Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 03, 1880, Morning Edition, Image 4

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Morniog. October 4.
Patcrson sel'scoal-
There's millioi 8 in it. "
Fine perfumes at S-xe's.
I See PoIack'B advertisement.
"Rathbun has eight school"
Creamery Butter at Buffetl's.
-Por the teeth , Kuhn's DentriGce.
-Butterick's patterns ftt CruicbhankV.
-Poiter i running tlie Omaha ferry.
-Read catalogue of Books on first paje.
next ,
on Monday
- County Cocrt opens
la-ported nc.1 Key West cigars , at
-The mills of justice begin their grind.
ins to-day.
Sixty-three can of stock | came in
Irom the went Yesterday.
A neve fire alarm bor has been put in
attheB. i M. dep-t. lower ICth street.
i2 o. 26.
-Jay IW T Hoinpty-Dumpty troupe at
the Academy of Music to-night and to-
ruorrow nigit.
-The policemen's ball Oct. 27th will 1 *
a fins affair. 1 ickets therefor are now en
sale at Mai Meyer's.
The executive committee of tha Garfielo
and Arthur club w ill hold a business mect-
n-a'vthe law office of John L. Webster
Ibis evening.
A carload of Texas cows re
ceived yesterday at the Omaha slock yards
and sold at 82.CO. jour care of fat sheep
were received , and two carloads sold at
53.50 per 100 pounds.
Soidenberg & Co.'s Key West cigars ,
a , Saxc's.
"New cloths juht received at C. J. Ca-
au & Go's.
The opcninj ball of the Standard club
ta C3 place next Wednesday e\ening.
Two plain drunks in police cou.t this
morning went to jail in default of 83 and
co .its.
The be t of meat * at Bath & White'b
market , opposite the postoflicc. 9-tf
Creamery Butter at BuflTelt'ft.
The court room has been renovated
reparalory to the opening of the district
cjurt today.
At the auction sale of pews in the
Prjabyterian ihurch , Friday night.lwcntj1'
tw j pews w ere sold.
General orderc , No. S , promulgated at
tha State University Friday , apjioints
First LieuL Clem C. Chase , of company
A , adjutant.
The Industrial school of Trinity cath-
3ral on Cass street , will bo from th8 out
at 3 p. m. , inblead of 9:30a/m. on Satur
Creamery Butter at Buffell'a.
- The colored man , Turnurn , charged
with cutting the white woman night before
last , was held to bail in the sum of SMO ,
an ! sent to jail to await the nctiouof the
grand jury.
Among 200 hundred applicants for a- !
intaion to the natal cchool , at Annapolis ,
one Nebraska boy , C. M. Kncpper , of Lin
coln * pa god. He stood seventeenth in the
clamof 25who pasbod.
A double team carelessly driven through
the crowd on Fourteenth ttrcet , Friday ,
tin over a small boy git in ? him a pretty
Revere turning over. Fortunately the horses
were quiet and the little fellow was rescued
with only a few braises about the head.
It is reported , Uiat young C. W. Alex
ander , who o mysterious dixappearai.ce
fr ira Swan , Towa , ga vo rise -suspicions caof
foul play , has been heard from safe and
alive. Weliope , for his lather's sake , thst
it is true , for when the latter was in this
city looking after 1m son , he was all broke
up and a perfect p'cture of despair.
TheYankton Pn-ee : "A large portion
"of the freight for the Black Hills comes
from St. Louis and Omaha and is shipped
via Sioux City , Yank'rn and Running
Water. Next Reason Sioux City will lose I
all itt , boating I trdnes3 and "Yankton w ill
jjainmuch that it has bcendepiived of this
* *
A CAni ) Hating engaged at my Six
teenth store , Mr. W. S.Ryer , a graduated
and thorough Pharmaceutist of long exper
ience , I am better prepared than ever , Brat
this iraint , to serve my customers with < >
curacy and dispatch. Prescriptions a spe
cialty , f l-3t ] f. A. ROEUEH ,
If anybodysskn you who took the first
yremium nl tha state fair on millinery
uods , of course your answer will be the
vcinoidedycd leading millinery establishment
ATKINSON'S , corner of Douglas and
13th streets , Good goods , fine work and
low prices , speak for themselves. tf
Lemieux'g select sociable , Twelfthatd
Tarnham streets , every Saturday evening.
Dancing iu the evening from S to 12 ngm. .
Jlosic by Prof. lloHman'8 Orchrestra.
\dmbj3ion-Gents , fifty cents ; ladies res-
peclfullj-invited. Positively none but the
jronteeland rcfiued admitted. Frank B.
J-emienx , inannger.
The Ninth Infantry Band came down
about noon Saturday to lake the train for
Waterloo , where a democratic rally gio
bo hel.1 , but receiving a dispatch that the
rail/ had brcn postponed on account of
the storm , they rode back again. Iheir
experience reads v ery much like that of
Kia George , who with twenty thousand
men marched up the hill , and then
uiarchol down again.
Two delach'menta of recruiU from
David's Island.artived in Omaha Saturday i ,
aud left for the'west on a Epccial train
running ahead of the regular mail train.
The farst detachment of fifty-two men
was in charge of Col. Kent , of the Third
17. S. Infanlry , nnd is assigned to Helena
Montana ; the second of forty men for San
Francisco , was in charge of Capt. Ames.
Surgeon Jaquctto accompanied the party
of Capt. Amos ,
Mr. and Mrs. M. D. Roche , were
among the passengers who came in from
tbe east yesterday. The lady was former
ly known as Mixs 'Adelia Moraa. and 1 is
just returning from a trip to Ireland .in
CJinpany with her cousin , Mr. Chas. Mc
Donald of this city , from which all the
1 rties haiL At Chicago on Wednesday
last she was made Mrs. Roche , by Rev.
Father Raircon , chancellor of the 3ircoc.
Mi E Lizzie McCartney and Mr. Charles
McDonald were- the attendants. Mr.
Roche is the -well known and popular rep-
re entativeoLJ. S. Cau'field.
The entertainment at the Academy of
Muctc Saturday evening , in which John
T. Raymond appeared as Colonel Mnl-
b-rry Sellers , in the dramatiz version of
Mark Twaini - < * > lcbral < ? d "Gilded Age , "
was enjoyed by one of the largest and
most eelect andirncj of the season. Uot-
v itliBtandintf the play wa slighted and
cutshort in several portions , it was heart-
ly asplandeo aud those
present went
more than atisEed with the eoloneL The
support was good throughout , and Miss
McCIcllan a . * *
was sev
eraltimes appJauded for ner fine acting.
For Bent. Suit of rooms for
housekeeping lo gentleman and wife.
Apply , S.V. corner 20th end Cass ,
nr to W. J.Wcl8han , City Mills.
- "
29 * .
A Wealthy Merchant of
Missouri River City Dis
is Tracked by Friends to
this City.
Fears of Foul Play.
The number of sudden disappear-
anccs that have been reported of late ia
startling'and they generally are of that
character of mitforluno which , /rom
the very myalerywhich envelopes
he case , makes it tha harder for
friends to bear. Occasionally the
missing person turns out to have
cither fled the country and his f rienda ,
or to be playing a hoax on them as is
reported to be the case in the affair
reported a few days ago , of young
The last instance , however , is
not likely to prtve this kind of
case. A gentleman who arrived in
the city on Tuesday , and with.whcm
mr reporter had a conversation , came
to Omaha from one of tbo larger Mistho
nonri river towns , in eeirch of the
mits'ing senior member of a well-
known and wealthy firm of mcr-
cbants , whoso etandlng financially
wa ? solid , and whose business integri
ty was never BO much as questioned.
The missing man left home nearly
tire weeks ago , with about § 800 in ,
caah on his person , to travel through
lows , Nebraska , and perhaps s f r
west as Denver , in the interests
of the house. His family , con
sisting of a wife and several chil
dren , were absent in the east on a visit
it- and the first thing to arouno suspi
cion and alarm as to his rafety , was a
telegram of inquiry from them , as to
the w hereabouts of the man. All lei
tors and telegrams directed to him
along his contemplated line of
travel , elicited no response ,
and at length an officer
of shrewdness and ability wss
detailed and well paid to follow the
missing father , and if possible to
iearn what had become of him. Ho
was tracked to Council Bluffs and
thence to this city , where ho was seen
by a colored man named GreenVho
works on 33th street near
Douglas , about two weeks ago.
This man describes him exact
ly even to marks on the hand ,
which ordinary peraons would not no
tice. While here tLe officer received
a telegram Irom home to go and ex-
aoriiie the suit ot clothes found by the
head rcan of the London meat market ,
which he did , but * e believe without
any definite result .is the clothes have
been identified r.nd taken away b-
fore this. The officer was
still in the city this morning. lie
said to n reporter of THE BEK that
the roan's domratic end business rela
tions wore of the most pleasant char
acter , and that there was no motive
whatever to induce him to abscond.
He was nearly sixty yeaTs-of age. His
family are In the greatest
nnd the officer informs us
that ho has no doubt
whatever that there lito been foul
play in the csse. This is the first pub
licity that has been given to the mat
ter , and wo suppress names both 1in
the interests ot justice and out of ine
sppcl for the feehncs of the family.
Mark this down. Good Templar
Social October 12 , at Masonic hall
"Heap biz time. "
OMAUA , NEB. , October 1,18SO.
Sealed proposals will be received by
the undersigned , at his office , until 12
o'clock ( noon ) of the IS'h day of Octo
ber , A. D. 1880 , for the purchase of
sixty-six thousand one hundred dollars j
of the bonds oE the city of Omaha , de |
scribed as follows ;
One hundred Aud twenty bonds of
five hundred dollars each , and sixty-
one bonds of one hundred dollars bach ,
all dated NoVcmWr 1st , 1880 , and
bjaring interest at the rate of sex-en
per cent per annum , interest payable
BO ni-aunually at the Chemical fa -
tie al Bank , In the city of New rt ,
an the bonds redeemable on the first
da of November , 1900 , at the same
ba k.
I3lds should state the amount of
bonds bid upon , and state the amount ,
o\vr p\r , that bidders are ready to
pay for the same.
Tha right is reserved to reject any
or all bids. S. G. MALIETTE ,
oct2 dot City Treasurer.
Cm. '
O.MAUA , Oct. 1st , 1880.
of the City of Omaha , Nebraska , issued
sued Novembar 1st , 1872 , are hereby
notified , that the city of Omaha will
py * a bonds , principal and interest ,
at the Chemical National Bank , city
of New York , on the 1st day of Nov
ember 18SO , sink that upon that "date
all interest upon such bonds will
ceaso. S. G. MALIETTE ,
Treasurer of the City of Omaha.
The festival of Harvest Homo will
be observed at S. Barnabas churcb
to-morrow ,
Infant son of W. E. Rosard , age
14 months. Yesterday at 10 o'clock )
a. m. Funeral
takes -
place to-morr-w
at 2 o'clock p. m. , from residence in
Parker's addition.
State fair in the
shade when
pared with Gcod '
Templar's Social ,
October 12.
The Garland Parlor Steve stands at
the front ; leads any in the market.
Metsrs. Lan ? & Foitick will be pleased
to fihow you all the latest improve
ments , and convince you at once that
there is no better stove in the market.
1221 Parnham street , next to First
National Bank. s33-eod-tf
FRANK HCGHES Communicate at
once by telegraph to Woodruff ; ev
erything is arranged satisfactorily.
Mother wants you at home. P. G. H.
Twenty three cars of atosk carao in
a'ove ' the U. P. Saturdsy.
One thousand teams and five hun
dred men are wanted by the B. & M.
road to work between Nemaha City ,
on the river , and Tecumseh , on the
A. &N. division.
Iron and ties for the new Julesburg
extension of the U. P. are being for-
warded at the rate of twenty-five to
fifty cars per day.
Gsn. Bishop , manager of the St.
Paul and a Sionx City road , said to a
reporter yesterday that the exton-
tion ] of his road would 60 open for
business to-day between Sioux Falls
and ( ; Hartford , a distance of fomteon
miles. It is the purpose of the com
pany , the general said , to complete
forty miles of the road west of Sioux
Falls this season.
The iron for which the south end of
the Omaha line has been waiting , is
all at Chicago or between that city
and Missouri. [ Sioux City Journal.
The voice of The Council Bluffs
Globe is still for war , as will be seen
by tbo following : "Council Bluffs is
t he naturp t of connection for all
the railroads of the northwest , and
if the Wabash line attempts to change
this condition of afialrs the result will
be a gigantic war with all the compet
ing companies. "
left for New York
Dean Millspaugh em iui i o j.vm.
Mr. Isaac C-e , returned from the west
Saturday evening.
Bishop Wylie , of the M. E. chuich
passed east Saturday evening.
Mrs. G. II. Collins and daughter , Miss
Nettie Collins returned frem FortLaramia
Saturday afternoon.
C. S. Dennis & S jn , gold tmelters of
Newark , New Jersey , and Miss Lottie
Dennis , are in th city , the guests of Sain-
uel Burns.
Mr. Charles McDonald has returned
from Europe where he has been on busin
ess for the last three mouths.
Dr. Groff left [ for Cheyenne fyesterday.
D. A. Griffin has gone to Chicago to en
gage new attractions for th * Academy.
J. T. Clark left for Chicago last
night to resume her musical ftudies.
Mr. Goodly Booker left for St. Louis
last night by the Wabash route.
W. E. Morris left yesterday for New
York city , lobe absent several months.
Charley Dewey is at home again.
Mr. Thos. Alsop of JLaramie , h in the
Judge Lake reUraed home Saturday
frota Lincoln.
Mrs. M. L. Latey , returned from Lead-
vil'.o Saturday eicnin ; .
Dr. G. L. Miller has gone to Indim-
apolis to sec Mr. English.
Conductor SharpRss , of the Mountain
Biv Wou of the U. P. , is in the city.
Lieut. Foote , U. S. A. , came in from the
east Saturday , -uhero has been on a visit.
Bishop Cftr'.kuu left lor New York
Priday night with Bishop Whittaker cf
L. M. Ivhecin , of the American Union ,
has gone lo OUuaiw.l to attend a family
Mr. Geo. T. 11.11 , with JJarkn'.ow Bros. ,
6ns City lo U.-naha.
Grand Sire Harmon , cf S n Francisco ,
returoed from the cast Saturday and
lift for homeo\ the U. P.
H.1I * 1UI IIUUIUU \ er tiJC W * A
Miss 01 Ve Wllla" > /.relative of Supt :
Hibhafd , of tha Western Union Tele
graph Coinpanj 's t ffiire in this city ,
wcbt to Ogden Friday.
Walter B. Lyon , Gmml Secretary of the
Supreme Grand Lodgr. J.O. 0. I1' . , pa&aed
through thi ? city S-tUKlaJ retuniihghome
to San I'raneisco from n liip to the meet
ing of the grand loilge at Toronto.
Rev. Mr. MlUipaugh slarta for New
York this saorning as delegate to the
gsneral convention of the Episcopal
church. Chaplain England , of U. S. A. ,
assists the Canons of the Cathedral and
will preach at Sunday services.
Mrs. M. Oox , Fashionable Dress
Maker , 317 Fifteenth streetj between
Davenport olid
Hamburg Fis 25c a box
UtiiSAl' ilATJiS.
To S' , Louis and return $12.85 , to
Exposition. Tickets on sale from
October 2nd to llth , inclusive rn&t
Omaha and St. Loulr through line
ticket office , 1020 Farnham street.
W. CSoachrist ,
feepSOt Ticket Agent.
Real Estate Transfers.
Wm. F. Heins , Co. Tress , to Mary .
Shillock : t. d. , BO , nw , * p | and sj ,
'J ' of HW.Jof sej and nwj of nwj of
se | , all in scc3 , T. 15 , E. 13 east t
George player { o Joseph Meyer : TT.
Thomas "D..vis and wife to Frodk.
Davis : w. d , , parcel in Sec. 34 , T. 15 ,
R 13 east S300. -
Hans Beckniann. and wife to An-
drewCammonvrzindi7. d. , lota Lnmd
18 , Harbach's addition city of Omaha
B. it M. railroad company to 0. ,
B. & Q. railroad company : deed of
conveyance of all lands , road bed ,
rolling stock , franchises , contracts ,
chfesefl in action , railroads and
branches , equipment thereof , etc. ,
etc. $1.
Meliasia and Sam'l G. Malletto I too
Helena Hammond : w. d. , eA lot 2 -I
block 21 , Omaha § 750.
Chas , P. Birkett and wife to Claus
Sump : w. d. , sw , Sec 32 , B , 15 , ausT.
12 , and nw nwj , Sec. 5 , T. 14 , R. 12
-53,300. 12W.
J. M. Parker et MX. tc Geo. W.
Medlock : vr. d. , lot G , of Forbes' sub-
divison of BW | , Sec. 34 , T. 1C , R , ub13
Julius Trellschke and wlfo to Jacob
David , vr. d. , part sw aw J sec. 22,15.
Ralph E. Gaylord , special master
commissioner , to Joseph B. Westjind
Charles L. Fritscher , s. m. d. , lots 147
15 and 16 , block 5 , Wilcox's addition ,
Omaha $155.
Army Orders.
A beard of survey , to consist of
Major Thaddeus H. StantonU.S. A. ,
Captain Thomas Wilson , commissary
of subsistence , U. S. A. , and First
Lieut , JohnG. Bourke , 3d cavalry ,
A. D. C. , will convene at this rlace on
the 4th day of October , 1880 , at 10 IB.
m. , or as soon thereafter as practica
ble , to fix the responsibility for the ;
loss of certain ordnance stores , for
which First Lieutenant D. Thomas
5th cavalry , A. A. Q. M. , late acting
assistant quartermaster , at Rawlini ,
W. T. , is responsible.
Mis.i',7.v. A case ot ooiwtlpatjon by
usins }
How John T. Eaymond Rose to
Fame and What it Cost
to Get There.
Notwithstanding the Inclement
weather and the fact that there were
forfev' ' counter attractions eUowhere
in the city on Saturday evening , a
largo audience greeted Mr. Raymond
at the Academy of Music to witness
his impersonation of Colonel Sellers ,
in Mark ! Twain's capital satire of "The
Gilded Age. "
John T. Raymond is between forty-
five and fifty years of age , slim in per
son , nervous in temperament , and
with ] a face so thin and terioua that it
has often been selected as a model for
Don Quixote ; yet , that there is plenty
of fun 1 of a somewhat hard , conven
tional type , in Mr. Raymond , the sud
den ihsh that springs into his eyes
and " illuminates his whole face when a
joke , verbal orpractical , Is suggested ,
will ] soon convince tbo observer , and
to day he is one of the most popular
social favorites among American ac
ton Still there is no favored life
into which the gods have not mixed
one drop of bitterness.and Raymond's
career has been cne of "ups and
downs , " the "downs largely predom
inating , " to use his own words. Some
natures thrive host Upon adversity ,
like a donkey upon thistles , but Ray
mond's is a nature that shows best in
the sunshine of success , and the good
fortune that spoils many an actor only
develops and increases his finer quali-
After entering the profession raore-
than a quarter of a century ago , Raymond
mend went to England , with an ambi
tion to distinguish himself as a low
comedian , and appeared iti auch playa
M 'The Octoroon" arid "Our Ameri
can Cousin , " bllt he was outshone by
Actors HkeMathewa and Blake , whose
reputation wore already established ,
and returned home after a season ,
little profited. But his faith in himself -
sell and his future were never shaken
off by the rebuffs of fortune. It la
sail thai when Disraeli requested a
loan from Pad wick , the famous Lon
don broker , and was asVod what se
curity ! ho offered , he replied , "My
ambition and my genius. " Raymofid
would have made the same reply and
would have got the nionoy , too , as
D.sraeli did.
One nightduring a very bad season ,
a brilliant party of Thespians gather
ed in a New York club room and were
lameatingtheir misfortunes. "Iha\e
been upon the sUge for tirenty years , "
iaid one , "and now I nm without a
dollar in the world. " "I can out-match
that , " cried Raymond , "for I have
been on the stage twenty years aud
am $20,000 worse off than you.
.Three years afterwards he paid off
all this money , hunting hia old credi
tors to satisfy their almost fo'gotten
claims wltH the same eagerness that 1
most creditors di-play in hunting
down thtir debtors. These two Bidea
of Raymond's character show the
hold he has upou his personal friends
and the reason frby he continues to
enjoy their friendship.
The importance of obtaining an ap
propriate pjrt In some play which he
could make his own , and in which he
could become n star ) vras imposed
on Mr. Raymond by the success of
many of his professional associates.
He saw Jefferson , Sothorn and John
S. Chrko step from the stock to fame
aud fortune , and a hundred Iee3 r
lights burning with the oil supplied by
a single good nhy , and he never ceas
ed his search for aUcli a specialty.
As "Col. Sellers , " he at kst vindi-
'cated the good opinion of his friends ,
aud identified himself with an origi
nal dramatic creation. By eeeing
R4ymnnd"people now understand aee-
ng"Col.Selleb"ind the1 triumphs
"f hia other characters are forgotten
: n the glorious , good natured and via-
ionary old speculator. If this char-
aater bad been drawn wi h Riymond
as a model it could not have been
uiado more lifo-liko. It' it had been
cut to fit him a ° AH actor it could
not hdve suited him uettbr. Thoailc-
coft of ' Sellers"waa Jmihodiatel
' ' t
Raymond Ka'd boe'a a theaT-bal "Col.
Sellers" foryears before he had a chance
to act the character on the stage , aud
he played it with the case aud finish
of nature.
But "The "
Gilded Age" had one
fault in Raymond's eyts it had to
pay a largo royalty to the nUthbr. No
doubt the play was a lucky bonanza to
Twain as Well as to .Raymond. A
California tJrarihtisl discovered the
adaptability of the novel to the stage ,
aid dramatized it without the author'o
consent. Its brilliant success opened
iip to Mark Twain a vlsio'n of p'rofita.
to secure which he invoked the aid of
the law. Consequently , when Raymond
mend undertook to play the piece ye ,
which Twain had touched up from the
California version , neither actor nor
author quite forgot what had passed.
Twain , smarting from the outrage
of the unauthorized dramatizationex ,
acted very high teraiS. Raymond ,
knowing how little the author had to
do with the construction of the play ,
felt that the terms were exorbitant tt
Raymond played and payed , and both
partioi were dissatisfied with this
agreement. Without vanity neither
author nor actor could exist. The
conceit for which writers and players
are often ridiculed is
really a portion
of their tftlent. _ Without it the au
thor would remain a mute , inglorious
Milton ; the actdr-a Rocius in retire
ment. Twain could not bear to road
that Raymond's acting had made ada
SUCCCES of the
play. Raymond re
sented the commtn remark that
Twain had made him
a successful ac
tor. Finally , to bring about a com
promise , several authors and actors
were called in as arbitrators , with Mr.
E. A. Sothern as the court. The
arbitrators turned the disoutiuta out
of the room while they deliberated ,
and when the litigant * returned all the :
champagne bottles wcr6 empty , the
court of arbitration dissolved , and
could not bs acain convened. Twain
cays that during this time he eat in his
library at Hartford , wilh the only
manuscript of the phy in his hand ,
ready to throw it into the fire in case
there was any further question as tote
the terms of the agreement betnben
himself and Raymond ,
Raymond vent on playing "Sellers'1
but was constantly on the lookout to
find something better to take its place.
He bought many plays , but none sof
them produced a satisfactory result.
Either the parts did not suit him , lit.or
the plays did not suit tha public ; or
the inevitable comparison with "The
Gilded Ago" was fatal to new ven
tures. Last eeison be brought out ,
with tolerable success , "Wolfert's
Roost , " himself " taking the part rt'sof
"Ichabod" Crane , " the Connecticut
schoolmaster. But the fact that he
has again taken the
road this season
with "The Gilded Age , " shows that l
he considers "Wolfert's Roost" too
much of a risk , and that there are tooa
few more millionsstill remaining in
"Col. Seller. "
Just within the pajtfew weeks Mr.
Raymond has purchased from Arthur
Matthison , the pkywright , a new
play called "A Thread of Silk , " and
from Henry Gait , Esq. , another not
yet named , both of whicn he will pro
duce during the coming season.
Why dose . -ourselves with nauseat
ing medicines , when a purely fruit
cathartic will cure you at once aitm
bnrgFigg , Try then , " w'
List of the Nebraska Boys n
Blue , "Who Suffered ia the
Prison Pen.
. Capt. J. S. Wood , A. A. G. , G. A.
R. , Department of Nebraska , has
handed us the appended list of soldiers
diet who are now residents of Ne
braska , who were confined at different
times in the prison pen Bt Anderson-
ville , which is published at the earn
est request of the veterans , generally.
Although it hss appeared before in
connection with the reports of the
Central City reunion , it is still of suf
ficient interest to many of our readers
throughout < the state to bear repeti
tioi The list is a long one and is 83
follows : , .
John S. Wood , Omaha , I , 7th Pa.
Thos. A. Taylor , Grand Island , F ,
8thA Pa. Reserves.
Albert Masterman , LincolnB , 28th
Iowa Inft.
T. W. Fry , Grand Island , F , 1st1
111. Cav.
L. J. Vanhosen , Osceola , I , 7th
Iowa Inft.
WsJ. Perkins , Kearney , M , 1st B ,
I Cav.
H. J. Strong , St. Paul , I , 28th
Iowa Inft.
James Van Skiko , North Loup , H ,
12th Ind. Inft.
Chas. Vanberg , York , B , 6th Mich.
Moses Toot. Burlingamc. I , 08th
Ohio Inft.
a. W. Rogers , FnllertoarB , 12Gth
111. Inft.
.Francis S. Clay , P.lum Creek , G ,
8th N. H. Inft.
Watson B. Smith , Omaha , 1st Maj.
8th Mich. Cav.
M. F. flartly , Aurora , I , 27th 111.
U. A. Hurley , Omaha , M , 8th Ohio
J. D. Fresher , Aurora , G , 22d Wis
B. Connor , Osceola , C , 150th Pa.
Inft. ( Bucktails. )
R. Aldridge , Fairmont , H , llth 111.
J. W. Kingston , Arborvillo , G ,
19ch Mich. Inft.
C. D. Chapman , Central Oily , Bat
tery A , 1st Pa. P. H. V. C. ( Cap
tured from C , 12th P. 11. V. C. )
Chas , Baker , Grand Lhnd , K , 10th
111. Oav.
V. P. Peabody , Nomaha , H , 77'h
C. C. Pemberlon , Farmeraville , C ,
10th Mich. Cav.
A. J. Frantg , ArborVilIe , I , { j J , Md.
Wm. N. Kendall , St. Paul. A , 4th
Peter Weiser , Selby , K , 2d Iowabut
William Foshender , Shelby , K. 2d
Iowa Cav.
Noah Bixtsr , St. Paul , K. CO.h
F. 0. Putnam , Alvin , 1st , Wis. Inft.
G. B. Darlington , Shelby , K , Iowa
IV *
Hiram Randola , Kearney , H , 7
6. E. Brown , Central City , G , 80th
111 , , .
M. V , Hill , Risicn City , E , 2Sth
N. Y. ( Libby , 8 months ) .
D. O. Blodgett , Duncan , G , 96 .
P. R. Ross. Waco , B , 54th 111.
Aaron W. Wort , York , B , 18th Me.
S. J.
George Austin , Waco , G , 3Gth 111.
W. D. Punbrton , Lester , D , 12th
W. Ya : . .
J. A. tiinjr , Chapman , I , 731 Ind.
James Welsh , Waverly , H , 95th
, P. Chircb , Atborville , 12th Iowa.
PaiilVandervbcr Omaha , M , IGth
HI Cat.
Z. H. Falcs , Ord , I , 154th Now
A. A. Lyon , Dauphin , R , 9h Ind.
H. D , Strong , St. Paul , I , 28th
S-imuel R. Denatoo , Harvard , D > , '
1st Mich Oav.
. ) . P. Brouka , Asllmd.T , 35th 6. }
J.N. , Clark , Sf. Paul , B.ltery C ,
III. UiulilAnillery
J. M. lhom.,3 , Waio , G , 1st ID.
Oar.J. . I.d
J. M , Stork , Gage Valley , G , 22d
Chester James , Clarkaville , F , 30th ,
W. W. Mana , Grand Island , ? , 12th
Geo. Leibmirj. Hampton , H , N.
uao. iiauer , Aurora , 1,12th Iowa
Albert Scudder , Chrkaville , C , ' th
111 , Cav.
W. F. Housman , St. Paul. ' 0. ' OGth
b ° ths.
| - 2 1 / .
Jasper Culver , - , O , 1st Wis.
Inft. s.2d
M. A. Safford , Fullerton , F , 22d
N.Y.H. . 2dB
H. B. Goodrick , Central City , B ,
12th Iowa ,
Calvin Whiteman , Fullerton , I ,
G-'d 111.
H. 0. Magoon , Fullerton , , !
Minn. Sharpshooters.
Jas. G. Haner , Exeter , A , 123d
Ohio. 3dP.
J. B. Liyccck. York. , 7th P ,
R. 0. '
L. B. Cunningham , Co. A , 3d Iowa
Cav. Kearney , Buffalo Co. Neb
Capitol Lodge No. 4 holds its
regular meeting this evening , October
4. Matters , of importance to the
members will be considered.
STEPHEN t. jAbksos , Master }
The remains of Royal Kiggins , the
young man wno committed suicide on the
nest bound emigrant train near North
Platte , laat week , were b.ought in irom
the west last evening aad taken to Under'
taker Jacobs'rooms. A IrotheTm-iaw lerPf
the deceased came in from fillmore , Mo. ,
Saturday night and-proceeded to North
Plate yesterday to take charge of hia
effects which are still lh the hands of the
Oorocer. He will return to-moirowafter-
noon when the remains will bo taten ter.on
the same train to his former home at .Fill-
more. This giSnilerrlan does net beh'eVe
thatyo ng R'ggins suicided although the
co oner's jury said that he did. theHe
thinks that it was an accident Wa are
informed , however , that Biggins talked to
some of the pas > ( shgferS o { a trouble that
was on bis mind
and borrowed from one
of them the weap.-n . with which he fired
the fatal shot , which entered his forehead
between the eyes. Although bnt 23 years ?
of oge.the deceased
wad apfosperons youne
stock dealer and had , it is said , amassed a
fortune of nearly $30,000. About S' ' ,000 ) ,
a gold watch and
diamond jewelry were
found upon his person. He is repotted I to
haveleftanotenftteain hia memoran
dum book in which
he the
gave reasons
for his rash act. He was on his way to
the coast at the time
, having/ecently pur
chased a large herd of cattle out there
This evening and to-morrow evenng
Jay Rial's Hnmpty Durapty Troupe will
appear at the Acadeny of Music. Jay
Rial's record in this city is good and all
will remember lbeimmense audience ] his
play of "Uncle Tom's Cabin" drew laat
season. If wa are to judge of ths present
in the light of the past the Academy will be
packed at every performance. There will
be a matinee to-morrow afternoon , The [
rites of admission , as a year ago , ara very
low , 25 , 35 and 60 centg , " ' " *
NOTICE Advertisement * To Let For S&V
Lost , Found , Wants , BotrdlnfT &c. , will bo In
serted In these columns once for TEN GENTS
porlln ; each Baboc.uentnscrtonFIVE ! ! CENTS
per lino. Tbo flirt Insartlon noter less than
ro.hOAN At3 percent Intoi
tP. cst , in ( mats of * 2000and up
wards for t to 5 years' time on tint clMsimprov
eilcitvaml farm property. Apoly at E IIIS
Real Estate and Loan Ak'ency , 15th and Douglas
Sta. 278 codtf
OHZT ' TO LOAN-C&ll at I w Offleo
M' J ) . L. THOMAS. lUwmS.CroiL'hton Block
, TONKY ' TO IiOAK HOP Farnb&m street.
M' Dr. Kdw rd > < Loin Ajrcncy. liOT-12-tf
Furnished room and hoard lor
1 L'r l-Vman , " ere the coirfjrta of a
loreonny bebal fora reasonable prke , not over
20 inlniltea rom U. P. f c-xit ; le t ot rc'crcnca
L-lVcn if rcqu rej Address V. B , fee Office.6B32
WANTED B' a m eman In
penenk si-re ; d taS nd writes Engllsh.Cer-
man and Frencb ; beat role enrcs. Addies * O.
K , 267 13 h street. Omaha , t. Ob. 652
WASTED By a mlddle-acd la'ly , wel'-
qua idol , to tahe rare of a hnrre and If
noctEs ry saiBli children , wl-bes a Bituitlon as
DDse-ktepcri i Omaha or Council liltflj. Ad
dress S. M D.EejOifca. 5512
WANTED Qirl to keep two rooms in order
and c 'ok OHO m t per day , aprolnt Ir.
ten lew. Address 0. P. . bee Cfflco , 690-4
ANTFD Two carpenters. Jnqulro of
Will Stevens , at A. T. Ltrge'a architect
office. 531-2
WANTED Girl ; southeast corner Twelfth
andHarnej. 673.2
WANTED 100 j-onrg thoatg. Addrcn Dr.
re-ldciy , Oraiha. 574-1
WANTPD A dinlnp rom girlat the Email *
house. 575-4
\ \ I ANTED Mlddlepcil lady an hotunleeper
> V bvantdowcr. Apply at 1513 Dodge at.
I't/'ANTED-S Hrnt-cUsa carpcnlen , by E II
VV Shew. Apply n. w. c r. lethandWcb-
ter strocis. 679-2
WANTED To purchase a good pecond-
haii'l cjl ndfr omc desk. App'v at
room 5 Union block , cor. 15th add Ksrahalj
Ktrcc's. 63J-4
WANTED A coed cook , ft Tlnrd' ? , Farn-
ham st. , bet. 13th and llth. 6S7-tf
WANTED Girl for general hooaework. at
(53 1911i street. (82-1
WANTED Tailors two coat and 00 pants
maker. Call at C. F. Hrmann , 421 South
Tsith St , Omaha. 505-6
TVf ANTED-Clrla , at the Anlorlorn Iforige }
VV good wages. 670-f
WANTED Oirl for ecneral housework. Ap
' ply cor. ! 8thand Qnc3 fats , Smitli'i aJ-
dit'on 566 2
W ANTED A cist tnitcr. App'y at 1220
Farnham , near iS'li at. 557-4
WANTED Beard and rooms , Ko SOSCipi-
tel avenue , between ICth and 17th Sis.
"tTSTANTED A good farm team for c a i.
VV 646-2 BOOOS&IIILT , .
WBNTED A first class baker , at tha Omalm
, Balery , 10.Ii St. , near ilo'z * Hall. None
but first-class need apply. 640-
WANTED Sflrnt clas < fearbcra , at J. II Cur
ry , corner 15th and Faruham. 60S-tf
BOARD WANTED A Chi ago lady ( flret-clags
muMc teichir ) rli cive piano ! cssoan in ex-
chance for board. IVivate fimiHpreferred. .
No objection ! ! to 'ountry Kefcrencel gi\en and Address "B. " Bee office 551J !
WA TED ' A coed pastry ctnfc ; St. Charles
Ub'tcL 492-tf
"JT10R RENT Thrcs rl 8ant nof > : nil9hcd
Jj rKimi.jttlsiSCaps'treet Fojsjssiongiven
loirrtecJiit-H. 691-5
FOR "ENT Cottage. 5 roomi , cfosetg n3
1 irno pantry , f u'l ' lot , ISth Street , so Jth of St.
Mary * ja\enue. Enquire 723 , opposite. 5955
FOR RENT A suit cf rooms , or singly , fur-
rblinl for tlccp'ng apartmoats , Lowe's
residence , corner offltli andHarney. Furniture
and carpeting new and of gold style. Gentle
men froirr the B i M. and U. F hojdiuartcri ]
preferred. .Jamcj F. , Morton , at Fcdick &
Cedlck's , of on'al. i 5S5-7
EOR RFNT House on 5th and Pine ; house
on 23d and Cass. luiuira 307 a. 12th st.
PlASO FOR RENT Irquiro at 1C20 81-7 Ca g st.
FOR RffNT Nlctly burnish-d front
Irqu'rc 1C16 Califoin a street , between Iflth
nd7Ui. 5'o:0
FOll UENT 'iiielj-furnished roomi at 1310
Diiennort street , bet. 13th and 14th St.
350 tt
I710R KEKT 2 furnished rnoma mei Her-
i clai'ts Excliancc. X. E. Cor. 16th and
I r < > t Ilojjo tylftl
our Bt3IIS' new cclumn of bargains on 1st
iK Twenty to twenty-tour qui Mitt or one
dollar by John T. Paulson.
- prices ug-
jlnRfrpra Si CO aotSEH. Window ttowtt
eUos nt75 _ cents n set , at Wm. Evtrrtt's , ntxt
toTMK BKKotilCO. 5887
OTEL FOR SALE Pest locatron In the1
H city. Inquire at this office. 639 8
TTlOBSALEORRENr HOUP , B'X ' rooms and
J1 lot , Pierce S-t. , Shull'a addi ion 53D 8
i J over BEMIS' new column of barfrainBion 1st
age _
Fn SALK Cottonwood lumber of all
RKDMOND'S. Sixteenth-st. 616-t.
BEJIIS In rftrases , Lpts Farma and
Lands , in hia new column onlsi. po e
T710R * 1 A FINe iitsiotnuK Ironi , Doors ,
"ounter. Mantle , Store flttln ? . Tenoerea
work Vo to Ul ? " " '
CO. . Builders. -
CjPEClAL NOTICE Otto Frisonl. veteilmry
Q eurgcon. graduate of the Veterinary college :
of Stuttiitt and Zurich , Hospital Shermab ;
avfcnde. fiSO-lm
TT10UND A bunch of keys ; owner cm have
C thesarrcby call.n ? at this cfflco and paing
for this advert scment 559tf
mAKESUP On Crcfghtcn's place , a black
I - cow vlthnhlte back , about 10 years old.
E' . . 667-2
Absolutely Pure ,
Hade from Grape Cream Tartar. tfO trtuf
preparation makes such light , flaky hot bread * ,
or luxurious putry. Can beeatcnbycU-pertkt
witliont fear of the W rctultlne from heavy 1
dI ? Mlble food.
Sold only In cans , by all Grocers.
The Bonanza lor Book- Agents
li emr our two splendidly UloatratcoT bool B ,
J. W. FORKEYanthorof ( n i ! nal fame ) , high
lyendorwd hy GhJf. HANrorK , the nartr
leaden , and PRK S : lgn tirEOF
. nil
friend , OEN. J. 8. EBlSBiN , ( an aathorcf vid
celebrity ) , also ttronjly endorsed. BOTH Ot
FIcrAL lmmec ely popolir. selling OVER 10 ,
000 A WEEKI ! AenU mifeinz 810 d yl Out .
fits COe. each. For oest BOOKS and firm * . id- '
dresi QUICK. ' TH03. PBOtHZKO/'K idus
City , Mo
ox *
$2 TO $5 PER ACRE.
20,000 Acres .
6 to 12 Miles from Omaha ,
$6 to $10 per Acre , on
Long lime and
Low Interest ,
Large tracts suitable for
Colonies in all the best
Counties in the State ,
80,000 acres scattered
through Iowa.
A large number of Improved
Farms in Nebraska , many 01
them near Omaha , $12 to $40
per acre.
Immense List of
Consisting of Elegant Resi
dences from $3,000 to $20-
000. Many vacant lots in
the additions to Omaha.
Hundreds of lots scattered
through the City. Houses and
Lots , Business Houses and
Lots , and all kinds ofCify
Beal Estute.
also have
on Improved Farms in Dong-
las Oounty , on 5 years time , at
1O percent , interest to all who
can showgoo'd titles.
Maps for Douglas and Sarpy
Connties for gale ,
Ilonae and lot , J2d aud Dodge . . . . ? 3,000
Howe and lot near Br ivmell Hall. . . . . . . 2,100
Two new-homes and full lot , renta ( or
$40porvcar 4.000
New brick boose , 21x25,1 } etory , with 3
Iota. . . . „ . . . < . 2,000
HoutooEillottTotMtef at 1,500
Large bou e and corner lot fi.OOO
Large house full lot , California st 4,000
Residence and 4 full lots , St. Mary's are. . 6.GOO
House and small lot , south of depot 050
House and email lot.poathof depot &
Residence property , Kountze ana Kath'a
& ( lI ( 4 * ai ai * * * * a a * * * * > * POv '
Fine residence property 10,000 |
House ami lot , 22 < 1 and Harper & 00m
House ami lot , Nelson's addition , . 2,700
House and lotShlnn's addition 1,600
Kcsldencoand corner lot 3,005
KeeHencc ( cash ) 7.EOO ,
BesIdedCO. . . fi.OOO )
Residence . - ; 00
HOURO an J one-half lot.-- lit
Three hoU'cs and corner lot. . . . . . . . . . ; ' ; 00
Residence and corner lot. . , , Z °
House and 00 fe5t fron { ; l ) th street. . . . . . 3,700
Lar.e ; homo nil corner lot. : ; : . : ; . . . . < . . 0,500 ,
R tdence ! and three lots n ; . . e.500
Two bouse and corner two-thirds of cor
ner lot . . , , . j co
Koui ; and sma'I lot , Casi atreet 2,100
Hauseandlot. 27th near Farnham 1,000
Brick house and corner lot l,3fo
Small houre and full lot , earnings at 2soo
House and lot , 23d street 3,250
Hotfee an'd fan Ibt , worthft,000 for 5,500 reildeace/ 1,500
Bnck residence B.COO
Housa and career lot ; t 1,650
New two-story house and corner lot 4,200
RealJence and full lot , Farnham at 5f00
House and one acre , 18th street 3,000
House and ba'f lot , 18th street 2,200 :
House and lot , Shlnn's addlt'oi 1600
House an > J half lot , Cass itnet 1,100
House and DRlMot , GaiiStreel 1,450
Residence and two lot * , Cupltot HiH.j. , . 7,000
Elegant brick residence 2 full lots' 16,100
Finest residence In the city 16,000
Uesdence property 17,000
Reslden e property . " . . 17,500 ;
Residence 5,500 ;
Uonsn and Int , Shlnn's addition 1,200 !
House and lot , rhiun'aAddition. . . . . . . . . . 1,500
IIciuo and lot , 2th and Farnbam 1,400
tfonge and lot , 7th and Donglai. . J375 !
Home and full lot , Izardat l,7fO
New house and 1 } lot. . . . , , , . . . . . 2,200 !
Kesldence property 7tOO
ReePence property , ver One 13,500
IIou o and lot , Horbach'a addition 1,500
Residence , Farnbam ft 6,000
House and } Iot 1 bloct from Court
House and i lot 1 block from C irt
House 2,250
House and comer lot 2 blocks from Court
House 2,400
House andl t , Nicholas street 1,000
Hoase and 1 acre , G lacs' addition f40
House and lot , llih street 900
Lsr.e bulldln and six Iota. 1 mile out. . . 4COO
douse and lot on Davenport 3,600
Hou > e"and J lot , near depot 1,500
House and X lot , near depot ff'O '
( louse and lot , South Avenu-.T. . . . . . . 1,000
Tcu e and lor , Sblnn'i addition 1,900
Residence , Kountze and Rnth's add 2,600
Residence property , Kountze and Ruth's
addition 5,000
Retidenco prcperty , wrath part 11 town. . 2,5f 0
( louseand i lot , Webster it 2,700
House and S acres at carrieks 7CO
House and lot , Armstrong's addlfn 1,000 ,
Homo and lot , South II st 650
aouse and lot , Kountze and Rnth's ad
dition . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . * 8,500 ,
Residence and } lot 2,700
HOUS9 and lot , 16th et 3,600
Boggs &
Immense Stock for
Fine Custom-Made
Men's Suits ,
Boys1 Suits
Children's Suits ,
For Men ,
Boys , and
UndcMVear , Hats gild Caps ,
Trunks and Valiscg , at
Trices to Suit All.
Farnham Street , Near Fourteenth
, ,
Oval Brand
The sale * of this "brand" of O hava now ontstrlppod all others. You gc J wore OjJteri m
WEIGHT AND MEASURE In ca of thb brand than u any other. D. B. BEEMEB. , .
m General Western Agct Omaha.
O11AH A.
Cigars from $ ] j > .00 per 1000 upwards.
Tobacco , 25 cii ! < s per pound upwards.
JPipcs from 25 cents per dozen upwards ,
Send for Price List ,
mwf MAX MEYER & CO. , Omaha , Neb.
Fishing Tackle , Base Balls and a full line of
Dealer in
B" A T"n"W" A "R
The Cheapest Place in the City for
I Manufacture my own Pieced
. . . . .
- .B..JLVI WW JC J--y . -
That -will last you a Jifetime , at the Lowest Price in the city ,
and deal in no factory-made truck that ia almost universally \
dealt in now-a-daye. .
I also manufacture all kinds of Cans.
WM. F. STOETZEL , - - - Tenth & Jackson Sts.
. o.
1213 Farnham St. , Omaha.