Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 28, 1880, Morning Edition, Image 1

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    \ \
Established 1871 , MORNING EDITION. Price Five Cents
K k * Absolutely Pure.
Made from Gravj Crcm Tartir.-Jfo othe
prcnaratinii maVot eucli lijlit. fl ky hot bre tB ,
! ! fi. . I".01" ? I1"O Ca ' > eaten liy ilrpeptlu
bold ' . _ , , , ,
only „ < „ _ y al | 0rocerBi
_ p'K M iWi R Co N w York
We are now In daily receipt
oflar esbipmeuts of
.fill of which are be ng opened uc
atid marked as rapidly as they
oomo in , and placed on sale in
the depirluients to which they
belong. Wo will show in all
lines of Gootfs more extensive
and varied assortments than at
any time in the past. Purchas
ers vIll ; find at the beginning of
the season , as well as during ito
progress , the choicest styles , ss
well as the most abundant sup
ply from which to make their
selections , and-at prices that can-
notvfail to be satisf0x3tory to the
closest buyer , Itemized adver
tisements will appear through
out the stason givirg definite in
formation in leference to the ar
rival of rew things anl the
Special Bargains that will ba of
fered in certain Ire of Goods in
every department of our estab-
* f F
r lishment.
142,2 and 1424 Dod e St. ,
Cor. 15th.
SaTfeCfertain , Sure and Speedy.
The only article knownihatWill
esvrcf/cafelb'is disease
perman&ttfyfromlhc sysfe/n
General Agents/
ITIAKEN TTT Oct. 1st. one 1-ay muc. one l > y
JL colt , three months old , white stir fa fore
head , nl one b j- over jeiroH h i'ar in
forehead Owner can h re wma > y cillinr and
tnylne chare . W. WO LES EXSKY , J mile K.
E. oj ittacr'a brick yard , Nurtb Omiha.
' CS-etb5t (
Five Experts Ma e Oath Tha
Ph-lp Wrot3 the Garfield-
Morey Letter ,
And the Forger is Held In the
Sum of 35,000 ,
The Presidential Parby Stag
ing Over the Plains of
New Mexico.
Garfleld's Defomer.
SpodJil Dispatch to The lies.
NEW YOKE , October 28 1 a. m.
Xonnard Philp , who waa arrested yea
terdsy for criminal liloel , in the for
gery and publication of the Garfield-
Morey Chinese letter , is a resident o :
Brooklyn. Ho was arrested in the
lobby of a theatre in that city , am
waa brought across the river to New
York , and conducted immediately to
the polica headquarters. He was af
terwards conducted down town to the
district-attorney's office , where he WES
confronted by E. W. Stoughton , who
drew np the papers on which he was
arrested , John L Davenport , ox-
United States District Attorney Geo.
Bliss , and others. Judge Davis was
telegraphed for , and replied that he
would return to the court for tha pur
pose of holding jurisdiction in the
case. It was stated in Davenpoit's
office that it was kuown several days
ago that Philp was the guilly party ,
aince which time ho ha- not bcon al-
owed out of the sight of some oflicers
of the secret service. It was , how
ever , no-essary to get evidence that
would lead to hia coviction , and this
has taken time. The care was worked
up by the detective agency estab
liahod by the former superintendent
of Pinkerton'a agency , and the detect
ives claim that the cvilenca Is condu
cive. The detectives secured posses
sion of the copy of an editorial writ
ten by Philp , and on one of the paijus
has the name of Garfield , In which
the dot was over the c , instead of the
i , as in the forged letter. In several
instances It was found that dots wore
behind the i , instead of over or before
it. There was a remarkable similarity
between the writing of Philp aud the
manuscript of the Garfield letter , and
baviug satisfied himself that he had
found the author of the letter , the
detective presented his evidence to
the state central committee. In the
meantime Sheriff Albert Dag.
; ott , of Brooklyn , had con-
: eived a suspicion of Philp.
Hunting around he found an ordur
.hat Philp had written , aud n com
parison of which with the manuscript
mtisfied him that ho nad unraveled
the knot. This order was sent to the
: ommiBsioners , aud all specimens of
Philp's writiii- . ' , together with the
'orgod letter , wero-put into the hands
of Payne , the espert-and several
othera of hio profession. Their ro-
jorts we'retuado separate , and were
all to the effect that the man who
rrota the Philp uvmuscript mmt
lave beun the forger. While wait ,
ng { n the .district attorney a office.
Philp summonedhis counsel , who are
3en. BogerA. Pryor , Ex-Surrogato
Veeder , of Brooklyn , dies. Brooke
and Messrs. Howe and Hammcl , the
Tombs lawyers. Shortly before 3
o'clock , Philp was lakon Into the
upreme court , where Judge Noah
Oavis presided. The court room wai
densely crowded. The prosecution
TSS represented by Messrs. Stoughton ,
vnor , Bliss , Davenport aud Assistant
Attorney Bell. The case was opened
) y Mr. Bell , who charged the prisoner
vith criminal libel on Jas. A. Garfiold.
On complaint of Goo. Bliss. Mr. Bell
read various affidavits on which the
prisoner was arrested. Hundreds of
yes were in a moment directed on
? hilp. Gen Pryor asked :
"Is there any occasion to read these
affidavits ? "
Mr. Bell said it waa necessary that
ill these things be spread over tha
uinutes of the court.
Gen. Prior "Your honor has
icard these affidavits before , LBO you
would not have issued the warrants. I
do not think that the time snould be
consumed in going ovet them sgaln , "
Mr. Brooke submitted that it was
an { novation in criminal practice to
ubject the prisoner to further annoy
ance , when ho was prepared to waive
examination and to furnish bail.
Judge Davie "These papers are
not. of course , to bo read as evi-
onc'e. "
Mr. Boll then again continued : "On
or about the 20th of October he
caused to be published in The Truth
a malicious libel against James A.
Garfield. "
Gen. Prior hero again interposed
and said , "Thero is a grand jury now
n session and wo demand an imincd-
ate trial. Wo respectfully submit
hat thii is a right to which our client
s justified in demanding. Wo are
> repared to go into trial before a jury
o-morrew , if necessary , and the pres
ent proceeding is of no va'ue. "
Judge DAVIS said that be did not
understand that the prisoner had n
right to insist ou waving an examin
ation. Eight pages of Pnilp's manu
script were produced , with the
affidavits of the several experts at-
achcd , to the effect that in their ppin-
on Philp wrote the Garfield Chinese
etter. Judge Davis dented the mo-
ion to discharge the prisoner , holding
hat the affidavits were sufficient ,
Bnd the alleged libel was of a
character to bring ridicule and con-
cmpt on Garfield. "After the letter
lad been 'publicly denounced as a
brgerv , this man denounces the man
who vindicates himself as a liar , and
leld him up to derision. Under the
aws , as I understand them , if public
levrepapera charges man with beiu a
iar , f tic 11 or forger , the editor is
; uilty of a libel unless the charges
ire true. "
Gen. Pryor said : "Wo ara ready
, o try the case at once , and are willing
o waive the benefit of an examination.
We know our client is innocent of the
chayge and we desire a speedy trial.
f the prosecution are not ready , I
uriro that the court fix the amount of
bail. "
After some argument Judge Davis
fixed the bail at 55,000. The bail was
mniahed , and Mr. Philp then left the
court room in company with hiacoun-
eL The examination will bo con-
inued at 11 o'clock to-day. It is re-
> orted that when the case comes to
rial , Ben. Butter will act aa senior
countol for Philp.
Swlnclne Around ; the Circle.
Eniviil Uupatcb to Ibe B J
SASTA FJJ , N. M. , October 27-10
> m. Thep-etidential party , couaist-
ng of the president , lira. Hayes , R.
B. { Hayes Jr. , Secretary Ranuey. Gea
Sherman and da ghfer , Gen
McJook and seven o'htrfilends lef
the end of the track of the Sonthetj
Pacific ra' at 8 a. m. Monday
and undo the trip to Fort Cummiug )
sixty-Eve miles , in twelve hours ii
government ambulances , relays o
mules having been placed at COM
Springs and Membres river. N <
eecort was taken , Gen. Hatch bavin ;
the country effectually ECDuted and i
being entirely ssfe without escort
At daylight on Tuesday , the p-rtj
left Fort Cummings In an ainbulanc !
a id reached R-jlomaa on the Rie
Grande last night. A comfortable
camp had been provided at thelattci
plaoa and At daylight to-day the pattj
startol for a twenty-eight mis tiip
up the Rio Grande , crowing the rivei
atold fort McOre.i , chiving twenty
mileB across theJorn&do tlelMuriu
aud reaching the traik of the Atchin-
son , Topeka & Santa ITo railroad at 1
a. in. Vice-President Strong's
fipeciel train of three Pullman ci\s
awaits them and a committee of S.u.ta
3To citizens , headed by district com
mander , Gen. Edward H = tch and
United States surveyor , Gen. Heiir $
M. Atkioson , recjived them and
escorted thcmti Santa EJ , a distance
of two hundred miles , wh'ch they wi'l '
ruich about 11 o'clock. ElaboiaU
preparations have baen made by act
ing governor , W. G. Rich and citizens
to receive them. Thopnsident will
remain hero a fetr hour ; , having tele
graphed ho must bo iu Washington
on November the 1st. The pitty are
in gocd spirit' ) and health and unjoy
the trio through this patt o ! the couu
try very much.
Food lor tha Indians
Speel&l dl'pilch to The Hoc.
OIIAWA , Canada , Oolobsr 28 1 a.
m.Major Walsh , of the northwest
mounted police received advices from
Wood mountain this moruiug in which
It is stated that buOhlo had crossed
the Missouri river wrat of old Fort
Peck , and were going northwaat !
toward Brown's creek , fifty miles
south of the boundary. The pralrio
was fairly covered with buffalo. Maj.
Walsh thinks they are making for
Wood mountain , which in a nittu-al
herding ground. Should they do so
the Indians will have no difficulty in
securing a sufficient amount of meat
for the winter. Should Sitting BuU's
band attack them , ru they advance
toward the line , it ii probable that
the herds willretu'nto their former
icrding grounds. It is not likely ,
liowoVer , that Sitting Bull , who is an
experienced huntsman , will do EO ,
jut on the contrary , will attack the
lufialo from the rear , and thus drive
them in the direction of Wood
WASHINGTON , Oct. 27. 10 p. m.
The numbers of the bonds are a
ittle larger in tin counterfeit than in
> ho genuine. The s'gmlurecf E M
. 'latt , fur register , and llio signature
of Secretaiy Ohaao , is perfcst. The
one coupon left on oali bond could
lot bo detected as counterfeit. It
may bo that the other c-ciip ns have
> een passed. The twenty-seven ono
tundred dollar notesfound in Doyle's
valise , were also forwarded to the
n-asury , and upon examinaion weio
oundto ba genuine , andbavo bc3n
e nt back to Chicago. _
Return or Mra Lincoln from Euiopo.
pedil dlnjut-ch to Tim n K
NEW YOKE , October 28 1 a. m.
ilrs. Lincoln , wife of the ox prosi-
lent , was among the paaacngea by
, he steamer "Ameriquo" yesterday.
5ho looks old and woin , and little
iko the pride of the white hous six-
eon years ago. Her hair is almost
white , andherform has bciorao stout
She displays little iutcrc it in what
; oc on about hor. She will leavu
iero in a few days for Chicago. She
s in excellent hra'th.
Frcm Headquarters ,
ipccial dispatch to tlio Ceo
NEW YOKK , October28 1 a. m.
Jlerks of the repu li an national com
mittee haed unrtoia worj bmy ycv
crjlay morning m 'liug lithographic
copies of Gen. Garfield'a denhl ot
.he.authorahip of the Chinese letter.
) isp itches and letters from all parts
if the country , Mr. Jewell aya , were
of the most encouraging character.
There were more visitor than usual
at republican headquarters. Mr. P.
i. Biyant , of Connecticut , called at
ho headquaitera to say that ho
.bought the republicans would carry
he Nutmeg State. Among other
irominent ca'lers ' were Jai. L. Hnll.
if Boston , and 0. 0. Sradler , of
Trial of a Bond Forger ,
poclal Dispitcliea to Tim 12m
BROOKLYN , October 28 1 a. m.
asper Owens , who was arrested last
Triday in Brooklyn charged with
omplicity in the recent United States
lend forgery , with Brock way , Doyle
nd Smj the , wai arrai nod for trial
> eforo United States Commissioner
. A. Allen , yesterdy morning. The
main witnesses against the prisoner are
ctaincd as witnesses against Dnylo ,
who is to be tried Tuesday. Consequently
quently the United States district at-
; " -noy was not prepared to go on with
ho case. The counsel for Owens
nade application to have the prisoner
eleased on biil , and no opposition
> eing made , bail was fixed at § 5,000.
Striving to Agree-
pccUl Dispatch to TIio Bco
CHICAGO , October 28 1 a. m.
) ho general managers and piasonger
gents of the southwestern roads met
lero on yesterday to perfect tha
croement of their presidents in Now
fork recently. No record had b3on
cept of said agreement and it vsv.s
oou found that no two had the same
doa of what the agreement was
'hero was considerable sparring and
iscussion , when finally the meeting
\djonrnod till to-day. Meantime ,
ill the agreement is'rcochcd , the
Chicago -Alton announces that it will
neet the cut of the Illinois Central
nd sell tickets to St. Louis for five
Undoubtedly the best shirt in the
Jnitcd States is manufactured at the
Umaha Shirt Factory. The superiority
f Material and workmanship , com-
) ined with their great Improvements ,
hat is Reinforced fronts , Reinforced
jacks and Reinforced sleeves , makes
heir shirt the most durable and best
itting garment of the kind , ever
manufactured at the moderate price of
)1.50. Every shirt of our make is
; uaranteed first-class and -will refund
be money if found otherwise.
We make a specialty of all wool ,
Ihaker , and Canton flannel , also
hemois underwear , made up with a
view to comfort , warmth and durabil-
ty. To Invalids and weak-lunged
lersons we offer special inducements
n the manner these goods are made
for their protection.
PH. GormEiMEK ,
J207 JTamanj street.
The Czar Secretly Prepar
ing to Quit Kussia ,
Cork Magistrates Petition the
Government to Adopt
Milder Measures.
Billeting of British Soldiery
Causes Great Excitement in
- LTeatli.
Rumored ssagination of the
Ameer of Cabul.
EpocLil Dispiteh to Tn Bit.
DUIILIN , October 27 10 p. in.
Tiio exciU-ment of Ja'id 1 ague egila-
tion hf * b.-cn still further iuten-
etGcd in couuty Moith , by prepata-
ti"n on the pprt of the authori'i ' s to
b llet the mi'Hary in publis housr ? .
A no ice hai been posted on llio court
house threatening the life of any one
who shsll visit tlin rent offi'2 of the
estate of the 1-ito Lord Mountmorris
within the next thrr months for the
purpose of making any payment.
Mr. J. W. Walsh , the Irish land
league orgacizjr , was crested at Oork
yesterday , but was berated on ftir-
imhing bail.
The Dublin iDiocaran Synod , ( pro-
tcslant , ) met yesteiJay , and p" 3i I
resolutions expressing con ern at the
stnto of MM . ' ) untty.
The home rule confederation have
iscjed a manifesto expressing indigna
tion at the pros'cut'ons of the land
leaguers ,
The Orangeman of Dublin hive issued -
sued a miinfcato to their Ir'ih breth
ren tnunilo for mutual protection ,
and promise ther support.
A meeting of mrgiBtratcs was held
at west Cork yeseruay , at which a
petition wai sent to the government
asking fora susp3iuiou of the babcai
corpus or to otherwise coerce the
Social JIspAtcli to The Bcc.
LONDON , October 28 1 a. m.
A dispatch hai been received from
Lord Ripen , the viceroy ol India ,
stating that no post had arrived from
Gtbul since the llth hist. All the
information concerning the affairs at
C.ibul is dor ved from rumors , and
even these are scarcely tholoast au
thentic. Newuwas received that the
ameer hadb. ; n assassinated , and that
anarchy prevailed. The feature of all
commuimations since the 14th leads
to the belief that the
state of things at Cabul
and between that point and the En
glish frontier is dcapera'o. '
Special Dispatch to Tlic Hoc.
PAULSOctober28 la. m. Strofcg
reports are current in St. Petersburg
in regard to the indisposition of the
emperor. It is whispered that des
pite all prcctutions taken by his
houschoM , nihilisti have succdcded
in poisoning him. Two of the chief
cooks have , it ; s stated , been arrested
on suspicion. A Berlin dispatch says
that the health if the czar is BO preca
rious as 11 bo a sourca of anxiety to
those around him. The stroke of
p iralysis which ho recently experienc
ed h said to have affected his brain.
Hopes of his recovery , however , have
not been abandoned An escort of
Russian officers recently passed
through Berlin , having in charge
eight mil'ioii ' r ubles , E-iid to belong
to the czir'a private fortune , and de
signed for private investment. This
is regarded in Berlin ei possibly a pre
liminary stop of the czar toward quit
ting Rd ? H.
Special dispatches to The Boo.
In the province of Jantna , Turkey ,
the local militii hai bjen ordered
under arms.
Detriah Pasha has been appointed
governor of Albania. This disposi
tion of a man who has been actively
identified with the eastern political
conflict , will , it is anticipated , pro
duce a good effect in hastening the
surrender of Dulcigno.
The new cabinet maintains a very
determined attitude , and insists upon
the transfer of the tarritory assigned
to the Greeks by the Berlin confer
ence.Garibalda is prostrated from the
fatigues of traveling.
The federal council of Germany ,
have approved of the state of siege in
Prlnco Alexander opened the Bul
garian assembly at Buchnrest yester
day. In his speech ho congratulated
the country on the efficiency of the
A Constantinople disp-.tch says Tur
key is strongly fortifying the Greek
frontier. *
It is believed that the Emperor , in
his speech opening the Prn .sinti diet
to-day will announce a remission of
tixation , as the financial position of
the couutry is unusually unsatisfac
Interviewing Bernhardt.
Sjicclal dlf alch to Too Esc.
NE\V YORK , October 28 , 1 a. m.
A reporter , accompanied by Knut
Nillsson , of TH Paris Ficjaro , and an
oH friend of the actress , welcomed
Mws Bernhardt to America. Mr.
Nillsson was received with much favor
and warmth , and was allowed to kiss
the gloved hand of the fair voyagor.
Entering into a conversation , the re
porter inquired whether she had suf
fered much inconvenience from sea
sickness :
"Oh , Monsieur , don't talk about it ,
pray. From the very moment we left
Havre , until 2 o'clock this morning , I
have not once left my bod. I have
been terribly sick , but It is over now ,
I am thankful to eay , but yet 1 would
willingly go through it all again for the
pleasure of coming to your beautiful
country , of which I have heard and
read so much. "
"Bnt did yon not feel many regrets
at leaving gay Paris and your beauti
ful horcel"
"Of course I was sorry to leave so
many dear friends behind me , bnt I
shall sec them again in a few months ,
and in that time I shall have had an
oppoitnntty of studying a new people ,
and learning mucU that will be useful
to me hereafter. "
"Your sickness E3U3t have deprived
you of much amusement which I un
derstand took place during the voy
age ? "
"Yes , indeed , it d'd , but last Sat
urday I received a deputation Jn my
state room , for it WST the anniversary
of my bitth , and Mr. Janet , Mme.
Cjlombier , Mr. AUPO and Mme. Gi-
wrJ all made trie handsome presents ,
which they had bought before loviu : ;
F.ance. The officers also presented
mo with a hand'ome tcquet cncde of
vegetables cut into representations of
fruit a id flowers. " f'
_ _ _ _ *
New Tori M&ncy and Stocks.
WAH. StRtsr Ocloh-r 25.
MoncjSexchanse ; k'gher at SI 82Ji5 00-
Steady , A
U. S 6V81 . 1 04 | U. S-.l'afr ? . 109
U. S. 6'a . 7,1 0-4 Cuuency6'8 . l C5
AclUc ; diclined 3 to 6c latter in Chiigo and
Alton blnca opining.
WU . 101 C C&OJC . 19
NYC . 1 31 MO . 10 ? }
K-8 . 44 } Loci . p't
Prefc-rred . 751 Ht"30nC.inkl. ! . . . 87j
n I . 122 NJO . 78
S . H6i XI & E . 117
1'rrferred 1 4M 1 M 6 > |
PM.- < 6J HP 80
Ohio 0 Preferred 64
Preferred T7J LAN ' 1 CJ
SIP 1011 KkT Sb-i
Irct-rrcd Ill K&T C9
St J o -12 } li ! < i 74
Preferred SOJ CanadaS C8
Wab'Sh 4-.IJ B&Q 1 441
Prtfcrcd JS3 04 K 24
Omaha 4J ( I 117 <
Prpferiet iS Alton iSlJ
UP 02 } Central P 74J
Chicago Proauco Market.
CHICAGO , October 27.
Wheat Was fairly astivo but un
settled , and cloted iat' < er weak at a
nli ht decline on the figlirci entrant
24 houra ago. No. 2 spring sold at
99 < 399o for October ; 99Jc@l Oli
for November ; and § 1 01. ' , © ! 02 | for
December ; closing at DOJc for Oc
tcber ; ? i 00 for November ; SI Olfc
for December ; and § 1 02J@1 02g for
January. "
Corn Declined | c and No. 2 sold
at39@39jc for Ootobor ; 39J39a for
November ; 40l40ic for December ;
closing at 3J@39Jc for cash ; 39c for
October ; 39gc for November ; 40gc
for December ; and 44gc for May.
Oats Were weaker aud ic lower ;
No. 2 selling at 2828c for
cash ; 28jj@28Sc for November ; 29g@
20c for December ; closing at 28 c
for cash or October ; 28c for Novem
ber ; 29jjc for December } and 33g@34c
for May.
Rye Was easier , and No. 2 closed
at 82c for Cash.
Barley Was firmer and Ic
higher ; No. 2 sold at 83@83jc for cash ;
and 82jc for November.
"Whisky-Si 11.
Hogs Products were eaiior for
mess pork , but stronger for lard and
Mesa Pork Closed at 81115 for
November ; and § 11 10 for December.
Lfird Closed at § 7 90 for c.\ah ;
S7 72 for November ; a-id 87 07 * ®
7 70 for December.
Chicago Live Stock Mar-Hot.
CUICAGO , October 27.
Hoga Were active aud sh&de high
er , with sales at § 4 404 50 for li ht
packing and shipping ; ! $425455
for heavy packing ; and 84 31@4 G5
for fair to extra smooth heavy ship
ping lots ; receipts , 23,145.
Cattle Dullness wra a prevailing
failure of the cattle market to-day.
Buyers wore present and evinced but
little disposition to operate in any
grade of stock ; aud only a limited
number changed hands to an eastern
buyer and city butcher for Colorado
steers , clthough puns were well filled
with stock. Shipments yesterday were
only 443 head , sales ranged from
$3 95@4 00. There was nothing done
In any other qualities up to hour our
reporter left the yards. Larger num
ber or yearling and spring calves ar
rived from different eastern roads , re
ceipts were 5,880 hea > ' .
New York Produce Mariot.
NEW YORK , October 27.
Flour Without important change
moderate export and jobbing trades :
receipts 19,967 ; round , hoop Ohio ,
? 4 70@5 00 ; choice do , § 5 10@G 00 ,
superfine western $3 80@4 25common ;
to good extra do , § 4 25L4 ( 70 ; choice
do , $475@G50 ; choice white wheat
do , § 4G5@485.
Butter Firm and in fair inquiry ;
Ohio , 15@31c.
Eggs Firm at 21@23o for fair to
Wheat Ewier ; Chicago , $115
© 11C ; Milwaukee , § 11C ; No. 2 red
winter , 8115 | : sales 375,000.
Corn Quiet ; No. 2. at 55s ; sales
Oata Easier ; No. 1 v.hito44@44ic ;
No. 2 , 3940i ; No. 3 , 38c ; mixed
No. 1 , 39c ; No7 2,39c ; No. 3 , 371 ®
Provisions Pork at § 19 00 for
October ; § 1112 | bid for November ;
§ 1115 bid for December ; Sll 10 bid
for the year ; § 12 20 bid for Januaty.
Lard ? 7 20 for October ; S7 72 for
November ; $7 70 pskod for Januaiy ;
S7 75 bid , and § 7 77J asked for Fob
St. Louis Produce Maraet.
ST. Louis , October 27.
Flour Dull and unchanged.
Wheat Opened firmer and closed
lower ; No. 2 red , at § 10099 c for
cash ; SI 00f@l 00 § for November ;
SI 03 § > 1 04@1 03i for December ;
SI 03 @ 1 05g@l 05 § for January :
No. 3 , do , 94 ® 94jc ; No. 4 , do ,
Corn Lower at 3939Jc for cash ;
HOgc for October ; 39jjc for November ;
39c for December ; 39gu@39c for
January ; 44c for May.
Oats Lower nt 29o for csh ; 29i
@ 29gc for Novcmb r ; 30 @ 30 c for
Rye Steady at 83o.
Barley Steady at f OG95c.
Lead Quiet at § 4 50.
Butter Quiet ; dairy , 20@20c.
Eg4s Steady at 15J@17c.
Whiaky steady at § 110.
Provisions Pork dull at § 15 25.
Dry Salt Meats Easy at § 4 90 ®
7 G07 80.
Bacon Lower at So 25@8 G7i ©
Lard Nominal.
Receipts Flour , 7,000 bbls ;
wheat , 97,000 bu ; corn , 48,000 bu ;
oats , 20,000 bu ; Rye , 1,000 ; barley ,
19,000 bu.
Shipments Flour , 15,000 bbls ;
wheat,102,000bncorn,50,0004buoats ; ; ; ,
4,000 bu ; Rye , none ; barley , none ;
Sc. Louis Live Stocs Market.
ST. Louis , October 27.
Hoga Better on light "trades , York
ers and Baltimore , $4 20@4 35 ;
mixed packing , $4 2034 35 ; butchers'
to fancy , § 4 40@4 50 ; receipts 4,000 ;
shipments , 3.600.
Arrival and Eeception oi
the Great French Ac
tress in New York.
The IMagnificent Arnsoia Clock
Factory , of Brooklyn , De
stroyed by Fire.
A Zealous North Carolinan
Cotributes His Life and
Borrowed Wealth to
Sale of the Chicago Jockey
Club P-rk Captured
Counterfeit Bonds.
Arrest of the Author of the
Forged Chinese Letter.
Sarah Safe.
Special Dispatch lollie Ike.
NE\V YOUK , October 27 , 4 p. in.
The Amerique , with Mile. Burnhardt
aboard , pissed Sandy Elook at 11:30 :
ist nigh t nnd anchored nt Quarantine
at midnight. At 9:30 : this morning
; he steamer reached the pier , at the
rootof Morton street , where over 1000
persons awaited the arrival of tliO
great actress. At an early hour the
special steamer Chartered , by Manager -
gor Abbey , went down the buy to
meet the Aineriqui ) . SuvCral
handrod excursionists , were aboard
including the representatives of the
press acittho French sock'tii-ft and bus
iness firms in this city. Mllo. Bern-
hardt mot the p , rty ir the c-ilmi of
the "Amoriquo * , ' where eho listened
to an address delivered the represent
ative of the circle , Artiaeq Francaiso ,
and received the Various mcasngea of
greeting from other societies. The
cabin tiiblo w.xa It ailed with lloril de
vices and unique Jeiigua.
Disastrous Fires.
Special nUp.Uclns to Tli0 Dee.
BROOKLYN , N.1 Y , October 27 1 p.
in. The magnificent works of the
Ansonia Clock company , in this city ,
were totally destroyed 4)y ) fire this
morning , throwing out of employment
about SCO p TSODB Tne nlnrm was
first soundud u few minutes bcforo 3
o'cl.ick. The ildtmcs spread rapidly ,
and in a very short time the entire
structure wia : in flanva and its de
struction inevitable. The works oc
cupied ground running from Twelfth
to Thirteenth street , and half way
back along the block from Eighth to
Ninth avenue. The building was of
brick , highly ornamental in its con
struction , and five stories high. On
the nor h aide of the street was a row
of four buildings , occupied by the
employes , and all these , with of their contents also burned. In
the rear of the worka and on the east ,
towards the lumber yard , were the
brass and iron casting chops and of
thesa not a vestige remains , except
charred timber and iron works. It
appears the company manufactured irs
own gas. The supply gave out last
night and the workmen neglected to
turn oft- the atop cocks. Meanwhile
the gaa generator was kept going and
aa soon as the supply was sufficient the
flow commenced again through open
jots , filling the building. A watchman
entered the building with a lighted
lantern , when a loud explosion oc-
cured and the flames immediately
leaped outcf the shattered windows.
The loss is estimated at 8500,000.
The total insurance is 8395,000 , di
vided among 05 companies.
AKRON , O. , October 27. The house
of W. P. Davis was burned by an-in
cendiary last night. LOBS , § 12,000 ;
partly insured.
27. Arnold's fire brick works at Ca
nal Dover were burned last night.
Loss , § 15,000 ; no insurance.
Bulldozed to Deatb.
Special Dispatch to The Bco
CHARLOTTE , N. 0. , October 27 4
p , m. A strange and fatal accident
occuired in the church in Epck Hill
Monday night. The collection plate
was being passed around , while an
earnest exhortation had been made for
money to help the Christian cause.
Jas. Gooch , a young man in the con
gregation , did not have a cent and
being moved by the ministers' appeals
he tried borrowing ten cents from a man
next to him. The man refused.
Gooch then took a pistol from his
pocket and offered it ns collateral. The
man took the pledge and while ex
amining the weapon it went off ,
sending a ball through the brain
of Gooch , killing him instantly.
Death of Hon. E. D. Mansfield.
Special Dispatch to The Bco.
CINCINNATI , October 27 4 p. m.
E. D. Mansfield , one of the oldest
journalists in this country , died at his
home in Morrow , Ohio , to-day. He
was for many years a lo.iding
writer and was a co worker with
Grcaley and Bennett. For many
years past ho has been chiutly known
for his political and statistical letters
over the signature of E. D. M. and
' 'Veteran Observer. "
Ingenious Counterfeits.
Special Dispatch to Olio Bco.
WASHINGTON , October 27,4 p. rn.
The secret service division yesterday
received from Chicago eomo of the
§ 1,000 coupon bondw found in the
possession ff .1. 15. Doyle , when ar
rested. Q'ho bonds have been exam
ined by the officer of the service and
by experts in the loan divi ion of the
treasury department. They arc pro
nounced counterfeit , but EO good that
no one but an expert would bo able to
detect their apurirus character.
Smith , who engraved the plates , eays
that originally I he cjupons were on
the bonds. When taken from Doyle
there was but sue coupon attached ,
the others had been cut ofl in a jazged
tray. The big rid sell with Wash
ington through the centre , is but
feebly brought nut in the counterfeits.
Sold Out.
Special Dispatch to The Bee.
CHICAGO , October 27 , 4 p. m.
The Chicago Jockey Club Park track
and buildings which has the reputa
tion of being the first race course in
the country , was sold this morning at
public auction to satisfy a mortgage
of S3),000 held by H. V. Bemis. The
§ 18,000 and ihe prop
orty waa finally knocked down to A.
W. Richmond , of New York , owner
of Hopeful , for S29.GOO.
Tiie Forger Arrested.
Special Dispatch tnSThe nee.
NEW YORK. October 27. 4 p. m.
Kcnnard Fhilp , ono of jtho editors of
The Truth , ( newspaper ) , was arrested
to-day at his residence In Brooklyn ,
i > n the charge of forging the Garfield
Chinese letter. His lawyer has ob
tained a writ of habeas corpus re urna-
hle in tbu superior court of this city
this afternoon.
The King of True Bepublicanism
From the Home of the
Union Chief'
Constituents of Twenty Years
Standing Call on Their
Honored Leader.
A Eeatty "Welcome Home.
Special illapatch to The Bee.
CLEVELAND , October 27. Ganeral
Gu-lit'ld WAS visited yesterday by a
l.xrgo party of his republican friendf-
from Warren , West Farrainijton , Oir
ard and other parts of Trumbull coun
ty. Senator Allison , of Iowa , and
Ellwood E. Homo , of New York , also
cillod upon him. Judge Taylor , con
gressman-elect from the Nineteenth
Jhlo District , was the spokesman ol
the parly. Gen. Girfield , in answer
saiu :
no idea what it Is to mo to luok upon
; his circla of friends. There has been
a seed many s'mngcn in this in
the last weehfl. There are some
strangers perhaps , here now , but in
, his circio , all along its lno ! , there
r faces that fl.wh bick to mo the
nomorics of these twenty years past.
Memories full of struggle , full of
question , full of events , full offriend-
sliip , full of victories , full of
all that goes to make up
the lifo and private friend
ship of this Western Reserve
ror the period of at leadt eighteen
poara. You cannot know what strength
; t bringi to mo to SCO these friends
who have stt od by net me alone , but
by the cause that they believed I re
presented , and have stood by it in a
most useful , earnest , intelligent ,
Forcible and effective manner during
those years. Why , I see men in
this circio who in the whole of this
long time have never betrayed to me
by any sign or any word that they
had the least purpose of their
own to serve , but only the purpose to
servo their country and ita best inter
ests ; and that their friendship for me
was largely , if not altogether , becauee
they thought I was capab'o of ren
dering some good service to the cause
they luvcl and the country they re
vored. Well , a man with such friend
ship around him , and with such sup
ports behind him , would bo a very
poor piece of timber , indeed , if he
jid not amount to something. Out
of the soil of such hearts as
these , out of the forces of such people
ple as these , they can grow all that is
iiost in our civilization and under our
institutions. I know not what awaits
me in the future. I never discount
it so far as it relates to myeelf. I
never allow myself to be elated with
what msybe , nr r depressed with what
might have been. I do Bay this , that
[ cannnot conceive that the
time can over como when
the friendship of these men
that are gathered In this yard to-day ,
can be anythiny but dear to me , and
the greatest possible value in strength
ening my heart and hope whatever
the field may be. I thank you , gen
tlemen , that out of this inclement day
and with all circumstances ap
parently against it , you have
nade your way hero to
my home , that you have formed a
circle about it that will not disappear
when you are gone. It will seem to
me in all times to come as I stand up
on this portal that a circle of my old
constituents and friends have left
: heir guardianship and love circling
about my door , I welcome you.
Counting the Losses ,
Special Dispatch to TUB Bra
NEW YOUK , October 27 , 1 a. m.
A meeting was held yesterday after
noonfcby the board underwriters whose
majority of insurance company's ,
which are loser by the fire at the
manufactory of Ansonia clock com
pany , were represented. The aggre
gate amount of insurance on the build
ing , stock and machinery of the An-
sonia clock and watch company was
$395,000 , which was divided among
ninety-five compan'en. The policies
vary from § 1,250 to S10.0CO , and It is
sad no one company is interested for
more than S10.COO.
Weekly Market Review.
OMAHA , Oct. 27th , 1880. Jobbora >
packers and commission men give the
following quotations on grain ,
provisions and leading articles of
merchandise , for the opening of this
Produce. The market last week
was quiet , but the prospects for this
week are much better.
Onions In largo quantities bring
from § 1101 15.
Potatoes Are moving lively ; largo
quantities being sold daily at 55@75c.
Cabbage Plenty at (55@40o ( par
Ejfga Fair demand , at22c.
Butter Poor , lG19e ; choice , 22 ©
Cheese Nebraska , choice , 12@14c.
Hay Bailed hay is scarce and sell
ing readily nt $10 00 per ton ; loose on
wagona , SO 507 25.
Uider S-t 75(25 ( 50 per bbl.
Lard In bulk 7jc per pound.
Fruit Variety small , choice win
ter apples , ? 1 902 10 par bbl ; largo
supply , demand moderate.
Lemons S3 75 < gG 25 per box.
Live Stock Fat steers , western ,
bring from § 2 753 ( 00 ; common
western , $2 C0@2 75
Sheep S3 003 25.
Hogs Fat nogs are in fair de
mand though the packing season has
not opened yet , and bring from $3 75
@ 4 00 with n slight upward tendency.
Poultry Mrirkct quiet ; dressed
chickens are selling at 10@12Jc ;
live , per doz. 82 2532 50 ; small de
mand for turkey's , bnt none in the
market ; ducks , dressed bring from
Wheat To. 1 , npne in the market ;
Wholesale and Retail ManH
LERS , *
Gold and Silver Watches
and Jtfivefry in the
Come aud See Our Stock
as We Will Be Pleased
to Show Goods.
15th it Dn 1i > i . QinHisito PoMnHice.
Iron and Wagon Stock ,
M Chicago Prices.
120 ! ) and 1211 Harney S < rcH , Omaha.
( vtll-Jmc
No. 2 , 8CcNo. ; 3 , 77c ; rejected , 58c ;
common western , mixed , 127.
Oats Nnl , nonu in the market ; .
No. 2 ' 2j@27c.
Bar'ley No. 2 , C3pxlNro. ; 0 , 50c ;
No. 3,45 ; rejected , 40 : .
Rye No. 2 , 72c.
" \Yuod Hardwood is in good do-
m-Mid ; large lots are soiling from
SG 25@7CO ; cotton wood , ? 4 50(35 ( 00 ;
hickory is scarce and would briny a
good price.
Hides , Tallow , Etc Market
quiet ; preen hides , 7@7ic ; reen s It
hides , 9S9jc ; green caU hides , calf ,
10l4c ; dry Hint , 15c ; damaged
stock , 5 pure , 10 per cent oil for
brands ; market fair , wMi prices
Tallow No. 1 , 5 c ; No. 2 , 4 ? c.
Nails § 3 05 with heavy shippings
west.Brick Common In kiln , S3 00 ;
choice in kiln , § 10 00 ; demand much
more than supply.
Leather It was rumored last week
that all kinds of leather was going up ,
but it is reported to-day aa steady
and unchanged ; shoemaker's stock ,
solo , oak , 50@45c per Ib ; solo , hem
lock , 30@3Gc per la ; upper , common ,
24@2Gc p r Ib ; upper , domestic ,
calf , Sl"00@l 30 ; French calf , SI 500
2 10 ; domestic kip. SI 10 80c ;
French kip , SI 10@1 50 ; harness No 1
oak , 43@45cNo. ; 2 oak , 41@43c ; No.
1 hemlock , 39@41c ; No. 1 ! hemlock ,
Special Dispatches to Till nil.
The Daily News publishes a special
from Toulon , 111. , defending J. B.
Dovlo. It says he has but-n an hon
orable and reepec'ed business man of
Stark county ever since 1872.
C. Risely & Co. , 77 Wall street ,
New York , coffee jobbers , failed yestor-
da } , and made ? n assignment to Mor
gan J.O'Brian. Liabilities about $800-
000 ; assets about § 400,000.
About floven hundred Cleveland la
dies called on Gen. and Mrs. G.irfield
yesterday afternoon. The General
responded to a brief spaech by Mrs.
M. E. Martin.
The Worth county court hoauo at
Albany , Ga. , was burned Tuesday
night at 1 o'clock. The records were
The sheriff of Henderson county ,
Kentucky , took fourteen prisoners off
to the Frankfort penitenthry yester
day. Two were sentenced for life for
murder , and one , who rcrvcd two
turms for grand larceny , was senten
ced for life for stealing a watch.
At the municipal election of Balti
more , held yesterday , for members of
the city council , a total votu of 38-
749 was polled. The democratic vote
was 23,330 , and the republican vote
15,419 , a democratic m-ijimty of
TKKRA HAUTK , Ind. , October 17.
A Terra. Haute and Indianapolis
freight locomotive exploded while
standing hero in the yards. John
Baker , the fireman , waa killed. No
body eke was injured.
LvniANAroLiH , lind , Oct. 27. Mra.
Brown and J.TJ. Wade , who were to
bo handed to-day , have boon respited
for thirty days.
CHIAOO , October 27. A Now York
special to The Daily News says : "Rob
ert Lincoln , of Chicago , met hia moth
er , tbo widow of the late president on
her arrival from France on the "Am
erique" this morning. She la looking
very well. She leaves for the south
In a few days. "
Improving Navigation.
Special Itapitch to TUB liin.
WASHISOTOS , October 27 1 a. m.
Tha Mississapui river ccmmiKsioners
have thoroughly inspected the plan
adopted by the bureau of engineers
for the improvement of the upper Mis
sissippi river , and their preliminary
report , to be submitted to congress
December next , they will approve this
portion , and urge that it be continued.
The commissioners will consider at
their next meeting a plan for caing
the lakes bordering on the upper Mia-
3'ssippi as rcaervoira , emptying their
waters Into the rivori at Bimsons if
lnw water. It is b-jlievtd tint J-y
this nuMirn navigation can bo Itci t up
throughout the year rjcrp'.ing. of
coiifdo , whvii thts river is fnzei' over.
The ifonuiliHsiontirs will meet in St.
Louis in Doipmb-r fur thr p-jtpo e of
preparing their preliminary repoit for
transmi ai.n to contrcfS They are
pniiguine ' Iheir beinMo to fur
nish a p'an for irnpr-vement
of the Mississippi river which will
prove of incaiul | bl value to the commerce
merco of the cnttro Mississippi valley
and its tributaries.
Greeting Grant.
Special Dtipotcli to The ISoe.
ROCIIFSTER , N. Y. , October 28 1
n. m. Gen. Grant arrived hero at
10:3C : o'clock yesterday mornlnjr , and
was welcomed at the depot by the re
ception committee , after which ho
was taken to tha hotel , driven by
four white horses , end escorted by the
Lincoln club. At ono o'clock the
procession , numbering over 5000 uni
formed men , with eighteen brass
bands , commenced moving. Many of
the men in line were from the coun
try villages. The throng In the cl'y
was simply immense , every Inch or !
standing room along the line of march
being taken. The crowd was rarions-
ly estimated at from 6000 to 10,000.
A great many of the buildings along
the route of the procession were gor-
gaously decorated with flags , stream
ers portraits of the candidate * , etc.
The enthushsm was unbounded. The
procession marched to the place of
meeting , where a large crowd Iftl
gathered , and were addressed by Gen
Grant and Senator Coukling.
Indication ? .
Special Dispatch to The Bee.
WAS' IKOTON , October 28 1 a. m.
For upper Mississippi and lower
Missouri valleys cloudy and threat
ening weather with occasional rain ,
warmer southerly wind , lower barom
nlwnys Cures nnj never dl np-
pointi. The world's < ; rent Pivin-
Rbliovor for Mim and Boast.
Cheap , qaiclt aud rolin bio.
i.s not Narcotic. Children
ftit upon , Mother * like ,
and Physicians recommend
CASTOKIA. It regulates the
Bowels , cures AVind Colic ,
allays Feverisliuess , aud de
stroys "Worms.
TARRH Core , a Constitutional
Antidote for this terrible mala
dy , ly Absorption. The most
Important Discovery sinoo Vac
cination. Other remedies may
relieve Catarrh , thii cures at
any stage before Cossuaption
vets in.
CHCC a wetK in your own town , lermf ad
iJJOQ omatfie ? , Addrwi H. HU tt U Q
crilanil , M.