Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 29, 1880, Morning Edition, Image 1

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Established 1871. , MORNING EDITION. Price Five Cents
The Editor of "Tho Truth"
Forced to Pi oduca flie "Ber-
" * * " * * * j rf
field-Morey Letter in
Several Prominent Witnesses
Give Damaging Testi
mony to Forger Philp.
. General * airfield's Deposition
that t ieMorey Letter s a
"Forgery , Now in
* * New York.-
* The I&Bt of "Donaldson's Baleen
Messages Found in a Chicago
cage Junk Store.
Forced to Disgorge.
8p d l dispatch to Tut BIB
KK\V YOKK , October 29 1 B. m.
Great Interest was msnifested yester
\ day in the Garfield-Morey Chinese
3ettcr trial , now pandlng before Judge
Uoah Bavin in this city , and judging
froni the jirogrejs being made , a de
cision my not be had before tha end
of tb week.
> lrT"Hart , publisher of The Truth ,
vas first called to the witnef a stand ,
nnd was asked if he had the original of
the Garfield letter , to which ho re
I plied thit he did not , and whan ask
ed to'etata where it was , lie said that
it was in the possession of a friend.
W'uen a ked what tha name of hia
"friend was , ho .refused to answer.
Judge Davis told him that he would
be compelled to commit him for con
tempt of court , Rud ordered an officer
to take him in custody. Hart then
said that ho was willing to produce
the letter , but wanted a guarantee
that it .would ba returned to him.
Judge Davis gave the guarantee , and
pave Hart three houra to procure the
letter , and if produced to the court
"within that time , would puree him
tfrjtn contempt. Hirt then left the
room in company with his counsel.
-A recess was then taken ( ill after
At 2:30 : the court room was dense
ly crowded. Hurt arrived precisely
en the minute , and was called to the
etand nd brought forth the letter in
question without the envelope. When
asked for the envelope ho said that he
did not bring it as ho was not di
rected to do eo. The attorneys for
ine prosecution stated that it was ac
cording to the letter of the subpoaaa
that the envelope bo produced , and
that it was important to the dofenie
that it remain lost. Judge Davis then
directed Hart to produce ( he envelope
within five hour * , which ho promised
ito do , but declined to state where it
was. Meantime Col. A. R. Rockwell
was called I o the stand and testified
that he hid seen the letter in dispute
and did not think that it emanated
from Gatfield ; that ho hud received
snany letters from Gen GatCeld , and
WAI fauiiliir with his handwiitittij.
Albert Daggett , ex-sheriff of Brook
lyn , testified that he had known Mr.
.Philp for eight years ; WM familiar
'with his han-iwriiinc , and beinj ;
nhown the exhibits , declared that
tha writing was the same aa the writing
in the Morey letter. J. M. Domott ,
of Brooklyn , was the next witness ,
and testified substantially the
same as
other witnesses. Oha-les Hcffinnn
was called , and stated that ho was in
iho employ of Sarony , and had nude
photographic copies of the Mercy
letter , which had bean fciven to Mr
Sarouy by Mr. Hat t Daircl L line '
one of the . 'xperls who niado affidavit
en which tie ord c of arret was
obtained , leatiGrd thrv' Uie Moroy
letter , by , ,1 J 8 clurac eri.tics , was
era Iika l'hp'4 , !
wrifng th n Gen.
Garfield s. T'.o ' Ojurt thi-i a. j > .irnid .
until 10 o' iork
„ . " . ? . ' 'jportrd 1 s .toning that
TheIIerr ij wlll pubijll ! t.d < 3a ? fa ,
Bimtler4 „ , , niiofr.n ; . l Her of Philp
comparison wiih the Mir .y letter.
It is stated < -n to d * u li.-r < y that
the widow of H. L Jlo „ , , is in
thiacity , aid w.llt CHl.vl as a wit
Xiewt'-Jay. I is .h < , mill. , . < ! that
Hon. B. F. Hulur u-u , executor of
Mr. Morcj's eUate , and . ho will
ho b called aj a wit i s f the de
fcnsfl if it is found n r ray
A Shrewd
8WCl | l dUiulch t4 > The r- .
NEW YoitK , Oc'obcr 2o 4 ji m.
Win. F. How * , on ? f it , < u > tc\ \ for
J'hilpj , nnd Joseph H r , piili iihcr uf
Truth , have prepaied. t'inf rnom ,
subpoena for GarnVld ti.1 1 ear nnd
t < UFy in the examination t f Philps
for the forgery of the Mo f j letter.
It is assrrted that Gener.l U .rrield is
at the Windsor hotel in this ci y. The
report IB regarded us a ma iuvre to
gain time , M Garfield pok Ust night
at Mentor and could not biu New
Indian Nevrs.
BpecUl Dfopttch to Tn K .
WisnisoTON , October 28 10 a. in.
The war utlice has received the fol
lowing :
* * , , ST. PAUL , Minn. , Oct , 28 j
CiL-TCB. KHcm , Toil Keoh , Montim.
f Your despatch of ycsterdaj- re
Shi- ceived. There is to be no change of
policy. The delay was ordered in con
sequence of reports received from
Sitting Bull's comp , of his great di .
Shif dissatisfaction with , and disappoint *
meat at the attitude of the British
authorities. It seems that if the re
f ports wore true the remits which we
desire might ba obtained without the
hardships and expense of a campaign ,
and' I wishol for time to verify o
disapprove them. You have before
this received a synopsis of thaso re
ports , and I am inclined to balieyd
them to be true. Allison , the scout ,
who brings these reporia , I have
knc wn for many years. He was form
erly tne interpreter of StandingHuck ,
and I think that he is Tory intelligent ,
Md likely to have a great deal of In-
fluenbawith the Indians. He ia con-
fide&t that he can induce Sitting Bull
himself to surrender. He is now at
Bismark , and we propose to teed him
at once to Fort Bnford and tbenca to
Bittini ; Bull's cimp. In the rae&n-
ttme go on with your programme and
oiyou thinkit
important to tart a
oolamn to the mouth t > the Muscle
SheU-t < mceIhave no objections.
Telegraph mo if you start it and what
BubMstence and grain you require.
Tell meTwhtt time you give the In
dians , andwnon it will expire. I
earnestly Jiope that the efforts you
re ( making to bring the Indians in
will be successful , BO that the troop
may avoid the risk and danger of
( Signed ) ALFRED H. TERRY.
Brig. Gen'l Comm'dg ,
The war office also received to-day
copies of Col. Terressas report con
firming the destruction of Victoria *
band in the Costills mountain. Col
Terressas surrounded Victoria and at
tacked him simultaneously , killing
Victoria , * 50 warriors , and 18 woindi
and children. Sixty women am
children , two warriors and all thi
arms and stock were , capture )
which they still hold.
Disastrous Firoa.
Special Dispatch to The Beo.
PEOKIA , 111. , October 28 10 p. m
A fire broke out last night in Jame
T. Rogers'lumber yard and planing
mill. Tbo damage is about ? 100,000
Both planing mill and lumber yan
were destroyed. The loss is covetcc
by insurance.
Busy Romhardt.
Speck ! dlspitcli to the Bee
NEW YOUK , October 29 1 a. m.1--
Since Mile. Bernhardt'a arriva
she bra not been one minute idle , am
her entire time ha-j been occupied b ;
receiving friends at her hotel , o
sight seeing about the city with her
manager , Mr. Jarrett. Yesterday
morning she was visited at the Alber
marie by a number of gentlemen am
ladies , not all of them personal friends ,
but on the contrary many were ao
qualntances who had witnessed her
performances in Paris. Mile , arose
from her bed earlier than usual in the
morning , and at 9:30 o'clock , with
Mr. Jarrett , and her lady companion ,
Governonteo , settled thcmselaes
down to breakfast. A short chat af
ter the mealj and the actress was prepared
pared to receive whoovf r ahouW call.
At 10.30-irrayed in a costume of dark
rich criemon cloth , elm entered a Car
riage and was driven to Booth's theatre
where twenty-four tru iks containing
iier wardrobe were examined by cus
tom ofiicerj. Mile after remaining
at the theatre some time , started Oul
with her manager on a tour of inspec
tion , and took a drive through Cen
tral Park.
Tne Doubtful Ducats.
Special Dispatch , to The Dec.
NEwYonfe , October 29 1 a. m.
Sir of the United States "bonds
which were found in tha possession of
Doyle when ho was arrested in Chicago
cage last Wednesday , WCT.J yesterday
critically examined by expert ongraV
era in tbo office of Secret Service
Officer Drummond ) and they are pro-
aoanced accomplished forgeries.
Treasury officials in Washington , who
intpjcted the fraudulent bonde , could
only be positive of thnir character by
a detection of the duplicate , and the
joorly executed imitation of tha in-
liils of the receiving clerks in the
iroasury department. When the
bonds'wcre forced in 1868 they were
delectedand Brockway wan convict
ed of uttering them. 'lYo govern
ment offoroct a reward of $25,000 to
any one who would secure tha plate
upon which they were printed and
urn it into the treisUry. William
Wood was then chief of the secret
crrice bureau , and he procured a
> la'o which was said to be the one
wanted , and sent it to Washington.
? en thousand dollars of the reward
promised wns given h'm , and the
government consequently refused to
( ay the remainder on the ground
hat the plate Wood represented was
only a copy of the ono on which the
orgerles were produced. In treasury
ircles the impression prevailed that
he plate wanted is still in the hands
of counterfeiters , and the question is
aised whether it was that used in the
iresont forgery. Mr. Drummond dis-
rodits the theory , and thinks that the
tew counterfeit was printed upon a
ilito engraved for that particular
rcrcleJfcti ' & If et Ecc.wt t.
podul Dispatch to The Bee
CHICAGO , October 29 1 n. m.
Among the lot of old bottles which
were being cleaned in a Chicago
iqnor store yesterd y , one was found
vhich contained a cird , water soaked
nd yellow , on which was penciled
bo following message :
"Tho hurricane is upon us ; our sand
s all exhausted ; a few minutes mnro
nd the baleen will bo in the water ,
'ell Birnum to give the balance of
my salary to Molly. Good-bye.
J rim wood behavea nobly.
( Signed ) "DONALDSON. "
The writing was dim , but still legi-
> lo. The signature WHS compared
with one which Donaldson hd writ-
.2n . carefully , and they were found to
gree in every itnrortant particular ,
1inst 1 the entire difference being
hat the signature on the card had
) een hastily scrawled. Several pir-
ons familiar with Donaldson's writ-
ng pronounced the card gonuinc
nd among other ? , D. S. Thomas ,
who 'was Donaldson's press agent
when he made his last ascension ,
aid he believed the note to be genu
ne , and explained that the Mollie
poken of was Barnum's highest sil-
ried hurdle rider , and to whom Don
aldson was engaged. Her name was
Margie Taylor , but Donaldson gave
her the pet name of Mollio. The lot
of ol 1 letters , among which this note
was found , had been purchased of a
junk dealer , who says they were
gathered about the city in the year
1875. Aucust 15th , of that year ,
Donaldson and Grimwood made tHeir
fatal voyage.
ThePoolhur Plan.
Special Dlipatch to The Bee.
CHICAGO , October29. la. m.
The railway managers yesterday ap
pointed three commissioncis , one rep
resenting the Chicago and St. Louis
roadsanother the Chicago and south
western road , and the third represent
ing the Chicago and Omaha roads.
Thess commissioners are to agree
upon a plan for pooling to passenger
business between the points
named , and report at an adjourned
meeting November the 4th. The
commission representing the Omaha
roads _ subsequently met and agreed
to divide equally with the Northwest-
era , 0. B. & Q , B/jck Island and the
Wabnsh , each to have 25 per cent of
he business between Chicago and
Indiana's Official Returns.
Special Dispatch to Tni Bsi.
IxiANATuLis , October 29 1 a. m.
The official footing ot the vote of two
weeks ago are given by the secretary
of ata e as follows : Porter , 231,405 ;
Landers , 223,452 ; Gregg , 13861
Porter's plurality , 6,953. The total
vote of the state is 470,738. an increwe
of 3,978 over that of 1876 , on the
electoral vote of which the democrats
gained 10,972 , and the republicans
A Frightful Hurricane De
vastates the British
Coast ,
Emperor William Opens the
Prussian Diet With a Con
gratulatory Speech
Growing Sympathy for Ire
land Expressed by all
Classes in England.
ChinaEuttingher aRital in ; a
State of Defense. "
Special .Dispatch to Tfic B e.
LONDON , October 28 , 4 p. m. A
violent hurricane , accompani"d by
heavy rains , prevails oft Plymouth
and between that port and the Scilly
Islands , f'ivo ' Vessels are ashore near
messenger of Ria Pasha , who convoy
ed the proclamation of the sultan' ' for
the surrender of Dulcigno , has been
assassinated. It is believed the ces
sion of Dulcigno will be accomplished
by Monday.
Special Dispatch to tbt BBS.
LONDOX , October 28 4 p. m.
A dispatch from Rome is published
here , stating that in eonsequonCe of
the constant deSpntoa between Car
dinal Manning and Moniiijneur Capel ,
the latter has been ordered to reside
in America.
Sf ed l Dispatch to Urt 8e .
BERLIN , October 55 1 a. m.
The Prussian diet was openad yester
day. Before going to the assembly
chamber the emperor went jn state to
church , and wiih great devoutness
at stated at divne services. He then
drove along the avenue Ui.der der
Linden. The emperor on entering
the chamber was cheered by the meai1
bers of the diet , and advancirg to the
platform , "delivered hisjSpeBsh in a
clear and jirm voiiio. liis Majesty
said that tue financial condition of the
country , although not yet wholly sAtisfactory -
isfactory , had grently improved.
The estimate for 1881 promises a sur
plus of reVenua over expenditures ,
which will rjndor 14,000 000 imrka
of Prussia's matriciilatory coutribu-
; ion available for tha rainUaions of
Prussian taxation } the tr.insft-r of
theratlway to thestata had produced
good result * . The mads Were better
mamgodj the rates ere loitur and
he general welfare of the peonlo bet-
.t'rprotacted. The speech waa very
dvorably received.
Special DlspUi.h to Tni Bis.
DUBLIN , Octobsr 2D 1 a. m.
'he excitement caused by the conflict
between the land leaguars and the
'overnmont grows npico , and deepens
very hour. There is imminent < ian-
jer of an outbreak that \vill be st
eaded with moat deplorable reaulta
'eaterday afternoon further arrests
vtro expected. Several prominei-t
Snglish rddtca'a ' have written tu nfli
ers of the league expressing sympathy
vith nnd offering auppoit to the per-
ons whom it is believed are marked
out for arrest. The whole city is inn
tate of great excitement. A riot
could bo started at a moment's notice.
pedal Dispatches to Th Bee.
LONDON October 29 1 a. m. The
tirm which has been devastating
Jreat Britain for the past few days
till raaoa violently in the northeait.
iho gale is prevailing at Tyno , and
he sea is very high. The Danish
chnoner "Johanna" foundered while
entering Sjuti Shield harbor. All of
ler crew , excepting the mate , were
rowned. Two steam trawlers , the
' " " "
'Wonga"andthe "Flying Huntsman ,
Iso foundered. They struck a heavy
oa and capsized. Thocros of both
ioats , numbering six each , wore
r owned. At Plymouth , the British
iricr "John May , " of Shoreham , from
lull River , S. 0. , for Friodaichstnd ,
rove alongside the Button bieakwa-
er at 6 o'clock yesterday mcrnineand
till remains there. Captain Mitchell
was drowned while trying to get on
here on the breakwater. Accounts
> f the severity of the storm are com-
ng in from all pirta of iho kingdom ,
it Bradford there was n heavy rain
nd snow storm , and railroad traffic
s impeded at Leicester. Rain began
ailing on Tuesday evening , and has
ontinucd since , flooding thelow-lying
is'ricts. Wenlock experienced thir-
y-sir hours of heavy rain and many
louses wore flooded. At 6 p. m. the
raa suddenly went out , leaving the
'hole town m darkness. At O'dham
bora was a heavy snow storm. At
outh Shields there was a heavy
term and ships put back. In the
ields of Sussex the low-lying lands
iresent the appearance of a lake ,
while in Warwickshire the water in
orao places extends as far as the eye
can reach. Hundreds of acres are
nbmerged , roads are under waterand
radio is much interrupted. At
Scilly , last evening , the barometer fell
8 ° to 60 ° .
pedal Dispatch to The Bee.
LONDON , October 28 10 p. m.
'he new bithops of mid-China , the
jishops of north China and the bish
op of Jamaica were consecrated at St.
'aul's cathedral to-day by the Bishop
of London , assisted by the Archbishop
f Canterbury and other prominent
prelates. Toe imposing ceremonies
rere according to the lull ritual of
the Angelican church , and were wit
nessed by a largo concourse of prelates ,
priests and l ymem.
Swd ; l Dispatch to.Iha Be .
LONDON , October 28 1 a. m.
There is in England a decided feeling ,
which is fast growing , that there is
something wrong in Ireland ; tint she
has wrongs of which repeated famines
and protests have failed to convince
the English goveremenr , whether
liberal or conservative. Ireland de
mands better landlords and homo
rule The English people have in
terested themselves in Bulgaria and
Montenegro , but so far hava refused
to consider the condition ol Ireland ;
but the assassinations are compelling
England's attention , and they are not
likely to end with the projected ar
rests. The matter of retoliation haa
been discussed among the leading
home rulers , and It is possible that for"
every arrest made there will be re-
Jinger Jotin Hughbsnlu j
prisale. The land leaguers are strong
enough to do this , and they find sympathizers
pathizors among all classes in Eug
lind , not only among the radicals
but among the liberals , and the farm
ing class in The Times o
yesterday says that visitors to tha roy
al arsenal at Woolwich find at th
present time a special interest in the
manufacture of buckshot which is oc
cupying a number of h nds. The
last tlmo those smill bullets were
made was during the preparation fo
the Ashnntoe campaign , when they
Were supplied to the native auxiliar
ies. Since that time it haa been prin
cipally required for the use of guard
and prison wardens , being more likely
to wound , disable or frighten insub
ordinate prisoners than to take thei
lives. For thin merciful reason th
government has ordered that in nl
possible cases of rioting , where tin
police or military are compelled to w
sortto4xrms , rifle .balls sjiall givi
" " " Ji * r " * " *
place to buckshot.
SpodM dispatch to Tire Bee.
SAN FitASdisco , October 29 mid
night. The "Gaelic , " from Hong
Kong , has arrived. Dissensions are
said to prevail in the Japanese cabinet ,
and rumor avers that Iwakura , In-
ouye and ICuroda ate at Variance with
the other uiombew of the aupiome
council , and that the two first have
resigned ,
TherS was a actions disturbsnce in
0 nton , in'which six or seven thous-
&nd Chinese werj fi.-hting for some
houra. Tha French missionaries were
threatened , vand the whole fdreign
aihiumty were so scared that they
armed anl put the plnca in a state of
defense , and kept the steamers ia the
rivur null attain 011 all night , Ou that
that they might dtrimp if worst Some
to woiat. The viceroy called out the
soldiers and fired into the mob , kill
ing several pefeons and wounding
many ( uhera. The disturbance aroao
out of a jealous misunderstanding be
tween the Hakka stone dressers and
the Cantonoio concerning the putting
out of a fire which broke out in the
evening'near the cathedral. Another
ire , the work of incendiaries , broke
out at throa o'clock in tha morning ,
and fifty or sixty houses were destroy
ed. . By- the latest advices things
were quieten
_ -It 13 rnutoDad that Von Bulzow ,
iliusianuinistor to Peking , has been
ordered them immediately to conduct
.ho.nogotiations . of the questions be-
iwoon Russia nnd Chian , which will beef
ef c entirely to Puking , and it will beer
or the niinistcr there to declare war
f necessary. No Russian ultimatum
1.13 ever been next , and the Lividia
; i oafy will ba firmly adhered to , unless
bo territory bs restored against in-
creaasd trading facilities Probibly
nn indemnity for the enormous ex-
) cii3esRu3sii has been put to will bu
i condition. On the o'her hand it is
said that tha dUputo between China
and RIISS a has boju arranged , aud
th t the treaty will bo signed at
The Chinese , it ia eaid , have became
sl've 11 the fact thit their capital can
ba easily approached by a hostile
fores in the direction of Moukdon ,
and hwo accordingly concentrated a
force of 40,000 in oil at Moukdon , un
der command of Tail" Kevotsuan.
There are now nearly 100,000 men at
Tien Tfin , under command of Vice
roy Li Hun cliang. More than half
ot these have gone there recently. It
is reported that I'engyuhn haj been
ordered by the Poking government to
defend all the river p irts of the
Yang-Teze-Kiang , and that his head
quarters will bo at Chin Klang. At
Shanghai considerable purchases
hive lately boeii made of powdorcar-
tridgee , Armstrong and Krupp guns ,
Martini , Remington and Winchester
rifles. To provide for all this outlay
negotiations are going qn for a new
loan of 3.000,000 taels through the
foreign customs.
Feeble Justices.
Special Dispatch to TUB En.
WASHINGTON , October 29 1 a. m.
The next president will probably
have it in his power to appoint a ma
jority of the judges of the supreme
court. Justices Hunt and Clifford are
both suffering from paralytic strokes ,
and it ia not probable that they will
remain upon the bench much longer.
Justice Swayno is 75 years old , and
Justice Strong is 72. It is eaid that
both of them contemplate retiring , ns
they i.ave the right to do. Justice
Miller has been on the bench twenty
years , is G5 yea-a of age , and has the
right to retire. Justice Bradley is 67 ,
nnd will probably remain on the
bench some years yet. From this it
appears that should the party which
puccccds the present administration
desire to effect a change in the supreme
premo court , It can be done without
the necessity of legislation to that end.
New Yorfe Money and Stocks.
WALL SmsET October 2S.
Money 3 ; exchange higher at Si 82Ji5 00
Cnlcapro Produce Market.
CHICAGO , October 29.
Wheat Was fairly active but un
settled , and closed Jc higher than
twenty four hours ago. No. 2 , soring ,
sold at and between § 100100 |
for November ; § 1 011 02 for
December ; closing at 99Jc for Oc
tober ; ? 1001 003 for "November ;
SI 02i@102g for December.
Corn Weaker and J@Jc lower ,
with sales of No. 2 at 3839c for
Ocfober ; 39i@39jja for November ;
39J@40gc for December , closing at
38 cfor October ; 39gc for November -
ber ; 40Jc for December ; 45c for May.
_ 0ats Unsettled and closad a shade
higher than , twenty-four hours a o ;
No. 2 aold at 28l@28Jc for
October ; 28fc for November"cloaing
paon S fi
at 28c for cash or October ; 28o for
November ; 29gc for December.
Hye Steady at 82c for No. 2in
BarlejN-Higher at 85@87c for No.
2 in store. * J
Whlsky-l 11.
Meas Pork Closedat8113o@1137i
for November ; § 11 35 for December"
§ 12 45 for January.
Lird Closed at 87 90 for casher
or October ; § 7 82J " for November ;
§ 7 77 for December" '
Chlcasro Live Socfc Market
CHICAGO , October 29.
Hogs Active and steady , with sales
at § 1 4Q@4 50 for li ht packing and
shipping ; § 425f-i ) 50 for heavy pack
ing ) ? i 304 05 for fair to extra
smooth heavy shipping lots ; ' re
colpts , , 19,048.
Cattle The market continues in
Iho Bamo d ll and unsatisfactory. c'on-
_ dition-that haa characterized itduring _
the'paat fmr-'dnys-oi. ihevwlskf'.the
quality of offerings arriving consists"
P'incipally of common and medium
qualities , with but few droves suffi
ciently matufed to stiit the wants of
shippers and exporters ; the only sales
.to-day consisted of stock steers , cows
'and one lot of medium shipping
steers ; stockora sold at § 2 2C3 00
and a lot of cows at § 2 15 ; shipping
steers sold at § 4 CO ) at the present
writing pens are filled to overflowing ,
with but few selling of any descrip
tion ; the freah receipts wore excesive ,
numbering 7,300 head.
tfew York Produce Iitarket.
NEW YORK , October 29.
Flour Without important change
tight export and vety moderate jobbing
tradereceipts ; 20,787round ; hoop Ohio ,
84 70@5 00 ; choice do , § 5 70@6 00 ,
superfine western § 3 804 25common ;
to good extra do , 84 2o@4 70 ; choice
QO , S475@G5Q ; choice white wheat
3d , $4Go@4& .
Wheat Irregular ; Chicago , 81 15
© 116 ; Milwaukee , $116117 ; No. 2
rod winter , § 1 lGj116i [ ; No. 1 Duluth -
luth , 61 21 ; sales 500,000.
Corn Quiet ; No. 2 , at 55Jc ; sales
O ts Quiet and firm.
Whisliy Quiet.
Pork 812 25013 00 for seller for
, he year.
Lard S8 42i bid ; § 8 37is8 ( 42 } for
October ; ? 8 308 35 for November ;
88 308 35 for December.
Butter Firm for choice grades ;
OHip , 15@31c.
EgcS [ Firm at 21@23o for fair to
St. Louis Produce Muraot.
Si Loi"P , October 20.
I lour Dull and uuchangud.
Wheat Opened bolter and closed
owerNo. ; 2 rod , at10099c for
cash ; 99gc for October ; 1 0 © 1 00
or November ; SI 03J1 041 03 |
'or December ; ? 1 U5 ® 05 | for
"auuary : No. 3 , do , 94@93 ; No. 4 ,
do , S8@88Jc
Corn Lower at 39J39c for cash ;
38c for October ; 39iS3jc for Novem-
> er ; 39J@3939 5 for December ;
9Jc for January ; 44@43jc for May.
Oats Lower at 28t@28go for cash ;
28j for October ; 29.Jc for November ;
iOAc for Dicoinber.
Eye Steady at 83a.
Barley Quiet at G0g95c. (
Lead Slow at 84 50.
Butter Quiet ; dairy , 202Gc.
Eg4B Steady at 15J@17c.
Whisky Steady at § 1 10.
Provisions Fair demand , but
tock exhahated and only a small pcd-
[ liog business dono.
Kecdpts Flour , 8,000 bbh ;
wheat , 12,000 bu ; corn , 44 000 bu ;
oats , 21,000 bu ; rye , 4,000 ; barley ,
22,000 bu
Shipments Flour , 12,000 bbls ;
vheat,30,000 bu ; corn,3,000bu ; oats ,
, bu ; rye , none ; barley , none.
St. Louis Live Stocf Market.
Sr. Louis , October 29.
Hogg Fairly active and butter ;
Yorkers and Baltimores , 84 30@4 40 ;
mixed packing , 84 25@4 40 ; butchers'
o fancy , 8 4034 GO ; receipts 4,300 ;
hipmenta , 500.
pedal Dispatches to TUB B .
Over 2,000 immigrant * , includinc ;
ive Arabaarrived in New York within
.he past twenty-four hours.
The president has appointed Allan
V. Eaton receiver of public money
t Oxford , Idaho.
The treasury yesterday purchased
400,000 ounces of fine silver for deliv-
ry at the Philadelphia , San Francis-
o and New Orleans mints.
Margaret Plitf , aged 62 , killed her-
elf yesterday by severing a vein in
ler left arm. Depression from dis-
aso was the cause of the rash act.
The government receipts yesterday
ggregate § 1,100,000.
The international Sunday school
esson committee is in session in Chicago
cage , Rev. Dr. J. H. Vincent presfd-
ng , preparing a world's system of uni-
orm lessons for the year 1882 , for
which the Gospel of Mark will be
The directors of the Cincinnati ,
lamilton & Dayton railroad declared
a dividend of two per cent on the
capital stock yesterday. On the
strength of this , stock advanced
ivo per cent.
AtEufaula , Ala. , Wednesday night ,
a difficnl'y occurred in a negro billiard
aloon between J. Oxford and Isaac
ihetton , in which the latter shot and
nstantly killed the former. They
> egan quarreling over a game of bil-
iards. Isaac was immediately arrest
ed and placed in jail.
Mr. W. A. Shaffner , a prominent
citizsn of Mulberry , Lincoln county ,
form. , banged himself Wednesday.
Io was about 50 years old , and was
considered insane.
The attendanceat thoPhi.DsUaThe-
a convention , now in session in Indi-
inapilis , is constantly increasing.
There will probably be more than
200 members of tha order present at
, ho meetings to day. The session
leld yesterday morning was taken up
exclusively by secret work. The last
meeting will be held to-day , after
which the convention will adjourn
ill 1882. A b-nqnet and ball will
) o given in the evening.
Chis. B. Pek , receiver of the
Chicago & Lko Huron R. R. , has
iled his final statement aj such re
ceiver iu the United States court ,
at Indianapolis , and is in accordance
with the terms of an order entered by
fudge Gresham has discharged him
rom his duties as such receiver , and
allowed him claims to the amount of
flG.OOO , to bo paid out of the funds
n the hands of tha master of the
court arising from the sale of the
The Coercive Measures in
Ireland Fraught With
Terrible Danger.
The Spirit of Eebollion Eapidly
Beaching a Fiihtkg
Pitch ,
The Local Authorities of Chicago
cage Forced to Spell Na
tion With a Big N.
A Vast Amount of Property
Destroyed tty Fjro ia Lynn ,
Magnificent Turnout in Buffalo
in Honor of Gf ant and
Anarchy and Bloodshed.
Special Dispatch tu The Bcei
NEW YoliK. October 28. A London
special reports Thomas P. O'Connor ,
one of the prominent leaders of tha
Land League , as saying that he"is still
of the opinion that the arrest of the
Land Ledgue will be followed by
bloodshed and anarchy In Ireland. He
insists that the government will be re
sponsible for it and not the Irish pee
ple. It is said Lord Clanchery , who
owns extensive estates in the county
of Dublin , has received threatening
"VVftlch. } g Sovereign ?
Special Dispatch to The Bee.
OflicAdo , October 2A , 4 p. m.
A collision haa occurod between the
police of this city and the supervisors
of election in the Fourth precinct of
the First ward. On Tuesday a Ger
man who acknowledged that ho hr.d
not lived in the precinct thirty days
as requirad by law.w.mted to register ,
when Supervisor Geiiler refused to
allow him. A man mmed Dwyer
interfered and demanded that
the German bo registered , itnd if
Geislcr interfered ho should be
thrown into ( he streat. Geisler called
upon Officer Murphy , of the police
forcej to arrest Dwjer , . but was only
laughed at. d mater then attempted
to arroat Dwyer , when the otficcr In
terfered , struck the supervisor and ar
rested both him aod Dwyer. They
were taken to the pilico station and
yesterday li.\d A trial , being fined two
dollars each by Justice Wi'lco. : .
Geisler refused to pay the Ono , claim
ing that ho had been interfered with
in the performance of his duty as a
United States officer. Ho was aent to
jail to work out the fire. The affair
was brought to the attention of the
officers , who secured a writ of habeas
corpus from Judge Drummond for
Gdislur's release which waa accom
plished last nightIt is stated that
the U. S. District Attorney Leaku , aa
soon as the haho < < s corpus ciro is deci
ded aid the necessary information ia
filed , will issue warrants fur thu arrest
of Mayor Harrison , Justice Wallace ,
and Murphy , the policeman , as accessories
series , nud Dwyer , as principal , in in
terfering with the legal registration of
The habeas corpus case of Fred
Geisler came off before Judge Drum
mend in the United States circuit
court at 10 a. m. , aud was continued
until Saturday morning. The ques
tion is , whether Geieler , in attempt
ing to arrest Dwyer , was performing
his duty as an inspector of election.
If ho was , Judge Drummond will or
der his discharge. If he transcended
that duty , then ho will be left to pay
the fine to the city.
Fatal Acc'dont.
Special Dispatch to The Beo.
CINCINNATI , October 28 < 1 p. m.
Charles Throup , a married man , and
Henry Munn , single , both residents of
this city , while painting the public li
brary building , were precipitated to
the ground , at noon to day , a distance
of eighty feet , and both were instantly
Female Flyers.
Special Dlrfpatcb to Tai fixx.
CHICAGO , October 28 , 4 p. m.
Miss Emma Jewott has accepted
Miss Minnie Pinneo's challenge to ride
a twenty mile race for § 5,000 a side ,
and stipulates that the money shall bo
deposited in the First National Bank
of Chicago to-day. The race is to bo
run on the Chicago Driving park ( late
Jockey club ) track at the June meet
ing next year , each rider to furnish
her own horses and change as often as
she chooses.
Lynn's Loss.
Special Dispatch to The Bee.
BOSTON , October 28. A dispatch
just received here from Lynn , Mass. ,
says the city is in flames and immense
destruction of property is threatened.
The 6ro department of that city is ut
terly unable to cope with the confla
gration , and aid has been asked from
Boston and Salem. The fire started
in Huffman's planing mill and spread
rapidly in all directions. The greatest
excitement prevails.
LATER. Special dispatches just re
ceived from Lynn at this office state
that the conflagration is under con
trol. Further details and estimates
of the losses and insurance are expect
ed momentarily.
BOSTON , October 20 10 p. m
The fire at Lvnn , was gotten und r
control after eeveral hours' struggle
by the firemen. The new engine
house of Mr. Allen , the steam planing
mill of James BufFinan & Co. , Boy-
den's piper box factory , Newhziris'
rail road house , Chnpman Bros. ' dye
shops , and the work manufactory of
J. Otis Marshall , wore destroyed.
Also several other amall buildings.
The loss is 835,000 , and the insurance
Grant at Buffalo.
Bpedil Dlspatcli H llio Bee.
BUFFALO , October28 4 p. m. The
demonstration in honor of General
Grant and Senator Conkling called
out an immense throng of people early
this morning. Merchants andman- _
ufacturers , with numerous members
of the 306 order , made an imposing
parade. Nearly every trade was rep
resented. The city wears a gala ap
pearance and the building ? , public
n/l nrtrate , are decorated
with bunting. Senator Conklint :
arrived last night and went to Pierco's
Palsci Hotel. Gen. Grant arrived at
1 o'clock this afternoon and proceed-
TJSJO OrTH 01 tD8 1MT ,
ed to the residence of S. S. Jcwett ,
where he will hold a reception to
night. There are thousands of stran
gers in the city and nil the rKusengcr
trains arriving are crowded. Conk
ling will apeak at tlio Wiuwivm at 3
o'clock this afternoon. At 1 o'clock ,
the Wigwam was crowded.
Grant's Speech ot BufJalo-
t'pccial dispatch to TUK BKK.
BUFFALO , October 29 1 n. m.
The republican demons * ration yester
day rtas a tjteat stlcceas. Some 10,000
people 1 steiied to Gen. Grant speak.
Gen. Grant spoke a ? follow * :
"To the people of New York state.
I implore you to improve the presenl
opportunity , and make your majority
so hrgo that it will overthrow the
democratic party as now organized
Wo have a , national caUo to defend ,
and the freedom that Vd fought so
hard for to protect , wo are not willing
to forteit cow. Tl.e paoplo of New
York state , all along the line from
Now York to Buffalo , are unwilling to
support their aUeni.t [ at the destruc
tion of the government , and all the
northern people will be with us. _
predict for this state the greatest vie
tory It has over had ; a victory from
the Pacific to the Atlantic. The en
tire north will go for the republican
ticket. The people who saved the
country are determined to defeat the
aolid south. They will be met by a
solid north. I might speak more to
you and better , but you cannot hear
me , and it would bo useless. "
Gen. Grant throughout his speech
was interrupted by applause. Senator
Roscoe Conkling then spoke at some
A land that is as Beautiful as
an Artist's Dream ,
But ia the WorstPlace this Side
of the Infernal Regions.
"On to Oklahoma , " haa bean for a
year past , the rallying cry of several
lawless freo-bootera and adventurers ,
by which they have assembled compa
nies of would-be intruders into the
Indian territory , the members being
mostly drawn from Kansas and Ar
kansas with a few from other states.
Our reports of Sunday Rave the ac
count of the reoant arreat of another
lot of thcao intruders who were pros- '
pectin in the territory , preparatory
to laying claima/and of their expulsion
from the Indian nation. In the light
of these events a few facts obtained by
f ur reporter to diy from Mr. Charles
Smith Brown , an intelligent half-
broecl citizen of the Cherokee nation ,
who pasaod through the city en route
Io LOIMII , Utah , cmnotbutbo of iu-
' 'Our countrj' , as n whole , " said Mr.
Brown to our reporter , "compares fa
vorably in the matter of natural re
sources , with any other region of sim
ilar extent on thu continent , and were
tliu plan contempt itcd by Senator
Vest in his bill before the last con
gress , for a division of the territory ,
carried out , it would open up to aet-
tlemoH hundreds of thousands of
acres of 'hu finest grnz'ng , agricultu
ral and timber Ian : ! nil the American
continent , and develop a v.-.nt amount
of we.ilili , whoso existence is
either nut known at all , or else
only to tint Indians. That there are
copper , coal , both bituminous and an
thracite , plumbago , lead , silver and
irold to bo found in the territory in
paying quantities is a fa3t , concerning
which thuro is no opportunity for dis
pute. Men havc gained a residence
by marrying into the tribe * , whose
solo purpoec was to secure a location
in order that , when the territory is
opened up , they can avail themselves
of their knowledge of the wherea
bouts of the rich mineral deposits.
So confident are they of the value of
the lodes within their knowledge that
they are willing to wait almost any
number of years for this consumma
tion. The natives are well aware of
the existence of this mineral wealth ,
but they carefully guard it as a most
profound secret. "
What pardon of the territory is
actually open to settlement ) " asked
the reporter.
"Thero is no pretense among any
reasonable men to a right to occupy
any portion of onr lands except the
strip of territory known as Oklahoma ,
which conpriaca a section about 300
milein length from northji o south and an
average width from east to weat of 200
miles , including all of the Cherokee
c iuntry west of the 9Gth meridian , of
the Creeks west of the 97th and of Iho
others west of the 98th , obtained by
the government by treaty in I860.
The entire acreage of the landd thus
obtained from the tribes , not including
that which was gotten from the Cherokees -
rokees , is something over fourteen
million and they embrace a vast
variety of soil and climate , and hare
within their area the capability to pro
duce almost every class of graiu and
fruit which ia grown in the states
between the gulf and the St.
Lawrence river. The southern portion
is rich in fertile bottom lands and
sloping plains , while from the Wichita
Mountains there flows an innumer
able number of streams , which , being
never dry , afford an inexhaustible
eupply of water at all seasons of the
year , even during periods of the
greatest drought. North of this
range of mountains , and up to the
Kansas line , there is an almost un
broken pUin , which is travenod
by some of the finest rivers en the
continent. On the majority of these
streams are timbered bluffs , and be
tween these rivers there are expanses
which arepriirie-like in their smooth
ness , and general appsatanco. As a
rule , the timber on the bluff * is of a
very valuable kind , and were the
country settled , thcss accumulations
would afford minoaof wealth. "
"With the exception of a strip in
the old Creek reservation the soil of
this Oklahoma region is of a very high
character. Cotton and tobacco can be
grown to great advantage in its south
ern portion ; and all the other cereals
and fruits peculiar io the states can be
grown in the section north of the Ciai-
arrou np to the Kansas line. There
is one exception to the inviting fea
tures of this section ; and this is found
in the region about the mouth of the
Cimarron , where the country becomes
hilly , sandy and covered with scrub
oaks and other dwarf growths of tim
ber. It is a region practically closed
to the world , there being no roads ,
only blind traih which can be
utilized by horsemen or footmen
who are thoroughly familiar with
the section. Within this uninviting
and inaccessible locality has been for
N ,
3E3 X. X * & . 3S X. 3EJ
Cor. Douglas'and 13th Sts.
Gives Great Bargains in Ladies' and Gents
All Kinds Of
We Guarantee The Best Goods For The Least Money.
Gives universal Satisfaction and that it is stead
ily and rapidly increasing ; in public lavor.
The White Machine justly claims to be tte
"best made , the easiest running , the simplest in-
construction and the most perfect Machine ia
the market. "
The White Co. employ as agents men of in
tegrity , and purchasers are always satisfied ,
because they find everything just as repres
Everybody should use this Machine. The
Sales so far this year are more than double
the corresponding time last year.
All orders addressed to the Omaha Ofllco
will be promptly filled.
or. Davenport ami IStli Sts. Oinalin.
Iron and Wagon Stock ,
At Chicago Prices.
120 ! ) and 1211 Ilarney Sfroel , Omaha.
Having just opened an entirely new line of
We would ask the Merchants of Nebraska to inspect our Stock ,
'eeling confident we can meet the wants of all in good Goods and
Low Prices
Cor. 14th nnd Dodge Sts ,
many years the headquarters and hid
ing place of hands , of outlaws , whoso
predatory nnd murderous operations
nave extended over the greater por-
; ion of Indian territory , who do not
ay any nieanc , confine their operations
to the stealing of fcoraca , hut are
equally handy with the ahot un from
buhind.a fallen log upon the pjra'in .f
the traveller who is supposed io have
any money , or aa against the person of
ono whom they suspect of knowing tco
much of their operations or their
whereabouts. In all probability thh
territory is , to-day , in a worse condi
tion than any part of creation outaido
of the infernal regions. If a man who
commits a murder in caught , nobody
dares appear againat himfor the reason
that it ia certain dath to do anything
of the kind. There Is no exception to
this rule ; if a man appears against an
other , he does it knowing that hiionly
salvation lies in leaving the territory
the moment ho gets off the witness
stand ; and oven then ho knows he
must make extraordinary time to the
nearest state line unless he wishes to
carry away with him a chsr e of buck
shot which will be sent into him from
behind some tree or fallen log. "
"I should suppose that the people
In rich a country lived 'in cloverl' "
"It may bo laid down as a rule that
the people of that territory do not
live ; that Is to say , they do not live
like civilized communities. They have
within their reach everything which is
accessary to health and comfort ; they
have a most fruitful which they
can raise anything ; and yet , as a rule ,
their food the year through is fried fat
pork and corn tfread , aud their drink
is the impure and unhealthful waters
of sloughs and st gnant itreanos. It
ia true that an abundance of the vety
beat drinking water can bo obtained
at any point by the sinking of wclh ,
but the digging of a well is something
which involves hbor , and labor is the
ono thing which the full-blood rest-
dent of Indian territory seeks to
avoid. "
"Would the people of your nation
Favor the establishment of United
States courts over your territory and
[ laving it lectionized ? "
"No ; all the full bloods In the na
tion are bitterly opposed to anything
like a change , though mo t of the
balf-breeds are in favor of having the
territory sectionized. In addition to
the half-breeds who favor a change ,
there is every white man , and every
man who is in business in the entire
country ; but the fact that those who
Favor a change are in a majority cats
no figure. There is not a man in the
Cherokee nation wfto dares to avow
nimsalf aa an advocate of any change
in the present condition of affairs , forte
to do BO would bo to sign his death-
warrant. Such a man wonld ba ahot
to death with as little compunction as
would be a mad dog. "
"In my opinion the government
should nt once pass a bill in accord
ance with the treaties with the var
ious tribes , and should establish
United States court ; when this has
once been put into operation there
would boa relaxation of the political
terrorism which pervadei the terri-
tor ; snd there would speedily be lib
erated a public opinion which would
demand the scctionizing of the terri
tory , and its nppnincr to settlement. "
WASHINGTON , October 28 1 . m.
For upper Mississippi and lower
Missouri valleys clear or pattly cloudy
weather. Southerly winds , lower
barometer. Stationary on higher
temperature , followed in. the north
west by colder winds shifting to the
northwest , and rising barometer and
occasainnal rain.
I * * + rrTT"
I t LJ Jr-u Ji-r
Safe , Certain , Sura and Speedy.
The only article known that WW
esffcffcafe\Ms disease
permanent/yfromVnt system
Genera I Agents ,