Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 25, 1880, Morning Edition, Image 4

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Monday Morning , Oct. 25.
PaterKon i-el's coal-
L FrcdiricL Leading Hatter. o23-tf
Sec Polack's advertisement
-Tor the teeth , Kuhu's Dentrifice ,
-Travel rn the railroads is falling off.
" IVrter is running the Omaha F rry.t
Lubin'sbulk perfume at Kuhn's only.
-Setenty-nine cars of ttockinSaturday.
-Xo.4 on the IT. P. is an Lour late
ajain Saturday.
A new stock of fine handkerchief ex
tracts at Safe's.
Ninth ttreet is being mae pahsab'e
fur teams and foot passengers.
< : love fitting rattern at Bushman's , t f
Thebcbtof mcatsat Hath & WhileV
market , ophite the jwEtoflice. 2Mf
Good whiter app'cs cheaper than any-
uhere's else intoiui , at Buffet's.
Xxtra Choice Midrgan Apples , $ lff >
per barrel , at A , II. Gladstone's. o22l2
Gcod winter apples cheaper than any-
tthsM'selsc in town , at Buffet's.
Forl-ands , Lots , Houses and Farnn1 ,
1 . . > k over Bcrais' new column on flret page.
' Bath & White , opposite the pete -
o lice , receive fresh fibh every Thursday.
Good winter applea chearcr than any-
wliere'f ! else in town , r.t Buffet's.
St .Ttiliin will not trot in Oiraln.
His manager wauta too much money.
lUaen etl tca' for AVidowB-sdntt w eio
put im sale this moraing at Max MCJOJS.
There : ue IDC law and ISO equity
c > e t for tria' at the coining term of the U.
fj. circt it court
* 2 The graud event of this week will be
tliepolicumcn'ti.hecoud annual ball Wed-
ncsdayjCvenhig a * Masonic Hall.
-General W. W. Lowe , has prjsented
the Omaha Medical School with the valu
able , medical library of liis father , the late
Dr. Lowe , consisting uf a1x > ut50 btandanl
volumes , which were accepted by the
tithnoL It ii proposed to make there vol
umes the mid'ens of : v largo library. The
Oift is gr-atly appreciated.
The first game by the Ouiaha
club look place Saturday evening in
L tic's addition. Tlie two teams , of nine
men each were cjptiined by M s rn. Nash
and Stewart , the result l > eing in favor ] of
the latletV team. J. S. Williams acted as
umpire. A Luge crowd of ladies w.tuc&cd
The jury of tle of the state vs.
I'ie'tcher Mitchell for the murder of James
"Lyon , tftcr beio out twenty-four hours ,
f.iiled to tigree , an 1 vere discha-gfd 1-y
.ludseSa\ase. Tfcey stood on the last
b iltut , hix for acquitUil and bit for comic-
-Neil Barges and his "Widow B -
1 ttn company \ ill play here Thursday
'V iiiiiy licit. J\Liry \ Antleraoa is Ijooked
for'Jfovcmtwr J t. Tlie ] Citie rntnian
troupe wi'l lie here on the 3d aud 4th of
I\ oember. . Iicaitt' Vaud \ ille Specialty
tr > niic , coiiiiMsed of lucnty-eight persons ,
ill l here on the 3th of November.
L'lliis ISuckinKhaui niH p'ay "Mazep-
JM" Niivemlicr 2'th ! ' nd SJth , and Decem
ber Ist'and 2nd.
-TCinely head of Oregon cattle were sold
VrM.iy at the Omaha stock yards at
three cents.
I > at , Tarmi , House * aud Lands. Look
otvi lieuuV n w column of bargamson lit
There will be a republican meet'rig at
I ie S rat ga i-clmol house , on Mnnday
o.enln , October " . " > , at7 : * > 0 ji. in.
- The < > iily mmnial case rctnaining for
trial tafore Jiul e Savage 'B of .Tobcph
llcller , wh'ch will come oil tliis wecV.
Juit recei > ed at William Geull < man's ,
: i lot tf choice roll butter mid fres-h ejgc.
Apples ! > / the barrel , full line tf tnple
and fancy groceries. 2--2t
It is bel ed that the Oil Mil was
wt on lira by an incendiary. The works
\\illbcruuuingagaiu at full capacity to
h > im as the fire is all out Not more than
one-fourth the flux crop was in and des
Itacsu FISH every Thursday and Fri-
layull kind of fresh .nd salt meats. The
Ivst < > f German sausiges , a ni > ecialty , al
ways 6Ti baud , at the Palace Market of
i j& llagodsrn , Sit south Fifteenth
Ttb ! rcmins of the late Hon. John ! ! .
Mcrdlithill be s nt cast onthisexc-
ui'u't > train for intenncnt in Philadelphia.
A meeting of the Douglas County Bar ivas
c illcilior 4 p. rn. to-day to take action ic-
sii > ctliig his death.
-Omaha sold over 539,000 worth of tick
ets oxer the Waba'h during the cut last
w'ok ; Council Bluffs only SCOX That is
t'.ic result of Council Bluffs allowing Dil- B
I'jinille to gtt the road away from her. la
Tiio e is nn such a station on the Waba b lab
as Council Bluffs.
-r-ThiTu w.u not one case before Judge
II twos Satuiday. James Tnltle and
M m 1 Kljidtt ; who were Imlscd in jail last RS
c\t > uiii' by CoiiKta'jlo Edgerton on flic RSat
cli.irge of the larceny of a gold wa'ch from
T'lanche Itivers , being held for examina-
tioa beforeilndge Wright , " d
AMTJiit'lougJeltin Omaha and vicin it
ity has been ( supplied by Mr. C. Spich , th
Mini has started a cornice factory at 1S10 as
D. .lge Rlrct Mr. Spich manufactures all
kiturtof ! galvanized iron cornices , window ea
c j > s , etc. , has had a number of yeara c.\-
p.ieiice in the busioess and turns out
iDlliing but Ursl-tL-vw work.
-Superintendent Brown received ord F
Friil ij- that the track of the Omaha
line from Oakland north , had been cleared
of Mimv. The track laid at this end had
b vii cleared the day previous , and track- my
laying will now go on again. [ Sioux City any
Journal. yet
-Ourattcntioniscalled to the increasing tit
tlanjerous condition nf the Sth t-trect the
lirid e , the travel across -\\hich is doubled
jiiur thnt 10th street isclosed. If the city
s ufierities ( don't fir that bridge the city St
xvillp.iy enough out for damages soon to oh
* pin the creek with iron several times
-The Chicago & Rock Wnnd company for
> "riday unloaded a quantity of iron t < i foiOi
l > eui < ed intheconstnictionof Tieproj-o ed
. ' . 'ie Union
i he l for that compiny
2W5fietran fer < 1 ) > nfkor wliich is
j nflS Ft adily ! ' I. 'l'l ' < % - > l"cago& W
1 orth\\t teru COM .y ycsttnlay com-
I ! t > ul < lie work in ; the > tA > ue fouu-
i atinii for the " 1.x - .a | osition.
rA force of men was net at work Fri- tin
f ay afterno in to builJ the waterworks i e-
t rvoi-Bonthe Lo\\-o farm , and another coi
j arty at Rtakinc out tlie ground for the gOi
l iver works. Next week the p'pe Inyirg
% illl > oiu. Five or six car loads of pipe BCO
trrived Fri ay and fixty car loids more
u the road fi teen of them overdue. Tlie
1 < ! > foundries are shipping at the rate of Ed
I > ur car loads a day.
& Co.'s.
Car ij load , plain and fancy , I
leans' , 14th and Dodge sts. evi
The Safe in Metz1 Hall Blown
Open by Experts ,
Artistic Work at Philip Koch's
Although such items arc getting
rather monotonous , yet we must tel
tbo etory to-day of another bold bur
glary which happened at the earl ;
hour of 4 o'clock Saturday.Vhil
the perpetrators carried out success
fully their part of the fob , the fruit o
their labor was very light and the re
turn enough to discourage them into
quitting the business.
The Ecene of this latest raid by the
villainous gang which is bidding defiance
anco to officers of the law generally
was the beer raloon of Metz's ball , run
by Mr. Henry Coops , ICESCO of the
hall. An entrance was mcde by tak
ing out the side window of the hall
opening on the alley to the south. Thi
strips holding the upper sash in place
were first removed , and then the nail
which held the lower sash were takei
ont and those raised up. After gain
ing the interior , the rascal * , "to pro
vide an e sy mode of exit , took ol
the lock from the front door and had
then * i way of retreat cither by the.
front or rear.
Having put R watcher out , they pro
ceodcd to go for the safe , one of An
dreen's , small size , in the door o
which they drilled four holes be
fore they succeeded in .making
one through which powder conld b
inserted. No attempt wai made to
deaTen the IIOIHO made by the explo
sion , and it was hcird by all in the
vicinity , waking up Mr. Metz , who
lives across Ihu street nearly opposite
the hall , also Mr. Coops , who sleeps
over the saloon. The latter heart
footsteps on the floor below , and only
watting to partially clothe himself he
hastened down stairs , vhero ho founc
the big room filled with so dense a
smoke that he at first supposed the
hull was on fire. Bo soon , however ,
discovered the front door open , tht
window ont p d the safe In a wrecked
condition. The door of the latter
was blown clear off , the'lock torn all to
pieces and the lining badly demoral
ized. The small iron money vault in
side containing only some papers of
no importance to anyone except the
owner , was carried away bodily. Noth
ing elao in the saloon w s touched ,
unless in so small a way as not to be
noticeable The money drawer was
ignored , and a quantity of cash stored
in another portion of the room was
overlooked. The booty , therefore ,
was nothing but nlory , and the bur
glars certainly have all the glory
there is in success. Aa this
is the fourth safu robbery within a
short lima , it is pretty evident that a
gang is at work that can only be bro
ken np when some of its inciube sore
caught and pent to the penitentiary.
That our police force is entirely inad
equate to protect the town against the
daring crew , is certain , and that the
block watchmen are equally unable to
cover so largo a territory not less cer
tain. The only hope is that some 'if
the gang will bo caught and the work
Mopped , or some detective or
private individual will get thu drop on
them. As usual , the rob ers left a
portion of their tools this morning ,
but that is of very flight assistance in
detecting the workmen.
From B gentleman who lives on
south Tenth street , between Martha
and Cattellar , weleirn of the robbery
Friday night of Mr. PhiIiiKoch. | The
burglars broke a pane of tl.isa from
Mr , Koch's window and took from a
couch \Unch eat near it several
articles of appun.1 In eo doing he
aroused the family , and in his
haste to make ; oed his escape the
fellow ran into a barbed wire fince
between the residences < > f Mr. B F.
Bodwoll and Mr. Kennedy , taking
down two strans < .f wire and loosen
ing a post sot three feet in the ground.
The man in his tussle with the
barbed wire fence certainly came on'
second best , for he dropped there and
in the vicinity a woolen scarf , two
pair of pants , two vests , a knit jacket ,
and cap all of which hnd been taken
from Mr. Koch. The man must have
been badly hurt although the fence
was not injured in thu slightest more
than simply bein knocked down. We
understand Mr. K. lost about $13 in
the transaction.
My stock consisting of Fancy
Goods , Notions , Ladies and Gents'
Furnishing Goods , etc. , for ealo
cheap ! Can give good ronson for Bell
22-21 1420 Douglas St.
W. N. Whitney , sola 8 ent for
Bent's Celebrated Shoes , has the
largest and best selected stock of
boots ( and shoos in the city. Call afid
get your inonic * worth. o22-2t
E. Maurcr has opened hia new
saloon aud lunch room 1214 Farnham
street , late Elguttor's store. 1m
When your watch fsils you and
docs ( not run to suit you , then take
to Edholm & Erickson's , opposite
tbo postoflice , and have it niado eamo
new and warranted.
Wo guranteo all our work lo give
satisfaction or money refunded.
The Jewelers , opposite postoflicc.
GEMXKMEN : I have tried , during
; life , probably more tailors than
other man living , and have not
found ono who can give as good n
and as general satisfaction in all
branches , and as good goods
the money , as can Kalisli , the
Star : Tailor , one door west of Cruick-
nhank's. ; S. P. MOUNT. a
Dancing school every Tuesday eve i
ning for ladies from 5 to 7 o'clock ; ol
gentlemen from S to 10 o'clock at Is
Omaha Turner Hall.
WEAR at Mrn. J. H. Slavcn & Co.'s.
Judging from the looks of things ,
there will bo war at "Williams & Son's
corner war on tlia prices of dry
gooda. If you want a bargain go and
< what it means.
Spectacles in larpo variety , at
Edholm & Erickson's , opposite P. 0.
FLODE POTS Car load at Evans" ,
Fourteenth and Dodge streets.
Capitol lodge meets for work this
evening , October 25.
Hon. Lcvi J. Kennard left with Mrs.
Kennard last evening for Clifton Springs
Deputy U. S. Marshal Moody left fo
Sioux City hst night to get the witnesses
in the Hoya case , to be heard to-morrow
Col. J. P. MarfnTJ. S. A. , came i
from Arizona yesterday en route to Wash
ington City.
Mis. Major Wham came in from tb
west yesterday.
GeneralJ. M. Thayer returned from
trip to Schuylerlast nigi
Judge Mereck , of the superior conit o
San Francisco and District Judge McAr
thur of Washington City , were among th
through passengers from the west yester
C. H. Dewcy left for Chicago yester
A. Vanvert de Mean , Consul de France
and Baron Bostartz of Germauy were
among the west bound passengers yes'.er
Supt J. T. C ark goes xvc't to-day.
Gco. Seybolt went cut to Grand Island
P. J. Xichols went west yesterday.
JohnGault , of the Wabash , has gone t
St. Louis on business.
Maj. Frank McLiughlin , Edison's su
perintemlent , pasted cast yesterday.
G. W. Vis , pi ivate secretary of S. H
II. Clark , has returned from San Fran
Jas. IL Millard returned from the eas
E. M. Norseman , superintendent U. P
erpres' , and E. P. "Vjninjr , General Ticke
Agent of the U. P. , came in from Chicagi
yesterd y.
M. G. McKoon , the insurance agent re
turcol home yestei day.
N. L D. Solomon returned from th
east yesterday.
Mrs. Thomas S. McMurray and family
arrhed home yeaterJay from the east
CoL Itoyal left at noon Saturday for
M. B. llo\ie went west to Grand Island
Saturday noon.
Him. Loran Clark , of Boone county , is
in the city.
Judge Clinton Briggs has returned from
Colorado with liis family.
Matt Clair , agent for the pool lines , te-
tnrned from Duvenp rt Friday.
George N. Clayton , we.-tefn j > a = seDger
agent of the Wabash , was in the city Sa
N. J. Buraham , A. M. Chadwick and
Walter Bennett , left for Belle Creek at
noon Saturday , ia Fremont.
Mrs. Wrighter , wife of W. D. Wright-
er , jr. , of the 1'ullman line , has returned
from a \ isit to Fittsburg.
Capt D. G. Ctldwoll , U. S. surgeon ,
> assed through the city Friday en route
to hi * st. lion at Fort Steele.
Mr. S. S. Stevens , general -western agent
of the Hock Island road , left Friday for
ttieyennu onv slmrt luitiucss trip.
Tiy the Ficnch C. P. Corset for
Try r. { 'i-ir cf FiilliiediAi wuranted
li ota and Shoes. Always guarantee
sitiafaction and full \aluo for the
noney paid. Near Thirteenth and
Douijra ? .
ELIOA : > T PLUJMOS just -thud
it Mrs. J. II. Slnven & Co.'a.
Modern science : r d research , have
djne much to mn tfle the old-time
theories and comic 'ons of a tlunk-
ng world. They have demonstrated
hat this world of our ? , was old in
years when Adam b Mi hia career
up in i' , and that , pr < bibly , the earth
ras then , inhibited by other races
) f men the descendants of myriad
; ener.\lions gone before.
We feel disappointed when no learn
.hat such men as lltchard of the Lion
3cart , EJward the Black Pricce , and
ither men of that ilk , renowned as
mighty men of strength and valor ,
did not surpass modern men In size at
east , for it takes a "smallish" man to
get iueido their suits of armor pro-
served in the tower of London.
Then there is our own Pocahontas
how have they thrown her down :
; rom that romantic niche she occupied
in the average American heart , by
showing that she was but a rowdy lit-
tie Indian girl who , when twelve years
old , stood on her head , and turned
"hand-springs" along with the boys of
a garrison town , and later held
tionable relations with the officers of
the post. There is no doubt about
this. "BOOTH'S OVAI.BKAND" oyster's
are raised in that section of country ,
and arc well acquainted with the cir
cumstances in the case. They can be
interviewed on the subject at all gros
eery stores aud restaurants whoso pron
prietcra have on historical turn of
Over 2,000 cans of these celebrated
bivalves have been handled this week
at Omaha by the agent. D. B. Beeuicr. cl
Mr. D. Sullivan , who has been a C
resident of Omaha for the last twenty
years , and well known to the most of
our citizens , has entered into
copartnership with his three sons , and
opned a Hardware and Tinware 13
Store , at 1410 Farnham street , oppo
site the old Grand Central. Mr. Sul
livan's sons are all practical mechanics
and thoroughly understand the busi
ness , and are prepared to do all kinds
of roofing , guttering , and tin work
generally , at prices lower than ever
before. The firm has bought their
immense stock , direct from the manu
facturcrs for cash , and will give prices
that will actually astonish buyers. They >
have on hand a large assortment of
the best heating stoves in the market ,
full line of cooking stoves , ranges ,
&c. , &c. Also a fine line of shelf
hardware ; , tinware , &c. The integrity
Mr. D. Sullivan , as is well known ,
up to the standard and the same can
said of his sons. Parties needing
any thing in their line will do well to
sive them a call ; look through their
stock and get their prices.
Spectacles in large variety , at Ed-
helm & Erickson's , opposite P. 0.
The Omaha Fur Manufacturer ,
Henry G. Richter , Fifteenth street ,
opposite the postoffice , calls the at
tention of the Ladies of Omaha and
vicinity to visit his superb stock of
Furs : and , also , to look over their old
furs for repairing , before the season
advances. Satisfaction guaranteed.
Mrs. M , Cox , Fashionable Dress er
Jaker , S17 Fifteenth street , between
Davenport and
Serious Collision Between Two
Union Pacific Freight
Headlignt Gleams From all
A serious accident occurred on the
Onion Pacific Sunday morning by
which a brakeiuan named McCuno ,
who resides in this city was s verely ,
though not fatally injured. The
railway officials were very reticen
yesterday on the subject , but from
passenger who came in on the delay ec
mail train wo learned that the acci
dent was caused by thu second section
of freight train No. 11 , bound wcs *
running into the Grst ocction of the
sauio train , at Silver Greek Station
110 miles west of this city. The
latter was lying at the station and the
first warning the occupants of the ca
boose had of the approaching danger
was whan it was too near to bo avert
ed. McCune , who was the only one
In the caboose at the time , was hurt in
the attempt to get out of the car.
being caught on the platform. Ho
was badly injured about the groins anc
was taken to the hotel where the beat
medical aid at hand was rendered him.
The cow-catcher of the locomotive ,
No. 8G , ran under the caboose , the
latter lauding on top of her boiler ,
knocking off the stack and cab , anc
wrecking her upper worka generally.
The damage beyond this was less than
might have been expected , and noOn
ono else was hurt than tha brakeman.
Seventy-seven cara of stock passec
through the city yesterday.
The overland train for the west was
an hour late yesterday.
The noon train west yesterday had
among its passengers nine Sisters ol
Mercy. It also had a number of land
sottlets for Hastings and Wahoo.
By abandoning the reindeer for the
Iron horse , Christmas arrived in Onn-
ha two months ahead of time. It was
Mr. M. Christmas , of New York , who
was a Pullman passenger west yester
The special hunting car "Davy
Crockett , " passed west yesterday with
Gen. Clinton Flak and party , of New
Jersey , on board , bound for Arizona.
Arrangements have boon made by
which the Omaha papers , with thu
pastern mail , \ull reach Wahoo ftur
hours earlier than usual , a pouch be
ing made up at tha Omaha poatollice
toluare on the 10:15 a. in. train va :
the O. & R. V. branch of the U. P.
Democratic County Convention
The democratic county convention
awemblod at Creiuhton hall Satur
day , at 3p. m. , to nominate a candi
dates for the state senate and house of
Mr. A. McGavock was chosen tem
porary chairman , and R. M. Taylor
was elected temporary secretary.
Messrs. 0. M. Conuoycr , R. M.
Taylor , J. Meyer , Chris. Hartman and
EL jjink were appointed a committee
on credentials.
The committee reported the list of
delegates entitled to seats in the con
vention. | They also reported that
there was a contest in the Third ward ,
which was eventually compromised by
.he conteatzirs themselves.
On motion the temporary orgariz-
.ioti was made permanent.
On motion James MeArdlo >
nominated by acclamation for county
. .
The following resolutions were
adopted by the convention before
iroceeding with the business of the
day :
Hesohed , That the democracy of
Douglas county hereby pledge our
candidates for the senate and house
olCI representatives to vote for a demo
crat for the office of United SUtes
senator , fi st , last and all the time.
licsoltcd , That any person on ac
cepting the nomination at the hands
olc ctol this convention and violating the
o.egoing resolutions , shall be forever
Branded as a traitor to his constituents
and the democratic party.
George W. Doane and John D.
Bowe were nominated for the state
senate by acclamation.
Dr. Harvey Link , Simuel VanSyke ,
Seorge McKinney , A. Swartzlandcr ,
J A. McShane , Win. A. Pax ton , Geo.
Shields and Charles Burgdorf , were
chosen to run for the lower house , 011
the democratic ticket.
The convention then adjourned
without choosing a now contra !
The democratic convention of the
Sixth senatorial district met at 4 p
m , Saturday. ,
A. W. Trumble was called to pre
side and Chas. Ogden to act as secre
tary.Samuel ,
Samuel R. Johnson , of Omaha ,
was nominated as state senator by ac
S. F. Burtch , E. A. Allen ami
Chas. Oj den were elected to servo in
the district central committee for the
0113111112 term.
Douglas County District Court.a
Proceedings had on Saturday , the
Hon. James W. Savage , presiding :
Brock vs. Smith ; judgment of
county court confirmed.
Wendt vs. B. & . M. R. R. Co. in
Nebraska ; motion for new trial over
ruled. si
VanEtten vs. Snowden ; demurrer fi
School District of Omaha vs. Lowe ,
demurrer overruled.
Bingham vs. Edgerton ; continued
y consent.
Metz et al. vs. Brandt et al. ; de-
nurrcr overruled.
Lowe et al. vs. Lowe et al. ; judg-
ncnt for defendant.
Collins vs. German-American Life
nanrance company ; leave to file nn-
wcr in ten days.
Creighton vs. Billoter et al. ; sale
State vs. Austin ; motion for now
rial overruled.
Franklin vs. Hallenbeck ; motion
Weiant vs. Omaha ; motion sns- of
Samuel A. Bslliet , Esq. , was
dmitted to practice as an attorney at D.
State vs. Fletcher MUchell ; the
ury having failed to agree on a ver
ier , was discharged.
And court adjourned until thbmorn-
ng at 9:30 o'clock.
Attention Company "H. " for
All members will bo present nt their for
now armory , corner of Tenth and 0w
Farnham streets , this evening , Octob
25 , at 7 o'clock sharp. Important
business. JOHN N. VALENTINE ,
OMAIIA , Oct. 21,1880. J
Sealed proposah will be received by
the undersigned at his office until 7:30 :
o'clock Monday evening,0ctober 25th ,
A. D. 1880 , for the purchase of 66- ,
100 of bonds of the city of Omaha ,
described aa follows :
One hundred and twenty bonds of
five hundred dollars each , and sixty-
one bonds of ono hundred dollars
each , all dated November 1st , 1880 ,
and bearing interest at the rate of
seven per cent per annum , interest
ayable aemi-annually at K o untze
Bros' , banking house in the city of
Now York , and the bon redeemable
0:1 the firat day of November , 1900 , at
the same bank.
Said bids shall specify the price that
will be paid and the amount of bonds
proposed to Lo taken. Envelopes con
taining said proposals or bids shall be
marked "Bids on Bonds , " be ad
dressed to the undersigned , aud be
delivered before the expiration of the
time above specified. The city coun
cil reserves the right to reject any or
all bids. By order of the city coun
cil. J. F. McCAKTJiET ,
oct21-4t City Clerk.
Ladies' will find a full line of the
Celebrated French G. P. Cvraetsin one
to seven hundred bonea. Prices § 1.50
to § 10.00 ,
That the line cigara of W. F.
Lorenzon , the Tenth street manufac
turer , are now conceded to be the boat
in the market ? Smoke them and bo
convinced. Factory one door south
of Mela's Hall. ocl4-sat-mon-tf
A laigo assortment of boys and
mens' overcoats , pants , vest , coats ,
suits ; also a full line of gents furnish
ing goods , at Polack's , Farnham
street , near Fourteenth. o21-3t
Old Jewelry melted over and made
no into the latest styles , to suit any
customer , at Edholm & Erickson's ,
Opposite the Postoffice.
I have d lot of heating stovea suit
able for stores and ofiiceo ; also a large
wrought iron r-ingo and cast iron
cojking stoves for hotel use , that I
will close out much less than cost.
Als ) tinware and house furnishing
goods cheap. Enquire at Odd Fel
lows block. E. F. COOK.
Fou SALB. The Arcade , 1420
Douglas street. 22 2t
Don't fail to call and see the "In
vincible" and "Argand" stoves , of
which I have sold
an many this sea
son and previous years , and which
arc now acknowledged by all to bo the
beat stoves in the market. I can also
assure the public that my prices actu
ally defy competition , and are far be
low these of any other house in the
west. To convince yourselves of the
truth of this statement call at No.
1111 Douglf.sst. R. THOSSIN.
oc20 4t
Third Ward Voters Registration
I will sit at my oflica northeast cor
ner of Fourteenth and Douglas streets ,
[ over Cum ; ' g'a auction store ) on
hursdij. hititnlny and Monday.
[ Thur.d.iy 28 h and Saturday oCth
Otitoht r , ami November Monday 1st J
for tha putposo of registering the
electors of the Third ward.
In witness whereof I have hereunto
set my band this 20. h d.iy of Octo-
jr , 1880. WILL H. RILKY ,
o20-10t Registrar Third Ward.
Men's Boots , S2 00 ; Men'a Alexie ,
81.25 ; Ladies' Shues , 75s. Misses'
Shoes , 11 to 2 , GCc , at Fullriede'e ,
Douglas , between Twelfth and Thir
Notice is hereby given that I will
Bit at my oflice , 317 South Twelfth
street , betweci. Farnham and Harney ,
on Wcdiifsday , Thursday , Friday and
Saturday , October 27th , 28th , 2th ! )
and 30thalso ; on Monday , November
1st , 18SO , for the purpose of regis
tering the electors of the First Ward.
In witness whereof , ! have hereunto
Sit my hand , this 18th day of Octob
er , A. D. , 1880.
08 12t Registrar First Ward.
A good chance for a man with little -
tlo capital. A well-selected stock
and fixtures for sale. Now is your
chance ! For particulars , enquire at
the ARCADE ,
22-2t 1420 Doug. St.
With a full sot of furniture for $11.00
and upward at the Stove Store of
R. Troasln , 1111 Douglas street.
Prices exceedingly low. Call and see
for yourselves. o20-4t
To the Voters of the Sixth Ward.
Notice is hereby given , that I will
ait at my oflice , 908 north IGth street ,
from Tuesday , October 10th , to Sat
urday , October 23rd , and every even
ing thereafter to November 1st , 1880 ,
For the purpose of making a new com
plete registrar list.
18-Ct Jur N. MURPHY , Registrar.
Reg stration Notice.
State of Nebraska , Douglas County.-ss
Notice la hereby given that I will
sit in the store cf E. W. Wyman'a ,
15th street , three doors south of Poa-
Office , on Monday , Wednesday and
Saturday , Oc'ober 25th , 27th and
30Mi , also on Monday , November 1st ,
1880 , for the purpose of registering
the elector * of the fourth ward , City
Om.iba , Douglas County.
In witness whereof , I hereunto set
my h nd this 15th day of October , A.
. , 1880.
ol5-16t Registrar of said ward.
A Card of Thames.
The officers and children of the
Tenth . Street Indns'rnd ' school are
very grateful to the ladiea of our city
the abundant manner of their res
ponse to our request for provisions
our dinner ; also , to the merchants
who ! so kindly asiistcd us , to Mr.
Creightonfor the use of the store , and
especially to the three daily paperj for
their liberal notices free of charge.
MRS. J. BUDD , Superintendent
Miis. GEO. GEATTON , Secretary.
A Card.
I hare received my fall and winter
stock , consisting of a full assortment
of ladies' , gents' , boys' and children's
boots and shoea all from the beal
manufacturers of St. Louis and Phila
delphia. I keep no shop work , anc
you find at my store only honest anc
tair goods. Every pair warranted
and sold at bottom prices. No better
goods are brought into this market
than I handle. I mean what I say ,
and say what I mean , that Phillip
Lang's ia the cheapest place for boot ;
and shoes in the city.
1318 Farnham street.
It you want a nice black walnu
olock of Americjn Manufacture , go to
E'iholni & Eriokeon'e , Opposite the
Postofllco , end see the largest stock in
NOTICE Aiheiti-aatiHite To Lot For Halo
teat , Found , Wanta. KoirUIn ; Ac. , will Lo ta
sorted In tl.f o columns onto for TEN CEKTS
p r Hue ; each aabee ncntlnKrtlon.FlTE CENTS
per lino. Tlie tint Insertion never lc th n
II iO LOAN At8 percent Inter
- , , , . . , , ret. n sum * of ? 2 < WOand Up-
warda for 11 < > 6 jrciru' time onfirat ciass impro v
ed city and farm proK-rty. ] Apply at BEMIS
Real KsUtc and Loin Agency , 15th and Doaelas
Ht3. 27S-ondtf
01771 ( TO IXJAH Call t Law O3ca
M O. L. "EONAS , RcomS.CrelebtnQ Block
, fONKY TO I.OAH 1109 Famhim strcat
Ji Dr. Kdwanta Loan
Atrency. noy-22-tf
A coed and fecond irlrl lorn to
WANTED . Innuiroof Mrs. J M. Woolworth -
worth , ISl ! Howard street , cor. of 1 i.h. 72"-23
f' ANTED Oc-rnlco Innds and ( i tint cr
\ 1310 Dodge St.Vcsteru Curuico Wnrks.
ANTKD 5 carpenters. Call N E. cor.
] 5'.liaudCumiH-Bttc-jt8. M.T MUUI'IIV
\ si'uit-on a hems--kcper will ;
some respectable ( ami y ; refeui.t3 i-en
and required , dddrcs ) 11. , L'co clhcc 730-2.
WA.NTEU Anureigirl , 403 C sa St. , near
21st St. 7-M-t
"TTTANTED A gi'l for Rcncml housework.
YY Enquires. ' . corner Utu and Chicago
streets. 72If
Girl for general housework ; lira"
WANThD Mount , N. E. Cor llarney and 1M1
&U 700-23
WANTED A need house-keeper , at 1103
larnlum street , up stairs. C34 tf
\TTAhTEU Oirl ; "cook" preferred , at F.
YY I-aiiST , cor 13th and Ja Ison. 6S3-1 !
WANTED 2 men lo work in marked garden ,
uoith , at thu end ut 18th St. U. W. BAIL.
" 17011 KENT A furnished room , suitable for
Jj one \\ogeiitkmui , S. W. cor. Iftli and .
UowaidSts. 731-tf
FOB KENT Two unfurnished rooms , at 514
South ) 4th St. 723-2S
I UKNISUED Frmt rortn , suitable for man
JJ and ttifu , tor rent , 1020 L'asg. next cor. 17lh.
POIl KENT Cottage , on Sth and I'ine Stg ,
uew house , ciit ; ) rooms.on J3d a d rasa fata.
Enquire J. . l.oe , f. E. Cor. 12th and Farn
ham. 696-U
I70U KENT House and lot in Shull's 2nd
1 } add. , ntar new U. S. corrall. Enquire at
Itoom 6 , CrtighUm Block. 664-tf
FOR RFNT Large house , 7 roomi , 20th St. ,
iioar Casa strce' . C. T. TALUR ,
- 14th and Djuril.a.
FOR UKNT Xinely furnished rooms at 1310
Davenport strut , bet. 13th and 14th St.
350 tf
FOR RKST 2 furnished rooms over Mer-
cl'ai.ts Kxchauge , N. E. Cor. 16th and
D < vlio streets. iifl-tf
ret SALS.
o > Lr OKMIa' new column of bargatnd on let
V ] ILh 'IVtatj Uitncnt.nnirqi iT8 or one
Ivl ilollar liy John T. Fanlson.
B.\I , D KAY A mr-loid of b.i lit b > ltil Iny
just.ovcivc.l , a Clu.lton Bros.cor.Da\fn-
port and ICib tt- . 720 tf
] 710li SALE Th. nc * Higland House , Hast-
1 ? infi | , Neb Inquire if proprU'or on the
premises ; will tell theuh-lo or pait interest
E N. iOYHS. i- . 713-3.1
O HOUSES And rorner half of lot , sontlie-ist
fj corner )4th and CassSts. , 7 roam' in each ;
nut for $ > ) Bii(13.5 ( ic- month I.EMia1 1 KAL
tSTVTR ACK.NCJ' , 15th .ind Pouglti Sts. 679-U
171011-5ALK Mi\Cli punts.atA JIohms.lGth
J ; and California sts. CIS tl
U RariMins in Housed , Lots , Farms and
' , In M new column nn 1st paio
l : SALE Cottonwmd lunilwr of all
'S. SlVcenth-st. 618-t
ov ir BEMIS' new column of bargains on Ut
LOST Brown leather pocket-hook , ttecl clasp ,
containing 2 U. I' , orders $20 each , a 20-dol
Hr ( jold piaco and 0 or 7 dollars in silver. A
liberal reward will be piid for its return to Mrs
J. 1 > . Canipbo 1 , 811 ISth bt. 729-23
STRAYFD AWAY One large red Durham
cow , cars tut off so at to bo perceivable.
Larje horns , about ton j' ara oil Finder will
borewaided by rctuining the above describee
to Frederick Dcllon , cor Capitol aye. and 13th.
Sl'KClAL MTICF Otto Fnsonl , velcrimry
surgeon , igraflaito of the veterinary college
of Stuttg ti t and Zurich. Hospital 1149 bliennan
avenue 5SO-lm
Absolutely Pure.
Made from Grape Cream Tartar. No otho
preparation makes such Iihtflaky hot bread * ,
or luxurious pastry. Can be eaten by ilypeptlcs
without fear of the lb resulting from heavy i [
digestible fool.
Sold only in can" , by all Grocers. [
Koriti liiKiNO PDWDBR Co. . U K York
Oct. 28th , 29th and 30th,1880.
AdTissirn 9J ccnH ; Season TicfcetsSl-OCEach ;
5EASOS TICKKT Ig Entitled to a PEIZK. Some t
Prizes are to be seen at De Groit & Co'd. Hat
Store , Famham t. oct9-w&s6t
Successors to J. II TUIELE ,
No. 1220 Douglas Street ,
OX *
$2 TO $5 PER ACRE.
20,000 Acres
6 to 12 Miles from Omaha ,
$6 to $10 per Acre , on
Long Time and
Low Interest ,
Large tracts suitable fcr
Colonies in all the best
Counties in the State ,
80,000 acres scattered
through Iowa.
A large number of Improvec
Farms in Nebraska , many o :
them near Omaha , $12 to $40
per acre ,
An Immense List of
Consisting of Elegant Resi
dences from $3,000 to $20-
000. Many vacant lots in
the additions to Omahi. :
Hundreds of lots scattered
through the City. Houses anc
Lots , Business Houses and
Lots , and all kinds of City
Real Estote.
We also have
on Improved Farms in Doug
las County , on 5 years time , at
10 per cent , interest to all who
can show good titles.
Maps for Douglas anil Sarpy
Counties fur sale ,
4 beautiful lots fronting pouth in Isaac &
gulden's * dd. for $ 160 half cash.
Ilouscand lot , a2d and Dmio ! ; i 3,0m
Ilou-e and lot near Itriwncll Hall. . . . . . . 2lv (
Two new Iiou a and full lot , rents for
5JOp rvear 41300
New brick house , 21x25,1 } story , with 3
Iota 2,000
HousoMcllot Webeterst 1 ,
Larsehou e and corner lot g.
Laryo house full lot , California St. . . . . . . 4,00 (
Residence and 4 full lota , St. Mary's are. . 6,6W
Ilousoand small lot , eoutb of depot 95 (
House and small lot , south of depot Cs5
Residence propel ty , Kountzeand Uutli's
add. . . . . 5,600
rmu residence property 10 Ux
House and lot , 22d and llarney I'gOC
House and lot , Nelson's addition 2 70 (
House and lot Shinn'g addition lJXK (
Kewltnceand corner lot sous
Resilience ( cash ) 7,500
Rc Idcdco GOtX
Residence . .T s'joC
ITon cand one-half lot ] , C5C
Three hon-cs and corner lot 7.EOC
IlciiJcnce and corner lot 7500
House and 60 feet front , I6th street. . . . . . 3.70C
Larje house and corner lot 6,50C
R < * idence and three Iota 6,50 (
Two house and corner two-thirda of cor
ner lot ilco
Bousa and small lot , Casj street 2,100 (
llama and lot , 27th near Farnham 1 OCK
Brick house and corner lot i 350
Small Iioufc and full lot , Comings Bt 2,300
House and lot , 23d street 3,250
House and full lot , worthfl.OOO for 6,500
Fnebrck residence 1,000
lirick residence BCOO
House and corner lot 1,550
5 ew t o-story house and corner lot 4 200
Residence and full lot , Farnham sc 5 f 00
House and one acre , ISth street 3,000
Houao and half lot , 18th street 2,200
House and lot , Shinn'a addit'o > l.toO
House and half lot , Casa str ct 1,100
House and half lot , Casj Street l,4r > 0
Residence and two loU , Capitol Hill . . . . 7,000
Elegant brick residence 2 full lot15.COO )
Finest ' rcsidenca in the city 16,000
lles'dence property 17,000
Hesidcn e property 17,500
Residence 5,500
louse and lot , Shinn'n addition ] 200
Iouse anil lot , J-hinn's addition 1,500
ICU'C nd lot , 2-lth and Farnham 1,400
llouso and lot. 27th and Doughs $375
House and full lot , Izardet 1,70
Sew house and 1J lot 2,200
Residence property 7,500
Residenceprorer.y , erv fine 13,500
loureand lot , Horbach'a dditlon 1,500
Residence , Farnham st 6,000
House nd } Iot 1 bloct from Court
House and i lot 1 block from Court
Hou33 2,250
House and comer lot 2 blocks from Court
House 2,400
tlouseandl t , Nicholas street l.QOO
tloasc and 1 acre , Gises' addition f40
House andlot , lllh street 900
Lane Luiidin-and BIX lota , 1 mile out. . . 4,000
louao and lot on Daienpurt 3,000
Uou'eand J lot , near depot 1,500
louse nd * lot , near depot eco
ilouse and lut , South Avenm 1,000
3ou e and lot , Sbinn'a addition 1,900
Residence , Kountze snd Kuth'a add 2,600
Residence property , Kountze ard Ruth's
addition . 5,000
lejidence prcp rty , south part i f town. . 2.5CO
louse and Jlot , Webster it 2,700
lonse and 5 acres at barracks 7CO
ilonse and lot , > rmstrong's addit'n 1,000
loure and lot , South 12 st 650
Home and lot , Kountze and Rnlb'a ad
ditlon 3,500
lesidcnce and } lot 2,700
House and lot , 16th it 3,500
Boggs & Hill ,
1408 Para , St , , Omaha , are
Immense Stock for
Fine Custom-Hade
Men's Suits ,
Boys' Suits
Children's Suits.
For Men ,
Boys , and
Oh ! Wren.
UnderWear , Huts mid Caps ,
Trunks and Valises , at
Trices to Suit All.
Farnham Street , Near Fourteenth
Oval Brand
The sales of this "brand" of O hare row ! > ttstrij i ed all others. You Ret mote Ojetcrs IN
WEIGHT All DMEASUr.E In ca of Una hrjiid tlian i any other. V. B. JifcfcSlLK. .
m Oencial AVestern , Omaha.
* t-S iC3TU jJ-va- _ &KOCERS ,
0 1 O !
Cigars IVoui $15. < )0 ) per 1000 upwards.
Tobacco , 23 cents per pound upwards.
Pipes i'roii ! & > iTiils per dozen upwards.
Send for Price List ,
m-w-f MAX t CO. , Omaha , Neb.
Fishing' ' Tackle , Base Bulls and a full line ol'
-A.3srD : GOO3Dm
Dealer in
The Cheapest Place in the City for
I Manufacture my own Pieced
JU .JUJU iJ WW * " > rfctacui -
That will last you a lifetime , at the Lowest Prrce in the city ,
and deal in no factory-saad truck that id almost universally \ .
dealt in .
I also manufacture all kinds of Cans.
WM. F. STOETZEL , - - - Tenth & Jackson Sts.
And Wholesale Dealers in CIGAIiS and CONFECTIONERY. During the
Fall and Winter wo will handle COUNSELMEN'S FRESH OYSTERS , which
now the best in the market. A largo assortment of CAXDY and SUGAR ,
TOYS for the Holiday trade.
GATZ & F EE3IAX , 510 llth St , Omaha.