> TTOTHEYI-AT-UW. A. CROSSLEV , * TTORNEYA1 D COUNSELOR AT LAW JNo. . 314 South ISth St , bet. Farnham and Harner. au20-lia CHARLES POWELL , TUETICE OF THE PEACE Tomer 16th and tj FarnhamSto. . Omaha Neb. WH. SIMERAL , * TTOUNEY AT LAW Room 6CrelEhton _ fBl < -lr. 16th St. OMAUA. NEB. 0. L THOMAS. A TTOKNET AT LAW-Loans money , bny Jt\ . and Bella real estate. Boom I.Crelghton A. C. TROUP , A TTORKET AT LAW Office J\ . Block , with George E. r'lmhum Rt. OMAH > FICYTCB I Tiinimr * MCAICK L , I MUMP j 1 TTOUMKT AT LAW-Crn' Jtag. . xttnank Build mp < eu A. M TTORNET AT LAW . . , I 8tr rt. Office 1504 Famham A. SW f TZLAMDE TTORNEY A" - < A ittrect. - LAW Cor. ISlhacd Famham mayga T-rop. ' .LLIAM A. FOKDA. A AND COUNSELOR AT LAW. Fraiicr Block , opposite Post OMAHA. NKR WM. L PEABODY , S AWVKK O0e ! Tn CrelRhton Block , nert t il T.tetOmne , OMAHA , NEBRASKA , Procured. * * * TUBMO. E. D. MCLAUGHLIN. JL TTURNKT AT LAW AND jrTriTICE OF . TnE PEACE-eoulheart Corner nileenth Douglas St. Att-snded traaiEH & BARTLETT , Attorneys-at-Law , OTTlCE-TJnlon Plock.FVtc mth and Farnhaai' A. L ROBISOK. - A TTOBriET AT LAW. Eoor Crelehton . .rtBlock. . OMATIA Keh. | unl-tf x > . s. ATTORNFy AT LAW. KABBADH G.CrwK ) COB- POMISTH STS. OMAHA. KEB. _ / . d. ConnelTT /Attorney , at.Law , . Office : Front room * , ttalr , ln Hanscotn'a ' n.w brie * building , jj. - mteenUi and rarnbvn Btreetd. * 1TORNF-T.AT.IAW * - 1SSI Farnh&m 81 , Omaha. * atcals , Pensions and . * * ' by P * ' 133'011. ' * o Ocnl C. F. Mander. onHon.A.J. Poppleton , and. . T. L. Klmhall. - aolMm . KIDIOE. tt. Uu o > KEDICK & REDICK , Attornoys-at-Law - - , Uftitlon Vill bo riven to all corpor llorjo | eTorT description ; will Ui al Jtie Courts ot the State and the "Conrt Homo Stales , office , Farnham St. , oppoilte FJlWARD W. SIMERAL , i W.lNET , . . AT . . . . . LAW-Bojra „ _ _ - , 8 Orelghton noMh C. F. HANDERSON , ' ) TTORKXT AT LAW-Jtx FamluBi Btreet , ci. Omaha Kcbnuka. PARKE GODWIN. * TTORNEr AT IAW Itlh and Doorltt JKtryU , with O. V. Dcn W. T. RlOIAUDS O. J , HUKT RICHARDS & HUNT , Attorneys-at-La w. i J15 South FourtgenUStreet. . EAST .NDIA BITTERS ! ILER & CO. nv THE USE op DR. BOSANKO'S PILE REMEDY. INTERNAL EXTERNAL , AND ITCHING PILES ft > M t once on Ihr ni nllr .Ho 11 Tumors , nllnylng the I no otliri- . ana trll ypp , nel , z H * turrit * . - - avtm DO NOT Dr. the dnUn an U- _ * ° y * I X B P I5JLJT ABNED CURED , p aCE , 50 CENTS. ' t ASK YOUR DRUGGIST FOR IT , -"Wwbrtiyoa cannot obtain ltorblm.w , * * 1 * . PWM.W on IE OR. BOSANKO MEDICINE CO. , P1QUA.O. THEONLYMEDICINE That Acts at Iho Same Time on THE LIVER. THE BOWELS , and the KIDNEYS. Tbe * fut3tonans n re the natural cleans Tof the cyctenv. IftlKTrwortwclLhealui will bo perfect : tf they become dossed , dreadful diseases are cure to follow trllb TERRIBLE SUFFERING. . Biliousness , Headache , DTp rls , J - dice , Constipation iad Pllcx , or Kid ney Complaints , Grarc ! , Diabetes , Sediment In the Urine , Kllky/ or Ropy Urlnoj jnr Bhen- * rcatlc Pains and Adhw , < lbecan e the blood Is poisoned vna uic irmors tbit khould Iiave becn. ituiallr. v KIDNEY-WORT i wlllrcrtore tbehMlthr action and all these . ThooKan < : have l-ern cured. TrrltandTon vrniadd one more to tlie number. Tare It zndhcaluiwlllnncemorcgladdenyoarheirt. Why aufjsr onfierjromth torment Of nn aching back ? Why bear ouch distress from Con- stlpdtion and Piles ? Why be BO fearful because ) of dis ordered urinfe ? KmsicT-TToimrlll cure jtra. Try npacir ipettoacciini beutlsned. It ts a dry reyaable compatmt and THE DAJL5T BEE OMAHA PUBUSHIKC CO. . PROPRIETORS. 916 Farriham , bet. 3A end 10th Strait TEEMS OF SUBSCRIPTION. 1 Copy 1 year , la advance ( postpaid ) K.CO 6 months " 4.00 8 months < - " 2.00 TIME TABLES- THE MAILS. C , &N. W.B. R BSOa. ro. , 2:40p. m. C. B. & 0.6 30 a. m. , 2 ; 0 p. m. 0. R. I & P. B. B. . 630 a , m. , EMp. m * C&TSt Joe 630 a. m. B. City & P. 530a.m. U. P. B.E. , 11:10 a. m. O. & R. V. to Lincoln , 10 s. m. B. AM.R.R,8Wa m. O.&N. W. , 730a.m. ornnna 0.&K.W.B.R. , 11 a.ra.,11 P-tn. C. B. i O. , 11 a , m , 830 p. m. C.R.I.il1. , 11a.m. , lip.m. C. B. k St , Joe. . 11 a.m. , 11 p. m. D. P. H. R. , p m. O. & R. V. from Lincoln , 12:10 p. tx > . 8. City & P. , 11 a. m. B. & H. lnl eb. , < p. m. Local malls for States lows leave bnt onca a day , vU : too a. m. Office op n from 12 to 1 p. tn. Sandayb TDOUAS F. HALL. PoBtmuter. Arrival And Departure of Trains tJNION PACIFIC. L1ATI. ARWVB. D ) l.y KxprtBB..I2:16jp. m. feap.m. lo Mixed 6:10 p. m. 4t2Bp.m. do Freight 630 a. ia. I'.Wp. IP. do do 8:16 , m. ISflOft. m. TTHK DABD OP THE BURLINGTON , LBAVB OMAHA. UMTBOHiBJL Ezpreee : : (0p. m. Express..loroo .m , Hall C.-00 a. m. H il 10:00 p. m. Sundays Excepted. Sundays Excepted. CHICAOOBOCE ISLAND & PACIFIC. Mall . 6:00 a. m. I Hall . 10.D9p.ta. Express. . . . . , S : ) p. m. | Eiprcw. . . .10.DO a. m. CHICAGO NOP.THreStE&N. Hall . JfctQ a. to. 1 Mafl . 7:20 : p. m. Eiproas . 80 pi tn. 1 Express . . . .10:00 : a. m , Sundays excepted. KANSAS CTTT , ST. JOE & COUNOiL BLUFFa , WAVE ARRtVH. Mall . 8:00 i. jn. I Rrprcw . T:10 a. m. Express. . . . , . &oo p. m. . | Man . 7:28 \ : m. The osiy line rnnatac Pullman Sleeping Can o i of Omaha to Union Depot. OMAHA & NORTHWESTERN AND { SIOUX CITY & PACIFIC EAILROADS. Kxprew . B.-00 * . m. | Fxprew. . .l30p m. Dally ExccplBuB < Uye. B. & M. B. S. In NEBRASKA. prwtj IBAST ] tfcnab * ( lr ) . . . . . - 00m Kearney J'ncflT ) : M tn m BloomlngtonlT)5:10 ( ) : am Kcarnj J'ncar)7i5 ) p m Red Cloud flv ) CS6 am BedClondarr)7:66pm ( ) Plattemth tar ) * :3J p m BIoom'gtonar)3:6 ) p m Onuha ( art ) . . . 1:55 p m REPUBLICAN VALLEY RAILWAY. Haitlngi ( lv ) 8:05 a ra | KIoom'gtonarlEOpm ( ) nioomlnpum las p m I Hutlngs ( u ) 6 5 p m Orica&a ( lv ) 7 0 a m | Indl&ncla ( ir ) IrfO p m Orteana ( a > ) 7.00 p m | Indlanola ( lv ) 230 p m SIOUX CITY & ST. PAUL R. B , , . . . . „ .0:10 am I Express..10:00 am Kjproai 8,10pm I Mail 720 p m WABAEII , ST. LOTJIS&PACIKIC. UUVKS. ARRIVES. Kail _ _ Sa.rn.IUaU 11:85 am Expreas . .3 : ) p. m. | Express . .4:25 p. m. BIUDG E DIVISION U. P. R. B. Leave Omaha , dally. 8 a. m. , 9 a. m. , 10 a m. , 11 a. m . 1p.m. , 5 p. m.Sp. m. , Bp. tn,6p. m. , Leave Council Blnfls ; 826 a. m. , 925 a. tn , , 10SS a. m. , IIOS a. m. , IAS p. m. , 8:25 p. m. , 2fi p. m. , 825 p. m , , 835 p. m. , Four trips on Siraday , leaving Omaha at 9 and 11 a. tn. , 2 and C p. m. ; Conndl Bluffs at 9:25 , 1125 a. m. , and 225 nd 625 p. m. Leave Omaha : 8a.m. , 7. a , m8d4 a. tn. , 1 p. m. , 4 0 p. m. , 725 p. m. , Leave Council Bluffs : 6:15 a. m , , 9:40 a. m. , 11:40 am , > 625p. m. , 7. < H3 p. tn. , 7 0 p. m. Dally except Sunday. OMAAA k REPUBLICAN VALLEY B. . UUVB , AUUTB. Hall . 10.15a.m435p.m. . Dally except Sunday * . IRON TURBINE WIND ENGINE MAKUFACTOKED BT FOJS & Co , , Springfield , 0. The Stronceet andlicflt Durable WIND ENGINE In the World. HunJrodi In tue In Iowa and Nebraska Sold by Pcalon In nearly evrry county. This cut represents oar \i Buckeye Force ihloh Is parUoalariy adapted to Wind 1111 oie , aa It works easily and , throws a constant stream , and does not frpczo op In the cold est weather. Send for price list W. H. RA.YNBR , WVglcru Ag't , Omaha , Neb. 8ANTA GLAUS FOUND. Greatest Ulacoverr oftne - B9- Wonarfuldl eoverleelnUiewnrldhavebeeniiiade Among other thlncs where Ba.nta Clam stayed Children oft ask It he makes ef < d or not > If really he lltee In a mountain of mow. Uiit year an ejcurnlon sailed cli" r to the Pole And Buddenly dropped Into whatl-ecmedllko thole Where wonder of wondera thcyft'Und ancwland , tndle fahy-llka being * appeared each hand. Then were mountains like ours , with more beautiful preen , And far brifrhtcr UeB than ever "were Been , Bird * with the hues ot a rainbow were lonnd. While Bower * of exqulilte fragrance were grow In ? around. Not Ions were they left to wondBTlndoub. , A belt * eon came the ? had heard , mnch about , Twas SanU Clans' self and tblsthc.v all Bay , 3ft l okcd like the picture c e every day. UB nJUD 1H BUCli iwrv vi - rj ' But be took them on board and drove them He showed them alLovcr Ms wonderful realm , And factories making roods for women and men Furriers were working on hata swat and email. To Bunco's thor said they were Bcndlmr.tncm all. "CrU Klnplc , the Glove llaVer.told them at once , AH our Gloves we are sending to Bnncc , Santa showed them suspenders and many Ihlntv SaymeTalse took thew to Wend Buncrt ntote. Santa Claus then whispered a secret Of A leu. As In Oroaha every one knew Bunos wen. He therefore should send his P ° oda-t his ewe. Knowing his friends will get their full share. KowreSemberye dwellers In Omaha town. All -who want prceenU to Bunce s go round. For ihirta , collars , or jrlovea great and small. Bend your sister or annt one and sJU BunoB , Cbamploa Hatter of the Wret , Douglu JNO. G. JACOBS , ( Tormerly ot Glsh fc Jacobs ) ' UNDERTAKER No , KIT Farnham Et. , Old Stand of Jacob Gls ORDKRS BT TXLEQRAFa 'SOLICIT * anIT-lr THE UNIVERSAL STEAM COOKER , FOR COOKIKO Meats , Vegetables , Fruits , Pud dings , Beans , Bice , Etc. , By Steam. It bag stood the test ot severe traits and n- ' celvtd the highest Kcommendations from hotel and restaurant proplkMrs , boarding house keepers , and t larj e nVEbcr of private famUIes. An v number of kittles mar be u ed.cookins six , eight or more kinds of food at the same tune with out TTllT'nCjlE'ggjijrENDA'nOj1S. Dim Sir : Tbe Univertal Steam Cooker is what I have been wanting for a loner time. It .rks splendidly. J. B. Wnaar , Exchange Hotel. Sturreon Bay. We , tbe undersigned , endorse the above in full. KlvhirU Williims. Fremont-Neb. . Leopold Willing , Bontoem Hotel , Omaha. _ Pr..Burtbun ! , Frenont , Neb , Bold by D. A. Piercy , JS11 Farnham Si , Omiha , Neb. And B. FRAK ) EN. Mala Bt. , Frraont , Ktb. AGRICULTUBAL , SetectlnffSeed Corn. The yield of corn is greatly reduced in many fields every s"aon by the poor qualify of seed that is planted. Seed that is immature , or which WAS injured during or after the curing pro * cess , was planted ; nnd much of it' failed to germinate. After waiting several days for the sprouts to appear above ground , the farmer ascertains that the seed ban rotted. It may not bo too Iflio to replant and obtain a good crop , but the chances are against it. The entire length of the growing season in the northern states ia ordi narily required , to produce a good crop of sound corn. If planting is de layed ton or twelve days after the usu al time , the prospect is that the crop will be injured , If it is not entirely de atroycd by an early froflt. If.ono ia assured of a goou crofo from corn that is pUnted late , the trouble of cultivation is very greatly increased. When good seed is plant ed on land freshly prepared , it will coma up quickly , and keep In advance of the Weeds. Cultivation will , of course , bo necessary , but it may with BSiety bo dehyed till the young corn it sufficiently high to mark the roVrs. If it Is neceaeary to replant , however , the weeds will bfc In possession 'of the Soil , no' only before Ihe corn is up , but before It is planted * f o have a clear field nuder such circumatancer will require almost constant labor throughout tbe seaeoa. It is difficult to fight weeds that have obtained the start of cultivated crops. In tAse part of the corn germinates nnd part does not , the situation is not much better. Considerable work is required to replant seed , and as ib frill pot come up until that first planted Iiw made considerable growth , efctra work will be required In cultivating during the ( entire season. Whatever fa the character of thb swaoh , the corn will not maturfe nt the same lime , and cbancea are that tho. portion last planted wlU not ripen before early frost bccura. It Is the -practice of eomo farmers to replant "missing hills" with seed of some early variety , sO that the two kinds may ripen ( U about the same timft. Securing a uniform period of ripening , however , dors not fietture a uniform lot of corn. It will be mixed lot which will rank low in the market. The first essential success to corn raising is good seed. If a farmer has a good variety of corn , and it has attained a fair growth and become mature on the stalk , he can , by taking sufficient pains , secure reliable seed for planting. He should select only the best o rs for this purpose. Ho can make a much better selection when the stalks are. standing on the hill where they grew than after they are cut up and put in shock. All but two or three husks should be removed from each ear , when they should be braided together and hung in some airy place to dry. An equally good plan consists in tying , the ears in pairs and hanging them over a wire sus pended in a chamber or some out building , where they will be protected from the rain or snow. If a farmer hai not a first-class va riety of corn or has not raised a good crop on account of a bad season , defi cient cultivation , or poor soil , he should procure his seed from some person who bn * raised a superior crop. It is generally better to procure a sup ply in the fall than in the spring , as the price will bo likely to be lower. No crop is more dependent on the quality of the seed than corn. lu the case of small grains it is very difficult to ( elect individual kernels to BOW. Moat persons object to hand-picking beans and peas with a view of select ing choice specimens for planting. It is comparatively easy , however , to select not only ears but .the kernels of corn for planting , as the amount of seed required for an acre is compara tively small. Thinning Out Slock. There will be thousands of cows , horses and sheep kept over the whiter by farmers in every couuty in the Treat that will not sell for enough in the spring to pay for the food they will consume from now till the grass starts again. Many of these animals have "outlived their usefulness , " and quite as largo a number havenover had much usefulness to outlive. Some of these animals are kept year after year as a token of gratitude fcr the good they have done. The lives of some are protracted In the vain hope that their last days will be better than their first. Some farmers seem to become attached to animals that give them a great deal of trouble , the same as'some mothers dote on children that b'ehave In the same manner. Some personsjkeep unproductive and , unpromising animals over the winter for the sake of the manure they-make. Now it is unprofitable to keep any Had of stock for this purpose. , Noth ing is added to tbe value of any vege table subitanca by it passing through the organs of digestion. If fodder and grain is 'to be used for manure it Is better to apply , them directly to the land. This course sives the trouble of feeding and.also raves a very large amount of material that is consumed in keeping up repairs in the animal system. Some keep unproductive ani mals year after year because no one wishes to purchase them. If anim&ls have no value In the market it is 'very evident 'that they are , unprofitable to keep , and the sooner they are disposed of the better it will be for the owner. Many . farmera ' are spoken of na being Jan'dpobr. " There are still a larger number that are stock poor. They keep cows that give but a small amount of milk at any time , and their season for.giving milk , is very short. The milk , is alio very poor in quality. If the cows have calves they make poor veaL If they are allowed to live they become no better milkers than their rnothcrs. It does not take many inferior cows to keep a farmer poor. They use up the grass crop , and considerable of the corn andgrain crop , employ the time of the farmer during the' "Winter in taking core of them , and give no return for all the food they consume and all the labor Ihey require. Their proper place is the beef barrel. It does-not take a very large num ber cf slow-going , lame and balkv horses toieop a farmer poor. If they did nothing worse than "to eat their own heads off * during the winter , the case would.net be so bad as It is. But thov do more than this. They eat in the course nf the winter much more iban they will sell for in the * pring , ind there is 'noreturn for the trouble of keeping .them. Breachy steers help keepa farmer poor by the number of fences they tear down and the amount of crops they destroy. Sheep that yield Bcant.fleeces and produces very inferior-mutton tend to keep a farmer poor. The tendency of nearly all dogs whether-kept by the farmer or his neighbors , is in the same direction. No farmer- should remain ' 'stock poor. " If he hss cows that do not give an amount of milk during the season equal to twice their weight , they should be disposed of in some way , and their places supplied ly others . If a farmer has not sufficient food to fatten them he should buy hay. Mid grain From farmers wKo have more food .than animal * , or sell them to the latter to fatten. No unruly lock , should bekept on any farm longer than-required to-get it in a con dition to be slaughtered. As to.horses that have "outlived their usefulness , " or 'never had any to outlive , they should be disposed of on the best terms possible. If they will com- Kind no prisw t all , iUsbotter to give them to perions who are not de sired in the neighborhood , on condition - , tion that they will move where land is cheap and neighbors are few. If a horse is so poor a specimen that no . one will jnak a'bid for him at auction | and no one will accept him as a gift , it is then boat to diepoio of him at a fhooting match , at which no one but good marksmen will bo allowed to use a rifle. His hide will pay for taking oil , his body will bo useful for ms- nuro , and he will no longer help keep hU former owner poor. A Successful Sheep Farmer , Hu-al Wod'I. ' About five years ago Mr. C. 0. Orosson , of this city , after- having failed In the mercantile business , re solved to go west and establish him self in the. mercantile bpalnees , He h l but a small aura of thcn&y to atari witbj and was well advanced in years. but there are few m n dasesSed of more will than h'o ; arid , having a large family to sVtpport , he determined to make the best of future opportunities. He located a ranche on the Masquir canyon , twelve miles from Fort Davis , and stocked it with ft small Hock of uheep. After ttfrhilb , finding Unit busi ness .required his cqnstnn attebtion } he removed his family to Fort Davis. As time sped on he , Kiel with several reveres , but none that Mended In the least to weaken his efforts or impair his energy. It was reported fchat he lost nearly all of hit stock in this way : Ull ha dill not despair , but , battling against all reverses , soon reccovered from the effects of Indian raids. His stock to-day numbers 8,000 fine sheep , ana is being graded up as fast as the laws of nature will admit. The jn > creftso'of the fiock this year by lambs wa about 07 per cent. Mr. Crojsmah has supported his \yifo \ nicety since he embarked in the sheep , b'lMnesB , nnd has in Ihe pdslfonr years cleared $20- D0ii ) There Is no need for comment. An Old Maid's Consolation. The Parisian. Thewriterraliiedayoung lady friend some time ago and chaffed her ttpoh being an "old maid.1 She replied : I am past thirty. I have a good hoine. 1 think you know that I have had abundant opportunities to marry. ! have boon bridemald a score of times. I ask myself with which one of the beautiful girls that I have seen take the marriace vow would I exchange to-day ) Not * one. Some are living apart from their hus bands ; some are divorced ; some are the wives of drunken men ; some uro hanging upon the ragged edge of society , endeavoring to keep up appearances ; some are toiling to support and educate their children , and these are the least miserable ; some tread the narrow line beyond the boundary of which lies the mysterious land , and some have gone out Into Its darkness and unknown horrors , and some are dead. A few there are who are loved and honored wives , moth ers , with happy homes ; but , alasonly a very few. " Something No Foller Can tlnct Out. Carson ( Nev. ) Appeal. Colo's circus wns packed yesterday with women who wanted to see the ' baby monkey. " The monkey moth er sat there with its diminutive off spring in Us arms , holding It just aa a human mother would have done , and nursing it. Anybody knows how a monkey looks , with a dwarfish bent up body and a face like a British tourist ; but a baby monkey is simply the same hideous thing condensed and intcntisificd. Yet in the little , meagre features of the child monkey the women , ns usual , saw more .beauty than Raphael crowded into the feat ures of his Madonna. "Oh , do look. " "Ain't it ? " "How just lovely cun ning. " "Oh , roy ! did you ever see the like ? " "Howl wish it was mine. " "What do they cost ? " "Iant ! it just charming ? " Bight alongside the monkey , in another chage , is a boa constricor , forty feet long , as lithe nnd graceful as could be well imagin ed , with a body whose markings and combination of colors rivaled the tain bow , yet he was voted a"nasty ] thing" by the admirers of the moukey. Who can explain the charm monkeys .exer cise over women ? " Nebraska Republican Platform. 1. The republicans of Nebraska most heartily endorse the profession at princi ples formulated by the national reptiblpoaa convention at Chicago , and pledge their unswerving support to the candidates there orainalcd. 2. AVb affirm the iToctrinefi of national sovereignty in the formulated principles upon which the perpetuity of the nation recta , and. that the principle of home rule as enunciated by the democratic party is but tbe cautious expression of the Calhoun doctrine of Rtnto right's ' 3 revolutionary in its character and destructive of the unity of the nation. 3. We regard the recent seizure of the polls and tlio wholesale robbery of the franchises of- the republican citizens of Al abama , surprising in the magnltndo and effrontery of the crime of all former efforts of the party under the Tweed/plan in New York , and the Mississippi 'plan Jn the south , as .1 fair specimen of democratic method and a forecast of democratic do minion in national affairs that should in cite every honest man and taxpayer in the country to most earnest endeavor to' de feat the party of brigandage and fraud at the polls in November. } . Wo have considered "what Lee nnd Jackson would do'if they were alive , " and havo. determined to employ our best ener gies in preventing the seizure of the nation al government by their living comrades through the frauds of thefeolid south" . 5. We congratulate the people of-the state upon the rapid increase of popnla ; tion and wealth , and upon the good measure - , ure of prosperity , that lias rewarded their labor upon the rapid upbuilding of.our material interests since the success of resumption - sumption nnd the revival of trade. 6. We pledge our support to such legis lation in congress and such measures by state legislatures as maybe necesgarjTto" effect a correction of abuses and prevent extortionate discrimination in charges by railroad corporations. 7. We "most cordially invite the aid anil co-operation in the latest defense of the national'integrity nnd national purse of'all republicans nnd war democrats who have differed with ns on temporary isroes , or have clung to the partyname. Xcsolrcd , That we heartily join in the recommendation made' by General Garfield in his letter of acceptance in urging upon congress , the epcedy"improvement of the Missouri river for barge navigation. LADYL4.WYERS. The female millenlnm appears io be dawjiing. There are women doctors , clerks and jurymen , and soon there will ba women lawyers. Before they Attempt to speak they should use SO- ZODONT to Rive beauty lo' their months , which are destined to com plete theirsucccas as orators. Female lawyers will stick to their clients like SPALDINQ'S GLTJE to wood. If you are troubled with fever and aeue , dumb acne , billions fever. Jaundice , dyspepsia , or tnj disease of ihe liver , blood or stomach , and wish to fret It vrl\ . try the new remedy. Prof. Gull- metis's French lilvcr Pad. Ask yonr druggist for It. and take no other , and if he has not got it send 81 50 in a letter to the French Pad Co. , Toledo , O. , and receive one by return milL A GREAT FRENCH PHIL- OSOHPER once defined a doctor to be "apfrson who pours drags , arnut which he knows little. Into a body concerning which he knows leas , in order to cure diseases of which he kn w no'hlns , " and the empirical , turbirour , useless treatment of piles sine * tbe days rf Uyro- rat * , whcmiTctors buroed the tumors on with red hot Iron , down to the almird wend r-tures and nostrums of modern qutcVs , would sctm to bear testimony to the wisdom ot the Frenchman. Jhe sreat modetn benefactor of tbemodem racelsnowad- milted by every.one tjtje'DrrSihbef.Uhe dis coverer oahInfilllblepilenmclym"Anikesu " This miraculous cure for the most painful ot all diteaaea is rreirded as the scientific .triumph of the Arc , and is prcsnioed and endorsed , by physicians ot all schools. It J tnqt' taken In ternally hut applied as a sucpository.dirscily to th iff acted pirt. HpivEf mstanv Tejief , o0bes | , ' , , . intuument , and ultimata' ? cures piles by its rcedtaUon. "Aiuikegij- 8. Blsbte's Ex tcrnal Pie Remedy , is sold by fl | flnt < ! xa druc its. Price 81.CO per box. Eainple milled free to Al tuflereii on aopllcatlon to P , Ksui * An Honest.Medicine .tree of Charge Of all medicinea advertised to cure affection of the Throat any , Chest or Lungs , we know of none we can rec ommend as highly aa DR. KINO'S NEW DISCOVERT for Consumption. Coughs , Cold > , Asthma , Bronchitis , "Hay Fe ver , Hoarseness , Tickling in the Throat , IOBB of voice , etc. Thla med icine does positively "euro , and that where everything else has foiled. No medicine can show one-half BO many positive and perfimhent curvs as haye already been effected by ihls trulj- , Wonderful remedy. For Asthma and Bronchitis it is specific a perfect , cur- Ihg the very Worst cases in the.ehort- eat time possible. Wo gay by al meana give it a trial. Trial bottles free. Regular alzo $1.00. For sale by 8lly ( ) J. K. ISH , Omaha , Yes musicjiitbipqwerP' r tic widewlde world } A i dw.r t1ut n ep , arid enteahie ( ! , Btit roJsc ( ! iiow has no power on n ; l or I'm very hard of.jiearing. The very beet < ra t jour hearing to get b ii , To effect a ladlcal cure Is to co tea ilruziriat ntthouth any delay ; And Dr. Thomaa Eclectrle Oil procur * . ArnlcA Salve The Best SALVE Ih thb irdria lot Oata , Brilso5 > .Bor s , . Uldols , Salt Uhbuhi , Fever Sorea , Tetter , Ohafap : ed Hands , Chii.bklns , Corns , and all kinda 6 ! Skin Eruptions. Thla Salvo ta BiiarantcbJ to give perfect aatlafac- Ubd in 1)very caao or money re tended : Price 25 cents per box. For sale by 8dly J. K. TSH Omahn. FIFTH WARD RECISTRAriOH. . Notice" is hereby given , that I will sit at the store ot Edward Luc-o , cor ISlh and Chicago Streets , on Monday , Oft. 12th , ISth , Kth , 16th , for till ) purpose ot making out a new list ot the legal voters of the 6thtttrd. . * , , , . , -v . \VAKKFILD , 6a-7t Registrar Fifth Ward , Douglas Co. TEEEE REMEDIES IN ONE , In all disorders mild , acute or chronic Kecpnp the strength nnd keep thobowelsfree ; Give a corrective , laxative and tonic , In one'purc medium that combines the three. SELTZER'APERIENT U that medium gloiious ; ] It tone ? , refreshes , regulates , gtutalna , And o'er dlcaee for thirty years victorious. The world's wcll-fonnilcd confidence retains TARRANT'S EITERVESCEST SELTZSB ArERiiLvr. SOLD BT ALL DRUGGISTS ' OHIOAGOMED10AL COLLEGE The Pioneer In the Graded System , and ALSO In 3 years' course of Instruction adapted by Ameri can Medical College .Association , begins Its next Session Sept. 'VStli. Physiological Laboratory established. ANATOMICAL MATERIAL 1NUN. LIMITED ABUNDANCE. Sca'u numbered , and secured In order of application. Profetsora'Fees , S75 ; Practitioners' Cours through April , Fee , $3U , For Announcement or Information , xddrcgg Drl J. II. HOIilBTER , 70 Monroe St. , Chicago. B22-d3t&wU always Cares and never disap points. The world's great Pain- Reliever for Man and Beast. Cheap , quick and rolio ble. PITCHER'S CASTORLtL is not Narcotic. Children grow fat upon , Mothers like , and Physicians recommend CASTORIA. It regulates the Bowels , cures Wind Colic , allays Fcverislmess , and de stroys "Worms. WEI DE MEYER'S CA TARRH Cnro , a Conntitutional Antidote for this terrible mala dy , Ijy Absorption. The most Important Discovery since Vac cination. Other remedies may relieve Catarrh , this euros at any stage before Consumption vets in. FEVEIl AND ACJDE. Tim accumulated evlilcnce o ( nearly thirty years show that the. Bitters il a certain remedy for malarial ducase , as well as Its surest pre ventive ; that it eradicates dy pepna , conjura tion , liver complaint and nerruusuess , con'itcr- actsatendcncj7tn ( tout , rheumatlim , urinary and uterno disorders , that It Imparti vigor to the feeble , ahd cheoratbe mind while It in vigor- aws the body. RESOLUTION ORDERING SIDE WALKS. Be it resolved by the City Conndl ot the City of Om\hs ; ThU a sidewalk be within , fifteen days from this date ; repaired tn'dlaid to the'present jrnido in said City , in front of and adjoining the follow ing described premises , viz : " Lots 1,8 and 4 , south elJe of Jadtson street , In block 174.6 fett wide. " " " .Such sidewalk to be repaired of 2-Inch pine planks and to be In width as above specified , and the rcap'ectrve'ownef or owners of the above de scribed premises are berebr required to repair the same. ' ' i Passed October 6th , 1880 J.J-.HcCARTNEY , " City Clerk. WROUGHT-1RQK FEHCES. Wire Fencing-and Railing * Speciality. Their beauty , permanence and economy Is dtlly working the extinction of all fendn ; of cheap material. - Elegant In deiicn , IndHtractlble Fenees for lawns. Public O rounds and Ceme- t ryPlitn * Iron Vatcj , L wn Seteg-canopi-d ( and rf iniV'c pitUnn ; Chairs'an-1 ertry description "of Iron and Wire ornamental work ileticncd and minufactured nr E T. BARKUU'd Wire and lrt > n Wnrk , 17 , fd and 31 Woodward Ave , De troit , Jllch. fuad for lUuitnttd t JoCTB and tllt - - * " " ELECTION PBOCLAMATION. On Court House Bonds. At a session of the Bonn ) of Conntr Comnrs- ! "nrs cl the Ccouty of Douglas. In the Stxte ' of Nrbmkl , ho'den on the It in day ot Septem- j bcr. A. D. . IfSO. It was by said oarJ I i Resolved , That the following quest'on be and ! i the simo U he chy submitted as a preposition j ' to the qualified electors ot the Cuunty of Dou- , ' , - To the o' tor of tb County of iJoustM Jn thl Stale of Nebruka ! TheBoarlcf.Cou-ty Conunt slo'ners of sild county hereby submit tuo following proposition : Shall the CfUnty of Douglas , Sti < e Of Nebraska , by its County Commlfsloners is < ue Its coupon bonds in the amount of one hundred and twon- ty.H o thousand dollars for the purpose of a dIn - In ? In the construction , erection and completion and the construction , election and completion Of * wort louse building In ihe city of Omaha , County of Ootlzlaa , In the State of Nebraska , for county purposes and all the purpoica for . . . . , . . . .u u l WII9V. uvb.v.l u ouval wuqv4U and completion of said building , all tna atid- expense df Said building ilottitxceed the eiim of ne hunJrc-1 atid City thofauid dollars , e > Id bonds to be one thoujsnd dollars each ali < i dated January lat , 1SS1 , payable at tne btDca of the county trea.tir'r of uld coanty , and to run Itirenty years , with lolereat at a rate not exceed. 1 n fix (8) ( ) p r cent , per annum , payable semi- . Tbs said bonds shill not be sotit lesa than par. In addltiop to the lerj- | for ordlnaty taxea there 8ballbcleycdand.cni.lected d tat anUually is proTided bj'Uw , fo the payment or the ihtorcst pnsaid bbqUi aalt.oecumsMdlio. and an adal * tlpnal amount , shall bo let led and collected , is provided by-law , sufficient topaytho prinoipal ft such bonds at maturity , and. provided that not more than flfteeri percent , of the principal of laid bonds ehill be levied in auy one ycuir , and provided always that lit no event shall bonds be ( sued to a greater amount than ten per rent , of the assessed valuation of nil tbe taxable proper ty In said county. .Interest shall bo paid on said bonds ontr from and after the dale of tbe sate of old bonds or any part' thereof and tbe rcceip ; of the money therefor. , . . . The said bonds shall be redeemable at the op tion of thb Board of County Commissioners of cild county at iho expiration of ten years front the date of said bpndsl Woik on said court house shall ba commenced Immcdlttely after tbe adoption of said pnpcs - tion , if adopted , and sild bulWInp to be com pleted on or before January 1 , 1882. No levy shall bo made to pay any part of the principal of i > Id bonds until after the expiration of ten years from the date of eild bonds. The form la which the above proposition shall bo submitted shall ba by ballot- upon which ballot shall bo printed or written or part ly printed tir wtltted thb wohld : "For Court House .Bottdt" di"Against Cdntt Holifle Bonds , " and all ballota cart havlnr thereon the words "For Couft UousU Bonds" Bliall be deem * ea and taken to be In favor of raid nroposltloo , and all ballots cast having thereon the words "Against Court House Bonds ' shall bo deeiried and taken to bo against fold proposi tion , and If two-thirds of the votcg cast at the election hereinafter provided In this behalf bo In favor of the above proposition , It shall be deemed nnd taken to be carried. The said proposition shall bo voted upon at the general election to bo held lu the County ot Douglas. 8tae nf Nebraska , on the 3d daynf November , A. D. Ib80 , at the foil owing named places : Omaha Precinct No. one (1) ( ) Turner Hall. Omaha Precinct No. two (2) ( ) No. 8 engine house. Sixteenth fit. Omaha Precinct No. three ( J ) Carpenterahop , 10th St. , 2 doors south ofenglnehonnoIotNo.2. Omaha Precinct No. four (1J ( Sheriffs office , court house. Omaha Precinct No. five (5) ( ) Ed. Lceder'g house , southeast comer IZtb and Chicago Sts. Omaha PrccInctNo.sU(6) ( ) No. 1 cnginehoutc , 20th and Izird gtrpoto. Saratoga Precinct School house , near Orun- nlcs. nlcs.Florencn Precinct Florence Hotel. Union Precinct Irvlngton Kbool house. Jefferson Precinct School huuio In District No. 4 . Elkhorn Precinct Elkhom school house. Platte Valley Precinct School hoaao at Waterloo. Chicago Proclnt School house at Elkhurn Station. lliltard Precinct Mlllird school liongi. McCardlo Precinct McCardle school house. Douglaa Precinct House of J. C. Wilcox. West Omaha Precinct School house in Dis trict No. 48. And which election will bo opened at 8 o'c'ock In the morning and will continue open until 6 o'clock In the afternoon of the same day. F. W CORLISB , ( Seal ) B. P. KSIOIIT , I BUD. DlRXEL , County Commissioner ? , JOJIN R. MANCHESTER. Coanty Clerk. _ Bli-SOt Machine Works , J , Hammond , Prop , & Manager , The mo < t thorough appotnto I and complete Machine Shops and Foundry in the ttatc. Castings of every description manufactcd. Engines , Pumps and eve-y class of machinery made to order. Special attention given to Well Augurs , Pulleys , Dangers , SnnftinKBridge IronsGcer Catting , etc. Plansfornow HachlneryHcachanIcaI Draught ing , Models , etc. , neatlv exocuted. gSBHarney St. . BetL 14th and 16tb. ATTENTION , BUILDERS AND CON TRACTORS. The owner .of the celebrated Kaolin Banks , near LOtJISVTLT K , NEB. , hns now ready at the depot at Louisville , on the B. & M. railroad , 1T3EI X3XCX to Ell any order nt reasonable prices. 1'ar- ties desiring a white front or ornamental brick will do well to giro UB a call or send for B.imple. J. T. A. IIOOYEK , Prop , , Tjnr ! < lUn. Neb THE COLORADO BUSINESS COLLEGE * Thislnstitntlonlocated at Denver , Colowdo , ( the Educational and Commercial center of the TVest"ls pro-eminently the beat and moat practl caloflUldndJortho MERCANTILE TRAINING OF Young Men and Ladies. Q. W. FOSTER , President , D. W. CADY , Secretary. The most extensive , thorough and complete njtltntlon of the kind in tbe world. Thousands of accountants and.Bualneaa men , In the prin cipal cities and towns of the United Etatea , owe their success to our courio of training. The Kieht Kind of Education for Yonng Men and Ladies. Fine , new brick block , at Junction of three street car line * . ' Elegantly fitted and furnliheil apartments for the application of and carrying out of our novel and svBtematlc methods of BUSINESS TRAITOR. Young men who cdntempUte a bujlncsn life , and parents having sons to educate , are particu larly requested to lend for otir new Circular , which will give full Information as to terms , condition of entrance , etc. Address G ; W. POSTEB , President , gep6-Sm Denver , Colorado. L A new and hitlietto unknown remedy for all dbcasea of the Kidneys , Bladder , ana Urinary Omna. . ! Ti 7 . It will positivelr cure-Diabetes , Gravel , Drop sy , Brizht's Dlseas * , Inability to retain or expell the UrineCatarrh : of he CUdfer , hl h colored and. leantw- urine , Painful tJrlnattnjr , LAMK BACK , Ucnersl Weakness , and all Female Com- platnts. . . , ' . . . - It avoids Internal me Iene , iI4 certain In It effects and cures when nothing else can. For al8 by all Druirjrists or'tent by null fre upon receipt of the price ! J2.CO. DAY < I ! ? * W MD CO * ? PROP'RS , Toledo , O , t TOOT ftddruB ( or oar little book , Bow s was Sarad. " CO EAST - m THE CIricji o & Northwestern 2,380 MILES OF ROAD 1 It la the SHORT , SURE and Safe Rent fietwogn COUNCIL BLUFFS AHB GHIGAGO.MILWAUKEE and ! I pouts EAST and HOBTH. IT OFFERS THS TRAVELTNQ FUBUO' GKKATER FACILITIES AND WORK ADVANTAGES THAN ANT OTHER ROAD IN THE WEST. It Is the ONLY ROAD between COUNCIL BLUFFS and CHICAGO Ppon which Is ran PULLMAIf HOTEL OAES ! In addition to tlieMand to please all clasoec of travelers. It sire * nRST-OLASS MEALS at Us EATING STATIONS at BO centa each. ITS TRACK IS STEEL RAILS I ITS COACHES ARS THE FIHESTI , . . . , , „ „ ns EQUIPMENT FIRST CLASS If ron nlsh th Bc t Travplhi ? AccocmoJa- . _ lions jou nlll bar yotir ticket br thb Bonte OfAND WILLTAKE NONEOTH EH. All Ticket ArenU can sell vott Thronzh Tickets via this road and Cfu > ck osnal tag- gage JTrce of Charga OlfAHA TICKET OFFICES 1211 f amham St. , Cor. Kth , and at Union Fadflc Depot. DENVER OFFICE In Colondo Central and Union Pacific Ticket Offlco. SAN FRANCISCO OFTICE 2 Naw Montgom ery Street. For Information , folders , tctpfl , etc. , not ob tainable at Home Ticket Office , address any a gut of the Company , or MARVIN HUCHITT , ff. STEHNITT , Gent Xanazar. Oenl Fan. Ajent , CHICAGO , ILL. JAMES T. CLARK , Oen'l Agt Onuha ft Council Bluffs. THROUGH TO CHICAGO Without Change of Cars I CHICAGO BURLINGTON & ( JUINCY 3 = a A TT.T = ? .CA -n , With Smooth and Perfect Track , Elegant Pas senger Coachc * , and PULLMANSLEEPINC&iDININC CARS It II acknowledged br the Pro : * , aail all wkff- travel urer it , w bo the Best Appointed'and Beat Managed Road In the Country. FASSENGERS GOING BAST Should bear In mind that this Ia the BEST ROUTE TO CHICAGO , And Points East , North and Northwest. Passengers by this Route have choice of FOUR DIFFERENT ROUTES , And the Advantage of Six Dally Lines ot PaLico Sleeping Can from Chicago to New York City Without Change. . All Express Trains on this line are equipped with the Wc8tlnliou3o Patent Air Brakes and Miller * ! ) Patent Safety Platform and Couplers , the most Perfect Pro tection Against Acci dents tn the world. PULLMAN PALACE SLEEPING AND DINING CARS Ararunonth Burlington Route. Information concerning Routes , Rates , lime Connectionetc. . , will be cheerfully given by applying at the ofEce of the Burlington Route , i31'ourteentn Street , Omaha , Nebnmka. C. E. PERKINS. IX W. HITCHCOCK. Oen'l llnna er. Gen. Wcit'n Pass. Asr't. J.O.PHILLIPPI. St.JHllo. General Agent , Omaha. jtj > U. P. DUEL , * opfi-dl Ticket Agent Omaha. SIOUX CIT & PACIFIC AND St. Paul & Sioux City RAILROADS. The Old Reliable Sioux City Route I 100 MILES SHORTEST ROUTE ! FromCOMOILBLUFFSto ST. 'PAUL , MINNEAPOLIS DDLUTH , or BISMARCK , And all points In Northern Iowa , Minnesota and Dakota. This line Is equipped with the Im proved Wefltlniihoaso Automatic Air Brakes and Miller Platform Coupler andiBnfler. And for SPEED , SAFETY AND COMFORT launiurpaeaed. Elejrant Drawing Boom and 3Iccplnr Carg.owned and controlled by the com pany , run Throuzh Without Change between union Pacific Transfer Depot , Council Blnffe , and St. Paul. Trains Icavo the Union Pacific Transfer Depot at Council Bluffa , nt 6:15 p m. , reaching Sioux City at 10:20 p. m. , and St. Pan ! at 11:05 a. m , making TEN HOURS IN ADVAHCB OT AH ? OTHER ROUTB. Ketnrnin ? , leave St. Paul at 3:30 : p. m. , ar- rhl.ic at Sioux City at 4:15 : a , m. , and Union Pacific Transfer Depot , Council Bluffs , at 9:50 : a. m. Be euro that your ticket * read via "S. C. * P. IUB. " F.C. HILLS , Superintendent , Mlmourl Valley , Iowa. P. E. ROBINSON , Ana't Oenl Pass. Ajont. J. H. OBRTAN , Southwestern Freight and Panenzer Appnt. rnyZOtf Council Bluffs SHORT LINE 18SO. K.C..ST.JOE&G.B.R.R. , la the only Direct Line to ST. LOUIS AND THE EAST From OMAHA and the WEST. Ho change of cars between Omaha and Et. Lento and but one between Omaha and New Tork. SEX DAILY PASSENGER TRAINS RIACHIKO All , Eastern & Western Cities With lesa charjfea and In advance o ! other lines. Ihla entire line la equipped with Pullman1 * Palace SIceplajr Cara , Palace Day Coach- M.HUIer'a Safety Platform and Coupler and the celebrated Wertlnsrhonse Air-Brake. W8EK THAT TOOK TICKKT BEADS ? TU Kansas City , St. Joaeph andTa 0 > ConncllBInff3K.R. Ilcketa for sale at all coupon stations In the weat. J. T. BARNARD , A. C. DAWE3 , Genl Supt. , Oenl Paw. & Ticket Ae't St. Jo ephMo Bt. Joaeph , Ko. W. C. SEACHRIST , Ticket Azen. , 2Ii Fifteenth Street , between Famhan and DonelM , Union Block , Omaha. JOS. TEHON , A. B. BA RNARD , Paag. Agent. Omaha. Oen'rl Aeent , Om ha CHICAGO SHOT TOWER GO. Manufacturers of STANDARD SHOT \jttitTimnmilmfftitmitmmTv' BKSCRETOCUYIT ; THE : BEST m MARKET. E. W , IILA1 IIFOKI > & CO. Manufacturers o ( Lead PlpePheetand Bar Lead , Block Tin. Pipe ana Soldtr , Linseed Oil and Oil Cake. ORDERS SOLICITED. 70 NORTH CLINTON ST. . CHICAGO .sep29 odtf DR. A. S. PENDERY , CONSULTING-PHYSICIAN UA3 PERMAHKNTLY LOCATED HIS JOED. ICAL OFFICE , 193 Tenth Street , - ObfAIIA , NEBRASKA Offering his services In all departments o medicine and surgery , both In zencial au tpecUI practice , acnta and chronic disease * . Ca be couuited nljht snd diy , and will visits , ' part ol tas city and cooaty on rcwipt of I tUa APPETIZER SURE CUR For COUG-HS , COLDS , BRONCHITIS , ASTHMA , CONSUMP TION , and nil Diseases of the THROAT and LUNGS. 'he rncst acctt tiMe rr t > f t.i | > In the known world. Bynddlng toTOLU ROCK and RTE a Ittto i O. you l ve..n oxollent Appetizer and Tonic , for aen ral and family u'e. The l errariiiif Mls -.ml thennmcroua tv8ilmunUl7rec ivcd dally arj the tet evidenct * rma rr. Put up in Quart Size Bottles , giving More for the money than ony article in the market. fiMlTIflM neXT r'E DECEIVED by nnprlnclpM dealers who try to palm off upon t l " , i.IU1 ' eun > mnn Koek'anJ Rvoln placocf onrTOI.U ROCK and RYE. hlch Islbe only MiJJICATi.l > article ntule , ti ! GENUINE having a GOVERNMENT STAJ1P on each bolt1 * . Extract from Report of the Commissioner of Internal Revenue : TREASURY DEPARTMENT. OFFICE OF INTERNAL RKVBSU ) WiaBiaoios , 1) . C. , Jinuary 28,1880. ) Messrs. LAWRENCE * 1IAKTIN , 1111 Madison St. , Chicago , ins. : GS.TTLHUS.I : Thl compound. In the opinion of this office , would have a sufficient quant It r i tbe BALSAM OF TOLU to sU It all the advantages ascribed to this article in pectoral complaint * , whllo the whisky and the ijrup constitute an emulsion rendering It an aireeable rcmwly to th patient. Compounded acojMlns to the formula. It may properly bvclasted as a MEDICINAL PREPARATION under the prmMona of U. S.KxTUed Statutes , and nh n noiUropwJ , rciy . sold by Dfu < el9t9 , Apothecaries and Other Persona without rendering them liable to pay special tax as liquor dealers Tours Respectfully , ( Signed ) GREEN. B. RAUM.'CommlSBloner LAWRENCE & MARTIN. Proprietors , Chicago , Ills. Sold by DRUGGISTS , GEOGEES and DEALERS everywhere WHO IS UNACCUAINTED WITH THE CHOCRAPHV Of fHIS COUNTRY. SEE BY EXAMINING THIS MAP. THAT THE CHICAGO , ROCK ISLAND & PACIFIC R. R. IS THE ( MEAT CONNECTING LINK UET1YEEN THE EAST & THE ItK malu line mna from Cblcasn XHnina CUT * fo intbpa lne thrnnch .loilot , ottr. n. LaS-tllc. Brent fpHtaro ot cur I'nlace Cars Is a > 8Ml > i Uone co. llollnu. Uncle Island. Davenport. V.'CKt HAI.UUN hereyoii can enjoy jonr Mbertr , I own Cttr.Marenco. Urouklrn. ( Irlnnc ! ) . at nil honranf the dnr. DCS Molnes ( the capital nf Iowa ) . Stuart , Atl.v.j- , 'MsL'iilllcrnHri'ii llrlduo * npnn the M tic. and Avocit ; with brani'hra from Hurenu niiit Mltixoiirl rlvera nt nil pnintfl crossctt rr Junction to Pwrla ; Wilton Junction toMui-ca- line , nntl tranvfera are nrolded nt Connct. tlr.o , WnshlnrK-D. Kairtlcld. Eldon , Uclknnp , Knnsns fllr. Lonvonworth , and Atchir ! Controvlllc , I'rinocton.'lTenton. ( Jnllntln. t'nmv- nrctlnna bplncmado tn Union Depot * . rnn. Leavenworth. .Mention , anil Kaanns CUT : TIIK PHINCIPAI. 1C It. Cor/NKU1l'I' \VaahlnEton to i-lpmrneT.OskaliMj.'a. aii'l Knox- THIS UllKAT TUUOUU11 1.1MK vlllo : KcoSiit to Karalnnton. ISonapnrto , llcn- FOLLOWS : tonsnort. Independpnt. Rldon , Ottumwn. Eilcljr- At CniCAiK ) . with nil dtvcriilct line * f"i vlltp.Oskalonfta. l'eln.Monmo. ! nnd UesMoinex : East nnd South. N'nnton toMnnroe : DcaMoinvs to Inillanolaand At KNGLEWOOU , with the L. 8. A. M.S. Wlnteroet : Atlantic to Lewis amlAmtubon ; and * 'tW.AU.IC.IMH. . A' oca tn llarlan. This Is posltlTolf the only AtWAflniNOTOM HlIOUTS. With IV U Railroad , which owns , and operates a through L. U. IL line from Chicago Into the State of Kan s- Atl.ASAiLr.i.t. i tll.Cc.nt.tt. It. . Through Express PitusenKer Trains , witn i > nll- At Prom A. with I' . t . &J. : l li.AK. . * < J man Palace Curs attached.are run each war dallr W. : 111. Mid. : nnd T.I * . * W. UiK between CHICAGO nnd PKOULA. KA.VHAH Crrv. At IUKK IBI.ANU. wltli " .Milwaukee , w COUNCIL BLnrrs. LSAVINWORTII an < ATCIII- Island a Jort I.lnu. " nnd Kork lufd .t feAt - % SON. TtirnaEhcan arealao rnn tietwccn Mi ! rnu > At DAVKNFinrr. with tlio l > uTont irt eo itml Kansan ( Mtr. la the "Milwaukee and C. M. .V St. 1 > . It. U. Rock Ulsnrt 8h - * . Line. " \VKSTI.IHEKTr.wllhthl-IUr.K. . A . ! . . Tno "QroatV > ock Island In mnenlficcntlr AtllKINNKU , Tlth rciilnil IdWiiK.ll. equipped. Ita rnad bed N slraplr vn Jet , anil Ita A t DEM MOI.N.H. with I ) M. .t K. D It. U track la laid with eteel rails. AtCotrNCII. HM'rKH. with Union I'rfciM * - S. Whntwill please jou moxt will tra the plmsur * ! At OMAHA , with It. .X fftii. U. U. It. In i VU nf cnlcijlna your mcnls. while pncslnu over the AtcoMiMiiua juNrrto.v.wfth ii.c. ic. . * s > beantlfalpralrle.i ot llllnolannd lown. Inoneof At OlTUMW.t. wltu 'Vntrnl Iowa H. K * . pur magnificent Dlnlnc Cars that nccompnnjr nil St. U A I'no , and ' . H. A V.It. IttK Throucli Kxprcxs 1'ralns. You Eel nn rntlra At KinmTK. win Tin 1'i-u. AVsr. . ; n * * mnal. as Rood na la served In anr llrst-cliisn hotel. Lours A Pac. nn < ! St. l . Kco..t N.-W. II tiVC lornaventj-tlTo ceuta. AtCAJIKIHW. wltllll.SL.1 ll.lt. Appreciating the fact that n majority or the At ATrnisoN. with Alrh..Tnpc ix At 1V > > < Denpraprefer sppnrato apartment * fnritllTurcnt Alch. A Neb. and LVn. lir. U. I" . IL I Uls. purposes ( and the Immense pusvcniier business At I.KAVENWOUTH , with Kan. Pao. rWH * * + of this line warranting It ) , we ar pleased toan- Cent. ItlUls. . nounrf that thin C < impiin > runs lullmun 1'iiLict AIKANSAI Crrr.wllh all line * Tor tot / Cart forBleevinc purposes , and 1'ilact and Uouthweat. pirr.i.nfAN IA.ACK CAICH nn. run tiirounh to i-Koici/t. nr.tt taittif' CUI'NCXL > 1I1.IIKF8. K.AIV.SAM CITY. A TU1IIMON. nn.l 1.EA VENWOKTJU. Ticket * TU thl Ilnc , known nt the "Orrat Ilocb Jilund JCoulc , " are nik - i nil Ticket ARcnt * In the United Nlnteo imd CunadR. For Information not abtulnaula ut your hocna ticket office , addrt > . A. idivrBArjU. K. sa * . aouiv. Uen'l eupcrlntenaent. Uenl Tkt. saa 1'ats'iir nn. GHAS. SHIVERIGK. FURNITURE , BEDDING , FEATHERS VV - And Everything pertaining to the Furniture and Dpholstory Trade , A COMPLETE ASSORTMENT OF HEW GOODS AT THE . J33JL J. V Jbl JbC3C O33C 1 08 .md 1 10 Farnliain Street. Improved Buckeye Combined Riding Corn Cultivator IE1 O IR ± 880. s . BY P. MAST SPR1NGFIELD.O MANUFACTURED . P. & CO. , . They also make Buckeye Improved Iron Item Walking Cultivator , with or without Sprincs. TIicNew Force Feed Buckeye Drill , one or two Horse Stylcv Enquire lor them at the boat dealers. F. H. PUGE , Gen. Agent , Omaha , Neb To Nervous Sufferers The Great European Eemedy Dr. J. B. Simpson's Specific Medicine. Ills apositlvecureforSpermatorrhea , Seminal weakn ; Impotency , and ail diseura rcnultln ? frora'Sell-Abuw , M Mental Anxiety In * nt Henvirr. P in I the Biclror RMw. and diret c Itroui , Arrta. ' .hat lev ! tn ConMiniptiii Ingnhl'y anil Tli vrlt'i won-Jer- ful aucceea. Pamphlets eeut Iree to all. Write { or them atJ get full particular * Price SoerlBr Jl.Mporpacbigre.orslx packS - S Iort5.00. A > Mreni all orders to J.B SllirSd.1 * MEDICINE CO. . Jfon-lOtaba 106 Maln8t.BnlIaWrI.T. Sold li CmihA by C. f. Goonm in , J. W. B Ilf J. K lih andaHdrnzjlsueveiyirher * . a week la your ova town , 'ternujia J outflt ( m , MAtVt H , . JWIW 4CO , oatfltk. . J12a'd NERVOUS DEBILITY trail n ana 1 ly No28. . remedy known. Price it per lJ nr \laln ami lirsn vlil of nowiler for j.iwitprjU. fren on receipt of price. HUMPIIREV UOMEO. MED. CO , < 09 Fnlton iit./Htw nlk. Illust. Cat.t < : n of Rcctlpt' ( TIC in ( Tinnperrfay athooi * . Sample * w > t H > 3 ID PZU < 5 free. A < ldr H Stlason & O > , , MECHANICAL. AKD MININO r . C1TII . at tbe Rtnwclaer Polyt l.i ! c instltate. Troy. N. Y Tlio olileit school In Ameria. Nest term beyipa Seplin- > her 16th. The Register for 1330 contains * of the graduate * for the rut 54 years , witn-.l- pcsi'.lcna ; aiw , our e of sUMr , rennlremei te ' Dlrsctv.