THE DAILY BEE E. HOSSWATEE : EDITOR "The legislature shall pass laws to correct clufcs an'l prcrcnt uryust discrimination extortion in all cnaiycs of erprtss , tdc- railroad fimivnia ( kis dale ani enforce tuth ? nsr-'v a < tcqvatepenaJtia to thttxtentif nttfstary , for that purpose , and /ran- tf-.forfeiturc of their property Ifcett * [ Sec. 7 , Art 32 , Kebraska Con- Btitutton , enacted June. ] KATICH4L REPHBLICAH TICKET. j t If 'k I TOB PEESIDEST : - * TAMES A. GARFIELD , of Ohio. rOB VICE-PKESIDH.T , CHESTER A. ARTHUR , of New York. RESIDENTIAL ELECTORS. GEORGE "VV. COLLINS , * " " "ofPaTOee County. JAMES LAIRD , of Adams County. JOHN M. THURSTON , of Douglas County. REPUBLIGANSTATE TICKET. For Member of Congress , EDWARD K. VALENTINE. For member of Congress ( Contingent ) , THOMAS J. MAJORS. > . Tor Governor , " ' ALBINTJS NANCE. For Lieulenant-Governor , E .C. CARNS. For Secretary of State , S. J. ALEXANDER. For Auditor , JOHN WALLICHS. For Treasurer , % . M. BARTLETT. For A ttorncy-General , I C. J. D1LLWORTH. For Commisbiocer of Public Lands Jand BnildiogB , A. G. KENDALL. For Superintendent of Public Instruct on , ' W. W. JONES. DISTRICT TICKET. For Attorney Third Judicial District N. J. BURNIIAM. a violent thunder storm in "Waverly , Ia. , recently , a young lady had irsr corsets torn from her by * stroke of lightning. She must have had either B very attractive person or magnetic form. Ax" exchange remarks that the hunting season in Ireland is practi cally at an end. Thia is probahly be ciii'eAgamo is scarce , most of the laid'ordsbaring ' gone to London for the winter. WILLIAM : H. UARSUJI is in Cincin nati pretending to look attar "etccl rails. " Under this pretext ho tele"- graphs to Bosa McMullen in Philadel phia for hs ! ang of repeaters. It 1 joks > nero cs if William vaa trying to votes. Two American army officers , Llents. B'rnio nnd Bixby , hare received the cross of the legion of honor at Paris , for assisting at the moni maneuvers of vho French arm ? . This will place them on the proud level with the piano end sowing machine manufacturers who racelved the Bnmo order at the 1'aria exposition. JAMES LAIKD , one of the republican > publican candidates for elector of this stutc , cme very suddenly upon this community last Saturday evening and delivered one of his characteristic and eloquent campaign speeches to a good , though somewhat chilly , audience. BIB arrival was entirely unexpected , the announcement of his appointment being delayed , and therefore not as good a gathering was secured to him BS ho deserved and our people wished him. [ Niobrara Pioneer. What's the reason that Mi. Laird' ap pointment wasnot sufficiently advcrtis ed by the etate central committee ? Ten' it the business of the chairman of the committee to see that speakers are ad' ' Tcrtsed ; in the proper localities ? This is not the only complaint that come cf the delinquencies of the etate com niittee in this regard and it is due to froth speakers and people that it should bo immediately attended to. Born political parties in Ohio am Indiana are straining every nerve I bring out the fall vote. Ohio is ccr tain to giro a good republican major Ity , and in Indiana there are stron hope ? catertained by the republican of reducing the democratic majorit of ' 76 , if not of swooping it entirol out of existence and electing Porter the gubernatorial nominee. Republicans cans must not raise their expectation to too high a pitch In calculating th chances on Indiana. A ten years de mocratio majority must bo overcom in orJer to carry the state for the re publican nominees. Money has flawed unstintedly from the demo cratic committee , and the state has been colonized by eastern ward bummer ? , strikers and repeaters. The gain of Indiana by the republicans would be a political over throw for the democracy while demo cratic success would be no loss to the republicans. With a fair vote the democratic majority wilLbe greatly re- flu.-o3 or entirely blotted out , and in tnch an event General GarSeld'a elec tion in November is assured. TncRSTON and Ohnrch Howe have bre-i speaking together in tbo Repub lican valljy. They ought to be joined by E. K. Valentine and Carns , when the four would make a railroad quar tettes at ouce tuolodious and harmoni ous. Hero , for instance , Is the cominant of the Bed Cloud Chief , a gcol republican paper , on Thiirstou'a anJ Howe's performincoa : lions- . M. Thnrst-n and C nrch : JEIowe made reoubi : n ap 11 the -con-1 houi in this t > lac. . . night to a large audtcncoof ladiei and - geotlamen. Both th ae , gentlemen are pleasant and "fluent - talkers , 'but wec , njt ot say they niade good speech k3 es. They made a very strong argn- -n ut for the republicans on the , tmthsra question , to which they both ; mafuty confined their 'remarks. Ttey > Giia aome things that ought not to -have baon said and -left nnsaid many thin that ought to have been maid. It ia well enough for republican era tors 10 compliment General Hancock as r. gallant soldier , but it is still bett r to compliment General Garfield a * K gallant soldier and brilliant ' " A PEES BALLOT. Within the past week two demo cratic plots-each having for their end the corruption of the ballot box , have bcen exposed to the sunlight of pub licly. The first instance was the dis covery of a wide reaching scheme In 11 e city of Philadelphia for the issue of bogus naturalization papers. The parties have been arrested and lodged in jail , and seyeral pro'ninent Demo cratic politicians are so deeply im plicated that tha organs of the party seeing the game frustrated are turn ing their batteries againiiT the would- be thieves and denouncing the scheme as a fraud and outrage. Accord ing to \ the - developments made th parties "participating in the affiir have been at wnrk for some two months past. A regular traffic in false oaths was systematically carried on , the prisoners sometimes- personating the reputed alien and forging his sig nature and in other cases committing downright and deliberate perjury by falsely vouching for him. The scheme was exposed .by the implo device of sending postal cards to the eddress'cs given by the applicants when half wore fonnd to be churches and back- eheds and the other half the residences of reputable citizens who were entirely Ignorant of the transaction. Over one thouand1 bogus naturalization papers were fonnd to liavo been cratic chairman of the committee , all of which would have been voted on had the plot proved success ful. The other plot had for its ob ject the colonization of Ohio and In diana with Philadelphia repeaters and was manipulated by that veteran cor- rupfloniat Wm. H. Barnum. OH the 2nd of October he telegraphed to Bill McMullen , a Philadelphia striker , to furnish him with an approved assort ment of his repeaters which he wished eent immediately to Cincinnati. Pre vious dispatches from Mr. Barnum to the same cource , had provided for In diana which is overrun with Philadel phia , New York , and JJaltimoro bummers under tha pay of a United States senator , the chairman of the national democratic committee. These are two instances cf what the democracy mean by a fair count and a free ballot , and in the face of such damning exposures the honest men of the country are asked to cast their billets for the democratic candidates. AN OUTSPOKEN PEOTEST. The revolt of the people againet the packing of conventions by monopolies is bect-ming very general throughout thestate. The convention held by the republicans of Seward county last week has been followed by a call for an independent anti-monopoly move ment. The spirit that animates this movement may readily bo seen from the following extract from the protest signed by sixteen delegates of the late convention : As republican voters and delegates to the county convention , free from the toils of the "railroad machine" a * organized in this county , free from the iiiiluence of bribes of railroad tools that ar plying their nefarious work in this county and other parts of this stale , free from the entanglements of party spoils or the division of corrup tion money , we enter our most solemn and firm protest against the nomination of any man an a candidate on the legis lative ticket who ia in any way con nected or controlled by railroad com panies or men owned by such monop olies that have controlled and still seek to control legislation ia this state in favor of their monopolies , uud thus discriminating against the farmers , the merchants and laborers of this state. state.Wo Wo believe the time his come when the people must guard their rights and prevent the tyranny of railroad monopolies seeking to control the leg islation of our commonwealth. Against the nominatlsn of Claudns Jones , who is known to be in the in terests of milroida , and all men whom E. C. Games controls , who is merely an employes of the Union Pacific railroad company , we enter our protest. That the primary elections of dele gates in different precinct B hare been carried by unfair means in the in terest of these railroad men , there is no room to doubt , and as the con vention cannot possibly reflect the interests or sentiments of the repub lican voters of Seward county , we most respectfully withdraw from the further deliberations of this body or ganized in behalf of railroad monopolies - lies ; and protest against the doings of this gathering of railroad hirelings being heralded abroad as tha expres sion of the republican voters of Seward county. This protest was of course promptly laid on the table , and at onca a call was issued for a convention which should represent the Interests and views of the people , and the nominees 28It of which shall bo pledged to carry out Itt the sixth plank of the republican platform t8 form to prevent extortion and discrimination 8r crimination in charges by railroad corporations rn porations , and who will pledge themselves nid selves to introduce , if necessary , and labor for a bill to reduce and regulate freight and passenger tariff over the railroads of this state. A riEM of Germans , Messrs. Behm A Wngner , publish every two yeaia a statistical table of the world's progress. The list issue shows an population for the globe of 1,455,923,500 , of which the United States is credited with 48,500,000. This ia less than the estimate of the superintendent of the census , Europe is credited with 315,929,000 ; Asia , 834,707,000 ; Africa , 205,670,000 ; Australia and Polynesia , 4,032,000 ; and the Polar regions , with 80,000. TEE educational interests of oar country ara being liberally supported. Tha treasurer of the Harvard Univer- fiity Boat club reports its expenses , daring the past year to have been S4.22S.G5 , and the present debt' $400. Thia shows how expensive a truly liberal education IB THE Cedar Rapids Republican thinks th'ai as now constitated the democratic .party Js about four parts grey to one of blue. Des tomes city council at a recent session passed resolutions favoring ex emption from taxation for a specified term of years of all such proposed manufactories as will employ sufficient ata labor to make their establishment a matter of public importance. BEGGAES MOVING EAST , Too Lazy to Work , They Live on the Creek , and Lie About Nebraska. RIVERTON , Neb. , October 9. To the Editor of THB BIB. Short crops In this part of Nebraska and parts of Kansas this season fur nish , a kind of excuse for an army of bsg ara in roarch of employment and tr.xvel to go through the eastern states and draw &s lively pictures of distress as their lively imaginations can invent for the purpose of getting money out of the people. This army of beggtrs have already commenced to move and and freah one start out daily. They are holding meetings in Iowa and Illi nois , working eastward. Is it not time this business -was exposed. It miyfurniah lucrative employment to those engaged it , but it is ruinous to the reputation of the state. In the settlement of a new country there are always more or less that need help through the winter. This num ber will be somewhat increased in this locality this winter owing to the par tial failure of crops in this valley. But why has not thn governor sent properly commissioned parties here to see just what amount of such help will be needed , that the state may furnish it ? The crops in the eastern portion of the state are good , and the fctato is amply able to meet all such demands for help. There are no de mands for help in this county which the county itself cannot meet , as it al ways does. .Besides this the B. & M. 11. B , Co. liavo generously decided to continue work on their road westward this winter for the purpose - pose of giving employment to those needing it in the counties west of this. So it will be seen that there ia no need for this outside begging on the part of a class of persons who start out un authorized and in their own interest , facts which the people of the east should understand both for their own good and ours. J. 31. S. . STATE JOTTINGS. Dakota City wants a flouring mill. Wahoo ia building a new school bouse. Bine Springs has. begun to talk up a creamery. Sttomebnrg has organized a Pres byterian churchT Candy pullings are the rage in Dakota county. A poit of the G. A. R. has been organized at Hastings. Work h s boon resumed on Val paraiso's new brick blocir. The h y presses are about to be started up in Hall county. Otoo county's corn crop is said to be SO per cent , larger than over. Harbine ia now opened as a sta tion , with an agent and operator. A new railroad town called Rey nolds is biing laid out in Jefferson county. county.Tho The Presbyterian Synod of Ne braska meets at Br wnvil'o on the 13th. Knox couniy pr.-poaes . to [ issue 815,000 of bonds fi r , i court houioand jail. Valley county will vote on a funding bond proposition on Novem ber 2d. Eighteen thousand dollars have been expended on Nebraska City's new distillery. The Shelton Clarion is dead and a new paper called Ti.o Clipper has taken its piece. The G. A. R , rane out about § 1,200 behind on lie , -rand ; reunion at Central City. Winfield is the -imo of a new postofflce established seven miles northeast of O'Neill. The no r B. & SI. lound home at Lincoln will be couiphtod \ the first week in November. Hastings has laid out a new ad dition , one of whose streets is named after General Garfield. A safe burglary occurred lastwcek in Soward. Twenty-five dollars were tukcu by the burglars. Lands about Pawnea City are steadily rising on the strength of pros pective railway facilities. Work hasbeen begun on'thePlatte river bridge s ( uth of North Bend , and will be rushed to completion. This week there will be 3,100 head of cattle shipped from Oakdale , over the S. 0. & P. for the east. The Ashland Bank building Is now building. It will be of brick , two storiea high , 22 by 60 feet. F. S. Gay , of Red Wing , Nance county , claims the largest yield of oat , 110 bushels from less than three acres. ' acres.There is not an idle man or boy in Cambridge , as brick making and building demand all the labor that can bo had. A fire broke out on the edge of Dixon county on the 5th , and swept down through Wayne doing consider able damage.- A new butter and egg house baa been started in Lincoln by a man who deserted JJcGregor , Iowa , for the cap ital city. The representative of a Chicago firm has been looking up a location for a pork packing establishment in Lin coln. The Humboldt Horse company ! has organized so thoroughly as to no t longer be afraid of horse stealing in that vicinity. There is a remarkable scarcity of brick-layers in Lincoln at present. Contractors are offering § 3.50 per day for workmen. iyof Strickland Post , 13 , G. A. R , of Hastings , established two years ago , that died down for a time , has just been revived. The citizens of Fremont have raised § 300 to indemnify the owner of the opera house tor keeping it open for two rears as a public hall. At Nebraska City gooda are being transferred over the river by wagon9f the river [ being so low that it makes difficult crossing for the transfer boat. , t.Of The Lancaster county board of agriculture has money enough to pay all outstanding claims , pay 81,600 for groucda and have surplus in tha treas ury. Ashland is orjanizing to establish a-porniauent district fair. The citizens ; i- irs zens ore endeavoring to 'secure takers for 200 eharcs of stock at § 10 each to secure this. A committee of the citizens of Madison and vicinity has ben ap pointed to confer vrith eastern capital ists relative to the establishment of a cresmcry at Madison. The cars are running to Kenosaw , Junction , six miles east of Logan creek , "Wayne Co. . and connection will-be made with the Omaha end of the line this week. Otoe county has outstanding aoina 8385,000 in 8 and 10 per cent , interest bearing bonds. The citizen * will vote on the question of refunding at the approaching election. The Laup bridge south of Faller- ton ? Trill Boon be built , Merrick conn' ty merchants having contributed to bring Nance county and neighboring territory within trading range. Tha building boom continues to develop in Hastings and brick , and stone buildings are rising and being planned. More money by far is be ing expended in improvements thauiu any previous 'year. ' Cambridge people insist that the Eepublican river at that point must and shall be bridged. It says that there has baen loss of human life and horseflesh already by being obliged to ford a stream with quicksands , etc. The new town of Humphrey , in Platte county , is booming and contains besides the depot building and cattle yards two warehouses , four store- buildings , six dwellings and a lumber yard. , A large force of men divided into several is now at work on the liao of tho'Elkhorn Valley Riilroad , between Neligh and O'Neill City , and the grade will soon be completed. O'Neill expects to have trains run ning into torrn by January 1. Fremont wants a free bridge across the Platte , and the Dodge county commissioners have agreed to submit to the people the proposition to vote 525,000 In county and pre cinct bonds for the building of three bridges , as follows : One near Crowell , across the Elkhorn river ; one across Clark creek near its junction with the Elkhorn , and one across the Platte op posite Fremont. The proposition to be submitted provides for S15.000 of county bonds and 810,000 cf Fremont precinct bonds , the latter to be de voted in aid of the Platte bridge. The other two bridges have already been ordered by the commissioners , but there is not money enough in the bridge fund to construct them. IOWA E OILED DOWN. Over 300 men are at work on the Sabula bridge. The live steak owned in the state is worth over 8100,000,000. The swamp lands in Monona county include about 3200 acres. The Synod of northernjlowa , Pres byterian , ia now in session at Vinton. Hog cholera is doing serious injury among the hoga in the vicinity of Monona. The wheat yield In Kossuth county in several instances has been thirty bushels to the acre. During the month of September 180,935 pounds of butter waa shipped to Chicago from Manchester. The Iowa Conference of the United Brethnrn church is now in session at West Union/Bishop Wright prosiding- A Vermont man has bought n large tract of laud in Plymouth county , and will encage extensively in mule rais ing.The The Fifth Regiment Iowa Guards goea into camp at Red Oak on the 12th , and will break camp on the 15th inst. inst.The The Iowa City glass works have been In full blasl for two weeks and some ware of a very fair quality has beea turned out. Flax seed in S bley is tolling at § 1.05 nor bushel , wheat at 75 cent ? , 35 to 40 cents for barlev and rye at 50 cents per bushel. A Mr. Oowen , of Illinois , has bought a largo tract of land nearPrim- ghar , and will locate a colony from Illinois on it next spring. Another town has been started jnst eigut miles aorthwest of Iowa Falls , on the new road , and dubbed Robert son , in honor of Andy Robertson , of Iowa Falls. Clinton Bozarth , of Union own- ship , Black Hawk countr , has 72 acres of sugar cane , which ho i * con verting into syrup. The yield will bo xbout 12,000 gallons , worth about § 6000. Tom McDonald , the big apple man of K > ota , has a squash which weighs 81 pounds nnd ntill growing. He calh it a "Garfield" Eqnaah because it lays over all the other squashes in the country. A farmer's wife , near Fulton , on the watch for corn thieves , " caught an exemplary member of a neighboring church raiding the crib , and exacted § 50 hush money ; no names. 0. J. Fields , of Cedar Falls , has has recently received a fine coKaign- ment of draft horses from England. There are four English draft horses , one weighing 1,900 pounds , one Cleve land bay and one Clydesdale. Story county farmers have attained excellent results from sowing wheat and flsr seed mixed. J. T. Dunlap , of Indian Creek township , in that county , this year raised in that way fifteen bushels of fine heavy -wheat and ton boshels of flax need per acre. At the new trial granted him , and which took place on change of venue in Boone , John Daken was acquitted of the charge of having murdered John K. Stough In Marshal county in the spring of 1868. The evidence against him was strong , but wholly of a circumstantial character. lowans took the first premium on the following entries at the St. 'Louis fair : Best bushel Irish potatoes , col lection Irish.potatoes , twelve heads of cabbage , eg plant , cauliflower , sweet pumpkins , best collection of vegeta bles exhibited by any state or county agricultural society and beat white , yellow and red onions. Vintou boasts a mulberry tree which from the butt of a limb , broken down last spring , has now two shoots , one of them 14 feet lone , the other 13 feet 9 inches long. The largest shoot is 4 | inches in diameter at the base , and has leaves measuring 9Jxll inches. On the 1st of September the first load of lumber for building purposes waa deposited on the ground at Otis- ville. Now the town consists aof twenty-three houses constructed and thirteen in course of erection. Lots are selling from 350 to ? 200. Algona seems to be doing a heavy business. Ono of the creameries makes GOO pounds of butter per day , and another as high -as 1,200 pounds. This season 15,000 bushels of flax seed have been shipped from there , and they have a tow factory to work up the straw. Mr. Brummer of Marengo has on exhibition at Red Oak two four year old steers whose aggregate weight ia 5890 pounds , the heaviest one weigh ing 3360 pounds. The light weight steer is growing too rapidly to take flesh but is larger boned than his mate. He stands 7 feet four inches high and meajures 18 feet 10 inches from tip to tip. Des Molnes Register 2 : "Last night about midnight a frightful ati dent occurred in Mills & Co.'g build ing on Fourth street diR , a man falling from the fifth floor the baie- ment below. The unfortunate man's name is James Dunning , a printer em ployed in the building. It seems that he was working at his case and walked to the elevator door to look onfc of the window , and supposing the elevator to to be up stepped out and waa precipi tated down to the.batement , a its' tanca cf five floors , or about fifty feet. Some of his campaniona jan to his t.B ; " * " sistance and"found "him lying in the ally way horribly mangled about the head and ihotdders. A physician waa procured and it was found tnat he was not so badly hurt as waa at first feared. He was conscious and able stX talk to Ma attendanta , and.thero is .n1 . eicellant prospect that he will rapidly recover from the e9Tecfo of his injuries. It is a miracle thai the man was not instan'ly killed , falling such a dis tance. " Nebraska Republican Piotformr 1. The republicans of Nebraska moat heartily ender o the- profession ot princi ples formulated by the national republican convention at Chicago , and pledge their unswerving support to the candidates there ominated. 2. Wo affirm the doctrines of national sovereignty in the formulated principles upon which the perpetuity of the nation rests , and that tha principle of home rule as enunciated "by the democratic party is but the cautious esnression of the Calhoun doctrine of state rights , is revolutionary in _ its character and destructive of the unity of the nation. 3. We regard the rtcent seizure of the polla and the wholesale robbery cf the franchises of the republican citizens of Al abama , surprising in the magnitude and effrontery of the crime of all former efforts of the party under the Tweed plan in New York , and the Mississippi plan in the south , as a fair specimen of democratic method and a forecast of democratic do minion in national affairs that should in cite every honest man and taxpayer in the country to most earnest endeavor to de feat the partv of brigandage and fraud at the polls in November. 4. We have considered "what _ Lee and Jackson would do if they were alive , ' ( and have determu.eil to employ our best ener gies in preventing the seizure of the nation al government by their living comrades throuch the frauds of the uolid south. 5. Wo congratulate the people of the state upon the rapid increase of popula tion and wealth , and upon the good meas ure of prosperity that has rewarded their labor , upon th rapid upbuilding of our material interests since the suceess of re sumption and the revival of trade. G. We pleJsePur support to such legis lation in cor Va and such measures by state legislatures ts may b necessary to effect a correction of abuses and prevent extortionate discrimination in charges by railroad corporations. 7. We most cordially invite the aid and co-opcr.ition in the latest defense of the national integrity and national purfe of all republicans and war democrats who have differed with us on temporary issues , or have clung to the party name. Xesoh-cd , That wo heartily join ia the recommendation made by General Garfield in his letter of acceptance in urging upon congress the speedy improvement of the Missouri river for barge navigation. I would hereby certify , that I have used St. Jacobs Oil and found that it relieved rheumatism after a few appli cations. A. PRICE , Bergen , N. J. arulca Salve The BEST SAI.VE In the world for Oats , Brnhes , Sorea , Ulcers , Salt Rhnum , Fever Sorea , Totter , Chapp ed Hands , ChilbHius , Corns , and all kinds of Skin Eruptions. Thia Salve ia guaranteed to give perfect satiafnc- tied in every case or money re landed. Price 25 cents per box. For sale by 8 < tty J. K. TSH Omaha. Prof. OU'mettt-'g French KUn yPa < l is msnu- fictnrtil in tbUioun ryfr m'he Froich formula and is thu genulLC. For aile by druggists. Neuralgia , Sciatica , Lumbago , Backache , Soreness of the Chest , Gout , Quinsy , Sore Throat , Swell ings and Sprains , Burns and Scalds , Genera/ Bodily Pains , Tooth , Ear and Headache , Frosted Fest and Ears , and all other Pains and Aches. No Preparation on earth equals ST. JACOBS OIL IB a faff , ffure , simple and cheap External liemedy. A trial entails but the comparatively triQinR outlay of 50 Cent * , and erery one enff r- ins with pala can tiiye cheap and poaittT * proof of its claims. Directions In Eleven Languages. f SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS AHD DEALEBS IN HEDIOINE. A. VGGSLER & CO ; , Baltimore. 3fd. , V. S. A. MEAT MARKET IT. P. ISlock , IGth St. Freah au I Salt lleali o all ktnda constant on hand , pricca nxvoiinble. VeEetabloa In sea on. Food deliiSiedtomr part of the city. \VM ADST , . * . < "I1 NTIh Idth Rl NOriCE. f i EXTREMES Wi&ine to hare Su'tg ' , Font * , VUT Ac. , mads to measure , would do wall by calling at THE MERCIIAN TAILOR , wherelprlces , fit and workmanship Is guaranteed. BlOly PASSENGER _ ACfCOMMjpATION LINE OMAHAAND FORTOMAHA Connects With Street Csirs Corner of SAOSDEKS and HAMILTON Sl'KEETS. ( End of Red Line aa follows- LEAVE OMAHA : 6 0 , * S:17andll:10a : m ,3:03,6:87and7:29p.m. : : : LEAVE FORT OMAUA : 7:15 : a m. , 9:15 a. m , and 12:45 : n. m. 4:00 , 6:15 : and 8:15 : p. m. The 8:17 : n. m run , leavinr omaha , and the 4:00 : p , m. run , leaving Fort Omaha , are uinally londwl tofull capacity with refrular passengers. The 6:17 a. in. ru-i willbemido from the post- office , corner of Dodje and 15th snrchtg. Tickets can be procured from ttreet oardriv- era , or from drivers of hacks. FARE , 25CENTS , INCLUDING STKE CAR 28-tf PROrOSALS FOR SUBSISTENCE STORES. . . . -.v PcBCOiSIXO AKBDCTOT J COMMISJiRT OF SCBS1SIEKCZ. } Osuiu , NEB. , Oct. 9th , 1880. ) FtVed proposal ? , in dup tiate. subject to the usual conditions , will be reroiidl at this office , nnt'112 o clock noon on Octobsr 23tn , 1S80 , at luoh time and p'ace they will ba opened in pretcnteof bidders. Jor famisiinitanddeliTeiy at the Subsistence storehonse , in Omaha , or on ca ( if on caw , after inspection and acceptance at place of packinz , ) as inar be r qulr d by th SubaiBtento Department. forty (1 ( ( ) barrels rork , Hcht mtss , to fee de livered ny Norem' er 17th , JESO Thirty taous-ml ( iO.coo ) pounds bacon , ehort clear e.des. medium wjjht * nd thickness , pack ed in crates , strapped , of stout 210 pounds bacon each , to be delivered by Norembtr 17th , 5650. Eacbpececf bacoatoba covered with now , strong , cotton cloth. Sample of crate and itylo W ratKinj to be feh at this office ? ? , < mian < J (1'000 ( > ro mlbreiVf i t baton , ( thin breists ) Miirafscd , and in slatted boxes , strapj. i. ol tbcut 100 pounds Ireakfan bacon each. To be t'clivered by November 15th , IfcSO. Savcn hundred ai.d eighly f7S'j ) S 10. tins Jan ) , ( pure IealH el8 tinsjn acaii , treried. pch tin must hold actually 5 Rs. net ot la d to be accepted. Pr'ceper tin. and not perpcu d , 18S06 " * dehvercd by ovemb8r 17th , a lie poverement reserves the light to reject my or all prep ink. Bl nk p-opjHalj andfsll Infsrmition as In the mfl ° blldlnt conoitinns to ba otssrted ? , i , J , ra'ani1 , teinnofccntnctand p m nt , Hill be furnished ea application to hij cfflca. IP.tontaiuing proj 01 I ) stould t > Vil ! .Yorosi's ' for > n > Sl5' ' e- ' = Stores , " and to the nnderjlgned. C3 , p. s. A. A. F. RAFERT & CO. , Contractors and Builders. Fl = a Woodwork a Speda'ty. Agents for the Encaustic Tiling lSODOD3E8T.OiIAHA. 45 Years before thePiiblle. THE CEMUiKE LIVEE PILLS are not recommended as a remedy " for all the ills that flesh is heir to. " but in affections of the Liver , and in all Bilious Complaints , Dyspepsia , and Sick Head ache , or diseases of that character , they stand without a rival. AGUE AND FEVER. No better cathartic can be used pre paratory to , or after taking quinine. As a simple purgative they are unequaled. BEWARE OF IMITATIONS , The genuine are never sugar-coated. Each box has a red-wax seal on the lid , withtheimpression.McLANE'S LIVER PILL. Each wrapper bears the signa tures of C. McLAXE and FLEMIKO BROS. fiS" Insist upon having the genuine DR. C. ilcLANE'S LLVE. & PILLS , pre pared b" FLEMING BROS. , Pittsburgh , Pa. , the market being full of imitations of the name 3IcLnn f spelled differently , but same pronunciation. i PILLS nil the usual PnrgAtirea , Is pleaiant to take , .n4 will prore at once the most potent ind hsrmUaj .jut cm Innovator and C'lcanner thtt h y t n brousht to public notice. For C'olivtipn- .lou , BIHoiwneM , Heartache , Plc , and all laardtrs aminy from , an otitruetal state of the tyitcm , t is incomparibly the bat mratitt eitmt. Avon ! 1m- iatinns : inint on Rfttin the article cullf a for. THOI-It'-FRlUT LAXATIVE is put up In ronzed tin bow * only. Price 60 cents. A k your York or 8 n Fraucuco. BEFORE PURCHASING ANY FORM OF SO-CALLED " and. or Appliance rrpmmlidlo cure N TOU .ChroifIe nd t-Mcial Disease" , eml to the PHLVERMACHER ALVASIC CO. , 313 Montgomery Street , San Fr n- Iwo.'Cal. , for their fret Pamphlet and "Tha Elec- ric Review , " ' and you will save dm * , A < oll& and mtmey. he P. R. Co. are the only dealers in Genuine Electric Lpphances on the American Continent. BOWEL COMPLAINTS. A Speedy and Effectual Cure. PERRY DAVIS' PAIN-KILLER Has stood the test of rcmrr IBIKS' trial. Direction * tcitk each dottle. OLD BY ALL DRUOaiSTS. \AI ft UT C ft iMc&l Atento everywhere to eel WAll 1 tU Tea , Coffee , BiUn * Powder. Flavoring Extracts , etc , by sample , to fimiliss , Proflt good. Outfit free. People's Tea Co. , Eox 020. St. Louis. Mo. < J C "V-A-IFOIR. , MERCHANT TAILOR Capitol Are , , Opp. Haaonio Hall , OMAHA. NEB , IE. IF1. OOODBZ , UNDERTAKER , O'A Fellows' Block. Prompt attention given to orion by telegraph. HARTIGAN & DODGE Sheet Iron Workers AND BOILER MAKERS Cor. 12th and C&ss strte's. Please Give Us a Call. AI. K. General Insurance Agent REPRESENTS : Pna2JX ASSURANCE CO. , of Lon don , Cnsli Assets ? 5.107,17 WESICIIKSTKU. N. T. , Caplt l 1,000,003 THE MERCIIAN fg , of Nc irk , N. J. , 1,000,001 GIUAUli FIKCPlnladelpIii , Capit l. . 1,000.000 NOllTJIWESTliUN NATIJXALCap- ( lt l 900,000 FIKEMEN'S FUND , California EOO.UO liltlTlSU AMERICA ASSnK&NCECo l.SOO.OCO NEW A IK FIItE INS. CO. . Ateets. . . . EoO.OOO AJIEilICAP CENTRAL , Aweta 300,000 Sonlheaat Cor. of Fifteenth A Douglas St. , OMAHA. NIJB. : THE ONLY PLAGE WHERE YOU can find a good aMortmer > t of BOOTS AND SHOES At a LOWER PIQURK than at any other shoe house In the city. P. LANG'S , 236 FARNHAM ST. LADIES' & GENTS SHOES MADE TO ORDER d a perfect ( It gimnteed. Prices vrrreaaoo nu rfarlMr _ SHOW GASES BT O. CT. V7" 1317 CASS VS. , OMAHA. NEB. < TA good aaaortment always on hantfgl CHARLES RIEWE , UNDERTAKER ! llctallc Cases , Coffin * , Caskets , Shrouds , eto. Farnham Street , Bet 10th and llth , Omaha , Neb. elexraphlc rders Promptly Attended To. \ ERNST KEEBS , Manager. Uannfacturer of all kinds of Joncx St. , Btt. Sth. and 10th , T. S. HITCHCOCK , M. D. S. , From New York has located In Om&hs , and guarantees to do { list-class work. Dental Room ? , over A. Crulckshank & Co.'s , Cor. 15th and Douglas. eep9-2ra PROPOSALS FOR GRAIN. D rr. orTnEPtiTTE ) Cnur QCAETIUMASTIE'S OTTICE , > FOaT Oulni , NEB. , Oc-tober 4 , It&O ) Sealed Proposals , In triplicate , sobjet to the usua conditions will bd rcceited ai this oCce until 12 o'clock noon on Monday , October 25th , 18SO , at which place and time they will b * open ed in presonca o' bidders , fur the furnishing and oelitery , in quantities as required , up to Janu ary 31st , 1831 , at Omaha Depot , Nebraska , or a' Btationa on the Union Pacific Railroad , eutfrom Kcirn'y Junction , of 2,000,000 pouod ] com , and 1 , COO 030 pounds oats. Proposals for quantities lees than the wbol will be rccelTed. Deltrery of tb j-raln 11' , if required , commence Noremter ICth , JSSi. Pie- ferencetdll be giren toaniclu of dcm 5tl : pro- duc.lon. The Goi eminent reserves the right to reject any or all proposal ) . lildj should state the rate per 100 pounds , ( not p r bushel , ) and the year in which the corn pro- po < ed to be furnished aa erown , and should be enloned en enve'oces "Bids for Oialn , " andad- dres-'ed to the undersigned. - liddersarereqie.ted to sutmli proposals for diliveryof the corn i- > new rc-eewedguonysackg of one hundred pounds each , ind for dtlirery of theoaUin new re-tnfd burlap sacks cf or.e hundred pounds each , or for r art or a 1 ] oats to be de'irered injioCBtr BAMS , the inner tacks provided at the Omaha Depot , by Quirter- mutertr Department. Cop'es of the advertisement and of the circular ofiEStrucUons to bidders b can obtained on ap- plicitl n 16 thl § office , and one copy eich of said advertisement and circular shou'd be afached to orfccompanr each propcflil and Jerra a part thereof. JL I. LTJDIKQTON . 06 et _ Critf Crarlenraster HAMBURG AMERICAH PACKET CO.'S Weeklyline of Steamships LearlnrKewYork Every Thursday at 2p.m. For England , Prance and Germany. For Passage apply to G. B. RICHARD & CO. , General Pissecesi Agent * , 61 Broadway , New Yorls BANXIHC HOUSES. THE OLDEST ESTABLISHED. ANKINO HOUSE IN NEBRASKA. CALDWELLHAMILTONCO Business transacted game ai that o an Incor porated Bank. Accounts kept In Currency or gold subject to Bight check without notice. Certificates of deposit issued parabla In three , elz and twelve months , bearing Interest , or on demand without Interest. Advances made to customers on apprord se curities at market rates of Interest Buy and sell gold , bills of exchange Govern ment , State , County and City Bonds. Draw Sight Drafts on England , Ireland , Soot- land , and all parW of Europe. Sdll European Passage Ticket * . nOLLECTIOHS PROMPTLY MADE. ABgldt ! U , S. DEPOSITOET , FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF OMAHA. . Cor. ISth ana Farnnam Streets , OLDEST BANKING ESTABLISHMENT IS OMAHA. ( SUCCESSORS TO KOUSTZE BROS. , ) ESTABLISHED IK 1S53. Organized u a National Bank , August 20,1S63. Capital and Profits Qver$300,000 Specially nuthorlzed by the Secretary or Treasury to receive Subscription to th U.S.4 PER CENT. FUNDED LOAN. OFFICERS AND DIBECTOR3 IIiEtun KOUXTZK , President. ACODSTCS KOUKTZB. Vice President. U. W. YJUKS. faoliler. A. J. PoprwTOJi , Attorney. Jens A. CR-ionics. F H. PAT13 , Aes't Cashier. This bank metres deposit without regard to amounts. Isaues time certificates bearing Interest. Vr&wa drafts on San Fiancisco and principal cities of the United States , alsj London , Dublin , Edinburgh and the principal cities ot the conti nent of Europe , Sells paaaigo tickets for Emigrants In thn In. nun no. mayldtf REAL ESTATE BROKER Geo. P. Bemis' REAL ESTATE ACEMCY. 16th & Douglcu Sts. , Omaha , Neb. Thla agency docs STRICTLY & brokerage bcd- n ess. D oes not .speculate , and th erof ore any b l- gains on Ita books aie Insured to Its patrons , In stead of belnr enhbl- np by th e aent & HILL. REAL ESTATE BROKERS No 1403 Farnham Strut OMAHA - NEBRASKA. Office North Side opp. Grand Central Hotel. Nebraska Land Agency , DAVIS & SfiYDER , 1605 Farnham St. Omaha , Ntbr , 400,000 ACRES carefully selected land In Eastern Nebraska for gale. Great Bargains In Improved farms , and Omaha cityproptrty. O. P. DAVIS. WEBSTER SNTDER , Late land Com * TJ. P. K. E p-teb7tf BYRON BKXD. LEWIS RKID. Byron Reed & Co , , CLDI3TZSTAEUSK3 REAL ESTATE AGENCY IN NEBRASKA. Keep n complete abstract of title to all Real EaUte In Omaha and Douglas County. rnavlll HOTELS. THE ORIGINAL. Cor. Randolph St. & 5th Avo. , CHICAGO ILL. PRICES REDUCED TO $2.00 AND $2.50 PER DAY Located in the business centre , convenient to place ! of amusement. Elegantly furnished , containing all modern Improvements , pancnfcer elevator , &c J. n. CUMMIN03 , Proprietor , ocietf OGDEN HOUSE , Cor. MAEKETST. & BROADWAY Council Bluffs , lowat On lint ol Street Rallwiy , Omnibus < o and from all trains. RATES Parlor floor $3.00 per day ; second floor. 32.EO per day ; third floor , 92.00. The beitfurnished and most commodious honse In the city. d EO. T. PUELPS , Prop , METROPOLITAN OMAHA , NEB. IRA WILSON - PROPRIETOR. The Metropolitan b centrally located , and first c'aea ' In every respect , having recently been entirely renovated. The public wl.l find It a comfortable and homelike bouse. marStf. UPTON HOUSE , Scliiiyler , Neb. Ilocse , Good Meala , flood Beds Airy Rooms , snd kind and accommndatlnz treatment. Tw-igood sample rooms. Specia attention paid to commercial travelers. S. MILLEE , Prop. , _ _ Schnyler , Neb. FRONTIER HOTEL , Laramie , Wyoming. The miner's resort , good accommodations , arge cample room , charges reasonable. Special attention given to traveling men. 11-U IL 0 IIILLIRD Proprietor. INTER-OCEAN HOTEL , Cheyenne , Wyoming. Flrst-cl , Fine large Simple Boom ; , on block from d epot. Train * stop from 10 minutes to2houra for dinner. Free Bus to and from Depot. Kates SZOO.S160 and ? 3.00 ; according to room ; s'ngle meal 75 cents. A. I > . BALCOJI , Proprietor. ANDKKW BOBDEN. Cnlef Cl rk. mlt E. A. FOWMK. JAHia E. Scorr. FOWLER & SCOTT , ARCHITECTS. Dealnu for building of any description on exlhlhitlon at aur office. We have had over 20 ream experience in designing and superintend * Ing public bnlldln ? and naidd cta. Plans and estimate * furnished on short notlcS- ROOM * . DSCOH BLOCK. v 1 We call the attention'of Buyers to Our Eitensive Stock of AND CENTS' FURNISHING GOOD ; fc. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL , We carry the Largest and BEST SELECTED STOCK OF GOODS IN GMAH' Which We are Selling at OUR MERCHANT TAILORINGS Is in charge of Mr. THOMAS TALLON , whose wdl-eatablishe * reputation has been fairly earned , "We also Keep on Immense Stock of HATS , CAPS , AHD VALSSES REMEMBER WE ARE THE ONE PRICE STORE M. HELLMAN & CO. , mSltodaw 1301 & 1303 Fa.iiliim Street. TO THE LADIES AND GENTLEMEH- FRENCH KIDNEY PAD I A Positive and Permanent Cnre Guaranteed. In all cues of Gravel , Diabetes , Dropsy. Eight's Dheasa ot th Kidneys , Incontinence and Ketentlon ot Unnc , InSamition o the Kidneys. Catarrh of the riaddor.IIuli Colored Urine. Tain hi tba Back , sMe or Lions. Nervons Watkne s. and In fact m disorders of the Bladder and Urinary Onr M , whether centrist. ed by private disease * or othcawiso. This great remedy hu tieen csed with success for nearly ten yearn In franc- , with the mct wonderful curative effects. 1C CUT a } " a"wption : n nauseous internal medicines boini ; reqnlred.Vo have hundreds of tcitl- monlala of cures by this Tad wr.on all cl e had fu ed- . ' LADIES , If you are sufftrini ; from Tern-ilo We-i'-oiw , L.ucor- rhmo , or diwcees peculiar to fsnn'cs. ' or In f.-xct any < lisc so , a k your drusdst for Prof. Gulhnotle's Fraich Kidr * y t' d , owl take no other. If he has not got It. send 32.00 and you receive tte Pad by return mail. Address U.S. Bunch , FRENCH PAD CO. , Toledo , Ohio PROF. GUILMETTE'3 FRENCH LIVER PAD Will positively cere Fever ana * froe. Dumb Anne , Ano Cako. HH1MU9 Kevor. Jaundice. DyspcpaH , ano all diseases of the Liver , Stomach and Blood 1 he pail cures by absorption , and Is permanent Ask 3 our drucpst for this pad nd take no other If he docs not keep It , tend M.SO tc tno FUKNC1I PAD CO. , ( U. a. Branch ) . 1 oledo , Ohio , and receive U by return mall. . KU1IM & CO. . _ * Agents. UmMia , NeK MORE POPULAR THAN EVER. The Genuine SINOER NEW FAMILY SEW2NO MACHINE. The popular demand for the GENUINE SINGERin 1879 exceeded thai of any previous dnrintr the Quarter of a Centt.ry in which this "Old Reliable" Machine has been before the public. In 1878 we sold 356,422 , Machines. In 1879 we soli 431,167 Machines , Excess over any previous year , 74,735 Machines. Our sales laat year -were at the rate of over 1400 Sewing Machines a Day I Tot erery tmiiniM day In the year. The ' ' Old.Keliable" Singer istbe Strongest , the Simplest , the Most Durable Sewing Machine ever yet Constructed. That Every REAL Singer Sewing Machine has their Trade Mark cast into the Iron Stand and embedded in the Arm of the Machine. THE SiNQEB WUFAGTURSNQ Principal Office : 34 Union Square , New York. 1,600 Subordinate Offices in the United States and ( ! anada , and 3,000 Offics * in the Old Woild and South America. aenl6-d&'wt "ZEPl O. WH 1213 Farnham St. , Omaha. DOUttLE AND SINGLE ACTING POWE ! Steam Pumps , Engine TrimraingB , Mining Machinery , BELTING HOSE , BRASS AND ! RQH F1TTIHC3 , PIPE , STEAM PACKING , AT WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. HALLADAY WIND-MILLS , CHURCH AND SCHOOL BELLS A. L. STRAIT& . 205 Fp.rnharn Street Omaha , Neb ILWAUKE In Kegs and Bottles. Special Figures to the Trade. Families Supplied at Reasonable Prices. Office. 239 Donglaa Street. Omah * SHEELY BROS. PACKING CO. , PORK Wholesale and Retail in FKESH 3IEATS& PROVISIONS , A ! E , POULTRY , FISH , ETC. v CITY AND COUNTY ORDERS SOLICITED. OFFICE CITY MARKET 1415 Douglas St. Packing House , Opposite Omaha Stock Yards , U. P. B. R. ISH MeMAHON Successors to Jaa. E. lab- , DRUGGISTS AND PERFU Dealers in Fine Imported Extracts , Toilet Waters , Colognes , Soaps , Toilet Powders , &c. A fuJl lipo ot SurzioU Icstranicuta , Pocket Cues , truu-a and Supporter * . Ataolntcly Dras uui'Chealeui med In Itijpeajtxi ? . Pntcriptiaci fiI ! d it my hour of tha night. , H , Jsb. Lawrence l