: \ HE DAILY BEE. Saturday Morning , October 2. ACADEMY OF MUSIC ! ONE NIGHT ONLYsoffiiT' } 3IR. JOHN T. RAYMOND. SupjKMtclsyV.s own socially selected cojrcdy ojmi.m , unaer the management of E roots & Dickinson , in Mark Twain's greatest EUCCCTS "OOI . "THERE'S HJLL10SS IS Col Sellers , - Mr. John T. Raymond at llax Mej tl'e & BroV. BREVITIES , ' i 1 Fatcrson Eel's ' coal- Fine perfumes at Ssxe's. I7tc Lewis'dry hop yeast. t "Itathbuo has night school. " Creamery Butter at Buffctl's. i For the teeth , Kuhn's Dcntrificc. ' Butterick's patterns at CruickshankY , 0" Potter is running the Omaha ferrj. Head catalogue of Books on first page. Imported acd Key AVest cigars , at Kuhn's. Soidenberg & Co.'s Key AVest cigarr , at Saxe's. CoL Fellers will appear at the Acadc- my to-night. Creamery Butter at BulTett'8. It is naid that Mary And-.rson is mndi prettier this beason than last. Pipe-laying will he begun this month l > y the Omaha Water Works company. Seats arc soiOg'ofT like hot cakes fir t IE John T. llayinondjmtertainmcnr. Bath & White , opposite the post- olicerecei\e fresh fibh every Tlmrsday. twt-tf -The 27th of October has been fixed upon as the date for the annual jwlice ball of 1SSO. Creamery Butter at Buffett's. "Millions iu It" at the Academy Saturday night. Secure your seats caily and avoid the jam at the doer. The Industrial School of Trinity Cathedral , on Cass street , will be from this out at 2 p. m. on Saturday , instead of 9 = 50 a. m. m.It It is doubtfal whether the new wing to the state house will Iwresdy for the ne t legislature or not , though Mr. Stout is rushing the work as fast as possible. The members of Trinity Mission Guild are making extensive preparations fora grand musical and literary entertainment at Mwonic ball , on the evening of Thanks giving day. A post of the G. A. II. will be organ ized at Slromhburg on October 2 , and one nt Harvard October 4. A. A. G. Wood will iiiftpcct Post No. 13 , at Hastings , on thjr > lh. Council Bluffs { indulged in n walking match laRtTevenSng , between a noted fe male ] > cdestrian acd a Ited Oak man , the former agreeing to RIVO the latter 15 milea and beat him hi fifty hours. T. S. Fleming , of Blair , a brakcman n the S. C. S : I * , railroad , was caught be tween the draw-heads while coupling earn At West JVnt Tlmrsday , and BO injured that ho ha-1 to bo cmasculattd by phyhic- - ians. The casa of Wnu'IL ThomsBVB. John Simpion , inwhich the foimcr accuses the latter of breaking his jaw , came up befoie Judge fllawoi yesterday morniug and the , do oailaut waa discharged. * Jmttes llcndcreon , who was shot ui e week ago last night , was able to bo up and ahjut to-day , and looks as little like a corpse as any one. Hi * habeas corpus case will be tried before Judfje Hawes. Saturday n'ght will be presented the sidj-flplilting "C * > 1. Sellers , " with Mr. J. T. lUymond as "Sellers. " There is only one "CtiL Sellers" in the country"and thtt is llayniond. We expect to see the Acs- cljniy of Music packed to-morrow night. Under our coqw-ilution no foreigner can vote at the general election in Nbvein- bert\m'e s he takes out his naturalization Pipers thirty days previous to the eleclior. .This is the last day on which papers can be taken out in time for the Nb\ ember election. A. CAIH > Having engaged at my Sixteenth - teonth htore\Mr. W. S.Eyer , a graduated and thorough Pharmaceutist ol long exper ience , I am better prepared than ever , at this point , to serve my customers with accuracy - curacy and dispatch. Prescriptions a cjie- cialty. [ Wt ] J. A. UOEUEII. "PERSONAL PARAGRAPH ? . CapU J. S. Wood left for Stromsburg JfifterJay. . J , H. FBonJ is recovcrinc from a illness. Col. Wilson , of Lincoln , la in the cily Cn loite cast. Dr. Harvey Link , of Millard , was in the city yc&terday. Will Ncligh , an old Omaha boy , is vis- Stilly in the city. Church Howe came in from Grand Is land Thursday. Hon. B. I. Hinman , of Noith Plattr , vent west yesterday. Hon. O. T. Abbott , of Grand Island , Vas in the city Tlmrsday. " Rev. "Dr. McKamara , fof Fremont , left Thnwday > ight for New York. Gov. Nance wat in the city yesterday , left for North Bend at noon. Ex-Mayor Silver , of JLincoln , with his vn returned home yesterday morning. llav. M. /Sorenson and wife , of Col- vrado , left for New York Thursday night. Deputy U. S. Marshal Bloody , came in northern Kebrasia Thursday. Engineer Cook , of the Omaha Water "Works , will return from Toledo Sunday. C. J. Green left Friday to address the t-itizcus of Korth Bend on the i > olitical i -sues of the day. Mr. John A. Kuekols returned from 3 cavcnworth this morning to take his 1 rmcr position in the grocery firm of ICuckols & Collins. II. N. Smith , of the ticket auditor's i nnrtmcnt U. P. railwaj- , has resigned J isjK > sition to goto Kansas City , hero "i o Vill cngag > grain buying on hi own ) ctmt. Be'Mlquarturs lor Joe Schlils's 11 ilwnukce l eor nt MERCHXSIT ? ' Ex- C UMin. N. r Cor. JOili si.d Dod e. + KC. . , St. Jo A C. B. . R. ticket cffice will occupy ou and after Septum- t Jr 25th , room 1020 , Farnam etreet , JI x Mejer's now buildins. W. 0. SEACHEIST , f 3 lOt Ticket Ageat. Save money by buying a sack of Eagle Mm. Flour. Cox , Fashionable Dress , S17 Fifteenth street , Davenport and Chiwgo. SANGUINARY DEED. The Crimson-Covered Con veyance of the B. & M. in Nebraska. TheJWatchword of that Road."y The finest thing in tbe Ehapo of a desd that % vas ever filed in the county clerk's office of Douglas coun was handed in to Hon. J. R. Manchester [ Thursday afternoon to be filed and recorded. It was the "Deed of Conveyance - veyance from the Burlington and Missouri - souri River Railroad Co. in Nebraskar to the Chicago , Burlington and Quincy - cy Railroad Co. " Such was the in scription in gold letters upon the back of a heavy red Turkish morocco bcok , about six by twelve inches in pize and a quarter of an inch in thickness , whose covers closed together with a substantial flap , or tongue , which made it almost air-tijrht. The leaves of the book are of unruled parch ment , and the deed and acknowledgements - ments , covering thirty pages , are closely written in old English script. It is the tomcat kind of a document , and bears date of July 2Gth , 1880. It conveys to the C. , B. & Q. railroad company , "for the purpose of more completely carrying into effect the ar- tides cf consolidation executed be-1 tween the parties , January 1,1880 , " for the consideration of $1 , all the real' estate and lands , contracts and choscs ia action , railroads and branches and the equipment thereof , all revenues to be derived th'erefroin , rights of way and structures thereon , and other property pertaining I hereto , all leases of railroads and other property , all ferries and bridges and the approaches thereto and revenues therefrom , and all the other property the B. & M. bad , or has since acquired , at the time of the execution of the articles of con solidation. B. AND 31. XOTKS. "On to Denver , " is now the watch word with the B. & M. folks. Should the weather prove favorable this win ter , they will close much of the space between Indianola and the beautiful city on the plains. The work will be done almost entirely by homesteaders along the line of road ; the company deeming it adrieablc to give the poor homesteaders a chance to keep the wolf from their doors this winter. [ Lincoln Journal. ThcB. & M. railroad company paid inlo the comity treasury of Seward [ county last Friday the sum of ? 8255. The B. & M. round-house at Lin coln is approaching completion. A rumor from tcmi-ouicial sources IB that some tiuia next month a morn ing train will bo placed on the B. and M. railroad. Ii is to start from Lincoln at about C o'clock and run to Omaha , for the convenience of persona intending to ntt-ko connection with the C. B. it Q. railroad for Chicgo , and for those desiring to do business in Omaha. It will bo an important addition to the facilities for travel on this road. JAILEOAD : IIACKKT. Through the kindness of J. T. Clirk , general western agent of the Northwestern railroad , wo are in re ceipt of a beautiful circular printed in colors , which shows n map covering 3,000 miles of that calnbrafcd road , : i Maltese cross and a cut of the hand some depot now beim : erected in Chicago cage , corner of Kineie and Wells streets. From its appearance the dh- pot will bo one or the finest buildings of its kind in the country. ' One hundred and fourteen cars of stock came in over the U. P. to-day. The annual rental of pewa take place in the Presbyterian church this evening. A NEW COLLEGE. Approaching First Term of the Nebraska School of Medicine. The announcement is mido of the firut course of instruction at Hie Ne braska School of Medicine , prepara lory , to open on the 18th instant in this city and continue twenty weeks. The nature of this new enterprise may best be gleaned from their catalogue which says that : "It is the mature judgment of many of our leading physicians as well as prominent citizens of other business pursuits that the time has arrived for the establishment of a medical school in pur mate. After deliberate consul tation as to the demands and the available means of conducting such r.n enterprise , the school has been orga nized under the name and title of "Tho Nebraska School of Medicine , " and located at Omaha , a city of up wards of thirty thousand inhabitants , and growing rapidly , supported by a' state wAh five hundred thousand people ple , and with well established com- coiumercial relations existing between the city and adjoining states and ter ritories. The school for the present will bo preparatory simply , but the instruc tiou given will bo thorough iu all the branches. Eict chair will be repre sented by men of experience and abil I- 5I ity In their respective departments. ! Students will be brought into clone relation willi the ins traders , thus affording ov ry possible means for thorough instruction. A number of eastern- schools of medicine have established graded courses and allow students who are far enough advanced to enter higher classes ; hence students in the west can attend our scJwol for ono or two terms and then bu admitted to ad vanced classes of other schools when their proficiency will warrant snch ad vancement. " The faculty is as follows : R. R. Livingston , M. D. , president , lecturer tin principles and practice of surgery , riattsmouth ; Samuel D. Mercer , M. D. , lecturer on surgical anatomy and clinical surgery , Omaha ; A. S. V Mansfeldo , M. D. , lecturer on pathology elegy and practice of medicine ; Ash land ; George B. Ayres , M. D. , aecrotarr , lecturer on anatomy , Omaha ; J. 0. Denise , M. D. , lecturer on phyelology and cliuicsl lecturer on diseases of eye and oar , Omaha ; P. S. Lcisenrit'g M. . , D. , lecturer on obstrotrjca and diseases of women and children , Omaha ; Richard C. Moore , MD. . , lecturer on roaterja racdica and therapeutic ? , Omaha ; ( chair to be Sited soon ) , lecturer on chemestry ; W. S. Gibbs , M. D. , demonstrator of anatomy , Omaha. CQEAP RATES , i'o Si. Louis and return 12.85 , to Exposition. Tickets on sale from October 2nd to llth , inclusive at Omaha and St , Louie through. line ticket office , 1020 Farnham street. TT. C. Seachrist , sep30-2t Ticket Agent , j POLICE COW , Judge Hawes Takes His Vic tims Through a Course of Sprouts. Business was light at police court yesterday morning. Two men who had a misunderstandIng - Ing over a bill presented by one for payment were fined § 3 and costs each , which they paid. W. H. Turnurn , a colored man , was arraigned for cutting with intent to , . kill , but his case was postponed until 4 o'clock this afternoon. Turnum . waa ' arrested about midnight last . night by Officers Black and Bnllamy , at hia lodgings on Seventeenth street. , . It appears that about 0 o'clock in the evening he , in company with a white woman of easy virtue , entered a gilt edge house on Tenth street , between Douglas and Dodge , kept by a white woman. . It is claimed that both weren intoxicated , and Turman being ordered - od away by the woman of the house , Josie McGregor , suddenly - denly drew a razor and struck at her , cutting an ugly gash on the left side of her face , the blade cutting In to the jaw bone. The wound was dressed by Dr. Ayera , of the Surgical Institute , and was pronounced not dangerous. Turnum is a hard citizen I and ! has already served a term in the ' penitentiary for cutting Scott Jack . son. He may go up for another year for this. THUfcSbAV's PROCKEDlifGh' . The curtain rose at 9 o'clock Thur * day morning , displaying to t ! e audience a fine array cf talent , artists of acknowledged ability , twith Pat 0. Howes as interlocutorj and Fred West and Chag. Worrentz acting as end men. Several original 1 conundrums were proposed , to which satisfactory answers could not be given. Both end men dancsd off jail to the tune of 83.00 and costs , they having been adjudged guilty of intoxication , contrary to the rules of the management. Adolf Hammotts , aged CO , was in terviewed on the same subject , but b being of lawful ago , lie was let down easy. The management discharged I him , however. Mollie Kcrnan favored the audl- i once with an old song , "I was not j drunk r.or disturbing the peace. " "Three dollars and costs" was effect * Ively rendered in response by Pat tt Hawcs. BeVeral other members of the troupe were charged by the manage1 mcnt with a violation of the rules ; but the investigations wcro postponed until afternoon. Mr. Ed. Haskell , of Chicago , the celobra'cd Finder Billinrdist , will give an exhibition of ! ii > j skill at Brunswick J > 1 % .rd Hall , this evon- imj.nnJ play a tbonsiriS points , or ao counl. After the game h over ho will an exhibition of Fancy Shots , including hats , rail , triangles , bottles and gLua shots , and many others too numerous to mention. Also Fancy shots with cue. All gentlemen in vited. Iranoral of iiud Davis. The fnneal of thn late Robert E. Davis tcck places1 12:30 : p. m. yester * _ da } ' , from his fathor's residence , South1 j west of this city , ftov John William of St. Barnabas , elli The renulnc wcm sent by the aster- noon train to Alton , Ulinoisj for in terment. Pursuant to a Call published in TUB BEE a meeting of young men of this city , with whom he had been inti mately associate * was held Wednesday evening , to oxprera their sorrow at the inroad made upon their ranks by the Common Enemy of all , and before whoso mandate each and every ono must bow. The Bon. C. Y. Gallagher was called to the chair , and a committee of five , consisting of R. T. Berlin , Fred Gor don , John Hash , J. F. McCart ney , and C. M. Koator , was ap1 pointed to represent the young men at the funeral. On motion it was de cided that all young men who can pos sible do so would be present at the I ceremonies , to pay their last respects to his sterling character as one of our representative young men , and to ex- prtss their paraonil sympathy for the bereavement which has overtaken his family. Died. ' Mary O'Brian , wife xjf John 0'- Brisn , on Sept. 28th , at 11:30 : a. m. Funeral on Sunday , Oct. 3rd , from her residence , California Etreet , be tween 12 and 13. Hamburg Figs 2uc a box Everybody Says So. I ' All the boys who go lo Schuyler are happy to find Harry Ackloy back again at the Upton house , and in bet ter shape than ever before , having renovated , refitted , enlarged , etc. Harry as a host is a success , while his better half , who presides over the cuisine , cares for the inner man in an eminently satisfactory manner. Their many old friends among the traveling public will nleaso take notice and gov ern themselves accordingly. Meteorological Summary. For the month of September , 1880 , sta tion , Omaha , Nebraska : Highest barometer , 30.808. 1/owest barometer , 29.500 , Mpntnly rang ? of barometer , 0.7-18. Highest temperature , 85 ° . 1/ttrcst temparature , 4t ° . Greatest daily range of teinperature,26 ° Least daily range of temperature , 6 ° . MM.U of maximum temperatures , 72,6. Mean of minimum temperature * , 55.1. Mean daily range of temperature , 17. ? , Prevailing direction of the wind , south. Total movement of wind , 6,721 miles. Hibe t valocity of wind and direction , 2o miles north. Xumter of foggy days , none. Number ol clear days , 11. Number of fair days , 14. Xumber of cloudy days on which no rain or snow fell , 1. Xumber of cloudr days on which rain or snow fell , 4. Total number of days on which rain or sniw fell , 10. Dates of lunar halps , 14th. Dates of frosts 20th. S. . J. JiL. ULl. Sergeant Signal Corps , U , S , A. NVhy dose . 'ourselves with nauseat lui > _ medicines , when a purely fruit cathartic will care voa at once Ham bur Fijja. Try them. INNOCENTS ABROAD. The Entire Democratic Patty of Nebraska Assemble at Fastings , And Hie , Hie , Hurrah for Han . cock , Livingston and Mother Tipton. A Motley Array of Moss-Backe. Correspondence of The Dee. r _ HASTINGS , Neb. , Sept. 29,1880. To-day on the way hither the train wts well laden with delegates to the dem ocratic state convention , and republi can orators who to-night take the stump in the opening of the campaign . in the different towns along the line of the B. and H. and branches. The railway eating houses in Lincoln was unable to feed the immense crowd who were ushered from ono part of , . the state to another to-day. As in all such crowds , many pleasant and amusing . ing little incidents occurred , by which the day will ever be remembered- Gen. Cowin , Qen. Mandereon , Gen. Crounse , J. L. Webster , C. J. Greene , ot al. were abroad , and as the train drew up at Sutton , whefo Greene is to speak to-night , Greene stepped off , and as his foot struck the platform , the Sutton band began to play a lively air , and most of the people on the train thought it was in honor of him as a greeting. His friends quickly gathered orpund him , and commenced com plimenting him upon so magnificent an ovation , when the band quit play ing , and Lehew , ono of the delegates from Sutton to the democratic state conventionsteppedoutand exclaimed , ' . 'llurrah for Hancock. " Greene's hat dropped arl inch lower on his head , and the band boarded the train to at- I tend the state convention. There are present 233 membersand the gallery , which was reserved for . .ladies , is respectably filled. The convention was called to order at 8 o'clock by J. Sterling Morton , whb nominated Frank P. Ireland , of Otoe county , for temporary chairman and Nat. W. Smcihof , Dodge county j for temporary secretary , and they were unanimously electtd. After a preliminary speech by F. Irelandj an address of wnlcome was inado by Saul L. Brass , of Juiliata Adams county. This was followed by seri 3 from the glee club. Motion was then made that a coin mittee of seven be appointed on ere dontlalg , when the chairman almos immediately road the following names to the convention : Harmon , of Frank lin ; B yd. of Douglas ; Abbott } of Sa- lihej White , of Class ; Buttch , of Snr ny ; " Reynolds , , of Butler , and Flynn -C 1 - ui uiay. \ \ Idle the committee on credentials were otlt a nibtibn was inado thnt wo listen to Morton. Morton announced himself a Methodist , and utterly op- pceed to Ingersoll both in theology and politics , and ho was always glad to see siuncrs come forward to the mourner's bench , and he was awnre that there [ was one present who Was formerly a rcpublicaii , but now re- nuuiicod ids' , ra t sins , and was ready to work for Hanbock. "Abbott ! Abbott ! " was called by the crowd vociferously. A bbott then came forward and made a short speech. Four years ago John Abbott was candidate for the. able , Senate from this senatorial district. He had most of the delega tion sJid , but Mclntyre , who was alio a candidate , went to Abbott and told him that his chances were gone for the senate , but if ho would come out for the legislature he know when ) there were endtliarli yol&i to elect him , that he could lay his hands on. He thtn tried in the convention for the IwieMiive hoHiinationj and re cciVt-d eipnt votes out of forty-eight. Entirely discomfited , he made a stnmp speech , before the nominations wet e cold , ami Heuhuhbed the n8mi- nee ? , swearing vengeance against the regular nominee , who was elected by an increased majority. Two years ago he was candidate for republican nominee from the same senatorial dj trict. A largo number of men in tno county were lately from the east , and being strangers to him , by hard work he secured almost a majority of the delegates , but whan they came in to convention and his record was ven tilated , hia friends dropped on him , and the convention did not take him up. Now that he is a democrat tbo republicans do not consider that they have lost anything worth keeping. Eartigan , of Casa county , was then called as a candidate for the mourners bbiich. Hartigan stepped forward and said : "It was not that ho loved the republican party less .but that he loved his country more. " An exph- nation of his course is found in the fact that he served in the army under Hancock and fofmed peradnal friend- snip for him. Saxton , of Haatfnga , was then called , who caid ho had been all his life a democrat , and did not know it. Saxlon was a candidate before repub lican conventions almost constantly eight years ago , but they did net rec ognize hia ability , and ho took the greenback whirl , and now he becomes a democrat. Hambil , of Jefferson county , was then called , and said ho used to bo a democrat , but when he cime to Ne braska he thought if a man wa ? ta prosper in his business in Jefferson county , ho must try to bo a republi can. can.A moss-back then spoke and waa followed by a song by the Glee club , and a spech by J. S. Morton , of Ne braska , in which he took occasion to arraign the rings and cappers who have long been opposed , by the better ele ments of the republican party. Ho also referred to the non-appearance of Gen. Thayer in Hastings to night as was published by the republican com mittee. Gen. Thayer'a appointment was withdrawn by the committee in charge of Lincoln hall , for the sole and generous purpose of allowing tho. democrats to USD this , the only hall hero with capacity to accommodate BO great a convocation. The persons who would attend the republican rally live here , with the exception of the speaker , and could attend any other evening. The committee on credentials divided on the Gage county contest , and brcught in two reports. Motion carried reqniring the convention to act separately on the G go county contestTen minutes each were allowed the contesting sides in which to present the case before the con vention. The members of the com mittee representing Ihe minority report were Oapt. S. S. Reynolds and F. A. Harmon , and they asked the admittance of Hazelett and bis fol lowers ; while the remaining five members of the committee asked the reception of G. P. Marvin , editor of the "Beatrice Democrat" and hia fol lowers. On motion before the con vention the majority report was adopted. The temporary organization was then made permanent. Jas. . Boyd of Omaha , Beach L Hinman of North Platte , and Victor Vifquin of Lincoln , were nominated as presidential electors , with ( S. J. Jontgomery of Lincoln , " ? . J. Demp- -ter of Republican City , and W. C. Connor of Fairmont , as alternates. The committee on platform repotted a set of resolnions that take hold of corporations with ungloved hands. They declare that corporate property ihould be subject to taxation , the same is individual property ; favor "free : rade or tariff for revenue only ; " and also ask for the refunding of our state debt at a lower rate of interest , and legal resistance of void and fraudu lent lands. They rejected attaching l.o tickets a clause by which to get an ixpresaion on the prohibition ques- .ton. ' The following ticket was chosen : For congressman , R. R- Living ston , of Cass county ; for governor , T. W. Tipton , of Noroaha ; lieutenant- governor , S. H. Calhoun , of Otoe ; secretary of state , G. W. Johnson , of Filmore ; auditor , T. C. Patterson , of Wayne ; treasurer , Frank Folda , of Jolfaxj attorney-general , George E. Pritchett , of Douglas ; land commis- lioner , E. H. Andrus , of Buffalo ; iuperintondent of public instruction , Dr. A. Bear , of Madison. The convention has now completed its work , and the members will leave by the trains in the morning. JAY. PBITCEETT'S ' PLEA. How the Democratic Party Fought Two Foreign Wars , And Choked Down a Double Rebellion. The democracy of this eity held a grand ratification meeting liisl eve ning , preceded by an imposing torch light procession. The various ward clubs composing the central club as sembled at Creighton hall at 8 o'clock , and , headed by the Unicn Pacific i band j , marched in uniform and with . ' biasing torches through the principal streets , finally concentrating at the stand on Fourteenth , near Farnam. The procession numbered about 225 torches and carried numerous flags and transparencies , the latter baaring such legends as "Trial by jury and habeas corptiS ilreScrtedj" "Hancock and English the embodiments of hon or ; " "Hancock the soldier and states man ; " "Garfield's vote stole the pres idency ; " "Rights of persons and prop erty must be preserved , " etc. , etc. A large flig polo was yesterday af fernoon erected nOir the democratic stand and from this the national cdl * era floated to t he breeza in approved ttjle. The meeting was called to or der by Hon. C. V. G illagher , and presided over by Hn. James E. Boyd , candidate for elector and chair man of the county democratic central committee. The latter made brief re marks expressing hia belief tliat the election of November wou'd place the democratic candidate in the presiden tial chair , and thus giving us peace lasting nud universal. Gen Hancock was a manwLotu , time of watybelioved in the sword and in time of peace 111 the supremacy of the law. Alluding to local iasues Mr. Boyd said that the subject of taxation most interested the people of llebrftskai The sum of 200,000 is paid annua'ly to aupimrt our state goycrilmtJnt when half that amount would Uo aufiicta'nt ; If the people of the state knew how their money was being stolen and wasted they would rise in their might and hurl the party in power out of the positions they disgrace. Mr. Boyd said rhUcli morn tc thfe Wme effect and then introduced aa the spoalcr of the evening , Hon. Geo. E. Pritchett , democratic candidate for attorney- generalwho made an extended speech. ' Mr. Pritchett sa4 .tbo while the republicans had run the government since IBdi , the democrats had from 1800 to 1(50 ( novt * failed to elect ; , their president , except In 1840. That they had managed thb coimtry'i ! affairs will could not be d.-nied. They had broog'ht It niifely through _ tw6 foreign wars , and at length , when Linco'n ' was elected by an unknown iind unorganized section al party , i * had found itself attacked on both flanks , on the one by armed rebellion , on the other by the Uncon stitutional party in control of the goVernmenl. T.iey paid to themselves , "Wo will first put down this rebellion and then attend to the demolition of the obnoxious party in power. " The democrats , therefore , waiving all their sensitive feelings , pitched in and made a success of the war , putting down both armed and Unarmed rebel lion. The war1 , being ended , the speaker admitted thattho republicans had elected their second pregiddnt , by a small majority , which Had each suc ceeding year decreased , until in 1876 , when a majority .of a quarter of a million of ttio popular vote wa § given for the candidate of this party , which had licked bo'th dragons. While con gress had declared the sole object of thewar tobe'the preservation of the Uhloiij thb roctiblican party had acted tnbat perfidiously , and , passing' recon struction laws , which were not worth , in the speaker's opinion , the paper they were written on , had divided the south up into military districts , over which were placed petty despots. The old , old story of Hancock and his or der No. 40 was repeated , after which the alleged frauds of 187G came in for a good ahare of time. Toe rest of the speech was in the usual order of dem ocratic speeches. Mr. Pritchett was followed by one or two other speakers and the meet ing adjourned. Army Orders. The following changes of stations of companies of the Ninth U. S. infantry - fantry are announced , viz : Company A , .from Fort McKinney , W. T. , to Fort Sidney , NeK V- . Company D , from Fort McKinney , W. T. , to Fort Omaha , Nob. Company H , from Fort Omaha , to Fort McKinney , W. T. Company ! , from Fort Sidney , Nob. , to Fort McKinney ; W , T. Co. H , Lieut. Hofman command- in L' , and Lieut. Robertson second , ( Major Burt the commander , having been assigned to recruiting service at Chicago ) , leaves Fort Omaha next week , to take station on the frontier at Fort McKinney. Co. D , Capt. Leo , Lieutenant } Pease and Baldwin , leave Fort McKinney - Kinney urJon being relieved by H and come to Omaha. Major Isaac D. Do Russy , Fourth infantry , is relieved from duty at Fort Fetterman , W. T. and will pro ceed to Fort Saunderg , W. T. , and there take post. Upon the recommendation of the commanding officer Fort Douglas , U. T , three months of the confine-nsnt awarded Private Georga R. battery L , Fourth artillery , by sau- tenceof geueralcourt-martial , promul gated in general court-martial orders No. 55 , series of 1879 , from these headquirterd * re remitted. Leave of absence for one month is granted Capt. Leonard Hay , Ninth in fantry , Fort Onwha , Neb. Liave of absence for one month is granted Maj. J. W. Wham , pay de partment t Upon the recommendation of the chief paymaster ot " the depart ment Major A. S. _ Tower , pay department will proceed to Fort D. A. Russell , W. T. , and there take post. post.Upon the recommendation of the chief paymaster of the department , Major J. W. Wham , pay department , will proceed to Fort Sanders , W. T. , and there take post. FBANK HUGHES Communicate at once by telegraph to Woodruff ; ev erything is arranged satisfactorily. Mother wants you at home. P. G. H. - yr. A case ot constipation by us'lns naoiburii Figa. SPECIAL NOTICES. NOTICE Artvortlnemcntg To Lot For Bile' Lost , Found , Want * . fiordlnir Ac. , will be In serted In thaw columns once tor TEN CENTS per line ; each subeoquentlnscrtion.FIYE CENTS per line. The diet Insertion never less than TWKNTT-FIVK CEMTS. TO LOAM-HONEY. 01IZT ' 10 TXUH-C&ll * t Law Offlea M' D. L. mOUAB. Koom 8. Creighton Block ONKY TO LOAN 1109 Farnhim street. M1 Dr. Edwards Loan Agency. nov-22-tl HELP WAXTED TBO carpenters. Inquire of WANTED , at A. T. Larso'a architect offlce. 5S4-2 i Girl ; southeast comer Twelfth and Harne , } . 673-2 ICO yourg shcats. Address Dr. WANTED , Omslia. S74-1 WANTED A dining room girl at the Emmet house. 575-4 WANTED Middle-aped lady as hiuseLceper by a nldoncr. Apply at 1513 Dodjo et 678-4 WANT2D A coed cirl for general hou'ie- work at 110 Howard street , bet 8th and Oth. . 577-1 TXr'AJfTED-snrjt-cliKa carpenter * , by E U YV _ . Slitw. Applf n. w. cur. Uth and Web- A 1. - - - STTrt O tersticets. 57D-2 WANTED Corrcs poudenco. A joane Ren- tleman of cecil moral standing i thea to op n a correspondence with a Totinirlady of aim' liar reputation nith a view to matrimony AI lottcra proTptly answered. The best < f refer- ei.ces given and reqnlrtd. Addiesj "C. L. , " -578-1 TTTANTED To purchase a peed second YY hand cylinder otfica desk. Apply at room 5 Union block , cor. 15th and > ' rnham ttre l . 5S3-4 \T7 ANTED Two plrls at the Hudson Uirci > \ IH.USC , Harnestre t JIcsi cnmo uel recommended. EOO-1 A rood cook , nt TizardV , Vain WANTED . , bet. 13th and 14th. CS7-tf WANTED Girl for general housework , at If3l9lh < rcct. 6S2-1 PUNTER WANTED J w-Jnt a printer im medial ly. L. F. HILTON , Ptlb'r Pilot , Blair , Nob. 630-1 Tailors , tno coat and one pants WANTED dill at C. F. Hamann , 421 South T nth St , Omaha. 563-6 AJ < fED Cjila , at the Amcricrn House W good aces' . 670-t ' A glrl.atiforrllt'ijBestaur' nutso . ' 67-i flo. > l maeMi.0 handat th < WANTED Omaha Shiit Factory , 1207 Farnham St P. H. OOTTHEIJIEK. 632 WANTED Girl for general housework. Ap- plfforj 18th ami OricoSts , Smith' ; ) an dltion 560 A ciat nuVcr. Ajiply at 12 ; WANTED Farnham , rcirlSih St. 657-4 ANTED Beard and rooms , No. S05 C > pl to ! avenue , between ICth and 17th ats. 650-1 -Vpo AGENTS IVAD-JIefi thai wish a jL\ business of tnt ir own , a prpntaulo ftranen in chemistry , and uch th.itu'hc gome fiinrainc * , can learn in a hour's time. Gallon the'.Chemis Albrccht.'Noak1 ! ) Hoto , from Fi iday till Monfoy from 8 till 12 a. in. 6690 'ANTED A good farm team for c-si. 6 2 BOOOS i UlLL. WBNTED A first class baktf , a tno Cmarr Bakery , 10th St. , near Mctz * Hall. Non but first-class ncod apply. 645- ( WANTED Sflrat-clasilarbors , at J. II CuY ry , corner IDth and Faruham. 603-1 pdAKD CANTED AChisiRO ladv ( Brat-tlasi JO mntic tcach'r ) * i/l / sire piino lessons In ex chance for board. Private lamitv t-nferred No objections lo tountry neferenc Jj giJti'an fequlr.a AdJresa "B. " Bee office. 55112 A eood pastry cook : St. Ch-ules WANTED Hotel. . 492-f FOR PENT-HOUSES AMD LAND. T710B RENT A salt of rooms , or singly. fur > JD nlshcd for sleeping upartmeit ? . IK'WB'I residence , comer ol fftti and Harney. Fnrnhnr < aftl narpetimr nuw and of coed style. Gentle men frota the nt II. and U , P. licailipiartcr preferred. JiiICJ C. Morton , at Bcdick Ko'lick'a , or on prcmi'o * . 68B-7 TJ OR RENT House on 5th and Pine ; flow JJ on 23J and Cass. Jnmnro 307 a. 12th st. 5S9-tf PjANO FOR RENT Inquire st J626 Ca 3 gt. T71OR RENT Nicely furnish'd front room. 1 ; , Irqiflre 1016 Califoin'a street , between 10th andl/Ui. 6OCO : IOR RENT Tiuely furnfshtt ! icnmn at 131 P Davenport street , bet 13th and 14th St. 3501 RENT 2 furnished rooms o\cr Mer FOR Exchange , N. E. Cor. Kith an Dodge streets. iSO-tt ItJRWISHED ROOMS FORREST-AtCivcn port House. lylflti FOR SALE. FLOWER STANU3-At prices rang FANCY frpni ? 1.CO ao5.EO. Window flower shelves at 75 cents a sot , at Win. EverUt'o , next iu Tfih BKK office. 683-7 I OTEL FOR SAtE-F6st focatkm in the L city. Inquire at this ofBcd. 639-8 "TTIOR SALE OR RENT Honsc , six rooms and J' lot , Pierce S t. , Shull's addition. 630-8 FR SALE Cottonwood lumber of all sizes , * i REDMOND'S. SLttsonth.-st. 610-tt MISCELLANEOUS. PECIAL NOTICE Ot-o Prison ! , veterinary O surgeon , graduate of Ihe veterinary college of S 5SG-lm T OST Ranch of kcjs. Finder -111 be reward- I 1 ed by leaving- same at Bee Office. 665-BO TJtOtlND A bunch of keys ; ouner cm have C the same by callirlg at this office and paying for this advert'sement. ' 65'Jtf mAKENUP On Creightcn'a place , a black J _ cow , with while back , about 10 years old. OOTLKIB HOYK * . W57-2 Absolutely Pure , Made from Gra | > e Cretm Tartar. No othe preparation makes such lizht , flaky hot bread ? , or luxurious piatry. Can be eaten by dypettici without fear of the ills resulting from heavy i digestible food. Sold only In cans , by all Groctra. Korib Biuao PcnrozK Co. . Nrtv Toik WANTED to sell Dr. CHASES 2000 RECIPE EOOK. Stilt at Sight. You doubts your money. Addresi Dr. Cmui'4 Printing House , Ann Arbor , Hick. THE DAILY BEE GgnUias the Latest Home and Tele * graphic News of the Day. S. P. MORSE & GO. , ST. , Beg Leave to Announce that the Sale of the STEPHENS & WILGOX'S STOCK DRY GOODS CONTINUES. For the henefit of visitors and strangers now in u1 City , ive once more give some facts concerning this Gorgeous StotKIt is one of the Largest in the West. Its c'ondifion as regards iicirne S is all that CA\T he desired. As we Purchased the entire Stock , ahout 43,000 in value , at a Discount of $20,000 , we are selling Goods at Prices which CAN NOT BE COMPETED WITH , and it is not necessary to mention in de tail the Bargains heing offered. Oiir Magniiicent Stock of SILKS , SATINS & VELVETS Is worthy of inspection , not only as articles of usefulness but as works of Art. SILKS , VELVETS , & SATINS At Prices Below the Cost of Importation. DOMESTICS , TABLE LINENS AND FLANNELS At Prices { very gratifying to the Purchasers. Underwear for Ladies , Gentlemen , and Children at Prices simply Unapproachable. s. . IMIOIRSIE : & oo.3 FARNHAM STREET. EAB NOW OPENED FOE INSPECTION HIS NEW STOCK EICUTTER ! of Fall and Winter Clothing for Men's Youths' Boys' and' Children's Wear. --SPECIAL ATTTENTION HAS BEEN GIVEN TO MEET 1001 Farnham Street. the requirements of Everybody. OUR ASSORTMENT OF STYLES AND PATTERNS IS ; Poppleton Block. the most varied and elegant ever displayed in the CITIZENS ARE CORDIALLY INVITED TO EXAMINE our large display of Dress nd Business Suits , Fall * Grand Weight Overcoats , Novelties' in Furnishing Goods , Stylish Hats and Caps , Trunks , Valises , Califorfornia Blankets and Overalls , &c. . &o. NO ONE IP HE C NSDT/TS HIS OWN INTERESTS WILL' OPENING buy one dollar's worth of Clothing until he has seen our immense Stock and learned our Prices. PilOPOSALS FOR BUILDING SIDEWALKS. Cm CLBBS'S Omcs , 1 OHAIIA , c'ept. 2Dtb , 1830. f Scaled proposals I1I be received by the under signed until Tnesdar evening1 , October 5tb , at 7 } 0 clock p. m. , ( or the construction and repairing oteiuennlka In front of and ail joining the follow ing dm-iibed premises , to-wit : TO BE CONSTRUCTED. West 60 feet of the cast 138 feet of lot 2. Cpitol add. , eouth tida of Dodge St. , c feet wltie. West 70 fett of tbeeast 63 feet of lots. Capitol add. , south aMa of Dodzo St. , 6 feet wide. Lot 2 , south side of Chicago St. , blk 7 , 6 fett wldO Lots 1 and 8 , * cst side of 10th street , blk 261 , permanent grade , 6 feet wide. Lot 8. west fj'le of 9thstreet , blk 93 , temporary irride , 0 feet wide. Lot 1 , south side of Capitol Avc. , blk 83 , torn- pcrary jrwui" 6 festwlde. Lot 1 , west side Cl Bto strc-.t. blk93tempor ry grading , 6 feet wli . Lit 8 , west Hde of Bth street , Zlf'O , temporary trading. 6 feet wide. Lots 7 and S , north side of Capitol Are. , b'k ' 70 , temporary grading. 6 feet wide. 4 cant side of 9th blk "D " Lot , street , , tjm- porarr grading , fl feet Ida. Eist Jot lot 10 , north side Cammlns : street , blk 191 $ , temporary griding , 6 feet wide. Lot 5 , cast side of 22nd street , blk 15 , tem porary gracing , 6 feet wide. LntS , cast side Cf 22nd street , bit : 15 , e feet w'dd. w'dd.Lot 5 , north side ct California street , blk 15 , " G feet wide. East I of lot 10 , north eidc of Camming street , blk ink , B feet wide. V Lota 4 and f , east aide of 9th street , lite "D , " fl feet wide. Lots 7 and 8 , north side of Capitol Avenue , blk 70,0 feet ride. Lot 8 , west sida of 9th street , b'k'.0 , 6 feet wide. wide.Lois Lois 1 and S , west side of Sth s'rtet , blk 03 , Q feet wide Lot 1 , south side ot Capitol Ave. , blk S3,6 feet wide. wide.Lot Lot 4 , siuth side of Douglas street , b'k 116 , 6 feet * ide. 1 ot S , west side of )9th street , blk IU , 6 feet wide Lots 1,1 , south i of 5 hod 6 , west side of. 19th street , in Horbach's 2nd add. , blk 6,1 feet wide. South \ of lets 2,3 , 4 , i. 6 , 7 and 8 , west side of 19th street , m llorbacb'd 2nd add. , blk 5 , t feet wide. Lots 4,5 and 6 , west side 19th street , In Hor- 1 adi'g 2nd add. , blk 4. 4 feet wide Lots 2 and 3 , west tide of 19ih street , E. V Emlth add. , bik 3 , i tect wide. TO BE REPAIRED. Lot south 3 of 8 , west tide of 16th street , blk 201 } , 10 feet wide Lots 1 and 2. south side of Howard street , [ Kountze & Ruth's addition ] blkl. 0 feet wide Lot 8 , west side of llth street , blk 18 , 6 feet wide. wide.Lots 3 and 4. south side of Davenport street , blk 78,6 feet wide. Uorth i of 8 , west siJo cf 16th street , bli 193 } , 6 feet w.de South ? of 3. west side of 18th street , blk 201 } , 6 feet wide. Such sidewalks to be constricted and repilr- ed of 2 Inch pine plank , first quality , and to be be Iu width as abore spedfieo. To be pjld for in warrants drawn upon a special food to be leried upon the prope.tr In. front of and adjoining which ( aid sidewalks are to be conttructel or repaired Each bid must be accompanied with a band In the ram of Five Hundred Dollars , asagtur. anUe that the bidder will acc'ptthe contract and perform tbe work in case the stme I * let to him. Bids to be opened at the flnt regular meeting of tbe dty ccund' , All bids to be sddreMed to tbe undersigned ana endorsed , "Proposas for constructing * nd repairing sidewilks. ' * Tbe right is reserved to reject aiiyand all bids. By order of tha City Council. J.r.KcCABTKET , City Clerk. AGENTS FOR DEVLIN & CO. , THUS BOSTONCLOTHING CLOTHING CLOTHINGHOUSE , FAUNIIAM STREET. Oval Brand i PI . The aalea of this "brand" cf Ojfteti hare now ont tilrP J U other . * Yon got . more . OjrtCTi 1M WEIfill T AMD HEASUBE In cms ol this brand th n n any oth r. Ii. B. UEEMER. . . BcplJlm General Western Azent. Omaha. 50,000 CHEAP ! CHEAPER ! CHEAPEST ! MAX MEYER & BRO. Propose for the next ninety (90) ( ) days to sell then , entire stock of Diamonds , Watches , Jewelry , Clocks , Silver-Ware , \ \ Pianos & Organ / ATsTP GENERAL MUSICAL MERCHANDISE At Manufacturing Prices , Which is from 15 to 20 per cent , helow any Eastern Wholesale House , preparatory to moving into their weN Store , Cor. Nth & Farnham We Meaij Business , Come and be Convinced , I