Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 22, 1880, Morning Edition, Image 1

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j * - * ? ? j /
J ? " , . - ' I-IUL
Established 1871 , MORNING EDITION. Price Five Cents
iniil Douglas Street
* * * r 3CO , ! > KsMenc < 5 lots tors 1 by this gen-
> > ' . sr ftn.-inj Irom 82b to 82,600 each , and
u tv . i- e -i , > art of "liecito , aad In every
"I ' ! . Zron ihc rotoDcs ! , north , Bt , south
' - . JAylnj jn dlatanco from one
1 > i vr , - e. r io miles from same. Call an J
" Wiiiouiir ] < t-s
" * > r.l cbolw lol * In GrlflTm & Igiacs1 aJ-ll
* tj. , itut o' . fiivont , between St. Mary's urea
t. . . t'arney I tnctfl03 to ? SOO.
ia CP ju.t cast of bairacts on Swindcrs St. ,
t a-s 'e < * oi . c ( f.Mil a-nl will be sold \cry che D-
' s f-t'i in 1 , 10 or 20 acre lots ; now IB your time
s. " ' -ire r. nitjrani.
( , i-c lot t , " . vnd of Btroct car trackj on Sann-
* T c . ,1 , Fuobun and 24th etreeta , 90x132
roc- , l.w1,5 10 will divide IS.
tf t , ' i t * in Crc1lt Foncljr addition , south ol
U. If. J < > jwt 3100 W SSOO.
i , irM ' .ttn on I'arlc Avenue and Ocoicii ttrcet ,
' ' io ark. atid near head of St. Mmry'd
v > , i , t fr m ? 125 to $300 cica. Se en Tears
. " ' par cent lntote t to those who will
nt - < > d hiiti"tiiilial biiildii. . F r further
iwrtiutilars aj.ply to.
Q. P. BEMlS , As nt ,
FittccDlh and Douglas Street * .
A nica lot on Harncj and Twentv-Qrat itrcets. '
TPO choice lots on 20lh. near St. Mary's arcn-
Hi , SOx'tiS feet aach , for fiSO and P > 00.
I'wo rtioioe lots ntar 23J and Clark streets in
E V. SLVJi'a addition J300 nd H50.
in Sh.nnV Cr t. second and third ad-
i ni-ar I5ia mid I'liree , (450.
A * on ilurncv near 24th St. , $600 each. 1
ot on iltli n > ar Ilouard treet , fToO.
O lot * In Grand Vie -addition , south ot U. F
'bridge and depot , from sjl5 to $ 00 each-
uau acre. 117x370 feet , on IStli street , nouth
< > l ? on | > iet < m's new residence , for 52,000 , or will
< li nflu.ln \ city Klzed lots at from 350 to $500
t arfe number o * beautiful' residence lota , lo
cate-l in tWs IICKadJltinn nn Capitol Hill , bo
tweca 2 ti ! street on ilie cast , 2Glh on the west
liudit * trwt ou the north and Karnham street
on tfw ojtli formerly ottnc-l by R. H Down
swrf mnro recently Known as tlio 1'crklns IS acre ? .
Otily 2 * lo s liaxotlrastar liocn platted 1 < enl
l * rnh , BiaodSon Doujlia etrect. Tftnse lotx
ureSC Io56fetln uMtiaiidlSOIndcpth. $1,000
furthcchnlrc. B } oira time , nt 8 par cent 111-
tarestt" the e who will ImiM C"od substantial
T tliert n. -vinLovamlno plat awd pet
Ull jlifurinztinii at
, i * k\tm . * 1.1. * > AI , 1. * T1TJ * Anwriv * X ,
IS J .vid Do'igUs streets
Oner 341 h niaes anil loti a-u oScrtd for 6ile
liy tills thc" Tdej arc KCUlere-J all over the
l j. uAuy ! < > cntinii joadeilr * Friccs Tarjinj
Ir-ni K > < > " > ' ? ! f > ,0'KI cull
2 j.i , .l Sots and 2 ctiii [ > Iinuges rear Jm.kson
r --d 1th nrccv , it a uroit sacri Ice. Hero is a
JTC I bi mni foi MHUO < < i' ' The proi crty mint
Ii3hit0 ! iinnidi cci. ! ( ' i\e s ( iistaquirtcrnf a
Mtftt. Call and examine tliiiuitSout any dcliy.
OBO V. UKMIS , Arcnt.
IDUi and Duugilas Su
A iloirab'e l t near Cnmlng and fituudcra
itr c , ? 1 , 00
The clmapcst acra Ints In the city ot Omiha ,
re llmbe oden-d for sale by this Mjericy In Paik
21t < | and I > * 'CH * " ccoml adtli'loti , on Cumlnjj ,
11'irtaitU California xtrect < ; JTIU can make tri
t i.\\s \ ( up thrao bargains vMlnou
utico. Tlicrio lots or mort Vnan equal
la rice lo 4 Mil-Kited dty lotf ot a h lf block
ji rt ii will bo lm > a very sXott time before one-
ftli i irt of < > . t-t ' .ntrt acre loU will sell for ai
mucna vicc.Cer Iu'l acre to-day. They are
lucntwl a very di ' * nco west of Cr ihton
CiUpse. IVier rancine from J1BO tog too j > er
acrulnt Oi ( immnliatrU. and don't logo our
. ! JtnC , 3"j get plat and full turticulan ) of
OKO I' HEMIS. Aecnt ,
IGth and Uouetu Street * .
i Slunuau A venue north oljs'ldiolis
, . .
Mill lul > i Cisi.l of.vecn 13th Ead 14lh atrccte
? 1,0 > ' .
S io lot * IM IKrtniaira addition , $100 to ? oOO.
Lar.T ! tiu nlwr ol sere liita iu Oie'e adihliou in
Kor'Ii OmaiH , ? lsi lo SS * * ) rOt * " * \ .
Ot o ce < irnor U-t lit" ? 22-id and Califarula
utii ii njdition , 15010
Chulre lot iiiTliorncira adilitinn , ? 7SQ.
Ffvuril Intirc lutt in Birtlm'a Ml'll'l.i' ) , 1 |
rttfe ai > l1J wees cult. I'rin * JTWI hj J2.000
oach. ' . "
Sorrra. en % > i ' lo s "n Ticdn flrt addition.
175tof-0-.i h
Ao o lit . . Miernun 'ue , ( v BtreeO ,
cnntlirf I''p .k'vnj 11- r tM i. , .ir $1,100
4 lar s 1 c iiov. isJ TJ- ' < - k ucsls , 00 <
3 < 0 foot Oonan . O ; , n
S lr j n\-iur ( Ifith eltcetl
Vittk otii/rt. < " > < ) n u 1.
Vt n'.ce tu * eou < ( Mo : , j neir l- > the busi-
Tus'r. rt t tlia 31 j . . .cit. l.i vcr , fowgtcpi
f > 3Unn-A t u irciu an 1 M. ilin'o 4\enje > , and I
} a * -nu'n i f ami ajn niru' ' i . , i l of James I
ji W , ' x.rtli a .1 \ 4 Coiincll hc e are 1
" % o'ilo . iiulilc. ln-ii . himljto bua. , to nc * ir n i ii . .lo.iOt , nail
. MI * led . . kI. . C , i-'H > t , stock
Hin , inckiHi h nisus - ' . Ctll nJ t t pl t
KBd tnh mr Iru r < < I'.i'o t 75 j , , , o tnd eary
CFHI4 to U > et Hho JtlilO
4 ' * * OEO T. l > ' ! S , Ajrent.
' IMt ! a > t ill > * * Kit ,
Ic4te r * < dencn lutK < ' 4.l . > si ccl. bctAuen
i u < i.rnuros ! noir ' l I'a.nlum
. - , uU * t S..15.1 jt. ndcry
is to irr IUS.T. < viin , ) r te
! , , 1 , ivv , f rihain aad
tr * w , l-j fl.'Uj ra u anil long . | . .t Ii ref
( vsluiMc Hto-o i ' ! In al-
nmm vy tu lnw , WMK - t , Ot 10 $15,000
ttat-.f e .00 ! osin abo\-e ai n , im.
. li of and .vljoiinn ;
iflef ! i > and crouml , andlocatidua
l frt Wtlj streets , SXMtn $350 each and
tf tvrtue to thoM ! ho Kill build Cill and
.i ; i * .t and d full pirtlcuknj.
OEO. P. nEMIS. Aecnt ,
Jtoau ifnl buildlnff file on Sherman avenue ,
TRli treet\bctAecn Pnpplcjon and the Dudley-
Ijam pro c'tj03 feet c tt fronUio on the
avenue. In 3S3 foot in depth. Will dirido itmak.
ncHS foct bj 3o9. Call and cet full particulars.
An acra n Ibth st ixt , lOifeet cast frontage
by docp. Tills is Jnrt south of the Kllza-
l > cth { C'oftpl lon place. This la jri't-edse ' , cell and
jet iirieoand terms of BEMlS , Aeent.
1 tool lot' , jus * north of and adjoininc E V.
Fnjltn's utldiuon , and located bclwecn 20th ana
'aundcr" streets at rca onab'e prices and long
time to buyer who improve BEMlS. Ajout.
53 lots la Ilorlnch's first and * ecoi.d ad itlon
uieth , ISth , 10th tnd 2CIU 8trect , letween
JfieholiS , IVul , She-man aad Clare Bt ccU , rery
handy to U. P. Shops , smelUnp works , etc. ,
raufinK In prices rom from $ iOO to f 1:100 each ,
jjUjulriu ? ouly tnull payment down and long
tian at 7 p/r cent intcrosl to the c who -will im >
j > ro\c. GKO. P. BEMlS ,
15th and Douglas Street.
33 nice lot In Parker' * addition , between
S un.lera and Pierce. Klnc and CampbcH'4 St ? . ,
na Blnn.o street ; 19 lots with Fouth fronts and
1 < with north fnmtase , 011 6 blocks north of
tte lurn-Ulilc ( end street-car track ) on Sanuden
iitrws. Vcryltw prices ; S175 cash , or 4200 on
Urn ? time and 8 psr cent interest to raose who
will hnlld
* 9"150 ifool farmi for sale in Douglat. Sarpy ,
\V Bhingt n Bnrt , Dod , Sauadcra and Eastern
tlcrot counties.
* 2T3 0IX acra > est Belccted lands in the
sUU for ailtby this acency. Call aad ret maps ,
circular * aiid lull luijtcnlirs
g"Bemino m pof Omahs , COc and 1.50.
gg Remi < f new pamphlet ( and map of the
Plate cntitl-d "the outlook ol Uebrask " for
free Jl-tribntlon.
. , Geo. R. Benis'
& Douglas St. ,
Garfield's Position on the
Chinese Question De
fined and Sub-
staniated ,
Fifteen Hundred Veteran Sol
diers Make a Pilgrimage
to Mentor Farm.
The Propeller "Europe" Re
ported Lost on Lake
Garflela's Speech to tha Veterans.
Special dlspalch to The Bee.
CLKVELANB , O. , October 22 , 1 a. m.
About 1,500 veteran soldiers and
Bailers , of Cuyahoga county and Vi
cinity , went to Mentor yesterday to
piy their respects to Gen. Garfield.
flaviug marched from the Like Shore
train to the lawn headed by two baude
of mmic. Gen. M. D Leggotl the
leader of the voteranB , delivered a
speech urging the carrying out , aa
citicens , the principles for which they ,
a ; soldier fought.
Gen. Garfield spoke an folloWa :
COMKADES : Any man that can
see 1,200 of his comrades in his front
door yard [ laughter ] , has as much
reason to be proud as for any thing that
can troll happen him in this world.
[ Applause. ] After tVit has happened
he doei not milch cure what elsa hap
pens or what else don't happen. To
ECO 1,200 men from almost every regi--
rrjcutof the stateand from regiments
and brigades and divisions of almost
every other state ; to see this large
assemblage of survivors of the war
sixteen yoara after it is over ii a great
sight for any man to look on , ana I
greet you all with gratitude for this
visit. Its personal compliment is
rest , but there is another thought in
it far greater than that to you and to
ma. Just over yonder , about tell
miles , when I was a lad , 1 heard the
at patriotic speech of my life. I
was a speech th it Joshua H. Giddingi
waB making. He had come hnme t
appeal to his constituents. A soutl
ern man had drawn a pistol on him
while he was speaking intavcr ofhu
man liberty , aud marched over towar <
him to shoot him down , to stop hi
epee : h and quench the voice of liberty ,
I remember hut one thing that theol
hero said ii the course of that speech
so long ago , aud it WAS this : "I know
that I was speaking for hbarty , and I
felt if the assassin shot me down , my
ajficch would still go and triumph "
The million of men that went out into
the field of battle to fight for ou
union , felt just as that Speaker felt
that it they should nil be shot down
the cause would fitill go on , Wa felt
you all felt , that p.iound you , and behind
hind you. , ffas a force , ft Cause , ind * m
> nUjK.rlnl truth , that w mid outlhe
year bodies and mine , and survive iV
your brigade all your allies , aud al
your battles- . You are to day in the
satno belief. You may all die , and
J'et we believe that after us the iSU
mortal truth for which wa { ought wi
1 ve in a united nation and a unittd
people against all faction , and ftgruns
all division , BO long as chore shall b (
a continent of rivers aud moUnlaiSs
and lakes , tt wiw that great blie
that lifted yoU all up into the heroi
light of great soldiers in the wa , 4n
it is that belief thAt you cherish to
day , and liirry with you on all your
pilgrimages , and all your reunions. Ii :
that that threat belief and iu that in
spiring fai'h I greet you hero to day.
[ Applause J And in thut WD will gr }
on to whatever fata may have in
store for Us , 1 thank jou soldiers , I
thank you comrades , for this splendid
demonstration of your faith , your con
fidenso and your reg rd for me. Whyj _
gentlemen , this homo of mine wil
never be the same p'ace a aih. I am
decposcd to boliore that a man does
not take everything away frora a place
when ho takes his body away. It was
nid that long after the death of the
first Napi > lt'on his soldiers believed
that on certain anniversary days he
came out and reviewed all his dead
troops. That doubtless was a mere
fiction of ( he imagination , but I shall
love to believe that in all time here
after , the cl-aracter , and spirit , and
Impression'of my comradeship will live
on this turf , and under these trees ,
and in this portal , and it will be a
part of my comrades in all days to
come. [ Applause ] Gentleman , I
thank you with all my heart , and I
ask you for your sake and for my
own , to let mo introduce to you Sen
ator Matthews , a brother soldier.
Gen. Garfield's remarkswhich , were
loudly applauded , were clcsed , and
the Hon. Stanley Matthews was called
for and made a fifteen minutes speech.
Fhe ladies of Cleveland will soon
pay a visit to the republican candidate.
The following dispatch was sent by
the soldiers and sailors on their return
bit night
Ui. Wade Hampton , Columb'n , S. C. :
Sm : Twelve hundred veterans ,
members of the Garn'cld and Arthur
roteran corps , of Cuyahoga countv ,
Dhio , who have just returned from a
, 'hit toGcn. J. A. Garfield , a1. Men-
* > r , hereby send you their compll-
rients and say to yon that they will ,
in November 2 , 1880 , vote as they
shot , and that their address will bo
Cleveland , O.
( Signed ) M. D. LEOGEIT ,
President of the Corps.
Petroleum In Russia.
Special Dispatch to The Bee
TirnhviLLE , Pa. , October 22 , 1 a.
n. The Petroleum World will pub-
ish to-day the advance sheets of a re
port of the Russian oil fialdsmade , by
ha American consul to Secretary
Evarts. The oil district ii at Boku ,
> n the Caspian Sea. Tha first well was
killed with tools in 1871. Prior to
; his they had all baeu dug. In 1850
; here were 136 wells ; in 1862 ,
> 20 wells ; in 1872 , 415 wells. The
veils are short-lived but
, some pro-
luced large quantities of oiL The
: onsnl notes one that flowed 3,000
> arrels a day. Bulls have the conso-
ation of knowing that the oil has but
ittle value compared with American
) Ctroleum. One well is naw produc-
nj ; eighty barrels a day. At the ores-
mt prices it don't pay to save all the
iroduction , and it ia flowing into the
Pblga river. The consul reports that
ie was a witness to one well flowing
o the extent of flooding the ground
n the vicinity , and stopping work in
t refinery in the neighborhood. A
lumbar of wells that produced 1,250
o 3,750 barrels of oil ia twenty-four
lours are now being drilled desper | s
than formerly , with more satisfactory
results. In the districts where the
Itrgeet production is the oil is of s
ba't quality and unsaleable at any
price The reBners are not able to run
to their full capacity , which is 1,400-
000 barrels a yoar. In 1870 the
amount refined was 475,750 barrels.
Yifteen million dollars are invested in
No Idle Monev In the Treasury.
Special dispatch to Tin Uzx.
WASHINGTON , October 22,1 a. m.
The treasury yesterday purchased
342,010 ounces of mine silver for delivery -
livery at the Philadelphia , Sin Fran'
cisco and New Orleans mints.
From frequent inquinei made at
the treasury department , it seems that
an impression prevails thronghout the
Country that money Is permitted to ac
cumulate in tht , treasury when it
might be used in the purchaia of the
interest bearing debt. In reply to
ono of the many inquiries tha follow
ing explanatory letter his been eont !
WASHIN TON , October 21.
To J s 6. S-n'iUij Olsezo , Micb :
: I am in receipt of your letter
of the IGthinst. , asking why the treas
ury does not use a circumnlatirg
ver and gold bond to liquid-.te
State * ! botids matured , which may
be paid at the option of the govern
ment Iu reply I have to inform you
that , under the resumption act , there
was an accumulated fund for the re
demption of outstanding legal tender
notes of about $145,0"bOGOO , being
about 40 per cent of the amount o !
notes outstanding , redeemable on .de
mand from that fund , and as small a
sum as was deemed prudent id hold
for that purpose. In addition to this
it is , of course , necessary to have a
small balance from which to pay the
ordinary current ozcensCs of the gov
ernment , Ih'iis making the total avail
able ea h in the treasury about § 155- ,
000,000 , though , of course , this
amount varies as the reoeiuto and ex
penditures of the government temporarily
arily increase or dimmish. Beyond
that amount , however , there has beeu
no permanent accumulation of money
in the treasury. In facttho available
balance to-day is a little leas than that
of a rear agt } . All the excess of ra-
ccipts over expenditures during the
last year has been applied to the re
duction of the interest bearing debtj
of which there ha ? been purchased
with surplus revenue , In open market ,
5103,171,10.0 * , in which there will be a
saving in each year hereafter of
§ 5,817,05650 of interest. This
method of purchasing bends iu the
open mirket was made necessary , for
the reason that there have been no
bonds payable at the ( iption of the
government silica the completion of
the refunding operations more than a
year ago.
ago.Very respectfully ,
J. K. Upton , Acting Sec'y-
The War Subsiding.
Special dtapaich to Tin Bin
ClIiCiGO , October 22 J a. m.
Ihe Wabaeh road yestei'dity put up
itn Sh LoUis faro again from fiftj
Jonls to one dollar. Tlinro wai Ho
Jther charge. Tjlie om:03 were
crowded Mtli people. The rat-a by
the \Vabah \ w ro as follow * , nil
limited : Katies Gi'v , 50 Oent-5 St.
Laui < , SI ; Peoria * ? J ; Ja ksnuvill * ,
31 ; St. Joseph , § 2 ; P utac , § 1
* pring'ieldSl. By tt.e Alton & St.
L ill * road r t s were aa follows : St ,
Louis , SI ; Kansas Gstyi 50 „ Cell s.
SnfinjiL-ld and Jack'S'ivlHe , ? * ; H n-
uibal and QumSS ? , $2 ; Keokuk , S3
uo unlimited ticket * aroB"ld ,
The managers oftthe efUtoru roads
ye tcrdiy' find In view of the Al-
ion's cutting of eastern rate i , reaffirm
d their resolutions of Wednesday ,
not to participate in the cutting.
RUn Aehore.
? ) Vt : l Dlapatch to Tfts pw.
8Air FrtiNci-CO , Sc'obar 22 1 a.
m. A dispatch from Victcria , British
Columbia , Bay * the British steamship
"Bylton Castle , " from Newca'tl , la-
ien with 1,800 tons of Wellington
: oal for the California markut , Btrtick
i reef about ei ht mile ) south of the
larbor at ll o'clock We nesday night ,
luring a dense fo . At last reports
ihe was in a dangerous condition.
Garfleld'8 Denial Verlfled.
Ijtodal IJiiDatch to The Bet.
CLEVELAND. October 22,1 a. m.
3en. Garfield s positive denial of the
ettor regarding the Chinese , which it
s asserted ho wrote to H. L. Hurley ,
if the employers' union , Lynn , Mass. ,
Fanuary 23d , is rot in the slightest
legree questioned by those who have
lad conversation with him on the
abject of Chinese labor within a few
ears past. Wra. F. Swift , city edit-
ir of The Cleveland Jjoacer , states
hat he twice heard him express views
ontrary to the Ideas given on the
lorley letter , and while calling ou
Jarliold at Mentor farm before his
lomination , tha following interview
especting coolie labor occurred.
Ir. Swift wrote the matter out , and
he eame day published it , and pre-
ervcd the article iu his scrap book.
"What is your opinion. General , in
cferenco to the Chinese question ! "
"I have a greH deal of sympathy
rith the peuplo of Cal furnia and
t her Pacific states in reference to this
ubject , but it was a mistake on thu
art of some congresrmen to con-
, > und the emigration of the regular
Ihinoso to this country with advent
f the coolies who may be brought
nder contract , and perhaps ns slaves.
Vo have the right to reject all slaves.
! here are laws to prevent th ir im-
ortationto the United States. As
i o'd ' times the slave law can bo
mde to app'y to coolies just as
tringuently. To obtain the end 'in
iow , of preventing the introduction
f coolie labor to the disadvantage of
110 working classes of tnis country ,
e might make a treity with China
ith which it would be understood
lat slaves or coolies were not to be
mded on our shores ; but to say that
jy well behaved , hwabiding parsons
lould be kept away when desirous of
imtng of his own free will , aside from
ie coolie system , would be hard and
) ntrary to the intentions of our in- <
itutions. "
"Will a bill of the character you in-
ic te be apt to pass ? "
"A bill in'sorae modified way will be
resented , and If in the proper shape
dative to coolies , we , the republi-
ins , Iu congress , will be willing to
2\p \ Its passage , and the president
111 concur in it , otherwise not. "
octal Dlipatch to The l ! e.
WASHINGTON , October 22 , la. m. j
-For the uoper Miisissippi and lower
[ issouri Valleys , clear or partly
oudy weather , preceded in firet di - j ii
ict by occasional snow or rain ; in the < 1
rst slight'y ' higher barometer ; colder T
orthwest winds in latter district ; i :
orthwest winds becoming variable a
ationary and lower baroraeier in the g
luthern part lower temperature. 11
Montenegro Spurns Tur
key's Terms for the
Cession of Dul-
cigno ,
Terrific Explosion in London
Followed by a Great
Conflagration ,
Special dtap&tcb to Tlio lie : .
LONDON , October 2i lOp m. The
pirt street para6ne oil store ;
exploded in this city this afternoon.
The shock was tremendous , and was
follow , d by a great , conflagration. The
causS is not yotknowrf. The'neigh-
borhood was thrown into great excite
ment , and thousands ru-hod to the
spot to witness the spectacle. Nu
lives are reported lost.
rile baiciQNo DiFnccLxr.
Special Uiapitch to Tbo Bee
LONDON , Ostobar 21 10 p. m. A
Constantinople dispatch aay.t that in
the negotiations between Turkey and
Monlenegro concerning the surrender
of Dulcguo , the Turkish government
impose tlio conditions that Montenu-
jrn shall hold the dietrict nominally ,
but that. Tlirkish property tberb shall
bo respected ; the liberty of Turkish
subjects guaranteed ; and the statue
quo eas * of lake Scutari maintained ,
tn case Turkey's proposition 13 accept
ed , Mdntencgro is to assume the dis
irict deb * ; to ba responsible for Turk
ish emigration ; and to maintain the
Turkish flig ; Turkish vessels trading
with Dulc gno tii be guaranteed against
molestation , and also the property of
; he noverntnent ; Turkish laws now in
'orco to he maintained. To this Mon
tenegro objects that the terms are
DracticUly absurd ; that they are tan
tamount to & retention of the district ;
and declares that Montenegro caunol
accept them. The Turkish ministry
ire now considering Montenegro's ob-
actions , and the nnlbassadofs of the
) OWlrs Are conferring upon a eubsti-
ute for a now protocol demanding the
SperIM dlepaUhtS UJ Ihe See.
A Berlin dispatch says that the
ilonf enecrin commission says that the
urrendcr of Dulcigivo ithall take plaob
n the presence of European repre-
A dispafch from Athens says there
rn now 45,000 men under atrils in
A dispitcn from Cettinge says tha't
P incc Nskita will hold a great coun-
il of war on Saturday.
A Conettintihnplo dispatch says
'urkey has dropped her objectionable
ond'tioiis ' n girding the surretidci1.
Kirtlfmko Hn. . ks were feltyeater-
lay throughout Spiin and Portugal.
One hundred and tifra addUl nsl
jolice ) mvh hefti 6but to Itwrry. The
u' hop and clt'rgy of Cork dicceee
1 ve conferred trgether aud have for-
inul ted a scheme rorland reform fllm-
iltrto the Claire deokratipn. They
il\o dcnyttnca thePafnell progfaniuiB.
Eliza Lindsina , the German au-
Lhorcss , committed suicide at Cevita-
fichi ,
* T
A dispatch tft the London Daily News
from Alexandria s y E ypt is dis-
patch'n ir ] , GOO troops to the Abyssin
ian frontier.
M Felix Riot presided at a .Jovolu--
iionrtry ttteeting at Belleville } Fraricej
yesterday. The meeting passed a
resolution engaging to become jointly
r-juponsib'e ' for the panally Imposed
in M. Piatt.
Tha speech of the king of Qreecej
ffluch was delivered yesterday ; was
Datiific in tone.
A London dispsfch says no little ex-
; itoment was caused on the Thames
sourso by the appearance of Riley's
\tpcr boats. The scullers examined
, hem with great interest and pro-
inunced their opinions. Bonio were
'avorable ' and Others condemnatory
ipon them.
Han Ion done some very hard work
rrsterday on the Thames colinb , but
losmeb and the other oarsmen took
t rather easy. T'ickett and Laycock
tave returned to Putney , and will go
o the Isle of Wight for a short holi-
The celebrated race horse "Robert
lie Devil' ' will be offered for sale at
fuwmarket next week.
A temporary safe conduct hag been
ranted Count Von Arnim to enable
im to prosecute his law suit in Dar
Prince Bismarck seriously contom-
l.ites granting amnesty to iusubordi-
ate socialists.
The Franciscan friars at Arignon ,
'ranee , are preparing to stand a siege ,
'hey ' have stored large quantities of
revisions and have bricked up the
oors to their monastery.
lore Particulars of the Lafce Dis
> ccial dispatch to the Bee
CHICAGO , October 22 10 p. m.
-Onejof the saddest results of the ter-
Iblo disaster to the "Alpena" is the
> ss of the Osborne family. John Os-
torno , a young man about 31 years of
: ; e , has been living in Muskegan. He
as oSered a situation in the Chlctgo
ouso of Funt & Bradley , and he and
is family wore moving to Chicago
hen death overtook them. The fam-
y consisted of father , mother , Annie ,
daughter 25 years of ape , Johnnie.
; ed three and a half , Eddie , aged
vo , and Tommy , aged about seven ,
he following despatch wai received
f Mr. John Osborne , grandfather of
ie children , from the 'agent of the
oodrich Transportation Company at
rand Haven , this morning :
The oldest boy , Thomas Osborne ,
i ? been found. What disnosition
3 you wish niade with the body ? He
as identified by George Dobon.
( S-gnai ) W. HUMPHKEY.
George Dobon is Mrs. Oabcrne's
ro'.her. The old gentleman and his
Ife are both almost heartbroken over
loir terrible loaa. They left this
lOrning for Grand Haven. They
ill have the bodies removed to Chic-
jo for burial aa they come ashore ,
mong the paaiengers whose names
ve not before been given waa a sis-
xof T. T. TibbUsof Muskegin. It
learned that Mr. and MM Sweet f
radford , whose tru ik was fou
ere not aboard the "Alpenai '
u come by r il. The ewe r * v. T"
° '
jd shoes , supp s d to be fr i
, of . . .me nt , wrecked ' om & I
, fc
n identified as a co „ , , - „ . ' _ t
the "Alpena" from Wells . & Co. , o :
this city , from their fa'ctory at lena ,
Mich. Poctions of the wreck an
coming in alocjj the eastern 'shore cl
the lake and beach for nearly tweutj
miles above and below Holland 1 :
covered with evidences of the diaaaterj
aud the opinion of many who hart
Been wreckage is that the "AlpenaV
timbers wore absolutely rotten. The
wood shows no evidence of splinterinj
and is broken apart , the manner o
separating being literally clean. It i
argued that the unsoundness of th
timber where the breaking occnrrei
is due to the frequent washing of th
deck. The hull has not yet made it
appearance on the shore , , and som
claim itjtnay bestillatapolntof safety
A number of coffins have iliate
ashore , which wdro a paf of the'i < fli !
pena'a" cargo. Captain A. K GoNi
rich president of th < Gflodrich alfffe
says the idea tint the "Alpona" wa
retteu is so-absurd tfjnt it can b
iatlghed at. Tbo bo t passed exam
illation. by underwriters "and Uoitoi
States inspector only a few month
ago , and underwent through repair
last winter. While some par.s of Ih
dppef wood wo.k might be ilnSoutK
this did not affect the safety of ih
ateamsr. Tha points upon which tae
"Alpena'a" safety depended Jn a storm
weto h r forward works and her hu'l
dud he waa confident thtt those were
as stauticli aa they could possibly be
OIIIOAQO , October 22,1 a. m. The
theory first advanced in these des
patches that the "Alpena" foundorec
in mid-lakd , probably opposite Mil
waukee , is now generally accepted as
the most plausible from all the facts
now coming to 1 ght. A sp'ecial from
Milwaukee a ay 3 the Gcodrifili linti
steamer "Meiiominee" arrived a
noon yesterday. She left Gram
Qaveu at two o'clock Wednesday
noniing , and reports see ng the hoac
jioco of the cabin of the wreckoc
iteamer , with the name "Alpena'
upon it , hauled up on the beach late
aet night The "Menominee" re
ported that the likewas , strewn with
portions tif "Alp'ena'fi" wreck , the of'
ficers of the ' 'Menoonnee" ' concluded
from tha loca'ions of wrecked pieces
that the "Alpeni" foundered about
mid way Bcross.the lake ; 1'he theory
is also adopted by the Goodrich line
managers in tbh city. A dispatch
from Holland says Minager Hall of
Grand Haven advises tlut a tilg .has
arrived with Ihree bodies Alfred
Sprcath , of Grand Rs pids ; M. ( Jross
man , of Grand Haven ; and a lady ,
sujp'jsedto Ie Mrs. . Earl , Hart , of
White Bgeoni A Grand HaVeii did-
pa'ch givts the following particulars :
Two more bodies have just betn
br. uyht in by a government tug That
of a man identified t M. Oronsmanj
o ! this place , and a vroind'i dreaaea in
bhck , with gold bracelet ou left wrist ;
large topaz ring on middle fiog-r of
leftJnndi cobetnbtlitcuduji , Utesses
not uuttoned cl'eir up , as though put
on in great haste , glissos hanging
from a cord around her nacfc. A puiiik-
et-book folltid iu her pocket bears the
name of "Mrs. Cole , Muskegon. "
The bodiea were found about three from shore at 10 o'clock yesier-
rt. V- l 'ill.i < . The U jl br H Wari
haaboin found on the beach nine
miles below here , but was not identi
fied. Tn nukes five bodies.
The wit h found on Crosmnan's
h dy hrtT popped at 10i50. Benc ? it
U tlippns-d that the steamer founder
ed about that time , either Saturday
Forenoon or Saturday niijht. The
[ judy 'ound h"ar _ Pigeon Crjek yester
day morning proves , oy a letter , to be
that of Fred Shaethe , of Grand Rip-
Ida. Tiie ? ug "Grahnm" has arrived ,
bringi' g he bodiea of Mr. M. Cro.s-
man , of Evanston , III. , and a sister of
Flrank Hulbrookof , Muskeaon , agent
af the Goodrich Transportation coin-
piny there. A diary or pus-book j
tras found attached to the molding of j
the cabin by a small nail It is badly '
; hafed and water-soaked , but by th
tid of aglasj can he made out , as fol
lows' , . .
"Oh , this is terrible. The steatne' ?
s bre iking up fast. I am aboard from
Srand Havjn to Chicigo
( Sigised ) "GEO. CONNEH "
The last two lexers of the name
re very fainti and mi y ba Gonnell.
Mrs. liradley s trdnk has beert discov
ered in the house of a H-ilUndor
iere. There ia no doubt but a great
fiiany things have been std'en .from
: he beacli aa they washed ashore.
Pwenty of the twenty five life pro-
lervefs were picked up last nicht ; with
'Alpona" on them. It is hoped
; hat the friends or i lingo having rela
tives on the ill fated steamer will
irovo th.'iridentity as soon as poenible.
3ond deocription to the telegraph office
Nothing has been hoard from pro
filer "Europe , " of St. Catharines ,
vhich is supposed to bo lost with a
: row of 25 men , and several pwsen-
; ers. The schooner "Cuyahoga" is
ishoro at Pliim Island , All hands
CHICAGO , October 21,10 p. m A
arge fire ia reported to have bezn
ieen wn the lake off Waukegan Satur-
lay night , and some think the "Al-
; ena" may have burned. The officers
if the Goairich line do not think that
3 at all likely , as none of the drift
> oming a'hore shows any indica
ion of fire. Captain Goodrich has
eceived the following from Mr. Hum-
threy , at Grand Hiven :
"One of mymrnh s just brought
a a cheat of machinitt's tools mtrked
J. Oaborne and Jsme-J Markny , ' The
hesc carries the 'Alpena' check. "
The probable loss of the Canadian
ropeller "Europe" is reported to-day.
Ihe was know to have been on this
ike during the storm , but has not
ieen heard from since. She was en
oute from Montreal to Chicago , with
cargo of soda ash , tin , 1'quor , etc.
Jfficera and crew numbered twentv-
ve and several passengers. Her
iptain and part owner was Jere Clif-
jrd , of SC Catherines. She had in
jw the schooner "Neelon , " which is
ow ashora at the Manitous.
Pimllco Baces
wcial Dispakh to The n e.
BALTIMORK , Octobe 21 10 p. m.
he first race to-dr > y waa for a purae
f ? 300 for all ag , distance one mile.
waj > won by Parole , with Gabrisl
icond. Tim 1:42. Parole was the
ivorito in t'je betting. In the second
ice Gheia ] wa3 tjie favorite , and
on in .23 Tne third race foJ the
rtr A stakes , for two year olds , at
)0 each with SGOO added , one mile ,
A only two starters , and was won
> y Creedmore , By-the-Way second.
Dime , 2:44 :
Mrs. W. 0. Balston has been
iwarded the quardranship of her chil
dren hy consent of A J. Ralston , of
San Francisco , who is given five days
.o file an account of his guardianship.
In Variety and Quality the
Best the Market
| Affords ,
i _ _ . T
The Civil Authorities of Color
ado Determined to Hasp
Five Lives Lost by a Distillery
Explosion , Near Terre
Haute , Ind.
The Militiiy Authorities Pre
paring for the Reception of
- the Sitting Bull and
His Band.
Caring for Diamonds.
Special Dkpatch to Tbo Bed
NEW YORK , October 21 , 4 p. m.
la the suit of Charier Dean , agent of
Thoreaa Bell , to recover for services
aa her escort , and as the custodian of
her dfamolis during a trip to Europe ,
the jury in the supreme court circuit
gave the plaintiff a verdict for § 1,000.
Destructive Flames.
8J3rf ( l Dispatch to Th Bee.
EvANSvtLLE , Ind. , October 21. A
6re at Mt. Vernon , at midnight , de
stroyed Tuhon , Boyce & Co. a dry
goods and grocery store ; Geo. Hen-
rich's three story brick ; Mt. Vernon
banking comp nv's three story brick ,
Bicheiidorf and Williams' frame bilild-
inca , Peter Walters' paloon , Jasi. Den-
nii' restauraut , Iko Kahn's saloon , J.
Sliramerman's boot and shoe st > re , G.
Pullman's barber shop , Truman &
Wolf's butcher shop , A. J. Clark 'a
jewelry store , Leonard's three story
Brck arid dther buildings. Loss , § 150-
300 ; about half insured.
Distillery Explosion.
Special dlip ! oh IK The B ; ;
CINCINNATI , October 21 1 p. tu.-
Cox & Fairbanks' distillery , situated
near Terra Haute , on the W bash riv
er , o pln'ded .last. evening. There
were five men killed outright. Tfieir
names were James Denry , fireman ;
John Brooks , brick mason ; Harvey , a
colored , laborer ; Win. Bergman and
H. iveli-y. The last namsd te a resi
dent of Cincinnati. Seven others
wembidly injured , as follows : Frank
Stanley , firemao , had both of his
es find attna broken ) shoulder
lislocated and head bruised ; will nut
recover. Henry .Wilsoil , head bruised
arid in a critical cpndltion. Eugene
ilehrinp , wound in the head ; will
irobably recover. Wm. Kirtley , fif-
oeri.yearS bid , arms broken and badly
caldedj will die. Henry Pinkie ,
> adly scalded and bruised. Frank
Jrown. bruiaedand injured internally.
3eorge Trout , skull fractured , cullir
iond , b'rtjkeri rtnd badly scildod.
Itaniey , tno fiicmoii , ctiod rinf , thn
night and two or three othera cannot
ito. The distillery was completely
Death of a Noted Editor.
f-eolM iIp ! th to ftf * Ret.
NEWAKK. N. J. , October 21 4 f > .
m. Wm. B. Kinney , principal owner
r The Newark Daily Advertiser einco
832 and also former editcr of that
iper , died { his fiioinint ! in Slorrp-
own. In 1851 ho was appointed TJ.
. minister to Sardinia and resided
jere several years. He wa a min of
xcellent literary tssfo and was once a
ader.for Harper & Co Hit widow ,
trs. Elizabeth 0. Kinnej , a lad ? , of
ttrary repu'ation ' , was formerly Mrs.
re"n and mother of Edmund 0.
Insane Prisoners.
5 TOP | I nirontch lo 1'hc Bdfe.
NET ? YoBit , October 14 p. m.
Chare has justuoen brought herls six
jGMons who became insane while con-
inod in the s'ato ' prison five men and
me woman. Throe of the men are
iged 23. one 30 and the 6fth 42 yeara
] ? age ; the wOrrian is about 20 They
lad all been sentenced from1 thla city
: o varioiia terms in the Auburn prison
Ind after b'rooding over their misery
; or about a yeaf j their regon , gave
Tay and they were sent to theinriand
isylum until the end of their allotted
: erms. They entered prison in good
lealth and are now pronounced to be
lopeless lunatics. There appears to
so some mystery as to th cause of
, heir insanity.
Trie Vlctlnig.
Ipeclal blspitch io Tun Bks.
CHICAGO , October 21 \ p. m.
is far as can be ascertained there were
; hirty pissengera on the lost steamer
: Alpena , " including children , and the
> ffiders and of ew numbered about 30.
tfo more bodies have been found , and
rom the fact that the steamer went
lown in the middle of the lake and
10 suddenly , that few secuwdlife pre
lervers. It is not expected that any
nore bodips will be found until the
apse of nine or ten daysj when some
rill probab'y ' rise from the bottom of
he lake and float ashore.
Labor Trouble.
peeUl Disrate ) ) to THI Bra.
CHICAGO , October 21 4 p. m.
U > out five hundred union men are on
i strike at the Rollincj Mills , because
he company refused to turn out a
ion- mien min and put a unionist in
lis place. An entire force of non-
mionists his been put on and the
n'lls have started again on time. The
mlice are presant to prevent trouble.
A Mysterious Arrest.
! pecl l dlnpatch to The Oe .
CHICAGO , October 21 , 4 a. m.
Che secret service officer * to-day ar-
csted a very dibtinguished looking
[ ontleman on his arrival in this city
in a telegram from Washington , which
imply said to hold him to await ex
amination for embezzlementf Officers
efused to give name.
Sitting1 Bull.
ipecbl Dispatch toTn 1 ! K.
WASHINGTON , October 21 4 p. m.
The war t flice furnishes the follow
ing to day :
ST. PAUL , M.nn. , Oct. 15. J
foMajorT. II K'otlurloD , Fort BaforJ :
You cm send Allison to try to
bring in Sit'ing Bull , but if you do ir ,
pou mujt do it at once and with all
speed. Alliion can tell Silting Bull
Lhat his surrender at your post will
bo accepted , but he must be careful
to offer him none but the eld terms ,
that is to say , submission to the
government with BUI reader of arm ?
and ponies , the ponies surrendered to
be sold and the proceads to ba in
vested in cattle for the use of the In
dians. The Indian ! themselves tog ?
ultimately to whichever of the Sioux
agencies the government may assign
them If noe5siry Allison can tell
him that troops will uiovo in force
pgiunst them if ho dues not surrender.
By command of Gen. Terry.
[ Signed. ] SMITH ,
Captain and A. A. 0.
FOKT BCFORD , Oct. 15.
To Adjitant General , Department ol Dakota ,
St P.ul , Minn. :
Major Hues , 5th infantry , tells mo
Ho met south of the Missouri , a
runner from Sitting Bull's camp , the
same one Miloa sent out to demani
Sitting Bull's surrender , who told hin
ho brought word from Sitting Bui
that ho was willing to surron
der. Did Bet want the troops
to move against him , but wanted a
little more time , aud he would then
coma in. He said Silting Bull was
influenced in this determination by
rect-nt advices ho had recaived fron
tlio queen of England. This would
ceem to corroborate Allison's state
metit. D. H. BKOTHKBTON ,
Maj. Seventh infantry
A Youthful Suicide.
Special Dispatch to Th0 Bee.
CINCINNATI , October 21. 4 p. m.
Ge-irge Oohen , aged 14 , n pupil at the
district school , shot himself in the left
breast to-day with suicidal Intent.
His motive is not known. Ha may
possibly recover.
Still Cutting trad Slashing.
Special UlnpaUh to Till Bn.
ST. Louis , October 21 4 p. m.
The Chicago and Alton railroad to
day began to cut rates on the eastern
seaboard cities , but up to t > ie present
has not been followed by any of the
competing linta. The rate to Pitts-
burc Ins been cut nearly one-third
and to other cities proportionately.
Thn idea is to involve the eastern
roads in the war.
Agent Berry's Fate.
Special Dispatch to Tha liee.
CmcAGOjOctober 21 4 p. m. Gen.
Shuridan has received an order from
Gen. Drum , telling him not to permit
military interference with the civil
process againet Agent Berry , in Cole
rado. This ia in direct o inflict with
the order telegraphed by President
Hayes Monday , but it is regarded by
officers here as the only tenable pcsi-
tion in the ciso
Speclnl P'/pntcb'S to Tin K .
John Sleckimg ; , of Louisville , Ky ,
was found dead in his room yOiter ° ay
vith a pistol by his side. He was not
uiiSe'l Until yesterday morning. His
son , who rmmd him , thinkC he killed
limselt T iesday night.
Information was received in Louis
ville , ly ) > eaterday of the suicide
> y hauijme of a servant girJj named
ilimiic Fnrnenstadtj who lived
wenty and a half miles out in the
country on Seventh street.Hercdit -
ry insanity was the cause. The girl
wa-J ten > y years of age.
The twenty mile running race at
Tockey Club P-irk , Chicago yesterday
between Miss Minnie JewiU , of Min
nesota , nd Miis Minnie Pinnes , of
" * , the latter.
i1or-rl < > , van vrnn by
Time , 50 minute ? and \A sooondsi
INDIANAPOLIS , October 21 , 4 p. m.
Andrew M-y's htatin ? factory on
S > utheast street was burned late last
night by an inc.'ndiary. Loss 54,000 ,
civercd by S2.000. Unknown com
panies. J. W. Hill's fine residence
and barn immediately adjoining was
bidly scorched , and Hoberg's cigar
box fac'ory was partially destroyed.
Hill * r.n-1 Hoborg's loss will not ex
ceed 500.
NKWKAK , N. J. , October 21. At i
o'clock to-day Frank Lammers was
found guilty of complicity with Mar
garet Meirehofer in killing the latter's
husband ilt V/eit Orange o year ago.
He was convicted last February , to
gether with the woman , and obtained
this second trial.
WASHINGTON , October 21. W.B
Robinson , the o'dest printer In Wash-
iftgton , died this morning ; aged 76
yer.rd , *
CINCINNATI , October 2l. The Par
lor Cattle" Car company , for the manu
factnre "f improved stock cars , were
incorporated with a capital atock of
000,000 ;
CINCINNATI Octobef 21. The
Abbi d Post , ( German ) afternoon pa
per , suspended.
New York Money and Stocks.
lltniey 3 ; czchsoge steady at 94 82 ® t 8 J.
II. S. a'S , ' 81 . 1 04 } U.S.4's . 1 OSJ ?
Q.a. 6'S . 1 02 } Currency 6' . 1 S5
U.S. IJa . 1 09J
Active ; advanced J to IJc since opening.
( V U . insj Pref e l . 74J
ff , Y. Cj . 135 j Union Paoflj . 32J !
Erie. . . .i. . . . . . . . . 45 0. C. & I. C . OIJ
I'referred . 7BJ Mich ! , { nCeitral..l05i
R I. . . i . 12i Lacka wanna. . . . . . t5
[ j.3 . USt Hudson COatttL. . . 8BJ
SorthwfBtcm . 117N ; J 0 . 78
Deferred . 1 9 ? M & E im
P . 46i Kriullc ? , 374
Ohio . eO- I 31 rM 51 }
Pre' rrjd . 7. U&V 21 ?
3tP4Ul . 1041 B&S . . . . 142
Prefc're'l . 117 $ Poorer . 72
St. Jce . 42 Olfi n . 40J
Prefenl . . . 8-J Preferred . 84f
tVabaeh .
Ohlcapco Produca Market.
CHICAGO , October 21.
Wheat Weak and l@lo lower ;
No. 2 spring sold t 8101 for No
vember ; § 1 011 02 } for December ,
closing at 99c for cagh ; 99J@99Jo
for Oarober ; SI OOg for November ;
51 01 ® 1 02 for December.
Corn A eak and g@jjc lower with
sales of No. 2 at 39@39jjc for cash or
October ; 393 < 340c for November ;
41J@41o for December , closing at 39
@ 39cfor cash : 39jc for October ; 39 |
for No. 3 ; 40Jo for December , 45J@
45Jc for May.
Oats Weak andi@jjc lower for long
options and 2go for cash lots , No. 2
closing at 29jjc for cash , October or
November ; 30c for December.
Rye Fell Ic and No. 2 sold at 83c
for cash and October.
Barley Higher at 84 < g85c for cash
end October ; cloingat 84o for cath ;
83s forNovembT.
Pork Mess closed at § 18 75 for
cash or October ; 812 0 i@12 10 for
Nove'nb r ; 812 00 for December ;
812 72J > 312 75 far January.
Lard" C oaed 8810 cash or October ;
87 95(57 ( 97 for December ; 87 92i ©
7 95 for seller for the year ; § 7 97 $ for
Chicago Live Stock Market
CHICAGO , October 2L
Hoes In liberal supply and dull at
a decline of 10@15c per 100 Ihs ; said
at 8455470 for luht packing and
shipping ; 84 40S > 4 65 for heavy pack
ing ; § 4 55 < g4 87 for fair to choice
3S3 3C. 3C . < & . 3EZ 3C. 3E3
Cor. Douglas and 13th Sts ,
Gives feat BargainsJin Ladies' and Gents
All Kinds Of
We Guarantee The Best Goods For The Least Money.
Iron and Wagon Stock ,
.4t Chicago Prices.
. 2T.
1209 and 1211 Harncy Street , Omaha.
OCtlJ- C
Eaving just opened an entirely new line of
iVe would ask the Merchants of Nebraska to inspect our Block.
eeling confident can meet the wants of all in good Goods aad
Low Prices
for. 14th : : m ! ] > o lic Sts.
smooth heavy shipping lots ; receipts ,
30,740. .
Cattle The receipts were again lib
eral , adding up 6,150 ; the bulk of ar-
rirnls consisted of Tenn and western
3'cers , with a fair percentage of cows ;
among the sales ware a lot of 84 ex
tra steers , the last installment of 300
head , averaging 1,635 Ibs , fed by D.
Bloninger , Albion , Iiwa , aud sold by
Hallgor it do. at $5 55 to Swift Bros ,
pn New York account ; other jjrades
were dull and weak ; stackers in de
mand at previous ngures ; there were
uo tales of Texan steers ; fresh receipts
5,350 head.
New York ProduceMark61. |
NEW YORK , October 21
Flour Dull and in buyers' favor ;
round hoop Ohio , 54 76@5 00 ;
choice dp , $8 10@6 00superfine ; west
ern $3 80@4 25 ; common to good ex
Lra do , $4 30 < § 4 70 ; choice do , 34 75 < 3
550 ; choice white wheat do , § 4650
< > .
Wheat Irregular ; Chicago , SI 15 :
Milwaukee , § 1 10@1 16 } No. 2
red winter , $1 16 ; November , ? 1 16j ;
So. 2 Chtca < > o,8115 ; sales,450.000 bu.
Corn Quiet ; No. 2 , at55josalea
Oats Quiet.
Whisky Quiet.
Pork 817 20 bid for October ;
? 13 65 asked for November ; ? 12 80 ®
13 25 for seller for the year.
Lard S8 508 60 for cash ; 88 52J
'or October , S842i < ? 8 50 f-r Nov m-
jer ; 88 35@8 40 for Decambar ; ? 8 35
5840 for January ; $8 40 < 8 47 for
February ; $8 35 < g8 40 for seller for the
; ° ar ; § 8 2U@S 60 for buyrr of the
Butter In fair demand J nd firm ;
) hio IBfg Oc.
Eggs Firm at I9@22c for fair to
hoiee. .
Choase Quint and firm at 913Jo
or poor to choice.
St. Looia Produce Marlcet.
Sr. Louis , October 21.
Flour Top grades 5o lower ; choice ,
So 00@o20 ; fanay , ? 5 3505 70
Wheat Lower } Ko. 2ied'J9cfor
; ash ; $100 foe October ; $1 Olg ®
01 lot November ; 81 OOjj ®
.04 for December ; 81 032i 0 J
or January ; No. 3. do , 93j@ ici
Corn Lower at 39\c \ for casn ; 39c
i39c forOctober39j@39Jc ; for No-
rernber 3939c forDacember ; 40J
540c for January ; 44j44gc for
Hay.Oats Lower ; 29jc for cash ; 30
JO c for Decerabjr ; 29c bid for Ocio-
Der.Rye Dull at 82ic.
Barley Unchanged.
Lead Steady at ? 4 50.
Butter Steady ; dairy , 2025o.
E/gs Bett r at 15j@17c.
Whisky Steadyat ? ! 10
Pork Lwerat1525.
Dry Salt Meats Qaiet at $4 90 ®
" 707 95.
Bcon Scarce and firm at ? 5 50
38 50(58 ( 55.
LwJ Sieidy at 88 12J.
Receipts Flour 7.000 bbl , wheat
104,000 bu.corn 27,000bu.onta 18.000
bu , rye 3,000 bu , barley 11,000.
Shipments Flour 10,000 bbla ,
wheat 26,000 bu , corn 1.000 bu , oats
} ,000 ba.
St. Louis LiveStocz Market.
ST. Louis , October 21.
Jj0g3slow antt lower ; Yoikers
md Baltimores , 84 30@4 40 ; miied
jacking , 84 2534 40 ; butchers' to
; ancy , 84 40@4 60 ; receipts 10,000 ;
ihipments , 1,000.
Consclense-atrlclcetn Muraerer.
{ pedal Dixpatch to The B .
SAN FRANCISCO , October 22 , 1 a.
m. Wednesday night George A.
WheeLr went to the p > lica station
ind confessed that he had murdered
his sister-in-law , Delia A. Tillson , at
Twenty-third and
a lodging ,
Kearney streets , and packed her body
in a trunk. His statement was &t
once verified. The circumstances are
remarkable. The deceased h-s been
livin" with her sister and Whetler.
The latter had subjected her to his designs -
signs , his wite beinu cogniz nt of the
fact , but concealed the affair to avoid
scandal , Ltttcrly a man by the nama
of George W. Pickhnra , who bscam
acquainted with the family some time
ago at Gitci. Placer county , ioojjht
to m rry Belli. This created je.I-
ou-tv < n the p rt of Wbesler , who i > n
Wednesday-whi'o ' Delia was sitting CM
hi * lap , choked her to death. Wh e'
er and hia family formerly lived I *
New York.
Mysterious Stranger Jugged.
Special Dispatch to The Bm
CUIOAOO. October 22 , 1 a. m. It
is hinted that the strange , and ills'10-
gufsht-d looking gen'Icman arrested
yesterday by secret arrvice rfficerm.
on n telegram from Washington , maybe
bo Woodward , cashier of fche Boiton
rity treasury , who i * wanted fur
? 9 .000 embezzlement. Nothirg
coull be learned ezcpt that a consid
erable nmouut of government bonds
was found in his posseminn. variously
reported at § 1 000 to $10"OOC yrorth.
Ilucmen'u Arnica Salvo
The BEST SALVE in the world for
Cuts , Bruises , Sores , Ulcer * , Suit
Rheum , Fever Sores , Tetter , Chapp
ed Hands , Chilblains , Corns , and all
kinds of Hkin Eruptions. Thla Salvo
Ii guaranteed to glra perfect satl&fac-
tied in every caao or money re tended.
Price 25 cents per boi. For aale by
SdlvT K
Bryan * Te-raj , Jon * 11 ,
J.O. Elchardson , St. Xo lD * 8tn-
My beT , 9 jear old , hnd tei < er * * rr
other Jar. or rreiy third day , for J * * * ? " *
2 month * . 1 a * d an much M 12 rralaa
of Quinine dnrinff he JBT , bntTrltb n
"ffect : tried Clnchonla ( lk < UoldSnJh.
CTllchonldla , Snlaclne , ate. , etc. , bat Ih
boy eot wwr o U thn timo. I relactantly
, - , . . . . . . . .onich- . -
rofyoarm < nelnr.
fuo. a rezulnr M. . . bat
practice 3 year * uro and <
time to drng biuinen.
Very reipoctlolly ,
J. 17 <
Btoclctoa. Mo. , Ans. 36th , 1877.
J. O. Richardson , St. ronU-De r Slri
Oilfford'a JTcbninge Is the be t thlnr tor
ChUUmnd Fevef that -wo bay. .r
handled. Thflro neror ha b n a ea
SOT rareil by It that wan taken
that WM
a ortUne to direction. In thl. part *
the country. Yourttrnly ,
ChDUcothe , Mo. , Jnly 3O/1S79.
. J. 0. . BlehudMo. St. I-onl My. p.a.
Tonrtrlendj ,
Bojce A Oatraadtr ,
Thl U to certify that I had th * JTrr r
and Azne thl * aummer Kad th n of
one-third of a bottle of Clifford' * * * '
fnge promptly cored It. It 1 th p dl-
it core I hATO known of.
of.G O , BAZLOB.
2SW thlrie I tooV onh U bottl
Manager "U.S. y
SICHARD8OH & CO. , - 3t.LouI .