I * ' I/ . t ? * rf yoL.x. -OMAHA , BTEBKASKA , SATURDAY. OCTOBER 16 , 1880. NO. 10-2. Established 1871. MORNING rEDITION. . * ' ' " " . . P'r'Ff i-V'S-iv "pniQ ( I v v I w \ x V-1 1 LO T'JET'Ri CHEAPEST BOOK STORE 1 > T THE WOULD. CHTALOOITC OF VALUABLE AKD INTERESTIKG BOOKS AH w.iiri ! rii.u : JuaUrriVed at the ANTifJUARlAH BOOKSTORE 1II rurnlmm Street. ( Opposite Itcu-cy A Slonc > , ) , Omaua , - - .Nebr. tit ? . HO i' JT. SI ' 11 ' 1 o\v d an illfiyim nfflit tf-cMi . $ ! fi.O ) ortncr , tcu JK.T c it s n 01 . .irr , > ftecn JUT cc t K > : i : ' ' " ' " > iiil ii' liv mail will enclose lOe fjr Im" , ami 20c fur * vu. bo < ig to cowr History and IJiosraphy , Hum * ! ' * Uirturj ot En lainl. From _ , „ 1rfj i'n < 'r 111 ins Cjc r to tlm > * . , ii r , . I'lnso. . ! 4 03 tire"4 , 4 00 ' " " M oiul-j'i " | , rom tire"- ' - f..rn. ! . ; see .iluLftvo bbrcu . " . . . . . . . 2 f > 0 jfe5rt sri tf Enitaiitl. 8 * . r rirnwt " . R M ) Mirii inn's IIlorj < > ! 1'i.elwntivola. . . 5 0 > ' II f"itf K-t--lt id JVm > tlio tlic IMjn " Qa n rii. \oK 1in.j. . . c'o'.li : 'Hn-tilcl 4 M \f. \ Auritiil JItel''rF. CaxjAitcin : v.imim , limn , nlol * , . 100 n 1 v ii5"ij. ! l < ! ii > j. tli 1 2S r' lli-t-rv < . ( UK Vnltol Stitss. (0)tra 1 10 C9 T noFiii.'i , , c A ill * . Kma U-jlh . . .7. i 50 2-U 4'a ' c-lo-.li 400 V ut r.i - i lv. of lllir-'ri wSTcn. With Ulj-s . . . . . . . . . . . . SK > 1 vi4 ! . . ' l > c ] i ' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 Hi Joj nma'Ci-ti } ) | > 'cto'WofU , * vo. cloth. . . 1 v " " rlicop. . . 2 BO llnrt w-TnrkHi W r. ISM'lotli . 1 < ( Q KWI'PIII ami Itii'r' iii | > 'fs'i8. I2m cloth 1 Oo M-dirv of t'.c ' Oniwio * . WiUi IW illuj ra- tkm : ISra.i rl"lli . . . . . . 100 M -n wliu Ha u Hit-"n , IJino. cloth . . j 00 l.ifillint'trj of tiivin fsViiif , Inclii ,111 tlic UeraMliiil.y Kxrcili'inn. rVnyat Itntn. , - * ' ! . 100 Lit. ) < if Hoarc nvy. : . | [ , .yal 12tiw. - ' " ' - - . 103 H tn , ISmclotli . " ' . ' - . , , J'-JP.S11 t Jim , c.olli . IJ-ilt- , , , I. , , , ' . ! , , , l ain. clulii . ' , ir | UVIirtc1" , fmo tJi-tll . ! . c.ryOHv , 12 'i elo'h . . . . . . A * . Ditulm. liJio. rJotli . U I/ii' " ' " , ISnio cloth . , T2ino. cloth t < = > Kit C fn > ? ' Kmi.eloth . - . ( S K Mini if I r Htl'C'ila , 12mii tlo'U. . . . . . . . j 2. Tapt. Jolin Smith , line , cloth. . . ' ) 'rtiijVlMar4on. 12 io cl th. . . . . . . . . . . Sim. Huml'iii 11110 ilofi * i1n * . .lil nn , lilino. cloth Vli.ht Kent Kiiir , limn Ut < i. . V i > lii ir ' .r.lliip ( 'ii-liin.iii , ICmo. c'oth ? tor > ic W < mi < ia ul llr-toT. 12nm. clotli. . . CH ITI anil I'a-li l.Ko i-f Na | > "con , limn. Until ? 1 00 31 s iri f tlie W : ' . .t liiJii 12nn. djth 109 c I'ucts. . ' wanl t. inlUu'nlltt'in of Rc.l Xin . \-ln-po cnii nlui .t Muinoir nnd if lllil-t < > il - ! < ti ai irtrait .if thnautli ircni av. il oil vtue , xm ! iinino-iiiia ml'-iufu illiKtrnUiiiin ny fliimjnl 1ijti . O < i sniclittli. ( > ili t.il , ; .Theln tlililI ! iititl'i'-n kit. K 00. Itynm. i. Kent. ! : . \V Orabl.0 Ynnnc. ifllauilSnuthej. ' 0 < > lcri < ljc. ml. Del'or. lluiliorU Ilimd Slio'lcy. tlfl'lH't' * . The ( HiaiMlos < A arlcj if SlittUnl works in 1'octry , Ilts- tnry ami : i'trl l I.itirnluri ! Crown Sk-o .ji'tliIn ; n sljlciif li.'id i'Bl ' > * r vol 75c ) Talot M c i'H Pooim. , Nicli's Millon. ) ' ik uf Auttmr . MonlRomcrj'j ) I'ocnid. lUiau'8 i iiii 3 l'n > - Miinf. Oukley .1 il.lra His- tory < it tlie ic fnnl'g FrcncliS.wigs IIIUI. OJ.KJicy. tVJwlilse. r.f k , iiiizv litiiUsiiyCirr. Duilj'al'mutloi ) ! . Trance. Itulit. luilv ? > ntiT1 ni'Toani.S . " " rn Pair ) Tftl' Chir-xlrv. tiu ! 11 l- > . Hr JIH > ; i-la. onii.n IJteniure. Jil'lt * T Miril j * < IiiliwiiHh * i PiipcTM | 5ii n tie < ! rlmur Oiri TattM .v l UQIIIII&.JIU " JUI r. To- ) I Tt > .rt Tooi-jc til's MtnuM < > fj ] [ < . * ! . _ ' i'vCRxlnr.1,2 ' vi- ' JlMin ) ' i' It Ttn V' , - i _ i rjIci. . .li'i B' I iv nl Jietl" . ' K > i ] it > H lf Hm K-ira'i Cmii Mi > ) . * - ( | > sc > i lJ J J . 1 a nili'b JIIVJ\T < to nl Fiction. THKVAVtK J.Y XOVPLS. ' " ' * visa 1/1 Una , b i" ' limn. < ' > ti ! | > cr * . < 1 ' . . . . „ . . . . . . . 75 .vsiplv IXKLIiin , 13 tuls. i < o < lt'i jior \ 1 . „ . . _ . SI 00 l' , < i.J ) > ' .KJiirtiiI 0 v..l . S\o xl i Ii , JIT niCKKN.s'coarMsrK w HK : < . DUm MiJ IMilimi , 14ul > . tMii . ln'h , icr \ 1 . . . . 75 I'.iivor c K liU HI , M \ > K I'lin i-olh , l > cti > I. . * . . . . . . 75 Alt I2iii" < " - . ! ( rnl $1 M Dr. CII.WH Hr < , ! ) , [ . -in I .1:1 fvr $1 ' , tly J tiI ,1 , * ' " " - . rand -c..ui'l lit M D..V. . "t i . cloth . - . . 175 ' " "jiaiib'lMjili tncK- fi ni'val . \Tleni ot 0 < i ory. Ill \V A llwilir- . n , Kim . . . . . . 1 CO The Amoncit llnnicCnoV IVwi't , l.\ the ICO AortlitlirirVvli 12im > 1 01 Tlic Atnctiran I'rR Cookc v 12m. > . 1 00 Tlie Kamilr Doc'vr ' , Jlv II.S Tajlnr , a. i oo noiiimi ami her Ii-cu c3 , ! > ) 1 * H- D\nil , Mme . . . . . . . . . . . . . 100 Jfaiih-j'a I'lmral Ufctit Winiiii 12mo. 150 N pnej' Trin iii Kiii'ii ot l.ifo. ljiiii > . . . 1 tO iVMilmj 8 lla'ul IVwk t I'opxiUr Sliili- utiiM IStmi . 1 JO ' I miscellaneous. The 0 uiico Works ot I'lminas Huotl , Crow u -J\ . > . . . . . . ISO llio Uh iccV..rkj .t Ucon Swift , CruKH btO . . . 1 fO niipIrtcWw ksitCliM Lamb , Crown . . > . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 110 VT Xatiira' Ihitoo , 2 xvls In I , t2 * . . . 100 Chain c "si fm % . < iw > ll. lrtte"t Jc ! > i < ttl . t9 CO r atitl Itouk nf fi tl lo ! ilo , 1 110. Law St < le 103 " ii i. ci ih . . . . . . 1 OO 1 lu > Uatttl . . . . . . 1 00 . 1 * * * ! Tnree GuinlMiic-l . . . . . . . . 1 JS Couit nf Mimle Ohri to . W . 1 2- > ToiuGruwnal Oxfonl . t " - T fnltrnirifM Srli < n > l Da ) * . - . 12 * Tlio DnsincroM if Ut cvacuo , lin'O cVtli 1 2 * Ths lloamntti t JUr * rcl , Vjucon ot IB Xar'c. . I2mn clotli . 1"i Pr.Ut41UuiKO ! uilc. cloth . . . . 100 A KooV r.rraiul il'tli . 1 > L AWIIMII lr. Hi ZJj. cloth . 1 ( M Aa-a , Uj 7.Ik , cloth . 1 W ubVr'5Uiu rii , ' < nl Dictioniry , Lii-cat Bdltt n . 'OfO lUVIuv lllictr. li.vlXire , I < > th - -0 > Ji < Hiu5Iift' 'r , c ot'i ' . , . „ - . . . . . 100 A KanniH Vi i irv , vlalh . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 2 > American IVitu'.ar DictbniryUlninc \ -isi vail uunautof lnfi > r ratio c. . htholnr. : History , Ihnj Tit'c .C > n Utu inn , IJXWH Caifr.v. Ami } * nJ .Sv > DebtUUe of M irt litUnm ih of "It cs , Kat "f In Wrest , lnnolviit an I Amtruracnt e-c , etc. , cloth , uiirSmO ! > ' . . "S ouuntU < i ( ouier ioluuic , u > 'i numcr- U9 to inoition , ) xiih new anil oouil-lnntl. SEGOHD-HAHD BOOKS , MtSrr iu c h f ia cxrtur c. H SOHONFKLD , HIS Fain'.iilll ttrvCt , ' OMAHA , 'NEP FOREIGN EVEX'IS. Eoported Marriage of Em- perer Nicholas , of Eussia. The Fated Yacht Safely Launched from the Clyde Yesterday. O ringExploits of Exasperated Idah Tenants. , M vnciAcc oltar. fzvi : . liccial llisjutch t Tic ( lice. Nr\v YOUR , OcU-b r 15 10 p.m.-- 3t I'oti'ts'iurg sjiccial correspond- ntaiya" : Thouji many rumors re specting the Ozir'u tcatrisga hnvo BprOad abroad , 1 can yooch fet the following : On Uie i'SUi inst. , old Ktylc , the narfi.luo v.-iUi tbo Princess DilponMi'i was s lenniz.Hl in the chapel of tliu Imperial pilaco , the Czxr'a fainiljdisaiprovin . The Czurowi'ch ' wont to 'lie li Btitpl on the Kuhiuinii p'.i-t riii.l the Grand Duke * Comlamisu and Vh'lamir went aljruad , in order that they miyht not witness the c rcinniij' . Th inarringe waa very private , the Kicholaa a id minister < > F vt r V'ere , howuvir , prcs- t-nt TJia nevrly married are now with the bride's family in L-vedia. The Czir has purchased for his con sort , the pil.icouf tie ! Grand Duchess of Catlurino paying 2.000OCO roubles as the price of it. BAffcLY Ol'f. Eprcijl Disruitoh to The lite. Oi\s ow , Oo' licT 15 , 10 p. in. The Czar'u yaclit "J.inda , " left the Clydo yosierdny for the couth. Ad miral FopofT is in command , and among the invited quests on board are Admiral Stewart , of the British navy > Charles ttoido , the iime'lst , and T.lr. Pe-jrce. Owinj ; to the success of the yacht In 11 rtfcpects , and Iho high speed she has proved able to attain , the llussian government hrj paid the Mews. Elder , her builders , a bonus of 10,000. ACCIDKNTTO HASLAIk'ii KOAT. S cUI < llniut < .h to Tbo lice. LONDON" , Uctobor 15 10 p. m. \YIiile llanlmi and LliiBintr were prac ticing yesterday , Ilaidan ran into a batik , injuring his new bun ! so'sori&UB- ly that lie waa obligrd to walk homo. llunlan went out rgain in Uosnur's boat. KKVNOK'S IUOL. Gambetla has arr.vcd in London , ItUriKiKO AN AUVASt'B. Tlio Oldh'im ' colliers have refused to ad vance wagos. ! 0ixo I'oit THE l UMI < itch til The Kee tr , October 15 , 10 \ > . m. The majority f the commuicial men of this city , both liberals an i coii'orva- tivtf , ajplaud the iiiti-iition of the guvtiinuifiic to prosecute tlio Ludcrs of the land league. Tnoy ay Hint the agitation kept up by the o men tends seriously U > unsctllo the busi ness of the country , and deprecate the v.duo and safety of property , and should bo suppressed. r-EAHCIlINO FOll AUMS. Lord Egmonts' seat at Liyhar cas tle , Ireland , was burglarously entered last night by persons supposed to bo searching for arms. They found none , however , and left without harm ing any of the inmates L ml Egmonts is ( ho sixth earl of that name , and the oldest surviving son of Lord Woden. A crowd of pooplu assembled list nig'-.t iuithe viliigeof.CraughwellGa < o- way , and burned in the streets the ef- lius { of two bailiffs , who , by their of fice had made themselves specially of fensive. No attempt was made by Iho local authorities to stay proceedings. No violence was ollored to any one , and the spectators made caustic re marks about the bailiffs ane seemed to enjoy the spectacle. Republican National Committee. Special < Ibp tclito The Be . NEW YOUK , October 15,10 p. m. T.io rer-ubliiMU nat'onnl committee as- sambled at 51:15 : this muruinj ; . It is expected th t an address to the coun try will bo issued , and measures taken to sccuro to tlie party the full fruit of the late vict.rus in Indiana and Ohio It is expected the meeting will bo a protracted one. The committee will consider a plan to secure some of the southern states , and breaking up the solid south. _ Iho Jeannocto Safe. Special Dispatch to tbo Uof * . WASHINGTON , October-15,1 a. m. Secret-ry Sherman has received the following dispatch : SAN FRANCISCO , October 14. IIou. J Shcniuu , SccrcUo of tlie Treasury , Aa'hiiiirUin. The revenue steamer "Corwiu" hai just arrived. She is nine and a lnlf davs from Ounalaska and all well. Tlie "Gorwiu"ieft the Arctic ocean September 13th ; was in sight of Wrangleland September 7th , but could not get ncirer than tweuty-tho milei on account of a hoary pack of ice. The ocean had already com menced to close up , and Iho "C-jr- win , " having steamed over six thous and miles Inside Iho Artie circle , and examined evoiy port where it WAS pos sible for herto reash , withoutgiimo : ; any tidings of the steamer , gave up the search. There ia thought to be no hope for thorn. The exploring steamer "Jeanuoito" is believed to be all right , or she would have beeii heard from as they were well fitted for traveling over the ice in caao of accident to the vessel , and the crew couM casil > catch the ma u land. A full report of th3 cruise will bo sub mitted at an early date. Very Respectfully , ( Signed ) C. L. HOOPER , Captain. Mercy for tno Santl-Lotters. Spcdal th'iulclio to The ISec. CuiOAfio , October 16 1 a. in. Messrs. Moody and Sankey con ducted the noonday prayer meeting here to day , the same in which they began their great work sonic fifteen years agi > . Neither of them has changed in appe-irancu since their great taberuac'e ' mestiogs hero four years ago. Iu an interview with a reporter of The Tiaio , Mr. Moody sid that they were going to Califor Miu response to many urgent invita tions. They wnild b in at San Francirco , whore they would remain untill winter if their success would , warrant it. After they finish in Cali fornia they will probably no to Xow Orleans. Mr. Moody siid they ex pected to arrive in Sin JAancisco by the lirst of Nowmhcr , stnpp n < ; at Cheyenne and Salt Lake on the way. They left Ghiccgo at 9oO : last instil over the Northwestern , trrivii g in Oniah * to-night wh will , ro they re main over b'unday. ELECTRIC Sp9d l Dlspitcbcs to TH K * , A system of electric lighting , invented - vented and perfected hy Pruf.Langly , elojtrical professor of the Umvajs.ty of Michigan , vr.w successfully ttsted at Ann Aibor h t nisjhf , In the prc-3- enca of a large number of prominent " nt:3t3 : , Charles N. Emerson , a prominent business min of Ja-ksnn , pud brother of Uhilo-1 Stil'-n Jull- I'mersoT ot Utah , drtjppud de.id at Detroit last night. The extensive flaur milli of J. Mar shall & G.O. , at Gow.ui , So t'and , burned to day. ' The Railway War Spo-i.il ilNpatch tn Tim r.t,5. CHIUAUO , October 16 1 a. m. Tha r&Tin r.ulr J d farc3 t ) St. Lo-ifs inul Knnsas Ciry still contain s Tim fate * yestcrdiy"morning to St. Louh I > V the Wabash were ? 3 00 for licket- limited to one day , and ? " > 00 nnlim itcd The Chicago and Alton sold limited t cktits at the s tno price , 1 tit kept to the rogu'ar rates forunl'UM'ud tickets. In theRfteinoon the Waiush mido anulhcr cut of one dt liar , mak ing the rates $ J.OO to St. Louia. They are slling tickc's ' very i.ipully eculators r.ro buying and many poj- are going to 'St. Louis or coming to Chicigo who would stay at home iL.it. wore not for the cut. Dix-ATUU , 111. , Oc oter 15. Chas. Ward of this place went to Watren county , Indiana , and vut d the demo cratic ticket ) -bciiig a worn in by a frieil-1. B > th huvo been arrested and \ \ ill bo sent up for perjury. NKW Yor.iv , October 15. 4 p. m. Women generally voted throughout the sCato at the school elections. In Now Brighton , btatvn Iiland , Dr. Vanllensaeler was elected by woaicns votes. CHICAGO , October 15 Secretary Sherman started this morning for Wis consin. He speaks r.t Racim this af ternoon and at Milwaukee io-iiight. Secretary Sherman in MIKvau e Spvci.il Dispatch to the Urn. M'ir.WAUKKK , October 15 10 p. m Secretary Sherman arrived this evening from R-icine , and spoke to- niaht to a lane imsa iiccririf in Schlitz's park. ' ; 'aoro XVas aline toreb- bghl J-T-i-ccssi n , and the dt'tnoustra- tion wns the lirgost of the campaign in this city. The best of fi-ilim ; pre vailed. Secretary Sherman is it f.ivor- itrt here , and il will IK rcm'-'mbirr. d that Milwaukee's reproH-nUlivcs in the Chicago convention voti'd , te.ili'y for him fur provident. Gov. Smi'h ' expresses the belief that O'arlii'ldill have -0,000 majority in lhisslatennd , th.it tin ) repiiblicana will Mii two congresaiuen. 1'rof. I'arl.innnn , ch.iir man of the democnv-ic eUtocoulr l comnntteo.on the other hand , claims the stale will go democratic. ars FJY Ti ] New York Money r.ncl Stocks. WALL STUB T , ( M-iliiT 15. Honey J ; exchange linn at JI S2 t'j3 01. GOVKKNMBNTa. Tinii. U. S. G's , ' 81 1 04 } U.S.4'8 1 0:15 : U.S. 6'tf 1 02 { CutreucyC1 * 1 5 U.S. 4j'a 1 10J STOCKS , Aet'HCjaUaaml J ( 2c since opening. \V U 1015 I'nfo-ied K3 NYC 133 } Wsiotli 3SJ irio 43 } 1'n.fcrictl 7Hi Rl 11.0 44J LakcShorc112J rrcferreil SI nrtH * lcrn 11SJ U V OIJ I'.c'crrca liSJ C C & I C ll ! I1 M 42 } M C KS ] Oliio 3iJ Lacla nni. 01 St. Paul 0"J Hudson Cauil.S ! } Bt. 1'aulpU 115 N J C 7ot St J < ie 40 NJ' Si } LAN 100 Preferred 53 > JBAQ n3 A&I'Ttl 4H Am Kx CO K .V T 37 Chicago Produce Market. CHICAGO , Octobsr 15. Wheat Active , higher and irregu lar ; No. 2 spring trlio-il ad vanced 23@2jc [ and closed at 101 } < n > 1 OU tor ciii.li or October ; SI 02 1 Ol-'J for November ; § 1 Otfe1 © ! Oli for December. Corn No. 2 j@ c and closed at at 40c for cash ; 40S-10 ] ! ; for Octo ber ; 41c for Novembi-r ; c Tor December - comber ; 45 0 for May. Oats 2jc higher fur ciah and Oc tober ; No. 2 closed at 33jc tor casl ; 3333c for October ; November closed at 3030 c. Kyo Firm at 84 c for cash. Barley Firm at 78c for cash ; 7Dc for October. Whisky-Sill. Live Stoct. CHICAGO , October lf > . 2 ! Opened quiet , and Liter became - came fairly active , aa holders granted a concession of 5c per 100 Ibs. ; sales were at § -l C54 85 for light packing and ahiuping ; SI 50 ® 4 85 for heavy packing ; S4 70(35 ( 10 for fair to choice smooth heavy ship ping lots ; receipts , 25,243 head. The receipts for cattle were consid erably lighter than on any day during tho" week , with a falling elF in 1ho supply of Texan and western stock Froiu Nebraska ; as buyers had n-tt done much in the purchasinc , only four lota of wintered and through Texans changed hand * at $330Uoo @ 'J S5@2 'JO , and a Ir.t of cows and choice stetrs at § 2 G5 < - 70 ; otl.er grades were dull , there being Ji large number left over from yesterday , with buyers doing nothing m the -way of purchasing ; the fresh receipts were 'JG57 head. St. Lrouis Live Stock ST. Louis , October 15 Hogs Active ; Yorkers and I3.il- timnres , S4 704SO ; mixed packins , 54704S5 ; butchers t fancy , $4 00 ® 5 03. Receipts , 4,200 ; shipments , 5,400. at. Louis Fronuce. Sr. LOPIS. Oct-'bcrlo. Flour Higher ; XX3 S)5U4 ) 10 ; XXX , 54 504 ( CO ; family , 84 S5Q 5 00 ; choice , 5 00(25 ( 30. Wheat Excited and higher ; 1o. 2 red , ? 103J for cash ; 1 03A for Ootn bcr ; § 1 04g for Ncvcmber ; $ LOlli @ 1 071 07 for December ; ? 1 07j @ 1 OSj for JanuaiNo. ; . 3 , do , OCJ < § 07g ; No. 4 , do,92c. Corn Better at 39ic for Mali or October ; S9j 5 0j for Noveinbtr ; 40'c f r December ; S9ic * for the yeai ; for 4PP Oatfl Firm and slow ; & ! ) @ ! 29jjc for " Kro Quiet at S2j@83c. Barley Unchangol ; prime lo fan cy , Oj95c. Lesd Steady ot 41ic. Duttor UnchangCiT. .Whisky Steady at § 110. Pork Qaiet ; jobbing at $15 75. Dry Salt Meats Lower at " ' 7 60S8 10. Bacon Dull at 5 G2M8 G2J ® S S7J. L'.ril Nominal. linauipts Flour § ,000 brls , wheat , 10 ! > 000 bu , corn 40,000 hu , oals , 22,000 , rye 1,000 , barley 1 000. Shipments Fluur , 11,000 brl wheat 1-1,000 bn , rjorn 5.000 bu , o.xts nonorya none , b.irlay tiono. New Yort PJ oduca Markol. Niw : YORK. ( Vober 15 , .Flour . Receipts , in,852 bbls ; snla3 , 1(5,000 ( bb'is ; market Grin and mnder- .vely active ; rnmid liiop Ohio , § 1 Go (55 ( 0 ' ; choice , So 1QSG 110 ; supsrlintx. wcsto'ii , § 4 1:5 ® 1 00 ; choice _ , d , S4 05 50 ; cli'jicti tvhi'tt \Vacat Jrro 'ulnr ; Cliicrigo , SI 18i ; M Iwiukep , " ? l J8@l 18i ; No. 2 rjd wintar , § 1 18il 19. for Dfcem- bar ; Bales. 120,000 bu. Corn Quiet ; oSTo. 2 , 55.c : sales 151,000bu. Oi a Quiet. Wl.iaky . Qm'et. " u Tork17 00 bid for October. Lard § S 77S 85 for cash ; S8 75 < S 77 J for October ] srilcs nt § 8 C7 for fdr November ; § 3 52i < gS 55 for De cember. ISuttor Firm -Mid in fair duiuind ; Oliin , 2c ! ) for new. E.'jp Weak at 19ia22c ( for fair to choiea. VICiOBSAND VANQUISHED Reminiscences of the October Cyclone. KEKVINO ur Special ni < | utcli to lliu Iec NKW YOKK , October 15 4 p. m. An Indianapolis special to The Sun says : The democratic atate executive coirimitte * , cimpoaed of Huiidricks , "McDonald , Flnming , English , Liu- dera , Stealy and Cropsy , meet to-day for consultation and advice. Hon- diu&s , McDonald , Voorhees , Enulhh , If'ciii'rir .nid oihsr pa'ty leaders bo- ! iiv.i tii'liana can bo carried in No- \ rn'ii-r fi r Hancock , and are 'Ivtorm- ined to m.ike a ; lrong and united s'r'-5slo ; tor that end. They do not tliiuk any democrat will dusort bis p - siticin in the thick of the IJijbt , but bo linn and bra\vo to lliu end of the bat tle. AIOUT : 22,000. l DLsm'rli to Tdii OKU. COI.VMIIDS , October 35 4. p. in. fiillowin < ; summary may not bo oxact. but it i ? as near BO , an can bo . ct'rlainlid Until the official returns .no scut in : Republican pluraHio.i in 3Lcrof.iry of tittle , f)5'J97 ; deinocratiu pliiraldrs on same vote , 37,250. Towuaeiid'a plur.Uty , 18,748 Tlie re- nurts n nvin nhow that Townsend will run bibind the UcKet fulljOOOO , or uerhapa 4000. run KEM'i/r IN INDIANA. Sj 'cUl ULijatcli to Tim Uco. INIUVN.VI-OLIS , Ooiober 15 , 4 p. in. Ivoturna from SS counties give a net majority of 0,210. The counties to hear from gave a democratic majority in 1S7 < * ' < > f 413 The official majority will bo about 0OGO. , The rnpuMicana have fourteen majority ou j tint bal lot in the Ii' isirtturo and elect eight coii { > roEsmen , possibly uino oat of thirteen. T11K WHY AND WHKUKFOUi : . SptHi.lItllHi.ltcli | totllO IlCO JMW YOUK , October 15 4 p. in. An Indi.uiHpolia special to the Herald reports Uovcrnor Porter as saying : " 1 think tlio result in IndLuia ia mainly duo to the prosperity of the people there , tlicir distrust of the democratic pirty , and to their aversion of a chaiiTo in a policy which had helped to briny about prosperity. It ia also lariwly diw to the fooliah exaggeration tif the eflectaiof the republican finan cial and industrial policy by demo cratic leaders. I think statesmen like Senator Conklinu had their due iH"e''t in this state and mido ua hun dreds of votes. His present : iciiou on the tariff ques- linii was not only timely but inatcliteai and coming in such form nnd from such a man it aroused capitalists and laboring men and the juamifaitur > ng interest. Its good ef- frct cannot bo estimated. The speech of Grant at Warren bad also an as tonishing pii'ect. Other prominent republican interviewed , notably Jno. Ii. Butler , Gen. Harrison and John C. New. These gentlemen attributed the result lo the good organization , general prosperity , the tariff issue and the indisposition of the pjoplo to tolerate a change TUB TARIFF. The New York Uenild says : The tarilF question haa been dragged to sflch prominence in eleciion that other issues appear for the moment to have retired into background to give it place. It is the mnin subject of con sideration amcug the business men : md artisans in. discussing the points of difference beVvvcen the two parties be fore the pr.oplo in the struggle now going on % and it IMS attained wide spread interest among all elapses of people. In order to obtain most val uable opinions on this important sub ject , The Herald seeking views "f practical employees and i'ltelligout working men. Krastua 0 irning of Albany , says : I regard any attempt to get up tariff ecaro for olcctiou purpose as a sham that ought to deceive nobody , whichever party succeeds , each of them bo as decided up within itself as before on taritl matters. Men iu both parties who are for reasonable tariff outnumber the men in both who are for radical experiments. That fact insures American industries against unfore seen or serious changes in tnr.IF lawa a majority , mads up in the sama way , has kept honest ruonoy and effected resumption. Gen. Hancock favors , I am assured , the elevation of the tariff question above party politics. Ho ig a friend of American industries and of their duo protection. All of iho inclination and much of the record of Mr. Garfield - field are for free trade. Coming's views arc given iu small print , anc t.iko up a whole column of Tne Herald Grant at [ the Hub. Sp = clal DlspaUh to The Dec. UOSTON , October 15 , 10 p. m. Geiitnl Grant and paity , yisterday : c.im iuied by Col. Hill and Jno. VT ( J lairllirr , visited the residence o'i ; iho Utter ia Brookline , where ibty remained about an hour , and partook of lunch. On the return trip they drdre through Combrldge calling at Harvard college. ' . " , ' EnKlish'B Fgolisin , 3pecl.il Dlspslth to The 8c * Kxw Yotur.October 10. 10 p. m. A special from Indianapolis to The World fromW. H.English says : "In thip contest we have encounttred the resources of the republican party of rho United StateSj and'have suffered n tamporary defeats In November we shall encounter the republican party of Indiana , and confidently expect to ' carry the state. " , _ No Change In Ohio's'Fipturus. Sjtcciil Dispatch ( Tlie l o. CouJMhcs , 0. , Oo ( > Ver 16. 1 n. m. At republican hrjadnuattbra- nisjh' ' . Chairman Nash stated that nothing new c. n bo furnished to altef the fiijureB already nnhounced in the returns hitherto transmitted. . ' ' * } Indiana 'Figures. Sivcnl Dlawtcli tiiThirBoetlf- ' * fcf iNniAXA qiiSj OotoFer 1C , 1 a. m.- - Tno ifrtllowing.-iifttnfs show the plu r.ilities , oHicialariu unofficial , as re ceived up to last evoniiiC ) with repub licin and dunocratic losses. Only two counties yet to hear from : Per ter's i.iur..litj' , 30,423 ; Lmdera' plu rali'y. 2JG81 ! ; republican giin of 12,720 : democratic gain of 1,827. Torter's plurality will bo < i,102. Garllold nnd iho Holla Men. Dispatch to Tbe Bco CLEVKL\nr , 0. , October 10.1 a. m Nine huivlrod lnriinc. s men of this city went to M-ntor yesterday and p * id their respects to Gen. Garfield. It was the hrgcst n seml ly of the kind that ever went out of Cleveland. The irnin which carried them to Men tor loft at 2:50 : p m. , nud consisted of fouttecii coaches completely packed. After arriving at GarfieU's farm , Goo Ely made a short address , telling Mr. G.irfield the object of the visit. The replied with the fJlowina language : AIUKS AKpGlIXTLEMEN OF CthVi- : This Is n new situation [ L.inghter ] A new sensation arises with it. I should bo rltngjther un worthy of this ttatc and ot my native country , if I did not feel a deep sen sibility at this expression of your confidence , and at this greater expres sion of your understanding of what i ho great contest , now pending in this country , ii n lilted to our prosperity. You lire business men of Cleveland , and that means a ureat deal ; you are citizens of Qja ; , > anj tjmt incins ! mire ; you are citizens of the repub- ic , and tint means a great deal more , 'n your throe-fold capacity I roet 'oUj and thank you for this demon- initionof your confidoiico. You are msijiegs mou. Suppose now thie ard was full , not of you alone , but il the business men of America were vsembled together , wliat would they lo , or rather what would they not def f they could get from the eternal lowers an insurance policy that for 'out years to como there could bo no listurbanco in tht greit forces that jay upon tlie business prosperity of his ponplci [ Applause. ] The power hat could underwrite such a policy teen on uould cill from you more sacri- lee , in a mere business sense , than rou ever madu urdt-r any clrcunistan- ; ea nf any offerthat could be made to on. Now , no such a guarantee will 10 given you by the supernal i-owera , jut while froat , pestilence , tempest ind nil the great etidencea which como o us without our power to prevent , tro beyond our reach , yet there h a jreat po'itical organization in this ountry that can give you a policy underwritten by its faith in its own land against all that can come to you rom bad legislation and the reckless rickedno's of lud nuances. [ Ap- For such a business insur- inco the binineaj men of Cluvelauct , nd the business men of America , are uanifeatly willing to make some effort and bear snnio sacritiCe , and that , 1 ake it , is the business meaning of : bis asicmblage here to-day. Now , the second thought I had was , that yon are ciaizaua of Ohio , an J you are iving illustrations of the first- ) orn children of the pioneers who planted Ohio. When your atners were born Ohio was unknown , except as a trackless wilderness , and tot a dozen smokes from white men's cabins cscended to the sky from all his territory Nou three and a quar- ; er millions of happy people , prosper- ours honorable and successful , are and guiding the destinies of a community as great in numbora and wealth as all who inhabit ) d the thir- : een colonies when our fathers won their independence. What a spec- acle ia all this prosperity , and it was won by the simple , plain , straightfor ward process of downright hird work. "Applause. ] Ir bor first laid out the aw material that God made , and ; hen capital , which is only another name for crystallzed. labor , shaped up , protected and saved by the strong arm of equal justice and hon est law. Now that is Ohio. Well , now , there is third nnd larger thought. Proud as you are of what you have ilone for Cleveland yet your pride rises a little higher at a piece of bunt ing , with stirs and stripes on it , that speaks of a great ccntinent with overnmenl that covers it from sea to ica , from the lakes to the gulf , and that you , as citizens of the republic , have a right to walk on every fet of it aa.the equal of any man that lives any where. A Trying PosKion. WASHINGTON , D. C , October 15th 4 p. m. A private letter received hero to-day , states that the training ship "Minnesota" on her way from Now York to Hampton Roids , came near being wrecked. The writer Eaya : Wo left New York on Friday last and came near being wrecked We struck on a sand bar and the ship nrarly went to pieces , The gale struck UB and carried away our topgallant mast and one o the mainyards. The sea b-okn over and I thought sure wo would bo lost ; Our yards nearly touched the water , and our gun deck was flooded , but we caino out all right. " Another account ia that nheu the sea struck the vessel , after she grounded , there waa a regu lar panic on b'isrd for a few moments , but through the exertions of the ofli- cew everything was soon quieted. The Bovivalists Route. Spcct&l dl > | > aUli to Tlie liec. CHICAGO , October 15 , 4 p. m. The evanyoliijtB , Moody and Sankay , in passing through the city conducted i he noon meetintj to-day at Farwell Hall. They will hold a meeting this \ i-vening at 7:30 o'clock in the Chicago i Avenue church and then start im- 1 mediately for tho. Pacific Coaat , when ? they labor during the winter , D.OHESTJC DOINGS , Grand Celobr ition of the Open ing of tbfl FamoUs Cologne Cathedral , Hundreds of Thousands of People Gathered at the { Perfumed Metrbpolis. Prosperous Times on the Great Lakes Lae Congression al Laws for Sale. Manager HavorJy Looses His Chicago 1 hoatar Moody nnd Sankey Moving West. , Prosperous TJruos. Bpailal Dispatch to Tlio Eeo. WASUINOTOX , October 15 I p. m. ConuiruidiT Ivautz , commanding the United States "Alicliisjan" an nounces Irs return to Eric , Pa , with hii vessel fnim a suiiiiucr. cruao : dur ing which he visited all the parts on tlio reat hkca. In concluding fcii report ho siys : "Rut oghr boys wcro enlisted during the cruiar. I cnn only account fur BO few boya ollVrin-j by the fact that tlio pr.'bpcrous times have iven employment to all who are disposed to do anything. " Now Ready. Special Dispatch to Tim UK * . WASHijfOTO.v.Oetober 15 1 p. m. The pamphlet edition of the United States ptarnro laws of the Hocond Eea- aioa of the 4Gth congress has hccn printed and is forsa'o in ncc-mUrce with the law at the department i f state. The publication ccsls sixty cent" . In addition to the hw p-.ssod at the eeasion it , contains thu pro clamations issued by thoprendcnt and the treaties ralifiod with forntirn gov ernments since Au uit 1st , 1879. Haverly.a Theatre Loused. Special ilispatch to Tlic Ree. Cu CAOO , October 15 , 4 p. rn. Thp boirJ of education has voted 11 tote to li-aso ( Jio Havorly theatre prop crty to the First Nntimm ! lanlr , which is to expond100,000n ; iinprowiiienta nid pay ( J per cent rental for fifty years. The other hHdura for the property were Mr. JJavorly and thp public library. The latter ia to be ivon the upper floors of fie nou- building. ITavorly'a bid was § " . ' 0,000 per annum. ThoCologflio Cathedral. Spoclil Disjiatcli to Tlio Heo NKW YOUK , October 15 4 p. rn. A cablegram from Colopno says 2.T1 , . 000 people are expected thereto-day at the Cathedral feitival. All the ruling princes of Germary , excepting thocnf Uasao , Wurtemburg , Briina- wick and Bavaria , have arrived. The German crown prince and princess , nitli the emperor , arrived yesterday. Tlio gr.ind service in the cathedral be gan at 11 o'clock to day. It wai i reed - $ , ed by protestant service in Trinity cliurcll for inu uui nrorg nt-ncut. * UT . . followc the ceremoi.y of the comple tion of the building On Saturday the grand historical ceremonies takes nl.ico , representing various epochs in the construction of the cathedral , which , up to Iho present time , has coat § 10,000.000 , h-ilf of which has been expended since 1842. WILL T11FV COME. Spccldl Dlgpatch to the Bco. NKW YOKK , October 15 , 10 a. m. The ateamer "City of I.russels , " from jiverpool , and the "Cimbria , " from Taiilbutf ; , arrived yesterday , and " mdtd a totsl of 1,390 emigrants at astle Garden. A Close Call. eml Dispatch to Tun BKR BALTIMOKK , October 15 10 p. m. A Bteam Utinch of the United tatea war ship "Vnnd. lii : , " loadiid vith pa 80igers ) who had been visit- rg the "Vardalia , " was run Into and unk off Henderson's wharf this aftcr- oon. The ladies on the launchsorno liirty in number , were terribly excit- d , hut all were gotten off safely. The aunch had a boat in tuw at the time , nd had the right of way. Captnin loade , of the "Vandalia , " says the onduct of the tu j in running iuto the ug and then steering off without of- ering assistance , was most reprehen- iblo. ADDITIONAL LOCAL. Arademy of Sciences. The regular monthly meeting of the tfobraska Acidomy of Sciences waa icld at their new rooms in William's lock last evening and was unusually well attended. Among those from nbroad were Prof. Au hey , Prof. 0. D. \Vilhorand Prof. Nicholson of the normal school. Mr. Joshua l > udd reported that the .iew rooms had been secured at § 25 per month , and presented bills for furnishing ; ho alaoreported.ns curator of the museum , the receipt from Prof , lod' ert , of Illinoisof a hirjo number f valuable specimens , and a large and rich collection of mineral spr-c- rnens from New Mox-cu these , in ad dition to thosi > c illected for the society In the Rocky Mount tins during the summer. Dr. A. L. Child , of Plattamotith , presented ; x piper on meteorology , in which he g.ivoan interesting explana tion and illustration of th " r a of low birometer. " The observations covered a period of forty-three months , and in the largo proportion of the casot the approach of storms was in dicated with some probability , though it is not possible to determine wheth er the storm is to bo rain or wind. The conclusion was that fur luc l observations the barometer It not reliable for forecasting. Hut at Washington , wht-re the whulj field is tikcn in , tebgraphically , the indica tions of the barometer are found to hold geol in about eighty eeveti per cent of the observations. Professor Aughey presented an en tertaining paper on "The" petrified palm forest in Western Wyoming , vis ited by him last summer. Prof. Wilber presented a paper on "the use of museums. " Among oth er things the prcfeasor referred to the lar e museums of the eu > t , which are being constantly enricho 1 by col lections from new iciourops in the eeo'ogteal fjrm.itioni of Nebraska. "During ttren'.y yeirs in this weit 1 hive naver fail.-d to ficd a cjlienor ci explorer in thosprviret f - mot'i'iti u i or iinutiilion , unt t ih f ! ; ' . lican or PluMe v.illey.r t'--j ti > IT > tain r ion , to c'fan ' ft t 'i fi 1 * the malcrift's-.vhirh ? . ' - 1 1 trYh < aA rn ( > ur li uro nm-e'i'ii ; In t ! i. iont'flc tfe t.-iurt's ' 'f th" ciMm-i of the eastern states and of Tt-'pc. ! and while wo wonder ftl the magnitude and v.ilno t f theao trophies , wo rr.iurrpl c' "iir SKNidity iu n r t i t'n- ! h " richer tdepart. . Wo fL iMb"l'v ilrst to'ijvthor tlicrn in , -t rl ii.v * ! ' . > ' only thu honor and ciedit < > f their uis coverymt \ thrr ! constiint use iri or.i advanced sjhnnl , ard ci lie R. As i is wo have only thu cr ilit ff a ruc Hold of r 8t arch. Ij ( IH h. v a mil Seinn IT djcot supiicrtrd by city ji ( . < ' atat-j aitl , vhcro these cullfc'tona can bo kept for our own ftlvutii ; _ ; . ' ' Uiidciibtcdly tli | i" t shirt In ! ! < Uoilotl S'ali ii ni.inufar > nrri } t ' < Innlin Wiirt Faclorv. Thn wj-crt < r' of jMateri.il and wnrfetMan-hsp. < > < tijncd with thi'ir jjrc l m'fi\i-m1 ; J tint la Ki-inf-'M-rd ' fr - t" , < l ; < Tirfor $ ' h5u's ' and 'iJomfrt - * ' ! si p - nt" - their shirt the ui"- durMu.ini ] l > lilting garnii'iitf ' Kt-tl. ( 'i.- tnannf iftrin-d if fh"ni'1' ' > r frprci'c Sl. . > 0. Kvt-ry shin i > f r-iir n.iK- i iMiirantefd fir. f-i-l- - ? t > H < ? vi | n-furti the n'opuy if "fi'in-1 ' < th n\- ; . Wo niiike . . > ii-l'y ' ? -t ? \Vl , , ) Sinker , and Om'oit Ihii" ! ' ' , : il- , chemois undrrwi'ar , mi < l" H' v.h view to comfort , wirin'h ; : i'i.l . ! ir > bil ity. To invnlidj f > t' l n- - ! ' . ' : ; . ' pt-raom wo i llbr ' [ > i-ftl ? : i uiiici'iucnt in the niil'iner tlu'B.i i i > . ( i ; u.intrlt for their protection. ) 'n. ( Jurnii IUKK , llfi'T Kirn mi < ' f TTS Jptt n n s avii 3D L as a Ri SH O ti sT 518 n 8\S \ 1 a &Ti ' * B a a u fl 'a LI Announcement We are no\v iu daly receipt ofhrgeshipnicii'sof ' MF llS-HB All of which ar& bc'ng open = d up and niark--d as rapitlly as they conic in , and placed on sale in the departments to which they j belong. We will show in all lines of 'Goods more extensive and varied assortments than at any time in the past. Purchas ers will find at the beginuiu * : : of the season , as well as dur.ng . its progress , the choicest s'jlcs ' , rs well as the most abnuda sup ply from which to make tluir selections , and at prices that can not fail to be f atisfactory to the closest buyer. Itemised advcr- t tiseineuts will appear through" out the season civirg definite in formation in I'oforencc lo the ar rival of new things and the Special Bargains that will 1)3 of fered in certain line of Goods in every department of our estab lishment. L. ! J. 1422 and 1424 Dod 'o St. , Cor. 15th. LI'XUI , NOTICE. r ; tirCHlicruMuhoMli.it , f u 'la 17th ilaf of J.timvv , IS7 ! > , < in C. I. Milfuri p < i t-hn l at'lie l > iult' it unty trca < nr r' * < In . it jiri' \.t s Kf rtliciloliniKO | ttixLtn I 7t - on. l t f'Hif C ) i l' ! l. thr . 11 n'nrt awl f.irtj-livf ( 15) ) in tlic < i } of ( imln ituu Itscounlj , Xcbr-xivt , t.isol l tin-n f I : I ! . ( Unlncr , mul It at tljo Hii'Cf tl r ilrinptimi tlicreuf will ox | ire Jainiar ) I7ih , ' - ' JOHN K. i-iT--.ru : ' . nct-U Aw-tenwnM' I ' -I'If "I LEGAL StiTIOK. Cour < Kctiite I h.irlta linni'K .lu.i.t- if tin- ' > , KII. 1 , Onulii , Diiti-lm C > . , * . On tlie'.Alihjr nfi pr. 1 - ' , .iiil Jni I giial an onltr nf sltiil.in ut in tlic iln.v. t. tun for tlii bum o ( jl ) uo.aml the OnuttJ F "n.'lrt ilolJ-21-U3 riainlilT 500 PRIZES GIVEN AWAY ! GRAND FAIR - IRR.IM1KD l TUB - OMAHA LADIES' SOCIETY , XKW STAM > ARI > 1SILJ/ . Oct. 28th , 29th and 30t - . IG80. Ail-riteinn ' * rcnti ; Sca-o-i TK Vet - ; i > . > .f . , \vov ItcKrr ii Kntill t ! t j I'RIT in I the 1'iiz saruto l < cci af UoGr ti .11 > i list Store , Kirnhiiii St. _ fn. ) & " CAlA " l OAN At * . I T - III intci nO.VlUU tat , ii viai * ut < JK4i l tt- or I to 5 year * ' tinw on h eilcitvanil firm r r1'1- ! ' ' a" Kinl M U Ic iiJ 1/-U-I jnlilli , jn I i the .Litest Home ami Tele I' ; ' trophic News cf the Day. EB1IOLM JiIe amiKcfail 33ni Jr ' * ' J \ irtSEST STQCK 0 K . r * * > - - / , . . Ctohiaud Silver n"icites : ( : ntd flinv 'ry in iliv. City. Come and See Our Stock as We Will Be Housed to Show Goods. EOHOLM & ERICKSON , J.V'i A ; P uljji" , ( > pposilo ! * > ! > ii-t | ] c. MORE POPULAR THAN EVER Tlio Genuine SINGER SEW FAMILY SEW1HC MACHINE. . . .my l > ie\i"ti ihiiinti ? t > iiirlr if il'mt rin w n d tlifn "DM ) ; li. l ! . ' AI.utuuIi.u USJH ! f" ! - f'o pnMir In 1878 we sold 356,422 Macliineb1. Iu 1879 we sold 431,167 , Machines. Exi-css over any previous year , 74,735 Machines. Gi.r tulta laj' . v-ar were lit the rate of over 1400 Sewing Machines a. Day I t.i- \ . r v T imi'HMs iKiv hi tfir * -r. The " OM Rcli ib'o ' , " iofjcr is tk Stringent , the Simple t , tie Hod I'm-ab'c ' ' Sewing Machine ever jet Construct oil- That Dlvory KtlAL.m nr Suwin ; Wnuhin ha * their Trade Mark cMft into thulroli rttawl mid embedded in the Ann ft the Machine. " TIIIJIE ! ! Hff ! ! Gco- , I-M.Si.Vi.l. " ! . . ' . ' . 1 " ' " ' " ' L , - . - , . tliti m U..OT1 . \\l ! t.t Mi \n.i rui seiiltil\wl .jdEdnUCOANU . Iron and Wagon Stock , - I'rin's. .U ( Jut-ago ! ( > vml I'm Haniry Slivt't , Omaha. ort1t-inn JLT IS A GRATIFYING FACT THAT THE - " MACHINE -v 2" ; ' , OZ- Gives universal otti.faction ; and that it is stead ily and rapidly meeasing ; in public lavor. The W.-titc Machine justly claims to be the best made , the easiest running , the simplest in construction and the most perfect Machine ia the market. The "White Co. employ as atjents men of in tegrity , and pureliaso-s are nlways satisfied , ' because they find very-thing just as repres ented. Everybody rhould use this Machine. The Huleasofar tlii * year ova more than double the correHporKriHf ? time last year. All orders addrw-sed to the Omaha OUlce , " " will be promptly doHfi itlHhOMLij * 4)iiahi. CLIFFORD'S 1 Ail. fro tin SY J. O. RSCHAROSOfJ , Prop. , ST. LOCIS.