1.
cU1 Dispatches to THI IS IK. ; <
vember 2 92 towns give Garfield ,
J5.520 , Hancock , 10,253 , Weaver ed
. Republican cain over 1976 , 975. the
Ninety two towns give Garfield Eigl
5,522 ; Hancock , 10,452 ; Weaver , dUt
; scattering , 14 ; republican major- A \
, 14,229. Thi
14,229.LOUISIANA. . m
fpccial Discatcb to Tha Bce >
NEW ORLEANS , November 2. Re
from all parts of the state indi- urns
the election of the democratic
ndidates from all the congressional majC
listricts. Gar
The election here was very quiet GarV
the vote light. Hancock's maj.t - - G
i ? estimated at 9,000. Hahn , re We
jublican , in the Second congressional WeN
iistrict , runs ahead of his ticket in latch
city , and is possibly elected. Dar- that
, , republican , in the Third district , by >
regarded certain. Returns from
* Louisiana show a complete sup- tie
session of the republican vote. B
! HISMtch to The BM. Haj
CONCORD , N. H. , November 2. catii
onr counties give Hancoqk 6,359 , egat
Jarfield 5,211 , a republican loss of
MANCHESTER , November 2. Re- pedal
from 63 towns give a democratic SpedV
in 33 and republican gains in 30 , so fi
iving a net 'democratic gain of 172 will
the I bails of the vote in 1876 , when coni
Elayes ] had 2,988 majority. coniV
One hundred and twenty-six towns indi
wardf in the etate show a net re 17 , (
publican gain of 252 over the vote of
. These towns include Man-
tester and Concord , bat not r'ortj- Ipedil
month , Dover and Nashua , twenty- L
towns in the First congressional cat !
district gave Hfle , republican , 276 con ;
majority. Thirty-three towns in the will
district gave Fair , republican ,
rntjrity , but ai these are repub
strongholds Bingbam's election Jpcdil
claimed by the democrats. Forty SpecE
in the First district give Hale , of > ]
republican , 224 majority. In the of ) 1
Second < district Brigga , republican ,
leads Snliaway , democrat , by 800.
Special DispMch to The Bee.
. WILMIMICKN , November 2. Com
pletu i return ] give a republican gait
' of 550.
Returns indicate a majority in the
state of at Icist 1,000 for Hancock.
SpeoUI Dispatch to Tax Bis.
NASHVILLE , Tenn November 2.
Evidence of a heavy vote all over the
state. Republicans carry Chattanooga ,
by increased majority ever 1876.
Indications are that the n > 0 for
governor batwaen Wright , democrat
and Hwkins , republican , wllf be
close with prospects In favor of the
forraen Nashvilie gives a small
jority Ser Wright.
MEMPHIS , Tenn. , November 2 ,
The election passed off quietly and
little enthusiasm manifested. Shelby
county gives Hanocck a majority.
The result of the gubernateral elec
tion is doubtful , as there are two dem
. ocratic candidates in the field
' Yound , democrat , candidate in thi
district , gets a large majority over
Moore and Hamilton , two republican
SpocUl Dispatch to Till .
TOPEKA , November 2 , It is safe to
say that tha republicans have electfd
all three congressmen. From the li
district by 12,000 ; 2d ristrict by 8. 00
and 3,1 district by 10,000 , an-i th t
Girfii Id carries the state by 50,000 ,
In Shawnee county the whole repub
lican ticket ia elected.
Spojlal dispatch to 'I'he Bee.
MILWAUKEE , November 2. One
hundred and Sliteon towns in Wiicnnsa '
sin show a net republican gain of
4338. Twenty-five precincts in the
city of Milwaukee gives 2809 majority
for Garfield , with ono precinct to hear
from. Tilts is a republican giin of
4403 over 1876.
This city rind county give a total re
publican majority of z9iJ50a , republi
can gain of 5,000. Twenty-three
precincts nf Fen Du Lie county give a
net republican gain of 593. Mr.
DeUstorj democrat , for congress in the
Fourth district is elected by 1500 ma
jority. One hundred and fifty-nine
towns in the state chow a total net
gain of 10,169. The state gives
probable republican ma jority of 30,000
or over. Guenther , republicuh con
gressman in the Sixth district is
The republican county ticket is
elected throughout. The lesishture
is tolidly republican. Walworth
county insures 2400 republican major
ity. All the republican congressmen
of the state ara believed to be reelected -
elected , and one is gained in the Sixth ,
TEXAS. "for
Special Dispatch to The Bee. (
DALLAS , Texas , JSbvomber 2 , .iLTh
4. special to the Herald from various
paats of the state , affirms the reelection
tion of Governor Roberts. The state
for Hancock and English by the
usual majority.
Specials to the Herald from various
parts ] of the state show the re-election
Gov. Roberts , and state for Hancock -
cock and English by the usual large
pedal dispatch to The Bee. j >
PROVIDENCE , November 2. The ity
republican majority in this city is 40
2000 ( ; in the state it will be 7,000.
All towns in the state except six era
give Garfield 6244 majority.
PROVIDENCE , November 2. The era
complete vota of this state is as follows
low : Garfield 18,188 Hancock ma
, , ; ,
10,784 ; Weaver , 141 Garfield's ma stai
jority 7263 , In 187G Hayes , 15,769 ; leg
Tilden , , 10,700 ; Cooper72 ; scattering ,
Ipeclal Dispatches to Tun BBS.
BALTIMORE , November 2. The re- repi
inrns from Hartford county give Han-
500 majority , a republican gain ity.
473 The republican candidate for ity.r
songreaahas 200 majority in the county. : ric
Kent county givea a democratic fielc
najority of 117 , a republican gain of 86 !
The complete vote of the city gives
Sarfield 23,354 , Hancock 32,677 , a Sped
epublican gain of 819. Kent county
tves a democratic mnjorlty of J17 , a
'jpublicau gain of 37. mea
cul Dispatch to the BKR. of
ciB ofmot
BOSTON , November 2 8 p. m.
Ninety-nine towns and wards give
Sarfield 50,833 , Hancock 37,299. The
me towns in 1876 gave Hayes TOD
CT 967 , Tilden 40,344. mid
The following republicans are elect- the
to I congress : W. W. Crape from sucl
First district ; Bey W. Harris , i3
Seventh district ; J. W. Chandler , utre
3ighth district ; A. Morse , Fourth Jou
lUtrict ; Noicross , Eleventh district. vast
A Rancer , republican , carries the 'on
Third congressional district by 757 and
nnjority j ovr Alexander Dearborn , the
lemocrat. Morse , democatt , carries Deal
Fourth district by 100 majority DealT
Hayes. The Fifth "district ro- be
Bowman , republican , by 3000 cast :
City of Biston complete gives B
Sarfield 25,524 , Hancock 27,659. rom
WORCESTER , November2 8 p. m. ow
-Garrjeld 5531 , Hancock 3665 , repi
< verl8. jelief
NEW YORK , November 2 A dls- riad
to 0. A. Arthur from Boston says but
Mass ichusetts will go republican ele
50,000 ! majority ; also that ten con- cam
and p snbly eleven are
BOSTON , November 2. 152 towns
Gartield 82,644 ; Hancock 58-
. The sime towns in 1876 gave
layes 75,116 ; Tilden , 62,269. Indi- Th
ations are ot a solid republican del- ThI
gation to congress.
dtapatcbea to The Bee.
WHEELING , November 2 Returns
far show indications that the state
go democratic by about 13,000 ;
longrecsmen are unchanged. Ipeclal
WHEELING , November 2. Rstarns v
ndicate a majority for Hancock of Par
.7,000. capl :
Dispatch to Tha Bee. . oute
LITTLE ROCK , November 2. Indi- beei
iationa are that all four democratic Unl
iongressmen are elected. Hancock be
carry the state by 30,000. 4th
Dispatch to The Bee. phy
HARTTORD , November 2. The city tern
Hartford gives Hancock a majority iisc [
225 ; alio a loss of 650 over Tilden coli
J in 1876. The town of Merlden shows
I a republican gain of 300.
Indications are that Garfield'a ma
jority in the state will be from 2GOO
| tc 3000.
Sixty-three towns give Garfield
18.162 , Hancock 15,284 ,
BRIDGEPORT , November 2. Garfield -
i field 2934 , Hancock 3390 , Weaver 59.
. NEW HAVEN , November 2. New
H < iven gives Hancock 2195 majority.
Some returns from small towns show
republican gains.
Ninety-one towns give a net republi
can gain of 3,118. This overcomes
Tilden's majority , and would give the
a'ato to Garfield.
The republican sheriff ia elected for
the first time in years at Hartford.
To-night the fcenthusiara of republi
cans is intense. Returnn are given
to the republicans by ateroscopic Ian
t-rns. The republicans are parading ,
bonfires ara burning , fireworks , etc.
The opera liouaa meeting is tho. most
enthusiastic ever seen in the ciJy.
Mark Twain delivered a funeral oration
tion over the democratic party , one
of his funniest efforts. Gen. Hawley
also s joke briefly.
JNEW HAVK.V , November 2. Mills ,
republican , is elected to congress in
the 14'h diavricr. Tha democrata
claim the election of Phclpa in the
2d district.
The republicans elect the state
ticket and three out of the four con
gressmen are ol. cted. One hundred
and twenty-six 'owns give a republi
can gain of 4495 on electors over the
vote of 1876 , giving a clean majority
1595 , wi'h 42 towns to hear from ,
which will easily swell the reoublictn
majority to 2000.
HARTFORD , November 2. To MAR
SHALL JEWELL : Connecticut close ?
up without a doubt with 3000 ma
jority for Garfield and about the
same for Bigelow. Signed ,
Spec al Dispatch to The Em.
Three hundred and sixty voting
places show a net republican gain of
223.Three hundred and thirty-six voting
ing places show a not republican gain
of 87.
Special DUpatch to The Bco
TRENTON , November 2. New
Brunswick gives a democratic majori
ty of 700 , which is a democratic gain
of 70. It is estimated thit three dem
ocratic congressmen are elected which
is a gain 6f tiro.
JERSEY CITY , November 3 1 a. m.
Indications are at present , with the
meager returns and heavy democratic
losses , that the electoral vote of the
state will be given fur Hancock , with
the < gubernatorial contest in doubtthe
chances being in the repablicans" fa
vor.Kilpatrick , republican candidate
for congress in the Fourth district , is
behind 123 votes on the full returns
from 5 townships in hia own county.
.Thft democrats concede the legislature "
on joint ballot by 22 majority. -
Specl Dispatch to TUB Bex.
DETROIT ] , November 2 Two hun
dre dred and nineteen precincts and wardi
am townships give Garfield 12.150
majority and Jerome 9,846.
Special Dldpatch to The Bea.
PHILADELPHIA , November 2. The
indications are that Garfield's major
in the state will bo from 30,000
Btrka county gives 7,500 demo
cratic majority.
Monroe county gives 2500 demo
cratic majority.
At 2 a. m. the returns indicate a
majority of 30,000 to 35.000 for the
state ticket and for Garfield. The
legislature ! Js largely republican in
both branches.
NORRISTOWN , November 2. The
liornp of Hancock , gives Garfield 400
majority , a gain of 41 over 1876.
WEST CHESTER , November 2. The
republican majority in this district is
109 , a gain of 204 over Hay ea major-
PITTSBURG , November 2. The dis-
rict3 of Allegheny county give Uar-
a majority of 2426. A gain of
over 1876.
Ipedal dispatch to The Bco.
LOUISVILLE , November 2 ; mid-
light Returns up to this time are not
neagre and scattering , but indicate Ok
lormderablo republican gains in all Caj
mrta of the state , and probably a gain on
ono or two
republican congresa- the
' on
Ten thousand republicans were in ed I
rent of The Commercial office at ent
nidnight singing and cheering with pel
wildest enthusiasm. No
demonstration was ever witness-
in i thisttate. The democrats are
itrerly despondent , and The Courier-
Fcurnnl is enshrouded in gloom. The I .
crowd at midnight in front of The i D61
Commercial were in the beet of humor , cha
even democrata now concede that
heresultof ] y.s'erdy's elect ion is the'
that could hefnll the country. mot
The vote for Garfield will probably >
20,000 larger than haa ever been
for a republican. The democrat- ma
nominee for congress in this district
overwhelmingly defeated. News
ral 1
the state outside the principal
owns ; is meager , but shows marked seq
epublican gains. There U a decided
that thw republicans have car-
the Ninth and Tenth districts , am
as these districts are remote from not
elegraph wires , the actnal iitu tion
annot be obtained for some days. , stn
\ pru
, hot
OMahama Invaders daj
Ordered I to Prepare for rep
Another Cruise. but ron
Payne's Trial.
Dlsratch to The B e. feel
WICHITA , Nov. 2 4 p. m. Capt. sprr
Pardee , of the 33rd iafantry , who larg
aptared Capt. Payne's filibusters eqa
Oklahoma m two occasions and ex pen
them from the territory , is en is a
to Fore Smith , whether he has situ
summoned in the cue of the cou
Jnlted States va. Payne , which is to day
tried before Judge Parker on the row
ingt. It is civil action merely. wilt
Payne was taken seriously ill at elec
Malvern , Kansas , yesterday , and U cap
physicians consider it a severe , though and
lempcrary , indisposition. Payne has mei
sued a proclamation to hia Oklahoma tini
colonists , notifying them to be in Of :
or 3 = s : ss sa 33 x. X
Cor. Douglas and ISth Sts.
Gives Great Bargains in Ladies' and Gents
All Bands Of
We Guarantee The Best Goods For The Least Money.
Iron and Wagon Stock ,
At Chicago Prices.
1209 siud 1211 llnrncy Street , Omaha.
The largest and best assortment of
Trunks und Vulises in the West. Telescopic Cases
and Sample Trunks a Specialty.
. . , . ,
117 14th St. . S Doors \orth of Douglas St.
Having just opened an entirely new line of
We would ask the Merchants of Nebraska to inspect our Slock ,
feeling confident we can meet the wants of all jn good Qocds and
Low Prices
for. 14th nnd Dodge Sts.
ang13-c vl3
' "
IT ± S
Gives universal Satisfaction and that it is stead
ily and rapidly increasing in public lavor.
The White Machine jnstly claims to be the
best made , the easiest running , the simplest in
construction and the most perfect Machine in
the market.
The White Co. employ as agents men of in
tegrity , and purchasers are always satisfied , *
because they find everything just as repres
Everybody should use this Machine. The ii-
sales so far this year are more than double '
the corresponding time last year. . *
All orders addressed to the Omaha Office
will be promptly filled.
Cor. Darcnnortand 15th Sts. Omaha.
adineas for another expedition ,
e date of which ia not an-
> unced , but of which lhay
e to receive five clajs * notice. The
klahorna ! colonists in Wichita gave
ipt. Pardee a very cordial reception
i his arrival , bat warned him that
ey intended to move immediately
his works. Pardee hag twenty-
re Indian Kcoula and fifty-two enlist-
blue coats in saddle , and express ? a
itire conGdence in hia ability to ex
il all invaders.
Wallfctreot Speculation.
ecUl Dwjutch to the Ken.
NEW Y. EK , Nov. 2 4 p.m To day
ling ] a general holiday , the a'ock ex
ange is of course closed , but next to
e election , thu probable course nf
ecalation in stock market the
est Important subject of converaa-
n between investors and epecula-
ta. There is , perhaps , u more inti-
ite < intereat felt .n thir matter , than
s ever been experienced before at a
ne of general election. The gene-
belief seems to bo , that in c > n-
rjuence of thn low rates of Interest ,
a very large demand fur
vestment securities , and the unox-
apled ] prosperity which the country
w enjoyj in every section , there
ill be a very active market in Wall
reat , and a general advance in
ices. One of the largest brokerage
macs in the city sant out yesterday ,
private circular to its customers ,
9m which the following extracts are
ade :
"Daring the earlier half of the
.y , stocks showed some slight signs
depression < ou rumors that any
publican victories would bo vigo-
nsly contested by tha democrat ) ,
the absurdity of this proposition
came manifest as the day advanced
its Impression wore off , and the
irket closed with a very bouyant
aling. There are some undoubted
mptoma of aclliiic particuHr stocks by
ga holders , but the demand i * fully
aal to the supply , although tern-
red by a degree of caution , which
tremendous saving clause in the
uation. It is uselers to predict the
urae of stocks for the next few
ys. Probably the opening to-mor-
morning will be attended by
excitement , no matter who is
scted. With the vast amount of
pltal ] seeking investment , however ,
the limited engagement ] from
rcantile sources , the chancss con *
me in favor of an nltimite advance.
coarse an accident would npset all
calculations , but the elements of a de
cline are not , at thts moment , apparent
in the market. "
Scalping1 John Kelly.
Special Dbpaich to The eo
NEW YOHK , November 2 4 p. m.
The Herald thh morning publishes
the following , which is the first reply
nvde to the personal attacks of Cha
Expreaa nn Mr Bunneit :
"The ilerald hai endured with self *
restraint , until thit raomen' , thofiul *
ness with which Mr. John Kelly for
a week ha * been lib linjj its proprie
tor. But last evening Mr. Kelly took
a step which annihtliced that salf re-
si raint. Through his organ , The Ex
press , he bas Iy struct at the proprie
tor of The Herald by meudacu u If
inipciishmy the virtue of a wotn D
For that riastard'y ! ' > we d-notince
Mr. John Kelly s i vile coward , who
deserves the contempt of every hon
est person man , womtn or child
and wo rcc iramtMid it to the ntica
of the grand jury of tins county.
The prfiprietor of The HoraMhai not ,
so far , permitted any reply tbe
mude to the mass of fa.'a hoods which
Mr. John K lly , one of the proprie
tors of The Express , haa camed. that
paper to put forth concerning him ,
nor do we think he believjs that any
reputable person whose good
opinion is deairabl ? , expects hi-n to
respond to scurrility , whose base pur
pose must be evident to the whole pub
lic. But when Mr. John Kelly , Ia
his organ , The Express , commits hi *
cowardly outrage of dragging
woman's name into the mire , for the
sole pnrpo'e by covering her with in *
famy to injure the character of a mm
Mr. Kelly happens to dislike , com
mon manhood requires that the retl <
canco hirherto observed shall caaoe.
The Herald , therefore , assures the
public that there is not a line
or word of truth in the
infamous tale concerning Mr.
Bennett and a lady ( Mrs. Helmbold )
whose good name The Express yester
day wantonly at tacked and besmirched ,
Mr. Bennett does not know , nevar in
his life spoke a word to her nor she to
him , never had any relations with
her of any kind whatever.
( rona rij of Gtah 4 J * bt )
, Old 80n.l of J coo OU