Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 15, 1880, Morning Edition, Image 4

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Friday Morning , Oct. 15.
* * _ _
* * -
* *
- ralcrtnnfsel's coal- ,
rem < -an. .
Saxes-for fiue bath rponges.
Sec Tolati'b advertisement
-1'or ife teeth , Kulm's Dentrifice.
-Try SareTs nwPi > e Cent Cigar.
-1'oiler l njn 5ng the Omaha ferry.
LubliMnuk perfume at Kulm's onU .
f * c-
H -Koshello/at-tbe -
-The iiewyolwrachairs for the Acadeaij
will arrive soon.
Tliccomentbnildins in Rhmn'5 ad-
li.iJi ! a atjajt iwarly conuiletwL
TheteAofnsratsatl'.ath & WhHea
in irktt , opgolkanhe postoffice. 29-tf
Thu Emma Abbott , opera company
: il appear at the "Academy nexl mouth.
The Om1iv ! barlc < Tcrevillpue their
na iar.l ball this evening at Mete's liall.
-Bath & White , opposite the post-
ffice , receive freh Mi every Thurwlay.
r twt > tf
rurl-anaXLof , llon i and Psrmp ,
lr. ilc over Beinis' new column on Ilrst page.
-.Tude Hascallnill bit
ti-night at Ihe Eagle tote ] , on FourtccJith
The Atlantic Hotel has parsed into the > t John L Tayntcr , of 'Columbus ,
\v Iio will return torun it.
1 1 it , FarmSjTIoaaes and Lands. Louie
< -vor Benus'n w < ; 3lnmnof bargaiuson 1st
-Saratoga Itterary society met Wednes
day cenin j. On account of badweather tbe
attendance was niall. Adjourned for one
w eek u hen they w ill organize forthe w into'- .
The question for debate n U Wednesday
in reaohed that the election of the republi
can nominee for president isneccesfa-uyfor
tILc bent interest of the country.
In the contest at Nebraska "City yes
terday , by the .various lodges of "Knights
if Pythias for the prize of Lest drilled
bitallion , the LinpoTn lodge vraa victorious
a'tcr a long struggle of neientL hours.
Great enthusiasm prevailed , and 000 people
ple , headed by two full bauds , escorted
them to the Barnum House. They after
wards at the opera houas , received congral- OOF and hjd ft routing time.
The TJnion Catholic library associa
tion at it * meeting last evening , he < rd grat-
ifvin ? reports from the committee in
1'iarpeof the concert ; to be given-jit the
Acideinyof Music , Friday evening , Oct.
2' Thi btst talent of Omaha and Coun
cil Kluffs hare"been secured , a large and
\.tried programme prepared , and this ,
a. ide from its worthy object , will make it
a "mccess.
The Omaha Sportsmen Club , at a
nicctiiig held in its club rooms last night ,
tl < cidc < l to have a club hunt th's ' fall , and
at [ minted "Wednesday , Oct. 27th , as the
d y. It will be a tide hunt. The cap- been appointed mid a t-pecial
meeting will be called during the week to
ilmot-c hides and perfect all arrangements
Tne club will have a grand banquet , game
Mippcr and -ball at the "VYithnell Hotel
after thoiiuntand many of thr leading
t itjcns of Omaha and Lincoln will be in
TAcceason for fires S at hand , nud it
Ijecjuies houtelioldcrs to see that their
iremi os are secure. With dry weather ,
. n 1 hotter firci , and extra fctoves , anc
-eimine > vcstcrn J'uregard of caution there
wiH IMS a lire ona of these days. Tee on'j '
< i ic-tioa isjust when and where it wil
" ti.t Meintime to secure your own
biiil-inss rake up that extra litter , bund
th.r > e shavings and fix th < t fete > e pijic tha' '
in knonn to beuntafe.
On Frid.ty and Satnrdajiiighti
Iti > ihella'the young irage3iennetappear8 t ;
tt.'j . . vcuieniy ot JMmic in this city , elf
< f whine appearance in St. Joe , Tin
Jl. i.ild t.iys : "From the instant the first
lius \ \ as spoken until the fall of the cur *
t ua < in the laht act , the audience w
aiiMous , ctpectaut and enthritllcd and
tin IH n greater praUe to Itoghelle and her
: i liainlile supjiortllian mere word criti1
< iuan bestow. Ths part e > jye < l was a
m i t difficult one , 411 it being combined all
iiluMM of the woman heart.
John Iior.1 , a tailor on Tenth street
v .10 IMS \ \ ithin the test two 3 eairf became
i..uilier byjiame'to the reiwrters of thit
i ymninan who is always abusing his
f.i nilv anrl getting into trouble , wag again
jir.-iMted last iiightfor threatening to hlioot
51111 ciiiiple liifl wife. "VVe had intended to
: iu lu * c * e to-day but as his wife was
Jooh h enough to go and plead for the clis'
i li..i ; o this morning in police court and
1'u' jnd e txvo tender-hearted to refnsc , we
i .ippii e its no UBO to kick. We presume
t i nun will keep on till heill kill his
A ifar child aud.then will be time enough
I < > i lilir.O him.
promenade to-day and
to nu
VTKINSON'S/iw > 'n t work.
ijco Uolmaiib at Kurtz B. t-t
A FKINSON'S employ the best artists
H i 1 Xcligb returned to Pnnioni , Kan. ,
. Jrs. H . L. Latey ha ) returned from bt.
am GUdstone left for Now Orleans
JacadAy night.
> . D. Slaughter , of Nance county , is in
IL city.
Manager Griffon returned Wednesday
Ire ii the east.
T. S. Senator Paddock came in from
G md Island Wcdnecday. *
3lou. Geo. F. Blanchard , of Fiemout ,
irt in the city \Vcdnes Jay.
. rs. Euuiu Haney and son Willie Lave
tet rued from a visit to lon'.o.
1 Hdiael Da\itt re'nrned from CaliforiiM
Vf luesday and proceeded east.
2 i Lizzie Blatchley hag returned from
CE foruia where ( he has been visiting
In aJs.
3 ) r. Pan ! Brown , surgeon of the TJ. S.
nn v , arrived in the city from tbe west
* lVi Ia eday evening.
. \V.3IcLl atrick , the architect of the
33c } opera house , Las a-rived in tbe city
wit the prelitnin.vy drawings.
3 1 L. Heath , representing the David
Cit Uepublicaa was in the city yesterday ,
anc.vored the Err office -with a calL
IL : ( jr.T. . Eheem , * * of Pccnsylranir ,
wit , Lit tvife and daughter , ore in the city ,
the aea'B f Messm. L. IT. Ithecia and
S. J llheem.
J an .M. Boyd , "brothsr of Hon. J. JE _ ;
Bo > ! arrived in the d'y Wednesday , ic
tur ng from-Califora ate _ o kite business
S H. KeSn5oyt.he mannfacturer-of-
She i Dip and other remediesleft yesterday
cr > j Angeles , Col , to be abwnt nntil
com time in January.
Vie latest stock.
' ClflaVs at Kuriz' . t-t
KISSON'S " ' for'thchrqut ttock.
The Wreck at darks' Station
and the Wounded
ews Prom all.Quar-
t i
From a gcnllem iiv\ho was a pat-
encr on the BtecV train which
wrecked about t3 miles cast cf
iJarks Station Tuesday , i ht , and
who crinu in yctt ing on
he de-laved overland train , we lesm
aornuiliiug.of lhe extent of thedam-
caused -by the accident. It oc-
curcd about 11 o'clock at night acd ia
ed to have boon caused bj a
broken brake which fell underneath
the wheels. It * marks were
'ollowed all - thu way from
from CJsrk's to the spot where the
wreck happened. Ten cars were
ditched -vad utterly demolished aud
of the unfortunate brute creatures
confined in them onn hundred were
either killed or fatally injured. One
hundred more escaped pcroes the
prairie , some of them dropping dead
after gelling a quarter of a mile or so
away. The groans of those loft lying
mar the track are described as
horrible , ind when our informant
left none had been despatched by the
ax or gun though many had died , and twelve hours later. These
c-Ulle were driven down from Canyon
City to Cheyenne , where they were
loaded for the east. The loss will , be
quite heavy. At the lima of the ac
cident Uio train was running at a very
moderate rate of speed , or the dam-
a'rc mast have proved much more
Twenty-seven cara of lea came in
The western mail train was report
ed on time yesterday.
Stock arrivals yesterday , 108 carrt
The track-laying from Iho north
end of the Omaha line reached iho
junction of the Norfolk line at noon of
Monday. This junction is now called
by the St. Paul officials Kenetatr
The faro between Council BlntT *
and Chicago via the Wabaah , St.
Louis it .Pacific road has been ro-
duced as follows : First class , $13.80 ;
second class , S11.50.
Gen. llinhop , general manager of
the Chicago , St. Paul , Minneapolis &
Omaha line was in the cily yesferday.
The General hopes to have through
trains running coma time in Novem
ber. The construction oE tha Una be
tween Oakland aod Sioux City has
been delayed , by the failure of the
iron lo arrive oa tiwo , and by other
causes , but is now going 6u rapidly.
Wm. H. Firth , general passenger
agent cf the Detroit , GrandUaven and
Milwaukee railroad , has received the
appointment of tjeueral western pas
senger agent of the O.j B. & Q. riil-
road , and Trill assume the duties of
the office on Nm ember 1st. D. W.
Hitchcock is appointed general agent ,
and wilt make his headquarters in the
office of Assibta'it GencraAMausger T.
S. Potter , in Chicago.
O K. Kico , U. P. bud agent at
Greenwich , N. Y. , went-westyesterday
u-iii. loi-gn y.ircy or settlers for
points in Nebraska. A. O. Griswold ,
U. P. land agcnt-at Cleveland also ar
rived iho east with K parly of 18 ,
aii'l a p-vrly of 25 Bolu-inians from
loivn vtt'iit rttitto locite atSl.clton.
lIICJvMAN'S cottda arc elegant.
Mentor ? celebrated Fine Chocolate ,
al Joe & Sam's. tf
ATKINSON'S fur finest icorL
Jjiidiea' Underwear ,
Childs Underwear ,
Ladies' Hcods ,
Childs Hoods ,
Ladioa' Hosiery ,
Childs Hosiery
and a full assortment of yarns ,
Zjphyrs andFaney goods of all kinds
Kurtz's , Creighton Block.
HICKMAN'S goods are elegant.
For Delicious CARAMELS , the
finest in America , Go to Joe & Sam's ,
nest to Postoflice. . tf
ATKINSON'S for low paces.
Do your shopping at Kurtz's. t-t
HICKMAN'S goods arc ckgant
H. IJOLLI.V A-'Co. , the Sixteenth
street grocers , are now manufacturers
agents for the celebrated "SAXTOX'S
BILT" Wintar Wheat Flour , which is
at sale at the following grocers : F.
Lanp , Geo. Hehnrod , Geo. Schmidt ,
Julius TreUchkcilliam Gentleman ,
Henry Ditzon , F. A. McShane , Z.
Stevens and William Soiauor.
- - -
ATKINSON'S for finest tror/c.
Judge Hascall will rcjister at Eagle
Souse on Fourteenth street , between
Harney and Howard.
CARL FLKCK , Pres't.
ATKINSON'S Us only first class
house. *
Joe & Sam's Oyster Parlora open
d y toid night tf '
ATKINSON'S for low price * .
L-.dies of Om iha are ebpecially in
vited to call to-morrow morning and
inspect a large line of hicdsome dec
orated china now on exhibition at our
* \ore by their
agent who will only re
main until 2 p. m. A call will cott
nothing. Respectfully ,
ATKINSON'S the only first-doss
iousc. .
Ono Irish" setter pup , nine months
old , white and red. Answers to the .
name of "Bruce. " Five dollars re
ward will bo piid for the dog ,
Oor.12th and Jackson Sts. 14 3t
ATKINSON'S employ the i > esj artists.
3 * * A
The Latest News From the
Village Adjoining Spoon
.Mayor Chase Submits to an
'An article appearedIn the Council
Blufis Nonpareil ofjest- ypcaicblwe
are sure31 ayer Chaeo will not object
tt > our reproducing' , HB it is of a pitce
with other attempts tin the part of
that sheet to be funny at tlie expense
of a city whose prosperity Is a con-
inual eye-sore to all the good people
of that village , who are always
striving to imke the woild think the
two are 'rivals. Our readers
will , however , give The Nonpareil
credit for being enterprising , for it
has been just thirteen dsya since
Mayor Chase leftjor St. Louis and
eght daje eince he was Invited to ad
dress the Merchants Exchange there ,
and the mayor of Council Bluffs
If what the mayor said at that time
hurt the feelinga of our neighbors , let
them come across the river
to a live city , governed
by a hvu mayor and see Omaha's boom
and then go back and weep over the
ashes of an ambitious , but impotent
village , - hose retrograde movement
: s constantly accelerating in speed.
Come over on the Wabash and see the
plans of the new depot and terminal
facilities of the U. P. , and the portly
( ? ) mayor will smoke a cigar ( ? ) with
you ,
The article referred to says :
A representative of The Nonpareil
encountered Col. JJhamploli Sampson
Chase ( , lord mayor of the town of
Omaha I , county of Douglas , in the
state ( of Nebraska , at the tJiilon Pa'
cific depot in Council Bluffs the oth
er i evening. The uewagatherer saw
his 1 honor , Champion Sampson , gather
1f his 1 portly form on board the Wabash ,
St. f Louis and Pacific passenger train.
Knowing ] wolltlieantipathy of his lord
ship , the mayor , for newspaper notoriety
riety and interviews , and hia great
horror 1 of being nisde the prominent
figure ( in public demonstrations of any
1e kind 1 , The Nt iiparell man proceeded
straightway to the train on which his
lordship 1 , Chainplon Sampson ; rode
anu "c railed" tin flame public char
acter and demanded an interview.
Sis ] lordship , the mayor , is noted for
but two things , his faculty for saying
a great deal and at the same time
saying i nothing , and for his well known
admiration of Col. Champion Samp
son i Chase , Iho "biggest man in Oma
ha. ] " We have never yet bean able
to < make out which was the larger
Omaha ii i or Champion S. But , let that
remain i a mooted cjuealioh , and wo
will proceed to report the interview.
Wo ascertained that the mayor was
going to St. Louis to see the "veiled
prophets , " and we wondered what
Omaha and its unveiled prophets
would do in his absence. The follow
ing hero oncued :
.Reporter I aoo by Omaha tele
grams to the Chicago papers that the
Walnth run * Jt trains into Omaha ,
now ?
* Champ'nn ' S Well ahem , that re
port if a little premature
R , By the way colonel , where is
the town of Omaha situated ? It
stakes ma that I have heerd the name
C. S. HeaVeils , young man , can it
bo that tbcro is
a ncwrptpar man on
this continent that has not beard cf
mo and my great citj ? I cannot be-
Ittne that in this cnl'ghtened ' day ;
in tlm day of telegraph lines and
brill ant minds thtt know hour to
send news by tel jr-ai-h there is a
mm "so near audy-iso fi-r''whoia
ignorant of the l.ic.tion of Omaha ,
the city in which I live and of which
Ism proud to sy I am high mayor.
- R. Ah , yes , now I "catch on. "
This Omaha ii a town situated out
west on the line of the Union Pacific
road where telegrams are sent from
long enough to all an average piper ,
uvcry time r n animated dog fight oc
curs or a prominent railroad man ,
with influence to stop a train long
enough , to jump off and take a drink.
-0 S. Yes , just ao , just so.
R And I think the press telegraph
operators throughout the land know
where it is , to" .
C. S. Well , yes , I guess they do.
H. I see , however , nothwithsland-
ing all this flare up , when you folks
want to go cant , north or south , you
get on a. Union Pacific train when it
passes through your town and come to
Council Bluffs to start. Singular ,
isn'tlr , with all these railroads , I see
by the papers , you have running Into
that town of yours ?
CJ" S. Well , I guess you have the
it rminus now. Btitit is like a dose of
salts. When we want to go any
where , we go right through you over
R. Exactly , and like a dose of
salts , we always feel better after von
have gone. But those are mild salts
that pass through the first station west
on the Union Pacific. A parson never
knows he has gone through Omaha
unless Informed by a railroad man ,
who is supposed to be acquainted , or
unless ho is reminded of the fact by
having j a cop } ' of the mayor's " "latest
proclamation" thrust upon him.
At this stage of the pame. hia lord
the mayor , winced a little ; throw away
his cigar , and starting for the dining
car remarked to the newspaper man ,
who in "reality had just brought his
gnns to fairly bear upon the portly
form of Champion S. , "well , I'll see
you on my return the 'veiled proph
ets' are demanding my attention.
And a few moments later the train
rolled out of the dppot and the famil
iar form of the lord mayor , his white
moustache and his white tile was the
only distinguishable features on the
rear platform.
ATKINSON'S for low prices.
Ruth Rebacka Degree Lodge No. 1 ,
L 0. O. F. meets this Thursday
evening , October 14th. All Rebecka
members are requested to be present.
L. A. STEELK , Secretary.
ATKINSON'S for low prices.
Nicely furnished rocms for rent
Inquire No. 1616 California street.
ATKINSON'S ihe only first-clou
ME. AUGUSTUS UAEY hai removed
his bakery to the northeast corner of
Ninth and Harney streets , and built
one of the largest and best ovens in
the cily , and has a capacity for turn
ing : out loaves for the thousand.
Tieana bread , pies , cakes , and a full
line of eatables of this kind always on
hand and delivered to any part of the
city free of charge. ol3-w-S-th
ATKINSON'S the only first class
ATKJSSOJTS for tht largest stock.
OMAHA , NEC. , OcL 13,1880.
The county central committee of
Douglas county met pursuant to the
call of the president. Tha following
officers were duly elected :
Chairman John S. Wood.
Secretary E . O'Sullivan.
Treasurer P. MMullen. .
Executive Committee Joel i.
Griffin , J. W. McCune , H. G. Bar
Finance Committee C. C. Thrane ,
D. P. Redman , J. Rhodes.
Registration James Taylor , fli.
Morrison , P. M.fullen. .
Printing Committco M. Onm-
ming * , H."C. Timme , Jacob } \eb&r.
Committpo adjourned subject to
the call of the president.
ED. O'SULLIVAN , Secretary.
Col. E. F. Smythe , accompanied by
the Garfield and Arthur glee club , left
this morning on the 10:20 : U. P. tram
for Wahoo , where a big republican
mooting was arranged for 'to-day.
The Glee Club will return by way ol
Fremont in time for the meeting at
the Academy this evening. Fifteen
thousand persons were expected at the
Wahoo rally , at which Col. Smythe Is
the principal speaker.
The Republican campaign club's en
tertailiment , which waS to have taVn :
place last evening , was postponed un
til to-night. Tickets for hit night
are good for this evening , at Eureka
hall ,
HICKMAN'S promenade is continue ! ? .
Those who inquire will find in the
West store of the Odd Fellows block
undertakers' furnishing goods of all
descriptions. The latest improve
ments in metalic cases and caskets ,
plain and draped wood caskets ; alsf
the Globe case in while bradclotb.
Rooms are open at all hours. Resi
dence 2109 California street.
14-2t E. F. COOK.
a Veterans.
The Iowa soldiers re ideut of this
city met at Gen. O'Brien's office Mon
day evening , ill pursuance to call
to take such steps a * they mi < ; lit
deem most necessary to effect a per-
mane'nt organisation of Iowa soldiers
in the state of Nebraska.
A temporary organization was ef
fected by electing Gen. G. M. O'liiien
president and E. R. Wright secretary.
A resolution was offered that each
member present sign the roll , giving
hia rankj company and regiment. The
resolution was adopted.
It was moved and cirried that the
pfess of tilts city be asked to publish
the proceedings of this meeting in
their daily and weekly editions.
A resolution was offered 4hat the
address oflared by Comrade Stone be
incorporated In the proceedings of the
meeting , and also further reaolv d
tbat the address be published with
the foregoing minutes.
There being no further business the
meeting adjourned to meet oil
Wednesday evening , October 20th , at
7 o'clock , at Gen. O'Brien'a office ,
room No. 5 Union Block , corner of
Fifteenth and Farnham streets. AU
Iowa EoUliers are earnestly invited to
be present. $ >
ROM * Ot1 MEJlliEllS
present at thu first meeting :
Geo. M. O'Brien , late commander
of the Seventh Iowa cwalry and
brevet brigadier general U. S. A.
Edgar 0. Bovles , private , Co. K.
Sixth Iowa volunteer infantry.
John N Valentine , corporal Co F ,
Fifty-fifth Iowa Infantry.
D. A. Valentine , private , Co. F ,
Fifty-hfth Iowa infantry.
A L. Buyle ? , private , Co. K , S xth
Iowa v lunteer infantry.
E. R. Wrighi.priVAtr , Co D. Thir
ty-fifth L wi volun'e- ' infantry.
J.wper Stoiiu , priva'o , Co A , Thir
ty-fifth Iowa volunteer ly.
\V. R Mathias , second sergeant ,
Co. K , Twelfth Iowa \oliiiiteor in
J. Shill , corporal , Co. I , Fourth
Iowa civalry.
Z. M. Pike , private , Co. l\ ,
Twentieth Iowa volunteer infantry.
HICKMAN'S promenalc itcontinvcd.
Informs us that Fred M. Peterson ,
the "Omaha Bakery" man , has the
finest rig in town , and gets up the
best lice of bread , cakea and pies , and
runs the cleanest shop in the wost.
All from § 2.80. six years ago. Try
his celebrated TWIST , 516 Tenth St.
' th s-tf
Strangers visit Kurtz's Store. t-t
Gratz & Freman , cracker manu
facturers and wholesale dealers in
Nuts , Candles and Cigars , have re
moved to 510 , llth street , ( McShane
& Schroeder's old stand ) , which will
be used as sales-room and office. Their
old stand will be used only as factory.
ATKINSON'S employ the best artists.
A large assortment of BLACK and
Buttons new and beautiful designs
just received "at "THE MECHANICS'
&BRO. , 408 Thirteenth street , near
. ocO-sat-tu-thu-tf
Harney. - - - -
Real Estate Transfers.
L. R. Bingham and wife to H. S
Johnson : w. d. parcel in sec. 34 , twp.
16. r. 12 e. S400.
Geo. H. Bogga and wife and Lew
W. Hill to L. R. Astrop : w , d. lot 2 ,
F. Mauderson ; w. d. w. 190 feet of
I > t9 , Koun'za and Ruth's addition ,
Omaha $1,000.
Joel D. Harvey to Fred W Clarke
w. d. , part lot 7 , block 122 , Omaha
James E. Royd and wife to Boyd's
Opera House Association , w. d , lot 5
and w | of w J lot G , block 11 , Oma
ha $25,000.
George Warren Smith to Paul and
Wm. J. Harmon , q.-c. d. , lot 5 , block
171 , Omaha- ? ! .
W. J. Harmon tnd wife to Arci ; -
bild 0. Powell , w. d. , and. $ lot 5 ,
block 171 , Omaha § 500.
Paul Harmon and wife to Archibold
C. Powell , w. d. , und. lot 5 , block
171 , Omaha § 700.
Wm. P. Kellogg and wife to Annie
M. Pdterson , w. d. , lot 10 , block 2 ,
Capital Hill addition , Omaha $625.
Heirs of Jacob S. Shall , deed , to
John Williams , w. d. , lots 5 and 6 ,
block 4 , ShulTs addition , Omaha
? 650.
E. J. Bayles to A. A. Mahar : w. d. ,
lot 7 , block 87 , Florence $200.
Jas. F. Sheely and wife to Gao.
O'Brine and H. M. Haalck : w. d. ,
10 and 34-100acresin w | ne $ , sec. 33 ,
R. 15 , R , 13 east. $2.500.
R. N. Withnell and wife to The S.
0. &Neb , R. R. Co. : w. d. , w part
lot 3 , all of lofs 4 and 5 , wpirt lot 6 ,
all ia block 320 , Omaha $50. i
The World Renowned Evan
gelists on Their Way to
They."Will be Hero Nest Sun
From its peculiar position as the
gateway to the great west , and as the
resting p'aco between the two great
oceans , Omaha unjoys many favors in
the way uf toeing and heating noted
individuals of every class , profession
and cilling from the lowest to the
highrat. She his been unlcd by
Dennis Ke'.rney and her beauties ad
mired by General Grunt and Presi
dentllayes , while all the great per
sons grading np between them have
enjoyed her hospitality.
Wu learn to-day tlut on Sabbath
next MC EM. Moody and Sankey , the
famous evangelist ? , will bo in the city
acd w R hold meetings hero under the
auspices of the Y. M. C. A. TLoy
are on their way through to Califor
nia , where ( hey will begin an extend
ed series of meetings fyr the convers
ion of the wicked , including thehood-
lums of Fraciaco and the heathen
Chioesp. Mr. Moody comes direct
from NoiUifidJ , Maaa , his home ,
where he 1m been resting during the
summer from the re.mU of his ardu
ous LU.or.2 fil St. Louis uilring
seiuou , and at the sama" time has been
looking afier the interests of tha
School for Girls , \vbich ho is found
ing at that i lace. , _ H.r. Sankey has
also pascd the lioj. . t uimmer months
in a quiet resort , prepjirpig for the
winter cimpaigo ,
They will probability make no
other stt'pj ' between Omaha and San
r/ralichec , md our people may cer
tainly cousjrUuUte themselves tip6n
an oppurtuniiy i'f enjoying such a rare
Irea' . Duo notice of the time and
plnco of the meetings will bo giyen
through the daily
HICKMAN'S piomeiuuk ? ' ? continued.
IIATEl you hoird from Indiana ?
Why , A. Ilispe , jr , has just got the
finest lot of steel engravings and oak
frames at low.prices you oversaw.
HICKJIAfl'S cli-play is grand.
The firs' annual b l ! of the Bund of
the Ancient OrJer of Hibernians will
talcc plao a1 M.iB'inic hall on Thurs
day , October 14 , I860. o2tD
ATKINSON'S for fined uorJc.
A box of Pure Fresh and Delicious
candies from Joe & Smi's , delights
the hearts of young and old. tf
HICKMAN'S display is grand.
Mrs. M. Cox , Fishionablo Dress
Maker , SJ7 Fifteenth street , between
Davenport and Chicigo.
- ATKINSON'S millinery ( .li'play to
To night , Gorman Theatre at
Br.uidt's Turn Hall , "Milchmaodchen
von Schoenelierg. " It
I1ICE MAN'S disphy is grajul.
To'ephonu to Joe & Sam's for a b '
uf thuao Famous Caraiuclj nud BUII
'I heir will Ini ; v Special communica
tion > f Si. . John's Lrdge , .Nt1. 25 ,
A. R A , A M 'lliuisil.iy uveom , Oct.
14'M , f < > r \ \ < K in the E. A. ilegne.
Visiting bsotliron sire 3onli lly invited.
. j J < s. B. IJUKMIR , Master.
HICK.MAN'S piuiren < ide to-d y and
"A Pleasant Affair. "
Married , at the rosideiica of the
brides pironta 1714 Jackson street ,
Mr. Edward Spiatlin to Miss Bella
Murimuv Tuesday evening October
12tb , 7.30 p. m. After ihe ceremony
those who were fortunate enough to
scciirj an invitation to the happy af
fair , partook of an elegant supper pre
pared for the uccassion. The pres
ents were nume'ono and costlj , most
prominent among which was an ele-
qant silver water sot from the bride'd
mother. . The yount ; coupla leave
shortly for an extended trip through
Iowa and Illinois. After which they
intend making Omaha their future
homo. M y tboir new life bo a long
and happy nno ia the best that can be
said by their many friends.
HICITMAN'.S promenade to day and
E. Maurer has opened his new
saloon and lunch room 1214 Farnham
street , l.xte Elgutter's store. 1m
ATKINSON'S millinenj display to
It pays to tradn at Kurtz's. t-t
100 Pieces Black and Colored
just received , being tha largest and
richest stock ever shown in Omaha.
The Leading Retailers.
Store closes at 6:30 : p. m. ; Satur
days 9 o'clock. ol3w-th s
ATKINSON'S millinery display to-
Do your shopping at Kurtz's t-t
. S. A. Smith , gioceries and
produ"P > has adopted the cash system.
Call and get prices ; 7th and Pierce
streets. 3t-t-oct7.
ATKINSON'S employ the best artiste.
MR. ERNEST KBEBES , manager of
the Nebraska "Vinegar WotJts , has en
larged the capacity of his factory , and
is turning out the best vinegar in the
west , and has always on hand a large
which is offered at the lowest rates.
Mr. Krebes' vinegar took the first
premium at the Nebraska State Fair.
That the fin * cigaw of WF -
Lorenzenj tha Tenth s'roet manufac
turer , are now conceded to be the best
in ihe market ? Smoke them and be
convinced. Factory ono door south
of Meta's Hall. ocl-t satimon-tf
ATKINSON'S for the largest stock.
WASTED 3 good blacksmith * on
14th street between Harney and Ho
The Cozzcns House has been leascil
by Mr. Augustus Gary who is prepared
to accommodate a limited number of
'reapecUblu boirders. No fsimilfea or
children are in the house and aju.i
place with good svcc"inmo < lations
gurtranteed. Day board 53 CO. B iard
and lodging $4 Of ) per week. "Cuz-
zens House , Ninth aud Harney
straffs. A Dumber of looms have
been fitted up for ledgers. o4-th-s-t
This evening 10th street trijl be
closed for th& construction of the
sewer. Street car passengers for
llth Street and Likea addition can
take ai.y Red Line Car by transfering
at Capitol Avenue and IGth streets.
NOTICB Advoftlatnitnte To Let For Sala"
Loot , Foun.l , M Bulr. Sotrillntc Ac. , will , be li :
vsriwl In Unas cohmu-n onra lor TKN CENTfi
t > ? r line ; wch aubs < xuooHjisertJonFIVE ; Cf
err Uoe. Th * lli t lucrtloii ccror law thau
TO LOAN At Spar cmt intci
. cst , nmim-of $2000and up
wards for 1 to 5 ycara' time on first cla a improv
ed city and farm property. Apnly at BEM1S
Heal Estate and Loan Aueucy , 15th and Dousto
Sts. 27
,1 OlfST tO tXAK-Otll ) nt Law Office
M P. i. 5H01IAS. RoorAS/Orelehton / Block
rONRY'TO ' I.OAW. 1JOO Fttr&UD rtreot
[ Dr. Kda-anlp IXBUI Agency. nov.Xi-tf
TTT Ah TED A good Idtcbf n hafid. Af-p'y ' 4
\ \ thisoffloe. "eSS'l
- at 110
WANFED-A , up stiW. 6:4 '
\TtA TEU Ctrl ; ciok" preferred , at-F.
W I a-iir , cor ISth and Jackson. 683-U
itaalioo a mine .Applj at
Mrs AIdcr = on , cntlanicy tticct , tct 17th
CST1- !
WAHTriO O'fl lo do iconewf huisewo.I ; .
Apply t icH'denco tf 3 1 * Morse , S. sic6 !
of Jacksciu , bet. If th nd IRth St' . 07":4 :
ANTED Good girls at the Inte'lisenco '
Oince , 9i E. Cor. IGth and Davenport.
"TTTANTRD 2 men ID work it rmrkcd gard en ,
> V north , at tlio end of 18th St. II. W. BAen .
WANTED Girl n' 1S1 ? Cagj street , small
family , wants Rood cool , washer and
irnne- . 612 tf
" 170U KENT PiOonX furnished Or Unftirnlahed ,
C No.COS 3Sth , let CilifornU aid Webster
btrcct. 675-19
FOIt Ri'MThreenico rooins , J o. M4So th
l th St 071-15
JOU. atENT Houio aud lot in Shull'a 2nd
add.mar new U. S. coirill. Knquiie at
Hoom 0 , Crcijhton Elock. " 604-tf
FOR RFNT Large house , 7 room' , 20th 8t ,
iioirCassstrce' . C. T. TAYLOR ,
CJI-tf Offlco 34th and Dcnljs. .
"TTIOR TtFNT House on 5th anil Pine : hoisse
JLJ on 23d and C IBS. Inquire 307 e. 12th 6t.
5SMf !
TTSOH RENT Yliielyfnrnishfd rooms at 1310
Davenport street , bet. 13th and HUi St.ssntf
RKJT 2 furniabcd rooms over Her-
FOR . If. E. Cor. 16th anil
Dodce strceW. 28.1-tf
o > tr BKMIS" new column of bargains on 1st
HOUSE * And coiner half of , sonthcist
2 corner Htli ind C.iw Sts. , 7 ropm * in each ;
rent foe $2) ) ti l ? 5 jo nio-ith KEMIS' I BAL
r STATE j'Gi'VCY , 15th and Dousli' Sta f"0 tf
_ FSWitli lira > kftn fur ln-
Jj clew tan-in r frnm GJC to SOi ! . Paintcil
unml mill irlro fl > WcHtan Is raiini' . ' from tW
tjr.fJ'each. ' . Win i\oritt , next to Ueciin e
FOR "SAfir : llixcil punt3atA Holmes Ifilli
and Cilitornia hts. C15 tT
TTIOB SALE A now , clesant , CMt-class 7j
J1 o liyopitno , direct frjm ma'iufacliirer , at
lets tlun nnnifictilrcr'ri ) rice , ivi'lmllat alar
( jam niul gh o time if doired Vf. J. CONNE TJ
LCI'S IJKMIS' new coh.m'i of banr ini .oji let
HI It SALK Cottoawoinl lumber nfall al7cant
T RKDMON'D'S.SIxteenth-at. S16-t
TPAKEN UP Oct. l t , niioUiy inaio , one bjj
JL colt , three rnonlha ol' , n hue ftir in fore
head , and ono biy oxer jexr old with s'ar In
forehead Owner cm \emmuly calli'/sr ' anJ
najinc eharc.s W. WOf.EStSJ > SKA' , J mile N.
K. of ittner 3 brick jarJ , North Omaha.
LJ Bariiaina in Uousex , Lots , Farms and
Latvia , in his now t p-uie
SPfcCIAL HOTICE Ot o Fnsonl. icterinary
euiVcon. graduate of the veterinary college
of Stiittg4tt and Zurich. Hospital 1149 Mierroan
atcime ' 5C-loi
Absolutely Pure.
Mad from Grape Creim Tartar. No othe
preparation makes such li.jbt , flaky hot breads ,
or luxurious pastry. Can be eaten by rlypetticj
without fear of tbe Ha resulting from heavy i
Sold only in cans , by all Grocers.
KOTAII BAKINS Pnwo * Co. . N w Tork
Connd Strobel vs. Jrhn Hayej.
Before Charles Brandes , Justice of the Feice ,
No. 1 , Omaha , Douglas Co. , Neb.
O.ithe3ddsy . of Sept. , 18SO , paid Justice Issued -
sued an order of attacbm nt in the abore action
for too sum of $15 00 , and the Omiha Foundry
w s girnlshcid in eaid action.
do 14-21-28 Plaintiff.
Ornci : Juob's Block , corner Capitol Ave. and
15th St. , Omaha , fteb.
Oct. 28th , 29th and SOtlf , 1880.
Adhesion ? S cents ; Season Tickets 31.00 ; Each
: EASOX 1 ICEZT la Entitled to a PRIZE. Seme rf
.he Prizes are to b Do Groit A Co' * . Hat
Store , Farnham St.
20,000 Acres
6 to 12 Miles from Omaha ,
$6 to $10 per Acre , on
Long Time and
Low Interest.
Large tracts suitable for
Colonies in all the best
Counties in the State.
80,000 acres scattered
through Iowa.
A large number of Improved
Farms in Nebraska , many 01
them near Omaha , $12 to $40
per acre ,
Immense List of
Consisting of Elegant Reai-
dencea from $3,000 to $2O-
000. Many vacant lota in
the additions to Omaha.
Hundreds of lots scattered
through the City. Houses and
Lots , Business Houses and
Lots , and all kinds of Ci y
Real Estate.
We also have
on Improved Farms in Doug
las County , on 5 years time , at
10 percent , interest to all who
cf , n show good titles.
slas nntl Snrpy
Counties for si > f ,
4 beautiful lots fronting Eouth in Isaac &
SeKen's ! da.for8ICJ ( half cash.
House and lot , : i2d and Dad o $ 3000
Jloii'oaiid lotnca'Brnvnell nail 2,100
Two new houses and full lot , rents for
ft-0 per 5 ear 4000
New briok house , 21x25,1 } etory , with 3
lots 2000
Uoa-c acd lot Webster st 1/00
Linrehou e andcorrerlot CJOOO
Lanro bousu full lot , California st 4,0' J
Residence and 4 full lots , St. Mary's ti\e. . 5dW
IToufC and email lot , Eoulh of dtk ] > t o')0
House and smill lot , couth of deK ) > t Oi5
Ke i Jcnce property , Kountzc and Kutli's
add 5,600
Fine residence property. . , . . . . . . , 10,000
Hotlseand lot , 22J aid Harncv 1 feOO
House and lot , Nelson's addition 2,700
House and lotShinn'8 ndd.tion 1,600
Re I < knceand corner lot tm-i ! (
Rc-Mcnco ( cash ) 7uO
Residence. . . . o.OOO
Residence 600
House and one half lot 1 , ( C
Three houses and corner lot . ' . . . . . . . 7MJO
Residence and corner lot 7,500
House and CO feet front , IGih stuct 3,700
Lar.e house i > ndcorner lot 0,500
R iideEcc and three Iof3 0,000
Two house and corner two-thirds of cor-
nerlot 1,700
IIous : and small lot , Cagj street 2,100
Hause and lot , 27th near Farnham 1 00 (
Brick house and corner lot . j rg
Small houfc and fnlllot , Cumings at 2,300
H.use and lot , 23dKreet 3,2.0
Houstiand full lot , worth $4,000 for 5,500
F.n brck reildence 1,600
Brick residence p coo
House and comer lot i 550
New two-story house and coiner lot. . . . 4 'i.00
KesUenco anu full lot , Farnh nst..r. . . 5 Hf >
House and one acre , 18th street 3,0110
House and half lot , 181h atreet 22(0 (
House and lot , Shmn'saddlt on 1 COO
House and halflot , Cass Btr.-et 1/100
House and half loW Cast Street 1,450
Residence and two lots , Capitol Hill. . . . 7,000
Elegant brick rraiderca 2 fulllots 15fOO
Finest residence in the city 16,000
llradenco property / . 17,000
Reaiden e property 17,500
Residence 5 00
House and lot , Sliinn'a aduitior. ] ' ,200
House ana lot , hhlim'gktldillon 1,50ft
Htu < e and lot , 2th and Kirnliam 1,400
House and lot , 27th and Douglas S37S
Houee and full lot , Izardbt. . . . 1,7/0
NewHonseand 1J lot 2,200
Residence property 7,500
Residence property , Terv fine 13,600
Uouaeand lot , Horbach's addition 1.500
Residence , Farnham. st 0,000
Honso and jlot 1 blocfc from Court
House and J lot 1 block from Court
House 0,250
Home and corner lot 2blocks from Court
House 2,400
House and 1 t , Nicholas street 1,000
Iloose and 1 acre , Oiscs" addition 40
House anrtlot , llch street 900
Largo building and six lota. 1 mlleout. . . 4.COO
Housa and lot on Dnenport 3,600
Houie and J lot , near depot 1,500
House and j lot , near depot 900
House and lot , South Arenu- 1,000
Hcu e and lot , Shinn's addition J,800
Residence , Kountzo and Kuth'a add 2COo
Residence property , Kounuc ard Ruth's
addition 5,000
Retidence property , sou.hpart f town. . 2,5f0
House and J lot , Websttr it 2,700
Ho BO and 5 acres at Dirrack ! 7f0
House and lot , Armstrong's addit'n 1,000
Home and lot , South 12 at CW
Houe and lot , Kountze and Kuth'a ad
dition 3,500
Kciidence and } lot 2,700
House and lot , 16tb st 3 500
Boggs & Hill ,
14Q8 Faru , St. , Omaha , .deb ,
Immense Stock for
Fine Custom-Made
Men's Suits ,
Boys1 Suits
Children's Suits. .
? ra d ETC1"
Tl >
E.1 VtKuy&l o
For Men ,
Boys , and
ruder-Wear , Huts and Capi ? ,
Trunks and Valises , at
to Suit AH.
Farnham Street NearFourteenth X is-
Oval Brand V " -
The riel of this "brand" of O tar. ccw , ; WrW ! l af * . " - You ' BEEiVt K ?
WEIGHT AND un\SUKE In ca of this br a Hi a i any other. , VKen7."wTha
i 4
Cigars from $15.00 per 1000 upwards.
Tobacco , 25 ccnfs per pound upwards.
Pipes from S3 mils per dozen upwards.
Send for Price List.
mwl MAX 3IKYEII A CO. , Omaha , Neb.
Fishing Tackle , SJase Ealls and a full line of
: F.A.oN"3r : GOOIDin
DIS2A3S8 from tie CT3TEM.
J. C. RICHARD8OH , Prop. ,
8T. XOU13.