Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 23, 1880, Morning Edition, Image 1

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Established 1871. MORNING EDITION. Price Five Cents
Orange Blossoms.
The matrimonial market still con
tinues firm. On Tuesday evening ,
October 19th , a very delightful wed
ding was celebrated at the residence
of Mr. Daniel Burr , the parties Ihua
joining in a life partnership beirg
Mr. George Burr aqd Misa Stel a
Shaw , both of this city. The cere-
snony was performed at eight o'clock ,
nnd was followed by a mar ; ,
nificent wedding feast. But
few- friends were invited , it being
tha. Irish of both parties that thera
should bo no ostentatious display. A
number of presents were re
ceived. Late in the evening the hap
py couple went to their own homo
which the groom had fitted up for hs :
bride. Additional interest was.Jqr.t
" ' "
* * \o the'occasion * * f" ? "by * * the " - fact - * V th ' t the
day was the anniversary of "Daniel
Borr'e birth.
H. W. Young , Eq. , of Carrol' ' ,
Iowa , and Mi's Etta Smith , of Flor
ence , were married on the evening of
the 20th , at the residence of the
bride's mother , In Florence precinc1. ,
thellov. J. B. Maxfield officiating.
Army Orders.
Leave of absence for tmo moctb ,
with permission to
apply for an ex
tension of three mouths , is granted
Captain Charles B. Western , 14th
infantry , ( Fort Doulw , U. T. )
Leave of absence for fifteen days ,
on surgeon's certificate oi diability , is
granted Second Lieutenant Luther S.
Wcilborn , Gth cavalry , ( Fort Lasaiulo ,
W.T. )
A general court martial is hereby
appointed to meet at Fort Sidney ,
Jfeb. , on the UCth day of October ,
1880 , or as noon thereafter as practi
cable , for the trial of such prisoner
a may bo brought before it. Detail
f"r tlie court : Lieut.-Col. CharlesE.
Cojiptou , Fifth cavalry ; Capt. J. H.
Belcher , A. Q. M , U. S. AOapt. .
ISmil Adam , Fifth cavalry ; Capt. E.
21. Moseley , Mod. Dept. U. S. A. ;
Second Lieut. Wm. E. Alrny , Fifth
avalry ; Capt. Geo. .F. Price , Fifth
cavalry , judge advocate.
Under the provinions of general or
ders No. 3 , of 1807 , as modified by
l > y paragraph 1 , general orders No.
S9 , of 1874 , from the war department ,
sullicient caui > s having been uhowii
for his inabilify to his
piy own ex
penses , the quartermaster's depart ;
ment will furnish transportation from
OmuliH , NiiU , , to Fort McKmney , W.
T. , to Prirato Peter Sheringer
, com :
pany I , Ninlh infautry a furlougbed
eoldicr , without means to rejoin his c
ct&tior , . cI cs ct
Th Nnrtluvcstura was two hours a ,
late yesterday morning , delaying tno C
nvoat bound train on the U. P. about 1
the aumo length of time. 1h 1t
Fifty-three cans of slock came in h
yesterday. t
Two cars of water pipe arrived yes n
terday. d
Twenty-two cus of tea came In i
from tiio west for the past twenty-four s
hours. 8C
Passenger travel both east and west h
Ss very Ian o at present. The Tranaff r n
Union Pac'fic Hotel accomnsoda'od t
110 transient guests on Wednesday a
jiight. f ,
The hunting car Davy Crockett re II
turned from southern CaliforniaThur- Id
day night with Mijor Wilson's pirty. d
Travel between Omaha and Lincoln a
Is booming with three trains each way w
daily. fitl
daily.Mr. . Thomas J. tl
Potter has been appointed tln
pointed Genural Manager of the Chic n E
ago , Burlington & Quincy railroad and
leased linoc , embracing all roads op- TVtl
crated by the Company 'ast of the tlS
Missouri river , with his hm { quarters h
t Chicago ; the pp > in < meul to take i
effect Nov. 1. Mr. Potter well de e :
serves the promotion. itci
Carl Eugle , a ten year old nephew ciT
of a Council Bluil's grocer c.nne in on '
the Northwestern tr < iii W. dnesday
night , having traveled all the way from clE
-Austria by himsolf. tl
B !
Democratic Primaries tl
The primaries to rliooce delegates IIIT
lo the democratic c < 'nn < y convention ITrc ITP
of to-dayjwero held Thu & 3.-.y evening rc
in ( ho wards and p-eelnc o. 1ha re- aiS rcai
fUlta in the city were the following : S
First ward A. MiGivo.-k , E. Sie- in
inon , Wm. JonecMsrk lltnienChs8.
M. Connoyer. SP
Second wsrd Thos. Kennedy , SPw
Christ. Hartmnn , F. J. McShane , w
tf ct . Smith , P. W. Lynch re
Henry Brunning was nominated for reHi
a otsor. so
Third ward R. Kimball , JL Donovan - tc
van , P. Ford. D. S. M. Fratwell , W. tcH '
Gruning. tb
Second ticket Chas. Brown , Pat tbwi
rick Ford , Henry Hornberger , B. wim
, Shannon " , J. Meyer , in
' "Fourth ward George E. Pritchett , iti
, T. J. O'Connor , R M. Taylor , Henry itiwl
Siert , Peter Goos. tv
Fifth ward Wm. GuBhurst , Fred.
Streitz , Thos. Gentleman , Pat. Phe-
Ian. David Hareprey. SP
S'lxth ward D. P. Angell , William SPIn
Andorton , Mnrtin Gannon , A. Swartz- InCl
lander , Geo. E. Strattmann. Cln
n :
Death Record clien
From a Cincinnati exchange we ar
glean the following concerning the arM .
death of a lady formerly well known tii
In this city :
Mrs. Ida Wirth , formerly Kalback , seth
-was relieved fron her sufferings early th
Sunday mr.rnin" . . ca
The funeral will take place Tuesday th
al 10:30 a. m. , from the residence of
her sister. Mrs. Whitman , 222 Pearl Sp
Eesrtatratlon Notice. re
State of Nebraska , Douglas County.-BS &
Notice Is hereby given that I will M
sit in the store c-f E. W. Wyman's , bu ra :
16th street , throe doors south of Pos- buM
Office , on Monday , Wednesday and rai
Saturday , October 25th , 27th and thWJ
0th , also on Monday , November 1st WJM
, 380 , for the purpose of registering M
the clector of the fourth ward , City rai
of Omaha , Douglas County. lit
In witness whereof , I hereunto set ur
my hnd this 15th day of October A de
D. , 1880. dePi
pJ5-lCt Registrar of said ward , ea
The Government Officials
Exultant Over the Cap
ture of Doyle , *
Who Proves to be an Extensive
Operator and a Noted
The Railroad Conference Ad
justs Differences of the
Western Roads.
'Mult. ' " Barnum's Frightful
Phantom Banished by
The Mysterious Arrest.
Special dispatch to The Bee.
CHICAGO , October 22 4 p. m.
The mysterious arrest yesterday by
detectives Hall and Simm ns , of a
man in possession of ? 20COQ in gov
ernment bonds and cash camed a de
cided sensiticli , not only in this city
but iii Washington and other points.-
All who were in any way connected
with the arrest wore last night be
sieged by ati army of anxious news-
gathererp , but the name , position and
crime of the prisoner were successful
ly suppressed. In point of fact , the
officials here , until late at
night , knew but little more
than the mere fact ho had been
arrested on a description telegraphed
Wednesday from Washington , and
tha.1 several hundreds of thousands of
dollars in government bonds had been
found in his possession. Detectives
Hall and Simmons boarded the west
bound train on the Piitaburgand Fort
Wayne railroad at Valparaiso Wed
nesday evening , and finding their man
arrested him on Van Huron street !
just after ho had loft the train. The
prisoner made no resistance and re
mained perfectly cool. The rumor
that ho is Woodward , the Boston de
faulter , is not believed.
A Valuable Prize.
Special dispatch to Thr Rce.
WASHINGTON , October 22 10 p. m.
The fcocret service division is in a
Wgh state of exultation over the im
portant arrest msdo Thursday in
Chicago of J. P. Doyle , who has in
us pD'session United States bonds to
ho amount of 8250,000 , $3000 in cur-
ency , and other valuable plunder.
Chose bonds , it appears , are the pro-
eeds of some extensive robbary , but
vhere at what time
or the robbery was
Committed , Chief Brooks , of the secret
ervice , refuses to tell yet * He states it
hat his men have been shadowing
) oyle for many weeks , and have made
most important capture. Doylo'a
hief offense In tilts cnse is forgery ,
'he bonds in his p sse sion have hud
heir number raised , and some have
leea recovered which haci been nego-
Uted. The system of changim ; the
lumbers was intended to serve n
iouble purpose. First , to prevent
dontification of the stolen bonds ; and
jcondly , t > > realize money from their
ale. To effect the latter the original
lumbers were chinged to now num-
icrs , but fortunately for the govern
ment , the new numbers selected were
ho numbers of bonds redeemed years
go , rendering the detection of the C (
raudulent issue a very easy matter.
) oyle was formerly a resident of 01tr
Bradford , 111. , where ho married the tru
aughtor of a notorious counterfeiter , u
ud with her removed to Colorado , ilA
rhero he was profitably engaged in ilg
irming. It is supposed that through g <
bo influence of his wife's family con- bett
ections he was led into bad habits. ttft
) oyle will have a hearing to-morrow , ft
hen it is presumed further facts in i ;
bo case will be given to the public , ai
ecrutary Sherman says that the case aira
one of great importance to the gov- ra
rnmout. He saya that Doyle is not EGw
i connected with the w ;
any way gov-
rnment , and is not a defaulter. ofbi
CHICAGO , October 23 1 n. m. bice
'he government officers herearo very
lose-mouthed about the arrest of
oylo , and the reporters have coma to
lie conclusion that they do not know inm
nything. Doyle says nothing except inpji
hat his arnst ia evidently a mistake. pji
t is supposed his forgeries were com- feet
tittod in Colorado , or that ho got etI
Of session of the bonds there. Doyle
iinains in close custody of the officers ,
ud will be brought before United
tates Commissioner Hogan for exam-
lation to-day. In
Ail Quiet on tne Wabash. InGJ
wcUJ Ulspttch to the lice. CO
CHICAGO , October 23,1 a. m. There lei
as no change yesterday in the rail- fobl
lad warfare , the Wabash and Alton blwi
lies apparently doing moat of the wi
mthwi stern passenger business. Al- hii
in put out a placard reading , "Ha ! cawe
'a I They weaken. They can't beat weGt
ils old favorite line. " The Wabaah Gt
Endows had the picture of a man ouTt
; arly all mouth , which is dtstontcd Tt
to a Wabash smile. Rates for lim- tk
3d tickets are $1 to St. Louis and f > 0
1th great reduction to all points bc-
8p <
reeu and beyond. 8pIt
False Alarm. It
cUI dispatch to The Bee. Ci
NEW YOKK , October 22 10 p. m.
i regard to the address issued by inwa
lainnan Barnum , of the democratic wa
itional committee , Thursday nignr , tow
larging that the republicans were w
ilpuizmg Florida , with repeaters , tu
id quoting certain dispatches of Hon. thnif
.arehall Jewell , chairman of the na- nif
sual republican committee , say that tei
e figures in the dispatch indicate the im
imber of democrstic repeaters sent tei
uth on the vessels named , and that he
e dispatches were warning rcpu 11- home
us there to be on the look out for me
em. fat
Amicable Adjustment.
edal Dispatch to The lice
NEW YOKK , October 23 1 a. m. SpeI I
[ ter a session of three days the
rop- Th ,
sentatlves of the Wabash , St. Louis Thmi
Pacific , C , B. & Q , Union Pacific , fro
issouri Pacific andA.T. & S. F. Je
ilroad companies completed their into
isiness yesterday and
adjourned , to
r. Solon Humphreys said that the teas
ilroads had agreed upon terms , and asMi !
e only remaining thing to be done pla
is the signing of the papew. Mr. oul
ason , the representative of the "Wa am
sh company , said it had been ar- for
tiged that passenger rates on all the eac
ies should be restored to former fig- Ian
es , and that each road should re- sea
em or take care ot its own tickets , boi
wsenger earnings will be pooled for tat
c months , the pooling to include nil ho :
rnlngs in passenger travel to and bei
from Chicago and all southwestern
roinis. The Wabash will have 25 pe-
cent , Chicago & Alton 33 per cent , on
al bcei-iess between Chicago and St.
Low , and 25 per cent on other pas
senger traffic , and the ether roads will
divide the remaining per cent. Each
road will take all the freight it can
get until the Wabash builds its freight
stations , after which the freight earn
ings will be pooled , the percentage of
each road to bo decided by arbitration.
Mr. Mason said that the dispute
about the extension of tracks had also
been settled.
Confident Republicans.
Special Dispatch to THE BEE.
CHICAGO , October 23 1 a. m. A
dispatch from a republic in source in
St. Paul , Minn. , says large meeting !
are bsing held all over the state day
and night. Minnesota does not elect
state officers this year , but will give a
bounciug majority for Garfield" and i
Arthur presidential electors , and will
.elcciAVaBtiburn , 'Dunnell and Straib >
in three congrestional districts , and
will have a good majority in the legis
lature , which will cluose a United
States senator. A Davenport , low.- ,
dispatch is equally exultant for the
republican * , and soyS they are confi
dent of Carrying the stale for Gar-
lirfid and Arthur by over CO.OCO ma
jority and of electing all the nine
GarHeld to His Constituents
Special Dispatch to The Bee
CLEVELAND , 0. , October 23 , 1 a. m.
Three hundred citizens of Astnbula
county , mostly veteran1 , went toMen-
tor yesterday ou a tpacial tr. lu from
Aatabub. There would have been *
many moro in the party had not the
day been very stormy. Ger. Garflold
received them cordially , as usu 1 } and
in response to a speech by Sir.
Oharles Slurman , said :
GENTLEMEN : I believe you are
nearly all my constituent ? . Tuat this
is a homo gathering , aort of harvest
liomo. just after the ordinary lurvestj
just before the great hiuVost that
somebody will gither in n short time.
Fherefore , 1 take thu utmost freedom
n meeting you ami greeting you. I
lave been in the habit , in this old
Nineteenth district , for about thirty
fears past , oi believing in the exist-
HICO and steadiness of the North star.
iVe have believed it In cloudy weather
vhcn nobody could see a star. Amidst . '
tlouda of darkness this people kept on
lelieviug in it until nearly all the :
vorld saw it , and saw the great cob-
tcleation wheeling around its steady
.ud immovable centre. [ Applause. ]
Chat north star , the aynibol of free-
lorn to all men of the equal right of
11 men , has been kupt very steadily !
ii view by the better people of the
restern reserve from a time long be-
ere these first voters were born ,
'hcse young men wefe born into the
elief of it , and wi'l ' uot likely fo-get
; , because it now shims plainly In the
orthcrn heavens. To speak without
figure , the people of this old Nme-
jeth district long ago learned to bu
uV iilwi.K boiug riglit , o-von Trhcil
hey were in an apparently h'peless
linorlty. Your speaker has referred
3 Joshuall lliddingj. To think of
ie long , hard struggle when he was '
atraci&ed by all moiij excepting half
doa-n at the national capittl , de
led the common civility and friend-
lip of social life , but believing In
ie immortality of liberty ho fought
u and on until in his last d&ys Lo
iw his triumph. I never had a com-
liment tint touched my heart moro
eoply than after a speech I uade In .
> ngrofs for the same cailso , there
ime from JeflereOn , the capital of
it county , a letter from the old pa-
lot , thanking me that I had taken
p his work , and saying I was worlh-
y wearing his mantel. [ Applause. ]
nd I am glad to meet you youn ; .
: ntlemon , believing that you are
) und by unusual ties to be true to
lose great principles that the West-
a Reserve helped to pUtit and cher-
h. I know what this eld district has
id \vhat it has suffered for its convic-
oiiB , and I am glad to know that in T
iny and weather in -
tcmpetuous , aea- hi
in and out of season , the old guard hihi
ill be found where ever the banner
freedom points the way to tl
ittla. [ Applause. ] You are wel st
ime hero to-d y , gentlemen , thrice stet
dlcomo. Wo are. friends , wo ate
iighbors , wo are comrades in n com- ilt
ou and I trust that iltwi
cause , no young wi
an who makes his first choice of .
irty association to-day will bo sorry
r it when ho looks back from tha pcar
id of this century to the year 1SSO.
th ,
shall be glad to take each of you
r the hand before you leave.
Among the callers ou Gen. Garfield
isterday was Hon. George C. Gor-
im , who did such effective work in
idiana previous ( othe election. Gen.
irficld again positively declined to
nverse on the subject of the Chinese
tter , SB be does not think it proper
r a presidential candidate to be bub-
ing continually to interviewers. Ho
11 probably , however , publish over
3 own signature a denial ol the so
iled Morey letters. To-day , if the
athor permits , the people of Like ,
lauga and other cnunths , will camp
lere will be speaking and a good id. .
ne generally. id.Fl
Burld Alivo.
sclil Dispatch to The Bee.
NEW YORK , October 23,1 a. m. i vii ,
was rumored yesterday in Jersey
ty that the body of Mr ? . Mary erdii
eycr , who dtod of typhoid fever th
that city three weeks ago , and 15
is buried , had been exhumed , and
the horror of her relations , it rami
is discovered that the body had mi
rned over in the coffin , which made
em believe that at the time of inter-
Mi t she was not dead. The disin-
rment was made ou account of the as
nression on the mind of the dangh- S3 Wl ]
: who said that in her dreams she
ard her mother " ho
calling , "Come and de
Ip me ; for God's sake come and help
; ! " Tno report is denied by the be .
nily. 'to '
Tne Equestriennes. thqu
id l dlipatch to Till BIX sc
CHICAGO , October 22 30 p. m. eli
o exciting neck and neck twenty inmi
le race between the dashing young mi
mtiers-women , Misses Pinneo and
wett , yesterday has revived interest H. .
turf matters here. They are not H.Je
be allowed to walk off tha honors de
equestriennes without question. as
ss Fannie Louise Buckingham , who an
.ya Mazeppa , in the horse opera , is anH ,
t in a challenge to Misses Pinneo th
3. Jewett to a race of twenty miles wa
a stake of one thousand dollars de
: h. Miss Buckingham is a Mary- thi
ider , and aside from her ability to
le the rocky tteppes of the stage
and fast to the bck
? of a fiery mi
ned charger , is said to be the rough
rsewoman. Tho. challenge has IA
sa accapted. | pc
Ssventy Souls Known to Have
Gone Down With the
"Aloena. "
The Propeller "Europe" Arrives
Safely in Chicago.
SpocM Dispatch to Tm BM.
GRAND HAVEK , October 22 , 10 p.
m. The excitement hero in regard to
the passengers of the wrecked steam
er "Alpena" is increasing hourly.
Groups of men are found in hotels ,
telegraph offices and on the street
whose only topic is the wreck of the
"Alpena , " arid recovery of bodies.
Up to this time six bodies hare boon
Tho.last body * recovered ia
that'of'E. . "T. Locke , of New
iork , which will be forwarded to that
city. The beach between Eloslind
and this place is being patrolled thor
oughly , and as Boon as a body ia
found it is forwarded here. It is
thought that more bodies will Do
found a short distance south of here )
between Pind-barB. A thorough
search Was made to-day by the crew
of tiio tug "Graham" and the life
saving crew from here , The tnga
"Lizzie Frank" " "
and "Johnson" will
also patrol the beach north and south.
The following trunks have been
found : ftlra. Brailley's , Mn hnd Mr5.
Sweat's and another marked "N. B. "
A memorandum has been found
marked "Peter Egger , St. Joseph ,
Benien County. " This was in a
trunk , in which were collars marked
"William Shepard , " the name of the
steward of the "Alpena " Mrs. Jos.
Beemer and three children , of Chicago
cage , wereamoiig the passengers not
before reported. Among tha many
life preserver that wore brought In
hat evening were some that had been
adjusted around the bodies of per-
The belts Ind parted , but the
were still fast. A telegram
SYRS received last night that A. Blanch
ed , of Uuntloy , took passage on the
"Alpena. " Gradually the names
pome iiand swell the Hit of victim ?
in one of the most terrible disasters
; hat this countiy has over known. It
.t now known that more than seventy
? aojlo wore aboard , The exdmina-
ion of the body of Edgar T. Locke ,
> f Now York , has just been comple-
ed , and divulge some interesting
) oinlsas regards the time the "Al
iona" went down. Locke carried a :
tile gold watch , and undoubtedly had
scw York time The watch had st ip
> ed at 11:40. : This would make the
etual time agree with the time on i
Jrossmim's watch , which stopped at
0:50 : , the difference of time between
his place and New York being about
0 minutes. The time of these
ratches agreeing so closely , and .
iken in connection with the testif f
lony of the vessel men who paw the
Alpoua , " Is inter lli > g. _ Tbero in
ame difference * of opinion as to
hethor ahe went down Saturday
1 irning or Saturday ir'ght. Captain
'Ison , of the schoonar "Holmes , "
tites that he was in company with
ie "Alpona" butweon 10 and 11
i the morning. She waa blowimr
cr whistle for assls'ance and showii g ; .
gnals of distress. From this it ia
rgued that she was wrecked Satur-
ay morning. But is most probab'e '
iat the disaster occurred at night.
.11 the bodies found wore but pw
Ally clothed , and showed evidence
f an attempt to dress hastily , Indi-
> ting that they had been to bed.
hen , too , as Captain Olson says he
as with the "Alpena" between 10
ad 11 in the mornln ? , it Is not likely
lat she wodld be wrecked and bodies :
ibmer cd so as to cause watchea to
op so soon after the "Holmes" left
2r. Also , a vessel supposed to have
sen the "Al ena" was sighted ofi
[ ilwaukee at dark Saturday evening.
CHICAGO , October 23 1 a. m.
ho Dropaller "Europe , " supposed to
wo been lost in the g-lo , arrived
2re yesterday. She weatheredwith
3 ? cousort schooner "Neelon , " at
io Manitous. The masts of some
inkcn steam barge have been discov-
ed off Two Rivers. A dispatch
om Holland says that the yarns re-
> ctlng on the people of that town are
ithout foundation , with the solo ex-
ption of some livery man. The
joplo are doing all in their powert
id ought not to bo blamed lore
o work of freebooters coming from
distance. ai
Barnum's Bugbear.
eclil Dispatch to The Bee.
NEW YOKK , October 23 1 a. m.
ie card of Chairman Barnum , of
tc >
o national democratic committee , tcm
larging that the republicans were m
Ionizing Florida with illegal voters , ra
13 attracted a great deal of attention , th
arshall Jewell in interview thIt
, an yes- It ;
rday , said that on the 8th hist , ho Itat
is informed by a custom house at- atav
che that a large number of men
jre being forwarded to Florida by la
e Mallery steamship line. Ho dep- laj
cated the information under the j
ea that the democrats could colonize .
orida easier by sending men over I.Hi
e borders from Georgtaaiid Alabama , Hiye
ibsoquontly , however , he was con- ye io
need that his information waa reli-
le , and telegraphed to F. W. Wick-
, collector at Key West , Flu. Tne
spatchq noted by Mr. Barnum , that
e " 'City of Dallas' had taken Spat
0 , 'State of Texas' 100 and 'Colo-
do' 103 , " meant that number of -
an Mr. Jewell explains the tele- at1J1
am to Charles G. ISoyes , at Jackson- 1J1
lie , Fia. , in which ho said : "I tele- of
aphed yesterday that 'I will provide th
requested for * Callender and your- COm
If as compensation. ' " Mr. Noyes , COC
10 is speaker of the Massachusetts C !
iuse of assembly , -with Mr. Callen- fein
r , a well known Boston lawyer , had in
en sent by the national committee It
canvass the state. They hid given fo
eir time had th
, worked hard and re-
lested the national committee tend thva
nd them funds to meet current trav- va
Ing expenses , and the dispatch was tii
response to this , and had no other
CLEVELAND , October 23,1 a. m. Sp
on. George Gorham explains the SpR
iwell dispatches , thus : That the R
mocrats obtained the dispatches , tr ,
Mr. Jewell explained them , tc
d said he could show W. so
Barnum many more like som
cm that were sent into Indiana to CO
irn republicans of the influx of th
mocratic repeaters and money into
at stato.
I jj
Railroad Smaah-up.
sill Uijpatch to The Bet. .
CANTONO. . , October 23 1 a. m. Tl
terrible accident occurred on the Jt
it Wayne road , near Alliance , yea69
ferday morning about 2 o'clock. A
fruiglu train ran into a freight train
preceding it , with the following result ,
a ? near as can bi ascertained here :
Tao engine of the second train was
fomplotely demolished , but not until
it had thrown at least three dozan cara
of the other train from the track ,
killed two train men and injured sav-
eril others. A number of hogs ware
prematurely cut into sausage meat.
The wheat , grain and merchandise In
the cars wore scattered along the road
promiscuously for a longdistance , and
the track torn up or twisted out
of shape. Freight traffic Is suspended
entirely , and passengers are transferred
aroond the ruins. It will take some
time to repair.
Her rother-in-Lz/.1 Takes
Her on His Lap and Stops
Her Respirations.
The Body Packed in a Trunk. I
SAN FRANCISCO , October 22. Qeo.
Wheeler , about thirty-five years of
age , gave himself into custody on
Wednesday night on the charge of
murder , and proceeded to narrate the
shocking story of hta crime with un-
piralldd coolHesa.Vnecler' \ wife ia a
year older than himself. They were
married in Boston eleven years ago.
His father is a Second Advent minis
ter in Gorhnm , Maine , and hla wife's
sister , Delia Tilsonj twenty-one years
old , wont with Wheeler and wife Irdm
Boston to Now York three years ago
and lived in the same room with them ,
though Mrs. Wheeler discovered illicit
relations between Wheeler and Delia ,
who had then become a mother. Since
that time nno'her ' child was the fruit
of this guilty relationship , though
both children died or were killed by
Wheeler. All continued to live to
gether , and came to Sau Francisco
six months ago , but Wheeler did not
get remuneratlvoemp ! < ! ymL nt and went
to Cisco to run an eu tno.Vlrile there
Delia received attention from George
Pftckham , arousing the jealousy of
Wheeler , who arranged that Delia
should accompany him to San Fran-
: isco , where Mrs. Wheeler joined
them. After receiving a remittance ,
Peckham visited Delia in San Fran
cisco and paid her attentions , taking
ier to a ride nnd to places of ainuse-
nents , staying out pretty late and
iccerdin to Wheeler's statement ,
lucceeded in establishing improper re-
ittohs With her and she agreed to go
way with him. Incensed by jealousy ,
kVheeler formed the desperate resolve
o take her life rather than have her
ive with the man. he called a gambler
nd blackleg. In his own words she
eemed to feel her disgrace very
eenly and begged him to cut her
hroat. She d'd ' not want
o go with PeckJlfWn , _ but
uch was his influecco over
lor th-'t she must go with him , and
ho said she would rather die than do
t. "Then she again asked me to cut
ier throat , " said Wheeler. "I told
ier that I could not do that , as I could
ot boar to see her blood , but I told j '
.er that I could choke her. She said , -
Very well , " and sat in my lap. I
laced one hand on her mouth and
rith the other grasped her thnnt.and
he , throwing her head back on my
boulder , died like a child. She strut- ; .
led but little at first. She looked
ito my eyes , and I , kissing her , told
er to { close her eyes , which she did ,
nd thus aha passed away. When I
Hind that she waa dead I opened her
unk , and , taking out her clothes ,
laced her in it. She was a slight ,
ellcate li'tle ' girl , and I doubled up
er legs and got her in without any
rouble. " s ,
"And why did you place her in the
unk ? Did you intend escaping ? "
"Oh , no , I never desired to escape
put her Into the trunk so that she
ould be out cf the way , if Peckham
imo into the room. 1 did not. waut
lat man to see her. I then , iu the
rening , gathered up my papers , and
little sack of bora and came to the
ty prison. "
"Do you not fool any remorse ? "
"Yes , I do. I am very sorry
ow that I did it ; butlcould not have '
cr go off with that man. I loved her
alter than my life. She waa always
ue to me , while my wife was not. "
"Why did you not take your sister
id leave the city ? "
"She did not -want to do that. She
id ! that wo did not have money
lough. She said that she preferred
die. She had repeatedly asked me
kill her within the last three
eeks. I knew that it would cost me
ly life to kill Delia , but I had
ither kill her than to see her with
tat man. I was willing to die for It.
is a hard thing'for a man as young
id healthy as I am to throw his life
vay. It ia terrible but I could not
ie my sister ruined , and I willingly !
y down my life for her. I want to
3 hanged as quickly as possible. If
had known as much about prison as
do now , I would have taken my own
fe and laid myself beside my darling
isterday. But that man Is to blame
r it all. I had to do It and I am
illing to suffer for it. "
Beginning Early ,
adal Dispatch to Tha Bee.
WASHINGTON , October 23 , 1 a. m.
-The house committee on approprl-
ions will meet in this city about the
Ith of November to prepare several
the appropriation bills BO as to have
icm in readiness to be acted on when
ingrees meets December G. Chair-
an Atkins has not yet notified
erk Stevens to issue the summons
r raembers.but be expects the meet-
g will be about the date indicated ,
is expected , if the estimates are
rthcoming , that the army , the navy ,
ie pensionthe military academy and
e diplomatic bills will bo In an ad-
mced state of preparation by the
me congress meets.
Chicago's Industries.
ecbl Dispatch to The Bee.
CHICAGOOctober23 la. m. Chss. ,
andolph , secretary of the board of
ade , who was appointed by the Unl
d States superintendent of the cen
ts to take the census of Chicago's
auufacturing interests , has just
impleted the task , and forwarded
te result to SVashington. There are Si
752 manufactories of various kinds
the city and the adjacent towns of
yde Park and Like Vlaw. These
npU.y 113,507 hands , and the capl-
1 invested amounts to 880,692,102.
he prrducts for the year ending
me 1,1880 , amounted to § 293,405-
The Fall Campaign Opens
Up Kaihsr Lively in
Colorado ,
A Lively M'dnight Battle Be
tween the Utea and Moun
tain Kangers ,
Six Hundred Gallons of Tan
glefoot Seized from the
Victoria's Villaics Wiped Out ,
War With the Utes.
Special DIapatch to The Bea.
LEADVILIB , Col. , October 22 3 p.
m. William Campbell arrived in this
city last night post haste from Jack's
Cabinj eight miles fronrtho Ute reser
vation , and reports that a bloudy bat
tle occurred batween a body of volun
teer rangers from the Gunnison dis
trict , commanded by a noted Indian
fighter named Jack Harrison , and a
band of Utes some fifty in number , in
which severe ! Indiana were killed and
wounded. The light was opened
about midnight , by the Indians
approaching the camp where the white
men , 35 strong , werej ] spending the
nlglit. It wan kept up two or three
hours , the white Inell tiring at the
flash of the Indian riik'B. The Utea
retired with at least two killed and
several wounded. Only 0:10 of the
white * wai hurt , receiving a slmht
wound in Ills furahearfcau33d by a Ute
rifle ball rebounding frun thesurface of
the rock behind which he liy con
cealed. The trail of the Indiini led
for two miles straight back to the re
servation and then digressed in n con-
tr ry course , beyond its boundaries.
.Kmmott Turns tfp.
Special Dispatch to'The Ueo.
CINCINNATI , October 22t p. m.
J. K. Einmett , th-5 actor suddenly
turned up here last ninht with two bjg
trunks and about § 1500 iu money.
He walked into the hotel , fuid ho
wanted a berth and wanted to see
Manager Miles. lie was anon fast
aileop where he fris remained over
since. He hai seen no one to-day.
He will bo well cared for and his com
pany in St. Louis has been telegraphed
to come here.
Moonshine Uah.
Special Dispatch to Tua Bu.
ATLANTA , G.i , October 23. Collec
tor Clsrk'd deputies report another
successful raid on the moonshiners ,
th.B time seizing four larsc illicit
iistilltiriesand GOO gallons of crooked
whisky , and destroying 7,000 gallons
if mash and beer. His force is 1-irgtj
nd well armed with cirblues. Fur-
; her seizures will soon be raaae.
.Life Sentence.
ipeclal Dispatch to The I > ee.
KOKOMO , Ind. , OctobeJ 22 , 4 p. m.
James Uoyues , who killed his fain-
ir some months ago , yesterday
entonced to prison for lifts. There
ras no trial the sentence being com-
iromlso. There is great indignation
.nd talk of lynching.
"Wiped Out.
pedal Dispatch to TUB DKB.
CUICACO , October 22 4 p. m. Sheridan has just received
rom El Paso a confirmation of the
lows of the annihilation of Victoria's
ndians by Mexican troops.
The Last of Vlc.orla.
peclal dispatch to the Ceo ;
CHICAGO , October 23 1 a. m.
-Gen. Sheridan received the follow-
-t , yesterday afternoon , transmit-
ed through Col. Hatch , on Santa Fe
a General Pope , at Ft. Leavenworth :
ALVASA , Tex , Oct. 10.
The following is just received ,
rhich please forward :
en. Buell , Alpasa : .
DEAK SIR At this moment I re-
sived a letter from my brother from
'arias ! , in which he says the fullow-
ig : "I have the pleasure to com-
tunicate to the general that wo have
j-dsy received the very good news
iat Joquin Terrasea has destroyed
early all the Indians of Victoria and
is party. This I have learned from
tie young Ascanate , who arrived hero
ith a. picket force to escort some
agons which were sent from here
rith provisions for the troopa. The ;
DTair occurred as folio wa : On
lie 14th , in the after-
eon , the forcea met the Indiana. An
ttack waa ordered at once , but not-
ithatauding the immediate execution
f thia order , the Indiana took posl-
iona on two hills , called Lis Castilloa
altierrago , and were surrounded &t
nee. Finally tha Indians had to
atiro to one hill. In the night the
roops took their positions , and at
in rise opened firing which was kept
p until nine in the morning , when it
niahpd , leaving Victoria with fifty
rown Indians and eighteen women !
ad children dead. Some seventy
omen and childen were taken prls-
tiers , and 250 animals recovered. I
Ivu you this news with pleisure. and ,
3main yours ,
( Signed ) "MARIANO S\NNIGO. "
As previously rep Tied iu the com-
lunication froin'Tornisis ou the night
I the 10th. , that the further advance
F my command in'o Mexico would be
bjtctionable , henca my withdrawal c
om the trai1 , I believe this report tea
a correct. 1
( Signed ) BUEU , ,
Col. Hitch also believes thia report
> be reliable.
WASHINGTON , October 23,1 a. m.
. telegram , confirming the killing of
'ictoriianda number of his band ,
ad the cinture of the remainder by
Eexican troops , was received at the
ar oflice yesterday afternoon. The
eath of this war-like chief relieves
10 Meiican frontier of the only hos-
le band of Iniliins in that section ,
ad the troops that have so long been
n his trail can now be concentrated
> r effective work against the Utes ,
i case there is any necessity for it.
jecUI DUpitchea to TflS B .
The coroner's jury in the Cincin-
ati Hey disaster exonerates Mr. Bey ,
ad says that there were ample means
f egress , and also exonerates the fire-
len from an any charge of negligence ,
'he ' death of the women is ascribed
3 the effect of panic.
Son , Daniel WYoorheea left
York last nfght for Indiana. He
ciu''hl , a sovcro cold during the siatt-
canvass , and has boon for R few days
under the care of Dr. Wco3.
The general passenger agents"of the
New York trunk lines sent to the rail
road companies which are engaged in
the southwestern passenger war , a request -
quest that through roads to the east
should not bo disturbed. They al1
sent a request to maintain convention
The signal corpi station at Block
Island reports as Mlowe , The steau
propeller "S. N. Schuylor" run ashen
at Crone Poiut at G p. m. Thursday on
her way from Newport to Block Is
land. The vessel is a total wreck ,
No lives Io3t.
The Giroco-TCoraan wrestling matcl :
Thuwd.iy niijht , between Policemar
James Qaigloy , champion amateur o
Amecici , and Peter Snyder , amateu
champion of Missouri , for the ama
tear championship of America , was
won by the latter ;
John B. Arthur was to have been
hanged at Jefferson , Johnaou county ,
Ga. , last Friday for the murder of
Mra. Stuan Hill , but a respite
granted for one week , that investiga
tion into his monlal condition might
be made.
D. M. Dowitt , a druggist of Act"n ,
Ind. , win , for several day past , has
showed symptoms of an unsound
mind , Thurcday took , either purpose
lyor by mistake , ICO grains of hydrate
drato of chloral , causing death in
about thirty minutes.
Tncro were no now developments in
the Spraguu Oanonchet matter last
ni h' , rumors to the contrary not
Now Yorls Money nnd Stocks.
WALL ETRKIT , Octobers' .
Money S ; excb&nsro 8t uly at $4 82JQ J S5.
U S. fi's , ' 81 1 04j US.4's 1 00 }
U. S fa 1 0 > l Currency 6'S. . . .1 5
U.S 4a 1 10j
. \cthe ; JocllnoJ 1 to Sc ; recovering i@5.
TV U 102i Lsckiwanna J4 }
N. Y. C. 13 ? nUt'son ' Canil. . . .SO
Erie 4EJ N JC " 53
I'rercrreJ 74 { M * E UD ;
R. 1 121J RraJlBif. 68
L.S. 114 > iMpfd 51
Northwestern 116J O&M 21 }
P/cferred U9 BiS , . . . 10 ?
PM 40 Denver 72
Ohio 33J Offljha 40i
Precrr < .il 7J Preferred 8 *
St.l'aul 1034 LiN 101
Preferred 117 K.&T 373
St. Joe 411 C S CC
Preferril SOi A&P 4- }
\Vabanh 35J IllinoU. Ill
PrcfO'cil 73J CP 71
Union Pa&fio 92 C& 1 774
C. C & I C 10 Am Ex OlJ
Mlchiic&n Central. . 105 Pittabur 124
Chicago Proauco Market.
, CHICAGO , October 22.
The leading grain markets opened
dull and lower than on yesterday , but
afterwards became stronger under a
cud demand , from shorts and the de
cline , and the decline was more than
Wheat No. 2 spring sold at flOlc
31 01 for November ; § 1 00j@l 02g for
December ; closing at § 1 00 for caah
r > r October ; § 1 01 for November ; and
51 02i@l 02jj for December.
Corn Closed l@ c higher than
24 hours ago ; the closing figures of
tfo. 2 , being 30\c \ for cash or October ;
lO@40jc for November ; 40Jc for De-
sember , and 45 c for May.
Oats Closed at ijfc better than :
resterday , No. 2 cfosing at 29 c for
a9h or October ; SOc for November ;
iojc tor December ; and 34i3 for May.
llye Was quiet at 83c for cash ;
! 3ic for November ; and 84 @ 85c for
Barley Was quiet and l@lic lower ;
tfo. 2 quoted at 82jc forcashf 83c for
) ctobor ; and 82(582 ( 0 for November ,
Whlsky-Sl 11.
Pork Mess closed at 818 75 for
ash ; 811 80@11 82i for November ;
111 80 for December ; and 812 Go ®
2 GO for January.
Lird Closed 88 00 cash or October ;
7 8'Ji for Novomhe ; $7 80 forDocem-
icr ; and $7 807 82i for January.
Chicago Llvo Stock Market.
CHICAGO , October 22. a
Hcgs In large supply and lOc per
.00 Ibs. lower ; sales at $4 4o4 GO
or liiht ; packing and shipping ; 84 30 oI
D4 GO for heavy packing ; 84 50@4 80 . I „
or good to choice smooth heavy
hipping lots ; receipts , 34,710.
Cattle The largo number of corn-
neil and medium grades of stock left
iver from yesterday and the liberal re-
aipti to-day with several hundred of
leer and medium calves from Ohio
nd other eastern points among the
rrivals caused dull and unsatisfactory
narket all round. Good to choice
radca were in light supply , aud for
nything answering this diacription ,
here were buyers , and prices ruled
teady and firm. But for poor quan-
itiea lower figures had to ba submtt-
ed to , and only a lot of cows changed
lands to a city butcher at 82 40.
Hhor grades had not passed the scales
ip to 11 o'clock , fresh receipts were
1,300 head.
New York ProduceJMarket.
NEW YORK , October 22. i
Flour Dull and in buyers' favor ;
eceipts 10,485 ; round hoop Ohio ,
4 7535 00 ; choice do , 85 10@G 00 ;
uperfine western S3 80@4 25 ; common
o good extra do , 84 25@4 50 ; choice
x > , -84 75SG50 ; choice white wheat
o. S46o@485.
Wheat Irregular ; Chicago , 8114
5115 ; Milwaukee , 8116 ; No. 2 red
rintor , § 1 IG ] ® ! 17 ; sites , 400,000.
Butter Unchanged and quiet ;
) luo
Eggs Dull at 19@20o for fair to
Corn Quiet ; No. 2 , at 65c ; sales
Oats Quint.
Pork S13 00 bid for October ;
13 70 asked for November ; $12 50 ®
4 00 for seller for the year.
L rd § 8 47 asked for cash ; $8 40
? 8 40J for October : S3 35@8 37i for !
November ; $8 57 (38 ( 35 for Decam-
er ; 58 308 35 for January ; § 8 32l@
40 for February ; 88 27 < § 8 32 for sel-
sr for the year.
St. Louis Produce Market.
ST. Lenis , October 22.
Flour Top grades 5c lower ; choice ,
5 0035 20 ; fancy. ? 5 35@5 70.
Wheat Opened lower ; but ad-
anced No. 2 red , OOgc ® ! 00 fcr
ash ; 99ic@Sl 00 for October ; 81 001
91 01 | For November ; § 1 03J01 04J
sr December ; § 104J@1 05 | for Jnu-
ry ; No. 3 , do , 93.g'J4o ; o. 4 , do ,
Corn Lower at 39jje for cash ;
jc for November , 3M@39gc fcr
) ecember ; 44@44gc for Slay.
Oats Higher ; 2929gs for caa
OJc for December ; 35c for May ;
or the year ,
V- }
Wholcsnlcfiiiml Retail MHBH
O fncturliiR _
Gold and Silver lYatcheg
and Jcive'ry in the
Come and See Our Stock
as We Will Be Pleased
to Show Goods.
15th .t Dmlsto , Opposite Postoflice.
Iron and Wagon Stock ,
4t Chicago Prices.
1209 and 1211 Harncy Street , Omaha ,
llye Hinher at 83 < 3S4c.
Barley Quiet at G595c.
Lead Quiet at 84 50.
Butter Firmer ; dairy , 202Gc.
Engs Better at 15I5ic.
Whisky Steady at ? 110.
Pork Lower at SI 5 25.
Dry Salt Moat ? Steady at 8-i 90(5 (
' 70@7 05.
Bacon Higher at gj G2AS 75 ®
Lard Lower at 88 00.
Receipts Flour 7,000 bbls , wheat
24,000 bu.corn 29,000buoat3 34,000
> u , rye 1,000 bu , barley 10,000.
Shipments Flour 12,000 bbls ,
rheat 80,000 bu , corn 45 000 bu , oati
,000.bu , Hyo , 2,000 ; Barley , none.
St. Louis Live Stocz Market.
ST. Louis , October 22.
Hogs Slow and lower ; Yorkers
nd Ualtimores , 84 204 45 ; mixed
asking , 84 20 4 00 ; butchera' to
mcy , § 440@4 GO ; receipts 77,000 ;
iilpments , 47,000
peclal dispatch to 'ITie Bee.
LONDON , October 23 1 B. m. A
'ape Town dispatch sxys the Baiutoa
re showing a determined front , and
xhlbit great bravery. The official
ccount of th < * late bittlo admits
hat Gen. Clarke , before relieving
rlafetcncen , and while feeling of the
nomy , fell Into an ambuscidp , and
oat forty men in killed and wounded.
? he Capo government are now fully
live to the seriousness of their posi-
ion , and intend reinforcing their
roops. But in the meanwhile the
olnnteers will have to bo raised ,
Irilled and equipped , and the early
uppression of thu Basnto outbreak
vlll have to bo abandoned. Part of
he London press condemn the Cape
ifficials with endeavoring to garble
ho telegrams sent to England , and
llego that the reported successes are
ittle better than a failure. Brig.-
5en. Clark's position is very precari-
us , as ho is known to be very short
f provisions.
pedal dispatches to The Bee.
The ceremony of churching the
ueen took placa at the chapel royal ,
ladrid , yesterday , in the presence of
brilliant assemblage. There was an
mmense crowd within and outside the
The steamer "Latcham , " Captain
leynolds , from New York to London ,
est all her cargo on deck , and had
ier cargo shifted.
Gambotta's orgins are beginning to
iress the ministry to enforce the ro-
igioua decrees once for all. The cabl-
let may be overturned if the govern-
aent refuses to go on to that end.
A cable special says it is reported
hat the British government has made
11 its preparations for the immediate
irosecution of thirteen leading raem-
lers of the land league , and it is gen-
rally believed that Parnell is among
he number.
A great firu yesterday morning , at
5ermondaey , suburb of London ,
estroyed the extensive wool ware-
onaea of Jones & James , and Lords
f Eddlerteln. The losa is estimated
t half a million dollars.
A dUpatch has been received from
he British consul at the Samoan Is-
ind , requesting that a man of-war be
tatloned in those waters.
A dispatch from Re/wio , the exten-
Ive southern seaport on the coait of
taly , and capital of the province of
lalabrla , states that the city h.-vi been
wept by a hurricane , doing consider-
ble damage to buildings and vessels
i the harbor. No lives ara reported
) St.
For some years there has been at
'ulharo , a suburb of London , a con-
ent known as thu lit. Car.nel Her-
litage , and occupied by nuns of Car-
lelito order. A new houao of exten-
ivo dimension * , and with a very
andsome church attached to it , has
been built for them , and of this thi-y
took poa-wasiou yesterday. It h sit
tinted at the north end of Fulhrun.
Sir William Vornoii H rcourthomu
secretory , received a deputation f
leading liborala of Glasgow , who wished
him to address the citizen * of Glas
gow at some future timf , but at the
j > roM iit jiiocturo ho jouid not with
propriety speak publicly upon politi
cal matters.
The interest in the Internationsl
boat race continues nnabated , and the
movements of the men who are to par
ticipate are engorly wxtchud , and fur
nish the topic of general discussion.
Yesterday llanlon had a sharp pull
from Putney to Birnos. Itiley waa
only out for p.n hour. Brlckett took
quiet oxorciso.
Troops will shortly proceed Io
B-tntreo , Ireland , ss the district will
Boon be proclaimed in a state of
disorder. Acts of violence nnd In.
timtdation still continue in the west >
Coroutine of the entire herd * of HcBiHle&
Dnuo , and Vamlerool Proa. , and draft * from
the herds of U. C Dawson and T. 1 * Qnlck , wilt
beheld at
Lincoln.'Neb. Nov. 11 and 12 , ' 80.
Sale wilt commence at 2 o'clock p. m. , of the
llth , and close on the 12th. at which time there
will be sold at public utictlun
of which number 30 held ar * breedlntrcowt and
hrlfcii ; 17 ire bull * , most ) } je rings and In
crime condition for aervlce. All are thoroughbred -
bred and In eood condition , and will bo lold to
the highest bidden , on easy terms.
Ko ucrd rat's have bocn obtain d on all nil * In Nebraska leading to the city , and at the
There will also be sild a few lhoronghbrf l
Jerseys , both males and females , aod a fln lot
of irradeaof both fahorthorn and Jersey Tali -
tieg. Also a late lot of
Berkshire & Poland-China Pigs ,
of the ri tit ] ge nnd aim fur Immeditte aerrlce.
Catalogue1 ! will be maitel free on application to
the Nebraska Farmer , Unco'n ' X b. Term ! tf
ralo will bo announced .V. openln ? of the sals.
022-20 nSwtt
Safe , Certain , Sure and Speedy.
the only article known that Wil/
eradcafeidisease \
permanentfytramVn&sysfe/n ,
General Agents ,