Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 19, 1880, Morning Edition, Image 1

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    VOL. X. OMAHA , NEBRASKA , TUESDAY. OCTOBER 19 , 1880 , NO. 104.
Established 1871 , MORNING EDITION. Price Five Cents
AH isnr nd ruin , JuUjarrlTed at the
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Opposite Dewey 4 Stone's , ) I
, _ . ja.ha , - - Nebr.
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U1B Faraham street ,
The Sultan Shows tTnmis-
takahle Signs of
id Imagines That Eis Ene
mies ] are PJotting His
. Destruction.
Snow Storm in Buenos Ayres
Destroys An Immense
Amount of Prop
apecUl Dispatch to The Bee
PARIS , October 18 10 p. m. The
new French shipping company his or
dered five steamers to be built on the
Clyde , to constitute part of the equip
ments of its line between France and
America. The vessels are to be first
dug in every respect , and similar to
the new liners of the Trans-Atlantic
Special Dispatch to THS Bn.
LONDON , October 18 10 p. m. A
dispatch from Buenos Ayres states
that a most terrific snow storm , ac
companled by an unusual degree of
cold for tbo season , has swept over
the province of Buenos Ayrss , de
stroying a million and a half of cows ,
sheep and horses. Many cattle rais
ers and farmers are reported ( o have
lost all Iheir stock , Mid a great amount
of embarrassment and sufTerh i ; will
be the rejult.
Special dispatch to The Be * .
CONSTANTINOPLE , October 19 1 a ,
m. The whole city was yesterday
thrown in agitation by the arrest of
Beherm Agpapa , an attendant of the
sultan , on the charge of .M tempting to
set fire to the imperial palace. There
ia no doubt about the arrest , although
many say that it is impossible that he
can be guilty of such an act. It is
rumored that the arrest resulted from
false accusation made against him
by parties instigated by Said Pasha ,
the prime minister , who Is alleged to
be jealous of the accused man's in
fluence. At all events , the occurence
is cited here as another bit of evidence ,
if any were needed , of the state of
suspicion and alarm which prevails in
the palacp of the ml tan and throughout -
out all branches of the government.
The habitual condition of the sultan's
mind is that of excitement. He can
scarcely endure the mention of the
situation of Turkey under the persist
ent demand of the powers , and has
forbidden the name of England to be
mentioned in bis presence. Whether
this action was taken in a mere fit of
spleen , or Is one ot the symptoms o <
the aberration of mind , which his
conduct of late has exhibited , it is
likely to have grave and unpleasant
results. If he follows his resolution ,
the sultan must refuse to see the Brit
ish ambassador , which may sever the
diplomatic relations between the
porte and England , and the consequent
quent more vigorous pressing of the
treaty claims against Turkey by force.
The f ultan further declares that the
powers are attempting to trifla ith
and defraud him of his pnsieasions ;
thit reform means the dismember
ment of the empire , and the object of
combined Europe is to accomplish
that end. The conviction is growing
in political and official circles that the
Dowers will soon have no alternative
but to abandon negotiations or depose
the sultan.
Special dispatches to The Bee
The viceroy of India telegraphs
that the British troops have evacuated
the Kuram valley , nd lint all is
quiet at Candahar. He onfirms the
r porttbat Ayoob Khan has entered
A Cape town dispatch s y that
Major Oarringtnn destroyed the Basu-
tos' position outside of Mafeting on
the 15th Inst , and the colonial
troops afterward defeated a large body
of them , estimated at 1,000.
Among the passengers by the
steamer "Scylhia , " which silled from
Qoeenstown yesterday for New York ,
was Viscount Lymington.liberal mem
ber of parliament from Barnstaple ,
who intends to study the system of
agriculture in the United States.
The Prince of Montenegro hu bsen
appointed a delegate to meet a com
missioner from England to arrange
terms for the surrender of Dulcigno.
The powers-it is understood , have
consented to this plan.
The Bradfood engineers * strike haa
ended. The men held out since last
Mr. Gladstone has pensioned Joseph
Tipsea , a Northumberland miner , In
consideration of his literary services.
The Cz r's yacht "Lividia" arrived
at Brest yesterday all safe.
The farmers Alliance hold a meet
ing in London yesterday. James
Howard , member of parliament for
Bedfordshire , was chosen president.
The subject of the Improved cultiva
tion of land was discussed.
One thousand weavers employed in
the mills at Glasgow , struck against
the proposed reduction in wages.
Going : Ibr the Greasers.
Special Dispatch to The Bee.
ST. Louis , October 19 1 a. m.
A Santa Fe special says that five men
from Omnibus , near Georgetown , are
out after some thieves who had stolen
Mr. Hicks' cattle. After traveling a
number of miles they overtook a col
ored man named Keyes , who was one
of the party in charge of the cattle ,
captured him and placed him under
guard of Messrs. Stinson and Holt.
The other men rode on to where the
cattle were being driven by throe
Mexicans. Coming up to this parly ,
Coomer asked the men if the cattle
belonged to them , to which they an
swered in the negative. Coomer then
asked the Mexicans to dismount ,
which ihny did. One of them , named
Camilo Rivera , however , as soon as he
had alighted , raised his gun and fired
at Coomer from behind his horse.
The latter then drew his pistol and
fired at Rivera , being only a few feet
from him. The ball took effect , but
the man wheeled suddenly around at.d
escaped down a precipice. As soon
M tha first Boot was firei the oiher
two Mexicans fired at Moulton and
McLeod , who returned the compli
ment and riddled them with bullets.
The cattle were then driven back to
Georgetown , whither Keyes was als
taken The latter wai locked up fi
the night , and daring the darkness a
party of about twenty men went to
the jail and broke into Keyes' cell
Thinking they intended to lynch him
he attempted to escape , but wsj eho
3own while tr > ing to break throa , 'j the
crowd at the door. He died before
mornbg. Two of the wounded Mex
ic&UB who escaped were found dead
Loss of the "Alpena. "
{ pedal Dispatch to The Bee.
CHICAGO , October 19 10 p. m.
There appears to be little doubt this
evening that the fine side-wheel sleam
er "Alpena" was lost in Saturday's
gale on Lake Michigan , and that the
sixty or seventy souls on board all
perished. She WAS owned by the
Goodrich line , of this city , and up tea
a late hour this afternoon nothing had
been rocelved"by { he company con *
firming the loss , except a brief dia
patch from Montague , Mich. , that
the deck of the "Alpena" had been
picked up near Muikagon , Mich.
These disnitches caused grave fears
to enter Mr. Goodrich's mind. He
telegraphed to every pouible point
whore inf rmation could ba hud , and
sent his superintendent with men to
make a search of the eaat shore. An
other dispatch received by Capt.Good
rich said that the propeller "Buffalo"
taw the "Alpena" at anchor at the
Mauitous , and this gave him a ray of
lope Capt. Webber , of the schooner
"Irish , " says that ho sighted the
"Alpana" about 9 o'clock Saturday
'otenoon. The "Irsh" was out from
Irand Haven as well as the "Alpena. "
7apt. Webber says at the time he saw
he "Alpena" a mm could not stand
on deck for a moment. Ho left h r
about 11 o'clock , some ten miles off
leu > sha , heading for the shore , but
ho afterward laid her course for
Chicago. The "Alpena" left Grand
laven Saturday night at 9 o'clock for
Chicago. From the fact that she
started in the night. Captain Good
rich thinks there were not many pas-
engera , but from other sources it is
earned that there were about forty ,
and a crew of about thirty. Only the
lames of a few of the passengers are
mown , and they are telegraphed from
Jrand Haven as follows : W. S. Ben-
ism and wife , Mrs. B. F. Curtir ,
leben Y. Squire , J. A. Grossman , of
Jrand Haven , and Misses A. L. and
ate Bradley , of Santa Fe ; Espath
Csrther , G. Hottenger , of Grand
lipids , and John Oaborno and fam-
ly , consisting of wife and three chil-
Iron. The aged parents of Mr. Oa-
borneare in this city and express
jreat anxiety concerning the safety of
heir loved ones. The only complete
ist of passengers was on board the
teamer. Her officers were as follows :
Captain , Nelson W. Napier ; first of-
: cer , J. H. Kelly ; first , engineer ,
lobt. Polten ; clerk , Arthur E
laynes ; steward , Wm. Shepperd.
Captain Napier has been sailing on
he lakes for over fifty years-and was
egarded as a most gallant and careful
fr tr : . fu : ft.w- , : . c * ,
oseph , Michigan. When ho was
lere last Tuesday he told a friend that
10 had not seen Ms family since last
March , but expected to bo with them
his week. His son has bein for years
pilot on the river in command of the
g " 0. B Green. " He , like his
ther.saves a great many liv a , and Is
enowned for his bravery. The steam-
ir "Alpena" was built for Captain
Ward , at Marine City , in 185 : , and
Capt. Goodrich bought her for 880-
000 to replace the ill fated steamer ,
"Sea Bird , " which burned off Wau-
keg-n some years ago She registered
654 tons burden , and was rated sec
ond-class for speed. Her length was
175 feet , width of beam 25 feet , and
12 foot hold. She had been over
hauled last winter , and was considered
as good as new. She had rode through
some of the worst storms on the lakes.
In Chicago she was boit known as a
reliable and pleasant excursion boat ;
for Milweukea and points on the
Michigan shore. It is mentioned as
a remarkable coincidence , that the
body of Grimwood , the lost btloonist ,
was fonnd on the 17th of Au u-t ,
1875 , t Clay Banks , Mich , by a mail
carrier , probably the same one who
reports the hull of ihe "Alpera" float *
; ng In thb water near that place.
Clay Bankes is a poitoffico in Ocoon
county , Mich. , about fourteen miles
north of Montague , and forty fiom
Grand Haven. The current of the
lake sets In strongly from the south *
east toward the shore , and much
debris it cast upon the beach at that
point. I
Special Dispatch to The Bee j
DES MOINES , October 10,1 a. m.
Considerable damage was ciused by
Saturday's storm , and it is-fesred the
subsequent breeze of Sunday has dam
aged the potato crop , only a small
portion of which is dug.
Atlanta's Holiday.
S | dal Dispatch to the Bee.
ATLANTAGa , , October 19 , la. m.
Yesterday ushered in a week of holi
days and big times for Atlannta. It is
not only the opening day of the Geor
gia state fair at Aglehorp Park , but it
is a day of the great union of veteran
soldiers federal from the north and
confederate from the south , and of
the running races at the fair. Eigh
teen thousand , fire hundred dollars is
offered in premiums , $50,000 inpmses
fjr races , and $500 in military prize- .
The great fealnm of the week is the
military reunion which opens formally
to-day. The city is already gay with
soldiers uniforms , and every train
brings fresh arrivals. Nearly 500
boys in blue from Chicago , two com
panies from Cincinnati , one from
EvanivHlInd. . , one from Rockford ,
III. , ono from Detroit , two from Nash
ville , and others from lonthern cities ,
are among the latest arrivals The
Eufaula R fles , Montgomery Grays
and Florida Rifles , of Ms con , arrived
yesterday morning. The Mobile
Rifles came in yesterday with t'
Nashville dragoons.
A Lively Ucmbat
Special Dispatch to The Bee
NASHVILLE , Tenn. , October 18 , 10
p. m. A shooting affray occurred to
day at Buena Vista.near Huutington ,
between Dr. Seba Johnson , his two
ions and one Steele on one side , and
two men named Owens and Ludbury ,
resulting in all five being badly shot ,
Owens and one of the Johnsons mor
tally. Dr. Johnson and his other son
and Steele fled.
NEW LONDON , October 18. Mrs.
Seth Smith , the wife of a prominent
physician of this citr , while suffering
from temporary aberration of the
mind , jumped into the river last nlghi
and was drowned. Her body was re-
jvered in Winthrop's Cove this morn *
1 ing. The deceased was an accom *
I plished and very wealthy lady.
Secretary Sherman Con
gratulated on the
Party Success
in Ohio ,
Wade Hampton Elicits a
Broadside From "Old
Resumption. "
Aggressive Republicans.
Special Dbpitch to The Dec.
NEW YORK , October 18 10 p. m
The republican committee have de-
terinined frf make the closD-6f tTnf
campaign in * this city very active , and
prominent speakers have beii sum
moned from all parts of the country.
Gen. Grant , who is now in thjs city ,
will , it is announced , preside at a
meeting in Utica on the 25th , fnst. ,
ind at another in Syraiuae" the
2Gth. Senator Conkling1 will sneak
; o-niorrow evening in Oawego , in
Jamestown on tha 21st , and Buffalo
on the 22d. Ha will also attend the
meeting at Utica and Syracuse , and
.hen gj to Rchester on the 27th , to
Liockport on the 23th , and Albany on
; he 30th. Hon. Emory A. Storrs , of
jhicago , will deliver an address in
Elartford , Ct , , to morrow night , at
Cooper Union , in this city , Wednes
day night , and at Stamford , Ct. ,
Thursday night. He will alto attend
he meatingi at Utiea and ; Syracuse ,
and will attend other meetings in the
t\to which takoplaco within the next
wo weeks.
pi'cial dispatch to the Boo
WASHIJT TON , October 19 , 1 a m.
? he following was given to t : e press
as- evening :
DAQQEE'S SPRINGS , September 17.
'o ' Uon. John Shermin , Secretary ol the United
State ] Treasury :
SIR Some days ago I saw a report
> f your speech at the conference held
ly republicans at the Fifth Avenue
lotel , New York , and you were quot-
d as having used the following l ng-
nage : "And now you ara asked to
urrender all you hava done into the
lands of Wade Hampton , the kuklux
md the little segment in the north
.hat is called the democracy. " May
ask if you used these words , and if
'oa. did so , did you mean to connect
me directly or indirectly with what
ras described aa the ku klux klan ?
lequesting an early reply , addressed
o me , care of Augustus Schell , Esq. ,
few York ,
I am , very respectfully yours ,
( Signed ) WAOE HAMPTON.
WASHINGTON , September 21.
lion. Wade Hampton , drrof August Schell ,
Nitt-York :
SIR Your note of the 17th instant
s received , in which you inquire
the Fifth Avenue hotel , I used the
language attributed to me. In reply I
have to advise that , while I do not re
member the precise language , I pre
sume the reporter properly stated , in
a condensed way , his idea of what I
said. I no doubt spoke of you as a
leading representative of the demo
cratic party in the south , and referred
to the ku klux klau as a representa
tive of the barbarous agencies by
which the democrats have subverted
the political rights of the republicans
of the south , I did not connect you
personally with the ku klux wing.
Indeed , I know you had , in one or
two important instances , resisted and
defeated its worst impulse ? , and I ap
preciate the sense of honor
which makes you shrink from
being named in connection with it.
Still , you and your associates of lead
ing men in the south now enjoy the
benefits of political power derived
from the atrocities of the K K K.
in which phrase I include every
murderous by which it
has been known iu the south.
Your-power iu tbo southern states
rests upon actual crimes of every
grade in tbo code of crimes from
murder to the ine.uiest form of ballot-
box stuffing committed by theku klux
klan and its kindred , and as you
know , some of them wore committed
since 1877 , when you and they gave
the most solemn assurances of pro
tection to the freedmen of the south.
These crimes all aimed at the civil
and political rights nf republicans in
tha south , aid I believe bu for these
agencies , t no very state you represent ,
as well as many ethers in the south ,
would be represented by thorn in the
seats in the house of representative * .
But for these crime ? , the boiat attrib
uted to you that the thirteen solid
votes would bo cist for the democratic
ticket , would bo idle vaporing , but
now we feel that it is a sobar truth.
While I have no reason to believe th it
you , or your worthy aisociates , per-
sontlly participate in the offences I
have named , yet while you and they
enjoy the fruits of these crime ? , you
may in logic and morals bo classed as
I classed you as joint co
partners with the ku klux klan
in a policy which thus far has been
successful in sizing the political pow
ers in the south , and which it is
hoped , by the aid of the small regi
ment of the democratic part' in the
north , may be extended in the sense
that I sp ike of. Permit me , in con
clusion , while frankly answering your
question , to say that the most fatal
policy for the south would ba the em
ployment of such agencies as I have
mentioned to secure again the politi
cal ascendency in this couutry. I
assure you that the manhood and In
dependence of the north will con
tinue the struggle until every repnt-
lican in the south shall have free and
unrestrained enjoyment of equal civil
and political privileges , including a
fair vote and fair count.
Very respec1 fully ,
Special dispatch to Till Bn.
WASHINGTON , October 18,10 r. m.
Secretary Schurz left here to-day to
enter the campaign in the north. Sec-
rstsry Sherman has held quite a levee
at the treasury to-day
, many promin
ent re } nblicans having called on him
at different times during the day to
extend congratulations fcr the party
success in Ohio. The secretary tpoke
quite hopeful of the party's future
prospects. Secretary Sherman will ba
serenaded at his residence to-night by
local republican clubs , where it is ex
pected he wilt deliver a speech.
The Railway Fight Spreading.
Special Dispatch to The Bee.
ST. Loois , October 19 1 a. m ,
The railroad war not only still goes
on but Is extending. Yesterday the
0. & A. cut the rates to Council Bluffs
! to $ fi.60 and Otna'-i * $7.00 , via the
Kirisas City & SU. Joe , road , and yes
terday the Wabash dropped to the
same figures. The prices to Chicago
and Kansas City continuant one dollar
lar , and rou id trig tickets to Chicago
at $3,40. The Missouri Pacific , while
not actually in the1 hght , meets all
the cut rates to western points. The
speculation in unlimited tickets has
about ceased , and sales of these tick
ets has nearly stopped. There is
BQma talk of the eastern roads becom
ing involved in w'ar,1but there is no
public announcement of a cut in that
CHICAGO , October- , 1 a. m.
There was a lively ran yesterday on
the ticket offices of the Wabash , the
Alton , the Rock J'lsrtl , and the C.
_ & t > .j5ilways. Siy were all sel-
JingWcket' to Kansas City for fifiy
cents. Mnn and women crowded the
offices and stood in line buying ns fast
as tickets could be handed out. The
evcir'ng trains were especially crowd
ed , and e'evcn coaches went out on
the Wabafh and Alton. The Wabash
is selling to Posria and return for
§ 1.50 , and to Hannibal for 83 00 All
of the above roads , and ho the Il
linois Cen'riil ' , are cutting o St.
Louis. The. Wabaih is celling at § 2 ,
and the others , uxceot the Rock
Island , at $1. There ia no indication
of a cessation in hostilities. Scalpers
and other speculators are buying
largely , and many people are going to
St. Louis and Kansas City because
they say it is cheaper tc travel than to
stay at home. It is said the Wabash
road sold 850,000 worth of tickets
Saturday. A mre'ing of the presi
dents of cutting roads is to be held
soon. The Alton road has also re
duced the rates from Chicago to Oma
ha to SO CO ; to Keokuk , $4 ; to Decatur -
catur and Taylorvilla , S3. It was
rumored last night that the eastern
rates are also bi-ini ; quietly cut , and
th t tickets to New York can be had
for § 12,00.
SpocUl Dlgpatcbea to Tin liii.
The government receipts yesterday
aggregated § 1,600,000.
Hon. M.F. Warden has been ap
pointed internal revenue store keeper
for the Third district of Maryland.
Hon. John C Carlysles was nomi
nated for congress by the democrats
of the Sixth Kentucky district , at
Covington , yesterday , G. H. Dobbins
bins for * .he Seventh Kentucky dis
trict , and J. L. O'Brien for the Fifth
Gov. C. C. Washburn , of Wiscon
sin , has challenged Col. W. T. Vilas
to a political discussion , which the
latter has accepted , and the discussion
will take place in the assembly cham
ber October 23th at Madison.
WASHINGTON , October 18. The
epizootic has made its appearance in
this city. It is of a mild form.
viNftK , , YORK , October 18.Superin -
Tamma'hy'iltsprjort .has proposed to
republican colonization of votes be
turned over to him for investigation.
SUEBOYOAN , October 18. A Cro
occurred here during the gale , which
destroyed two livery stables , ' the
market , the armory and a number of
other buildings. Inss , § 12.400.
NEW YORK , October 18. Charles
Gritnley , an ruronaut , proposes to
make an ascension at an early day
from this city with a view of crossing
the Atlantic. His balloon will con
tain 20,000 feet of gas.
CHAMPAIGN , 111. , O.tober 18. Hon.
George Scroggs.'of this city , proprie
tor of The Champaign Gazette , and
late United States consul at Ham
burg , died Saturday evening at Den
ver , Col , of consumption. His age
was 38 years.
Commissioners' Proceedings.
SATURDAY , October 1C.
Board mot pursuant to adjourn
Present Commissioners Corliss
and Drexel.
Minutes of last meeting were read
and approved.
Petitions were prosened fur license
tc C. A. Jensen , of West Omaha pro
cinctand John Peter Mertes , of Doug
las precinct , for sale of liquors and the
game wore laid over for two weeks.
The following accounts were allowed
from the general fund :
H. W. Crossle , ace. grading. . SI03.00
K. H. Pickard , work on road . 21.20
A. Dauble , ace , grading . 2" . 00
W. D. Easley , work on road . 6.T5
J. B. Over , balance on grading . . 21.00
Mrs. J. W. Pickard hay for poor
farm . . . 26.00
Omaha Republican , blank books , &c. 8 5.10
Louis Bradfo'd , lumber . OO.'G
Geo. H. Guy , sheriff , boarding and
cammetting priginers , Sept. . . . 4G1.00
Ballon and Ui.derhill , defending
prisoner . 20.00
C. Lsijge , goods for poor . 6.15
Henry Bellu & Co. , g < ods for poor. 5.80
John S. Caulfield , stationery . 13.55
Eli Johnson , baUncern dam . 200.00
Dtuton & Stump , work on culvert 51.41
Dutton & Stump , ace. of grading. . . 75.00
Ten persons , Grand Jurera' fees. . . 121.20
P. I . Omsl-y. G boxes soap . 2-.40
Dr. Gee , Ttlden , commissioner of
Insanity . 2'3.00
C. A. Jensen , in ace. gradin ; . 25 00
J. H. Manchester , ace. 1880 tax list 100.00
Win. Procho , express to poor farm 4.00
Six persons , witness fees . 14.00
Adjourned to 19th inst.
Oounty Clerk.
Real Estate Transfers.
Samuel E. Rogers and wife to Fred.
Schlemme : w. d. , w. A lot G5 , Okaho-
ma § 275
Wm. Pitt Kellogg and wife to Geo.
W. Field , w. d. , lot 2 , blk 4 , Capitol
Hill add. , Omaha-8800.
John G. Jacobs et al. referees to
Win. A. Redick and Jas. H. Baldwin :
ref. d. , part ne. J sec. 20 , tp. 15 , r.
13 , e. § 1140
B. F. Trapp and wife to A. Nils on ,
w. d. , lot 10 , block 1 , Hantcom mace ,
Omaha § 850.
B. F. Trapp and wife to A. Nilson ,
q. c. d. , lot 11 , block 1 , Hanscom
place , Omaha § 150.
John Maddurson and wife to Austin
M. Collelt , w. d. lot 14 , block 14 ,
E V. Smith's addition , Omaha § 800.
Registration Notice.
State of Nebraska , Douglas
Notice is hereby given that I will
sit in the slore i f E. W. Wyman's ,
15th street , three doors south of Pos
Office , on M-nday , Wednesday and
Saturday , October 25th , 27th and
30th , also on Monday , November 1st ,
1880 , for the purpose of registering
the elector * of the fourth ward , City
of Omaha , Douglas County.
In wilnefs whereof , I hereunto set
my hnnd this 15th day of October , A.
D. , 1880.
olo-16t Registrar of said ward.
Sitting -Bull Again Sues
for Peace and Winter
The Catholic Bishop of Cincin
nati Goes for the Dance and
Dancers ,
Gen. .Grant Among the Got-
hamites Sherman Sure
of Victory.
Garfleld's Home Organ Guaran
tees John Sherman a
Steady 'cit. "
> - Sitting Bull Surrenders.
Dlnutch to The Baf.
WASHINGTON , October 18 4 p. m.
A letter received here this morning
states that Sitting Bull Ims raado ap
plications to surrender himself and
bind on the terms proposed by the
president , some time ago , provided be
can come into Fort Keo h without
military escort or being subject to in
terference from the Indian agents. He
desires to surrender and treat with
the military authorities only. His ap
plication has been forwarded to the
president for decision. It is thought
that the president will conclude to
honor Sitting Bull in this matter , in
order to relieve the northern frontier
and settlement of the hourly fear of a
raid of the Indians , especially as the
Indians propose to surrender on the
terms first proposed.
The Penitent Ficdlgal.
Special Dlatutch to Tha Bw.
CHICAGO , October 19 1 a. m.
Oen. Sheridan yesterday received the
following dispatch via St. Pa 1 :
FORT BUFORD , October 15.
Maj. llges , of the Fifth infantry ,
tells me that that he met south of the
Missouri a runner from Sitting Bull's
camp , the same one Miles sent out to
demand Sitting Bull's surrender , who
told him that he brought word from
Sitting Bull that he was ready to sur
render , and did not want the troops
to move against him , but wanted a
little more time , and then he would
come in. He said Sitting Bull was in
fluenced in this determination by re
cent advice he had received from the
queen of England.
( Signed ) BROTUEKTON ,
Nothing has been received at the
military headquarters here about the
Ute difficulty.
Can't Dance.
SporUI Dispatch to THE B i.
CINCINNATI , October 18 , 4 p. m.
Coadjutor Bishop Elder has instruct
ed ? J1 Catholic priests to publish from
ing dances without his sanction , un
less such girls are attended by parents.
The order has caused much comment
and there is a kick.
Sherman Sure.
Special Dispatch to Tni His.
WASHINGTON , October 18 4 p. m.
Secretary Sherman returned to
Washington this morning. Ho is in
excellent health and spirits , and con
fidently says tht the republican suc
cesses in October will bo duplicated in
November. The secretary will spjak
in I rooklyn on Monday night next ,
and on the following night ho will
speak in New York.
Big Fires.
Special dispatch to The Be .
SAN FRANC sco , October 18. Two
largo fires raged yesterday afternoon ,
the fire on the corner of Mi sion and
Stewart streets sweeping away nil the
hay barns , lodging houses und lumber
yards to the edge of the water , and
the second sweeping off all the build
ings of the Oregon Steamship com
pany at the foot of Folsom street , in
cluding Button's hay barn and the ad
joining lumber yards ; also two schoon-
erd at the wharf loaded with hay.
Death of a Noted Woman.
Special Dispatch to t&o Be * .
CINCINNATI , 0. , October 18 Mele-
sia Bert is , a lady of wealth and social
position , and in early life known as a
great beauty , died yesterday in the
eastern part of the city. She was the
grandmother of Lidy Cropper , whose
marriage to Lord Cropper was a socie
ty sensation a * ew years ago. Lady
Cropper is now a famous London
beauty , said to rival Mrs. Lingtry or
Mrs. Cornwallis West.
den. Grant.
SpecUl dispatch to The Bee.
NKW YORK , October 18 General
Grant arrived in this city at 2 o'clock
yesterday morning , and attended the
Cjntial Methedist Episcopal church
( RsV. Dr. Newman's ) at 10 o'clock.
In the afternoon ho received a num
ber of friend * . It is stated positively
that Grant will spend the winter in
New York. He has accepted the reception -
ception offered him by the
Union League club , of this city ,
and expressed a preference for an
evening toward the end of the ores-
rnt week.
Correct Count.
SpecUl Dispatch to The Bee.
CINCINNATI , O. , October 18 4 p.
m. The official count of the votes of
Hamiltcn county cimmenced this
morning. The result so far agrees
with that already announced. Only
a few errors in addition are found ,
which makes but slight change in the
majority already announced.
A Significant Hint.
Spec al Dispatch to The Bee.
CLEVELAND , October 18 4 p. m.
The Ohio State Journal , Garfield's
home organ , publishes the following
significint editorial psragraph in to
day's issue : "We do not care to en
gage in cabinet making at present ,
but wo venture to remark that the
financial head of the government will
not bo changed during Garfield'a ad
ministration. "
Won't ( Jo.
Spedal Dlipatch to Tils Bn.
ROCKFORD , 111. , October 18 4 p.
m. In the R ck River conference
this morning , Dr H. W. Thomas read
his address , declining to withdraw
from the Methodist church as the
conference voted on Saturday 110 to
48 requesting him to do. At the con
clusion of the address a committee was
appointed to prepare a rejly.
NEW YORK , October 18. Twenty-
nine Mormon missionaries sail ti-
morrow for'England , Scotland and
Wales. More leave next week.
now in daily receip
ofhrge shipments of
All of which are foe'ng opened up
and marked as rapidly as they
come ID , and placed on sale in
ihedepirtmen's to which they
belong. We will show in all
lines of Goods more extensive
and varied assortments than at
any time in the past. Purchasers -
ers will find at the beginning of
the season , as well as during its
progress , the choicest styles , as
well as 'he ' most nbundait sup
ply from which to make their
selections , and at prices that can
not fail to be satisfactory to the
closest buyer. Itemized adver
tisements will appear through
out the season giviog definite in
formation in reference to the ar
rival of new things and the
Special Bargains that will ba of
fered in certain line of Goods in
every department of our estab
1422 and 1424 Dodge St. ,
tCor. 15th.
Bryan Texai , June 11.1879 ,
J.C. BUhardion , St. touli-DoarSlrt-
My boy , 9 yean old , had ferer T ry
other day , or every third day , for about
3 months. I naed iu much M 13 cralni
of Ouinlno during Hie day , but With nu
effect ; tried Cinchonla ( alkaloid ) Snlph.
Cinchonldla , Salaclne , etc. , etc. , but th
boy got worse all the time. I reluctant ! ;
lent down to my drug ctore tor your
Febrif nge.and I write juittoiaythathe
never had a symptom of fever after com
mencing Febrifuge , to date , being now
over a month ago. I feel that I ought to
say thl muohln behalf of your medicine.
Am a regular 91. D. , but retired from
practice 3 year * ago and devoting my
lima to drug builnem.
Very reipectfully ,
j. w.
Stockton. Mo. , Anff. Ifftb. 1870.
J. O. Klohardion , St. Ix > uU D r Bin
Clifford' * Febrifuge li tb b it thin * for
Chilli and Fever that w have TBT
handled. There never haa been eaie
that wai NOT cored br it that wa taken
according to directions In thl > part oi
the country. Yonr truly ,
BXAGB A MUOHETiT. , DruffgUt *
Chmicothe. Mo. , July 8On 79.
J. O. Klchardion , St. Ixralfr-Mj . Deai
Slrj i-Here 1 * something reliable ; It you
refioldhundreds of bottles with like
result ! . Yourfrlendi ,
Boyce A Ostrnd r.
This 1 to certify that I had the Fever
and Amie thli summer and the y e of
one-third of a bottle of Clifford's Febri
fuge promptly oared It. . It 1 * the speedi
est care I have Known or.
Sly Dear Bln-Fpr oTer two years Ifaa.
had Ferer and Ague , and after trylnK
every thing I took one-half bottle of
Clifford's F ebrlrage , and It onred roe
permanently. IbelleTe my ease would
hare been fatal had I not found this as
I did. Tours truly ,
H. TV. POOI. ,
Manager "U.S. N.BUgCo. "
RICHARDSON A CO. , - 3t.LouI .
FOR SAIiE > - " KH.T I , * *
Oct. 28th , 29th and30th,1880.
Ad nlssion " > .S cent ? ; Heajon Tickets 31.00 ; Each
f KA5O * 1 ICKZT U Entitled to a Fuzs. Seme f
the PiUes are to 1-c uea * f De droll & Co's. Eat
Store , Famham St. oct9-w& 6t
Wholesale and Retail Maim
Gold uiul Silver Watches
' sindJeire'ryin the
Come and See Our Stock
as We Will Be Pleased
to Show Goods.
15th & Dodge , Opposite Postoffico.
The Genuine
The popular demand for the GENUINE SINGERjn 1879 exceeded that of
any previous during the Quarter of a Century in which this "Old
Reliable" Machine has been before the public.
In 1878 we sold 356,422 Machines. In 1879 we sold
431,167 , Machines. Excess over any previous
year , 74,735 Machines.
Our eales last year were at the rate of over
1400 Sewing Machines a Day I
For every business day In the jeir.
The " Old Eeliable" Singer is the Strongest , the Simplest ,
the Most Durable Sewing Machine ever
yet Constructed.
Mark cast into the Iron Stand and embedded in the
Ann of the Machine.
Principal Office : 34 Union Square , "New York.
1,500 Subordinate Offices iu the United States and Canada , anil 3,000 Otficas in the Old
World and South America. seplG d&wt
Iron and Wagon Stock ,
At Chicago Prices.
1209 and 1211 llarucy Street , Onuilia.
10 ? IS
Gives universal Satisfaction and that it is stead
ily and rapidly increasing in public lavor.
The White Machine justly claims to be the
best made , the easiest running , the simplest in
construction and the most perfect Machine in
the market.
The White Co. employ aa agents men of in
tegrity , and purchasers are always satisfied ,
because they find everything just as repres
Everybody should use this Machine. The
sales so far this year are more than double
the corresponding time last year.
All orders addressed to the Omaha Office ,
will be promptly filled.
Cor. Davenport and 15th Sts.1 Omaha.
Undoubtedly the best shirt tn the
United States is manufactured at the
Omaha Shirt Factory. The superiority
of Material and workmanship , com-
htned with their great Improvement * ,
that Is Reinforced fronts , Reinforced
hacks and Reinforced sleeves , makes
their shirt the most durable and best
tilting garment of the kind , ever
manufactured at the moderate price of
$1.50. Every shirt of our make ia
uuaranteed first-class and will refund
the money if found otherwise.
We make a specialty of all wool ,
Shaker , and Canton flannel , also
chemois underwear , made up with a
view to comfort , warmth and durabil
ity. To invalids and weak-lunged
penons we offer special inducements
in the manner these goods are made
for their protection.
1207 Farnam street.
HeUlIc Ca e , Coffins , CawkeU , Shroud * , etc.
Farnh m Street , Bet. 10th n < l UH > . Om h , K b.
rdera Promptly At nded To
The Best in the West.
General Insurance Agent ,
PfiaXIX ; ASaURANCE CO. , o ( London -
don , Cub Aftteti t,107.1I
* E3TCnE3TKK. N. Y.CaplUJ 1.000,00)
THE MERCHANTS , of Xewuk. K. J. , 1,090,004
OIRAHD yiUEPblladeIpliaCapltit. ! . 1,000.000
1U1 900.000
F1REMKV3 FUND. California 800,060
Sontheut Cor. ol Fifteenth & Dootrlu SU
mebS-dlr OMAHA
Im weeV. | 12 day * t h om * " * m d ; ci t
ontnt Jrt Arliirru TroCo.PortlmlJt
Oval Steel Tooth Harrow
Manufactured by
) & UROO1 * 0X9913OS , Ifm du Lot. Wit.
Writ * for p lce > Jtnt. Omaha , H b.
The Bonanza tor Book-Agenta
to telling our two splendidly Illustrated booki ,
UlUPDPIf 'ritten by hilife.
nnRbUutV Ion ? friend. HOW
J W. rORNEYanthorof ( DMioDjiIfjuneXhlga-
Irendorvd by OLN. HANCOCK , the party
Jesters. nd PBK-8 ;
friend , OKM. J. a. EK1SB1N , ( an author of wide
celebrity ) , also stronuly endorsed. BOTH OT
FICIAL ImmecMly popular , selling OVKB10 ,
OOOAWEEKI ! Agentsmakln10 day ! Oat-
fits SOc. each. For oest BOOKS and term * , ta-
dren QUICK. TH03. PROTHZRO. Kansa *
City. Mo