Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 27, 1880, Morning Edition, Image 5

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< i
Wednesday Morning , Oct. 27.
Fatenon Belts coal-
Frcdcri ck Lcadiny Hatter. o23-lf
Sec l'olack'n advertisement.
-r , r the teeth , Kuliu's Dcntrificc.
dubiaity tl s evening.
Omaha Ferry.
-1'orter is running the
Isaac KickoX American remedy.
-T-ubmelnilk i > crfume atKuhn's only.
will be
ball to-night
- -policemen B
a brilliant affair.
-Vienna Sausages , the Palace Market ,
South Fifteenth
3 ; I
Neil Uurgess' Widow Bcdott company
is cominR. Secure j our seats.
-Whipple , McM'llan & Co. , the jewel
er * , 1 2i Douglas ttrect. o2Gtf
-Men who a c BO fond of a change
oa ; hl to be satis Scd with this weather.
ttlove Uling Pattern ? at Enslunan'u. tf
-I'hibestofmpaUat Bath & White'H
market , opposite the jwstoilicc. 2Mf
For lands , Lots , Houses and Farms
W < over Beinis' new column on flret page.
Tilth & White , oppose the post-
olliec , receive fresh fish every Thursday.
A uuual banquet of Engine Co. No. I
at IIOUM in North Oiualia Thursday
Jjots , Farms , Houses and Lands. Look
of bargains on 3bt
over Bern)1 ! n w column
-General Superintendent Clark and Su
perintendent Morwnan have sonetohid-
ncy to attend the trial of er-Expra.a Agent
The fall hunt of the Omaha SporU-
' io-day and
ni-n'sclub will-lake place ,
th game supper conies off n Thursday
Ihc water works company fctill ashcibi
Hut it will Iwe water running through
iiie pipes iii the business iwrtion of thin
oily by January 1.
The cabe of Hurry Lucas , charged Keeping a ilisonlerly house , was taken
tip in the district courllhUmorning on ap-
PCA ! from Judge llawcs * court.
There wcro no arrests Monday , and
the office of the city judge \vas for another
Jl Iioure u binceure , except one or Ivo cou-
tiuiied caeca < iLno great importance.
Tlie Bohemian Benevolent Society
will give an entertainment to iU muiubeis
an 1 friemh/Wednc'day / evcning.OcU 27Ui ,
at S-.auina Hall , SouthTliirlwn'h Sticet.
-The Swede"who was hliot by boino vil
lain near Military bridge last Saturday
nuht is uotirCriouRly huit , haing received
only a flesh wonad. Tlie occa-iou of the
outrage is aim ystcry.
Tlie Germah Ladies' locicly huldb a
Tairoii the List three evenings of t1 is week
al StanYliird hall , fur the purpoMiof laifciug
funds towards the new Turn hall , whkh it
is hoped to legin bni'Jing next spring.
; Mart Keiiuedy , who waited to go
huntingTuewJay atnlliad | no suitable ovcr-
oat , went to a tailor Monday at 6 o'clock
with the material , and at8 o'clock his coat
w.-u handed to him complete. This taken
the cake in fast tailoring.
Deputy U. 8. Manhal Moody , ro-
1 in lud from Sioux City yesterday , with
a couple ofituus < -es in the case of Emit
lloy.x , the bugun detective , iiliose exam
ination was to come np before "U. S. Com-
iniNsiouer WjitAOu 15. Smith , ut 11 a. in. ,
yesterday. 11 oya'n chances of clearing his
liirls are decidedly thin.
The meeting of Bohemians in South
Omah.i Monday was largely attended and
extremely interesting , those in atl < ndance
I eiiiR'inteciithUb5.iHtic | over the cloijncnt
address by the > peakcr from abroad , Mr.
1 > unw. The latter was followed by Mr.
Itosicky and ho was eipially tnccessful in
pleasing his audience. A lingo bonfire
made the BCCIIO lively and cheerful.
Mr. N. Shelton , the treasurer of the
rily water works company , denies that
there is any .misunderstanding between the
rllii-crii ofithat company and the conlrac- ,
tor. Ho ays Mr. Rutherford * * presence
hero at this time 5 < not necessary , Jind
thai worlc is being pushed along jnst as
well as can bo. Kvcrythiug is lovely and
Hi * aquatic bird loftily pendant.
Tin trunk factory on Twelfth street ,
near D uglas , was the scene ol
ipiHe a Hcnsalion about"11 o'clock Monday
ii'ghl. Some one who wascither dnink or
Lent on robbery brokelu a pane of glassin
: v bjok window and aroused the proprietor ,
Mr. Gnimin , who , with a couple of citi-
ECUS , followed the disturber of the peace ,
who was joined by a comrade , and the two a hasty retreat uuJcr cover of a re-
vilvcr. If robbery was their game they
were pretty bold about it
A lamp was accidentally knocked over
liy one of the purls employed in Fcstncr'n
book bindery , about C o'clock Monday
iuiil being broken by the fall the oil ignited
niitl for a time made things look threaten-
in.j. The flames were , however , cxtin-
sif hhcd without serious injury to property
> r i > creon. At the fame time a lamp cx-
li'odod in a private- room on Twelfth street ,
Jiear Douglas , but the fire from it was
- luickly oztin/rai-ilicd. / An alarm was turn-
o.l in by somebody from IKJX 12 , bringing
out the fire Ueiiartnient only to find that
tlu'ir services were not needed. A false
iilanu nl > out 8 o'clock from box 7 took th
jU'lj.irtiiiont to the corner of Jackson ad
Thirteenth , where the cause was found to
bj a bonfire near Bohemian hall.
Just received twenty loads of apples
mid potatoes. Bring in your orders to
-lullus TroitBchko , 308 , 310 nnd 312 ,
S 'Ulh-Piftoanth street or 412 , 414 and
110 , Thirteenth street , between Jack-
uon and Leavcnworth. o2G ta-th-a
The Omaha fur Manufacturer ,
31 ury G. Richtcr,7is to be found op-
J ) > ailb the postoflico. o2C-tf
Army Orders.
Lieutcnant-Oolouel Thomas M. An
il r on , Nintli Infantry , will proceed
ivithuut dolnj' to Fort McKinney , W.
T. , and naaumo command of that
i , compliauco with insfructions
i rum headquarters military division of
Iho Siissouri , dated October ! > , 1SSO ,
Jfirat Llcutenwit James Mcli. Stem-
l ol , Sinth infantry , is detail til to in-
t iccls and report n ou tlio ( jnnntily
Mid'guality of goods issued , and the
manner of their delivery , lo the Indic -
c us at the Santee and Flaudroau con-
fcjlidatod agopcy , Nebraska.
When notified by the agent that bn
I prepared to Issue to the Indians
i f that agency , the goods to which
t y are entitled , bo will proceed
1 'icroto , 'to comply wilh the above
i caticncd duty , and on completion
i i tbo Usno , .will rejoin his station.
All worTT in jewelry and watch to-
1 lring warranted in every particular ,
ct Whlpple , McMillan & Co. 'a. 2t
How He Got into a Difficulty
with a Wealthy Patient's
He Writes a Letter which Stirs
up a Big Breeze.
four weeks ago an elegant
looking woman.notyot pest the twen
ties , came to Omaha from the east and
registered at ono of our loading bo-
teli , prefixing the title of Mrs. to her
name. She was richly and tastefully
dressed , aud had a countenance indi
cating a high degree of intelligence
and refinement. Immediately after her
arrival she was taken sick and sending
for the clerk requested him to sf cure
the services of ono of the best phy
sicians ho could find which ho did and
was fortunate enough to find mo
within a few moments walk from the
The doctor , from whom wo learn
this story , says that on reaching the
room of the patient thus sud
denly added to his list he
found 'her Buffering greatly and
in a short time the woman gave
birth to a child which did not however ,
live to BOO the sun set on the first day
of its existence. Of course as the
woman had registered so plainly and
was so evidently a lady of respecta
bility as well is wealth , the circum
stances under which she was detained
for a few days did not excite any sus
Before leaving for'her home , which
she said was in Salem , Oregon , the
woman explained lo the physician that
she had been in New York on a visit ,
her husband in his western
home , that the trouble she had here
was unexpected nnd that that though
she was well provided with money
she might ba taken sick on the
real and need it all. She showed him
a case of jewelry which .included
diamonds that inusthave been worth n
small furlune , aud oilcred to let htm
take these as a security that she
would pay him , aud that immediately
upon her arrival at homo her husband
would send him the money.
This the doctor refused to
do , and like a true gentleman told
her ho would wait for his money , and
trust to her sending it without securi
ty. He also advanced her fifty dollars
lars to pay her hotel bill aud other lit
tle expenses hero , and saw her at
length safely ofi * for homo. After she
had gene ho thought ho would write
her hutband , and accordingly did so ,
relating the circumstances and the re
covery of his wife and enclosing his
bill His surprise may bo imagined
when two weeks later he received a
reply that made his blood fairly curdle
in his veins. The wife and the loiter
had reached home simultaneously
and as the wife had been in the Fast on
a visit for over a year there
was of course , a gonniuo
explosion , the woman denying every
thing and claiming that it was an at
tempt at blackmail , and possessing the
confidence of her Hugo lord she had
him persuaded to make things red-hot
for our doctor , who siw that he
had got liia foot into it. Iio
sit : down at unco and wrote
out a full statement , giving dale ex
actly and then procured the signature
ot the landlord , clerk and nurse to it ,
aud adding his own forwarded it t
the indignant husband , with the re
quest that ho at once remit the
amount duo or ho would bring suit
against him and ascertain whoso char
acter would bo clouded by the result of
a thorough 5n\c3tigation. EToalso wrote
to a friend in Salem , asking him to
investigate the whole matter quietly
and post him. lie has not yet received
a reply to the last two communications
but it may bo believed that ho is
anxiously expecting word from the
coast and notwilhstanding his own
square record in the matter naturally
feels somewhat solicitions as to the re
sult of the firebrand ho so uncon
sciously throw into the family circle. "
STOP AND LOOK IN , Eaton has the
most complete assortment of Steel
Engravings over brought to Omaha ,
and at New York prices. tf.
American watches in gold and silver
cases , at bottom prices , at Whipplo ,
"McMillan & Go's. 2C-2t
California Pears , Plums , Grapes ,
etc. , at lizard's Palacn. o21-tf
Five Diplomas awarded at the State
Fulr of Nebraska , 1880 , fur Superior
Burglar Proof and Fire Proof Safes ,
Titno Locks , Bank Locks and Bank-
err's Supplies. Said Safes and Locks
ara manufactured by Hall Safe and
Lock Co. A full stock of these goods
constantly on hand at our store
Cruightoii block , Omaha , Ncbt
O. N. Hisi co fc Cio.
Successors to Brisco , Doano & Co.
d&w 2t.
Omaha chapter meets for work Tuos-
diy evening , Oct. 2Cth.
Lost Brown leather pocket book ,
steel clasp , containing two U. P. or
ders , $20 each , a $20 gold piece and
$ fi or $7 In sil7or. A liberal reward
will be paid for its return to Mrs. J.
D. Campbell , Sll Nineteenth street.
Bonuor's Stoves much the finest
in the Market. Call and see. 1410
Douglas street. o22-tf
If you have tried everything else ,
without receiving any benefit , call at
- ' JO Dodge street , north side , between
loth aud 14th , and see the agent for
I aac Nichols' American Remedy
ol Gcodlia
Mrs. S. A. Smith , gioccr'os and
produce , has adopted the cash system.
Call aud get prices ; 7th and Pierce
streets. . 3t t-oct7.
Now fine goods in largo variety ,
just received , including now dried
fruits , Citron Peel , Nuts , Jellies ,
Sweet Cider.Buckwhoat , Maple Syrup ,
Fruit Butters , etc. , etc.
25-51 FLEMING & Co. , Grocers.
, E. Maurer has opened his new
saloon and lunch room 1214 Farnham
street , late Elgutter'a store. 1m
Haw a Murderous Villain Had
the Tables Turned on
Him ,
And was Nearly Killed by His
Intended Victim.
Lawlessness eeems to be on the In
crease in our city not only , but
throughout the weat and a diligent
perusal of our exchanges will bo satis
Factory evidence that Omaha ia not the
only resort of desperados and scon of
Lhcir exploits. It appears that they
are not satisfied with committing the
old fashionable crimes of larceny and
icrso stealing , but are not willing , if
any of their villainous gang falls Into
the clutches of the law , to allow jus
tice to take its course without serious
One of our leading attorneys who
was recently engaged In prosecuting
i notorious criminal who was convict
ed and sent to the state prison for two
years , was , it appears , spotted by some
of his friends determined to punish
iim for performing too well the duties
of hh profession. Tnc villainous thug
wjs , it is believed , really intent on
nurdering the attorney and for that
purpose waylaid him one night on a
quiet street as he .was proceeding
iiomcward. It was during the recent
spell of rain nnd mud and to
the furluna'e accident of the
slippery condition of the side
walk the attorney probably owes his
life. Ho was walking slowly home
ward pmderiag over the intricacies of
some weighty case when , just after
pissiu an alloy , he heard footsteps
behind him and turned his head jual
in lime to see a wicked face gleaming
at him and a pistol barrel pointed
In his own face. Ho says
tils heart stood still for
a second , but a scocnd only , and
whirling about ho struck his would bo
assailant a terrible blow with a cane
iio carried in his hand. The fellow
staggered and losing his footing foil
tnckward upon the sidewalk , the
weapon being discharged and the ball
passing harmlessly above the head of
Lhe disciple ot Bluckatone , who before
i second shot could bo fired sprang
upon the man and kicked him about
: ho head until he was senseless.
At length seeing that his man was
larmlcss , the gentleman began to ex
amine the extent of his injuries , aud
'or n few moments feared that he had
timed the tables on him completely
ind killed the fellow. Ho wont to
, ho house of a physician near by , art !
summoning aid carried the. injured
rain to a house near by , whore his
wounds worodro-'od and ho was re
stored to consciousness He cpnf'-sscd
that he had como up clear from Texas
to do the job ho had undertaken , and
iiad so ignominiously failed at aud
to his own surprise was
told that ho might get up aud go , but
warned that ho had batter shake the
dust of the oily , or its mud , from his
feel prelty quickly , and ho did with
joy at his escape.
The next time a Txas man wants
to avenge a fancii ii wrong ho will
not tackle the magnificently built and
lion-hoarti'd lawyer who furnishes us
with this stiny , but declines to have
his name mentioned.
The Danish Society's monthly par
ty , Wednesday night , October 27.
Col. J. J. Dicfccy has gone cast.
C * . S. Poor and [ father left for Ogdeii
Lot Brown , of Nebraska City , was in
t jwn yesterday.
S. S. Stevens , of the Rock Island , was in
Sirs. Howard Kennedy leaves for Pcnn
sylvania yesterday afternoon.
Henry 1' . Bowman has returned from
an ext nded western trip.
General Thaycr has gone to stump the
l cys > tonc state for Garfield.
Mr. Prank Smith , of Smith Bros. , New
York , has returned from Utah.
E 1. U. Cougdon and John "Wilson , of the
Union Pacific , left for St. Louis Monday ,
Snfierintcndent Balbach , of the Smelt
injj Works , and Master Charles Balbach ,
Jr. , have gone to New York.
Gco. VS. Little left for Brownville ,
Neb. , this morning to acept a position
wi'h the B. & M. in Nebraska.
.lay Uooke , the great banker , was ex
ppsted in the city yesterday en route toSan
-t-'Yancsco. He came in o-ver the North
General Anderson , of Richmrud , "Va
proprietor of the famous Tredegar Iron
Works , went east Monday with a party
of seven friend * . , returning from California.
Mr. J. G. Floyd and wife came up trotn
Lincoln iMonday. to maka their perman
ent homo in OrnnU. 1'ayuiasler Floyd
will hereafter have his office at the Burlington -
lington and Missouri headquarters here.
Tunw W. Antwerp , Esq. , and his
daughter , Mrs. Leland Edwards , left for
their homo in New York Monday after
noon , atter a pleasant trip to Omaha ,
lur'no'which they were the guests of Capt.
J S. Wood and wife.
K. S. An ley , a veteran fireman , and
at present engaged in selling th } famous
Hercules hose , mnde by the Hamilton
Kubbsr company , of Trenton , N. J. . has
IKTCII in the city several days paving the
way for the introduction of his goods into
the Omaha fire department. He is an old
frienJ of Mr. M. J. McKelligon , whom
he had not seen for several years , anil con
sequently his Btay in this city was very
jiloa-siiit to bbth.
To the Sixth Ward Voters.
Last chance to register , ( near Hod
man's store. ) I will sit at my office ,
No. 910 north Sixteenth street , every
evening from G to 9 p. in. , commenc
ing Monday , October 25th to Satur
day , October 30th , and A'onday , No
vember 1st , from 9 a. m. to 9 p. m. lo
complete new list. Everybody come.
o25-Gt Resistrar Gth Ward.
We have received two barrels ol
Quinces on consignment , which musl
be sold , and will oflbr them at 50c a
peck. Now is an opportunity.
25-ot FLEMING & Co. , Grocers.
Mra. M. Cor , Fashionable Dress
Maker , 317 Fifteenth street , between
Davenport anc ( Chicago.
Bonner's Emporium Filled to
Probably no dealer in Omaha is
boiler competent to judge an to the
wants of the people thanjyf amea
Bonncr , Ihe proprielor o tholHouso-
keepers'Emporium , No. MlGDouglas
street. At least , anyone woulu thUik.
so after looking through his establish
ment and noting the unequalled va-
rloly and quantity of his goodn On
entering Ihe sales room the e/egant
display of stoves , especially Iholiand-
some nickel-plated base-burners , im
presses one with Iho Idea that he i * in
a wholesale instead of a retail store.
Foremost among these parlor stoves
are the Wellington , Blue Ribbon ,
New Jewel and Crown Jewel. These
stoves are all well known and are sold
with a written guarantee if required.
The array of cooking stoves is equally
attractive , amen which are the reli
able Washington , Fidelity , Interior ,
Rapid , Gem , etc. Of ranges Mr.
Bonner handles the Howard , which
seems to bo the favorite.
A team and experienced help al
ways ready to remove and put up all
stoves sold , free of charge. A full
line of zinc boards , stove furniture ,
tinware , table and pocket cutlery ,
silverware manufactured by Rog r
Bros. , including their knives , spoons ,
forks , table casters , etc. On Iho same
tloor is displayed an Immense slock of
crockery , among which are a
number of dinner and tea sets of
beautiful China ware ; Chamber
sets of the same material , crate after
crate of English iron stoue china and
largo and well assorted stock of
Buckingham ware. Besides this ia
a line of glassware unequalled in the
city ; lamps of all descriptions , from
Iho small hand lamp lo Iho large
brouzo students' lamp and argaud
burner. On Iho upper floors is stored
a large quantity of furniture of oveiy
description , among which arc several
parlor sets , ranging in price frmn
? 05.00 lo § 275.00. Noticeable among
these ia n ma niticelit of Fremh ve
neercd walnift , finished in raw silk ;
another in brown rep , ouo
in moca , aud a largo as
sortment of bureaus , center tablcs (
extension tables , safes , cupboard ? ,
chairs and writing desks. Mr. BOK-
ner has received .in invoice of a largo
shipment of bedding , including blank
ets , comforters , mattrasses , &c. , which
is expected daily. A fine line of pic
tures are also displayed , stool engrav
ing chromoi , paintings and drawings.
Besides what is mentioned here this
entleman carries numberless other
articles , such as single and double har
ness , genla furnishing goods , such as
eocks , overalls , shirts and underwear ,
Auction sales every Wednesday and
Correspondence of The Dec.
JUNIATA , October24 1880.
Never before in the history of
Adams county waa there a demon
stration equaling in all respects the
grand republican rally and jolificatinn
meeting of last night. Early in the
evening the village WHS brilliantly il
luminated. Tapera gleamed from
a hundred windows , chinoEo
lantctns hung over the streets , bon
fires were Kindled imd the star pp.m-
gled banner was "hang on the outer
wall. "
At 7 oclock Capt. Cole'a company of
torchlightcrs formed in line in front
of Iho Herald building , whence they
marched to the depot with the
Juniata cornet band , to await the ar
rival of a special train from Hastings.
After an hour's waiting the chartered
train of five cars arrived loaded down
with nearly GOO ladies and genllomen
from our sislor cily , together with
Capt. Yocum's torchlight brigade ,
and the Hastings brass band , all of
whom como to join in the display.
As the train came in , the Juniata
band struck up alively air of welcome
to which the Hastings band responded
od , while Captains Yocum and Cole
formed their 250 torch-bearers into
line for their march through the
streets of the village. It was some
thing of a surprise to the people of
Juniata to see fifty Hasting ? ladies in
the line bearing torches along with
their brothers , husbands and sweet
hearts. It was a novel scene , and yet
ono that Impressed all with its beauty
aud propriety. Many of our best
ladies were only too ready , if there
had boon torches to spare , to join
their Hastings slstera in the march.
Numerous transparencies adorned the
ranks , several of which were of beau
tiful design. Some of Ihe radioes and
inscriptions wore as follows :
"Hancock and Sbylock , " "No U.S.
Linds for Homesteaders , " "Juno 27 ,
1871 , Chicago Relief Fund SI , W. H.
English. " One transparency repre
sented Hancock with his corset , and
the inscription was , "Aud they want
you to vote for this. " .
_ After a march through the prin
cipal streets the ladiea of the procen-
sion wcro relieved of their torches and
escorted into Thome's HaU where
seats had been reserved for them. The
remaining totchlighters were then
drawn up into Iwo separate lines when
Cap. Cole called for Ihreo cheers for
Hastings and throe cheers for Gan.
Garfield all of which wore given witli
a will ; and Capt. Yocum's compiny
responded loudly with three cheers
for Jnniata , and three for the presi
dential candidate. Then all went to
the hall , but all could not get In.
With a capacity of about 800 , the
room was too small for the vast as
semblage. Many of the citizens of
Juniata retired to their homes in or
der that their visiting neighbors
might be provided with room.
The speakers of Iho evening were
Attorney-General Dilworth and H.
M. Bushnell , of The Plaltsmouth En
terprise. The speech of Gen. Dil-
worth was calm , clear and logical ;
that of Mr. Bushnell was aho an ex
cellent and clear presentation of the
issues of the campaign. Loth treated
the democratic party In a very gentle
manly way and yet uttered some
truths that cut close to the democratic
heart. Between the speochcs the G.
and A. Glee Club rendered one of
their stirring campaign songs which
was enthusiastically received by the
When the regular speakers had
finished , C. H. Tanner , Esq. , of
Hastings was called for , and that gen
tleman responded in a half hour
speech which was delivered in his
usual vigorous and taking manner.
All the speakers were enthusiastically
It was nearly midnight when the
meeting broke up and our visiting
friends departed amid ttho loud hur
rahs of our citizens.
To the people of Adams county this
grand demonstration has a special
significance. Since the county seat
fight of three years ago , Juniata and
Hasting have supposed that the inter
ests of the ono were antagonistic with
those of the other. But this meetIng -
Ing moans a coming together again of
sisters that had been estranged. Let
us hope that with republicans at least
the hatchet may remain buried for
ever. PBO TEM.
Railway Building in Northern
' Nebraska.
\Q Omaha and St. Paul Line
Nearly Completed.
A gentleman who came down from
Sioux City yesterday says there re
mains but len miles of iron to lay on
the Omaha and St. Paul Hue , and
with gangs working at both ends it
will be all down th's week if Ihoro is
uo hindorauce Irom lack of rails. The
track will have to be ballasted before
il is used , and it is not probable that
through trains will bo put on before
ho last of November. The junction
batween the two ends of the line which
are now approaching each other so
nearly will bo made near the crossing
of Logan creek in the Omaha and
Winnobago reservation.
The contractor who has had charge
of the grading of the north end of
the line is in the city now
For the purpose - of exam
ining the proposed Florence cut-off ,
which will probably bo built next
season. Work on the silo of Iho now
freight dfpot of the Hue la progressing
rapidly , the houses have all but two
been moved elF the block and teams
and men engpgod in grading thcsquare
andcutting down 1-lthstrect. The buil
ding will bo 48x182 feet on the block
at the northwest corner of Fourteenth
and Webster streets. It ia to ba be
gun very soon , and will bo completed
within thirty days. It will bo ux-
teudod 100 fuel next , summer , making
its lolal length 232 feet. The passen
ger depot , which is to bo a brick
building , will bo 1 catod on the oppo
site block , Fifteenth and Wcbater
streets , and vvill bo erected next
spring. When this line is fairly open
ed its importance will rank second to
none of the great lines , which termin
ate in our city.
The work of building now lines itl
northern Nebraska has been remark
ably active for the past season , and wo
learn that if the winter should be an
open ono , work will not bo suspended
at all between now and spring. The
Sioux City Journal of to-day says of
the Cedar couuly road lhat' 'Iho sur
vey which is being made west of Ponca
will bo pushed as far west as
the weather will allow. This
locating line is run this fall so
that Cedar county may have time to
act on the aid question before railroad
operations begin in the spring. The
law requires the locating line to bo
within 300 feet of where the road Is
built in order to make the bonds legal.
The boom which pervades all ihq coun
ties in northern Nebraska that are
bluased with railroads should persuade
Cedar Co. that if she takea the place she
should among the counties of the
state she must secure a railro id. That
the St. Paul railroad , if built through
Cedar county , would add tenfold tlio
amount of aid asked to Ihn value of
the real estate of the couuly , fuw of
hercitiz'iiy will quoniou. It would
seem , too , that with Iho crosiin of
the Milwaukee now fixed at Running
Water there would ba no more of this
idle lalk about a north and south rail
road through the county. Besides , a
north and south road is not what is
wanted , oven if it could bo had. The
market for corn and wheat and cattle
is at'Sious City , St. Paul and Chicago ,
and not at Lincoln or St.
Louis. Since the vote of
spring was taken on the bond question
the St. Paul company has demonstra
ted that it means business In Nebaska
and that it has all the capital needed
to back up its intentions. Since spring
it has been made plain that the Mil
waukee road will not cross Iho Missou
ri at YanVton. The arguments made
use of last spring to defeat the bonds ,
that it was a b inkrupt company that
made the proposition , and that Cedar
county would have a road , without
the bonds , will not bo advanced thU
winter. An for the St. Paul , Superin
tendent Brown says lhat if the bonds
are voted the road will be ? built next
season. Otherwise it will not built. "
Stock arrivals yesterday , 123 cars.
The mail train from west yesterday
is ou time for Iho eecond time in over
Iwo weeks.
The Pacific and United States ex
press companies have moved thpir efii-
cea from Fourteenlh to No. 1215 Farn
ham street the store formerly occu
pied by Poycko brothers.
The general superintendent of the
Central aud Southern Pacific railways ,
Col. A. N. Towne , went west with his
party at noon yestordayin his own pri
vate car. Ho is returning from the
conference in New York.
The Union Pacific special officer ?
ear 2tfo. 01. , eamo in over thu 0. , B. it
Q. this morning , having on board
General Manac-er S. H. H. Clark of
the U. P. , Col. A. N. Towne , of the
C. and S. P. , D. W. Hitchcock of the
0. , B. & Q. , and Hon. H. M. Wells ,
of Schuylcr , all from Chicago.
The west bound overland train to
day was a heavy one , composed of
four baggage cara and nine coaches.
Death Record.
Edna , daughter of C. F. and Abbey
Rollins , died Oct. 25th , aged Ihrco
years. 10 months. The funeral took
place at 11 a. m. to-day , from the resi-
dunce on Cass and Fourteenth streets ,
the remains botnij taken to Grand
Island , thu fonner homo of the family
on the noon train , for interment.
Willie , sou of Amalie nud H. C.
Hanson , died Oct. 25 , 1880 , aged 6
years and 2 months. Funeral to mor
row at 2 o'clock p. m. , from the resi
dence on Fifth and Pierce streets.
Ret ? stration Notice.
State of Nebraska , Douglas County.-ss
Notice is hereby civen that I will
sit in the store cf E. W. Wyman's ,
10th street , three doors south of Poa-
Office , on Monday , Wednesday and
Saturday , O'ctober 25th , 27th and
30th , alao on Monday , November 1st ,
1880 , for the purpose of registering
Ihe elector ? of the fourth ward , City
of Omaha , Douglas County.
In witness whereof , I hereunto set
ray hand this 15th day of October , A.
D. , 1880.
olo-lGt Registrar of said ward ,
NOTICE Advertisements To L t For Sale'
[ i03t , Found , Wants , DoirdinR Ac. , will bo In
serted la those columns once ( or TKN CENTS
per Una ; each gubgequentlnecrtltm.FlVE CENTS
per line. The first Insertion never Icsa than
TO MAN At 8 per cent Intel
cat , n enms of 12000 and u p-
wards for 1 to 5 years' time on first class improv
ed city and ( arm property. Apply at BEMIS
Heal Estate and Loan Aireucy. 15th and Douglas
ts. 278-codt (
On = T XO rXl&N-Call at Law Office
1) . L. THOMAS , RoomS.Crclghtoii Block
ONKY ' TO I.OAH 1109 Fumham street.
M' Dr. KdttardB Loan Aeonoy. uov-22-U
'ANTED A KO1 kitchen hind , man or
W Apply at tliis olEco 748-20
. SlYLES-l'hotoirripher. Sent jour
present address to Ge > . ilcjn , 1210 F.irn-
ham St. 750-2 ?
Situation as house-keeper. Ad
WANTED . , rcoutlke. " 61-27
A cooV and second drl too to
WANTEP . Inquire Of Mrs J. M. Woolworth -
worth , ISO Hmvard street , enr ot 12lli. 75-2a
-Situation to do scncrft' house
work in a small family. Addic-sM. C It. ,
Bee < ffice. 7SS-2I
Immediately , to rent a d ellinf :
WAKTED T suit o ( room ? ; nut-1 bo iii go-d
Inca1il > ; Kood tcntasts prompt piv. Inquire at
this ollico. 741-tf
Ten carpenters. A ply at MICC
WANTED at our new hulWinr. 13th ? nd
llanioy Sta. STEBLE , JOilNSO.N & CO. 743-27
-Good tinner. R. TitOSIN , No.
WANTKlGood M 746-2-1
"TT7 ANTED Gc"rnl hinds nnd 0 ttnrcrs.
W 1310 Dodge St. , Wistcrn Ornico Worki.
A nurse girl , 403 C.IS3 St. , near
WANTED . 7-'l-U
A gi 1 for general housework ,
WANTED S. W. curner 10th and Uhieisu
streets. 7t'
A Rood houKC-kcepiT , at Hi/J
WANTED btruct , upstairs. I'-1 ' .I
Girl ; "ook" preferred , at V.
WANTED ISlli .mil Jackson. ( isi-tf
ANTED 2 men to wort i-i m i.ktil anl
W noith , at tlio end of ISth St. li W. I ; VII. .
ii. > 9 tt
KENT And fnrmtura for sale , < /\ir \ i ; a
house , in the business part of city , H IOUIUH ,
ell and cistern , suitable for boardnu hou-e.
Kent cheap Ixciuiru at this ulllcu. 752-1
"T7IOU KENT A furnished ro m , suitable for
J } one or two gentlcm-.n , S.V. . cor. 16th and
uonard Sta. 31-tI
1710R KKNT Two unfuruiohed rooms , at 514
U South Hth St. 723.-N
k KENT C'mtaze , on Ctli and I'ino Stn. ,
U new house , eighi rooni8on3dard C.sata
enquire J. H. Uoe , t ! . E. Cor. 12th and Karn-
ham. 630-tl
HUNT IIuii'o and lot in { .hull's
FOK . , near new U. S. cornll. Enquire nl
Koom 0 , Urcigliton IJIock. CCl-lt
HIOR ItFNT Lar e house , 7 room ? , 20th St. ,
I' near Cuajstreet. C. T. TAYLOK ,
031-tf Cilico 14th and IM1XI.U.
KENT Finely furnished rooms at 1310
Davenport Btmct. bet. 13lh and 14th St.
350 tf
KEKT 2 furnished rooms over Mer-
FOR Exchange , K. ECor. . 10th and
Dodec streets.
LOIS. BE11IS' new column of bargains on 1st
SALE OR RENT Hotel and boirdlng
house , ail furnished. Enquire at this oBicc.
ILK Twenty to twenty-Jour quarts or ono
M1 dollar by John T. Faubon.
HAY A car-load of b.ight baled hsy
BALED , at Charlton Bros. , cor. Daven
port and 10th Sta. 720-tf
O HOUSES And corner half of lot , southeast
corner 14th and CasaSts. , 7 rooms m each ;
rent for 20 and 325 rcr month BzJlls' 1 EAL
EbTATE AOESCT , 16tli and Douglas Stg. 670-tl
BEMIS in Houses , Lots , Farms and
Lands , in his new column on 1st pace
llWIk O lUC. illlAVU i A. Holmcs.lBth
Jj and California Sts. 615-tf
H SALK Cottonwood lumber of all
RKDMON D'S. Sixte nth-st. SlO-t.
J over 1SKM1S' new column of bargains on la
FT1AKKN UP 2 cons , onu red cow with irlp-
JL pltd lux no , and ono u liito cow , red on licet
uith ciipplcd horciB. Cor. Sthand Dorcis St
rriAKENUI' Came to the picmiscsof the sub
_ L Bcribiron F.ilniew St. , ono spotted , red
and white cow. Owner will pleaao call and pa' '
chaicis. 1 > . C. U VC'KUS.
Omaha , Oct 25,1830. 7491
T OST New Foundland dop.with heavy Icalh
JLj or cellar and white ring , a litlle white tpo
on liroist and tall. A reward will he paid hj
returning to M. H. aly , at Duke's Hardware
Store. 737-28
NOTICE My wife left our homo without any
real caii'oandif hcrown frcuwill , t ere
fora I 8t.aH not | iay any do't iho may incur 01
bo responsible for her iio IIL' . J. AVONDhT.
STRAYKD AWAY One largo red Durham
cow , cars lut off to a < to be ) > erceiv.ible
Lar e horns , ahjut ton junraull. Finder wil
be rewarded by rctu nine the above describe' '
to Frederick jjcllon , cor. Cjiiitol .i > e. and 13th
SPECIAL NOTICE Olio fnsom. veterinary
eur con. graduate of the veterinary collcg
of Stuttgart and Zurich. Hospital 114 ! ) Sherman
aeimo SSG-lm
Absolutely Pure.
Made from Grape Cream Tartar. No otho
preparation makes such lUht , flaky hot breads ,
i > r luxurious pastry. Can be eaten by cl > poptict
without fear of the Ils resulting from heavy 1
digestible food.
Sold only in cans , by all Grocers.
KOTAt , EUKiico POWDUR Co. . N Tork
Successors to J. U. TIIIELE ,
No. 1220 Douglas Street ,
General Insurance Agent ,
Pliaafll ASSDRAHCE CO. , of Lon
don , Cash Assets $5,107,121
WESTCIIKSTEIt. N. Y. , CapiUI 1,000,00 }
THE MKRCHAN IS , of Newark , N. J. , 1,000,001
G1UAIU ) FIREPhllaiIeIpIiiaCaptal. ! . 1,000,000
lt l DOO.OOO
FIREMIUTS FUND , California 800.000
NEW A IK FIRE INS. CO. , Assets. . . . SoO.OCO
AMUKICAF CENTRAL , Assets 300,000
Southeast Cor. of Fifteenth & Donzlia St. .
All holders of B. & M. B. R. Contracts for
Land purchased cf that Company during tbc
> car Ii79 and prior to that dale are liable for the
1879 tax.
They became duo Januirr l t , 1880 , were
delinquent after M y 1st , 1880 , and it not piicl
by the firstday of November , 1SSO , the land will
be eolJ for taxes.
The Company's Asert , for the purpose of pay
ing Delinquent Taxis on its sold laud. ' , will vltil
the County Scats the lut of October , and all
purchasers of R. R. lands should pay their
laics by October IStb , If not before , in order to
eavc additional expense.
expense.J.D.UoFARLAND ,
Land Commliiioner B. & . M. B. R. ia Neb
$2 TO $5 PER ACRE.
20,000 Acres
6 to 12 Miles from Omaha ,
$6 to $10 per Acre , on
Long Time and
Low Interest ,
Large tracts suitable for
Colonies in all the best
Counties in the State ,
80,000 acres scattered
through Iowa.
A large number of Iinprovei
Farms iii Nebraska , many o
them near Omaha , $12 to $40
per acre ,
An Immense List of
Consisting of Elegant Besi
dencea from $3,000 to $20 ,
000. Many vacant lots in
the additions to Omaha
Hundreds of lots scatterec
through the City. Houses anc
Lots , Business Houses and
Lots , and alt kinds of City
Real Estnte.
We also have
on Improved Farms in Doug
las County , on 5 years time , a'
10 percent , interest to all who
cp-n show good titles.
Maps for Donglns and Sarpj
Counties for sUe ,
1 beautiful lota fronting south ia Isaac &
Seldcn's mid. for S ICO half cash.
House and lot , 22d and Dodio ; 3 3.000
House and lot near llr.iwnell Hall 2,100
Two new liouwa and full lot , rents for
$4 = 0r > < ! rvcar 4 00
New brick house , 21x25,1 } story , with 3
lots 2,000
House and lot Webattrst lr > 00
Lar e hou cand corner lot 6,000
Lartro house full lot , California st 4,000
Rfidcncj and 4 full lots , St. Mary's ave. . G.GOO
House and small lot , south of depot 050
House and small lot , sontn of dcirat G35
Resilience propeity , Kountze and Ruth's
add 6,600
Fine residence property 10,000
House and lot , 22d and Uarncy 1 800
House and lot , Nelson's addition 2,700
llouso and lot Sliinn's addition l.COO
Kesldtnccand comer lot 3,003
Residence ( cash ) 7,600
Rcaidcdco 6,000
Residence 5,500
House and one-half lot l.CEC
Three homes and corner lot 7,600
Residence and comer lot 7,500
House and 60 Jeet front , ICth street 3,700
I-aivc house and corner lot 6,500
R < tidcnco and three lots 6SOO
Two house and corner two-thirds of cor *
nerlot Jloo
ITons3and small lot , Cast street 2,100
Ilausc and lot , 27th near Farnham 1,00 <
Brick house and corner lot 1,300
Small hourcand fnlllot. Comings st 2,350
House and lot , 23d street 3,200
House and full lot , worthJ,000 for 5,500
Fine brick rcildcnco 1,500
Brick residence 6.CEO
House and corner lot l,5ro
New two-story house and coiner lot 4,200
Residence nnd full lot , Farnham at 6.600
House anil ono acre , 18th street 3,000
Honso and half lot , 18th street 2,200
House and lot , Shlnn's addlt'on l.fflO
llouso and half lot , Cass strict 1,100
House and half lot , CasiStrcel 1,450
Residence and tire lota , Capitol Hill.,4.1 7.000
ElvKMit brfck r W 8 full | . * , , . I&.SQO
Finest residence In the city 16,0(10 (
Residence property 17,000
Itesidcn e property 17,500
Residence 5 too
llouso and lot , Shinn's addition 1200
Douse and lot , Shlnn'gidditlon 1,500
Home unj lot , 2.1th and Farnham 1,400
ilouse and lot , 27th and Douglas $375
Home and full lot , IzircUt l,7fo
Newhouscand li lot 2,200
Residence property 7,500
Residence property , verv fine 13,500
I louse and lot , Horbach'a ddition 1.500
Residence , Farnham st 6,000
Honso and Jlot 1 block from Court
House and J Jot 1 block from Court
House 2250
UOUEO and comer lot 2 blocks from Court '
House 2,400
House andl t , Nicholas street i.fxfl
House and 1 acre , Gises' addition F40
House and lot , llth street 900
Large building and six lots , 1 mile out. . . 4,000
House and loton Daicnport 3,000
Home and 1 lot , near depot 1,500
House and J lot , near depot OCO
UOUBO and lot. South A venue 1,000
FIou c and lot , Shinn'a addition. 1,900
Residence , Kountze and Ruth's add 2COo
Residence property , Kountze rd Ruth's
addition 5.000
Residence property , south part i f town. . 2,500
House and } lot , Webster ft 2,700
House and 5 acres at barracks 7(0
Ilnuse and lot , ArmstroDs'saddit'n 1,000
Honso and lot , South 12 et C50
IIowc and lot , Kountze and Ruth's ad
ditlon 3,500
Residence and } lot 2,700
Uousa and lot , ICth It 3,000
Boggs & Hill ,
1408 Para , St. , Omaha ,
Immense Stock for
Fine Custom-Made
Men's Suits ,
Boys' Suits
Children's Suits.
For Men ,
Boys , and
Oh 'Wren.
Umler-Wcar , Hals cud U
Trunks and Valises , *
Prices to Suit All.
Farnham Street , Near Fourteenih
-saapjE aEOCEKS ,
: VUN & oo. ,
Oval Brand
Cigars from 815.00 per 1000 upwards.
Tobacco , 25 rents per pound upwards.
Pipes from 25 rente per dozen upwards.
Send for Price List.
mwf MAX MEYER & CO. , Omaha , Nel ) .
MA ;
Fishing Tackle , Base Balls and a full line of
F !
And Wholesale Dealers m CIGAIIS and CONFECTIONERY. During the
Fall and Winter we will handle CODNSELMEN'S FRESH CYSTEKS , which
are now the best In the market. A hrgo assortment of CANDY and SOGAK ,
TOYS for the Holiday trade.
GATZ & FJJJGEWAA' , 510 llth St , Oiualia.
Has the exclusive sale of the
mmmmmm * tm M IM mi B I
The Gold Coin is this season the favorite 9f Chicago , is prefer-
od above all other Stoves , comes both plain and hiJghly orna
mented , has the new patent grate and flre-pott hat will out-wear
half dozen of any other. The Gold Coin weighs more by fifty Ibs.
than any other Stove of its size in the market ; , and ia , therefore ,
more durable than any other Stove , is strictly warranted in every
respect , i t , requires no salesman to sell it , as city reference sells it
without trouble. Cor. 10th and Jackson.