THE DAILY BEE E. EOSEWATER : EDITOR REPUBLICAN TICKET. FOB PBE8IDEJ.T : TAMES A. GARFIELD , of Ohio. TOE VirK-PEESIDENT , CHESTER A. ARTHUR , of New York. . t fHfcSmEHTlAL ELECTORS. GEORGE "W. COLLEN'S , . JAM JSLAIBD , _ _ _ ofTfittmstounly. JOHN" M of ! K JTATE TICKET. For Mcrd.trof Congress , EDWARD k. VALENTDTB. For member of Congress ( Contingent ) , THOMAS Jf. MAJORS. jVor..Gojeraqr : , / - For Lieatenant-Governor , B .C CARNS. For Secretary of State , 8. J. ALEXANDER. For Auditor , .TOHN'WALLICHS. Fcr Treasurer , G. M. BARTLETT. For Attorney-Genera ! , O. J. J3ILUVORTH. * For CommiffiioBer-or' Public iandi ancl AG. . KENDALL. For Fupcrlnlcndent of Public Instruct on , W. W. JONES. DISTRICTTJCKET. l"or Attorney Third Judicial District. N. J. BURNHAM. IT is 329 to 1 that Hancock is aw fully glad ha didn't surrender his commission. AFTER the canvass Bill Barnum propones to exhibit Bill Euglhh throughout ftbocountry at the meanest man in earth. "Barnum's great im moral 8bow".is what he proposes to < u thinks his defeat for was an .infliition from the Alnrg'jty It would have been on almighty inflicli n on the people of the UnitediStates if the ioverdid blatherskite hid'succeeded in eecunng a scat in congress. THE enormous registration in ' ir-tf T1 - * Yoik is mueh'Commenttdonby demo cratic journals , as an'evidence of a heavy democratic mBJoriiy. John" Davenport i verifying every name on the Jistp , and thinks that ten per cent , ut least won't dare to chow themselves at the polls. Tun democrats uUkcd their all on Indiana , diddling tha.1 if it was lost their cause \r&t Jost. Now they are asserting that the party is by no means dead. This , reminds us of a etory. When the Irish corporal was engaged in the ungrateful task of burying the dead , after a bloody conflict , a poor wounded soldier , about to "be interred , raised his hand and in & fainting voice cried out that he was not yet dead. . "Hold your totgac , " cried tha cor poral , "I am in authority hero. If J were to believe the liks of ye there'd bo none of ye descU If we were to believe the Voders of the democracy ( hero'il be none of them dead. "CoLOiuno ii firmly convinced that the only good Dtes are deid Utes , and her experience ) of the last Jew years with the tribe has done much to con' vert thousands of others to the same opinion. The wearisome delays which euccpodod the proposal of the Ourny treuty were finally ended in the sign ing of the same by the tribe and the payment of the indemnity for the sur render of thereseryahbiOBardlyhad this bjou accomplished before the old peace Chief Ouray died and fresh dis- ordera brofco out in the tribo. A num- l > ? r of minors on the borders of the reservation were murdered and the eld feud between * . iho Indians and the whites JirokoiTout with renewed vie lence. A few days ago , a party of. ncttlers travelling in the Gunnieon country wero'nttack"ed' by a "band of Ules. They ! etureed 4bo fire nnd the con of one of the Uta chiefs was killed by n miner narred Jnckcon. To fe- cure himself gainst the vengeance of the tribe Jackson delivered himself up to indian agent Uirry and asked the protection of the military until Lis CASO couldYbeidecidtd. Berry -under p eteueo of sending him to jail nt < : unii8on ) , Inrjdol him over to foir juou PS ah < esoort antJ within a ftw hours afterwards ho was captured by ; t'le ' Utes au& put to doith by torture. Jl Colorado * ! : &rousod overlhe subject * ' nnd warrants werd instantly issued for" Ihs arrest-of Indian Agent Berry , and the etcorting party from whom Ji-ksorTW3B * taken. - Berry fled to Ohi-f Sspovonari'a camp , and the ro- niitiudor of the party escaped to the in Hintaimu The.residents at. Gun- > i ton threaten to 'lynch any crS alUof iho Hocused menlf they can * lay their li.-nls on them and the militia has 5. eo called out to back the demands i f Ihe-imnere. In tha au&nliaie .Aia-t Bcrrj hea telegraphed to - shingloaf for-'inttrnctionB , affirm- 5 -c that s given up to save thd setileueniB bom the horrors of i Indian massacre. Secretary Schurz 1 is telegraphed to Governor Jitkins- counselling moderation and the . > hole Btateird emandlng the speedy j jntanraefit Sftbe. ; ! Indian Agent , the t ul- { > yes and the guilty "Ufes "J * There fiectos , to. be too doubt that JJerry acted tbe part of R cowardly I ItroonQnaacrtfieing the lifeoL j mug Jackson , and that hfs action in 1 o cmo-u Jikely-lo preciratatt : a zeri- t conflict biwccaIndians and i litcs urrd open afrr .lrthe trouble of 1 * t year. "What w.J be the-fiml Dpi - i ot of the troublejnono seem able to i rttelL From-prwent indications , t .vro will be iftlaih Between , . the n - | " -V- J f. t nal imd uX&uthoritics should the < . r dw Mtt .ijij C I diahjjhureau Attempt to shield its e aployea from the punishment which ' C lorado miners demand shall be , San them _ , and , tha border settle- Lf * V * t ' * * . t anti wilPBCarlfely bo 'satisfied tmti' I t e whole trlbels removed to some loc - c Ity far distant from the advance of VALSNTIIJE'S SALARY GRAB. Five years ago tHs summer E. K. Valentino who had been removed by D. S Grant from the West Point land cffice for crorkcdness , packed the re publican convention of the sixth ju dicial district and secured for himself the nomination of district judge. Ysl- entine's standing at the bar was about the same as the standing of the redoubtable Dr. ( ? ) 3Iurney wan among ihe medical fraternity. His p fcctica &t the bar was mainly f -carried onwith a beer mug on the bar and a Wir-keeper behiud it. When the vote was canvassed , the state 0fibers who constitute the board of canvacsern , awarded the certificate to Thomas L. Greffey tlTe democratic candidate. Valentine secured the ser vices of John C. ' Oowin , who made a very extraordinary snowing before the supreme court , and that tribunal in due time rendered an ex traordinary decision , declaring Valen tine elected by two vo'tes and a half. Jud e Grifley retired , Valentine as cended the bench and drew his pay of $2500 a year with commendable regu larity. After serving two years on the bench Valentine , by the grace of Jay Gould , was fn-ced upon the people of Ne braska as their representative in con gress , Within sixty days after his election to congrers Valentineifiat in an appearance at Lincoln BB a lobby ist before the legislature , End by bringing his pressure to bear upcn republican members ivho had axes to cri' d , and roi.itig . in the democratic friends of Griffey , Valentine succeed ed in pu'Iing ' through the following bill : AN" ACT. For the relief rf Thomas L. Griffey and E K Valentine. WHUUEAB , Thomas Ii Griffey was by the la'.e board of canvassers de clared judgu of the sixth judicial district - . trict : nnd they having issued to him a cert fiesta of election to said ' .fficoj ho entered upon and discharged the du ties of said ofilco from the 6 h day of Janufti-y , "until the 23d day of .November , 187G , nt. which time ho was ousted from said office by reason of a decision of the supreme court , declaring E K. Valentine duly elect ed to raid office , tnd WDKF.EAS , The .id E. K. Vaien- tine , by reason of caid decision , is en titled to the emoluments of raid of fice durirg nil of said time , and the said Griffey having rlrawn the salary of BiiJ offia for the first (1st ( ) , second (2d ( ) and third (3d ( ) quarters of said yeir and E. K. Valtntiuo having drawn no part'thereof ; and WiiEiiEis , The said Thomas L. Griffey hsving performed the duties cf said cfficK from.October 1st until 'November'iSrd , 1876 , under said cer tificate of election -without pay ; there fore , Se l tnncied by ihs Legislature of tht Stale of-ZVcorasArt : SECTION 1. Tht the sum of three hnndred and sixty-three .dollars be and the amo is appropriated out of the state general fund , for the .pay ment of EAid claim to said Thomas L. Griffey. , . _ _ SEX 2. That the sum ot one thousand ei ht hundred and seventy- liva unJ the same is nppro- priatodoutof the state fund .for the payment of tad claim to said E. K. Valentine. Sno. 3. The auditor of public ac counts is hureby authorized and dir ected to draw his warrants for said amounts upon the state troxsurtr , payable to ssid Thomas L , Griffoy and E K Valentine respectively. Approved February 24'h , A. D. , 1879. 1879.Now Now , -what do the fanners and tax- pr-yers of Nebraska think of this sal- aiy grabber ? Will they endorse this man V.xlentine , who has drawn ? 1875 from the sta'e ' treasury for tetvices which were rendered by Judge Griffey nnd for which Judge Griffey was paid ? Can they do anything less than rebuke this back pay thief , who robbed the taxpayers of this state of § 1875 by Bcratcning hij name off the ticket. Dees any intelligent man believe for a moment that this back juy grab would have pasaoa the legis lature if Valentine had not used his influence as congressman and pooled his steal with an : pp.opriation for judge Griffey ? THE Mercantile Agency has pub lished its statistics of failures for the past three months. These statistics are of a most encouraging and satis factory nature and indicate in the most marked maaner the era of pros perity through which the country is now passing The total number ol failures during the period was 970 ainst 12G2 for a similar period l&st year and the aggregate amount of liabilities was only SJ'J , 121,422 against 515,275,550 in 1879. Iheeo figures show a decrease of nearly 25 per ce'nl the .amount of liabilities. The estern'states show a large decrease in lumber of failures and amount of lia- 'bilitics. The largest decrease is in the southern ntatcs , the amount of lia bilities for the last thrto months be ing only 5846,772 against § 2,738,311 during the same tico last yiar. Nearly one-third in number nnd one- half in-amount cf failures were in the middle states. The aggregate amount of liabilities for the nine months ending Septem bet 30 wss e45T)10,185 ) , against 581- 054,940 lost ytsr , nud the number ol TBilutca 3476 ; , against 5,320. Tnero 7s therefore a failing off in 1880 of about 45 per cant , in amount of lia bilities and of nearly 40 per rent , in number. THE diccord&nt elements of tha New Yotk d&nccracy have united on Mr. W.'R.-Giaca for tho. mayoralty > f the city of Now York. This office is tfio third office in iho United States in respect to political and ox'ecntivo patronage. Among the appointive offices-at Its" disposal are the comptrollership - trollership , corporation counsel , com- mhsioner of public workf , commis- ' Btonor of taxe ? , excise oomtnbsioncr , police EBRtEtrate , and nearly three Hundred tmsller offices. * - Tha Time for Actidp. „ , rAmeiioan Exchu e. w III the excitement of a presidential campafgn such as is now agitating the country , it is too often the caee that vital and important issues ara lost sight of j and voters are moved sorely "partisan desires and party prwmpt- ings. In the coming election there should be careful attention raid to the two greatest issues which are of important intereat to ihe people the currency questions. Sofaras-tho presidential candidates are concerned , the j-C'rl'muat decide for thrmselvos which ie likely to bast- rppreseotthem on those questions. But there are a number of congress men to be chosen , and in every caao the candidate shnuld be forced to ex press his views plainly and without re servation of any sort , Upon the intemts tnat the people are inter ested in having raucd. If csngresa is rich * , there is no doubt that the pres ident ninst either assist it in the enactment of necessary Jawa or find himself ignored by having such laws passed ovpr nia be id. The import ance of fecuring a congress that will forever sot at rest the dangerous fin ancial fallacies -that are being circu lated by wild and visionary theorists , is too plain to need comment. It-is only by united and untiring effort that thcss whOjdesire this result can com pel its accomplishment. The nomi nations should be carefully looked after , so that when the time for voting ing arrives ; the people will not have tbd solitary comfort of from two evils selecting the least. It is all important that the compo sition of our state legislature should be carefully gua-ded. In this state the railroad question has become the most prominent of any of the mat ters with which our legislature will hava to deal. It is necessary that men of integrity , intelligence and un tiring zeal should fill the legislative seat. They mn t be t x > honest to be bought , Mr. Vanderbilt has already let slip the statement that railroads sometimes find it necestarvto purchase or own legislatures too wise to pass laws that can be rode over roughshod , and too tenacious to be shaken from their purpose by the bull dozing of piid agents of iho .railroads. There is no doubt that the solution of the railroad problem is approaching , and the sooner it is ac complished the better , both for the people and the ra'tlronds. The peo- pl , however , caunot afford toloeethe ground which they have gained.'They nave already forcsd the railroads to ri-cognize'tho fact that they are sub ject in legislative supervision. For years they have battled against this demand of the people , but now they sullenly admit that the state has a runt to control thc-n. At the eamo time they are anxious to escape state supervision , and have been too successful in avoiding It. The time IIHB now crme fir the people to enforce the right which en all sides is acknowledef d to bo theire. Wo ask fi r no uprising nf the people to de stroy the r-dlroads. Wo reco.2nizo ihJ use and ri hts of the Jalter , but wo claim for the people of this state the right to * compel the railroads to do exact jutlicfl to everybody. Wef.ivor .neither ' communism nor social ism , and we respect the rights of cap ital and propsr'y ' , but the people owe it to them ? ' Ive * t resist the extr - ttons nnd diccrimiuations which the railroads have o lotg practiced. BLACK HILLS NUGGETS. t Central City mines are having a boom , t The last Homestake clean-up WEI $275,000. Deadwood's Masonic Hall ia com pleted. Coal .from the H 3' Creek mlncB aelh M4$12 per Ion. The -Esu ersilfia company linva he- gun vork uu 'h : i err mill. There is ml au uurm ; Inyctl man in Cusilr ui'rsj he ; a e > from choice. * Tae Northwestern stage company have transferred their btuck to the Piorrc reuto history .of the resources and con dition qf ihi Bia k Hills ia soon to be published. The building ' rmni > is on the rnge nt Fort'SiVade , new houses of elegant design being erected. Many now houses i-v being erected in Uo'btail gulch , m i y of which tre fins residences. Uaycreak is r.pidy ! filling tip with ranches mid ' mruiycali'u growers aio driving in their hcrJa Buffilo , mountain s'loep ' , deer , an- te'op , prairie chickens and ducks are anioit > the varieties of g ma now in the Dehdwood market. Th Beugl Tiger , ono of the rich est mines iu the southern Hills is ly ing idle , owing to a dispute between the parties claiming its ownership. ThePalherdo Smet nt Central re cently made the Inncst clean-up ever sent out cf Central City. The result iv s two enormous gold bricks worth 61,540. " The mmea near Hill City are repor ted as pro'psctinfj finely. The town once d p palatcd is growing and work .on many of the mines is going on with gond showings. A substantial fifty foot span bridge has been built over the Deodwood open cut on the road from Bobtail to Cen tral , above the Deadwood mill , for the Bjcomrnodation of the public. In 187C and 1878 , the bulk of the potatoes used in the Black Hill * , wore brought hero from Cheyenne , having been cirried there from Utah and Oal- ifornia by rail. At thia time tha tables have be n turn5dai bnll trains are now cartins ; potatoes from hero to Chfyenao , and they are oirryim ? a belter article than they deliverd to us in the esrly days , nnd wo don't comp - p > ll them topiy fiften cents a puunc for them either. Pivotal State * . w Tork Herald. The disappointment and chagrin ol the democratic party in consequence of tno October o'cctionu will not abate eff rt , but stimulate it , precisely cs the repubtinan check in Maine puta epurs into the sidea of the republican canvass iff Ohio nnd Indiana. The democrats wil1 nuke a detpprate effort to eave Ne-r York. A registration l rgebeyor.d all former precedent for the first two ctTys betokens a heavy democratic majority in this city. It is possible , but not very proo-ible , 'hat the democratic inaj'itity ia New York nnd Him a counties may over- balancs the republican majority in the interior t > f the state. But although posiLlj it is improbable for aev- oral reason * . IB the first pl ce the democrats have lost control of Iho state since 1876 , when Mr. Til den had a mr.jirity of 32,742. That democratic majority h s since been entirely wiped out , and It is not easy lo see how it is to be recovered under present circum * jince § , with the state p trona7e in republican hands , with- ont Mr. Tilden's unequalled ekili and hi * strong motives for exerting it , and under the depressing effect of these recent October diasters. Mr. Tilden's dcitorous strategy alone was worth thirty thousand votes to the party , to y nothing of the difference between having ell the state patronage in his hauds ag governor instead of in the hands of Governor Cornell. In spite cf thesa disadvantages the New York democrats will make a vigorous and determined canvass , and it Is barely possible , although a forlorn hope , they m'ay pile up such majorities in this city and Brooklyn as will give the sUte to Hancock. At present the tendencies do not look that way ; but suppose the demo crats should carry the state ? Even with the electoral votes of JNeyy York Hancock's chances seem slender enough jtnt now. New York alone cannot save him. He needs in addi- ion New Jersey and Connecticut not one of theia states but both. Can ho get both ? It is doubtful now whether he can get either ; it is next to certain he cannot get both of them. They are manufacturing states ; the tariff issue , which was urged by the republicans with such success in the later stages of the canvass in Ohio and Indiana , will be more potent in Connecticut and NewJersey , where manufactures tear an altogether larger proportion to the geneial in dustry. The democratic" national platform which to'erates " .T tariff for revenue only" will be pretty sure to < defeat ths party in such states as New Jersey and Connecticut , whose pros perity is bound up with their manu factures. _ " \Vado _ not eee what jrational hope the democrats can "havVof carrying' Connecticut since the loss of Indians. Connecticut h a republican state by the list election. Howcsn-tfce.dQmo- crats expect to recover it after the de pressing effect of their recent Octo ber disasters ? New Jersey Is indeed a democratic state with a democratic governor. The democratic chances in New Jersey are , perhaps , neither bet ter nor worse than they are * in New York that is to say , of no great valila in either state. But if Hancock could carry both New York and New Jersey it would avail him nothing without Connecticut. He needs forty-seven votes in Addition to the south. If New York should give him its thirty-five and New Jersey ita nine he would still fail short of an election without Connecticut , and there is no reasona ble probability that 7hi8 manufactur ing state , "now republican , can be con quered by the democrats in the new aspect which the canvass has assumed since Tuesday. The democrato prcspect is gloomy enough in New York ; but success In New York alune would not help it. Hancock rneed not New York and Now Jersey , not New York and Con necticut , but New York with both New Jersey and Connecticut to help him through. His chances for carry ing every one of the indispensable three at r slender indeed. TECUMSEH AND ELK OEEEK Corref pondence ot Tns Bis. ELKOSEEK October 18. Tcoumsoh ia a live town , and when tha sunshine chased away tbe clouds , nnd we beheld - held the town under farornble cir cumstance ? , tro said , "Itiegcod.1 About fifteen brick buildings have been built this summer , all brick , be cause the "powers that bo" have very wisely ordained that no frama houses thallbe erected on the squire.Among these buildings , now in process of construction , is an opera house , nliich will , when completed , S3a 500 or COO persona. By the way , we might hnvo thia item stereotyped , all but tlio pi ICQ.TherC is hardly a town of COO inhabitants ia southern Nebraska to which it would not hpply a faci ; which speaks well for tha general character of the people. Considerable interest ia Ml in the approaching murder trial , which will tike placa at a special term of court. This is tha case of the murder of young Parker w'hile attempting to ec hii "drunk : and disorderly'1 father home , about the time of the republican na tional convention. The Parkers ivere demicrate , and an attempt wvis msdo b.'jomeof the democrat c pipers of thi atato to * ; ive the murder eomo po litical slgniScaace at the time of the occurrence. None such in reality &t- 'aches to it , and I have heard a num her of persons of both pirliea p ± prtK3 their dirguat at the aforementioned papers. Thera is a crying need of n good hotel in Ttcumseh. No better in vestment for 810,000 could ba found. The besthotilis Grat class in price and in that atone The travelling man paya two dollars a day for accommoda tions that many a dollar house would bo ashamed of. A good hotel woull at oncu attract tha entire custom. The prnpr'etor of the lotding hotel is an catmiiblo mau in every rrspsct h ' the tvelfcira of the town demands n house kept by an expeiiouced hotel man E'k ' Oreok has been a ahipptrg point for grain , and atock for along time , but hs ntt ? t-rown any until the present season. It has made a good growth this summer and will make a trading point of some importanco. Its chief passport to fame , however , bids fair to bo ita bjor club , which may cause thia obscure village Co be the rticiipiotit of some very particular attention nt the hands of the Uni'ed States government. It seems that one hundred or more men of Elk Creek and vicinity , as my informant puts it , "thought to play it cmart on the government , and" get their beer without taking oat A United States or other license. " Accordingly they formed the "Elk Creek Beer Club , " putting in sums of money varying from five cents to five dollars. They appointed one of thair number to furnish the beer when cillod for nnd this individual opaned up what "to a man up a tree" would iippar to be a beer asloon. When n member , or even a stranger , wanted beer , ho bought a chip , then piased his chip back for a glass of beer. Occasio- nilly , it tppaars , they defpjused with the chip , wholesaled beer , and sold to minors. Complamls have been made for violation ot TJ. S. law , wainuts have been issued against four pirties. and , says my informant , "atill there's more to follow. " Ono hundred or more of the firat prove relations. The theory of this precious organization wa that each party owned beer to the amount of the money piid in. Lat other villages inclined to gnzzle take warning. The United States marshal will find business at Eik Creak , and the place that knew tha members cf the Elk Creek Beer club will know them no more forever. SEOEI. NEW tTJBUCATIONS. The ledd'"ng- article in the North Araprican Review for November is by the Hon. William Beach Liwrence , and is devoted to an exposition of the monarchical principle in the United State Cor-Btitution. It is shown that under our Constitution Ihe Executive is vested -with powers far greater than those possessed by the king in n limi ted monarchy. The amplitude of the history of the war of secessionas when Mr. Lincoln , ithout watting for the assembling of Congress , declared the blockade of the Southern ports , and called into " service for three years -volunteer army of upward of 42,000 men. The author foresees danger to the permanence of our republican institutions , resulting both from the vastnesaof these powers and , from the existuz ! methods of chocs eg presidents , and thinks that a radical change in the constitution is imperatively demanded. In the same number of The Eeview Bishop W. C. Doane points out the advantages of free religious discussion ; even tbe "blasphemy of irreligious discussion , " ne thirks , works the glory of God. . The Hon. Montgomery JBlair writes of "The Republican Party as it was and is. " Upon the suppression of the re bellion and of slavery , the mission of that p.iriy was accomplished , and i since the death of Lincoln its career has been one of usur pation , corruption -and. central- zatioo. M. Desire Oharnay contri- jutei thaihird of hiwaluable illns- . trated papers on "The Ruins of Central - tral Amerioj. " The other articles in thsa'riumbVof vThe Review are "The Nicarrt"tw.Ilouta to tha Pacitic , " by Rear Adtafral Amnien ; ' 'The Coming Rcvivon of theBible1 , by tie Rav. Dr. Howard Crosby ; "Recent"Euro- pean Publications , " by Prof. T. F. , Crane ; and .finally a paper entitled , " .The Political Situation from a Fin ancial Standnointj'f < desijnedto ; show how thox busineas ittturrits "of the c iuntry wou'cl ' bo compromised by a change frcai a jrapubliujn tp a demo cratic administration of the general jroverilajant. This document is sicned by over twenty of the heaviest Capital ists of New York. Scribner'ji Monthly celebrates its tenth .birthd&y with a permanent change of cover , nnd with a nutnber for November fhich the conductors have done 'all ia their power , to make one of ezieptidcal beauty , interest ; and value , and it is aho the Jarge-'t number Scribner ever issued. Bcnb- ner's cover hai turrstd from violet tea a warm brown , and in the design the aioi has been distinctness , simplicity , and a rich decorative effjct. Millet's most famous picture , "The Sower,1 engraved by Cole , forma afrontspioce , and amen ? the principal artistic features of the number , are a ctrikirg portrait of Gladstone , printed in the body of the magazine , but without typo either on the same pa o5 > r on the hick of the pasej anew now portrait of V/alt Whitman ; an exquisite nngraving of a Russian nun ( which will recall former successes of this kind , such as the portraits of the Counters Potacks , nnd of Motljerka ) ; engravings after Vedder's works , no tably 'The Tmt Mind. " accompany ing n criticism by Charles de Kay ; and reproduclioiio of ethers among t'.io ' best known of the works of Mil let , the story of whose life is being ti Id { or the first time in Scribner. With thii number is begun the second and concluding part of Eii eno Schujler'e profusely illusir.ited ife of Pater the Great , entitled "Pe'.er the Great aa Ruler and Reformer , " also anew now jionsl by a new writer , ' 'Tiger- Lily , " by Mrs. Schiyer. The literary intTost of ihi1 * nutnber of Scribner , whs'h' r intentini ) l or not , is mainly of the peisonal kind nearjy every ar ticle having for its subject soirle con- spicuuus individuality ; even iVisa Phelpj' story has for ita hero a real p-rsn , wh > so ir.igic fate ia here re c rded The mast famous of the n-im-s , sftvr the IiistoricAl cues of the great Peter , and "the B aapa'tes , " ia tha * of Glad tone The authorship of this article IB not I'Svi.hje'i , but U is uvrlcnl tint the wrl t ? has had ex- c-'ti'' | i-pfortuni'its for the stddy of his thtrne ; and it h s.ifo to say that he hta g-von 1o th ? world the most profound ar-il satisfactory , the moat clo ry ! explina ory sni philoaipbic l exposition of the greitest of living Eiuli'h'atittsmcn ' that has yet ap pearcd. 'All liable t > and Biliary diseases should reguLto their ditt , and never allow Iheiir bowels to bo- cQiBBfonatipjtpd ; but mo in time Hamburg firop , thw surep : and safest S oatach and L'ver gulator in the world. - ' tha alirt to fl fresh CJd3 to orft bit Vicv itrsrlmiutoa worlbleM urticla , 1'rf.f. Cullnc.te'g i'remh Kdii-v ) FAtlvailiror ht ut aliOit ten yoirs ttr ) , and tinoe tnati i host 01 chapa uithoit d'illl Cl consi ! nc h < ve ton ? t to mitit * U by ra r.-j worllles jffain ; but s ill * rn-lnatiru rmblla vl 1 lioitl' fa t lo that Wiich ia cooil , " aid ha Gu'ln t'c PvJ inoro ho'di it < owii. It curca -D. kl ty d a 3.s anJ co-cJs here mcdiclco i\3 \ At' * rour dru uiit ii thh is not so. fear Clarence I k > h } cur fliClijn to prove , Ai < 1 the * II you're Gammon uiijad up iu your lofre ty RO tlnjaboilloof B.irtn ? Blossom to test. To rcuww El tches and Ploiplcg , sjl giv it s the best. Ho obta ncd the medicine , her cure la cam pcte ! , UQli9 saya 1 lj Ijvc and the Pcmtdr cannot 1)3 b ut. Trot Gullra 'leRfrcnsh K'dney Pad cnrea sl ! uiteas.s ( .f the Uury. , ia boh taAle and fc rja c. t" r e Ue Of all dr i ' Neuralgia , Sciatica , Lumbago , Backache , Soreness of tha Chest , Gout , Quinsy , Sera Throat , Sweli- ings acd Sprains , Burns and Scalds , General Bodily Pains , Tooth , Ear and Headache , Frosted Feet and Ears , and all other Pains and Aches. Ko Preparation on earth equals ST. Jicow Oa B : a fnfc , sure , simple Rod cheap Eztemftl J ! < MneJj. A trial entails but the comparatively triaing outlay of 60 Cents , and every one suffer ing vrith pala can liaTO cheap and positive proof of its claims. Directions in nevtn Lanpiages. BOLDBrALLDBTTGOISTSAlTDDEALEBS JH MEDICISE. A.VOGBI.ER&CO. , Ealtimorc.3rd. , 17.5. 1. , EKAD , THINK AND BELIEVE ! b LU STILL AHEAD. What f d huntliie P y About it : -E5' Ht&T , 1 rji t ST > irow ) , N. Y. , V Februtry lOih , 1SS ) . f Mr C. B Tlicmps n Hiit.-uJrattr , Conn. : ilT DEAR. iin The 1'ookit 'cllei I ordered haveamved. I have ! cit > d them and finl them perfectly Accurate , from the ounce upTo ths fail wel h Slb-i. Ihcy me to em Hanil eto alle , so to t > eak , evjrv flj crman "ill cirrv me in his VMtp-oVet 10 test hl3"hljrcatch ° i. " Lrery cartful hdU'ewife. who likes \o know the haj full " .right In iirall pnixhis B , will iied ore. In ohort. your " 1.1TIW UTAnT , " like David amonif the Vhillstlnts , hi'et re > ! tabe a vron- detlully ctv n > l i scf ul tttlcle. d-'lnc away with the need of cnrnVr-ome "OLD boor * arti cle" . Yourg Truly , E.Z.C. JODzOS , alia NZD The above Utter spei'.a for itself , ai NZD EuMi ; JCE is one of tlio bt8t"fport men In thii country , anil Uel known tlu < us'hoat the world asali erary vritcr"of cicat alt'tty , and Iho above letter aVbiiM < on < ince an > one ai to the merits ol tli "LITTLE- GUST 1'ocKT to LTS , " they are tli' niatejliovtution of the * pe , w < ih fiom ounce to t l.'ht piuid" , and warranted a'- curate ; each r ca'e ii vlig ictly p'ated with nickel silver and 1H las' , a I'e tlmewi.n r inirycare. EVERY ONtWunULD 11AVE OSf. 3ust the tninz In ' pirtsiren , Hunters , Fisher man , rnd alro for family us : , as , they are aisl y cinledii the vest Locket. Ererj-fimilrtbnuMsurtlrhave'one , as they are yerytordy about the houw. In weighing Pie-erve , etc. , ihey re inilierersahle- . Any ch'H cnueih with thtfe S : lci , and they can notcet out cf orJer , s tliey aie made n a new prme'p > . Ihe pcce i inlr fifty Ceati each , and is within the reach of a I. ABESTB AID THE TRADE ScrrnrD AT , rzorcro 'KATES. C.iB.TnOJPOV ! , icventor snd iolo Mai u .facturer , EnJjtwater , Conn. i TL'E CELEBRATKO Oval Stcfil Toolh If arrow Manufactured fiy VJs GR001 & GEDDl'XGS , fan da lae , Wit. K. D COOPER , Write'for ptic--1 Xsent , Omaha , Keb. WANTED lo jell Dr. CHASE St 2000 RECIPE BOOK. SOU at Sight. Youdonblsycur money. Address Dr. Cha3. ' Printing BOUM , Ann Arbor , Mich. SHEELY BROS. PACKING CO. , Wholesale and Retail in FEESHBIEATS& PROVISIONS , ASETOIJLTUY , FISH , CITY/AND COUHTY ORDERS SOLICITED. OFFICE CITY MARKET 1415 Douglas St. Packing House , Opposite Omaha Stock Yards , TJ. P. JS. E. Successorsto Jaa. K. Isb , PERFKRS. Dealers in Fine Imported Extracts. Toilet Waters Toilst Powders &c . , Colognes , Soaps , , , A lull line of Surdcal Instruments , Pocket Cuc9 , Truss'a ' aiid Suprpiters. Absolutely Ture Prummd ClicmuftU tucd in Dispensing. rrescri | > lioni filled at any hour ol the night. Jas. K. Isli. Limreucc lilcltfahou. THE LADIES AND GENTLEMEN FRENCH KIDNEY PAD I A Positive and Permanent Cure Guaranteed. In all caes of Gravel , Diabetes. Dropsy. BrljhVd Dbeasa of th Kidnays , InconMncnce and Ketentlon of Urtce , Inflnniitlon o tha Kidneys , CnUrrh of the T.Iaddcr , IIK'h Colored ITtine. Palo lu tl'c B isk. s'do ' or LJor.j , Nervous Weakut ss , ani fn fact a 1 disordera ot the BUdderand Drinary Organs , whether contracted - ed by private diseases or otheavriw Th.s irreit remedy baa bean used with succtes for nearly ten j wra In France , with the moit wonderful curative offects. It cnrtsbr < absurplinn : no nauseous internal mc-Hcines bcin ; reqnired. wahaie hundreds of testimonials menials cf curca l-y this 1'ad when Ml cite fcid hi'ad- LADIES , if j ou are sufTerini frnm Ttinale Weakness , Leueor- rhcco , or oi6tcs-J pcculmr to ftnialcs , or In fact ny diseas * , oak jour druvc'st ' for Prof. QulimeUe'a Frr.ich Kidney Pad , and take r.a other. II he has not cot it. aonj $2. 0 and yi-u ! receive tte Pad by return mail. Address O. 8. Eiarwa , FAEXGII PAD CO , , Toledo , Ohio PROF. CULMETTEJS ! FRENGH LIVER PAD Will tio-ith'elvcLre Fevtr and / > gne , Dumb Azut , Aeue Caka , HilHous Fe\er. Jaundice , Dyspepsia , ane all diseases of fhc Lher , Momach and Blood. The part cures b ) nbsorption , and is permano.t. . A k lour"dru "nrt lot this pad nd taVe no other li h docsnoHtwpit.scndn.fO t , tno PRESC.1 PAD 0 " * ( Tjrbl Craich ) . 'Jolcdo , Ohio , nnd receive it 1-y return rBBil. . KUIIN t CO. , _ _ Agents. THE II are not recommended as a remedy " for all the ills that flesh is heir io. " but in affections of the Liver , and in all Bilio Complaints , Dyspepsia , and Sick Head ache , or diseases of that character , they stand without a rival. AGUE AMD FEVER. No better cnthartic can be used pre paratory to , or after taking quinine. As a simple purgative they are ttneqnnled. BEWARE OF IMITATIONS. The genuine are never sugar-coated. Each box has a red-wax Real on the lid , with the impression.McL ASE'S LlVEU FILL. Each wrapper hears the signa tures of C. McLAKE and FLEMING BROS. fi r Insist upon having the genuine DnTo. McLAITirS LIVEll PILLS , pre pared fr- FLEailNG EROS. , Fittsbnrgli , Pa. , the market being full of imitations of the name JleZnne , spelled dilfcrently , but same pronunciation. AM tli usual PnrgritlTM < Is pleasant to take , And will r.rove nt n'cfl the most potent and N ttrm Renovator sr.d fcan cp that has jet len brought to public notice. For l'oit UK - lion , BllioiuneM. IIrn < l.-vchc , PHtf , zzd alt duorden aruing from an ofutriuted ttate tf tlit ty > ltn , it i * . iiicomparably the tut mratirt tilmt. Avoid im- Itntinni . mini on ftUnK. the article cill d for. TROPIO-FIMiri' I/ASATIVE la put np In bronzed tia boxes only. Price TO o ojj. Aik year druecist for Descnptlrc Famplilc 1. or addre * * 'ti * nro- prlelor , J. E. HETnERINOTOj , ork or 6aa Francisco. BEFORE fimcHWKa ANY FORM OF SO-CALLED EiEeisiid BELT. fiitnilir Appliance reprt unteiHn rare XfrTmn.ChroiUe nnd Pppctnl DLieoses "ml to tlie PDLV2R1UCII1 GALVAKIC CO. . J)3Mnnleom ) rv SireflS n Fran cisco. Cal. ' , for their fre' Pamphlet and "Tlie Elec tric Review , " and you will save time , health and runty. Tlit ! P. ( ! . Co. r the only dealers In Genuine Electric Appliances ou tbe American Continent. BOWEL C03IPLAINTS. A Speedy and Effectual Care. PEREYDAVIS'PAIN-EILLEK Bis stood the test of roiiT TEARS' trial. Dirtctiow vsith each bcttli. OLD BY ALL DKUOQISTS. Ul A MTCn 1 * > 1 Acenta everywhere toiel ftnll I HU Tea , Coffee , BaklnR Powder. Flavoring Extract ? , etc , rjy sample , lo famill : * , Profltcod. ( . OntSt free. People'a Tea Co. , Eax t"20. St. 1 onln. Mo. THS MEHCIIAXT TAILOB , Is prepared to mike Facts , Suits nd overcoitg to order. Prices , fit &nd workmanshipgcarautecd to full. One Door West of Crulcfcehank'a. BlOijr J. C _ MERCHANT TAILOR Capitol Ave , , Opp. Maecnic Hall , OMAHA , , NEB. HARTIGAN & DODGE , Sheet Iron Workers AND BOILER MAKERS Cor. 12h and Cua streets. Please Give Us a Call. THE DULY PUCE KKERE YOU can Und a good isaortrnent ol BOOTS AND SHOES 'At k LOVrKR PIGOHS Una at any other shoe house In the city , 'P ; LANG'S , 23S FARJJHAfi ! ST. LADIES' & GENTS , SHOES MADE REORDER d a perfect fjt tnarmtted. Pilcra Trrr sos PASSENGER ACCOMMODATION LIHE OMAHAAND FORTOMAHA Connects With Street Cars Corner of SAUNDER3 and lIAMILTOg STREETS ( End of Red Line aa follows ; * LEAVE O'JAHA : 630 , ' 8:17 and lldSa ra , : LEAVE FORT OMAHA : 7:16 a m. . 9:15 a. m , and 12:45 p. m. ' * 4iO , C:15 and 8:15 p. m The 8:17 a. m run , Jeivin.omaba , nd the 4:00 : p. m. ran , learicg Fort Omaha , are ajniily Io ded to full rapacity with rejrelir pa fergera , > Tbe 6:17 : a. ra. rni "will be made from the pott- office , corner of Dodje and Kt'a mrchte. . Tickets can te procured from street cardrir- erg , or from dihen of backs. ' FARE , 25 CESTS , INCLUDING 8TBE CAR 28-U HOUSES. THE OLDEST ESTABLISHED. IN NEBRASKA. CALDWELLHA , 1LTONCO Buslnrarf transacted same that o an Incor porated Bank. Accounts kcyt In Currency or gtrtd jabject to sight check ttithctft notice. Certificates of deposit imued paruhlft Jn three , elx and twelve month * , touring Interest , cr on dcroan J without Interest. Advances made te customers On approved s- curiiiei at marlcat ra'.ej of liiteresv Buy and sell cold. Mils of eich-in e Gcvern- = cnt , State , ( Xunty anil City Bonds. Draw Sight Drafts on Fniland , Ireland1 , Scot. land , and all parts of Europe. Bell European Pismire Tickets. HOUECTIOHS PROMPTLY MADE. augldtt U , S DEPOSITOKY. F IRST NATIONAL OANK OFOJTAJfA. Cor. loth ana Fsrabam Streets , OLDEST BANKING ESTABLISHMENT IN OMA3A ( SUCCESSORS TO EODSTZE EROS. , ; Organized ii ? 3 X < ; ontl Bank , August M , IMS. Capital and Profits OverB300,000 { Specially snthorlzed hy the Secretary or Treasury to reoelva Subscription to the U. S. 4 PER CENT. FUNDED LOAN- OFFICERS AND DIRECTORS QlRMAH KOCNT7K , Prcflllcnt. ACQDSTCS KonNTZK , Vice President. H. W. Tires. Cashier. A. J. rorn-KTOK , Attorney. Joan A. CnISIITO.T. . r n. DAVIS , A 3't Cwhler. This bank rectlyes deposit without regard to dmonnts. Isaacs time certificates bearing Interest. Drnwg drafts on San Fisndico and principal rltlM ot the United States , abu London , Dublin , Edinburgh and the principal citluj o ( the conti nent of Europe. Sells postage tickets for Emigrants In thn In- man uo. may lull REAL ESTATE BROKER Geo. P. BemisJ HEAL ESTATE AGEHCY. 16th < k SwglM Sis. ) Oinahcs , Neb. Thia nj8ncyoeaa- . BMW. Docs notapoanlat * . < " ! therefore any bst- Ralnc on Its books ai Insured TV" lts > te d ot helnr cohM d op br th e agv. * BOGG3 & HILL. REAL ESTATE BROKERS No 14-08 Farnham Slrcct OMAHA - NEBRASKA. Office North Side orp. Grand Central Hotel. Nebraska Land Agency , DAViS & SNYDER , 1505 Farnham St. Omaha , Ntbr. < 00,000 ACRES carefully selected land in Eastern Nebranka for Bale. Hreat Barjaicaln improved farms , and Omaha city property. 0. F. DAV13. WEBSTER BNTDER , Late land Comr P. P. R. B < p-lehtf BTKOt REED. LKWI8 KZZO. Byron Reed & Co , , OLDEST X8TAZLUSD REAL ESTATE AGENCY IN NEBRASKA. Keep K complete abstract of title to all Beal Estate In Omaha and Douglas Countv. mayltf HAMBURG AMERICAN PACKET CQ.'S Weekly Line of Steamships Leaving New York Every Thursday at J p. m. For England , France and Germany. For Passage app'y to G. B. RICHARD & CO. , General Passenger Agent * , JonoSMr 61 Broadway. New Torfc SHOW CASES UXMCfjlCTCRJD BT OiT. . 'V7'ILI3E0 1317 CASS tT. , OMAHA , NEB. , OTA. good aeaortmcnt always on hanoim THE DAILY BEE Contaiaa the Latest Home and Tele graphic Nawa of the Day. i J.SSO- . We call the attentionTof Buyers to Our Extensive Stock of 1 CENTS' FURNISHiMC GOODS. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL We carry the Largest and BEST SELECTED STOCK OF GOODS IN Which We are Selling at 0 PRIfiPS I f iia * ' I 3B1 ? * HB i OUR MERCHANT TAILORING Is in charge of Mr. THOMAS TALLON"wiosa well-establi a reputation has Lean fiiirly earned. "We also Keep an Immense Stock of HATS , GAPS , TRUNKS AND VALISES' ' REMEMBER WE ARE THE ONE PRICE STORE ; fl. HELLMAN & CO. , ! : ' , ( ! & 1303 Favnlmm Street. RGANS J" . S. "WIRIG-BIT , AGENT PIANO . FOR , And Sole Agent for Hallet Davis & Co , , James & Holmstrom , and J. & C. Pischer's Pianos , also Sole Agent for the Estey , Burclett , and the P ° rt Wayne Organ Go's. Organs , I dial in Pianos and Organs exclusively. Hava had years * experience in the Business , and handle o-ily the Best- 21816th Street , City Hall Building Omaha , Xeb. HAL3BY V. FITCH. Tuner. A Carpetings ! Carpetings I S g la 3 WW fHUklly Old Reliable Carpet House , 1405 DOUGLAS STREET , BET. 14TH AND 15TH . * i' + 1 < " " < r t n * t" " > * r * Tg . * * * * irrr * r i i "r _ . CT * "i . . 3f c ? \JuZj 1 ) I rA-\ t rf * * fTj JJ L ufijl > * - - * -J .A- " t. C.J * J C * f Carpets , Oi ! Ooths ! , Mattir g , Window-Shades , Lace Curtains , Etc. MY STOCK IS TH LARGEST IH THE WEST. I Hake Ji Specialty of WINDOW-SHADES AND LAGE CURTAINS And have a Pnll Line of Mats , Rugs , Stair Rods , Carpet- Lining Stair Pads , Crumb Clothes , Cornices , Cornice Poles , Lambrequins , Cords and Tassels In fact Everything kept in a First-Class Carpet House. Orders from abroad solicited. Satisfaction Guaranteed Call , or Address John B. Detwiler , Old Eeliable Carpet House. OMA5A. DOUBLE AND SINGLE ACTING Steam Pumps , Engine Trimmings , Mining Machinery , BELTING K03E , BRASS AHD IHOH FITTINGS , PIPE , STEAM PACKING , AT WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. HALLADAY WIHD-ftilLLS , CHURCH AHO SCHOOL BELLS A. L. 8TBANG. 206 Pambam Street Omaha. Neb HENRY HQRNBERGER V. BLATZ'S MILWAUKEE BEER ! In Eegs and Bottles. Special Figures to the Trade. Families Supplied atBeasonabla Prices. Office , 239 Douglas Street. Omaha