' 1IJE DAILY BEE. Thursday Morning , Oct. 21. 'BREVITIES ' , Patersori sel'fc coal- Saxes for fine bath tponges. in to-day. Six cars of block came -For the teeth , Kuhu'a Dentrifice. Frederick's. Winter caps cheap at Try Saxe'enew Five Cent Cigar. -Isaac Mckols , American remedy. -F , rter is running the Oitaha Ferry. -Industrial school d nner to-morrow. -Standard Club party this even'nj. Itead catalogue of Books on first page. -Butterick's i-allerns at CrnickshankV. -Lubin'ebulk perfume at Kuhn's only. The western mal : train was three hours late yesterday. - James E Boyd will commence packing pork on November L Saturday afternoon is feet for the open ing e-ame of the foot-ball club. The best cf meats at Bath & AVMte'B market , oi-posite the postoffice. SJiMi Bath & White , opposite tbe post- office , receive fresh fibh every Thursday. twt-tf -Just Arrived The nobbiett Heating St-ve for the season of 1SSO has just ar rive J utWm. F. Stoetzels. ocU'J-3t An Omaha coal merchant bold five cars of Back ! Diamoadfi in Council luff- yeil-rJay. The four m"ntl.8 old child of Mr. and Mrs. Thorns F. Trice was buried yes terday forenoon. There will be'six car loads of Oreson feeders at the Omaha block yards to-daj Tlie Wa'er Works company have rent ed an office in * Peter Goos' building , on Paraliam btreet Detective Sweeaey left yesterday for CounuilJiluff * to work up a case against a citj-.cn of that town who robbed Iris uwu trim ! ; . Tlie funeral of Ajncs M. Files took place at 2o'cloak yesterday f-om theCo gie gational church , and waj very largely at tended. -Messrs. Man-h & Smith , of the street railway , bave nearly completed a feed mill at a cost of § ll)00 ! ) , in the northern part of the city. Fifteen cans , the first portion of a car go < if t-a. arrived in the city Tuesday ni.ht < tvtfr tbe U. * * . and were uhipped uut over the C. B &Q. road. Superintendent Pierce , of the Poor 1'arui , has a fine , healthy , three weeks > ! d , girl baby , to give away. Inquire at the i > oor hoose. o"0-2t LOST A Knigbt Templar gold cro with owner's name engraved on it. Finder will please leave it at I ank of Caldwell , Hamilton ic f-o. JAB. S. FKAJ.-CE. Nellie Foray th and John ilnxwell , ap- rrbted on suspicion of bcin implicated in the -obbery 'of Jouasan's jewe.ry ttore , weredischirgeJJTuCadjiy night. Mr. fj. \ > Whitney , of Mil bury , Mass. , < ilini'berof Mr. A. If. Whitney , of this city , left for home Tuesday after a visit of several day * with his relatives in Omahiu A number of Omaha Odd Fellows hive gone to Lincoln to attend the Kessiim of the Grand Led eof Nebras ka , which convened Tuesday at 2 p. m. , with the largest attendance ever held in - Tue first installment of pipa for the Omaha water works compiny arrived y < tenlay , and wai delivered , commencing a' , the comer of IHth and Farnham streets , where qnite a crowd gathered to pass judgment on it. The Ger nan Evangelical Association , Itev. S. fl. White , pastor , lias purchasei the alem church property on D"dge Htreot , near Thirteenth , for301. , and will remove thew soon from the edifice on 18th street , tatwcon California and Wetstcr , which will beoffered for sa'e. V.nwtr IdV store rn south 8th street , lie rlhe B. fi'M. freight de.ntria . cu t-red by burglan Tiies lay. They w en1 thr ugh both stores , carrying of same nlk li.mdkcroh efs and ot er articles , but for- Itmntily overlooking some vain bo ! silver \ \ l'cwas \ within easy reach. The amount carried off was not veiy great. Comp'al-1 wag lodged against a smal b.iy m the police court Tuesday by a Cnininiau namd ( James 1-ce , charging titd youth with maliciously shooting him m the no-Jo with a uvbcr catapult ors'int : hl : it. Th > case wa Bit for hearing to-daj and during iU progress the chinaman be came fomewbit excited and related his greviaticc' * in tlie following ter < e nnd es- pr'f > ivo language : "Melicin boy hitle me nosey alia namre williee minge shntee , r.ui.itt like hellr alle sameo make chinaman pay damme likehehe. " Tlio 'boy proved an ali > i and was discharged. i f Child'a Mi ta at Kurtz' . m&w ios * Hood at Kurtz' . m&w Meals ut all hour * n % Tiz rd's 15-ti WANTED * 'WANTED j ! 10,000 Xadies and children to ceo our flock of Honds , Ifubias , Hnsioi Cloaks and Fancy Goods , Kurtz's Store , Creichton .Block. m-w If you want anything in the jewelry line or your watch repiired , go to Kdholm & Erickson's ; get your mon cy's worth. It HARD COAL SELF-FEEDING STOVES Splendidly and ehborately p'.ated with nickel , for 88 and upward , at Ilj.Troasin'B , 1111 Douglas elreot. o20t4 Lidiea * Cloaks at Kurtz' , m&w Wool yarn at Kurtz' . m&w LOOK HERE ! The Garland Parlor Steve elands at Iho front ; lends any in the market. T > ItiE8nning & Foitick will be pleased to eh w you all the latest improve ments , and convince you at once that thcro is no better atove in the market. 1V2L ! tarnhatn street , next to First National Bank. c33-eod-tf Da your shopping st TCurtz * . m&w Cccilian cbnral cla s cinccrt Friday evening next. TicLeta fir "ale by A. 15. Huberma-i , 51 it Meyer and A. lloapo , jr.B'tx s.ioet at Max Meyers. Child'a Hoods ai Kurtz. m&w ' JEWKLUY , CLOCKS and SPECTACLES , SILVERWARE and DIAMONDS , at prices that we guarantee to suit alL We eelLatihe JoKtstpssnble Jt'rjn j urcSj an ! guarantee the quality of our g > ods. t JEDHOLM & EuicEBOir , ) Opposite Postoffice. ; Telephone to Joe & Sam's for a box of those Famous Caramels and Bon bon j. to BEAUTIFUL BELLS , The Air Filled With Matrimo nial Melody of all Varieties. Ctystal , SUver , Tin and Other Weddings. V The "squaw winter , " just pasaed through , was not severe enough to nip the budding orange blossoms , which for two or three days past brve bloomed with astonishing luxuriance and nf all varieties. We have quite a bouquet of the fragrant flowers to day , prominent in which is the wed ding and reception of Officer O'Dono- hoc. O'DONOHOE sic XUUT. The nuptials of this well-known member of the police force and Miss Nellie MoNulty , of Lake Forest , Ills. , were celebrated at the cathedral of St. Philomena on Monday evening , Rev. Father McCarty officiating. The affair was kept remarkably quiet until Tuesday when a compny of Jack's friends , including Mayor Ch Judge Hawes , Deputy Marshal * erd hl , Councilman Hornbercer and tbe entire pnlic force , called upon the newly married couple at their co- aey homo on Pacific street. There they had the pleasure of meeting the bride , who is a comparative stranger in the city , and of admiring the judg ment of one of the city's force. An elegant and accomplished lady , ol rare intelligence and charming man ner * , Mrs. O'Donohoe soon won the esteem of all her husband' * friends. Jud e Hwes on behalf of the force , presented the bride with several beau tiful gifcs , accomuanj ing the presen- tttioii with an eloquent addrces. Mayor Chase seconded him , and in hia happiest vein congratulated the bride and groom , and assured Ihe former that if he bad any influence with the marsbalnight duty should be dispenied with during the honey moon , and if her husband did not re port at connubial roll-call ct nine o'clock , he ordered her to report him An elegant collation was set before the guests in the midst of the enjoyment of which , the party was serenaded by Hornberger's full Italian orchestra. At a late hour the guests dispersed , carrying with them moat agreeable impressions of the newly- formed household for which they wish uninterrupted felicity until , as Judge H wes expressed it , "th'i silver threads are iniiiulo 1 tiith the brown aud life's sweet dream is ended. " 5IANK1NO ORAT , A pleasant uodding was solemnized Tui'sdap evening by thu llav. E. H. E J.imescn , at a net nnd comfortable home on Nineteenth street , south ol St. Mary's Avenue. The high con tracting parlies were Wm. F. Man ning , of F. D. Cooper's establishment and Miss Lillie V. Grsy , daughter ui W. L. Gray , of this city. Only the relatives andintimato fiiends of the couple were present. The marriage touk place in the house fitted up for occnpuicy by the now family. Thcro were the usual number of ele gant snd appropriate gift ? . The uroom is a prosperous aud successful young businessman , ana the bride tbe daughter of one of Omaha's carliesl settlers , whoso resldonca dates from ' 54. We wLh them much joy. WHITE JlEFE > 'l)01r. : Mr. Greda White , formerly of the Omaha National bank , but for life IBB ! two years , engaged in the brokerage business in Ifew York , was marricdln Ohio , October 14tb , to Msss'Lucy Diefendorf. A TIN VTEDDIKO. The tenth anniversary of the mar riage of Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Loaiy was celebrated in fine style , on Mon day evening , at their residence on North Twenty-third street , the party being somewhst of a surprise , bu ( none the le a pleasant on that ac c > unt. A largo number of their friends gathered at an early hour bringing with tLem numerous tokct.s of esteem , all of iho material which is supposed to be appropriate to such Decisions. At an hour after mid nigh the guests left for home , after wishing their hosts many happy returns of the d.iy. CRYSTAL WEDDING. The fifteenth anniversary of Mr. and Mrs. E. Simon occurred on Mon day evening la't. Their friends , lethe the number of fifty , celebrated the occasion by giving them a surprise party at their residence on Haruev street. During the evening the rou pie were presented by Mr. Bloom in behalf of the numerous friends with an elegant berry set , in the following neat speech : _ "It is my most agreeable and happy privilege in behalf of your numerous friends gathered here to-night to pre sent to you these tokens cf their e " teem and regard. They have not for gotten the anniversary of your wedding day and its fifteenth celebra tion has brought them tojjether and afforded thorn the much coveted op portunity lo testify their coed wishes and the great interest they take in your welfare. Most of your married existence has been spent in this com munity hero you have passed , ss it were , the very noon of life. Here you bave made that record for noble ness of action , for kindliness of na ture , for a far spreading influence for good , that has endeared you rtioto than any passing speech of mine could. And it permits me to eav m this connection , that , after all the ambition that leads to the advance ment and elevation of our fellow- creatures , is the grandest and loftiest of any. He who has made the world better for having lived in it has ful- Stled a noble mission , and he who lias accomplished the mcst In this di rection , is justly entitled to be crowned "the greatest benefactor of its race. " And it permits me to say 'urlher that , In proportion lo the good deeds we perform , will the cap ital of our happiness grow and in crease. You have laid up a stock of thYs character , of which , thq very beit of us might well be envious , and it gives you the assurance that your virtues and your labors in the cansa f right-doing , will be as unfading In be memory of all your friends as 'the itars above will bo forever unfading'in ' be works of creation. At 12 o'clock the guests sat down a bounteous repast , after wbJca dancing and jollity wore the night air away until tha wee swa * hours. BILVEE TTEDDISG. The twenty fifth anniversary of the wedding of Mr. and Mrs. F. E. Bailey , residing on North Nineteenth street , was celebrated Monday night in a happy manner. Did anybody ever hear of a couple reaching their silver wedding day who were not un usually biased in their mairled life ? Mr. and Mrs. Bailey are of the.fav- ored few who reach that gleaming mile-stone on life's journey and it was fitting thatit should be passed in a joyous manner. A magnificent sup per was let before their guests , and at its close dancing , wai resorted to ainon ; , ' other social enjoyments. Among the tokens of esteem received from their friends were a lovely silver tea set ; a water pitcher ; two cake bas kets ; a butter dish ; a beautiful jewel cise ; a set of five silver knivc1 } a double set of nutcrackers ; nut picks and fiuit knives ; a handsome crd re ceiver ; put ta leand teaspoons ; pickle castor and numerous other ankles. It was a memorable occitioo , not oily for the wirthy hosts , but for their fa vored guests , who hope that they may live to ECO the great Alchemist , Time , InnBfotm the anniversary from silver into a golden wedding day. WASTED A good store boy. Re ferences. H. G. frlCATEH , Opposite P. 0. H. BDLLN & Co. , the Sixteenth street grocers , are now manufacturers Bgenta fir the celebrated "SAXTO BEST" Winter Wheat Flour , which is at tale at the following grocers : F. Lonpr , Geo. Heirnrod , G 3o. Schmidt , Julius Treitchke , William Gentleman , Henry Dilz-n , F. A. McSbauo , Z. Stevens and William Sazauer. w-f-m-tf - - - It pays to trade at Kurtz' , - PERSONAL PARAGBAPHS. Col. A. C. Dawes , was in the city yce terday. Hon. Geo. H. Jewett of Sidney in in the city. city.Hon Hon t , . 5L Bennett left yesterday Ogdcn. Gen. C. H. Van Wycfc was in the citj Tuesday night. Hon. L. W. Osborae , of Blair , was in tjwn yetleidaj'i J. W. Bobbins of the Chicago Lter Ocean is in thg city. Mr. Wi'lis Yatea left for Chicago Tuesday tvcni g. Eevk E. H. E. Jimeson left at coon yesterday for Ucd Cloud. Jolio Ferc'.val has gons on the road for the Ru'.it Nebraska. W. Ci LaHirop arid f jmiiy were among the wobl boUi-d p ssengers yesterday. Stij.t. . L. D. Tuthill of the St. Jco & Sottiwestern w s in the city yesterdij" . Bitluip Towlcf , th : * E fontlcd E scopal Bis-hop- Ciiic-.g" , was in the iity Tues day. Jl-mjgcr Ciiffi'i , of tlie Ac'demy oi Music returned from Chicigo yesterday morning. Hon. C. r. Matthewson , speaker of the Nebraska Louse of repr sehtativei , is m the city. L. T. Wilbur left tday for Fort Wash- alcie , where he enters the employ of J. Kt Moore , post trnden Gen. John C. FiunMit , Governor of Ariz , na passed t'rurj ; the city Tuesday tn route to hu domain. Mr. Oicar Moje n. his wife ? nd two J u htcrB will lei e ij a fiW ilajs fir Jvanfeai City , which is o be thrir home for tne immediate fuliiic. All are acquair - ted with this family v ho fiom the father down aic admirable actorr. At the German Theatre , where they api ear next Sunday evening for the last time , Mis Laura Mojean especially has won admira tion and favor , her younger eister bids fair to le equaJy pleasing at no distant day. BASE BURNER STOVES. Don't fail to call and see the "In vincible" and "Argand" stoves , o : which I have sold so many this sea < on and previous years , and which are now acknowledged by all to be th best stoves in the market. I can also assure the p'iblic ' that my prices octu ally defy competition , and are far be low these of any other house in t west. To convince yourselves of the truth of this statement call at No 1111 Douglas st. R. TBOSSIN. cc20-lt Lidies' Mitts at Kartz' . m&w Elepant lunch served nt GRAND CEN TRAL BILLIARD HALL : mornings 9 to 12 ; evenings , 8 to 12. m.w. COOKING" STOVES , * With a full set of furniture for $11.00 and upward at the Steve Store ol R Trossin , 1111 Douglas street. Pncca exceedingly loir. Call and Bee for yourselves. o20-4t Oysters in every style at Tizard'a. 15-tf FURS ! FURS ! FURS ! The Omaha Fur Manufacturer , Henry Q. Richter , Fifteenth street , opposite the postoffice , calls the at tention of the Ladies of Omaha and vicinity to visit his superb stock of Furs : and , also , to look ovtr their old furs for repairing , before the season advances. Satisfaction guaranteed. olG-nl Best Caramels and Taffies at Tiz ard's. * 15-tf The Garfield and Arthur Glee Club will b'end their voices harmoniously at the C. 0. C. Concert next Friday evening. Ladies' Underwear at Kurtz' , m&nr Owing to the inclemency of the weather , tha annual ball of the Lyran Singing Society , which was to have > : en held last Saturday , has been ostponcd nntil Satnrd y , October 23rd. m.f Child's Leggins at Knrfz * . m&w Joe-it Sam'a Oyster Parlors open day &nd night tf Mrs. S. A. Smith , gioceriea and produce , has adopted the cash system. Call and get price * ; 7th and Pierce $ refers. 3t t-oct7. For Delicious CARAMELS , the inest in America , Go to Jce & Sam's , next to Postoffice. tf ; BOOTOING THE BBS , The City Council Rejects the Proposition for Bonds , One and All. A special meeting of the city coun cil was held at 7:30 last evening to take acti n on the bids rtcaived for the new issue of 7 percent bonds. Present , Meesrs. BackmoreDailey ! , Lodge , Hornberger , Jones , Kennard , Libagh , Roddis , Stcphenson , Thie- man and Mr. President. The following abstract of bids re' ceivcd waa had by tbe clerk : J. ttiwr , $05.100 at 51 jrcmlum Ji . U Watson. SU,100 ) t J ircjiiuiu. T M. I o > nt , GG.HO at Ci rcailtiffl , John M. isain , Sofl.l OatTJ rr uiiuifl. Jia B roer , SIC , tOat < tf-lOJ premium. K-.uii ze BrvS. A. Y. $ ddl'0 it r mium. A. " unier , ( rua d an , S12.VOO at t < { premium. J. J. Siabbs , * 1,700 at pieinium. \UUer TrucliIo a City , S10.WJ at 2 prim- UIOSWia. . D j'.l , * U > 3 at 00 premium. K. C. Ljon , Iowa City , $ V Ol ) at 5J prem um. 1 caritt BurnLain , J2 , (0 at b prem nm. E. K. Stamens , s r. 856IUO at GJ uiemlum. Ct.ss Gr-ES , K. Y. $ G6,10U at 7 2U-10J I-reiu- ium. ium.U > . Creighton , JCS.IOD at 7 1-7 premium. _ The following were receive- ! alter 12 o'clock on t e 18th. D. T. Mount , J1P.OOO at 7J p-emlum. Frank Murphi , J68.ICO at 7 premium , A. pr < position from Pres'on , Kean and one from the Chemical bank N. Y. for § 25,000 at § 1 CC aud $25,000 at § 1 07 were secured. These were tne bids whi .h arrived by the lite train on Monday and on which there was fl question as to whether they were filled in time to comply with the advertisement for bids. A. preposition from Letvitt Burnliam , dated October 19th uttered to take § 66,100 at § 108 instead of $2,300 if the council ob- cted to a bid for less than the whole amount. A proposition dated October.lS , was rpcerwil from John McShane , to take SG6 100 at 81.09 1/26. / Mr. Stepbenaon otfereda resolution that on azcuuntof the failure of of the bids to come to hand by reason of a litu train ; and for various aond reasons ; all the bids received up to date be rejected ) and that the city cltrk be author 23d to advertise apaiu for bids , the bids to bo nil in by Sat urday evening next at 7:30 : oVl A prolonged d'scussion ' followed , participated in by tne entire counc-1 , nne aide contending that they were in honor bntlndjto aocept the propositioi of John B. Foyer , as he was the high est bidder who complied with the terms advertised , and the other side claiming that all the bids should be rejected as the i.nly fair way for al parties , . Mr. Kenuard favored accepting Mr. McShatio'a proposition. Mr. Stephenson's resolution was subsequently withdrawn , and another substituted therefor , changing the time for closing bids tb Monday dv inpr , the 25th , which was adopted. The council then adjourned to meet Monday evening at 7:30 : o'clock. POLITICAL POINTS. TUB COLORED JIEJj's CUnlCE. An enthusiastic moating of colored Americans was held nt Eureka hal Tuesday for the purpose of select ing some name to be presented to the county convention as a nominee for the legislature. Peter Williams was called to the chair , Benj. Fulton sec retary. The object of the meeting was discussed by W. H. C. Stephenson - son , W.V. . Porter , Price Sander * , A. W. Parker , .K. Washington and others. On motion of W. W. Porter , the meeting proceeded to nomination ? . W. H. C. S onson and E. R. Overall were notnimted as candidates befoic the convention. E. R. Overall receiving the largest number of rotes was declared nominated. On million of W. H. C. StophensonE. R. Overall was unanimously elected. The moating adjourned to Wednes day evening , October 27. TUB OPPOSITION. The democracy are wheeling into line for the local political campaign They held a caucus in the First wart list evening at Metz's Hall , at 7:30. : and in the Fourth ward at the police court room. The primaries in the wards and precincts are called for to morrow evening , and the convention will be held Saturday , ! Cut and Dried. The railroad convention which as sembled at Clark's hall yesterday af ternoon carried the out programme ar ranged by Boss rhumtou the nifih before The whole thing was n cu and dried affair , and this was eviden from the beginning of the convention to the cloto. Mr.0. . R , Coutant presided ant John Rush acted as secretary. Nominations being in orderMessrs C. K. Coutant and Sidney E. Loske were named as candidates for the etate senate , and on motion of Boss Green were nominated by acclamation. The next thing in order being the Bilection of candidates for the Ljwei house , the following were put in nom ination : A. L. Robinson , Gates B.ir her , Ralph M. Gaylord , Joseph Fox W. .1. Broatch , Sam A. Orchard , J. H. Kyner , E. R. Overall , E. M. Bart lett , Geo. M. O'Brien , jr. , Henry Ballou , T. .1. Staley , W. I. Baker , Andrew Sorensen , \Vm. R. Turner and Philip Anderson. The first ballot being formal result- ou in the nominitiou of S. K. Jack son , H. G. Barber , Patrick Mullen , Joseph Fox , E. M. Bartlett , J. H. Kyner , W. J. Broatch and Henry Bolln. F. W. Corliss , the present Incum bent , was reuominated for county commissioner. The convention then adjourned sine die. Gentlemen waiting for Captor Sals are notified of their arrival. FREDERICK , Leading Hatter. - Hickory , Chestnuts and Blac nuts at Tizard's. 15-tf ' County Court. The following cases were decided t n the October term by Judge Barthr , olomew : ' Alfred Stan den vs. L. Z. Stephens ; ndgment for plaintiff forS138 69. Council Bluffs Iron'"Works' vs. Wil- iam J. Wclshana et al. ; judgment 'for 8135.95 Horace C. Melcalf et al. vs. William Sexauer ; judgment for 136.60. p- H" . A. Cornish \s. Peter Boosen ; udcment for 8117.25. Martin Ittuer , administrator , vs. A. F. . Kjalestrom ; judgment for $340 pi. ; Julius Bauer et al. vs. Charles 3anckes ; dismissed. First National Bank vs. Charles J. jrcen ; judgment for § 240.42 George E. Barker vs. F. W. Gan- m&n ; j udgment for § 178.70. i BUKGLARS WHO BUBGLE. An Omaha Business Man Suspected of Manufac turing Burglars Tools. Confessions of a Orook. The good citizens of Omaha have jean apprised at different and numer ous times-of late through the columns of THE BEE of the many different raids made by the knights of the jim- mie upon the safes , tills and other comatabhs of our people. So often liave these raids been made that it baa become necessary in eertiin par's of our city to organize a night patrol of JZefls , the police force being inade quate to properly protect all parts of the city at night. These inroads upon the wealth of our citizens have become so numerous and so startling in their boldness of des'gft and execution thrtt the city marshal deputed one of his polfce- men to work up and ferret Out the organized ganj ; of thieves who are known to infest the town. The said policeman , whoso bthor nimo is Pt < t Fonl , c'ommencod operations by in gratiating hirrsalf ifito the good graces of a noted crook and pflniteri- tiary bird , who imparted to him the startling information that a well- known locksmith of this city did a thriving basiiu-iis In manufacturing burglars' tools t * order for the Rang , and charging them from thirty eight to fifty dollars per set for the same. To substantiate what he Said ho volunteered to go and order a set , vhich ho accordingly did A bargain w , a made , end the locksmith agreed to furnish the tools required for the sum of $38. In duo tirno the tfoh were called for , tie ofticor aocompaiyirg the pur chalet1 , and remaining on the outside until the transaction was closed , wh < he intended to slip iusnl arrest the manufacturer. But somehow or oth er bo had got wind of the whole thing nnd refused to deliver the tools , mak- iiL ; as an excuse that he had not made them yet nor waSil't goiil ; to , a ? He didn't do ih it kind ot business. Of course , the arrest was not made under the circumstances , but tliore exists m doubt in iho niiiid of the officer that tlie locksmith hud done plenty of that kind of business , and were it not that he finelled a very large sized ro dent , tnere is no doubt that his last "kit" of tools would have cost him A "stretch or two in the pen. " Third Ward Voters Registration Notice. I will sit at my i ftico north east cor ner of Fourteenth and Donylas street ? , ( ver Cumi : g's auction store ) on i hurecUy , Saturday and Monday. [ Thursday 28 h and Saturday SCth October , nnd November Monday Ist.j for tha purpnso of registering the electqrs .of the Third ward. In witness whereof I have hereunto sot my hand this 50th day of Octi , ' bar , 1880. WILL H. RILEY , r.20-10t ' Registrar Third Ward. Child's cloaks at Kurtz. rn-w Dou'fc tu.ronr a giod Slove nwny be * caueo U neuda a few repairs that you think I you can't get , but go to Win. F. Siwtz-l , whc wi'.l ' get them for you. 10 3t ' REGISTRATION NOTICE. STATE OF NEBRASKA , ) Douo LAS COUNTY. Js3' Notice Is hereby ijivou that I wl ; ) st at my office , 317 Sjuth Twelfth street , between Farnham on Wednesday , Thursday , Friday and Saturday , October 27th , 28th , 20th and 30thalso ; on Monday , Novembif 1st , 1880.for.tho purpose 'f-regie- tering the olectora ot the First "Ward , In witness whereuf , ! have hereunto sat my hand , "thh 18th day of Octob er , A. D. , ISSO. E. M , STENBEROj o812fc ' . Registrar First Ward. To the Voters of the Sixth Ward. Notice is hereby given , that I will alt at myTjfiice , 908 north 16th street , from Tuesday , October 19th , to Sat urday , October 23rd , and every even ing thereafter to November 1st , 1880 , for the'purpose of making a new com plete registrar list. olS-Ct Jin N. MpnpnV' , Registrar. RANGES ! RANGESII , Tlie best ranges in the market at the'lowest possible prices at R. Tros- sins , 1111 Douglas s'.raet. ' o20t4 Mrs. M. Cor , F-ishiohab)6 ) Dress M < \ker , 317 Fifteenth street , between Davenport and Chic-'RO. Me'nicrs celebrated Fine Chocolate , at Joe t Sam's. tf WANTED 3 'good blacksmiths on 14th street between Hafney and Howard - ward * . ANDREW MUBPHY. tf A box of Pure Fresh and Delicious candies from Joe & Sam's , delights the , hearts of young and old. tf E. Maurer has opened his new saloon and lunch room 1214 Farnham street , late Elgutter's store. Ira PHT ? < UK TWENTY-ONE KDMBER- -CUXb-lDJ. of SCKIBNEP.'iJ"MONTHLT. Tha msgnificently illustrated November num ber of SCKIBXER'S ilosinir , the DEC NMAL IS UE , ajCear in a ew cover , and contains the n t chapters rf Pr.TEK TltK GREAT AS KULEHA..DHEFi.RirEB , by Eugene Schm- ler , the beginning of capitil Sf rial nowl , arti cles OQ OCA.US1 ONE. ( with fn'l pee po'tnti ) , ELtUU VKniilR. MILLET. AETEUOS WAKl ) anJ WA < TW OTMAN , nl'h many other a- crs of unamil interest , monp ; them the firs' pui.hslHd explinati'ia of HELLER'S FAMOUS SECOND-SIGHT THICK Tnls November number i > eglns tbe twenty , first volume. . The increasing poput rity of the magazine la itrontfy evidenced by recent vales. A ye-r ajo the mojthly circulation wai about 90,000 copies ; durinir tbe past nine months it hai avsrajed 115,000. wuiln the first edition of the No.-cmbcr i sue b 125,000. P.ice 35 cent * ; $4.00 veir c The f oTIowini ; special offers are made with new subscriptions ( number * and volumes suppled , pst r > id , by the | ublishers and sll dcalcrf ) : t. ) TWE.NTr.05E KDUSKBS. OF SCRIB- NEKS FOKJ5.CO. For 5.00 , j cat's tubscrption , beginning- rl.h Nov. , and rlne recent numberr , > eb'y to ct. , 1880 , Including I art L of PJ-TER THE OKE T , Mm. Bur.ett's LOUISIANA , etc. Regulir Price , * 7.00. ) 2)TWO LOUNO V.LS ) AND A SUBSCRIP- TIO.V FOK 7 60. ) J7.50 , a year's rnbseriptinn and tire rieh- r'bouul volumes , XIX. xnd XX , containing be above nnmbe-s , and all of Cable's brilliant ovel.THE GRASDISdIMES. ( Berular pri.e , ) * and SOaifiNEH & CO. , 713 Bro/dmry , K. V. , SPECIAL NOTICES. NOTICE Advertisements To Let For Sal * ' UxA , Found. Wants , Boirdlnz dtc. , vfill bo In serted In tbnrc columns ouce for TEN CENTS per lint ; each subse < ; uentin3ertIonriVE CENTS per line. The flirt insertion Dover lisas than TWEJiTY-FIVf : CEKTS. TO UAH-HOMEY. ST 10 LOAM Oll * t Law Office M D. L. THO1IAS. RoomS.firetdhton Block ONKY TO I.OAH 1109 Farnhun street. M Dr. EJwardfl Loan Agency. nov-K-tt HELP WAMTID - to work in .ma'l ' family , south side DoJge bt. , third house west 2T < 1 St. 711-20 Ajoiing nan wishes situation to WANTED of corse * . Address W. C. . Ecc office 70u ; Mtllatii n 1-y a youns roan , ) WABTEll srocerj rforr , 'lio has been in th'i country liutafeur da f , but h cli qualified to fill any p ° itiuii , i asstudu 1 n.cJ'cine aid bool- Vcef.'iiiR for jvir ; wascs uobjjct. . Addrtus O. H.U. , Ceo office. ' 10-21 A girl far Imusjffcrk , small Urn- WANTED . 2115 , C.ii. St , Let 21at tnd l2ud. 11-2 ! - . cIcJacMeJ ! joung ladiw WANTKD-Tw. timmes.'liate , cm secure a pttinai out tituil. ii ! niti n balary of 3J2.UO wcuk. U < ill nt the MctropoHan Hotel on i hurs- k [ torn icn till eleven a m. 71B-2J A ? T D 'uom heIPAp ; > lv at tlnsoHkc. 74-9 > t.o d isker. at the Vie-ind Eakery. 705 J liifl iu * ? eniwl Iwnsiworklr ; W 1' . T. ilouut , N. K. C" ' ll rner ami Ifitli Oirl Iniraedbtel- the Elk'-of WANT3D House - lrl ! toclo general ] li < nm.worlf. t WANTPD-0rl street. 7(7-21 ANTED-AshCCir.8fesr , t D. C. Khler'n AT IBlh tl-t opposite postoffica. 703 20 ANTKD-A fhl fir general li'inowoik. AT Ki.qulr"f . J rs J. H. Cr ish'.on , Cits ttrset , b , . 17th and 131U. J02-vf \-\7 ANTKU Oifl for Ktncr.il l.ousework , at S VV ' . iljiie , Jaik Jn St. , Letnucn 17th and ISth eoaih tide. ' 0 ItrraediUely , a good Hk , at WAITED ' rtntautant. COtf "A s TED Cook at the O'Cflnnell IIou'o on w 10th St , Deir Dudge. 191-81 . - cood"Ji6' - . -Jjeepcr , at 1103 W.VWrED-A D' , up Btiiis. 6M II \TTAKTEl ) fliri : "c.'ok'7 pre/errctJ , Bt F. W lancorl3UiMid Ji-kso-ii. t83-tf 2 men lo work i umked'atflen1 WANTED at tie ! end if l8th St. H. W. BAiL 6S9-I1 f'JR FiHT-HUU3 S AHD LAND. fj U BKNT I.ttrj.ofrcut roun , npBt.llrs suiN C able for iwo ent cncn. 23d and Cass Sis Innuiro at tLis otHce , or aildreai ' "A. " po * ( mce 70121 \ ! RK\T Cmtase , on 5th an.1 . Pine SU , 1y\OC 1 house , tig'itTroums.ui 3d a d'a'SMs. Emiiiiic J. f. hoe , f. t' . Cor. Irth and Karn- Lam , 030-tr yOlt KENT Room , fafiii liOuorupfumUbed , JD KoW58th ! , let Califorui * and Webster street. : 6 S-1 RKKr Ilufijo ud lot In hull's 2ad ailu.iiinrne-A-u. S. eoifilJj Enquire a Room 6 , Crefehton Llock. _ W-t RVNT Large bouse , 7 roonn , 20th St. , FOR CasjBtrce' . C. T. TAVUiR , fljl-tf Oflice 34th and DjUgl-i 7tr.'ftT' ' ' = ilritclv furnished rooms at 1311 FOIl - etfeot , bet. 13th wA 14th St. 360 t OB RENT 2 furnished rooms over iJer F cbanf Eacliango , N. E. Cor. 16th and iS3-tf ! FOR SALfr SALE The new Kngland House , IU t FOH . Neb. Inquire ef proprietor on th premises ; will soil the whole or patt interest E. N. > OYE3. 713-3.1 nOn SALE-Tnner' ; tools. Inquire 41S 10th JL1 etrcfct. 717-2r LK Twenty to twenty-lour quirts or om dollar by John T. Paulson. oh/e.V.-mon-woilt Q HOUSES And rornar half of lot , southeast fii corner Ijth and C'MsSts. , 7 room in each ; rent ( orS-uilil 3 5 ( " mouth KEMIS' 1 EtL EBTATE AOESCT , 15th and Dottala" St . 679-tf FOR SALS Mixed piinta.atA and California hts. 615 tf EOtl SALE A new , cleirant , first-class 7j ( wttvopiinn , direct frjm manufacturer , at s than nuuiificturer'r ) ( \Milttllatnbar iii and give time if do ircd.V. . J. CONNE L. OCO-tf T7I R SALK t'otlonwoKl lumber of all Bizcs.at J ? RKDJtoyiVS. Si-steonth-st. Slfl-t MISGElLMI OUS. - ' - Jrlsh setter bitcli with pups five J dol'ars ' reward will be pijd for b r return. CHA * > S1 ASIAN , at A. J. Jsloipajn'd farriage Shop. 716-T2 NOTIOK Otlo Frisonielenniry SPHC1AL : . pr.uluife of the veterinary collcce of Slut tg ut and Zurich. Ilcspit-a 1149Shc.TDan avunUo SStJ-lm Absolutely Pure , Maile from Grape Cream Tartar. No othe preparation nukes such li ht , H.-.hy hat breadu , or luxurious pastry. Can be eaten by ilype- till without fear of the Ib resulting front Sold only in cans , by ail Grocer' . nxin POWOIR Co. . N tr York SIGN OP THE GOLDEN PIANO & FRAME , A. HOSPE JR. . , . , Pianos and Organs first Class on Easy Monthly Payments , Sheet Music and- Musi cal Instruments. FINE STUCK OF IM : o ID ; L ID i nsr as . Oil Palntingj , .Enpm Tings an * * Frame * at great ly rtdacea prices. 8x10 Frames , 1 Inch. "Walnut . lc 10x12 " 1 . 20 ' 10x11 " 1 " " . 20 12x18 " 1 " " } . 60 12x18 " It " " . 65 16x23 } l | ' " . 75 Bustle 8x10 frame . 15 Chromes framed , ( mail , 22c , Chromot framed , tir.-e , 1 is , KnjriTing from 50c upwards , Photograph frames f romlSc upwards , Windo * Cor Jces 75e k vrindov and upwards , lambrequlr J 8 00 p < r window and upwards , Cornice fole3250pr winiloa Velvet frames 25c each ( o5 00 Violin Strinja 15c , Violin l 76 , .2 0 , 3 and npwinlg , Guitars 5. 00 , 6 M > , .7 00 , and upwards. Banjos 1 00. 3 00.-.6 00 ; and upwards , Accordeois from 1 CO up , cheapest in city Send for umplea and catalogue of mouldings ihctt mtuic. A. HOSPE , JB. , U76 Dodaa St. . Oiaana H b. . S. P. MORSE CO. , T. . GASH JOBBERS AND RETAILERS OF DRY GOODS. .ANKETS , COiFi &C. From STEPHENS & WILGOX'S STOGK. We have Many Goods , bought last year , that have since advanced from Thirty to Fifty per cent , yet WE OFFER THEM AT BANK RUPT PRICES : 50 Pairs 104 White Blankets at - - ' . . . 00 , Worth § 3.00 50 Pairs 104 White Blankets at $2.75 , Worth 4.00 25 Pairs 104 White Blankets at $5.01) ) , Worth 7.00 25 Pairs 114 White Blankets at $6.00 , Worth 9.Ct 20 Pairs California White Blankets at - - - $10.00 , Worth 29.00 400 Pairs Western Grey Blankets at - . . . Ml to-day worth from $2 to $5 a pair more. OUR NEW DISPLAY OF DRESS GOODS , HOSIERY , FRINGES , Passmcnterics , Beaded Trimmings , Etc. . Is very Elegant , and Certainly the Finesfc ever Shown In Omaha * S. &c CO. FIOIITTFRI HAS "SOW OPESJED FOR INSPECTION HIS HEW STOCK LLy U 1 i Lil B of Fall and Winter Clothing for Men' * Youths' Boys' and Children's Wear. SPECIAL ATTTENTION HAS BEEN GIVEN TO P4EET 1001 Farnlmm Street. the . requirements of Everybody. OUR ASSORTMENT OF STYLES AND PATTERNS IS PoppletOn BIOCK. the most varied and elegant ever dispjayed in the city. CITIZENS AKB CORDIALLY INVITED TO EXAMINE our large display of Dress and Business Suits , Fall . Grand Weight Overcoats , Novelties in Furnishing Goods , Stylish Hats and Caps , Trunks , Valiaes. Califorfornia Blankets and Overalls , &C.&G. NO ONE IP HE CONSULTS HIS OWN INTERESTS WILL OPENING buy one dollar's -worth of Clothing until he has seen our immense Stock and learned our Pricea. LATEST TELEGRAMS Are Not Half as Interest ing to the General Eead- er as the Following Price List : Jlbsot Aiwarfor " c ° lo Iba extraCentrarfor * JJJ K J Ibs Canary C. Saga for -l "u 8Jlbs Granulated Suzar for 1 00 8 Iba CUt Loaf Snsrarfor 1 elbBKOodRloCofIeofdr..i.t 1 00 5 Iba best Rio Coffee fur 1 00 4 Iba choice Java Coffee for 1 00 3 4 Ibs best Mocha Coffee for 1 00 Yodnir fijion Tea per Ib , 30 to * 0 JolongTeuperlD , So 10. . . . . . . . . . . . . * < Japan Tea per Ib , SO to JO Finest Gunpowder Tea per Ib ' Best O K Flour per sack 2 SO Snow Flak * winter wheat flour S < & Havens beat flour _ „ . . - . * 00 .2 bars Climax Heap for 1 CO 1 bars foundry Soap tor 1 00 18 bars Linen Soap for. . . J w Pure Maple Syrup In cat , cftns 1 O1' ' Golden Syrnp pergaUon i - J < J New Orleans Byrup per gallon J ? New Orleans Molasses per pil'on ' 7U Sne r House Molaegea per gallon 181bgSt.Loniseod Cftrtfc rsfoT 1 00 ISlbsSt. Louis Ov ter Cracken for 1 CO 12Ibs Boston Butter Crackers for 1 W 121bsGlnrer ( Snaps for 00 13 Iba New Curranta for W 9 Ibs New Blackberries for 00 4 Ibs Pitted Cherries for , 12 Ibs Dried Peaches ( halve * ) for. U Ibs Choice Dried Apples for. . . . 00 12 Ibs best new Prunes for 00 10 Ibs. best Valencia Rabins (0 8 Ibs. new layer Raisins 00 Peaches. 2Ib cans J Peaches. Z ! b c ns { standard ) 1 * Pie Peaches. 8 lt > cSil * * 0 PcachesCaI)3 ) Ibcau J- Blackberries , 2 ID can l ° l Apples , ( York Stale.al can lueberrieB 3 Ib can Cherries 21b can Damson Plums 2 Ib can * . . . . . Raspberries Z Ib can I3 Strawberries,2 Ibcan - . 1 String Bcans.2 Ib cans 122i Baked Beans , 3 Ib can Lima Beans , 2 Ib cana 12 } Sngarcorn , 2 Ib can 12j Yarmouth corn , per can. . . ' 'i Tomatoes , 3Ibcan 12 } BuccoUah , 2 Ibcan 12 * Pumpkins , 3Ibcan 15 25 Ibs beans 1 00 10 Ibsdrled Lima beans 1 00 S5 Ibs hoznlny J W 11 Ita CarollnaTrlc * } 1 ° ZSINsoatmeul 1 ° ° Fat family mackerel , ver kit 85 Patfamily white flab. fr kit. 0 3odflsb , whole , perlb J IjdSsh , boneless , perlb JO . , aoiland herring ( new ) per kesr. . . * robuccofBlackweH's Durham ) r--rlb - JO robiocoaiTerF alplu2)perlb - J * robaccorpldsylepcrlfa Jj 'oboccoMeenchanm ) perlb JJ lams , fugar ured , perlb lyt fresh roil . . w Jutter , , perlb ; Complete price Uata fumlAed on application. Jountry orders will recelra prompt and < luJ Itcr.Uon. Positively no zoods sold on credit. J. B. FRENCH & CO. , Hie Original Reliable drocers , No. 1119 Farnham Street , OMAEA. NEB. . J.H.FLIEGEL&CO. Successors to J. U TU1ELK , UERCHAXT TAILORS , No. 1220 Douglas Street , A AGENTS : FOB DEVLIN & GO , 'J-'iiJl ' ! BOSTON CLOTHING CLOTHINGHOUSE , FAILMIAM STREET. Oval Brand The tales of this "brand" of O h a Eowoitstrl ( jd tl others. . Ton get . more . Ojrt WEIOIIT AND MEASUKE In c * of this br nd th n > any other. 1 > B. JiKElltK. . m General Western Agent , Omaha. CHEAP ! CHEAPER ! CHEAPEST ! MAX MEYER & BRO. Propose for the next ninety (90) ( ) days to sell then entire stock of Diamonds , Watches , Jewelry , Clocks , Silver-Ware , Pianos & Organ .AJSTID .GENERAL MUSICAL MERCHANDISE At Manufacturing Prices , Which is from 15 to 20 per cent , helow any Eastern Wholesale House , preparatory to moving into their weN Store , Cor. llth & Farnham We Mean Business * Come and be Convinced.