Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 25, 1880, Morning Edition, Image 1

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    * la
Established 1871 , MORNING EDITION , Price Five Cents
IB IE IM : is3
I5li ( "and Douglas Street
Ovcf 3,000 residence lots for file by thll oifei
scaled In ovcrj pa"H ot the clto , and In every
direction from t'uo PostofSce. north , etit , gent
or west , Mid v&rjitiR in distance from on
nook to one or t o niiloj from M.DIO. Call an
01 amino oar l't.1a
tscvcral choice lob ; in Griffin & Isaacs' d
turn , wiia ol convent , between St. Mary'a ro
Us and Uarncj rtrcct $500 to $800.
80 acres Just cast of barracks on Saundcra St.
tliia la choice land and will be eolil very chcaj
tor caiu in 0,10 or 2u acre lots ; now Ig j our Urn
toei-urc a bargain.
Choice lnt at nd of alrcel car tracks on Sann
tier * Btrect lor $576.
Choice lot , Farnhun and 21th streets. 90x18
ret f r $1,500 will .liilde It.
Cheap lota In Credit Fnncbjr addition , south o
V. P. der > ot-100 to 8SOO.
Vorti lots on Park Avenue and Georgia strec
on road to nark , and near head of St. Mary"
nxemie , at from $125 to ? 3W ( each. Sci en years
time at eieht per cent interest to those w ho wl
put up j-i.od RitVUntial buildup. Fjr furthc
araappj i.
0 > p > BEUIS ( Aejnt ( >
Fifteenth and Douglas Street * .
A nice lot on lUrncy and Twcntjfirst atrccts
for 9QZ5.
To choice lo's on 20th , near St. Mary's acr
ue. fiOxl05 feet uach , fur $350 and J900.
Two choice lots near 23d and Clark atrcets , i
E V. Smith's atlililUm FtOO anil 8150.
Fifty lot1) lu Shinu's first , second and third ad
tlltlim torilOO t j $600 each.
ll ncar.lSth and Pierce , f 150.
2 lota on Harnev near 2 h St. , MOO each ,
ol < > u 14til nuar Howard street , | 7oO.
43 loin in Grand View addition , south of U. P
iiriiUe and dppot , from S16 to $ 00 each'
Oac ncrc , 117x370 feet , on ISth street , soul
tit IVipplctonV new residence , for ? 2,000 , or wl
livulo liitocit > siicJ JuU.-u trum$350 UtM
Laryo numiier of bc-iuliftil rcxMtnuc lots , lo
iat I Intlilitica' ad li'.inn
< mi Gapltul Hill , lie
tv ecH 24th street tin ll.c Ci t , 2lilh un the Ties
Do'l.'ontrcut m the tn > rtli 'id Famhirn strce
m the pouth. formerly onnc.1 In C. 11 Down
and tii'tro recently knnwn aitlis I'crkltix 15 acres
OnlyiJIcilo have thus f r IIPCII platted 11 01
Kirn ham and 8 on laa street. Tliejo lot
are 501 SO foot In wldtbandl&Oindeptl * . ? 1,00 (
for the ( Jtiiluo. 0 yc r < tune , at S per cent In
( .crest to tliiwo \ \ \ \ ell \ Imildirnod Bubstantta
fi'iwi Jln > re n. Call and examine pint and eel
till information n'
ISrti and Donahs streets
Ov.'r 20 > h im * mid lots aodjixd for s lo
liy tlii44ilhc. Thry are tieit'crt-d a'l oicr the
'Hy.tij InuUiiiTi jinitle ire. Prices varjing
iriHi > < 11 to P15.0 K ) cat h.
il o > .l lots und 2 clietp ln > iS3 near Jazkoon Utli ir Ht at a Lreat acrillce. Here is a
jrruil 1m miu for oiuo one Tne vnitcrtj mit t
liiih'itd imm"liaelj. Cove-s lustaquirlcrof a
bit * k. Hill and examine thia without any < lt-U ) .
CEO I' . RKMIS , Agent ,
1Mb and Dtmxlv ! Sla
A tlmirablo Int uear Cumins1 and Saimdcra
StrecU , f I.IOO.
Tlie cher t ncro lot * In Ui cityut Omiihi ,
re those ofl.-roil furiile by this agency In Paik
I'lieeatJil Lanc'tmtcniiil a > Idul. < n , on Cnmiiifr ,
IturlMul Callfnrnta streetnu < -aii m Vo no
iuUt-\k inpi.kicii : iptlM-j liaixaim wlillo JTOI
liiiethcchaiico Tncsv loti nrc more than t-Jual
In h ! o to 4 full sited lily lots ir , a hilt I > ! < HC
- ndilulllbttbii a lory ehort tinwhir.ire imo-
fili pirt of one < -f Uu. 0 atro to'.t will ncll for as
inuiliaswcolTtT a full scrotoday. They are
liMituilaur } viio.t .lij--\noe nest of Cr.lchton
CilltsKc. 1'ricr , rau inc from $160 to JOO jwr
aorelot. Call .muiixhatulv , and don't lose your
chance , anil s < _ t plat nn 1 full particulars of
GKO. P BEM1S , Airent ,
l&th ami D.nurlai . Streets.
Ts'lcu lot on Shcnnau A > onuo north of Nidiolas
Btrct-t. J1.400.
Haiiiil < iiiau4,1etKLCu ISth and lllliEtruclv
il nice lot in Ilarlinan'naJilition , f iOO to fOW ) .
Lanrc natulicr of < rro Jdt In Gise'b addition ill
Knrtli Onuhn , sUSa fine t atli.
Choice onur l t near . and California
trneta , Sl.I-00
S5ei ral eixjJ lota in Ntliki > r8 adililion. 150 to
3SO each.
< : imiro li t in ThornoU's addllKin. # 750
Sticml Hrto I u in rUrUitf * uldillon , 13
r .l andSi acres each. I'ncct ? 70ft to J2.000
each. J"
t J75 to J-tto each
Acre l .t on rihermau svci-Uf , iiGiA street ) ,
Bouthjit PoiilctnirH ] | > i w resMciitU/ 41,100
} arsa ' "tH llo < r 1Sll ) " ' chrk "treetR , 00 <
310 feel Corner , SI. i X ) ; in-i.le , Sl.nco
3 Iarv loU on She m n Mtinn * , ildlh street )
Clark S'.i crt. at > i < vu h
' 22nice and OMCIJI Int.ct > iiojrt.-tbo bnsl-
iie vt "f tliu cl > y , lucitdln vcr > few atep
> uthof tlieC. W4 > iituii.l M M-.iVsavenae.Hnd
juit fiimth < 1 and fcjjo nlnir t . irfund of James
M. \\Kl .irth a.,1V J Omit-l ! - htae are
ri.c.ip ami > en deiirable , l in , < , | , Mjv , m bus-
aimiw pun.1 cllj , tm.e * , | e , t , nail
worw. while led w'K . r | . . , ieMl , , tock
jaid , picking hi.n uitc 'all ml J.t pl t
mnl lull par icnlanj. p
ier S 7M - M ind easy
vnna to llioac who Miild
HEO P. nKJH.S , Acent ,
, 151lii4 < 1 l > mi U < .Sla.
'choice ronidcnoe lot * t/n Illh k i-ct , licureon
IMiicl&s and Dodi'c HtrcctR $1.imt i tl 2iOcich
ami lone time to f-ofo who will li il )
I 2choj o corner l.i s nair 2 i'i ' n i Fa-nham
etrcot ' , , H'lNlJi fixt , SI.1M ) an I1 I , A ) ' . nnd t .ry
CIM Icrii ) ' li > ! ' ri-lu cr < whu ! 1 iiniTe. .
AUi 1 lota on Sltli , IIOIHCD I rnham and
J > ouela ; a reels , 350 to gl.noo t-a . and Ions
13-250 of the l > c t tin-inesg I..IH In T of
Omaha fnrxrin , lo , tcil oncv.rj hm nc street , .
.S03 ti fr > XI each.
52TA1MIeri i nluablc * lrtro criltM in al-
rniist cicrj bu-incm btx.c ! ! - 5X ( < I to 16,000
40cho ce rwdcnce lots in ahovo * l.1itloii , Im-
tnoJiatrl ) north ot and adjoining Pnpplototfs >
beautiful * csidcnec anil sri > nnils , and tocatidon
ISth 19th and : oth trwi , S300Ui JiSOcach and
Verjeai terms to those who will build Cill and
examine j-l t and yet full partloilam.
OKOK "EUtS , Asent ,
, , , ,
„ i : „
Ilcauiuul iiinldinc t-ltc on Sherman ait'iiue ,
Ifith ntruottictwc } cu Popplcton and the Dndlei-
1 jams | ini | > erty ; 2U3 feet onst frontasc on the
avenue. b3sl feet in depth. Will cliiiJe it.mik-
ffl32feetliy3a9. Call and Ret full particulars.
An aero u lt > th trect , lOifcct cast frontaco
by S78 fi-ct Jeep. This is Ju t south of the Kllza-
beth ( Pojijili-ttm iilaee. This U triluxtue , call and
pet price and terms u [ BEVtS , Agent.
IS coo.1 lot , juit north of and ailjoinins E V
Smith's addition , and'l lic'.w pen 20th anil
aundcr * stivctx , at rcvonahlc prices and lone
time to huier who impnuu EEUIS , Agent. .s
53 lots In Horlwch's first and secotd ad itlon
ultfth , 16th , luth and 20th fctri-etn , U-twecn
KlcholkS , Panl , Sherman and Clark streets , rcn
handy to U. P. Shops , smelting works , etc" ,
rancini : in prices rom fn > m $ JOO to $1:100 each ,
r.iquirini ; only until | uymcnt ilovru and lone
tirao at 7 p r cent mures ! to thee who will im-
jitoxc. GEO. P. BE 1S.
12th and Douglas Slrctt ,
35 nioo lol In Parker' * addition , Ix-tw-fen
S uudenanJ Picrco. Kuj.r.Am ) ] Campbell' * Sts. .
01 l.l. > m.o .tr < .vtlIols ! with south frunt $ ami
18 with north front ce , only (1 block * north of
f > e turu-talilc ( end 6tn-l-oar track ) on Stnudcns
street Very lew prices ; ? 175 c.u-h , or $200 on
Jon ; time nd 8 par cent interest to taosc who
iT16l > rood hrmi ale in Dou li . Sarpy ,
Wishincton , Burt , Dnd e. Siandew and fastern
tlcrot counties.
AiTdOO.OuO acrr % ticst relectctl lands in the
Ute fore \ Viy this a ncy. Call and set maps ,
circular * and full jniticuUrs.
fiTlleini,1 new o p t > t Omahi , COc and $1.50.
UTlkmli * nrw pamplilct ( and map of the
Stitfl entillil "the outlook of Nebraska'1 for
free distribution.
Geo. P. Ben is1
. 15h ( & Douglas St. ,
The Porte Orders the Sur
render of Dulcigno to
Take Place This
Week ,
England Preparing to Make
it Hot for the Irish
Land League.
Parnell Defies Arrest in a
Speech at Galway
Brilliant Demonstration in Mad
rid Over the Eecovery
of the Quean ,
Spedal Dlgpalch to The Bee.
PAULS , October 24 , 10 p. m. A
Madrid dispatch says : "Queen Chris
tiana's first appearance in the streets
of Madrid since her confinement mas
the cnusc of elaborate demonstrations
in tha decoration of houses , etc. It
wr.s estimated that the crowds who
gathered to gaze at the splendid cor
tege on its way to the cithedral were
at least ftO.OOO more people than as
sembled on thu day of the wedding.
The cathedral was filled by the bait
society of Madrid and the official
world. The interior wns tastefully
adorned and the dome was splendidly
illuminated. Durim- tin To Deum ,
which was aung by the choir , the little
infanta , Mcrcidcsvis carried lo the
altar and back in the arms of Queen
Christiana , and was the centre of the
cuncaity of the multitude. "
Special Dispatch to The lice.
LONDON , October 24 , 10 p. m. A
dispatch from JNatal states that the
Ipgislnturo has assembled. The loans
to railway corporations and the esti
mates for the war contribution that
were included in the budget for the
IJ.izatou'and ' wll , it is expected , pro"o
btmtficial rather than detrimental to
the interests ot Natal. Largo rein
forcements are to bo forwarded to
Gen Clark , and it is now the pre
vailing opinion that the government
will be fully able to maintain its au
thority in Bazatou'aud.
Special dispatch to The IJee. *
FEW YOUK , October 25 , 1 a. m.
The llerald pnblinhtfd the following
cable yesterday from Dublin :
"lam iufurmedon the bent author
ity that Mr. Santur , chief secretary
for Ireland , swore outinfornintion to
day oharnin ; , ' a number of prominent
members of the land leaquo with c.-n
spiracy , anil that aii application for
their arrest will bo made to the courts
Garly next week. The fplhiwias are
the gentleman celpptad for prosecu
tion : Ohiw. atnwait furnulli M. 1 . |
Jo eph Higgar , M. P. ? Arlhttt O'Con
nor , M. P. ; J. J. D'Keller , M. P ;
Alexander Sullivan , M P.J ; S. Sul-
liX'an , M. P ; Mr. Egan , treaiurer
of the land kaguo ; Mr. Breunan , sec
retary ; Mr. James lledpath , corrcH
pendent of the New York Tl'ibulie ,
Mr. Vitting , Mr. Gopntoh , Mr. Sheridan -
idan ; Mr. Dally , journalist ; Mr. Kav-
ington , journalist ; Mr. Sulty , journ
alist , lu viewof the difficulty in oh-
taxiing R verdict from an Irish jury ,
it is said to be the Intention to apply
to the Queen's bench for a change of
venue , and bring the accused before
an English jury. The government
claims it has this po er under a new
judiciate , and that its exercise would
be regarded a" lesal The loaders of
the land league think if they are tried
in England they will certainly be con
victed. Largo reinforcements of
troops are being hurried into Ireland.
They are sent to occupy commandin ?
positions in Connaught. The British
press is unanimous in supporting the
measures by which the government
proposes to check the agitatiors. The
journals which have any extraordin
ary influence , now admit that some
action is absolutely necessary.
Special dispatch to The Dee.
E , October 24 10 p.
m. Owing to the temporizing policy
of the porte , and its entire disregard
of pledges solemnly made , only to be
broken , the ambassadors have urged
the imperative necessity , under in ;
structions of their respective govern
ments , that Dulcigno shall bo surren-
lered without further delay. Under
the spur of a diplomatic necessity , the
porte has again promised that a sur
render shall be speedily made. Thi ;
jasily exacted pledge will at least give
.ho Turkish government more time.
ipsclal dbpMch to The Uce.
LONDON , October 24 10 p. m. A L
Dublin dispatch says the existing cx-
iitement has been largely increased
y the arrest of several of the Cou-
laught Rangers for drilling farmers'
ids in Glare Morris Frequent and
mportint meetings of the land
eaguers are being held to discuss the
itustioa , which has grown more crit-
cal since the government has an-
lounced its intention to immediately
nstituto the moat vigorom processi
ngs against the agitators. The au-
horities have completed arrangements
ur carrying on the prosecutions with-
iut delay. The crown h retained
its legal counsel Barristers Heron
.nd Sherlock , twnof the most eminent
nerabers of the Dublin bar.
DUBLIN , October 25 1 a. m. Mr. ht
VDonnull has joined the land league ,
nd in consequence is threatened with
irosecution. A land meeting Sp
ras held at Galway Sunday , at which
Ir. Parnell spDke. Jn hjs speech he -
iolcntly attacked the government and pi
t'gmatized Mr. Forster pihi
as being po- hi :
itical "duckshot. " Mr. Parnell said to
le refused any longer to depricate th
ximes and outrages which had never thPi
ieen committed , and also that he is
cornea any prosecution by the gov- in
roment. ,
pedal dispatcher to The Bee. ,
A dispatch from Berlin saya that
Jermany has asked France and Aus-
ria to join in certain identical pacific
neat urea. „
The St. James brewery In Kilkenny B
ias been destroyed by fire. '
At a land meeting in Drogheda , to
reland , Saturday , Mr. Sixton de- la
livererllaii oration. Great prcpara-
'lon hx'e been mada in Galway for
the reception of Parnell.
The 'Clyde shipwrights and on < ; i-
necra demand a fea er ceiu. advance
of their wases.
A dispatch from Patia says there
are floods in France.
A dispatch from
says the sultan has ordered lliza Pa
sha , under any circumstances , to Bur-
render Dulciguo within five days.
A London special ssys : "It Is staled
positively that the reform club has
27,003 for general electioneering
purposes The Dukes of Belfast and
Devonshire are stud to have piven
45,000 each , and the Duke of West
Miiistcr a still larger sum. "
The dictatorship of Gen. Guardo
has been formally established in lli _
" "
republic of Costa Rica.
The Agence Rusao , semi-official
says it anticipates the peacetul Bet
tloment of the Dulcigno question
Greece , it says , will best obtain a pa
citic settlement of htr claim by dis
playing moderation and discretion.
The Czir has had a rolapae , atu
symptoms of apolexy are cntur'aice
The members of his family nro hastening
toning to Lividia.
It is reported that there has been
fighting on the Russian frontier.
Dulcif-no will probably be aurren
dercd on Tucaday.
Tie Porte hai invited its bond' '
holders to send delegates to Constan
The French chatnbo-s have been
convoked for the 9th of November.
A dispatch from Buenos Ayres ,
dated October 231 , saya the ncjjotia
ttons betirpeii Chili and Peiu have
The czar's new yacht , "Lividia,1
has put into Ferratt with her bou
plitea damni-ed by comi'ig in coutacl
with some floating wreckage.
The central telegraph oflica in Loir
don was destroyed by tire Saturday ,
greatly impeding the progress oi
The miners throughout Belgium &ro
on n strike.
A match for 1OOD between Trick-
ctt and Blackmail is sunouuccd in
Madame Thieiy ? i curiously ill in
A Couat\ulinoi > lo dispatch says tlie
Pol to will send 1,0.'J troop a to Adri-
A general rising Is feared in Micc-
Spoclal Dlspalclica lo las Ret.
Keuiatratiin in Now Yorl city Sat
urday a "rc2atcd 20,077 , in.ikmg .1 to
tal of SlG.Oi , " ) , against 1G7 , 37 in 187D ,
and 183,06 Iial87i. (
W. IL YnUdorhilt his put hi3 trot
ting mare "Maud" in charge of Mr.
Siono , the noted h < > rseuiut of Uiiicni-
nati , for another y-Dar.
Saturday night 4000 ex-i libers and !
Soldiers p.iradud the streets ef Cium'n-
nati in a republiran proc s ion. a ;
_ l'ii. the raiiuhlicjii demonstra
tion in Cincinnati .
S.IUUtlny night , an
unknown colur. il man nas shot doun
on the street and died Sinidiy. Sev
eral parties have boon arrt ted on u\\s- \
Secretary Thompson and Attorney'
Ciencral Devens left Washington Sat
urday for their respuctivo homes ,
where they will remain until after
A cable dispatch from Mr. P.ito-
man in London , was received in New
York Sunday , announcing the death
of Hxrry Bockottin London t-.i urday :
night. Mr. Beckett was Lxto knding
comedian at Wallack's theatre , New
Y'ork , and was extremely popular. '
He was born in 1839.
The piano factory of Gabel it Co ,
in New York city , was almost totally )
iestroyed by fire Saturday afternoon.
Fhe loss on stock and buildings is es-
limated at $ GO,000 , on which the in-
mranco was $5000. Olio hundred
nd fifty workmen will bo thrown out
jf employment.
A shocking accident occurred t n :
the Cairo & Vincennes railroad near
3rand Chain , sixteen miles from :
3airo , III. , Saturday evening. A
ravel train coming south jumped the
track , wrecking nine or ten cars , killIng -
Ing one man and injuring several. :
LAWUENCEBUIUJH , Tonn. , October
23. A prominent citizen of this place
has been arrested for counterfeiting ,
uid being the head of a gang of coun- ;
orfeiters. The arrest has created a
NASHVILLE , Tenn. , October 23.
Fudge Key to-day took into considera-
ion the case of Conductor Hamilton ,
ndicted under the civil rights bill for
efusin < ; to allow the Jubilee aingers
o ride in the ladies' car.
CHICAGO , October 23. Another
ody from the lost "Alpena , " that of
deck hand , has been recovered.
NEW YORK , October 23. Dr. Tan-
icr is making arrangements to fast in . „
Hancock's Timidity ,
peclal Dispatch to The Bee
NEW YORK , October 24 10 p. m. 5.
t was expected that Gen. Hancock IV.It
rould register yesterday in the First [ ItX
lection district of the First assembly X
iistrict , and a large crowd congregat- COKa
d at the place of registry to nritness KaWi
lie . Into in Wi
occurrence. the aft ° r-
iocn a member of Gen. Hancock's il
tsff appeared and notified the inapec- )
ors that the general has concluded
ot to lojister , for , being a Pennsyl- i
anian , he was of the opinion that it
light create adverse comment should ecPi
register and vote in New York. Pibe
beD )
Signal Service TeleRrapli. Tl
poctal DUnatch to The I'-s. vri
WASHINGTON- , October 24 , 1 a. m. ch
-Tho signal service has just corn-
letod a trans-continental telegraph
tie from Bismarck , Dakota , to Day-
oil , Washington Tcrritniy. It crosses B 5.
he Rocky mountains by the South lo
'ass over the Miller road. It lurn- lu
ihes connections bctwon the follow- bs
ajj military forts : Fort Stevens , Fort Cn
Lbraham Lincoln , Fort Sully , Fort CnU
lead , Fort Bufort , Fort Ouster , Fort y <
Jilts , Fort Asaincboine , Fort Benton , ybr
'ort Shaw ; Fort Massoda , Fort Coeti , er
nd Fort Lipainoi. For the trans- ar
ction of coraraercTnl business it has arot
ifices open at the followini ; points : th
iismarck , Rapid City , Dcadwood , thP' '
Jozeman , Helena , Deerlodge , Spokna
'alls. Colfar , Almot , Pomeroy. Day-
on , Washington territory , and Lew- ar
ston , Idaho. th
A Eigid Investigation to be
Made into the "Al
pena" Disaster.
Ton Thousand Invited Guests
} .Receive Gen. Grant at the
t' New York Union
League ,
The , lErace of Countarfeiters
NoWia Limbo Prove to be
the Most Cunning
The Wrecked Steamer.
Special dbpaUli to the Bco
CHICAGO , October 25 1 a. m.
Scarcely anything new h a come
to light concerning wrecked steamer
"Alpeua. " It is reported that the
body of the colored cook has been
found near Holland. To dny being
thu niltth dny , it in expected that a
number of bodies will come to the
surface. Many sorrowing friends are
anxiously watching tbo east bank. A
sharp northwester is blowing , and
will probably have a tendency to make
the waters give up their dead , and
deposit bodies on the beach further
south than any that have yet been
found. Joseph Cook , supervising
steamboat inspector of this district , is
here , and will make an official inves
tigation of the "Alpona'1 disaster. All
poriions of the wreck will ba exam
ined. Men whn recently served on
the "Alpena" w l' bo called upon for
evidence as to the condition of her
hull and machinery. The investiga
tion will aho include the equipment
of life B wing boa's and the drilling of
the crewsj and the report will prob
ably recommend that all lake steamers
be required to carry mast and sail and
to leivo on shore a duplicate Hat of
passengers and crow. Old lake cap
tains spy the rebuild given the
"Alpeiu" a few years ago waa pretty
thin. The list of passengers already
'uots up to twenty-five persons , and
if the truth was known the complete
i t would probably reach fifty or
sixy * boiides the crew. A correspond-
out at Holland writes ; " "I3iao bee
on the bench for three night and day
and h-ivo seen cvoiy piecn of titnbe
Did ctibin that caino ashore , bu
God Hive another bnat from Lein
wrecked near Holland again. Onl
hroo days and you can hardly fini
0:10 : piece. It Ins beeii drawn ant
arri-d off by the womt lot of lam
harks that ever lived ill A civilize (
ountry . Not being satisfied wil :
hat , they go in gangs at night wit !
on < { pike pules , looking after rJeat
) oiliC3 to rob. Captain JJutlin has .
boon af'Cr them all the while and has
had to keep a set of niun night and Ir I
dny ; to keep thu sciiUndrels from robbing - IE
bing budiea and breaking open trunks
uid atu.iling the contents. " a
WASHINGTON , Octubor Q5 In. nj. 1
F < > r the upper Mississippi and lower
Missouri Valleys , cloudy or pirtly
jluui ( } ' weather , with occasional rain ,
uid Wririiicr southeast winds with fall-
tig b.irometer.
Capture of Crooks.
jpcc'.ai Dispatch to The lico.
October 23 4 p. in
The secix't service bureau received
information late last night of addi
tional Hi-rests in connection with the
MSB of Doyle , now in custody in Chi- .
ago , in whoso possession $250,000 of
jrooked bonds were found. The en-
Lire lot of these bonds are counter-
'oit , and the secret service has made a
nest important capture. The advices
received to-day states that last night
licerti ) of the eervico arrested in
Brooklyn , N. Y. , E/\V. Spencer alias
Hill Brockway , the man who has fig'
areil prominently in counterfeiting :
operations since the war , and C. A.
siiiitl ) , an engraver , and a plate print-
3r of east Now York named Jasper .
3 wens. The engraver confessed ;
o the officers that he engraved and
lelivered to Spencer , aliaa Brockway ,
ho plato from which the bonds wore $
printed and also engraved for the :
laino man , the famous ten dollar
ilatefrom which the notes on the Na-
ional Bank of Commerce , of Pitta-
jurg , which have been so trouble-
lorao to business men within the past
fear or two. Nothing to further os-
% blish the guilt of these gen-
lemuu was found at their houses.
The tncory of Chief Brooks is that
was the intention of the gang to
loat the counterfeit bonds in Chicago ,
vhich is considered a first-class place
or "shoving the queer , " because of
he great amount of money there , and
n thia case it would have been an easy V
natter to have disposed of the entire f.
mount of bonds , as Chicago exports
tad pronounced them genuine. .
t is believed the gang has realized a
landsouio sum out of the $100 note , '
nd that the S2.700 found in Doyle's
losaession is all good money.
Abused Innocence.
jecl&l Dispatch to thn lieo
CiuuAOO , October 24 10 p. m. J.
. Doyly , the alleged counterfeiter ,
ras interviewed by a reporter Satur-
ay evening Be denied that the
ends found in his possession are
ounterfeits , or that ho has been en-
aged in any crooked transactions , eras
as in any way connected with the
lleged "crooks" errestod in Brooklyn.
oyle also denies that he was in the
imbtr business in Colorado ; says ho
a reputable citizen of Bradford , III ,
rhero ho has lived uninterruptedly ,
Dgaged in farming and mercantile
ursuita. He repeats that there must
some mistake in the matter. Mr.
oyle's case is continued until next Fc
'hursday , before Commissioner Hayn , 1.
hen tha officers expjct to have"a -
ham of evidence which will hold the D )
entleman. His bond was fixed at
CHICAGO , October 25 , 1 a. m. J.
. Doyle , the counterfeiter , was taken
the county jail Saturday night ,
aving refused to furnish the § 25 000 f
ail required , although ho said ho
mild do so if he choae. The govern-
lent bouda found in his satchel were
esterday closely examined by the
ank experts. Some of the eipcrl- t
need bankers of Chicago hd ex-
mined them as well as the § 3,000 in
no hundred notes , and pronounced
hem genuine , but yesterday a new
lau of examination was adopted. All
overnment bonds are numbered and
rcat cire is taken tb-U the numbers
re not duplicated. The numbers on )
lie entire lot were compared , and it
was found that thirteen of them were
duplicated. This shows conclusively
that the entire lot are counterfeit. It
is impossible to find two genuine gov-
eminent bonds with the same num
ber. The bonds and monpy were for
warded to Wushingfun by Assslatant
Treasurer Gilbert ,
Grant Banqueted.
Special Dispatch to The Bee.
NEW YOBK , October 24,10 p. m.
The reception tendered by the Union
League club Saturday evening to
Gun. Grant was one of the grandest
affairs of the kind in the history of
the club. Invitation * h d been sent
out by the committee of arrangements
to over three hundred guests , and to
gether with the members of the club ,
it is estimated that nearly ten _ thoua-
and persons were presant during the
evening. At 8:30 : p. m. , Jaa. P.
Choato escorted Gen. Grant from the
Fifth Avenue hotel to the club-Trhet6
he was recaived by the Hon. Hamil
ton Fish , Iho first vice president of
the club. Mr. Fish welcomed the ,
general in ft short opeflchj to which
Gen. Grant replied-in brief. HifctrtS
afterwards introduced to the assem
bled gueftls by the committee of re
ception. Handshaking lasted nearly
an hour , andTU 10 o'clock the party
sat the down to a superb banquet.
Chicago Republican Demonstration.
Bpjclal dispatch to The B'eo.
CUICAOO , October 24 , 10 p. m.
The republicans of Chicam had a suc
cessful demonstration Saturday af
ternoon , tt was nailed an iudua-
trirl parade , and drew otlta majority
of the employees in moat of the big
manufacturing concerns of Chicago ;
an3 besides the Joliet Steel company
sent 1,000 men. 1'hero ' were between
20,000 and 30,000 men , horses and
vehicle ? in the procession , which was
over an hour passing a given point.
The procession passed rapidly through
the principal streets , and was re
viewed in front of the new palatial
court house by Gnu. Sheridan and
Hon. Wru. D. Kelley , aod other
dignitaries , who occupied a platform
erected for that purpose. Through
out the afternoon , notwithstanding the
cold atrufsphero ) the elreotfc wore
thronged as at the great reception to
Gen. Grant , or the more recent
fviighJs Templar parade. For a * al
most an impromptu affair it was a de
cided hit. At night the republicans
hold iiir nstcr meetings at lanvoll and
Hershey hall ? , Judge Kelley , Col.
IJono and others speaking.
Dropped on the Gang. Dispatch tu Tlie lico.
WASHINGTON , October 21,10 p. m.
In Urooklyn , N. Y. , Saturday , the
secret service ollicers arrested E W.
Spencer , alias .Bill Urockway , Charles
H. Smith and J-mea P. Owens ;
charged with being concerned in c-nm-
terfeiting one hundred dollar national
bank notes ; alao counterfeiting
United Slates one thousand dollar
coupon bonds of thu issue of 1801.
Smith confessed that ho engraved the
pl.itts from which thu builds wore
printed of thu counterfeit bonds in
possession of Doyle , of Chicago. Ho
ilso stated that he engraved the plates
For several counterfeit one hundred
iolhr j notes , which recently appeared , i
1'ho 1-ist oi.firuvud was oil the Piittst t
inirg National b nk of Commerce , i
Owens was thu printer of these notes
nd bonds. Smith claims in addition
that he engraved platen of counterfeit
i":30 : bonds which were put Upon the
narket in 18G7 , about § 5,000 of which
tiad been taken by Jay Couke & Co. ,
ind others bifure their character were t
discovered. The examination of the 1
irrested parties is set for Tuesday
lext. A. number of bonds taken from a
Dojlo , In Chicago , will be forwarded c
.o Brooklyn to be uaed as evidence. tn
Treasury Figures.
ipeclal Dispatch to The Bee. \
WASHINGTON , October 25,1 a. m. c
Che total receipts from all sources cI cI
mding June 30 , last , will show a fair I
ncreaseover the receipts of 1879- The
lecretiry of the treasury in his last
tnnual report estimated the total re-
eipts from internal revenue sources
it § 115,094,000. The statement of
ecoipts from other sources made up at
.he treasury department enow the (
otal receipts are § 1,226,252,512. The
receipts from internal revenue for the
iurrent month to date , Is § 885,715-
$20. It is estimated that the totil re-
eipta for the month will reach § 11-
HX,000. )
New YorS Money and Stocks.
VVALI , STREUT , October 2.3
Money 3 ; exchange steady at 84 82j@t 83.
I. S. 0'8'Sl 104 } U.S.4'8 1 09
T.S. 6's 1 02J CurrcacyG'8 1 15
r.S.4Js 1 10
Actho ; lulvnuced J to Cfc ; reacting J to 2Jc.
loth extremes in Louisville & Nashville.
D.- I01J Union Pacific 92
. Y. C. 13IJ C C. fcl.C 18 ;
Irle 45 } Mlchi n Central..101 :
Preferred 74 J Lackawanna 94 :
1.1 122 * Hudson Carul 85 :
i.S. in | N JC 45i
rorthwestern 116 M & E 114 ;
Pjeferrcd 1S91 Readine , 401
M 45 | I M 61
Ihlo 35J N4 : P 29 {
t.Panl 103J Preferred B3J
Preferred 116 $ LAN 108 }
t. Joe 41 AH n J26J [
Preferred E6 : K.&T 375
ITabaeh 41 ; C P 7 ;
Prifcred 73 ; OkVf 247 ;
lIHaha 10 00 C&I 77J
Preferred S5. ;
NEW YORK , October 23 Bank >
tateraent unfavorable ; loans in-
reaeed § 1,231,400 , specie decreased
1,750,409 , legal tenders increased
123,400 , deposits decreased § 1,735-
00 , circulation increaspd § 71,2CO. re-
erve deer eased § 192,125. , ; ,
Chicago Produce Market.
CHICAGO , October 24.
The nrain markets were weaker and )
Wheat Declined | @lc. No. 2
pring sold at Sl.OOjjOl.Olg for No-
erabor ; § 1 Oljj@l 03 for December ;
losing at 99j for caahjor October ;
SI 00 for November ; and § 1 Oljj for
Corn No. 2 was | @ | c lower and )
old at 39J@40c for November ; 40 |
540Jc for December , and 45J@45jjc
jrMay , closing at * 39393 for cash ;
Oats Were i@Jc lower , with sales .
No. 2 at 28f@30c ] for October ;
930Jc for November ; closing at
9o for cash or October , 29c forNov-
mber ; and 30J tor December.
Rye Was shade easier ; No. 2 sold :
83c for cash or November ; and 84ic
jr December.
Barley Was 2s lower and dull : No. :
closing at 81c cash and October ; 80c
jr November.
Mess Pork Fell 1520c per barrel ,
nd sold at $11 57J11 85 for Nov-
mber ; closing at § 18 75 for cash or
ctoberSllGO1102 ; ; for January.
f ard Declined § 5 00@7 00 per
100 Ibs ; closed § 7 907 95 for cash or
October ; § 7 75@7 77i for January.
Chicago Live Siock Market.
CUICAGO , October 24.
Hogi \ \ \.vj in liberal supply and
sellers had to submit to further de
cline of 10a PT 100 Ibs. ; sales were
at § 4 45@4 50 for liu'ht packing and
shipping ; § 4 254 59 for heavy
packing ; and § 4 35@4 60 for good to
choice hoayy shipping lols ; receipts ,
Cattle There was no improvement
to note in the market for cattle to-day
good to choice gradts wore in light
supply and prices ruled steady and
tirm , but for Inferior and low grades
there was very little dolnsr and m or
der to effect ealea lower prices were
submitted to. Texan steers sold at
§ 2 65@2 80 ; Colorado Texans at § 3 35 ;
stockers at § 7 40 ; and extra smooth
shipping steers at § 5 25 for lot of 12
head on New York accountThu pens
at present writing are well filled with
stock with but few buyers purchasing ,
freah receip's were 2,890 head.
New Torli Produce Marital.
NEW YOKE > , October 23.
Flour Quiet ; scarcely so firm , re
ceipts 1,805.
"Wheat Round hoop Ohio , 84 750
5 00 ; choice do , § 5 103G 00 ; super
fine western 370 ® 4 2 , " > ; common to
good extra do , $4 25@4 75 ; choice do ,
§ 4 75@G 50 ; choice white wheat do ,
$4 C5@4 85.
Butter Unchanged and fair de
mand ; Ohio 15@30c.
Eggs Firm at 2022ic for fair to
St. Louis Produce Market.
ST. Louis , October 23.
F'lour Shade lower to sell.
Wheat Lower ; No. 2 red , DO c for
cash ; 9 c for October ; $1 00 @ 1 01 ]
for November ; 81 051 03jjl 03J tor
December ; § 1 05 @ 105 for Junuiry ;
§ 1 00 for the year ; No. o , do , 9304 o
according to location ; No.4 , do , 87J ©
Corn About steady at 39c for
cash ; 39g@39k for November ; o9 | ©
3DJc for Decembar ; 39C [ for Januaiy ;
0039c for the year ; 44j@o9s'o for
Oats Lower ; 2929c for cash ;
29g@29gc for November ; 30 © 30u
for December ; 35c for May.
Rye Quiet ; S3@S3lc.
Barley Unchm-'cd ; at G5Sl > 0-\
Lead Quiet at f-i "S.
Butter Firmer ; dairy , 20S2Go.
E gs Better at 15@15Jc.
Whisky Steady at § 111.
Pork Dull atir , 25.
Dry Salt MoRti Steady at ? t < 10 ©
7 05 7 85.
Bacon Scarce at § 5 2305 37A&8 75
@ 8 87 < 39 00.
InrJNominal. .
Receipts Floilc I'.OOO bbla , wheat
107,000 bu.corn 33,000bu.oata 27,000
bu , rye 1,000 bu , barley 31,000.
Shipments Flour 1G,000 bbls ,
wheat 127,000 bu.corn 11 000 hu , oata
1,000 bu , Rye , nuno ; Barley , 4,000.
St. liouiS Uve StoCi Alarket.
Sr. Louis , OLtobor 23.
llogs Slow and unchanged ; York
ers and Baltimores , $4 20@4 30 ;
mixed packing , § 4 15@4 35 ; butchers'
to fancy , § 4 35 ; receipts 3,500 ; ship
ments , n 400.
Tne Forged Letter.
Spocltl IHiit.h | to The \ ' , < .c.
CLEVELAND , October 21,10 p. m.
Gen. Garfield sent the following tele
gram to Marshall Jewell , chairman of
the national republican committee ,
New York :
' 'I will not bre'ik the rule I have
adopted by making public reply to
campaign lies , bat I authorize you to
donouuca the BO called Morey letter
as a bold forgery , both in its lan
guage and sentiment. Until its pub
lication I never heard of tha existence
of the Employees' Union , of Lynn ,
Mass , nor o- such a person as H. L.
( Signed ) "J. A. GAKFIBLD. "
Gen. Garfield , Saturday afternoon ,
pronounced the lithographic' copy of
the Morey Chinese letter the work
of some clumsy villiiin , who could not
spell , write English or imitate hia
Garfield's ) handwriting , and every
honest and manly democrat in Amer
ica , who know Garfiold's handwriting
wou'd ' pronounce the thing a forgery
at ai ht. The case has been put in
the hand of the ablest detectives and
the rascal will be hunted down.
Doings at Mentor.
Special dispatch to Tim Bis r
CLKVELAND , 0. , October 24 , 10 p
m. The principal- callers on Garfield -
field at Mentor yesterday were Mr.
Edwin Cowles , of The Cleveland
Leader , who had just return from
New York , Gov. Charles Foster and
ivife , the htter of whom expected to
remain over Sunday at Lawnfield , the
general's home. All were greatly
pleased at tha republican prospect ,
which Gov. Foster and Mr. Cowlea
iad ! could scarcely be better. The
lemonatration at Garfield's farm was t
jostponed on account of bad weather. 8
Grant on the Witness Stand
pedal Dispatch to THE liiK. a
NEW YOKK , October 24,10 p. m.
n the Warren court of inquiry yes-
elray Gen. Grint toitlfied
he actions of Gen. Wurrcii at the bate -
e of Five Forks. Gen. Grant said his
rder to Sheridan WAI to relieve Gen.
Warren , and was not pent in conso-
juouce of any report made to him , bu.t
ivas dictated by hi opinion uf Gen. *
SVarren. He intended the batllo of
Five Forks to bo the fin il battle of
ho war. The dispatches sent by Gen.
3rant to Gen. Meade resjectmg ) the
removal were rdad in evidence , lien.
3rant faid ho had found that where t
fiicars had uuderiook to think for
.hemsolvca instend of promptly obey-
ng orders , the retult was generally
iiaaatroua. d
Undoubtedly the best shirt In the
United States in manufactured at the
Jmaha Shirt Factory. The superiority
f Material and workmanship , com-
ainctl with their ' 'ftat improvements ,
ihatia Reinf'Tcod fronts , Reinforced
jacks and Reinforcad sleeves , makes
.heir shirt th'3 moat durable and best
Utiug girmetjt of the kind , ever
nanufacturc'l at tha moderate price of
31.50. Every shirt of our make is
guaranteed first-class and will refund
he money if fonnd otherwise.
We make a specinlty of r ll wool ,
Shaker , -.nd Canton flannel , aho
hemoia underwear , made up with a
riew to comfort , warmth and durabil-
ty. To invalids pnd weak-lunged
Deraons we oiler special inducement !
n the manner theao gooda are made
for their protection.
39IV7 etreet.
- /I J4 *
Indian gent Berry Sur
rendered to the Au
thorities of Colorado.
Oar Own Clara Louise Captivates
the Old World nnd a French
The Presidential Party Take
in the Yosemite and Start
Surrender of Berry.
Special Dispatch to The Dee
CUIUAOO , October 23 , 4 p. m. Sheridan has a dispatch fron
Major Fletcher in tha Ute country
announcing the surrender of Asjon
Eerry , who is now n route to Den
ver , for trial. Victoria being disposer
of , General Hhtch has ordered _ hl
ferces heretofore cimpaiqiiing agains
his band as follows : Two companiei
of c.iv.ilry to escort President ITayea
and party from Shakespeare
to Fort Craig ; four com
paniea of troops to scon' '
on a line west Of the llio Grande ant
catch , if they come that way , the
Apaches w ho Imve escaped from Ter
rains , and Colburn with 500 men is
oidered to move on the Mescalcro
reservation , to ecout the San Andrea
and Sacr.imento mountains and drive
all Mescaleroa absent from the agency
b.ick to the same. Col. Buell's com
mand has already left El Paso on the
march. Col. IVrrasas has abnut 1800
men operating in the field , and about
800 United S'ates troopa are now out
on the south rn border of Now
Clara'a Catch.
Special dispatch to (1(3 ( EC * .
LONDON , Ociob.r 23 4 p. m.
The English pactra of this morning
contain a jlory of the engagement ot
Miss Clara Louise Kellogg to a French
marquis : The nemo > the happy
man is not given. I'riv.V.o advices say
the gentleman is ono whom Miss Kol-
lo g met on n southern trip several
years ngo , and that a correspondence
has been going on fora long time , and
naa final'y rijieiied into a betrothal.
Miss KulloL'g's host friends in London
pronounce thu story a hoajc. They
say Miss Kollojn ; has always said she
wo'ild nuvcr marry , and that now that
she is 3d ycara old sh'j la not likely to
have chan-jt'd her iniiul. iVit'i Ivollojig
! 3 aiiiging in Yiuiiua.
The Fresidoiu'd Trip.
Special D. . iutcti to Tlio lice.
SAN HANcrco , 0 tuber 23 , 4 p.
in. President Hayes nwt party have
done thu Vodomito in four days , and
arrived in Los Anguloa to-day. They
visit the Mr and leave at six o'clock j
in thy evening , by a special car over
the Southern Pacific railroad through
Arizona to reach the terminus of the
Atchisoli , Topeka & Santa Fe rail
Died on Board.
SpccUl Disp.itdi to The Eeei
NEW YORK , October 22 4 p. m.
While the tte.imer "Suovia" , from
Hamburg , was coming up the hny yes-
tnr ay , Aim. Miller , a steerage pas
senger who had been ill all ( hu voyage ,
died. _ She was on her w.iy , accompa
nied b'y two children , to join her hus
band in Illinois. The body will be
buried by commissioners of emigra
tion , who will alao take care of the
children until their father can bo heard
Thomas' Triumpn.
Special Dip.itUi to Tin ti . [
CHICAOO , October 23 t p. m.
Rev. Augustus C. George , lately of
the Missouri and Central New York
conferences , but just now from
Wheeling , W. Va. , arrived in Chicago
to-day and will occupy his new pulpit
in Centenary church to-morrow.where
ho succeeds Dr. Thomas. Mr.Gcorge
is one of the beet known Methodist
preachers in the country. Dr.
Thomas will begin his independent
evening services in the Central Music
Hall a week from to-morrow. Over
§ 3,000 has been subscribed for the
purpose by his adinir rs and others ,
who hope that these services will at
tract large crowds of young people ,
who now attend theatres Sunday eve
Informs us that Fred M. Peterson ,
the "Omaha Bakery" man , has the
finest rig in town , and gets up the
boat line of bread , caktis and pies , and
runs the cleanest shop in the west.
All from 82.80 six years ago. Try
his celebrated TWIST , 510 Tenth St.
th a-tf
Aviaitto the merchant tailoring es
tablishment of J. Fliegel&Co.succes
sors to Julius Thielo , disclosed the
fact , that the firm had just received
largo importation of finu scotch and
other good. " , from which suits , pants
and over-coats will be madu to order ,
at astonishingly low prices. Call ear
ly , at 1220 Doiiglaa Street. m-a
The best ranges in the market at
the lowest posaiblo prices at 11. Tros-
sins , 1111 Douglas s'r ' et. o20t4
Old Jewelry melted over and made
into the htejt st\lea , to suit any cus
tomer , at EDUOLM & EEICKSON ,
0 iiMHito the Postoffico.
discription. A full line of Bracelets ,
in gold and gold j.1 it" , a ! ; prices that
cannot be beat , at Wliipjle , McMil
lan & Co. , 1422 Doughs St o9t-f-s
STOVES Splendidly and elaborately fo
plated with nickel , for $8 and upward , .
at U. Trossin's , 1111 Douglas street.
Registration Notlco.
State of Nebraska Douglas Co.
Notice is hereby given that I will
sit in the store of Edward Lucas , corner - 1C 13'
ner of Thirteenth and Chicagostreets ' ,
dc :
October 'Joth , 26 > h and 30th , for the lo f
purpoae of correcting the voting list
of the Fifth ward. . . .
Registrar of the Fifth ward , OraabaJ
Douglas county , Neb.
3. . 3C 33
TT1 .
Cy.3 V
Cor. Douglas and 13th Sts.
Gives Great BargainsSin Ladies' and Gents
All Ends Of
jgi JlrAi ! * AXl > DIAMONDS.
We Guarantee The Best Goods For The Least Money.
Iron and Wagon Stock ,
At Chicao Prices.
1 * > ( M ) : IIM ! l-iil Harney Street , Onialin.
Gives universal Satisfaction and that it is stead
ily and rapidly increasing in public lavor.
The White Machine justly claims to be tb < ?
best made , the easiest running , the simplest in
construction and the most perfect Machine in
the market.
The White Co. employ as agents mon ofin-
te rifcy , and purchaaora aru nlwnyssatisfied ,
becaxiso tlioy Qnd evorythiiifj just ns repres
Eveiybody should use this Machine. The
sales so far thia yeur are more than double
the corresponding time last year.
All orders addressed to the Omaha Office ,
will be promptly filled.
Cor. j > avcnnort and 15th Sts.3 Omaha.
Having just opened an entirely new line of
Tfe would ask the Merchants of Nebraska to inspect our Stock ,
eeling confident we can meet the wants of all in good Goods and
iow Prices
SIIUEVfl , JA11VIS & CO. ,
or. I4th and Podge Sts ,
Safe , Certain , Sure and Speedy
rhe only artlcleknownihal Will
ercrcfoafe\\\\s \ \ , disease
perm an ent/y'from th c system
General Agents ,
TAKES UP Oct. 1st , on * bay roaie. one bay
L colt , three months oM , white ftar in fore-
sad , and one b y over jcirold with fl'ar in
rcbead. Owner can b ire name > < y and
ijin charifrji. W.VOLES KKSK Y. J mile N.
of ittnert brick yard , North Ormhi.
All hoWera of E. & M. K. K. Contracts for
ma parcliase4 rf that Comrnny iliirlni the
ar 1-73 and prior t > > that ilaicaru IbMe for the
173 tax.
Thty became due Jatiuirr I t , VAO. were
! lnqnent after M r 1st , lUt.vvl if not ir M
the firgtday of NoTsmbcr , 18SO , the land will
The Company's Ajent , fnrthepurpo cofray-
S Delinquent Taxis on lu guM food. ' , wl 1 { ! - .
le CountSetts the Lut of October , and all
ircbagere of R. K. lands njoulj pa ; their
ITOB by October 15th , If not before. In order to
ive additional expense.
expense.J.n.JlcFARIASD ,
Land Convmljrfoncr e. & . If. R. R. in > 'eb-
Caaritl Strobel vs. John Hayes.
Before Charlt * Branded , Ja tlco of the Ftvf ,
No. 1 , Omaha. Dou Iai Co. , Neb.
On tho53.1rty of Stpt.,1880 , nd ! Jnillcols-
BUcd an order ot attacbm'nt In the ahoro action
for tna turn of $15 00 , ami the Omaha foundry
wis girnisheed In a.'J action.
do 11-21-23 Plaintiff.
This Institution , located at DnTer , Cotorndo.
the Educatloml nJ Commercial center of th
Wcit , Is pre-eminently the beat and moat practi
cal of Its kind for the
ToungMenand Ladies.
0.V. . TOSTER , Prcaidenf ,
D. W. CADY , Secretary.
The most cxl'ii'Ivi- nrn pll > nil ccmpl t
nstllutlon of tlie kln.l . In tlio wnrltl. n im-niult
< > f accnun'antfi ami ruHintw mo" , ! I'm ' i-rni.
rijiil cltirt anil towns of the llnltol SlaUu. nwu
their 8HCCCZ8 In cur cciur t training.
The Eight Kind of Education for
Young Men and Lidie ? .
Fine , new brick Lluck. at Junction nt thie
Btrect car lines. Elegantlj Htttd ami furn'st.fil
apartment * for the application ot and carrying
oat of our novel and S ) atematic methods of
Younjjmcn whocvnUmpHte a bnrlncM llf < * .
and parcnti hiring BUIH to educate , re parti n *
larly rdiicstcd | to rend for our n r ClrcuN' .
which will give full Infornntlon i to tern-f ,
conditiuii of entrance , etc. AddrrM
G. W. lOSTEK , President ,
gcp6-3m Denver. Colorado.
( Formerly of Olnh ft Jacorn )
Ko. HIT yarnham Ht. , CM BUnd of Jacob OU
( Tl CC a week In your own Uxrn. Terms azd
OOO ontatfrM. Addren Q. HalUtt ft Con
cniaad , H.