Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 30, 1880, Morning Edition, Image 4

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Saturday rMorning , Oct. SO.
HPatcraou eel's coal-
Fredcrid. Ltadiny Hotter. - o33-tf
For Uio teeth , KuLn'fi Dcntrifice.
"PIc.wntHoura" ' party to-nigM.
P.-rtcr'is miming tbe Oirnha Terry.
Lubin'bbulk i-crluino at Kuhn's only-
- A new B'ock of fine handkerchief c *
tracts at SMC'B.
J2 Twealy-fif ca-E of stock came in
v'.stenlay from the west.
Fust mails and fast freights are prom-
M l over the C. . B. &Q-
Whipple , McM Han & Co. , the jewel-
c1122 JJonglas f treel. o"Gtf
Tor etove repairs go to W. T.Stoetztl
Tenth and Jackson streets. 0-St
O eve fitting Pattern- UuMiuiauV. If
-Tliobebtof meats at Bath & White's
mirxet , opposite the postoffice. 29-tf
- Tha "Gold Coin" takes the cako. TV r
s le'by W. V. Stoetzel , Tenth and Jackson
fctreets. 20-31
A grand "ball au3 eoirec musicale will
be given by the Omaha Miennerchor Sun
day ctening at Metz's hall.
-Oyste-8 direct from Baltimore ; select
4 j cents ; Standard , 35. Uhcice apples , 2
pr barrel , at Gladstone's. oSl3
Juit received at William Genllf man's
2 car loads of beautiful AVh te Rose pota
toes ; also apples and onions in large quan
tities. 2.-31
-A great bargain ! A No. 7 Stswart
Stove , writable for \vlwlet > ale warclicm e ,
K M ! aa new , at .Sullivan' * . UIO Tarnham
A. Worth Spites , Secret > ry ff Wy
oming Territory , is in the city en route to
Ch-yenne - , and will address the citizens of
Omaha : tt the Academy to-nijht.
1 lie fa'r held by the German Ladies'
Siiiety for the psriwe of raising funds
toward the building of a new Turn llall ,
opaneJ Thursday at Standard Kail and
will continue each evening through the
The count of the game b gge J by the
two sides of the Omaha Sportbinen'i. club
yesterday , resulted as follows : Captain
Spiijjgs1 side , 9 7 ; Captain Blake'a ride ,
3f 7. The latter party will , iii ace .rd nce
with the rules of the club , pay for the Hip
per at Wirth'a to-night
Captain Wood dcbires w to give no
tice to all who are not yet regis'cred that
to-day | it > the last day for registration
and that thera are at least ISO persons not
yat registered in the Fourth ward alone.
Those who Jo iiot want to lose their \otes
will do well to register at one ; .
DANCING at Lemieux'u social ,
Brash's Hall , 12th and Farnham , every
Saturday evening. Order and decorum
maintained , the same as the best private
IKirties. Introductions given. Good litre
forall. The Trairie Queen quadrille will
nj ilx5 introdaced. 0-2t
Ho IK : , the l > iclure and musicdealer } ,
ha ? commenced the renwal of his stock
to the new brick block oppo'itc hR old
sUml. Hs will occupy both iloore and
bjfciiient , and has one of the best ar
ranged buildings in the west. The heavy
] > 1 ito windows in the front are the largett
i n town , and took ten men to put them in.
When the iron on the Omaha line is-
all laid , vvhich will lo iibouc election day ,
it will bo a week or two btfore even freight
trains can be run over the road , as but lit-
t j of it has bt-cu ballasted. Only the
curves and e .tra rough places will bts bal"
laite J l > efore freight trains are put nn. AK
heretofore announced passenger trains will
not be put on before next Hpiing.
New Stock
of ladies'
French Kid ,
Button ,
Side Lace ,
Polinh ,
nnd Front Lace ,
just rpcived at
II. DOULE & Co.'s ,
-Leading Shoe Store.
V. A. Xa-ih went west yesterday.
Mr. Charles Atkius is in the city.
W. .T.Broatch returned from , the
yc < terday.
Dr. IX A. Lewii , , of Albian , Nebraska ,
"pent Thursday in town.
Mr. J. 1L Mountain is 5u town , and will
leave /or Colorado in a day or twA
l.C. Bninner , the Sixteenth street gio-
ccr , is cinvalescent , after a berious ill net B
of two weeks.
M. H. Judd cnnie in from Minnesota
veslerday witli a party of 18 for Hele
na , Montana.
J. O. Phillippi , division superintendent
of the BiulingUm-ci.iMitwur. railroad , was
in Ouinba Thursday.
"Mr. ISichard D lanej' , afonner rcMilcut
of Omnha , but now-of-Ogden , Utah , is
* uiting his friends in this city , after an ab
sence of seven years.
Henry Unhlo , cf Uie "Lea-ling Shoe
Store , " Fiurnuam street , returned home
vcsterday from NewJYoik , where he
l.iid in a heavy winter slock of boots and
J. S. Halbert returned yesterday from a
vuiit to Illinois and Indiana , and reports
the condition of things.politically , Jowu
t lure , as resembling the ominous calm
\\hich prcoedes a tempest. Business is all
: .t a temporary btaiul-etill until it is seen
if the security of the country is to le
: > trickvn down by a democratic national
* ittory.
Mrs. Pack wood and daughter , cf Baker
City , Oregon , left yesterday for Jack-
K n , Nebraska , aftir spending several days
imiqng old friends. Mrs. Packwood , ( net
OBrien ) , was one of the residents of
Omaha twenty 3 ears ago , and was warmly
Vtclcoiuedback by many of the pioneers
of the city. They will return to Omaha
in a few weekp.
jSIaionM. Hill , of Xashotah , WKcon-
sin , passed through the city yesterday , en
route to Salt Lake City , where he has
large minin < interests and is engaged in
tuparintending the construction of works
for reducing low grade ores by a new pro
cess. Mr. Hill is aa old Union Pacific
coutrastor anil did all th > 1 mxy work
weslof Tunnel Xo. 2 , Making- the heavy
cu'ji at Blna Creek aodProinuntaryPoint ,
"tc. Ho will jeturn'in about a month. >
Hay by the bale
, ton or carload ;
also the best "Winter and Spring
Wheat Flour , Oats , corn , Bran Feed ,
Vegetables , etc. ' . . ei
C. ' ) IGtti St. . , bet. Oapltol avenue and U
Dodge. 29 Ct va
a !
J ew Stock
hand-sewed q
Shcoi , qtc
just received at * tck <
H. DOHLE & Co.'s , BI
Leading Shoe Store. in
in tie Eegistration
Board ,
Playing into the Hands of Re
peaters ,
A Bummer Trying to Sing
Himself into the Legis
In the excitement o the campaign
we had almost fcrgotten that Iho
foundation for an immense am uut of
roguery had been laid by John M.
Thurston & Co. , by procuring the sp- .
poir.tsncnt of notorious scallawags
and tricksters to positions of regiE-
trara. The reorganized registration
board , with ono or two exceptions , is
nia'Jo up of the meat notorious
politics ! ehystera who have ever dis
graced the city , nd we have no doubt
that gigantic frauds are about to be
perpetrated by fraudulent registration ,
vrith a view to giving full scope to tbe
professional repeaters and dead-beats
who are in the eervico of the mono
polists. Tha appointment of regis
trars is 111 a do by the governors of
the state under our atatuto. The law
explicitly requires the governor to
cheese from among the men known
for their unswerving lojnlty and high
character for integrity. Now , if Gov.
Nance had taken any pains to ascertain
the character of the manhe appointed ,
instead of eimply fulfilling the orders
of Union Pacific attorneys , hia ap
pointments would have been approved
bv all good citiz3iis.
Scarcely had the body of A. R.
Orchard been cold , and before ho wai
in his coffin , before Isaac S. Baicail
was commissioned a * his successor for
the Second ward. Now , this man
ILwcall , is known all over the state as
ono of the most disreputable political
tricksters in the whole country. His
record for loyalty is that ho was an
avowed rebel sympathiser during the
entire war , was driven out
of Kansas for his treasonable
utterances and during two years after
the war , while living in Omaha , was
the most baant ! copperhead wo had
in the city. _ _ CLe of the first things
Ilagcall did aa registrar , was to es
tablish the oflica in Fleck's
Biloon in the Second ward.
But oven there ho isn't to bo found
during the hours ho pretends to ait.
That IlaEcall is capable of committing
thu meet gigantic frauds in registra
tion , everybody knows , and he will bo
closely watched from now on.
In other wards changes haVe been
made that are equally unpopular ,
not inexcusable.
Yesterday's 11 publican contaim
the following :
'Among ' Iho appointments made b }
the chairman of the comity centr.i
committee was a meeting at Florenci
for last evening , to bo addressed b
lion. Jj mes 11. Kyner , republics ,
candidate for representative , and Col
ElwinF. Sin ; the of this city. Thes
two gentlemen were promptly on han
* * * * * *
Mr. Ransom having been chosen t
preside , opened thu meeting with
few well-timed remark ? , which carrii'u.
tiio true ring of loyal republicanism
with them.
lie was followed by Mr. Kyner
who told the listeners in his straight
forward , eloquent style , who and wba
ho'wa ! ' , and what claims he had foi
asking their suffrages. Without mak
ing any pretentions to oiatory , Mr.
Kyner is one of the most etiiective
speakers in the state , and hia word
brought tears to the eyes or enthusi
asm and pride to the hearts of those
who heard him , alternately. Ho re
ferred briefly to Mr. Rosewater , his
rule or rum policy , and his duplicity ,
and effectually silenced the slanders
that man was uttering through the
columns of his sheet.
Col. Smytho was next introduced as
ono with whonuho people of "Florence
wcro already familiar , as a good
spaakor nnd a "stalwart" in every
sense of the word.
Befora proceeding with his speech
the colonel called on Mr. Kyner to
sing for the crowd that grand song en
titled "Shcrman'ti Mirch to the Sea , "
which request" was , after considerable
deprecation on the part of himself and
insisting on the part of the audience ,
complied with. It is safe to say
that if hia speech won friends ; his
compliance with their wishes and the
manner and sentiment of his tinging
won more , and ho eat down amid deaf
en i n't : cheers and applause. "
When the people o ! Douglas county
want campaign sonsters down in Lin
coln to make laws for them , they will
undoubtedly select the \riudy blather
skite Kyner. His chief and in fact
his only claim to a place on the legis
lative ticket is his service during the
war , and loss of a limb , for which he
iraws a heavy pension. There * were
Lwo old veterans on the
streets of Omaha to-day playIng -
Ing a hand-organ , who are just as
much entitled , if not more so , lo a
! 0 t in the legislature , as Kyner. One
} f them had lost both legs and an arm
md could beat the canary bird of
Saratoga all hollow in singing. Tiio
dea that a man who hasn't a dollar
invested with us , and who can pick up
lia carpet sack at any
imo and leave , is to
> o placed in a position of grave rc-
pDnsibillty by the votes of this peo-
> le , could only originato-Jn the bran
if an insurance agent. Kyncr finds
ault with Rosowatcr's rule or ruin
policy because he objects to sending
nen to tha legislature , who simply
rant to market the votes of Donglat
lounty to the highest bidder in the
enatorial fight. :
That peripatetic wind mill , oldTJald-
rin , wont to Waterloo Thursday to
mil the wool over the eyes of the peo-
le out there , but rue mot a decided
heck and came very nearly being
ickcd out of the meeting for his im-
udent lying and obscenity.
C.iptain Broatch returned from the
ist yesterday and signifies his wil-
nguesa to accept the nomination for
10 legislature and tre expect that he
iU bo voted for pretty generally by
11 class es. tare
A corps of detcctivts has been
.1 !
uietly organized among our citizens
watch the registration business and thhe
sep track of Iho movement of tramps hem
id repaaters who are being imported m
to this city ,
The Annual Election and Banquet -
- quet of Omaha Engine
Co. No. 1.
The record of events In this city
would be incomplete -without due no
tice of the third annual election and
banquet of Engine Co. No. 1 , which
took place in their hall Thursday.
The fcaU was handsomely decorated
for the occasion. On the front wall
was placed a triple arch in festoons
upou which the words "Welcome , "
Omaha Engine Co. No. 1 , " " 1870 , "
" 1880" were inscribed in crystal let
ters. After the election of officers f
the ensuing year , the guesis were in
vited to the lowur floor , where three
great tables , beivily laden were in
waiting. Fully ono hundred and fifty
guests were amply fed , and yet there
remained mmy baskelsful. After the
throng had again seated themselves up
stairs , the U. P. band rendered a very
stirring piece , and Hon. C. S.
Cha e was called up for a spaech. Ho
spok'j in his ustwl happy vein
though he , as he said , had
very nearly run out of gas
Hon. J. C. Cowin was next called
and made a good speech. Ho wa3
followed by Mr. O..H. Billou. The
Garfield and Arthur Glee club then
gave a song , which was loudly en
cored. Their song , by request of Mr.
J. W. Nichols , who was master of
ceremonies , entitled "Cypher Sam.1'
brought down the house. It was im
mense. The "Big Four" gave a choice
rendition in their peculiar way.
It consists of a harmoni-
can , guitar , banjo , and "tooth-pick. "
This was well received. Messrs.
Boird and Festner gwo a very fine
selection on the guitar and zither.
Mr. John Evans spoke in hia charac
teristic style , consisting of rich collies
on the honorable mayor and his capac
ity for victuals and messages , ( which
latter he did not send over to the
Bluffs )
Many other persons contributed in
various wa8 to the pleasure oi the
evening. At 12 o'clock Mr.Nichols de
clared an adjournment with thanks to
whom thanks were do"and a cordial
invitation to meet the company again
at the fourth annual banquet , when ,
Providence permitting , the ladies and
sweethearts of the members would be
The following is a Hat of the newly
elected officers :
Foreman , Mr. Tony Harold , First
Assistant Foreman , fur. Jennis
Lane ; Seer.nd Assistant Foreman , Mr.
Charles Blnkeman ; President , Mr. C.
C. Field ; Vice-president , Mr. J. 31.
Howies ; SecretaryMr. J. W. Nichols ;
Treasurer , Mr. W. J. Whitehouse.
The election of trustee * was deferred
till Uie next regular meeting of the
Genuine Xeio Oilcans Molasses at J.
B. IronchA ; Co.'s. 29-2t
Y u will Find
ii- finest
ahd best slock
cf han\l sewed
shoes in the city ,
at U. DOHLE & Go's.
All wo'k iu Jewelry and watch repairing -
pairing warranted ivi every particular ,
sit Wmi'i'iE , MuMirLAN t Go's.
STOP AXD LOOK i.v , Eaton has the
most conrploto ars rtment cf Steel
Engravings ever b-ought to Omaha ,
and at New York prcrs. : tf.
Wo have received two barrels of
Quinces on consignment , which must
be sold , and will < tfer them at oOc a
peck. Now is an opportunity.
2o-5t FIKMIVIS .t Co. , Grocers.
Floiixr Pot , Hanging Basket and
Bird Gage BRACKETS , in now designs ,
at Evans' , 14th and Dodge. 27-3t
New fine goods in largo variely ,
just received , including new dried
fruits , Citron Peel , Nuts , Jollies ,
Sweel Gider.Buckwheat , Maple Syrup
Fruit Butters , etc. , etc.
25-5t FLKMIXO it Co. , Grocers.
HABIUSON'S. oc29-f-m-th
Just receivad this morning another
large invoice of the choicest novelties
in Dolmans , Cloaks , Jackets , Ulsters ,
Paletots and Hanelocks , ranging in
price to suit every class of purchas
ers. Call and see for yourself.
A'mv Engravings at Hospc's
H'lYc Floitxr Stands and Wire Moss
Hanging Baskets , at Evans' , 14th and
Dodge. 27-3t :
FURS ! FURS ! ! FURS ! ! !
The Omaha Fur Manufacturer , .
Henry G. Richter , is to be found op
posite the postofiico. o26-tf
Mrs. M. Cox , Fashionable Dress
Maker , 317 Fifteenth street , between
Davenport and Chicago.
First-class board at the McKenzie
Dining Hall , Sixteenth and Dodge
Streets. It is near the business part
the city and convenient for clerk ,
business men and others. Tickets
; oed for 21 meals. 22f.m.w
We manufacture black cashmere &
iuits on short notice ; a large variety v
> f the best brands to select from.
31ack silk suits to order from the cel-
ibrated "Guiuet" and "Bonet"
> rands. Stuff suits ready made from
:5 00 upwards. Wo have made a re-
luction of twenty five per cent , in
heso goods. Hundreds to select
rom and a perfect fit guaranteed in
very instance.
9 f-ai-th McDoKALD & HARRISON. fe
few fek
Death Eecnrd. w
John Douglas , formerly with Clark to
; Warden of this city , died at Ogallala _ w
John McKinney , aged 35 , died Oct. 1thw ;
5h , 11 o'clock p. m. The funeral Wl
kes place at 4 p. m. to-day from the di
aidenca on Chicago , between 14th I tr'n '
id loth. Deceased had a fall from wl
ie scaffolding at J. L. Webster's new 8"
> me some months ago , from which he
iver fully recovered.
Tno infant child of H. H. Adamo , ve
ed Oct. 28th. , Furwftl to-igorrow , 28
The Pleasantries of One and
Profundity of the
A New Art Gallery in th9 Tem
ple of Justice.
It is an old saying that what is fun
to one is death to another , and vice
versa , what is death to one is often
fun to another. The latter proposi
tion was well illustrated by the little
plecsintrles indulged in by the jury hi
the c se of the State va. Fletcher
Mitchellfor the murder of Jaa , Lyons ,
at Milhrd , iii July last. Col. E. F.
Smytbo was counsel for the prisoner ,
and A.N. Ferguson and A. L Robi-
Eonforthe state. The Col. was intense
ly interested in Irs client and so con
vinced of his innocence that he was
staking all ho had on his case. In
the course of the argument before the
jury en Friday ho e id , ' "If I had my
choice , gentlemen of the jury , as to
whether you should briug in a ver
dict of 'guilty' against my client or
against E. F. Smythe , which would
send ono of us to the penitentiary , I
would rather it were against Smytho.
I know thai Mr. Ferguson will tell
you this h said for effect , but if EO ,
gentUmen , when I die let there be
writtea on the marble etonc ,
which marks my last resting place ,
no other epitaph but this ,
"He TOLD A LIE" nnd let Mr. Fer
guson's narao bo inscribed as an eter
nal witness beneath it. "
Mr. Robinson in hia speech con
jured up tbe spirit of the murdered ,
man to haunt the prisoner in his
gloomy cell and down to the dirk val
ley of the shadow of death , etc.
The jury retired aud remained in
deliberation for 24 hours , when they
failed to ajroe | and were discharged.
Oil examining the jury room the walls
were found to tell Ihe story of their
delibara'inns. Among their number
was an artist whose pencil is worthy
of lying alongside that of Dore. Upon
the west wall of the room
wim a scene at Prospect Hill. In
the midst of aventies of mar
ble monuments and bending
cyprus trees stood two graves. At the
head of one is n tombstone on which
13 written , "E. F. Smythe. 'It is a
lie. ' A. N. Ferguson. " This rep
resented the six who stood for convic-
tioli , whose named wefo written at
one side. For the edification of the
six in favor of acquittal there appear
ed the spirit of .Tame ? Lyon&j with
elongated form and the head of a fight
ing cock Bick of him was Dtath
and Satan , ono with a scythe , the oth
er a pi'ch-fork striving to recover him
from llobison's conjurating influenced
Besides Smytho's grave was that of
Lyons , inscribed with his name and
the words under , the Sun , and Sky of
Heaven ,
To the left of this "scene was Bailiff
Potter feeding the jury , and further
on the bar-room at Millard , with
Lyonfl standing in front , of the ice
box , drawing a bead on Mitchell , who
stands , glass in hand , at the other end
cf the bar. According to the testi
mony of ono witness , Lyons said , "If
you throw that glass at mo I'll shoot
you , you s of a b , " and was three
minutes latdr shot by Mitchell through
fear of this threat. An
ornamental scroll on another wall
boars the date , October 18th , and the
mnio3 of Iho six who stood for ac
quittal. Another scroll bears the le
gend , "Twelve jurora after sixteen
hiurs of suffering. State vs. Mitch
ell. Prospects good. " A yacht under
full sa'l , a tug boit named after one
of thu jury and the myslic " 32D" arc
in another p nion of the gallery , while
a vignette of U. S. Grant , with the
words , "President in 1884 , ' aud A
picture of Tiltr.aae holding forth in
the Brooklyn Tabernacle , complete the
The prisoners now in the county
jail who have been tried and convicted
before Judge Savage during the pres
ent teim of the district court , will be
brought before the bar at 10 a. m. to
day to receive sentence. At th'e '
lame time the judge will pase judg
ment in the case of the state vs. Harry
LUCSP , who was convicted in Judge
Hawes' court of keeping a dis
orderly housa during August
and September , but appealed his
case. The city council ordered
the city marshall to close the place , on
llth street , but Lmcaa got out an In
junction and kept on tunning his sa
loon , though in a quiet and orderly
manner so far as wo have heard. The
33so was warmly contested before
ludge Savage , and the following
: harge to the jury is , at the sugges
tion of several attorneys , produced
in the columns of the B E , to show
3ii what evidence a man may be found
; uilty of keeping a disorderly place
md be closed up :
Hie complaint against the defendant
n this case is that from the 15th day
} f August to the 4th day of Septem-
3pr , 1880 , ho was the keeper of , end
lid maintain a disorderly house in
his City.
Second The question for you to
letermine is , was the hnuto in ques
tion at the time , a disorderly h-iuse
.vithtn the meaning of the ordinance
m thit subject ? If so , and ho was
he keeper of it or maintained it , you-
ihould find him guilty.
Third In deciding whether this
ras a disorderly house or not , you
iavo a ri ht to inquire as to the char-
icter of the people who habitually re-
lorted there. If you find that it was
lustomarily frequented by idle , dis-
irderly , deb niched persons , prosti-
utes , drunkard ? , persons of evil fame
nd name nnd dishonest conversation ,
I would be evidence against the char-
icter of the place , which you ought in
icmnccticn with all the testimony in
he case to take into coueidetatian.
Fourth The management or con-
luct of the place is also a legitimate
iibject of inquiiy. Was it a place
rhero disorders , such as fighting , pro-
fine swearing , loud and unseemty
ioise ? , were permitted or suffered ?
Vas it kept open at times when by
he legislation on that subject it
hould have been closed ? Was it so
lauaged as to disturb persons law-
Lilly about the place , or disturb the
eighborhood ?
Fifth If you find that the place in
uestion was a place of public resort ,
abitually frequented by tipplers and
restitutes , where brawls were suf-
> red , where profane swearing and
md quarreling were allowed , by
hich the peace of the neighborhood
as disturbed , you would have a right
i find that it was a disorderly house a :
ithin the meaning of this complaint.
Sixth Of course , the mere fact
tat liquors were sold or that singing
as allowed there at proper times
Dulcl not of itself make the hpuso a
sorderly one. It is for you to say 81n
om all the testimony in the case , and n
view of the foregoing instructions 0
aether the defendant is or is not 0P
lilty. P
American Watches , in gold and sil- olR
r cases , at R .
3t WHUTLE , McMiLUK & GO'S !
To Nomicate an Independent
Anti-Monopoly Legislative
Ticket ,
Which is Demanded in the in
terest of the TaxPayers -
Payers ,
And for the Welfare of oil
Classes of Citizens.
At the urgent request of a large
number of tax-payers and citizens of
this county , a mass meeting is hereby
called for Saturday , October 30th , at
2 p. m. , sharp , at Clark's Hall , to put
in nomination a legislative ticket for
Douglas county that will be composed
of men whom the paoplo can trust
with their vital interests in the next
This is call made in response to the
overwhelming sentiment in this com
munity that Improper influence
has been exerted by corporation
maugers in the packing of primaries
and conventions and nomination of
csndiUtes who either have no inter-
e In oo nmon with our people , or by
taii employment and business rela
tions ere under the control of corpo
rate monopolies.
Only such persona as are in active
sympathy with this movement are ir.-
vited , and only such will bo admitted
to participate in the deliberations of
the mass convention.
E. Maurcr has opened his new
saloon and innch room 1814 Farnhara
street , late ElKiiHnr' " < * " . . im
I have a lot of heating stoves suit
able for stores and offices , alee a iarg'a
wrought iron range and cast iron
cooking stoves for hotel use , which I
will close tiut at much less than cost ,
also tinware and houso-fiirnishing
goods cheap. Enquire at Odd Fel
lows block. E. F. COOK.
Will open in Kennedy's1 new brick
building on Tenth street , between
Jackson and Jones on Monday , No
vember 1st , with a new , frefih , well
assorted slock of goods , which have
been purchased at recent trade sales
in fiostcm and New York for cash , and
will bo offered at prices heretofore Un
known in Omaha. " Our aim shell
always be to cater , for the popular
trade , nnd leave others to look after
the high toned ,
Remembar November 1st ,
Boston One Price Store ,
10th St. , bot. Jackson and Jones ,
California Pears , Plums , Grapes ,
etc. , at Tizard's Palar.o o21 If
A first-class hotel in every respect , is
situated on the northwest corner of
Thirteenth and Capitol avenue. This
IIQW house is newly and el < gantly fur
nished throughout , and the table and
bill of fare will compare favorably
with the beet in the land. Give it b
trial. No runner at the Depot.
Brought to Bay and Routed by
ail Intended Victim.
jgAbout nine o'clock Thursday Mr.
Charles Q. Freeman , ticket auditor of
the B. & M. , had an adventure with a
br.4co of footpads at the corner of
Twentieth and Webster streets. He
had been making an evening call in
North Omaha and was returning to
hia rooms at the residence of G. W.
Ambrose on Farnhain street , when he
discovered suddenly that he was being
f olio we J by two men , whoso pace WBS
regulated by his own. When he
hid ascertained this to a certainty , he
waited until ho was .directly beneath
the gas lamp on the corner , and there
stopped to let them pass him , keeping
his back towards them. As they came
up he watched their shadows on the
walk , and when very near them saw
ono flash a club out from beneath bis
coat to fell him to the ground. Up
to this time he had been uncertain of
the design of the men , but on seeing
this ho whirled suddenly about and
pointing his pistol , which he held
cocked in his hand at the men said ,
"Now what do you want of me ] " On
seeing the weapon , the two men with
out further delay turned and fled , and
Mr. Freeman pursued his way unmo
lested. The gentleman is not only a
dead shot , tut an excellent fencer ,
and as he carried a sword cane in his
band he was inoro than a match for
them under any circumstances. The
Friends of good order regret that he
iid not wing his assailants.
French Kid Shoes ,
Side lace and
Polith ,
at low prices ,
New Stock Just Received ,
at H. DOHLE & Co.'s ,
Douglas Uouniy .District Court.
Proceedings had on yesterday , the
Ion. James W. Savage , presiding :
Gerhardt Barcherdt and William
Illsworth were admitted to citizen-
Jameson vs. Little ; submitted upon
rgument of counsel.
Spotman vs. Connellfiarne. ;
Court adjourned unlil this morning
t 9:30 o'clock.
ReRistratlon Notice ,
tate of Nebraska Douglas Oo.
Notice is hereby given that I will
t lathe store of Edward Lucas , cor-
erof Thirteenth and Chicago streets ,
ctober 25th , 2Cth and 30th , for the
urpoie of correcting the voting list
i the Fifth ward.
.egiatrar of the Fifth ward , Omaha ,
Douglas county ) Neb ,
Kefr stration Notice.
State of Nebraska , Douglas County.-ss
Notice is hereby given that I will
sit ia the store cf E. W. Wyman's ,
15th street , three doors south of Pos-
Office , on Monday , Wednesday and
Saturday , October 25th , 27th and
30th , also on Monday , November 1st ,
1880 , for the purpose of registering
the elector" of the fonrth ward , City
of Omaha , Douglas County.
In witness whereof , I hereunto set
my hand this loth day of October , A.
D. , 1880.
olo-16t Registrar of said ward.
KCWEngravings at Hospc's.
To the Sixth Ward Voters.
Last chance to register , ( near Red-
man's stcre. ) I will sit at my office ,
No. 910 north Sixtbenth street , every
evening from G to 9 p. m. , commenc
ing Monday , October 25th to Satur
day. October 30ih , and .Vonday , No
vember 1st , from 0 a. in. to 9 p. m. lo
complete urw list. Eveiybody come.
o'25 Gt Rocistiar Cth Ward.
CAi > S ALL.
Bor.ner'a Stoves much the finest
in the Market. Call and sec. 141(5 (
Dcnislaa .s'rfoi. ' o22 tf
NOT1C& AclvartiMvntmte To Let For 6ao' !
fjont , Fi/ui'il , Wunta , do nlln ; &o. , will b In-
rte < l In thoac cclutui\3 onw fi'r TEN CENTh
( wrni \ \ ; cash BUhsequentiiiBertlon.FlVE CECTb
per Una. Tha Iliet liiacrtlou never Icta tluti >
SO LOAN Call t Low Office
_ MOH3X . 7J1OHA8. l'.if > mS.CrfyjiO ! MiMi
JV fONf.T TO UAK 110U iVnil.-'n Tr-r
iVJL Dr. Eibv&rdp Lotn Aircitcy. ii.i.ii-i.
" " "ANTEt-Oirl . , " -
) - foncncral ht.w"
Dottgljt St. , ) U,17tli and IRlli.
tTCTASTED-Clrl ti > d J general 'j t rt. j
| V muH C'jok ' , wsth and iron \\clt r * , i
blocks norhli ri'cgt of Mi'Itarj ' lridc ! ,
771-JO M.S. ! ff. I ! . J.
To con'mt Icr from 3 to 5 t ii
WANTED per month fet < ine jcnr.
1CS-i J. II. Mcm > Nr , C'tnalia.
TANTED A cl'i ! J f > y a wet Jitlrae ; rcfsrenco
given Inquire at Or. reunite. 781-30
\\J ANTED A girl , for 17 years rid , to as-
V V s st in taking . -arc f * n : > nnt and d J huu38
work in a ftmily of 1 , % o. Keftrcci'ea repaired.
Apply to 1416 rarnhbra St. 7e63
"VTTANTED Few more boarder ? , at 10CI cor
VV 10th and Dodge Sts 768-wfm
WAKTKb Iirmidn'tly : , to rent ad
houaa .T suit of rooms ; mu t bo In eo :
locality ; good tcnfauls prompt pay. Inquire at
this oflice. 741-tf
WANTED- pocd lioiiB--keepcr. at 1109
Faroham street , upeUii" . C31 tf
F OH RENT 3 room * , furnishcil or unfur-
dished , 441 South 16th street. 771-1
TflOR REST One dwcllin ? on Sherman ava. ,
_ C three blocks norih 16th ttreet briJ o ,
8 room - , large barn. Inquire at t07 S. 13th ttriet ,
or , on tha premises 753 tt
THOU KENT And Juruitura for sale , eheaj ; a
Jj house , in the business part , a rooms ,
well and cisttrn , suitablu for boarding house.
Rent cheap. Inquire at iliia office. 752-1
T710K KENT A furnished room , suitable for
JP .oue or two gentlemen , B.V. . cor. 16th and
Howard Sta. 731-tf
rjlOU REST Cottage , on 6th nnd Tine Sts. ,
Jtj new house , eight. roouisonS3dard CassSta
Enquire J. f. Koc , ti. E. Oor. 12th and Farn-
ham. 696-tf
TpOR RENT IIouio and lot in { .bull's 2nd
X ? add. , near ncwXJ. S. corrall. Enquire at
Rooto fi , Crei'shtoii L''SiA. 6flMf
FOIl RENT Largo bouse , 7 rooms , 20th si. ,
near Cassstrce' . C. T. TAYLOR ,
631-tf _ Office I4th anil DuiisUa.
FOR RENT Finely furnished rooms at 1310
Davenport street , bet. 13th and 14th St.
350 tf
OR RENT 2 furnished rooms over Merchants
chants Exchange , K. E. Cor. 16th and
FOll S.\LE Horse , bujrpy ald harness com
plete , choip for cnsb , at053 10th 8t.
774-f-stt-tu f
FOR SALS Rhubaro Roots. 300 hills for
sale at Cha'lton Bros. , IG.Ii nd Davcmott.
HAYFORSALE-60 tons of clioico hay in
stack , In m&junw near Fort Omaha. Apply
to J. II. Cra-kiP , Omaha. 7630
ifTlOR SALE The cheapest and most deslisbla
Jj property of the kind in thn West. A cord
honfeand snull fru.t farm ; one mlle from Council -
cil Bluffs. Address boxSy. Omaha , Neb. 755-2
2 HOUSES And corner half of lot , southeast
corner 14th and Cass Sts , , 7 room * in each ;
rent for $20 anil $25 i er month LEMIS' 1 EAL
ESTATE AOEXCT , 15th and Douslai Sts. 670-tf
T710R SALE Mixed paints , at A. Holmes.lSth
JC and California Sts. 015-tf
FR SALK Cottonwond lumber of all
REDMOND'S. Slxtecntb-Bt. 510-t
MISS MINNIE EKMAN will please let her
moihf r kno v her present place o ! res -
denco before Nm ember 7tb , 1S80. Address ,
cor. Cth and PiclflcstB. ,
77s.f-m AIRS. O. EK1IAN , Onnha.
STRAYKD Ono iare reii cow , largo horns
and white hind feet. Any information may
be left at 17th and Paul street , first huuse north
of Oil MillV. . H CI.AWSUN. 763-30
TAKEN Ui' Oct. let , one ay marc , ooo Day
call , three months olJ , white etir in fore
head , and ono bay over jcirold with slar in
forehead Owner can h vo panic I y callinir and
raying chargns. W. N'OLESENSKY , J mile N.
E. or j ttner's brick jarJ , North Omaha.
fTIAKENUP 2 cow ? , on red cow with crlp-
JL pled horna , and one white cow , red on nccir ,
with ciipplcd horns , or. 8thand Dorcis St.
PKCIAL NOTICE Otto Fnsom. veterinary
surprcon. graduate of the veterinary college
of Stuttgut and Zurich. Hospital 1149 Shormnn
avenue 5SO 1m
Absolutely Pure ,
Made from Grape Cream Tartar. No othe
reparation makes such lijht , flaky hot breads , '
jr luxurious pastry. Can be eaten by djpeptict
vltbont fear of the Ila resulting from heavy i
ligostible food.
Sold only ia cans , by all Grocers.
KOTAO TUgrea POWDIR Co. . N w York
Successors to J. H. THIELE , '
No. 1220 Douglas Street ,
Q-fVCAT = r A
n -
\ S. HITCHCOCK , M. D. S. ,
rom New York has located in Omaha , and
guarantees to do first-clu * work.
intl Rooms , OTer A. Crnickslunk & Co. ' ? , Cor.
15th and Douzloa. sep9-2m
3D B ILT 0 ? I S 1 ? ,
mcs ; JtpoVs Slock r CuUcl Aw. we )
E CO. ,
GASH JOB ! Hi sari KtlAll " / ! i DRY GOODS.
An Opportunity is i\ow Offered to nil Ladies Westof , Xeir York City
to Make Their Purchases from the Finest Line of
'H ' ILKS !
Ever shown ia a retail store ; purchased for cash direct from French manu
facturer , ? , and especially made .and finished for the retail trade ,
In all numbers and all widths , commencing in 21 inch Cashmere finished
at $1.25 , up to the finest production of the celehrated
These Goods We Offer at
An inspection will well repay intending purchasers.
21 inch Brocades in hronze , garnet , navy , hrown , S5LOO a yard , worth
21 Fine Black Brocade at $1.25 , worth $1,75.
24 inch , all Silk Brocades , at $2.00 , $2,25 , $3.00.
16 inch Silk Velvets at $1.00.
18 inoh Silk Velvets , at $1.50,51 75 , $4.00 , $3.25 , $2.50 , $3.00.
28 inch Silk Velvets from $4 OO to $9.OO a yard
; si
Silk Plushes in all Colors , all Shades.
In Garnet , Navy , Green , Prune , Gendarine , Etc ,
Black and Colored Cashmeres , all Wool , 45 cents.
Our 40 inch , Colored Cashmeres , 70 , worth 90 cents ,
Our 40 inch , Colored Cashmeres , 80 , worth $1.00.
Our 40 inch Shudda Cashmeres , 75 , worth $1,00 ,
AH Retailed at New York Prices.
Qualities equal , we are to-day selling goods cheaper than any house in
the west.
One price marked in plain figures.
s. IP.
of Fell and Winter Clothing for Men's Youths' Boys' and
Children's "Wear.
Farnhain Street.
the requirements of Everybody.
BIOCK. the most varied and elegant ever displayed in the
our large display of Dress nnd Business Suits , Fall
Grand "Weight Overcoats ? , Novelties in Furnishing Goods ,
Stylish Hats and Caps , Trunks , Valises , Califorfornia
Blankets and Overalls * &C.&G.
buy one dollar's worth of Clothing until he has seen our
immense Stock and learned our Prices.
Are Not Half as Interest
ing to the General Eead-
er as the Following Price
List :
J Ibsot A sugar tor II CO
10 Iba extra Cau ar for 1 00
10 } Ibs Canary C. Sugar for 1 GO
8ilb3 Granulated Sugar for 1 00
B Ibs Cut Loaf Suearfor 1 00
Bibs good Rio Coffee lor 1 00
G Ibs best Rio Coffee for 1 00
t Ibs choice Java Coflco for 1 00
3 i Ibs best Itocha Coffee for 1 00
Tonne : Hyson Tea per Ib , 30 to 10
Oolonpr Tea per Ib , SO to 40
Japan Tea per Ib , 30 to 0
fittest QunpowderTca porlb 76
BcstO K Flour per rock 2 80
Snow Flake winter wheat flour S 75
[ lavcns.bcstflour. . . . . _ _ _ . _ _ i 00
2 bars Climax Soip for 1 00
21 bare Laundry Soap for 1 00
18 bars Linen Soap for 1 CO
Pure Maple Syrup in cal. cans 1 03
Boldcn BJTUP per gallon _ 40
New Orleans Syrnp per gallon . „ . CO
N'cw Orleans Molasses per gallon . . . . 70
5uar House Molasucsper gallon. . . . , , . . 45
18 Iba St. Louladoda Crackers for 1 CO
IS Iba St. Louia Oyster Crackers for 1 00
I21bs Boston Butter Crackers for..u 00
12 Ibg Ginger Snapa for 00
13 Iba New Currants for. . . . 00
) Iba Now Blauklierrica for. CO
1 Ibs Pitted Clicrrics for. 00
12 Ibs Dried reaches ( halves ) for 1 6ti
1 Ibs Choice Dried Apples for 1 03
1211 > 9 best new Prunes for 1 00
Olbs. beat Valencia Raisins 1 CO layer Raisin ; 1 00
Reaches , 21t > cans JO
'caches.3 Ib canssUnd rd )
'io Peaches. 8 Ib cars 0
'eachcsCal)3 ( ) Ibcai.3 25
JIackbcrriea , 2 ID can 12 } ( ) can 30
fuebrrriesSlbcan 2'
Jhcrries 21b can 1
Jamaon Plums 2Ib cans _ . . 2
Uspbcrries 1 Ib can 15
itrawberries,2 Iboin _ . 15
Itnnff BeanB,2 Ib cans 122J
Uked Beans , 3 Ib can
, huaBean8t2 Ib cans 12 }
utfarcorn , 21b can 12 }
farmouth corn , per can . ' . . . . . 17) )
'omatoes , Slbcan 12J
uccotaah , 2 Ib can I''j
'umpUns , SIbcan 16
5 Ibs beans 1 00
0Ibsdried Liziabeans. . . I 00
5 Ibs hominy 1 CO
1 Ibs Carolina rlce 1 fO
5 Iba oat meal „ 1 00
'at family mackerel , per kit 85
at family white fish , f XT kit. „ SO
oddsh , whole , perlb 7
odfub , bonelessperlb 10
[ allibut , per Ib 12 }
tolland herring ( new ) per kej . . . . _ 1 25
otKiccoBlackwel' ' ' < Durham ) fir Ib _ 60 ( .IKerfalplusperlb ) ' 6C
otacco ( Old Style ) per Ib 36
obaccoMeerschaum ) perlb 40
1003 , sugar-cured , pcrlb 12 }
utter , fresh roll , perlb 0
Complete price llats furnished on application.
Duntry orders will receive prompt and cartful
tcntion. Positively no zoods sold on credit.
J. B. FRENCH & CO. ,
'he Original Reliable Grocers ,
No. 1119 J'arnham Street ,
iletillc Cases , Coffins , Caskets , Shrouds , etc.
irnham Street , . 10th and llth , Omaha , Neb.
OrJjjJ Promptly Attended To ,
Oval Brand
The sales of this "brand" of O hare DowJonUtrlpped all others. . You eel more Ojtterr IS
WEIGHT AND J1EASUKE In ci of this brand than u any other. C. B. BEZMER.
m General Western Ag ent , Omaha.
Propose for the next ninety (90) ( ) dais to sell then
entire stock of
Diamonds , Watches ,
Jewelry , Clocks , \
-Si iver- Ware ,
Pianos & Organ
At Manufacturing Prices , Which is from 15 to 20 per
cent , helow any Eastern Wholesale House ,
preparatory to moving into their
weN Store , Cor. llth & Farnham
We Mean BusinefiS * CJopje and be Convinced ,