c. T. CRQSSLEY , A 1TOKKEY AJ.D COUNSELOR AT LAW ff j. No. 311 Socth 15h St , b t. Farnham and blarney. au20-lm CHARLES POWELL , -TCSTJCKOrTIIEI'EACE lorner 16th and J J'arcliaii Sts. . OnubaXeb. WiM. SIKEP.AL , I TTflUNEr AT LAW Boom 6. Crtlghton _ JKacH , 78th i-t , OMAHA , JfKB. D. L THOISA3 , ji TTORSKT AT L'.W Loans morey , bny j\ . and selJt rral csUW. Eooin S , Crel Lton fll-vk. A. C. TROUP , 4 TTORNBV XT L\W OScfl In Hanssoai's \ . Block , vlth George K. Prltchett , 150 ? Vamlum S * . OMAHA , NEB. UEXIES L TKCMA8 , , t iTOIU ZY AT LAW CrulctsnMik s BsJ-d .t luz. ap/EU A. CHADWICK. L TTORNSV AT W\T Office 1604 Famham , , < - f rl. . PSABCDY , ; Olco In Cre ! hton Block , oeit la TTBLIO. OOUJSCTIOKS KAD * 0. D. rxxY AT LAW AND JUSTICE OF A iACF-Southcat comer Fifteenth _ _ g'f. llpctlnng Promptly Attended I f ' O'SRIEK & BAFsTLETT , .Attorneys-at-Law . - - , -H.v.p'Utponth Ktf Faruham ATTORNEY AT LAW. naAOK K.OCK. COR. CDUSfi J5TH STS. . KEB. XV. J. Attorncy-at-Law - , 0 Slcp : Front rooms , r u r , . „ , new btlck bulMtne. K. ' Ty - > ! . * * * " * * > ' * ' Ftraham Ctrcei. - earner Fifteenth and . 113UIC& . UBAB K. RXOICK REDICK , vd-J tttentlon will bo slvtn to all ulU p-il rp3rvon ) of every description ; will .t'.ce in jj 'the Courts of the Stite and the Stbtob. OOlce , Farnhxm St. , opposite Court I'jts. ! EDWARD W. 81MERAL , A TTORSry AT LAW Roam 6 OrelgLtca fj Ulocfr , lKtb.ua J PtcglM t > geta. nogdh. C. F. KAHOERSGK , TTOIlNSY AT 8tn- . Om&hh "W. T. KtCIUkKDS. Q. J. HOMT i BIGHARDS & HUNT , Attornoys-at-Law. < lrnrr1 - . Snnth Fourteenth Street. HER SOLE MANUFACTURERS OMAHA. Xcb. A BJN Machine Works , N A 1n 1T J. Hammond , Prop , ds Manager , HiBt T Toe o.t Uiororsh > intcl Bt ppr and complo o J ,1B sh ° P8 nnij F-J'indr1 In tl.e t tale BtH Caatindi ol eiery d.s'pi'on nanufacttd Al " 1na 1 tv ° * tiiM ° f ° : " AlFt FtTc atUntlon given to ivi Aiisrurs , Pnlltys , llaiiRcrs , 8 iviAl JuninjrjISridsc IronsGccr Cutting , etc. Plans for now Macliinery.Ueachardcal Dramrht. Aln AlKt : Iwc , Models , etc. , neatly executed. Kt 50 Barney St. . Dot. 14ra and 15th. KtAl Al AlTo To Sei : The Only Remedy ! ra7r ACTs -vniiEsASK TIME OH I ; k7KE LIVES , 5 BOWEL. No , j.ha tomu-jg a ngives it too * .Wegiok ? ffwt organs lo-yid , and B " * ' snovt1iinn , mart f .re forced. * ' M the Hood lMt 7. ti baby ' Tza/un : . .he vrcal cal : by causing free < wO vf Kue organs and restoring Cidr psi r to throw off . . j - - ' ' l " ; irilr'.tjuitpstonl ! JJ Ml-yrrislittni'doicrdisoiJinii ICidnrn ] S " " * rSlU.M. "T.'l" * ? r Klck ll" ' ' - ' ' l i : 1VORT and njoice in ' "t2t j a dryttefftcM3 compound and B pacl-nretUU jnctoris gU jf Hedlefne. ne I Orf o/i-rar J > nn7W. , V ir/B orijy of /or you. JVirt , ? 1UXX WZILC. i23CH fc C3. , Ssjricte clp th : Iturllngton , Vt UBSkJ ; * c esa Tl ati ap ou ouE nv TIIC c.sn or DR. BOSANKO'S ' l PILE REMEDY. INTERNAL , EXTERNAL , AND ITCfiING PILES nt'onco tin tltn nppllrntlon of Ttt BoM nUo1ilc . wtatcU art * dl open ttic | tbr Tuniorn. aMnylng the tntcnao Itch " " MTct-11 ncn proaucii t cure wtocn all otltc-r ronixliMTlinve Ihlled. Try M t Hf no . . , , . oitopr. anj tpll < > „ n > lgtihor o lu DO NOT DELAY TRYBT CURED PRICE , 50 CENTS. Ir ASK YOUR DRUGGIST FOR IT , IrGl nd when yea m not Gl obt&to It oriilm. w > mtl wnd It. prepaid onit oBrc GlEz Ez Or. Uo an o' TrcntUc on l'Ue meat Cro EzAi tn apUoUIoo. Ad < Ircu Ai DR , BOSANKO MEDICINE CO , THE DAILY" BEE. OMAHA PUBL5SHIXG CO. . PROPRIETORS. SIS Pamham , let. SOi and lOOi Streett TERMS OF STJBSORIPTIOK , 1 Copy 1 year , in advance ( postpaid ) $8.00 Bmontrg " " 4.00 Sfflonths " " 2.00 TIKE TABLES THE MAILS , C , &K , W.B-B BSOa. m. , SIOp. nC 0. B. & O.B SO a. m. , 2:40 p. m. 0. R. 1 & f. B. R. . 5:30 a , m. , 2Mp. ra CEt Joe f : SO a. m. B.City * P.530a , JO. X7. P. R.B. , llWa.m. O. & R. V. to Lincoln , 10 a. m. B. &M.R.H,8iO m. 0. & X W. , 72C a. m. C. 4K. W. R.R. , II a. m. , 11 p. m. 0. a 4 0. , 11 v D , 830 Pm. . C.R I. & P. , 11 a.m. , Up. m. C. B. & St , Joe.,11 xm. , 11 p. m. O. P. R. R. , 4 p m. O. t K. V. from Lincoln , 12:10 : p. m , S City & P. , 11 a. m. B. tM. in Neb. . I p. m. Local mulls for Sutcg Iowa leave bat onoe day , vis : * SO a. m. O3ce open from 12 to 1 p. m. Bnndiyi. TSOMA8 F. HALL. Footnuter. Arrival And Departure of Trains ' UNION PACIFIQ , I.81V * . 1RMVK. . . . .I2:16 p. n. 8SSp.B. do Mixed 6:10p. m. 1:25p.m. : do FrtUbt , . .BaOa.m. l:40p , jr. do do 8:15 : a. n , 12:20 .m. TIME CARD OF THE BURLINGTON. MUTE OKAHJL. 1RIUTS OiUBA. Express 10:00 a. m , SlaU 10:00 : p. m. ijTi ixcepted. Soniaj-s SxceptiBd.t GlIICACO.JROCK ISLAND & PACIFIC. Uail 6.-OQ a. m. I Hall 106 p. ta. Express S:40 : p. m. | Express..10:00 a. m. CHICAGO NORTHWESTERN. HOI 60 a. m. I Malt 7:20 p. m. Eipr 83..JlDp : ; m. | Express . . . .lOrfX ) a. o. Saadajaexcepted. KANSAS CITY , ST. JOE t COUNCn. BLCFFe. LliTI AHIUVI. Hill s.-OO a. n. I Express 7:10 a. m. Express fcOO p. m. I JIafl 7:25 f.m. Tha on'y line running Pullman Sleeping Can out.of Omaha to Union Depot. OMAHA & NORTHWESTERN AND JSIOTJI C1TT& PACIFIC tAILROADS. Eipiew fi.-CO a. m. | Fiprew 1:10 p m , Dally ExceptSundayB. B , & M. R. R. In KEBRASK-V Omah , ( iy ) j l : 5 a m Bloomlmrtonlv)5:10 ( ) a m ,7:55pm Red Cloud (1O 6:86 : am Red Cloud ( an)7:55pia ) PJattsmth < ar ) * :20pm : BIoom'gtojiar)3.-I5pju ( ) Oa haarr.J:5Epnj : REPOBL10AK VALLEY RAILWAY. Hastings ( lv ) 8:05 a ml Bloom'irton ( art 1:30 pm BlMmlngton 136 p m I Haatlngg ( M ) 6:55 p m Orleans ( lv ) 730 a m I Indianila ( vr ) 1 0 p m Orleans ( ar ) 7SX ) p m | Indianola ( lv ) Z30 pm BIOUX CITY & ST. PAUL R. B. 6:10 a m I Esprcra. . IfcOO am Erpre . 8.10pm j Wall . 720 p m WAB1SII , ST. LOUlU&PACinC. LliVU , ARRIVES. UiD. . . . . . . 8sm. Express. . . . S:40 : p. m. [ Expreu..l:25 p. m. BRIDGE DIVISION U. P. R , R. Leave Omaha , daily -S a. d. , 9 a. tu. , 10 a m. , 11 a. m. , 1 p. m. , p. W. , C p. m , 5 p. m , , 6 p. m. , Leave Council Binds ; 8:25 a. m. , 8:25 a. m , , 10:25 : & . m. , 11:25 : a. m. , 1:95 p m , 2:25 : p. m. , 8:25 p , m. , 6:25 p. m. , 0 G p. m. , Four trips on Sunday , leaving Omaha at B and 11 a. m. , S and 6 p. m ; Council Bluffs at 828 , 11:25 a m. , and 2:25 : and G:25 p. m. I/eave Omaha : e a. m. , 7 a m. , 8 0 a. m. , 1 p. m. , 1EO : p. m. , 7:25 p. m. , Leave Council Bluffs : 6:15 : a. m , , BU : a. m. , 11:40 a , m. 5:25 : p m , 7:00 p. m. , 7:50 p. Si. bi Dallr except Sunday. biat OMAAA i F.EPUELICAN VALLEY R. MATK , atS S 1111 . lo : < 5a.m. , 4:56 : p.m. Daily except Sondayn. si d 8A.NTA OLADS FOUND. lii liitt Greatest Discovery of the ABB. tt ffonucrful discoveries in the world harebeea made th Amone oth r thlnpi wncni Svita Chtui Stayed Children oft ask If ho mafccs ? ooda or not , lo AA really be llrw in a mountain of mow. Et last year an excursion sailed clear to tha Pole Etad And suddenly droppedinto what eeemedllke thole Where wonder of wonders they found ancwland. ad * htlefalr.lifc belnraaptwared on each hand. " " V There were mountains like ours , with more beautiful . tn ; TlA preen. tnhi And far brighter Mea than ever were seen. hi Birds vrith the , hues of a rainbow were found , an While. Cowers of exqulilte frsfrinoe were grow In ? aronud , ha Kot long were Wej left to wonder in donbi th ; beiur Soon came the/ bad heard much about , Tn& Santa Clans' self and th IB they all Bay , 3e lucked like the picture r csee every day. ou He drove np a team that looked vervquecr. to Twas a team f craaehoppers instead ot reindeer. Hi rode in a shell instead of a deign , in But ho took them on boud and drove them tu away. tumi He < showed them all uver his wonderful realm , mi And factories making Roods for women and men it Furriers were working on hate great and email , th Tc Dance's ther said they were sending them all. thwi trli Kinclc , the Glove MaVer , told them at once , wi Al our Gloves we arc sending to Bunce , co : Santa showed them suspenders and man ; things II [ more. Sayin ? I also took these to friend Bonce's store , tri santa Clans then whispered a secret b 'd tcS. Fc in Omaha every one knew Banco well , ie therefore should send bis ( roods to his cxn , ho Knowing his friends will get their full share. jo Sow remember ye dwellers In Omaha town , joap who want prracnU to nunco's go round , ap "or BhirtB , collars , or gloves great and small , end your elrtcr or aunt one and all tic Bunce 1 , Champion Hatter of the West. Douglas - - is bu hi UNO. G. JACOBS , sti ( Formerly of Glsh & Jacobs ) tie UNDERTAKER 8Ci hi & ; lo. 1117 Farnham St. , Old Stand of Jacob Oil JRDISK3 BY TULKGRjiPU SOLICIT * chGi an27-lv Gi Giwi wi THE COLOBABO criTt an an BUSINESS COLLEGE tai tn nu Thlj institution , located at Denver , Colorado , fai Educational and Commercial center of the Rri [ iVcat , Is pre-eminently the best and most practl- Bh 1 of ite Una for the do ia MERCANTILE TRAINING OF ho ile Young Men and Ladies. , na G. W. FOSTER , President , D. W. CADY , Secretary. we ; ke : The most extensive , thorough and complete be nstituUon of the kind in the world. Thousands bu accountants i and Business men , in the prin- 30an tpal cities and Uiwnt ot the United States , owe an heir ( buccogs to our courje cf tralninj. cgi fir Hie Eight Kind of Education for Young Men and Ladies. ; qu [ on eg Fine , new brick block , at junction of three W rtrtet car linei. Elegantly fitted and furnished ke : ipartments for the application of and carrying nt of our noicl and systematic method ! of _ Ha BUSINESS TRAINING.we we tu Bti Young men who contemplate a bntinon life , in rorents bavin ? tons to educate , are partica- inhe ily requested to tend for our new Circular , he which w-.ll pive full informttion M to terms , he thne condition of entrance , etc. Address ne G. W. POSTEE , President , be . BtpO-3m Denver , Colorado. de co : in fai lis he fei ab THREE EEMEDIES IN ONE. all dtso-ders nsiW , acute or chronic tri Keepup the strength acd keep the bowe's free ; eai Give a corrective , laxative and tonic. [ one pure medium that combines the three. Sn.T2ZR AmtiEST is thtt tacdimn plorloct ; ] L It tones , relrrales , resaJites , sn > t lns , Aid o'er < tbeaeajrtniityy n rictozious. The rorlJ't wfU-foanded cn2dncc reuisi m : TAXXU.T ° > Errtxrrcs SS.IZEZ. AIIIIIKT. bo ; SOLD Sf ALL PBUGQISTS ; AGRIOULTUBAL , Hereford Cattle J , This breed has long contested "for supremacy , as K beef producing breed , with the Short-hurra ; and wnlle thfre are < few who will place them much be low the Short-horns in thia respect , there are . erne vho do not hesitate to place them ranch above thtir Durham , rivals. Certainly the quality of the beef product d by the Hereford is at least equal to that of the treat Short horn , but as to which is the better acd more profitable beef animal for the average American farmer , we shall not attempt to decide. It one of the points upon which much ani mated controversy has been and still is going on. No especial claim is made for the Hereford on the score of milking qualities , the advocates of the breed hav'ns ; been content to rest their claims solely on the merits of the Hereford a ? a beef producer. They take their name from the county of Hereford , in England. In color they are quite uniform , being red , with white faces , white bellies , and more or less white along the back. Within the past three yeara they have made rapid strides in popular favor , especially with the ranchmen on our western plains. [ Nat. Live Stock Journal. isc Feeding. Kat. tlv Stock Journ > l. Cornme&l trith polatoes alone will not suffice to make pork profitably , with any breed of hogs. The r&ai value of potatoes it about one-third that of corn mSal , and they generally cot lOo much to come into competi tion with corn meal. Suffolk and Berkshire pigs may be profitably fed , and sold at nine to ten month * oldj upon clover , corn meal , linseed me l , ot corn and bit meal. Ono-balf ponnd of linseed meal per day , on. { He average , to eir months old , would be sufficient. Or , corn and oats grounc together Jn equal bulk Xvould do well. After a thrifty pig has reached 100 pounds weight , it may bo safely fed upon corn , but even then , a pound oi bran , mlted with the corn , would be safeguard egainst disease. A Good Horse , Senbner * ' Month jr. " "I can't explain what a real good horra isrt rsid one of the best natured dealers in the streets. "They are as different as men ; in buying a hor.6 you must look first at his head and eyefi ' for signs fchd Intelligence , tern 6'E r , cbttrage and honesty. Unless a horse has brains you can't teach him anything : any mete than you can teach a half-witted child. See that tall bay there , a fine-looking animal about fif teen hands hrgh. You can't teach ter t horse anything. Why ? Well , I'll show you a difference in heads , but have a care of his heels. Look aln the beast's head that rounding nose , that tapering forehead , that broad full place below the feypg. You can't trust him. Kick ? Well I guess CEBC BC ! Put him in a ten acre lot , where BChi haa plenty of swing , and he'll kick the horn off the moon. . The uria'a ireatment of man and Beast haa the tu tendency to _ . _ _ _ . . enlargb . and It ( f l-J ti.t-Jl ? ; ? r .1 intensify bftti Ifudlitiefe , if they otgl prtdoWmMS. Th'u good hatured gl phrenologist could not refrain from 14 14Ot slapping in the face the Lcrso vrhoao character had been fb cruelly de stH lineated , while he bad but the gentlest H treatment for a slick-limbed sorrel th that pricked her ears forward and thdi looked intelligent enough to under di stand all that -was being said. * diwi " 'That's aa awful good mre , " ha wi idded. "She's as true aa the sun. ' Sti S"ou , can see breadth end fullness be- ot ween the ears and eyea. You can't th lira that mare to act mean or hurt ar mybody. The eye should bo fulland , ulii isz 1 is a good color. I like a small ii hin ear , and want a horse to throw lia cars well forward. Look iut for the brute that wants listen to all conversation go ng , on behind him. The horse that urna back his ears till they almost wi wit neet at the points , take my word for , t , is sure to do something wrong. See hat straight elegant face. A horse atse nth a dashing face is cowardly , and a se1C owardly brute is always vicious. Then 1C like a square muzzle with large nos- rilf , to let plenty of air to the lungs. ot or the underside of a head a good lorso should be well cut under the owl , with jaw-bones wide and broad anA ipirt under the throttle. anm "So much for the head , " he con- m inued. "Tho next thing to consider 1C tha build of the animal. Never my a long-legged stilly horse. Lot ot lira have a short , straight back and a traight rump , and you've got a gen- at Icman's horse , the withers should bo 01 ligh ) , and the shoulders well so et back and broad , but don't et them too deep in the k ihest. The fore-legs should be short , jive me a preity straight hind-leg rith .the hock low down , short-past- lit Tn joints , and a round mnllish foot. litar Chero are all Kinds of horses , but the ar .nimal thathas these points is almost 13 nre to be sightly , graceful , good-na- ra nred and serviceable. As to color , astes differ. Bays , browns and chest- th mts are the best. Roans are very 'a asbionable at present. A great many tii ; rays and sorrels are bought here for anm hipment to Mexico and Cuba. They andc well in a hot climate under a trop- dc cal sun for the same reason that you ind light-colored clothing moat sor- iceable in camtner. That circus lorso behind you ia what many peo- m call a calico horse ; now , I call him genuine j pie-bald It's a freak of lature , and may happen anywhere. " Fresh Eggs In Winter. nc As every good housekeeper well rell knows , fresh eggs in winter are a rn reat luxury. The best method of ar eeping eggs fresh for winter use has arfle teen a great desideratum hitherto ; of tut good management of poultry will ofa ecura < this luxury without the time nd labor required for putting down wi ggs in the summer and fall. Tne irst requisite is to hayo early and late o\ irood of chickens. Early hatched o1C lie mllets , if properly cared for , will be- 1CDC in to lay in winter. The next re- DCna uirement is a warm hen house. Nome nash me need expect that a hen can lay nat ggs ] in a place where the temperature sh so i low that their vitality is taxed to ar eeu them comfortable. st N The Emancipation of Alan. Iawkeye,0ct. Sth. She looked juat like that kind of a Be roman when she came into the sanc- Bear utn , and all the seniors became in- ar tinctirely very busy and so absorbed the their work that they did not see for : , which left tne youngest man on ci staff an easy prey , for he looked at ri visitor with a little natural polite- so icsJ , and was even soft enough to oSer soye a chair. ye8c 8cW "You are the editor ? " she said , in a W leep baas voice. Jj Hejtricd to say "yes , " so that she ac ould hear him , while his colleagues th : the sanctum couldn't , but it was a edi ailure , for the wonan gave him dead , i ( iwayina minute. - cr "You arel" ehe ehduted , "then co isten to me ; look at me ; what am I ? " EC The foolish youngeat man looked dt th : timidly and ventured to say , in a thde ; eeble voice , that she looked to ba. de ibout forty-zev cliec "Am I not a woman ] " she said. ad The youngest young man weakly as ried to correct his former error , and care aid she seemed mere like a cir caP Bat again she broke in on him with' re ecoiful hiss : redo "Gir-r-r-1 ! " she said. "I am a wo- ar nan ; A woman with all the heaven arh : era aspirations , the fathomless feel- cii ngt , the aggressive courage and the A i indomitable will of a woman. What c in you Ben on my f cit' I The position of the youngest man on the ztalF was pi iful , but none of tie old heada appeared to observe it. i At least they di-in't off r to help him oit. So he looked at her face for a second , and said , timidly : "Freckl- " "Nursling , " aha shrieked , "hadyou the'Boulful eyes of a free man you could see chining on my brow the ris ing light of a brighter dawn. " " " "Could " 11" asked the youngest man , timidly , "Yes , you could I , " the woman said in tones of immeasurable scorn. "Now hear me ; bftvo you a but I cannot bring myself to use the hateful expression in the style of masculine psssion ; are yea anybody's husband J" The youngest man blushed bitterly , and said that he wasn't aa yet , bit ho had some hopes "And you expect yonr that is , you expect the womau whcse husband you will be t * > support youl1' ' The youngest man bluahed more keenly than before , and tremblingly admitted that he had Home expecta tions that that being the c ly daughter of his proposed father-in- law , if he might put it In that way "Yah ! " snarled the woman ; "now 1st me tell you the day of woman's emancipation is at hand , trom this time we ar&free , fr-eel You must look for other slaves to bend and cringe before your m jetiea , and wait upon you like slaves. You will feel the change in your affairs since we have burst our chains , and how will you live without the aid of wo men ? Who makes your fihirls now ? she added flercely. The youngest man miserably said that a tailor oh Jeffar&on Street made his. _ "Hm' sajf ino Voman somewhat aiscincerlerl. "Well , who washes 'em , then , she eald triumphantly. "A Chinaman just west of Fifth Street , " the youngest man aaidwith a hopeful light in hit eVeS. The woman glared at him and groaned under her breath , but she came at him again with ; "Proud worm , wno coola your VituaU ? " The Vounge.st man eaid truly he "didn't know the name of the cook at his restaurant , but he wai a darkey about forty years old ; arid round AS a barrel , trith whiskers like the stuffing VSf a tbfa. The woman looked aa though she was going to strike him. "NVellhe said , aa one who wa § leading a forlorn hope , "who make up yonr bed and take care of your fcooml" The youngest man replied with an air of truth and frankness that be roomed with a railroad conductor and an ex-Pullman sleeping-oar porter took care of their room. She paused when sue reached the door and turned upon him with the face of a drowning man who is cnly five feet away from a life buoy. "Miserable dependent , " she cried , "who sews on your button * ? " The youngest man on the staff rose toot his feet with a proud ; happy look on his faco. ' 'Haven't a sewed button on a sin gle clothes , " he cried triumphantly , "patents , every one of 'em , fastened Ot like copper riveta and nothing but studs and color buttons on my shirts. Haven't had a button sewed on for three years. Patent buttons last for rears after the garments have gone to iecay. " And the woman fled down the winding passage and the labrinthlno itairs with a hollow groan , while the ther members of the ntaff , breaking through their heroic reserve , clustered iround the youngest man and congrat ulated him upon the emancipation of lis sex. A Noble Animal. "Here , gentlemen , " said the auc tioneer , "iaahorae " Bystander "Glad you told us it nraa a horse , or we might have taken for a sheep. " Auctioneer "That wouldn't be eo itrange if it had yonr head on. You see before you , gentlemen , a family liorse " Bystander "He got those bunches n his knees from kneeling down at tamily prayer , didn't he ? " Auctioneer "You'll neyer have my on your knees on that account. . horao , gentlemen , that any family might be proud of. Look what an eye tie has. " Bystander "What's become of the 3ther eye ? " Auctioneer "Gone to look after mother such foci as you are. Like Did Dog Tray , so touchingly de- icribed by the sweet singer of Michi gan ( singing ) , 'he's gentle and he's ' " kind Bystander "Blow the kind. " Auctioneer "You'll never , never Bystander "He would be fined by my court in Christendom for spring laltercrations and interfering cone- rally. " Auctioneer "A better horse than this old gray. 'Old gray horse is ever faithful' but we cannot waste onr imo on poetry , although tee noble mimal before you is the very poetry of notion. How much for him ! What I heart" Bystander "Nothing , If you can't more than he does. " Auctioneer "Many hones , gentle- nen , this is the very no plus ultra. " Bystander "Knock-knee plus altra fou mean. " Auctioneer "And the sine qua " aon Bystander "Compos mentis. " r Auctioneer "The ridges yea see running down his eyes , gentlemen , ire not an indication of the want of Icah ; they are simply a wise provision Providence for carrying off the rain-water. " Bystander "What's the matter frith his tail. " Auctioneer "Ho was formerly jwned by a violin manufacturer , and pulled out all the hair for fiddle DOWS. What do I hear ? " But wo had beard enough to satisfy that our friend was right , and that was absurd to squander money on the vr BO long as these horse auctions ire kept up to their present high standard. : [ Cinciunati Saturday Night. Marriages in Massachusetts. Boston Travtller. Strage to say , in spite of the growth md development of the resources of the country , ani increased demand labor , even during periods of finan cial ; depression , the number of mar riages : in this and 'other states is not great now as it haa been in previous jrears. The rate in I860 was 1 in 35.24 of tha population ; in 1870 it was ! 1 in 35.54 , and in 1878 1 in (50.19 ( , January showing the highest j-ecord ind March the lowest. It is found hat marriages are not so much affect- by hard times after all , for s'atis- tical tables show that nurriages in- rease among the poore'r daises of the ommunity > ith remarkable steadi to ness in spite of business depression al- hongh it would natnrallylu supposed , for hat the reverse would be , true. The lectease is found among the "wealthy ilasses , where it would not beeicpect- to occur. Young men often give a reason for not marrying"hat { th'ey , not support a family , , yet they - ipend more annually than' would \ required for eecuring'an abundan'Ot iomestic felicity. Catholic cle > called upon more , Mi hoseof other dencmin . , , , i siate at marriage cerr ouj IQ f t very large part r the mwria o | the stale are presided over by Catholic clergymen. Sime of the most aa- t v ishing extremes in age seem to find a golden means somewhere in marry- incr. Lst year one gentleman under 21 married a lady over 30 ; one about 23 married a bride of i over 60 ; and one over 70 ' married a fairy of 20 years of age. There were eight grooms who drew their first prizei in the matrimonial lottery in the persons of eight brides | I who had been rreviously twice widowed. Another groom chose aa his third venture one to whom he was the fourth prize. Seventy-eight colored couples entered Upon a lfe ; of dusky blits , including twenty-three cases where the grooms were colored and the brides white. The ratio of white marriages last year to thewhito population wa3 1 in 60.94 , and thit of the colored marriages was 1 in 32.05. A little over half of brides and bridgrooms were natives. When Infants of 13 and 14 years of age present themselves aa candidates for matri mony , as has recently happened , al though it might be suspected that the yoUng thing's couldn't leave their mothers , yet with the written oonsent of parents and guardians even such obstacles of ago , or rather lack of it , ata passed over , and the couple who ought to be just thinking of getting promoted into the masters rbom of a grammar school are elevated to the dignity and responsibility of man and wife. Itisbyno means an unusual oc currence for two lovera to present themselves to the Kegisler for a cer tificate and then never to bo heard of again by him or any clergyman , it probably havillg occurred to them that discretion was th ; ; r part Of v"lPS "ii tnelrcase. The change In the marriage rate during the past 28 years shows that it is rapidly diminish ing , to account for which is not an easy task , and the inquirer fa only left to wonder at the reault'of statis tic tables which jecoH'fOr uS the oacKward growth of marriage as com pared with an increasing population , The Defendant's Objections. Detroit Fre Preasi Thejr were trying an asaault and battery cage In justice alley the otjhbr day , or w.ere petting rSady toj wh&n thedefendant objected to the jury which the constable had gathered to gether. Beginning at number one , the court asked : "State your objections to the jury man. " h "t best him out of § 50 on a horse trade , and I know how he feels , " the reply "And this one ? " "He and I could't ' agree on a game of cards one day about two weeka a en , and I punched his aged head. He hasn't forgotten it , you ball" "Well , herb's the third man } " "He has a grudge against me for licking his brother in-law. " "And the fourth ? " "We have never been good friends since I shot six of hia hens. " . "And the fifth ? " „ "I know him1of of old. He sjya I stole hia shot-gun. " "And do you object to tha sixth In and last ? " "I decidedly do. It isn't fonr days since I got ready to throw him off a wood dock. " ' 'Wouldn't it ba safe for you to dispense with a jury and let the Court try the case ? " suggested his Honor. "No air ! " was the decided reply. "I don't say that I've got anything in particular against this .Court , but this Court may have formed an opinion that ' I am the mm who bagged his twenty-six game fowls one night lust month. I've heard that he bad hia suspicions ! " The case was adjourned to secure six jurymen from out of the city. Nebraska Repuoilcan Platform. L The republicans of Nebraska most heartily endorse the profession ot princi ples formulated by the national republican convention at Chicago , and pledge their UD swerving support to the candidates there ominated. 2. "We affirm the doctrines of national sovereignty in the formulated principles upon which the perpetuity of the nation n rests , ami that the principle of home rule as enunciated by tne democratic party is PR but the cautious exi resiion of the Calhonn Pc doctrine of state rights , is revolutionary c in its character and destructive of the unity of the nation. 3. We regard the recent seizure of the polls and the wholesalb robbery of the franchises of the republican citizens of Al abama , surprising m the magnitude and is effrontery of the crime of all former efforts of the party under the Tweed plan in New York , and the Mississippi plan in the south , aa a fair specimen of democratic method and a forecast of democratic do minion in national affairs that should in cite every honest man and taxpayer in the country to most earnest endeavor to de feat the partv of brigandage and fraud at the polls in November. 4. We have considered "what Lee and Jackson would do if they were alive , " and have determir.ed to employ our best ener gies in preventing the seizure of the nation al government by their living comrades through the fraud * of the solid south. 5. We congratulate the people of the state upon the rapid increase of popula- tion. and wealth , and upon the good meas ure of prosperity that has rewarded their labor up on the rapid upbuilding of our material interests since the success of re sumption and the revival of trade. 6. We pledge our support to such legis lation in congress ami such measures by stole legislatures as may be necessary to effect a correction of abuses and prevent extortionate discrimination in charges by railroad corporations. 7. We most cordially invite the aid and co-operation in the latest defense of the national-integrity and national purse of all republicans and war democrats who have differed with us on temporary issues , or have clung to the party name. Eadlvcd , That we heartily join in the recommendation made by General Garfield in his letter of acceptance in urging upon at congress the speedy improvement of the Missouri river for barge navigation. at BucKien's Arnica Salve The BEST SALVE In the world for Oats , "Bruises , Sores , TJlceru , Salt eJ Rheum , Fever Sores , Tetter , Chapp ed Hands , Chilblains , Corns , and all kinds of Skin Eruptions. This Salve ol guaranteed to give perfect satlafsc- tlod In every case or money re funded. ( Price 25 cents per box. For sale by 8dly J. K. ISH Omaha. An Honest Medicine ireoof ( Jhargo to be Of all medicines advertised to cure any affection of the Throat , Chest or Lungs , we know of none we can rec ommend as highly as DE. KINO'S NEW DISCOVERT for Consumption. Coughs , v ' Coldg , Asthma , Bronchitia , 'Hay Fe ver , Hoarseness , Tickling in the Throat , loss of voice , etc. This med icine does positively cure , and that where everything else has failed. No medicine can show one-half so many positive and permanent cures as have already been effected by this truly wonderful remedy. For Asthma and Bronchiiis it is a perfect specific , curIng - Ing the very worst cases in the short f est time possible. Wo sav by al means give it a trial. Trial boW ' , . free. Regular size § 1.00. Forsa' 8lly ( ) J. K. ISH , Omaha. * * If you are troubled with fevrr , . , asue. billlou * fever , Jiundicc . ni1 awe. dumb ols-ase of insJivcr. Howl ' , djtpcpsla , or mv get it well , try the n jT nomach , anl w > h mette's French Liverr " 'neJy. Vrof. Ouil- It. and take no * * * * AsVjour dru < gist jQ , , /cn r , ana if he has not got f. . letter to the French Pad . receive one by return maiL ' ' AFFECTIONS .Qe month may ba speedily cured y use of SOZODONT. It never failed to remove the cauee , and re store the month and teeth to beauty and health. It injures none and cures all. It is moat pleasant to the taste and conservative of good looks. Spilding'a Glue , like the thirt of Nesiaa , cannot be polled off. ELECTION , On Court Housa Bonds. j . i ' At a session of the Boon ] of Countr Coram's- | sloncn ot the County of Don lxs. In theStUe of Nebraska , ho'den on tha llth day of Septem j ber. A. D . 1R$0 , It was by said Koird | Resolved , That tin following queston be and the samel'he ehy tubmitted us a proportion to the quslifled electors of the C.unty of Douz- U .Nebr katolt : To the e'ectors rt the County of Dour'-as In th-Stite of Nebraska : The Boar 1 of County Commissioners of s ld county hereby submit the following proposition : Shall th 0tvity of Doujbu , Stve cf Nebraska , by ts County Commissioners biue 111 coupon bondi in the amO'int of one hundred an ! twen- ty-S e thousand dollars for the purpose cf ad- lax In the contraction , erection and comp'etlon and the construction , erection and completion ofacourt housebuilding In Iho city of Omaha , County of DoUjlas , in the State of Nebraska , for county purposes rd all the pnrpotea for which such cou t house tnay he legally used and appropriate the monsy raised th-reby for aH in such construction , or for such construction and completion of said bulidinsr , all ths costs andexpea < . "irs-idbulldlpe ! not t txceed the sum of en imn-'red and ffty thousand Joilsr , Wld bends . me thousand dollar * each an t dated Ja u * / ft , 1S31 , payable at t e office of thj coun.y trea > urT of said county , and to run f wenty years , ullh i iterest at a rate not exceed- 1 niii (6) ( ) per cent , per annaro , payable asmi- nnualiy. The Raid bond * shall not be sold less than par. In addition to the levyj for ordlnaiy taxea there Shall be lavted And collected a tax annually rs provided by law , for the payment of the interest 01 said bond * as it be-.omei due. and an addi tional amount shall be lotted an ! collected , u prorided by law , euTc'ent to p'ay ths principal of such bonds ! rt maturity , and provided that not more thin fifteen percent , of the principal of said bonds shall bt > levied in any one year , and provided always that in nd event shall bond * b 1-scie.l to a greater amount thin ten p3r cent , of the assessed valuation of all the taxable proper ty in sal i county Interest svall be paid on said bone's onlv from and after the data of tha sao ! of sal t bonds or ar y part thereof and the receip of the money therefor. The ( aid bond * shall be redeemable at the op tion of the Board of Coiu.ty Commisstone-s of * aM co inty at the exniratlon of ten years from me Otto Of Bold bonds. Work on saU court house thall be commenced Immediately after the ad-p'lon of said pnp a - tion , if adopted , and silJ bulliline to bo com pleted on or before January 1 , 1SS2. No levy shall b made to pay auy part of tha principal o { s .Id bonds until after the expiration of ten years from the date of said bonds. The form in which tha shore proposition ( hall be submitted shall ba by ballot , upon which billet shall bo printed or Written or part ly primed or writteil ths wo'ds : "for Court House Bond * , " or "Against Court House Rondi , " and all ballots cast Having ? thereon the words "For Court House Bonds"shall be deem- ea and taken to ha In fa\or of raid proposition , and all billets cut bavin ? thereon * tha words "Agaln t Court Houao Bonds' shall be deemed and taken to be against said proposi tion , and if two-third ] of the rotes cast at the electionheteinafterprovided In this behalf be in favor of the ftbore proposition , it shall be dceinl-d anil taken to he Carried. The said proposition ahull be voted upon at tfco general election to be held in the County ot Douzlis , Sta'o of Nebraska , on the 2d day of November , A. D. IsSO , at the following named places : Oxaha Precinct No. one (1) ( ) Turner Hall. Omaha Precinct No. two (2)No. ( ) . S engine house ( , Sixteenth bt. OTaha I'recinctNo. three (1) ( ) Carpentershop , 10th bt , Z door ) south of enRinehou e lot No. 2. Omaha Precinct No , four (4) ( ) Sheriffs office , court house. Omah\ Precinct No. flvs (5) ( ) Ed. Leeder's house , southeast correr lth and ChicsKoSts. Omaha Precinct ; < o.sii(6) ( ) No. leiijlnehou > e , 2011 } and Izard street * . Saratog * Precinct School house , near Grun- nigs.Florence Florence Precinct Florence TTotcl. Union Precinct Ininjton school hcuie Jefferson Precinct School house In District No. 44. Elhorn Precinct Elkhorn school house. Piatto Valley Precinct School houm at Waterloo. Chicago Preclnl Tchool house at Elkborn Station. Jlillard Prc9lnct MllUrJ school houn. McCardla Prerinct WcCardle school house. Douglaj Precinct House cf J. C. Wilcox. West Omaha Precinct School home In Dlj trictNo. ts. And which election n ill bo opened at 8 o'c'ock the morning and will continue open until 6 o'clock in ths afternoon of the Sime day. F. W CORLISS , ( Seal ) . . P. KSIOIIT , I RED DPSWL , County Conimieeionera , JOHN E. MANCHESTER , Cosnlv Clerk. s4-EOt J. II ilwnys ! Cnroa and uovor disap points. < The irorld'b great Paht- Relicvcr for Man and Boast * > Cheap , quick and reliable. at PITCHER'S CASTORIA not Narcotic. Children grow fat upon , Mothers like , and Physicians recommend a. CASTORIA. It regulates the & Bowels , cures Wind Colic , P. allays Fcvcrislmess de stroys "Worms. WEI E MEYER'S CA TARRH Cure , a Constitutional Antidote for this terrible mala dy , hy Absorption. The most Important Discovery since Vac cination. Other remedies may relieve Catarrh , this cures at any stage before Consumption sots in. PROPOSALS FOR SUBSISTENCE STORES. OrncK rrmciiAsi.io ASK Drror COUUISSAKT or SUBSISTENCE. OMAHA. NEB. , Oct. O'h ' , 18SO. Feu'ed proposal j , in d up'It ate , subject to the usual conditions , will bo receued at this office , until 12 o'clock noon on October 23th , 13SO , at which time and place they will bo opened in pretence of bidders , for furnlsMn ? and delivery the Subsistence storehouse , in Omaha , or on can ( it on cars , after inspection and acceptance place of packing , ) as may be required by the Subsistence L'epaitinent. Forty (49) ( barrels pork. Hyht mess , to ke de- llvored by Noiemler 17th , 1880. Thirty thousnnJ ( cO.COO ) pounds bacon , short clear sides , medium weiht find thickness , pnck- In crates , strapped , of aVout210 pounds bacon each , to be delivered by Novembtr 17th , 1880. tichpiecert bacoa to be Covered tvlth now , stropjr , cotton cloth. Sample of crate and style vatkin * to be een at this office. One thousand (1,000) ( ) rounds brcalf ist bacon , thin breasts ) canvassed , and in slutted boxes , itr pedof about 100 pounds breakfast bacon each. To be fellvored by November 15th , If30. S'jvon hundred and eighty (780) ( 5 In. tins lui-tl. ( pure leaftwehe tins in a case , : tnrr l. Each tin must hold actually 5 Us. net of la-d to accepted. Price per tin anil not per pound , to stated. To be delivered by yovember 17th , The Rovercment reserves the lixht to reject inyor all prcpsals. Blank p'onp al < and fell infurrmtion a to tbe manner of bidding , conditions to bs otserted bidders , and tcrmj of contract and pumeat , ill he furnished on application to his cffice. Enrelopes containing pmjoj N should b < marled "ProposVs for ' ubsinteuje Stores , " and adlreafed o the understsrned. THOMAS WILiOS. octOd6 . - C. S . U. S. A. 3 = &A A newanri lutbctto unknown remedy for all bva ea of the Klilnya , Bbdiler , ana Urinary V i * ri t It wi'l positivelv cure Diabetes , Urarcl , Dron- v , Erieht's DUcise , inability to'rctaln or exftll the Urine , Catarrh- 'he Bladifthlch colored sjid scanty1 nriue , Painlul Dnnitlnij , LAiI5 BACK , Ueneril Weakness , sad all Female Com- pUlnts. It amid * In'ernal medidnca , Is certain in it effects and cure * when nothing else can. For His oy ll DrnloU or'ent by mail Irea upon receipt of tha price , 82.10. DAYXlffNEY PAD CO * , PROP'RSi Toledo , O. t2TB j ( your aJdrcaa for our little bock , How i vt3 Sarcd. " 1OS K. HE , Afcat ( or Kobrwicx -VIA THE Chicago & Northwestern 2,380 MILES OF ROAD1 ! It it the SHORT , SURE and Safe Route" Batwean COUNCIL BLUFFS and all point * EAST and NORTH. IT OFFERS THS TRAVELING PUBLIC GUKATER FACILITIES AND MORE ADVANTAGES THAtf ANY OTHER ROAD IN THE WE3T. Itl the ONLY ROAD botwesn OOONOIL BLUFFS and CHICAGO Upon which Ii rcn PULLMM HOTEL OAES I In addition to these and to please all claMM of tr-ivolers. it dr FIRST-CLASS MEALS at Its BATING STATIONS at 60 cenU each. ITS TRACK IS STEEL R.AILS ! ITS COACHES APE THE FINESTI ITS EQUIPKEHT FIRST CLASS tf yon wish the Beat Traveling Aocommodv itnnsjua will buy roar ticket by this Koate tS-ANl ) WILLTAKK NONE OTHER. All Ticket Agents can anil Ton Through TlckeU Tin th ! road and Check csual BOR. gaga Free of Charge OMAHA TICKET OFFICES 12J Farnha i St , tor.1'th. . andatUnlorvr-aciflc Depot. DEXVER'omCC- foTorrdo Central and Union Pacific Ticket OlCcw SAN FRANCISCO OfPICE-3 Kow Montgom ery Street. For Information , folders , zcvps , etc. , not ob talnablc at HOOM Ticket Office , addreM any agtnt of tha Company , or KIRVIN HUCHITT , Y7- STEHNITT , G a'l M&naeer. 0 nl Paw. Agent , CHICAGO , ILL. JAMES T. GLARS , Cen'l A t Omaha A Coondl Bltifft THROUCH TO CHICAGO Without Change of Cars ! CHICAGQ ' gURLINGTON & ( JUINCY With Smooth and Perfct Track , Elegant Pas senger Ccaches , and PULLMAN SLEEPHC&iDININC ! CARS _ It Is cknowcded ! by ths Fm3 > aad aU wk : trarcl urtr it , to bo tha Beat Appointed and Beat Managed Raid in ths Country. PASSENGBR S GOING EAST Should bear In mind that this la the BEST ROUTE TO CHICAGO , And Point ! East , h'orth and Northwcit. Passenjtars by thla Route have choice of FOUR DIFFERENT ROUTES , And the Advantage of Six Dally Linej ot Palace Skepiu ; Can from Chicago to New York City Without Change All Eipre-a Trains on this line are equipped with the V/estinihouae Patent Air Brakes and Miller's Patent Sifety Platform and Couplers , the most Perfect Pro tection < \iilu6t Acci dents in the world. PULLMAN PALACE SLEEPING AND D'NINC ' CARS Are run on th Burlington Route. Information concerning Routes , Halts , 11ms Connection. " , etc. , will ba cheerfully given by app'-jinjcatthooiEcoor the Kurlldpton KonU , IS Fonrtrcntn Street , Omaha , Nebraska. C.E. PEHK.NS. D W. HITCHCOCK. ' . . . ' . * . Ocn'l .Vanajer. Gtn. Wcst'n Pass. Agt. . O. PIIILLIOPI. St. Joe. , Mo. General Agsnt , Omaha. II. P. DUEL , epS-dl _ Ticket Agent Omaha. SIOUX CITY < fc PACIFIC AND St , Paul & Sioux City RAILROADS. The Old Reliable Sioux City Route I 100 MILES SHORTEST ROUTE 1 From COUNCIL BLUFFS to ST. PAUL , MINNEAPOLIS DULUTH , or BISMARCK , And all points In Ko-lhern lowi. Minnesota and Dakota. This Una 19 cqntpjicd with IK * Im. irovcd Wcstinshouso Automatic Air Brakes and tinier Platform Coupler and Buffer. AnU for SPEED , SAFETY AND COMFORT a unsurpassed. Elegant Drawinir Room and ilcepliiir Can.owneJ and controlled by the com- any , run Tlirouzb Withsut Change between Jnion Paclflc Transfer Depot , Council Bluffs , and St. Paal. Trains leave tha Union Pacific Transfer Depot at Council Bluffs , at 6:15 p m. , reaching Sioux City at 10:20 p. m. , and St. Paul 11:05 a. m , making HOURS IN ADVANCE or ANY OTHES Rotrrs. Returning , leave St. Paul at 3:30 p. m. , ar- rid iir at Sioux City at 4:45 a. m. , and Union Paclflc Trenttfor Depot , Council Blufb , at 930 . m. Be sure that your tickets read via " 3. C. P. R. R. " F. C. HILLS , Superintendent , Missouri Valley , Iowa. . E. ROBINSON , Ass't Oen'I PassAgent. . J. H. O'BRTAN , Southwestern Freight and Paawnger Agent. my20-tf Council Bluffs TUNE ISSO. K.C.ST.JOE&G.B.R.R. , Is the only Direct Line to ST. LOUIS AND THE EAST From OMAHA and the WEST. No change of cars between Omaha and Bt. Louis and but one between Omaha and New York. SIX DAILY PASSENGER TRAINS R1ACTII1M ALL Eastern & Western Cities With less charges andln advance ot other lines. This entire Una Is equipped with Pullman's Pa1ac4 Sleeping Cars , Palace Day Cooch- m , Miller's Safety Platform and Counter and the celebrated VS estlngbouso Air-Brake. X3-SEE THAT YOUR TICKET READS1 * * rarVla Kansas City , 8 1. Joseph mlJ Tlcke' for sola at all coupon stations In the West. J. F. BARNARD , A. C. DAWE3 , Gcn'l Snpt. , Gent Pasa. & Ticket Ae't St. Joseph , Mo 8U Joseph , Mo , W. C. 3EACHBIST , Ticket Agen. . 21t Fifteenth Streat , b two n Farnhaf and Domrlan , Union Block , OmMia. JOS. TEHON , A. B. BARNARD , Pasa. Agent , Omaha. Oen'rl Arent , Omaha. CHICAGO SQOT TOWER 00. Manufacturers ol STANDARD SHOT i- ; - * " r- . | a tr f 3 f i-a v- & . $ _ f _ ' .j.-g. ' v.f - ! - - " * * i.- . . " * | - - i.E E -J f - - fiK. * t r r -f J tSfj ir < : & " 'iis r . .sra % i m t i ( W W iirffeujfiy 5 jlj jrjtBrx'n 'mi i Bfc SURE TO EUY IT. THE BEST IN' 1MKKET B. liY , ULATCIIFOKIX & CO. llanufictnrcr- Lcvl Mpa hectin-l t r Uad , Blwjk Tin , Pips an.l Soldi r , Dnitcd Oil and Oil Cake. OBDKB3 SOLICITED. 70 NORTH CLIHTdH ST. . CHICAGO DK. A. S. PEXDEUY , CONSULTING PHYSICIAN hA 'PE1UIANKSTL7 LOCATED HIS MEDICAL - ICAL OFFICE , iMJe.-.ih tieet , - OMAHA , NEBRASKA In all departments ext xt and chronic diaeaic * Ca day , tpl the slty aJd wuaty on rtoeipt i TIHTE G-IK.'E.A.'I ? -A.srD : : EGURE For COUGHS COL ? S , BRONCHITIS. ASTHMA , CONSUMF- TION , and n ! Di-easea of the THROAT and LTJNGS. ThemettC'X. I . . tt In the HF | r known world Fviddlne toTOLTJ ROCK and RYE Ittln * * ' " U ' ° " Appetizer and Central bSn Th" S n i , - , P,11801 Tonic , for and , . . " * ' * 01 ? I , ! , . , ! a i' numtrom tistimoniaU rtcUved daily ard the beat e Idtnc < Put up 111 Qu-rt Size Bottles , giving More for the money than any article in the market. CAPTION f' ° NT V"lCE"iEbjunprinclpeJ ; ! dtale" b ry tomlmoft upon real TV.1 " * . " "iii-n Kock and ' . > . . . , . Kyoln p'aceot our TOUT ROCK and RYE. hlcr > l ' th onIyHEl.lC.rf1.1 ar.icle cud * , the GENUINE navln a GOVEWfSlEST CTAMP on ci'hot ! . . Extract from Report of the Commiesioner of Internal Be venue : TBE.WUSY DEPAKTIIE T , OFFICE OF INTERNAL RRTEJJC ) H'A8nt oiO ! , 1) . C. , January 28 , ISSO. / ifestrs. LAWRKJfCE i S1AHTIS. 1111 Madiwn St. , Chicago. 11'g.i ' Csmi.'Mi's : ThU roiuiv unit. In ths opinion of thla office , ould bava a sufficient quantity * , the BALH.iF TOLU to ire it ! 1 th advantasca ascribtnl to thin ar'.icl * In pectoral complarnU. ' while tiltwliiik } ard the * J coujtltnt an emcUion ronderin ? It an agreeable remedy to tn * palient. C 'n.p unued aco.r inif to tha formula , it may properly te cluedaa > MEDICINAL PKEPARATIU > n > ulcr the nr > vi-Iori of U. 3. lUvised Statrtc , and whea eo ttampcd , Bay l sold ! ) Dru e ! l , Apothcc ri < rt and Other Persons witcoui rtodtiin ; ; them liable to pay rptclaJ tax as Hqn > r 'Icalora ' V wr Ke ifniiy i , ( Signed ) GREEN. B. RAtIM , Commissioner LAWRENCE & MARTIN.Proprietors , Chicago , Ills. Sold by DRUGGISTS , GEOCEES and DEALEBS everywhere WHO IS UNACQUAINTED WITH THE CFOCFtAPHY O < THIS COUNTRY. SEE BY EXAMINING THIS MAP. TrtAT THE rZl ZS. CHICAGO , ROCK ISLAND & PACIFIC R , B. IS TIIE GREAT CONNECTING II > 'K BETWEEN THE EAST & THE Its main line run * from Chicago A Conncil Bluff } , piwlnn through Joliet. Ottawa. La S-xl . Geneseo. Motme. HOCK Island , Davenport , went SAUJON nre yon can enjoy your Liberty , IOTT.I Citr.Moren o , Itrooklrn. ( irinncll. at nil honrs of Vhe day. Dea Momts ( tlto. capital or lena ) . Stuart. Atlan Masnincent Iron llrtdses § psn the ML iw tic , and Avoca : with branches from Bur "iu andMlJSOnrtrlTersnt all pomu crossm Junction to l' > rl ; WIKon Junction to Musca- line , anil transfers are avoided at C'ounct tlr.e. Washington. Fairtteld. KMon. Belknap. Knnnns Cltr. .LcaYcnworth. nnil AteU ! * - Centrevllle. Princeton. Trenton. Oailatld. Came ncctlon * bemcmade In Union Depot * . ron. Iicavenworth. Atchlson. and Kan aj ntr : fllK PKKNC1PA1. It. It. COr/NKt-n < Washlnaton to biKonrner , Oskaloosa. and Knox- TUI3 OHBAT TllltOUUll L1.NB AXf Ttlle : Keoiun to Karralnuton. Jlonaparte , Ucn- KOLLOWS : tonsoort. Independent. Klclon. Otlumna. Eddj- At CHICAGO , with all dlvergta : " Una wt TlllP.Oj'iJ.lix ) , 1'ulla.Jlonroo. and OPS Jloinn : Ea t and South. Npwton to Monroe : Ue Molnes tolndlnnolaand At K.NOI.KWOOU. with tha L. B. A M. 8- Wlnteraet : AtljntlJ to I.ewh and Audubon ; and Ft.W.C.R.Kd . A-oca to Harlkn. This Is positively the only AtWAsnisoTo.v Hiiorrrs , with lv u Itallroad. which own % and operalex n throawh line from Chlraco Into the State ot Kansas. At LA SALLE. T I. i llL o.nt. It R. ThrouKh K * press I'assfTieer Trains , with 1MII- AtrtOBJA.wlth 1P. . * J. ; P.D.AB. S A t > ffian ualace t'ois attached , nre run each war dally W. : llLMId. ; and T.I1. AT. . Krtj. between CHICAGO and I'EOIUA. KANSAS CTV , At UotK I."I y with u.MIlwanXee COUKCII. llLorrs. LsxvExwoiiTn and ATcni- Island 3-ortLlrm. " and 6ck-I l'dA f * So.v. Through am araalso ran between Mil au- AIIIAVCNPOKT. with the Davonpurt tee nnd Kansas City , vta thaMilwaukee and C.M.ASt.1' it. ! t. Kock Island Hhol.lne. . " At WEST LIUKHTT. with UioB. . r. It * : The "Great VJ > ck Iiland * * la maBnlOcently : NELJ. - th Central Ir R.K. equipped. Its road bed IK elmplr ' 'A. * 2CU and its JIOLMwl wlthD .M-ihVll ILi t track is laid Hitb steel rails. .veil. IlLprrs. with Union l"ncin - . \Vhat will pleoso you most will be the ploasur-j At fouiIA. wit ! , U. A Mo. K. U. It. lo SUV ofTenlojIns your meals , while passing over the AtCOLlTMHUS JC .NCTIO.V.wftb B..C. IfV > beautiful prairies of Illinois and lown. Inonoof At OrrnsnVA.rltn Central Iowa It. B Et. L. A ! & , and r. II. A Q.'K. ltd * At KEOKUK.wttn Tot. , I'eo. & War. ; vy , lorseventy-dvo cents. All'cAJlfltox ? with II. ad * i. n. t ppreclatlnir the fact that a majntltr of the At ATCiltso.N. with Atcb.Topekii .ttntW people prefer separate npartment-i lor different Atch. A. Neb. and Con. Hr. U. P. 1L lids. . purposes ( and the immense passenger business At I.KAVE.N-woitTU. wlthKon. 1'acK . of this line warrantlnc It ) , weart-pk-ased toan- Cent.IC.lCds. nonnco that this Company runs Pullman Pulact At KANSAS CtTT with all Itaea for t < W * " in forsleeplng purposes , and Fitace and Southwest. , CO UNO * I. A V EX IV OUT Jl . d Jtoutc , " are lolc < taCO n x-'Vi Taformatlon"not."obtiiinuiilo ot year homo ticket office , nddreii. A. KIMHALL. E. SaV-TOHIST. Oeu'l Buperinteoaent. Ueu'lTkt.KH'aM' GHAS. 1VERIGK. FURNITURE , BEDDING , FEATHERS And EverytMng pertaining to the Furniture and U pholstery Trade , A COMPLETE ASSORTMEHT OF SEW GOODS AT THE tp Ii mon th git 1208 and 1210 Farnliam Street Ear Diseases. DR. E. E. SHOEMAKER , Th well known Ati'al Sarjjeon , of Rcndin ? , Px , hohabenla the Medieit prof sS never20 jtara , pives all his time inclusively t' the treat nienttf deifncnaod ill < 9iscs of the c < tr and catarrh. Ho sends n valuiVle litt'e book of G > pa esonthe trea'mcntof these ilmnre % "rce to MI This book jt'vw ro'e.eic s ami tesii- monialj fiat will fatlsfy the must rkoitticil He is also author > 11 wore ol 37S pn e . Ovtavo , on thei * diseases , and tlieir proper trtntme' ' t , prce 2 by mill. J < o f 'irlly should he WH hntr. I his v lu- &b e book. It will B.IVO under , n 1 * " * vt hearing andd ctor'ifeeJ Dr. She miker'i > Hemilyf'f ' the curaof Running E re , is tinivrrjlly < ctnowl- cd el bT-phrsIcians an-I the pubic in geneial is the only truly relia' le Be t e ly f or the cmf thii oathiwrno dife sc. It ! , harmlesspleatanl and rel s.-Ie , anl wi'l cure almost any ca-e e tn of forty years" standing , all I'a l Fmell anl on- pleawninwn of the disease instantly removed and hearing in most ca * * yrcMj imnr vt < I permanently Price ? ! . Sold byJi * . K I h , wholesa'ea-id retail dal r in ' 'rajs and me < ll- clociand aurg'cil instruaeutsU"IKrnh-m St , Omaha sep27iIeo < Mm To Nervous Sufferers The Great European Bemedy Dr. J. B , Simpson's Specific Medicine It Ia a pos'tivecure forSpermatnrrhes , Pemlnsl Weakness , Impotency , and ail U' a-e > rcroltingr from Self-Abuse , at Venial Anxiety lo-a ot Memory. P m < ! * h < > F"cV or S-il > and dueasea lev ! to EITOBB. Conmmpti.n Insahlty and nearly grave The Specific "tJicine n belni ; U-Vtl wit won-ler- ful faccest. Pamphlet * xut free to alt. Write for them ml kc' full pirticuhrs Price Spe'18' , tl OOperp Itae , or lit pack ages for $5.0" . Andrew all orden to J. P. SIMPSOS MKDICIN'E CO. , Vo .10 anJ IW Main it. , Buffalo , K. Y. Sold i i Omtha by CF. . GooJnun. J. W. Bell , J. K. Iih nd all druiss eve jwben. CHICAGOMED10ALCOLLEGE The PJonesr in tie ( In-icd < jyj cm , inj jtso in 3 ye r ' conrn of Instra 101 a : inted by Am n- iaa Medical College Arviciitmn. b-iinH 1 next Sssnon Sept 8th. Phy'lnf giol taborvtory es ah hied. ANA'OJIICXLMATE-lIAL I.VON- LIMITED ABU.N'UANCK. Sc * s cumbfrrs ; . an-l tecured la ordero * appI'cU'on. Prtf jso-s Fees , 375 ; Prwtit oner."Joinsi throtiza April. * < e , $35. ITorAnnrancemtnt orinforrai'i > n , Dr. J. H. UOLLlaTER. 70 ifoaroe S rUVIUJIECIIAMCAL. AND MISINO K > . I ) GISKKKINO at the RtnsfolaerPoljtecl nc iattitute Troy , N. Y The oldest en iiaenn ? school In America. Netct term b fln S.pUm. her leth- The & jUt r for U30 containk of tha grtdiute * far tha put Si yeara , with.t- poeitl'Mali < , nun * of tl'lir , raqniremeito riwzxx.tfAddreaDAVID Ji. QP.EE5E Hreetor. odnw The accumulated erldenco ot neirly Ihirt/ jeare show that the Bitters ia a f rt in reznoil/ tor inalxltl disease , as well as lU so rut prv ventive ; that \ ' , eradicates dyspepni , ccnitlp- . tion , hver cottp'aint and nenransnw , < ount acts a tendency zone , rneiima'i to , nrlnar- andut rnedwordcr < , th t It imiiarti ljor tt ho le ble.and chterstba mind while It inrlgor- at the body _ _ _ _ _ _ _ tn < JOnP ? rdl7 * tnome- w t lU U > ZL' ' 5 free. Arldresa Stlflsrn * WROUGHT IRON FENCES. WIi fencing ami RalUnf a. Spedalit ; . Their beiutr. permaoence anl economy N dilly work-nr tfco extinction of all feneiaif choip ) matarial. EIc.f3.nc In detizn Indtstnictibla Feni-es for Lannj , Public Orcunds and CeiiJ- Ury Blits. Iroa V * c , Lawn Settee ) , ctnopUd and " tniCcpttUrnt ; Chair * an > l nr iy descrlptloa o Iron nd Wirs orrjureital - rorl < d lff ed aa I ° n W TC. ! a , 29 and 31 Wood ard Av , I > - troitWch. Swdfor UlnstraUd eataloiua aal