BEK. r . . Friday .Morning , Oct. 22. Pat rson bells coal- SaxL for.iinc bath iponges. Sce'Polack'B advertisement. ' ' Dentrifice. -For'the teeth , Kuhn'e Frederick's. Winter caps cheap at Try-Saxe's new Five Cent Cigar. Omalia Ferry. P rter is rnnninf ; the Industrial school d nner to day. -Standard Club parly last evennr. IJuUericVs patterns at CruickBhankV. Lubiu'fcbulk perfume at Kuhn's ou'y. Tne Cecilian concert will be the event of to-night. BUS I1 THE WOULD Bazar Patterns at EushrnanV tf G lox e fitting The democratic primaries took place st evening , from 5 to 7 o'clock. -Tho jury in tliellaller caw disagreed nml was discharged this mining. -The best of meaUat Bath & White'B market , opposite the postoffice. 29-tf The eani banks on the Iowa side of the river , are covered ducks and geese. Bath & White , opposite the post- office , receive fresh fish every Thursday. twt-tf For 1-ands , Lots , Houses and Farms , look over Bcmis' new column on first page. Bargains. Wednef dy There was otfy one arrest > his fine and was and the Individual paid released. First class prairie hay was selling on the streets Wedtesday , at from § 0.50 to SS.OOperton. The Northwestern train was an hour late y"esterd7y.an3 the.mailltrain from the west islialf an lr u. late. Houses and Lands. Look - Lots , Farms , m-er 3Jemw''n < w column of bargains on 1st page. page.Tlio Omaha ' Sportmen's club met last evening to choose siJes for the annual hunt to take place on next Wednesday. -Ju t Arrived-The nobbiest Healing Steve fortheseaBoaof 1880 has just ar rived at Wm. F. Stoetzels. ott 9-3t Superintendent Pierce , of the Poor Farm , has a fine , healthy , three weeks' nld , girl baby , to give away. Inquire at the poor hocse. ° 2 < J-2t Mm. H. L. Latcy , Prof. M. Calm , Mesa * . Frank S. an < I J. L. Smith , and J. W.iandValterWilkins will participate in the Cecilian concert. There is plenty of work for laboie B in the country. A BEE reporlcr not ced seve ral farmers in town Wednesday inquiring forhauJs to hupk corn. Tr.e new buBines * block between 1th and 14th stro ts , on Haruey , is going up rjpidly. It will probably be finished ar out tjo fiifct of December. A'ferocious and panguinary dig-fight , n the corner of 13th and Douglas ftreeis , attracted qu'te a crow dot men and boys for a short time Wednesday afternoon. The Tenth .Street Industrial tchool dinner is in progress yesterday and was fol lowed by a nuppe--Ifbl evening , at the corner of Eleventh iiud Furnham. Mrs. C. D. O'Neill , of Council Bluffs , Miss Ca'derwo- , Miss Mattie hetn dy , and Mr. W. O. Sanders , bing at the Cecil- uu Cviic rt. A careless man on horseback run o\ er a H i all boy m Souih Omaha Wednesday , breaking 1 is nose and a leg. We hoj > e thi individual \\ill bcfouud aud made to pay for his criminal carelehmiesu. Maty Anderson will apjicar in this city Xov. let ; Neil Buwess in Widow J > dott , Oct. 2ath , Katie Putnam Nov. > rd and 4th. Other companies are booked for more remote dates. Fredtnck Linding IMtcr. Stnre crowded with Stetson's fi n st and nobbiest Hats. You can buy a/ne lint of Fn-de- rirk chea | > er than common Hats elsewhere. A cfill inll .Sofc .l .lciif for Vt/ort * Halt. Miss StaciaCrowley willreadMrs. R. C. Chamberlain will recite , and Mr. lincraricli the renowned Zither plnyer. w ill dcigU the people at the Academy thin evening. Reserved Beats at Max Meyer's , 5J cents. The government work en the levee , mar the foot of Farnham street , is pro- g -os.iug finely. About 409 yards of the b ink have been covered with young wil- lo * , entwined and interlaced so as to cf- fcitiially prevent auy further undermining by the river. Cpt. Porter's ferry at the foot of Farnham street , transferred at one trip , Tueilay , three emigrant teams and twelvs head of hjrees. The steam ferry also land ed two emigrant teams yesterday. They were all going to take up government latids iu the western part cf this state. The Omaha & Southwestern and Oma. } \ \ & Korthwestern embankment , crof-ing Irani the foot of Douglas street to tte U. P. railway , was finished W dnesday. Mr. Grabbert , the contractor , has been working B > \dily at it for the past two months , acd "Wednesday cveningthelaBtloftd ofdirtwai tlumjicd and levelled. Track-laying will commence immediately and it will prob * . lily be in use in a short time. The pall-bearern at ihe funeral of the lute Mi& Agnes M. Kilc.i , which took p ace nt 2 p. m. Wedn' slay , were Messip. < .ieo. Pattrrs n , Joe Lehmer , Jas. Ito p , Kichard Carrier , Wil Ogden and Will Itedick The shop hands attended the i-crvices in a body , about ODO strong. The Ken ices were iiuptessive and beautiful and at the grav e its gloom wa hidden in a pro fusion of vines , foliage , aud flowers. Dr. Peck , of this city. We nssday , t ur- ihased A n and splendid let of doube harness for his well-known trotter , Ran ilall , a d a nand-ome little mare which he liai recently bought , aud , which he inUndi driving ith Randall. The mare is said to hive trotted in a 3:15 race when 3 years old , and , Randa < l , ai js wel. known , his a record of 2:24. The nevvhameos S'ts both horses off to advantage , and they will make a fine team. The owner may well be proud of them. A runaway took place Wcdnepday on Frnh tin ctr t , nsarthe riverwhUh rams uearrwiulting eriju ly. A te m bplons- ing it a farmer who had just cro eed from tli ? Iowa side of the river took fright at a pming engine and galloped tip the hill at foot of HVmham street. Just befo e reaching the top of the hill , the w .gon took aiOiJed wu the tteep bnuV aid upset. T > e farmer accompani" ' 'ij * hole load f turnip ; end c ' s nSlnl to the to' torn of the ul'ih" tem tto ped of ! th ir own accord. he owner after' on- Ktdcrabl tr ublc i . t ghtinj tl'e wagou , lu-c vered that e < > ! ] iing wa * broken and * weiit on his way rejoicing. BesietraUon Notice. S ate of Neiraska Douglas Oo. -Notice i § hereby given that I will r.ilui the etoro of Edward Lucas , cor- Jiurof Thirteenth and Chicago streets , hiober.25.h , 20 h and 30th , for the purpose of correcting the voting lust i 'he Fifth ward. \VAKEFILLD , Jteghtrar of the Fifth ward , Omaha , THE BUST BEES , An Excellent Entertainment at the Christian Church Last Night. The Busy Bee entertainment at the Christian church on Tuseday even ing last was in every way a very great success. This was their second ap pearance in public , and each time they acquitted themselves in such a way as to elicit tlie praise of every one who had the good fortune to bo in attendance. \Nhen the curtain parted for the Crat time it revealed to the audience the intelligent face of Slits Maggie Richards , who recited in a clear , forci ble manner a short poem prepared for the occasion , setting forth the origin , purpose aud success of the society , which was organized about one year ngo , wilh only five or six members , and it now numbers thirty , and a group of more intelli gent , cheerful boys and girls would be nard to find. They hare raised in money over 5250 , in this brief year , basidcs accomplishing a world of good in other directions. After the intro duction by MIBS Maggie , there was a regular "Sarm of Bees , " that brought every bee in ilu hive , upon the stipe. Each ono repeated a , verse with the word be , in it , then united hi ai'iciug an original oong composed for the occasion. " \Vhonnext the curtains puted , it was to reveal to the audience the bright , chserful face of Miss Poll } ' Goldsmith , who recited in a most cbarmiug manner , "Womnn'KWurk. " This was followed by a sontj , "Cap tain Jinks , " sung by Miss Birdie Richards , a little girl of only four or five years , dreseed iu soldier uniform. This was tco much for the audience , and for a time , it eccmcd , when the cheering would subside the house would be roofless. They called for Miss B-rdie a ain and would t&keuo denial. Shu returned , lifted her cap nod Bang , "Little Brown Jusj , " in a manner to delight every one. MissBfdie Adams who , by the way , surpasses anyone of her age we have lately heard , as a reader , recited , iu costume , a leng'h. poemcalled "The Old Man at School.7' She carried the a-idience by storm The real "hit" of the evening was a in rna"fl ceremony peif < rmed by Mas ter ' ' "Vic. " Rosewater , Mr. Hirry Sharp nnd Miss 31 ry Stephens , in- ; the happy couple united. Vic cemmly cannot be surpassed as an uf ficiatini ; clergyman. The audience refused to be sa'isned until the wed ding WBS repeated. Several little cirl * , tircs-td to represent id * > al old innida , sang an old maid's sing loth great Htmistmpnt of the children. The last tcene , in all look pirt , was truly beautiful. In the cen ter of the s ajre was a rnck containu g a lir e , costly Bible. This was surrounded by sheaves of wheat ncely bound a d tied wuh pink rihron. The rhildten formed around tlrs in a hxlf circle , with Birdie Richards at one end and lit le Ueulah Slutp at tha Each child hi Id in one hand a bunch of wheat buund with airbun , and reported - ported a pasiauo of s > .rip ure havingm it "The word of ( JoJ " ' Then "a 1 m ted in H 'gtiiR "We are tin- Keat orB"and whi'e singing the e-hoius for the last t-mo Birdie and Beulah met in the center of the s aqe ; , putt - t n. ; QHch an arm around the other , and crossing their tiny theavos ol nhost before them , remained in this attitudu until the curu-n closed. The Busy Boos were grt-atly aideo by the deaf mutes fr < in the Instill te. Prof. Rted recited in the muiclin- KURge a mnst charming etnry of two negr < es stealing melons. With a briel hint at the story beforehand , the au dience had no trouble in tind"ratand- inu ; every of it. Mrs. Reed re- ci'cd "Nearer , my God , to The. * , " by Eignp , in a manner as beautiful as1 ii was surprising and entertaining to the audience. 'The Temptation" anc "Tricks of Trade" were performed b > the mutes , to the creat delight of all. Wo hope the Busy 33eea will soon bs EO numerous as to make another swarm necessary. Zephyrs and Java Canvas Cash mere ? , Germautown Yarn and ladies aud gentlemen's Dndeiwear , large as sortment Cloakings , Ulster and Dress Cloths , just received , at L. \VilIiaais & Son's. BIDS ON BONDS. CITY CLEKK'S OFFICE , ) OMAHA , Oct. 21,1880. J Sealed proposal ! will be received by the undersigned at his oflica until 7:3C o'clock Monday evening,0ctober 25th , A. D. 1880 , for the purchase of $ C6- 100 of bonds of the city of Omaha , described as follows : One hundred and twenty bonds ol five hundred dollars each , and sixty- one bonds of ono hundred dollars each , all dated November lit , 1880 , aud bearing interest at the rate cf seven per cent per annum , interest payable semi-auuually at Kouctza Bros' , banking house in the city of I ew York , and the bonds redeemable on the first day of November , 1900 , at the same bank. Said bids shall ppecify the price that will be paid and the Amount of bonds proposed to bo taken. Envtlopaa con taining said proposals or bids shall be marked " .Bids on Bonds , " ba ad dressed to the undersigned , and be delivered before the expiration of ; bo time above specified. The city couu cil reserves the right to reject any or all bids. By order of the city ccun oil. J. F. MCCAETXET , oct21-4t City Clerk. A laige assortment of boys and mcns' overcoat * , pants , vest , coats , suits ; also a full line of gents furnish ing goods , at 1'oUck'e , Farnham street , near Fourteenth. o21-3t Apples by the b r-el at BufLt'e. REMARKABLYLOW PRICES. There is no expense connected with our Cloak Department. See them at Bushman's. 21-2t Largest , best selected and finest stock of SOLID SILVERWARE in the city , just received , at Edholm A EricksouV , opposite postoflico. Full line of new and elegant pat terns of suitings , coats , pnt , and vests just in , at L. B. Williams & Sun's. This department is now under the special management of J. H. Stein , who u one of the best cutters in the west , and is known to many of eur citizens. No trouble to show goods. Call and get prices. L. B. WILLIAMS & Sox's. Apples by ihe barrel at Buffet'f. PERSONAL PARAGRAPHS. A. T.Wilkirs left forLaramie yesterday Captain Marsh has gone toGreen River. Major Chambers arrived from the cast yesterday. AL Patrick arrived from the east yes terday morning. Thos. L. Kimball came in from Chicago yest r morning. E. R. Frenchof Boston , came in yester day from the east. Hon John Toinlin , of Otoe.waa in the city "Wednesday. Hon. J. H Mickey , ef Polk county , was in the city yesterday. Ex-Senator Tiplcn took the noon train yesterda for the west. Mr. H. a Elwin , of Chicago , passed through the city Wednesday ea route for Denver. W , E. "VVilking , of the Master Me chanic * ' depaitment , U. & X. railroad , went west yesterday. Bishop H. H. Kavanaugh and party , of Louisville , Ky. , passed through the city Wednesday west bound. Mr. A. 11. Penn , of Hastings , was in the city yes' erday on a business vi-it. Ho reports everything flourishing in Hastings Sirs. Leland Edwards and her father Tunis Van Antwerp , E = q , of New York are visiting their relat ves , Cart J. S Wood and family , of this city. Omaha Working ntn's Sporlmen's club held their regular monthly meeting last evening , audha\edeciJcdto hold the ! fall hunt on the 22nd of this month , nnd game to be counted the 21st at 4 p. m. it the club room. Sid 8 have been chosen for the hunt. AppLs by the barrel at Buflet's. California Peara , Plums , Grapes , etc. , at Tizard's Palace. o21 tf Reduction In prices , eupeiiority maintained , Astor House , N. Y. olGlm FLOCU POTS Car load at Evans' , Fourteenth and Dodge streets. o9 t-tli&i _ RANGES ! RANGES ! ! The best ranges in the market at the' lowest possible prices at 11. Tros- sins , 1111 Douglas street. o20t4 Mrs. M. Cox , Fashionable Dress Mak-r , 317 Fifteenth street , between Davenport and Chicago. MR. EEXEST KREBES , manager of the Nebraska Vinegar Works , has en- lurged the capacity of his factory , and is turning out the best vinegar in the west , and his always on hand a large Strck of DISTILLED WINE VINEGAR. CIDKR VIXEfiAR and WIXE VISEOAE , which is offered at the lowest rates Sir. Krcbes1 vinegar took the first premium at the Nebraska State F-iir. sat-tu-th - - _ BAI CAINS IN SILK AXD WORSTED SCITS at McDosM.D it HAUKI&ON'S. tu-th COOKING STOVES , With a full set of furni-rr * ft r § 11.00 and up aid at the Stovi Store of R Trojsin , 1111 Dougla-s street. Pncos exceedingly low. Crtlland see for younehvs. o20-4t WATCHES AND DIAMONDS , in larger quantities than evjr b fore at Edhulm & Erickson's , < pposito the poatoflice. Acir load of \11TQENWAUE , Jugs , Jars , Milk t'.ins , Tea Pots , Fruit JIK , Churns , etc. , etc. , wholesale and retail. ; .t Evans , Four teenth and Dodqt > t-treet. t-th s If you have tried everything rl-e. without receiving any benefit , call al 230 Dodge street , north side , between 13ih and 14th , and see the agent for Isanc Nichols' American Remedy. olGeodlm OYSTER SUPPER , ccr. llth and Farnham. Mr. D. Sullivan , who has been a resident of Omaha for the last twenty years , and well known to the most oi our citizens , has entered into a copartnership with his three sons , and opened a Hardware and Tinware Store , at 1410 Farnham street , oppo site the old Grand Central. Mr. Sul livan's sous are all practical mechanics and thoroughly understand the busi ness , and are prepircd to do nil kinds of roofing , guttering , and tin work generally , at prices lower thn ever before. The firm has bought their immense stock , direct from the manu facturers fur cash , and will give prices that will actually astonish buyers They have on Innd a Urge assortment of the best heating stoves in the market , a full line of cooking stoves , ranges , ifcc. , &c. Also a fine line of shelf hardware , tinware , Ac. The integrity of Mr. D. Sullivan , as is well known , is up to the standard and the came can he said of his sons. Parties needing any thing in their line wll do well to tive them a call ; look through their stock and get their prices. octlO-3 Largest stock of JEWELRY at Ed- helm &Ericksnn's , opposite postoffice. SPECIAL NOTICE. Owing to a large portion of our goods coming in from the foreign mar kets late , we have abandoned the idea of a formal opening. Lidies will ro- ceiva every att ntton when looking throush our mammoth stock of La dies' Suit * , Cloiks , Corsets , Hosiery , Underwear and Fancy Neck "Wear , all of which are of the most desirable styles and patterns. Black Silk- Suits from § 25.00 up. Worsted Suits $5 00 up. Call and inspect these goods. MoDoxALD & HARRISON , olGsat-tn-th 1408 Farnham St. A Card. I have received my fall and winter stock , consisting of a full assortment of 1 > dies' , gents' , boys' and children's boots and shoes all from the best manufacturers of St. Louis and Phila delphia. I keep no shop work , and you find at my store only honest and tair goods. Every pair warranted , and sold at bottom prices. No better goods are brought into this market , hnn I handle. I mean what I say , and say what I mean , that Phillip Lang's is the cheapest place for boots and shoes in the city. PHILLIP Lixo , 1318 Farnham street. Come in and see our stock. We will > e pleased to show you our goods. EDDOLM & EKICKSOX'S , Opposite postoffice. Strange Stories. About 2 o'clock this morning a prominent and veracious gentleman of this city was on his way homo from his business , which keeps him out un til that hour every night. He was passing up Douglas street , and was just in front of Hickman's , when oul from the doorway sprang an animal , which took its stand directly in front of him , as if to oppose further pro gress. He said lo him self , Piuaforically , "It is the cat. " The moonlight soon ds- polled that illusion however , and as the animal , which he says was about as largo as a tall grown wild cat , with hair bristling up and oyoi flashing fire approached him , he heat a dignifiec but decided retreat. It still followct him until ho broke into a double quick and took refuge on the stair-waj leading to the Republican office. It left the vicinity soon ant he went home by another route. He is certain tbal it was some wild animal , and thinks it may have been one of the pet wolves or other animals owned about town , which had made its escape from con finement. This morning a covey of wild chick ens flew over Cruickshank's store , anc ono of them fell through the elevator into the basement story below , where it was captured and detained as a hostage by Mr. Falconer , who exhib its the trophy with considerable pride. Apples by the barrel at Buffet's. WoEhTED SUITS FROM 55 UPWARDS AT aicDoxALD & HARRISOX'S. olGsat-tti-th A Double Anniversary. Judge Pat. O'Hawea and Mra. Hawes celebrated to day their seven teenth wedding anniversary which , we trust , will not ba their last ono for many years to come. There is a rather romantic story connected with the Judge's courtship and marriage , which wo ara not permitted to publish further thin that the Judge was in General Gatfidd's Brigade in eastern Kentucky in 18G3 and was sent to Cittlottsburg to act as Provost Mar shal of that district. There he met a charming lady and on the 21st of October they wore married. The judge must have hem A highly privileged man as scl- dicr aud bride groom at the same time , all being fair both in love and w. < r. It is also the second anniversary of the wedding of Kent K. and Minnie E. Hayden , the Utter being Mis. Hawes'sister , and when they meet to pits this evening together it will be a i oed hand lo draw to. Our beet wishes are extended to both. Real Esta.e Transfers. S. D. Mi-rcer and wife to S. R ! Johnson and N. Shelton ; w. d. , 32 61-100. and in sec. 17 , t. 15 , r. 13 , e § 6,522. Uliarloa O'Connor to Josrph W. Guinett ; w. d , lot 1 , block 362 , Omaha. § 2,000. Gjonje N. and Josephine Crawford to Andrew Sampson ; w. d. , lot 4 , block 4 , town of Ehhorn ? 40. Thos. G'Bnon and wife to Andrew Simpson ; w. d , lots 5 and 6 , block 4 , Elkhorn-S175. Edward Roddis et ux , to George Thrall , w. < t. , und. i " < 'f that part o' n 48 rods Int4 , sec. 23. t. 45 , r. 13 eist , lying west of O. it S. W. R. R. , corner right of way , except small portion tion described $0.200 Douglas Uoun y Di&trict Court Proceedings bad on yesterda- , the Hon. James W. Savage , presiding : Forbes etal. vs. McHuch ; defend ants Wm McHu , O'Brien & Bartlett - lett , Luther R. Wright and Charles Ednertoii ; ordered to show causa by Saturday morning next why an at tachrariit should not be issued P gainst them for contempt. Warren vs. Stephens ot al. ; dis missed. White vs. Bartlolt etal. ; leave to reply instanter. SUto vs. Heller ; submitted to jury. State vs. Mitchell ; charged with the murder of Lyons at Millard in Augusl last ; jury trial in progress. HARD COAL SELF-FEEDING STOVES Splendidly and elaborately plated with nickel , for $8 and upward , at R. Trossin's , 1111 Douglas street. o20t4 Apples by the barrel at Buffet's. WASTED , .TO RENT A house of 5 to 7 rooms. Scuth of St. Mary's avenue preferred. Address "K. , " ( B. &M. ticket office , Omaha. o21-3t FURS ! FURS ! FURS ! The Omaha Fur Manufacturer , Henry G. Richter , Fifteenth street , opposite the postoffice , calls the at tention of the Ladies ot Omaha and vicinity to visit his superb stock of Furs : and , also , to look over their old fura for repairing , before the season advances. Satisfaction guaranteed. olG-nl Mrs. S. A. Smith , groceries and produce , has adopted the cash system. Call and get prices ; 7th and Pierce streets. 3t t-oct7. WANTED. A good store boy. Re ferences. H. G. RICATER , Opposite P. 0. BASE BURNER STOVES. Don't fail to call and see the "In vincible" and "Argand" stoves , of which I have sold so many this sea son and previous years , and which are now acknowledged by all to be the best stoves in the market. I can also assure the public that my prices actu ally defy competition , and are far be low those of any other house in the west. To convince yourselves of the truth of this statement call at No. 1111 Douglas st. R. THOSSIN. oc20 4t HANGING BASKETS. Car loid , plain and hanging , at Evans' , 14th and Dodge sts. 19-tu-th-sat - - - THE LATEST FROM INDIANA , informs us that Fred M. Peterson , the "Omaha Bakery" man , has the inest rig in town , and gets up the > 9st line of bread , cakes and pies , and runs the cleanest shop in the west. All from ? 2.80 six years ago. Try his celebrated TWIST , 51G Tenth St. th s-tf E. Maurer has opened his new saloon and lunch room 1214 Farnham treet , late Elgatter'a store. 1m tr. S. Jurors. November Term. The following named gentlemen have been drawn to servo as jurors at the next term of the United States courts , commencing on the 8th pro- mixo in this city ; GRAXD JURORS. R. Bayly , Fairfield ; Daniel Kennis- ton , Omaha ; J. C Smith , Bfllevue ; Allies Warren , Belle P. 0 ; John R. Hart , Bloomin < ; toii ; AR. . McCand- leas , Aepauwall ; George A. Abbojtt , Falls City ; James E. Doon , Wil bur ; A. Murdock , Grafton ; Samuel Richardson , South Bend ; George Nowar , Wilbur ; John W. Gil bert , Fnendville ; Samuel J. * ham- bera , Omaha ; Hmiry Reno , tfr-ebuig ; Fred. Lamhotf , Pluttatnniith ; C. 0 White , Ashland ; A. G. Barnes , Lin- cou ; Wm. E Gr.uton , Omaha ; Rob ert Payim , Nebraska City ; Wm. P. Wile , x , Omsha ; H. J Ralston , Falls City S mon Robinson , Howard P. O ; Himau Chapman , Belle Creek ; FKTIT JURORS. J. B. Thornton , Rock Bluff ; Wm. B. Prtj ton , Omaha ; James Donnelly , Omasa ; Charles J. Bolby , CreteE. ; . H. Wilcox , Brownville ; S. W. Haes , Norfolk ; John D. Croigiton , Omaha ; R. L. Stewart , North Franklin ; Chas Fowler , Wteptng Water ; Thos. R b- bius , Peru ; Oscar Steven' , Omaha ; B B. Cronm , Sutton ; L. E. Allen , Alma ; Thomas Graham , Sovvaro ; D. L. Stevenson , Falls City ; J. M. Dryden , Brownville ; S. A Bennett , Ponca ; Thomas J. Campbell , Brown ville ; J M. Higeins , Ea < ; le ; A. W. Rose , Ionia ; Lawrence Van Duzen , Falls City ; P. S. Real , Grafton ; H. S. Boyle , Jackaon ; P. Hennegiu , Seward ; T. B. Parker , Dorchester ; Joseph Johnson , Blair ; Nathan Meati er , Peru ; George Tate , Peru ; Isaac CUrk , Tecumseh ; Amoa Gae3 , Gil- more. The most elegant piece of workman ship in the line of jewelry ever seen in the weat , is a ladies'set manufac tured by Edholm & Erickson and on exhibition : ik their sales room , Fif teenth and Dodge streets , opposite poatoflice It consists of ear rings and breast pin , containing in all 43 genuine diamonds set in solid gold and finished in the most tasteful and artistic manner imaginable This firm h.i3 also just finished another beauti ful bar breast pin att with diamonds and diamond ear drops , which are in cised in cLisp.iblc tubes of solid gold and can be worn as solitaires or oth erwise. It I have a lot of heating stoves suit able for stores and offices ; else a largo wrought iron range and cast iron cool > ing stovra for hotel use , that I will close out much less than cost. Als > tinware and house furnishing goods rlidap. Enquire at Odd Fel lows block. E F. COOK. t213t FOR 85. TWKS1Y-ONK KUMBfcnS OF SCRIBNEIl's MOSTULY. The magii'ficen'ly illustrated No- vemKr nuinberof SCKIINER' MONTH LY , tLo DE-JENNIAL ISSUE , an- pf-ara in a ne.v cover , ai d c ntiina thn Grat chapters of PETER TOE liREAT AS RULER AND BE- FORMER , by Eugene Schuyler , the be iiinii g of capital serial novel , ar ticles on GLADSTONE ( with full pa o prrtrait ) , ELIHU VEDDER , MILLET , All I EMUS WARD mid WALT WHITMAN , wi h many ether or tapers of unusual interest , among them the firct published oxphn.ition ofHellor'd Hellor'd Famous Second Sight Trick. This November number begins the twtiuiy lint v > hunu The increasing popularity of I ho minaz ne is strongly evidenced by reo nt sales. A yonr in ihtt monthly circulation was ; \ \ > > ut 90COO , copies ; during thu past niiib months it IMS avtrdgtd 115,000 , wtnlu the first utuirm i f the Novem ber is tie H 125.COO. Price 35 cents ; 84 00 a year. The following tp ? : al oilers are made with new subscriptions , ( num hers aud volumes supplied , post-paid , by the publ.slurs and all dealers ) : (1. ( ) Twen y-ono Nurobersof Scribner's for 3500. For $1 00 , a year's subscr'ption , be ginning with Nov. , and nine rect-nt numbers , Fub'y to Oct. , 1880 , includ ing I'artl. of Peter the Great , Mrs. Burntt''s Louisiana , etc. ( Regular pricu , S7 50 (2) ( ) Two Bound Vo's and a Subscrip tion foi $750 For 7.oO , R year's subscription and two richly hound volumes , XIX. and XX , containing the above numbers , and all of Cabin's brilliant novel , The Grandhsimes. ( Regular price § 10. ) SORIBNER & CO. , 743 Broad wyN. Y. Third Warcl Voters Registration Notice. " I will sit at my cffice northeast cor ner of Fourteenth and Douglas streets , ( over Cumi : g'a auction store ) on I hursday , Saturday and Monday. [ Thursday 28 h and Saturday 30th October , and November Monday 1st. ] for ilia purpose of registering the electors of the Third ward. In witness whereof I have hereunto net my band this 20th day of Octo ber , 1830. WILL H. RILEY , o20-10t Registrar Third Ward. Fire at the Oil Mill. An alarm of fire was turned in about 2:15 : this morning , the cause of which proved to be the burning of the ware house belonging to Taft & Woodman of thfl Omaha Linseed Oil Works and which was used to store their flax seed. The origin of the fire was prob ably spontaneous combustion. The amount cf damage and insurance could not be ascertained , but rill be given in this evening's piper. REGISTRATION NOTICE. STATE OF NEBRASKA , ) DOCOLAS COUNTY. J ' Notice la hereby c iveii that I w'll sit at my officp , 317 Sjuth Twelfth street , between Farnham and Harney , on Wednesday , Tnursday , Friday and Saturday , October 27th , 28th , 29th and 30th ; also on Monday. November 1st , 1S80 , for the purpose of regis tering the electors uf the First Ward. In witness where fI have hereunto set my Innd , thii 18th day of Octob er , A. D. , 1830. E. M. STENBERO , 08 12t Registrar First Ward. To the Voters of the Sixth Ward. Notice is hereby given , that I will sit at my office , 908 north IGth street- , from Tuesday , October 10th , to Sat urday , Oct jber 23rJ , and every even ing thereafter to November 1st , 1880 , For the purpose of making a new com plete registrar list. ol8-0t Jm N. MCBPHY , Registrar. Float Senatorial Convention. Tbo senatorial convention of the Sixth district , comprising Douglas and Sirpy counties , met at the Board of Trade rooms at 2 p. m. to-day. Mr. John Rush was chosen chair man and George Benson secretary. C. F. Goodman , John Baumer , Henry M. Eby , Col. John C. Myers and Joel T. Grifliu were put in nomi nation. Tt e first formal ballot showed no choice. Jjhn C. Myers of Sarpy wis nomi nated. CLOAKS ! CLoTlCS ! CLOAKS ! A lar e invoice now offering at ex tremely low prices at Bushman's 21-21 Don't tnnnr a gx > d Stove away be cause H needs a few repairs that you taink you can't get , but go to Win. F. Stottzil , who will get them for you. 19 3t Died. John R. Meredith , died at 4:30 a. m. to day , awed about GO years. Tne remains will probably be sent to Phil adelphia for iiitermeni , EXTREMELY LOW PRICES ON CLOAKS AT BUSHMAN'S. 21 2t SFEGiAL NOTICES. NOTICE Advmiaetncnta To Let For Salo' Lost , Found , Want ? , Iio'trdlne Ac. , will be in scttcil lathe * ) columns once ( or TEN CENTS per line ; each suba < xuontlnsir IonFIVE CENTS par line. The Hist Insertion cover lew than TWENTY-FIVK CKKTA TO LOAN-HQHEY. teZP AMrt10 kOAS At3 pcr < M'i. lutci 5 > OlUUU rat , n flunu of ? 2KOsinl U- wardstor 1 to 6 jcars' time on first cli iiruprov eilcitj and ( arm property. Apply at BKHIS Real Keta'aaud Loan Agency , 15 Ui nml Unu Lv Sta. 278-e.vltt ST TO IX3AN Oil ! t Law Office M1 D. L. 7IIOHA8 , Kouma.C'feUUUm Block M1MONKY TO 11C9 3trvwt. MONKY Dr. Edw&rdP Loan Agency * nov-22-t : HELP WAHTZD A gl 1 for gorenl housework. WANTED S.V. . corner Utli and Chicago streets. 72It Gir' ; must be pee ) waslier and WANTED ; srnod wijes } MU ] to fi gt-clasd girl. Kotie others need app'y. MKS. ED. JOH ION , St. Mary's ao. . , between 19th and iOlh Ms. 710-il WANTED A Rood boy to tend liar ; tp-akg'i and En luh , slctpi at horn311 ; South Kill S. . 718 21 \\f ANTED Situation by a jourg innn , ina Tl d uiror croccry store , whohasheenin th'g country 1'tit a few cU.\s , but ia welt qualified to lilt any po iti'ui , i asstudis lmeJcino aol booV- keenus ! for G y ar < ; wa < ei no object. AdJrcm 0. H.O. , Eeeifflee. 710-21 W ANTVD Itimojf room help. Apply at this office. 7 l-'O ' WWANTED WANTED Oo .11 aker. Call immediately , at ilie Vieuna Bakery 70S 21 Girl for peneral housework : Mis' WANTED Mount , N. K. Cor Uarney and Ifitli Sts. 701-23 W AI\TSD Girl Immediately , at theElki < oru Valley Uouso 70s 21 - to do general bouaeuork , at WANTFD-Girl J10 Hoard street. ; 17-21 "TT7ANTED A pirl fir senenl homework. TV Knquln-of ilrs. J. II. CrcUhion , Ciss street , ben. 17tli and Ibth. 702-tf VT7A > TRD Cookatthe O'Connell House on YV 10th St , iiear Dodse. t31-21 ITT'AXTED A eooil house-keeper , at 1109 YY Kirnliam slreec , up slurs. 634 tf U Oirl ; "c-ok" preferred , at F. , cor 13th and Ja kson. bS3-tf 'A > iTED 2 men lo work i > i nnrkcdgarden , W iiwith , at the end cf 18th bt. 11.V. . HAIL. C58-H fQH RENT-HUUScS AMD LAUD. KIUH HKST Lii > c front room , upstairs suit- C able for i o cent enicn , 2Sd and CasjSis Inquire at ting olhce , or ncMrtm "A. " poaicflice 701-21 POtt KENT CiV.t.v.-e , on 5th and Pine Sts , new housi1 , ci > ; iit rooms.on V3da d i assi-ts. Enquiio J. i. l oe , tK. . Cor. llth and Farn- liain. 096-tf FOR HEN 1-H .11-0 . and lot in . ' hull's 2nd add , iuar neu U. b. curnll. Kmiuiie ot Boom ( I , Cr .ighto.i Block. IBl-tf pOK 1UN1 Largo hi u c , 7 room , 20th t. , T noirCaBjsir.,0 C.T.IAYLiR , 631-tt Ufllio Hlh and D u.'Ui. F I OR KENT 'inely furnished room * at 1310 Davenport street , bet. ISib. aud Hth St. 350 tf L1OR HKJ.T 2 furnMicd rooms oxer JJer- 1 cbaiita Exchange , N. E. Cor. 10th srd 1'oclto ptrcete. % ) tl FOrf SALE. BALV D HAY A car-load of b.iiht bjjrd hay just received , at Charlton Bros , oar. Daven port and 16th St ) . 720-tf 01S , FARMS , HOUSES AND LANES Look over BKMId new column of uara'a ns on 1st Pa.-e. _ OR SALE Th' nev Jnglard House , Hast E ings , Nob. Inquire < f propri 'cr on the premises ; V ill EC ! ) the \\hjle or part intenst E N. > OYES. _ 7133 [ 710 R SALK-T.nncr's tools li qu ro 415 10th JJ itrcet. 7 7-22 _ Q HOUSED And coiner half of lot , southeast fy corner 14th and Cass Sts. , 7 roomin each ; rent for S20 and 325 i e month I Kills' I KAL ESTATE AOE.NCT , 15th and DoTiglaa Sla. 670-11 TT10R SALE Mixed paints , at A Holmes.l6th JD and California sjts. 015-tf OFFF.RS A SPLENDID LIST O BEJIIS Carolling in Houses , Lots , Farms and Lan'ls , in his new column on 1st pairo Fit SALK Cottonwood lumber of all RKDMOND'S. Slxteenth-st. 61 61 _ MI8CEILANEOUS. _ _ TRAVfcD OR STOLEN A red roan pony , about 10 years old jmd about 14 bands high , J. U. branded on front ehou'der Any informa- t'onmiybe left at John H. Dlxon , rnuillion , Neb. 721-21 _ , FARMS , HOUSES AN D LANDS. Lee Lors I3EMIS' new column of bargains on 1st P Oct Ut , cno bay mate , oac bay JL colt , three months olrf , white star in fore head , anJ one bay over joar old ith s'ar in forehead Owner cm h vc same i y calling and pajinc charts. W. WOLESfiMSKY , i milpN. E. of ittner'e biiclc > * rJ , Norih Ouulia. 637. th5t T OST K.-d Irish getter bitch with pups Five Jj dollars reward will be paid for ntr rctu-n. CHAS 6 AM AN , at A. J. Slinpion'a ferriage Shop. 7162 HOTICE Otto Fnspm. ve'ermary O surgeon , graduate of ihe veterinary college ot Stuttgntand Zurich. Hospital 1149 Wurman * ISO-lm Absolutely Pure , from Grape Cren Tartar. Xo otlie preparation makes such lizht , flaky hot breads , UT luxurious p try. Can be eaten by ilrpef tics without fear of the IU resulting from lic.iv > i Hold only In cani" , by all Grocer ? . Until. B Ktxn Povnup Co . N York Saccc or toJ II TIIIELE , 3IER01IANT TAILORS , No. 122O Douglas Street , ONE MILLION ACRES CHEAP LAND 3C2W EASTERN NEBRASKA , $2 TO $5 PER ACRE. 20,000 Acres DOUGLAS COUNTY , 6 to 12 Miles from Omaha , $6 to $10 per Acre , on Long Time and Low Interest. Large tracts suitable fcr polonies in all the best Counties in the State. 80,000 acres scattered through Iowa. A large number of Improved Farms in Nebraska , many oi them near Omaha , $12 to S40 per acre , An Immense List of OMAHA CITY PROPERTY , Consisting of Elegant Resi dences from $3,000 to $20- OOO. Many vacant lots in the additions to Omahx Hundreds of lots scattered through the City. Houses and Lots , Business Houses and Lots , and all kinds of CLy Real Estate. We also have MONEY TO LOAN on Improved Farms in Doug las County , on 5 years time , at 10 perceut. interest to all who can show good titles. Maps for Douglas and Counties for su e , i beautiful lota fronting tooth in Isaac k Selden's ado. for $ if 0 halt cash. House and lot , 22d and Dtxtue $ 3,000 llou o and lot near Br > wnell Hill 2,100 Two new houses and full lot , rents for $1:0 per ; ear 4000 New brick hou e , 21x25.1J story , with 3 lota 3,000 Uou-oaidlotWehattrst . . . l f00 Lirsehou-e and corner lot 6,000 large house full lot , California Bt 4,000 Residence and 4 full lota , St. Mary i a\e. . 6,600 Rouse and itnall lot , couth of depot 050 ITouso and emill lot , Fontn of depot Oi5 Besi icuce propetty , Konntze and Kuth's add -6,600 Fine residence property 10,000 House and ot , 22d d llarney _ . . 1 00 Hou-eaud lot , Nelson's addition 2,7l > 0 House and lot Shlnn'a add.tion 1,600 Residenccand comer lot 2W > he-idenco ( cash ) , 7,500 Reaidedce 6,000 Koaldencu 6,100 House and one-half lot 1.C5C Threohou-ea and corner lot 700 Reaideneo and co'ner lot 7,600 House anJ CO icet front , IGth street 3,700 Lar > ehouso ndcorner lot 6,500 Roeidence and three lots 6,600 Two house and corner two-thirds of cor ner lot 1,100 Housjand small lot , Cas ] street. . . 2,100 Hauso and lot , 2Hh near Farnh m l.OCt BOGUS .tniLL. Brick bouse and corner lot l,3.'o Small home and full lot , Cumings st. . _ . . 2,30U II use and lot , 23d street 3,2/0 House and full lot , worth (4,000 for. . . . . . 5MX ) Fnbrck reildence 1SOO BricV residence 5,600 House and corner lot 1,550 New two iory house and corner lot. . . . 4,200 Residence and full lot , Farnh mst AfOO House and one cere , 18th street 3,000 House and ha'f lot , lgh street 2,200 House and lot , Shlnn's addtt 01 l 600 House and half lot , Cags strret ] , 00 House and half lot , Casi Street 1,450 Resilience and 'wo loU , Capitol Hill 7.000 Elezant brick residence 2 full lots 16fOO Finest residence in the city 16,000 ReVdence prtperty 17,000 Residen e propertyr 17.600 Residence 6tOO Douse and lot , Shinn's adilition 1,200 House ami lot , hinn'a > dditlon 1,500 Houieand 'ot , 2'thand F-irnbam 1,400 llouse and lot. 27th and Douglas $87 ; ; Houae and full lot , Izardst ] ,7M ) Newhouseand 1J lot 2,200 Kesidence property 7 , 00 Residence proper'y ' , erv fine 13,600 Houieand lot , Horbach's addition 1,500 Residence , Farnham st 6,000 Ilonso and } lot 1 bloct frnm Court House and } lot 1 block from Court HOUSJ . "SO Houte and corner lot 2bIooliB from Court House 2,400 House and 1 t , Nicholas street 1 00 < / House and 1 atre. Discs' addition f JQ House and lot , lllh streel 000 Lar e building and six Iota 1 mil * out. . . 4,000 Housa and lot on Davenport 3,600 Hou-e and 4 lot , near depot 1,500 House and | lot , near depot 9'0 House and Int , South Avenu * 1,000 Hcu e and lot , Shlnn's addition 1,600 Residence , Kountzo and Ruth'8 add 2,600 Residence property , Kounue ard Ruth's addition 5,000 Residence prcperty , south part i f town. . 2,5TO House and J lot , Webster t 2,700 Ho Re and 6 acres at Darracks 7CO House and lot , i rmstrong'fl addit'n 1,000 Home and lot , South 12 st 650 lloti'e and lot , KouuUe and Ruth's ad dition 3,500 Residence and } lot 2,700 House and lot , 16th Et 3,500 Boggs & Hill , REAL ESTATE BROKERS , 1408 Farn , St , , Omaha , .deb , JTJ Immense Stock for Fill 1 fiZaL , Fine Custom-Untie Men's Suits , Boys' Suits Children's Suits , For Men , Boys , and Children. Uiider-Wvar , 15ats fiid Trunks and Valises , ut Prices to Suit All. Farnham Street , Near Fourteenth El Et' ' Ik & CO. , FAKNHAffl STREET. Oval Brand The Biles of this "brand" of Ohava row'o"lstri.reJ all others. You Rot . m"if Ojtters EIGHT AND MEASUI.E Sa ca , ofthis brand than any oiler. U. > l lE-f/ ; DEWEY & STONE , J.B.FRENCK&C Jt * U JttlM'Z'JL1 &EOCEES , OMAHA. . OMAHA OMAH A. MAX MEYER & CO. , WHOLESALE TOCigars Cigars from $15.00 per 1000 upmmls. Tobacco , 2.5 ( Mints per pound upwards. Pipes from 25 cents per dozen upwards. Send for Price List. mwf 3IAX MEYEIl & CO. , Omaha , Neb. MAX IV ; EVER GUNS , AMMUNITION , SPORTING G001 Fishing Tackle , Base Balls and a full line of m GATZ Mlili 3 CRACKER MANUFACTURERS , And Wholeenle Dealers in CIGARS and CONFECTIONERY. Drring the Fall and Winter we will handle COUNSELMEN'S FRESH OYSTERS , which are now the best In the market. A largo assortment of CANDY and SUGAIC , TOYS for the Holiday trade. CATFREE5IAX , .110 11 til St. , Omaha. cc'13 W IV ! . TOETZ \ Dealer in The Cheapest Place in the City for FIRST GLASS COOK STOVE I Manufacture my own Pieced That will last you a lifetime , at the Lowest Price in the city , and deal in no factory-made truck that ia almost universally dealt in now-a-dayn. I also manufacture all kinds of Cans. W3I. F. STOETZEL , - - Tenth & Jackson Sts ,