DAILY BEE. I Sa * unlay Morning , Oct. 23. I'atcKon eel'fecoal- ' Saxes for fine bath tpouges. For the teeth , Kubu's Dentrifice. Frederick's. -Winter caps cheap at S-Try Saxe's new K e Cent Cigar. Prrter is running the Omaha Ferry. JLlbiac Siciols , American remedy. -3Juttcrick'8.pallerns at CruickhbankV. Ll nbin'sbulk perfume at Kuhn's only. 4-1) ) mocraticcountj' convention to-day. -AmJalvtlx larrd , dclircrcd , SZ.OQ. * , FLEUIXC < t CO. , GROCER. BESL' IN THE "WORLD Barar Glove fitting Patterns at Euhhmau'g. tf The best cf meats at Bath & "While's in irkct , opposite the postoftice. 23-tf Applet ly tJte lariil , dclircrcd , 92.00. XLEXIXQ A CO. , GROCER. The first game of the boot-hall club \ \ ill be played to-day. Anewi-tock of fine handkerchief e\- twcts at Saxe'h. Extra Choice Michigan Apples , S.23 l > 2r barrel , at A. U. Gladstone's. o22t2 Afflcs ly the Isirrcl , ddivcrcd , $2.00. FLSM1XG & CO. , GllvCEll. The nomination of CoL John C. Myon , M candidat ? for float senator , for th * Sixth dUtrict , was msde Thursday ou the eleventh formal ba lot. Tlic receiptH cf the Tenth Street In dmtrial f school dinner anl supper abrogated SL20 , which is much better than was done la t year. Juit received at William Gentlf man's , a lot cf choice roll butter and frc h egg * . Apples by the Imrel , full line tf ta ; > le and fancy groceries. 22-2t - Two cast B of plain drr.uls'were before hixji-jior. Judge Havre * , yesterday. One of the defendants j aid a fine and the other want up for ten , diys. ' It was reiwrtedTlmrsday evening that a lei'l roan had been found near Dan Burr's warehouse , on 13th street. He proved to b'e only exhausted from having been bled lee freely by a phy.Mcian. He was con veyed fo his board'ng house. , In another column appears an adver- tiHorocnt of sale < f tliort-hom cattle to l > e held ut liimoln , Neb. , Nov. 11 and 12. ICehra-iVa farme-a and btockmen should re member the d te , as some good-blooded cattle and ho s will be offered at th's sa'e. ' DANCING -Leir.icux's popular select social , Brash's hall , 12th and Farnham , every Satunlay evening. Dancing from S to 12 o'clock. Good nnibic prompting by 1'niL Mnthews. llall crowded with the i eat dancern. New prograanue with more plain quadril es for thoco wishiiig to learn. ' A prominentmuKiciaufromFran'ofoit- on-thc-Main , Germany , it cxj ccted in the c'ty in a few days , whcra it is exjected he will locate. The goat'cmau ' , who is 1'rof. August AVallhci-s , is a vcty fincpiinist and Readier rd xvill be quite an acquisition to the musical circles of this city. He is ex pected to-day or Sunday. The next meeting of the Saratoga "T.ilcrary Society will be held Wednesday evening Oct 27th and will discuss the ques tion "licsolvod , Tliat water in moredes- s-trtictivo than fire. " The officers of this society a-e : President , Jacob Elton , vicc- liridunt , C. W. Toinley ; secrctarj- , AVai. Townley. Governor Nance hns commissioned L. 3' . Dcrbv aa cantain Minn P Vurnayaa lirst lieutenant , and 1'dgar N. Cobb as sec. end lieutenant of the Bennett Iliflet , of Bennett , Neb. This ompauy numbers 7 < * i filrong , aud the men are all provided with the regulation uniform of blue co tand pints. Adjutant Alexander has bhipped forty hUud of Springfield uniKkcts and for ty sets of nczoutreuicuts to them for ue. ( Judging from the reports of slreet-car IrivcM jil'Jt\j the green line the locality on ' J'tghlcelith street , north of the creek is iu ' an ab elute Plate of terrorisou. AVc uudcr- hlmii that a policeman hag been orJcrcdto a ? < - inji.tuy t-.ichof the last two rttni o\er ' tiiis line and that the drivers mt uith rc- "vulvcr in hand , cocked and ready for hu > i- n R * . TA driver Thursday told ourreportcr i > f a gang of three men who had been lay- in forjhim and which were probibly the one alluded to above. It seems ns if some thing ought to be done to check BO glaring : i slate of brigandage in the center of this * IV well-known young Farnham street ilrujKist had an adventure in North Ouia- h i Thursday , at aii early hour , being at I thj time returning from a call upon a lady friend. llewas justapp ojching Ihe bridge < > 18th atid Izird htreets , when four men , vt Hid ) out in a mygtertous and threaten ing manner in his pathway. He had the nerve to draw his jevolvcr , and thus arm- fl drove the villains down under the bridge , after which he made his escape. It i < ponible that the gun ; was there await- > iin ; the "clianco to fire the Oil Mill , aud tlicyjiidtu not long uftcnv.ird- llaydon's Fire Kindltira are im- .vftCM. . Atk your grocer for them. lliydea'd Fire Kuidldrs are fm- 7uensf. A k your grocer for them. PERSONAL PARAGRAPHS. A tl Dr. E. "V. Smith , county surveyor , hns returned from-Ohio. 01tc tc C. J. Green , J. IL Kyner , and J. M. tcti Thurhlon , left ou the west bound train at ti Conn rpj > ti > rH y , tiP Geo. Y. Wallace and wife , of Salt Lake , P formerly of Omaha , arrived in the city S le t evening , and are the guests of Gen. is jUaudunion. to Al. Mas well , who has been western pas- toof * eti cr ajent of the Missouri Pacific , left ofm to-day to take a position with th Oregon for Naigation Co. . at Portland. feW Km you kotcclvooJi ly -intention koncoct J for the prevention , f jW antl forever , of Kerosene kalunltta tt During ( he koratng kold winter til 1. m ? to be remembered , th\n th tilbi Xrer roaJy Ilayden Patent FlreKlndlcrl biP Jlrcelvrs m pold mcJil wherererexhibltcdandls P S .11 by all Lorrcct kuh Orocerr. m IJnyden's Fire Kindlers are tm- haH arutifc. Ask yonr grocer for them. J. I. Nichol fc Co. , opposite post- gf ollico , are celling choice appVs at$2.25 j-cr barrel , and Michigan 0 tincea at IiO cents per basket , nil 1 iv& keep tr. si choice line of j.- .os Land. CLOAKS ! Ci \ ! CLOAKS ! mi A large invoice now offering at er- su rmely low prices at Bushman's 21-2t ing SCI Ksduction la prices , aupetiority r-yiint ined , Astor Housej N. Y. by olClin Ifaydea'a Fire Kiudlers are the will L si. Aek your Grocer for them. Pa RANGES ! RANGES ! ! one The best ranges in the market at iha lowest possible prices &t R. Tros- Mi uns , 1111 Douglas street o20t4 Da DISASTROUS FIRE , The Omaha OH Works Take Fire at Midnight and are Partially Destroyed. Heroic and Successful Efforts of "the Department. " Shortly after 2 o'clock yesterday the slumbering echoes were awakened by the shrill whistling of a locomotive near the Northwestern depot. Thoeo who were awake at that early hour recognized the warning from the experience of the past few months , and man who happened to be com ing down the Farnbam street hill , looking in the direction of North Omaha , saw the lurid glare of fire and ran at once to No. 3's engine house , where an alarm was rung by hand and the whole department promptly on the way to the scene of destruction. Ou the run up Sixteenth street the flames could be seen pouring , as it were , from a funnel of smoke and as cending straight towards the sky. Not a breath of wind was stirring , yet the smell of oil conld bo distinctly recog nized for blocks in either diiection of the fire , which was finally reached and found to be raging in the storage department of the Omaha Linseed Oil Works , on the bank of North Omaha creek , near Izard snd Seventeenth streets , and owned by Taft & Wood man , TUB OIL WORKS were among the most important of Omaha institutions , and ( , -avj employ ment to about thirty men , running a day and night force steadily. Their cipicity was recently increased by the addition of new machinery costing about § 12,000 and four hydrautic presses , each having a power of 400 tons were in use. Last spring the firm loaned about 10,000 bushels of flux seed to the farmers and the fall crop , raised on this seed was just beginning to come in rapidly , about 30,000 bush- oh being in store in the portion of the works attacked by fire. The works comprise several build ings , that occupied by the machinery on the north , and the warehouse on : ho south being the largest , and both of considerable size and of frame. The office adjoins the warehouse to the west , and near it are the tanks and oil house. Tne flames were first discovered at the southwest corner o ; he warehouse , and when ssen by Prof. Toozer , who was one of the irst on the ground , were WAGING FIEEOELY n the interior and just bursting hrough the roof. Up to this time the night force , which was engaged in the ) uilding occupied by the machinery , cnesr nothing of the catastrophe mi Mr. Toozer , procuring an ax , with their assistance broke the look off the door and gained an cntrauco to the burning pile. There hnd been no one ia this portion of the works dur- ng the dny or night , and there was 10 atovo or fire there , so that the cause of the coufligratiou is unknown. The department aooa got to work brewing two steady streams on the ire , one of the engines being staticned > o weea the two main buildings and ho men eubjected to fearful heat. At hia time the eight was as graud as it was fearful. Dense clouds of smoke aad volumes of bright fhmo rolled heavenward , while overhead A DOMB OF FIERY FPARKS , hundreds of feet iu height hung , in its centre the moon appearing like some grmt lamp , suspended , mul beyond , the blue vault of heaven with its rayrhds of glittering stars forming a back-ground fur a picture more sub lime than was ever conceived by an artist's dreams. A shower of fire fell continually from the fierce fountain in the centre , the charred shingles and boirds being often as largo ai a man's two palms , butburiied tojthc crispncss of aim-dried autumn loaves. Of the many gorgeous pictures drawn by the fire demon iu Omaha , none was over o beautiful as this. The flames flash ed like lightning from the crevices n the building and swept up the sides of the tall , tower containing the ele vator , fed by the oil from the rich tore of flax within , and THE EFFORTS OF THE FIREMEN were confined entirely to saving the idjoining buildings. They were so uccessful that not even the office which directly adjoined the warehouse burned , it was scarcely scorched. An hour after the alarm the side of the elevator fell in and from this time on the fire waned gradually as the ma terial which fed it was exhausted , un til it was finally subdued. The lois is quito severe , aggregating perhaps ( $30 000 on the need and 5000 on the building , on which there full insurance. The greatest blow the firm , however , is the occurrence the calamity at a time when their ° milling operations for the winter , which large preparations were made , had just fair , begun. They will begin at once the ! erection of a building to replace the lost. It is duo one to say that tic but for the heroic exertion * cf the department and partment the whole establishment ch must have been destroyed , with per the haps many of the adjoining building ? . Had there been a brisk wind the dam age ! munt have necessarily been much greater despite all efforts. Hayden's Fire Kindlera are im mense. < Ask your grocer for them. eat On A largo assortment of boys and mens1 overcoats , pants , vest , coats , suits ; also a full line of gents furnish goods , at PoUck'a , Farnham scrtoet , near Fourteenth. o21-3t by Try Hayden's Fire Kindlers. Sold all grocers. Till 1 CENTS Pa purchase block of Hayden's iart Patent Fire Kindlers which will start Cry coal fire or five wood fires. Try it. Mrs. M. Cox , Fashionable DressMaker Wi Maker , S17 Fifteenth street , between ant Davenport end Chicago. _ . 1. FIELD AHJ ) FORUM , Local Happenings Near at Hand , All of Which are Attractive. A big event occuredlistnlghtbelng the concert at the Academy of Music under the auspices of the Cecilian Choral class , of the Union Catholic Library Association , of this city , who irfll be aided by the best amateur tal ent in ihe city. The following was the programme : PROGRAMME PAW I. 1. Chorus JIarch Becker , Uarfield and Arthur Glee Club. 2. Zither Solo ConcertFantasiaUmlauf , Mr. Louis tobinricli. 3. Kecitaiion. Mr. 11 C. Chamberlain. 4. Solo-\VLo's at my Window ? " Osborne. Miss lizzie Calderwood. 5. Solo Simon , the Cellerer. Mr. W. O. Sander * . C. Quartette. . Me sr . F. S. Smith , J. W. W.lkins , J. L. Smith and W , Wilkins. PARTIL 7. Solo "Bird of the Mountains" . . . Hubbard M s. H. D. Latcy. S. Reading "Tom'sLittle Star. " . . . FosterMiss Miss Stacia Crowley. 9. Chorus "The HuntsmatfeFarewell. " MenJel sohn. 10. Piano Solo ' Variations ( op. 12) ) . Chop'n "Prof. Martin C hn. IL Duett 'Two Forest Nymphs , " . Glover. Hisses Lizzie Call < -rwo'jd and Mattie Kennedy. 12. Solo-"Butterfly , Waltz Song , " . , . D. J. O'Neill. CLUB HUNT AND SUITES. The fall hunt of the Omaha Sports men's club comes off on Wednesday next. Sides were chosen laat evening as follows : Capt. Sprigg'a side J. W. Petty , Gen. Crook , \Vm. Preston , J. H. Peabody , W. J. Laird , W. H. S. Husjhes , G. F. Brucker , John With nell , Geo. T. Mills , J. F. McCartney , P. Wmdheim , J. M. Tliuraton , Geo. B. Lake , T. L. Kiraball , Wm. King. D. S. Parmelee , Al. Patrick. Capt. Blake s side H. A. Homan , S. B. Hathaway , B. E. B. Kennedy , H. B. Sacket , J. Budd , W. H. Clark , J. E. Campbell , H.Y. . Yates , J. J. Hardin , B. F. Smith , R. S. Berlin , D 0. Sutphen. Gee Hoaglaud , John McCaffrey , R. W. Withnell , M. W. Kennedy * Game is to be counted at Collins & Potty'a at 4 o'clock p. m. on Thurs day. The club supper will be held on either Friday or Saturday evenings. OMAHA ZITHER CLUB. An organization bearing the above title was perfected last evening with Julius T. Fcatner as president and Louis Bohmrich , as director. The club which numbers ten members , eight 'zithers and two guitar players. will give a concert in about two weeks. Haydcn's Fire Kindlera are tm- Ask your grocer for them. FOR SALIiho Arcade , 1420 Douglas street. 22-2t Hayden's Fire Kinrilers ore im mcnsc. Ask your grocer for them. FURS ! FDRS1 FURS ! The Omaha Fur Manufacturer , Henry G. llichter , Fifteenth street , opposite the posttiflice , calls the at tention of the Lad'ca of Omaha and licmity to visit ha superb stock of Fursand , also , to J.k over their old furafor repairing , before the season advances. Satisfac'i.in ' guaranteed. olG-nl Iho i.ndies' Union. On Wednesday afternoon a number of ladies from the different churches of the city mot .it the rooms of the Young Men's Christian association and organized a society to bo known as "Tho Ladies' Union of the Y. M. C. A. " The object of the society is to hold a weekly pralso and prayer meeting at the association rooms , and do such gospel and mission work as will come before them. They will also lend the Young Men's Christian association a helping hand in all their work. Every Christian lady in the city , as far aa possible , should be at the meeting neit Tuesday afternoon at three o'clock promptly. Ladioa who have como to the city are espec ially invited. Hay den's Fire Kindlers are the joss. Ask your Grocer f"r them. I have a lot of heating stoves suit able for stores and offices ; also a large wrought iron range and cast iron cooking stoves for hotel nee , that I " will close out much less than cost. Also tinware and house furnishing goods cheap. Enquire at Odd Fel lows block. E. F. COOK. o21-3t BASE BURNER STOVES. Don't fail to call and see the "In vincible" and "Argand" stoves , of whicli I have eold so many this sea son snd previous years , and "which are now acknowledged by all to be the best stoves in the market. I can also assure the public that my prices actu ally defy competition , and are far below - low those of any other houeo in the west. To conrince yourselves of the truth of this statement call at No. 1111 Douglas st. R , TBOSSUT. oc20 4t A good chance for a man with lit- fo capital. A well-selected stock sa fixtures for sale. Now is your ta chance ; ! For particulars , enquire at site * AECADE , 22d 22-2t 1420 DOUR. St. 22Wt Hayden'a Fire Kindlers are tm- noise. Aak your grocer for them. We are the Di unpacking to-day larg- stock of clocks furs ever brought to Dmaha. Come and and get one cheap. EDHOUI & ERICKSON , The Jewelers , opposite postoffice. CO Try Hayden's Fire Kindlew. Sold M all grocers. 1J CENTS purchase" block of Hayden's Patent Fire Kindlera which will one coal fire or five wood fires. Dii it. Sti COOKING STOVES , ofbu bu ; iVith a full sot of furniture for $11.00 gO ; ( upward at the Stove Store of Trosab , 1111 Douglas street. BEVENUE MATTERS. A Prisoner Brought to Oma ha to Answer to Serious Charges. Beopsning of the Nebraska City D stilleiy. The deputy sheriff from Dakota county arrived in this city Thursday with a United States prisoner in charge. The prisoner is a man named Emil Hoya , an er-araateur detective , brought to Omaha to answer in the the United States courts to the charge of falsely person.tting a government revenue officer and of obtaining money of a Jackson saloonkeeperin a manner strongly savoring of blackmail. We understand that Hoya went tea a saloon in Jackttcnkept by a woman and finding ono or two cigar boxes which had been emptied of their con tents and on which the stamps had not been cancelled according to law , ho represented that ho was an officer and accepted $50 as a bonus fur over looking the swindle of Undo Sam. Ho claims on this point that the man , whose name was Riley , offered hiui the $50 hush money without solicita tion , and he iu a like manner had taken it. As the punishment , for . ouch an offense is a fine not exceeding $50nnd imprison ment not exceeding six months , it will be seen that Hoya drove a pretty good bargain. Ho also claims that he did not personate a revenue officer but was acting in the role of his pro fession , a detective , which was his own affair. The letter offensa charged is a felony of a pretty grave characterj and is punishable by a fine of $500 and impiisoiiment not l ° ss than six months , nor exceeding two years. The prisoner is also said to have been involved in other trouble of a somewhat similar kind , and it looks as if he had got himself into a box. He seems to have been at no very dis tant date a man of affluence and re- specfabilityj still possessing a gold chain and some other jewelry , which ho carries concealed under hia ehirt. He ia also a member of several of the leading secret societies in the city. He will have his preliminary examina tion before U. S. Commissioner Wat1 son B. Smith on Tuesday next. rREPAlUXd FOR WORK. Mr. A. D. Morria , assistant sur veyor of distilleries for the district of Nebraska , was In Nebraska City last week to make a survey of the distil lery at that point , preparatory to its contemplated ra-opening on or about November 1st. It will have a capaci ty of about 1200 bushels of grain per day. Mr. Ira Higby will bo assigned as gau cr to do duty at that point. EXTREMELY LOW PRICES ON CLOAKS AT BUSIlMAN's. 21 2t Try Hayden's Fire Kindlers. Sold by all grocers. 1 CENTS will purchase a block of Hayden's Patent Fire Kinilers which will s'.srt ouo coal fire or five wo9dfires. Try it. My stock consisting of Fancy Goods ( , Notions , Ladies and Gents' Furnishing Goods , etc. , for sale cheap ? ! Can > -ivo goud reason for sell ing. TllK AltCAJJE , 22-2t 1420 Douglas St. Try Hayden's Fire Kmdlera. Sold by all grocers. 1 CENTS will purchase a block of Hayden's Patent Fire Kindlers which will start ono coal fire or five wood fires. Try it. For the finest line of hatscaps and furs , go to 1 22-21 c. B. DEGROAT & co.'s. Hayden's Fire Kindlers are im mense. Ask your grocer for them. Lirgo Stock of Boots and Shoes , just received , suitable for winter wear , at FOLLIUEDE'S , Near 13th and Douglas Sta. Try Haydeu'a Fire Kindlera. Sold by all grocers. 1 CENTS will purchase a block of Hayden's Patent Fire Kindlera which will start "one coal fire or five wood fires. Try it. W. N. Whitney , sole agent for : Bun's Celebrated Shoes , has the largest and beat selected stock of boots and shoes in the city. Call and got your monies worth. o22-2t Try Hayden's Fire Kindlere. Sold by all grocers. 1 } CENTS will purchase a block of Hayden's Patent Fire Kindlers which will start ono coal fire or five wood fires. Try it. Mens' Boots $2.00 , Ladies' Shoes 75c , Muses' . Shoes GOc , at Fullriede' * , near loih and Douglas streets. Call before buying elsewhere. all Owing to the bad weather and un ed foreseen circumstances , the auction sale of stoves , which was to have taken place on Sixteenth street , oppo U. P. block , on Friday , October , has been postponed for one week. JAMES BOKNEE , Auctioneer. . in Finest fur hats and caps at C. B. ca DEGROAT & Co.'s ; also fine line of lan and gloves of the latest pattern best manufacture * . 22(2 ( Hurrah ! Hurrah ! ! Hurrah ! ! ! A meeting of the First Ward Han SI cock ( and English club will be held in pi Uetz'a ( Hall to-night at 7:30. Good at speakers will beln attendance. By order of the president It J. WEINSTEIX , Sec. 7i First-class board at the McKenzie pr Dining Hall , Sixteenth and Dodge tic Streets. It Is near the business part tha city and convenient for clerk , bo Business men and others. Tickets oed for 21 meaU , $4. o22f-m-w . 22 E. Maurer has opened his new 3ch room 1214 Farnham BIDS ON BONDS. CITY CLERK'S OFFICE , ) OMAIJA , Oct. 21,1880. f Sealed proposals will be received'by the undersigned at his office until 7:30 : o'clock Monday evening.October 25th , A.D. 1880 , for the purchase of SCG- 100 of bonds of the city of Omaha , described as follows : One hundred am ? tsrenty bonds of five hundred dollara each , and sixty- one bonds of one hundred dollxT8 each , all dated November 1st , 1880 , and bearing interest at the rate of seven per cent per annum , Interest payable semi-annually at Kouutze Bros * , banking house in the city of Now York , and the bon redeemable ou the first day of November , 1900 , at the same bank. Said bids shall specify the price that will ba paid and the amount of bonds proposed to bg taken. Envelopes con taining said proposals or bids shall bo marked "Bids on Bonds , " bo addressed - dressed to the undersigned , and bo delivered before the expiration of the time above specified. The city coun cil reserves the right to reject any or all bids. By order of the city coun cil. J. F. McCAUTNEY , oct21-4t City Clerk. Try Hayden's Fire Kindlera. Sold by all grocera. 1 ! CENTS will purchase a block of Hayden's Patent Fire Kindlers which will start one coal fire or five wood fires. Try it. The first premium for fine hats and caps was awarded to C. B. DEGROAT & CO. , and don't you forgot it , and don't you disreinember it. 22-2t Try Hayden's Fira Kindlers. Sold by all grocers. 1J CENTS will purchase a bloiA of Hayden's Patent Fire Kindlers which will star ono coal fire cf five wootlfires ] < Try it A Car . I have received my fall and winter stock , consisting of a full asjortmon of ladies' , gents' , boys' and children' ! boots and shoes all from the bea manufacturers cf St. Lou's and Phila delphia. I keep no shop work , am you find at my store only honest am tiir goods. Every pair warranted and sold nt bottom prices. No bpttc : goods are brought into thia marke than I handlo. I menu what I say and aay what I mean , that Philll ] Lang's is the cheapest place for boot and shoes in the city. PHILLIP LANG , 1318 Fdrnham street. Haydcn's Fire Kindlora are thi boss. Ask your Grocer for them. LOOK HERE ! The Garlind Parlor Steve stands a the front ; leads any in the market. Messrs. Lang & Foitick will bepleasct to show you all tha latest improve menta , and convince you at once tha there is no better steve in the market. 1221 Pnrnhani street , next to First National Bank. - - - s33-eod-tf Tiy Hnydcn's Fire Kindlers. Soh by all grocers. ' ] CENTS will purchase block of Hayden's Ptitcnt Fire Kiudlers which will start one coal fire or five wond'fires. Try it. To-morrow wo will unpack the finest line of Gold and Silver Spectacles in the city. Wo c.m suit the moat diffi cult eyes to good lit ! 1113 spectacles and see as good as you wish. EimoiM & EHICKSON'S , Opposite postoffice. Hayden's Fire Ktndlors are the bsss. Ask your Grocer for them. H. BOLLN & Co. , the Sixteenth street grocers , are now manufacturers agent ? for the celebrated "SAXTON'S BEST" Winter Wheat Flour , which ia at ealo at the following grocers : F. Lanp , Geo. Heimrod , Goo. Schmidt. Julius Treitchko , William Gentleman , Henry Ditzon , F. A. McShaue , Z. Stevens and William Soxauer. w-f-m-tf - - - Hayden's Fire Kindlera ara the boss. Ask your Grocer for them. Elegant lunch served at GRAND CEN TEAL , BILLIARD HALL : mornings 9 to 12 ; evenincs , 8 to 12. m.w.f Hayden's Fire Kindlers are the joes. Ask your Grocer for them. * xlr Owing to the iuclemeucy of the weather , the annual ball of the Lyran Singing Society , which was to have been held last Saturday , has been postponed until Saturday , October 23d. mf Hayden's Fire Kiudlera are the besa. Ask your Grocer for them. There is no branch of trade in which a customer must rely so much on the word of a merchant aa to the quality of good's sold as in jewelry. Imitations are made 30 perfect nowadays - days aa to challenge detection from but experts. This is why Messrs. Whipple , McMillan & Co. hare reach a loidhig position in their line of trade their customers feel that they can bo trusted. 19-tues-friifcsat Pi Hayden'a Fire Kindlers are the boss. Ask your Grocer for them. WATCHES and JEWELRY of every discriplion. A full line of Bracelets , gold and gold plate , at prices that cannot be boat , at Whipple , McMil Oil & Co. , 1422 Douglas St ol9t-f-s SxlO Hayden's Fire Kiudlera are tm- mense. Ask your grocer for them. ICx Rui HARD COAL SELF-FEEDING Chi STOVES Splendidly and elaborately a" plated ; with nickel , for § 8 and upward , T-Iu R. Trosain's , 1111 Douglas street. Cor o20t4 Vel WAKTED , TO REST A house of 5 to Vie rooms. Scuth of St. Mary's avenue Gui ' preferred. Address "KB. | . & M. Cm ticket office , Omaha. o21-3t Ace Si and Hayden's Fire Kindlera are the boss. Ask your Grocer for them. J J. First premium on fine hats. 22-2t c. B. DEGROAT & co. Hayden'u Fire Kindlers are tm- * BEMABKlBLYLOWPRICES. There ia no expense connected with our Cloak Department. See them at Bushman's. 21-2t California Pears , Pluma , Grupes , etc. , at Tizard's Palace. o21 tf SPECIAL HOTiGES. NOTICE AdvcrUa mento To Let Lost , Kouad , WauU , Boanllni ; Ac. , will bo In serted in theM columns ciice for TKN CENTS per line ; each subaequontliisertlOD.FIVB OEST3 - lino. The flist iDsartlon never Ira- than TO IDAH-J ) EY. EY.mt mt L w Offiea Kooniii.CrcUhtouB.Hdi -JITONKT TO Dr. Edward/i LOMI Api-iT- HELP HAH7SD TirAXT A sl'uation as houss-kteper w.'t > V poW rcbpcctablc fami'y ' ; references i-e. " . and required. Address II. , fcea office 7SO-2i A > TEU Anurssgirl , 403 Casa St. , near W 2m St. 7u A g ! 1 for Kcceral housework. WANTED S. W. corner 15th anil Chicago street ? . 72i-tl Dining room help. Apply at WANTED . 71409 - for peneral lioustwork ; Mrs' WAKTKD-OIrl , X. E. Cor llarney and 16tli SU. " 05-23 "TT7 ANTED A ilrl fir penerM housework. W Enquire of lira J. II. Creichton , Ciss street , bet. 17th and 13th. 702-lf ANTED A iood house-keeper , at 1109 W Farnham street , np tiiis. 034 tf Girl ; "cook" preferred , at F. WANTED 13th and Jacltswn. tS3-tf "ANTED 2 men to work i'i marked jr W north , at the end cf 18th St. II C59-U F3R BENT-HOUSES AMD UNI ) . T7IOR HUNT Two unfurnished rooms , at C14 I1 South 14th St. 72325 1T1UHNISI1ED Front room , suiiable for man JU ud ife , lor rent , 1C20 Cass , next cor. 17i h 7o7i 171011 RENT Cottage , on 5th and I'ine Stg , r new houtc , eiijht rooms.un 2ada d Casa tts. Enquire J. I' . Koe , U. LCor. . 121U and Farn. ham. 6-tf r OA KENT House and lot in Hmll's 2ai P add. , near new U. S. uomll. " 'I" " ? Jloom C , Crclshton Jilock. H-t BENT Lar o bouse , 7 roonw , 20th St. , ir CasJSi.eet. C. T. TAYX "y offlco OK iJRNT finely furnished ii > 'J ' ! Davenport Btrcot , bet. 13th and I T71OR RENT 2 Jurnislieil rooms o\er Her"- JC chants Exchange , ff. K. Cor. 16th and DoJee streets "T7KIlSALk Express agon and harness in JJ good order. AddrcSi 1 > . M. , Eee officeoo T > ALED nAY A car-load of b.1ht baled liny l > just received , ntCharlton Bros. , cor. Daven port and ICth SU. 720-tf SALE The new Kncland Uouw , llasS- FOR , Heb. Inquire of proprU'or on the premise" ; will sell then lisle or part interest E. N. ? xOYU3. 713-33 I710U SALE Tinnei's t < jol3. Inquire 415 10th JJ Etrcot. 717-22 O HOUSES And coiner half of lot , southeast fy corner 14th and CassSts. , 7 roomi in each ; rent for J23 nd 325 per month CEUIS' 1 EAI , EbTAiE AOE.VCT , 15th end DouglM Sta. 679-lf SALE Mixed paints , at A. Holmes,16th EOR and California Sts. C15-tf T7I KSALK Cottonwood lumber of all eizcs.at 1 ? RKDMOND'S , Slxtcenth-Bt. BIG-t MISCELLANEOUS. T OST Brown le.itherpcckct-book,6teel clasp , XJ contain'ug 2 U. P. orders 820 each , a 20 dollar lar gold piecj and 0 or 7 dollars in rilver. A liberal reward will be piid for its return to Mrs J. D. Campbell , 81113th St. 7S9-23 AvFAY One large red Durham STRAYED | conr , ears cut off so ai lo be pcrceivible. Lar.e tuna , ab ut ten years ol I. Kinder will fce rcwaided by retUMiiiij ' , ( ho ahovo described to Frederick i/cllon , cor. C'ipitol a e- and 13th. 723-tf , , , . . . . . . . wP 1 mll > s noith of Omaha , t o , JL head of two-j\ar old and B head of one- year n.d ca lit1 , I'll U Kountre's old fartu. CIJAd KLONMNGEl ! , 72j 22 K.-d Irl'h iKtter bitch with pups Fho rOST J dol'ars ' rauaid Mill bo paid for her retu-n. CHAS S AM AN , .11 A. J. tilmpiion's rurriago Shop. 7162 . NOriCK Ot o Friaont. ve'ermiry SPKUIAI. surxton yrailuite of \cterintry college of Stuttg-tt and Zurich. Hospital 1149 Mini-man a\cnue JSO-lm Absolutely fore. ffl : Made from Grape Cream Tartar. No othe 8 irep.irution makes such Hzht , flaky hot breads , 811 luxurious poetry. Can be eaten by dvpcftict 511 without- fear of the lla resulting from heavy i 111 digestible food. 3i Sold only in can ? , by'all Grocer ? . Yo KOTAL BAKLSH I'OWDUR Co. . K * Ynrlr. SIGN OF THE Bet GOLDEN PIANO & FRAME , Ha Sni 12' : 2t , 18 ! 18Pti Pti Ool J.e' Ne' Sui 181 i 131 121 121 131 Bit 411 121 HI 121 101 Sit Pea : Pea Pie A. HOSPE JR. Bia Pea . , . , ) Pianos and Organs First Class Che . Dar on Easy Monthly Payments , Stn * Sheet Music and Musical Stri Bah cal Instruments , Lim FINE SroCK OF Su ? Y r 3VE O TJ L ID IIsT G-S . Ton Suci Paintings , Enjrravmgs and Frames at great Pun ly reduced prices. 511 Frames , 1 inch , Walnut. IGc 1011 10x12 SO 3511 10x11 20 lilt 12x16 60 2511 ; 12x13 65 Fat 10x20 75 Fat ; Rustle 8x10 f nine . 15 Codl ihromos framed , mr U , 25c , Codl rhromos framed , large , 1 25 , nan Engrivings from SOc upwards , Hell [ Photograph frames from 15c upwards , ToU IVindow Cor Jcea 75c a window and upwards , Tob Lambreqnlrji 8 00 p r window and upwards , Tob : Cornice Poles 2 60 per window and upwards , Tobi Velvet frames 25c eich to5 00 Haa 3VTUTSIC. Butt Co riolln Strings 15c , Com r'iollm 1 75 , 2 50 , 3 and upwards , attci : JuiUrs 5 00. 6 00 , 7 00 and upwards , Janjos 1 00. " 3 00 , 5 00 , and upward * , Iccorileois from 1 CO up , cheapest in city Send for samples and cataloene of mouldings shedl music. A. HOSPE , JR. , 167B Dttlirn St. . Omaha Neb. H. FLIEGEL & CO. Successors to J. II TIIIELE , HERCIIANT TAILORS , No. 1220 Douglas S'treet , riivr A T = T A , * "Tl rl - - - - S. P. MORSE GO. 9 ST. . ASH JOBBERS AND RETAILERS OF DRY GOODS. UN BLANKETS , COMF1 &C. From TEPHENS & WILOOZ'S STOCK , We have Many Goods , bought last year , that have since advanced from Thirty to Fifty per cent , yet WE OFFER THEM AT BANK RUPT PRICES : 0 Pairs 104 White Blankets at - - - . - § 2.00 , Worth § 3.00 50 iairs 104 White Blankets at . - S2.T5 , Worth 4.00 25 l\airS 104 White Blankets at - c - - - : $5.00 , Worth 7.00 25 Pairs Ii4 White Blankets at - - - . - $6.00 , Worth 0.00 # Pairs California White Blankets at . . . $10.00 , Worth 20.00 400 F.airs Western Grey Blankets at $5 , $6 jind ST.50 All to-day worth from $2 to $5 a pair morr. OUR NEW DISPLAY OF DRESS GOODS , HOSIERY , FRINGES ; Ptissmcnterics , Beiidcd Trimmings , Etc. Is very Elegant , and Certainly the Finest ever Shown In Omaha. s. IP. IMIOIRSIE & co. ft II TTHC D i HAS NOW OPENED FOR INSPECTION HIS NEW STOCK Ey L ll U I I R S of ? al1 and Winter ClotMng for Men's Youths' Boys' and Children's Wear. -SPECfAL ATTTENTION HAS BEEN GIVEN TO MEET Fanilmm Street. 1001 the requirements of Everybody. OUR ASSORTMENT OF STYLES AND PATTERNS IS Poppleton BIOCK. the most varied and elegant ever displayed in the city. -CITIZENS ARB CORDIALLY INVITED TO EXAMINE1. our large display of Dress and Easiness Suits , Fall Grand Weight Overcoats , Novelties in Furnishing Goods , Stylish Hats and Caps , Trunks , Valises , Califorfornia Blankets and Overalls , &C.&G. -NO ONE IP HE CONSULTS HIS OWN INTERESTS WILL OPENING buy one dollar's worth of Clothing until he has * seen our immense Stock and learned our Prices ; LATEST TELEGRAMS He Not Half as Interest ing to the General Eead- er as the Following Price List : , lbaof Awttarfor. . . . . ' . II CO l Ibs extra Csn ? r for. „ . „ . 1 00 } Ibs Canary C. Snear.for. . 1 00 Ibs Granulated So ar for.- 1 00 Ibs Cut Loaf Suarfor . . 1 00 Ibs zood Klo Coffee for , . 1 00 Ibs best Bio Coffee for. - . 1 00 Ibs choice Java Coflce for - 1 M [ Ib be t Mocha Coflcs for 1.00 ounz flyson Tea per Ib , 80 to J > along Tea pcrlb , SO to inan Tea per Ib , 80 to - " inest Gunpowder Tea per lb _ ' art O K Flour per sack . „ = low Flake winter wheat flour < vens."bestflour. . - * J1 r ; bars ' Climax Soap for J ' ' ! : bars Laundry Eoap for 1 { bars Linen Soap for „ . . . 1 w ire Maple Syrup In gat. cans. . . . . . . . . . 1 Oj ) jldcnBjrup per gallon. . . . . . . . - * aw Orleans Syrup per gallon sw Orleans Molasses per rallon . . . . w icar House Molaases per gallon Ibs St. Louis aoda Crackers for. . . . 1 Cv ilbsSt. Ixjuls Oynter Crackers for. . _ . . . 1 CO Iba Boston Butter Crackers for _ _ . . . 1 01 lira Glnecr Snaps for - 1 00 Iba New Currant * for 1 Iba Kow EUckborriea for - 1 Ibs Pitted Cherries for. . . . . . 1 Ibs Dried Peaches ( halves ) for 100 Ibs Choice Dried Apples for 1 00 Ibs best new Prune * lor _ 1 lb . best Valencia RaUtns 1 bs. new layer lUiains.- . 1 aches , 21b cans aches. 3 Ib cans ( standard ) . . . . Peaches. B Ib cans . . . . . _ aches ( Cal)3 ) lbcai.s ickberries , 2Iocan ples , ( York State ) ; , al can 30 uebcrriesSlbcan icrries 21b can - .mson Plums 2 Ib cans _ . . . . pberrie 21b can 1 * rawberries.2 Ibcan _ . 16 in ? Beans,2 Ib cans 122i ked Beans , 3 Ib cau _ na Beans , 2 Ib cans 12 jarcorn , 21b can „ 12 rmouth corn , per can 17 ( matoes , 31bcan ] xotaah , 2 Ibcan i mpkins , Slbcan Ibs beans . J JJ Ibsdrled Lima beans J 00 Ibs hominy J { 0 Ibs Carolinitrica J bs oat meal * W ifamllrmackerel : , perklt 85 family ! white flsh r kit. BO Ifiab , whole , per Ib. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 lfl h , boneless , per Ib JO Ilibut.perlb -1 ; * land herringnew ( per kez.- J J wcoJuiTerPealpluzlperib . . M accoOId8iyleperlb ( ) Jo ucco ( Meerschaum ) per Ib * J us , suRar-cured , perlb > . 12J ter , fresh roll , per Ib * " mplete price 1UM furnished on appUwtlon. rntry orders will recelre prompt and canto ) ttion. Positively no zoods sofa on crdltt. J. B. FRENCH & CO. , ic Original Reliable Grocers , i No. 1119 Farnhnm Street , L OMAEA. NEB- SDBSCBIBE FOB THE WEEKLY BEE , The Bestiin the West. AGENTS [ FOR DEVLIN & GO. , BOSTONCLOTHING CLOTHING CLOTHINGHOUSE , FAIiiVIIAM STREET. Oval Brand . The sales of thlB "brand" of O i-r hare nowlonUtrippad all others. Yon get more Ojrteri IN WEIGHT AND MEASURE In ca cfthfa brand than i any other. 6. n. BZEilEK. . m General Weitern Agent. Om li SO.OOO CHEAP ! CHEAPER ! CHEAPEST ! MAX MEYER & BRO. Propose for the next ninety (90) ( ) dajs to sell then entire stock of Diamonds , Watches , \ Jewelry , Clocks Silver-Ware , Pianos & Organ GENERAL MUSICAL MERCHANDISE At Manufacturing Prices , WMch is from 15 to 20 per cent , "below any Eastern Wholesale House , preparatory to moving into their weN Store , Cor. Ilth & Farnham We Mean Business * Come and be Convince * ! ,