CHARLES POWELL , TTTJST1CE orTUE I'EACK Corner I6th and t Karnham St * . , Omaha Neb. _ mi. SlrnERAL , AT I. AW Boom 6. Crdghton \ ATTORNEY El. OMAHA. If KB. 3. L THOMAS , TTORKEY T LAW Loans money , bnyi and sells real tttata. boom S , Crtlghton " A. C. TRQUP , 1 TrOKJfEr AT LAW Office In Hacscom't .A. Block , with Oeor e K. Prltchett , UK an > ham St. OUAHA. XEE. BEXFE3 L 7HQSSA3 , fc TToaSEy AT LAW CrsJctznank Ba'.UJ . . / . . C3ADWIGK , TTOKJfEY AT LAW Office 1BO * Sco 1 Crelebloa Block , celt t * PostOEe * . OMAHA , NEBK/J3KA , KOXAKT TrtUC. OOITJCTIOKB KADK 'c. D. HCLAUCHL1S. 4 T7URSFY AT LAW AND JUSTICE OF jft. TjiKSKACfiScutheast corner fittoentu Djpf.1a St. srColiectloni. Promptly Attended G'BP.fEN 4 8AR7LETT , Auorneys-at-Law , C-Unlon BlockWrtocmh ani ? Farnbaml ATTORNEY AT LAW. K.UCACH BLOCK , COR. COUC15TH STS. OMAHA , A"EB. W. d. Oonnell , Attorney-at-Law. Offlco : yroi-t rooca , np rfcdrs. In Htnscom'i now brick Imlldins , N. W. corner Fifteenth naJ f nnih&m JJtrecte . KtCICK UEAS K. REMCK < & KGDICK , K Attornoys-at-Law. - - . attention Trill be slvoa to all mite corporations ol every dwcrlptlon ; will In al Ithe Court * of the fc'tite and the Unl ( l Statos. Office. Farnhaui St , opposite C'litri Ilonw. EDWARD W. SiKERAL , A TTORSEY AT LAW ROOT 8 CrolgUon .Q : Hlock. 16th and Donglu streetg. noBdh 2. F. MAKDERSOK , A TTORSEY AT LAW StX r mtim Btr-st T : . RICHARDS. O. J. HUNT SIGHABDS & HUNT , , ' $ Attornoys-at-Law , Omen -01li Smith Fourteenth Street. EAST INDIA o _ HER & CO. , QOLB MANUFAOTUBER3 OMAHA. A'cb. Machine Works , J Sammond , Prop. & Manager. The mot thorough amvJntc 1 and Complete JUacliIne Shops anil Foundry in tlretlata. Canting * of every ikscrlption inanufactcd Erurlnes , I'nmpa u J trery dau cf machinery tnado to orusr. _ pecial attPnlluii given to ' ' ITclI Ausuris , Pnllcys , Hangers , lKcIronsGccr . ? , etc 'Plans tor now HchlnryUecnvilcal Dianjbt- fHK. Model * , etc. , nnttr rxecutct ) . . < A6Earnev St. , Bet. 14tb and 15th. . E REMEDY. - WTERKAL EXTERNAL , AND 5TGHING PILES | 4M K ii | > pllntlnn of Pi rile IIrnir I.T. ulilcta morm. nllHjIng < i > * Infrnm Itch all otlirr rrnnxilr lintg thllod. Try U laArno other , and Irll your tiftchborvof DO NOT . win . . . . T * ' DELAY Oi f the drain on Uio > y tcm prodncc ? * rnuui , t dUabllKT. , bat K _ _ : . ' bay It. TRY iTLOURED u r PRICE , 50 CENTS. ASK YOUR DRUGGIST FOR IT , 4 when you mn not obtain It of him. vlll arnd It , prrpnld , onrrrrlptorprlr TTI Sr. Bounlto'B Trrntlir on Pile * ccot 1V n application. Addrt DR. eOSANKO MEDICINE GO , ( t : o. r roc F.t&WlV % 4 g - fA mKS , rjf. r irj\ u tj " Tie an la : X13IK OK i wl 5 LIVER , wlCO TKE EOV ELS , ancitheKJDNEYS. I7t ciml5 < ? J action gifts it wt We iick ? B Jxr i-5o,7ij ! rt 7Vijfon7un. ' r / i Ito lisa e r'-.J , f.r fer-t nr J / ' ' ' ' * - I P " -V f"AW M ' r-t.'r ! F < V < - ui " fe vj ' Nc I ? 01 . . ' \ .C it' : . . T ; XI ' - . Ls'-rlttplws „ ? nisit. I In irons ? cxi 1 1Gi GiSr I r / rv ; x . , r , / - Sr fc . ' - W . * * - ) . SrAt * ' - ' T . " * * _ At 1 , . , "i , / M > j M W f THE DAILY BEE OMAHA PU3LISHIKC CO. , PROPRIETORS- SIC Famham , lei. 9th and 10th StreeU TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION , 1 Cony licar. In advance ( postpaid ) $3.00 6 mint ) i " " 4.00 3 months " " 2.00 TIME TOBIES- THE MAILS. 0 , &N , "W. E. K830a. m. , 2 : 0p. tt C. B. & O 5 : JO a. m. . 2:10 p. in. C. K. I & P. R. E. . B30 a , m. , 2Mp. : m C"St Joe 50 a. m 8. City &P.B30a.m. U P. R.R.nMa.m. O. & R. V. to Lincoln , 10 a. m. B. 4M. R.R.SOa : m. O.&N. VT. , 720a.m. OPFKIKO a ft K. W. R. R. , 11 a. m. , 11 p. m. C. B. & Q. , 11 a. m , 830 p. m. 0. B I. & P. , 11 & . nu , 11 p m. C. B.&SI , Joe. , 11a.m. , 11p.m. U. P. R. B. . i p m. O. & R. V. bom Lincoln , 12UO p. ro , B. City & P. , 11 a. m. B. iM. lnheb.,4 p. m. Local malla for States Iowa leave bat onoe a day , vie : 4 0 a. ra. Office oiu > n from 12 to 1 p. m. Sundtys. TBOMAS F. HALL. Poetmaeter , Arrival And Departure of Trains UNION PACIFIC. HAVB. Dally Eipnsa. . . . 12:16 p. m. 5S5p. do Mired 6.10 p. m. 4:25 p. m. do Freight 630a.m. 1:40p. IP. do do & 15a.m. 12:20 a. m. TIME CARD OF THE BURLINGTON. LSAVB OMAIH. AKBIVX oiLana. Ezproas 3:40 p m. Exprces 10 X1 a. m , Hall 6:00 : a. m. Mall lO.-OOp. m. Sondaya Eiceptod , Sundays Exceptcd. CQICAOO.JROCK ISLAND & PACIFIC. Mall . C.-00 a. m. I Mall . 10K)0 ) p. m. Eiprcss . 8 : 0p.m. | Express. . . .100 a. m. CHICAGO NORTHWESTERN. Mall . Ore a. m. I Mall . 730p.m. K press . 3:40 pi m. | Express . . . .10MO a. m. Sundaji excepted. KANSAS crrr.sT. JOE t COUNCIL BLUFFS. L iV ARKITK. Mall . 8:00 . m. I Express . 7:40 . m. Express . 60 p. m. | MaH . 7 0 I - " The on'y ' Une running Pullman Sleeping Cars ont ot Omaha to Union Depot. OMAHA & NORTHWESTERN AND L8IOUJC CITY & PACIFIC r A1LROADS. Exprees . 8KWa. m. | Fxpreas . 1'JOp m. Dally Except Sundays. B. & M. R. R. In NEBRASKA. Omaha ( ) . . " . . . . : Kearney J'ncflvo0 ) am PlatUm'tharlO5 m Blnomlngtonlv)5:10 ( ) m KeaniyJ'ncar)7:65pm ) liedCloudi\)635 ) am Red Cloail ( arrffSSp m Plaltasa'th ( ar ) 4:20 p m Bloom'gtonar)9S5pm ( ) Om baarr.4:65 pm REPUBLICAN VALLKY RAILWAY. Hastings O ) 8 5 m | Bloom' tonarl:30pm ) Bloomlncton 1:35 p m I Hastings ( ar ) 6:55 p m Orleans ( Iv ) : SO a mllndiantla ( r)1 ) 0pm Orlcani ( ar ) ISO p m ) Tndlanola Gv ) 2:30 P m SIOUX CITY & fcT. "UJL R. B liJl 6:10 a m 11 JCJCJSB 10:00 m Erpresa S.40pm L 720 p m WABASB , ST. LOUIS 4 PACIFIC. tUVItg. AUUVX3. Kan 8a.m. ] Mall UKfc to Express 3:40 p. m. | Expre * 4:25 p. m. BRIDGE DIVISIOH D. P. R. R. Leave Omaha , dally. S . m. , 9 a. m _ , 10 a m. , U a. m. . 1 p. m. , 2 p. m. , 3 p. m , S p. m 6 p. m. , Leave Council Bluffs ; 8tS . - . 6:26 : a. m , , 10:25 : a. tn. , 11S5 a. m , ISSt p m. , 2 5 p. m. , S25 p. m , , 6:15 p , m. , 625 p. m. . Four trips on Sunday , lea vine Omaha at 9 and 11 a. m. , Z and 6 p. m. ; Council Bluffs at 8:8 : , 11:15 k m. , and 2:25 and 6:25 p. m. riBSIHaKR TTJLIKS. r eave Omaha : a. tn. , 7 a. m. , 8 0 . m. , 1 p. m. , 4:50 : p. m. , 7.25 p. m. , Leave tioundl B'ula : 6:15 a. m , , 9:10 a. m. , ll0 a , m.6:25p m. , 700 p. m. , 7 0 p. n. Daily except Sunday. OUAAA & HEPLTU.1C&K VALLEY R. , LE1VX , AKRIVX. 10:45 a. m. , 4S5 p. m. Dally except Sundays. SANTA OlaAtJO ttJtJND. Qreafwt IJlBCovery of the Ase. ffoa-r ul disco verica In the world have been m-de iaioni ; otlur thlngB where SanU C ! 3 sliycd Jhildrtn oft ask It ho m.Vre eooJscr ho f really he llvo * In * mountain c ! pho * . dftyear an cxcilrelon Mllml fctlr to the Pole Ind suddenly divpJriuthU ) what eecmcdlilce thole Vhere i > T > naer of wonders they found a nowl n0 , Hille falry-Hka bclnira mppfonxl on o * h Iiand. "here were mocntalns lifl ! > CQn , with more beautiful irreen. Lnd far brivhlSr steles than ever were sc n , tlrds ltt > the hues cf a rainbow were found , flllle flowers ot exqultlta Iragrnnn KtDW lug around. fet long wcro Uiey left to trocder In doubt L beln ? eo < tune they had heard much about , CV&s Santa CT.Ma' twit Mid this they all say , like the picture * cscoevery day ( - - te drove up a team that looked very queer , Dwas a team f cranehoppers instead of reindeer , I [ e rode In a shell instead of a sleigh , II lut he took them on tovrd and drove them away , ie showed Ih&m all over his wonderful realm. Jid factories making poods f or t > men atnl teen ir 'urrlers is ere workinc on hats cttal ai > 4 email , J * 'o Bunco's they Hid thtj wcrasondlng them alt Ml Kir.elc , the O'.oW iiiker.tolclthcm at once , .U our GloVc wo are sending to Bunce , anta hovrcd them sujpendors and many thlng-s more , - * . . . . . -lee took these to friend Banco1 * "tore , anta Clans then whispered ? < > crci he d teU , .8 In Omaha every one knew Bunco wpll , [ e therefore nhomd eond his { roods to lite c re , knowing his ( rtcndg will cct their full ( .hare , row remember ye dwellers In Otnahi loh , .11 who want present ! to Bunce'i go round , or Bhlrts , collars , or cloves prc t and small , end > -oor sister or aunt one and all. Bunds. Champion Hatter of the West , DonrlM rnet. Om h THE.OOLOEAIO iUSINESS COLLEGE This Institution , located at Denver , Colorado , ie Educational and Commercial center of the "crt , Is pre-eminently the best and most practl- J of 1U kind for the ' ' MERCANTILE TRAINING F ' F -OF- F F Young Men and Ladies. F F G. W. FOSTER , President , f F D. W. CADY , Secretary. F F F F The most extensive , tboronfh and complete F utitutlon of the kind in the world. Thousands accountants and Business men , In the prln- F pal cities and towns of the United States , ewe teir success to our conrce cf trainlnc. "he Eieht Kind of Education for GiG Young Men and Ladies. G G G G Fine , new brick block. t Junction of three Gi net car lines. Elegantly fitted and furnished GiG ttrtmcnts for the application of and carrying Gi GiGi it ot our iio\cl and sjEtematic methods of Gi GiGi Gi IUSIKESS TRAINING , 1G : Gi Tonne men Ttho contemplate a business life , GiGi Gi id parents bavin ; sons to educate , are partlcn- GiGi Gi rly requested to tend for our ntw Circular , GiGI iich will Rive full Information as to terms , GIG . G , nditlon of entrance , etc. Address G. W. POSTEE , President , Denver , Colorador | Hi HiHi HiHi UNO. G. JACOBS , Hi ( FoncftrljofGUhiJacobi ) ' INDERHKEO HiHi HiH. L 1417 Famham St. , Old Stand of Jacob Oil H. . IDKRS BT TJiLKORJiPn SOLICIT * H.HI HIH H ) H ( HiHi Hi HiHi Hi HiHz Hz HzHi Hi HiH H : H. H.Hi Hi HiHJ HJ HJH H , HBEE EEMEDIES IN ONS HeH all disordeiT mlW , acnte or chronic HeH Ktepuptbe tUtnstb and keep thebowtfsfree ; H < vc a corrective , laxathe and tonic , In one pure medium that combines thethne. HtH T.TTiEK Arzsmyr is that goiiccj ! ; | H : ItJontt , rcfrtehca , recuhtee , ( uttains , H id o'er ditta ' > eforthiit.v years viciorioLi , HHi < rhf irprlJ'i wrll founded ccnfidrnce reUimi Hi ' HiH " 'timsTttcsjrr Snttu Arzjus > r. H < 91 ALL EEGISTRATION LIST , FIFTH WAIHX Avoudet John AlexandorChia Anderson J W Anderson Tyfer Anderson A Adims Harry Albright R Adkens A D Anderson A W Askwith W S Albttuh Isaac A'tendoiffOtto Auat Win Andeisnn JV Atkinson W L 0 Abot' Joseph Allen R E Alien L B Atkinson J W Adarrs Jno Brown J B Bouner Thoa B mner Jai Bonnivier F W Briggs S P Uoettcer Fred B jhan Jas Bridgman J S Boyle Terrance Banks Thos Baker J H Bender Tim Blcmberg H P Burnes Thou 2 Bjlin Oscar Brlardy Thos Brown J J Barry John Begley Pat Bonnivier J A Bicka Aug Byeno Mike Boyle Alike Brennrd John Barrett JAS Burnes Thoa Barry T F Brown Wm Benson Gso Bexton Herman Branton L S Bark Henry Bushey John , Jr Burk Frank B nnettThos Boyle Then Blumberg A Batrd J T Biihcp Anton Bites Jaa Beokman Hans Bailey F L B.-anninEd Burroughs L Bebelhsuaen Wm Brewer 0 H Brown H M Benson W V Butler GD Birry John Bath Joa Burgdorf H Benolkcn F A B.limanRR Raker P D Byrne J R Bleick A Bruner Gee Bjllniay F F Buckley Osren Bsngston Olof Beekman Henry Brown 0 H BuHn Jas Bristol E T Brackin J H Berry The J Bolander J E Burroughs J H Brenmu Thoa Bauseutck H Bannick Wm BhiBQH Batey \rnuel Bradish J G Blea > e A F Bisen Peter Brdlsford D M Badger T Boland The a Borleau B H Birmingham F J Briggs Edw Boyd J G Blackman C Brady P Bergnor G F Booth L W Benson E R BealOM Brown 0 J Bell may F Burdish II Brawer W W Buckley M Boyle * E 0 Barnacle II Brader Pat Browti B F BoxTJ Cufry Juo Cheslev Fred Craig 0 H CrliesJL Cumtnings J Drain W E Clear J lm Cracker T S ClvJrclull R 0 Drosbio F Casey. Dan Carroll PJ Ca'irigan John Collins Chaa Clark Noah Dootiey P C.hamberb J W Carlia jAs Cosaley H W Oheeny C Condon Thos Couch J R Clark W m CokeroftJH Qpnway T vT Darmj-herJ Ubiminnztud A Crarer 0 jammings Jno Casey TJ Shattrnan Hugh Chollman Henry Dollville Samuel Crolghtch J B 3roighton Ja $ Crowley J W 3H 5lah 0 Carroll Jas Dlark Perer Cavniiaufjh P Uowaly Mike Qoyle Edward Copley Wm Cloven Samuel 2oiiway Thomas Couley Jos Jhristopher Jas CUrk A J Orarin Rob.t. , PUmiulugB T 3hrisphih C H Cla'ko B D tiaherB Thos CobitPhil Joroy W H H Poudsll O ren JcttreJlTos Uasoy Jas JlarkJ3d C.irlsou JF /arlin Bernard Creamer R W lonnellJ F Cheney , J E ! raig F A 'Copeland Rich ) eel Ule W V Dodge 0 G ) onahue Ban Daughton Ed ) avid Jacob Dorr Paul ) otine G G DiileyVm ) avis Edwin Deuly Mtke ) allow E pjl'bu Bftt ) evanoy Ahartw Dan'sou Jno ) oolittle If 0 Dailey T H ) onnally Jno Deland WH ) akon C Dearinsj Jno. ) unlapF Dery J\'ike \ ' ) avis Frank Delaney G W JarseyHH Droj er Jno ) orrJW Dougherty Put ) unn E T Donjthutj J ( ftvitt itno Dasaept Jno W > illon Jno Donakey M W > owdell Peter Donaell R P ) csoden CS Dunn J5aeph lorsey W B Dougherty F rrake F E Dyer Chss Innahuo Mike Dove Joseph aster M J Dorino Jus Icger Jos Edwards E T Hick Jacob E'tner ' Chns Siting CS Engle C M ingelES Eltinger R IrckJ H Earight Jer lllcon Robt Eckwul Jno Idgar E M EuevroldRO Illicit R L 'ritonl Otlo Fianigan B 'riday John Fleming M 'oley J Franzer Jcs itzmorris M Fisher C cagin T J Flanagan H ield C 0 Fisher WR bxJ W Freeman M J luck D M Finnaran T raucis T F. > x Wm alconer T Fairell John isher J Fagau J redwcst A Frees Fred ester T Fondrsu Jno reeman W R FulnerWm ranee J S Folk Gee oulkH Faist L lynnT Farrell T eoEG Feenan John au.hi D Gibson A A t acomini Gee Guahurst Wra ladntoneA H Granter Anton roff John Gorman E ardcnor C GillonWF leason M Garde S mon &han M Grace J fen T H Gicn E odfrey G B Gulnane Ed uioano Pat Guinano D oodman G E Gallagher C Y oldwood G B Gray A 51 race Martin GanettyF iodka C Guthrie J R i'atino ' B Goodrich D H jntlemati W Green L B srman J R Grandon T rossman G F Gatewood J T Iraan W T Gahan T .ynnPN Gentleman T : ntryS Gallagher Pat A andshaw Gee Graw Gee irretaon T J Gallagher Pat aatincB Pat Harpsttr D iwver S Hall A M ickey John Hays John airman J Hearty J ickaB Hargmves T awkins 31 Huff M illTF . Hills R D ize ton John (1) ( ) Hofeldt Peter agan Pat Hughs M Bintffi Horan P H atcherson W H Hays W J mderson J Hill H H irnett M HeinD vrris P Hill John gglna J M Hartson P M imilton 0 Houston L irtifian jsi W Hammon B irt J M Hudson W irtry John Htlligan P gbyIP _ Hjde G W [ ution F Hay ward H W : nder C HohlL srrn E 0 Haugh Jas jranH'P Hewtand. G F jroor Wm Haul Henry asdahl E A Hall A irrJngton C T Hem G : atting F Heines W F ivs Benj Hardy R jllingiworth J Hofsted Joba Jdlngei John HughbiDlu J Qaick John Rich J Rock Bud C P Bobbins John Ryan Wm Ruby A J Rush D C ' Riordan T A Reade Pat Robertson E L RiceH Rimge John Robiaon Gee Ryan D Redtran Gee " Rhodes Zach "Ryder J Khodes Thoa Richards J Reedy 0 J Ruthes C D Raytera F Reed Gee Richard A Rohwer H Reado C J Rooney M A Roberts S Ringer A Richards J 31 Riley J B RjanE Reed John tlooney J Renfield H Rismusen 0 Reedy J Elindall W Reade G W Rithbone H Reinhart P G RiesO Ryan Wm 2nd tlide H Rhodes Basil Ihodcj Jaa Ring C A R-iso W Reed J Riepen 31 T Reeves R tlichter H G Ruef John Rr.serzveig H Ryan M RnefEL Ryan Pat Eledle C Reed J A 3 nbbling Wm Smith D J stout BF Swift T 3-reitz F Smith F R FB E Smick 0 L T , S. Registrar Fifth tfard. GREEK MEETS GREEK. A * OOK AOEST TACKLES X HOUSE KEEPER. New OrleangTimes , Ytsterday morning a man with the aspect of ft be ok agent Walked swiftly up Magazine street until ht ) camb op posite a hiuse where & red-headed wo man njUh a lon nos * ati'd hnr Bleevos rolled up was trashing the windows. "Is this a bearding house , madam ? " he said pontly , as he leaned his elbows on the fence and looked over in the yard. " Yes , .sir,1'replied ' the woman. "Can I obtain desirable Board here at a rbasonable irate ? " "Yea , sir , there is no better house in the city ! " "Can I see the landlady } " "I am the landlady , sir. " "Ahl indeed. I have often heard of the beauty of the women of New Orleans , but now I have an ocular demonstration of the fact. " 1 'Do you wish to secure board here1 ! inquired the woman , blushing and [ "looking pleased. "Well ; I reckon I do. Save you any old maids in the house who wear gimlet curls and have pet parrots that talk all night arid worry the life out of people ? Are there any babies here who are always having the colic and howling enough to make a man a maniac ? Madam , I am very particu lar where I board , as the last olace I stopped at my room was situated be tween that of a young woman who had a pair of twin babies and a musicir.n who played on the flute and walked with a crutch , and when the babies became quiet on the one side , the in fernal cuss on the other would either bo thumping over lh floor or playing on the flute , until atlast I could stand it no longer. Are any of these boarding house pests stopping with you1 ? "No , sir , none but quiet single mon board here. " "Ah , that is * surely a fine recom mendation , but do set a fine table ? " "Yea , of course , I do , " replied the woman , getting angry , "what else do you want to know ? " "Whatprompted me to ask you the question was the fact that every boatd- ing house falls into the error of giving its boarders tough liver for breakfast , which is something I detest. When a man pets up in the he doesn't feel like trying to eat a spring mattrass , consequently Imake it a point to hunt up a house where the boarders are not so cursed. A man can stand codfish balls very well , but human nature , madam , is far from being equil to tough liver three times a day. If you recollect , I said before , I am verypar- ticular where I board. Madam , are you a married woman ? " "Yes , r am , and I'm tired of answering - swering your questions. If you don't want board here just go away , " and the excited landlady slushed the soap suds over the window panes , and made her brush fly like a gin saw. The man still leaned on the fence and gazed at her tteadly. "Madam , 1 see you have a temper , " he remarked , when aha turned around to see if he had gone ; "and a temper , when it is not controlled , often creates a great deal of misery and no end of divorce suits. JL'vp no doubt that , when irritated by household duties and cares , that you often give your husband a round rebuking , and if he is a prematurely bald headed man , it is your own fait ; yet you are not to blame for that which nature endowed you with. But this trouble can be obviated. I have bore , madam , " and ho dived into a square shaped box , "a valuable work entitled 'Home Made Happy ; or , The Domestic Guide. " This excellent volume I will tell you for the sum of one dollar and a half. As I previous ly remarked , you cannot be blamed for your temper. Every red-headed woman with a long noeo and a brown wart under her left eye , hai a tour temper , but if you will only follow the suggestions laid down in this book , your home will be a paradise , and " "If you don't leave here , you im- pndent puppy , I'll call the police , I TWrt you to " ' I ia miadi roadum 4V-1 Matter how ugly you are , n good dis position makes any wom = n angelic , and - " "Ain't you going to leave , you despicable v.lbin , you bandy-legged "Although you are shaped like . lopsided trianglu , and have freckle on your face as Urge as a t S" sna The next instant a shriek wai heard , and the biok agent wa stretched flit on the pavement with bucket of s-ap tuds on trp of and a small dog snapping at his heel Facts tnat We Know. If you are suffering with a sever cough , cold , asthma bronchitis , con sumption , loss of voice , tickling ii the throat , or any affection ot th < throat or lungs , we know that DR. Kixo's NEW DISCOVERT will give you immediate relief. Wo know of huu dreda of ca > , e3 it has completely cured and that where all other medicine : had failed. No other remedy can show one-half as many permanen cures. Now to give you satisfactory proof that Dr. . KING'S NETV Discor ERt will euro you of Asthma , Broil chitis , Hay Fercr , Consumption , Sc vere Coughs and Colda , Hoarseness , or any Throat or Luns Disease , if you will call at J. K. Isir Druir Store you can get a trial bottle free of cost , era a rcgulasizs bottle for § 1.00 janlGly(2) ( ) .aruica The BEST SALVE in the world for Oats , Braises , Sores , Ulcers , Salt Rheum , Fever Sores , Tetter , Chopp ed Hands , Chilblains , Corns , and nil kinds of Skin Eruptions. This Salve is guaranteed to give perfect satiafnc- tied In every case or money re Funded. Price 25 cents per box. For aalo by 8dlv .7. K. ISH 4 3 J cars befor TME..CEMUJHE LIYEK PILLS are not recommended as a remedy "for all the ills that llesh is heir to. " but in affections of the Liver , and in all Bilious Complaints. Dyspepsia , and fiick llewl- dcltP , dr ittseases df that charnetfcr , they stand without a rival. AGUE AND FEVER. No better cdtljaf tic con be Used pre paratory io , or after taking quinine. As a simple purgative they are unequaled. BEWARE OF IMITATIONS , The genuine are never sugar-coated. Each box hns a red-wax sen ! on the lid wlththe iulprei-sion IcLAKE'S LIVER PILL. Each wrapper bpprs the signa tures of C. McLANi : and FLEMING Bios. : % r Insist upon bavin ? the genuine Dit. C. ' McLANE'S LITER FILLS , pre pared bf FJLRJttlNfr JWOS.iPilH n 'cJilJa. , the market being full of imitations of the name JIcfitnc , spelled differently , but same pronunciation. ' . UNLIKE PlLS AND THE lHUAt , PUJlOATlVng , IS PLHAS- AN'i'TOT/tKE , Andwill , provsitoiicoihenifat potent unii btttfflks * sY.SlEJt Jir.SpV&TgR and CLEANSER that has vale , n b-oiuht to pnimcnotice. For COXttflPATION. BIUOU- NESS , TIKADACIIE , PltE , a-d a'l dl o-dira prising from in obttructril s-nte of tlio fyittm , lllilncompr.ibf : tli bSjt ca'Atlve extant. Avji'.J ' imitations ] lntlt on getting the article called tor. UOPIC-FRU T LAXATIVE Is put Up in bro et ! tii lxijc 3 oi-iy. PriceCO ctrt' . Ask yotlrflniirglttior Descriptive Potnph'tt ' , "r a-1- drtgs the proprietor , J. E. HETnRRINOTOir , Now York or Sm Franci ci > . Before I'urcliasmj , ' ANT FORM -o-Lalleil . ELECT ) Baiij , or Appliance represented td cue Ken < i 3 , Cliroiie andHpocia Utseue ) , 8 < nd to the PJl ( > - \ERilACUEItaALVANICCO , SISMoitsomery Street , ban Francisco , Ca' . , for theT Free Pamphlet and "Tha Electric Befieiv , " and you Wl'lsafre time , healtH and mpney. 7Uo P. O. Co. arc ins only lUileh In Genuine Electric Af > - pliances on the American Continent. BOWEL COMPLAINTS. 1 A Speedy and Effectual Curo. PERKY DAVIS' PAIN-KILLER Has stood the test of roRTT TXAna' trial. Directions irith each bottle. . OLD BY ALL DUOQQISTS. UK M T C II Loral Agents everywhere to sol . If Mil I LU Tea , Coffee , Caking Ponder. Flavoring Extracts , etc , by sample , to f > mihs ! , Profit good. Outnt free. People's Tea Co. , Cox 6020. St. Lools. Mo. 1. COOKT , UNDE Odd Fellow s'Block. Prompt attention elvnn to or Ien bv tolezraph. [ ] r weeK f2a day ctl-nne e fll } miulcjcos "oiitflt Ire a ArldrriB Irrr & ( . < > .Pnilt ] nU T. S. HITCHCOCK , M. D. S. , From New York hag located In Omaha , and gtunntees to do first-cUtr work. Dental Roonu , over A. Cruickulunk & Co.'fl , Cor. 1.1th and DouiUi. scp9-2m ' LEGAL NOTICE. Connd Strobcl vs. J * hn Hiyei. Deforo Charloa Brandes , Justice cf the Pence , Mo. 1 , Om.ilia , Dooclai Co. , Neb. On UieiSchby of Sept. 1SSO , F ld Justice is sued an order of attaclim nt m the above action far trie sum of SIS 00 , and the Omiha Foundry was girnishe d in said action. CaNUAD STROBEI , . d o K-21-23 Plaintiff. HI. R. BISDOX , Ccucral Insurance A < , rcnf , 21 REPRESENTS : 21JO PliaailX ASSURANCE CO. , of Lou- JO ) loi7 , Cash Assets $5.107,127 JOC v ESI CHESTER , N. Y. . Capital 1,000,00 } THE MKRCIIAN fS. of Newark. N. J. , 1,000,00 ( C ) OIUAHli KIKE.PhiUdclpliu.Capitah. 1,000,000 NORTH\VKSTii.N : NATlO.VAL.Cap- ital 6-W.WO FIREMEN'S FUND , California. . . 0e jU BRITISH AMERICA ASSl'RANCECo 1 , 00,000 NU A IK FIRE INS. CO. , A. * ts. . . . bnO.OCO S AMIRICAF : CENTRAL , Amets soooco Southcnat Cor. ot Fifteenth k Donelas St. . r OMAHA. NKB. FEVER AND 1 E Ma 7C ] The accumulated evidence ol cenrly 'hlrt years show that the Bitters h a certain remedy for tnaltrial disease , as well as iU surest pre ventive ; that it eradicates dyipep .i , cons if - tion , liver comp'aint and nervoiuncja , cou ter- actsa tecdercy to scut , rneumaiLm , urinary and uter n disorder * , th t It Imoarti > ! % or to the leeble. nd cbtera the mind vrnilelt invlgor aiea the body. 3 THE DAILY BEE a. Contains the L-tejt Homo and Tele a.t ? P * -VIA THE Chicago Ss Xortliwcstern 2,380 MILES OF ROAD ! It Is the SilOF.T , SURE aad Safe Route t esa COUNCIL BLUFFS ASS CHICAGO , MILWAUKEE aad all polnta EAST and NORTH. IT OFFERS THE TRAVELING PUBIJO GREATER FACILITIES AND MOKE ADVAS7AaF.S THAN ANT OTHEll AO IN THE WE3T. It fa tha OSLT F.OAP iHtvr n COUNCIL BLUFFS end CHICAGO Upon which (3 ( ran PULLMAN HOTEL COS ! In aJdltton to thcsoanrt to please all clas oa of travelers , It ijlvei FIRST-CLASS MEALS at Its EATING STATIONS at .50 conta each. ITS TRACK 13 STEil S.WS ! 1.3 co'.cfiES .IP ? TH ; t\m \ < xi ITS * CJPHEHT } FIRST CLASS If you wish the Best Traveling Accommoda tions yon it 111 buy yonr ticket by thU Koule KD WILL TAKE NONE OTHER. All Ticket Acrenta can sell von Thronih via this reid and Check njn l Bap ; . gage free of Charge OMAHA TICKET OPFICES 121 Farnhara St , Cor. Hth , and at Union Pacific Depot. DENVER OFFICE In Colorrdo Central and Union Paci3c Ticket Office. . SAN FRANCISCO OF CE 2 NJW Uontcom- cry Street. For Information , folders , reaps , etc. , not ob- tnlnable at ITortm Ticket Office , address any agent of the Company , or MIWVIJC HUCHJTT , W- 8TEHNITT , Oon'l Kinisjor , Oecl Para. Agent , CHICAGO , ILL. JAHES T. CLARK , Oen'l Aj't Omaha h Conndl Eluffs. THROUGH TO CHICAGO Without Change of Cars I CHICAGO gURLiHGTON & QOINGY With Smooth ar.J Perfect Track , . Elegant Pas- eanger Ccichcs , inl ! PULLMAN SLE PINC& DICING CARS by I'M Xmt , aai Ti wrs travel nvcr It , 10 oe tte Cctt AopsUlml * ad Best ilam eJ loid la tbo Cornier/ . PASSBNGBRSGOING BAST Should cear In r-in-1 th t thli U the BEST ROUTE TO GriiGAGO , And Points Ease , N : i ! : aiid Nnrihwcst. this Route have choice of FOUR DEETEEENT EOUTES , lii'l the Anianae ; rt 3it DirLinea ! _ ot PaLv Sleeping Cars from Chicago tS BTew York CityWithont Change 111 Eipre Trains on this line are equipped with the H cnhiihotue Patent Air Draks and Miller's Patent Safety Pluiform and Couplers , ho moot Perfect f fo- _ lection A ainsC Acci dents In the world. 'UlLMAK PALAOE SLEEPING AHD D'HIHC CARS Are run on th luriin t b Information conucrnic ; Rontes , Rates , lima * ; . % > . . Tfest'u ' - Gen. I'osa . 0. FIIILLIPPI , St.Joc.Bo. General A cnt , Omaha. H. P. DUEL , liclitl/.ccnt 5IODX C1T & AltP St , Paul & Sioux City . . RAILROADS. Tht Old Relwlk Siovx City Route I 00 SIILES SHORTEST ROUTE ! 3T. PAUL , MINU0APOLIS DULUTH , or BISMARCK , nj all points In Northern lown , Minnencta and ikota. Thb IIiw Is equipped with thn Im- roicd WostinihoiBe Autowatb Air Brakeoand filler Piatfdrm Corjpler and Buffer. Acd for SPE DSAFSTTAHD COMFORT Elegant Dfi'AliJs Ro m and . and controlled by the conl- any , run Thronifh Without Chan o between Fnion Pacific Transfer Depot , Council Bluff" , nil St. Pml. Trains leavu the Union Pacific ransfer Depot t Ccunc.1 ! Blntfs , at 6:15 p m. , cachlnc ? ioux City at Itr.SO p. ta , , SM St. P nl 115 a. m , making S&-TEN HOURS IK ABVAJICE OP ANY OTHER KOUTB. Rctnnitn ? , leave St. Paul at S30 p. rn. , ar- ivLiir at Sioux City atitlS a m. , nnJ Union aciflc Transfer Depot , Ounncil Bluffs , nt 0:50 m. Do sure that your tickets rsad vt " 8. C. P. R. R. " F. C. HILLS , Superintendent. Mtaonrl Valley , Iowa. E. PvOCINSON , Aw't Grn-1 P ! a. Ajent. J. n. O'DRYAN , onthweslcrn Freight and Passenzor Azrat , ivSO-tf Council Bluffs I 18SO. . G.ST. JOE&O.B.R.B. , Is the only Direct Line to T. LOUIS AND TOE EAST From OMAHA and the WE3T. o change of cara between Omaha and Bt. Loola and bat one between Omaha and New York. IX DAILY PASSENGER TRAINS Riiomsa AIL Eastern & Western Cities 1th lew charges and In advance of other lines. ThU entire line la equipped with Pullman'i Palace 8 ! coping Cara , Palace Day Coach- d.MIUor's Safety Platform and Coupler and the celebrated V.W.inxhouco Air-Crake. rSEE THAT YOUR TICKET P.EADS" i CVVUKanus City , St. Joseph and { 2rC < > nndlBlnlIsU.R.Tla StTSS Ticka'j for sale at all coupon stations In the V'BA.IINARD ! , A. c. DAWES , Gen'I Supt. , Gcnl Para. & Ticket Ajr't St. Jo * ph , Mo St. Joseph , ilo , W C. SEACHRIST , Ticket Acen. , i Fifteenth Street , between Famhau and Douglas , Union Block , Ormha. dll S. TEUON , A. B. BARNARD , . Or PiflS. Azcnt , Omilia. Oen'rl Atcnt , Omaha. HICAOO SOOT TOWER GO. y. . than Manufacturers of anR R/ D SHOT RS 1 1rr rr rri i * < 5mW 7 i % 5 upDl Dl . . > w > " . -VCTVsW i - t i JS'j . - fi rg & m&A = i I3I315K . . . , „ 1 1Wi Wi iii vJt1jccte/Ji.ii..Tf35Jpjf C frcMe BBSURETOBDVIT. THE BEST IN MARKET. . IV , BLATCHFOEI > & CO. i innfacturere of Lead Pip9chcct nd Bar Lead , te. Block Tin , Pipe sna Soldtr , Linseed Oil and Oil Cake. ORDERS SOLICITED. NORTH CLIHTdN ST. . CHICAGO I J. DIE. A. S. PENDEUY , ONSULTiNG PHYSICIAN ih PEKilANE TLY LOCATED HI3 MBD- , . ICAL OFFICE , I 11 Tenth Stieet , - OUAIIA , NEBRASKA I V OZiir.i Lls services In all departments o J'cina JDtuiiccry , both In sreocial au ixiil pr\ ! * e cuta and chronic discafo. Ca CorauKe-J nifbl sxA d&j , xaJwilJTWt Jt cf its city asl CCM 7 ca K ! ? t ct Ui KIDMI * GEM is Liglily recommended and unsurpassed for "Weak or Foul Kidneys Dropsy Bright's Disease , , , Loss of Energy. Nervou ? Tiebilitv * , or . .ay Obstructions ansinir from 1- t1 -1 T- _ * - - " - " - - - - - Bladder T > ls"as- < * .jcTfor YollowFaver , Blood and Isidney Poisouinj ; , i cci malarial sections. tSTPy the li til .vl . .f ? ( ) U1 < IP T tT LEAF with JUMPER BERKIKS an < l BARLEY MALT we h r discovered K Dtrf V hi- nct-sip Jfi jxllv on the Kldntvs and Urinary Organs , rtmctlng ItiJurkiiH deposits furrr * ir fi- , uidii ! < l pr ventm ? any f trilnlr < r snortlni ; stniMlen boat or Irritation In the mcznbr mi-it i in , if h d-utj - . . or water p-va.ra. It cxcitta a healthy action In the Kidney * glrin ; th' m tieiuU > , ti-ir -n i restoring the or-rm t a beilthy condition , showiiif : lt ( fleet * on both th < & 1 ratd euy iloi n'urine. Itcan ho takeuat nil time * , inall climttcaaLd ui d r ! l circnmrtance " wt i u : injury t > 'lie system. Unlike any otbcr prep .ration tar Kidney clrHciiItic * IthiaaTcr ; c-oaniama m iMr tsste and flavor It has been ditficult ton-ale a prtrpMMInii contain ; p .iive < uurc i pr i < ritCiirh [ ! < : h will not naiueato , but be acceptable to tlio ah niach Before taiin < K\ Uirm.di liu. in a buttle ot KID.VKQEX to CLSA > SK thtt KIDNEYS from foulm&tter IrvU nnl y m I a way rne itaaafamily mixlidno. Ladles eflfccially will like It and Gcntlv-n.oii witlu d KlDVMIfitf the best rudroyTmlceveriwed' NOTICE " -aUi bo' " " Ncr rh"iirnntriro of LAWRENCE i MARTIX. also a Proprlotarj Gorem mcntSUiup. hch ! permits K1DNKUEN to txiEold ( mthuuc license ) br DrCfjiats , Grocers and Other i'ersoi 9 tvcryuLcrc. Put up in Quart size Bottles for General and Family Use. It not found t your Dm jku or Grocers , we will send a bottle prepaid to the nearcot expreaf oSIco to yon LAWRENCE & MARTIN , Proprietors , Chicago , Ills. Sold by DEUGGISTS , GEOOEKS and DEALEKS everywhera ) . : , ! , aeni < n Cmi'a , STEELE , JOIINSOK & CO , UI > ovply tlio rade at mannfac ia WHO IS UNACQUAINTED V/ITH THE OFOCRAPHY O < fWS COUNTRY , . . . . _ . SES BY EXAMINING THIS MAP. THAT THE CHICAGO , ROCK ISLAND & PACIFIC R. H S TttE OiifiAT CONSECTLVQ L1SK iJETlVKEX THE EAST & THE Ita roatn line runn frunl Chicnffo x > Cnnncll CIITI f reatlnirpnrrx' raonlr. Ihn j 'luz thnmch Jollet. OtiAa. I.n g lle. irrcnt feature of tnr 1'alnce Otrs H a S.V n > M. JJoIlrj' ' . lt"C4 Island. Uuvenp-jrt. fAMM > N * ner yon can enjoy jour itlertjr , loiva Cltr. JlarcnCO. Brooklyn. Orti at nil hours of the day. icsMolnCnit'ia capital of loirn ) . . 'luart. Atla.i- Masn'nrent ' Ir m Ilrlitjiot fpaa the M'J 15 , cpn Avoctt ; vllh braiohct from llure'a - sml Missouri frvcnal nil fxilntn CTUI"CT\ untSwto I' orta : WIHon Juntton toMascn- line , anil transfcr nroiitokl < t nt C < mnct ite. Wa hi.fii. : ! Fatrfloia. EMofl. Kcl * Kan ai City. Leuvcnwrtth. tind Vllcbijnt * entrortllc. i'nncctou.'rrsntoit , Oallatln. Ci ncctlnnit bomcmnUa In Union I > rpirti. n. l aveuworth. Atcnbon. &d KrtT s TIIK PltlNfll'Alj It. It. CUN MM'nv > n | T # hln on l aVonrner. Osknloosa , fi2 < ! 1 THIS tiliEAT TUItOUUII LlHtS Af ! llo : KCD'TX to Foralnaton. Bonaparte , ut-fi- KOU.OWS- n-inort , Indepvni ! * ' < tKldfln , ottumira. Eddr- .11 cnic iio.vtth all dlveNlr- line * fa lli . ( ) sSii.Mi | a. relln.Monfi p rt ! > < > Molnrs : Ei t nn.1 jintft. Twwn toJIonroo : Uc Mo'nca ' to lanq'aand AtBNGI.KWUO rinternet , AtUntVjtoI vfiiandAnduboa ; * r 1 It. W.f KK ( . , t i to llafltn. TtH Ls positively the only iWAcnisoTO'HiiKurra. with r. tl i .allroacl. ! : ! "i o "j . and operates a tbrouKa u ft j > . neficim Chir3Kolni t.'JS"atc * < jf Knn iw. At I A S. t > .r. T | . i III. Cent- . ft. ' ' AtI'EHBl\.wllh 1' I' . A.I 1 * I .AB. . i Thrnnuh Kiotc'.i I'a > < 'nKPr'trati > t. * Hh Pnli- \ inn V Iuto ( iSsatiachrt.areninpachw ( ? rJ-iy ! W. : 111. Slid. : IIIH ! r. fY. . l di. stween Cmc.ino anrt PEOUM. KAyfAS CTV , At H K l In > with "Slllwaiikeo OPJ.TII. ISLurrs. j AvrNwonTii and Arcnt- Island Aj < rrt Llcr. ' n.l Itork Jfl'il * fc.j .1-BV , . AtlAr r > f"R-r , with the Havcup-rt- ; ? mil : i\n r.i Cltr. via the "illliraukee anil C.M. * St-P it ft. nciU lnn < lS ho Line. " AtWESTLIllCIITT * t ! hth < M . * * Tne "Great V-oc * IManrt * ' U maantlJcentlr AtCllINNKM , tlthtVntf" ! l < rw U-Ii. f. Its road bed Is clmplr "fiK jet. and Us " , lji wlthl > M-.tK. J > K.J IBM with ecl rails. iir.rrrt. with I'nlon wcinr > - * What will pjti > 9 Tt > n most trill be the ploasnr < .llh II. A Mo. It , IS- 11in 9V. t cnjoylnit your men ! * , Ttnllc pa'slnit crrertlm Att'OIfMIJr' CTIOV.wfthlI..C ILtJi ; anttf ul prairies of Illinois and tana. .Ifllrricof At OTTtfjnr.i. wtn ' "cnlral loiralt-K. irmoEnltlccnt Utnlnc Cars that accompany nil St. Lit I'neand itl. . AQ. It. ld < . tironim Eaprp s Tnlng. You cet an en lira At KE"HC .wlth TinI'eo. . A War. ; Vt . A ral. 03 Rnod us Is itcrvca In nay tlrst-cUu hotel , Lour * * I'ac. . nn.1 > tJ . Keo. A W.-w. B jK < irsevcnty iiTe ceou. At rAVEiio.v. with II. Si. J. It l' > / ppreclatlnir the fact that a majority or the At ATriliao.v. with Atcn.rrnp0ka V < , K ! OpIa prefer opKrato apartrnunffonlirfcrent Atch. A Neb. and fen.lir. U. I * . It. ltd * . irpows ( and the immense pii'icnscr business At I.CAVRNWuinu. with Kan. I'ac , mfe this line warranting It ) , we urn | ili-n cd to an- Cent. It. ltd * nwe tbnt thH Company mnii 1'ullman I lnee AtKANHA CtTT , with all line * for cru ; < 9--f ecping Cn'i for nlcoplni ; purposes , and 1'ilact ant ] Southwest. l > irr < I < ! tf A.V PA'.ACE CAKS iu-r run throiizh to 1'fiURlA I1FS MO J-V % . uir.jii. . MC.crrs. KAXSAH CITY. ATCMIHOX , n.i LKAV Ticket * rlu tliU Line , known i the "Orrut JCoclc I < Iuint JCuute. " are M > 1 < JB I TlcUet 4ccnt In the l.'nlteJ .State * find Cunatlii. For Info inatloa not obtainable ut your hume ticket office. addrr . L. JCI IBAiiL. E. S'X * . .TO11IJ. Gaa'l enperlntendent. Uen'l Tit. aod I'&uVr , _ _ CbtoSff n Ciw- THERS * jmvwaatwa a t ra a Bikliv W J.JiTIDO'W STT A 3DES- EverytliiBg pertaining to the Furniture and upholstery Trade , COMPLETE ASSORTMENT OF HEW GOODS AT THE 208 and 1210 Funiiiiiin Street. * p Si mon th lit i raw an > t hitherto unknown remedy for all iti'cs of the Kidncyi , BUdder. ana Urinary It wt'l ' poiittvely cure Ihaheteii , Orayl , Drop- ftrfeht'i ) Ii C3- , Inability tn ret.tln or rtpell e Urine , Catarrh of > he Clulc'cr , high colored d i-canty urin , Painful Cr.natintr , LA11S ICK , tlcceral Wealtnraa , and all Female Cnm- Internal medlcinen , H certain In It eel 3 ar.d curta when nnthln ; eae can. for aala t > y all Uruax' ' ta or lent by mall free on receipt of the price , IVY NEY PAD CO. , PROP'RS , Toledo , O. (33 / your addrew for our little book , ow a WM Sivwl. " UA K. VW. Az-nt for Nebr k o Nervous Sufferers The Great European Pkemedy Dr. J. B , Simpson's Specific Medicine tt Is a positire cure for Sp rmat rrbes Seminal taknrga , Impotency , and .l dis a-ei rwaltin ) m Self-Abuse , i J'ental Anxiety I o-n ot rrnorr. Palni li the Bick or S'rtn and difeues lihjt lev ! to Cnmnraptlon Inxahhy anrl incarlycrave The i < p < ciflc Medicine Is twine ud wit won'ler- fu ! 8urce - > PamphleU it free to all. Write for them a-ul e' ful rtlcuUrs [ rica Sr "iflfl Olrxj-fuckxzp , orsix p ck- csfor'iO" . Ac'drra a'l ofdert to J.B SIMl-SUV MKl ICIVBC" > . . XOT 104 And 3W ( 31 tin St. , Buffalo , S. T. 5old in tinuha ty C. F. aoo lnr n , J. W. Bel" , X lib and all druzgU eTerywhere. epC3liwly AR WORKS ) EE\TST KBEBS'Manager. iUnohcturfr nf f MJ' rf 3IAKK 3IISTAKKI MICA AXT. ? GEEASU wdere < ImloiandijinIt < l tn the belt an 1 cheap at iKbrl-tlurinlh : wirl I. It uthebestbeciuae it doci not fern , but fjmi a highly polUhed lurface orcr the tzla , dolnf aw/y wi'.h a Ur c amount of frictloi. It I-t t it cheapest because you neal UM but half ' ' quantity In tfreuln ? your wizonth it you woit of any otber axle grease made , an t then rii i your "aeon twice ailonjr. It wiavren fullf \ M well far Jll'.l Cearinjr , Tbrenhin ; | Machln - , Ruotea. &ca for w KOM-Send : or Poe Cjclopcdl of Thine * Wonn Knjwlnj. Mat'el free to any ail rcse MICA MAXUFACTUMriC CO. , 31 MICHIGAN AVENUE , CHICAGO. Your Dealer For It I octant WROUGHT IRON FENCES. Wire Fencing and Railing a Speciality. Thetr reiutr , permin i ea an I econo ly dtllr woikin'tto eatla.tiAn cf all fend if cheap material. Ki < . 5 ndeilr < . Indd'.iBctibla Fervei for Lanes , Public ( rcundsand Cer i- Pbtt Ury Iroa V e , Lzwn Satteel , onopled nd f u te ! p tt nw ; Chain an I ev jr dticrlpt t * t 1 Iron nd WIrg otnaroeital wor deilzno-1 * . * -turd b E. TBAK.NT M'S WIM a d r n W ik. if , 29and31 Wood ajd A7 > ' * ' trolt.Mich 'S P' ' ' "i - -