Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 01, 1880, Morning Edition, Image 4

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Friday Morning , October 1.
i Eel's coal-
Fine perfumes at Saxe'e.
Ufe Lewis' dry hop yeast.
See 1'olack's advertisement.
"Kathbun has night hchooL"
For the teeth , Kuhn's Dentrificc.
ButtericVs patterns at Cruickfhauk'g.
Toiler is running the Omaha ferry.
llcad catalogue of Books on first page.
TII ported and Key West dears , at
| Knlm'8.
S ideubcrg & Co.'s Key West cigars ,
I at Sa.\c's.
-Jolm T. Raymond Saturday n'ght as
[ CM. Seller * .
. Council Bluffs will please listen for
I something to drop ,
Bath & White , opposite the post ,
office , receive fresh fish every Thursday.
The be..t of meats at Bath & White's
market , opposite the postoffico. 29-tf
For 1 .amis , Lots , Houses and Farms ,
look over Bemis' new column on first page.
-Forry-tw6 cars of stock and several
aw of tea came in yesterday afternoon
vtr the U. P.
lot , Farms , Houses and Lands. Look
wver Bcmig' n w column of bargains on 1st
Go to the Academy Saturday night
and hear tho. inimitable Jolm T. llay-
inoud , "Uicre' nulionsinit. "
Tlie frienos of Sirs. A. P. Nicholas
xvillK \ pleased to lean that she is mudi
better anil rapidly recovering her hcal'h.
Dpitterhas mo\edto the Big store
corner Tenth and Farnharn , where he will
mammoth btoek of
> l > cn to-day with a
A iirciiileblinl vota vras taken on Oie
B. i. M. train of Tuc'day , resul ting as fol
lows : Garfiejd , OS ; Hancock , 50 ; Weaver ,
FranUin Bcyrcn , the alleged land-
fc\iucller was taken to Kearney on the
imon train yesterday by the sheriff of
! ! u < f.t ] < > county.
According to the city ordinance , all markets in Council Bluffs will bc
cl-Mcd im Sunday , on and after Sunday
u-xt , October 3.
.Tames Henderson , the man who was
bliot a few nigh I'M bince and is now lying in
jai ! , will "retaken out Boon , it is expected ,
n a writ of halicos corpus.
Wockly jiraibe and prayer meeting of
the Young JWn Christian Association at
their rex ins , Douglas and Thirteenth , Una
o ening , at 7-45. All arc cordially inyitcd.
- Delegates to the annual state conven
tion of the Christian eLurch , to bj held at
3)orchCbt' r. beginning October 8ill , be
rcturuotl at one-fifth of the regular fare.
li. C. Barlow , Cor. Sec
-The d.g show commences at Milford
lMlay , and will continue during the week.
A large number of valuable hunting dogs
from different parts of the state ore ttl >
JOady on the ground * .
About the first of next week the
Avoca branch of the C. , 31. I. & P. wil ]
1)C completed to Ca-son and thus form the
l iig-w i-hed-for connection with the llait
Jigs branch oMhe C. , B. & Q ,
We leain that another change talsci
V'aco in the B. & M. land department to
' " n department to accept the pcei
tion of paymaster of the road. Mr. J. C
J'.nist takes lua place as cashier of the Ian. .
-TheicMels recently Btolcn from th
l..Mhelral of St. Philomcna , by a gar ,
win h blew the safe ot ; u , have been foaui
HIM ! rcturn-a. They were discovered b
) me f thopchcol children on the hii
lock of Slli street , vhere they had beei
Accreted probably until the night's work wa
The forthcoming convention of th
Lodge , JCnights of ' PhythiaS , „
ity , Oct. 13th , will be attend
a body of Omaha Knights in uni They will not. however , compel
forthop e , which Lincoln Lodgc/Ifc
1 , is Uniting dai-y to capture.
-If anybody uk * you who took the fa
liwmiuin at the * Ute fair on milliner
Jjomls , , , f course your answer will
Good goods , fine work an
low pnces , rpcak for themselves.
-A meeting of the Ladies' Belief Soci
Iy will be held at the "Home" ou Howai
"trcet , Saturday , Octolcr 2 , at 3 p. m. 3 [
comjecUtm with the interests of this soci (
ty the matter f ntaUbliiiig a "Home f ,
th , l-nendlcM' will bo considered , and ,
ladie. interested in f .h projccU
i m for the extension of charitable instil
U'lMfte earnestly pressed to attend. 1
wlerof thesocicty. No. j. L. WebsU
The noon ua , , ,
Onon Dougherty , 3lev. Mr. patcrsr
Uaplam , Lngland and wife , of Fort Orr
a , and Mr. Jacol , of Decatur , who ha
Why dose . -ourselves Kith nansoal
modlclaea , when a purely frB <
oUico will occupy on and after Senton
bor 25th , room 1020 , Farnam 8treo
Max Jlejer'a now building.
823 > t
Hamburg Fij-s 25c a box
Mr. John Layton , of Chicago , is i
the city , the guest of Major William
of t Jo firm of Little , Williams & Ci
Less than a irook ago Major Willian
ivas the recipient of a beautiful at
valuable thorouf-hLred Turco-Kussia
Budir dog , a very rare and nighly c
teemed species of the canincraco.fro
Mr. Liyifln'a private kennel. Ti
Major is justly proud of his pot , at
while wa canuct bo present at tb ;
champagne sapper , owing to our ten
peralc Labile , wo congratulate him a
ho same , czi . . : a treasure in the shaj.
of dog Scab.
J. L. Lyinan , chief of police of Li :
coin , and secretary of the nation :
police assoc'ation , was in tha cily lai
night , en route to Dos Moines on o :
ficl&l business.
Mr. Nathan Shelton * has resigne
liis position as cashier of the U. I
railway Co. , aud ia succeeded by Mi
Frank T. Brown , for a long time assis
tnnt cashier.
. A cage ot constipation b ;
j j : Haaiburg Fige ,
The Lnmediate Prospect of a
Union Freight and Passenger -
* ger Depot on Seven-
tesntli Street.
Into Which the Wabash , Rock
Island and Union Pa
cific Will Run.
A Big Change in Railroad
Matters at Hand.
The leading digaitaiies of the Wa
bash , St , Louis & Pacific railway ar-
rivediin this city at 0 o'clockThursday
moniing , having comeup to the Trans
fer hotel at Lake station about 5
o'clock last evening , where they re
mained over night. They have been
expected at this end of the road for
several days , and as stated yesterday ,
the object of the visit is of the great
est importance to Omaha.
The party , which registered at th < )
Withnell House yesterday , where they
were found by our reporter at dinner ,
included : Solon Humphreys , presi
dent of the company , and Mrs. Hum
phreys ; A. L. Hopkins , first vire-
piesident ; Geo. L. Dunlap , director ;
John C. Gault , general manager ;
Thomas McKiasop , general su
perintendent ; J. W. Blanchard -
ard , division superintendent ,
James F. Howe , secretary , and Geo.
O'H-ira , private secretary of Mr.
Humphreys. They left Chicago on
Friday last by a special train over the
Ohicago division of the Wabash road ,
proceeding directly to Peoria , where
they remained two days looting aflcr
tbo transfer to the Wabash of the
Toledo , I'coria and Warsaw , under
the agreement of the recent lease.
They then proceeded to Kcokuk ,
Iowa , where they met representatives
of the Missouri , Iowa and Nebraska ,
another rccsnt accession to the Wabsh
system. A conference was had with the
managers of thatlino regarding the im
mediate extension of the road from its
present terminus to a connection with
the Omaha extension of the Wabash.
This connection will be made st a
point near Shcnandoah , Iowa : When
completed , which will bo in the
courae of a few months , this will give
the Wabash an air line from Chicago
to Omaha , which , it is said , will be
as short a route as nny now in exis
tence between this city slid Chicago.
This completion of the extension ol
the M. , L & N. will doubtless brinj
about an important change en thi
railroad checker board , as it will fonr
a fourth direct liuo between Ouiah :
and Chicago.
On the arrival c > f the distinguisha
rail way off ! cials in tliio city in the morri
Ing , they wore driven about the cit ;
and to the nroposed location of thi
the union depot to too built by thei
line in connection with the U. P. ar. <
Iowa roads. The proposed site is th
ground between the new governmeu
corral and the nail works at the I7t'
street crossin ; ; of the Union PaciG
track which will need but about
fonr foot fill to make it good. Her
there is ample room for depot build
11113 and yards and wo were given t
understand that the visitotaweromuc
pleased with the grounds , and fret
tha fact that they were afterward
closeted with several of our loadiu
citizens , -including Messrs. Mil
lard , Kountzo and Hitchcock , it i
c to ba presumed that th
new boom was given a sound sond-o
to-day. "There is no use in deny inc
that the Wabash is coming hit
Omaha , " said ono railway gcntlemai
"and the .Burlington , too. It is ut
derstood that they will como in jui
as soon as arrangements can bc con
pletcd , and that will bo in much Ic :
time than people think. "
I The result of this move as state
yesterday will bo a great boom h
Omaha Wo learn from an offici
eourco that the Wabaah and Burlini
u ton will come in about the same dat
which may. bo hastened or delayed I
or circumstances. That the Hock I
ll land will como in over the Union P
cific bridge , nhilc the Nort !
western will cease to ri
its trains to the other aid
r '
i only running a * tub train betwci
n , Omaha aud Missouri Valley , ai
- transferring all its freight and passe
nt , gcrs HI TF.omont , which it will roa
over ita own line ,
ve A Clear Caso.
Since the state fair a good ma
ay representative houses of ll
ant city have got by the cars over t
award of premiums and are havicg
t- back and forth pretly warm. It
it comforting to nolo that in ono cat
at least , there was co clean a victo
that no ono has disputed the pall
and the recipients of the honors ha
I laid back on their dignity and wi
good cause congratulated themsclv '
that they were not only succcpsful
competition , but free from all emb :
rassiug disputes. We refer In tl
article to Fleming & Co. , the wi
known grocers , corner of Dougl
and Fourteenth streets , who came o
m with flying colors. Aud no wondc
* , They made a fine display
o. Plant's "Extra" flour , which h
IIS boon sold in all the largo citi
id throughout the United States for t !
in past thirty years , and is the sp
8111 cialty of George P. Plant & Co. 11
111 Hour has been sold in Omaha f
10 twelve ycats by Bean & Holtel , a )
idat their successors , Fleming & Cc
at agents. The exhibit at the Sta
uill Fair took first premium in compc
ill tion with flours
stlling at 20 per cer
more money. Fleming & Co. are al
agents for some of the finest dairi
and creameries in the state , and to
first and second premium on buttc
Through the cirength of this succe
they obtained the agencies for three
four additional creameries. Thesar
firm received honorable mention f
their exhibit of canned goods ai
soap diaphy , and took the first prei
iuru on cheese and crackers , as we !
Their success is certainly extreme
flattering , and as usual has resulted i
making them. famous among the ] e&i
ing Omaha business men ,
Mysterious Disappearance of
An Iowa Boy in Ne
His Father in Omaha Investi
gating the Case.
Tc o evening trainWedn esday brough t
among other passengers a gentleman
from Swan , Iowa , who visited Omaha
on a sad errand. Mr. S. W. Alexan
der is a lumber dealer in that place ,
his family , besides his wife and him
self , consisting of two sons and a
daughter. One of his sons , the young
er , a youth of 17 year years of age ,
left homo on the 5th of September
without saying anything of his future
whereabouts to his parents. At first
they were alarmed at his absence , but
learning on the llth that he was in
DesMoines , where he had a sister resid
ing , aud had been scon at the state
fat , their fears were quieted and hav
ing nothing In particular for the boy
to do at the time his father thought
best to lot htm stay until ho got ready
to comc home.
On Monday morning last the father
received by express from Nebraska
City a package containing an auto
graph album and a letter , the former
article recognized as having belonged
to his son. The letter was , verbatim ,
as follows :
September 24th.
DEAII Siu : I have a verry hard
task to do that ia to iniorm you of
death 0. W. Alexander. I mot him
at Sturt ; wo went to couuc'l ' blufs and
to omaha , aud from there to lincon ;
from there to Neb City , where we
went to boat ride , and he thought ho
would swim it. he took a cramp and
droflruod before reach him. hia boudy
has not been rccouvered yet.
his pardner ,
Neb City , Neb.
tgu [ confirmation of this news the
Iowa State Re istor Of Sunday con
tains the following i
A brief note was received at this
office yesterday , signed by H. Masnn ,
John Berry and William Davi , Ue-
braska City , Nebraska , to the effect
that a young man named C. W. Alex
ander , formerly of Indianola , this
state , was drowned September 22d ,
in the Missouri river in that vicinity.
His body had not been recovered at
last accounts.
The notice in the Register was read
within an hour after the receipt of the
letter , and , . Mr. Alexander at once
started for Nebraska City , having first
telegraphed to the three parties re
ferred to in the notice for further ih ;
formation. He received ho repiy and
subscqutntly learned that no such
men had ever been heard of in Ne
braska City. The Information was
conveyed to the Register by mail ,
signed by the three nam sgivell above.
On roauhiiig Sebaaska City , Mr. Alex
1 ander , finding no such man a Mason ,
called first at the office of The News ,
and aftrrn-ard oil lliu mayhr , Chief of
police , coroner and other ollicisls , none
of whuin hal h'Mnl of any rccuut case
of drownn g in that vicinity. The
il river was visited anl tno river men
wcro as ignorant on the subject
as the rest , but informed him that
there were no boats there but the gov-
t-rnioent boat and the mail transfer
boat , and ascertained definitely that
boatriding had been done on the rivet
on the day on which young Alexander
was said So have drowned ,
Mr. Robert Payne , the express
agent , stated that the and
album wore forwarded by a youn
man , about oigh'orn ' years of age ,
through that oflici- , who said nothing
of any ono being drowned , and Vrlieii
asked w m thoOonfi-'its of the pick-
age wore , replied , "only pipera. "
lie hid cillctl fur an envelope , which
he directed himself in a full round
hand , whi o the lottcr within was
written in a very fine cramped and
scarcely legible eljle. The expresf
agent however , informed him thai
one of the Omaha papers had
recently contained a notice of the
finding of a suit of clothe !
concerning which there was souu
mystery , and accordingly Mr. Alexan
dcr came at once to this city. H (
ctllud early this morning at the BEI
office , aud was sent by our reporter tc
the London meat market , corne :
Burt and 19th , the manager of whicl
had found the suit of clothes in qnos
lion , in the river bottom above town
Ho however informed Mr. Alaxandci
that the suit had been identi
ficd as belonging to a young man wh <
> y was arrested and lodged in jail a fov
nights ape ; in a demented condition
a- This being the only possible clui
ah - which brought the father here am
hin proving that ho was on the wren ;
ino trail , ho made no further search bu
o , left this afternoon.
jn He is firmly of the opinion tha
id there has been foul play in the cas
idn and will do his utmost to unravel th
nch mystery. He is in posssssion of som
ch facts which wo are not permitted t
publish at present , which point stronj
ly to the correct solution of the matt ci
The missing " man is , .03 stated , 'J :
ny years of "age , weighs about 140 poundi
had blue eyes and wore when ho le
homo a dark euit of clothes , with
heit light , round crownedmixed , straw ha ;
it Any information concerning hi
is whereabouts , dead or alive will gladl
be received by his parents and family
his mother and sisters being now :
ry home awaiting with cruel anxiot
some news of tno lost one.
'es I
JohnMcCormick went west.
ir- Dr. Mosloy , U. S. A. , west wes
lis yesterday.
J. S. Halbcrt has gene to Schuylt
as on a business trip.
Rev. Mr. Cumminski was a wei
of bound passenger yesterday.
as Mrs. S. H. H. Clark left for Chica
es go Wednesday afternoon.
_ JIaj.J. W. Paddock , of Wei
10- Point , went west yesterday.
Webb Hayes , the second son <
, President Hayes , arrived in the cit
"Wednesday over the Rock Island.
te Major Nash , of the United Stati
li- army , arrived in the city over the I
P. Wednesday on route to Boston.
30 Mrs. Senator 0. P. Morton , of L
ies .diana , arrived in the city Wcdncsda
ok from the west , and proceeded to Ch
jr. cao over the C. , B. & Q. road.
Gen. Geo. Crook , Webb Hayes , A
Patrick and Henry Homan left :
noan yestesday for Rock Creek , on
° ? grand hunting expedition.
„ . C. E. Gable , the popular nigt
11 clerk at the Withuell has rejigned hi
Iy position at that hotel to tt&e chjrg :
in of the Mountain Trout Suse.'a
i- Evanston , for Kitchen Bro ! Ml
Frank Gable takes the Y ant , riace
The Facts as Brought Out in
the Case of Rush vs.
Valentine in Court as a Com
mon Swindler.
It ia an unpleasant duty on the part
of a journal to arraign any man pro
fessing the same political faith , and
particularly if that man bo a standard
bearer of the party , or haa received its
confidence and support. But it is a
duty , nevertheless , and THE BEE will
fearlessly perform that duty , oven at
the risk of receiving the censure of its
friends , or the denunciation of parti-
z.u ) leaders. We are actuated by a
broader and deeper motive than the
mere temporary aggrandizement of an
individual , or even a temporary vic
tory of the republican party. We de
sire to keep Intact the principles of
republicanism in all their pristine
purity , and keep untarnished the
splendid record made by a republican
govern ment these past twenty years.
It is this that moves ns to raises our
voicoj against the reel ; < * to Ol E. K.
Valentino lu a position , to fill which
ho docs not possess a single qualifica
tion , neither learning , talent , states
manship nor judgment. Wo con
sider that the representative of Ne
braska should bo a man possessing
these qualities , and capable Of honor
ing the position , rather than that the
position should honor him. Wo have
plenty such mon in the young , vigorous
state of Nebraska. Men whoso voices
wonld bo
in the halls of congress. But were
Valentine objectionable only because
Of tt want of ability , wo should not
complain. We propose to lay facts
before our readers , and we have no
doubt tht public opinion will sustain
US ) no matter how Inuch criticism wo
may receive from blind partisans , or
selfish hypocrites , who have sought
the nomination of Valentino for their
own personal ends.
We will first state th.8fac.ts involved
iit tile Cafce ot fiiisli vs. Valentine , a
contest which had its inception with
Vat's early history as an officer of .the
district land office , at West Point.
In October , iSCd , Johfa Rusty Ho\i
deputy treasurer of this county , set
tled-upon a quarter section of land
Mcar Elkhorn station , for the purpose
of making it hi * ffiHtrp home. Ho
had stronsj reasons tor believing that
it belonged to the United States gov
ernment , and this belief was strength *
cned by the fact that Hugh L. Dodga
had pre-empted a quarter suction of
the Same section , some time previous
ly , to secure which he had to pay
. A BlllBEQF FIFTY DltLAlts , ; !
Tt appears that afler Rush settled
upon the land ho made duo inquiry oi
real-estate agents in Omaha andf else
where to determine the real state ol
hlsciaih * . But tha perilling im
pression was that it belonged to the
state of Nebraska , although not in a
school section. This belief was no !
surprising , as the sequel will , show.
On the evening or thoiTth of JToveni'
bet 18G9 , D. A. Valentine cimo dowr
from West Point , accompanied by his
brother E. K. Valentino. They pur
phased lumhbr at Fro'mont , to buililj
house upon Rush's claim , and E. K
the register , proceeded to Omaha
D. A Valentine went immediately ti
Rush's house which was being buil
by a man named Holmes. He inquir
ed of Holmes who was putting up th
house , on hia , Val's. , land. The car
pent or told him , and informed him ate
to where Hush might bo fonnd. , Up
nl hearing of the new claimant
Rush sent his falhbr-itl-lawj Mi
James Frrny , to acccrtain upon wha
title ho based hia claim * . D. A Val
entine informed Furny that he , Val
online , had bought thisland"amont
or two H O" and that ho h td hia
antco deed
at West Point , and that if he wante
further information ho might go t
\Ycst Point , "hero ho could obtain i (
Rush and Ferry started forY es
Point next morning , and appeared i
the land office on the morning of N <
vembor 19th. Of course the registui
E K. Valentino , was absent , whic
caused Rush to ask whether the ri
ceivor , Uriah Brtinerj Could act ft
Valentine in the nbseilce of the lattci
Being ans\Vered in tno affirmativi
Rush offered to file a pre-emption ni
on the no J 18 , 15,11. Brnnor looke
at the record , and after careful exan
ination informed Rush that the Un
in question was not subject to ontry-
that it was sdiool land. Rush \vr
naturally puzzled , and the receive
seeing that ho manifested doubt , \i
suppose , showed him the recon
which , Rush swears in his testimon ;
was "marked with a largo red S ,
Brtincr said this denoted school lane
and therefore that the land con !
neither be pre-empted nor homestoai
ed. Rush told Bruuor the couvera ;
tion hold between D. H. Valeutii
and James Ferry , on the evenint ;
the 17th. Bruner could account f <
Valentine's conduct In no way only I
saying that the latter must bo
that ho must have meant some othi
tract. gBoforo leaving the distri
land office , Rush said that ho wishe
Btunor to remember his application
r. tile , and why it was refused. Ai
:7 Brunor is said to have promised.
:7ft Now , let us turn to E. K. Vale
fta tine , who had gene to Omaha , on t ]
ftt. seventeenth. Tha records show th D. A. Valentino's filing of the di
is putcd land dates on Novemb
isr seventeenth. How in the name
r , common cense could this have bei
done ? But here it is , and du
signed by E. K. Valentine , tegSstc
We can account for this siran ]
phenomenon , only by ono of ti
theories : First The inetrume
must have been made and signed I
fore the new claimant ever stoi
upon the land for it was at least e
5t o'clock in the evening before ti
train reached Elkhorn. Sicond
must have remained In blank form
the pocket of E. K. Valentine un
he reached Omaha , and then , I
Ji iving that the lumber which he hi
St { u : chased at Fremont was transfers
to the ground , ho wrote out 1
brother's "declaratory statement
Take either horn of the dilemu
wasn't it
I appears that Rush , having tail
to elicit any information in the loc
land office , wrote to the commission
of of lands in Washington , who prompt
informed him that the disputed tra
was government land. The commi
sioncr also enclosed a letter -to t ]
cs register of the West Point land offic
csJ. which he requested Rash to for wan
In reply to thlsE. K. Valontinewro
to Rush , acknowledging that the lai
was really government land , but th
it had been erroneously recorded b
fore ho ( Valentine ) had como In
office. Is it not strange that M
Valentine , having discovered an err
in his records , was not able to corre
it ? Is it not lranger still , that ]
never told 7u * colleague about it ? Ai
is not mysterious that Valentini
brother was the first , and only on
to whom the secret was made kntwi
These are facts , taken from the cou
record , and Mr. E. _ K. Valentine
the republican nominee ffir congres
and Mr. E. K. Valentine surely is
But let us sea further. In tbo lett
- \ which he wrote Rush , he prpmuj
that his brothers being a claimant to
the land , would not ntfect any title
that Rush ini ht have , and to show
his impartiality , he wonld date Rush's
filing , as of the nineteenth of Novem
ber , no matter what time thereafter
he , Ruah , wonld make application for
the samo. But Rush's Sling is dated
January 12 , 1870. And yet Mr. Val
entine is an honest man ? In 182 ,
the land courts having decided that
Rush's title was null , because of his
failure to file within thirty days from
date of settlement , a patent was is
sued to D. A. Valentine , and the next
stop was the payment of the govern
ment price , which was four hundred
dollars. But Mr. Valentino was
equal to the emergency. He went to
Mr. Millard , of this city , and borrowed
the money , giving a mortgage upon
Rush's land , therefor. It must be
borne in mind that Rush had not yet
given up the fight. He had
some grit and a great deal of
Did Val. , inform Mr. MilUrd that
back of the patent which * ho trium
phantly exhibited , there was another
claimant ? If he didMr. . Millard
must have acted in strange contrast to
the business qualities which charac
terize him. For he lent the money to
Valentine , and took the mortgage"nt
a cent of whif'M ' ptincipai or interest ,
no are credibly Informed , haa ever
been paid. But this is not all. Val.
is not evidently a good tax-payer , al
though he is an honorable man. Ho
never paid a cent of tax upon this
land , the patent to which was issued
to him or bh brother eight years
ago. So to keep alive a forlorn hope ,
Mr. Millard haclreeently to "purchase
thetox-title amounting to some two-
hundred dollars. c
The foregoing is a brief outline of
one of the most infamous frauds that
wo have heard of in a long time. But
others equally startling will bo told ,
and then as wo said above let people
judpo of onr motive in opposing E.
K. Valentine.
A man's character mtlst bo examin
ed as much by his desires and designs ,
as in his accomplishments of them ,
and wo are fittistied that no man can
say Valentino ia a Gt person to repres
ent a camp of Gypsies , much leas a
constituency like that of Nebraska.
Mrs. M. Cox , Fashionable Dress
Maker , 317 Fifteenth Slrcetj between
Davenport and Chicago.
Formally Opens the Campaigri
in Omaha at the Acade-
of Music.
The Academy was packed to its ut
most seating and standing capacity
Wednesday , the date of the general
anmiiug of the fiampsiiya in Nebraska.
Hon. James Neville { Jreaided , and
after the GarGeld and Arthur club had
tf ing the Marching Song and ; in re-
Hponae to an eilcoroj 'Shouting for"
Girfield and Arthur , " he introduced
the speaker of the evening , Hon. T.
M. Marquette , of Lincoln.
i'ho speaker began by sayiiig that
ngun , aj for the past twenty-four
years , we see arrayed against each
other as rivals for power , the republi-
8an and democratic parties. Since
their first contest great changed ha ? ?
taken place , and ho would devote his
time to the presentation of the issues
now at stake between the two parties
and then leave it to 1m hearers tt
choose bihveen the two , which the ]
would serve. Taking up thi
financial < issue , ihb speaker coin
pared the plans of the two parties fo
levying impost ? , claiming that thi
republican party favored levyinj
ditties only eli the luiuricfi of life
while the democrats , if they followei
their old customs aud traditionswouli ,
tax the flour barrel as well as th
. whisky barrel. He recalled the ac
tion of Gum r. l Grant in prosecuttn ]
the whisky ring , and recited the con
, dition of things in the tenth botweei
the revenue collectors aud the moon
shinoraj and asserted that not only th
levy of taxes , but the collection a
well , was safest in the hands of the re
publican pirty. The relattv
attitude ! ) of the two partio
iu securing freedom of the ballot an
fair elections was reviewed , and th
speaker declared that never had th
republican party tried to thwart th
known will of the majority. H
characterized the act of the dome
, I cratic party in crying out fraud at th
1 electoral commission , which 1ra3
democratic measure , as a violation c
their contract , which stamped thei
as almost nun compos mentis and i
need of a guardian. Ho considorc
at length the pros and cons of the d <
sire of the democracy to enforce th
constitutional amendments , whic
erct however -willing llancock may fc
; d to do , the democratic party cortainl
to have shown their determination not t
id recognize Mr. Marquette referred t
idn the wonderful strides made by th
n- country under the control of the n
tie publican party , and to the fact thr
at the democratic advances are general !
is. . in a backward direction. Hanc. ck
er so-called statemanship and his caret
of in Louisiana were reviewed to the sa
en isfactiorf of the audience and tt
iy credit of the speaker as a sound reai
sr. oner.
sr.go oner.Tho Glee Club sang the "Gra'
wo back Yell" and "When Garfiel
nt blows his trumpet in the morning ,
ie- and with three cheers for Mi
ieod Marquctto the meeting adjourned.
in to S Louis and return $12.85 , i
til Exposition. Tickets on sale fro :
10id October 2nd to llth , inclusive i
Dd Omaha and St. Louie through lit
ticket office , 1020 Farnhnm street.
W. C. Seachrist ,
sep30-2t Ticket Agent.
, , A New Departure-
At the regular weekly meeting
er the First Baptist Church held la
evening , which was largely attendei
is- iCt the following preamble andresolullc
was unanimously adopted :
WHEREAS. We the members of tl
i. First Baptist Church of Omaha are i
i.ite the opinion that in our efforts , fi
id some time past , to raise money for tl
idat completion of our house of worship ar
ie- for carrying on our church work I
ieto fairs suppers , etc. , the spiritual we ]
toT. faro of the church has soflered ther
T.or by , therefore ,
ct fiesohcd , that for all future time n
bo will not allow-any sales or fairs in ou
id house of worship , and for the peric
3'se of ono year from this day , wo wi
e not , as a church , engage in any schen
i ? or device for raising money for ot
rt chuich work or church furnishing e :
is ccpt by solicitation or voluntary cot
19 , tributiona , and that we will endeavt
to trust more fully and heartily t
Him who hath alt riches for our.epiri
or ual and temporal welifare and pro !
perity , ' '
NOTICE Advertisements To Let For Bile'
Lost , Fonnd , Wants , Boirdlnz Ac. , will bo I -
eerted Ia these columns onto for TKN CENTS
per Una ; each Bub3 < xacntn9ertlonFIVK ! CKKTS
per line. Tbo fliat lugortlon never less taan
< 2KP AAATO LOAN At S percent Intel
3t > OD.UUU cst , in sums or KOand upwards -
wards for 1 to 5 rears' time on flrst class improT
ed city aud farm properly. Apily a' BKMIS
Real Estate and Loan Agency , 16th and DouslM
Sta. STScodtf
OITST TO LOAN Cat * t Lkw Office
M D. L. THOU Ah. Kwma.Crdehton Ulock
ONKT TO I.OAW 1109 Fanihim atrwl ,
M Dr. Edwardn Txnn Aecncy. noT-22-U
"TTTANTED T.a'lors/two ' coat and o c pants
> V maker. & > 11 at C. F. Hrir.-xnn , 421 S if.h
Tcath St , Otmba. 563-6
"VTTANTED Oirls , at tlic Am'ricrn Hoire :
W goodwai-cs. 670-f
VTO ACHNTS WANTF.D Men that wish a
.LN butinrss of th fr own , a profitable brancn
in chcmlatrj , and tudi luatichef''cc ,
can learn iii a hcnr'a time Call on the Chcmis k
Albrcclit , Noaks Iloto , only from from F id v
till SJ12 a m. 5C9-1
renUf * Rcstanr-
tirL - *
- nuise
"TTrANTED Go-il macMro Junto , at the
\'V Omaha "Shiit Factory , 1207 Farnham St.
t > . H. aOTTHEIJIEK. M21
Girl for tcneral housework. Apply -
WANTED . 18th mid Ones Sts , SmithN ad
dition 55G2
fTTANTED A coat miter. App'y at 1220
YV Farnham , near 13'hBt. 567-4
WANTED Bcnrd and room" , No. 305 Cipi-
tel avenue. beUccn ICth and 17th sis.
ANTED A peed farm team for c 81.
W G4C-2 I30GQ3 K RILL.
TTTBNTED A first el ws baker , at the OmaliB
W fofcfry , lOlh St. , near Mctz" Hall. Non
but first-class nfcd appl/ . 40-0
- - barbers , at J. Cnr-
WASTED-Znrat-clasj Faruhanl. 50S-tf
-pOAltn WANTED A CM-api lidv ( flrat-clws
f ) nuuictcaihT ) will niro piano Itssoon in cx-
cliance for board. Private fimilv preferred
No objections to f ouotry Kefcrcncca gUcn and
rctMir it Address "B/Ecc office. 551JJ
A Rood pastry cook ; St. Chitlea
WANTED 492-tf
\ \ ; ANTED A good hoOsc-iecpcr , 1109
VV . Farnham.Street. . . W Stair * 143-tf
T7OR UFNT-Nlctly furnish" ! front room.
P Irqu're 1GIG CaHforn a street , teturcon ICtb
KfitW Uo'iKo northwf St correr lOthaixl
FOR ifonii\ streets Infiuiro two doom nerth.
6551 f
J710RKENT Ho-s of 2 rooms , on 22d"lli
JJ JHrncy. Call at 203 Howard. 611-11
RK.NT Tiiitly Mrnishfd rooms at 1310
FOR street , be ! . 19111 und 14th St.SSOtl
_ ? * - - - " -i.i-
OR RENT 2 fnrtmhcd rooms ovct Me ? '
Exchange , N. E. Cor. 16th and
J1 rort House. tylOtl
Rantalns in Houses , Lots , Farms am !
'i , In lia ! navt column on 1st pag °
CTRL F\R SALE Best location in tin
H cityj Inquire at this office. 6S9 S
TjlOR. SALR Oft RENT HOIK-O , sit rooms and
J1 lot , Pierce S I. , ShtiU'a addition 533-8
ovir BEM1S' new column ' of.barpalnSjon Isl
T71 K SALS Cottonwood lumber of all elres.a
P RKrfMOND'i'.iilxterntri-flt. _ 516-t
Bunch of kejs. Finder 'ill bo reward
LOST by leaving same at Bee Olficc. 5G5-C
TjlOlJNp A bench of kejs ; owner em hav
C "in oamcbj callipg at thi otfice and payin
tor this ad iNd'n-nt. _ 6S9tf
T 01 s , FAR JS.nousKs ! Ann J.ANDS LOO
LJ oycr I * MIS'iier , Cmn ! of baP Siiis n K
Page. _ _
On CreiRhtcn's place , a bac !
.L cow , with white back , about 10 yfars ok
A joun Multcse cat , haTiiij
while iot ( cpnh 1'a breast ; two ilo'lars n
ward will hh paU for its rctufn to the eouthno' '
corner of GilliJ-nia and gist Stl , . S72- ?
General Insurance
PIiaNl.\ : ASSURANCE CO. , of Loil-
ilnn , ai3hAo ft . * S.107.1 !
uKSrCUKSTKU. N. Y. , Capitil . l.OOO.Of
THK. MKKCHAJ * 1'S , of Neu-uk. N. J. , 1,000,0 (
H1RAR1' FlKi.PliiUdcIpliiaC.ipltnl. : . l.OOO.Oi
Hal . SOO.W
PIRKMKN'S FUND. California . 800,01
NIJttA ( KF1KE INS. CO. , Assets. . . . SflO.OI
A11KRICAF CENTRAL , Assets . 300,01
Southeast Cor. ot Fifteenth & Douglas St. ,
mcl > 8-dlv OMAHA.
A. F. RAFERT & CO , ,
Contractors and Builders
Fine Woodwork a Spccla'ty.
Agents for the Encaustic Til in
131 P A
61 0. J.
0 1317 CASS &T. , OMAHA. NEB.
t3T\ good wunrlment always on baml.Ttl
Crfv ClHRK's OFFICE , >
OJMDA. Sept. 29h , 18SO. f
Sealed proposals i > ill bo received by the tinde
ei"ned until Tuesday evening , October 5th , at' '
o clock p in. , for the co'strucvion and rcpiirli
of eiucwnlks In front of andailjoiaing thofolo ! <
ing described premises , to-wit :
West 60 feet of the cist 18 foil of lot
C.ipitiil add. , south cida of DoilgeSr. , G feet nW
Weft 70 fett of tteeastSCSfeetof lot2 , Capit
add. , south siclo of Dodge St. , 6 feet wide.
Lot 2 , south side of Chicago St. , blk 57 , G fe
Lots 1 and S. west side of Iflth street , blk 20
permanent grade , Gfect wide.
Lot S , west Mo of 9ths ticst , blk 93 , tempera
grade , C feet wliie.
Lot 1 , south sdo ! of Capitol A\e. , blk 03 , tar
pcrary grading , G feet nidc.
Lot 1 , weatBi'lc of 9th strest , blk93tempora
grading , 6 fcJt wUo
L it 8 , west side of Cth street , blk TO , tempera
ending , G feet wide.
Lots 7 and 8 , north side of Capitol A\c. , b
70 , temporary grading. G feet wide.
Lot 4 , east8uoof9th ! street , blk "D , " ti
3- I porarv grading ) 6 feet wide.
Hist * > ol lot JO , north ElclO Ciiiumini etrci
blk I01J , temporary grading , 6 tcct wide.
Lot 5 , cast , side of UJcd street , blk 15 , tci
porary glaring. G feet wide.
Lot 5 , cast Bide of 22nd street , bile 15 , 6 ft
'Lot 5 , north side cf California street , blk ]
G feet
East 1 ot lot 10 , north side of Cummlngstrci
blk 191 } , BfeUwide.
1 ota 4 Hid 5 , cast side of 9th etrcct , bit : "I
0 feet wide.
Lots 7 and 8 , north s'de ' of Capitol Avjnuc , I
70 , Gfect tide.
Lots , west sida of 9th street , b'k ' 70 , 6 f.
Lots land 8 , ncstsidnof 9th s'rtet , blk !
Lot 1 , south s'dc of Capitol Avc. , blk 93,6 f (
Lot 4 , smth side of Doug'as street , btk 1 ]
6 feet lde.
1 ot S , west side of JOth street , blk 114 , G ft
wide *
Lota 1,2 , south I of 5 und 6 , west side of 10
street , iu llorbach's 2nd add. , blk C , 1 feet Ii
South } of lots 2 , 3,4 , * f , G , 7 and 8 , wes' si
llorbich'u 2nd add. blk 5
of lath street , m ,
ofSt feet wide.
St Lots 4 , 5 and 6 , west side 19th street , in Hi
rack's 2nd add. , blk 4 , 4 feet wide
LoU 2and3 , % c3t Bidaof 13ih street , E.
Smith di , b.k 3 , 4. leet wMc.
) D '
Lot south } of 8 , ucst tide ot 16th street , t
201 J , 10feet wide
Lo'sl and 2 , south aiic of Howard strei
[ Kuuntzc & Ruth's addition ] blkl. 6 feH wic
L tS , west side ot lith street , blk S3 , 6 f <
Lota 3 and 4. south side of Davenport sire
blk 7SG feet wide.
horthiefS , ( test siJe cf 16th street , blk 19 :
6 feet w.oe
South $ cf 8. west side of 16th street , blk 20 :
6 feet wide.
Such sidewalks to bc constiuctcd and i cpa
cd of 2 Inch pine plack , firjt quality , and to
bu In wdtb as above specified.
To be paid for In warrants drawn npon
special fund to be levied upon the propevtr
front of and ujoining ) which said sijctralks I
to be constructed or repaired.
J ich bid must b. ; nccc > mp uled with a bo
In the EUDint Five Hundred Dollars , isagu
an tee thxttlia bidder will -C'ptthc comr :
a-il perform the work in ca-e the s me Is let
him. Bids to bc opened at the Grit rcgul
meeting of the city cnunci ,
All bids to b iddreecd to the underfill
nn endorsed , "Proposas for oouitructin a :
repilrinj sidewilts.- ' The riht ii rtsrved
reject any and ill bids.
By order of the City Council.
aep30-6t City Clttk ,
$2 TO $5 PER ACRE.
20,000 Acres
6 to 12 Miles from Omaha ,
$6 to $10 per Acre , on
. Long Time and
Low Interest.
Large tracts suitable fcr
Colonies in all the best
Counties in the State ,
80,000 acres scattered
through Iowa.
A large number of Improved
Farms in Nebraska , many oi
them near Omaha , $12 to S40
per acre ,
An Immense List of
Consisting of Elegant Resi
dencea from $3,000 to $20 , '
000. Many vacant lots it
the additions to Omaha
Hundreds of lots , , scatterec
through the City. Houses and
Lots , Business Houses am
Lots , and all kinds of Ci'j
Real Estate.
We also have
on Improved Farms in Doug
las County , on 5 years time , a
10 per cent , interest to all whi
can show good titles.
if laps for Donglns aud Sarp
Counties fell -
> l
I liouse and lot , 22 < 1 and Dodge T..8 3X , (
2 llou-o and lot near Brovrnoll Hall . 2,11
TiVo new hoiiica and full lot , ronta tor
? i0porjcar . 4,01
New brick house , 21i25. li story , with 3
lots . - . n . 2 , < X
Ilooso and lot Webster § t . 1,6' '
Large hou'C and corner lot . 6X (
Largo house full lot , California st . 4.CH
Re < idcnco and 4 full lots , St. Mary's are. . D ,
Hooac and small lot , south of depot . 0 ;
Hotweand smill lot , south of depot . G :
Kceidenco propel ty , Kountzo and lluth'B
add . B,5 (
Fin o regldcnco property . 10 ,
HoiiiSoandlot , 22dand Ilarncy . 1 6 (
Hmic and lot , Nelson's addition . 2,71
Hcliae and lot Slilnn's ndd tion . . . . ] , c (
Keaidtnce and corner lot . , . 3 ,
licri.lcncc . ( caab ) . 7R
Realdedco . fX (
Kcsldencb . 5E (
Hou-e nnd one-lulf lot . 1,01
Thieo houea and corner lot . 7,61
Itoidenca and coiier lot. . . . . 7,5 (
House and GO .Vet front , IClh strict . 3,71
Lar o liotifo mid corner lot . Cr , > <
R t > idence and thrco lots . CD <
Two house and corner two-thirds of cor
ner lot . i , ' (
Hou33and snu'I lot , Casistrcct . 2,11
Ilause and lot , 2th near Farntum .
Brick house and corner lot . l,3j
Small honte and full lot , Cumlngast . 2C (
Ht.usc and lot , 23d street . . 3a
IIouso and full lot , worth 24,000 for . 5,5 <
n- K'ii br ck residence . 1,5 <
niy Brick residence . . 5C , (
iy IIouso and corner lot . . 1,5 ;
iyJ New two-story house and corner lot. . . . 4,2 (
J Rcs'tlcnce ' and full lot , Farnham as . . 5,54
Houae andoneacrej 18th street . 3,01
ilk House and half lot , IS'.h street . 2,2 !
ilkfl House and lot , Shlnn'g addlt'oi . l.e <
fl Houae and half lot , Cass Btrrct . 1,11
flit House and half lot , Cas i Street . 1,4 ;
it , Residence and i wo lots , Capital Hill . 7.X (
Elegant brick rcsidecco 2 full lota . 16.61
B- Finest residence In the city . 16,01
Kexdence property. . . . 17,01
ct Rcsidcn o property . 17..rl
Residence . . . . fi.CI
15 , IIouso and lot. Shiim'a aJditlcc . 1,21
IIouso and lot , hlIm'drddltlon . . lU
et , House ind lot , 2th and Firnbain . ] ,4 (
House and lot , 27th and Douglas . $31
> , ' House and full lot , Izirdet . . . . . . 1,7'
Newhouseand H lot . 2,3
ilk Residence property . 7 , l
Residence properly , verv fine . 13,5 <
Home and lot , Horbach'g addition . 1W
Residence , Farnham et . 0,0
Ifunra and J lot 1 bloct from Court
House and i lot 1 blcck from Court
> et HOUJO . 2.21
IIOUFQ and comer lot 2 blocks from Court
16 , House . 2,41
House and I .t , NUholaa s'rcet . 1.0
: et House ami 1 acre. Discs' addition . i-
Houae and lot , llth streol . ( X
th Larie building and six lots. 1 rnllc out. . . 4,0i House and lot on Davenport . 3cr
do Home and } lot , near depot. . . . . . . . 1,5 (
House and } lot , near depot . . 9
House and lot. South Avenu . 1,0
> r- Hun e and lot , Sulun'8 ailditlon . 1,9 <
rv Re 'dence ' , Kountze nd Ruth's add . 2,6 (
v : Residence property , Kounue ird Ruth'a
addition . 5.01
Ref idcnce prcpertjr , south part cf town. . 2,5 (
Houseand ) lot , WebaUr st . 2i
ilk Ho se and 5 acres at Barracks . " '
House and lot , Armstrong'saddlt'n . 1,0
5- HOUJO and lot , South 11 et . 6.
iect Home and lot , Kountze and Roth's id-
; ct dition . 3Er
Residence and j lot . 2.7
House and lot , 16th tt . 3 , &
Iano Boggs & Hill ,
Dd to 1408 rantfSt , . Omaha , tfeb.
* * * v
Immense Stock for
Fine ustoiu-3Iadc
Men's Suits ,
Boys1 Suits
Children's Suits.
For Men ,
* Boys , and
Umter-Wcar , Hats and Caps ,
Trunks and Valises , at
Prices to Suit All.
Farnham Street Near Fourteenth
Cigars from $15.00 per 1000 upwards.
Tobacco , 25 cents per pound upwards.
Pipes from 25 cents per dozen upwards.
Send for Price List.
rawf MAX MEYE22 & CO. , Omaha , Neb.
Fishing Tackle , Base Halls and a full line of
Oval Brand
others. You Ket more Ojttcrs IN
The sales of this "lirand" of Ojstcra have row - , „ any other. 1) . U. REEilEK.
. . .
AVEIOII T AND ME.\SUnE In car.s vl this brand tu > General Western Agent. Omaha.
Dealers tn
House FnrnisIiiiJi ? Woods , Shelf Hardware ,
Xsiils and Etc.
i 2l Farnhatii Street , lac Door Eaat First National Bank.
Dealer in
The Cheapest Place in the City for
I Manufacture my own Pieced
That will last you a lifetime , at the Lowest Price in the city ;
and deal in no factory-made truck that id almost universally
dealt in now-a-daye. .
I also manufacture all kinds or Cans.
WM. F. STOETZEL , t Tenth & Jackson Sis ,