Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 27, 1880, Morning Edition, Image 1

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    VOL. X. OMAHA , NEBRASKA , WEDNESDAY. OCTOBER 27 , 1880. : o. in.
Established 1871 MORNING EDITION. Price Five Cents
ami ! > ondas Street
Over 3,000 r I Jcnce Iota for pale by thU agon
jl inicearanidn ; from S2b to f2SOO cxch , and
waVcd lnocrj' fart of tliocitn , wid In even
direction from llic IVwlodlcc , north , test , eoull
or went , anil varying In distance from one
block to one irt o mi'RB ' from Mine. Call am
iamlna < mr lima
Novcral rliiilcn li.le In Griffin & IRTJ.CS' < HI
lion. w - t of cement , Iwtmccn St. Muy8 aycn
u < ? an J Hirncy rtroet J.XK ) to 8600.
fO acres Just cast of tarrocks on SunnJcrg St. ,
tills la clioice laiul and will ho sold very cbcap-
fur cash In 6 , 10 or A ) acre lolg ; now is j our Umo
to Bccurc n bargain.
Choice lot at end ot direct car track ! on Sinn-
dcr Htrect for ? 576.
OIK.ICO lot , Faruhun and 21th Btrccta , 90x132
cct fi rl,500 will Ji\de ! It.
Cheap lot'j In Credit Fonder addition , gouth of
U. P. dop jt $100 to $300.
Forty lot * on Park Avenue and Georgia street ,
on road to park , and near head of St. Jliry't
aicnua , atfrom125 to $300 cich. Seven fvara
time at ciKht rwr cent Interest to those ho will
put up u-w > d mibgtautlal builJliij3. Fjr farther
Jiarlloulits apply to.
O.P. BEMIS. Aeent.
Fifteenth and Douglia Strcetn.
A nice lot on Ilarnov and Twenty-first streets.
Two chnlco lota n 20th , near St. llarj's avcn-
, 50x165 foot each , for SSM and J300.
Ti-o rliolco lots near 3d and Clark streets In
E V. Smith's a-ldltlc.n ? 300 and 8.150. '
Flflj Ints In Shhm'a first , second and third ad-
Oltloiw forlOO to ? 000 each ,
L it near Kith and Pierce , fi50.
2 Iota on Harmr near 24th St. , J600 each. 1
ot on Stth near Howard street , $7oO.
43 Iiitg In Grand View addition , south ot O. I'
rldce nnd depot , from ? IB to $ 00 each-
. Ono acre , 117x370 foct , on 18th Rtrcct , Bonth
tit I'oppleton'B new residence , for 82,000 , or * II1
11 ido Into city sited lots at from f3SO to $500
I.aree numtwr ot licxntltul rcsltlenco lotg , lo
cated In Uds new auJltlon on Capitol Kill , bn
twcen 24th street on the east. 26th on the wpst
Boil jo street on the mirth and Farnhan * street
on the noittli , formerly owned Sly C. H Down
ml more recently Known as the Perkins IS acres.
Only 21 lota have thus far been platted 14 on
FaruhaiuandBon Douglas street. Theeo lots
nre SO to 66 feet In width and l.SOindcptli. f 1,000
f r the choice. 5 yoart time , at 8 per cent In
terest to those vim will build peed substantial
OIUOR therein. Call and examine plat and rot
ull information at
15th and Douglui streets.
O er200 Inustisaiid lotiaTo offered for silo
liy tills ( idlca Thej arc SMttorcd all o or the
tty. Alii location joudcjlro. Prices varjinB
fronf300tojis,0i)0 ouch.
2 K xl hits nnd 2 cheap hodsci ncar'JackFon
vml ' 2th etrcct at n great -aerified. Here Is a
crc > t liirRtln for xnno one. The property must
lie sold immc.ll itely. C < i\crs Jnat a quirtcr of a
block. Call and examine this without any dcl y.
OEO 1' . BUMlSAccnt.
16th and Douglas SU
A dcsirablt lot 'near Cuming and Saundera
Btrocta , fl.COO.
The cheapest ncro loU In the city of Omaha ,
Ye those iiffcnnl fors-tlo by this aecncy In Pmk
1l ce and Lowe's ntcoiid addition , on Ccming.
Hurt nnd Calif nmla street ? ; j on can make no
mistake Inpl Mnc up thceo lurpilns hilu jou
liav < - Ihe chance. These lots arc more than ciiual
In rite to 4 tull-bliod city lots or a half block
nditwlUbobutKvcryBhort tlmobcforo one-
fth jiart of one ot these acre loU will tM for aa
tuuchaawcolltr a full aero today. They are
located acr ehort distance wont of Cntebton
Colh > io. PticcR ran n from $150 to ? 300 per
acrclot. Call Immediately , and don't lose > our
chance , and Ret plat and full particulars of
CEO. P BKM1S , Acent ,
15th and Uuuclas Streets.
Nice lot < HI Sherman Avcuuo north of Nidiolas
htreut , $1,400.
llalf lot on Cam.bcUocn 13th and Htli streets
2 nice lots In IlarttnanV a lilitlon , ? 400 to fSOO.
Largo nnnilicr uf aero lots in disc's additlnu In
Korth Omaha , | lr5 to BOO inch.
Choice corner lot near 2 d and California
tnwts , $1,500.
Several peed lota In Molson's ailditlon , 150 to
8 0 each.
ClioU-c lot In ThoniellV ndtlltton , $750
Se\eral lame lots in Ilartlrll' * lulillllon , 1 ?
tods and 2 } acri-acach. Pricm * 700 to ? 2000
each. , .
ikcral choic lo's ! n Rco.l's first i-lditlon.
t' 76 to Js50 cvli.
Acre lot on Uwrmanoiiio , ( ii.i'i btrcxjl ) ,
South of P < ip ] > Icoii'H ( n < - rexi IO.I.Aor $1,100
2 larcol'.tH imrlgtn an-l Oatlc streets. 00
830 feet ? I.20U ; iiiMilo , ( lft < 0
3 Jaixe loU mi Shenn n nvcniii tlOlh stlcit ) ,
Clark Stioct.rvmn.u-li
22 nice and cheip lots , .cr > noirln.lio hUbl.
Hots part of the cllj. IncjUsIx t ry tin Htona
Couth of the CnniL-nt.iik.1 st M K Ki\ciMrand
lust < > uth if and a.lji > nlng t irin I of Jamps
U. Woolworth td WJ OmiKil luc are
cheap and \or ) lu < iralilo , bori'nn ly to 1ms-
Jnenspnrt.ofcitjtiiiicn ir.iunmio I UiitnaIl
works , while lead Hoiks t' ' P. U-i , stock
janls , packlni ; hiiiisai , etc Cill tn.l cct plat
mud full particulars. IMcctffft vO < Md eajj
oruia to tlnwo who .mild
GEO. r. P.ESI.S , A cut.
llitli.i-il ) . ) Ui.Sts.
Schoica rtJJenco lots tn Sli.i slt.xt. l > eUo ii
Douijliui and Dtklceslrceli ! $ l.lo > 'i -I Oo cli
ami lone time Ui tbufc who "ill h iii I
S hol' conicrlots nor 2 Hi tn < l-'ainham
tr itii , 05U2I feet , 81,160 an.l > / > rcrj-
my terms to puicli. worn who I I inipr-vo.
Also 4 IOM on 2-lth. IH.IWCOI I'Tuiam and
DouRla ? 8-reeU , 8M to Sl.tHXI iai. nnd long
A-3T2.VJ of the liost Im lncss lotIn v of
Omaha for mlc , locitwl on even him n r fclrort ,
8500 U. S6.CXKI c-ach.
/STAIs-i vcr > \nln ble store > i rtlw In al
most eiery boJucM block .5 OuO to $15,000
40cho co residence lots In aliovc addition , Im-
noJIately north of and adjoinhu ; PopplcUiirs
beautiful residence nnd cnmutts , and Ic-aUd on
18th liUh and Win streets , ? ? ( K1 to $350 oacli and
Tery ijy terms t those TV him ill build Cell and
exarulno pUt and pet full particulars.
UEO. I1. r.KHIS , Ai nt ,
Beautiful building rite on Sherman avenue ,
10th rtrcctbctwecn Popplcton and Iho Dudley-
I jams property ; 203 feet cast frontaco on the
arcnne , by SS9 feet In depth. Will divide it.mik.
npl52fectby3S . Call and ret full particulars.
An aero n 18th street. lOifcct cast frontaco
by 378 foct deep. This ii Just wrath of the Kllra-
beth ( Poppleton place. This Is rflt-edro , call and
get price and terms ot BEltlS , Arcnt.
IS peed InM , Just north of and adjoining B. V.
Bmlth's addition , and locatol between 20th and
Gaunders streets , at rcanouab'e ' prices and long
time to burer who IraprovB UEMIS. Accnt.
5S lots In Horbach's first and second ad Itlon
nlCth , ISth , 19th and 20th streets , betuccn
K IcholiS , Px.ul , Sherman and Clark atreetti , rcry
bandy to U. P. Shops , smeltlnff works , ctt. ,
ranf nt ; in prices rein from $200 to 21:100 each ,
requiring ouly small jayment down and long
Um at 7 par cent interest to those who will Im
prove. OEO. P. HEM IS ,
15th und Uoujrlas StrctU
58 nleo lot * In Parker's addition. Iiclwrcn
Sounders and Tierce. King and Campbell's Sts. .
on lilontlo stret19 lots with south frouta aud
16 with north frontage , only C blocks north of
the ttvn-tablc ( end street-car track ) on Stumlcra
Btreet. Very lew prices ; S175 cash , or $200. on
Ion ? tune nd 8 per cent interest to rnoso who
will build.
C2T150 food farmn tnr sale In DoURlat , Sarp ; ,
VTaihlngton , Hurt , Dodco , Saumlers and h'istern
tlerot conntlct.
JCTBaO.OOO acrct bcrt selected Uoda In the
Btate for silo by this agency. Call and cct maps ,
drcuUrs and full paitlculars.
* 3TBemU' new owpof Omaha. COc and $ L50.
TC ml ' new pamphlet ( and mip of Iho
BlaKt ontitlea "the outloot ot Nebraska" for
free dlstnbutlon.
Geo. P. Bern is'
15th Moiiglas ) St. ,
OMAHA , - x . . .
One of the Leaders of the
Land League Arrested
in Cork.
Marquis of Salisbury Ridicules
The Dulcigno Naval
Demonstration ,
Attempted Murder of a Land
Bailiff in Limerick.
Special dispatch to The Bcc.
LONDON , October 27 1 a. m. Mr.
T. JkL Ilealy , the gentleman who re
cently accompanied Mr. Parnell on hia
recent trip through America , was ar
rested yesterday at Cork , ou nn order
of the attorney-general. Mr. Healy
ia _ charged with active complicity
with the plots of the land leaguers ,
and other arrests on the same charge
will immediately follow. The wisdom
of the courau adopted by the govern
ment respecting these prosecutions is
open to grave doubt , but the vigor
with which the government is pur
suing Its purpose , is proof of a ma
tured determination to crush the land
movement. It is reported that the
warrant charged Mr. Dealy with in
timidating a fanner named Manning.
Mr. J. W. Walch , the land league or
ganizer , who accompanied Mr. Healy
when the alleged intimidation oc
curred , will also bo arrested. The
case will come up before the Bantry
magistrates on Monday next. There
Is great excitement in CorK , and the
land league will hold nn indignation
meeting Sunday , on the farm that
Manning has liken , and will protest
against land grabbing nnd the arrest
of members of Iho land league. Man
ning is guarded by a strong force of
Special Dlf mtch to The Ilco.
DUIILIN , October 27 1 a. m. A
meeting 01 the land league Was held
yesterday , but the members present
was apparently ignorant of Hcaley'a
arrest. Mr. Dillon presided , and in
hia remarks denounced the members
of the Dublin press for manufactur
ing outrages for the English newspa
pers. The other speakers concurred
with Dillon.1 ' Mr. O'Donnell letter ,
asking for a membership in the
league , was coldly received. Refer
ring to the prosecution of a inembor
of the land league by the government
a resolution was passed asking Mr.
Duvitt to remain in America to direct
the responsive movement of the Irish
people iu the United States.
Spociil Disjutcli to The Bee ,
LONDON , October2G 4 p. m. Later
advices from Capetown confirm the
alarming news of yesterday , announc
ing that the other tribes had joined
the tiasnctos in open revolt against
the colonial government. The natives
beyond Piotor Martzbury , the capital
tif Xatal , situated fifty miles from
Post Mail , have made on attack on
the white residents.
LONDON , Oct. 20. Revelations may
bo looked for this week in eastern
Europe , should the sultan persist In
his dilatory policy concerning the sur
render of Dulcigno. France is rapid
ly drawing towards England again in
this matter , aud whatuvcr course of
action England may bo forced
to take by the sultan's evident
desire to escape from the obligations
ho assumed at Berlin will in all proba
bility be taken iu concert with both
France and England. The Greek note
has been received kcro. It emphatic
ally declares that Greece will extort
the cession of the disputed territory
from Turkey , with or without the aid
of other powers. In the war between
those countries England will support
Greece with men atid money.
Jen Grant Expounds Kepubli-
oan Doctrine in a Speech
at Syracuse.
Elaborate Preparations for
the Reception of the
Great French
Gon. Grant tit Syracuse.
Special dispatch to The Ilco.
SYRACUSE , N. Y. , October 27 1 a.
m. An immense crowd of people wore
in the city yesterday to greet Gen.
Grant , who arrived hero on a special
train at noon. The procession of the
Boys in Blue was not as successful as
anticipated , owing to the weather.
The spacious drill room in the ar
mory was packed. Gon. Grant was
made president of the meeting , and
spoke as follows :
"I am hero among you at your re
quest , and although I cannot say
much. I shall say enough to show you
the interest I have in the cause o ! the
republican party. If I did not feel a
deep interest in that cause , I would
not bo hero to-day. I am hero bo-
ciuao I believe it to bo to the inter-
rst of all who are of the impression
tint the republican party should suc
ceed. I have many friends among
the democrats. Some ot them are the
beat friend ? In the world , and some of
them I like as well as any men under
the eun. They are good men , but
even If the democratic party was com
posed of such men , I should still bo a
republican , but I should not feel to
deeply grlcvea if the democrats should
win. But admitting that they were
true , and I do not admit It , the coun
try would not bo secure under demo
cratic administration. You know
well that the bulk of the democratic
party is in the southern slates , and it
is impossible that this united number
of people should control this country.
It would be an example of the tail
wegctfng the dog , which is wrong. The
aog should always wag the tail. If
they got control of the country all our
industries will languish.Vo do not
want to sea this. If U were BO , the
great north , with its free schools , its
wonderful energy and ingenuity ,
would be stricken down , and it would
require years of toil to regain its old
position. To prevent this yon must
do your best to elect Garfield and Ar
thur. You will hear Eome people say ,
in arraigning the democratic party ,
that | t has not done one good act in a
quarter of a coi tnry. I thought so
myself until a few u\ys ago , when ]
heard a southern or.Uor , in address
ing an audience of colored men , s j
they were mistaken in supposing the ]
wore emancipated by the proclamatiui
ot Lincoln. By the terms of tha
proclamation they were given ninot ;
days in which to yield , but the ;
fongh't , and fonght on , and cense
quQntly the negroes were indebted tc
the democratic pally for their eman
clpatlon. "
Gon. Grant closed with introducing
Gen. Stuart A. Woodford , who wa
the next speaker , and was followed bj
several others. Gen. Grant went tc
Auburn by special train , returning in
the evening to review the torchligh
procession. Many men were iu lint
Ui spite of the rain.
Tired of Life.
Special dispatch to Tun BIX
HEW YORK , Ootober 27 1 a. m.
Early yeBtutday morning a fine look
ing , we'l ' dressed man committed aui
cide just outside the walls of Bellevue -
vuo hospital , by shooting himsel
through the head. On his person was
found a note which read as follows :
"To whom it may concern Iliiry
mo in the potterefield. I have Bufli-
clent money on tny person to aivo the
city the expense.
expense."F. . G. VO/.ELT. "
Preparing for tuo Bernhardt.
Spedal dispatch to The loo.
NEW YOIIK , October 27 , 1 a. m.
The steamship "Amerique , " in which
Sara Bornhardt sailed from Havre on
thelCth inst. , is momentarily looked
for. Until yesterday Is was a pro
found problem as to where suitable
apartments could be found for Sara
and her retinue. The difficulty fans
been solved , and quarters have been
secured for the party at Albemarle
hotel. The euito consists of seven
rooms immediately over the oflico ,
running the entire length of the hotel.
They wore engaged for Mile. Born
hardt by Mr. Jnnt Nilsnon , correspondent
pendent of The Pigaro , of Parii , and
a very intimate friend of the actress.
This gentleman yesterday said :
"I am an old and intimatb fridnd oJ
Mile. BornhArt , and when I said , 'au
revoir'j to her about three weeka ago ,
I promised to look after her comfort ,
and select her apartments. I have
done so , and think she will bo pleased.
I have taken special pains to arrange
the suit as nearly as possible to resem
ble the one in which she passed so
many hours of the day when at home.
Workmen are atill busy fixing things ,
and they will barely have time to get
through before the occupants will ar
rive. I have ordered tropical plants ,
jicturos , busts , luxurious .chairs ,
o-ingea , and ; urlatns of rich colors ,
and to this the lady herself cm add
from her own worka , part of which
she is br'K'jng : ; wiih icr. : Her bour
ioir haa alao had very special atten
tion , and everything throughout the
apartment will bo entirely now. "
The principal members of Mile.
Bernhart's troupe arrived this after
noon 'in the steamer "Wclland. " Mr.
Angelo who plays "Jeuno Premier , "
Is a passengers on the "Amerique. "
Miss Jeanne Bernhardt Sister of Sara ,
who plays the role of "Forte Jcuno
Premier , " has not left France. An
enthusiastic crowd welcomed the ar
tists. The entire party are in good
health , and state that the passage
was not rough. They w ere mot by f.
A. Schwab , agent for Mr. Abbey , who
brought them to the city. The com
pany will all go down the bay to meet
.illlo. Bornhardt.
SpoclM Dispatch to The Doc.
WASHINGTON , October 27 1 a. in.
For upper Mississippi and lower
Missouri valleys cloudy or partly
cloudy weather , northeast to south
east , falling preceded by stationary era
a slightly rising barometer , stationary
or lower temperature.
Desperate Efforts of Leading
Chiefs to Resuscitate the
Democracy ,
Malignant Howls Sulphurize
the Air in Various
Quarters ,
The Tammany Chief Declares
Relentless War on Re
Ominous Sounds on the Eve of
Election Frauds.
Special dispatch to The Bcc.
CHICAGO , October 20. The Inter-
Ocean gives a list of 25 names which ,
it asserts were plncDd upon tlio regis
tration roll , in the Sixth precinct of
the Fourth ward , at the instance of
the democratic judge of election. In
vestigation showed that all of the 25
were fraudulent , there being cither no
such street number aa given , or no
such person residing at the given num
This is the last day of registration
in Chicago. The Times raises a great
cry , because of the alleged unfairness
of the republican judges and inspectora
in refusing to accept the lists ot names
handed in by democrats. It saya
there are 110,000 voters iu the city ,
while the election machinery is being
unjustly adjusted to the vote of 1870.
It gives long lists of precincts in which
it claims democrats have majorities
and says by republicans refusing the
lists forwarded by democrats , they are
likely to bo in majority.
The Cry of Fraud. j
CpocUl Dispatch to The Kce.
NEW YORK , October 20. The Tam
many committed on organization met
yesterday and tried to find out why
the registration of voters was so large
this year. After much talk , they de
cided that the wisest way to account
for it was to accuse republicans of
bringing repeaters to this city. John
Kelly spoke of the large registration
and said he was positive that
great Iraud had been practiced.
He declared that republicans had
spent 'millions of dollars in Indiana
and Ohio Hud had sent repeaters to
those state * . He eaid that if the
elections were to be carried by money
and repeaters , this free government
would soon bo destroyed. Ho had
no doubt of Hancock's triumphant
election , despite the desperate work
of the republicans.
The President of the Council
Goes for Mr. Treasurer
Plain Words Applied in a
Public Manner.
At the regular meeting of the city
council last cronlug , Messrs. Dailey ,
Dudse , Horubergar , Jonoa , Libsgh ,
Hoddis , Stephonaon , Thioman and
Mr. President , answered to roll call.
A half an hour was taken In reading
the minutes of several preceding
From the mayor returning funding
bo > ds for $60,000 , duly registered.
From the mayor appointing J. J.
Bcalty , of Louisvilltr , to act as inspec
tor of water pipss for the city of
Oiu.ihq. The appointment was ap
From JAB. E. Boyd , reporting
that during the abaunco of Mayor
Ghaso , as acting miyor ho had nignod
certain ordinances. Filed.
A plat of the new Reservoir Addi
tion to the city of Omaha , dedicating
to the public the streets and avenues
in said addition , signed and approved
by the officers of the waterworks
company , by A. Roiowater , assistant
engineer nd Wobater Snyitor , notary
Mr. Boyd , in.spoaldng on the ques
tion , said ho had something to say
concerning the action of the nater-
worka company in announcing that
the water would bo flowing through
the pipes by January 1st if the action
of the council did not dpUy it. Ho
wanted to ay word which must bo
understood as applied direQtl" to Mr ,
Sheltoii and no ono else. JIo then
denounced the atticlb as U falsehood
concocted to hide thdr own short
comings , lie said that they had en-
dcivortdto build the works on wind
and that Nebraska would not do it.
IIo believed the watertydrka would bo
built , but if they were delayed it was
not to be understood that it was the
fault of the council. There was an
other company which had Did for the
contract and if they had got it , by
this tiino they would have had half
the pipes laid. Ho went on at length
to siy that the delay in the work was
inexcusable , and to lay all the blame
at Mr. Sholton'a door.
The plat wn referred to the committee -
mitteo on streets and grades.
A petition to have Spruce street be
tween Second and Third put in pass-
iblo condition for teams was referred
.o the committee on streets and
From SI. B Graft" , aoUing for a. re-
luclion in the assessment of property
on Reed's 1st addition was referred to
, ho committee on finance.
From Iho chief engineer , rocom-
nendiug repairs on engine No 3 , was
referred to the committee on fire with
lower to act.
From the anne , recommending ro-
nira on engine horses was referred
o the same committee.
From the same , recommending pur
chase of collars for -tho llooks , refer
red to same committee.
From Henry Koopo , asking for n
cine at the city's expense on account
of injuries from defective sidewalk.
From Jno. T. Bell and others , ask-
ng for a , report on the establishment
if urado on Davenport between 23d
tnd L'P > th streets. Referred streets
and grades.
From W. J. Broatch and others ,
vikitg to have alloy in block 150
graded. Referred.
From same , asking that Ilarnoy
street between 10th and 15th bo grad
ed and guttered. Referred.
From Henry Has * , asking to have
certain taxes refunded. Referred to
inanco committee.
From Jss. P. Manning , complain-
ng against the city engineer and sewer
napoct-ir Murphy. Referred t" the
committee on sewerage.
From Paul and Elizabeth Platz in
regard to title of lot 7 , block 352. Re-
erred to committee on claims.
Several unimportant communica-
Ions from the city engineer wore dis-
loaed of.
Claim of Sebastian Blundo for taxes
lleg lly assessed. Referred to com
mittee on judiciary.
Communication from Charles Me-
) onald , asking that his assessment on
lereoual property bo reduced , as ho
lad unwittingly put the same In at
cost price. Referred to the commit-
oo on finance.
From II. N. Withnoll , asking re
mission of poll tax on account of legal
coemption as n fireman. Referred to
udiciary committee.
From Thoa. Gallagher , asking per
mission to grade a portion of Harney
treot In front of his residence at his
own expense. Referred to committee
on streets and grades.
From Geo. AY. Boyden , asking that
llegal taxes bo cancelled. Referred
o judiciary committee.
From C. A. Baldwin , in regard to
> aymcnt of judgment in favor of
? heo. Gallagher. Filed.
The report of the police judge for
ho month of September , with trcas-
irer's receipt attached , was referred
n the committee on police.
Bid from Joseph Redman to fur
nish oak piling for the Jones ntrcot
ewer. Referred to the committee on
water works and eeworage.
An offar of S1500 for city lot on
northeast corner of Ninth and How
ard streets , was referred.
By Mr. Thieman.that the old creek
bed south of Leavcnworth street , be-
tvcen Thirteenth and Fourteenth , be
declared a nuisance , and owners ! n-
etruted to abate the same. Adopted.
By Mr. Thieman , directing the city
engineer to stake oil the portion of the
creek named above belonging to the
city. Adopted.
By the same , authorizing the Second
end ward delegation to fill the city's
portion of the lot aforesaid. Referred
to the committee on streets and
By eame , to cancel taxes eironeously
assessed on N. lot 8 , block 201J.
By Mr. Dailey , instructing city
marshal to enforcu ordinance in rela
tion to barbed wire fences and report.
By. Mr. Stephenson , asking that
city engineer give council an estimate
of cost of bringing Hartley street from
10th to loth to grade. Adopted.
By Mr. Jones , in regard .hi im
provement of alley between Farnam
and Douglas at intersection with 18lh
street. Adopted.
By Mr. Jones , to put down cross
walk taken up from south aide Dodge ,
across 18th. Adopted.
ly ? Mr. Kiufmann , instructing
burning of gas limps ( n corners ol
9th , 10th and llth and Jones streets
all night dnrirg the construction ol
sjwers. Adopted.
By Mr. Dodge , ordering certain
sidewalks. Adopted. \ $
On finance that the "ongino house
bonds" had been duly destroyed by
tire. Filed. , \
On sidewalks and bridged , awarding
contract for construction of certalr.
sidewalks to Charles Gardner. Adopt
ed. „ „ ,
A special ordinance appropriating
money out of the sewerage fund ol
Bowerago district No. 1 , for work done
in September as follows :
L , H. Stanley & Co. , account newer
work . 3 2,14107
HUli Muriliy , sewe' i'Sp'ctor . F ( > 0 (
F. C. FcJtrcr & Son , bUppliei . 30.00
The ordinance was read twice and
referred to the committee on water
works and sewerage and tht ) city at
torney to report as to the validity ol
making allowances from a fund not
yet at the city's command.
Adjourned for ono weok.
Nett Yorfe Money and Stocks.
WAMi SfRRET October 25.
Moncy3cxclmne ; hgti ! < ir at SI 8ija5 CO-
U.S O'a'31 . 1011 U.S Vt . 1 CD )
U. S. 6'3 . 1 OttJ Currencjfl'a . l 05
dnJcaKO Produce Market.
CHICAGO , October 20.
Weoat Active , but irregular ; clos
ed J@lc lower thah 24 hours ago ;
sales for No. 2 spring were at
99i < sS100 } for October ; S100J101
fofNoyernberjSi 00jjl OOJ for casher
or Qctbbori ; COJ01 00.forNovem-
§ 1013 for December.
Corn Ruled atcady and unchang
ed ; No. 2 sold at39.39c | for cash or
Ootober ; 395@40c for November ; 4H (
@ 40lc for December ; closing at 3fJc )
fdr October ; 39 @ 403 for November ;
40j@40c for December ; closing at
39Ac for October ; 39o for Novem
ber ; 40J@40c for December ; 45jc for
May ;
it Oats Were weaker ( md { jc lower ;
No. 2 closed at 28jjo for cash or
October ; 281 c for November ; 29c for
December ; 34Jcfor May.
Itye Was steady at 83c for cash or
November ; and84ic for December. .
Barley Was "firmer and No.
2 closing at32c cash and October ; 81c
for November or December.
Whisky § 111.
Hogs Products were easier.
Mess Pork Closed at 818 7519 CO
for cash or October j § 1117J@11 20
for Novombnr ; 811 20 seller for the
year.Lard Closed at 87 80@7 95 for cash ;
§ 780 for October ; 87 C5@7 G7A for
November ; § 7 G07 C2i seller for the
Chicago Live Stock Market.
CHICAGO , October 20.
Hogs Were dull and prices were
510c per 100 pounds lower on light
and heavy pakcitig grades : sales were
at $4 300-1 40 for liuht packing and
shipping ; § 420445 for heavy
packing ; and § 4 304 40 for good to
choice heavy shipping lots ; receipts ,
Cattle To day the receipts were fair
but there was little disposition on
part cf buyorsjto purchase osceptjat a
decline on yesterday's figures ; noth
ing whatever ivasdonoby shippers up
to the hourourteporterleftthoyards ;
a few sales of cows , heifers and stock
steers wera only trans oted at prices
ranging from § 2 702 90 for cows and
heifers ; $2 CO for Btockers ; So 00 for
lot of calves ; at present writing the
pens are filled with cittlo with but little
tlo doing in any grade of stock ; fresh
receipts were 4,538 head.
New York Produce Market.
NEW YOKE , October 20.
Flour Steady and moderate
business for export and jobbing grade ;
receipts 21,124 ; roundj hoop Ohio ,
$4 50@5GO ; choice do , § 5 100 00 ,
superfine western 83 80 ® 125 ; common
to good extra do , § 4 254 75 ; choice
do , S475SG50 ; choice white wheat
do , ? 4G5@485.
Butter Firm and in fair inquiry ;
Ohio , 15@31c.
JFggs Firm at 21@25c for poor to
Wheat Irregular ; Chicago , 8115
® 110 ; Milwaukee , $11C ; No. 2 red
winter , 81 1G11GJ for October ;
811011G5 } for NovomborllG117 ;
for December ; § 129@118i ; sales 400-
000 bu.
Corn Quiet ; No. 2 , at 5Go ; sales
Oats Quiet and firm.
Provisions Pork at 817 75 for
October ; 812 0013 00 for the year.
Inrd $835bidforcvm ; $8 32J ®
8 40 for October ; § 8 22J@8 27i for
November ; 88 20 for Dasumber ; 88 20
® 8 25 for January ; ? 8 25832 for
Feburary ; 88 17i@8 * 2'J i " seller for the
year ; § 8 358 40 buyer "for the year.
St. Loula Produce Mnrset.
ST. Louis , October 20.
Flour Dull and unchanged.
Wheat Unsettled ; some sales at
higher prices ; No. 2 red. at 8100J for
cash ; $ ' 002@1 00& for November ;
S103104 @ 104 for December ;
81 05105103l for January :
No. 3 , do , 93J < § 94Jc ; No. 4 , do ,
Corn Better at 39j395c [ for cash
and October ; 303'Jgc | for Novem
ber ; 39J@39jc for December ; 39gc
for January , 44j@44gc for May.
OaU Slow at 29ic for cash ; SO c
for December.
Rye Dull , 82c bid
Barley Active ; medium to fancy
at G5@95c.
Lead Dull at 84 50.
Butter Unchanged.
Egga Unchanged.
Whi&ky steady at 8110.
Provisions Pork dull at $15 25.
Dry Salt Meats dull at $4 957 60
© 785.
Bacon Scarce at 85 258 75 ®
887 $ .
Lird Lower at $7 77.
Receipts Flour , 5,000 bbls ;
wheat.59,000 bu ; corn , 38,000 bn ;
oats , 13,000 bu ; Rye , none ; barley ,
39,000 bu.
Shipments Flour , 18,000 bbls ;
wheat , 37,000 biicorn ; , 9000buoats ; ; ,
18,000bu ; Rye. 2,000bu ; barley , none ;
Fatal and Disgraceful Eow iii
the Yicinity of Gamp glieri-
d iii , Neb ,
The Covv-Boys Bloody Bat
tle Over "Beaver Tooth
Nell. "
The'iFIrisb Constabulary Con
centrating on the Curragh
of Kildare.
Porkopolis in a Ferment.
Boraer Ruffians.
Special Dispatch to Till i : 5.
CHICAGO , October 20 4 p. m. A
Fort Robinson , ( Neb. ) special saystho
mail carrier from Camp Sheridan
brings news of a disgraceful row
which occurred Saturday night , at a
bagnio near the camp. At the begin
ning of the row a man named Ed. Col
lins , in drawing hisrevolver , shot him
self dead. Later , two cow boys , Paae
and Joyce , quarreled over a soiled
dove named "Beaver Tooth Nell , "
when Joyce Ml mortally wounded by
a bullet from Page's revolver. Sergt.
Green , of the 5th cavalry , who at
tempted to disarm Page , was wounded
rendering amputation of his leg nee-
ces.iry , and at last accounts ho was
dying. Several others were slightly
wounded ; Page was arrested.
Disabled on the Deep.
Special Dispatched to TUB Has.
WASHINGTON , October 20,4 p. m.
Signal corps station , Delovraro break
water , reports to the chief
office as follows : "Tho British
steamer "Inchanva , " from Newcastle ,
England , bouud for the breakwater ,
reports she fell in with the French
schooner "Mathiad do Oranville , "
on October 17th , in latitude
34 north , and longitude
4H west The schooner was in a sink-
liii ; ionttlticn. The crow of 19
men and SO passengers were taken off
by the steamer and ro now on board
the steamer. The c.ipUiu alio 1'eports
lie passed a dumantled American
schooner inlongitudo 08 west , latitude
45 north. No aesistauco required.
Deadly Smokd.
Special Dispatch to The Bcc.
NEW YOEK , October 20 , 4 p. m.
A fire broke out thU morning in the
lodging houeo of Charles liossuti , 182
Washington street. James Connolly ,
public porter , was suffocated , and
Jonathan White , a farmer , was sent to
the Chambers street hospital badly
burned. Three thousand dollars damage -
ago was done.
Sarah's Support
Special Dispatch to'.Thc I3co ,
NEW YORE , October 20. 4 p. m.
The Steamer "Wioland" , of the Ham
burg Line , which arrived in this port
this afternoon , brought the French
actors who are to support Sa-ah Bern-
hardt at Booth's theatre. Mies Bernhard -
hard t will arrive on the "Amerique" ,
which is expected every hour.
Want to Know.
Special DIzpitch to Tito Rcc.
CINCINNATI , October 27 4 p. m.
The chamber of commerce to-day ap
pointed a committee of five to go to
Louisville and demand from The
Courier-Journal the name of the
author of a letter published by that
paper signed "Cincinnati Merchants"
saying Cincinnati does not want the
irado of the south. *
Concentrating Peelora.
Special Dupatcli to The BCD.
NBW YOIIK , October 20 4 p. m.
A London special says 2,000 Irish
constabulary have been ordered to Im
mediately rendezvous at the Curragh
of Kildare.
Davenport Discovers the
Writer of the Bogus
Chinese Letter.
A Batched Bourbon Job.
A. Howard for the Forger.
Special Dispatch to The Eec.
CHICAGO , October 20. Hon. S. B.
Dhittendon , of Brooklyn , has offered
jSOOO for evidence that shall lead to
; he arrest and conviction of the rascal
who prepircd the Chinese letter and
signed Gen. GarCeld'a name to it. Ho
extends the oiior from date to the end
of November.
The Moray Forgery.
Special Dlapatch to The Uco.
NEW YORK , October 20. The Her-
ild says of the Garfield-AIorey forg
ery : "Wo have no doubt of what
, he public will say. It will accept
2on. Garhold's denial aa final and
conclusive upon the matter , but U
will also hold the democratic managers
, o their responsibility for what now
appears to bo a very contemptible"
brgery. Public opinion will hold ,
and justly hold , that men like
Mr. Hewitt , Speaker Rand.ill and
others owed it to their own character
and to the common decencies of life to
)0 somewhat slower in bearing witness
and a good deal more careful than
hey have been before In ajlowing
hemselves for partisan emU to be
come partners in a gross fraud upon
, he public. "
The Former Found
Spedal DlspMch to Ta * I > KR.
CHICAGO , Ootobor 20 , 4 p. in. A
tfew York special sajs : "Tho identity
of the forger of the Garfield Chinese
etter has been fixed upon Kenward
? hilp , a writer for The New York
Crnth , Ho is the same person who
wrote the bogus Hancock loiter of ac
ceptance , which was published in The
L'ruth in advance of Hancock's issu
ance of the neuuine letter. Several
specimens of 1'hilp'a manincript
were yeaterday compared by experts
with the forged letter It was noticed
; hat Philps , in dotting hia i'o , throws
ihe dot- backward , which accounts for
: he fact that in the signature to the
: orged letter the dot was behind the f ,
making it appear like Gaifield , In
several instances where Philp has
written GirBeld , the dot was behind
ihe f. Letters of Philp's were found
where he had written the words "per
aoaal" and "confidential , " and this
was compared under the micro-
scrope with the "personal"
and "confidential" at the head
of the forged letter and they were
pronounced identical. The same con
clusions were reached by two sets of
experts at work in different places.
Philip is well known as a practical
j iker and pen artist. Ho delights to
1 uitato the signature of prominent
mm , and ouo of hia boasts is that
upon looking at a man nnd learning
h's name ho can write fac simile his
siinture. John I. Davenport , chair-
in m of the state committee , claims
fie distinction and reward for the dis-
o > very of Philip aa the forger. "
S.Louis Livestock Market.
ST. Louis , October 23.
Uoga Quiet and slow ; Yoik-
o-a and Baltimores , $415@4 25 ;
mixed packing , $4 liiQ4 25 ; butchers'
to fancy , ? 4 y5@4 55 ; receipts 3COO ;
shipments , 2 700.
Undoubtedly the best shirt In the
United States is manufactured at the
Omaha Shirt Factory. The superiority
of Material aud workmanship , com-
binotl with tlipir throat ImprnVemnnta ,
that Is Reinforced fronts , Reinforced
backs nnd lleinforcod sleeves , makes
their shirt the most durable and best
lilting garment of the kind , ever
manufactured at the moderate prlcoof
$1.50. Every shirt of our make is
guaranteed first-class and will refund
the money if found otherwise.
We make a specialty of all wool ,
Shaker , aud Canton flannel , also
cliemois underwear , made up with a
view to comfort , warmth and durabil
ity. To invalids and weak-lunged
persons wo offer special inducements
in the manner these goods are made
for their protection.
I'll. GOTXHEIMER , street.
We are now In daily receipt
ofhr e shipments of
All of whicl are be'ng opened UD
and marked , as rapidly as they
come in , and placed on sale in
the departments to which they
belong. We will show in all
lines of Goods more extensive
and varied assortments than at
any time in the past. Purchas
ers will find at the beginning of
the season , as well as during its
progress , the choicest styles , as
well as the most abundant sup
ply from which to make their
selections , and at prices that can
not fail to be satisfactory to the
closest buyer. Itemized adver
tisements will appear through
out the season giving definite in
formation in reference to the ar
rival of new things and the
Special Bargains that will ba of
fered in certain line of Goods in
every department of our estab
1422 and 1424 Dodge St. ,
Cor. 15th.
Oct. 28th , 29lhaiid3Oth,18SO.
Ailmission " _ > ecnU ; Soa'oii Tickets 31.00 ; Kacli
I BASON TiOkKT is Entitled to a I'RIZK. Snmo if
the 1'rlzca arc to l > c seen a' Do Oruit &Co' & . Hat
Store , Farnham St. octO-w&adi
Conrjil Strolicl vs. Jihn Hayes.
Hcfore Cliarlui nran.lcs , Justice of the Pcicr ,
Mo. 1 , Omaha , Dutiiiln Co. , Neb.
On thcK > lil y of Sept. , 18SO , Bold Justice (3- (
suol an order of attachment in the above action
for tbo sum of ? 15. < X > , and the Omaha Foundry
was g rnbhed in eaid action.
d o 14-21-23 Plaintiff.
State of Nebraska , Douglas County , eg :
At a County Court held at the County Court
rocm , in and for faid county , October Gth , A.
D. , ISSC. I'rescnt , William O. Bartholomew ,
County Judsc , in the matter of the estate of
I'eler Eickncll , ( Iterated :
On reading and filing the petition of Wll'Iam
V Jlorsc , praying that administration of the
estate ct said Peter BIcknell , deceased , may tw
gnnte't to htm , as administrator :
Ordered , that November 4th , A. D. , 1830 , at
9o'cIoclca.m.beis3iTed forlje riii atd ! petition
when all persons Interestedinsaidnuttcrmny ap
pear at a County Court to be held , in and for said
county , and show cause nhy the prayer of peti
tioner should not bo granted ; and ttut notice of
the pendency of laid petition and the hearing
thereof , be given to alt persona Intcrcxtcd in did
matter , by publishing a cojy cf this order In the
OMAHA WKKKLTBKK , a ncnspater printed in said
county , for three successive week ? , prior to til d
dar of hearing.
[ A true copy. ] WK. O. BARTHOL03IEW ,
oc3w2t Countyjudjg
WANTKDto gei | Dr > CHASES
2000 KECIPE BOOK. Still at
Siyht. You double your money. Address Dr.
Chad's Printing House , Ann Arbor , Mich
P Oct. 1st , cno bay mare , one bay
I cilt , three months old , white tr in fore
head , and one bjy over year old with tfar in
forehead. Owner can b ive same by callinzuid
payinz cha ra.Y. . WOI.ESKNSKY , \ mila N.
E. of ittner'g brick yard , North Omiba.
asoc.a : _ * .B ac.
Cor. Douglas and 13th Sts.
Givp.s Gmafc Bargains inLadies' and Gents
All Kinds Of
We Guarantee The Best Goods For The Least Money.
Iron and Wagon Stock ,
At Chicao Prices.
120 ! ) and 1211 Harnoy Street , Omaha.
Saving just opened an entirely netwine of
We would ask the Merchants of Nebraska to inspect our iSlock ,
feeling confident we can meet the wants of all in good Goods and
Low Prices
or. 14th nutl Dodge Sts *
Gives universal Satisfaction and that it is stead
ily and rapidly increasing in public lavor.
The White Machine justly claims to be the
best made , the easiest running , the simplest in
construction and the most perfect Machine id
the market.
The "White Co. employ as agents men of in
tegrity , and purchasers are always satisfied ,
because they find everything just as repres
Everybody should use this Machine. The
sales so far this year are more than double
the corresponding time last year.
All orders addressed to the Omaha Office ,
will be promptly filled.
Cor. Davenport nnd 15th StsOmaha. .
Propose for the next ninety (90) ( ) days to sell then
entire stock of
Diamonds , Watches ,
Jewelry , Clocks
SilverWare ,
Pianos 6 Organ
At Manufacturing ; Prices , Which is from 15 to 20 per
cent , helow any Eastern Wholesale House ,
preparatory to moving into their
weN Store , Cor. llth & Farnham
We Mean Business * Come and be Convinced.
A Positive and Permanent Cure
In MI cases of Grave ? , Diabetes , Dropsy. Brf ht' Dlww of th
Kidneys , Incontinence and ,
Retention of Urine Inflamatlon "
the Kidneys , Catarrh of the Gladder. Huh Colored Urine , ft a
in the Rick. gMe or Lions , Ncnrons Weakness , and In fact >
disorders of the Bladder , *
ami Urinuy Organs whether contra *
en hy private disea cs or othcawise. This gjml remedy h r * .
tMcd with BUCCCTS for ii rly ten years In France , with tha Dw-t
wondcrfnl cnratire effects. It mretby absorption : no DVISCOU *
internal medicines bcln ? rwmlrcd. We hare hundreds of te tt >
inottlals of cnrca by this Pad when all else had failed-
LADIKS. If you are safferhu from Female Weak new , Len c-
rhcco , or diwcsea pecttlUr to female * , or in fact any disnse. uk
yoor drofirlit for Prof. OoJlmeOe's French Kidney Pxl and
toJcc no other. It he b > l not gel it. send $2.00 and yon wl
reccire the Pad by retnrn mail. Address U. 3. Biancb ,
Toledo , Ohio
Will positively core Fe er and Afrae , Dumb Ague , Azae Cake , BlUioru FBTBT. Jaundice. DrjMptU.
ne all diseaws of the LUer , Stomach and Blood. The pad cores by absorption , and is permanei. ?
Ask j oar drazgist for this pad and Uke no other If he does not keep It. en4n JO fc.tno rKJUiCH
PADCO. , ( U.ri. Branch ) , Toledo , Ohio. nd receho it by return milj " " -N4CO.