Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 01, 1880, Morning Edition, Image 1

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Established 1871. MORNING EDITION , Price Five Cents
Mentor Thronged With
Crowds of Ardent
President Hayes Proclaims-
That the People of the
"United States be
A Monster Expedition of Land
Jumpers Preparing io
Invade the Indian
A Chicago Beauty Detected
in the Role of a Male
r Masher.
Demonstration at Mentor.
Special I > fei | tci ! to THE HUB.
CLEvnuui * O. , October 31 , 10 p.
in Saturday was a busy day at Men
tor. In the morning Gen. GarOeld
was cillod on by a large number of
visitor * , nnd rnido several tpecchui.
To acomp'ruiyof iron workers from
\T < miig town , O , ho m > io a long and
powerful speecli. Inter delegation
of150 caino from Ashland and Wayne
counties , and to them the gen
eral undo two speoclics. Last
evening a Itr o delegation of cavalry
and infantry , with torches , gathered
from the surrounding country , and
despite the storm , paraded in front nf
Gen. Garh'eld'a house at Mentor. The
c indidato reviewed them from a car
riage , and atlent-ud passed down the
line on foot amidst immense cheers.
Thera Wrtrcjalsd large'republican dem
onstrations iu-Clovel&nd at night
Scared Bourbons.
SpvcUl Dlefntch to tlie I KX.
Lonisv Ltn , Ky. , October 31,10 p.
in. The city was m a political fever
laat night. In' this avcrwholrainsly
democratic district two candidates
etirtod to make the race. The party
jl'it scared at the prospect of Burns
ronublican ) slipping in between them ,
and withjn'luas ' thaw a week of elec
tion , they called a convention and
nominated Thos. II. Hayes , who old
Kentucky lottery tickets in Now York
eeveral years ago.
California for Garfleld.
Special Diiputch to Tne I > ee.
CUICAOO , November 1 , 1 a. m.
The Chicago Times' -San Francisco
special siya : The effort of the Morey-
\ Gartield forgery on this coast has been
\ widely misrepresented. The demo
y crats have atto.upted to make the
most of it , but have not succeeded to
their natiBfactum. Fic similes of the
forgery wera p iblished in democratic
papers , but they weiv met by a cauu-
fter publication in The Chronicle of s.
genuino"Jo ler \ > Garfacld wrtium. fotfr
days previous to the date of the al
leged Morey.lettcrand a batch cf Wash
ington postmarks , shorrini ; how the
envelope of the Morey letver WAS
forged , and a rnmbar of genuine s'g-
iiaxures/ The effect has been to con
vince every one that the letter was
really u forgery. It may be safely as-
verted thai thu whole- affair has not
changed fifty votes in the entire state.
At this hour no well informed person
has any.idea tint this s'ato can bo
carried for Hancock. The result on
Tuesday next will bo about as follows :
Garfield electors. 81,301 ; Hancock el
esters , 80,500 ; Weaver oli-ctore , 6,000.
Total vote , 170,888. This would give
GartH-ld a majority over Hancock of
3,714. It will not bj leaf , and may
bo five hundred morn. The republi
cans wiU hold three of the 'our con
gressional districts , and rely on get
ting tbo'foi'.ith.
Shipping News.
Sped ? ! Dtepkuh t" The lire.
.VKW YORK , Nosvm'ia 1.In in. " "
UOSTO.N Arrived , "ildcla , " from
liiverpool ; and "ll.slv.jUt , " from Ant
UUISTOL S-iiK-d , 'IJii-o' ' , " for
New York.
A.NT\vEur Affivod "Balii u'Trotn
New York. " Sa led , ' -Li l.ina , " for
Nj w York.
HAVKI : J3iilu i , " V .8fph li , "
Irom Hamburg for New Y < > k
SOUTUAMTTUN Arrivo.i , "Derlin"
mid "New York , " fur H . . vn.
GIJISOOXV Arrived , 'Anchuria , "
Irjiu New York.
The Kunawny KoJyklna.
BjwclM Dl | mt < ; ll to I'hi'lcv. \ .
"VVASIHSOTOX , Noveiv.b ] , 1 a. m.
The poU1on taken by thi * yovorn-
mont as | tj the Bta'us ' of Sittirg
Bull and nit baud when they were ad
mitted to an asylum on Bnu'sh eoil ,
has rouafcrad thu British authorities
anxioui'ti- gut rid of these Indians
Consequently , they h vj bean trying
to porsuide them t.i cross ths border
and surrdiid-r. They have availed
themselves of the advicj tundercd by
the British , mid Sitting Bull and
other proininaut chiefs and followers
ore at present het'tating ' whether to
surrender to the United States or go
back into Canada. It is believed ,
however , that these Indians will sur-
randor rather than run the risk of
etarviug in Canada during the winter.
The terms of surrender offered them
In Ojtober , 1877 , have been repeUed
recently through General Miles , and
they are , the only term * on which they
will be pennit'od to aurrender. If an
arrangement is not made very shortly ,
Gen. Miles will proceed with hii
whole forrro against the Indians ,
treating them as an enemy cnvading
the soil of the United States.
The Forged Letter Trial.
Epod&t Dtopatch to The llce.
NEW YOKE , JTovembsr 1,1 a. m
Interest in the Garfiuld-Morey letter
trial is unabated. Most of the wit
nesses in the afternoon session testi
fied that they were of the opinion
that the Morey letter was not written
by Philp. 'In the evening session the
city editor and a reporter of The
Brooklyn Eiglo testified that they
wore familiar with Phllp's handwrit
ing , and did not think the Mor > y let
ter was written by him. Several
other witnesses for the defense' were
Introduced but their testimony was
ruled out. Little progress was made
Saturday , but the defense oxpsct to
fitmh Monday , when Piiilp will be on
the aUnd. Es-Judg ? Dittenh cffcr ,
who horned asJfonnEel for The T.uth ,
In connection with coniultation with
fx-Gov. Jewell
regarding Morey.
Chinese letter , made a lung statement
of self-defense Sunday.
Thanksaiviug Proclamation.
Epeo'al Difl > ttch to The Beo.
WASHINGTON , Nov , 1 1 a. m.
The president will issue the following
to-day :
7 the president ol tt.c UnltcJ SUtcs ol Atnnr
tea , a Proclamation :
At no period in their hi lory since
the United States became a nation ,
has this people iiad so abundant and
EO universal reasons for joy and grati
tude at the favor of Almighty God ,
and been eubject to si profound obli
gation to give thanks lor hia loving
kindness , and humbly to implore hia
continued care and protection.
Health , wealth , nnd prosparity
throughout all our boarders , paace ,
honor , and friendship with all the
woild , firm and faithful adherence by
the great bady oE our population to
the princlplfB < " librry and justice ,
nation , and to the wise instituticns
and strong form of government and
society , which will perpetuate it , for
all thca-j the thanks of s. happy and
united psople , as with one voice , as
cend in devout huimge to the giver of
all pocd Therefore , I recommend
that on Thursday , the 2oih day of
November , next , the people will moot
in their rpt.pep.tivo places of worship
to make their acknowledgments to Al-
might God for Irs bounties and hia
protection , and offer tu him prayers for
their conliuuince.
In witness where of , I have hereun
to stt my hand and ciusedthe s al of
the UnitedStie : ! to boiflied. Done
atthucityof Washing mionthelitcay
of November , in tno year of our Lord
eighteen hundred an-l eighty , and of
the independence of the United States
the one hundred and fifth ,
[ Signed. ] K. B HAYES.
Secretary of Stato.
Postmaster General's Report.
Special UiapaUh to The lice.
WASHINGTON , Nov. 1. 1 a. m.
The auditor of treasury sya the post-
oflic ; departmunt has completed the
compilation of the recaipts and oS-
penditurca of the poslollico depart
ment for the year ending. 1880. The
figures will f. mi the basis of the
forthcoming report of the postmaster
general , and ar i\s follow * : T > tal re
ceipts from all sonrces , $33.31 ' i5,470.-
SO ; Total expenditures , { ? 36,101-
820.38 ; expenditures iu account of
previous deal years , 81 0,933.50 ;
amount received From Silo of etampi ,
envelope etc. , § 31,404,120 15 ; in
crease t > ? receipts from ailu of stamps ,
etc. , ending fi'cal year Piided June
30th , 1870 , $3,349,043.Itf ; revenue
derived from the money order busi-
nsa from the fiacal yuar ended June
30 h , 1S80 , $09,205,205 ; increase
over previous fiscal yeir , § 40,9782 : { ;
actual incrci'e of total receipa over
fiscal year § Gf ,978 42 ; actu l increase
of total receip's orvr fiscal year end
ing Juue aOth , 1879 , $2,273,496 48 ;
actual iii3re.ned t > tat receipts ov.jr
fincal year Juno 30th , 1878 , 54,037-
962.39 ; increase of expenditures over
e-ftr fiscal yeHr nndpd J iuo
ieai > , s,02s s2S.G.The . wprlt
preporatory'to submitting the datl-
mites has baen much retarded by the
delay arising from the absence of
clerks attending the elections , and the
dehy in receiving full returns on sev
eral points involved , but it is expect
ed ( ha whole of this work will bo
completed by November loth. In
view of the increased mail facilities in
the more thickly ssttlod portions of
the country , and the absolute necessi
ty of extending the service in the
western state ] and territories. It is
expected that the total estimates for
the fiscal yotr ending June 30th , 1882 ,
will aggregate nearly § 40,000,000.
Pronounced Forgeries.
Special Dlspi'ch to Tax fill.
WASIIINQTOX , Oat. 31. 10 p. m.
Mr. Geo. W. Casilear , the chief en
graver of the bureau of engraving
and printing , ufter a careful examina
tion , pronounces the bonds recently
captured from Doyle , in Chicago , as
undoubtedly counterfeit , and points
out the following variations from the
genuine in the one thousand dollar
counterfeit composed of nine sections :
At each aide of the portrait of Chiso ,
it will bo observed in the section at
the end of the lower ball of the figure
1 , in 1,000 , the letter "S" in state IB
entirely gone in the connterfeit. In
the ordinal only the upper hand of
the "S"is seen , also , the right of the
letter "S" in the word of "lleglster"
will be found a break in the hair line
surrounding the portrait of Chase ,
about one-sixteenth of an inch , which "
doe ) not appear iu the oriainal. The
counterfeit differs from the original
in the mitering of the four corners of
the green border. Near the extreme
ornor inside of the word ' 'Border , "
a uniform white figure in the shape of
a heart , will bo observed , and this
figura is all the same on all four
cornera. In the original these figures
are irregular , having no symmetrical
form. In the words " re indebted
unto , " below these in the portrait of
Chase , 'he ' heavy black line in the
centre of the face of the letter "A"
is omitted in the counterfeit. In the
title "United States c.f America" the
ruled shade on the left hand side of >
the spur on the letter "U"at the bottom t
tom of the counterfeit , are seven short
lines forming but a slight shade under B
that part of the letter , while on the a
genuine there are ten lines about one-
sixteenth of an inch iu length , form
ing a shade the same width as shade
in bottom of letter on right of spur
at the bottom of letter "U. " On the
counterfeit the ruled shade where it
touches the bottom of letter "N" four
lines only touch the "N ; " on the
genuine seven lines touch the "N. "
The "S , " as well as all the engraving
on the bond varies in every particular
from the genuine , but the points men
tioned are some of the most promiuent
discrepancies. t
Sharon Retires.
SpscUl Ditpatch to The Bee.
SAN FRANCISCO , Oct. 31. 10 p. m.
Reports from Nevada states that
Senator Sharon is practlcaFy out of
the fight to succeed himself , and has
disgusted his friends by withholding
his money from a campaign , which
was opined as a money fight. The
Reno Gaietto and The Carson Times
are openly ugainst Sharon , and it is
believed that Fair will bo easily able
to make the necessary combination to
win the aenatorthip.
A Female Beaux.
Special dlipatch to The Bee.
CHICAGO , October 31 10 p. m.
This city has a sens 4th n of no amsll
pretensions. A
young woman was
arrested yesterday who hss been mas
querading hero for a year and a half
& ) a young man , giving the name of
Leon Belmont , nhd claiming to be a
nephew i > { August Belrmnt , of New
York , and that ho would eoon coma
into the possession of large properly.
Uclmont was a great llirt , msk'iog
love promiscuously to many young
ladies of the city , who regarded him
as a good citcli. He became cng ged
to a Miis Grace Walts anil a Miss
Brackett , both prominent voting la-
dien. This dual engagement Ic.ul to
trouble , which ended in the arrest . .f
the supposed young man , and a d.3-
covety of her sex. It ia sa'.d tht
Miss Brackett had before expressed
doubt aa to Bclinont'a masculinity ,
but was bluffed into silence by her
lover. Other anil more serious
charges will probably bo preferred
a aiiiat the young lady , whoso real
name is Hot known. Shu h gcppo ud
to have stolen largo sums of money
iu the Watts house , where she board
ed , and never paid a b > anl bill in
On to Oklahoma.
Special Dispatch to The Bee.
CHICAGO , November 1 1 a. m. A
Wichita , Kansas , epesir.i says : The
advent of Cpt. I' yno t-aturday
evening , was the occasion of a lively
local sensation. He was met at the
depot by an enthusiastic delegation of
the Oklahnma colony company , and
escorted to hoidquartars by a rap dly
increasing throng. After a pn\ato
conference of the luadew , the captain
returned to hia hotel. I'.iyne is en
tirely confident of beirg able to move
into the terri'ory early in November
with several thousand colonists. The
reports made to these he-tdjuiriors
represent that from southern Missouri ,
Arkansi ? ) northern and western Ivan" .
sis , but chiefly southern and western
Kansas they will "como not as single
spies , but in battalions , " and the
movement will no doubt he a very
formidable one. As for the ci U ities
of Sedgwlckj Sumner , Butler ftnd
Cowloj' , and a half doz n others that
could be named , judging from the
correspondence received , one would
suppose the whole country to ba en
wheels. Payne and his lieutenants
arc greatly elated at the promising
outlook , and k > iow no such < * otd as
Pugnacious PollIcs. .
Special Dlnpttch t > > The B ?
ST. Loots , November 1. 1 a.
W. At a large republican meeting
last night a while mau on the out
skirls of iho crowd hurrahed for
Hancock. One of a crow dot negroes
standing by struck him with n torch
The man ran into a \loon and ra
capud into re r. A poliiieinan aland
lux in front kept back the mob which
Followed. Stones were thrown , ami
the officer was knocked down and dan
gerously wounded In mclco
mapy shots were fired. Guon- *
Brown , an inoffaive iiearo , was th\-t
dead. This cnusvd i < niiu'ii9u excite
ment , and Isrga mssaes . t > f people
rushed to places of safely. Tin ne-
proes entered the saloon and 0' ' m-
pletely cleaned it oot. In the mean
time the officer recovered conscious
nesj and started to run , p.ud the mob
followed , firing as they went , chasing
the cffiayr aiji equarea. when ho
t' . lly * cn.j > . . ] _ _ Aolher policeman
was dangerously wountlad in the he id" , "
while still another br\rcly e c.iped
with his life. As far as known some
half dozen whites were bruUl'.y '
beaten before the arrival of a sufii-
cent : force to quell the rioti-re , and
many negroes shared thu eauio fate.
Special ilbpatcU to the Bee
WASHINGTON , October 30 1 a. m
For upper Mississippi and lower
Missouri valleys clear or p.xitly cloudy
weithor ; southwest to southeast
winds ; generally lower birometer ;
stationery or higher temperature.
New Yorfi Money and Stocks.
WALL SmBEr October SO.
Money 3 ; exchange stcaily at SI 3i-l ( 5C
Stca'ly. '
U.SC's'81 1 04J U.S. 4'a 1093
U. S. i's 1 03 CurrcncyO's i 25
U. S. 4J' . ) 1 10J
Activaand advarced l ' 2Jc , latter in C. r. ;
reacted JQis.
W U KB. M& K 116 }
N. Y. C. ISC KftvllDK 401
Krie 4 I M 51
H.I lllj N P 23
L.S. lUi Pre > rrwl
M O lli Louisville 1GJ
Preferred 139 * N&C 10
P M 45i O & M a
Ohio 30j K. &T 3J
Preferred 79 A&PTcl 41J
St.Paul 104J Ciii Southern. . . . < SJ
Preferred 119 C P. .79 }
St. Joe 42J C 0 C & I b J
Preferred 89j D & lllo G 74
"V l > Mh 4 Sin Fran 40J
Prefered 77J A. U. Tel 6lJ
JI C lOSi n&Q 1455
C. C. &I. C 19 1C 118
Union Pacinc 93 Alton 734
Lai-kawanna P j N J C 73
Hudson Ciiul 871
Chicago Produce Market
CHICAGO , October 31.
Wheat No. 2 spring sold at
© 1 07J for cash or seller for October ;
SI 01@1 01J for cash or seller for
October ; § 1 01@1 01 | for seller or
November ; ? 1 011 02 | for seller
for December ; § 1 021 04 for seller
for . January ; ? 1 03J@1 05 , closing at
S107 for cash ; SI 011 01Z for
seller for October ; ? 1 02@1 02J for
NovembnrjSl 03 for December § 1 04 J
for January ; No. 3 sprintr in s4ore
sold atOU < s92c for union and nation
al ; 93@93c for other houses ; rejected
Corn Receipts 26,400 bushels by
canal , and G47 car kadi by rail ; No.
2 and high mixed cash cola at
for seller for October ; 39(33 ( % for
November39J ; < § 39 fnr seller for Dec
ember ; 40J@40Jc Janinry ; 40i@41c
for May45@45ic ; , closing at 39J"c for
reguUri 39g39"i2 for cilt edged cash ;
39jc for October ; 39ic for Novem
ber ; 40c for Doeember ; 40jj40jc ; for
January , 45c for May ; rejected in
store , 383Sc ; white , 39Jc ; ear at
35@38j rur new on stock ; rejected on
: ck , 3Sf < 539Jc.
Oats Shorts wera the principal
buyers ; No 2 sold at 28c for Decem
ber ; 30j < § 30ic for January , nnd 34 | ®
34c forM y ; closing at 28c cash ;
2829c for November ; 30J@lOjcfor
December ; 30 | < S30 c for January ;
34534c ( for May ; samples on track ,
Kyo Receipts 24 car loads by rail ,
and 400 bushels by canal ; market
lifeless for options and almost nom
inal for car lots ; No. 2 sold at at 82c
for cafh ; October nominal at S2c ;
November nominal at 82c ; December
nominal at 83Jc ; samples on track ,
76S83c for ejected to No. 2.
Receipts 70 car loads ; No.
2 for cash wvs mixed ; a few ehorts
wore bidding , but holders left them in
the cold , the only silo or No. 2 in
at ire was 3 car lods at 901 for Oct
ober ; $1 00 was bid for November ,
sold at 882 early , and S4c Jattr , De- 1
center sold at 8S4ic ; closed with
cell > ra at S3jc ; l < nv C'-idfa nominal at
r.a.-361cfnrNo. 3 ; 47@48 ; for Ko. 4 ;
4 c for No. 6.
Whisky-Si 11-
Provisions Market for epecula-
tivo articles of ho product was brisk
s'ld good deuwnd from ehorta and on
specu'a'lve ' acount , and pricea were
higher ; mc&T D-.rk wss lively In
changes , and prices advanced 2530c
per birrol.
L-xrd Acllve ; 5(57 ( 0 per 100 Ib
hinliT ; meats were 5s per 100 lb
higher ; sales were mess pork , 5250
barrels ; October at S1850@1900 ,
18,000 barrels ; November at 811 77i@
1 20 , 7,000 barrels ] January at
012 SO13 25 4,0)0 barrels ; Decam
br at § 11 80312 00 , 1,000 barrels.
Febrnary at $1312 @ 1325 ; closing at
S1850 c sh or Octibor ; § 1215 for
November ; S12 174 for December ;
$ ! 21Dfr the yean S1320S13 22k
d , 500 tierces cash al
tJrceS iur wcv uci n
S ; 11,000 tierces for Novem
b < .r at"7 42 8 02i " ; 7 000 tierces for
J.iiriary at $7 9.V 8"02i ; 4,000 tierce" *
f , r yp\r ; st S795 < i7 97ic ; cloin < ; at
S8 03S8 07 * cash or October ; S3 02J@
8 0 for November ! S7 97 68 00 lor
December ; S7 fa taS 00 for theye.w
S3 01 ( < i8 02i for January ; short ribs.
1OU250000 Ibs , November at
fi 57i < 5G 75 ; 500,000 lb % January at
Sti G-'i'Sfl ' G5 , closlnt ; at § 6 Go for No
vember ; SG G5 for January.
Boxed Mea s Lung and short
clears , 250 boxes at S7 25 ; 500 boxes
on pur , shoulders , 200 boxes on put ,
cl ising at $4 70 fur dry silted should
ers ; S7 00 for Ions clear sides ; $745
for short ribs ; 57 50 for short clears ;
S7 25 for long ami short clears ; we
quote growes at S QS c ; bsef and
hams at $14 50314 50 ; mesa beef at
87 OOivtS 00 ; extra , S8 009 00 ;
tallnw at ? 5 2(35 [ } ( 50 fet country ;
55 75ljG 00 f : r city.
"New York Produce Market.
NEW YOKK , October 31.
Flour SfiA-Jy and } hotsrao ! ! ex-
porl and local trndo inquiry ;
receipts 21,981 ; round hoop Ohio ,
§ 4 70tu5 00 ; choice d" , So 10G 00 ,
Hupjrfino western S3 Sa4 25 ; common
to good extra do , 8i 40@4 75 ; choice
t'i ' , ? 480''tinO ) ; choica white wheat
do , S4G5@485.
Wnent Without important change
end quirt sales ; 1,0'uObu.No. 1 white ,
De-ember at ! * 117 ; 24 000 bu. No.
Oc < .ber . at 81 IGf ; 1G.OJO bu.
d > November ot SI 17 ; 40,000 bu.
December at SI 17 J
C rn Shatlo bolter , but quiet ;
mixei wesforn spot at 53(25Gc ( ; do
future , 54@57ic.
Oats Steady ; western , 37i@44c ,
Provisions nnd Beef Steady and
quiet ; Haw plain mess , $9 00 ; new
extra do , $9 50 10 00.
Whisky Nominal.
P irk Stronger ; spot mess , Slo 00 ®
15 50.
Lard Weak ; steam rendered ,
§ 8 70.
Butter Firm and unchanged }
Ohio , 10S31c.
Eggs Firm at 21@23o for fair
to choice.
S- . Louis Live Stoei Market.
3r. Eouw , October 31.
Hogs Steady ; Yorkers and Balti-
mores , 84 5U34 GO ; mixed packing ,
S440@4 51) ) ; butchers' to fancySl B0@
4 G3 ; receipts 1,400 ; shipments ,
Ohlcaso Live Stock filarket.
CHICAGO , October 29.
Hogs Recfip's of hogs were light ,
numbering 9,030 head , and under
active demand by ship jers and pack
ers ; i rices lulod at o@10cents
lower yesterday for all gradus ;
sales ranged from $4 00(54 ( 70 for light
shipp ng and packing ; § 4 30S4 70 for
heavy packing , and from $4 GOS4 ( 85
for good to extra prime heavy ship
ping lots for Philadelphia ; bulls sold
BtStlO@4 25 for light and inferior
Fourth Ward ,
Anderson G Ambrose G W
Anderson P 0 Ayres IH
Aulis 0 J Astrup LI R
Bradford Jno Baswitz M
Bachman Jos L Baswilz S
Boyco J R Buchanan JV \
Barry C Blake F H
Boehl W Braytier F B
Boiler J F Becker Herman
Bradford L Boyden G W
Bonsai E C J Benton D S
Bixby F H Beach C E
Bierbower E. L Bvers John
Broatch W J Brooks D C
Brown R A Biles M H
Baldwin C A Burns S
Burnuest P A Bullock F C
Bensett W J Bennett W
Bechnell W F Bunco J W
Brown Lazer Barker Jos
Balcomba St A D Bopgs G H
Balch E E Brash L
Berry Joi Bowman A
Baswitz H Baswitz C
Beaten A D Barton 0 A
C.unpbell John Campbell C
Clark S H H Clark A D
ConklmgJ R Dr C rnsfor'hCS
Cain A CahnM
Cahn E Chambers W G
Clarke J M Chandler E B
CramtonBG CainC W
Callan P CAllan B -
Creigh Thos A Cranz H C
ChristeneonP Cohen J
Carpenter A B Coleman C K
Cook D K Crow B F
Carter Jas Chambers A J
Carpenter J H Cory ell H B
Cole S T Conner H G
Corcoran J J Coleman C K
Chtster C S
Devalon J A Uevalon L W
DdonoFX DiionWB
Dument J H Devries E P
D ivitlsDn D W Daniels G L
Durnall S Deuel H P
Devalon H P Doniae J C Dr
Dwyer WM Dvis 0 F
Dti-jan John Dinsmore C M Dr
Drake L Donaldson W F
Dauel C P DeForrest .Frank
Du ot J L Dooliftle W F
Deurffel Ernil Dconges 0
Dor.nau 0 D
E Iholm P L Evans J B
Eustic P S Emery E L
Eldridgo E Biting C S
Em-Tv C J E ery Chas
Evers J P Ehlera H 0
Forsythe Jas Freeman C Q
Fonda W A Flemminft Wm
Foadike C Freuzar P
feh n V FMIon P
? rria C E Foster OliM ,
Goldsmith M GrayFF ,
Green G L Gooee Peter
GilloiiThoa GrayLB
Graff G S Guiou A S
G renebiuraRovO Gotthemier P
G.u-lUhRL Griffith Ja8
Gould LP GustinDN
Gifford W B Garber J J
Hitjhcock P W Hugos P
Qarbaeh J A tlaney El
BigginsV A Hortzinan JFLD
Havens T 0 Hans com AF
OydoWD Holtrof J 0
Hoagland J P Hyde H W
Hubb J "L Hitchcock G SI
Howe J D Bill L W
HaydenIt & Bagedofn Wm
Hawos P 0 Havens 0 B
Hubarmann AB Harris L D
Hobba J L Ilareln W J R8V
Hyde JR Hale L F
IlaftFB Harris Wm
Hunter J K" HartCL
ILiasJ A Henry . _ John
H - ' - " " TT--1 < LJ
Harris E K Hiyden O
Hurrick J S Uorlon 0 B
Ililes Gee Harden Jaa *
Her J D Ingrain J W Ilov
[ saacs 0 H Irvin Jaa
Irvine Jas. H
Johiiaon S R Jacobs John G
Jonea J D Jenningi C E
Ja\vott \ Gee E Jones D
Jacnbeon S Junkins Thoa
Jowett J J L 0 Jonkina Thoa
Jones Goo Jouea D W
King Jacob King G F
King J W Kennedy H
Kuhu N A Kalish S
Kohlnieyer 0 Konuard L J
Konnard F JR Kennard WM
Klinkor J H Kohut W
King GV Kelley IJ
Kelaey C R
Little Isaac Jjanibert $
Lininctrr G W LiinuroCii Gr
Lilk E F Lingholm John
Like G B Lake G E
Landergren V Lohinan 0 L
Lie y J H JJeGevfc D
Lindborg F A Lyon T F
Lord Jas S Lantldra Dana S
Lichtebercor J H Llewellyn W fl H
Locke S E LiwAB
Mackoy IC Mahaneyvt G
Meyers Herman Miner i W
iloore A G Mat ice W L
McCormick Chas Maulsby R S
aloore Fred McFarggan A
rlilcs John Morse J G
Mumingh M Mitchell E
\IcN lighten Jno McCaffry Owen
Mans B G Maxneld J B Rev
McMullen W E Moora CV
Montgomery C W Monell G C Dr
MillspaushFRRvMillard J H
Alilhrd Ezra Murphy tfrank
Murphy P McCormick J S
McCormick John Morse M V
Mtul W G Meyer Max. ,
McLaughlin E D Moores F
Metcalf Gee C McGucken Jas
Murnaugh C M Mumaugh W P
JlcCdrtnev F M Mount \V J
Morrisey Jag McDonald R
McCoy M E McKoon-M G
McMahon P J Manchester J R
Slaio G Morrow J C
Mansfield 0 R Milb G T
McDonaugh F M
Nash J W Nnsh W , F
Nicholas A P Nllaen Olef
N < jwm. n H C Jfa vmini Jacob
Neville Jan Newton John
Nleleon Andrew N r hi up H G
Nelk'h J J
OaouS O'Conner J J
Omeara Frank Ogdeu Chas
0 Bricn E A
PerinePL Pundt H R A
JI JI Penlzsll J Petty J W
Pateison I Gee Piston W A
Pritchutt I Goo E Patemm J R Rev
Patrick Sam C Peabody W L
Putnum Jas L
Poland A Poland J A
Plulbui J J Pettingill G W
Petersen John
Quarnatron A P
Roberts C U Richards T W T
Reese J M Robinson A L
Ruter W L Rosewatcr E
Rnger E F Rley Frank
Reinhart Julius Rogers H B
Raznechek Jno Rosewater A
Ringer F B Remington A
Rice J R Ramgo F J
Rogers A F Riinlnrt E
Ringwalt R R Rhodes H S
Ramge M Reed Byr m
Reed Lewis Rowley Chas
Rhodes H T
Sharp PH Sharp J C
Sharp W A Siuimonds C
Scott Wm Sharkey P
Schneider F A Schneider Herbert
Saxe D W Saxe A W
Seybolt Gee L Stull Homer
Shanahan J Simpson J M
Snyder Webster Sherer D
Siert Henry Spears E D
Sorrel A Dr Striffles J G
Simpson G Schifflsifo
Snow H W Stoelting E
Scbroeder Jno Sudborough Thos
Swipgert J L Shelton N
Shelton F N Stiles WE
Smith W H Stanton T W
Stevenson G Smeaton D D
Sylvester John 0 Soil Gee
fccheid N Search J W Dr
Turney C R Tilden Dr Gee
Taffe John Turcote J M
Tomsett W N Tuylor R M
Taylor C K Towle C
Turner C N Taylor 0 T
Tftomaa J C Troup A C
Ten Eyke E B Tucker A
Turner C Col Test E F
Vandonberg L H VaporJ C
Voss Henry Vanlnwegen GA
Wood J S WilcoxGeo A
Williams 0 (1) ( ) Wickman P J
Woodman JE Williams Hobert
Wright J S Wood 0 S
Wolfe L W Wilkins J W
Wood A P Wiley H B
Witney David Weaver H E
Warren L F Whelply D P
Wa-tJasJ Wead C M
Ward G C Watson J M
Waketield J A Wolfe J M
Walters Frank Watt J M
Whipple C S Woodruff I 0
Walker G T
Yates H W - Yatea Daniel
Young Jno Yates G 0.
Zimmer F P.
This ii to certify that the above id a
list of voters registered In the Fourth
ward , city of Omaha , to date.
Notice is hereby given that I will ait
at E. Wyman's store on Monday morn-
Ine November 1st , 1880 , to correct
said list.
In witness whereof I set my hand
lis 30th day of October , A. D. 1880.
Registrar said Ward.
J Iff "
The Widow of Abraham Lincoln
Lying P ngerously HI in
ii ew York
The Bourbon Organ of Illinois
Concedes the State to
the Republicans.
Truth Crushed to Earth by the
Weight of Its Own False
A Fatal Fued.
Special Di > pat.cU to The Bee.
ATLAMA , Ga. Oct. 30. In Lees-
state Senator J. P. Lyron had a
grew out of an old filed between them.
Blows tvera exchanged when Gallo
way rushed elF , pr.-cured a gun and
killed Lyson. The coroner's jury de
clare tlic act voluntary manslaughter ,
and Galloway lias been nrnjated.
Z French War Vessels.
Special DiajMtch to The Beo.
NEW YORK , October 30 Three
French man of war arrived here from
Newport. Thuy are the "Magier-
reno , " Commander Jniu , 445 officers
and cr.'w , and carrying twenty guns ;
the "Dumont Dehville , " O.-mmander -
CaBrarrier , with ninety-nine oflicers
and crow , and four guns , and the
' Chateau Rermnd , " Commander De
Rouai , with 200 , all told , and nine
Special dispatch to The Btrf.
i Ew YORK , October KO. Over
4,000 immigrants have arnv.d here
within the past twenty-four hours.
Among the number is Jules Lohl , an
bScapcfdpolitical prisonorfrom Algiers.
Special Dispatch to The EM.
MASUALLTex , October 30. The
ewe of Abe Rothschild , indicted for
the murdorof "Diamond Bessie , " has
been dobketei for WeJnesday , No-
vembef 2'ilh.
Mrs Lincoln.
Spscial Plsp-itch to Tun llrt
NEW YOHK , October 30. Mrs.
Abraham Lincoln , utulnr the chnrgo
of her nephew , Mr. E. L. Baker , jr. ,
of Springfield , 111. , ia stopping fora
few days at the Clarendon hotel , New
York , bdforo proceeding to her homo.
She has suffered sincis her arrival from
the effects of her rough voyage , and lo
afflicted with Bleoplessned ? . It was
proposed tliilt she should start Inst
evening for Springfield , hut her health
did not permit.
Lying Truth.
Special dispatch to The Ree.
NEW YORK , October 30 , 4 p. m.
The Truth and Star published this
morning a facsimile of n letter from
Marshal Jewell , to Garheldj as follows ;
tCouadcnthl ]
NEW YORK , October 20.
think Truth wa deceived about the
Morey lettnr. They thought it waa
genuine ) . Finding it ia not , they
have consulted their lawyer and friend
and through him * ) fftr to come out
and pay BO plainly. The only considera
tion is on account of Judgu Dittenhofer
their friend and counsel. By consid
eration I mean that you and myself
should know and recognize it as Judge
D's act , and the objection , if any ,
should be from you to him for it , so
far as I learned. I have assured them
that you would BO consider it. It is a
great service to-day , General. It is
fheir proposition and i hr-vo accepted
It. Yours very truly ,
Accompanying the letter Is an affi
davit by Joseph Hart , publisher of
The Truth , recitir.g the alleged cir
cumstances under which the letter
was written.
NEW YORK , Oct. 30 Mrs. Abra-
htm Lincoln lies in n dangerous con
dition at the Clarendon Hotel. Htr
physicians think her caio critical , and
have ordered that nahody bo psrmit-
ted to see her , excepting her attend
Failed to Agree.
Special Dispatch to The Bee.
CHICAGO , October 30 4 p. m.
The jury in the case of Minnie Dixon ,
charged the murder of her paramour
Deland , failed to agree and were dis
charged.A .
A Democratic Defaulter.
Special Dispatch to The Beo.
Fos Da LAC , Wis. , October 30. 4
p. m. A warrant was issued yester-
teaday charging Gen. Brugcr , demo
cratic candidate for congress , with
defrauding a client , H. W. Blodget ,
of § 500. Gen , Bragg's friends claim
the charge is only trumped up to In
jure him politically.
Illinois Politics.
Special dispatch to The li e.
CHICAGO , October 30 4 p. m. The
Times , Gguring up the results of next
Tuesday's election in Illinois , con
cludes that the republicans will have
a majority in both branches of the
general assembly , and on joint ballot
a majority of 15 to 20. This conclu
sion , it says , ia reiched through facts
and not party bias.
DUBLIN , Ojt. 31. 10 p m. Yes
terday the tonnantry of Eirl Kin-
more attended 'Kdlarnoy for the pur-
pcsa to pay their rent. Tne money
tendered was on thu basis of thcvalu-
tion made by Griffiths , and payment
at these figures was in each caeo per
emptorily refused. His lordship's
agent demanded the full amount called
for in the original leases. The tenants
then took their departure in a body
leaving their rents unpaid.
Spechl Dispatch to The K c.
DUBLIN , November 1. 1 a m.
Messrs. Parncll and Dillon spoke at a
land meeting n't Tipperary Sunday.
Mr. Parnell , in ruferrina to the dis
patch of police from Tippsrary to
jM yo , eaid if every Iriih county wag
like Mayo , the government would re
quire a police force of G0,000 men.
He urged thegovernmoct to bring the
police from Mayo. - No plans for the
settlement of the land question could
be formulated , while the people and
parliament of England were in the
present temper. An immense Indig
nation meeting was held at Uantry
Sunday. Mr. Healy , the land
leaguer , who was arrested some days
since , spoke in the most deSant man
ner , saying that Manning , the farmer
was ctorced into swoarin the infor-
Spechl DtyalLlie * to TIIK Eg * .
Lord Hartin tou lias arrived in
The si n of Sir Robert Lisho , one of
the justices of the queen's bench , has
been promoted to till n vacancy as n
lord jusMco of her m.-j sty's cviirt of
The ho.lth of Ger , Giuiba'di
reported to bo wotgo ytstird y , and
thu gravest apurihenaicus are felt by
iiia frieidj. ;
Conlradialury reports are received
hourly rcgmlir.g th * Czir'a health. It
is believed his condition is
and it is rt-pi rted in court circles that
! IH do.tth at any moment may bj ex
The British steamer "Eumore , "
Captain Hopkins , from Montreal , Oc
tober 2d and Sidney Oct .bar 4tb for
Hamburg , sprung a leak in her en
C -svprn , andfomidtrtd at sea on
the 23-3 i w .The < r iw .worn s.ived.
Count SU'zfeld ' , the Gorman urn-
bvsador , and the whole of the Gar-
iniii stair , dined with the Sultan Sun
The Terdiiimeii Uukikah ( nowapi-
pjf ) has been suspended for nltacking
Mr. Goschen , the British ambasjud
The perfect of Marje'lles ' yesterday
refused to rfceivo a deputation of
Catholics with a protest against the
enforcement of Iho decrees.
Germany contemplates restricting
the sale of petroleunt.
Mr. Bauch , the engineer of the Tay
bridge , ia dead.
The liev. Reeham , ritualist , has
been arrested and imprisoned for d e
fying Ihc orders of the low coir ts.
A dispatch from Teheran sayr ,
Uroniat Jiaa bern relieved , and fir
Kurds retired without fighting.
News has been received from Jubnl
down to tnrly l. st week. At the date
f the disjatch all wai jntiafactory.
Tlu start in the long-distance
h.niijii'jiiship cedestmn comre'itinn
coinnieuo.-d iu L mdjn , at 1 o'clock ,
this a. m , with the following comp j-
litora : I' , of Huston j Howard ,
of Montclair , Now Jersey ; Dobler , of
; "Blower" Down , Fiowell and
Trickett , the Australian oarsmin ,
returntd to Putney Saturday. All
the oarsmen " c pt Hnnlin worked
on Suii'lr-y. Tli" lv-hsof : the rlvor
were thruii t-d xv.t'i ppjii.iwra .ill the
Daivuch i'tish i'.as urrnel at An-
f. ria.
Severe storms and It > > iU are re
ported th'oujhoH' G inioiy
1 sliO'Mj ti a' a linn of
dracf'in s C nniour-
dowioi hai dct rmiirtri ti > rnn'inue
military preparati.'iH nut 1 S' ' ) 000
men ere tinder arm * .
r ad vie'3 fro n C.ipe'own sta'o
that the cnpMuuuf Lenidsthodict has
made nu impression on tl'-1 ' B nutos.
The niji tl'J- i geilbral i\lr \ ( uyhnut
IvafLirlaiid , nnd only thu Pngo and
Doers trus'iv'Tthy. A.U of the
btatic , rf are
Special Diara'.clcs to Tni BIB.
Thos. JohiiBni ) , clurged with the
murder of D.-.ley three nighti ago ,
wascipturod yesterday morning in
L'incinniti. Ho hid been concealed
ever elnco in the sewer , but last night's
r.iin forced him out.
Butts , mur Jerer of Moot o , at Jones-
rmro , Gv , was broufht ; to Atlanta
Saturday night by thu sheriff. One
mndred armed men searched the
: ruin for him , but failed to find him.
Ho was concealed ty thu sheriff in the
water closet , and thus escaped lynch
About 12 o'clock Saturday the boiler -
er of II. Lawia fl mring mill at At
lanta exploded killing a white and a
colored man , and wounding a colored
boy , who was atanding about end him
drcd yards from it. The todies of
the men killed have not yet been re
covered from the debris. The sup
posed cause wa1 ? neglect in allowing
water to get too low.
The Chicago banks and board of
trade will be closed next Tuesday.
Leph Miller , a farmer living near
Fulton , went on a spree , came home
and went ta whip his hired boy , Harry
Dealers , aged 18 , forcing him into a
corner with a itick , and eaid he
would kill him. Deatera then picked
up n club , and in self defense , struck
Miller a blow , from which he died.
The republican procession Saturday
night at San Francisco ; ia considered
ureatcr than that of the democrats
Friday night. It was two hours and
a half passing given point , without
halts and in solid column. It ia esti
mated that twelve thousand were in
The present registry lists of Chicago
show a total of , 80,330 , against 7G.OOO
in 1877.
The courts for naturalization of citi
zens in Chicago have been crowded
for several days , and 5.27' ' ! naw voters
were made , of which number 15,002
are democrat ? and 2,274 republicans.
Matters were quiet at Cornnchet ,
R. L , jodterday. Saturday Trustee
Thompson gave out that ho would en
ter Coronchut the coining week by a
hook or crook..Ile says thereiwill bo
music , and that Iho fan had but iual
Judge Drummond Saturday order
ed the release of Eialer , the Chicago
supervisor of elections , who , whi cat-
tempting to arrejt one Dwyer for in
terfering with registration , was him
self arrested by Policeman Murphy.
Dwyer and Murphy , who are under
bonds for interfering with Eisler , will
hare their trial next week.
Joe Eminett arrived in Cincinnati
fram St. Louis Saturday evening , and
will probably be able to fill hts en
gagement at the Grand Opera House
this week.
. Thomas O'Neal , a teamster , twenty-
one years of cge , was shot last even
ing during a street fight in Cincinnati ,
and will probably die.
St. Lou la Produce Marmot.
ST. Lotrrs , October 31
Flour Quiet and unchanged ; about
5c lower.
Wheat Opened lower and closed
higher and firm ; No. 2 red , al
81 OC@l 00 § for cash ; 1 OOS@1 01J ®
1 OOJ for November ; § 1 03@l 03 |
for January ; No. 3 , do , y3 < § 93jc ;
No. 4 , do , 88388Jc j
Corn Opened lower and advanced ;
for rash ; 33jc for October ; '
for November ; 393@303C :
N ,
Cor. Douglas > ncl 13th Sts.
" " " *
Gives Great Bargains in ladies' and Gents
All Kinds Of
V/e Guarantee The Best Goods For The Least Money.
Iron and Wagon Stock ,
riwvo Prices.
PiO ! ) uiul 12II Hanicy Street , Omaha.
The Ijrg < t and liest asfortnicnt of
Trunks and Valises in the West. Telescopic Cases
and Sample Trunks a Specialty.
. . , . ,
117 Mth St. . : f IlnorsXnrthof Douglas St.
D1BZABZS from , iha SYSTEM.
Eaving just opened an entirely new line of
We would ask the Merchants of Nebrask i to inspect our Stock ,
feeling confident we can meet the wants of all in good Goods and
Low Prices
Cor. 1 f Hi niul Dodge Sts.
fur f
uary ; 44&-iyJc for Muy.
Oats Il.gher nnd slow al 129lto2'Jgc
f r cash ; 2'j3(520jc ( for November ;
30c for December.
Hye Firmer at 83Jc.
Barley Steady at < > 0q95c. (
Lead Higher at 54 50.
Uutter Quiet ; dairy , 20@20c.
E i3 Better at 20c.
Whiaky-Steady at § 1 10.
Provisions Lower at $14 00 for
new.Dry Salt Meats Quiet at § 4900
7 ( > 0@7 80.
Bacon Firmer at 85 2f > (38 ( 70 ©
8 759 00.
Lard Nominal at S7 772.
Undoubtedly tlio base shirt In the
United States is manufactured at the
Omaha Shirt Factory. The superiority
of Material and workmanship , com
bined with their qreat improvements ,
that is Reinforced fronts , Reinforced
backs and Reinforced sleeves , makes
their shirt the most durable nnd best
iitting garment of the kind , ever
manufactured at the moderate price of
gl.50. Every shirt of our make 13
guaranteed first-class and will refund
the money if found otherwise.
We make a specialty of all wool ,
Shaker , and Canton flannel , also
chemoia underwear , mady up with a
view to comfort , warmth and durabil
ity. To invalids ? nd weak-lunged
persons wo offer special inducements
in the manner these gooda arc made
for their protection.
narn atreot.
j\1r.z weeV , | 12i day at he me easily msuleco8 ;
Jll'otitflt In * Adilrron Tmeft { o.I'nrtln.i W
Oct. 28th , 29fh and 30th , 1880.
Admission 'J centi ; S on TJclieU1.06Each
EzA'OSliCKlT is Entitled to a PRIZE. Some < t
the I'llz-t are to b seep a' De Groit tCo't. Hat
Store , Farnbam < < t. oct3-w& 6t
nP Iiyat ! homo. SamplCBl wort
U5 free. AdJre a8tlJWoaCo \
Potland. Min ! . ,
rnKf"CP 2cowf , out red cow with trip-
! l'li < l ho-iu , and ens wht ! co , red on necx ,
* r.h c. ippled horns , or. 3th and DOICJUI 81.
Capitol Ave , , Opp. Masonic Hall ,
OMAHA. - ' NBB *
J JL _ : "
iiARTitiAiV & "DODGE ,
Sheet Iron Workers
Cor. 12th an J Casa stn c'i.
Please Give Ifs a fall.
EE ST KBEBS , Manager.
Manufacturer ot all hind * of
Jt M SC B < t OtkavlMh.
a cek m year own tann. 'lerma ADI !
oatflifrna. Ad.Irtw H. Uallett & O
OriUml vl
E. IF. oo OIK : ,
02d Fellows' Block.
Prompt attention given to nrlen by tefeznph.
bpreparetl toroako Pints , Suits and o reo t *
to order. Pricefit ami workmanship 2Tunat ed
to inlt.
One Door West of Crulc&ehanlE'B.
ileUllc Csuct , Cofflna , Caaketi , Shrouds , etc.
Farnham Street , . 1Mb and ll'h , Onuh * , Neb.
Telegraphic Orderj Promptly A ttended To.
T. S. HITCHCOCK , M. D. S. ,
From New York ha * located in Omaha , and
guarantees to do fls t-c ! worfc.
Itental Bnonu , orer A. Cmlckahsnlc & Co. ' * . Cor.
15th and Dnnflig.
ID E 3ST T I S T ,
CtncK Jacob's BlocX corner Ctcltol AT ,